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White cinquefoil thins the blood. How to use white cinquefoil root to treat thyroid problems. What happens if you drink white cinquefoil with milk?

White cinquefoil is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. Botanical name: Potentilla alba. Generic name: Cinquefoil (Potentilla). Folk names- five-finger, five-ring, five-finger.

White cinquefoil is a herbaceous plant, perennial height from 8 to 25 cm. Belongs to the Rosaceae family. White cinquefoil root is a thickened rhizome, black-brown color. The plant is covered with silky, appressed hairs. The leaves at the root are palmate, silky underneath, with 5 dark green leaflets, the stipules are lanceolate.

Flowering stems with 1 - 2 leaves bearing 3 to 5 flowers. Petals are white, notched, longer than the sepals. Leaves are shorter than sepals, linear-lanceolate. Stamens - 20. Fruits - hairy at the base. The plant blooms in spring and the first month of summer.

It is no coincidence that the cinquefoil was called white; it blooms profusely with white flowers, creating a white blanket noticeable from afar. Its flowers are similar to the color of wild strawberries; there are up to 10 - 15 of them on one peduncle. The root of cinquefoil, which grows in nature, is creeping and can reach 70 - 100 centimeters in length. The plant reproduces by divisions - shoots from the root.

White cinquefoil grows in Europe. The range extends from Central Europe to the Volga. The northern border corresponds to the north of Germany. This species is absent from the forests of Scandinavia, Finland and the British Isles. The western border runs through the Vosges and Ardennes. In the south - through the northern part of Italy, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria through Ukraine, then to the middle reaches of the Volga.

Grows in different soils from dry to moist, poor nutrients, sandy and clayey. Prefers light, especially oak and pine forests, copses, edges and meadows, grassy slopes and shrubs.

There are several more cinquefoils, most often cinquefoil anserialis and cinquefoil erecta or galangal.

Collection and preparation of white cinquefoil:

V folk medicine The whole plant, leaves, flowers and roots are used. Leaves and flowers can be cut throughout the season, and roots can be dug in early spring or late fall.

Spread in a thin layer on fabric, the cinquefoil raw material is dried in the shade in the air, possibly in well-ventilated rooms. The rhizomes are well cleaned from the ground and the roots are removed. (only rhizomes without roots are harvested).

Composition and medicinal properties white cinquefoil

The unique value of the plant lies in the fact that, despite its apparent fragility, it contains almost the entire periodic table of micro and macroelements. Therefore, when using cinquefoil, mineral and salt metabolism in the body, then levels out hormonal balance, as a result of which they return to normal metabolic processes the whole body.

As you can see, white cinquefoil has the power of a giant, which is capable of stopping the development of any tumor process.

White cinquefoil contains tannins - gallotanin (its maximum content during the flowering period), phenol carboxylic acids, saponins, starch, iridoids, flavonoids - rutin (in leaves - quercetin, kaempferol, cyanidin), elemental iodine, a large number of microelements - Mn, Cu, Zn, Ce, Fe, Co, Si, Al. In the underground part of the plant biologically active substances contains more than aboveground.

Preparations from the aerial part of the plant stimulate the central nervous system, and extracted from the root of the plant - evens out the hormonal balance in the body, normalizes the function thyroid gland and enhances diuresis, used to prevent or treat liver diseases, of cardio-vascular system And gastrointestinal tract, in particular, stomach ulcers, gout, rheumatism, jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, as a slightly lowering blood pressure, astringent, antiseptic and wound-healing and hemopathic, antitumor agent.

It is also known that white cinquefoil exhibits antibacterial activity, promotes the resorption of soft tumors, nodular formations, improves the structure of hair and nails.

These features make it possible to use white cinquefoil with great success for the treatment of thyroid goiter. In parallel with the treatment of any disease with cinquefoil preparations, the following changes always occur: nails stop peeling, hair stops splitting and breaking, it acquires a rich shine.

The use of white cinquefoil root is of particular importance in areas with a high incidence of thyroid diseases among the population, in regions with iodine deficiency in nature.

The use of white cinquefoil in folk medicine

Tincture of white cinquefoil roots in vodka

50 g of dry roots (must be crushed with a hammer) are placed in a glass container and poured with 500 ml of vodka, sealed with a lid. Infuse in a dark place for 4 weeks, shaking occasionally, and filter. 30 minutes before meals, take 20-30 drops 3 times a day. per day, diluted in a small amount of water. The dosage is selected individually. The tincture is used to treat all of the above diseases.

Infusion of white cinquefoil

One and a half tablespoons of a mixture of dry crushed roots and dry crushed white cinquefoil herb, taken equally per glass (200 ml) of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 8 hours, filter. 30 minutes before meals, take from one to three tablespoons per dose of 2-3 r. per day when treating the thyroid gland. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually.

Infusion of white cinquefoil herb

2 tablespoons of dry crushed herbs per glass (200 ml) of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 8 hours, filter. 30 minutes before meals, take a third to half a glass of 3-4 rubles. per day to lower blood pressure. The pressure drops to normal. It is recommended to prepare infusions using melt water.

Particular attention is paid to the choice therapeutic dose in the treatment of thyroid diseases (the dosage is individual, selected by the doctor, depending on the stage of the disease and the condition of the patient’s heart). For children, the dose is reduced by 2 times.

If necessary, treatment chronic diseases(including thyroid diseases) are carried out in courses - 3-4 weeks - admission, 2 months - break. Preparations of white cinquefoil are non-toxic.

Contraindications for white cinquefoil are low blood pressure.

In the article we discuss white cinquefoil - properties and contraindications, botanical description and distribution area. You will learn how to collect white cinquefoil root, how to take its tincture for thyroid diseases, mastopathy and fibroids, and whether the plant can be used for children.

White cinquefoil (Potentilla alba) is a herbaceous perennial plant from the genus Potentilla (Potentilla) of the Rosaceae family.

The plant is otherwise called five-fingered, mezhipershchitsa, five-finger, five-leafed, five-fingered, white oubrovka, five-fingered, white perstach.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of white cinquefoil White Potentilla is a herbaceous plant up to 30 cm high with a thick scaly rhizome. Most of plants hide underground. The length of the roots reaches 100 cm. The root leaves have dark brown lanceolate stipules. Stem leaves with small stipules are ovate-lanceolate.

The plant blooms in April - June. The large white flowers resemble strawberry flowers in shape and are located on long stalks.

Potentilla bears fruit in June - July.

Where does it grow

White cinquefoil grass grows on well-lit grassy slopes, edges, meadows, copses, deciduous and coniferous forests. The plant is rare, although throughout Europe and the CIS countries. It can be found in small quantities in Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine, Western Siberia and in the Urals.

This rarity is explained by the long growth period of the cinquefoil. The plant reaches its full size in 10 years. That is why it is listed in the Red Book.

Rhizome and roots of white cinquefoil

The roots of white cinquefoil are used in medicine. Purchase medicinal raw materials of white cinquefoil in pharmacies, on specialized websites or from traditional healers . You can grow the plant yourself, but to do this you need to find planting material. If you don't know where white cinquefoil grows, find any of the following medications at the pharmacy:

  • filter bags with cinquefoil - crushed roots, 1.5 g each;
  • white cinquefoil tablets - root powder tablets;
  • tincture of white cinquefoil in alcohol;
  • weight dry raw materials;
  • packaged dry raw materials, 50−100 g.

Chemical composition

The variety of beneficial properties of white cinquefoil is explained by its composition:

  • flavonoids, iroids, saponins;
  • tannins;
  • amino acids, glycosides;
  • iron, boron, sodium, calcium and other elements;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • iodine and iodide anion;
  • rutin and albinin.

Medicinal properties

Pharmacological properties of white cinquefoil:

  • normalization of hormonal balance;
  • antimicrobial and healing effect;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • restoration of blood circulation;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • establishing the menstrual cycle;
  • antitumor properties.

Thanks to all these beneficial properties, white cinquefoil can be used in folk medicine as follows:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bruises, boils, bruises;
  • post-stroke and post-infarction condition;
  • atherosclerosis, high blood pressure;
  • uterine prolapse, fibroids, cysts and mastopathy;
  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • colds, acute respiratory infections;
  • kidney diseases.

The root of white cinquefoil is especially popular for use in diseases endocrine system . Indications for taking medicines based on the plant are thyrotoxicosis, goiter, euthyroidism, thyroid hyperplasia, iodine deficiency.

When using white cinquefoil, reviews say that the plant helps to correct weight and figure. White cinquefoil for weight loss removes waste and toxins, stimulates digestion and improves the process of fat breakdown.

How to collect

  1. Dig up the plant when it reaches the age of 3-4 years;
  2. The best period for collection is autumn, when the maximum amount of active and nutrients is concentrated in the roots;
  3. Trim off the aerial parts, small roots and rotten parts of rhizomes;
  4. Clean the raw materials from dirt, rinse and leave in the open air for 2-3 days;
  5. Place the roots under a shed or in a well-ventilated attic.

Properly collected and dried raw materials can be stored for up to 3 years.

How to use

You can buy a tincture of white cinquefoil at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Popular recipes for medicines based on the root of white cinquefoil are for the treatment of the thyroid gland, including thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism and some forms of goiter. Also, white cinquefoil for women has an effective antitumor effect against fibroids, cysts and mastopathy.

Infusion for thyroid

White cinquefoil helps with thyroid problems in the form of a water tincture. To prepare it, do not buy a large amount of raw materials at once, since one course of treatment will require no more than 200 g of root powder. If you only have whole white cinquefoil roots, be sure to chop them. Use a mortar or hammer. In the latter case, wrap the raw materials in cloth so that parts of the roots do not fly apart. Make a water infusion in the evening so that the medicine is ready in the morning. Never cook white cinquefoil if you have hypothyroidism.


  1. White cinquefoil root (powder) - 1 tsp.
  2. Water (boiling water) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour root powder into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After 6-8 hours, strain the infusion through a sieve or several layers of gauze.

How to use: Drink 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days, after which take a break for 7 days.

Result: Aqueous extract Potentilla white for hyperthyroidism and other diseases of the thyroid gland equalizes the hormonal balance, improves metabolism and normalizes the activity of the endocrine system.

Tincture for fibroids

If you have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids and are experiencing heavy bleeding, try making the cinquefoil tincture white.


  1. White cinquefoil root (powder) - 50 g.
  2. Alcohol - 250 ml.
  3. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour the raw materials into a bowl, dilute the alcohol with water, pour it into the bloodroot powder and shake. Cover the dish with a lid and leave for 15 days in a dark room. Shake the liquid periodically. Strain the preparation.

How to use: Take 3 times a day, 15-20 drops.

Result: White cinquefoil root strengthens the body, improves blood circulation and normalizes hormonal levels. Since uterine fibroids are a hormone-dependent tumor, the tumor shrinks and gradually disappears.

Tincture for mastopathy

Alcohol tincture of cinquefoil is also effective for mastopathy. At the same time as taking white cinquefoil root, treatment is supplemented with compresses and ointments on the chest.


  1. White cinquefoil root (powder) - 200 g.
  2. Vodka - 1 l.

How to cook: Heat the vodka in a water bath and pour in the dry crushed raw materials. Place the container in a dark place for 3 weeks, then strain. Add water to the tincture to obtain the same volume of 1 liter.

How to use: Add 1 tsp. in ¼ cup warm water and take in the morning and at lunch 30 minutes before meals.

Result: Treatment with white cinquefoil for mastopathy has a high therapeutic effect until complete recovery.

White cinquefoil for children

IN official instructions White cinquefoil has no restrictions on its use for children. However, some herbalists believe that children can take the herb only under medical supervision and following the dosage. Children's hormonal system is unstable and may be negatively affected by white cinquefoil.


The contraindications for taking medications with white cinquefoil are as follows:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • chronically low blood pressure;
  • chronic heart rhythm disturbance;
  • simultaneous use of iodine-containing drugs.

During the treatment of white bloodroot, concentration decreases, so be careful if you drive a car yourself. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, or increased drowsiness. In this case, stop taking the medicine for 1-2 days and continue taking it at a lower dosage. Be sure to consult an endocrinologist.


White cinquefoil (Potentilla alba) belongs to the genus Potentilla (Potentilla) of the Rosehip or Rose family (Rosoideae), order Rosaceae.


The genus Cinquefoil includes about 325 plant species. In Russia, the most common wild species are the following:

  • White cinquefoil (Potentilla alba);
  • Cinquefoil erecta (Potentilla erecta);
  • Silver cinquefoil (Potentilla argentea);
  • Potentilla anserina;
  • Potentilla megalantha Takeda;
  • Snow cinquefoil (Potentilla nivea);
  • Creeping cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans);
  • Potentilla multifida;
  • Low cinquefoil (Potentilla supina).

For more information about cinquefoil, watch the video:

Potentilla white infographics

Photo of white cinquefoil, its beneficial features and application
Infographics on white cinquefoil

Need for integrated approach to the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system and the body as a whole is justified by clinical confirmation of the effectiveness of the use of white cinquefoil. The beneficial properties and minimal contraindications of preparations from the herbaceous plant are explained high content micro- and macroelements, high level iodine and minimal toxicity.

The healing effect of tinctures

About unique properties white cinquefoil is known in folk medicine and pharmacology, and infusions of its roots have a miraculous effect and allow you to get rid of a number of ailments:

  • Urolithiasis.
  • Cysts and fibroids.
  • Acute inflammation of the stomach and pancreas.
  • Diarrhea (beneficial effects are achieved with the help of tannins).
  • Iron deficiency anemia, uterine prolapse and liver problems.
  • Prolapse of the uterus.
  • Dysentery. The astringent properties of tannins have a positive effect on reducing fluid loss during illness.

The use of herbal infusions

The beneficial properties of cinquefoil explain its widespread use as a diuretic that does not irritate the kidneys and does not cause side effects(there are contraindications for urolithiasis).

Herbal decoctions are taken when bronchial asthma and convulsions, pain caused by menstrual cycles. Decoctions of white cinquefoil are widely used for washing ulcers and open wounds arising from impaired metabolism.

Herbal infusions have all the beneficial properties for quickly combating sore throat and inflammation oral cavity. An ointment based on pentadigital helps fight chapped lips.

Clinical indications

The beneficial properties of white cinquefoil are effective and safe in the treatment of thyroid problems:

  • Hyperthyroidism is hyperfunction of the thyroid gland due to an excess of thyroid hormones.
  • Hypothyroidism is an insufficient level of thyroid hormones in the body.

Drinking an infusion of white cinquefoil roots for hyperthyroidism can easily eliminate the main symptoms of weakness, sweating and neurosis. For achievement better effect for hypothyroidism, an alcohol extract is used as a auxiliary drugs, affecting the reduction of the dosage of L-thyroxine or Mercazolil. White cinquefoil contains elemental iodine and iodide anion, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, but there are contraindications.

Effect on the body

The main effect of white cinquefoil is its hormone-like effect on the body, which ensures the normalization of the function of the thyroid gland and female genital organs, preventing dysfunction reproductive system. White cinquefoil is well used in the treatment of hypertension - galenic preparations of pentacle root help normalize high blood pressure. Separately, there have been cases of blood pressure stabilization in people suffering from hypotension.

An additional effect is stimulation protective properties the body during stress and adaptation. Taking the tincture improves the course infectious diseases, improves well-being, adds strength and eliminates problems with unreasonable mood changes.

The antioxidant properties of white cinquefoil deserve special attention, that is, the ability to prevent skin aging due to its blocking effect on the appearance of free radicals. Many women report significant changes in skin turgor after taking quinquefoil tincture. Separately noted are antibacterial and antiseptic properties plants. Indications for use of five-palm include increased level cholesterol.

Precautionary measures

The substances included in the infusions and decoctions are non-toxic and have virtually no contraindications. However, with pronounced hypotension, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and drowsiness may occur. In some cases, constipation occurs.

Sometimes we look in vain for salvation from illnesses in chemicals, but you can often get rid of many diseases using folk remedies.

At the heart of any folk remedy there are medicinal plants today we'll talk about one of these. We will devote this conversation to a perennial herbaceous plant with unique medicinal properties, known as white cinquefoil. The plant is popularly called five-leafed, five-fingered, five-fingered, five-fingered, white perstach, white dubroyka, mezhiperschitsa.

Currently, white cinquefoil is endangered; this plant is extremely rare, despite the fact that it is rather picky to grow. The grass's favorite habitats are copses, grassy slopes and shrubs, gradual meadows, cleared forests - pine, oak, broad-leaved spruce.

White cinquefoil: composition

IN medicinal purposes Both the roots of the cinquefoil and its stems and flowers are used.

The root system of cinquefoil contains a lot of substances useful to the body, including iodine, barium, boron, zinc, sodium, iron, calcium, lithium, copper, silver, nickel, aluminum, selenium, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, manganese, selenium and a lot others.

Flowers and stems are useful due to the fact that they contain saponins, carbohydrates, iridoids, phenol carbonic acids (ellagic, n-coumaric acids), flavonoids (rutin), tannins (and their maximum content is noted during the flowering period).


Such unique composition turns white cinquefoil into a real panacea. Speaking about the beneficial properties of the plant, we should highlight:
improving the functioning of the endocrine system;
improvement of activity digestive tract;
improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
strengthening immune system;
removal of toxins, waste, radiation from the body;
antiseptic and wound healing properties;

White cinquefoil will be useful for the following ailments:
thyroid diseases;
violation hormonal levels;
stroke, heart attack;
stomach ulcer;
liver diseases;
uterine prolapse;
violation monthly cycle;
increased blood cholesterol levels;
increased sweating.

White cinquefoil: contraindications

Like most drugs based on medicinal herbs, white cinquefoil has virtually no contraindications. The only thing is that it is not recommended to use products containing this plant in case of individual intolerance. People suffering from hypotension and hypothyroidism should take such drugs with extreme caution, as they help lower blood pressure.

White cinquefoil: application

To conclude our conversation, I would like to share a few traditional medicine recipes using white cinquefoil. However, before taking these medications, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, who will help you choose the exact dosage and determine the course of treatment.

Infusion of white cinquefoil roots in vodka

You will need:
White cinquefoil roots – 50 grams,
Vodka – 500 ml.

Cooking method
The roots of the plant must be crushed with a hammer. Place in a glass container, add vodka and seal tightly with a lid. After this, the mixture should be stored in a dark place for a month, remembering to shake it periodically. After the specified time has passed, the infusion must be filtered.
It is recommended to take it for the above ailments 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 20-30 drops diluted with water.

Infusion of white cinquefoil for the treatment of thyroid diseases

You will need:
Crushed white cinquefoil roots - 1 teaspoon,
Chopped white cinquefoil leaves and flowers - 1 teaspoon,
Water – 200 ml.

Cooking method
Pour the roots, leaves and flowers of the white cinquefoil into a thermos. Pour a glass of boiling water. Close the thermos tightly with a lid and leave for 8 hours. After the specified time, the infusion must be filtered.
Take 1-3 tablespoons (the dosage is determined by your doctor in individually) 3 times a day half an hour before meals. This infusion is effective in the treatment of thyroid diseases.

Infusion of white cinquefoil herb to normalize blood pressure

You will need:
Chopped stems, leaves and flowers of white cinquefoil - 2 tablespoons,
Water – 200 ml.

Cooking method
Pour the chopped white cinquefoil into a thermos. Pour boiling water over it. Close the lid and leave to infuse. After 8 hours, the infusion must be strained.
With increased blood pressure the infusion should be taken 1/3-1/2 cup 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals (the exact dosage and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor).

White cinquefoil ointment for joint inflammation, radiculitis and osteochondrosis

You will need:
White cinquefoil root – 5 grams,
Butter or pork fat - 200 grams.

Cooking method
Grind the white cinquefoil root into powder. Pour melted butter or pork fat. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 7 minutes. Strain.
For inflammation of the joints, radiculitis and osteochondrosis, apply compresses to the sore spots or rub them with ointment.
Be healthy and share your recipes based on white cinquefoil with us!

Cinquefoil - a large family herbaceous plants, growing all over the globe, which are famous for their healing qualities and are able to save a person from many terrible ailments.

One of the most striking representatives of this genus is white cinquefoil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were known to our ancestors at a time when people treated ailments exclusively with the help of the gifts of nature.

White cinquefoil is widely used in folk medicine

Modern herbalists also do not deny the beneficial effects of the plant on the human body, therefore they widely use it in traditional medicine recipes as an effective antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antitumor medicine.

What is cinquefoil?

What does white cinquefoil look like and where does it grow in Russia? This graceful plant with delicate white flowers of small size grows mainly in forests and on the edges of the European part of our state.

It does not tend to give preference to any type of soil, so it feels great in both sandy and clay soils.

Most often, white cinquefoil can be found on grassy slopes, meadows and copses.
White cinquefoil grows in the European part of Russia

Currently, the plant is considered to be quite rare species. But this did not reduce his popularity among fans. traditional methods treatment. That is why the topic of the benefits and harms of white cinquefoil still remains relevant and deserves special attention from both specialists and ordinary consumers medicines based on this amazing plant.

Beneficial features

What does white cinquefoil treat? The medicinal properties of the white cinquefoil herb are due to its unique composition.
This plant contains many biotropic substances that have a beneficial effect on the tissues of the human body:

  • vitamins and microelements, in particular iodine in large quantities;
  • tannins;
  • amino acids, including essential ones;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides, iridiodes, saponins;
  • the substance albinin, which has tropism towards the thyroid gland;
  • compferol and cyanidin;
  • routine and others.

To his wide application In folk medicine, white cinquefoil owes the following properties:

  • the plant is strong natural antiseptic, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, allowing you to quickly get rid of diseases of infectious origin;
  • white cinquefoil and Kuril tea (yellow cinquefoil) have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, normalize heartbeat, reduce the level bad cholesterol, prevent the development of vascular atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts;
  • rhizomes of white cinquefoil allow you to get rid of functional disorders from the hepato-biliary sphere, ease the flow viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis;
  • found white cinquefoil root use for thyroid diseases, including its hyper- and hypofunction, as well as thyrotoxicosis;
  • with the help of a plant you can normalize hormonal levels, improve metabolism and conduct effective prevention cancer diseases;
  • treatment with white cinquefoil is relevant for diseases of the digestive tract, namely ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract, dysentery, gastritis;
  • herbal remedies quickly eliminate the manifestations of stomatitis, treat sore gums, help get rid of furunculosis and weeping eczema;
  • thanks to his diuretic effect of cinquefoil used in the treatment of many diseases of the urinary system;
  • the plant is good removes toxins and radionuclides from the body, increases immunity, slows down tissue aging and helps cope with nervous system disorders;
  • improving fat metabolism, when losing weight, white cinquefoil allows you to quickly and irrevocably lose extra pounds;
  • grass normalizes balance female hormones, promotes normal puberty in girls, warns painful menstruation and pathological menopause;
  • provides moderate analgesic effect, improves general health and improves mood.

You will learn all the details about the benefits of cinquefoil from the video:

Are there any contraindications?

White cinquefoil is a bright representative medicinal plants, which have virtually no contraindications for use. People can take products based on it different ages, independence from individual characteristics their body and presence concomitant diseases. The only point: white cinquefoil root is contraindicated for hypotensive patients or patients prone to sharp jumps pressure to a lesser extent.

This is easily explained by the properties of the herb to reduce blood pressure, which can cause exacerbation of hypotension and provoke the development of collapse.

Naturally, before taking white cinquefoil, you should also make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components herbal remedy, consult a specialist, choose the most optimal method of use and dosage of the product.

Features of application

Most often, the plant is used in treatment regimens for thyroid diseases. If there is pathology on the part of this organ, it is recommended to use an infusion, for the preparation of which the rhizomes of the plant are taken.

Grandmother’s recipes for treating the thyroid gland with white cinquefoil advise taking the infusion according to a special scheme, which describes in detail how to drink white cinquefoil correctly:

  • on the first day of treatment, you need to prepare an infusion from a teaspoon of crushed rhizomes of the plant and a glass of boiling water, keep it in a thermos for about an hour and drink in three doses half an hour before meals;
  • on the second day, take 2 spoons of raw material per glass of boiling water and drink according to the scheme;
  • from the third to the seventh day, it is necessary to gradually increase the dose of cinquefoil by one spoon daily;
  • from the eighth to the fourteenth day, the scheme must be repeated, starting with one teaspoon of dry roots.

Naturally, before taking white cinquefoil for the thyroid gland, it is better to consult a specialist. In general, the use of cinquefoil root in the treatment of the thyroid gland allows you to feel noticeable results and significantly improve general state health.

Potentilla infusion will help cope with thyroid diseases

How to prepare a tincture of white cinquefoil, with which you can treat not only the thyroid gland, but also various pathologies other visceral organs. A vodka tincture of white cinquefoil is prepared from crushed rhizomes of the plant, doused with alcoholic beverage in a ratio of 50 g of dry raw materials to 0.5 liters of alcoholic liquid. The resulting composition must be placed in a glass container and kept for a month in a dark place. After this, the tincture is ready for use. It is recommended to take the product three times a day in an amount of up to 30 drops 15 minutes before meals.

Currently the most in a convenient way application of cinquefoil is the use of ready-made pharmaceutical drugs based on it.

A classic means of such therapy is the drug Endorm from the roots of white cinquefoil, which has no analogues in modern medicine. pharmaceutical market. Endorm allows you to get rid of thyroid diseases, normalize the balance of hormones in the body, change good side metabolism and improve overall human health.

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