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Funny black cat names. Original nicknames for mysterious black kittens

Many people are afraid of black cats in vain; in many nations, black cats are a symbol of wealth and protection

A wonderful event has happened in your family - you have a kitten! A little fluffy black ball that plays happily with children and loves to sit on your lap. You have already given him his first vaccinations and toilet trained him. But what is the correct name for your pet? What name is ideal for a black kitten? This issue needs to be approached very seriously; you should not choose a name in a hurry. After all, you choose a nickname for an animal once, and it should fully reflect the character and habits of your furry pet.

Mysticism and superstition

Many people associate black cats with secrets and riddles. After all, everyone remembers the plots of Russian fairy tales, in which a big black cat personifies otherworldly forces. Huge talking cat The hippopotamus from the novel “The Master and Margarita” terrified the residents of Moscow. In the legends and epics of many nations you can find images of black cats, but superstitious people avoid them.

Therefore, many are afraid of black cats and treat them with great distrust. This is completely in vain! Black cats have a wonderful, easy-going character, they are smart and obedient. Contrary to all superstitions, such a pet brings happiness to its owner and even protects him from manifestations of negative energy.

How to name a black kitten

Choose a short and consonant nickname

The choice of name must be approached with all responsibility. Do not choose too long and difficult name, because you will call your pet very often and it is very important to choose a nickname that is short and euphonious. It's better to choose a nickname from big amount hissing, such sounds are better perceived by cats by ear.

Most often, a name for a kitten is chosen by association with dark color wool Therefore, you can choose a nickname that will be associated with night, twilight, mystery and various riddles. You can choose a name associated with Gothic or Celtic culture.

The color black always symbolizes something noble and aristocratic. If you want your pet to have an elegant name, you can name him Earl, Lord or Princess.

If the pet owner loves to travel and studies the culture of different peoples, then the choice of name may be associated with Oriental or African flavor, the name of a city or country.

For the owner of a black suit, names associated with the names of planets and constellations, for example, Pluto or Venus, are perfect. By the way, Pluto was the name of the cat in famous work Edgar Poe.

For music lovers, the names of famous singers and composers are suitable. You can choose a beautiful name for a musical style or instrument, for example, Jazz or Bassoon.

Choosing a name for black cats for boys by temperament

The character of the kitten can tell you what to name it

Does your pet not like noisy games and often falls asleep right on your lap? Calm baby A combination that is too harsh and complex will not work. For such phlegmatic natures, you can choose the name Baron or Prince.

If the cat cannot sit still, makes incredible jumps and constantly encroaches on the wallpaper, then you can choose the name Pirate, Zakhar, Blackie or Vulcan for him.

For a tireless hunter of birds and your legs, the “predatory” name of wild brothers, for example, Barsik or Leva, is harmoniously suitable.

If your cat shows artistic talents, loves funny Games and has a subtle sense of humor; the name Charlie suits him well.

Names (nicknames) for black cats for boys:

  • Woland
  • Daemon
  • Devil
  • Cloud
  • Michael
  • Mystic
  • Gypsy

Choosing a name for black cats for girls based on their character

A black cat can be named after a princess or fairy

Does your furry beauty have truly royal manners and is difficult to please? Does she love all kinds of attention and does not tolerate familiar treatment? Then only an aristocratic name, such as Princess or Nefertiti, will suit her.

If your pet is very noisy, constantly hangs on the curtains, meows loudly and sometimes looks very much like an evil, angry sorceress? For such a cat, the name Hera or Witch (Veda) is good.

If she loves hunting and often catches you by the legs, then the name of a wild predator, such as Puma or Bagheera, is perfect for her.

Does your cat love to look out the window for hours and does not tolerate fuss? If she is quiet, affectionate and homely by nature, you should choose a simple and elegant name. For calm black cats, the names Agatha, Masha, Nika or Vega are good.

Nicknames (names) for black cats girls:

  • Adele
  • Berry
  • Venus
  • Vesta
  • Diana
  • Gorgeous
  • Leila
  • Misty
  • Naiti

So we have chosen a name for your pet, now we also need to, the kitten climbs everywhere and may inadvertently eat something, or we may unknowingly give him food that is dangerous for him (for example, like chocolate - it is dangerous for kittens and cats).

A lump of dark matter has appeared in the house, actively absorbing food and moving chaotically, taking over the space vertically and horizontally? How to name a black cat with character atomic bomb? Sometimes you want to call him Bullet or Zipper.

But don't be too hasty with your choice. Remember: “whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float”? Put into the name all the qualities that you want to see in an adult cat.

Many pet lovers agree that the nickname leaves an imprint on the character. Perhaps the zodiac, color, and eye color also matter, but science has no answer to this. But you can listen to the experience of breeders and owners. The name is really reflected in habits and habits, and then it becomes a nickname.

The magic of black

Color affects perception. This scientific fact. People tend to associate blackness with magic, sorcery, starry sky, mystery, sharp mind, ability to disappear. In fact, there is no magic in the nickname, except human psychology and the desire to believe in miracles.

Magic names for black cats: Magic, Tantra, Fairy tale, Krex, Pax, Fax, Mystery, Surprise, Rebus, names of fairy-tale characters, epic heroes ( Odysseus, Hercules, Hera).

If the owner deliberately chose a cat with this color, then we can only talk about his impeccable classic taste. The nickname for a black cat should be comfortable for household members to pronounce. And the cat himself will not care what his name is for the meal and under what nickname he purrs on his master’s chest.

Magic names for black cats for boys: Space, names of constellations ( Orion), places of power and ancient cities ( Arkaim, Atlantis).

By the way, therapeutic effect scientifically proven against cat purring. There is even a whole direction in psychology - zootherapy. Although in more ancient times it was believed that cats had the magical gift of normalizing blood pressure, heartbeat and mood.

When wondering what to name a black cat, you can turn to magical stories from oral folk art for inspiration. Legends, epics, omens and superstitions can help you. Fashionable dark cat theme - gothic and mystic.

Here are some gothic options for a black kitten: Hippopotamus, Goth, names of demons and inhabitants of the dark world.

Classic black

Classic is associated with a dark suit, English style, a little black dress and an executive car. Why not look in this direction for inspiration?

For example, how to name a boy’s black kitten in a classic manner: Marquis, Dandy, Major, Velours, Felix, Martin.

For girls cats the following may be suitable: Bella, Martha, names of clothing and perfume brands ( Richie, Dolce).

Classic is always rigor, precision, without unnecessary decorations and details. Pure mathematical harmony. But in modern world black has become the color of creativity and hidden talent. Monochrome designs, high-tech style with contrasting elements and geometric shapes, energy restrained by strict boundaries are in fashion.

High-tech nickname for a black cat: gadget, names of equipment manufacturers, Smart, Mega.

Psychology of black

Black cats and the same clothes are chosen not only by lovers of the classics. Much more often, behind a monochrome silhouette lies a creative nature, full of colors and accents. You can name a cat to match yourself in this style.

A creative name for a black cat can sound like this: the pretentious name Innocent, the unexpected option Searchlight or Lantern, the names of design elements, spacecraft, airplanes, the narrow terminology of any science.

Looking for inspiration

Choosing a name for a pet is an exciting process in which the whole family and even neighbors and friends will gladly take part. Many people post photos of their new pet on social network and collect likes and ideas for nicknames.

You can entrust the choice of nicknames to children. Sometimes it’s the kids who notice the most striking quality of a cat’s character or appearance and give it a simple and memorable name: Chernysh, Eraser, Nimble, Mowing, Blot.

Other sources of ideas:

  • Literature and art (cat Hippopotamus And Cheshire the cat is not all the characters worthy of attention);
  • Foreign languages ​​(the most ordinary nickname will acquire a special charm and sound in a foreign language);
  • Space (the association with it is especially vivid if the black cat has some light markings);
  • History (the topic of famous personalities is especially popular; their characters and appearance are often very similar to our pets);
  • Stones and minerals ( Agate, Diamond, Stone etc.);
  • Owner's professional terminology ( Tweezers, Cactus, Euphoria);
  • Latin (an ancient language gives any nickname the status of elitism and emphasizes the ingenuity of the owner).

Do you know what you can call a black cat or a cat differently? Tell me where to look for inspiration? Or, perhaps, associations and creativity are not needed at all in this search? Leave comments and share your ideas with those who want to choose a unique nickname for their cat.

Finally, the long-awaited black kitten has appeared in your house! And with it, many questions arose: what to feed him, how to teach him to be clean, and how to protect his furniture from the baby’s sharp claws. You have probably already purchased a food bowl, toilet, food, etc. for your little pet. And you also need to solve a rather difficult problem: what to name your black male kitten.

Many superstitious people are afraid of black cats, believing that they bring bad luck. However, this is not at all true. On the contrary, black cats have a very positive effect on the overall energy of the house. Experts say that a black cat protects its owner from ill-wishers and various troubles. These animals can anticipate certain events and warn their owners about them with their unusual behavior. In addition, black cats can heal their owners by removing negative energy from them.

If you adopted a kitten from a nursery, then it has already been assigned official name, which is most often very difficult to pronounce. Therefore, the owners must give the kitten a nickname that they will call him at home.

Let's think together about what you can call a black kitten. Depending on your little one's appearance, there are many options for choosing a name for a black boy kitten. When choosing a name for a black kitten, remember that it is better if it is short and sonorous, consisting of one to three syllables, for example, Chief, Boss, Porsche. In addition, the kitten’s name should be as original as possible, because there are already enough Vasek, Pushkov and Murok in the world.

Jet black male kitten

Typically, such a scorching black kitten can be called by the following names: Schwarz (meaning "black" in German), Black ("black" in English), Hei ("black" in Chinese), Noir ("black" in -French), Negro (“black” in Spanish). In addition, the names Chernysh and Ugolyok, Negrik and Raven, Mulatto and Spaniard, Knight and Black, Prime and Mystic are perfect for black cats.

Black kitten is hot and temperamental

For black kittens best names there will be those that contain whistling and hissing sounds: animals will react best to them. Such names include, for example, the Spanish words and names Juan, Alejandro, Pancho, Charo, Alfonso, Chucho, Lorenzo, Chicho, Mucho, Marcelo, Senor, Phoenix.

Magic black kitten

Many people believe that animals should not be given human names. Therefore, magical names are suitable for a black kitten: Magician, Devil, Miracle, Demon, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Angel, Arcana, Lord, Vulcan, Ares, Lucifer, Phoenix, Gangster, Cosmos. Name your black kitten Chengiz, Charles, Czeslaw, Boomer, Baron or even Behemoth.

What is an unusual name for a boy kitten?

If your kitten has an unusual appearance or extraordinary behavior and character, then for such an animal you should choose a non-standard nickname. This name will reflect the individuality of your pet and its difference from other cats.

Some mythology lovers call their black cats Balthazar, Incubus, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Valafar.

If you decide to name your black kitten a funny or playful name, then remember that your kitten will soon grow into a large, elegant black cat. And nickname given to the kitten, should be suitable for a mature, courageous and serious cat.

A safe name for a boy's black cat would be Lucky or Lucky.

Having chosen a name for the black kitten, call him, and if the baby responds immediately, it means he liked the name.

Very often, pets are named according to the color of their coat. Black cats are mysterious and mystical for some, they serve as a symbol of good luck and money, and they frighten others. For black pets, you can come up with beautiful and sonorous names to emphasize their peculiarity.

How to beautifully name a black kitten, a British boy, with fold ears, blue eyes, white paws, a list of names with meaning

A black kitten of noble origin, that is, a purebred British or Scottish Fold, can be called by the following names:
— Moor (Latin) – black;
- Noah (ancient Hebrew) - peace, rest;
- Richard (ancient Germanic) - powerful, brave;
— Tikhon (Greek) – lucky;
— Felix (Latin) – happy, prosperous;
— Eugene (French) – noble.

You can give the kitten a simple Russian name Chernysh, Raven. Name the black mineral by name: Coal, Graphite or Jade.

How to name a black Sphynx kitten boy Russian names

Black sphinxes look majestic, they look like ancient Egyptian figurines. Such a miracle deserves the most unusual name. You can name your pet:
— Makar (Russian) – happy;
— Matvey (ancient Russian) – a gift from God;
- Milan (Slavic) - cute;
- Milovan (Slavic) - to have mercy, to caress;
— Mokiy (Russian) – mocker;
— Panfil (Russian) – everyone’s favorite.

You can call the cat Pearl, meaning black smooth pearls, similar to the skin of a pet.

How to name a black kitten, a British Fold, Scottish girl, simply, unusually and especially

A black purebred British or Scottish Fold cat should be named sonorously and beautifully:
— Layla (Arabic) – night;
— Mavra (Greek) – black;
— Melanie (Greek) – black;
— Frida (Scandinavian) – peace, tranquility;
— Amy (English) – favorite.

You can call the cat Night or Blob.

How to name a black cat girl mythical names

Mythical names attract many owners to choose interesting name you need to know its meaning:
— Selene (Greek) – the name of the Moon Goddess;
— Nike (Greek) – the name of the Goddess of Victory;
- Lada (Slavic) - Goddess of the hearth;
— Carmen (Spanish) – the name of the Goddess of Prophecy;
— Inga (ancient Scandinavian) is the name of the Goddess of abundance.

If the cat is beautiful, you can give her the name of the goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite.

How to name a black Maine Coon cat to bring good luck

If you want to win the favor of fortune by calling your cat a special name, then you are prone to superstitions. Leave your prejudices aside, you are very lucky to become the owner of a wonderful animal. Examples of names that can be given to a black Maine Coon:

- Beni (French) - blessed;
— Aman (French) – worthy of love;
- Agate (Greek) - good, kind;
- Azar (Slavic) - God helped;
- Ermey (ancient Jewish) - giver of wealth.

You can name the cat Lucky, Kush, Navar or Jackpot.

How to name a black cat with a white chest an interesting name

A black cat with a white chest can be called Count. Black wool is a suit, and a white chest is a white shirt. A cat in such an outfit can only be a Count.

How to creatively name a black cat with green and yellow eyes

Black cat with green or yellow eyes can be called a Magician or a Sorcerer. Or give one of the sonorous names:
— Sandor (Hungarian) – defender;
- Hasan (Arabic) - handsome;
— Tryphon (ancient Greek) – luxurious;
— Sultan (Arabic) – to represent power;
— Qasim (Arabic) – dividing, beautiful.

You can give the kitten a simple Russian name, Handsome.

Situations develop differently when a kitten appears in the house. Sometimes it's a targeted purchase or a planned trip to the animal shelter, and sometimes it's a completely unexpected decision. Regardless of this, many questions arise about raising and caring for a new friend, but the main thing will be what to name a black cat so that it sounds beautiful and is in harmony with the animal itself?

This moment will require serious and careful consideration from the owners different options, and the final decision should be balanced and confident, because the kitten will quickly get used to the new name.

Name associated with shade

Sometimes it becomes difficult to choose a name for your pet, and the main attention is drawn to its color. And although, at first glance, it may seem that choosing a name by color is irrelevant, in fact this option is beneficial and simple for the owners of any cat, regardless of whether the pet’s coat color is white, red or black. By associating a name with a color, you can emphasize the individuality of the kitten.. And in general, this method of choosing a name is rich in various options. It is worth considering interesting options for how to name a black boy kitten:

  • Black;
  • Schwarz (translated from German as “black”);
  • Terry (dark earth shade analogy);
  • Agate;
  • Knight;
  • Noir;
  • Chernysh;
  • Ember.

Nicknames for girls' black cats can also have a direct connection with the connotation of their aristocratic owners, for example:

  • Agatha;
  • Bagheera;
  • Carmen or Litta (short for Carmelitta);
  • Find;
  • Panther or Tera;
  • Terra (again analogy with the color of the earth);
  • Smol;
  • Shadow;
  • Choko (abbreviated from the English “chocolate” - chocolate).

These options are just examples of the connection that can be easily found between the elegant black shade of a cat and its future name.

With due desire, any owner will come up with the most acceptable option for his pet's nickname.

Name based on character

The choice of what to name a black cat can be based not only on its color, but also on its character. By nature, cats are quite capricious creatures. and with early age They begin to demonstrate to their owners the pet with what temperament they have chosen. In order to get a feel for what name will highlight the character four-legged friend, it is enough to observe him from one to several days. Some of the most striking names that emphasize the individuality of a cat can be listed below:

  • Angel or Angel (in the English version);
  • Mot, Motya (short version of “Behemoth”);
  • Deimos;
  • Baron;
  • Volcano;
  • Luci (derived from Lucifer);
  • Graph;
  • Morpheus;
  • Daemon;
  • Pirate;
  • Prince;
  • Quiet (or alternatively Tikhon);
  • Charm.

Of course, you can choose a name in accordance with the temperament not only for a cat, but also for a kitty. It is not difficult to answer what your favorite is, quiet or endlessly energetic, with aristocratic behavior or the manners of a robber. Several options for cats come to mind soon enough:

  • Assol;
  • Venus;
  • Kiri (short for Valkyrie);
  • Gorgeous;
  • Countess;
  • Jazzy;
  • Misty;
  • Olympia;
  • Princess;
  • Lynx;
  • Sonya;
  • Fury;
  • Lucky or Happy (in the style of the English definitions of “luck” and “happiness”).

Name associated with the breed

Some owners, in turn, when choosing names for black cats, rely on the breed.

Indeed, cats with a good pedigree can be named by some analogy with the definition of their breed or its abbreviations. For example, if you purchased a Scottish Fold kitten, you can give it the following names:

  • Livestock;
  • Folly;
  • Sheba.

And for the kitten from the group Siamese cats suitable names:

  • Sima or Simka;
  • Maize (abbreviation of the breed to "Siam" read from right to left);

If the kitten is one of the noble and well-known around the world Persian cats, then you can think about the following options:

  • Persian;
  • Peach;
  • Persian;

You can also focus not so much on the breed itself, but on its characteristic feature. Let's say Persian cats are distinguished by their fluffy beautiful wool, which means the cat can be called Fluffy or Fluffy.

A name given in honor of someone

Sometimes a pet's name is chosen intuitively or based on color or breed, and sometimes it is named purposefully in honor of someone. The association can be like with a character from a movie or book, so with famous personalities like actors or singers. Some interesting examples are worth mentioning:

  • Barrymore or abbreviation Barry - in honor of the butler from the well-known works of Conan Doyle, who works at the Baskerville estate;
  • Bagheera - by analogy with the beautiful panther from Mowgli;
  • Grimm - based on the surname of world-famous brothers, authors of mystical fairy tales;
  • Darth or Vader is a good option for Star Wars fans;
  • Naomi - named after the famous super model with dark skin;
  • Angelina - in honor of the beautiful Angelina Jolie, nickname options in the form of the actress’s surname are also acceptable;
  • Madonna - in honor of the notorious singer.

Boy name

Do not forget that when choosing a name for a boy’s black cat, the ideal option will not be easy to base on any one criterion such as color or character, but take into account color, temperament, and your own wishes.

There are actually a lot of nicknames, but you can remember some good options for how to name a black kitten for a boy:

  • Broin - very interesting option, rooted in the language of the ancient Celts, translated means “raven”;
  • Corby - means "dark-haired" in English;
  • Maurice - well suited for cats that have the sophistication and manners of true Frenchmen;
  • Knight – “night” translated from English;
  • Noir is the French definition of black;
  • Tea (or Ti, if you choose in the English manner) - a name given in honor of black tea, will definitely surprise your acquaintances and meet few namesakes.

Name for a girl

As with boys, names for black cats should ideally be full description pets. They should not only emphasize her uniqueness, but also harmonize with the fluffy beauty one hundred percent. The following options come to mind quite easily on how to name a black cat:

  • Melanie would be a great idea, since it means “dark” in Greek, and if we take an analogy with medicine, melanin is a dark-colored skin pigment;
  • Leila – translated from Arabic means “born in the night”, which will not only sound beautiful, but also very symbolic;
  • Misty or Mystic is a good version for the mysticism analogy;
  • Ashley is not easy beautiful name, but also emphasizing the color of the cat, since it is formed from “ash”, which is translated from English as “ash”.

Interesting and beautiful options for boys and girls

To some owners, the previously presented options seem not unusual enough or do not fully emphasize the uniqueness of the pet. In this case, they can try to play with their creative side to figure out what to name the original black kitten. However, a few examples can be given so that you know what options to pay attention to and in what direction to think:

  • Armani - in connection with the popular brand;
  • Cupid - by analogy with the god of love from ancient Roman mythology, however, if desired, you can also turn to Greek mythology;
  • Balthazar - for connection with mysticism, which is often associated with black cats;
  • Garfield - for example, if the kitten’s character is similar to the famous cartoon cat;
  • Lexus is an interesting option for car lovers;
  • Mars - an analogy can be drawn with both planets and gods ancient Rome, or even with a certain sweetness;
  • Sapphire - to characterize the kitten as a jewel in the house.

An interesting move would be if the owner decides to name the pet with a name that contradicts its shade, for example Snowball or Snowflake, which is more common for nicknames among white cats.
