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Black viburnum medicinal properties and contraindications. How to preserve viburnum juice? Folk recipes from viburnum

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

Hello, friends. We're getting closer and closer to cold winter, and I increasingly want to stock up on real, non-store-bought vitamins that would not only strengthen the body, but also relieve various ailments. The beautiful viburnum is one of these. Today my story is about the native viburnum berry, its beneficial, medicinal properties, contraindications for use and recipes for treating various ailments.

Royal berry for our health

Viburnum has long been growing next to humans. This is one of the sacred plants of the ancient Slavs, the personification feminine. IN Slavic tradition Viburnum with its red berries is a symbol of Kolyada. And we're not talking about Christmas carols now. Kolyada is a pagan Slavic holiday of the winter solstice. It was dedicated to Dazhdbog, and viburnum berries burn on the white snow like “a red sun.”

Nature, which created viburnum, has something to be proud of. All parts of the plant are medicinal raw materials, including berry seeds and roots. A small, beautifully flowering shrub that easily tolerates drought and frost and is not picky about the soil. Viburnum grows even in a swamp! Therefore, it is often used as a soil-protective plant. Berries, bark and leaves are used to dye wool. Viburnum is an excellent honey plant, which is also widely used in cooking.

Viburnum has long been introduced into cultivation; there are many varieties distinguished by large berries, early ripening, and greater decorativeness when flowering. But how medicine It’s better, after all, to use ordinary viburnum, time-tested.

Viburnum berries, medicinal properties and contraindications

The benefits of viburnum for the body cannot be overestimated. Everything this plant produces is used for treatment. Bark, berries, twigs, roots, leaves and even seeds. Viburnum bitterness is good for you! It is thanks to her that red berries are so beneficial for diabetes and heart disease.

Medicinal properties of viburnum, its use in folk medicine in short:

  • Viburnum bark is a general tonic;
  • berries – diaphoretic and antitussive;
  • flowers – effective for skin diseases;
  • the root is an effective remedy for digestive disorders;
  • viburnum seeds - strengthen the cardiovascular system, tone up, can be used as a coffee substitute;
  • leaves – a remedy against furunculosis and skin rashes;
  • viburnum juice – improves immunity, stimulates the endocrine system, and is used as a sedative and anti-allergic agent.

Viburnum is very useful for colds - it is the first vitamin anti-inflammatory agent. Also, healing berries help reduce blood pressure and are natural medicine for hypertensive patients. But the great power of the plant does not end there. The viburnum berry also has many beneficial properties, and folk recipes for treatment will confirm this.

For which diseases is viburnum most effective for treatment:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, joint diseases;
  • goiter, endocrine disorders;
  • female inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  • hemorrhoids, polyps;
  • varicose veins (externally);
  • eczema, dermatitis;
  • eye diseases, including diplopia (split objects);
  • enuresis;
  • colds, coughs, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.


Despite such an impressive list of medicinal properties, viburnum has contraindications for use, which people often do not take into account, taking decoctions and infusions without measure. Any treatment plant should be used with caution, listening to the slightest signals from your body.

Contraindications to the use of viburnum:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • kidney disease;
  • increased blood clotting and thrombophlebitis;
  • gout;
  • uncontrolled use of viburnum is dangerous due to the high content of ascorbic acid.

Traditional medicine recipes

The medicinal properties of viburnum fruits have long been known. Fresh berries are a natural mild laxative, and viburnum tea from dried fruits will help cope with dysbiosis. Viburnum is also a well-known healer of high blood pressure:

♦ To combat coronary disease heart and arrhythmia, you need to take three glasses of fruit and crush them. Place the mixture in three liter jar, pour two liters of boiling water and close with a plastic lid. The infusion should be left for six hours, then strain and add a half-liter jar to the broth good honey. You need to take a third of a glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts a month, after which take a ten-day break

♦ Polyps in the stomach. You need to eat a bunch of plant berries every day. We dissolve each berry for fifteen minutes. Take until complete recovery.

♦ Prevention of hypertensive crisis. You need to take a glass of fruit and pour a liter of it hot water. Boil for ten minutes and strain, adding three tablespoons of honey to the mixture. Drink half a glass three times a day.

♦ For cardiovascular diseases. You need to take one tablespoon each of viburnum, hawthorn and rose hips. Pour the mixture into a glass of water and boil for five minutes, then leave for an hour. Strain and drink in the morning every other day. It is better to apply ten days before winter and spring, during the same period.

♦ With inflammation of the eyelids. We take the berries of the plant and apply it to the eyelids in the morning and evening. After this, you need to wash off the remains of the plant. potato juice. Soon the inflammation will disappear.

Viburnum juice, healthy and priceless

Viburnum juice is universal. It contains more than twenty microelements, among which the most valuable for humans are selenium, potassium and iron. In addition, the juice is rich in vitamins, including group B, vitamin C and P, big amount natural sugars. The rich composition is an excellent foundation for using the beneficial properties of viburnum juice in the treatment of many diseases.

For hypertension, weakness and general malaise, a tonic drink is useful.

  • Take two glasses of viburnum berry juice, fifty grams of dried calendula, a glass of honey and three liters of water. First you need to boil the calendula for five minutes, then leave it to brew for twelve hours. Next, you need to strain the infusion, add viburnum juice and honey, mix thoroughly. The drink is rich in vitamins and is useful for hypertensive patients, as it stabilizes blood pressure.

The beneficial properties of viburnum juice are also manifested in the treatment of bronchitis, colds, and coughs. Also, with chronic ligament failure and hoarseness of the voice, it helps restore its depth and purity.

  • Mix two tablespoons of juice with one spoon of honey, dissolve in light tea (a third of a glass) and take before meals. Do this up to five times a day.

♦ To treat a runny nose, you need to take the juice of the plant and put it in your nose. You need to drip no more than four drops in the morning and evening.

♦ Viburnum juice will be useful for skin problems, rashes, abscesses, boils, if taken with water (1-2 tablespoons per third glass of water) three to four times a day for one to two months.

Juice is prepared from fresh, clean, sorted berries. They are best collected after the first frost. The prepared berries are blanched and crushed using a press. The resulting puree is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:0.5. The mixture is brought to a boil and rolled into a sterile container.

The juice is usually used:

  • As a strengthening agent after operations, chemotherapy and radiation sickness.
  • As a sedative for nervous excitement and hysterical states.
  • As a means of minimizing the manifestations of menopause.
  • For the treatment of edema.
  • To reduce pressure
  • It can be used for skin whitening and as a remover acne.

Vodka or cognac tincture

It has long been common practice among people to infuse medicinal raw materials with alcohol, cognac or vodka. Viburnum was no exception, and for more than a hundred years alcoholic extracts have been used to treat all year round. The beneficial properties of viburnum tincture with vodka, alcohol or cognac are varied. But the tincture is mainly used as a blood pressure-reducing medicine.

How to cook

To prepare this dosage form you will need 500 ml of alcohol (vodka, alcohol or cognac) and 500 g of berries. You should know that the tincture requires the use of exclusively ripe berries. Drying fruits in the oven is allowed. Next, both components are mixed, and the dishes are put away in a dark place, where they are infused for a month. Then the tincture is filtered and poured into a clean container. It is not recommended to change the proportions, since when the proportion of berries increases, the tincture acquires an unpleasant taste and smell. Take the drug one tablespoon during or after meals three times a day.

Cognac-honey tincture with viburnum for blood pressure

She has many positive feedback from hypertensive patients. This medicine is taken one tablespoon during meals. In this case, in addition to cognac and viburnum, honey is added to the recipe. The proportion remains 1:1:1.

Viburnum with honey, beneficial properties and contraindications

Fresh viburnum berries are very useful, but a mixture of viburnum and honey has even better healing capabilities. It is used to treat colds, hypertension, and as a multivitamin tonic. The beneficial properties of viburnum with honey have been tested by more than one generation of people. It is an expectorant and immunostimulant that also improves immunity and strengthens the heart.

♦ The heart is soothed by a 1:1 mixture of crushed berries of the plant and honey. You need to take a tablespoon three times a day.

♦ Recipe for viburnum with honey for blood pressure. It is necessary to take the berries of the plant and rinse them with hot water, and then pass them through a meat grinder. Add honey to the resulting mixture in proportions of one to one and mix thoroughly. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and taken a tablespoon twice a day.

♦ For heart pain, you need to take five hundred grams of viburnum fruits and the same amount of hawthorn fruits. We also add a kilogram of honey and thirty grams of grated propolis to the mixture. Stir well and add two or three apples, which need to be finely chopped. It is better to take the Antonovka variety. Drink one tablespoon three times a day. In this recipe, contraindications, namely hypertension, may prevent the use of the beneficial properties of viburnum with honey, since both viburnum and hawthorn lower blood pressure.

The healing mixture will help with such sensitive issue like hemorrhoids.

  • Hemorrhoidal cones can be cured by applying a paste of the berries of the plant with honey to them. It is better to do the procedure at night.

Also, viburnum with honey will help get rid of tinnitus and headaches.

  • To do this, you can put small linen bags filled with a mixture of berries and honey in your ears. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery.

It’s good to mix not only berries, but also strained viburnum juice with honey.

  • Arthrosis. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink one tablespoon of plant juice with honey, which needs to be diluted in a glass of water. A mixture of juice and honey can be prepared in the fall by passing the berries of the plant through a sieve and mixing the resulting liquid in half with honey.
  • At hemorrhagic vasculitis you need to mix equal amounts of viburnum berry juice, carrot juice and honey. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

A complex recipe for a mixture for the treatment of toxic goiter

  • Diffuse toxic goiter. You need to take half a liter of viburnum juice, three hundred and fifty grams of lemon pulp, two hundred milliliters medical alcohol, two hundred and fifty grams of aloe and one hundred and fifty grams of honey. The aloe plant should be no more than five years old and should not be watered five days before cutting. After cutting, the leaves must be refrigerated for seven days. Next, you need to cut the lemons and remove the seeds from them, and pass the pulp itself through a meat grinder. Everything needs to be mixed in a separate container. Infuse the mixture in a dark bottle in a cool and dark room for a week. Every day the mixture should be shaken, and after the expiration date, take one tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment is carried out until all the tincture is finished and, if necessary, it is repeated again.

You can cook viburnum in honey. This method involves the following: viburnum bunches are dipped in heated honey and then dried in the oven. Such preparations can be stored all winter.

Despite its beneficial properties, viburnum with honey is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure, thrombophlebitis and those who are allergic to bee products.

Viburnum opulus for women

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area are successfully treated with different parts of the plant.

There is a simple recipe for normalizing the cycle using crushed viburnum bark.

  • You need to take 4 teaspoons of crushed bark, add a glass of water and keep on fire for half an hour. Afterwards, strain while still hot and bring boiled water to the original volume. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

The beneficial properties of viburnum berries are used in recipes for the treatment of erosion and mastitis.

  • To treat cervical erosion, you need to mix viburnum berry pulp with onion pulp. Make tampons with this mixture ten times, every other day, for example, on even numbers. On odd days, use sea buckthorn oil for tampons.
  • Purulent mastitis. Take three to four tablespoons of viburnum berries and pour half a liter of boiling water. The broth should be boiled for twenty minutes, after which two hundred and fifty milliliters should be taken in small sips twice a day.

♦ Masks made from viburnum berries perfectly remove brown spots on the face that appear during pregnancy.

Let's move on from the beneficial properties of viburnum for women to contraindications. The plant should not be used during pregnancy. Viburnum phytoestrogens can provoke fetal pathology and lead to premature birth.

Viburnum seeds, benefits and harm

♦ Viburnum seeds powerful antioxidant. They are rich in essential oils and PP vitamins. The benefits of viburnum seeds are obvious, but the harm from them is the same as from the use of viburnum in general.

♦ Bones are useful for heart problems and will help cope with colds.

♦ Swallowing seeds is useful, as they cleanse the body of toxins and help remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.

♦ A decoction of viburnum seeds will cope with headaches and reduce general fatigue.

♦ From dried and ground seeds you can prepare a tonic drink that stimulates intestinal motility.

Viburnum seeds bring not only benefits, but also harm. Like any medicine, they should not be taken thoughtlessly. They are contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, exacerbation of stomach ulcers. If you have low blood pressure, this medicine should be used with caution.

Viburnum for colds, flu and coughs

For colds, viburnum often acts as an additional element in treatment. For example, when coughing, after the patient has been rubbed with pork fat in combination with pine oil, it is good to drink tea with honey, viburnum and lemon. For colds, coughs and flu, viburnum mobilizes the body's defenses and helps to quickly cope with the infection.

♦ For a cold, take one tablespoon of the plant’s flowers and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Let it sit for about ten minutes and add a little juice from the fruit and honey. Drink three to four glasses a day.

♦ For a sore throat, take the berries of the plant and pour a liter of boiling water over them. You need to simmer over low heat for at least fifteen minutes. Strain the entire broth and squeeze out the berries. After this, the entire volume must be brought back to a liter and two tablespoons of honey added to it. You need to drink throughout the day, preferably every hour in small portions. After a day there should be relief.

Viburnum with sugar: how to make it and what is useful in it

The medicinal properties of viburnum are also preserved in fermented berries. If you mix them with sugar, you get a wonderful expectorant that mobilizes the body to fight a cold. This mixture will also significantly reduce blood pressure.

  • Sprinkle the fresh berries of the plant with sugar and leave to brew for a little while. You need to take one tablespoon three times a day.

This berry has a specific taste, so to speak, “for everyone.” But this does not reduce the beneficial properties of viburnum with sugar. In this form the berry becomes plant biostimulant. All useful substances are preserved in the fruits.

How to prepare for the winter

Preparing the healing mixture is extremely simple. Viburnum and sugar are taken in equal proportions and ground using a meat grinder, blender or manually - with a wooden pusher. That's all! Finished product put into a glass container, preferably a small one, sprinkle the puree on top with a layer of sugar to prevent molding, and close with lids. Store pureed viburnum in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

Viburnum bark, medicinal properties

Red viburnum – amazing plant. Even its bark has medicinal properties. It is harvested in the spring and is traditionally used as an astringent and hemostatic agent. It can soothe pain and stop the development of fever.

♦ For neuroses and insomnia, you need to take one teaspoon of crushed plant bark and pour a glass of boiling water over it, putting it on the fire for half an hour. Drink a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

♦ The healing properties of viburnum bark also appear when used externally. Steamed or fresh bark can be used as a basis for compresses and lotions; you can make baths when increased sweating legs

♦ A decoction of viburnum root can relieve cramps and tension in the legs. To do this, pour a tablespoon of crushed root into 250 m of water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. A third of a glass is taken three times a day, before meals.

♦ To treat enuresis, you need to take fifteen plant roots no more than ten centimeters long. Wash the roots in cold water and dry, then put into an enamel container. Pour two liters of water over the roots and simmer for about forty minutes in a water bath. Leave for an hour and drink warm, half a glass three times a day. Small branches of viburnum can also be used. They are crushed and poured with boiling water. Let it brew (about an hour and a half), filter, add 2 tsp. honey and take before meals. By the way, this is a very economical way to use medicinal material. The twigs can be poured with boiling water more than once, kneading them each time.

♦ You can bathe infants in a decoction of viburnum branches, relieving allergy symptoms.

People's amulet

For a long time in Rus', viburnum was considered a special amulet tree. A beautiful bush was compared with girlish beauty, female fidelity and a happy family life. No wonder the housewives tried to place several branches of flowering viburnum in each hut. It was believed that its fragrant color attracted love, which means it would increase the husband’s attention to his wife. In this simple way, our great-grandmothers tried to strengthen family ties or improve relations with their spouse after a quarrel.

Guys who were tired of being single would hang a small bunch of ripe viburnum berries on their caps, thereby letting girls and young women know that their hearts were free for serious relationships.

Kalina protected the house from the “evil” eye and damage, unkind thoughts and black envy of neighbors. Quite often it “bloomed” on homespun towels and tablecloths, embroidered by the caring hand of the housewife. Such patterned panels were hung in a prominent place - in the “red” corner, above front door, above the windows, as if creating a barrier for various evil spirits to enter the house.

The wedding loaf was also often decorated with viburnum, symbolizing love and harmony. People noticed correctly, because even the seeds of the viburnum berry resemble a heart in shape. And if a girl was noticed to be unfaithful to her beloved, they tried to hint to him “that his viburnum is withering” or “leaning towards the wrong oak.” The Slavic people are wise; in such sensitive issues, ordinary villagers found a way to react subtly.


Not everyone likes it specific smell and the taste of this berry. Yes, the plant is clearly not for gourmets. But you must agree, useful and medicinal properties viburnum, an abundance of treatment recipes and a minimum of contraindications makes these fruits truly unique. Remember, dear readers, that the benefits of viburnum for the body are obvious, especially during the season of viruses and colds. Don't pass by the bright red berries - try making a preventative vitamin drink, and the health of the whole family will be your reward.

Health to everyone!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

Red viburnum (ordinary) has always been considered one of the most powerful folk amulets in Rus'. Since ancient times, its juicy grapes personified good health, welfare, helped drive away evil spirits and kept the family hearth. The name of this berry is most often found in Russian folklore - songs, fairy tales, proverbs.

Viburnum is harvested for the winter, delicious and healthy jam is made from it, vitamin-rich fruit drinks are prepared, and used as a filling for pies. The plant occupies an equally important place in folk medicine. Viburnum is a powerful biostimulant that helps a person maintain his youth and excellent health for many years.

Red viburnum: description, composition and photo

Unpretentious, but very beautiful, red viburnum grows throughout the Russian Federation - from Crimea to Siberia. The plant is not demanding on conditions and calmly tolerates climate changes, without suffering from droughts or winter frosts. It grows in the form of a lush shrub, up to 2 m high, or a low tree - up to 4 m. The leaves of viburnum are dark green, wide, coarsely toothed, with 3-5 lobes.

During the flowering period, which falls at the end of spring - beginning of summer, the plant is covered with large white flowers, attracting bees with its aroma, and is a honey plant. In the cold season, viburnum looks no less impressive. Around the end of September, clusters of rich, bright red drupes begin to appear on the branches, which remain on the tree until the following spring.

Without exaggeration, viburnum can be called a record holder for the number of useful compounds. Moreover, they are contained in all parts of the plant:

Bark – rich in tannins, phytoncides, resins, organic acids, phytosterols.

Seeds – almost a third consists of valuable fatty oils.

In the leaves – vitamins A and C, minerals, acetic, valeric, oleic and formic acids were detected.

Berries – the most valuable gift of viburnum. They contain a large number of ascorbic acid (70% more than in citrus fruits), pectins, lipids, saponins, tannins, organic substances, vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Important! Red viburnum is one of those rare plants whose fruits, after the onset of frost, not only do not lose, but are even able to accumulate substances useful to our body.

Useful properties and use in folk medicine

The first mentions of the therapeutic properties of viburnum can be found in herbalists of the 16th century, and today it is one of the most popular plants in herbalism.

Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been very popular in the field of folk treatment: viburnum, lingonberry, ginseng, St. John's wort, lemon balm and many others. When it comes to sour berries, many people first of all remember viburnum. After all, the fruits of this plant actually have a rather specific taste, in which the acid borders on a bitter aftertaste. This puts some off from constant consumption of viburnum, but red viburnum combines two contradictory features: beneficial properties that few would dare to dispute, and a far from sweet taste.

The ancient Slavs knew about the benefits of this plant, and they associated many legends and beliefs with it. Thus, viburnum is a red berry that symbolized the beauty and purity of the fair sex. That is why she was not only present at all wedding tables, but also decorated the bride’s outfit. But if a person strokes the tree itself, he will definitely be happy and lucky. Viburnum gets its name thanks to bright red color, which the berry begins to acquire in early autumn. At the same time, it seems that the berries seem to be heating up under the warm temperatures. sun rays.

Viburnum is classified as a member of the honeysuckle family and has more than a hundred varieties. There are also cultivated varieties that are bred by breeders for various purposes. For example, such a varietal variety as “Buldonezh” has a purely decorative purpose, as it has beautiful snow-white inflorescences big size, but fruits are not formed on such a plant.

The shrub, the berries of which are used in the treatment of many diseases, is called common viburnum and has a height of at least one and a half meters. And in good conditions the plant can even reach four meters in height. At the same time, not only the fruits of viburnum are considered useful, but also the flowers and bark.

Folk healer - viburnum bush

Viburnum viburnum has beneficial properties in such quantities that it can compete with many other gifts of nature. Even in the old days, folk healers associated the use of shrubs with great benefits. To do this, in early spring, the bark is harvested and used:

A decoction of viburnum bark has remarkable antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is quite successfully used for colds and infectious diseases. This folk remedy calms well and reduces the risk of seizures, therefore it is widely used for various nervous disorders.

At the end of spring, viburnum bushes begin to bloom profusely and show the whole world the beauty of their snow-white tassels. These flowers not only attract the eyes of aesthetes, but also have many useful properties. A decoction prepared from flowering tassels of viburnum is used for various bleeding and inflammatory processes. This remedy not only stimulates increased sweating, which is important for colds, but also perfectly increases appetite.

How can you prepare viburnum fruits for future use?

In autumn, beautiful, juicy red berries ripen on the bush. Knowing about the multiple medicinal properties of these fruits, which grow on the bushes for a relatively short period, people have invented several ways through which viburnum can be consumed all year round.

viburnum fruits

Thus, berries can be harvested by drying. Kalina can't stand it very much high temperatures, therefore, it must be dried in conditions where the thermometer does not rise above 50 degrees Celsius. Only then will the berries be able to retain maximum beneficial properties.

Another widely used method of harvesting is freezing viburnum fruits. For this purpose, it is recommended to collect berries in whole clusters and always during their full ripening period. The collected gifts of nature should be placed in the freezer, having previously placed them in a plastic bag. In extreme cold conditions, frozen berries will be just as healthy as fresh ones.

Medicinal properties of viburnum

General use in medical purposes viburnum bush explains the numerous beneficial properties of red viburnum. What exactly are the substances that make this plant so beneficial? Here is a description of the beneficial properties of all the vitamins and minerals contained in viburnum:

Vitamin A

  • increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions;
  • has a positive effect on the condition skin;
  • stimulates the growth and strength of bone tissue, maintains healthy teeth and hair;
  • normalizes all metabolic processes in the body;
  • activates the formation of new cells, thereby slowing down the aging process;
  • improves vision and prevents various eye diseases;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds and burns.

Vitamin C

  • strengthens human immunity;
  • stimulates cell regeneration when the integrity of external and internal tissues is damaged;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • thins the blood and reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • prevents allergic reactions.

Vitamin E

  • participates in metabolism and prevents the destruction of cell membranes;
  • has a preventive effect on the development of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • has a good cosmetic effect: nourishes the skin, has a positive effect on hair and nails.

Vitamin K

  • improves the digestion process;
  • activates brain activity and improves mental abilities;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and muscular system.

Vitamin P

  • increases elasticity and strength blood vessels;
  • helps reduce blood pressure;
  • regulates the activity of the adrenal cortex and the process of urination;
  • has an analgesic effect and prevents the formation of edema.


  • participates in the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues;
  • accompanies the process of hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia.


  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • takes an active part in hematopoiesis;
  • stimulates physical activity and mental abilities;
  • gives strength to bones and teeth.


  • provides positive influence on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • stimulates growth cartilage tissue, thereby preventing the development of osteoporosis and arthritis;
  • improves the body's protective functions.


  • accelerates the process of skin regeneration;
  • participates in the destruction of harmful microorganisms;
  • is a natural immune modulator;
  • improves metabolism.

In addition to the above vitamins and minerals, viburnum contains many other equally useful elements. Thus, it has long been known that viburnum berries are characterized by a high content of organic acids:

  • valerian,
  • vinegar,
  • formic,
  • oil,
  • linoleic and others.

All of them are needed by the body in reasonable quantities. In addition, viburnum bark contains a very important substance - the glycoside viburnin. He imagines invaluable benefits for humans, as it has a remarkable hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Also, the bark, leaves and roots of viburnum contain useful tannins, pectin, essential oils and resins.

viburnum flowers

Such unique composition viburnum fully justifies its widespread use in the treatment of a huge number of diseases and in the prevention of their occurrence. Viburnum is used not only in traditional treatment, but also in officially recognized medicine. After all, the constituent components of these berries are successfully used in the manufacture of many medicines.

How to use viburnum for treatment?

viburnum juice

Over the years, people have discovered more and more new recipes for cooking medicinal products from viburnum. Let's talk about the most common and effective of them.

  1. You can eat viburnum fruits in their original form. Eating small bunches of berries every day will help the heart function properly, as well as reduce swelling. Eating viburnum in this way is only possible during a certain season. Therefore, in the fall, when the bushes are decorated with clusters of berries, do not miss the moment and try to enjoy these tart and sour, but very healthy fruits every day.
  2. Viburnum juice has beneficial properties in the same quantity as the pulp itself. Therefore, many healers very often recommend drinking it in pure form or with added sugar. This way you can alleviate your condition with hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and colitis.
  3. In order to maintain your immunity throughout the year, it is best to use pre-frozen viburnum. To do this, remove the berries from the freezer, pour boiling water over them, and then rub through a sieve. Mix the resulting mass with honey in equal parts. You should take one tablespoon of this medicine every day on an empty stomach.
  4. The combination of viburnum and honey is also useful for diseases respiratory system(bronchitis, pneumonia). Just to do this, the mixture needs to be poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. You need to drink half a glass of this decoction before each meal.
  5. For colds and sore throats, it is recommended to use dried berries. Grind a small amount of them, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a warm place for two to three hours to infuse. After straining, the tincture is ready for use. Drink it in tablespoons three times a day. The same remedy can be used to gargle. If you suffer from disorders gastrointestinal tract, you can regularly drink tea brewed using dried viburnum berries.

red viburnum berries

If according to various reasons bleeding begins, of course, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Together with the remedies recommended by a specialist, an infusion from the bark of the viburnum bush can alleviate your condition. Pour two tablespoons of crushed bark into half a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink the infusion three times a day, 50 ml.

Viburnum seeds also have many advantages: beneficial properties and a healing effect are achieved for many ailments. It is very useful to swallow a dozen viburnum seeds daily. This will help get rid of stones and sand in the body. In this case, the bones should be taken one at a time during the day, and not all at one time. They are also a natural antioxidant and high level are able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. If you eat viburnum berries along with the bone core, you can significantly improve the functioning of your heart.

Kalina is not for everyone

viburnum tincture

Like any other medicine, viburnum berry and contraindications are inseparable from each other.

Thus, the use of viburnum in any form is not recommended for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that these berries contain substances very similar to hormones. And their excess in the body can stimulate premature birth or cause numerous disorders in the unborn baby. People who have low blood pressure or serious diseases of the blood and kidneys should also be careful.

Thus, viburnum is not just a plant, but a unique medicine that will make your life healthy and fulfilling. Therefore, do not neglect these sour red berries. Enjoy the gifts that nature cordially offers you, and be healthy.

Traditional medicine praises viburnum. It is considered an elixir of vigor and health. The healing capabilities of the bush are almost limitless. However, let us turn into skeptics. Let's consider beneficial properties and contraindications of viburnum red as a set of qualities of a single whole. It’s no secret that what helps one person can cause irreparable harm to another.

Red viburnum: beneficial properties

The following are concentrated in different parts of the plant:

  • carotene and ascorbic acid, stimulating immunity;
  • vitamin K, involved in the formation of platelets;
  • higher fatty acids responsible for metabolism;
  • tannins and phytoncides with antimicrobial effects;
  • pectins that bind and neutralize toxins;
  • phytosterols that reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis

Back in Soviet times, in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (formerly VILR, and now VILAR), experiments were carried out using drugs based on viburnum.

And this is what they showed:

  • decoction and infusion of the plant bark stimulate the formation of platelets and reduce blood loss from various kinds wounds and internal bleeding;
  • the ability to stop blood loss was also found in preparations made from flowers and foliage;
  • a decoction of the bark tones the muscles of the uterus, eases painful menstruation;
  • fruit squeeze stimulates the formation and outflow of urine, restores electrolytic balance, dilates blood vessels, increases heart contractions, and lowers blood pressure;
  • infusion of flowers and foliage inhibits the vital activity of staphylococci and other pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora causing skin diseases; lotions successfully extinguish the symptoms of furunculosis, eczema, ulcers, diathesis, hemorrhoids, ringworm and keratosis;
  • the bark and flowers of the shrub are suitable for the prevention of seizures;
  • an infusion of the bark can be used to suppress symptoms of an irritable stomach; tannins bind and compact proteins on the surface of the mucosa, form a protective film that restrains the inflammatory reaction;
  • the berries of the bush have sedative effect, calm down nervous system, stimulate the immune system to fight colds, relax smooth muscles, reduce the severity of pain;
  • at long-term use fruits reduce blood cholesterol levels, promote the elimination of toxins, and restore cardiac function;
  • All parts of the plant are used to treat foot and mouth disease in farm animals.

In folk medicine, viburnum is considered an effective external remedy. From different parts bushes, infusions are prepared for gargling, washing wounds, whitening skin, removing age spots, acne and other rashes.

Viburnum is widely used to treat internal diseases and conditions. It is considered a good anthelmintic, diaphoretic, choleretic, laxative and antitussive.

Used to treat women's diseases, diseases of the stomach and biliary tract. Used as a vitamin stimulant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Viburnum red from pressure

The berries of red viburnum or common viburnum are good for the heart. A mixture of seven plant hydrocarbons - iridoids - was discovered in the fruits, which was initially mistaken for a single complex substance - viburnin.

The bitter taste of the berries is the “merit” of those same iridoids. But this small drawback pales in comparison to the benefits that viburnin can bring.

A mixture of hydrocarbons energizes the heart. It improves the conductivity of electrical impulses. The strength of contractions increases, blood vessels dilate, and blood pressure decreases.

Phytosterols are also involved in adjusting cardiac activity, which prevent excess cholesterol from depositing on the walls of blood vessels. The use of bark infusion has a clear anti-atherosclerotic effect. It is prescribed as an antihypertensive (pressure-lowering) agent for hypertension.

Viburnum for women

Viburnum bark stops uterine bleeding, regardless of the nature of its origin. Whether it is a natural reaction after childbirth or a consequence of any gynecological disease.

A decoction of the bark of young branches is a natural antispasmodic for painful periods. It is effective when heavy menstruation and is able to regulate the cycle.

The plant is rich in plant precursors of sex hormones. It makes menopause easier. Viburnum acts on two fronts at once: it eliminates the emotional component, calms the nerves and improves sleep, and also smoothes out the main physical symptoms.

Benefits for children

Children are treated with decoctions of bark and berries, as well as infusions of flowers. Medicinal extracts are used as external and internal remedies.

Dermatitis and diathesis are moistened with infusion of flowers. The decoction is used to treat the throat for a sore throat. For tonsillitis, wash the nose.

Berry decoction with honey is a strong immunostimulating agent. The drink contains many microelements that help the body cope with the effects of a cold.

An infusion of flowers promotes the separation of phlegm. Serves as a means of getting rid of painful cough, including those provoked by whooping cough.

Red viburnum juice

Viburnum juice is the most concentrated remedy with high antiseptic and anti-inflammatory potential. It is prepared from freshly picked berries. The fruits are removed from the branches after the first frost. Sort out, wash, crush with a wooden masher and pass through a sieve.

The juice relieves runny nose and nasal congestion. It needs to be dripped until complete recovery, 3-4 drops in each nasal passage up to two times a day.

Fresh fruit juice when taken orally improves bile circulation. Treatment of cholangitis ( inflammatory disease bile ducts) is carried out in three stages.

In the first week, three times a day, half an hour before meals, you need to drink a third of a glass of water mixed with one tablespoon of viburnum juice. In the second week, add two, and in the third week, three tablespoons of marc. fresh fruits. In the last week, the mixture is taken four times a day.

For the treatment of acne, boils, eczema, dermatitis, a fresh lotion is prepared. Two tablespoons of pressed fruit juice are dissolved in a glass of clean filtered water. Problem areas are wiped with lotion three times a day for a month.

Viburnum tea is prepared from fresh or thawed berries. It is used during a cold. The drink is rich in vitamin C, which inhibits the onslaught of infection, accelerates recovery, protects cells from the action of viruses, thins the blood, stimulates metabolism and excretion harmful substances from the body.

Viburnum tea is a source of phytoncides and herbal antiseptics. It doesn't just work from the inside. The infusion soothes sore throat, relieves redness and inflammation.

The berries are crushed in glass or enamel containers. Take 50 g of ripe, sorted, washed fruits per glass of boiling water. They are crushed with a wooden masher. Pour boiling water over it. Leave covered until cool.

The drink is filtered and diluted with honey (to taste). Drink warm as an antipyretic and immunostimulant, up to three cups per day.

Red viburnum tincture

The tincture is prepared from fresh young bark. Medicinal raw materials are harvested in early spring before the buds revive. Thin side branches are cut to a length of 10-25 cm. The bark is removed in a whole tube. Darkened, woody areas are removed and discarded.

The prepared raw materials are randomly crushed. Fill with 40% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Infuse for a month in a dark place. Taken for inflammation of hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding And high blood pressure 1-2 tablespoons before meals 2-3 times a day for two or three weeks.


A decoction of flowers is suitable for internal and external use. Regardless of further use, it is prepared in the same way. A spoonful of dry inflorescences is poured into a glass container.

A glass of boiling water is added to it. The mixture is infused in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Then cool and filter.

The flower decoction is used to irrigate ulcers, cuts, boils, eczema, dermatitis spots and acne up to three times a day until a therapeutic effect is achieved.

Take a tablespoon orally three times a day for depression, hysteria, insomnia, hypertension, colds, stomach ulcers, poor bile duct obstruction, kidney disease, and menstrual irregularities.

Berry decoction normalizes blood pressure. Drink half a glass three times a day for two to three weeks.

The fruit remedy is prepared in a water bath. A glass of sorted berries is poured into a liter jar. Pour boiling water almost up to the neck. Simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. Strain and add water to the original volume.

Viburnum berry seeds

Most of fatty acids And essential oils concentrated precisely in the bones. An infusion based on crushed raw materials is used for colds as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory.

The herbal product strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure. Promotes healing of the intestinal mucosa. Used in the treatment of colitis and constipation.

The infusion is prepared by steaming 10-15 crushed seeds with a glass of boiling water. The medicine is cooled for 30 minutes, filtered and taken two tablespoons before meals up to three times a day until noticeable improvements appear.

Bones are also an excellent tonic. The roasted drupes are ground into powder. Packed in jars and brewed instead of regular coffee.

Contraindications to the use of viburnum are directly related to its beneficial properties. Hypotonic patients are not recommended to frequently consume any products made from this plant, as viburnum can sharply reduce blood pressure.

Ingestion may also be unsafe for people prone to blood clots. This is due to the fact that any medicinal elixirs, especially those prepared from the bark, increase blood clotting.

Due to its ability to stimulate diuresis, viburnum is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases associated with impaired salt metabolism.

Any folk remedy is good in moderation. People with special health conditions are generally not recommended to self-medicate. Any problems should be resolved together with the doctor.

What are the benefits of miracle berries for the skin?

Viburnum can bring considerable benefits to any type of epidermis. It is rich in vitamins and many microelements. One small berry is a real treasure for your face. What benefits can this red fruit serve you?

Viburnum provides the skin with:

  • Nutrition;
  • Whitening freckles and age spots;
  • Viburnum is simply irreplaceable for an oily face, as it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Thanks to vitamin C, the epidermis maintains youth, elasticity and firmness;
  • Cleansing and improving skin color;
  • Getting rid of acne and blackheads;
  • Toning.

How to use viburnum on the face?

This berry can be used in a variety of variations (which we will talk about later), but the most productive and common method of use is as a viburnum face mask. There are a lot of recipes for masks with berries, but all of them must be applied under strict conditions.

Rules for using masks:

  • always test the skin on a small area first, the product may cause allergies;
  • Mash the berries thoroughly, discard the seeds and skins;
  • Be sure to cleanse your face before applying the product;
  • The exposure time of any mask with viburnum fruits is no more than 15 minutes. Rinse off the product or plain water, or a decoction of herbs;
  • After removing the mask, apply nourishing cream.

  1. Mask for fatty type skin. You will need 50 gr. grated or pureed viburnum and one egg white. Mix the ingredients and simply apply to the skin. For more visible result add lemon juice or grated zest to the mixture.
  2. Anti-wrinkle mask. Preparing a face mask from viburnum for skin prone to aging is not difficult. Take one spoon of prepared berries, a little quality honey, one yolk and a spoon of olive oil. Mix everything. Apply the mixture to the epidermis and wait for the result. This procedure gives an immediate noticeable effect, toning the face.
  3. Express is a product that improves complexion. 50 gr. mix fruits with 10 g. fat sour cream. Add a few drops of olive or rose oil. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Ready product keep on your face for 15 minutes.
  4. Natural moisturizer. Viburnum for facial skin is a real savior, making dry epidermis saturated with moisture and life. Such masks are universal; women can use them for any skin type. 30 gr. Grind the fruits with 10 g. glycerin, a spoonful of honey, a spoon olive oil and a pinch of flour. The flour used is not wheat, but oatmeal or rice. This mask will saturate you with moisture and even smooth out small wrinkles.
  5. Bleaching. Viburnum face masks can perfectly whiten freckles or reduce pigmentation (if used correctly and regularly). To obtain a natural whitening agent, mix viburnum and sour cream in a 1:1 ratio. That's the whole recipe. Simple, isn't it? But this product is not only whitening, but also nourishing, toning, and moisturizing.
  6. Elimination of acne and inflammation. The simplest way to get rid of acne using viburnum fruits is to simply apply the pureed product to the face. This simple viburnum mask for acne is very effective. When added to puree egg white, You'll get extra food and facial hydration.

How else to use viburnum for skin?

  • To prepare the lotion, take a quarter glass of berry juice, 2 yolks, 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, one spoon of olive oil, one spoon of lemon juice and a spoon of vodka. Mix everything and put it in the refrigerator, where the product will be stored. You need to wipe your face with this lotion every day, then rinse with water.
  • Viburnum juice is also used for the face. It is especially good in the form of ice; it is useful to wipe with such cubes in the morning. The juice from the fruit is good for dry skin, wrinkles and pigmentation. Viburnum for acne in the form of frozen juice is also very effective.

Don’t be lazy to collect and prepare miraculous red berries; they can help you in many situations. Viburnum has long occupied its niche in facial cosmetology, worthy of respect.

Viburnum is a genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs and small trees belonging to the Adoxaceae family. It has more than one and a half hundred species, most of which are common in the northern hemisphere of the planet. The fruits, as well as the bark of this unpretentious shade-tolerant plant, have healing properties and are widely used in folk and official medicine.

In our country, Viburnum is found almost everywhere in temperate and subtropical latitudes, including in the North Caucasus and Siberia. It grows in forests, as well as along the banks of rivers and lakes. Most often here you can find common Viburnum (red), alder-leaved, Buryat and birch-leaved, as well as David's Viburnum.

The leaves of the bush are arranged oppositely; The flowers collected in apical inflorescences are white or pinkish in color. The fruit is a fleshy red drupe berry.

note: Black Viburnum berries should not be eaten as they are poisonous!

The flowering period of viburnum is quite short - it begins at the end of May and ends, as a rule, at the end of the first week of June.

The bark collected during the period of sap flow, as well as leaves, roots and flowers are used as raw materials for the preparation of medicines. They are dried in the open air under a canopy. Healing properties They also have berries that are recommended to be picked after the first frost, which removes the bitter taste from the fruit.

Harvesting fruits should only be done in dry weather. After picking, the berries can be stored dried or frozen, or made into jam. Not all beneficial properties are retained during cooking. It is recommended to slightly wither the Viburnum fruits in the sun, and then dry them in an oven preheated to + 60˚C. Store this raw material for healing decoctions better in bags made of natural fabric.

note: Valuable oil is obtained from Viburnum berries, which is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Biologically active substances of Viburnum

The fruits and other parts of the plant contain the following beneficial substances:

  • carotenoids;
  • glycosides;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins (A, C, E, K, P);
  • tannins;
  • β-sitosterol;
  • trace elements (iron, chromium, calcium, nickel, selenium, etc.).

Healing properties of Viburnum

Viburnum has anti-inflammatory, astringent and bactericidal properties, thanks to the tannins present in its composition. Also, tannins, which are most abundant in the bark of the shrub, help speed up the healing process when ulcerative lesions organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Flowers and fruits are a valuable source of a number of vitamins, so decoctions and infusions of them are indicated for hypovitaminosis, bleeding disorders, anemia (anemia) and to strengthen the body's defenses (immunity). The active substances have a mild calming (sedative) effect, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Kalina's preparations help normalize activity digestive system. Substances contained in all parts of the plant (but mainly in the fruits) have diuretic (diuretic) properties; they lower blood pressure in hypertension and help reduce swelling that occurs against the background of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system. Decoctions have a beneficial effect on organs urinary system(kidneys).

Traditional medicine recommends Kalina for the treatment of a number of “women’s diseases” and disorders, including fibroids and uterine fibroids, copious discharge during menstruation, as well as ( painful menstruation) and “hot flashes” characteristic of the menopause period (menopause).

Important:It is believed that Viburnum decoctions can help even with malignant neoplasms mammary gland, but any traditional methods for treating cancer should only be used in parallel with the ongoing drug therapy or other treatments prescribed by an oncologist.

When should you use Kalina?

Uses of Viburnum bark

Viburnum bark is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • neurasthenia;
  • hysteria;
  • ulcerative damage to the walls of the stomach and duodenum;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diarrhea.

Recipe for bark decoction recommended for nervous diseases and gastritis

Take 15 grams of dried Viburnum bark, add 400 ml of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes, cool, squeeze and add water to the original level. The decoction should be taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Use of fruits

Viburnum fruits are indicated for the following pathologies:

  • convulsive syndrome
  • "cardiac" edema;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • vascular spasms;

It is also recommended to take berry infusion to restore normal immunity and generally strengthen the body during the recovery period after suffering severe somatic diseases. Important: when treating respiratory diseases (in particular bronchitis), it is advisable to add natural honey to the water infusion, which helps to enhance therapeutic effect herbal medicine.

Recipe for infusion of Viburnum berries for swelling and normalization of blood pressure

Take 5 tbsp. spoons of fresh or frozen fruits, grind and pour 600 ml of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, then strain. Take 100 ml of water infusion of fruits 4 times a day (preferably before meals).

Use of Viburnum flowers

Biologically active substances, present in Viburnum flowers, can stimulate gastric secretion and improve blood clotting. An infusion of them is recommended for:

  • hypoacid gastritis, i.e. with low acidity gastric juice;
  • pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • difficulty breathing due to colds.

Recipe for infusion of Viburnum flowers

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of dried flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 15-20 ml (1 tablespoon) after meals 2-3 times a day.

Note:Viburnum berries are characterized by very low calorie content (26 kilocalories per 100 grams). This dietary product recommended for people with overweight and diagnosed obesity.


Viburnum-based products have a number of contraindications:

  • individual hypersensitivity (sensitivity);
  • increased susceptibility to thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gout;
  • artiritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • severe renal failure.

Note:In case of increased acidity and hyperacid gastritis, Viburnum preparations should be taken with caution.

Methods of application

As a rule, herbal medicines based on parts of the plant are prescribed for oral administration. Externally, infusions and decoctions of berries can be used to treat the skin for various rashes, and topically for nosebleeds by soaking tampons with the drug. Freshly squeezed juice of Viburnum fruits should be drunk for liver diseases and bronchial asthma. It is also recommended for rinsing for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth (stomatitis) and throat (sore throat). Treating the skin with juice allows you to as soon as possible get rid of acne (acne).

Viburnum during pregnancy

Women who are carrying a child are recommended to drink Kalina preparations (in particular, its fruits) as a general tonic, as well as to stimulate the process of hematopoiesis. Decoctions help increase the number of red blood cells and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is especially important in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Important: Before starting to take herbal medicines, you must consult with your doctor and perform allergy skin tests!

Side effects of Kalina

After taking decoctions and infusions of Viburnum side effects are observed extremely rarely. In people with hypersensitivity(intolerance) to any active substances contained in parts of the plant, the development of allergic reactions. Increased gastric secretion can cause heartburn. With hypotension, an additional decrease in blood pressure sometimes leads to loss of consciousness.

Application of Viburnum in cosmetology

The biologically active substances of this plant have a tonic, cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin. For cooking cosmetic masks crushed berries are used (preferably fresh), which are mixed with glycerin, honey, oatmeal and vegetable oil. For oily skin, masks made from Viburnum juice mixed with lemon juice and beaten egg white.