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The most valuable honey. Which honey is healthier?

Honey is a storehouse of vitamins. It is difficult to find a more affordable, versatile product. Its use in a variety of fields (medicine, body care, hair care), not to mention cooking, has been known since ancient times. What explains the effectiveness of this bee product? First of all - the composition. Honey contains more than 300 useful organic substances, vitamins, and minerals. Among them:

  • microelements (iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc);
  • organic acids;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • polyphenols;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • mineral salts;
  • maltose;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins B, PP, C, H.

The benefits of honey for the body

It acts on the body as a general tonic, tones, improves sleep (for insomnia or restless sleep), reduces aggressiveness, is effective for depression, headaches (migraines), increases resistance to various diseases (primarily colds), has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. Also helps with minor burns or wounds, useful for high cholesterol. Consuming honey is recommended for problems at work digestive system, it improves blood and functioning of cardio-vascular system, reduces the risk of cancer cells. The diet of people suffering from diabetes mellitus(replaces sugar in almost all products).

For heart

In order to strengthen the heart, increase the tone of the body, improve the functioning of organs circulatory system, For human body glucose is needed. In this case, the beekeeping product is simply irreplaceable - it dilates blood vessels, improves blood composition, thereby improving blood flow.

For people with weakened heart muscles, honey is a way to “saturate” the body with what it needs. normal functioning energy. In addition, it helps reduce swelling and lower blood pressure.

For the liver

Nowadays, it is difficult to meet a person who has not had liver problems at least once. There are many reasons for this: poor environment, unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition. The liver is the first one in the body to take the blow and is the only organ that is able to recover. Helps this and regular use honey and other bee products for food. This is possible due to the presence in its composition of a large amount active ingredients, which helps remove toxins and improve bile production.

For hair and face

The effectiveness of using honey for hair and face is explained by its composition and practically healing effect on the human body. Various masks are made on its basis - moisturizing, improving skin tone, refreshing, rejuvenating.

The microelements contained in honey help:

  • give hair shine, silkiness, softness;
  • accelerate hair growth, make it thicker;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • get rid of dandruff;
  • stop excessive hair loss.

This product helps in combating facial skin problems such as:

  • dryness – honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • dullness – makes the skin smoother, softer, gives a healthy appearance;
  • various inflammations (irritation, acne, rashes) - masks based on this product are easily eliminated inflammatory processes and the effect remains for a long time.
  • small (first) wrinkles – rejuvenates the skin.

In addition to the above, honey masks(in combination with other products) help improve blood circulation, accelerate the processes of regeneration and cell restoration.

Contraindications for use

Despite the many advantages and great benefit for the body, honey, like any other product, has a number of contraindications.

  1. First of all, it should not be used by people prone to allergies, because it is a very strong allergen (which is why it is not recommended to be given to small children - up to 2-3 years old).
  2. Since in this product contains a lot of fructose, it can have a bad effect on the pancreas. For people with such problems, it is better to limit its amount in the diet.
  3. At high temperatures (with organ diseases respiratory tract) It is not advisable to take honey - it can cause a deterioration in the body’s condition.
  4. If consumed in excess, it can lead to metabolic disorders and further obesity or, in the worst case, to diabetes.
  5. This product can be stored for a year - after which it cannot be consumed.

Despite the fact that many people prefer to drink tea with honey when they have a cold, it is not recommended to do this - adding honey to hot water(tea), it loses its properties and becomes poisonous.

The most valuable and delicious varieties of honey

It is impossible to say exactly which of the varieties (and there are many of them today) are the most delicious or healthy. But among the most popular and frequently used are the following:

Lime Its main effect is antibacterial. It is effective for various colds, weakened immunity, and decreased body tone. Recommended for problems with the digestive and genitourinary systems.
Buckwheat According to many experts, this variety is one of the most valuable. This is due to the fact that it is used for the prevention and treatment of organs of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), hypertension, anemia; helps with a weakened body (lack of vitamins).
Acacia This type - unlike the others - is the least allergenic, therefore it is allowed for consumption even by small children and people with diabetes.
Donnikovy has a wide range of applications. It is recommended for wound healing (cuts, burns), spasmodic pain; has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect; Recommended even for use by nursing mothers (to increase milk supply).

Beneficial properties for men

It has long been known positive effect from consuming bee products for males. Honey helps with problems with potency, normalizes the functioning of the male reproductive system, and reduces the risk of such an unpleasant phenomenon as impotence.

The most effective and useful for men's health The following types of product are considered:

  • chestnut – helps eliminate various inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • floral – helps normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • so-called Turkish honey (product of Marmaris);
  • Jasmine, marjoram, and orchid are also recommended for use.

For women

This product is widely used in cosmetology (for wraps, masks, creams), medicine (in the treatment gynecological diseases, diseases nervous system), dietetics. Most useful for women's health The following varieties are considered:

  • clover - effective in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system (fibroids, erosion, mastopathy); it also moisturizes well and saturates the skin with nutrients;
  • mountain - used in the treatment of colds and malfunctions endocrine system; removes toxins from the body well and harmful substances, restores the functioning of the nervous system (in case of exhaustion, excessive fatigue);
  • cellular – increases immunity, tone, resistance to infections and diseases; used in masks with a rejuvenating effect.

For children

For children under 2-3 years of age, eating honey is not recommended, since this product is quite allergenic. But further introducing it into the diet (in reasonable quantities) is only beneficial. Acacia is considered the most suitable for use by children (due to minimal risk emergence allergic reactions And useful properties) and linden (to strengthen the immune system, eliminate symptoms of colds) varieties. It is also good to give children Forbs (based on various wildflowers and herbs).

Health Recipes

There are many recipes (known for a long time and modern) based on honey. They have proven their effectiveness and efficiency. Such recipes are used for treatment along with medicines. They are often used as additional funds or at final stage treatment. The most popular are the following recipes.

Honey with cinnamon and lemon for myocardium

For this recipe you need the following ingredients:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • cinnamon - half a stick or a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

To prepare, add cinnamon hot water, let cool to 40 degrees, then add the rest of the ingredients, mix everything well. Take half a glass of the drink on an empty stomach (in the morning) and before bed (an hour after meals).

It is not advisable to take the medicine for those who have stomach problems, exacerbation hypertension, allergy to bee products.

Ischemia mixture

The following mixtures can be used to treat ischemia:

  1. Mix one glass of honey and rose hips well, consume 3 times a day (30 minutes before meals), a teaspoon.
  2. Honey with garlic - for this, take 300 grams of liquid honey, 200 grams of garlic (chopped and crushed), mix the ingredients and leave for 10 days. Regularity of administration: one teaspoon before meals (3 times a day).

Composition for angina pectoris

In order to prepare the medicine, you will need:

  • honey - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs;
  • aloe - 3 leaves.

Rosehip decoction

To prepare the decoction, you should take:

  • rose hips - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 spoons;
  • boiled water - 1 l.

Boil water, add berries, boil for 20 minutes. Then strain the broth, squeeze out the fruits, leaving to infuse for a day. Add honey before use. Drink three times throughout the day.

Nuts with honey

One of the most healthy mixtures. For cooking you should take nuts (you can different types), grind in a blender, add honey (any honey to your taste). Mix well and you can use it.

There is another recipe - take shelled nuts and mix with honey in a 2:1 ratio. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon three times a day (30 minutes before meals).

Face mask recipes

Honey-based face masks make the skin more elastic, soft, moisturize it, add shine, and help with inflammatory processes.

These types of masks are considered the most popular.

With aspirin

  1. Take one aspirin tablet, a teaspoon of honey, a little water (about 30 grams). Everything is mixed and applied to the skin. The result is a calming effect, skin dullness is eliminated, and tone increases. It can be used as a scrub.
  2. 3 tablets, a teaspoon of honey, water (50 grams). The ingredients are mixed. The mixture is applied to the face with light movements and left for 15 minutes. This mask Helps well with acne and redness.


The following recipes are widely used in practice:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice and mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply to a napkin and apply to your face. Duration - 20 minutes. Then wash your face warm water. The mask helps with blackheads, acne, and redness.
  2. Take a lemon (twist together with the peel), add honey (1 tablespoon). Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Rinse everything off with water. This mixture improves skin tone, gives it a healthy color and blush.

Hair masks

Such masks are effective for dandruff, dull hair, excessive dryness, and brittleness. They help make strands thicker and more voluminous. They have a good effect on hair growth and scalp condition.

Based on honey and eggs

To prepare you need to take: one spoon of honey, an egg, mix everything well, apply to your hair. Wrap in a towel. Leave on the strands for half an hour. Wash your hair.

With yeast

Take 2 tablespoons of dry yeast, half a glass of milk (to pour the yeast), a teaspoon of any liquid honey. Everything is mixed and applied to the strands (for 45 minutes). Then the hair is washed with warm water.

Cognac based

For this mixture you will need 0.5 cups of cognac, one tablespoon each of honey and salt. Mix all ingredients and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Apply to the hair and scalp and leave the mask on for one hour. Then the hair is washed.

Mustard-honey mask for hair growth

For the recipe, take 2 tablespoons of mustard, honey, olive oil. Everything is mixed, applied to the hair (duration - from 20 to 40 minutes - depending on the sensations). At the end, wash your hair well.

Honey plus onion to strengthen hair

For this recipe you will need 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey and onion juice; The ingredients are mixed, then the mixture is rubbed into the scalp. Duration - 20 minutes, after which the hair is rinsed with warm water.

With added egg

Such mixtures are good in the fight against the first wrinkles. Popular recipes:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of honey and one egg and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water.
  2. Egg white, honey (tablespoon), 2 tablespoons of plain flour - mix, apply to face and neck (for 20 minutes). Then wash with warm water. If desired, you can apply a light nourishing cream.

Honey is one of the most ancient remedies for beauty and health. It is used in medicine (for the prevention and treatment of diseases of almost all body systems), cosmetology (hair, face, body), dietetics (allowed even in the diet of people on a diet). There are many varieties of it, each of these types is useful and effective. Known healing properties this bee product for women's and men's health. Even children are allowed to eat honey. But besides positive properties, it has contraindications, which must be taken into account before starting treatment or using it as a prophylactic agent.

In contact with

Since childhood, we know that honey is a storehouse of vitamins. We drank and drink it when we have a cold, add it to tea as a sedative. Even in ancient times this product was considered best assistant For almost all ailments, honey was used as a substitute for gold and money - it is so priceless. There are many varieties of the product, but it is difficult to definitively answer which honey is the healthiest.

Since each variety has its own hidden reserves useful substances. But the fact remains indisputable that for both men and women, sweetness will become a source of milk, oil, citric acid, vitamin PP, C and B9. Each type of product contains about 40 microelements and several dozen amino acids that will be useful for life. important organs- heart and liver.

For women, the product is useful not only for its taste or vitamin properties, but also for its cosmetic effect.

This sweet product often used in the production of creams, lotions and even shampoos. So for women, honey is a source of both internal and external beauty.

And, if in cosmetics Various types of products are used, and sometimes we don’t even know which ones, but several types of sweet products are used to treat female diseases:

  • Mountain variety– it is clear that this product is collected from honey plants that grow in mountainous areas, and therefore this variety will be effective both for colds and for diseases of the endocrine system. Mountain honey is considered one of the best “removers” of toxins and salts. Mountain sweetness is useful for cleansing the body, as well as for stress.
  • clover species– the most delicate and soft honey, which is distinguished by its transparency and bright aroma. This product is useful for gynecological diseases such as fibroids, cervical erosion, endometriosis and mastopathy. Another benefit for women lies in cosmetic products that include the clover variety. It is this honey that can effectively moisturize and nourish the skin.
  • Cellular- most natural product, which comes to us at natural form- in honeycombs. This variety is famous for its rejuvenating effect, as well as its ability to strengthen protective properties body.

In addition, one type of honey can be used both as a disease prevention and to have on hand when you have a cold or for making face masks.

For example, one of the rare products - mountain sweetness, has several properties - it will remove toxins, and will help in the treatment of kidney diseases, and will calm you down after a busy day.

Male power in dark varieties

If women know almost everything about the invaluable properties of honey, then for men this product most often remains only an excellent fighter for immunity against colds.

But this sweet product can relieve impotence, strengthen the body and improve the functioning of the male reproductive and endocrine systems.

For men, this product is a valuable source of microelements that will help make strong body even stronger:

  • Fireweed species– for men this product will be useful in abundance minerals, which have a positive effect on potency. But this is not the most main feature varieties, fireweed honey is considered effective means during treatment peptic ulcer and diseases of the duodenum. Also, this particular product can reduce chronic fatigue, if mixed with warm water.
  • Sainfoin– has a bright taste and light amber color. This variety is useful for men because it can enhance sexual function. Also, sainfoin product strengthens capillaries and improves gastrointestinal function. For men the best way consuming honey will become a mixture of carrot juice and sainfoin variety in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Chestnut– the most bitter, but the most beneficial type for men. This honey has a dark amber color and lacks a strong taste, but it has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. The chestnut variety is used for prostatitis, it normalizes blood pressure and relieves inflammatory processes.

The most useful species honey for men are those who have dark color and rich taste. Although such a product is not considered high-grade, it is the one that can improve sexual function, cleanse blood vessels, improve blood circulation and even help in the treatment of prostatitis.

Heart friends - sweet views

Modern research has proven the benefits of honey not only for general strengthening body, but also for the functioning of the heart. Even doctors prescribe such a sweet product to their patients as a nutrient for the heart muscle.

Most varieties of sweets are saturated necessary elements, which will strengthen blood vessels, optimize blood circulation and become assistants in efficient work hearts.

These types are considered:

  • Linden honey, which should be primarily consumed by those who have weakened heart muscles.
  • Dandelion is useful for preventing heart disease and hypertension.
  • Field will be necessary for rapid heartbeat and periodic pain in the solar plexus.
  • Bruise honey is useful for cardiovascular diseases, and this variety can also calm neuroses.
  • Hawthorn species is indicated for cardiac arrhythmia, after suffered a heart attack and as a prevention of vascular diseases.
  • Buckwheat variety can strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood composition and normalize blood circulation.

The only thing worth remembering is that any type of sweet is good if consumed in moderation. You should eat honey in small portions - 1 teaspoon three times a day. The product must be diluted in warm water and do not mix it with hot tea, as this may cause hard work heart muscle.

The benefits of honey for the royal organ

The liver is called the queen of the whole body. It is this organ that produces bile, which is necessary for digesting food. Honey is good for the liver because it helps the organ produce bile and optimize metabolic processes.

IN folk medicine The sweet product is used to treat the liver, improve its functions and prevent diseases.

The most effective and acid-rich varieties are:

  • mountain;
  • thistle;
  • lavender;
  • barberry;

If these species are difficult to find, you can use May and dandelion honey to support liver function. It is best to eat a spoonful of the May variety in the morning, washed down with a cup of green tea.

If you have liver disease, traditional healers It is recommended to prepare the following composition: mix dandelion honey, horseradish juice, carrots, beets with lemon juice and three tablespoons of vodka. Use this mixture you need for a month, eating a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

The composition is used for complex liver diseases, but it should not be used as a prophylaxis. In order to strengthen the bile-excreting function of the liver, it is enough to drink a glass of water with May honey 3 times a day. To restore liver function, it is best to mix the sweet product with cottage cheese and royal jelly.

Such simple and affordable varieties as May, linden, and buckwheat honey are considered one of the most effective for colds. True, these species also have rarely encountered competitors - the barberry variety, which is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, heather, which is used for bronchitis, and sweet clover.

The latter type of honey will be good not only for colds, but also for purulent-inflammatory diseases, sore throat and asthma.

Experienced doctors, good knowledgeable composition honey and its medicinal properties, it is usually recommended to patients, such as the elderly, as well as sick and malnourished people in need of quick recovery strength For the same purpose, it is very useful for athletes to take honey in order to restore expended energy as quickly as possible.

By origin they distinguish honeydew, floral and mixed species honey.

Honeydew honey can be of plant or animal origin.

Honeydew is a sweetish liquid containing sugary substances that are secreted by the leaves and shoots of plants or produced by the glands of some insects.

All insects that secrete honeydew feed on plant juices, so honeydew collected from different insects differs in its composition and properties.

Honeydew honey is thicker than flower honey and has a color from light amber to dark brown (light - collected from coniferous trees, dark – from deciduous). Its aroma is weak and its taste is less pleasant.

Honeydew honey is harmless, but does not have the healing properties of flower honey.


Natural floral Honey is a product of processing flower nectar collected by bees, and therefore its medicinal properties directly depend on the plants from which it was collected.

Acacia honey applies against cough and how antiseptic . White acacia honey in liquid form is almost transparent, has a pleasant taste and smell of acacia flowers.

White clover honey thins the blood, increases blood circulation, relieves inflammation internal organs. Has an expectorant and sedative effect.

Used in the treatment of angina, hypertension, thrombosis coronary vessels, with bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, with an old cough, migraine and insomnia, as well as with menopausal symptoms and as a milk stimulant in nursing mothers.

Sweet clover honey has high taste and delicate aroma. It has a white, sometimes light amber color and a pleasant delicate taste.

Buckwheat honey It has a unique aroma and specific taste that “tickles the throat.” This honey is dark yellow color with a reddish tint.

Upon crystallization, it turns into a fat-like fine-grained or coarse-grained mass. Has nutritious and medicinal properties. Useful for strengthening the heart muscle, preventing and treating ischemia, angina, and heart pain.

This sweet, sticky mixture is not only a pleasant delicacy, but also very But many, unfortunately, associate honey with its use in winter period in combination with hot tea or milk during illness. But the application of this natural product is not limited to just this. This article provides information about which honey is the healthiest of all the different types. It is also described how and for what diseases each variety should be used, using all the power of nature and healing properties. natural properties this product.

The main properties of honey

If you think about it, it is simply impossible to answer the question of what is the healthiest honey. After all, this product in any form is very useful, primarily due to its naturalness. It combines three important properties- antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. In addition, it helps strengthen the body, saturating it with energy and increasing immunity. And if you have diabetes and diets, you can successfully replace sugar components with it in various dishes. Wide Application found honey in cosmetology, being part of medicinal oils, creams and masks. But it’s still worth considering what the healthiest honey is, for example, when treating various diseases. When choosing a product, rely on the information in this article.

Which type of honey is the healthiest?? More details about each

From the general diversity, we can highlight some of them. The most useful ones and their properties are listed below in the table below. Also given external signs by which species differ from each other.

Characteristic external differences

Beneficial features



Transparent light yellow or

Has a bright floral taste.

Increased antibacterial effect.

Treatment of colds, stomach, genitourinary and kidney diseases. Frequent use For local processing purulent wounds and burns.


Golden color. The taste is tart, with a thick aroma. It quickly crystallizes into a coarse-grained mass of yellow color, sometimes with a slightly greenish tint.

Bactericidal properties. Increased content vitamin A.

Benefits for eye diseases. Particular effect on blood properties and blood vessels.

Prevention of colds.


The appearance is transparent, there is almost no color. After thickening it becomes white and fine-grained.

General strengthening agent.

Treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidney and gallbladder diseases. Positive influence for insomnia.

So, are you still in doubt about which honey is the healthiest? Then buy any, but tested for naturalness. It is important that the product is free of foreign sugar, artificial fillers and flavors.

  1. Floral (forbs) - distinguished by a beautiful golden-yellow or yellow-brown color, pleasant taste and aroma. Unlike linden and buckwheat honey, it does not crystallize for much longer. For flower honey, which is also called meadow honey, bees collect nectar from various meadow flowers: dandelion, thyme, clover, alfalfa, thyme, sage, bedstraw and many others. Each of medicinal plants along with nectar and pollen, it gave the bees a particle of its beneficial properties, and they transferred them into sweet fragrant honey. It really does pack a bouquet of aromas;
  2. Sweet clover - classified as first-class, standard. It comes in white and amber colors (with a golden or green tint), depending on the honey plant. The flavor palette benefits from a variety of colors. You will be able to feel the slight taste of vanilla, the inherent sweetness traditional honey. But it is not cloying at all, but rather pleasant;
  3. Linden is one of the best, high-grade varieties of honey. It has excellent taste properties, is very fragrant, belongs to the light varieties, is usually transparent, or has a slightly yellowish color;
  4. Buckwheat - has a dark shade. This is due high composition minerals. Color can vary from orange to deep brown. Buckwheat honey also tastes different. It is slightly bitter, has a spicy taste and is slightly tart;

It also happens:

  • May honey - collected from plants that bloom at the time early spring. This is young honey with enhanced organoleptic qualities.
  • Comb honey - among all varieties is considered the most healthy honey, containing the maximum amount of bioactive components absent in the pumped out bee product.
  • White honey - such a healthy delicacy is obtained from nectar collected by bees from plants such as raspberries, sweet clover, white acacia or linden, fireweed.

When purchasing, it is worth considering that cheap honey, regardless of its type, cannot be completely natural and of high quality. To understand which honey is healthier, you need to study in detail the descriptions of honey varieties.

Which honey is better, flower or buckwheat?

Buckwheat honey dark - Brown, tends to crystallize quickly. Distinctive feature Such honey is due to the high content of protein and iron, due to which buckwheat honey is most useful for people with anemia.

Flower honey varies in color from colorless to orange-yellow. Flower honey, unlike buckwheat, it crystallizes more slowly. It has a very beneficial effect on cardiovascular activity and is used to treat gynecological diseases. Flower honey is especially useful for children and the elderly. Used as depressant, removes headache, helps with insomnia, as well as with respiratory diseases.

Which honey is better, linden or flower?

It's fake bee product is considered the most beneficial for the body, since it contains more active substances. But if you want to use a product only because of its taste, then you can safely choose any one that you like best.

To decide which honey to choose medicinal purposes should be based on the type of disease. For example, the linden variety is best for treating colds and treating wounds. This is due to the presence of fernesol, which copes well with bacteria. Floral species are better suited for nervous disorders and for recovery physical strength, since they contain a large number of glucose and vitamin C.

Which honey is healthier, buckwheat or linden?

Buckwheat honey contains the most microelements and vitamins that humans need. However, it has a specific taste and smell that not all people like. Buckwheat honey is recommended for use for stomach problems and anemia.

Linden honey is valued for its pleasant taste, floral aroma of linden and high quality(one of the best varieties). Linden honey has a strong diaphoretic property and helps to quickly reduce high temperature. Therefore, linden honey is very useful for colds.