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Blood thinning juices. How to choose the healthiest fruits. What foods are best to avoid?

You will learn a lot from this article useful information, which may help you stop taking blood thinning pills: blood thinning products, indications for dietary nutrition; what to eat to thin the blood without drugs during pregnancy and thrombophlebitis; list of prohibited products.

Signs indicating increased blood viscosity

Let's name diseases that indicate increased viscosity blood. This:

  • thrombophlebitis; ;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • cerebral vascular ischemia; strokes;
  • reception contraception;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension; diabetes;
  • high content of platelets and red blood cells.

People whose age has passed the 45-year mark need to liquefy the substance.

Other factors that come into play with age include:

  • Hard water
  • Frequent stress
  • Smoking, alcohol
  • Uncontrolled intake of herbs: yarrow, corn silk, nettle
  • Climate: summer heat, dry air in the apartment, especially in winter.

Why is it necessary to thin the blood?

To ensure that the blood supplies the body well useful substances, it should not be viscous. The thick substance can lead to blockage of blood vessels. Therefore, reduce blood thickening foods on the table.

These include:

  • bananas, kiwi, spinach;
  • basil, chokeberry, persimmon;
  • fried cutlets, cheese, fatty sausages;
  • smoked meat and fish;
  • canned food;
  • chips, smoked crackers;
  • sparkling water (sweet) and all sweet products.

List of blood thinning products

What products can give the red substance fluidity? Those that contain the amino acid taurine. Let's move on to the characteristics of products that are beneficial for the blood.

  1. Vitamin C needed to increase strength and elasticity blood arteries. Vitamin C is found in rose hips, greens, red and black currants, sea buckthorn, bell peppers, and citrus fruits.
  2. Rutin strengthens capillaries, reduces arterial permeability. Rutin is found in all citrus fruits, black currants, cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, chokeberry. From pharmaceutical drugs Ascorutin is useful. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and veins, and reduces the fragility of capillaries.
  3. Vitamin PP or a nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart, reduces the amount of cholesterol. The largest percentage of this vitamin is found in meat, liver, fish, eggs, and seeds.
  4. Vitamin E keeps blood vessels in good shape. The main sources of the vitamin are vegetable oils: sunflower, corn and cotton. It is recommended to consume oils raw.

Less fatty and canned food, then your blood vessels will be normal.

Why do you need to thin your blood?

To find out if you are at risk for the viscosity of the red substance, you need to take a test. Coagulability of the substance - defensive reaction body. Without it, a person could die with the slightest injury.

By reviewing the tests, the doctor may prescribe necessary medications and dosage. An overdose can lead to severe bleeding.

The importance of blood clotting cannot be underestimated, but there is nothing good in excessive thickening; blood vessels can become clogged and blood clots can form.

If blood begins to circulate poorly throughout the body, a person begins to suffer from headaches, varicose veins appear, and there is a risk of developing a heart attack and stroke.

Cleansing and thinning the blood with folk remedies

Liquefy with folk remedies that have been proven over centuries.

  1. White willow wood rich in natural ascorbic acid. The bark should be poured with water, left to steep, and the decoction should be taken orally.
  2. horse chestnut- a powerful tool for increasing the fluidity of a substance. You need to prepare a tincture from its peel: chop 50 grams of chestnut peel, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, and leave in a dark place for 14 days. Then strain. Drink 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, diluting with a quarter cup warm water.
  3. Garlic. Recipe with garlic: pour 3 medium-sized crushed heads with 0.5 vodka, place in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking once every 3 days. After 14 days, strain and add the same amount of lemon juice to the tincture. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 1 time per day at night.
  4. Ginger root. Grind the ginger root, add a pinch of cinnamon and 1 tsp. green tea. Brew 400 grams of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain, pour in the juice of half a lemon and 1 tsp. honey Take 2 or 3 times during the day.
  5. Healing herbs. Grind and mix the following plants in equal proportions: wormwood, meadowsweet and sweet clover. In the evening, pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with a cup of boiling water. In the morning, strain and drink before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  6. Herbal tea- fireweed, red clover, meadowsweet normalize blood condition.

If the condition worsens, clean the blood!

Recipes for cleansing the circulatory system

You are not sick with anything, but you have no strength, you feel overwhelmed, try to cleanse circulatory system.

Black currant

Cleansing with black currant berries- This is the simplest method of purifying the substance.


  • Take 1 glass of currants
  • Fill with 3 liters of water,
  • Boil for 5 minutes, let it brew
  • Drink during the day without honey or sugar.

Course - 7 days.

Green tea with milk

Perhaps this is the second simplest method. Add a pinch of salt in the morning and honey in the evening.

Calendula and viburnum

This is the most magical remedy.


  • take 50 gr. calendula,
  • pour 3 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, cool,
  • add 1 glass of honey,
  • pour in 2 cups viburnum juice
  • mix everything and put it in the refrigerator.

Every morning, take 0.5 cups of the mixture on an empty stomach.


You will improve your body health if you make this tincture:


  • Half a cup of dandelion with roots and leaves, the same amount of young nettle
  • 1 tbsp. l. calamus root and wormwood herb
  • Pass everything through a meat grinder, pour 0.5 liters. vodka
  • Place in a dark place for 10 days.

Take 1 tsp morning and evening. tincture, diluting it in 50 ml of water.

Garlic mixture

It will cleanse not only the blood, but also the liver.


  • 300 gr. garlic,
  • 0.5 kg cranberries
  • 2 apples,
  • 1 lemon with zest
  • 400 gr. honey

Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, add honey, and put in the refrigerator. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture in the morning and at night for 30 days.

It was the Chinese who were the first to use the medicinal properties of onions. Why don't we follow the advice of the wise Chinese and cleanse ourselves? in a simple way?

Purifying the blood according to their method involves applying an ordinary onion ring to the feet.

We stopped running barefoot on the grass and earth, but on the soles of our feet there are up to 7 thousand nerve endings that are connected to all internal organs! When you apply the rings of the burning medicine to your feet, it will begin to affect nerve endings and revitalize all organs and systems.

How does blood purification occur according to the Chinese method? The main thing is that neither a sauna nor a diet will do as much good for our health as our burning doctor. After a simple procedure, your energy, strength and health will return.

So, let's begin!

Cut the onion into fairly large rings. Then, before going to bed, apply them to your feet and secure them. Then put on socks and leave until morning. The onion will begin to release juice and you will feel a pleasant warmth. This has begun the cleansing process. Do 7 sessions.

How does this happen? Onion juice begins to penetrate through the skin to the nerve endings, and its life-giving acid, which makes us cry, works real magic with the blood.

Onion juice cleanses the blood by killing germs and bacteria through nerve endings.

Dear readers, here are the most available recipes, be sure to use them and recommend them to your family and friends. All recipes have been tested and have already helped many people improve their health.

How to completely and permanently get rid of varicose veins!

Varicose veins cause serious complications and consequences. There is a way that helps to get rid of varicose veins forever...read MORE

Products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels: for varicose veins, preventing the formation of blood clots. What to choose for thrombophlebitis, what is prohibited to use, folk remedies.

Who needs such food products?

Not the right products in combination with venous disease, it can cause an increase in blood viscosity and the formation of blood clots that are dangerous to health. This is why people need to adhere to a certain diet.

Men and women need to periodically clean their blood vessels. at different ages. Especially for those who suffer from varicose veins and excess weight.

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Why thin the blood at all: reasons

There are diseases in which it is simply necessary to thin the blood. This is important for varicose veins, since a natural increase in the content of fibrin protein begins, which leads to the appearance of clots. In its turn regular use blood thinners help strengthen blood vessels and prevent their dilation.

Blood clots have the ability to negatively affect arteries. They settle there, which leads to loss of elasticity. This condition gradually leads to atherosclerosis. Blood may become thicker due to overuse squirrel.

In this case, flakes are formed, which leads to hypertension. A disease such as thrombophlebitis involves inflammation of the veins caused by the formation of blood clots.

Thinning the blood and strengthening the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins

Therapy for varicose veins involves a fairly long course of taking certain medications. The important thing here is not just to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but deal with the root cause. For this purpose, medications are prescribed to thin the blood and strengthen vascular walls.

They help restore venous tone, avoid thrombosis, cope with inflammation and normalize microcirculation.

Drugs such as Aspirin and Curantil help thin the blood. To strengthen the vascular walls, Detralex and Venarus are used. These drugs can be prescribed in combination or separately.

In addition, they can be used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes. Also, people with varicose veins are advised to observe certain restrictions.

For thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis manifests itself in the form of blockage of veins. The disease can also cause certain inflammations. Thrombophlebitis often affects the veins in the lower extremities. In order to prevent complications, you must follow certain rules nutrition.

People suffering from thrombophlebitis are prohibited from eating fried and fatty foods because it leads to education cholesterol plaques. In this case, food should be selected carefully. This helps thin the blood and strengthen the vascular walls.

Products that thin the blood for thrombophlebitis. Be sure to eat dried fruits, vegetables, fruits and grains. Also beneficial properties has red pepper, ginger root, hawthorn, and onion. In addition, you need to take special medications that can not only thin the blood, but also absorb blood clots.

Anticoagulant drugs for stomach ulcers should be selected only under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, aspirin, which is often included in such drugs, is contraindicated.

During pregnancy in women

Blood thickening occurs quite often in pregnant women. This condition can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the organs and the unborn child. In this case, you cannot do without special treatment.

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During pregnancy, you should be very careful when choosing medications. They should only be prescribed by a gynecologist. The most common remedy in this case. It not only thins the blood, but also strengthens blood vessels. In addition, you should follow a special diet.

What is prohibited to consume

Some thicken the blood even more. That is why people with the problem are prohibited from consuming:

  • rich broths;
  • grilled meat;
  • bananas;
  • salo;
  • black currant;
  • baked goods;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • legumes;
  • beef liver;
  • cabbage

Compliance with restrictions helps to thin the blood and accelerate the effect of drug treatment.

Folk remedies, herbs and plants

There are recipes for popular traditional medicine, which help thin the blood and are good for health. Verbena herb is quite effective in this case. You need to pour boiling water over it and take the resulting infusion.

Thrombosis – serious illness, is accompanied by the formation of blood clots in the vessels. The clot can break off and get into the organ, which will cause trouble. The main treatment consists of taking medications and blood thinning products.

To prevent the disease from intensifying, it is important to remember preventive measures and begin treatment at the first symptoms.

Proper nutrition is necessary to prevent disease. It is worth making a habit of drinking a lot of water. The average daily fluid intake per person is three liters in hot weather, two in cold weather. Spicy, fried foods should be excluded from the diet - they contribute to the formation of cholesterol in the blood, this becomes the main reason for blockage of the veins.

What thins the blood and removes thrombosis:

Doctors do not exclude other products from consumption. Meat and fish are required. If you choose meat products, poultry and beef are suitable. Pork can be added to food in small pieces; it is better to opt for lean parts. To thin the blood, you should eat fish. Suitable herring, varieties of red fish, seafood are considered useful.

Steam the products, do not fry them too much, lightly fry them over a fire for taste. You are allowed to drink a little red wine every day before meals - it thins the blood and improves blood circulation. Other alcoholic products are prohibited, especially beer and vodka, which dilate blood vessels for a while and will worsen the patient’s condition, are not recommended.

Blood thinner medications

In case of severe thrombosis, it is necessary drug treatment. The doctor will prescribe treatment after a blood test for clotting.

Properly selected products are only an addition to the main treatment; the body requires active help, a doctor’s prescription is needed, and medications are taken. To prevent thrombosis from developing, surgical intervention is required. IN various cases, stages of the disease, various medications are used:

  1. If there is a risk of acute condition, it is necessary to urgently apply thrombolytic therapy. Aimed at resolving blood clots present in the body. The doctor will prescribe the drugs streptokinase and alteplase. Heparin is used, which has a rapid effect.
  2. If medications are powerless, the operation is performed by a surgeon.

Some patients for a long time suffer varicose veins veins, do not take action to cure the disease; later, varicose veins develop into thrombosis. To avoid the consequences, it is worth carrying out anti-inflammatory therapy, which relieves swelling and inflammation, and restores the flow of blood through the veins. Medicines and special underwear are prescribed, and the patient must consume phlebotonic products.

Prevention of thrombosis and blood thinning

Proper nutrition is as important as medications.

How to thin the blood with folk remedies

With thrombophlebitis, one must not forget about folk methods to thin the blood. Previously, grandmothers prepared special decoctions.

A blood test will show thickening, but will not indicate the cause of this chemical composition, therefore, folk remedies are aimed at improving blood circulation and restoring functions in the body. When using medications, you must be sure that there is no allergic reaction- carry out an allergy test medical drugs. If you have allergies, you can only rely on the old fashioned methods.

  1. Thrombosis is often a disease of pregnant women. In this case, thinning medications may not be suitable; you need to eat right, drink special teas based on nettle and chamomile decoction.
  2. Alcohol tinctures are suitable for thrombosis in the legs. You need to take acacia flowers, add alcohol, leave for a month. Wipe the area where the blood clot forms with the tincture.
  3. Make daily baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  4. To thin the blood, you should use hawthorn tincture. Before going to bed, drink a few drops of tincture; this herb cleanses blood vessels.

Self-treatment is unacceptable. It is necessary to eat the right foods, undergo examination once a year at the clinic, and do not forget to take a blood test for clotting.

Thick blood - everyone has heard this popular expression. But what does it mean? In layman's terms, we're talking about about a change in viscosity: an increase in density and stickiness. This makes it difficult to supply oxygen to individual cells and subsequently remove waste from them.
A person with increased density is at risk of developing blood clots, which can lead to thrombosis, thromboembolism pulmonary artery, myocardial infarction and stroke. What to do?

Natural substances

Nature offers us products that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels, spices and other substances that can help prevent complications that come with increased clotting.
So, what foods thin the blood? A list of the most effective of them is presented below.

  1. Ginger is one of the main herbs of traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. It contains a total of 640 different chemical substances which have a positive effect on thinning and healthy circulation can be consumed in various forms: ginger tea, candied, pickled, raw grated or dried and crushed ginger as a spice (used, for example, in Indian cuisine).
  2. Curry
    Curry contains the substance curcumin, which is also found in turmeric (which is why these 2 spices are very similar in composition and color, as well as in terms of their positive effect on the body). Curry contains salicylates, which prevent blood clots and promote the production of vitamin K.
  3. Folk remedies to thin the blood, instead of Aspirin, the use of cinnamon is suggested. Its consumption is considered the most universal method of preventing the formation of clots using herbal remedies. Cinnamon is a powerful spice that has been used for thousands of years as both a medicine and an ingredient in dishes. According to scientists, we are talking about one of the best antioxidants in the world. Cinnamon can be added to drinks (such as tea or coffee) or to various dishes. This spice has many benefits: only 0.5 tsp. cinnamon has a positive effect on glycemic parameters, digestion and immunity. Cinnamon has the ability to reduce levels of nitric oxide and lipids, which can cause brain disorders, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and other health complications.

  4. Turmeric is known as a plant with anti-inflammatory effects and positive influence on blood thinning due to the content of curcumin. It is used in cooking and also has medicinal properties (turmeric has been used in folk medicine for centuries).

  5. . This plant is believed to have a calming effect gastrointestinal tract. But mint also helps prevent abnormal platelet aggregation by producing salicylates, which affect clotting.

  6. Oregano is used as a spice in cooking, but thanks to its medicinal properties, finds its use as a medicine. TO important properties Oregano, among other things, has the ability to influence blood density.

  7. Paprika is the so-called. “warm spice” that supports and accelerates metabolism. It has been used in folk medicine for many years. In addition, paprika contains salicylate, which is useful in reducing clotting.

  8. Cayenne pepper is a special type of hot red chili pepper. The active ingredient – ​​capsaicin – has many positive effects for health. Cayenne pepper helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis, promotes fibrinolytic activity and reduces factors leading to the formation of blood clots, thereby reducing the risk heart attack or stroke.

  9. Licorice (licorice) is one of the oldest medicines plant origin. Licorice root is used for treatment respiratory diseases and osteoarthritis. Liquorice is also excellent remedy from nausea and others gastrointestinal disorders(eg ulcers). Due to its salicylate content, licorice is also an effective natural blood thinner.

  10. Garlic also helps lower triglyceride levels while increasing levels good cholesterol(HDL). Organically grown garlic tends to contain higher amounts of sulfur, and therefore has stronger healing effects. It is most commonly consumed for its anti-inflammatory effects, but can also be used to prevent cardiovascular disease. Garlic has been scientifically proven to may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis by reducing platelet stickiness. This minimizes the formation of blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of stroke or heart attack.

  11. Onions also contain salicylates, which help reduce clotting.

The following natural substances:

  • bromelain;
  • water;
  • dried fruits (raisins and berries: prunes, cherries);
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin E;
  • ginkgo biloba.

Has a good effect physical activity; eating more Fruits and vegetables help prevent increased blood clotting and the onset of diseases that may lead to the need to take anticoagulant drugs.

Note: Caution must be exercised when using the above substances in conjunction with thinning agents. Always consult your doctor first.


Blood thinning herbs can be used as teas or tinctures.

Herbal teas

  1. Mix 20 g of flowers, leaves of silver birch and fragrant bedstraw. 2 tsp pour 200 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 2 times a day.
  2. Place 2 tsp. dandelion root and leaves in 200 ml of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, leave for 10 minutes. Drink 2 times a day.
  3. Mix 20 g of bark horse chestnut, white willow bark, yarrow and rue tops. 1 tbsp. put the mixture in 300 ml of water, cook for 5 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink a cup 2 times a day.


  1. Horse chestnut tincture:
  2. Grind the ripe fruits, fill the jar/bottle 1/3 with them and fill with alcohol.
  3. Leave for 14 days, shaking the bottle from time to time; After this time, strain.
  4. Take 40 drops 3 times a day after meals.
  5. Ready-made tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  6. In a similar way, prepare a tincture from the root of Soapwort officinalis.


To reduce the risk of thrombosis, you can take blood thinners (after 50 years or at another age - as recommended by your doctor).

  1. Heparin and low molecular weight heparin The drug can be administered into in case of emergency(for example, after a heart attack) or during operations with a high risk of blood clots (orthopedic or gynecological operations). This can only be done parenterally ( active substance the drug bypasses the gastrointestinal tract), usually by injection or infusion directly into a vein. Excessive doses heparin may lead to life-threatening bleeding. Safer than Heparin are its analogues, low molecular weight heparins (for example, Fraxiparin, Enoxaparin, Reviparin), which are used parenterally, by subcutaneous injection. You can use it at home, on your own.

  2. Warfarin inhibits one of the pathways in the coagulation cascade by blocking the production of certain clotting factors in the liver. It is a widely used drug. Its advantage is that it can be taken in tablets; the disadvantage is the slow onset of action (usually several days). Attention! Due to Warfarin's ability to seriously harm the fetus, the drug should not be used during pregnancy!
  3. Antithrombotic drugs – acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin) Aspirin affects platelet function. It is used to prevent blood clots from forming in the arteries. Their formation is associated with atherosclerosis ( vascular disease, caused by the deposition of lipids, in particular cholesterol, in the walls of blood vessels). Antithrombotic drugs are used in long term, are prescribed to patients p, coronary disease heart or peripheral artery disease. In such cases, Aspirin is recommended for thinning the blood; how to take the drug is determined by the attending physician. Typically, the daily dose is 100 mg (usually at noon and always after meals due to the risk of stomach irritation and gastric ulcers).

Bleeding disorders during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman's body, and one of them is represented by a change in the process of clotting.
In some cases, this can lead to miscarriage.

During a healthy pregnancy, there is a slight deviation in the blood balance towards greater coagulability. This is likely to provide women with a natural increased degree of protection against bleeding. But sometimes it happens that this deviation exceeds permissible level.

This condition may be caused by a hereditary predisposition.
Congenital hypercoagulability during pregnancy can cause serious complications, incl. repeated miscarriages.

This is caused by a blockage blood vessels clot in the uterus or placenta, and subsequent insufficient oxygen flow to the fetus.

The problem may be detected during a clotting test using one of modern methods and subsequent appropriate anticoagulation (antiplatelet) therapy.

Attention! Medicines and injections to thin the blood during pregnancy should only be prescribed by a doctor!

What foods increase clotting?

On the contrary, with reduced clotting, you need to pay attention to products that thicken the blood.

The list of which is presented below:

  1. Carbohydrates.
  2. Fats.
  3. Alcohol (in moderation!).
  4. Smoked meats.
  5. Buckwheat.
  6. Bananas.
  7. Potato.
  8. Coffee, strong tea (for example from).
  9. Spinach.
  10. Walnuts.
  11. Coriander.

Some herbs can also significantly increase viscosity:

  • nettle;
  • , valerian;
  • tansy;
  • knotweed;

Before using any medicines, as well as increasing the consumption of certain foods, you should consult your doctor! Self-medication can lead not to an improvement in the condition, but to a worsening of existing problems.

A huge number of mature people are faced with problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Quite often, such violations are associated with certain age-related changes, with natural wear and tear of such organs. And the situation is complicated by the presence in patients with such problems of excessive, which becomes the cause. Correction of such a violation should be carried out under the supervision of qualified specialists, but the use of funds also gives a good effect alternative medicine. Let's look at well-known foods, herbs, blood thinners and blood vessel wall strengtheners in a little more detail.

Products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Blood thinning products

Can thin the blood ordinary water when consumed in significant quantities. Mulberries, figs and garlic, olive and citrus fruits are also characterized by excellent thinning properties. Most berries (especially cranberries, blueberries, and strawberries), beets and pomegranates have similar properties. If the blood viscosity is excessive, you should include seeds, artichoke and ginger in your diet. The menu should also include green beans, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, bell peppers and tomatoes. Helps to cope with excessive blood viscosity different nuts, fresh onions with garlic, celery root, melon, real dark chocolate and quality coffee. Spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, thyme, curry, oregano, mint, etc. are characterized by similar qualities. Wheat germ has excellent blood-thinning properties.

Products that strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Nutritionists say that the most will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. regular products nutrition. Many berries have such properties, especially raspberries. It is also worth including in the diet; it is best to take it two hundred grams per day, without flavoring it with oil. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is recommended to consume various unrefined oils, for example, olive oil, etc. Nutritionists, cardiologists and therapists advise for this purpose to eat soups made from lean beef, lean fish or chicken. Also, a good healing effect that strengthens blood vessels is obtained when brewed with your own hands from high-quality tea leaves, and not from a bag. Apples baked with honey, beets cooked in any form, and prunes have similar properties.

Herbs that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Blood thinning herbs

Herbs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Knotweed and common dandelion (in the form of leaves and roots) also have similar properties. It can also be used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels - in the form of fresh or dry grass.

To strengthen and tone the vascular walls, traditional medicine doctors recommend taking medicines based on verbena, fragrant rue or .

Drugs that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Blood thinning medications

The most common blood thinning medication is. Warfarin is also often the drug of choice for this problem; at the same time, it is cheap and effective. For high blood viscosity, Dabigatran, which is a thrombin inhibitor, is often used; the doctor may also recommend the use of Rivaroxaban, a highly selective factor Xa thrombin inhibitor.

TO known drugs for blood thinning also include Curantil and Excusan. Patients with a tendency to form blood clots can be prescribed Aspecard, which controls platelet formation, and regular. In serious situations, when you need to immediately thin the blood, use Phenilin - a fast-acting remedy that has a lot of contraindications, as well as restrictions on use.

Medicines containing selenium, zinc and lecithin, as well as magnesium preparations and many multivitamin formulations will help cope with excessive blood thickness.

Drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels

For effectively strengthening Doctors often recommend using vascular walls. This medicine contains two main components: ascorbic acid and rutoside. It is often used for complex treatment ailments in which there is a violation of vascular permeability.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the doctor may also recommend taking either Antistax. Rutin can also be used for this purpose.

If there is a need to strengthen the vascular walls in lower limbs, creams or gels are usually used. They may include natural ingredients, in the pharmacy such medicines are presented as “Ginkgo and aloe vera”, “Phlebo-dia-600”, “Foot gel with chestnut extract”, etc.

To maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, the most different means– food, herbs and medicines. Before using them, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies for blood thinning

If the blood is excessively thick, it is worth combining fifty grams of crushed peel removed from horse chestnut fruits with half a liter of vodka. Infuse the medicine for two weeks in a fairly dark place, then strain. Ready product It is recommended to take a teaspoon, dissolving this volume of tincture in a quarter glass of warm water. Take it about half an hour before meals three times a day. The recommended duration of such therapy is three weeks.

To reduce the thickness of the blood, traditional medicine experts advise mixing equal parts mountain arnica, wormwood, medicinal clover and meadowsweet. Grind all the ingredients, mix well together. Brew a tablespoon of the prepared mixture with a glass of just boiled water and leave it overnight in a thermos to infuse. In the morning, strain the finished medicine, divide it into three equal parts and take throughout the day about half an hour before meals. The duration of such treatment is one month.

To reduce blood viscosity, you can prepare a decoction of sweet clover. Brew a teaspoon of crushed plant material with a glass of just boiled water. Bring the product to a boil, then let the medicine brew until it cools. Take half a glass of the prepared drink twice a day.

Traditional medicine specialists also advise using regular cinnamon to thin the blood. Dissolve four teaspoons of this product in a glass of kefir. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach immediately before meals.

Traditional medicine recipes for strengthening the walls of blood vessels

To strengthen the blood vessels of the brain, healers advise preparing three hundred and fifty grams of walnut partitions. Fill in such raw materials pharmaceutical tincture hawthorn and seal tightly with a lid. This medicine should be prepared in a fairly cool and at the same time dark place. Strain it and take one teaspoon three times a day. Total duration such treatment is three weeks.

To strengthen blood vessels in the legs, it is worth preparing an immortelle decoction. To do this, prepare twenty to thirty grams of plant material, chop it and brew it with a glass of boiling water. Boil over low heat for eight to ten minutes. Cover the container with a lid and leave for one hour. Strain the finished medicine and take a third of a glass three times a day.

If you suffer from fragility of blood vessels in the nose, try taking a medicine based on viburnum bark. Such plant materials need to be crushed. Brew a tablespoon of prepared bark with one glass of boiling water. Keep this mixture in a water bath for twenty minutes, then strain and take a tablespoon three times a day.

To improve the health of the cardiovascular system, you can use a variety of means, including herbal medicines.