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Yellow eyes and body. What do yellow eyes mean? The problem lies within the body

Date: 02/09/2016

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  • Why do the whites of the eyes turn yellow?
  • Eye diseases that cause yellowing of the whites
  • Bad habits that affect the color of the whites of the eyes

Eyes are indicators of the health of internal organs. That is why yellow squirrels eyes can signal some diseases located quite far from the organs of vision. All these conditions pose a serious threat not only to wellness man, but also for his life.

Why do the whites of the eyes turn yellow?

Most often, the causes of yellowing of the sclera lie in decreased functionality of the liver and biliary tract. In this case, jaundice can become the main symptom of a pathology such as hepatitis. With hepatitis A, popularly known as jaundice, the sclera of the eyes is primarily stained with a yellow pigment produced in liver cells. But such symptoms can also characterize hepatitis types B, C or D.

It should be noted that staining of the whites of the eyes is also common in newborn babies. This condition is called neonatal jaundice. The reasons for the development of pathology lie in the developmental characteristics of the embryo.

While in the womb, the baby receives a large number of red blood cells, which begin to rapidly disintegrate after the baby is born. In this case, both the baby’s skin and sclera are painted with a yellow pigment.

As a rule, 2-3 weeks after birth the pigment completely disintegrates and the jaundice disappears.

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Eye diseases that cause yellowing of the whites

Often, yellow whites of the eyes can become a serious symptom of serious damage to the organs of vision. Here we're talking about about melanomas and malignant conjunctivitis. These diseases have complex features development and course, which sometimes complicates their treatment methods. In this case, an early visit to an ophthalmologist can be decisive for the success of treatment and preservation of not only the functionality of the organs, but also the life of the patient.

But in addition to the pathologies described above, there are other diseases of the organs of vision that can cause yellow spots on the white of the eye. First of all, these are pterygium and pinguecula. If the first develops on the basis of conjunctivitis, which covers most of the eyeball, then the second is characterized by a change in lipid metabolism in the body and the appearance of multiple wen on the protein, which have a yellowish color.

As these diseases develop, patients may experience discomfort, blurred vision, and spots appear before the eyes. Both the first and second pathologies are almost impossible to treat with drug therapy.

If patients with pterygium see a doctor late, a growth may form that creeps onto the cornea of ​​the eye. Advanced disease doesn't always lend itself even surgical treatment. In case of pinguecula, early contact with a specialist also plays a fairly significant role.

The smaller the lipid growth, the easier it will be to remove it through surgery.

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As the famous saying goes, eyes are the mirror of the soul. However, not everyone knows that appearance eyeballs often indicates the condition of internal organs and health in general.

For example, a symptom such as yellow whites of the eyes may be a sign of very serious illnesses. Why are the whites of the eyes yellowish?

Causes of yellow whites of the eyes

The main causes of yellow sclera of the eyes:


Long-term load visual analyzer may be a provoking factor for yellowing of the sclera. Occurs in the following cases:

  • Prolonged work on a personal computer;
  • Chronic lack of sleep;
  • Long reading in a supine position;
  • Working with small details in low light.

In such situations, yellowness of the eyes is accompanied by pain, a feeling of dryness and pain, and “the presence of sand.” A person cannot concentrate his gaze on a specific object and complains of headaches and dizziness.

Bad habits

Tobacco smoking is perhaps one of the most harmless reasons why the whites of the eyes may turn yellow. As is known, in tobacco smoke contains a large amount of toxic substances.

When contacting the eye, the smoke has harmful effects on the tear film and conjunctiva, as a result of which they may become cloudy or even yellow. However, it must be said that this does not happen to every smoker.

Neoplasms of the eye

and this benign neoplasms eyes. They arise as a result of lipid metabolism disorders and do not pose any threat to health. At the same time, pinguecula and pterygium tend to grow and can become a serious cosmetic defect.

Infectious eye diseases

The whites of the eyes may turn yellow if a person has recently had an infection or a severe form of it. The fact is that during the course of the disease, microscopic defects appear on the surface of the conjunctiva and cornea, after healing of which yellowish scars remain.

It should be noted that this phenomenon can remain for life or disappear without a trace when using keratoprotectors - drugs that accelerate the regeneration (restoration) of the cornea.

Liver diseases

Sometimes yellowed whites of the eyes are the first symptom of hepatitis and other liver diseases.

Protein coloring is caused by bilirubin breakdown products- an enzyme produced by the liver to normal functioning hepatic system. At the same time, in yellow the skin and visible mucous membranes will be stained.

A similar picture will be observed in all viral hepatitis, Gilbert's syndrome (hereditary increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood), malignant neoplasms of the liver

Diseases of the biliary tract

Eyes may turn yellow as a result obstructive jaundice– a disease that is accompanied by obstruction (blockage) of the biliary tract (for example, in the case of cholelithiasis).

As a result, bile accumulates in the cavity of the gallbladder, and its breakdown products penetrate into the blood and give the skin and mucous membranes a specific yellow-lemon coloration.

Over time, the cyst grows, compresses the hepatic ducts and causes an attack of hepatic colic, one of the symptoms of which is yellowing of the sclera (the whites of the eyes).

Now you know why the whites of the eyes turn yellow in adults, but why does scleral jaundice occur in children?

Jaundice in newborns

Yellow whites of the eyes are observed in almost every newborn soon after birth. This is due to the insufficient maturity of the baby’s liver enzyme systems. In a newborn, the yellow whites of the eyes go away on their own, without medical intervention.

Physiological jaundice in a newborn- is not a pathology. This is the baby’s body’s reaction to adapt to conditions. external environment. Appears in every second newborn.

During the prenatal period, the child's body receives a large number of red blood cells from the mother. Upon birth shaped elements blood cells disintegrate massively, resulting in the release of bilirubin.

The liver enzymes of a newborn are not able to bind bilirubin with proteins in order to remove it from the body due to their immaturity. The baby's sterile intestines are also not a contributing factor for the excretion of pigment in feces.

Physiological jaundice disappears during the first 10 days of life. If yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes persists for a longer period, the baby should be taken to a pediatrician to assess the condition and prescribe therapy.

However, there is a second reason for yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes in a baby - hemolytic disease newborns. It develops in the event of an immunological conflict due to incompatibility of the Rh factor or blood group. This is very serious condition, which threatens the child’s life and requires emergency assistance.

Yellow spot on the white of the eye

This phenomenon is not a symptom of irreversible changes and is not a cause of decreased visual acuity.

– thickening of the mucous membrane of a benign nature, which does not tend to malignant degeneration. It is considered one of the signs age-related changes conjunctiva. Frequent cases are the appearance of a yellow spot simultaneously on the whites of both eyes.

– a formation (growth) in the form of a yellow film, localized in the inner corner of the eye (on the white of the eye). The provocateurs of its appearance are physical factors(ultraviolet, strong wind, dry or hot climate).

Dermoid cyst It is a dense yellow capsule, the contents of which are fat accumulations. Has the ability to increase in size.

Nevus is a yellow spot that can appear in any corner of the sclera of the eye. The shade of the formation reaches brown.

Horner-Trantas spots- a disease that is accompanied by the appearance of small spots yellow spots in the form of millet grains that occur against the background of allergic manifestations.

The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also an indicator general condition the whole body. In particular, if the whites turn yellow, as in the photo, this may indicate the presence of a variety of diseases, some of which are not only capable of causing serious harm body, but also lead to fatal outcome. Naturally, if you do not pay due attention to the symptoms of the disease and do not start treating the disease as quickly as possible.

Don't calm down

Some people, noticing that the whites of their eyes have become yellow, are in no hurry to look for real reasons such a change. They believe that if this does not bring with it any visible or perceptible “problems” in the functioning of the body, then there is no need to worry. But this is not true. In any case, you need to ask yourself why the squirrels turned yellow. Even if it is not a complete change in color, but “just” spots. After all, this can be the cause of the following diseases:

- various infections;

- conjunctivitis;

- viral hepatitis;

various ailments liver;

- problems with bile ducts;

- the appearance of neoplasms, including malignant ones, etc.

Only the opinion of a qualified doctor

To determine whether your whites have turned yellow, it's important to see a doctor for help. After conducting a certain examination, it will be possible to draw a conclusion whether it is worth worrying about this or whether there is really nothing wrong with it. Because in some cases this color may be congenital.

Below we will look at exactly what problems can occur in the human body if the whites of the eyes have turned yellow, as can be seen in the photo.

Option #1. The problem is inside the body

Most often, yellow whites of the eyes indicate that the cause of the color change is a disorder in the liver, which most likely requires treatment. Since this organ carries incredible important functions While ensuring the vitality of the body, there is no point in delaying contacting a doctor.

Yellow whites of the eyes are a symptom of such an unpleasant and relatively common disease as hepatitis of any type, although the most likely disease is group A. It also causes spots to form all over the skin or it takes on a tinge of yellowness.

- opisthorchiasis;

- echinococcosis and others.

Option number 2: if changes in eye shade are noticed in a newborn

Newborn babies are characterized by a yellow color of the whites. Why is this happening? The reasons are banal - as the fetus develops in the womb, the blood of the fetus fills big amount red blood cells, which begin to disintegrate after the baby is born. After ten to fourteen days, the eye color becomes normal, and the usual and traditional whiteness returns.

Option number 3: cancerous conjunctivitis

Are the whites of your eyes yellow? Consider an option like possible symptoms melanoma or other malignant conjunctivitis. It should be noted that this disease is relatively rare, it is extremely difficult to identify, correctly diagnose, and even more so to select effective treatment, allowing you to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.

The main thing is to see a doctor immediately, because this type It is extremely important to detect cancer as early as possible and also to get rid of it.

Option number 4: other eye diseases

Also, the eyes can change color due to various diseases of the visual organs, among which the following immediately come to mind:

- pinguecula;

- pterygium.

In the first case, the cause of the disease is changes in lipid metabolism, which leads to the appearance of yellow wen.

In the second case, treatment is necessary immediately, since pterygium is an enlarged conjunctivitis that affects a larger volume. If it spreads directly to the pupils, then we are talking about complete loss opportunities to see.

Option number 5: other ailments

There are other diseases that can be identified by the eyes, more specifically by the yellow color of the whites.

Do not think that smoking can be one of the symptoms of a change in shade. No matter how harmful smoking really is, it will in no case lead to a change in the shade of the eyes. Most likely, the reason for the change may lie in an incorrect daily diet, so think about changing your diet and switching to a temporary diet:

- remove salty foods from food;

- give up spicy food;

- exclude fried and floury foods;

- limit alcohol consumption.

It is extremely important to eat foods that contain vitamin C.

Option number 6: how long do you rest?

And finally, don’t forget to rest. Excessive strain on the organs of vision can also cause a change in shade:

- prolonged daily work at the computer;

- constant lack of sleep;

- reading at night while lying down and in poor lighting, etc.

What will we say at last?

Therefore, walk as much as possible in the fresh air. This not only helps to relax the visual organs, but is also an excellent prevention of various diseases.

Try using a variety of eye care methods, including lotions, drops, etc. But in no case do not neglect your own health and at the first sign of a change in the shade of the whites of your eyes, be sure to contact a qualified doctor for a full examination and examination.

Yellowing of the whites of the eyes can occur at any age: this symptom occurs in both adults, children, and even newborns. As a rule, this change in protein color is associated with liver disease, but other causes are also possible.

The symptom is quite dangerous, and it is strictly not recommended to ignore it: the pathologies that cause this change in eye shade can be very serious. In the article we will consider all the possible reasons that cause the yellow color of the whites of the eyes according to the age category of people: from newborns to adults.

A little about the problem

It is worth noting that yellowing of the eyes does not just happen - there is definitely a reason for this phenomenon. And you should not ignore the symptom - the cause can be quite serious, and the icteric tint will not disappear on its own.

Among the reasons this phenomenon may appear and viral hepatitis, and various liver pathologies, and infectious diseases, and even malignant tumors. In addition to the reasons listed, yellowing of the whites of the eyes is often caused by problems with the biliary organs, which also requires fastest treatment. As you can see, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed.

This will help you understand why a child has red eyes.

The video shows the causes of yellow eyes:

Problems in adults

Let's find out what causes this unpleasant symptom in adults.

Fatigue, lack of sleep

So trivial reason, characteristic of the busy life of adults and working people, may well cause yellowing of the whites of the eyes. If this is true, the problem will go away on its own as soon as you rest. If it doesn't go away, it's time to go to the doctor.

But you can see what photopsia looks like in the eyes and how it affects vision

Dry air

If you are constantly in a room with dry air, which often happens in winter, this fact can cause fatigue and inflammation of the eyes, as a result of which the whites acquire a yellowish tint. The color in this case will not change much, only slightly.

Working at the computer

When working at a computer for a long time and intensely, your eyes become very tired. This may also result in the appearance this symptom. A vacation can help in this case. fresh air, sleep, useful and lotions with natural herbs calming effect. Ocular migraines can also occur, but here’s how you can get rid of them:

Liver diseases

Eye diseases

Sometimes diseases of the organs of vision lead to yellowing of the proteins; pathologies of the conjunctiva are especially often the “culprit” for the appearance of this symptom.

Diseases of the visual organs such as pterygium or can also be a direct cause of yellowing of the whites.

Pterygium is an overgrowth of the conjunctiva of the eye, sometimes even leading to blindness: urgent measures must be taken here.

Inflammation of the eyelids may also occur, and here is why this most often occurs is indicated

As for pinguecula, this disease is characterized by the formation of yellowish wen in the eye. This disease is associated with disruptions in metabolic processes, and is treated under the direct supervision of an endocrinologist.


The heaviest and dangerous cause, which can cause yellowing of the eyes, are malignant neoplasms that have arisen in the organs of vision. This may include melanoma - a malignant tumor that leads to the removal of the eye completely: otherwise health and life cannot be saved.

TO medical procedures They proceed in this case only if a diagnosis confirming the disease has been accurately established. If the reasons for the yellowing of the whites are overwork, poor lifestyle or long work at the computer, no treatment is required here: you just need to adjust your daily routine, diet, and give up bad habits.

In the video, the eyes are directly connected to the liver:

To diagnose a patient with liver disease, a number of serious examinations are performed. Including doing general and biochemical analysis blood, monitor bilirubin levels, take blood for hepatitis and cancer, perform an ultrasound of the liver and abdominal cavity. If these procedures do not help determine the cause alarming symptoms, conduct more narrow and complex research.

Note that early diagnosis and timely initiation of therapy make it possible to cure almost any liver disease, without severe complications and consequences.

If after a couple of weeks the whites of the eyes and skin still remain yellow, the baby must be hospitalized for a more detailed examination of the body. Perhaps the reason in this case is caused by more serious factors.

Let us additionally note that such “jaundice” is observed in every second newborn baby.


Let's find out what measures can be taken to avoid yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

First, it is necessary to normalize your diet by including as much fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, vitamins, protein, and fiber in your diet as possible. To charge your eyes useful vitamins, often include blueberries, carrots, and other fruits and berries in your menu. To keep your liver healthy, you should avoid fast food, fatty foods, fried, salted, flour, various harmful smoked meats, chocolate in large quantities, alcohol. In addition to preventing jaundice, normalizing the diet will help the body as a whole, prolong life, strengthen it, and increase immunity.

Include short walks in the fresh air into your daily routine. And so that the body can recover normally, sleep at least eight hours.

When working at the computer for a long time, be sure to take breaks for a few minutes every hour or half hour.

But this article will help you understand how this happens.

On video - disease prevention:

So, we have learned why the whites of the eyes turn yellow in people of different age groups. As you can see, the reasons are almost all related to diseases of the liver, biliary tract and organs of vision: and some of these reasons are very serious. It is recommended to immediately consult a doctor if you notice this symptom in yourself or your child: the sooner you start treatment, the sooner your health will improve and the whites of your eyes will return to their previous shade.

Under the transparent mucous membrane of the eye (under the conjunctiva) there is another membrane - the white, or sclera. Normally she has White color, which is why the sclera is often called the whites of the eyes. But sometimes people notice that the whites of the eyeball turn yellow. This is an unfavorable sign, indicating the development of pathologies, but sometimes it simply means that the body is tired and needs rest to recover. Why do the whites of the eyes turn yellow, with what reasons? pathological processes Could this symptom be related, and what should I do to eliminate it?

U yellow squirrels eyes reasons can be varied. This symptom occurs in diseases:

  1. Visual apparatus;
  2. Liver;
  3. Blood (its components);
  4. Capillaries and ducts that remove bile fluid;
  5. Adjacent to the liver and bile-excreting organs.

Another common reason for the yellowness of the whites of the eyes is a violation of metabolic processes, which are not uncommon when leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Regular abuse of alcohol, fatty and fried foods can lead to yellowing.

Attention! People say that yellow eye color is characteristic of heavy smokers. But that's not true. Those who smoke cigarettes can indeed have yellow teeth, but there is no relationship between smoking and the color of the sclera.

If a person only occasionally develops a yellowish tint to the whites, but quickly goes away after rest, then the symptom may indicate overwork of the body.

Eye diseases

Yellow eyes sometimes indicate ophthalmological problems. The symptom of yellowness is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • Pinguecula. This is a yellowish wen that grows on the conjunctival membrane. Outwardly, it looks like the eye has turned yellow. However, the color of the eye shells themselves remained the same.

  • Melanoma. This malignancy affecting the bulbar conjunctiva or limbus. The tumor itself is dark, and it also causes a vascular reaction, as a result of which the affected eyeball turns yellow in a person.

  • Pterygium. Slight yellowing of the whites of the eyes causes a disease involving pathological growth of the conjunctiva. Layering shells on top of each other and tying them together connective tissue causes a loss of their transparency. This is why it may appear that the eye has turned yellow.

Another one possible reason yellowness of the eyes is a hemorrhage in the conjunctiva. Blood cells eventually begin to decompose and disperse throughout the mucous membrane, which becomes yellowish. Hemorrhage usually occurs when the pressure inside the capillaries of the eye increases. Increased blood pressure can be caused by high blood pressure, heavy work associated with heavy lifting, hysterical laughter and coughing. After hemorrhage, yellowness of the sclera persists for several months.

Attention! Yellow pupils are sometimes mistaken for yellowness of the sclera, which indicates the maturity of the existing cataract.

Liver dysfunction

The body constantly produces and decomposes heme proteins: cytochrome, myoglobin and hemoglobin. When such protein compounds are destroyed, bilirubin is formed - a special bile pigment. It happens:

  • Indirect(not associated with other substances). This is a toxic form of pigment that poisons the body.
  • Direct(associated with other substances). This is a low-toxic form of bile pigment that is converted in the liver from the indirect form of this compound.

All unbound pigment should normally eventually become straight so as not to cause harm to health. But sometimes the amount of unbound pigment in the bloodstream increases. Since he has Brown color, accumulating in the tissues of the sclera, the whites of the eyes turn yellow, and sometimes skin. Exceeding the norm of indirect bilirubin is possible for the following reasons:

  • Massive decomposition of heme protein, and the liver does not have time to combine all the bilirubin to convert it into a bound form.
  • Liver cells cannot cope with the processing of bile pigment due to a disease of this organ.

If the whites of your eyes are yellow, you should be checked for liver disease:

  • Hepatitis. Is it viral or bacterial infection organ, as a result of which the cells of this organ are destroyed. There are fewer and fewer cells capable of processing bilirubin, and it turns the white membranes of the eyes yellow.
  • Ziewe syndrome. This non-communicable disease, often found in people suffering from alcoholism. Other symptoms: an increase in organ tissue in volume (its edges can be felt with your fingers through the abdomen), pathological deposition of fat in it, low level hemoglobin, but a high content of bile pigment.
  • Cirrhosis. The disease is characterized by the replacement of liver cells with connective tissue, as a result of which the binding of indirect pigment occurs in insufficient quantities.
  • Echinococcosis. The liver is affected by echinococcus, a tapeworm that causes the death of parts of the organ.
  • Sarcoidosis- disease, growth-inducing granulomas in internal organs: lungs, liver and others. If granulomas grow in the liver, it cannot cope with the increased load on it.
  • Amoebiasis. The liver is affected by amoebas that destroy liver cells.
  • Liver cancer. This is the reason for the slowdown in growth and abnormal development of organ cells.

Attention! Without treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, the risk of developing complications in the form of cancer of this organ increases.

Blood diseases

If the whites of the eyes are yellow, a blood disorder may be suspected. This is a fluid circulating through the vessels inside a person, containing a large number of red blood cells - red blood cells that transport hemoglobin to the rest of the body's cells to ensure cellular respiration. Red blood cells have a finite lifespan (approximately 4 months), after which they break down into protein and heme components. The latter is converted into indirect bile pigment, the increased content of which, as already noted, leads to the yellowing of the sclera of the eyeballs. With some disorders in the blood, intensive decomposition of red blood cells occurs (the breakdown of red cells is called hemolysis). Therefore, so much bilirubin is formed that even a normally functioning liver is not able to cope with its transformation.

Hemolysis is observed in the following blood diseases:

Important! With blood pathologies leading to excessive decomposition of red blood cells, in addition to the whites of the eyes, the skin also turns yellow.

Diseases of the bile ducts

Bile is a liquid produced by the liver and secreted into the duodenum through the biliary tract. It is yellowish-brown in color because it contains a large amount of direct bile pigment and other substances that the body no longer needs. If the patency of the ducts that remove bile is impaired, then in the overlying sections the pressure exerted by the newly arriving fluid increases. As a result of its overflowing of the ducts, the walls are torn. A portion of bile ends up in the bloodstream, so the amount of associated pigment in it increases. As a result, the skin begins to look yellow, and the white of the eye also turns yellow.

Diseases leading to disruption of the conductivity of the bile ducts:

  • Cholelithiasis. While the stones are in the gallbladder, there are no symptoms of the disease, since the flow of bile is not impaired. But as soon as the stone penetrates the bile duct, it becomes clogged, and the bile begins to burst its walls, breaking through them.
  • Cancer tumor duodenum, gallbladder, bile ducts, or pancreas. Symptoms malignant tumor any of these organs are identical, but the main one is that the whites of the eyes have turned yellow. This happens due to the growth of direct bilirubin in the bloodstream, which enters the bile ducts compressed by the neoplasm.
  • Opisthorchiasis. This is helminthiasis caused by the ingestion of worms as a result of eating raw fish. Helminths prefer to live in the ducts intended for the removal of bile and damage their walls. As a result, the damaged areas become overgrown with connective tissue that lacks elasticity. Because of this, the lumen of the bile ducts narrows.
  • Sclerosing cholangitis is an inflammation of the bile ducts, leading to their overgrowing with connective tissue. As a result, the patency and elasticity of the ducts are impaired. However, causes and treatment of this disease not fully installed.

Another disease that leads to compression of the bile ducts, but is not directly related to them, is pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas. The disease provokes destruction of the organ, its swelling and increase in volume. The gland begins to put pressure on adjacent organs and ducts.

Metabolic disorder

Impaired metabolic processes may cause the whites of the eyes to become slightly or strongly jaundiced, depending on the severity of the disease. Diseases associated with impaired metabolism:

  • Hemochromatosis. This congenital disease characterized by excessive absorption of iron in the intestines (usually a person needs a little of it - only 10-20 mg). The trace element subsequently accumulates in various organs, but primarily in the liver. Due to oxidative reactions provoked by iron, liver cells die. Therefore, unbound bilirubin is concentrated in the bloodstream.
  • Wilson-Konovalov disease. Yellowed eyes can also indicate excess copper. This metal acts similarly to iron.
  • Gilbert's disease. This is a disease characterized by the loss of the ability of liver cells to bind indirect bile pigment and neutralize it.
  • Crigler-Najjar syndrome. Liver cells are unable to bind indirect bilirubin due to a genetically transmitted disease.
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome. This is a hereditary disease in which the synthesis of proteins responsible for the removal of bound bilirubin from the liver is disrupted. As a result, bilirubin accumulates and enters the blood.
  • Amyloidosis. A pathology in which a special protein - amyloid - begins to displace organ cells. As a result, functioning cells are replaced by those that have no function. If this happens to the liver, then bilirubin increases in the blood.

Attention! Most syndromes and diseases associated with impaired metabolism subsequently lead to liver cirrhosis.

Jaundice eyes in newborns

Physiological jaundice is often diagnosed in newborns. This normal phenomenon for infants, caused by the breakdown of red blood cells received in excess from the mother while the fetus is in the womb. Normally, newborn jaundice goes away 2-3 weeks after birth.

What to do with yellow sclera of the eyes

Considering the yellow color of the sclera to be unaesthetic, people begin to think about how to remove the yellowness. But it is impossible to get rid of it without eliminating the cause of its appearance. And this can only be done after a complete examination of the body. You need to show up:

  1. Ophthalmologist;
  2. Infectious disease specialist;
  3. Hepatologist;
  4. Hematologist.

If you don’t know who is best to turn to, then make an appointment with a therapist first. And he will already give a referral to other specialists.

Yellowness of the white of the eye is a symptom that cannot be ignored. It may be associated with life-threatening diseases important bodies. It would be better to identify them early stage development so that the chance to maintain health is as high as possible. Don’t blame everything on fatigue and stress; go through a comprehensive examination of your body and find the causes of yellowness. This is especially worth doing if, in addition to the eyes, the skin has turned yellow.