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How to get the best honey. The benefits of honey for the human body

How to choose the right honey and find what you need

Autumn has arrived, and with it numerous honey fairs have begun. Here and there, rosy beekeepers offer to purchase a wide variety of varieties of this amazing delicacy: acacia honey, linden honey, clover honey, meadow honey... How can you resist? Which one? And why should you buy different types of honey?

This honey is transparent and almost colorless, however, when it crystallizes, it becomes milky white and resembles cottage cheese with small grains. This honey has an excellent general strengthening effect, saves from insomnia, and is effective for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

This honey is dark. From brown-green with a reddish tint to dark brown. Buckwheat honey is easily recognized by its characteristic aroma and pronounced taste. After crystallization it resembles a mushy mass.

This type of honey contains a lot of iron, amino acids, enzymes and vitamins. Buckwheat honey has a general strengthening effect on the heart, eases the course of cholelithiasis, is useful for anemia, liver diseases and renal failure.

White, light amber, yellowish or even greenish honey with a delicate aroma linden color and a memorable characteristic taste. It crystallizes in 1-2 months, becoming similar to a dough-like mass with small or large grains.

Linden honey has an excellent healing effect in the treatment of burns and purulent wounds. Effective for colds, flu, tracheitis and even treatment bronchial asthma. The secret of this honey is its high bactericidal properties, which make it an indispensable assistant in the fight against inflammation of various origins. Linden honey is considered one of the the best varieties honey, it is also useful for weakening the heart muscle, biliary tract, kidney failure, liver disease, kidney disease and gynecological disorders.

Sunflower honey

This honey is golden in color, very similar to vegetable oil. The aroma and taste are a little harsh, you can even guess the sunflower in them by taste. Honey quickly crystallizes, forming large amber crystals, sometimes with a greenish tint.

Sunflower honey surpasses all other types of honey in terms of vitamin A content, and also has pronounced bactericidal properties.

Honey is usually golden in color, but after crystallization it acquires a yellowish-cream hue. Bees collect it from the large yellow flowers of white mustard (Sinapis alba I.). It is famous for its nutritional and medicinal properties. Recommended for respiratory diseases.

This honey is one of the most premium. It has a light vanilla aroma and a light amber or white color. Sweet clover honey is an excellent antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used for diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. Helps with insomnia, high blood pressure, for neuroses and frequent headaches, is known as a diuretic and laxative.

This honey has a greenish tint and a delicate, slightly tart aroma. Bees make it from nectar, one of the most useful medicinal plants- fireweed or fireweed, which determines its unique beneficial features.

Fireweed honey provides the gods with vitamins, minerals, and contains a lot of vitamin C, so it is considered an excellent remedy for a cold. It is used in the treatment of nervousness, as a soothing, enveloping agent for gastritis with increased acidity and anti-inflammatory, as well as for diseases duodenum And peptic ulcer stomach. Fireweed honey is successfully treated chronic diseases internal organs, sore throat and constipation.

clover honey

This type of honey is considered one of the best light honeys. In the liquid state it is colorless and transparent. When crystallized, it turns into a solid white mass.

Clover honey is good for hypertension and inflammatory processes- it contains a lot of tannins. Effective for liver diseases, diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant. For people suffering from atherosclerosis, clover honey is recommended by doctors. It is also prescribed for blood purification, as this honey has a blood purifying effect.

It has a golden yellow color. This honey is viscous, thick and crystallizes quickly. The aroma and taste are pronounced. Bees obtain this honey from dandelions, which, as you know, bloom twice a year. Therefore, dandelion honey can be found both in the first and in the last pumping.

Dandelion honey has a pronounced antimicrobial effect towards pathogenic microflora intestines, it does not disturb the normal flora. Widely used to treat dysbacteriosis and colitis.

Honeydew honey

Bees produce this type of honey not from flower nectar, but from the sugary secretions of plants or insects. Contrary to the popular belief that honeydew honey is not real, it is worth noting that in the classification it is on a par with ordinary honey.

Now about the benefits of honeydew honey. In terms of carbohydrates, it is significantly superior to flower honey: in addition to fructose and glucose, it contains arabinose, galactose, mannose, and ribose. This honey is also richer in oligosazars.

But that's not all. Honeydew honey is a real storehouse of proteins and amino acids. Moreover, again, it would be useful to note that there are 2-3 times more proteins here than in flower honey.

The color of honeydew honey can be very diverse and depends on the plant from which the bees collected the sugary juice. Honeydew honey collected from larch, for example, will be yellow-golden, from pine - simply yellow, and from spruce or fir - brownish-green.

But as for the sweetness and aroma of honeydew honey, here it is inferior to flower honey. Its aroma is weakly expressed, and the taste is often sour. In terms of viscosity, honeydew honey is 2-3 times higher than its flower counterpart.

Honeydew honey contains 3.5 times more flower nitrogenous protein substances, manganese, iron, cobalt and phosphorus salts and 1.7 times more phytoncides, which have natural antibiotic properties. Especially valuable honey collected in wooded areas of the highlands, in mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Honeydew honey is less acidic and has a higher pH value than flower honey.

Read about the intricacies of pumping honey

The natural diversity of nectar-bearing plants is a stumbling block for connoisseurs of beekeeping products. In an attempt to determine for myself the most best honey they often become victims of counterfeits or unscrupulous sellers selling non-existent exclusive varieties. It is impossible to insure against this, even when purchasing the most expensive honey. After all, often the high price, rarity and ability to heal from all diseases turn out to be marketing ploy to promote ordinary, unremarkable honey. Therefore, when purchasing unusual honey, for example, from New Zealand, it is worth thinking: is it really from there, and is it honey?

After all, such well-known varieties as, or, despite their prevalence, combine all the necessary beneficial properties and have a well-recognized taste and aroma.

Is there a most useful one?

It is impossible to single out the most useful variety: each has a unique combination of properties, provided it is natural.

Of course, the collection region also greatly influences the quality and usefulness: the cleaner the environment and the less human intervention in the nectar processing process, the tastier and healthier the honey.

In this regard, Altai and Siberian apiaries are deservedly valued in Russia. The high culture of beekeeping in these regions guarantees compliance with quality standards, and the environment ensures the products healing properties. Such honey is unlikely to contain unpleasant impurities in the form of salts heavy metals.

Well-recognized and deservedly famous beekeeping products from these regions will satisfy the most sophisticated taste. In terms of usefulness, the forbs of these places can outshine any monofloral variety, but they should not be underestimated:

  • the healing properties of linden blossom embodied in honey are indispensable for colds;
  • sunflower will help cope with any skin problem and radiculitis;
  • buckwheat will compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, tones the body;
  • acacia will cleanse blood vessels and liver, help with blood pressure and nervous disorders With such a variety of beneficial properties, the choice becomes even more difficult.

The shocking truth about honey.

Does appearance matter?

When choosing this or that variety for themselves, some are guided by taste and aroma, while others need a certain consistency or color.

Preference for liquid honey does not always play into your hands when trying to purchase the best variety. Yes, all varieties immediately after pumping have liquid consistency. But as winter approaches, almost all of them change their structure: the current season’s produce necessarily thickens. If jars of uncandied honey appear on store shelves in the fall, this means that it has been subjected to heat treatment, and in this case it is no longer suitable for treatment. Although there are exceptions, for example, acacia, it also thickens throughout the year.

But by the color of honey you can definitely tell about the richness mineral composition: Dark, ranging from dark amber to brown, the product in the jar most likely has a solid list of micro- and macronutrients in its composition and a rich pollen content. This is not necessarily buckwheat; mountain and forest polyfloral varieties are often of this color.

They differ big amount active compounds, and, therefore, a great influence on human body. But they have a significant drawback - they provoke the occurrence of individual intolerance more often than light ones.

Light transparent honey often settles into an almost white mass and has fewer contraindications in application. For example, acacia is considered to be hypoallergenic. However, you still shouldn’t abuse it.

Deciding what kind of honey must be available for the winter must be done individually. The usefulness of dark buckwheat may not coincide with taste preferences: not everyone will understand its special tart taste with a pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste. Especially when it comes to small patients: they would rather prefer the sweet taste of linden.

When choosing the best type of honey for yourself, you need to rely on your own taste: no advice or description can replace personal tasting. Only after trying and comparing, you can choose from a huge variety the only one that you want to have in your constant reserves.

Of course, this can hardly be done in a retail sales network. Honey fairs or a trip directly to the apiary are good for this. However, even in this case, you need to carefully study the certificate of medicinal products so that they bring not only pleasure to the taste, but also benefits to the body.

Since childhood, we know that honey is a storehouse of vitamins. We drank and drink it when we have a cold, add it to tea as a sedative. Even in ancient times this product was considered best assistant For almost all ailments, honey was used as a substitute for gold and money - it is so priceless. There are many varieties of the product, but it is difficult to definitively answer which honey is the healthiest.

Since each variety has its own hidden reserves useful substances. But the fact remains indisputable that for both men and women, sweetness will become a source of milk, oil, citric acid, vitamin PP, C and B9. Each type of product contains about 40 microelements and several dozen amino acids that will be useful for life. important organs- heart and liver.

For women, the product is useful not only for its taste or vitamin properties, but also for its cosmetic effect.

This sweet product often used in the production of creams, lotions and even shampoos. So for women, honey is a source of both internal and external beauty.

And, if in cosmetics Various types of products are used, and sometimes we don’t even know which ones, but several types of sweet products are used to treat female diseases:

  • Mountain variety– it is clear that this product is collected from honey plants that grow in mountainous areas, and therefore this variety will be effective for both colds and diseases endocrine system. Mountain honey is considered one of the best “removers” of toxins and salts. Mountain sweetness is useful for cleansing the body, as well as for stress.
  • clover species– the most delicate and soft honey, which is distinguished by its transparency and bright aroma. This product is useful for gynecological diseases such as fibroids, cervical erosion, endometriosis and mastopathy. Another benefit for women lies in cosmetic products that include the clover variety. It is this honey that can effectively moisturize and nourish the skin.
  • Cellular- most natural product, which comes to us at natural form- in honeycombs. This variety is famous for its rejuvenating effect, as well as its ability to strengthen protective properties body.

In addition, one type of honey can be used both as a disease prevention and to have on hand when you have a cold or for making face masks.

For example, one of the rare products - mountain sweetness, has several properties - it will remove toxins, and will help in the treatment of kidney diseases, and will calm you down after a busy day.

Male power in dark varieties

If women know almost everything about the invaluable properties of honey, then for men this product most often remains only an excellent fighter for immunity against colds.

But this sweet product can relieve impotence, strengthen the body and improve the functioning of the male reproductive and endocrine systems.

For men, this product is a valuable source of microelements that will help make strong body even stronger:

  • Fireweed species– for men this product will be useful in abundance minerals, which have a positive effect on potency. But this is not the most main feature varieties, fireweed honey is considered effective means in the treatment of peptic ulcers and diseases of the duodenum. Also, this particular product can reduce chronic fatigue, if mixed with warm water.
  • Sainfoin– has a bright taste and light amber color. This variety is useful for men because it can enhance sexual function. Also, sainfoin product strengthens capillaries and improves gastrointestinal function. For men the best way consuming honey will become a mixture of carrot juice and sainfoin variety in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Chestnut– the most bitter, but the most beneficial type for men. This honey has a dark amber color and lacks a strong taste, but it has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. The chestnut variety is used for prostatitis, it normalizes blood pressure and relieves inflammatory processes.

The most useful species honey for men are those who have dark color and rich taste. Although such a product is not considered high-grade, it is the one that can improve sexual function, cleanse blood vessels, improve blood circulation and even help in the treatment of prostatitis.

Heart friends - sweet views

Modern research has proven the benefits of honey not only for general strengthening body, but also for the functioning of the heart. Even doctors prescribe this sweet product to their patients as a nutrient for the heart muscle.

Most varieties of sweets are saturated with necessary elements that will strengthen blood vessels, optimize blood circulation and become assistants in efficient work hearts.

These types are considered:

  • Linden honey, which should be primarily consumed by those who have weakened heart muscles.
  • Dandelion is useful for preventing heart disease and hypertension.
  • Field will be necessary for rapid heartbeat and periodic pain in the solar plexus.
  • Bruise honey is useful for cardiovascular diseases, and this variety can also calm neuroses.
  • Hawthorn species is indicated for cardiac arrhythmia, after suffered a heart attack and as a prevention of vascular diseases.
  • Buckwheat variety can strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood composition and normalize blood circulation.

The only thing worth remembering is that any type of sweet is good if consumed in moderation. You should eat honey in small portions - 1 teaspoon three times a day. The product must be diluted in warm water and do not mix it with hot tea, as this may cause hard work heart muscle.

The benefits of honey for the royal organ

The liver is called the queen of the whole body. It is this organ that produces bile, which is necessary for digesting food. Honey is good for the liver because it helps the organ produce bile and optimize metabolic processes.

IN folk medicine The sweet product is used to treat the liver, improve its functions and prevent diseases.

The most effective and acid-rich varieties are:

  • mountain;
  • thistle;
  • lavender;
  • barberry;

If these species are difficult to find, you can use May and dandelion honey to support liver function. It is best to eat a spoonful of the May variety in the morning, washed down with a cup of green tea.

If you have liver disease, traditional healers recommend preparing the following composition: mix dandelion honey, horseradish juice, carrots, beets with lemon juice and three tablespoons of vodka. Use this mixture you need for a month, eating a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

The composition is used for complex liver diseases, but it should not be used as a prophylaxis. In order to strengthen the bile-excreting function of the liver, it is enough to drink a glass of water with May honey 3 times a day. To restore liver function, it is best to mix the sweet product with cottage cheese and royal jelly.

Such simple and affordable varieties as May, linden, and buckwheat honey are considered one of the most effective for colds. True, these species also have rarely encountered competitors - the barberry variety, which is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, heather, which is used for bronchitis, and sweet clover.

The latter type of honey will be good not only for colds, but also for purulent-inflammatory diseases, sore throat and asthma.

  1. Floral (forbs) - distinguished by a beautiful golden-yellow or yellow-brown color, pleasant taste and aroma. Unlike linden and buckwheat honey, it does not crystallize for much longer. For flower honey, which is also called meadow honey, bees collect nectar from various meadow flowers: dandelion, thyme, clover, alfalfa, thyme, sage, bedstraw and many others. Each of the medicinal plants, along with nectar and pollen, gave the bees a particle of their beneficial properties, and they transferred them into sweet, fragrant honey. It really does pack a bouquet of aromas;
  2. Sweet clover - classified as first-class, standard. It comes in white and amber colors (with a golden or green tint), depending on the honey plant. The flavor palette benefits from a variety of colors. You will be able to feel the slight taste of vanilla, the inherent sweetness traditional honey. But it is not cloying at all, but rather pleasant;
  3. Linden is one of the best, high-grade varieties of honey. It has excellent taste properties, is very fragrant, belongs to the light varieties, is usually transparent, or has a slightly yellowish color;
  4. Buckwheat - has a dark shade. This is due high composition minerals. Color can vary from orange to deep brown. Buckwheat honey also tastes different. It is slightly bitter, has a spicy taste and is slightly tart;

It also happens:

  • May honey - collected from plants that bloom at the time early spring. This is young honey with enhanced organoleptic qualities.
  • Comb honey - among all varieties, is considered the most useful honey, containing the maximum amount of bioactive components that are absent in the pumped bee product.
  • White honey - such a healthy delicacy is obtained from nectar collected by bees from plants such as raspberries, sweet clover, white acacia or linden, fireweed.

When purchasing, it is worth considering that cheap honey, regardless of its type, cannot be completely natural and of high quality. To understand which honey is healthier, you need to study in detail the descriptions of honey varieties.

Which honey is better, flower or buckwheat?

Buckwheat honey dark - Brown, tends to crystallize quickly. Distinctive feature Such honey is due to the high content of protein and iron, due to which buckwheat honey is most useful for people with anemia.

Flower honey varies in color from colorless to orange-yellow. Flower honey, unlike buckwheat, it crystallizes more slowly. It has a very beneficial effect on cardiovascular activity and is used to treat gynecological diseases. Flower honey is especially useful for children and the elderly. Used as depressant, removes headache, helps with insomnia, as well as with respiratory diseases.

Which honey is better, linden or flower?

It's fake bee product is considered the most beneficial for the body, since it contains more active substances. But if you want to use a product only because of its taste, then you can safely choose any one that you like best.

To decide which honey to choose medicinal purposes should be based on the type of disease. For example, the linden variety is best for treating colds and treating wounds. This is due to the presence of fernesol, which copes well with bacteria. Flower species are better suited for nervous disorders and for recovery physical strength, since they contain a large number of glucose and vitamin C.

Which honey is healthier, buckwheat or linden?

Buckwheat honey contains the most microelements and vitamins that humans need. However, it has a specific taste and smell that not all people like. Buckwheat honey is recommended for use for stomach problems and anemia.

Linden honey is valued for its pleasant taste, floral aroma of linden and high quality(one of the best varieties). Linden honey has a strong diaphoretic property and helps to quickly bring down a high fever. Therefore, linden honey is very useful for colds.

Fragrant honey is not only a tasty delicacy, but also very useful substance with many healing properties.

The benefits of honey for the body have been known since ancient times. This natural sweetener, rich nutrients. By using it to treat or support normal health, you can forget about medicines. Nectar varieties and their medicinal properties are described in detail in this article.

The benefits of honey for the human body

Honey contains little moisture. At the same time, it is highly acidic, so microorganisms and bacteria die there. And also, when bees process nectar, the enzyme glucose oxidase is produced, which breaks down glucose, which also provides protection.

Hence, finished product can be stored for a long time, and also successfully used in medicine.

How honey affects the body's functioning

Daily use This product and a proper lifestyle provide excellent support to the body. After all, when consumed, the nervous system is strengthened, and the nectar itself is excellent for fighting colds, sinusitis and gastritis (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Main medicinal properties of the product

In addition, it has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial effects. Also used to relieve tissue inflammation. However, it should be borne in mind that this is one of the most powerful allergens, so it should not be included in the diet of young children.

Benefits for men

To maintain a man's health, the use of this product has great importance. For this purpose, various beekeeping products are used - bee bread, pollen, royal jelly. These products help fight adenoma, prostatitis, and problems with potency (Figure 2). Pollen is considered especially useful.

Figure 2. Benefits of the substance for male body

Benefits for women

In the life of every woman there is a period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. For this, all resources are used, which natural nectar helps to maintain (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Medicinal properties product for the female body

During this period, you should also not take medications. They can be replaced with a beekeeping product that can easily cope with colds and other diseases. The rest of the time, consuming this substance strengthens the body. However, during breastfeeding, it is still recommended to exclude such products from the diet, since they can cause severe allergies in a newborn baby.

Benefit of this product for the human body is not limited to prevention and control various diseases. Since ancient times, it has been considered an effective remedy for preserving beauty and youth. It nourishes, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, and also improves hair growth.

Figure 4. Application in cosmetology

Masks, creams and scrubs based on this substance are considered very popular. In the complex of anti-cellulite procedures, massage with this product takes pride of place. In addition, it is used to treat the spine and relieve inflammation (Figure 4).

Which honey is the healthiest? The effect of different varieties on the body

It is very difficult to say which variety is the healthiest, because each has its own specifics and effects on the body (Figure 5). For example, chestnut is useful for gastrointestinal and kidney diseases. Buckwheat - helps with anemia. Black maple helps a woman recover after childbirth.

Note: Nectar from May herbs, as well as buckwheat and linden, is considered especially valuable.

Figure 5. Main varieties of honey and their benefits

But honeycomb nectar is considered the most useful. It also contains pollen, propolis, and wax. In this form, it is practically sterile and retains its properties better. There's another one useful variety- honeycomb nectar, which, in addition to propolis and pollen, also contains wax in the form of caps from honeycombs.

Honey in combs: benefits and harms

The benefits of honey in honeycombs have been proven by practice. Honeycombs represent untouched natural enzymes, essential vitamins and microelements. They are most often used to treat respiratory system(Figure 6).

The simultaneous use of the substance in honeycombs has a good effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. If it is not possible to purchase cells, good effect can be achieved by consuming a tablespoon of the product at each meal.

Figure 6. Benefits and harms of nectar in honeycombs

The benefits of a cellular product have been proven, but what harm can this product cause? It is worth considering that it, like other beekeeping products, can cause severe allergies. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor before use.

Buckwheat: beneficial properties and contraindications

Nowadays, it is common to treat colds with honey. At the same time, opinions differ as to which variety is more effective: buckwheat or flower? To do this, let’s compare the benefits of buckwheat.

Buckwheat variety has dark brown color and crystallizes quickly, with a high content of protein and iron, which is useful for anemia. Floral orange-yellow or colorless. It has a good effect on the heart - vascular system, it is also used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. It brings great benefits to children and the elderly. It is used as a sedative, to relieve headaches, and helps with insomnia and respiratory diseases.

Sweet clover: benefits and harm

It has a vanilla aroma, pale yellow or white color and taste. It crystallizes quickly and is often confused with rapeseed, which has a cloying taste and lacks the taste of vanilla. A product made from white and yellow sweet clover is recommended for lactation. Take it one dessert spoon after meals.

During the period of exacerbation of colds, it is used as an immunomodulatory agent. For bronchitis, pneumonia and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it is taken with radish juice. To get rid of acne and boils, douse with the addition of sweet clover variety to the water, and for problem skin faces are masks.

Note: You can purchase it on specialized websites, fairs or from beekeepers. At the market or in the store, instead of the sweet clover variety, they sell rapeseed variety.

The product is not recommended for allergy sufferers and those with intolerances. legumes, and also do not mix with milk, as this can cause flatulence. The product has a diuretic effect, so you do not need to take it folk remedies based on it before going outside.

Chestnut variety: beneficial properties and contraindications

Increases appetite, improves liver and gall bladder function (Figure 7). It is easily digestible, and its natural substances give strength and energy. It is used for fatigue and weakness. It contains many useful vitamins and microelements, which strengthens the immune system, calms and normalizes the nervous system. Also improving circulatory system and the work of the heart.

Note: Regular use chestnut type for hypertension normalizes blood pressure.

Figure 7. Beneficial properties of chestnut nectar

Diabetics should consult a doctor before using the product. And even harm healthy person can only apply fake nectar.

Linden: beneficial properties

A pale yellow substance that does not crystallize. It is used in the treatment of colds, inflammations Bladder and kidneys, as well as to relieve inflammatory processes.

Diaghilev: beneficial properties

It is considered elite and is distinguished by appearance and consistency. It has a red-brown or greenish color and is distinguished by its specific aroma. Real angelica nectar variety - powerful antiseptic, which is used for inflammatory and bacterial diseases, as well as for food poisoning.

Angelica nectar variety can cause severe allergies and should not be consumed by diabetics or overweight people.


It has a golden yellow color, and during crystallization it becomes fine-grained with a creamy tint and delicate taste. It has high taste qualities.

Note: Willow nectar has antipyretic and antimalarial properties.

In favorable years, bees collect honeydew from the willow, from which honeydew honey is produced. This nectar is dark red in color with a pleasant taste and sour smell. It is dangerous for bees during the wintering period, so it is recommended to collect it before transferring insects to the winter road.

Acacia honey: benefits and harms

This product is classified as a valuable and rare variety due to its high content of antiseptic substances. People widely used it for: conjunctivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, to reduce temperature, for lotions of boils, ulcers. Ointments based on the substance were used for eczema and psoriasis (Figure 8).

Note: It helps well with depression, insomnia, nervous breakdowns. To do this, it is consumed in combination with milk or cottage cheese.

It also helps well with some kidney and liver diseases. Regular use helps reduce blood pressure. In cosmetology, antiseptic and nourishing creams are made on its basis. Mask with acacia nectar and olive oil rejuvenates the skin.

Figure 8. Acacia honey: photo

Rapeseed: benefits and harm

The product is yellowish or white, has a thick consistency and quickly sugars. It is best to store it in a cool, dark place in a tightly sealed container.

When consumed, rapeseed nectar has a good effect on the body. It removes toxins, waste, heavy metal compounds from tissues; helps with irritability and fatigue, depression. It is recommended to use it for stomach or intestinal ulcers; in case of malfunctions of cardio-vascular system. It contains glucose, which the body needs to produce energy, as well as substances that improve hematopoiesis (Figure 9).

Note: When the product begins to be candied, the beneficial properties are completely preserved.

Figure 9. External features and properties of rapeseed nectar variety

When buying liquid nectar, remember that it quickly crystallizes and in order to return it to a liquid state, it is heated and melted. After such procedures, everything is lost healing qualities and a poison is formed that affects the central nervous system.


It is characterized by a bright yellow, light amber or golden color, with a delicate tart taste, sourness and a pleasant aroma.

Natural sunflower nectar crystallizes quickly when opened, while in unopened honeycombs it takes longer.

He has greatest number glucose and the least amount of sugar. It also contains many vitamins and amino acids necessary for normal protein synthesis in the body.

Note: During the crystallization process, natural sunflower nectar forms a hard crust of glucose on the surface, which is used as a dessert and for treatment.

Glucose in the sunflower variety is completely absorbed and passes into the human blood. Daily use natural product will ensure uninterrupted heart function.


It also effectively relieves spasms, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, and has an effect on heart failure, hypertension, and tachycardia. It is used to stop pain during menopause during the restructuring of the body in women. Used to combat colds, sore throat, viral infections. It helps improve bowel function and is also used as a body wrap for weight loss.


It contains many vitamins, so it is used to treat colds and respiratory problems, calm the nerves and strengthen the immune system.

Regular consumption will help relieve chronic fatigue. In addition, it is often used in folk recipes for the treatment of female diseases: ulcers on the cervix, stomatitis, ovarian cysts.

Raspberry nectar variety pure form difficult to find. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to purchase it, do not hesitate to do so.

At what temperature does honey lose its properties?

When exposed high temperatures This product contains substances that negatively affect the nervous system. Therefore, you should not dissolve it in hot milk or tea. In winter, it is also not recommended to buy a liquid product, because this means that it was heated, but it is not known at what temperature.

Honey should not be heated above 40 degrees and should not be allowed to freeze. After all low temperature also changes structure and turns a beneficial substance into poison.

The author of the video tells how to use honey correctly so that it brings benefits.