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A newborn baby sleeps restlessly and tosses and turns a lot. Additional solution methods. Stages of life accompanied by restless sleep

The fact that a beloved child does not sleep well at night can be heard from almost every parent. Healthy sleep is vital for your baby. It is in a dream that a child grows, strengthens and restores his body and health. However, for some reason, not all crumbs sleep soundly at night, often waking up and demanding the attention of adults. Why does the child sleep poorly at night, what to do and how to deal with it?

Sleep disturbance in a baby can be caused by a variety of reasons. Very often, pediatricians and neurologists, even though infancy baby, carry restless sleep to varieties nervous disorders by prescribing various medications. You should not rush to take medications, because in most cases there is no good reason for this. Perhaps you yourself will be able to establish a baby’s sleep without resorting to measures that are risky for his health. It is important to correctly identify the cause of restful sleep.

Possible reasons why a child does not sleep well.
Having been born, the baby only does what he sleeps, because he quickly gets tired. Each child has his own sleep pattern and it has significant differences from the sleep of an adult. During the first months of life, the baby rests for seventeen hours a day, waking up only when hungry. Night feedings, if the baby needs them (usually up to 6-12 months, but sometimes later (except artificial ones)), are required. Therefore, parents should be ready to meet the needs of the baby at any time of the day. Usually, after the baby has eaten, he sleeps soundly until the next morning feeding. At the fourth month of life, sleep time is reduced to fifteen hours, and after six months, the baby has enough of fourteen hours of sleep.

Among the majority of young and inexperienced mothers, it is widely believed that if in daytime the baby is very little awake, then night sleep will be restless, which is far from the case. We can say that everything happens exactly the opposite. Having a good rest during the day, the baby falls asleep easier and better and sleeps at night. Flaw daytime sleep for the baby results in fatigue, rapid excitability and whims. As a result, at the appointed time of night sleep, the baby is unlikely to fall asleep, and at night his sleep will be disturbing and restless.

Wet diapers, excessive wrapping can also disrupt a baby's restful sleep. Cold and uncomfortable conditions make the baby wake up and call for mom. Today, of course, most mothers cope with this problem perfectly with the help of modern diapers, which make life easier for the parents of the baby.

Another reason that can disrupt a baby's sleep is an unventilated room. Very often, parents, for fear of catching a cold, do not open windows and vents at all to ventilate the room. Meanwhile, the stale air in the baby's room has a negative effect on the baby's sleep, not only at night, but also during the daytime. Therefore, the baby's room should be ventilated at least every two hours. In addition, to improve the baby’s sleep, you should definitely do with him evening walks outdoors. They will calm the nervous system of the baby and will help to strengthen his health.

For some reason, it is believed that babies are sound asleep all the time. However, there are very few of these babies. Most babies under three to six months of age do not sleep well at night, due to the peculiarities of their sleep architecture. During this period, in children, superficial sleep prevails over deep sleep, as a result of which they sleep restlessly at night and often wake up. In the future, depending on individual characteristics, some of the children can fall asleep on their own, while others still need help. However, if you and your child have problems with night sleep in the first year of life, then it is not at all a fact that they will not appear at the age of one and a half to three years. It is this period that is the second difficult stage in which sleep disorders occur. This period is characterized by the emergence of various fears in children (fear of the dark, unreal book or cartoon characters, etc.), the manifestation of which, among other things, occurs in nightmares. At the age of five or seven, children have thoughts of death. As a rule, they do not openly talk about this with their parents, since this phenomenon is presented to them as something incomprehensible and mysterious. But if during this period a loss occurs in the family loved one, children experience everything at a deep level, although at the same time they do not show or show it outwardly. In some cases, falling asleep itself begins to be associated in children at a subconscious level with the moment of death. At an older age, children develop a fear of the elements, which is even more inflamed against the background of disaster films shown on TV about earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires, etc. At the age of seven, when school begins, children have a different kind of fear: fear of an unsatisfactory answer in the lesson, the teacher’s remarks, negative attitude classmates, etc. The child is afraid of appearing ridiculous, weak, or stupid. If at this moment the parents do not help him in overcoming these fears, then the fear will be fixed, against the background of which problems with sleep will develop. He will subconsciously delay the moment (to do homework until late, watch TV, etc.) when he needs to go to bed, because in the morning he will have a school nightmare again.

The child can sleep restlessly at night simply because he is tormented by nightmares, as a result of which he often wakes up suddenly. It has been proven that even in the womb, from the 25-30th week of pregnancy, children dream. The reasons for the occurrence of such dreams are unknown, just as it is not known what exactly they dream about and what effect this has on their development. According to one of the many theories, these dreams are a gene memory that provides brain loading. necessary information and develops feelings and thinking. Poor sleep can cause physical and mental development child.

Sleep problems at night in a baby can occur against the background of insufficient energy expenditure during the day, as a result of which he gets tired a little. Without exception, all children are very active and mobile. To make them tired, you will have to make a lot of efforts, and one game of cars or dolls here will not get rid of parents.

Very often, problems with sleep at night occur in children with increased needs. Such children require a special approach to themselves, regardless of age. In the first year of life, they do not know how to relax and fall asleep on their own, and as they get older, they still sleep restlessly due to excessive impressionability and frequent nightmares.

A restless sleep in a baby may also indicate that something hurts him. To do this, you need to establish the cause and try to eliminate it. The most common cause of restless night sleep in a child of the first year of life is abdominal pain that appears in the third week after birth. For some children, this phenomenon goes away after about two months, and for some it will continue for up to four to five months. No one can accurately name the cause of colic in infants. Presumably, cow's milk contributes to this. This usually applies to children who are breastfeeding whose mothers daily consume more than half a liter cow's milk. Another cause of infantile colic is allegedly cited as the composition of infant formula.

Other causes of a restless night's sleep in a child may be teething, rickets or vitamin deficiency, neurological disorders, otitis media or ear disease, weather changes in weather-dependent children, dysbacteriosis, influenza, meningitis, high fever (38-40 degrees), pinworms (which poison the nervous system of the baby with toxins).

Sleep disorders can be congenital in nature, due to diseases of the nervous system (encephalopathy). Gynecological diseases in women during pregnancy can provoke their development, bad habits, as well as constant stress and overexertion.

Poor sleep in children at night may be a reaction to any major changes in his life. In particular, this may be a change of residence, the appearance of another child in the family, or the child began to sleep separately from his parents. Experiences associated with such events can negatively affect the quality of sleep.

Mistakes made by parents themselves in the process of raising children can also cause restless sleep. For example, when parents put their baby to bed every day in different time(non-compliance with the regimen), noisy games before bedtime, raising your voice to a child or screaming, etc.

Very often, allergic reactions to salicylates contained in aspirin lead to sleep disturbance in a child. food additives(dye E 102) and some vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, citrus fruits, raspberries). Eliminating this factor from the diet of a baby or mother (depending on age) restores sleep very quickly. However, before changing your own diet or introducing something into your child's diet, you should consult a pediatrician.

Brain tumors can also cause bad sleep in children.

What to do?
The main thing that every mother needs to learn is to protect and protect the baby's sleep. Don't wake your baby up just because it's feeding time. Believe me, nothing will happen to him if he is hungry for an extra thirty or forty minutes. But he wakes up on his own and will be much calmer. Gradually, you will develop your own feeding schedule, focusing on the baby.

It is also worth noting that it is not necessary to keep silence during the baby’s sleep, walk on tiptoe, and talk in a whisper. The more extraneous noise in the room, the better and stronger the baby's sleep will be. Speaking of noise, of course, we are not talking about beating drums, loud music, etc. You can just, as usual, go about your business, talking in an undertone.

Before going to bed, the child should be fed, watered, clean and dry. After all, the presence of such problems does not allow the baby to sleep, he cries, gets nervous, often wakes up. The absence of these factors will calm the baby and ensure good sleep.

Establishing and accustoming the child to a certain regimen is also the primary task of the parent. By about a month and a half, the baby begins to understand when it is day and when it is night. It is during this period that the correct mode to help him navigate. In the first year of life, the baby wakes up at night for feeding, which is recommended to be carried out in complete silence, with the dim lighting of a night lamp. You don't need to talk to the baby. But during the day, on the contrary, feeding time can be made more emotional. You can talk to the baby, pet him, kiss him, tell stories, etc. This will fix in the memory of the baby that you can play during the day and sleep at night. In addition, the time when you put the child to bed should be the same. It cannot be broken. It is necessary to plan your daily routine in such a way that no matter what, the baby goes to bed on time.

The baby's room, as noted above, should be thoroughly and constantly ventilated, always before going to bed. In addition, in the room where the crib stands, you should daily carry out wet cleaning, monitor cleanliness and freshness. It is recommended to remove foreign objects from the room, especially those that absorb a lot of dust. Of great importance is the crib, bed, night pajamas - everything should be made from natural materials and have neutral and discreet colors. In addition, the room should also not contain any annoying or “scary” shadow-forming objects during night lighting. The immediate location of the room where the child lives is of paramount importance. Agree, if there is a night restaurant under the windows, and an elevator is constantly making noise behind the wall, then even an adult’s sleep is unlikely to be calm, not to mention children.

From the first days of life, teach your baby to fall asleep on their own. Many pediatricians do not recommend giving a pacifier, rocking, carrying, or putting to sleep on your bed. However, some are not at all against such methods of calming the baby. Each parent, of course, chooses tactics for himself, just remember that the child gets used to everything. Therefore, when choosing a way to calm the baby, be prepared that this will have to be done constantly.

From the first days of life, develop in a child correct associations falling asleep, which refers to the situations and conditions under which he is accustomed to falling asleep. You should develop the habit of self-soothing and falling asleep in your child during the night awakening. In this, a favorite toy placed nearby, the muffled light of a night lamp, can help him. If a baby learns to suck a nipple before going to bed or be on mom's swinging arms, he will always demand this until he gets it.

So that the child does not have sleep disturbances against the background of overexcitation, it is necessary to exclude active games, watching TV, computer, any kind of emotional upheaval two hours before bedtime. New toy, the news that everyone goes to the circus on the day off, etc. all this is better to postpone until the morning, so as not to excite him. Everyone and everything in the house should be conducive to sleep. No quarrels, punishing the baby before bedtime or showdown. The child should go to bed in a good mood, relaxed, he should not worry or worry about anything. If it so happened that you scolded the child for something or shouted for disobedience, be sure to make peace with him before going to bed.

It is very important to put the baby to sleep always in the same mood. Probably, many mothers have noticed that when they are excited, anxious or upset about something, the child falls asleep for a long time. This is a proven fact, children feel the state of the mother and experience it with her.

Try to follow the evening ritual of going to bed the same way every day. It happens that you urgently need to hurry somewhere or you are just tired, so in a hurry you missed something and did not do what you traditionally do before going to bed. The child will definitely catch this, and it is on this day that he will fall asleep for an infinitely long time. Therefore, it is very important to put the child down every day in the same way: calmly, measuredly, clearly observing the established sequence of actions.

The correct behavior of mommy at night is also of great importance. If the baby woke up at night and does not want to sleep in any way, you should not shout at him, this has an exciting effect on the baby, as a result of which the dream passes completely. Also, do not run to him at the first rustle or call, he must independently learn to fall asleep again without your help. It is precisely because they have been taught this way that the child wakes up several times a night and calls for his mother. To wean him from this, you can use one of the methods: when the child wakes up, do not rush and immediately approach him, wait a little time, and each time this time period should be increased. First, three minutes after the first call, then after five, six, seven, etc. In the end, he will understand that at this time he should sleep, and not call his mother. According to experts, this will take about two weeks. But since all children are different, this method cannot suit everyone without exception. In any case, this method can be applied no earlier than six months. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that the child is not wet and does not want, for example, to drink, whether it is cold or hot.

To improve sleep, it is not recommended to feed the child later than an hour and a half before bedtime. At the same time, dinner should be light and consist of a non-protein meal. In addition, you should not give a lot of drink to the child at night, in this case there will definitely not be a restful sleep.

At the expense of feeding babies, then, according to many pediatricians, from the age of three months a child can do without food and drink for six hours. Even waking up at night for feeding, they easily then fall asleep again. According to doctors, from the age of six months, the baby must be taught to uninterrupted night sleep, otherwise they will ask for breasts, a bottle of formula or water for a very long time. However, it is worth considering here individual characteristics children. There are children who do not wake up at night because their body does not feel the need for night feedings. And there are children who, in this way, try to make up for the lack of maternal attention that they experience during the day.

Children's fears and experiences that disturb sleep, parents should help overcome. If a child is afraid and needs you, do not dismiss him with the words “shame on you, because you are already big” and the like. Trust your child. If suddenly he asked you to lie down with him in his room, although before that there was no fear of being alone, help him survive all the fears, be there.

If the cause of poor sleep lies in the child's illness, this should not be surprising. As treatment progresses, sleep will also return. If it’s not a common illness (flu, dysbacteriosis, rickets, colic, teeth), you should consult a doctor, since sleep disturbance can indicate nervous disorders.

Folk remedies that improve sleep.
Add a teaspoon of dill juice and the same amount of honey to a glass of milk. Give to children in a warm form, a teaspoon after a meal. Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than a day, at room temperature - no more than half an hour.

At the head of the child, put a valerian root wrapped in gauze.

Pour one dessert spoon of chamomile flowers into 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew overnight. Then strain the infusion and give the child a teaspoon after meals five to six times a day.

Grind fresh dill, take a tablespoon and pour two glasses of water. You can use dill seeds. Infuse the mixture, strain and give children a teaspoon at night.

In conclusion, I want to note that waking up at night is normal for a child. The only thing that matters is the number of cases per night and how the baby falls asleep after that. Basically, if the child is healthy and the parents are doing everything right, there are no problems with sleep. Health to your children and sound sleep!

"Golden" infant sleep is the dream of every parent. After all, when a baby sleeps a lot and soundly, he grows and develops quickly, and at the same time he gets sick a little. Moreover, a child who sleeps sweetly at night is a guarantee of the mother's mental balance, and hence the well-being of the whole family. How should you behave with your child during the day so that he sleeps well at night?

Strong children's sleep- the key to a happy parenthood. After all, while the baby is sleeping sweetly and deeply in his crib, his mom and dad can enjoy not only a good rest, but also each other ...

What to do during the day if the child does not sleep well at night?

How the baby will sleep at night directly depends on how he spent his day. Under the same circumstances, the same child sleeps "without hind legs- firmly, for a long time, without worrying and without waking up for night feeding. And in a different situation, he falls asleep hard and “with concerts”, tosses and turns a lot, grunts and moans, wakes up in the middle of the night and cries “requires mom” ... Sometimes the reason for this is the baby’s well-being: he can sleep badly from stomach pain or from hunger. Often, babies do not sleep well on the days when they have. But if the baby is healthy and full, he does not have any problems with the stool, and there are no suspicions of a new tooth, then the reason for his poor and restless sleep most likely lies in the fact that he did not spend the day actively enough.

In order for the baby to sleep soundly at night, he needs to be “rolled out” during the day - he must be physically tired by the evening, spend energy. You can do this in two ways:

  • the baby can be loaded with physical activity
  • or “saturate” with emotional stress

Physical activity day and evening, just before and - this is an almost one hundred percent guarantee of sound sleep. If the baby is already crawling, sitting down or even walking - crawl, sit down and walk with him, make him move. If the baby is still very tiny and its range motor activity not large - use as physical activity massage, swimming (bathing in a large bath) and gymnastics.

Emotional loads"work" individually - active communication with other relatives or children, any, etc. can both tire the baby, providing him deep sleep until the morning, and exactly the opposite - in earnest "walk" it, giving you a sleepless night, infantile whims and crying. It often happens that a child does not sleep well at night just after an overly emotional day. Therefore, it makes sense to experiment with loads of this kind - one or two times is more than enough for you to make a verdict: emotional overexcitation excites and tones your child, or vice versa - tires and “lulls” him.

If the child does not sleep well at night, consider starting a ritual of nightly walks. Often, babies fall asleep so soundly in the open air that they are then able to sleep soundly most of the night ...

Does a small child sleep badly? Think of yourself!

Many parents mistakenly believe that one of the first reasons why a child does not sleep well (especially at night) is that the time for motion sickness is not chosen correctly. Actually it is not. There is no strictly defined time for rocking children and preparing them for sleep - while the baby is not yet attending any institutions (kindergarten, school, etc.), his regime, including the time of falling asleep and waking up, is subordinated exclusively to the interests of the family .

If it is convenient for you that the baby falls asleep at midnight and wakes up at nine or ten in the morning, then put him to bed at midnight. And if it’s more comfortable for you personally, for the whole family to go to bed at 22:00, and get up at 6-7 in the morning - exactly at 22:00.

It is clear that while the baby is still quite tiny (which means that he needs night feeding, and), then whatever one may say, but at night you will have to jump up to the crib, and more than once. However, if you know, then these nightly forced vigils will not be a big problem for you. But already after 4-5 months it is absolutely realistic to achieve a situation in which the baby will sleep soundly all night, falling asleep at the same time exactly when it is convenient for the whole family.

What to do if the child does not sleep well at night: the rules of sound children's sleep

So, in order for the child to sleep soundly at night, he needs to provide the following conditions:

  • 1 The afternoon and evening should be the most dynamic physical activity(emotional - in question, and physical - without a doubt).
  • 2 Two to three hours before bedtime - organize a walk in the fresh air.
  • 3 An hour and a half before bedtime - cool bathing (30-40 minutes).
  • 4 Half an hour before bedtime - a hearty "dinner".
  • 5 The climate in the nursery should be cool and humid: temperature 18-19 ° C, humidity about 60-70%.

If the child not only sleeps badly at night, but also finds it difficult to fall asleep, come up with and fix a kind of ritual release: sing him the same lullaby every time, or play the same quiet, smooth melody while rocking; put the same toy in his field of vision (but you need to “use” it only for the time of motion sickness, and during periods of daytime wakefulness the baby should not see it). Gradually, the baby will get used to it, and as soon as you start singing or show him his night bear cub, the baby will instantly begin to “turn off” ...

Does a child need a pillow to sleep

It is quite difficult for adults to accept “for faith” the statement that children under 1.5-2 years old do not need any pillows in principle. However, you have to! The fact is that proportionally, children under the age of about 2 years are very different from older people - they have a large head, quite short neck and narrow shoulders. Adults use a pillow to compensate for the distance between the surface of the bed and the head, so that the neck does not bend.

And babies don’t have such a need - if you put the baby on the side, you will see that his head lies on the surface of the bed, but the neck remains even (because the head is still large and the shoulders are short). However, if it seems to you that your child does not sleep well at night just because he is simply uncomfortable, experiment with a pillow, which at first is perfect for a diaper folded several times.

If it seems to you that it is not very comfortable for a grown-up baby to sleep without a pillow, organize a flat, soft, hypoallergenic pillow for him. But its height should be - minimum!

If the child does not sleep well, is it worth taking him to your bed?

Currently, many progressive pediatricians claim that a mother and her child should sleep together - both physiologically and psychologically, this is justified and useful. However, most, let's say, "classical" pediatric doctors believe that all the arguments put forward in favor do not stand up to scrutiny. For example:

Co-sleeping mother and baby preserves and supports breastfeeding. Many mothers justify sharing a night's sleep by saying that the baby needs to be breastfed on demand. And when the baby sleeps "by the side" - it is much more convenient to do this than when he is in his crib, or even in his room. However, it is quite realistic to organize breastfeeding in such a way that you will have to get up for feeding only once a night, and 4-6 months after the birth of the baby, you will be able to enjoy a full night's sleep at all. And even if you are an ardent fan of on-demand feeding, then in this case there is a chance not to “drag” the baby to the parent's bed: it is enough to purchase an extra bed. The baby will be there, but still - in his bed!

Co-sleeping psychologically protects the baby. Often, parents explain the presence of children in their bed by the fact that in this way children receive psychological protection, they do not suffer from nightmares and sleep better. However, doctors have confirmed that the so-called syndrome of children's night fears "affects" many times more often precisely those children who, from birth, slept with their mother (with their parents), and at the age of 1.5-2-3 years were "relocated" to a separate crib. As a rule, according to psychologists, in children who initially slept separately from their parents, nightmares and night terrors are not observed at all.

During co-sleeping there are more opportunities to control the condition of the newborn baby. It's right. As well as the fact that during joint sleep there are also great risks of disrupting the fragile health of the newborn - crushing him, as well as creating a hot stuffy microclimate and oxygen deficiency (which can cause). In general, when it comes to newborns and infants, doctors consider the following to be the ideal option for their nightly sleep: mom and dad sleep on the marital bed, and the child either in a side bed or in a special co-slipper (children's bed like "nests"). Thus, adults and children sleep as close as possible, but at the same time everyone has their own living space and air. But after six months, the baby can already be safely “resettled” in a separate bed, and even in a separate room.

On the left is an example of how it is extremely undesirable to sleep with a baby. The risks are too great: you can crush the child in a dream, it can become too hot or stuffy ... On the left is an example of how a mother and child can stay close to each other, but at the same time not risk the health of the baby and the well-being of his parents.

Most pediatricians, whose opinions have earned some authority among parents, are inclined to believe that the child should sleep separately, without violating the "integrity" of the parent's bed. Each member of the family should have their own living space - first it is formed at the level of a bed, and then, over time, grows into a lifestyle in which an adult child and then an adult person respects the needs and desires of other people.

What is the best position for a child to sleep in?

After a year, the position of the baby during sleep (from the point of view of parental control) matters very little - how comfortable and more comfortable for the child so he will eventually turn around. But up to a year - the posture is of great importance!

The root cause of this terrible condition is respiratory arrest. But what causes it is still unknown. However, doctors have noticed that children in the first year of life who sleep on their stomachs die much more often. That is why doctors advise putting babies on their back (the head is turned on its side so that the baby does not choke) or on the side.

On the left is an example of how not to put the baby in the crib. On the right - on the contrary, an example of how a baby should lie during sleep.

If you are sure that your child does not sleep well on his back or side, but he sleeps well lying on his stomach, then sit vigilantly next to your baby and make sure that sudden regurgitation or suffocation does not cause the greatest tragedy in the family.

It doesn't matter - your baby is only a couple of months old, a year old or three. In order to sleep soundly at night, at any age, we need about the same thing: to be active and active during the day, to be healthy, and more ... to be surrounded by happy loved ones. All this you can give to your child from the very first day of his birth!

Restful sleep is the key to the health and emotional state of the newborn. Throughout the day, the baby gets acquainted with the outside world, moves and plays a lot. It is possible to replenish the spent energy only proper nutrition And good sleep. But, unfortunately, a child’s sleep is not always strong and calm. Many parents have had to notice more than once how their sleeping baby waves his arms in a dream, spins, cries. Such manifestations alarm parents, and they begin to look for the reasons for this behavior of the baby. In search of an answer to their question: "Why does the child sleep restlessly at night" - some parents go to the doctor, others seek advice from their parents and friends, and someone tries to figure out the problem on their own.

Baby's need for sleep

Children have different sleep needs at every age. To begin with, let's turn to child physiology and find out at what age, how many times and how long a child should sleep.

Child's age How many times does a child sleep during the day Sleep duration
daily (in hours) night (in hours)
From birth to 3 months 6 2 h 9 h (with wake up for night feeding at 24 h and 3 h)
3 to 6 months 4 1, 5 – 2 h 9 a.m. (with wake up for night feeding at 11.30 p.m. and 3 a.m.)
6 to 10 months 4 1.5 h 10 a.m. (with wake up for night feeding at 10 p.m. and 3:30 a.m.)
10 months to one year 3 1.5 h 10:30 a.m. (with wake up for night feeding at 11 p.m.)
From 1 year to 1.5 years 3 1.5 h 9-10 hours
From 1.5 years to 2 years 2 3 h 9-10 hours
2 to 3 years 2 2 h 9-10 hours
From 3 years to 4 years 2 2 h 9-10 hours
From 4 years to 6 years 2 1.5 h 9-10 hours

The above table is based on data from the World Health Organization and takes into account the physiological needs of sleep child's body. Now we know at what age and how much the child should sleep.

Comparing the above figures with the age of your beloved child, you can analyze and conclude how your child's biological need for rest corresponds to his physiology. So, for example, according to the table, children at 2 months need to sleep six times during the day - five times during the day and one night's sleep. If your baby sleeps more during the day by the number of times a day or by the amount of time, then he has reduced time for wakefulness and other regime moments, which means that there is unspent energy that needs an outlet. In our case, when laying down for the night, a newborn baby may not fall asleep well or wake up ahead of time to give the opportunity to throw out irrepressible energy. So that such situations do not occur, and the baby stays asleep at night for as long as his physiology requires, it is necessary to establish a sleep schedule in accordance with the average statistical indicators of the above table. It will be difficult to do this right away, but gradual efforts will contribute to the fact that after about 1 month the baby will enter into his natural biological rhythm sleep and wakefulness on their own.

Negative Factors Affecting Babies' Nocturnal Sleep

The first year of life is characterized by a reduction in the amount of sleep a child has by half, despite the fact that its duration remains practically unchanged. This is due to the very rapid pace in the development of the crumbs. In this situation, the baby's nighttime anxiety is also reflected in the working capacity of the parents, especially the father, because at this time he is the main breadwinner in the family.

Perhaps your baby sleeps restlessly for the following reasons:

  1. Due to an error in the diet of the mother (if the baby is breastfed) or the baby (if he is on artificial nutrition, or you are already introducing complementary foods);
  2. Because of the accumulated gases in the abdomen, the baby may be disturbed by colic. The child begins to twitch his legs very restlessly, cry, his stomach becomes like a ball, and his muscles become elastic. In this case, you need to stroke the stomach clockwise or insert a small syringe tube into the intestines and allow the gases to escape.
  3. After three months, the baby switches to four times a day's sleep. If the child is not well adjusted to the new regimen, then at 4 months his nightly sleep may be restless. You can prevent or correct the situation by increasing the hours of wakefulness throughout the day.
  4. From the age of 6 months, the first teeth begin to erupt in babies, a 6-10-month-old baby experiences discomfort in the gum area, he becomes irritable and capricious. You can correct the situation with the help of special gels for gums, which are sold in a pharmacy (read more about helping a baby during this period in our article).
  5. Unplanned awakening at night can be caused by hunger. Perhaps the child is not enough mother's milk how to find out? During feeding, the baby begins to nervously twitch the mother's breast and wave his arms randomly, he gets angry, angry, twitches his legs. As a rule, at 4 months, for many mothers, the quality of milk decreases, and the baby stops feeling full.

Causes of disturbed sleep in children from one to three years

The second year is significant for many children in that they start attending a nursery garden - this is a very exciting moment for the whole family. Getting into a new environment and to an unfamiliar aunt, the baby experiences stress, it is disturbed mental condition, and as a result - there are problems with sleep. At this age, the child is very attached to his mother, which means that her excitement is transferred to him. How to avoid negative consequences and soften the period of adaptation of the baby to new conditions? Firstly, psychologically, the parents themselves should be ready to entrust the baby to the teacher, and secondly, explain to the baby that as soon as he plays enough with the children, you will definitely take him home.

At 2 years old, as a rule, children's sleep should be long and calm. But, it should be remembered that all children are individual. Therefore, it is necessary to ask the baby about the reasons for his anxiety. Perhaps he is just afraid of the dark, or you teach him to sleep in a separate room. What to do in this case? A small lamp will help to correct the situation, explain to the baby that he is not sleeping alone at home, you are in the next room - his parents, whom he can always call.

Negative factors affecting the sleep of children in preschool age

All preschoolers go through certain psychological crises. They come at 3 years old, at 5 and 7 years old - each period is characterized by its own characteristics and is reflected in the character of the child. Therefore, during these periods, the child’s sleep may be affected by the unwillingness of the baby to obey the requirements of the parents, interpersonal conflicts among peers, any failures and other factors. After talking with a child, wise mom and dad can always eliminate the cause of their beloved child’s poor sleep.

Basic rules for favorable dreams

Daily observance of elementary rules can improve the baby's sleep. Fulfilling them, the question "Why does the child sleep restlessly" will lose its relevance.

  1. Babies sleep better in cramped cribs. Surround the baby soft toys or pillows, limit the space of the cradle, so the baby will sleep more comfortably.
  2. Take more walks with your child in the fresh air.
  3. From birth, teach your baby to sleep not in complete silence, it's okay if pleasant music is heard in the next room or you sing a lullaby to him before going to bed. In children accustomed to fall asleep in the presence of extraneous sounds, sleep is stronger, they are less sensitive to external stimuli.
  4. The room in which the child sleeps should be clean and filled with fresh air. In a smoky and stuffy room, it is hard not only to sleep, but also to breathe. IN winter period it is necessary to ventilate the room in advance, but in summer it is better to sleep with the window ajar, enjoying the aromas of herbs and fresh morning dew.
  5. Dirty bedding and underwear causes discomfort. If the baby has peed, then it is necessary to change diapers in a timely manner or take care of diapers.
  6. It is good to calm the child by taking a bath with a decoction of sage, chamomile or other soothing herbs before going to bed.
  7. Physical activity throughout the day should be dosed. Active games alternate with passive activities. If this is not done, then the child’s nervous system will become overexcited, and it will be difficult for the baby to calm down.
  8. The mother of 4 children, E. Pantley, advises to quietly hiss when the baby wakes up at night: “Shhhhhhhh ...”. You can gently take it in your arms, attach it to your chest, give a pacifier or a bottle. This will help the child sleep through the night without waking up.
  9. Without urgent need, do not change the baby's diaper at night, do not turn on the light in the room, do not "walk around" the sleepy baby.
  10. If the baby sleeps restlessly, tosses and turns a lot in his sleep, waves his arms and legs, he can wake up or even injure himself with these movements. Just try swaddling your baby. In many cases this helps.
  11. All young children are very impressionable. An event that made a great emotional impression on the baby can disturb sleep. The fourth year is considered the most vulnerable in relation to the psyche of the child. During this period, children should not be frightened by a babayka or other mythical heroes.
  12. A beneficial effect on the psyche of the baby has a daily ritual before bedtime - watch your favorite cartoon, do hygiene procedures, read the story.

During a night's sleep, babies grow, their spent energy is replenished, and the emotional condition and vice versa, its deficiency negatively affects the whole body. We hope that our article will help not only to find the cause of the baby's restless behavior in a dream, but also to eliminate it.

Why does a child sleep poorly at night and what should be done to normalize his sleep? Detailed explanations of the causes of poor sleep for each age and practical advice to help parents.

Future parents are not always ready for the fact that newborns have completely different sleep phases than adults. The big exception is children who fall asleep in the evening and sleep without waking up all night until the morning.

The vast majority of young mothers are faced with the fact that their babies wake up very often, which insanely exhausts parents. But there is no need to worry that such a dream negatively affects the child. Frequent waking up for many children is the norm. Be patient - this time you just need to wait.

Why does a newborn sleep poorly at night

  • The sleep of any person consists of two cycles - fast and slow. An adult is in deep water almost all night, slow sleep. REM sleep is characterized by shudders, constant turning from side to side - at this time it is easy to wake a person
  • The sleep of babies takes place precisely in a fast cycle and extremely rarely in a slow one. Therefore, all mothers should understand that frequent waking up of a child is not a bad dream, this is the normal development of the nervous system of a little man.
    If there are still concerns that something is wrong with your child, then the surest method is to contact a neurologist.
  • Only experienced doctor can identify the problem (if any) and prescribe medication. But it’s worth noting right away that the presence of real problems is rare. Each age of the baby has its own characteristics that affect sleep.

Causes of poor sleep in children under 6 months

  • At the appointment with a neurologist, you will definitely be asked how many hours a day the baby sleeps? There is a generally accepted norm of 18 hours, but 14 hours is also acceptable. Doctors in Russia agree that 16 hours is the norm. It is worth noting that the conversation is not only about night sleep, but also about all daytime sleep.
  • If your child sleeps less, this is already a cause for concern, because his body does not rest, which can negatively affect overall development and well-being.
  • Some babies up to 6 months wake up little, and then more often. There is a situation and vice versa, when it is up to six months that babies constantly wake up

What is it connected with?

The baby is hot / cold - the optimal temperature in the child's room is 19-22 degrees
The kid is hungry - the kids are on breastfeeding eat more often than on artificial
The child is not swaddled and he wakes himself up with unconscious movements of the arms and legs.
Colic in the tummy general rule pass by 3 months
Nasal breathing disorder infectious diseases, nasal discharge, dry air, anatomical features
Narrowness of the nasal passages - disappears with age, but sometimes it is necessary surgical intervention
Vitamin D3 deficiency - especially felt in winter, add a vitamin D supplement to your diet
Feeling of anxiety - the baby has not yet learned to perceive the world the way adults do, so closing the eye may be associated with anxiety just be there

Causes of poor sleep in children 7-9 months

  • At this age, children begin to actively explore the world around and learn to crawl in order to independently reach the subject of interest. The skill of sitting without support is also being developed. All this can even at night give an unconscious impulse to the brain when a child tries to sit up in a dream. Your task is to lay down and calm the overexcited child.
  • Due to the increased daily activity, the baby may not receive enough food, as it is constantly distracted. And at night - he tries to catch up, constantly waking up. Analyze if the child eats enough during the day
  • At this time, acquaintance with new products continues, so mothers should strictly monitor the body's reaction to complementary foods.
  • Poor sleep may be indicative of a disorder digestive system or about the occurrence allergic reaction that doesn't let you sleep
  • Another cause of poor sleep at 7-9 months is painful teething. Don't wait until the pain will pass help the baby. Get a special teething gel that will relieve pain and give parents a good night's sleep

Causes of poor sleep in children 10-12 months

  • During this period, the child has even more stress on the body, because he learns to get up and walk. It is also important to monitor the diet and avoid malnutrition. Activity increases, emotions overwhelm from their own achievements - it is important to strictly observe the daily routine
  • Also, at 10-12 months, there may be a lack of calcium in the body, and this is what causes poor sleep. Do not immediately run to the laboratory - take safe drug in a pharmacy and serve according to the instructions indicated. Within a week, sleep returns to normal. By the way, calcium is also needed for the absorption of vitamin D3.
  • Another option to improve nighttime sleep is to cut back on daytime sleep. Closer to the year the child can sleep only 2 times during the day. It is now that the child begins to have dreams, and just like adults, he can see something terrible, which wakes him up.

Poor sleep in a child under one year old Komarovsky

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a healthy sleep of a child is a healthy sleep of all family members. And only parents can help the child sleep for a long time and with high quality, devoting enough time to walking, organizing meals, cleaning rooms, and air humidity.

Komarovsky recommends that you follow only 10 rules that will definitely help normalize a child’s sleep:

1. Understand that loving parents and a healthy environment in the family are most important for the baby, so it is important to prioritize correctly
2. Strictly observe the sleep schedule and do not deviate from the selected time
3. Decide where and with whom the baby will sleep: himself in the crib in the parents' bedroom, himself in the crib in the children's room or in the same bed with the parents
4. Reduce your child's daytime nap if he likes to sleep too much.
5. Try to underfeed in the penultimate feeding and then the child will eat well and satisfyingly before going to bed
6. Actively spend time during the day, and in the evening play quietly, read books
7. Keep the air temperature in the child's bedroom 18-20 degrees, and humidity - 50-70%
8. Do massage or gymnastics before evening bath, then bathe your baby in cool water in a large bath, then warmly dress, feed and put to bed
9. Take your mattress seriously - it should be flat and firm. Bed sheets- from natural fabrics. Up to two years - no pillows
10. Use a quality diaper

Why does a baby sleep poorly at night and wake up often?

There are many reasons why a baby sleeps restlessly and does not allow the whole family to get enough sleep. Basically, all the reasons come down to physiological characteristics development of a small organism and many of them are already described in the article.

In order to exclude serious pathologies, you should consult with a neurologist and pediatrician. However, do not try to find a reason where there is none. If all doctors reported the normal development of the baby, then calm down and be patient.

Why does the baby wake up more often at night?

It happens that the baby slept more or less normally and suddenly began to wake up much more often. With what it can be connected? Let's look at a few reasons:
The presence of disease, infection
Stomach ache
Hyperexcitability during the day
Too many impressions during the day
Sleep pattern disturbed
Introduced New Product in the diet

It should also not be excluded that Bad mood Mom affected the baby's sleep.

Why does a child often wake up at night and cry?

Night crying is the norm and should not be given much importance. Crying is the only way to call mom for help. Perhaps the baby is hungry or just needs communication.
By the way, children who sleep with their mother cry much less when waking up than those who sleep in a separate bed. This is due to the fact that the child knows that it is enough just to start moving, as the mother will pay attention to him. Over time, these children generally cry less.

Why does the child sleep restlessly and toss and turn a lot?

  • If the newborn does not sleep well and tosses and turns a lot - just try to swaddle him, perhaps his hands are in the way and he wakes himself up
  • For older children, this nocturnal behavior is often associated with abdominal pain or teething.
  • However, it is better to seek help from a neurologist and, if necessary, start giving sedatives.

The child does not sleep well and shudders in a dream

Startles for children up to a year are normal behavior in a dream. This can happen for several reasons:

Overstimulation during the day
Sleep transition from one phase to another
Uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs
Most often, shudders appear in the first months of life, and gradually disappear as the child grows up.

Swaddling is especially important in the first months, because the baby involuntarily moves his arms and legs, which can cause him to hit and scratch himself. Even if you belong to the mommies applied only modern methods, to refuse night swaddling is not recommended. Sometimes even children up to a year or a year and a half need to be swaddled, but not completely, but only their hands
Stay with your baby for a while after falling asleep. If the baby shudders and wakes up - stroke, sing a song, calm down
Don't create stressful situations for a child - an excessive number of guests, too long active games, long trips. In a word - do not overload the nervous system, do not overwork
Strictly follow the regime of the day and create a special routine before going to bed, repeating every evening. Whatever happens - do not deviate from the rule

What should be done if the child began to sleep badly at night?

Try to analyze and understand what caused the sleep disturbance. If it was possible to identify the cause, then it must be eliminated. Consider a few situations that might help you:

Perhaps you used to sleep with the baby, and now you decided to put him to sleep in a separate bed. Then the child is simply afraid to sleep alone, return to the previous regimen and wait a little more
Starting from 4 months, the baby can be tormented by teething - get a special gel for teeth, but use strictly according to the instructions
Babies under 3 months suffer from colic, try to help: get a drug at a pharmacy, make dill water, put a warm diaper on your tummy, and if you are breastfeeding, analyze your diet and exclude onions, legumes, cabbage and other foods that can cause colic baby
If you slept well in the summer, and began to wake up often in the fall-winter, then try adding a drug with vitamin D. Perhaps it is precisely this that the body lacks.
Do you have a strict bedtime routine? For example: walking, dinner, swimming, dimming the lights and sleeping. Perhaps the usual procedure is broken? Children react strongly to such changes.
How does the child feel? Do you have nasal discharge, cough, fever? Children sleep restlessly when they are sick. Consult your pediatrician at the first sign and he will prescribe treatment
Analyze the child’s diet, is he eating enough during the day or is he trying to make up for the lost at night? Starting from 6 months, babies actively explore the world around, begin to crawl and get distracted while eating, so come up with your own procedure so that he eats his norm
Perhaps the child is overtired during the day. Try adding soothing herbs to your evening baths, and reduce increased activity afternoon. Dose emotional impressions and guest visits
Is everything good in your family? Are there frequent conflicts and quarrels? What is the emotional state of the mother? Behave with the child as calmly as possible and even more so do not swear in front of him. Children feel the mother's state

1.5 year old child does not sleep well at night

  • A 1.5-year-old child is characterized by high activity during the day, but try to reasonably limit it in the evening.
  • Just before going to bed, you need to take a good and long walk. If during the day the child is not allowed to run, then by the evening he will be full of energy, and at night he will not sleep well.
  • We must not forget that the child also sees dreams, so if he woke up - soothe, stroke and put him back to sleep
  • At 1.5, the baby constantly pulls everything into his mouth, so infection with helminths is possible. If at home in preventive purposes you need to wash toys and the floor, then on the street infection occurs most often in the sandbox
  • The active activity of worms in the child's body occurs precisely at night, which prevents him from sleeping.
  • At this age, many children sleep only once a day, so it is advisable to adhere to this regime.

Causes of poor sleep in a child 2-4 years old

  • By the age of two, children are already sleeping peacefully all night, and one dream is preserved during the day. However, it happens that even during this period the child begins to sleep poorly.
  • Diagnosing the cause is already much easier, since the child himself can already explain what worries him: his stomach hurts, his head hurts, or he had a dream. For this age, poor sleep can only be in case of obvious discomfort and any pain should be taken seriously, as they can report serious illnesses. It won't go away by itself
  • Often, sleep disorders at this age are associated with nervous overexcitation or overwork. If sleep disturbances continue for several days, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of poor sleep in a child 5-7 years old

  • At this age, children's sleep is similar to adults - deeper, less superficial, REM sleep. At 5 years old, talking about an overabundance of emotions or the wrong mode is already wrong.
  • Of course, children have dreams and nightmares are possible, why you can wake up, but if this happens every night, then you should be worried. Only a competent neurologist can help
  • Perhaps the dream has become more disturbing due to the fact that the child was moved to his room and now he is forced to sleep alone. Here it is important to conduct a calm ritual of reading fairy tales and singing songs every evening. Mom can lie with the child until he falls asleep. A little patience and the baby will get used to independence

Glycine for bad sleep in a child

  • Despite the fact that glycine is a common amino acid, you do not need to arbitrarily prescribe it to your child. Only a neurologist can tell if you need it or not in your case. Speaking about dosages, doctors recommend that children under three years old take 0.5 tablets, and after three - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.
  • Glycine has a cumulative effect, so you need to take it in a course. However, it begins to act only when it dissolves under the tongue, so it is not always effective for babies.
  • They don’t write in the instructions, but many mothers observe the opposite effect in their children after using glycine - excessive activity and overexcitation. Every baby is individual
  • Children of all ages need careful attention from their parents. If poor sleep for a baby is the norm, then at 4 years old it can signal the presence of a serious illness. Be reasonable and listen to yourself. See a doctor if you feel the need

Video: How to improve baby's sleep and sleep? — Doctor Komarovsky

With the birth of a baby, new parents face new challenges every day. Restless sleep of a child is one of them. Conducting sleepless nights next to the baby's bed, mom and dad are trying to find a way out of this situation, but first you need to figure out why their baby does not sleep well.

Restless sleep of a newborn baby

Often, Small child cannot sleep due to any physiological ailments. The baby may be hot or cold, hungry or full diaper full, stomach ache or teething. But it happens that the parents themselves make mistakes in education that lead to sleep disturbance:

  • The child has an unstable daily routine. Many parents forego daytime naps, assuming that a tired child will fall asleep faster. Quite the contrary, a child exhausted during the day will toss and turn in bed for a long time, trying to fall asleep. Also, some try to put the baby to bed later, believing that the baby will sleep longer, this is also not the case. Having “overstayed” the time for going to bed, the child can be active for a long time, despite the late time.
  • The baby was taught to fall asleep while rocking. A lot of people teach their baby to fall asleep in their arms, rock his crib, or even ride in the car until the baby “passes out”. A child, rocked before going to bed, quickly gets used to it, and it will be difficult for an already grown up baby to fall asleep in a regular bed, unless you have to hang a hammock for him. And a child sleeping in a car does not get enough sleep in the same way as an adult in an airplane, for example.
  • Lots of distractions before bed. Various lights of toys and sparkles on the wallpaper distract the child. Often, parents put toys in the baby's crib with a lot of luminous bulbs and maybe even sounds, and stick bright stars and planets on the ceiling. All this distracts the child and keeps him active at night.
  • Excessive independence of the baby. Parents who have always observed a special ritual of putting the crumbs to bed believe that the baby has already grown up and can fall asleep on his own. Many people, thinking that their child has already matured, cancel the daily bath before bedtime or a fairy tale, and the child is already used to all these actions, and if something familiar to him suddenly disappears, the baby will be capricious and will not fall asleep for a long time.
  • Parents taught the baby to sleep with them. It happens that the child is really unwell, and the parents allow him to fall asleep on his bed. Sometimes you can do this, but if mom and dad can’t help themselves, seeing the “puppy eyes” of their baby, letting him into bed over and over again, the child will simply get used to sleeping with his parents and will be naughty in his bed, and waking up at night, crawl to mom and dad.
  • The child often does not have time to mature for an ordinary children's bed. Parents buying new bed to their baby, they do not take into account the fact that the baby is not ready to “move” from his small bed, and falling asleep in the wrong place, he wakes up at night and goes to a more comfortable spot for sleep - in bed with parents.

Restless sleep of the baby, what to do

If the baby cannot fall asleep due to physiological needs that suddenly arose before going to bed, it is easy to fix it, but if insomnia has been tormenting the baby for more than a day, you must act decisively. The main thing that parents should do is to establish a clear daily routine so that the baby goes to bed at the same time.

It is necessary to rock the child to calm the baby, and not to put him to sleep, nightly motion sickness of the crumbs long months his life may be bad for his future. The baby needs to be taught to sleep in the dark as early as possible, to remove all entertaining toys and rattles from the child's field of vision. Compliance with a calming ritual means a lot to a child, so it should not be abandoned at an early age.

It is necessary to allow the baby to sleep in the parent's bed if only the baby is sick or is afraid of something, but in ordinary nights the child should sleep in their own bed. It is not necessary to “relocate” the baby to a new place to sleep at least until the age of three, he may not be ready for this yet.

Sleep disturbance in a child is not a simple problem, and it requires the patience of parents to solve it. The reason for the night whims of the baby may be the physiological needs for something, or there may be mistakes of the parents. In any case, this problem must be solved as quickly as possible, for the full growth of the child and have a nice rest parents. In order for the baby to sleep well, all factors that interfere with his peaceful rest should be excluded, and not to make mistakes that are not always easy to get rid of.

What to do if babies sleep restlessly

Joyful excitement about the appearance of a baby in the family passes. Monotonous everyday life is coming to replace it, in which young mothers have to solve many tasks every day related to the full development and health of the newborn. infant During the first months of life, he sleeps most of the day. During this time, mom manages to do household chores and relax herself. But what to do if the baby does not sleep well, and how to find out why this is happening?

  1. To begin with, let's clarify that for newborns up to 3 months, the norm of sleep is 17-18 hours a day. As you grow, the number of "sleep" hours decreases.
  2. From 3 to 6 months, the baby usually sleeps at least 15 hours a day.
  3. From six months to a year - 14 hours.

Healthy sleep - important aspect in the life of the baby, since during this time he restores the expended energy resources, and the baby's brain has time to process the information received during wakefulness. If he sleeps little and poorly, then this negatively affects general state, the child becomes lethargic and whiny.

Common sleep disorders

Often young mothers go to the doctor with the question: “Why does the child sleep badly?” With a general calculation of the child's sleep time, it turns out that the baby sleeps a sufficient amount of time. But here it is important to note that the indicator of healthy sleep is not the number of dreams per day, but the number of hours. After all, if a child sleeps restlessly for half an hour and stays awake for half an hour, then from such a regime there is no rest for the mother, and the baby is uncomfortable. What if it happens at night? The whole family will suffer. What sleep disorders of the baby can parents face?

  1. The baby is not sleeping well. Mom has to pump the baby for a long time, carry it in her arms, turn on music, etc.
  2. Violation of the time of sleep and wakefulness. Sometimes the baby sleeps a lot during the day, and at night it walks and is naughty.
  3. The child often wakes up. Daily rate sleep may be observed.
  4. The baby sleeps restlessly and cries in his sleep.
  5. The newborn sleeps little.

In the first year of life during sleep, there is an active synthesis of growth hormone. Therefore, sleep disorders can lead not only to a disorder of the nervous system, but also to a slowdown in the growth and development of the baby.

Causes of sleep disturbance

If a newborn is not sleeping well, the first thing to do is find out why this is happening. Parents need to show enough patience and consistency to determine the cause of restless sleep. The reason is usually quite banal. This may be an unfavorable microclimate in the baby's room, a violation of the diet, improper care. The problem may be more serious neurological disorders sleep. In this case, you can not do without the help of a specialist. In all other cases, parents may well cope on their own.


Often a newborn baby does not sleep well at night if he does not hear the smell and warmth of his mother. After all, he is used to being in a closed space of the abdomen, and when he is born, he may be afraid of a large space and experience anxiety. If the baby, feeling the absence of the mother, bursts into tears in a dream and wakes up, then you should not immediately take him in your arms.

It is necessary to give him the opportunity to get used to the fact that his mother will not rush to him at the first call. You can indicate your presence with your voice. When the child hears the mother's affectionate words, he usually calms down and falls asleep again. If this did not happen, then you should take the little one in your arms and caress.

To make it easier to soothe the baby at night, the crib should be placed closer to your own. Even better, if the baby falls asleep in the cradle, and not in the crib. The small space of the cradle is more comfortable for him. Provide mental contact the baby and mother at night will be helped by things placed nearby: a diaper or a pillow that smells of mother's milk, a favorite toy.

Restless sleep in a 2 year old

At an older age, the cause of nightmares in children can be an excess of information, emotional experiences during the day, and stress. All the excitement associated with communication in kindergarten, watched TV shows, computer games, the psychological situation in the family are reflected in nightmares. There is no cause for concern if this happens rarely.

But if the child does not sleep well at night and the reason for this is regular nightmares, then this is a serious reason to turn to a psychologist or neuropsychiatrist, as well as reconsider the daily routine and the environment of the baby.

Nutritional reasons

If the newborn does not sleep well, then possible cause there may be colic and gas in the abdomen. This phenomenon is quite common among babies aged from birth to three months. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to lay the baby on the tummy before feeding. In order to get rid of gases better, the child needs to do a light massage of the tummy and gymnastics.

After feeding, the baby should be in the arms of the mother in vertical position. Spitting up will help prevent colic. A warm bath has a beneficial effect on the condition of the little man, dill water or pharmacy drops.

It is believed that a child whom a mother breastfeeds is less likely to suffer from pain in the tummy. If for some reason the mother does not have milk, then it is important to choose the right mixture. Prebiotics and probiotics in the mixture help improve the intestinal microflora, the child suffers less from tummy pain, which means he sleeps better both day and night.

The kid is hungry

Another reason why the baby does not sleep well is hunger. A newborn may wake up frequently at night and sleep poorly during the day if he is hungry. In the first weeks of life, frequent meals are essential. And some babies will need more frequent feedings in the future due to accelerated metabolism. If the child is breastfed, then before going to bed it must be fed.

If the baby is transferred to artificial feeding, then he falls asleep better if he is given a nipple after a bottle. Does your baby sleep restlessly at night? Feed the baby and check the diaper.

Time to change diaper

Another commonplace reason why a child sleeps little or poorly can be a full diaper, wet diapers and diapers. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the baby's skin is too thin, so the receptors are too close to the surface. The waste products of the baby contain toxic substances that are annoying delicate skin. Therefore, if the child sleeps restlessly, often wakes up at night, check if it's time to change the diaper.

The temperature regime is violated

A newborn sleeps restlessly due to the fact that the room is too hot or, conversely, too cold. The optimum temperature in the room should be 20-24 degrees.

The baby also reacts to air humidity, which can be both excessive and insufficient. High humidity increases the effect of temperature on the skin receptors of the newborn. Therefore, even if the room temperature is normal, the baby will be hot or cold.

Thermoregulation in newborns has not yet been established. Therefore, if the room is very hot or the child is warmly dressed, then his body temperature will rise. The baby will be uncomfortable, he will sleep little and poorly both day and night. Low temperatures and too light clothes also do not contribute to a healthy sleep of the baby. Keep track of how the child is dressed, what is the temperature and humidity of the air in his room.

Methods for establishing sleep patterns

If you were able to determine why the child does not sleep well, then it will not be difficult to fix the problem. Summing up, let's try to list all the components of a healthy baby's sleep and list the methods that will help young parents avoid difficulties. In order for the baby to sleep well at night, the following rules should be observed:

  • Walks. During the day, be sure to walk with the child in the fresh air. If you play with the baby in the evening and provide a sufficient period during which he will be awake, then he will fall asleep easier and will disturb his parents less at night.
  • Dryness control. When the baby falls asleep, he should have dry diapers and swaddling clothes. At night it will bother you less.
  • water procedures. Evening warm bath will help to relax the baby and empty the intestines. This is facilitated by a light massage. The baby will prepare for sleep, he will not be disturbed by colic and at night he will wake up infrequently.
  • Meals on schedule. If the child ate little or, conversely, too much, then he will not sleep well. Watch your newborn's diet.
  • Micro-independence. You shouldn't rock the baby. It is better to teach him to fall asleep in a crib or cradle. You can put your favorite toy, a warm diaper or pillow nearby. Many parents make the mistake of putting their baby to sleep in their bed and then moving it to the nursery. During the shifting, the child may wake up and then it will be difficult to put him down, and at night he will not sleep well.
  • Peace and quiet. At a time when the baby falls asleep, it is desirable to eliminate sources of noise and bright light. Loud conversations, TV noise, bright lights can cause anxiety and poor sleep for your little one.
  • Baby comfort. Observe temperature regime in the room where the child sleeps. Choose the right clothes for your baby.
  • Feeling control. The fact that the child is worried about pain, that he does not feel well, may be evidenced by his tearful state during the day. If the causes are not eliminated, this will affect not only the state of health, but also the sleep of the child. If you cannot determine the cause yourself, you should contact a specialist.

If you have determined why your newborn baby sleeps little and poorly, then easily eliminate the causes. By following the above rules, even at an older age you will be able to create favorable conditions for a healthy sleep of the child and your rest.

The child tosses and turns in his sleep Dr. Komarovsky