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What properties of parsley for women do you know? What are the benefits of parsley, the composition and medicinal properties of the plant

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The benefits and harms of parsley have been studied for quite some time. There were even times when this plant could not be eaten because it was considered sacred. Can you imagine worshiping this little herb? And people believed that it could bring happiness and ward off evil spirits. Perhaps because of its specific smell, which is quite pleasant for most people.

The ancient Greeks, for example, when they needed to show their sadness or bitterness, they wove a wreath from this plant, along with grape vines, and put it on their heads. The decoration, of course, turned out to be quite unusual, but everyone knew that some unpleasant event had happened to this person and it was better not to disturb him. And in Egypt it was assumed that this plant grew from a drop of god’s blood on a stone, and therefore can bring disappointment. Of course, now you know that these are just stupid fictions.

By the way, Latin name Parsley is Petroselium, which means “grown on a stone.” Russian origin the word is unknown, but the name is very similar to Latin. Most likely, it was borrowed and then remade in the Russian manner, as very often happens with other words. By the way, even in Rus' in ancient centuries special ceremonies were held, in which this plant was the main participant.

IN this moment Parsley is used as an excellent culinary seasoning. Chefs from all over the world know that this wonderful plant can add a piquant taste and unique aroma to almost any dish. By the way, in folk medicine Parsley is often used to repel insects, as well as to treat wounds, cuts and burns. This is largely due to the unique chemical composition. As you can see, benefits of parsley really great.

Currently, two varieties of this plant are grown: leaf and root varieties. In the first case, only the leaves are consumed (they can be cut, crumbled, and also used in marinades), in the second case, both leaves and roots can be consumed. By the way, we can say something about the latter separately. If you have never tried parsley roots, then you are missing out very, very much. It's really very unusual product, which in addition to its beneficial properties has incredible taste. Try using it in your dishes and you will notice how much better they become.

Parsley is a rich source of vitamin C, which in this plant is many times higher than in citrus fruits and even black currants (which for some reason many consider to be the record holder). For example, parsley contains four times more of this vitamin than lemon. Therefore, it is better to brew tea with this a wonderful plant. Of course, the taste will be noticeably worse, but the resulting effect will be truly unique.

To consume daily norm ascorbic acid It is enough to eat 50 grams of parsley per day. In terms of calories, this is only 25 kcal. Agree that this is very little compared to other means that are intended for these purposes. Eat parsley every day and very soon you will forget about the problems associated with aging of the body and reduced immunity.

Parsley also contains a large amount of antiviral substances that will help you cope with many diseases. Of course, in winter, in high season colds, this plant is quite problematic to get, but if you try, you can always find some option. For example, freeze it for the winter or buy it in specialized stores. Good benefits and harms of parsley known to many and this plant does not suffer from attention deficit.

In addition, the leaves of this plant contain a large amount of vitamins (to be more specific, these are E, PP, B2, B1 and K, as well as very useful folic acid, which stimulates blood production processes, thereby stimulating work of cardio-vascular system. You can also find iron, magnesium and potassium in parsley leaves.

One cannot help but mention the rich amount of various microelements, of which there are truly many in this plant. Here you can find iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and much, much more. This means that you will have incredible strong bones, teeth and nails, and the structure of your hair will become so attractive that no shampoo can compare with it in terms of the effect obtained. You can also forget about problems with the nervous system, since parsley has a positive effect on the communication between neurons, especially for brain cells. Well, as an added bonus, parsley is often used to fight tooth decay.

But the most important thing is that parsley actually contains unique substance– selenium. This remedy is natural remedy prevention of various oncological diseases. It also helps the nervous system cope with stress, stimulates sleep, and also has many other positive qualities.

We must not forget others beneficial properties of parsley, which you are probably looking for in this article. So this plant contains necessary for a person inulins (an organic substance that is formed from polysaccharides). This point is especially useful for people with diabetes, since parsley will help them saturate their blood with oxygen without the intervention of drugs, which, by the way, are not so cheap.

Inulin is very easily absorbed human body, so many doctors recommend using it as a replacement for sugar and starch when diabetes mellitus. This substance is also often used as a basis for the industrial production of fructose. So benefits and harms of parsley really significant.

  • Medicine has officially recognized that the substances included in of this product help people fight diseases gastrointestinal tract(ulcer, gastritis and many others). Parsley is especially useful for people who have problems with appetite, as it helps stimulate it;
  • During illnesses internal organs Doctors recommend eating at least one sprig of this wonderful plant per day. However, you should not get carried away and consume parsley in unlimited quantities;
  • Also benefits of parsley is to help female body. Many representatives of the fair sex have painful menstruation. So, the substances that make up this herb will help significantly relieve pain;

Parsley: harm

This plant should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it may affect the baby's health. Also, substances contained in parsley can cause premature birth or miscarriage. Besides, overindulgence This plant can cause severe muscle pain, cramps, headaches and nausea.

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Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a biennial plant and belongs to the Apiaceae family. On German it has the names Bittersilche, Felswurzel, Garteneppich, Peterle, Silk, in English - parsley, curly parsley, in French - persil, persilfrisee.


Parsley root is shaped like a carrot, and in the first year it produces only a rosette of leaves. By the second year, a round stem appears, branching from the middle, with small grooves. The stem is a meter high and has yellow-green inflorescences. Parsley leaves are dark green, triple or double pinnate, with serrated edges.

Parsley flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

Initially, the leaves of the plant are smooth, but as a result of selection, a variety of curly parsley was developed. Thanks to this, it became possible to distinguish it from poisonous plant- wild kokorysh.


Parsley has only two types, the most common is the type called curly parsley or common parsley.

Mainly leaf and root parsley are grown

Where does it grow?

There are scientific suggestions that parsley comes from eastern countries Mediterranean Sea and Western Asian countries. It has now spread throughout northern hemisphere and grows everywhere from Europe to China. It is also grown in eastern Africa and some countries Latin America, for example, in Argentina and Brazil.

Method of making spices

Both fresh and dried leaves parsley Parsley is included in many spice mixtures in dried and chopped form.

How and where to choose a spice?

Dried parsley should have a characteristic odor and dark green color. IN fresh its stem should be elastic, and its leaves should be bright green. A fresh cut is usually visible at the end of the stem. If the leaves of the plant have wilted, they have dark or light spots or the cut smells unpleasant, then the parsley is far from fresh. This also means that the storage conditions were not observed in principle.

You can buy both fresh and dried parsley at any supermarket or market.


Parsley contains as many vitamins as may not be found in vegetables or fruits. If you include parsley in your daily diet, you can easily achieve the optimal level of daily vitamin C intake. Parsley contains even more of it than citrus fruits. There is reason to think about what is more effective in treating inflammatory diseases: lemon or parsley.


Parsley has the following characteristics:

  • is a useful plant with medical point vision;
  • added to dishes of all cuisines of the world;
  • is an essential source of vitamins;
  • has a wide distribution halo.

For women, parsley will help restore immunity, solve many gynecological problems and give beauty to hair and skin.

For men, parsley will help cure prostatitis and increase potency

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of fresh parsley contains 49 kcal.

The nutritional value The product includes the following components:

  • proteins – 3.7 g;
  • fats – 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 7.6 g;
  • alimentary fiber– 2.1 g;
  • organic acids – 0.1 g;
  • ash – 1.1 g;
  • water – 85 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acid– 0.1 g;
  • starch – 1.2 g;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides – 6.4 g;
  • saturated fatty acids – 0.1 g.

Chemical composition

Parsley contains the following components:

  • vitamins: PP – 0.7 mg, A (RE) – 950 mcg, B1 (thiamine) – 0.05 mg, B2 (riboflavin) – 0.05 mg, B5 (panthetone) – 0.05 mg, B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.2 mg, B9 (folic) - 110 mcg, C - 150 mg, E (TE) - 1.8 mg, P (biotin) - 0.4 mcg, K (phylloquinone) - 1640 mcg, PP (niacin equivalent ) – 1.6 mg, choline – 12.8 mg, β-carotene – 5.7 mg;
  • macroelements: calcium – 245 mg, magnesium – 85 mg, sodium – 34 mg, potassium – 800 mg, phosphorus – 95 mg;
  • microelements: iron – 1.9 mg, zinc – 1.07 mg, copper – 149 mcg, manganese – 0.16 mg, selenium – 0.1 mcg.

Parsley fruits contain essential oils, and in terms of vitamin content it is ahead of many vegetables and fruits. It is rich in pectin substances, phytoncides, retinol, ascorbic acid.

Beneficial features

Parsley has a number of beneficial properties:

  • useful for caring for the skin of the face and neck;
  • has a tonic and rejuvenating effect;
  • makes teeth whiter;
  • helps fight inflammatory processes in the body;
  • strengthens vision;
  • eliminates bad smell from mouth;
  • whitens the skin.


The following are possible harmful effects parsley on the body:

  • irritation of kidney tissue;
  • possibility of miscarriage.

Usually, Negative consequences occur when contraindications are not followed or overdoses occur.


  • pregnant women;
  • if you have kidney stones;
  • with cystitis;
  • for inflammation Bladder;
  • in the presence of anemia and low blood pressure.

Use parsley with caution when hypertension, with inflammatory processes of the bladder and kidneys


Parsley oil is obtained by steam distillation. The process of extracting essential oil involves leaves, roots, and seeds.

The color of the oil varies from yellow to amber brown. The aroma has sweet notes mixed with herbs. Parsley essential oil has a number of medicinal properties:

  • has vasoconstrictor properties;
  • has a positive effect on potency;
  • allows you to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • increases immunity;
  • tones up;
  • relieves itching from insect bites.

Also essential oil added to many deodorants, soaps, sprays, and men's perfume compositions.


Parsley juice contains a huge amount useful substances. Plus, it contains surprisingly few calories, making it effective for weight loss.

Parsley juice has a positive effect on work digestive tract. It must be added to the diet for diabetics, as it helps lower blood sugar levels.

How to cook

Parsley juice is obtained using a juicer. You can also puree the leaves in a blender and then squeeze out the juice using gauze. IN pure form The juice is very concentrated, so it must be diluted with clean water.

You should drink the juice immediately after squeezing without any additives. You need to take small sips so that the juice is better absorbed. The optimal rate of concentrated juice is a tablespoon per day.

The juice is also used to even out skin color and eliminate wrinkles. It is recommended to wipe your face with ice obtained from water and parsley juice. The juice is effective in the fight against acne and skin damage; for this purpose, it is lubricated with inflamed areas.


In cooking

Culinary use parsley the following:

  • fresh chopped leaves are added to sauces, salads, marinades;
  • parsley is added to meat and fish dishes;
  • it goes perfectly with potatoes;
  • soups are flavored with it;
  • it serves as a decoration for many dishes;
  • parsley is added to cold appetizers;
  • it goes well with pickled vegetables and salty snacks;
  • the spice is often added to pate, sausage, as well as cheese and cottage cheese;
  • parsley is present in large quantities mixture of spices and herbs.

Parsley is grown for cooking as annual plant, since in the first year its leaves are more tender. Some varieties of parsley have a very strong aroma. All types have a fresh and mild taste with spicy notes.

Parsley is usually frozen to maintain its freshness.

Sweetish parsley roots, obtained from a variety of root parsley, are often added to soups and side dishes. The roots of common parsley are also edible, but they are thinner and tougher.

Sometimes dry crushed seeds are added to salads. It is impossible to imagine okroshka without parsley, because it gives this dish an unforgettable aroma. Usually, fresh parsley is added to any dish immediately before serving, but the roots can be added at the beginning of cooking.

With the addition of parsley you can make delicious mashed potatoes.

  • You will need: 5-6 large potatoes, a bunch of parsley, a few spoons olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.
  • The potatoes are peeled, cut into medium pieces and boiled in water with salt added to taste.
  • The water is drained, and the potatoes themselves should be dried a little over low heat.
  • Then butter and chopped parsley are added to it.
  • Mash the potatoes until pureed and serve.

Cocktail with cockerel

You can also make a nutritious cocktail from parsley:

  • You will need a bunch of parsley, a lemon, a couple of liters of water and a few tablespoons of honey.
  • The parsley is washed, the roots are cut off, and the leaves are ground in a blender.
  • Squeeze lemon juice into parsley puree, then add water.
  • Honey is added to the cocktail and mixed thoroughly.
  • Now the cocktail can be filtered and served chilled.

In medicine

Parsley is a source of complete vitamins, so it medical use quite extensive. It is used in the following cases:

  • as a diuretic;
  • to relieve swelling;
  • for the treatment of heart defects;
  • to relieve spasms;
  • as a diuretic;
  • to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for kidney diseases and intestinal colic;
  • for bladder diseases;
  • against fever;
  • to reduce redness from insect bites;
  • for the treatment of skin rashes;
  • in the fight against malaria (seeds are used);
  • to improve metabolism;
  • to strengthen teeth and gums;
  • to normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels;
  • to strengthen blood vessels;
  • to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

To combat flatulence in a glass with cold water add a couple of tablespoons of parsley seeds. Everything is heated together in a water bath for half an hour. Then the broth is filtered and cooled. It is recommended to take it one tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

In order to cure rheumatism, take a tablespoon of parsley roots, willow bark, nettle leaves, and elderberry flowers. There is 250 ml of boiling water per tablespoon of the mixture. Infuse the broth until it cools down. Then it is filtered and drunk two glasses throughout the day.

Parsley decoction will help relieve swelling and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Parsley tincture is effective for diseases genitourinary system in women and men

In cosmetology

Parsley found great application in cosmetology. Due to its high content of vitamins, it eliminates swelling, normalizes skin color and prevents the formation of wrinkles. You can quite easily prepare a decoction that will help get rid of acne on your face.

To do this, take several bunches of parsley, which are boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 15-20 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and cooled. It is recommended to lubricate the skin with it using a cotton pad several times a day.

To keep the skin around the eyes fresh, finely chop parsley, dried sage and rose petals. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. They are poured with boiling water and left for several hours. This decoction is also suitable as a tonic for daily use.

Parsley tonic will quickly relieve acne and priya

Face masks with parsley rejuvenate, nourish and tone the skin

When losing weight

Having a diuretic effect, parsley is very effective in losing weight. However, we should not forget about others comprehensive measures to combat overweight. Parsley is used to make teas and infusions for weight loss.

For example, there is effective recipe, used to combat excess weight. Take a tablespoon of dandelion roots, fennel seeds, mint leaves and parsley seeds and three tablespoons of buckthorn bark. The collection is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered. It is recommended to drink the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.

Infusions, decoctions and teas with parsley are very effective for quick and proper weight loss

At home

The household use of parsley is not limited to the well-known cooking. It is also used in other areas of human life:

  • oil is added to men's perfume;
  • used as a prophylactic and tonic;
  • added to cosmetic masks and lotions;
  • used for medicinal purposes;
  • scent soaps, sprays, deodorants, etc.


Normal soil is suitable for parsley, even with increased level acidity, but loose. Plant parsley in a shaded place or in the sun.

The plant's seeds can be stored for several years after collection. Parsley can withstand cold weather, so it can delight you with its greenery from March to November.

The beds are prepared in the fall by adding fertilizers. In the spring, the soil is also additionally flavored with a mixture of potassium and phosphorus. The seeds are soaked for 24 hours in water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are wrapped in gauze and wait for the first white sprouts.

The seeds are planted at a shallow depth of a couple of centimeters, the distance between the beds should be at least 0.15 m. The grooves with the planted seedlings are sprinkled with lime.

Then the soil is compacted and mulched.

You can plant parsley even if there are night frosts. The first results will be noticeable in 10-14 days. It is not necessary to soak the seeds before planting, but this will ensure more fast growth, otherwise they will take a week longer to germinate.

Caring for the plant is quite simple. It is enough to water it in the evenings, remove weeds, loosen the beds and periodically thin out. Parsley is a tasty morsel for many pests, so you need to ensure that it does not show signs of disease or damage.

  • Translated from Greek language The name of parsley sounds like “rock celery.”
  • When in Ancient Greece The winner of the competition was determined and he was given a garland of parsley as a reward. The ancient Greeks revered the plant, considering it sacred, so it could often be seen among the decorations on graves. Parsley was also very popular in Ancient Rome.
  • Ancient Greek scientists used parsley seeds to treat kidney problems and infertility.
  • In some provinces of China, parsley tea is brewed.
  • Indians used parsley in medicine according to the Ayurvedic system. It removed toxins and excess fluid.
  • In the Middle Ages, the plant was planted next to churches. It was also an honorary decoration of the gardens next to the imperial palaces. Great importance At that time, parsley was purchased specifically for religious rituals.
  • In Russia, parsley was included in the list of plants that have a potent narcotic effect.
  • Parsley brings some variety to the diet of sailors; it is for these purposes that it is grown directly on ships.

To know more information about parsley, you can from an excerpt from the program “Live Healthy!”

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of parsley in human nutrition. This is a small pharmacy where most of the vitamin E is found, which is especially needed by pregnant women and athletes. It is widely used in folk medicine, cooking and for cosmetic purposes. So, let's figure out what medicinal properties and contraindications of parsley.

Parsley has its own unique and rich composition:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin A, C;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B12;
  • folic acid;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • fatty acid.

In terms of the amount of carotene in its composition, it is practically no different from fresh carrots. Vitamin C is found equally in lemon and black currant.

Due to its composition, parsley has a number of healing properties:

  1. Improves the functioning of the kidneys, genitourinary system, and thyroid gland.
  2. Normalizes metabolism.
  3. Acts as an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic agent.
  4. Helps enrich the brain with oxygen.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the stomach and duodenum.
  6. Improves vision.
  7. Increases appetite, gives more energy and strength.

The root vegetable can be eaten in various forms.

Important! When taking parsley as a medicine, it is necessary to follow the exact dosage so as not to harm the body or cause side effects.

The benefits of parsley for men, women, children

The benefits of parsley are great for both men, women and children.

Let's look at the benefits of parsley for men:

  1. Daily use greens help prevent the appearance of prostate adenoma.
  2. Potency improves due to blood circulation. Daily consumption of parsley helps with male infertility.
  3. Parsley juice helps with detoxification, alcohol and nicotine poisoning.
  4. Removes toxins and salts from the body, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Strengthens the heart muscle, prevents heart attacks and strokes.

Benefits for women:

  1. Juice helps relieve severe pain during menstruation, normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  2. Greens are useful during pregnancy, for the formation of a healthy fetus, and also promotes rapid conception.
  3. The juice of the plant is used in cosmetology as a bleaching agent.
  4. The seeds are useful against hair loss and dandruff.
  5. Effective for the treatment of cellulite.

The benefits of the plant also extend to children's bodies. It consists in:

  1. Improving bowel function,
  2. Strengthening the central nervous system.
  3. The juice improves vision, relieves bloating, and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  4. Helps with cuts, bruises, and skin wounds.
  5. Increases immunity, protects against viral and infectious diseases.

Before adding the plant to your baby’s food, you should consult a doctor so as not to cause harm. children's body. Many children may have increased sensitivity to the plant, causing allergic reactions.

Seeds - medicinal properties

IN medicinal purposes use parsley seeds. They contain a rich composition, due to which they have a beneficial effect on human health.

The main composition of the seeds consists of:

  • essential oils;
  • inulin;
  • carotene;
  • glycoside;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins

The seeds of the plant, and preparations made from them, help treat various problems:

  1. Helps with intestinal spasms and gas formation.
  2. Increase appetite, help with nervous breakdowns and psychological disorders.
  3. Relieves inflammation of the bladder, ovaries, appendages.
  4. The seeds are effective for gallstone disease.
  5. For the treatment of kidney pathology, pyelonephritis.

For effective treatment with a decoction of parsley seeds, it is necessary to use only ripened seeds. You can prepare them yourself at the end of summer.

What are the benefits of the root?

Parsley root is an aromatic root vegetable that adds a special aroma and taste to dishes.

Due to its rich vitamin composition, the root may have the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretics;
  • bactericidal;
  • antipyretic;
  • wound healing.

Eating the root vegetable is beneficial for women and male body, for the treatment of the genitourinary system.

In folk medicine, decoctions, juices, and infusions are made from the root vegetable.

They are useful for treating ailments:

  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, gastritis, ulcers;
  • loss of appetite, stomach upset;
  • pain and disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • heart disease, heart failure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases respiratory system, bronchitis, asthma;
  • inflammation of the gums and oral cavity;
  • diseases and pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

Beneficial properties of parsley juice

Due to the diuretic properties of parsley juice, its use is useful for treating the genitourinary system and relieving edema.

Its use is useful:

  • for indigestion, gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • high and low stomach acidity;
  • in diabetes mellitus, it lowers blood sugar levels.

When combined with beet juice, you get a green smoothie; its consumption is good for the eyes, and also relieves pain and cramps during painful and heavy menstruation.

Drinking the juice daily helps remove and dissolve stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder. For treatment with plant juice, it is important not to exceed the dosage. Optimal dose is one tablespoon per day.

Traditional medicine recipes

For treatment various ailments All parts of the plant are used. Let's look at recipes that are used in folk medicine, made from parsley.

  1. For swelling and inflammation of the genitourinary system. Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of seeds and leave for 1 hour. Take 1 glass per day, dividing it into 3 doses.
  2. From diseases and pathologies of the kidneys, as well as urolithiasis. 2 tablespoons of seeds are poured into 1 liter of clean cold water, insist for 24 hours. Then strain the water and place it in the refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons every day 5-6 times a day. The course of treatment will depend on the severity of the disease. Do not consume the infusion for more than 2 months.
  3. To cleanse the skin, remove age spots. Grate the root of the plant on a coarse grater, add a glass of water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Afterwards, strain the broth and apply for cosmetic purposes, wiping your face.
  4. For diabetes mellitus. Pass fresh herbs through a juicer. You can make a vegetable smoothie from parsley and cucumber. Drink fresh juice, diluted with water, no more than 1 tablespoon daily. To improve the taste, it can be diluted with carrot and beet juice.

Important! To obtain positive result in treatment, it is necessary to adhere to the exact dosage of the plant so as not to get the opposite effect.

Application in cosmetology

The root vegetable is used in cosmetology to lighten facial skin tone. At home, you can independently make masks, lotions and decoctions from the green root vegetables that help with problem skin.

Folk remedies help:

  • refresh and whiten facial skin;
  • relieve swelling and eliminate dark circles under the eyes;
  • withdraw dark spots, get rid of freckles;
  • fight acne;
  • reduce the formation of wrinkles;
  • strengthen hair, promoting its rapid growth;
  • strengthen the nail plate;
  • for abrasions, cuts, insect bites.

For cooking folk remedies You can use greens, roots and plant seeds. Ice cubes can be made from a decoction of the plant. Wipe the skin of the face daily, which will help give the skin shine, elasticity, and eliminate fine wrinkles.

The juice is used to whiten the skin; it is recommended to wipe the epidermis of the face daily, avoiding contact with the eyes.

Rinse your hair with a decoction of parsley after washing, it will help get rid of dandruff and give shine and strength to your hair.

Curd masks made from parsley help remove freckles and age spots. You can make masks from sour cream mixed with herbs or plant juice.

Parsley for weight loss

Parsley brings great benefit for health, and also helps fight excess weight. It is added to salads and other dishes; it contains the fewest calories. Its use helps remove waste and toxins from the body, and also normalizes fat metabolism. Due to its properties, doctors recommend its use for weight loss.

To maintain the diet, decoctions, infusions, juices and drinks of the plant are used. Good result will be possible if used in combination with in an active way life, balanced nutrition.

To prepare the decoction you will need root vegetables. Finely chop the stems and leaves, add water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of chopped herb per 200 ml of water. Place on low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. The course of treatment should not exceed 21 days. Use daily in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

Parsley infusion helps relieve overweight and brighten your facial skin. To prepare it, you will need 2-3 tablespoons of chopped herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, then strain. You can steam the herb in a thermos. Use 2 times a day before meals. The course lasts 1 month, after which you need to take a 2-week break and repeat the course.

Do not eat or use for cosmetic purposes in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children up to 3 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • if any inflammatory processes in acute forms.

To avoid causing harm, you must adhere to correct dosage folk remedies made from all parts of parsley. Eating a few twigs daily will benefit not only adults, but also children.

Now, on the eve of the long-awaited summer, buying fresh garden herbs is not difficult. It's time to support a tired body by increasing the consumption of dill, young green onions, lettuce and, of course, parsley. It's about her beneficial properties and our conversation today will begin.

Fresh and aromatic, it not only decorates dishes and improves their taste. Parsley is extremely useful, has healing properties, famous people from the time of Ancient Egypt. And now traditional medicine actively uses the greens, roots, and seeds of the plant as a natural medicine.

Why is parsley so valuable, what are its benefits and harms to human health, what recipes for treating it are known? Let's talk about this right now, and also consider how you can use the plant for cosmetic purposes:

Parsley - benefits for human health

Benefits of parsley

Benefits of greens:

Green leaves and stems contain a wide variety of beneficial substances. For example, there is a high content of vitamins: A, E, group B. Not everyone knows that there is no less carotene than in carrots, and as much ascorbic acid as in lemon. To be consumed in full, you need to eat about 50 g of greens per day.

There are a lot of minerals there: iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. There is fluorine, selenium, zinc and such necessary for the body phosphorus. In addition, greens contain flavonoids, terpenes, glycosides, and inulin. This natural polysaccharide helps the body cope with many diseases. In particular, it reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Parsley is beneficial for health due to its rich composition. It is thanks to him that it is an effective health and remedy. In this case, both fresh herbs and dried or frozen are useful.

Regular consumption of even a small amount of it gradually normalizes blood sugar, allows you to get relief, eliminates swelling of the face and quite successfully improves vision.

In Rus', parsley was not in vain considered female plant. Its use stimulates and alleviates a woman’s condition when premenstrual syndrome. It reduces symptoms during menopause and helps eliminate mental and physical stress.

But it is also very useful for men, because since ancient times the plant has been known as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Benefits of the root:

The root is no less useful than the greens. It contains many vitamins: A, C, group B, as well as E and PP. Mineral composition represented by magnesium, potassium, calcium. Lots of iron and manganese. There are also molybdenum, lithium, aluminum and vanadium. In addition, the root contains dietary fiber, starch, as well as organic acids and essential oils.

The root has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, its use has a mild diuretic effect. Therefore, it is often used in the treatment of certain kidney diseases, cystitis, to eliminate edema, and is used for inflammatory diseases oral cavity, are included in the composition complex treatment inflammation of the prostate gland.

Regular inclusion of it in the diet helps normalize sugar, so dishes with parsley root are recommended for diabetes. In addition, its use helps the body cleanse itself of accumulated toxins, as well as cleanse the blood of toxins. An infusion prepared from the root eliminates intestinal colic, relieves flatulence.

Parsley - treatment recipes

Flatulence, dyspepsia: In the evening, pour 0.5–1 tsp of plant seeds into a jar. Pour 400 ml of cool, pre-boiled water. Close the lid and leave overnight at room temperature. Start treatment in the morning: take a sip, half an hour before meals. This remedy can also be used to improve digestion.

Skin lesions, abscesses: Wash fresh herbs, chop finely, apply the pulp to damaged skin.

Cleansing the body of toxins and salts: Wash the root and grate it. Pour 2 tablespoons of gruel with 300 ml of boiling water. Cover the dish with a lid and wrap it in a towel. When cool, strain. Take little by little throughout the day. This remedy also perfectly cleanses the liver.

Use as a diuretic: Squeeze the juice from the greens, mix 1 tbsp with 200 ml cool water. Drink like tea. This recipe can also be used for atherosclerosis.

Freshly prepared juice from green leaves and stems is used to reduce itching from insect bites. To do this, treat the damaged skin with a swab moistened with juice. In addition, compresses can be made from the juice to treat bruises.

Juice is effective in treating conjunctivitis: moisten a piece of bandage generously and apply to the sore eye. If vision is impaired, healers advise instilling eye drops with a mixture of equal amounts of parsley and carrot juice.

Treatment varicose veins : Recently we talked about effective treatment vein diseases using hirudotherapy. Therapeutic drugs of which we already know are quite effective for varicose veins. However, the juice of fresh parsley can also be used for this common disease that disfigures women's legs.

During complex treatment Take 1 tsp of freshly squeezed juice several times a day. For external use, pour 4 tablespoons of herbs into a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Use the cooled broth as a lotion on sore spots.

Application in cosmetology

Properties of this popular garden plant got wide application in cosmetology. Parsley-based products eliminate redness, effectively relieve swelling, tone and increase skin elasticity. Cosmetical tools, which contain plant extract, have a rejuvenating effect and help cope with wrinkles.

Parsley is very effective for problem skin: it eliminates inflammation, helps get rid of acne, lightens freckles and age spots.

Skin whitening mask

To lighten freckles, use freshly squeezed parsley juice: Mix 1 tbsp with an equal amount of lemon juice, onion (onion) and cucumber. Add 0.5 tsp natural 6% apple cider vinegar and beaten fresh egg white. Mix and apply to clean face, hold for 10 minutes. Then the mask is washed off.

Is parsley dangerous, is it possible to cause harm?

Even such a useful plant has a number of contraindications, although there are very few of them. For example, you should not get carried away with eating parsley if you have urolithiasis, or if you have inflammation of the bladder. Treatment with this plant is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can lead to miscarriage.

In general, it is not advisable to consume it in large quantities. The plant contains the substance myristicin. If it enters the body excessively, a headache may occur, muscle cramps, nausea, excessive stimulation of the nervous system occurs. Therefore, when using useful plant keep it in moderation. Be healthy!