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Interesting facts about parsnip, its benefits and culinary uses. Parsnip Vegetable: Facts and Health Benefits

(or parsnips) can be easily purchased at any vegetable market or in the vegetable departments of supermarkets. The taste of this vegetable is very piquant, so it is used in the preparation of many dishes, especially marinades. In addition, it is very good for health.

parsnip root, beneficial features which is known to many, is very rich in biologically active and useful substances, which help in curing many ailments. Although it is better to use it with great caution. Let's consider what it is - calorie content, beneficial properties. Its benefits (netkilo.ru/product/pasternak) are quite obvious for those who are interested in traditional medicine.


Parsnips are a white vegetable, similar in appearance to carrots. As soon as people do not call parsnips, for example, field borscht, popovnik, trestles, trunk. Although the most common nickname is still white carrots or parsnips (as well as the tops) are actively used in cooking, as well as the roots of other plants: parsley or celery.

In Russia it became widely known around the beginning of the twentieth century. Now it is not so popular among chefs. But many of its beneficial properties have been found wide application in folk medicine.

IN medieval Europe this vegetable was as popular and preferred for eating as potatoes. When it came to Russia, many gourmets appreciated its taste and benefits. But now in gardens it is increasingly rare to see beds sown with parsnip seeds, which is a pity, because the taste of this plant is indeed very refined, and there is nothing to say about the benefits.

Parsnip root: beneficial properties

Almost everyone knows that this vegetable is very healthy. Parsnip is a root whose beneficial properties are related to its content of fat, starch, dietary fiber, acids. In many ways, in terms of the level of beneficial properties and nutritional value, this vegetable is similar to spinach, the beneficial effects of which have long been known throughout the world. There is only a slight difference in that the concentration of vitamins in parsnips is slightly less, but the nutritional value is many times greater.

The white root has a slightly spicy and very unusual taste combined with a very pleasant aroma. This is achieved due to the fact that both its tops and the root itself contain a high content of aromatic essential oils.

A real panacea

Parsnip is a root whose beneficial properties are used in the preparation of healthy and balanced menu. White carrots stimulate appetite and also help digestive processes. The vegetable also has diuretic effect, therefore it is very appropriate to use it in the treatment of diseases associated with fluid retention in the body. By the way, essential oils Parsnips are a very good aphrodisiac. In addition, the vegetable serves to strengthen of cardio-vascular system. It is also a good pain reliever urolithiasis. Also, parsnip root is a very good tonic, it is recommended to use it for vitamin deficiency, lack of sleep, after serious illness at the recovery stage. It should only be noted that there is negative side vegetable parsnip. Useful and dangerous properties parsnips are listed in detail in the relevant literature.

But in Ancient Greece and in Rome, parsnips were used to relieve headaches and insomnia.


Such serious and intractable diseases as psoriasis and vitiligo are treated by ingesting an infusion of leaves or finely ground parsnip root. It helps to heal, as it contains a lot of tyrosine.

For vitiligo, it is appropriate to use parsnip tincture externally. You should mix white carrot juice with vodka in proportions of one to five, let it brew for at least a couple of hours and rub into light spots, it is better to spread the rest of the skin with a thick cream to protect it from getting this tincture. You don’t need to keep the lotion this way for very long; ten minutes a day will be enough. This procedure must be done every day for a month to see a noticeable result. Every day the time of lotions can be increased by one minute.

This course can be repeated with a break of a couple of weeks. And it helps best during the sunny and hot season, when the skin is very vulnerable.

By the way, women will be pleased to know that parsnips also help with the first wrinkles. In this case, its leaves should be added to vegetable salads with the addition of any vegetable oils. The fact is that white carrots promote the production of much-needed collagen for the skin.

Parsnips in cosmetology

By chemical composition white root significantly different from all other root vegetables. It contains calcium, but not as much as in carrots or beets, but sulfur and phosphorus are present in its composition large quantities. In other vegetables such great content these elements are not observed. And therefore, parsnip root is recommended to be eaten in cases of bone or bone damage.

It also works well when interacting with the skin. Parsnips can relieve you of dark circles under your eyes in a matter of minutes; a tincture based on it is very helpful in treating acne. And the white root is very useful for hair and nails, it strengthens them and promotes growth.

A simple tincture, which was written about earlier, can also help with baldness or even with skin affected by lichen spots. It accelerates hair growth, as if awakening hair follicles, therefore, when bald spots appear, you should think about using this vegetable for cosmetic purposes.

So parsnip root, whose beneficial properties are so multifaceted, should be in every housewife’s kitchen. By the way, it is not at all necessary to eat it as often as other root vegetables (for example, potatoes) to achieve results. A couple of salads a week with parsnip root in the composition will be quite enough. This diet will help improve your digestion, cardiovascular system, appearance and sleep.

It’s hard to believe, but the white root also helps with greying. In this case, it is customary to use nettle externally in folk medicine, but it is recommended to take leaves or parsnip root as food.

For the respiratory tract

The benefits of such a product as parsnip root are interesting, the beneficial properties of which are used in various fields of medicine, including for the treatment of the respiratory system.

So, for people with asthma or tuberculosis, this is a real panacea. And here it is the root that should be consumed. Parsnips are often compared; their beneficial properties in this regard are very similar.

For colds, pneumonia, or simply to strengthen the immune system, salads with leaves or the root of this plant are very appropriate. And if you do get sick, then parsnip decoction will help you get back on your feet.

Use in cooking

Parsnip root has a wonderful fresh but slightly spicy taste. He's sweet. The smell of this plant is also very pleasant. Salads, soups are prepared from the root, they are added to main courses or in marinades. Often dried and ground parsnip root is used as a seasoning. It is also widely used for pickling vegetables.

The tops of this plant are suitable for preparing salads, and they are also used as a seasoning or a spicy flavoring additive for dishes. But parsnip foliage is useful in cooking only when young; dried, unfortunately, it is useless.

The most delicious and easiest to prepare soup, which includes parsnip root, is creamy. For it, prepare vegetable broth in advance, finely chop the onion, one medium-sized carrot, one parsnip root and about three hundred grams of ham. Place all this cutting into boiling broth and cook for half an hour. Then use a blender to bring the consistency to a creamy state, add seasonings to taste. The soup is ready!

Pizza with white root is also extremely tasty. You can choose the dough according to your taste, but thin and unleavened dough, which is specially used for making pizza, is best. Coat the dough base tomato paste, a spoon will be enough. Place chopped red onion rings, parsnip root, a couple of celery stalks, a tomato, and a few cloves of garlic on the base. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese and place in a preheated oven for ten minutes.

Storage conditions

Parsnips should be dug up in the second ten days of September, before the period of frost sets in. At home, if you put it in the refrigerator, it can be stored for about a month. Then it’s better to hurry up and use it. Parsnips can be stored in a vegetable store for a longer time.


Parsnip root is used in cooking, medicine and even as livestock feed. Let's talk about the beneficial properties of this amazing crop and how to plant it on your site.

This vegetable has been known to mankind for a very long time. It contains huge amounts of potassium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur and fluorine. The root vegetable is also rich in vitamins B, PP, essential oils, easily digestible carbohydrates and mineral salts. It contains keratins and is very healthy vitamin C. But the calcium and sodium contents are insignificant.

This plant is recommended to be used to treat many various diseases. Due to its enormous potassium content, it is incredibly valuable for the brain. And thanks to the high percentage of sweet and completely harmless, even for diabetics, fructose and sucrose, it is used in dietary nutrition. Prevention of gallstone and kidney stone diseases is also not complete without this vegetable. It stabilizes the nervous system, stimulates blood circulation, and helps eliminate spasms.

Parsnips in dietary nutrition

Another of its advantages include diuretic properties. This plant stimulates appetite and promotes normal metabolism. In addition, it can even relieve spasms blood vessels. But a few words should also be said about contraindications. You should treat root vegetables with caution if you have increased sensitivity To sun rays. Also avoid contact of the vegetable leaves with wet skin to avoid painful burns.

In cooking, this root vegetable is used more as a spice. It is added to completely different dishes, including stews, salads, soups, and even some desserts. The vegetable gives the broth a unique taste and aroma, making its texture denser. True, as when cooking with onions, after cooking you should remove the boiled root from the soup. In some countries, fried parsnips are served, and this dish is a holiday dish. It is worth recalling that it was parsnips that played the role of potatoes in all kinds of stews and first courses, until the vegetable we were used to was discovered. So today, if you want to lose weight, you can replace high-calorie potatoes with an incredibly healthy root vegetable. Parsnips are also used as a feed crop for animals.

Above we looked at the beneficial properties of parsnips and it is not surprising that it has found its use in folk medicine. Since ancient times, infusions from this miraculous root vegetable have been used to treat disorders of the nervous system, kidney and stomach colic. And even seriously ill people were given an infusion of parsnips and honey. To prepare a healthy elixir, you need to chop the root vegetable and pour boiling water over it for half an hour. The ingredients are taken in the ratio of 1 liter of liquid – 2 tablespoons of vegetables. Close the container and leave. It is enough to drink 100 ml before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Infusion of parsnip and honey

There is another simple recipe for parsnip infusion. To do this, pour 30 g of crushed root with boiling water (250 ml) and leave for 5 minutes. Then strain the mixture through a strainer or cheesecloth. We drink water infusion before meals. At the same time, the squeezes still retain all their useful properties and letting them go to waste is a crime. Place them in a cloth bag and apply to the aching area. After all, the plant is famous for its analgesic effect.

Also, the beneficial properties of parsnips will be preserved if you make syrup from it. To do this, mix 45 g of sugar with the same amount of chopped root and pour boiling water (200 ml) over everything. Place the mixture on water bath and cook for 15 minutes. Take 30 ml of syrup before meals. This remedy will help increase your appetite and fill your body. vital energy for all day.

If you decide to grow a root vegetable in your garden, then first of all you should choose a variety. There aren't that many of them. The round parsnip is popular. The weight of such a root crop reaches 100–160 g, and the length is from 8 to 15 cm. The fruit has a grayish-white color. The advantages include high productivity. The remaining varieties have an oblong shape, which is why they are often combined and simply called Long. But we will pay a little attention to each species.

Growing root vegetables in the garden

The student is a late breed. Parsnip root also has White color and grows up to 36 cm long. The weight of the vegetable will be about 300 g. But the length of the edible part of Guernsey is from 30 to 40 cm, the fruits weigh at least half a kilogram. But the leader among all varieties is Russian size; one root vegetable can weigh more than 2 kg, and the vegetable can be up to half a meter in length.

This biennial plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant, so even novice summer residents can cope with this task. In the first year of its life, the white vegetable spends all its energy on root formation, and in the second, flowering and seeds appear. So you can plant the crop with seeds collected in your own garden. But you just need to take into account that planting material is stored for no more than two years.

Loamy, peat and sandy loam soils are best suited for this crop. It is advisable that there are no other varieties of this representative of the flora in the area, since parsnip is a cross-pollinating species. Excellent predecessors include potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini and early cabbage. But if celery, carrots or late cabbage previously grew on the site, then you should refrain from growing parsnips for the next few years. The white root vegetable loves the sun very much and you need to take this fact into account when choosing a site.

White root vegetable on the plot

Preparing the soil for the plant should begin in the fall. We thoroughly dig up the area and fertilize it with humus at the rate of half a bucket per square. Planting occurs in the spring in early April. A few days before the procedure, you should once again thoroughly dig up the garden and add mineral fertilizers.

To prepare planting material, you need to make a solution of water (1 l) and ash (20 g). Then soak the seeds in it for 2 days. After 48 hours, we take out the swollen grains, rinse them thoroughly under warm running water and dry them. If there are problems with ash, you can immerse the seeds in clean, slightly warmed water for 72 hours. But only in this case you need to remember to change the fluid at least once a day. Then we dry the grains and you can proceed directly to sowing.

Planting and care made easy

We form high beds on the site, maintaining a distance of 20 cm between them, and thoroughly irrigate the soil. The seeds of this vegetable should be placed at a depth of 3–4 cm. When you fill the entire row with seed, you need to cover it with soil and carefully compact it. You don’t have to worry about the plant, even if the temperature has not yet stabilized, because it can easily tolerate even +5 °C. In a little over 2 weeks you will see the first sprouts. And after a few more days will come turn and leaves.

As soon as the second leaf appears, thin out. There should be at least 5 cm between adjacent sprouts. But when the number of leaves increases to 7, it is necessary to thin out again, increasing the distance between them to 10 cm. Loosen the soil as often as possible, this helps to saturate it with oxygen. Also carry out in a timely manner. But only 3-4 irrigations are sufficient for the entire season, and if the summer is rainy, then irrigation can be completely eliminated, since parsnips do not like excess moisture too much. At this time, mineral fertilizers are also applied; they will only have the most favorable effect on the growth of the root crop. You should not treat this representative of the flora with various chemicals, because it does not have pests.

In general, planting is not difficult, and caring for parsnips is quite possible, but how to preserve the properties of the root crop during the winter? To store such root vegetables, you should select dark, dry and cool rooms, basements are great. You can immerse the root in boxes of sand, just make sure that the bulk component is slightly damp at all times. But it is best to leave it in the ground in the garden. You just need to remove the foliage and sprinkle with a little soil. We dig up parsnips in early spring. Also, all the properties of the root vegetable are preserved in tinctures made from it.


What is parsnip?

What is parsnip, the beneficial properties and contraindications of parsnip, what it has medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment, including with the help of vegetables. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Parsnip, or meadow parsnip, or common parsnip (Pastináca sátiva) is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Parsnip (Pastinaca) of the Umbrella family (Apiaceae).

It grows wild in mountain and valley meadows, as well as in bush thickets.

Among the cultivated species, the most common is parsnip, which grows wild in the Caucasus, Turkey and Europe. It is ubiquitous in culture.

Parsnip - garden plant with a white, thickened root that has a pleasant aroma and sweetish taste. The surface of the erect stem, whose height ranges from 30 cm to 1 m, is covered with small hairs.

The plant has odd-pinnate leaves that are ovate, lobed or coarsely serrated. The leaves located in the upper part of the stem are sessile, the lower ones have a short petiole.

Parsnip flowers have correct form. The inflorescence is a complex umbrella consisting of 5-15 rays. The corolla has a bright yellow color. The fruit is a yellowish-brown achene. Flowering begins in July and continues until September. During this period, fruit ripening occurs.

A particularly high yield can be obtained when cultivating the crop on loamy, well-fertilized soils. Sites with cultivated peat bogs can be used for the same purposes. Grow parsnips on clay soils, as well as soils characterized by increased acidity, Not recommended.

The aromatic root of the plant is mainly used in cooking, and both the root and the herbs are used in folk medicine.

Parsnip greens are not used on their own because they are a mildly spicy herb. It is placed together with the root in brines and marinades.

We can come up with something better! For example, if you fry the root just a little, you get an excellent spice for soup. The raw root can be used when stewing vegetables. Dried roots are ground into powder and added to mixtures herbs for flavoring soups and stewed vegetables.

The chopped root vegetable can be safely added to the salad. However, keep in mind that the peeled root darkens. To prevent this from happening, the root is dipped in cold water, and periodically moisten the knife with water while slicing.

Benefits of parsnip:

Parsnip roots are rich in carbohydrates, mineral salts, and vitamins ( a nicotinic acid, thiamine, riboflavin), essential oils, vegetable protein, fiber, starch and pectin. The seeds contain glycosides, furocoumarins and coumarins. The specific aroma of the plant is due to the presence of octyl butyl ester of butyric acid in its essential oils.

Even ancient healers widely used healing properties parsnip. The plant was used as a diuretic. Its use is indicated for swelling, loss of appetite, impotence and impotence, neuroses, depression, liver, kidney and stomach colic.

Often, preparations prepared from parsnips are prescribed for diseases. respiratory system as a means of activating sputum secretion. It has been proven that the plant has the property of strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle.

Since furocoumarins contained in parsnips can increase the degree of exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, the plant is often included in complex therapy vitiligo.

Use in cooking:

Parsnip roots have an aroma that resembles the smell of parsley, and its taste is similar to the taste of carrots. In this regard, the sweetish root vegetables of this garden crops widely used in cooking and manufacturing confectionery. They are consumed in stewed form, mainly as a seasoning for vegetables and meat dishes, as well as soups.

Parsnips have been cultivated for more than 2 thousand years. During the existence of the Roman Empire, only representatives of noble strata of society could afford dishes prepared using it. Only much later in Europe did this plant move from the category of delicacies into a traditional and familiar product nutrition. It is known that in the Middle Ages, English confectioners made candies from parsnip roots.


It is not recommended to eat parsnips when you are elderly or childhood. The product can be harmful in case of individual intolerance. The disease photodermatosis, expressed in inflammation skin from hypersensitivity to solar activity is also a contraindication, since the furocoumarins contained in the product increase the skin's sensitivity to light. In hot weather, you should protect your hands with gloves when handling parsnips, as there is a risk of getting burns from its essential oils.

Parsnip preparations have a mild enveloping effect, improve intestinal motility, act as a laxative, help eliminate waste, toxins and excess liquid. Regular use this vegetable normalizes the functions of the nervous system, relieves attacks intestinal colic, strengthens capillary walls, increases potency. IN official medicine parsnips are used to make medications for vitiligo, angina pectoris and nested hair loss.

We will take a closer look at the effect of parsnips on various systems body.

Effects on digestion:

  • A significant amount of essential oils, as well as the specific taste of “white carrots” stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes and the secretion of gastric juice.
  • This, in turn, increases appetite and activates the process of food digestion.
  • Parsnips are useful for inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Parsnip has low calorie content, and can be included in the diet for weight loss.


For peptic ulcers of the digestive system, parsnips can aggravate some symptoms.

Impact on hormonal levels:

Biologically active substances, which are part of parsnip, help improve the functioning of the glands internal secretion. By stimulating the production of various enzymes in the body, the production of certain hormones increases.

The spicy plant parsnip in folk medicine is recommended to be used to increase vitality and stimulation of sexual desire.

Impact on the excretory system and pelvic organs:

To organs excretory system The parsnip plant has the traditional effect of many spices. Parsnips stimulate the dissolution of stones, counteract the secondary absorption of urine into the blood, and promote the removal of sand from the kidneys.

In folk medicine, root vegetables are used as a diuretic and analgesic. The raw root and decoction of parsnip root are recommended for use when inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, such as prostatitis, inflammation Bladder and the female genital area.

After surgical intervention(including operations to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder), parsnips must be consumed because of their pronounced antispasmodic and analgesic properties. The spice will also help restore strength and stimulate blood formation.


Parsnips are contraindicated in cases of severe urolithiasis, as they can stimulate the passage of stones to the same extent as watermelon peeling. This is fraught with clogging urinary tract large formations.

Effects on the respiratory system:

Regular consumption of white carrots has a beneficial effect on the function of the lungs and bronchi in patients suffering from such serious diseases as asthma and tuberculosis. Traditional medicine recommends parsnips even for pulmonary emphysema (chronic specific disease, in which there is an expansion of the bronchioles and alveoli, leading to thinning of their walls, rupture and bleeding).

Treatment and prevention of angina pectoris, coronary insufficiency, heart neuroses:

Mix parsnip juice, carrots and rosehip syrup in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. Take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals to prevent heart disease. vascular diseases. The course of prophylaxis is 14 days. Prophylaxis should be carried out 3 times a year.

Pour 30 g of parsnip greens and 5 g of valerian roots into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, mix with 100 ml of parsnip root juice, add 2 teaspoons of honey. Take 3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days.

Hair loss treatment with parsnip:

Grate the parsnip roots, add 1 teaspoon burdock oil and 2 crushed cloves of garlic. Rub into scalp and leave for 20 minutes, rinse warm water. Carry out the procedure 3 times a week. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.

Rub parsnip juice into the scalp and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, rinse your hair with a decoction of parsnip and nettle leaves. Carry out this procedure during every hair wash. The course of treatment is 30 procedures.

Grate parsnip root onto fine grater, finely chop the greens, add 1 tablespoon of burdock oil and 1/2 chopped pod hot pepper. Rub the mixture into the scalp and leave for 10–15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedure once a week. The course of treatment is 14 procedures.

Treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction and frigidity:

Mix parsnip juice with parsley root juice in a ratio of 2: 1. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, drink 1 tablespoon of the mixture at night. The course of treatment is 28 days.

Mix the infusion of lovage and parsley with parsnip juice in a ratio of 1:2. For prevention, take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 14 days. For treatment, drink 100 ml of the drug once, then take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 28 days.

Mix parsnip juice with fennel seed infusion in a 2:1 ratio, add a little pumpkin juice and honey. Take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, drink 50 ml of the drug at night. The course of treatment is 14 days. If necessary, extend the course of treatment to 21 days.

Treatment of vitiligo with parsnips:

Lubricate depigmented areas of the skin 4 times a day with parsnip juice. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Pour 100 g of parsnip greens into 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Wipe depigmented areas of skin with infusion 3 times a day. At night, rub with parsnip juice. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Recipes from the book by D. Nesterova “Healing with vegetables. Healers from the gardens."

How is parsnip useful in weight loss diets?

Due to its low calorie content, parsnips can be eaten by people who want to lose weight. It normalizes metabolism and has a tonic effect. Juice strengthens the body.

Be careful: when adding sugar, parsnips stimulate the appetite.

Ancient recipes have been preserved, where instead of high-calorie potatoes, they suggest using parsnips in all dishes. For example, from boiled root vegetables you can make a delicious puree with a sweet taste and nutty aroma.

Since ancient times, humanity has been growing vegetables not only to eat them and feed livestock, but also to cure various diseases.

Among them is the parsnip plant, the beneficial properties of which have been known since the ancient Roman era, where it was served to the table and used by the sick. Let's find out what the benefits of this vegetable are, what diseases it cures, and how to use it to improve the health of the body and restore good health.

Parsnip vegetable: benefits and harm

The benefits of parsnip are due to its rich composition. This plant contains fiber, vitamins K, A, C, group B, minerals in the form of potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and iron.

Thanks to an impressive range of vitamins and mineral elements parsnips have the following healing qualities:

Preventing diabetes

Soluble fiber and plenty of fiber lower cholesterol levels, which helps prevent heart disease and diabetes.

By the way, diabetics can consume parsnips without harm to their health: they contain safe and natural sucrose and fructose.

Relief from spasms

Essential oils contained in the leaves of the plant relieve spasms in different organs, including the liver and kidneys.

Treatment of heart disease and blood pressure reduction

Since parsnip rhizomes contain a lot of potassium, its consumption leads to dilation of blood vessels, and not only the heart, and a decrease in blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Folate also protects against heart disease by reducing the amount of homocysteine ​​in blood cells.

Normalization of the nervous system

Thanks to folic acid and a set of B vitamins, parsnip calms the nerves, helps with depression and apathy. At the same time, it is useful for babies still in the womb: the neural tube of the fetus remains healthy, as well as nervous system child.

Therefore, if you are pregnant, you should not trust your baby’s health to medications filled with “chemicals”: ​​instead of widely advertised products such as Elevit pronatala, we eat natural and healthy parsnips!

Help with weight loss

If you want to say goodbye to excess fat, parsnips will provide you with soluble fiber, thanks to which it will stop being produced in large quantities ghrelin is the “hunger” hormone. You will stop snacking every now and then.

The body will no longer be overloaded with food, and will be able to efficiently digest food and process stored fats. With parsnips you will not have constipation and bloating.

Strengthening the immune system

By strengthening the immune system, parsnips prevent the development malignant tumors and other serious diseases.

Let's find out who should not eat parsnips as food or as medicine.

Pasternak: contraindications

In order not to harm the body, it is important to know in which cases it is better to refrain from consuming this vegetable plant.

Parsnips are harmful if present:

  • Kidney failure. Since this plant has a strong diuretic effect, it is better not to use it if your kidneys are weak, so as not to harm them even more.
  • Dermatitis and light or sun intolerance. If you suffer from these diseases, you may get burns when using parsnips.
  • Hypotension. This plant lowers blood pressure, so hypotensive people should stay away from it.

If you do not suffer from these diseases, still do not overuse parsnips, and strictly adhere to the dosage during treatment.

Parsnips in folk medicine: recipes

Let's find out how parsnips are used in practice, a vegetable whose beneficial properties are so diverse.

Traditional medicine recipes with parsnips

Iron deficiency, anemia

To restore hemoglobin, do the following:

  • We clean one rhizome and grate three.
  • Mix the mixture with a liter of freshly boiled milk.
  • Wrap the container in a blanket or thick terry towel and put it in a warm place for 2 hours.
  • We filter and store the medicine in the refrigerator.

We drink 0.25 glasses 3-4 times a day. The course of increasing hemoglobin is one month.

Parsnips in folk medicine: how to use

Poor appetite, stressful condition

If you have problems with appetite or are experiencing stress, use the following recipe:

  • Three rhizomes on a grater.
  • Mix the pulp with 20 g of granulated sugar and 20 ml of boiled water.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  • Remove from the stove and put in a warm, dry place for 10-12 hours.

We filter the finished medicine and drink 20 ml before each meal.

Erection problems, loss of strength, headaches, dizziness, poor digestion

All these ailments disappear after drinking parsnip decoction:

  • Grate the root vegetable.
  • Brew with a liter of boiling water.
  • Cover and wait 5 hours.

We filter the infusion and drink 0.5 tbsp twice a day. The course of treatment is ten days.

Diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract

To get rid of them we use the following recipe:

  • Cut 30 g fresh leaf parsnip.
  • Brew them with 400 ml of boiling water.
  • Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Cool and filter the broth.

Take half a glass of decoction 3 times a day for 20 days.


In order to get rid of depressive state, prepare parsnip tincture:

  • Three 2 rhizomes on a grater.
  • Transfer the pulp into a glass jar.
  • Fill with 0.5 liters of alcohol or normal vodka.
  • Close the jar tightly and put it in the refrigerator for 30 days.

We take 20 drops of tincture 4 times a day.

Vascular weakness, capillary fragility, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases

To treat them we use freshly squeezed parsnip juice:

  • We peel the roots.
  • Extract the juice using a juicer.

Before each meal, take 20 ml of freshly squeezed juice (it can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 8 hours).


To get rid of neurosis, use an infusion of parsnip flowers:

  • Brew 50 g of dried inflorescences with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Leave for three hours and filter.

We take an infusion of parsnip flowers 3 times a day, 0.5 cups.

Parsnip vegetable beneficial properties

Spasms and pain

To prepare an anesthetic medicine, use dried parsnip root:

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of root powder with 50 g of sugar.
  • Pour in 300 ml of boiled water.
  • Bring to a boil, remove from heat.

We put it in a warm place and wait 10 hours. Drink 30 ml of infusion in 30 minutes. before meals.


To get rid of stones we make a decoction:

  • We wear out dried leaves parsnips into powder.
  • Mix 2 tsp. raw materials 1 tbsp. boiling water
  • Steam the infusion for 15 minutes.

Cool, filter and take 10 ml of infusion 4 times a day.

Alopecia (baldness)

If your hair is coming out in clumps, make masks with parsnips:

  • Add 20 g of dried parsnips to any hair mask.
  • Rub the mixture into the scalp and wrap with a towel.
  • After 15 min. We wash our hair with water without using shampoo.

Masks with parsnip will strengthen and make existing hair smooth and shiny, and will help rapid growth new.

Strengthening the immune system

We use parsnip tonic:

  • Three root vegetables on a fine grater.
  • Transfer to a glass jar and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Leave for 2 hours and filter.

Drink 50 ml of restorative infusion 3 times a day.

Now you know how parsnip, a plant whose beneficial properties have been known since ancient Greek times, can cure a number of diseases. Consult your doctor about the use of parsnips for treatment, and use it for your health!

> Parsnip vegetable – beneficial properties

Parsnip is a true Asian, which came to Europe only at the beginning of the 18th century, and in our area received funny name"fawn borscht" Parsnip is a vegetable whose beneficial properties everyone would like to know.. The smell and taste of parsnip are specific, slightly reminiscent of the same indicators in combination with. Growing it is not at all difficult, and you can reap good harvests.

The chemical composition of parsnips is very diverse and unique, and it is they that give parsnips their beneficial properties. This root vegetable contains a lot of carbohydrates and proteins, and absolutely no fat. Parsnips contain mineral salts, vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E, K, A, as well as enzymes and essential oils. But the most important benefit of parsnips is their insoluble fiber. It is very beneficial for the digestive system. Parsnips are rich in potassium, while there is almost no sodium at all. Macroelements: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus. Microelements: iron, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper. It is very useful to eat parsnips for anyone who has no appetite and sluggish digestion. Juice is extracted from parsnips, which is used to strengthen capillaries, reduce pain, and is also useful for bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia and even emphysema.

Beneficial properties of parsnip vegetable

From parsnips according to recipes traditional medicine You can prepare some medicines.

Parsnip tonic. To tone and strengthen your body, squeeze the juice out of parsnips and mix with a small amount to improve the taste. You need to take this remedy one tablespoon three times a day, before meals. This remedy should be taken by anyone who is seriously ill. Parsnip juice helps with many health problems. It improves appetite, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries. It must be taken in for preventive purposes, first of all, to prevent cardiovascular diseases. It relieves swelling, helps relieve pain from stomach ulcers and duodenum, liver diseases and stomach colic. Remember that juice can only be squeezed from the root of this plant.

Having cooked water solution from parsnips with added sugar, you will get another excellent remedy for strengthening the body and restoring strength after illnesses.

Parsnip – vegetable, which is not useful to everyone. Age may be a contraindication to consuming parsnips. Parsnips are equally contraindicated for both small children and elderly people. People who suffer from photodermatosis should also be careful.

Before cooking, parsnips are thoroughly washed, peeled and the tails are cut off. It can be steamed or baked in the oven. Cooked parsnips are perfect as a side dish for large dishes. In addition, parsnips are added to goulash and soups. The most skilled chefs can cook pancakes and pancakes. Parsnip puree turns out to be very tasty and satisfying. In its raw form, it is added to various salads, most often grated on a coarse grater.

Parsnip chips are very tasty and healthy. They are very easy to prepare. Pour a layer vegetable oil in a frying pan, heat it for deep frying. The parsnips are peeled and cut into very thin pieces. Each piece is thrown into hot oil and fried for 45 seconds until a golden crust forms. The chips are laid out and dried on a paper towel. Add seasonings and salt to the chips to taste. These chips can easily replace less healthy potato chips.