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Alkaline nutrition. Acid-alkaline diet for good health and effective weight loss

Acid-alkaline diet - menu, pros and cons.

Our diet is typically full of meat, sugar, alcohol, saturated fat and dairy, which create an acidic cellular environment. This unbalanced pH environment can cause health problems such as cancer, obesity, heart disease and premature aging. Thus, a balanced pH level is very important for our health.

What are acidity and alkalinity?

Acidity and alkalinity are the basis of health and longevity. Almost all foods we eat, when digested and metabolized, release acids or alkaline bases into the blood, which can change the pH of the body.
Our body's natural pH is slightly alkaline. It ranges between 7.35 to 7.45 on the pH scale. The body maintains its levels through a number of mechanisms, which include the involvement of the kidneys and respiratory system.

Excessive consumption of foods with high levels of acid makes the body very acidic, which leads to loss of minerals in the system. People with an unbalanced pH value become prone to joint and muscle weakness, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and a number of other health problems.


The acid-alkaline diet is also known as an alkaline diet, and it helps the body control pH levels. As mentioned earlier, excess dietary acid from foods can disrupt natural processes body, which leads to sad consequences. Reducing acid production in the body and consuming alkaline foods may help you lose weight and reduce your risk of serious illnesses, such as cancer and heart attacks.

Diet goal

Target alkaline diet is to prevent the body from oxidizing by taking some protective measures. An acid-alkaline diet first cleanses the body and then creates and maintains a more alkaline environment in which the body can heal itself. Regardless of whether we are on this diet or not, we need to take, according to at least, 70 to 80% alkaline foods. In addition, lifestyle changes will be necessary to achieve the right balance.

What is pH value?

Acidity is measured on the pH scale, also called the “power of hydrogen.” The pH scale shows the activity of hydrogen ions present in the sample. The pH value of an acidic substance ranges from 0 to 7, while an alkaline substance ranges from 7 to 14 on the scale. pH levels in the body affect all cells, which can easily become out of balance. It may be harmful to normal functioning cells, tissues and organs.

How does the alkaline diet work?

Incorporating the right habits and choices healthy food are the key to a healthy and balanced pH value. You need to eat up to 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic. This rule should be applied to every meal, snack and drink. People typically maintain a 60/40 balance, which may not correct years of imbalance, but can help maintain a healthy balance.

Acidic foods

Acid-forming products include:
. red and processed meats;
. fried and fatty foods;
. completely dairy products;
. sweet snacks and drinks;
. sea ​​fish;
. white grains;
. alcohol, coffee, soft drinks;
. croutons, mayonnaise and ketchup.

There is no need to measure the acidity level of every product you consume. All you have to do is do the right thing alternative choice, for example, choosing white meat and seafood instead of red meat, and drinking sugar-free water and juices instead of milk and alcohol.

Foods that should be in an alkaline diet

1. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables can have significant health benefits. The balanced pH value in green vegetables protects the joints, heart, brain, liver, muscles and kidneys. Alkaline bodies are also resistant to cancer and infections. Green leafy vegetables not only reduce acidity but also help in weight management. It's worth highlighting chard, spinach, kale and turnip greens.

2. Root vegetables

Root vegetables like turnips, carrots, beets and radishes are richer in minerals than many other vegetables. You just need to steam them for 20 minutes and they are ready to eat. Root vegetables are digested slowly and thus help you forget about hunger for a long time.

3. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables can be turned into Tasty food when adding a small amount of sauces or vegetable oils. Broccoli is a good choice cauliflower, white and cauliflower.

4. Garlic

Garlic is a superfood that has been used for centuries to heal various ailments. It also improves immune health by reducing blood pressure, cleanses the liver and fights diseases.

5. Bell pepper

Bell pepper is one of the most alkalizing foods. He is also known for his antibacterial properties and a rich supply of vitamin A.

6. Lemons

Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods. This healing product provides immediate relief from hyperacidity, colds and coughs. It also energizes the liver and promotes detoxification.

7. Cucumbers

Cucumbers provide the base for any alkaline soup, puree and juice due to their high water content. They also contain lignans, which reduce the risk of heart disease, breast and prostate cancer.

Other foods that can be included in an alkaline diet:

Almonds and brazil nuts;

Pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and cumin seeds;

Grains such as buckwheat, quinoa and wheat;

Soybeans and beans;

Flax-seed And olive oil;

Fruits such as apples, bananas, peaches, pears, nectarines, pineapples;

Whey Protein Powder;

Spices and seasonings include ground red pepper, cinnamon, herbs and curry.

The alkaline diet does not mean that you need to eliminate entire food groups from your diet. Just worth doing the best choice in food to improve general meaning pH. You can also eat acid-based foods, but in moderation.

You also need to make some lifestyle changes:

To give up smoking;

Quitting alcohol;

Quitting drugs.


The acid-alkaline diet is completely dependent on the nutrition plan, but this does not mean that it does not require exercise. Physical activity is very important because it reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It also helps in weight management and improves energy levels. Health experts suggest doing 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise almost every day.

Pros of an acid-alkaline diet

1. Satiety

The acid-alkaline diet heavily emphasizes the importance of satiety. She recommends eating some fiber, whole grains and vegetables, which will keep you feeling full longer.

2. General condition

Diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, may help improve bone strength and nervous system health. Reducing your consumption of meat and dairy products helps reduce your risk of kidney stones.

3. Weight loss

The alkaline diet is deficient scientific research on the topic of weight loss. However, the ban on processed food products and emphasis on whole grain and soy products can help lose weight excess weight. Eating fewer calories than the daily recommended amount and exercising regularly can help burn fat.

4. Cardiovascular Benefits

Avoiding Processed and Red Meats May Have Benefits cardiovascular system. Research has also shown that diets based on plant products normalizes cholesterol and blood pressure.


The alkaline diet involves avoiding several food groups that can lead to less balanced diet. The diet also causes deficiencies in phytonutrients, essential fatty acids and vitamin B12.

Sample Diet Plan

At 8 am:

A cup of green tea.

Breakfast at 9 am:

Two-egg and vegetable omelette cooked with onions, bell peppers and green onions;

2 slices of black bread;

A cup of soy milk.

Lunch at 1 p.m.:

Lentil soup;

1 cup steamed vegetables or green salad. The salad can be dressed with olive oil and sauce.

Evening snack at 4 pm:

1 pear;

Sprinkle a handful of almonds or a hard-boiled egg with salt and pepper.

Dinner at 9 pm:

Buckwheat pasta with dressings like broccoli, zucchini, Pine nuts, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper;

100 grams of steamed salmon.

Proponents of this diet suggest that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline ones can improve health. They even claim that it can help fight serious diseases such as cancer. Indeed, there are quite a few people who swear that the alkaline weight loss diet has given them miraculous results.

But is there any solid evidence for and against? Let's see what the science says about this nutrition program.

The diet has become fashionable in Hollywood circles. It is actively promoted by Elle Macpherson and Kelly Ripa.

It is based on the belief that foods affect the acidity and pH levels of the body. This applies to urine and blood. Therefore, certain foods can cure and prevent various diseases.

Due to the lack of reliable evidence to support positive sides This diet is considered pseudoscientific. Nutritionists and doctors of other specialties usually do not recommend it to their patients.

However, the pH level human body and the influence of food on it has been studied for quite a long time. Level acidic alkaline balance considered neutral at a value of 7. Zero pH is complete acidity and absence of oxygen. And level 14 speaks of completely alkaline environment rich in oxygen.

Human blood is a more alkaline liquid, its normal values ​​are in the range between 7.35 and 7.45. Other areas of the body have different levels pH. For example, there is enough in the stomach acidic environment with a pH value of 3.5 or lower. This is the most suitable level for digesting food.

There is a theory that jumps in blood pH levels below 6.8 and above 7.8 are negative for cells. The body cannot effectively process vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Nutrition expert Joy Dubost believes that certain foods can lead to the production of excessive amounts of acid. And this, in turn, threatens serious diseases such as osteoporosis. Potentially dangerous foods in this regard include meat, wheat, and refined sugar.

Alkaline foods - benefit or harm

Proponents of the diet are convinced of the benefits of foods with high content alkalis and less acid content. They believe that the diet reduces the risk of low back pain, diabetes and kidney stones. Reduces the likelihood of colon cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

When it comes to dieting, most people make the mistake of throwing off their acid balance. Scientists believe that unbalanced pH levels can cause significant harm to the body. In particular, the violation causes hormonal disbalance, provokes weight gain or excessive loss. When the pH is imbalanced, bones become brittle, digestion slows down, and tumor growth is possible.

Security log environment and healthcare posted an article about reducing chronic diseases after this diet. Another American magazine wrote that reducing acid-forming foods helps preserve muscle mass in the elderly. The third edition included information about reducing lower back pain with an alkaline mineral supplement.

It is very difficult to say for sure whether healthy diet, which includes fruits and vegetables but prohibits dairy and processed foods. Because often everything is very individual.

Grocery list

According to reviews of those who have lost weight, they began to feel better on this diet. Because such a nutritional system involves the consumption of “healthy”, whole foods.

Use these tables as a general guide. Replace processed foods with fresh ones and add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. They are allowed to be eaten in any form in this diet :)

Table of alkaline products in descending order







Very low alkaline
baking soda


mineral water


pumpkin seeds

sea ​​salt


sweet potato

tangerine juice

vegetable juices



beans (fresh green)



Herb tea

herbs (greens)


soy sauce

sweet corn (fresh)


Apple vinegar

apples (sour)

White cabbage


fish fat

egg yolks


green tea


nutritional yeast


quail eggs

sesame seeds

avocado oil

beet juice

blueberry juice

Coconut oil


duck eggs

linseed oil


ginger tea


Japanese rice

olive oil


sunflower seeds

wild rice

Table of acidity of products in ascending order

Very low acidity Low






brown rice

dried fruits

goat cheese

semi-finished products

Pine nuts

pumpkin seed oil

sunflower oil


almond oil

balsamic vinegar

Black tea




Sesame oil

soy cheese


White rice

barley groats

basmati rice


egg whites


green pea

Palm oil


soy milk



artificial sweeteners


brazil nuts

Brown sugar

flour (white)

fried food

fruit juices with sugar

ice cream



processed cheese

soft drinks



White bread

kefir (sweetened with fillings)

If you are interested in this kind of power plan, then don't worry. There is no need to calculate the level of acid-base balance in each piece. You only need to include 80% of foods considered alkaline in your diet. And leave about 20% of acid-forming products.

How to create a menu for the week

On an alkaline diet acid products are extremely undesirable and include refined carbohydrates, dairy, meat and poultry. They create an acidic environment in the body, thereby increasing the load on the kidneys and liver. Plus there is a risk of developing diabetes. But alkaline foods will help neutralize or minimize these effects. So the first step to balancing your diet is to understand which foods are acidic and which are alkaline.

Do not use:

  • Sugar (refined white and all);
  • Alcohol and caffeine;
  • Dairy ( butter, milk, cheese);
  • Spreads or cooking fats
  • Nuts of any kind (including peanut butter)
  • Cereals, white wheat flour and products made from it (bread, pasta and any other pasta)
  • Table salt (limit)
  • Tomatoes and corn

These are the main triggers that increase acidity, disrupting the body's functioning. To maintain health, the diet should consist of 60% alkaline and 40% acid-forming foods. And to restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline and 20% acid-forming.

Therefore, create your menu for the week based on this rule - eat 2 alkaline foods and one acidic. For example:

  • Breakfast - Eggs (acidic) omelette with spinach (alkaline) and half a grapefruit (alkaline).
  • Dinner - Green salad (alkaline) served with pieces of fried turkey meat (acidic). Dressing – pureed avocado-lemon sauce (alkaline).
  • Dinner - Fish (low acidity) with lightly fried vegetables (alkaline). Fruit cocktail (alkaline).

Remember to chew your food thoroughly. Food becomes more alkaline the longer you chew.

Diet results

Of course, taste will not tell you what is more in the product: alkali or acid. For example, lemons are sour, but they actually have an alkaline effect. Also the majority meat products They are alkaline, but create an acidic residue in the body.

One more important clarification. Food and drink are not the only things that can change pH levels. Stress, toxins, lack of oxygen, vitamins and minerals also increase acidity. And of course, before starting any diet or physical exercise, you should talk to your doctor.

If you're intrigued by the alkaline diet, it's worth giving it a try. Or maybe you’ve already tried it, then write your reviews and what results you achieved.

I think that any diet based on “healthy” and healthy products will have a positive effect. And the removal of alcohol and sugar is another significant plus of this nutrition plan. Share the article on social networks, and I say “see you soon” :)

The alkaline diet is healthy eating, which consists of eating vegetables and fruits. During it, you should not eat foods that contain animal origin.

Over the entire period, the body cleanses itself of acidic waste and regulates the functioning of the entire organism. Health also improves, metabolism is normalized and weight is reduced.

Period alkaline nutrition consists of 4 weeks. During the first week you can lose 4 kilograms, and in subsequent weeks 1 kilogram. Because in the first week there is a restructuring metabolic process, you may feel unwell and experience a slight deterioration in your health. This counts normal condition, approximately on the 4th day improvement will begin, vigor and a surge of strength will appear.


During the period of alkaline nutrition, the following rules should be followed:

  • The menu for 7 days should be prepared in advance. Include only healthy foods;
  • During this diet, you should consume 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods;
  • Before you start eating, you need to relax and take the most comfortable position;
  • Fruits and dried fruits can be used for dessert or eaten as a main course;
  • Grain-type food should be eaten no more than 3 times a week;
  • It is recommended to eat one green vegetable and one yellow color;
  • After eating, you should drink only herbal tea;
  • Food should be chewed well, with approximately 30 to 60 chewing movements for each piece of food;
  • Drinks such as tea, coffee, alcohol and energy drinks are recommended to be completely excluded during this diet:
  • The main and basic rule is proper and stable nutrition. If you eat little food on one day, you should not eat a double portion the next day. It is also important to eat at the same time;
  • After 18.30 you can only drink herbal tea. Eating after this time is not recommended.

Menu for 7 days

In order to achieve a good result and lose overweight, you must follow this diet for 3 weeks, even if noticeable results came earlier.

Of course, before starting this diet you need to prepare your body for it. You need to enter the diet for 3 days, gradually increasing the amount of necessary products.


  • For your first breakfast, you should eat low-fat yogurt with fruit;
  • One for second breakfast;
  • We have lunch with pasta with mushrooms and tomatoes;
  • Snack on an orange;
  • In the evening you can eat a vegetable salad with olive oil dressing and a small piece of boiled chicken.


  • For breakfast you can eat an omelet made from 2 eggs;
  • We snack on a small amount of any dried fruit;
  • For lunch you should eat soup chicken broth with broccoli;
  • For an afternoon snack, it is recommended to eat a smoothie made from cherries, bananas and milk;


  • In the morning you can eat bread with a soft-boiled egg;
  • Snack on an apple;
  • We have lunch with wild rice with stewed vegetables;
  • Snack – banana;
  • We have dinner with boiled potatoes and fresh cabbage salad.


  • For your first breakfast you should eat a boiled egg with an orange;
  • Snack on nuts (50 gr.);
  • We have lunch with a salad of cherry tomatoes, avocado, arugula and Feta cheese;
  • We snack on a pear;
  • We have a fruit salad for dinner.


  • In the morning you should eat a vegetable stew;
  • Second breakfast - orange;
  • For lunch you should eat a vinaigrette with chicken and turkey;
  • Snack – banana;
  • In the evening you can eat an Omelette with herbs.


  • For the first breakfast, it is recommended to eat zucchini pancakes;
  • Second breakfast - any fruit;
  • We have lunch with seafood salad;
  • Snack – orange;
  • We have dinner with salad with herbs and fruits.


  • We have cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast;
  • Second breakfast – dried fruits;
  • We have lunch with mushroom soup and;
  • We have a snack with a fruit and berry mix;
  • We have dinner with baked fish and vegetables.

Product table

Products name Types of products included in this category
Vegetables This category includes all varieties of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and so on. And also artichokes, tomatoes, garlic, eggplant, fresh green peas, asparagus, celery roots, cucumbers, beets, carrots, parsnips, all kinds of onions, lettuce, potatoes, zucchini, radishes, green peppers, corn cobs, turnips.
Fruits and berries This category consists of apples, pears, bananas, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, cranberries, lingonberries, melons, citrus fruits, plums, grapes, avocados, persimmons, mangoes, strawberries, prunes, figs, pineapples, watermelon pulp, apricots.
Seeds and nuts Almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts, sunflower seeds in small portions, coconut nuts, pine nuts.
Legumes Beans of all types - green in pods, white and red. Also lentils, peas, soybeans, sprouted beans.
Cereal products Brown rice, and .
Types of oils Flax oil, wheat germ oil, peanut oil, corn oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, olive oil and vegetable oil walnuts.
Meat Lean beef, young veal, lamb, mutton. Pork meat is also allowed, but in small portions and not too fatty. It is best to eat white chicken and turkey meat, which contains very little fat. But goose and duck meat have high level harmful fatty substances, and is saturated with cholesterol, this meat should be excluded from your menu.
Fish You can eat any fish, except salted, smoked, and dried. You can eat fish of sea or river origin.
Natural sweets Brown and yellow granulated sugar (vegetable), granulated date sugar, natural honey, maple syrup, raw molasses, sweet beet syrup.
Drinks and Unlimited quantities of purified or mineral water, fruit juices without granulated sugar, mineral water with a small amount of lemon juice, herbal tea, rosehip tinctures and so on.
Bread Diet bread, bread, rye bread.


Products needed for the salad:

  • Cucumbers – 400 grams;
  • 300 grams of radish
  • 100 grams of almonds;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • 1 tsp. liquid honey;
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • One clove of garlic;
  • A little table salt.


  1. Almonds should be placed in cold water at 10 o'clock;
  2. The peeled clove should be finely chopped. Next, add garlic and almonds to the blender, add a little honey, add lemon juice and clean water. Whisk everything;
  3. We wash all the vegetables. Then we chop them and put them in a salad bowl, sprinkle everything with finely chopped herbs and season with the prepared dressing. Mix everything well.

Products for cabbage rolls:

  • 7 leaves Chinese cabbage;
  • Sunflower seeds without peel – 200 grams;
  • Avocado – 200 grams;
  • 300 grams of sweet pepper;
  • 50 grams of walnuts without shell;
  • 50 grams of celery roots;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • 15 grams of green onions;
  • Garlic – a couple of cloves;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • Lemon juice – 40 ml;
  • A little table salt and spices.

How to cook:

  1. The peeled seeds must be placed in cold water and left overnight;
  2. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Next, chop a bunch of greens and celery. And put everything with garlic into a blender. You should also add 50 grams of walnuts, seeds, olive oil, lemon juice, a little table salt and spices to these ingredients. Beat everything until smooth;
  3. Then you should peel the avocado and bell pepper and cut everything into strips. Green onions finely chop;
  4. Place the whipped mixture in a blender on the leaves of Chinese cabbage, put avocado and sweet pepper on top, sprinkle with green onions and wrap it in a roll.

Lingonberry and honey drink

Beverage products:

  • One kilogram of lingonberries, frozen or fresh;
  • Natural honey – 400 grams;
  • A little ground cinnamon and cloves.

Lingonberries should be poured into a blender, add cloves, 400 grams of honey and 1 liter of water. Whisk everything until completely mixed.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Cleansing and healthy diet;
  • Losing excess weight. Over the entire period you can lose up to 7 kg;
  • Normalization of metabolism.


  • Refusal familiar products, if they are contraindicated in this diet;
  • Do everything according to the rules.


  • Stress and overwork;
  • Exhaustion of the body;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Hereditary diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Epileptic syndrome;
  • Low level of immunity;
  • Menstruation;
  • Hypertensive disease;
  • Nausea;
  • Weakness;
  • Postoperative conditions;
  • Weakness;
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Hemorrhoids and inflammation in the rectum.

Real reviews


Elena Streltsova, nutritionist

“The alkaline diet is an excellent cleansing of the body. I recommend this technique to many of my patients. I believe it improves health and cleanses harmful substances. In addition, during it you can lose a decent amount of kilograms. You must follow all the rules of this diet. Eat those foods that are allowed. It is best to eat as many fruit and vegetable dishes as possible. Drink decoctions from herbal infusions And natural juices. During this period, it is advisable to exclude meat from the menu or eat it in small portions. Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor, as it has contraindications.”

Svetlana Svetlova, weight correction specialist

"This is real good cleansing body. This technique is best suited for unloading. During this nutrition, waste, toxins, and harmful substances are eliminated. In addition, within 3 weeks of alkaline nutrition, metabolism is normalized, health improves and general state body. In order to achieve good results and lose weight, you should follow the rules of nutrition and eat those foods that are allowed. You should consult your doctor. This diet has contraindications."

Losing weight

Marina, 28 years old

"I'm a supporter healthy image life. For a very long time I was looking for a method of losing weight, during which you can only eat healthy foods and lose extra pounds. After a long search and study of sites about healthy eating, I found an alkaline diet. She immediately attracted me with her variety of products. I immediately decided to try this method. Really good cleansing of the body. After four weeks of alkaline nutrition, I lost 5 kilograms!”

Ekaterina, 24 years old

“I have long wanted to unload and cleanse my body. When I tried this method, I really liked it. Of course, at first it was difficult, but then I quickly got used to it and I even liked it. Excellent food, and most importantly healthy. I lost 6 kilograms in 4 weeks. In addition, my condition has improved a lot, my body has cleansed itself!”

Oksana, 32 years old

“I’ve been losing weight using this method for a long time. Great diet! The main thing is that the body is cleansed of waste and toxins. The diet is balanced and healthy. You can eat fruits, vegetables and even meat. Drink your favorite drinks - herbal tea, natural juices, mineral water. Plus, you lose excess weight. In 4 weeks I lost 7 kilograms. This good result


An alkaline diet is an excellent way to cleanse the entire body. This diet is healthy and balanced menu, which is aimed at regulating the acid-base balance in the body. In addition, if you follow all the rules of this technique, you can lose a decent amount of kilograms in a short period.

Proponents of this diet suggest that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline ones can improve health. They even claim that it can help fight serious diseases such as cancer. Indeed, there are quite a few people who swear that the alkaline weight loss diet has given them miraculous results.

But is there any solid evidence for and against? Let's see what the science says about this nutrition program.

The diet has become fashionable in Hollywood circles. It is actively promoted by Elle Macpherson and Kelly Ripa.

It is based on the belief that foods affect the acidity and pH levels of the body. This applies to urine and blood. Therefore, certain foods can cure and prevent various diseases.

Due to the lack of reliable evidence confirming the positive aspects of this diet, it is considered pseudoscientific. Nutritionists and doctors of other specialties usually do not recommend it to their patients.

However, the pH level of the human body and the effect of food on it have been studied for quite a long time. The level of acid-base balance is considered neutral at a value of 7. The zero pH mark is complete acidity and the absence of oxygen. And level 14 indicates a completely alkaline environment, rich in oxygen.

Human blood is a more alkaline liquid, its normal values ​​are in the range between 7.35 and 7.45. Other areas of the body have different pH levels. For example, the stomach is quite acidic with a pH value of 3.5 or lower. This is the most suitable level for digesting food.

There is a theory that jumps in blood pH levels below 6.8 and above 7.8 are negative for cells. The body cannot effectively process vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Nutrition expert Joy Dubost believes that certain foods can lead to the production of excessive amounts of acid. And this, in turn, threatens serious diseases such as osteoporosis. Potentially dangerous foods in this regard include meat, wheat, and refined sugar.

Alkaline foods - benefit or harm

Proponents of the diet are convinced of the benefits of foods with a higher content of alkalis and less acids. They believe that the diet reduces the risk of low back pain, diabetes and kidney stones. Reduces the likelihood of colon cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

When it comes to dieting, most people make the mistake of throwing off their acid balance. Scientists believe that unbalanced pH levels can cause significant harm to the body. In particular, the disorder causes hormonal imbalance and provokes weight gain or excessive loss. When the pH is imbalanced, bones become brittle, digestion slows down, and tumor growth is possible.

The Journal of Environmental Health and Health published an article about the reduction of chronic diseases after this diet. Another American magazine wrote that reducing acid-forming foods helps maintain muscle mass in the elderly. The third edition included information about reducing lower back pain with an alkaline mineral supplement.

It is very difficult to say for sure whether a diet that includes fruits and vegetables but prohibits dairy and processed foods is healthy. Because often everything is very individual.

Grocery list

According to reviews of those who have lost weight, they began to feel better on this diet. Because such a nutritional system involves the consumption of “healthy”, whole foods.

Use these tables as a general guide. Replace processed foods with fresh ones and add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. They are allowed to be eaten in any form in this diet :)

Table of alkaline products in descending order







Very low alkaline
baking soda


mineral water


pumpkin seeds

sea ​​salt


sweet potato

tangerine juice

vegetable juices



beans (fresh green)



Herb tea

herbs (greens)


soy sauce

sweet corn (fresh)


Apple vinegar

apples (sour)

White cabbage


fish fat

egg yolks


green tea


nutritional yeast


quail eggs

sesame seeds

avocado oil

beet juice

blueberry juice

Coconut oil


duck eggs

linseed oil


ginger tea


Japanese rice

olive oil


sunflower seeds

wild rice

Table of acidity of products in ascending order

Very low acidity Low






brown rice

dried fruits

goat cheese

semi-finished products

Pine nuts

pumpkin seed oil

sunflower oil


almond oil

balsamic vinegar

Black tea




Sesame oil

soy cheese


White rice

barley groats

basmati rice


egg whites


green pea

Palm oil


soy milk



artificial sweeteners


brazil nuts

Brown sugar

flour (white)

fried food

fruit juices with sugar

ice cream



processed cheese

soft drinks



White bread

kefir (sweetened with fillings)

If you are interested in this kind of power plan, then don't worry. There is no need to calculate the level of acid-base balance in each piece. You only need to include 80% of foods considered alkaline in your diet. And leave about 20% of acid-forming products.

How to create a menu for the week

In an alkaline diet, acidic foods are highly undesirable and include refined carbohydrates, dairy, meat and poultry. They create an acidic environment in the body, thereby increasing the load on the kidneys and liver. Plus there is a risk of developing diabetes. But alkaline foods will help neutralize or minimize these effects. So the first step to balancing your diet is to understand which foods are acidic and which are alkaline.

Do not use:

  • Sugars (refined white and all artificial sweeteners);
  • Alcohol and caffeine;
  • Dairy products (butter, milk, cheese);
  • Spreads or cooking fats
  • Nuts of any kind (including peanut butter)
  • Cereals, white wheat flour and products made from it (bread, pasta and any other pasta)
  • Table salt (limit)
  • Tomatoes and corn

These are the main triggers that increase acidity, disrupting the body's functioning. To maintain health, the diet should consist of 60% alkaline and 40% acid-forming foods. And to restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline and 20% acid-forming.

Therefore, create your menu for the week based on this rule - eat 2 alkaline foods and one acidic. For example:

  • Breakfast - Eggs (acidic) omelette with spinach (alkaline) and half a grapefruit (alkaline).
  • Dinner - Green salad (alkaline) served with pieces of fried turkey meat (acidic). Dressing – pureed avocado-lemon sauce (alkaline).
  • Dinner - Fish (low acidity) with lightly fried vegetables (alkaline). Fruit cocktail (alkaline).

Remember to chew your food thoroughly. Food becomes more alkaline the longer you chew.

Diet results

Of course, taste will not tell you what is more in the product: alkali or acid. For example, lemons are sour, but they actually have an alkaline effect. Also, most meat products are alkaline, but create an acidic residue in the body.

One more important clarification. Food and drink are not the only things that can change pH levels. Stress, toxins, lack of oxygen, vitamins and minerals also increase acidity. And of course, before starting any diet or exercise, you should talk to your doctor.

If you're intrigued by the alkaline diet, it's worth giving it a try. Or maybe you’ve already tried it, then write your reviews and what results you achieved.

I think that any diet based on “healthy” and wholesome foods will have a positive effect. And the removal of alcohol and sugar is another significant plus of this nutrition plan. Share the article on social networks, and I say “see you soon” :)