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The best food for cleansing the body. Colon cleansing products

Timely release of the intestines is a step towards health. Permanent long-term constipation is an unacceptable phenomenon that leads to a number of dangerous diseases. To make the stomach work, like a reliable clock, you should include foods that promote bowel movements in your diet every day, at least once a day.

How to get a relaxing effect

Unlike enemas and special medicines, a nutritional adjustment technique, is the most acceptable. In the first case, you destroy the microflora of the stomach. By making it easier for him, thus, the task, you will do a disservice, weaning him from independent correct operation. The use of synthetic drugs is also not the optimal solution. Many foods weaken as well as an enema, forcing the stomach to work as it should, without exerting negative impact on the body. If you are wondering what other methods exist to solve the problem, then this article is for you! The following are products that improve peristalsis and cleanse the intestines.

Raw fruits, among them: bananas, always ripe, melon pulp, apples with peel. Berries containing a considerable amount nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, which triggers cleansing mechanisms.

Prunes are a natural laxative created by nature that improves peristalsis, promoting cleansing. This product brings antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium, fiber and iron to the intestines. Among other things, it creates a favorable environment for the development of beneficial microflora.

Apple cider vinegar is able to alleviate gastrointestinal problems, eliminate constipation. It is rich in potassium, calcium, malic and acetic acid.

Aloe vera. The plant was used by our distant ancestors. The value lies in the gel-like pulp, which is almost entirely water (99%). The remaining one percent contains about 75 nutrients. Among them are 18-amino acids, 20-minerals, 12-vitamins, as well as more than 2 hundred active compounds - phytonutrients. Aloe juice helps to effectively cope with constipation.

Foods with spices, which are known for their laxative effect, can help the digestion process. Miracle action of spices that weaken the intestines:

  • red hot peppers intensively stimulates the activity of the intestines, increasing the volume of gastric juice;
  • turmeric. Products flavored with turmeric will not only acquire an exquisite taste and golden color, but also improve peristalsis;
  • ginger added to tea or dish (in fresh) well regulates digestion, promotes cleansing. Helps in the work of the liver, cleanses it, producing enzymes that can flush out carcinogens.

Citrus fruits (lemon, tangerines, lime and oranges) improve peristalsis, promoting cleansing. If you are suffering hyperacidity, the intestines are best treated by applying other products. Citrus in in large numbers should not be used. The same applies to those who are prone to allergies. If similar contraindications If this doesn’t apply to you, then take note that lime is good for supporting the intestines: it promotes cleansing, flushes out toxins, and also stimulates enzymatic processes.

Vegetables for cleansing, normalizing the intestines:

  • cabbage - mostly sauerkraut;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • fresh greens;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes.

Each vegetable, both individually and as one of the ingredients in the salad, provokes a good relief, helping to cleanse the intestines, and also contains fiber. Tomatoes are special foods that cleanse the intestines, enriching A, K, C - vitamins, antioxidants and the miracle substance "lycopene", which protect against malignant formations in the colon and also in the prostate.

Good for cleansing foods rich in fatty acids Omega - Z, which is found in avocados, raw vegetable oil. They weaken the intestines, flushing out toxins, absorb components, and remove them from the body.

A very healthy and effective salad dish “Panicle. This salad removes everything bad and unnecessary from the body, it is prepared as follows: cabbage, carrots, beets, celery are chopped on a coarse grater - all raw. Do not even think about seasoning the products with salt, mayonnaise or oil, otherwise you will neutralize the whole effect. The absence of sauce and seasonings is an indisputable condition, you may not like ordinary raw vegetables, but the intestines will say “thank you” for such a menu.

Green leafy vegetables. Look in the refrigerator if the shelves are: wheatgrass, sea ​​kale, spinach, dandelion or mustard greens, alfalfa, arugula or chicory, you can consider that you have foods that are natural laxatives. The above herbs will help to achieve a laxative effect at home, without the use of medicines. They contain a lot of Ca, Mg, folic acid, fiber, K, C - vitamins that are necessary for the process of digestion, the production of bile, as well as the elimination of waste products.

Raw nuts and seeds. Click nuts and seeds, it is very useful for the functioning of the intestines. Include in your diet cedar, almond, walnut kernels, flax seed, sunflower, pumpkin seeds. They have a lot of fiber, which has a cleansing effect, as well as vitamins and protein.

Bran. One of the richest sources of fiber, the action of which will be discussed separately, vitamins B and trace elements. To achieve positive effect enough to diversify the diet bran bread and bran.

Zucchini and pumpkin are good for weakening due to their high fiber content. Have these products to achieve desired effect in the work of the intestine can be in almost any form: baked, boiled or stewed. Especially useful pumpkin porridge, it cleanses the liver, but zucchini can remove harmful salts from the body.

Despite the fact that there are general trends and patterns that some products contribute to cleansing, the body is still a unique system and requires individual approach. So the same products different people can provoke different reactions of the intestine. The diet is recommended to be developed in conjunction with a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences. For example, cabbage, useful in many respects, can provoke excessive gas formation, which can worsen the well-being and condition of the intestines.

Almost universal laxative are dried fruits, especially steamed in boiling water. It is also useful on an empty stomach, a couple of hours before eating an apple, which will improve the intestinal microflora.

Rice, pomegranate, cottage cheese - on the contrary, can aggravate constipation. A cup of coffee helps many people achieve a quick laxative effect. But do not get carried away with this drink, especially if you complain of hypertension.


Foods rich in fiber are a godsend for the body. They not only give laxative effect and make the digestive system function properly. Alimentary fiber there is in this or that quantity in fruits, herbs, vegetables, bran. They accumulate water, increasing in volume, weaken quickly enough and naturally remove "waste". Cellulose produces beneficial bacteria in the intestines, thereby improving digestion.

Daily rate:

  • Men: 50 years -38g, after 50 years -30g;
  • Women: 50-25 years old, after 50-21 years old.

The percentage in the table is considered based on the recommended rate of 25g. If desired and necessary, you can calculate this indicator individually, based on necessary norm just for you and the fiber content of each product listed in the second column.

Amount of fiber

Product Fiber (in 100 g) % of daily allowance(25 g) 1 portion weighing 200g
wheat bran) 43.6g 348,8 %
flax seeds 27.3g 218,6%
dried apricots 18gr 144 %
soy beans 13.5g 108%
beans 12.4g 99,2%
lentils 11.5g 92%
pistachios, fried without oil, salt 10.3g 82,4%
chickpeas 9.9g 79,8%
raisin 9.6g 76,8%
prunes 9g 72%
peanuts (raw) 8.1g 64,8%
sweet corn 7.3g 58,4%
almonds (raw) 7gr 56%
bread (whole grain) 6.8-9.2g 54,4-73,6%
avocado 6.7g 53,6%
walnuts 6.7g 53,6%
dried dates 6gr 48%
Oatmeal "Hercules" 6gr 48%
Rye bread 5.8gr 46,4%
green peas 5.5gr 44%
sunflower seeds 5gr 40%
pumpkin seeds 4.2gr 33,6%
Brussels sprouts (boiled) 4.2gr 33,6%
raspberries 3.7-6.5g 29,6-52%
pasta (durum) 3.7g 29,6%
buckwheat (boiled) 3.7g 29,6%
green beans (stewed) 3.4g 27,2%
Broccoli (boiled) 3.3g 26,4%
Raw cashew 3.3g 26,4%
pumpkin (boiled) 3.2g 25,6%
beets (boiled) 3g 24%
onion (fresh) 3g 24%
pear (peeled) 2.8gr 22,4%
blueberry 2.4-3.1g 19,2-24,8%
fresh white cabbage 2 - 2.4g 16-19,2%
apple in peel 2-4g 16-32%
carrots (fresh) 2.4g 19,2%
stewed carrots, boiled 2.4g 19,2%
orange 2.2g 17,6%
stewed white cabbage 2.2g 17,6%
potatoes in skin 2.2g 17,6%
apricots 2.1gr 16,8%
peaches 2.1gr 16,8%
strawberry 2-2.2g 16-17,6%
celery stalks 1.8g 14,4%
grapefruit 1.8g 14,4%
boiled brown rice 1.8g 14,4%
bananas 1.7g 3,4%
grapes (berry with skin) 1.6g 12,8%
plum 1.5g 12%
sweet pepper fresh 1.4-1.7gr 11,2-13,6%
stewed spinach 1.3gr 10,4%
boiled sweet potato 1.3gr 10,4%
tomatoes (ground) 1.3gr 10,4%
cabbage 1.2gr 9,6%
zucchini (with skin) 1.1g 8,8%
melon pulp 0.9g 7,2%
boiled white rice 0.9g 7,2%
tomatoes (greenhouse) 0.4g 3,2%
thin Armenian lavash 0.2g 1,6%

Keep an eye on the work of the intestines and ensure that dishes rich in fiber are present on the table, because now you know which foods contain it.

To feel energized, get rid of chronic constipation, improve the condition of the skin and internal organs, it is recommended to carry out a gentle cleansing of the intestines without the use of enemas, laxatives and other aggressive agents.

To do this, you need to eat foods that effectively remove toxins, provide the body with valuable trace elements that normalize weight and digestion.

Why is body cleansing necessary?

Nutrition, bad habits, uncontrolled intake of potent drugs, frequent stresses cause interruptions in digestion. The problem is exacerbated sedentary image life and polluted air of megacities.

The result is bad feeling, sleep and appetite disturbance, irritability, excess weight, bad condition skin.

If you do not take action in time, they can suffer and internal organs: liver, kidneys, heart.

Help improve condition proper nutrition and regular cleansing by fasting.

Fasting cleansing

Refusal of food for cleansing should be carried out for 1 day 1 time per week. During this time digestive tract rest and recover.

At proper preparation and there are no health problems with a calm exit from fasting.

After a few months, you can start longer abstinences without eating for 2-3 days in a row.

IN fasting days Necessarily plentiful drink, preventing dehydration and cleansing digestive system.

Cleansing the intestines before fasting is a mandatory procedure. It will ensure normal health and allow you to start the process of digestion after the end of the diet.

The Best Cleansing Products

The bowel cleansing menu includes foods rich in fiber. They quickly and safely remove toxins, mucus, remove heavy metals and other harmful ingredients.

A diet rich in fiber is able to regulate weight, accelerate the outflow of lymph, which provokes swelling.

Products that help cleanse the intestines are best subjected to minimal heat treatment. They are consumed fresh, stewed, steamed.

Among the most useful sources fiber:

Folk recipes

These products not only display excess water and slags, but also contribute to weight reduction.

The recipe for bowel cleansing is simple:

  • Recommended products should be consumed within 1-3 days.
  • From drinks allowed pure water, herbal or green tea.

Garlic cleansing

Another recipe for cleansing the body is not for everyone. It is recommended for the release of intestinal helminths and their larvae.

The consequences of cleansing the intestines with garlic can be unpredictable, it is better to consult with your doctor before the procedure.

For beginners, it is better to try more gentle methods. Oats for cleansing the liver and intestines are much safer.

What can you drink?

An excellent option for a quick and safe recovery of the body is a variety of smoothies and cocktails for cleansing the intestines. The choice of recipes is great.

Get rid of toxins and toxins will help the original mixture of fruits and vegetables. For one serving you will need:

  • 1 cup chopped white cabbage leaves
  • 0.5 cup chopped parsley
  • 1 large and juicy green apple,
  • 1 ripe banana.

All components are placed in a blender. After grinding, the puree must be diluted with water to the consistency of liquid kefir.

Similar cocktails can be prepared on the basis of pears, celery, watercress, sprouted grains of wheat and oats.

How to eat after cleansing?

After all the procedures, you want to fix the result for a long time. Nutritionists advise returning to a normal diet gradually, simultaneously excluding the most harmful foods.

In the first days after intensive cleaning, you can eat:

  • Salads from fresh cabbage and carrots with vegetable oil.
  • Lungs vegetable soups on the water.
  • Loose porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley).

It is important to reduce the amount of salt, do not consume dairy products, animal fats, sweets.

A few days after cleansing the intestines, you can eat lean meat,
steamed, baked apples, vegetable stew. It is advisable to adhere to such a menu for at least a month.

Helps calm down and normalize digestion herbal collection from chamomile, mint, lemon balm, rose hips and hawthorn. It is advisable to give up strong black tea and coffee, packaged juices and any kind of alcohol.

Nutrition after bowel cleansing should not be monotonous. It is recommended to alternate cereals, make smoothies from several types of fruits and vegetables, experiment with lean poultry and fish dishes.

Colon cleansing food can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. Such it will be made by fresh and high-quality products, interesting and unusual recipes the right combination of ingredients.

A large number of products that we consume every day are not only suppliers of vitamins and trace elements, they can also help the body get rid of all the harmful and unnecessary substances that accumulate in the body every day. Before moving on to the products, let's first understand why do toxins accumulate?

Why do toxins accumulate in the human body?

There is no such person in the world who does not accumulate toxins in the body. Over time, products metabolic processes that occur in the body accumulate and begin to poison the body with their presence.

The main reasons for accumulation:

  • weak immunity, for example after an illness;
  • avitaminosis;
  • eating heavy food for the stomach (various additives, dyes, fatty meat, fast food);
  • diets;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • frequent constipation.

Our body is able to free itself from harmful substances. This function is performed by the intestines, kidneys, liver, as well as lymphatic system and skin. But, unfortunately, they can only withdraw natural surpluses, using natural ways output. But to cope with many flavors, dyes, antibiotics, additives and others chemical components our bodies are unable to do so. Therefore, it is necessary to consume certain foods that help cleanse the intestines from harmful organisms.

10 foods that cleanse the colon

1) Lemon. Maybe better product No, with regard to the removal of harmful substances from the body. It destroys almost all the toxins that clog our body. Lemon contains a lot of potassium and vitamin C, which prevents cancer and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and improves immunity.

2) Carrots. Carrots also contain potassium, which helps cleanse the kidneys and also improves functioning. intestinal tract. In addition, it helps to get beautiful tan, so you can safely please yourself with freshly squeezed juice.

3) Artichoke. We need an artichoke in order to cleanse the liver. Due to the fact that it contains potassium, it is often used as a strong diuretic that removes excess toxins from the body.

4) Pineapple. Pineapple contains vitamins C, A, B, which are needed for the body during beriberi. This fruit is needed in order to remove toxins and fats, which help improve the functioning of the digestive system and remove cholesterol from the blood. In order to feel the cleaning effect, then eat 2 slices of pineapple on an empty stomach.

5) Beets. Beets contain a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the body and cleanses the intestines. Also, thanks to pectin, which is abundant in beets, harmful substances are removed from the body.

6) Kiwi. This product contains many antioxidants, kiwi also has a good effect on cleaning the intestinal tract, it breaks down fats and improves general state organism.

7) Apple. In order to withdraw from human body gluten, which is part of the food, you need to eat an apple. It contains fiber, which cleanses the body and prepares intestinal flora to the proper digestion of healthy vegetable and fruit dishes.

8) Garlic. Garlic removes harmful toxins from the body, cleanses blood vessels and makes them more flexible. It is also needed to dissolve cholesterol plaques and removes salt deposits, and is also an excellent antiviral and antimicrobial agent which increases the strength of the immune system.

9) Cabbage. Cabbage is surprisingly high in vitamin C, almost as high as oranges. All types of cabbage (broccoli, Chinese, sauerkraut) help the liver get rid of excess toxins.

10) Grapefruit. Grapefruit is very famous dietary product, and also it is indispensable if we are talking about the desire to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. It significantly reduces the level of insulin and cholesterol in human blood.

Constipation is a problem for many people these days. Such an unpleasant situation is not a disease at all, but can sometimes lead to serious chronic complications. Frequent constipation can cause dysbacteriosis, hemorrhoids, intestinal trauma, skin rash. In addition, there is a risk of developing a tumor. In order to avoid such undesirable consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor. To solve problems with the intestines, a prerequisite will be compliance proper diet, which includes various laxative products. Their selection is quite wide.

How to eat with bowel problems

When such problems occur, you should switch to a balanced diet.

For this you need:

  • exclude fried, fatty, smoked foods from your diet and switch to foods that are steamed or baked in the oven;
  • try to use a minimum of salt;
  • you need to eat little and often, but at the same time adhere to a three-hour interval between meals;
  • daily use up to two liters of ordinary table water;
  • completely abandon alcohol;
  • include natural foods in your diet.

For a gentle and safe bowel cleansing in your diet, you need to use vegetable food. Natural products contain the required vitamins, which help the digestive organs to improve and renew themselves.

Laxative oils for the intestines

Vegetable oil is one of the best cleaning agents. It can be added to meals or taken as is. In addition to sunflower, other oils can be used for treatment. This:

  • olive;
  • castor;
  • vaseline;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

Olive oil- is one of the most effective means to cleanse the intestines and get rid of constipation. Two tablespoons olive oil help to quickly overcome the disease. Children under three years old are allowed to give half a teaspoon. Up to seven years, the use of one teaspoon of oil is recommended.

Castor oil gained its popularity in ancient times. At one time it was taken raw. To date, in the form of metered capsules, it is sold in pharmacies.

Vaseline oil used for chronic and severe constipation. For seven days, it should be taken one tablespoon on an empty stomach: in the morning and in the evening before meals.

How to cleanse the liver?


Sea buckthorn oil, in addition to good laxative properties, has a content of vitamins A, B, C, E, K, R.

Plant foods for the intestines

Fresh fruits and berries

Able to improve intestinal motility apples and ripened bananas. Also useful in this regard will be apricots, grapes, plums. The berries contain useful material, fiber, which create a cleansing effect. A laxative effect is exerted by mountain ash and jam or jam prepared from it.

Melon is another product that removes toxins from the intestines and facilitates emptying.

With absence allergic reactions on citrus fruits, the following fruits support the intestines well and increase the elimination of toxins:

  • mandarin;
  • orange;
  • lime;
  • lemon.

They can be added to dishes, prepared from them in drinks or consumed separately.
Grapefruit has a cleansing effect. Plus he's rich. minerals and vitamins.

Pineapple has a mild laxative property for the body. Fruit, consumed fresh, fights constipation, facilitates bowel movements. Treatment with pineapple should be carried out for at least five days.

Dried fruits

No less effective laxative properties have:

  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • raisin.

No constipation will bother you if you eat porridge with the addition of two or three pieces of dried fruit. When there is an urgent need to cleanse the intestines, it should be consumed at a time large quantity dried fruits.


Among vegetables, the most effective cleaning properties are:

  • beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • lettuce;
  • greenery.

Beetroot is an excellent laxative that allows you to cleanse the body within two hours after consumption. This product works best when consumed raw or as a juice.

pumpkin contains high level fiber. The advantage of this laxative is that it can be used to prepare various delicious dishes. For example, porridge, use as an ingredient for a salad or make mashed potatoes.

Cabbage is used to cleanse the body. Any type of this vegetable contains fiber. If constipation is chronic, it is recommended to use sauerkraut normalizing intestinal microflora.

To cleanse the intestines, you can use not only some kind of vegetable, but also a mixture of vegetables. You can prepare a salad that acts as a laxative. It will require three ingredients:

  • cabbage - three parts;
  • beets - one part;
  • carrots - one part.

All these products must be grated on a coarse grater. Fill with any vegetable oil. You can add flax seeds - this will add a laxative effect.

Effective constipation products


They are added to porridge, soup or taken separately, one to two tablespoons several times a day before eating. They need to be washed down with mineral water. You can also eat with constipation Rye bread with bran.


The following cereals are used as a mild laxative:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • barley;
  • herculean.

Seaweed and seaweed

Thanks to great content nutrients improve performance digestive organs, alleviate the condition in the treatment of constipation. For detoxification, chlorella algae is added to food.

Dairy products

To cleanse the body, kefir is suitable, but you should know that it must be fresh. If you drink kefir for three days and eat nothing, then you can cleanse the digestive system of any toxins.

You can drink fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt, bifidokefir.

Green tea

Spices and seasonings

Chile pepper, sesame seeds, garlic, ginger, ayran are foods that improve peristalsis. Eating them contributes to the cleansing effect.

laxative plants

In addition to the above products, medicinal herbs can be used to treat.


Drinking the juice of this plant relieves problems such as constipation. Aloe juice can be mixed with honey. Only with this recipe, the plant should not be watered for about two weeks.


Contains fiber and antioxidants. In addition to the choleretic effect, it has a cleansing property.


A decoction of barley grass improves the functioning of the digestive system and defecation.


Will also help oatmeal broth. To do this, half an hour you need to cook two hundred grams of oats with two liters of water. Drink 0.5 cups several times a day.

Herb tea

To prepare such a drink, you need to take the same proportions of the following ingredients:

  • rowan fruits;
  • jasmine flowers and leaves;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • raspberry leaves.

They should be brewed and drunk before three times daily.

The following plants also have a laxative effect:

  • sorrel;
  • Melissa;
  • dandelion;
  • liquorice root;
  • anise.

Nutrition for constipation

Used to have a laxative effect vegetable oils, raw vegetables and fruits, some cereals, bran, medicinal plants. However, be aware that some products large doses capable of doing harm. Therefore, if you are concerned about problems with the intestines, it is better to contact a specialist.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Did you feel a constant "broken state"? Do you have any of the following symptoms?:


Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Aren't you tired of feeling unfulfilled? How much money have you already spent on ineffective treatment? How many vitamins did you drink and attributed your condition to "lack of sleep"? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Angelica Varum, in which she shared about how she became a "Doctor".

Attention, only TODAY!

Diseases, poor-quality nutrition, poor ecology and bad habits - all these factors (in fact, there are many more of them) undermine the health of any, even a heroic organism. And although any body is capable of self-purification, it may happen that at a certain moment it ceases to cope with the flow of toxins and toxins - the body fails.
Then diseases begin, immunity decreases, as a result of which all kinds of viruses and bacteria begin to "take up" over immune system organism.

The work of digestion is disturbed, useful substances are not fully absorbed, the appearance of beriberi or the development of anemia is possible.

Anemia can be caused by: iron deficiency or vitamin B12 deficiency

As a result of violations of cell membranes due to damage to them by poisons and carcinogens, chronic diseases and even develop cancer.

  • The conclusion is one- you need to help your body: periodically cleanse it, increase immunity and saturate it with vitamins and nutrients.

Frequent colds- this is one of the signs of a decrease in immunity and slagging of the body.

Of course, there are many "miracle pills" for cleansing the body, super-cocktails and youth pills, but let's not rush. It's no secret that most of these drugs on our market are "dummy", publicity stunts to launder money, or even just poison that can lead to serious side effects.

And let's better pay attention to some natural foods that are superior to any chemistry (even expensive ones) in terms of cleansing and maintaining the body.

  • And at the end of the post, an additional bonus is some recommendations on this topic from doctors.

Why are natural products (generally) better than "miracle chemistry"?

  • Many tablets contain harmful chemicals and even narcotic substances in their composition;
  • Even medical preparation(BAA) is made from natural products, yet it is inferior to the original in terms of energy .. A freshly picked apple is always healthier than dried, and even more so pharmaceutically processed apple extract;
  • There is a high probability of running into a fake (especially in our market)
  • Usually chemicals have many limitations and cause many side effects. As the saying goes: "We treat one thing, and we cripple the other";
  • Unlike chemistry, natural products do not (mostly) have an addictive effect;
  • Natural products act on the body more gently, naturally, without disturbing the work of the whole organism. Even if a laxative effect is needed, let it be prunes or pumpkin rather than pills;
  • The economic aspect is also important. Pharmacy preparations in our time are very expensive, and many times more expensive than the same cranberries, calendula or kefir.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but it is already clear that before using the “heavy artillery” of tablets, it is worth trying no less effective and useful “Natur-Products”.

I'm not advocating to give up drugs altogether. There are such serious problems with health, where without the same antibiotics, well, you just can’t do it. I urge you to pay attention and "take on board" some products and tips. P / S: For use, consult with doctors and nutritionists.

We remove toxins from the body

Cleansing the body is a complex and rather lengthy process. There are many methods of cleansing the body at home.

The most common cleansing scheme is as follows:

Regardless of which of the purification methods will be used, it can be divided into two stages:

  1. Purification of cells and blood
  2. Organ cleansing and removal from the body

Cleansing the body at home is the topic of the following posts, and today we will pay attention to those foods that effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

And in order to make this post more useful, I also add the most interesting and accessible (in my opinion) recipes.

Products cleanse the blood and vessels


Garlic is unique product. Garlic perfectly cleanses the blood, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, kills microbes and viruses. Garlic suppresses putrefactive processes in the intestines. Garlic is only slightly inferior in effectiveness to antibiotics.

Garlic is toxic to:

  • yeast fungi;
  • Staphylococcus;
  • diphtheria bacillus
  • dysentery
  • bacteria

In addition, garlic

  • Increases immunity
  • Inhibits the development of cancer
  • Removes worms
  • Used for male potency
  • Prevention of heart attack and stroke
There are many recipes for blood cleansing with garlic, and I post the most effective ones:
Tibetan (with garlic and milk)

Cleans from toxins, toxins, cholesterol plaques. Beneficial effect on blood vessels, making them more elastic

  • Garlic - 350 grams
  • Alcohol - 200 grams
  • Milk - a glass of boiled / 3 times a day


We crush the garlic, put it in a dark glass container and pour it with alcohol. We insist this mass at room temperature and in a dark place for 10 days. After everything is infused, squeeze the mass through gauze. It turned out a sticky liquid - we need it.


We mix the right amount with a drop of infusion with a glass of boiled milk and drink.
We drink for 10 days, 3 times a day with main meals.
Start with one drop of infusion, increasing by one drop with each next trick, and then according to the scheme:


  • 1st day: breakfast - 1, lunch - 2, dinner - 3 drops;
  • 2nd day: breakfast - 4, lunch - 5, dinner - 6 drops, etc.;
  • On the fifth day it will reach 15 drops (dinner).

After that we move back:

  • 6th day: breakfast - 15, lunch - 14, dinner - 13 drops;
  • Day 7: breakfast - 12, lunch - 11, dinner - 10 drops, etc.

In total it turns out 10 days. At the end of 10 days, we take the remaining mixture: 25 drops per 50 grams of milk, 3 times a day. So we accept until it ends alcohol infusion garlic.

  • At the end of 10 days, we take the remaining mixture: 25 drops per 50 grams of milk, 3 times a day. So we take until the alcohol infusion of garlic is over.
Grandma's recipe with garlic
  • Garlic - 2 cloves / day
  • Water - 2 glasses / day

Cut one large or two small cloves of garlic into thin layers, put in a glass and pour raw (not boiled) water. We leave a glass of garlic and water to infuse in a dark place from evening to morning. We drink it in the morning. We immediately do this procedure with insisting and leave it from morning to evening. We drink in the evening and do it in the morning. And so in a circle for a month - we drink two glasses a day.

During this month, do not eat garlic and garlic dishes, do not drink alcohol in any form.
According to reviews, this is inexpensive, but very effective, which can not only cleanse blood vessels, but also raise hemoglobin, heal the heart, and improve well-being. There is a case of recovery from cirrhosis of the liver.

Recipe with garlic and lemon juice
  • Peeled garlic - 400 grams
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 800 grams

All this is mixed and infused in a cool place.

They take it like this:
A teaspoon of garlic lemon juice stir in a glass of water and take once a day at night and so on for two weeks.


Nettle perfectly cleanses the blood, saturates the body with vitamins and useful trace elements.
Do not use if you are prone to thrombosis severe atherosclerosis, hypertension, and gynecological diseases.

1 tablespoon of nettle per 0.5 liters of boiling water (you can infuse in a thermos)
Drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks for prevention, or in cycles of 2 weeks after 2 weeks.


Vessel cleaning potato broth(more precisely, a decoction on potato peelings)
The decoction not only perfectly cleanses the vessels, but is also good for the heart. The decoction has practically no contraindications. Do not use green peel!

  • Peel from 4-5 potatoes (medium size, peel not very thin layer)
  1. Wash the cleaning well and put it in a saucepan
  2. Pour half a liter of water
  3. Boil for 15 minutes on low heat
  4. Let cool until warm state and strain

We drink half a glass an hour before meals. Reception course - 2 weeks

What other products cleanse the blood and vessels: pine needles, tea mushroom, celery, burdock root, echinacea, clover, coltsfoot, calendula, beets….

Cleansing the intestines from toxins and toxins

Intestinal contamination test:

We drink 3 tablespoons beetroot juice. Later we observe the color of the urine. If the color has become beet color, then the intestines are slagged and do not absorb substances. This is a call that it's time to clean the intestines.


Excellent and very useful product. There are simply a huge number of recipes with it. Oats are also used for lung diseases, with exhaustion, with quitting smoking, to strengthen the body and increase immunity.
But for our post, oats are of interest because they perfectly cleanse the intestines.

Recipe with oats for colon cleansing
  • Oats - 400 gr

Pour the oats with two liters of water and cook for 40 minutes, stirring constantly with a spoon.
We take 4 times a day for half a glass. There are no special restrictions on the duration of the course, but not less than 2 weeks.


Bran cleans the intestines simply and effectively.
Everything is elementary - you just need to eat 15 minutes before meals, 1-2 tablespoons of bran, be sure to drink mineral water and so 3 times a day.

The intestines are also cleansed by such products: nuts, cereals, fresh juices, kefir, sauerkraut juice.

Liver cleansing

milk thistle

Very useful, but also very thorny plant. Previously, I specially grew it in my garden.
Milk thistle is, first of all, a powerful hepatoprotector, that is, it restores liver cells, cleanses the liver and accelerates the recovery of the organ.

In general, one can write entire dissertations about Milk Thistle and its use in medicine.

Milk thistle properties:

  • antitumor;
  • detoxification;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • epithelizing;
  • wound healing;
  • antiulcer;
  • antioxidant;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • choleretic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • lactogenic;
  • laxative;
  • antiallergic;
  • diuretic
  • restorative

For liver cleansing use: as well as decoctions, and tinctures, oils, elixirs and blends.
Use depending on the recipe: seeds, oil, stems and leaves of milk thistle

In my opinion, a decoction of milk thistle seeds is the most effective for cleansing the liver.
  1. 1 teaspoon of milk thistle seeds, pour a glass of water and close the lid
  2. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes
  3. We infuse the decoction for 15 minutes
  4. We filter

Take half a glass, 2 times a day after meals.

The liver can be cleansed with: apple juice, pine needles, lemon juice, beet kvass, vegetable oil.

Cleansing the kidneys with folk remedies


Not only is it very tasty, but also very useful. Watermelon perfectly cleanses the kidneys, the only important thing is that the watermelon is free of nitrates and all kinds of "rubbish".

There are many watermelon diets and schemes for cleansing the kidneys with watermelon. You can write a lot about watermelon, as it is a diuretic, it drives sand out of the kidneys and even small pebbles (it is carried out in a warm bath). I won’t write much about watermelon, since this topic is worthy of a whole separate post.

The only thing I want to note is that the kidneys perfectly cleanse such products: watermelon, nettle, ginger (wrap), knotweed, St. John's wort.

  • Lymph is the main cleaner of the body at the cellular level. The lymph collects all the waste materials, toxins and wastes from the intercellular space, therefore, to cleanse the body, it is useful to stimulate the production of lymph, as well as increase the lymphatic flow. best way out for this, the application will serve: decoction of coltsfoot, lingonberry leaves, tincture of calendula;
  • During cleansing, the body loses a lot of water with waste substances and salts, so it is necessary to take mineral complexes in parallel with cleansing the body;
  • In addition to herbal remedies during poisoning of the body, it is necessary to use sorbents, for example, activated charcoal;
  • During the cleansing of the body (and the best in general) it is necessary to give up: alcohol, fatty foods, snacks, sugar, meat;
  • Carry out the cleansing procedure from its beginning to the end;
  • If during the cleansing of the body you suddenly begin to feel very bad, if you vomit, fainting, pain or bleeding appear - urgently see a doctor;
  • Read my blog and be healthy!

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