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White cinquefoil root and other types of cinquefoil in folk medicine. Medicinal roots of white cinquefoil: uses and contraindications

Poor environment and a huge amount harmful products led to the development of many diseases, among which the leading positions are occupied by diseases thyroid gland. Traditional methods of treating them are hormone therapy And surgery.

Alternative medicine methods can help avoid surgery in some cases. Treatment of the thyroid gland with the use of white cinquefoil root helps to normalize hormonal background and eliminate nodular formations. The effectiveness of this plant is evidenced by many years of experience in its use. For example, in Belarusian Polesie, decoctions and infusions of cinquefoil are used instead of tea. Therefore, after the tragic accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, thyroid diseases are an extremely rare occurrence among people inhabiting this region.

What is the value of white cinquefoil, what parts of this plant are used to treat the thyroid gland, and what modern herbal remedies contain the extract of this plant?

White cinquefoil is popularly called white oak, five-fingered and five-leafed due to the fact that the flowers and leaves of the plant have five petals. This plant grows from Central Europe to the Volga, loves sunlight, and therefore is often found on forest edges, meadows, and grassy slopes. A plant that grows in forests is of particular value. At the same time, cinquefoil prefers mainly pine and oak plantings.

The development of agriculture and forestry has led to the fact that, starting from the 19th century, the pentacle is quite rare in nature. However, this plant grows very slowly. It is possible to obtain an adult plant from a seed only after 10 years. Although in medicinal purposes plants are used at the age of 4-5 years, since it is at this age that they contain maximum concentration useful substances.

Studies have confirmed that white cinquefoil has a thyroid-stimulating effect. At the same time, such an influence on human body Only the roots of the plant have an effect, and the above-ground part is not used to treat the thyroid gland.

Beneficial features

The main benefit of white cinquefoil for the thyroid gland is the content of elemental iodine and iodide anion. It is these substances that have a thyroid-stimulating effect.

The rhizome of white cinquefoil contains the following chemical elements:

  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • silicon;
  • aluminum.

White oak also contains other substances.

  • Flavonoids strengthen blood vessels, reducing their permeability and increasing their elasticity. Thanks to this action, the use of white cinquefoil prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits in blood vessels, eliminating the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Another essential effect of these substances is the ability to bind and remove free radicals from the body.
  • Phenolcarboxylic acids prevent the development gene mutation and have a diuretic effect.
  • Salonins are substances that tonic blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on the nervous and immune system, as well as the adrenal cortex. They lower cholesterol levels and have a calming effect.

This plant has been used since ancient times to treat the following conditions:

  • disorders of the digestive system and their diseases;
  • purulent non-healing wounds;
  • recovery reproductive function among women;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • promotion protective functions body;
  • high blood pressure;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • as a means to help speed up the rehabilitation process after strokes and heart attacks;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • as a product with antibacterial and wound-healing effects.

White cinquefoil can be used to prevent diseases of the liver, heart, blood vessels and digestive organs. In particular, this plant can prevent the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The use of white cinquefoil in the treatment of thyroid gland

It should be noted that five-leaf clover can be used both for increased activity thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), and with low (). This plant normalizes the production of hormones, influencing the functions of the pituitary gland.

Back in the 18th century, white cinquefoil was used to successfully treat diseases. endocrine system. It has proven its effectiveness in the following thyroid diseases:

  • various forms of goiter;

A decoction and infusion of white cinquefoil are prescribed as complementary therapy to the main treatment of the thyroid gland. Herbal remedies prepared on its basis promote the resorption of nodular and tumor formations and prevent further growth of diffuse tissue.

Unlike hormonal drugs for the thyroid gland, which have many contraindications and have a number of side effects, cinquefoil has no side effects and is absolutely harmless.


White cinquefoil rhizome reduces blood pressure, so it is used in the treatment of hypertension. This property plant makes it impossible to use it for hypotension, a disease characterized by decreased blood pressure.

Taking herbal remedies based on this plant can provoke the development of tachycardia. This plant is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Methods for preparing herbal remedies

White cinquefoil is used for thyroid problems in the form of tinctures, infusions and decoctions. Mainly rhizomes with plant roots containing greatest number substances with thyroid-stimulating effects.

To prepare the tincture you will need the following components:

Dry raw materials are placed in a jar or bottle and filled with vodka or alcohol. The jar is tightly sealed and stored in a dark place for 3 weeks. After this period, the resulting tincture is filtered and taken 30 drops, after diluting them in 150 ml of water.

Treatment with tincture should continue for at least 1 month. After this time, you must stop taking the herbal remedy for 2 weeks. To increase effectiveness, the tincture should be drunk for at least 4-5 months.

To prepare the decoction, dry raw materials in the amount of 1 tablespoon are placed in a container, ½ liter of boiling water is poured into it and heated in a water bath for 45 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, divided into 3 parts and taken throughout the day. To prepare the infusion, you need to place the same amount of raw material in a thermos and pour boiling water overnight.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on white cinquefoil

Pharmaceutical companies offer consumers ready-made drugs, made on the basis of white cinquefoil extracts.

White cinquefoil plus

This drug contains the following medicinal components:

  • white cinquefoil (rhizomes with roots);
  • dried kelp;
  • Echinacea purpurea.

White cinquefoil plus is biological active additive to food, taken as a source of flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds and iodine. The drug is available in the form of coated tablets.

You should stop taking dietary supplements if signs of intolerance to its components appear. It is also not recommended to take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The composition of Endocrinol includes the following components:

  • white cinquefoil (not only the rhizomes of the plant are present here, but also its above-ground part);
  • medium chickweed, popularly called chickweed;
  • vitamin E.

Main active substance The drug is cinquefoil. The remaining components are designed to enhance its effect due to the ability to soften the follicles of the thyroid gland, promoting the resorption of the formed ones. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, preventing the pathological proliferation of diffuse tissue and the formation of new nodes.

This drug is available in gelatin capsules. Its use is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components of dietary supplements, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This drug contains the following components:

  • white cinquefoil (rhizome with roots);
  • succession grass;
  • licorice naked (roots);
  • dried kelp.

The drug is available in 400 mg capsules. Moreover, half of the contents of the capsule are cinquefoil. IN percentage this remedy is considered pure albinin - the active substance of white cinquefoil, which explains its high efficiency and no less high cost.

The use of Endorm with white cinquefoil root for thyroid problems is effective for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. It does not affect the activity of the thyroid gland, suppressing or enhancing it, but completely restores the functions of the organ. In addition, the substances contained in dietary supplements improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the body.

Using Endorm will become more effective if you follow special diet, which provides for the exclusion from the diet of foods that interfere with the functioning of endocrine organ. During the period of treatment it is also recommended to stop taking medical supplies, which have a similar effect.

Contraindications for the use of Endorm are individual intolerance to its components. This drug should not be taken by women who are pregnant. They cannot be treated during breastfeeding either.


You should consult an endocrinologist about how to take this or that drug containing five-leaf clover. Despite vegetable origin all of the above dietary supplements, high dosages substances that have biologically active effects can lead to adverse health effects.


  1. Kazmin, V. D. Diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands/ V.D. Kazmin. - M.: Phoenix, 2009. - 256 p.
  2. Petunina, N. A. Diseases of the thyroid gland: monograph. / ON THE. Petunina, L.V. Trukhina. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 222 p.
  3. Pinsky, S.B. Diagnosis of thyroid diseases / S.B. Pinsky, A.P. Kalinin, V.A. Beloborodov. - L.: Medicine, 2005. - 192 p.
  4. Rudnitsky, Leonid Diseases of the thyroid gland. Pocket guide / Leonid Rudnitsky. - M.: Peter, 2015. - 256 p.
  5. Sinelnikova, A. 225 recipes for thyroid health / A. Sinelnikova. - M.: Vector, 2013. - 128 p.
  6. Sinelnikova, A. A. 225 recipes for thyroid health: monograph. / A.A. Sinelnikova. - M.: Vector, 2012. - 128 p.
  7. Uzhegov, G.N. Thyroid diseases: Types of diseases; Treatment with traditional medicine; Medical / G.N. Uzhegov. - Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2014. - 144 p.

⚕️Melikhova Olga Aleksandrovna - endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, etc.

Delicate and fragile in appearance perennial white cinquefoil, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have been known since time immemorial, is used in cosmetology and medicine.

Its leaves resemble the shape of a palm with five fingers, for which it has earned various popular names: five-fingered, five-fingered, five-fingered, five-fingered, white perstach, mezhiperschitsa.

general characteristics

This grass is completely unpretentious to the conditions; it grows on poor soils, clay or sandy. Most often it can be found in meadows, light forest glades (especially pine or oak), copses, edges, and grassy slopes.

The height of the cinquefoil reaches from 9 to 25 cm. The flowering period is from May to June. White flowers with five petals are very similar to strawberry flowers, so from a distance it is easy to confuse such a clearing.

The plant is unique - it is very rich in micro and macroelements. Everything from the flower to the root is used in medicine.

Harvesting the plant

Those who do not trust pharmaceutical mixtures grow cinquefoil on personal plots or searched in their natural habitat. It is best to collect the above-ground part of the pentacle during active flowering. During this period, the grass accumulates the greatest amount of useful elements.

But the root part is harvested in spring or autumn, after complete withering. Three to four year old white cinquefoil is suitable for harvesting; the properties of a younger plant are not as strong and will not have the desired healing effect.

The collected grass is dried on fresh air in shaded areas. A regularly ventilated room is also suitable (it is better if there is a slight draft).


Thanks to the unique set of substances that white cinquefoil contains, the use of this plant is very diverse:

  • prevention of iodine deficiency;
  • improving the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • recovery hormonal balance;
  • beneficial effects on the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • providing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects;
  • fight against tumors;
  • stabilization of the heart and blood vessels;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • removal of radionuclides and preventing accumulation in the body;
  • slowing down cell aging, increasing immunity;
  • normalization mental state, fight against depression;
  • providing a slight analgesic effect;
  • increased performance, improved mood.

One of the common traditional methods treatment is tincture of white cinquefoil. To make it, both the leafy and root parts of the plant are taken, depending on what needs to be cured. For example, the roots of a plant are more biologically saturated active substances, in comparison with the above-ground part. Several recipes are known.

  1. Tincture from the leafy part

    For brewing, it is better to take a thermos, but other suitable containers will also work. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over two tablespoons of dried herbs, let it brew for 9 hours (it’s better to do it in the evening), strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. To reduce blood pressure and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, a tincture of white cinquefoil prepared in this way is used; the instructions for use are very simple. You should drink a third of a glass before meals.

  2. Alcohol tincture

    Crush 50 gr. dried pentapala roots using a hammer, food processor or other in a convenient way. Pour the resulting powder into a clean glass jar, add half a liter of vodka. Hide the closed jar in a dark place for one month. Stir the liquid occasionally and strain before use. You need to take thirty drops of the remedy before meals.

  3. Mixed tincture

    To prepare, you need to mix the dried stems, leaves and crushed root parts, pour boiling water (250 ml) over the mixture. Let it brew for 9 hours, strain well before using. Take 1 to 3 spoons before meals. Drink the tincture during thyroid problems.

Another way to overcome this disease using the root of the white cinquefoil is the use of endonorm - a medicine in the form of capsules. The active ingredient is white cinquefoil, endonorm is available without a prescription. Even taking into account the fact that it is based plant extracts, no need to self-medicate. Before use, it is better to consult a qualified specialist.

An indispensable substance is a decoction of cinquefoil root (boil 20 g of root for 15 minutes in 250 ml of water). It heals wounds well, promotes tissue regeneration, and acts as an antiseptic. Get rid of eczema, numerous bruises, boils, purulent wounds and other skin diseases, lotions from the prepared decoction help. And rinsing oral cavity will help get rid of stomatitis and bleeding gums.

The infusion of this herb is used to treat uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance. For this purpose, one tablespoon of powder from the root is poured into a liter of boiling water and the mixture is placed on water bath. After 15 minutes, remove, allow to cool and strain. The decoction should be consumed before meals, half a glass. This remedy will help normalize hormonal balance and strengthen the body.

Contraindications for white cinquefoil

Bloodroot white contraindications does not have as much as its other herbal medicinal counterparts. Contraindications include:

  1. White cinquefoil can provoke the development of tachycardia. Therefore, you need to be careful: it is recommended to treat any disturbances in the functioning of the heart with great caution. Be sure to listen to your heart, and if discomfort occurs, you need to reduce the dosage and consult a doctor to change the treatment plan folk remedies.
  2. Should be taken very carefully if there is urolithiasis. Cinquefoil can cause large stones to move, which can cause damage to the ureter and cause pain.
  3. One of the properties of this plant is to lower blood pressure. Therefore, people with low blood pressure you need to choose a different treatment, without white cinquefoil.
  4. If an allergy or intolerance occurs, then you should look for another treatment option, excluding cinquefoil.
  5. Taking cinquefoil can trigger a large release of thyroid hormones. If a person has hypothyroidism, then taking this plant is not recommended.
  6. Often, taking cinquefoil leads to constipation. It is recommended to refrain from taking it for people with colitis and constipation.
  7. Components of cinquefoil can cause menstruation; taking this plant is contraindicated during pregnancy. It is also advised to refrain from taking it during lactation, because... this remedy has not been sufficiently researched.
  8. If blood density is increased, then taking white cinquefoil can worsen the condition by reducing capillary permeability.

If we take into account everything that was previously said, then white cinquefoil is useful in various areas of treatment various diseases, but serious consideration should be given to the limitations and precautions for use. Be sure to coordinate the use of the drug with your doctor, who will first confirm the diagnosis and make sure that the drug is tolerable.

White cinquefoil is a rather rare plant that is found in wildlife. This is a perennial herb of the rose family, reaching 30 cm in height. It blooms with beautiful small white flowers. Due to its beneficial properties, white cinquefoil has found its use in folk medicine. What this plant is famous for, in what situations it is used, should be considered in detail.

White cinquefoil is a perennial plant that pleases the eye during its flowering period. A small bush is covered with small flowers white color at the end of spring. It has large leaves, a long and hard rhizome. It includes a large number of trace elements, tannins, flavonoids, iodine, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. That's why this type Potentilla is actively used in alternative medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

Useful properties of white cinquefoil and its use

What does cinquefoil help with? This plant has big amount useful properties, namely:

  • improves the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • normalizes heart activity and blood vessels;
  • normalizes functioning gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases immunity;
  • relieves inflammatory processes and has an antiseptic effect;
  • removes toxins and other harmful substances from the human body.

What does this useful plant treat? It is highly effective and is used in folk medicine in the treatment of such diseases:

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. The plant is used for thyroid dysfunction, both increased and decreased function. Eliminates toxic processes in cells, promotes the disappearance of nodes.
  2. Women's diseases. White cinquefoil is actively used in gynecology, since its use helps to normalize menstrual cycle. And also resolves cystic neoplasms in the uterus, relieves a woman’s condition during prolapse.
  3. Hypertension. This plant helps lower blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. In some cases, it is even useful for low blood pressure.
  4. Obesity. Cinquefoil promotes normalization metabolic processes, due to which it is highly effective in losing weight.
  5. Stress. Medicines based on this plant have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Therefore, it is useful to take them when mental disorders, emotional shocks, depression.
  6. Abscesses. Inflammatory processes on skin, their various injuries can be quickly cured by treating with cinquefoil tincture.
  7. Arthritis. Joint inflammation causes painful sensations, stiffness of movements. In order to alleviate the condition of such ailments, cinquefoil is used.
  8. Gastritis. This plant is used to normalize acidity gastric juice. Relieves pain during periods of exacerbation of this disease.
  9. Diarrhea. Thanks to the presence of tannins, this disease is quickly eliminated.
  10. Dysentery. White cinquefoil has antibacterial and antiseptic effect on the body, and also retains fluid in the body.

White cinquefoil has wide range effects on the body. Therefore even modern doctors recommend its use for the treatment of many diseases. It can be taken not only to treat adults, but also children.

Important to remember! Before using this plant, you need to consult a specialist! Because, despite many useful properties, it still has certain contraindications.

Recipes for preparing medicines

White cinquefoil is actively used in alternative medicine. Many medicines can be prepared from its roots, leaves or flowers. How to cook on your own effective means, should be considered in detail.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare this medicine, you will need 10 g of root, the main ingredient, which should be ground to a powder consistency using a blender or coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder with 100 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol. Leave to infuse for 1 month. After the time has passed, take the finished tincture 30 drops 3 times a day before eating. This will help normalize metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as of cardio-vascular system.

You should take 2 tbsp. l. dried leaves of the main ingredient, pour 2 cups of boiling water. It is better to do this in a thermos. Leave to brew for about 8 hours. Then separate the infusion from the sediment and take 100 ml 3 times a day before eating. This medicine It is actively used to treat the thyroid gland not only in adults, but also in children.

Decoction of leaves

How to brew this type of medicine? This will require 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves Potentillas, which should be chopped. Add 1 glass of water. Let it simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes. Let the prepared broth brew for a while and cool, then strain thoroughly. How to take the decoction? The finished product should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before eating. This decoction is usually used in the treatment arterial hypertension, diarrhea, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.


You should take 5 g of the root of this plant and grind it to a powder. Add 200 g melted unsalted butter or pork fat. Simmer on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then strain. Let the ointment cool and thicken. Ready-made product you should treat the affected areas of the body or apply compresses. This ointment is used for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, inflammatory processes in joint tissues.

Side effects

Medicines based on cinquefoil can cause the following side effects:

  • bleeding in women;
  • premature birth;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Therefore, before using this remedy You need to consult a specialist about its dosage and the advisability of taking it in general.

Important to remember! Excessive use products based on white cinquefoil can worsen the condition! You should strictly adhere to the instructions for use, as well as the doctor’s recommendations.

Contraindications for use

This drug is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • pregnancy period;
  • breastfeeding period, as it may cause allergic reactions in a baby;
  • severe hypotension.

It is important to know! People with low blood pressure should take cinquefoil with caution! Excessive use can worsen the condition in such a situation.

White cinquefoil in finished form can also be purchased at pharmacies. The Evalar company produces medicines based on this plant in the form of tincture and dry powder.

Instructions for use:

Cinquefoil is a herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory, restorative, antimicrobial and hemostatic effects, widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

pharmachologic effect

Cinquefoil belongs to one of the largest plant genera in terms of number (Rose family).

The genus mainly consists of perennial plants, but annuals, biennials and subshrubs are also found. The genus got its name from Latin word potents, which means strong or powerful, because healing properties Many representatives of the genus have long been used in medicine.

The most common and well-known are Cinquefoil white, Cinquefoil anseri, Cinquefoil bush and Cinquefoil erecta.

White cinquefoil - perennial herbaceous plant with a thick scaly rhizome and thin short stems. It grows mainly in Europe, preferring light-colored copses, meadows and grassy slopes. White cinquefoil has been used in folk medicine since the 18th century to treat the thyroid gland, dysentery, liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Externally used to treat carbuncles, boils, abscesses, abscesses, using the antiseptic and wound-healing properties of the plant.

Cinquefoil goose is a perennial low herbaceous plant. Other names – Goose foot, Caterpillar or convulsive grass.

The rhizome of the Cinquefoil anserium is low-branched, thick, scaly, with high content protein and starch.

Apply as medicinal plant, usually using leaves that contain organic acids, tannins, flavonoids and fatty oil. Decoction and infusion of Cinquefoil goose has hemostatic, anticonvulsant, astringent, antiseptic and diuretic effects. Cinquefoil anserina is used for treatment inflammatory diseases mouth and throat, as well as skin lesions– cuts, burns and various inflammations. Included in homeopathic remedy Potentilla anserina.

Cinquefoil shrub is a strongly branched shrub. Other names are Kuril tea or Bush cinquefoil. Cinquefoil shrub grows mainly in mountainous areas on moist, drained soils. Widely used in Mongolian and Indo-Tibetan medicine as decoctions for gastrointestinal diseases. Thanks to the large number of biologically active compounds, Cinquefoil is used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and sedative.

Cinquefoil erecta is a perennial plant with low erect stems. Another name is wild Kalgan or Kalgan grass.

The rhizome and root of Cinquefoil are woody, cylindrical, unevenly thickened, short and contain a large number of biologically active compounds: tannins, flavonoids, essential oil, tormentillin glycoside, red pigment phlobafen, tormentol ester, quinic and ellagic acids, phlobafens, gum, wax, resins, starch and sugars. Cinquefoil is used as a spice, as a raw material for making paint, and as a hemostatic, astringent, tonic, anti-burn, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent in traditional and folk medicine.

Cinquefoil root also reduces capillary permeability, has a vasoconstrictor effect and protects tissue from bacterial, chemical and mechanical influences.

Release form

Cinquefoil is produced in the form of crushed plant raw materials in cardboard packs of 50 g, 75 g, 100 g and plant powder in filter bags of 2.5 g.

Cinquefoil root is also included in various fees and teas.

Indications for use of Cinquefoil

Cinquefoil is used for:

  • Gastritis;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Dysentery;
  • Cholangitis;
  • Jade;
  • Colpitis;
  • Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, including ascites;
  • Enterocolitis;
  • Eczema;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Skin cracks and burns;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Gingivitis;
  • Enterite;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Gout and rheumatism;
  • Bleeding of various etymologies;
  • Vaginitis and cervical erosion;
  • Atopic dermatitis and diffuse neurodermatitis.


Cinquefoil root is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the plant.

Instructions for use of Cinquefoil

Cinquefoil is used both internally and externally.

Cinquefoil is used internally in the form of an infusion or decoction 3-4 times a day. A decoction or infusion is usually taken 30 ml, tinctures - 25-30 drops. For liver cirrhosis, use Cinquefoil in the form of an infusion three times a day, 40-100 ml, 2 hours before meals. The course of treatment is long, up to two months. As a preventive measure, Cinquefoil can be used in the form of a decoction or infusion twice a year in the autumn-spring period for a month.

Externally, Cinquefoil is used for douching, mouth rinsing, wet dressings, lotions and applications, using a decoction or infusion.

To heal burns and deep cracks, boil 1 tablespoon of crushed Cinquefoil root in one glass of unsalted butter for 10-15 minutes, then strain while still warm.

Side effects

Cinquefoil rarely causes side effects in the form of allergic reactions.

Storage conditions

Cinquefoil root can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. Shelf life – 3 years.

Phytohormones are actively used traditional healers in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system. Beneficial features white cinquefoil has been known for hundreds of years, but for normalizing hormonal balance official medicine approved the use healing root not so long ago.

It is important to know how to prepare and use herbal remedies based on this useful plant like white cinquefoil. Using the root for safe and effective treatment thyroid gland requires compliance with the recipe, proper preparation tinctures and decoctions. The treating physician must approve herbal medicine as an adjunct to diet, medications, and other therapies.

The benefits of herbal remedies

Physicians have identified a large percentage of iodine and valuable iodous acid in the composition of cinquefoil. These components have a positive effect on the thyroid gland and support correct flow metabolic processes, reduce the risk of malignant lesions.

Potentilla root contains a complex of useful substances:

  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenylcarboxylic acids;
  • tannins;
  • iridoids.

General rules of treatment

You cannot cancel your doctor’s prescriptions on your own. hormonal drugs, try to restore the functionality of the endocrine system with the help of herbal medicine. Medicinal plants, including white cinquefoil, are not a panacea.

For mild forms of disease, if HRT is not required, herbal compositions show high efficiency. For severe pathologies, active tumor process, malignant lesions of thyroid tissue, abandoning synthetic compounds can be expensive. Only a combination of decoction and tincture of white cinquefoil root with a complex of drugs and diet helps in the treatment process.

For prevention pathological changes V thyroid gland After treating hyperthyroidism, herbalists advise taking a decoction or tincture twice a year. The duration of each course is a month. In case of persistent hypotension (low blood pressure), the doctor will select another medicinal plant to prepare useful compounds.

Go to the address and read about what cortisol is responsible for in women, the causes of deviations and options for correcting hormone levels.

Potentilla root tincture

How to proceed:

  • grind the rhizome (50 g is enough), place in a bottle (optimally made of dark glass), pour good vodka(500 ml is enough);
  • Shake the liquid well, place it in cool room so that the light does not fall on the bottle;
  • periodically you need to shake the container for more active action plant components;
  • After 20 days, the white cinquefoil tincture is ready. Strain the liquid, pour into a clean container, remove natural remedy in a cool, definitely dark place;
  • at nodular goiter, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, drink 30 drops of the herbal remedy every day (half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner). Important point- dilute the alcohol tincture a little warm water in an amount of 150 ml;
  • Duration of treatment is three months. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can continue the course of therapy, but you need a break for a week. Be sure to consult with an endocrinologist throughout herbal treatment.

Natural decoction


  • Finely chop the rhizome of the pentapal, take a tablespoon, pour the plant material (dried or fresh) into a thermos;
  • add boiling water (half a liter is enough), seal the container, and leave overnight. In the morning healing infusion ready;
  • strain the herbal remedy, place it in a clean jar or bottle, and put it in a cool room;
  • twice a day, before meals (20-30 minutes) drink ½ glass healing decoction. The duration of therapy is 30 days. Further use of cinquefoil decoction must be agreed upon with an endocrinologist;
  • A proven, safe herbal remedy is suitable for a course of preventive use after normalization of the functions of a weakened thyroid gland.

A decoction of pentacle root (cinquefoil), unlike alcohol tincture, can be taken by children with the permission of an endocrinologist. The herbal remedy acts “softer” than synthetic hormonal compounds, but the effect in hyperthyroidism is quite pronounced. You should always consult a pediatrician and pediatric endocrinologist before starting herbal treatment in young patients.