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Dry cough persists. Why doesn't my cough go away after antibiotics? Pork fat

Cough is complex reflex act in which there is a sharp contraction of the respiratory muscles and a powerful push-like release of air from the lungs. A cough occurs when sensitive receptors located in the trachea, larynx, pleura, and large bronchi are irritated.

primary goal cough reflex - clearing the airways of liquid, foreign body or mucus. At its core, a cough is a defense mechanism that is designed to clear the airways of secretions or all kinds of aspirated or inhaled particles.

Depending on the cause of cough, cough is distinguished physiological And pathological.

Physiological cough - this is a completely normal and, one might even say, necessary phenomenon Everyday life person. From time to time, a physiological cough that appears removes from the respiratory tract the mucus that has accumulated there, as well as those that have gotten into the “wrong throat.” foreign bodies or crumbs. The main characteristics of a physiological cough: periodic recurrence (with no other symptoms of the disease), short duration.

Unlike physiological pathological cough manifests itself against the background of all kinds of respiratory diseases. As mentioned above, physiological cough is the same in all cases and does not arise with its diagnosis. special problems. Pathological cough, on the contrary, has a very diverse character, in many cases depending on the nature of the disease that caused it. In order to correctly diagnose and treat a disease that is accompanied by a cough, it is extremely important to establish individual characteristics this cough.

Depending on duration of symptoms allocate the following types cough:
spicy(no longer than one to two weeks),
protracted(from two weeks to a month),
infraspinatus(from a month to eight weeks),
chronic(more than two months).

A cough accompanied by mucus production is called productive. When there is no mucus discharge, a cough is called dry

Acute cough arising against the background of acute respiratory infections (ARVI). This type of cough is the most common. Acute cough against the background of acute respiratory disease develops over several hours or days and is characteristic of diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis.

The main characteristics of this cough:
gradual development over several hours or several days,
the presence of other symptoms of the disease (runny nose, increased body temperature, feeling weak, weakness, in children - refusal to eat, moodiness, anxiety),
change in the nature of the cough from dry to wet.

The main development factor lingering cough is not an infection, as with an acute cough, but oversensitivity cough receptors and increased production sputum as a result of a previous illness. That is persistent cough– this is not so much a symptom of the disease as a natural attribute of the healing process. When choosing cough treatment tactics, this fact is important.

Recurrent cough - This is a prolonged, periodically recurring cough, the duration of which exceeds two weeks. Recurrent cough is characteristic of diseases such as obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

Constant cough characteristic of a number chronic diseases pulmonary tract and lungs. We are talking about a persistent cough when the patient actually coughs constantly (that is, the cough can sometimes weaken or intensify, but it is constantly present). Wet persistent cough is a sign of diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis. Diseases such as fibrosing alveolitis or laryngeal papillomatosis are characterized by a dry, persistent cough.

Diseases that can cause cough:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
allergies, asthma,
runny nose,
chronic rhinitis and sinusitis,
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, heartburn),
congestive heart failure,
lungs' cancer,
sinus infection,

Possible causes of cough

1) All kinds of bacterial and viral infections of the lungs or respiratory tract. Diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, viral infections, whooping cough, pharyngomycosis ( fungal infection upper respiratory tract), etc.
2) Tumor diseases.
3) Smoking.
4) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
5) Foreign body aspiration.
6) Tuberculosis.
7) Diseases gastrointestinal tract, mainly gastroesophageal reflux.
8) Diseases of cardio-vascular system, which lead to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation (in the lungs), such as, for example, coronary pulmonary disease of the fourth functional class.
9) Mental disorders.
10) Cough can occur as a side effect when taking certain medications, as an option - medications used to lower blood pressure ( enam, enap and so on.).
11) Chemical irritation (gases, tear gas, smoke).

Allergic cough

In fact, the concept allergic cough" is incorrect, since such a term does not exist in modern classification diseases. If there is a connection between a cough and an allergic process, then, as a rule, we're talking about about the cough variant of bronchial asthma. In what cases would it be correct to talk about a cough as being associated with an allergic process?

Paroxysmal cough which begins suddenly and can last quite a long time for a long time.
Chronic cough. When a patient begins to cough, he cannot stop for a long time. Most often, attacks occur at night.
The cough is predominantly dry. In some cases, at the end of a coughing attack, there may be a discharge small clot light or clear sputum. Sometimes patients note that the cough was provoked by any external factors: contact with animals, dust, strong odors, old books, etc. During coughing attacks, you may also experience a feeling of difficulty breathing and suffocation.

Cough treatment

Depending on the cause of cough, medications are selected individually. Antitussives are divided into two types: those that thin mucus and those that promote expectoration.

In most cases, cough caused by acute respiratory infections has to be treated. viral infections, or ARVI, that is, what is commonly called a cold. There is nothing surprising in the fact that a mild cough occurs against the background of a cold. Most often, such a cough does not require any treatment and disappears on its own along with the underlying disease. In other cases, for example, during bronchitis, the cough can be persistent and severe, accompanied by the discharge of viscous sputum. In this situation, sputum thinning treatment may be necessary and effective.

How is cough treated? First of all, you need to try drink as much fluid as possible, because the drinking plenty of fluids stabilizes water balance in the body, which is disrupted during illness, and helps to dilute sputum. During coughing and pharyngitis, it is extremely useful to drink abundant mineral waters (as one of the options, “Borjomi”), since they chemical composition also facilitates sputum production and speeds up the healing process. The diet should include light but calorie-rich foods, as well as fruits and vegetables.

Secondly, during coughs and colds, an effective remedy is inhalation. They are indicated for older children and adults. Young children (under the age of 4 years) inhalation is not recommended, as this can cause an attack of suffocation. To prepare inhalation, you need to take the leaves of chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme, sage (one tablespoon of each ingredient), place in a large container and pour boiling water. Add a teaspoon to the resulting infusion baking soda and a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil. Such inhalation must be carried out several times a day.

Thirdly, if the cough is persistent with viscous sputum (most likely bronchitis or tracheitis), you need to take medications to thin the sputum: mucolytic and expectorant agents. Most of these medications come in both pediatric and adult forms. We advise you to opt for medications plant origin, as well as on mucolytics, such as "Lazolvan" ("Ambroxol"), ACC (acetylcysteine), "Bromhexine". The use of mucolytics is advisable in cases where sputum is present, but it is viscous and difficult to remove.

It makes sense to take expectorants if coughing produces a small amount of sputum (scanty sputum), since these drugs stimulate the secretion of sputum by the bronchial glands, diluting it and strengthening the cough reflex, which leads to clearing of the airways during a cold or bronchitis.

Antitussive drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician, because they can lead to serious adverse reactions. You should not combine the use of mucolytic cough suppressants and antitussives, as this can cause blockage of the bronchi with mucus.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can buy it at the pharmacy breast collection, however, if you wish, you can compose it yourself. This should be done this way: take equal parts of licorice, thyme, linden, oregano, coltsfoot, mint, pine buds, plantain, lungwort, calendula, chop. For half a liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of the mixture and leave for an hour and a half in a warm place. Strain the resulting decoction and take 150 ml three to four times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

During whooping cough, dry cough and colds must be taken 2-4 once a day before meals, a third of a glass of the following brew: brew four to five pieces of figs with one glass of boiling milk, wrap, let it brew until it cools down. You can also rub the patient’s chest with the following mixture: three parts of plantain leaf, three parts of licorice root, four parts of coltsfoot leaves.

If the cough is severe, The following recipe is suitable: add half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of unsalted interior fat to a glass of boiled milk, mix thoroughly, drink hot in small sips two to three times a day before meals.

Before going to bed, rub your chest with internal fat (lamb or goat fat is ideal), put on a cotton T-shirt, pull a woolen sweater over it and go to bed.

Update: December 2018

Coughing is a reflex, just like breathing itself. And its appearance indicates that some kind of pathogen has appeared - allergic, infectious, viral, that is, the cause of a dry cough, serious or not, which causes irritation in the respiratory tract and forces the body to cleanse them of - allergen, infection, virus or foreign body.

Cough itself is not a disease, it is a symptom of over 50 various diseases or allergic manifestations, from a common cold to tuberculosis, oncology, bronchial asthma or heart disease. Most often, a dry cough goes away within a few days, turning into a productive, wet cough with sputum, but sometimes it can drag on. Based on duration, dry cough is divided into:

  • Acute - which after a few days turns into wet or goes away
  • Prolonged – which lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months
  • Chronic – which lasts more than 3 months.

Let's figure out why a dry cough doesn't go away long time what diseases cause dry cough.

The main causes of dry cough related to the respiratory system

The most common causes of dry cough are inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, caused by viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

In this case strong body with a strong immune system, it copes on its own, and if the immune response to a virus or infection is weakened, then antibiotics or antibiotics come to the rescue.

If you have parainfluenza or influenza, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this is very insidious diseases, which have recently become very aggressive, leading to a lot of complications. Read about that in our article.

If during ARVI, influenza or other infectious disease A dry cough that does not go away for a long time may be caused by:

  • firstly, because the human immune system is significantly weakened
  • secondly, that there are provoking factors that affect the duration of a dry cough, these include: smoking and drinking alcohol, very dry air in the room and taking insufficient fluids during a cold or viral disease.
  • thirdly, the addition of a secondary infection or complication after viral disease when bacterial, tracheitis, pharyngitis, etc. develops.

Diseases of the pleura and lungs may also be accompanied by dry, painful cough- this is pneumonia, pleurisy. In this case, it most often happens heat, shortness of breath, chest pain.

Atypical forms of pneumonia

You should also keep in mind that a prolonged cough can be a consequence of mycoplasma and chlamydia, these pathogens may cause atypical pneumonia, bronchitis, which can last a long time and recur periodically. To differentiate the pathogen that caused pneumonia or bronchitis, you can take a blood test using ELISA.

Whooping cough, measles, false croup

Bronchial asthma

a very common disease characterized by a chronic painful dry cough and asthma attacks. This disease cannot be considered only a disease of the bronchi; it is a severe pathology that is associated with general violation immunity, nervous system and allergies.

Exposure to toxic substances in the home

household chemicals containing chlorine, washing powders etc., the presence of an abundance of exhaust gases in the air of cities and megacities leads to the occurrence of an allergic dry cough. Also pay attention to when your dry cough started; maybe it has something to do with the purchase of new furniture, new renovations, or the purchase of household appliances.

Modern industry, especially the production of plastics, furniture, building materials, even children's toys, often use an abundance of toxic chemical substances, which can have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and bronchi, causing chronic chemical poisoning. If there are a lot of such products in the room, they are new and emit an odor - this may be the cause of a dry cough.

In addition, dry coughing as an allergy occurs from inhaling perfumes, toner vapors from copying and printing equipment.

Worm infestations

Sometimes cases of ascariasis are recorded, in which, during the migration of ascaris larvae through the pulmonary circulation, they are retained in lung tissue, causing an annoying dry cough. Getting into the lungs, trachea and bronchi, they cause irritation of cough receptors; the migration phase for ascariasis is 8-14 days (see).

Professional dry cough

The reason for its appearance may be associated with work in hazardous industries, where a mass of suspended matter is formed in the air toxic substances causing dry cough in workers. Workers in the stone processing and coal mining industries often develop pulmonary silicosis. Also among occupational diseases, causing a dry cough, it is worth noting the disease of American farmers or fibrosing alveolitis, where a dry cough is only the debut of a pathology, the outcome of which is severe respiratory failure.

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract provoke a dry reflex cough without fever; it occurs after eating with diverticula of the esophagus, esophageal-tracheal fistula, reflux esophagitis.

Taking certain medications

usually, ACE inhibitors, which are used to reduce blood pressure and treatment of others cardiovascular diseases. In 20% of patients, these medications cause a dry cough, if after discontinuation of the drug it disappears, therefore, this cough was side effect the drug being taken.

Cardiovascular diseases and heart failure can also cause dry cough

The cause of the allergy, the provocateur of allergic reactions, can be determined using tests ordered by an allergist. It is worth taking any manifestations of allergies seriously, since it is not just a dry cough, runny nose or rash; a severe allergic reaction can occur anaphylactic shock, which without timely medical care can be fatal.

What to do if a cough does not go away for a long time is a question that worries many people.

Unfortunately, most people often make mistakes when treating colds, including persistent coughs.

First of all, it should be remembered that coughing is one of the body’s defense reactions, which occurs as a result of pathogenic bacteria, dust or accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract. The causes of cough can be very diverse. That is why you do not need to make a diagnosis yourself, even if you have a “banal” cough, as this can lead to various negative consequences.

During seasonal colds, ARVI is quite common among adults and children. At proper treatment its symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough and runny nose) disappear after some time. It often happens that all the symptoms of a cold have gone away, but the cough continues to torment. His attacks become especially frequent at night. As a rule, this occurs as a result of an incorrect therapeutic course of treatment, as the trachea and bronchi are damaged.

Important! In order to understand what to do if a cough does not go away for a long time, it is necessary to find out the reason for the protracted course of such a symptom.

Cough continues for a week

If the cough persists for a week and the patient’s condition does not improve, the reasons may be the following:

  • as a result of hypothermia;
  • chronic fatigue, constant stress or emotional stress;
  • unbalanced diet, which leads to the body not receiving enough vitamins and essential nutrients;
  • microorganisms of pathogenic flora.

It is as a result of all the above factors that human body weakens, his immunity is not able to resist viruses and fight cough.

Treatment of cough in this case will be aimed at the following actions:

  1. Frequent gargling. As a solution, you can use a combination of aloe, calendula or eucalyptus tincture. The minimum number of procedures is at least ten per day.
  2. Inhalations based on medicinal herbs will also help relieve symptoms and prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the bronchi and trachea.
  3. Traditional medicine offers many tips and recipes. One of them is preparing a decoction of sage leaves. To prepare this effective remedy you need to boil a glass of milk with the addition of one tablespoon of herbs. This decoction should be drunk hot; you can also add a little honey to taste. After taking the medicine, it is better to lie down for a while, covered with a warm blanket or rug.

Important! It should be remembered that if a cough is accompanied by a runny nose or fever, then most likely it is a cold and it is necessary to carry out complex treatment.

What to do if the duration of the cough exceeds one month

Among the main causes of a lingering cough that does not go away after a month or two are the following:

  • an inflammatory process occurs in the lungs;
  • bronchitis of a smoker may develop;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • development benign tumor in organism.

Sometimes a persistent cough can be accompanied by a number of other symptoms, such as:

  • pain and tightness in the area chest;
  • difficulty breathing and wheezing occur;
  • nasal congestion;
  • expectoration of sputum mixed with blood.

What to do if the cough does not go away for a very long time? First of all, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. This is why it is necessary to contact medical institution for a thorough examination. Most often, doctors prescribe x-rays to identify the underlying cause. Procedures and examinations may also include:

  • blood sampling for analysis;
  • carrying out sputum analysis;
  • Mantoux test to ensure the absence of tuberculosis.

As therapeutic treatment Antibiotics and medications are prescribed that have a cleansing effect on the bronchi. First of all, treatment is aimed at avoiding the transition of cough to chronic form.

If the symptom is not eliminated for more than three months, it can be said that the cough has become chronic. What to do if the cough does not go away for a long time?

Medicines such as Mucaltin and Ambroxol are aimed at facilitating the discharge of sputum. To suppress the cough reflex, you can take honey; preparations with menthol, camphor or codeine are also considered effective.

In addition, it has an excellent warming effect turpentine ointment. Its treatment is based on rubbing and warming the chest area. This ointment should be used before going to bed, applied to the chest and back.

What are the main mistakes most often made?

Often, a prolonged cough becomes the cause of improper therapy at the very beginning of its occurrence. The most common mistakes people make when dealing with a cough are as follows:

  1. Self-diagnosis. Often the cause of cough is considered to be common seasonal colds and acute respiratory viral infections. It should be remembered that there are many different diseases in which cough is one of the symptoms. That is why you should not be so careless about your own health, and if the cough reflex is not suppressed for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Taking a course of treatment with antibiotics. This practice is used to get rid of the annoying symptom as soon as possible. Unfortunately, antibiotics at the first manifestations of a cough will not bring any effect, since the cough manifests itself under the influence of the penetration of infection, and not bacteria, into the respiratory tract. As a result of taking such medications, viruses are not destroyed, and the cough begins to take on a protracted form.
  3. Taking expectorants medical supplies at nonproductive cough. As a rule, the onset of a cold is accompanied by a dry cough. Its correct treatment consists of taking medications that promote its rapid transition to a productive form. Among these medical supplies includes antitussives.
  4. Many people do not pay attention to their environment and focus on taking medications. One of the common causes of cough is dry air in the apartment, which is especially important during the heating season. It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity in the apartment, regularly ventilate the premises and do wet cleaning in the house more often.

If your cough does not go away for a long time, regardless of whether it is dry or wet, what should you do? There is no need to wait for complete recovery, but you should consult a doctor. After all, such a symptom can signal not only colds, but also be a sign of other pathological processes. These include pharyngitis, bronchitis and whooping cough. In addition, a lingering cough often indicates the presence of tuberculosis.

Traditional medicine recipes to combat a persistent cough

Recipes can help overcome bouts of prolonged coughing traditional medicine. There are many ways to fix unpleasant symptom by using various decoctions from herbs, compresses and other remedies that are at hand.

One of the products that has long been used to treat coughs is honey. Below are a few recipes that have proven successful highly effective products in the fight against illness:

  1. Honey with horseradish juice. To prepare a medicinal mixture, you need to take both components in a one-to-one ratio. Take one tablespoon of this medicine morning and evening.
  2. A medicine based on honey and plantain juice is widely used for respiratory diseases. To prepare such a mixture, you need to mix the ingredients in equal quantities and simmer for a little while. steam bath. The course of treatment consists of taking a tablespoon of this remedy three times a day.
  3. Many people are familiar with my grandmother’s cough recipe based on black radish and honey. A hole is made in the radish and a little honey is poured in. After some time, juice is released, which should be taken as a cough medicine before each meal.

Various herbs have also proven themselves well, and are often not inferior in their therapeutic effects many medications. These herbs include thyme, field chamomile, St. John's wort and sage. During seasonal illnesses, as well as with a lingering cough, it is recommended to drink a lot of warm rosehip tea. This drink is rich in vitamins and has a strengthening effect on the entire human body.

For a wet cough, you can prepare tea based on the leaves of coltsfoot, thyme, sage and nettle. It promotes rapid elimination sputum and mild expectoration.

Effective to drink when coughing warm milk with figs. This drink is suitable for treating both adults and children. You can also add a little honey to enhance the effect.

Viburnum tea will also bring positive results during colds and obsessive coughs. For cooking medicinal drink you need to pour a glass of boiling water over the berries and simmer in a water bath for fifteen minutes. You need to take the decoction several times a day.

Other effective ways to combat a persistent cough

Inhalation procedures occupy one of the most important places in the fight against cold cough. There are many ways to carry them out - with or without the use of a specialized nebulizer.

In addition, inhalation procedures can be carried out based on boiled water(about one liter will be needed) with the addition of a few drops of iodine and a teaspoon of onion juice. You can also use a decoction of St. John's wort or one of the essential oils: fir, eucalyptus, menthol.

Steam inhalations for cough can be done using the following medicinal solutions:

  • field chamomile decoction;
  • calendula tea;
  • sage leaf tea;
  • linden decoctions.

On a note! Choice medicinal herb directly depends on the type of cough - dry or wet. It is believed that soda inhalations are best suited to soften a dry cough.

Coughing is not uncommon. Often, in the fight against it, the condition remains the same, and nothing helps. What action should be taken if a child’s cough does not go away for a long time? Why does it appear, and how to cure it? Before talking about correct treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of the pathological condition.

In order for cough treatment to be quick and effective, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence.

What is a persistent cough, and for what reasons does it occur in children?

Coughing is a protective reflex of the body, with the help of which the respiratory tract is cleared of viruses, mucus, and dust. Occurs due to mechanical, chemical, viral and inflammatory effects.

A child's long cough is divided into two types - dry and wet, which are formed according to various reasons. Rare morning coughing after sleep is considered normal.

This symptom may be rudimentary - due to a recent or undertreated colds. Many parents stop the course of therapy or reduce the dosage of medication (including antibiotics) when the main symptoms of the disease disappear. As a result, a long, lingering cough appears, which can last 2-3 months.

A persistent cough in a child is divided into the following forms:

  • barking (croaking) – often accompanied by wheezing, typical sign viral pathologies that are localized in the trachea and larynx;
  • hoarse – formed when bronchial asthma/ penetration foreign body into the respiratory tract;
  • nocturnal - usually observed in a baby sleeping on his back, as mucus accumulated in the nasopharynx flows down back wall and causes irritation, characteristic of bronchial asthma;
  • emetic – appears during acute pathologies respiratory organs (for example, with acute bronchitis), sputum accumulates, enters the throat, and then into the stomach, which additionally provokes vomiting.

There are many factors for the development of persistent cough in children. The main reasons for its appearance are discussed in the table:

Type of coughReason for developmentPeculiarities
DryUnfavorable microclimateThe mucous membrane of a child's respiratory tract is especially sensitive, so dry air, smoke, dust, and stuffy rooms can cause irritation.
Acute bronchitisThis pathology is accompanied by bouts of barking cough that does not go away at night, and an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees.
Laryngitis/pharyngitisFormed severe swelling larynx, this causes a constant sore throat, the voice becomes hoarse, a slight physical activity leads to shortness of breath.
Whooping coughThe disease can occur even in vaccinated children (in mild form). Initial symptoms Similar to a common cold or allergy. Initially, a dry cough occurs, gradually the frequency and duration of attacks increases.
Croup (oropharyngeal diphtheria)This is a dangerous disease, and if it is not treated in time, it becomes chronic, and sometimes pneumonia additionally develops.
TuberculosisSecondary symptoms are rarely present, the disease is detected only with a comprehensive examination.
AllergyThe cough is sudden and intensifies during prolonged contact with the irritant.
Presence of helminths in the bodySome types of worms actively move around internal organs person, thereby causing coughing attacks.
Gastrointestinal pathologies (reflux, swallowing abnormalities, bronchoesophageal fistula)Attacks are often accompanied by vomiting.
Constant psycho-emotional stressThe pathological condition develops against the background of loneliness, frequent family quarrels, prolonged depression. Rare coughing persists throughout the day; it goes away during sleep and eating.
WetBronchial asthmaThe disease is formed as a result of the entry of a pathological agent into the respiratory tract. During attacks, severe suffocation occurs, which provokes bronchospasm, and clear sputum is released in small quantities.
Sinusitis/sinusitisAt purulent inflammation In the sinuses, accumulated mucus enters the throat, causing a reflex cough. The lower respiratory tract is absolutely healthy.
BronchitisAfter therapy, cough can be observed for 2 weeks. In this way, the respiratory organs are naturally cleansed of remaining mucus.
Acute bronchotracheitisThis pathology provokes an increase in mucus production in the bronchi.

Why is a persistent cough, dry or with sputum, dangerous for a child?

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Persistent cough, especially in the absence additional symptoms(runny nose, elevated temperature body) cannot be ignored. This condition may indicate serious pathological processes in organism.

When the baby coughs for the second month, this provokes weakening immune system and thermoregulation functions, which will subsequently lead to frequent colds and infectious-inflammatory diseases. If the child attends kindergarten or school, the risk of infection with various bacterial infections increases greatly.

In addition, the nervous system suffers, performance and concentration decrease. As a result, fatigue appears, constant fatigue, nervousness and irritability.

Diagnostic methods

A lingering cough in a child should be diagnosed by specialists (more details in the article:). Where and how can you examine your baby? When this symptom persists for 2-3 weeks, the first thing you should do is see a pediatrician. He will listen to the lungs and bronchi, assess the degree of breathing hardness, and also determine whether wheezing and other extraneous sounds characteristic of pathologies are present respiratory system. To make a correct diagnosis, diagnostic studies will be required:

  • x-ray;
  • computed tomography;
  • bronchoscopy – detailed study of the bronchial mucosa;
  • sputum analysis - allows you to identify the causative agent of the pathology;
  • spirography - the examination consists of measuring lung volume;

If pneumonia is suspected, the child must undergo an X-ray of the lungs (we recommend reading:)

Consultations may be scheduled at the physician's discretion. narrow specialists– allergist, otolaryngologist, pulmonologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist. If the patient has heart and gastrointestinal diseases, it is additionally necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the heart and abdominal cavity, electrocardiogram, FGDS and echocardiogram.

Features of cough treatment depending on its cause

What to do if a persistent cough does not go away for a long time and lasts for several weeks? Parents buy all kinds of mucolytic drugs, but there is no effect from their use.

When a child has been coughing for more than a month, it is often necessary hospital treatment, for example, with acute bronchitis or whooping cough. Such diseases occur with an increase in body temperature and develop rapidly, which can lead to serious complications.

For therapy to bring quick results, taking medication alone is not enough; you need to carry out complex treatment, which includes physical therapy, daily inhalations, warming compresses, and massage. How long the disease will last will depend on all these manipulations.

Drug therapy

Well drug therapy depends on the cause of the prolonged cough. For example, if pathological condition formed against the background of an allergic reaction, the doctor will additionally prescribe antihistamines, and if bacterial infection- antibiotics. The course of therapy usually lasts from a week to 10 days.

Any medications for the treatment of cough can only be given after consultation with a doctor
Group of drugsTherapeutic effectName of medications
AntibioticsThey have an anti-inflammatory effect. Destroy viruses and bacteria and prevent their reproduction.
  • Kipferon;
  • Augmentin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Ceftriaxone.
AntihistaminesInhibits the development of an allergic reaction, relieves swelling of the respiratory tract.
  • Zyrtec;
  • Fenistil;
  • Tavegil.
HormonalHormones are indicated for complicated disease (acute or obstructive bronchitis); such medications are prescribed for inhalation. Restores breathing and eliminates shortness of breath.
  • Berodual;
  • Pulmicort.
MucolyticsRecommended for the transition of a dry cough to a productive one. Expectorants thin the mucus and promote its rapid elimination.For dry cough:
  • Libexin;
  • Glaucine;
  • Tusuprex.

For a wet cough:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Lazolvan.
MultivitaminsIncreases immunity and body resistance.
  • Complivit;
  • Sana-Sol;
  • Vitrum Kids.

Inhalations and compresses

Inhalations help accelerate the discharge of sputum and dilute it. After the procedure, breathing becomes much easier, coughing attacks occur less frequently.

Inhalations have a positive effect on the healing process, allowing you to get rid of cough much faster

The medicine is sprayed using special device– nebulizer. When you inhale, it enters the bronchi and begins to actively act, inhibiting inflammatory processes. For inhalation, saline solution and medicine, for example, Ambrobene, are used.

Compresses that are applied before bedtime are anti-inflammatory, analgesic and warming agents. They are applied to the chest area. However, such procedures are not recommended for newborns and children under one year of age. For compresses use:

  • saline, soda or alcohol solution;
  • mineral water;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • special ointments (turpentine ointment, Doctor Mom, Breathe, etc. (see also: ).


To improve mucus discharge and prevent the development of complications, young children need to have a drainage massage. It is better if it is carried out by a qualified doctor, but when this is not possible, you can handle it yourself.

For the procedure, use special oil or baby cream. The child lies on his stomach, after which massaging movements are performed:

  • light stroking;
  • rubbing/kneading;
  • vibration pat.

To improve sputum discharge, doctors recommend procedures drainage massage

Folk remedies

If long cough does not go away and nothing helps, you can treat the baby using traditional medicine recipes. Before using them, consult your doctor to prevent complications. Popular folk remedies:

  • rubbing with honey, goat or badger fat(more details in the article:);
  • boiled with calcined sugar wheat bran- taken orally hot several times a day;
  • make an infusion of raisins (50 g per 1 liter of water), add 60 ml of onion juice to it, take orally throughout the day;
  • boil the crushed onion with honey and sugar, consume the mixture orally, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on a lingering cough

According to O.E. Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, a dry cough should turn into a wet cough after 2-3 days. If this does not happen, then the prescribed treatment is incorrect. You should consult your doctor again, as a dry cough without fever may be caused by a bacterial infection.

Komarovsky does not advise frequently giving a child mucolytic drugs, even if he has been coughing for more than a week. In children under 2-3 years of age, they provoke a prolonged cough. To normalize the condition, it is enough to ensure plenty of fluids and a constant flow of fresh air, daily walks and physical activity.

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    At the age of three, my daughter began to cough; the cough was dry, in attacks that lasted a long time. She coughed like that for over a month. The doctors did not prescribe anything new; the cough was allergic. The pulmonologist advised us to inhale with Pulmicort, everything went away.

A frequent manifestation of many respiratory diseases is coughing. In most cases, after the disease is cured, the cough disappears. But sometimes a dry cough does not go away for a long time in an adult, and it becomes alarming symptom, which can lead to serious health problems.

This article will aim to explain the reasons why a cough can last for a long time, as well as advice on diagnosing possible diseases.

Coughing is a reflex aimed at clearing the respiratory tract of dust and phlegm.

It comes in two types:

  • – without sputum production, exhausts the body with prolonged attacks and irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  • – with the separation of phlegm, is more productive, since during the process of removing phlegm the body heals itself.

And dry and moist cough can suddenly develop into a protracted cough, which will not allow the body to fully recover from the illness it has just suffered.

Diseases and conditions that can cause a persistent cough

The most common reason why a dry cough does not go away is considered to be an incorrect diagnosis, and as a result, treatment that is not suitable in this case. It is not uncommon for a cough to persist after a long time due to self-medication.

Many people go to work with a cough, take their children to children's educational institutions, and do not even think about the fact that they need the help of a specialist. Instead, they prefer to buy the syrup that a friend recommended, or take several inhalations.

If the condition has improved slightly, then such dangerous self-medication is also stopped. None of the above is strictly forbidden! Only a doctor knows how to diagnose the disease and which ones to choose necessary medications to improve your condition and complete recovery.


  • If a dry cough does not go away after a cold, this indicates that the development of the disease has been delayed. Ideally, a dry cough appears during the first days of a cold. acute period disease, and then becomes wet, gradual discharge of sputum begins, the bronchi are cleared and man walking on the mend. If the dry cough still lasts and does not turn into a wet one, this indicates that the bronchi are unable to cope with the load, which means you need to consult a pulmonologist.
  • It happens that a dry cough with pharyngitis does not go away for a long time. Pharyngitis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the pharynx becomes inflamed. The cough can be of a different nature: dry, paroxysmal, throaty, tormenting only at night. Most often, a cough does not go away due to errors in treatment, namely, treatment for pharyngitis is stopped as soon as the cough disappears. And this is fundamentally wrong, because an interrupted course will lead to complications in the form of recurring coughing attacks.
  • – another reason why a dry cough does not go away for a long time. Most smokers may not even notice a cough, believing that it is nothing serious, and therefore there is no need to consult a doctor. However, such coughing may indicate chronic bronchitis, which has developed as a result of systematic exposure to nicotine and other toxic substances contained in cigarettes. Launched Chronical bronchitis in smokers, over time it leads to emphysema, and then to pulmonary failure.
  • – if you have asked yourself the question – why a dry cough does not go away, perhaps you have become one of the many people with allergies. Very common allergic reactions for dust, wool, fluff, seasonal allergies for the flowering of various plants. Dry cough, sneezing, itchy nose - all these are symptoms that may accompany this disease.
  • If you are suffering from a dry, persistent cough and at this time you are taking any medications, there is a high probability that the cough is a reaction of the body caused by these medications. In 30% of patients with cardiovascular diseases, a dry cough occurs while taking medications to lower blood pressure. After stopping the drug, the cough goes away on its own.
  • Tuberculosis- about it serious diagnosis It’s worth considering if a dry cough has not gone away for a month (see). Koch's bacillus, which is the causative agent of this disease, is found in the body of almost every person by the age of 30, but thanks to the protective forces of the immune system, the disease does not develop. With a sharp decrease in immunity, constant stress and nervous tension, as well as poor nutrition, tuberculosis can develop. Manifestations of tuberculosis are considered low-grade fever bodies and increased sweating at night, obsessive coughing, which over time turns into a dry, unproductive cough.

  • Worm infestations– there are cases of ascariasis in which the larvae move through the pulmonary circulation and linger in the bronchi, trachea or lungs. The larvae irritate cough receptors and provoke a prolonged dry cough.
  • Cough caused by occupational hazards. When a dry cough in an adult does not go away, there is reason to think about working conditions. When working near toxic substances, household chemicals, in coal mines, a dry cough and, in some cases, even respiratory failure can develop. The simplest solution to this problem is to change your job and consult a pulmonologist. After all, no matter how high you are wage, the price of your health is much higher.

What diseases does the duration of cough indicate:

Causes of cough Duration Additional symptoms
Self-medication Up to 3 weeks
Allergy Up to a month or seasonally Runny nose, watery eyes
Smoking From 1 month and longer
Pharyngitis 2-3 weeks Sore throat
ARVI 1-2 weeks
Worm infestations 1-2 weeks while the larvae are in the respiratory system
Tuberculosis More than 1 month Temperature, sweating
Occupational hazards From 1 week and longer

How to improve your health with a dry cough?

If a dry cough does not go away for a long time, the main goal is to visit a doctor.

Note! Only a doctor will be able to check whether the diagnosis is correct and the treatment selected, adjust it if necessary and conduct a diagnosis.

You may need to have blood tests or chest x-rays. The instructions for completing this procedure are quite simple, you just need to take a certain position for a few minutes and not move while the device takes pictures.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Treatment of dry cough should be aimed at removing sputum, i.e. so that it turns into a wet cough.
  2. Drink more than 2 liters of liquid daily - teas, fruit drinks, herbal infusions, mineral water. Alternatively, you can drink warm milk, to which honey, figs, banana are added, as well as butter or mineral water. All these components soften cough, reduce the frequency of attacks and envelop the mucous membrane, protecting it from irritation.
  3. Include in your daily diet light food, rich in calories and reduce the consumption of fatty and fried foods, so as not to overload the body, which is fighting the disease.
  4. Conduct a course of inhalations. Inhalations can be done with potatoes, essential oils or medicinal herbs. IN hot water add a couple of drops essential oil, or pre-brewed herbs - thyme, mint or eucalyptus will do, then lower your head over a container of water and inhale the steam. It is advisable to cover your head together with the container with a terry towel so that useful material from the steam entered only the respiratory tract, and did not disperse throughout the room. With the help of photos posted on the Internet, you can learn how to do it correctly.

Thanks to the video posted in this article, you can learn more about possible methods treatment, about the reasons why a dry cough does not go away for a long time in an adult, and what minimal interventions can be applied before visiting a doctor.