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Spinach: benefits and harm for the body. Healthy spinach is a vegetable for the strong and energetic. The benefits and possible harm to the body of spinach, its calorie content and properties

Spinach - herbaceous plant amaranth with a neutral taste. It is often used as a base for casseroles and a dressing for hot dishes. The advantage of this vegetable over other salad crops is that it retains nutrients when heat treatment. Spinach leaves contain B vitamins, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, folic acid and nicotinic acid, tocopherol, biotin and rare vitamin K.

In terms of the amount of copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, spinach is second only to Spanish sage seeds. The juice of the plant is rich in secretin, which improves digestion. In addition, several years ago, Swedish scientists discovered thylakonoids in its composition. These substances make a person feel full and promote weight loss. Regular use spinach reduces cravings junk food: sweets, flour, fast food.

The benefits and harms of spinach for the human body

Today, scientific laboratories around the world are studying the beneficial properties of amaranth crops. This is due to the fact that these plants are saturated with all the substances necessary for humans. So in 2010, employees of the Karolinska Institute were able to prove that spinach helps build muscle mass. Daily use salads with fresh leaves helped athletes quickly get in shape after a long break.

In America, EU countries and the Middle East, spinach is very popular. We have dubbed it the “vitamin bomb” and use it to prevent diseases such as:

    depression, insomnia;

  • fragility of blood vessels;

    inflammation of the gums;


American neurologists prescribe leaf extract to their patients for depression, insomnia and frequent stress. Diseases such as chronic fatigue, headaches, absent-mindedness, are the result of a lack of magnesium in the human body. Spinach contains a high concentration of this microelement (79 mg per 100 g), therefore it reduces the body’s sensitivity to external pathogens and strengthens nervous system. Drinking spinach juice daily reduces nervousness and fear levels, and eliminates symptoms such as hand tremors and convulsions.

With increased physical activity and diseases of the cardiovascular system, a person needs to eat salads from amaranth crops. Vitamin K and folic acid increase blood clotting, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the elasticity of the heart muscle. The substances contained in spinach cleanse the blood serum of toxins and improve its composition. A decoction and infusion of leaves is drunk for anemia.

People suffering from diabetes are also advised to include spinach in their diet. The acids contained in the plant juice stimulate the production of insulin secretion. And the vitamin-mineral complex helps to mobilize the body’s immune forces and normalize metabolism.

In the fight against myopia and senile myopia, pigments such as zeaxanthin and lutein are important. These substances filter light rays that irritate the retina. Their lack leads to decreased visual acuity. Spinach replenishes the balance of microelements and prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma.

Dried amaranth leaves retain their healing properties. This is how a decoction of spinach powder successfully treats acute stage gingivitis. Rinsing the mouth with this infusion relieves inflammation and swelling of the gums, and also increases the strength of tooth enamel. A paste of leaves is applied to teeth to reduce sensitivity. Long-term use Spinach increases the strength of teeth and bones. This is due to the fact that the vegetable contains a large amount of calcium (99 mg per 100 g).

But most often I use spinach as a diuretic. By normalizing the balance of fluid in the body, the plant eliminates swelling of the legs and face.

Like any product, spinach has contraindications:

    Vitamin K increases blood clotting, which provokes the formation of blood clots. Spinach is not recommended for people taking anticoagulants.

    Oxalic acid is involved in the formation of kidney stones. A person suffering from urolithiasis is at risk of developing new lumps.

    Goitrogens stimulate the growth of goiter. Patients with dysfunction thyroid gland spinach is contraindicated.

    The acids in the plant can cause exacerbations in people with high acidity.

Before adding spinach to your diet, consult your doctor.

For women

Renewing itself monthly, the female body requires more nutrients. Iron and calcium are necessary for the proper functioning of the hematopoietic system and maintenance general level health. Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen in the blood, as well as in the synthesis of sex hormones. The result of a lack of iron in the body is sparse eyebrows, gray skin, chronic fatigue, women's diseases, and anemia. 100 g of spinach contains 2.7 mg of iron - this is 25% daily norm. For comparison, in 100 g of meat the iron concentration is only 1.2 mg.

Calcium deficiency affects general condition bones and provokes allergic reactions. By eating spinach, a woman blossoms before her eyes. Hair loss stops, nail growth is activated, tooth enamel is strengthened, and facial skin is cleansed.

Spinach for the face is a vitamin bomb with an anti-aging effect. The warm pulp of the plant simultaneously works as an acid peeling and a nourishing mask. The plant whitens the skin, relieves inflammation, eliminates freckles, cleanses pores and exfoliates dead cells.

Spinach contains coenzyme. This coenzyme is involved in the processes of regeneration and renewal, smoothes wrinkles and increases skin turgor. In addition, coenzyme is a preventative treatment for breast cancer and mastopathy.

Pregnant women should include spinach in their daily diet. The plant contains all the trace elements, minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper formation and development of the child. Thus, folic acid has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetal neural tube, and calcium is involved in the development of the hematopoietic system.

IMPORTANT: Consult your doctor before use!

The benefits and harms of spinach dishes

European nutritionists encourage people to eat vegetables and fruits. As a result of such propaganda, the raw food movement became popular in Western countries. Raw spinach salads have become a decoration for any table. Meanwhile, in the countries of Hindustan and the United Arab Emirates, the vegetable is used in combination with meat dishes and casseroles. If you can't imagine a spinach salad, take a closer look at the complex dishes of the East. Heat treatment: stewing, frying, freezing do not affect nutritional properties plants.

Spinach on the table is welcome, because... normalizes intestinal flora and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Its leaves should be consumed by people with low acidity to improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Leaves that have been subjected to heat treatment are not recommended for consumption after 24 hours, because they increase the concentration of oxalic acid.

Cooking recipes

Spinach is a rich source of fiber. Young greens are added to summer salads, soups, omelets, and served with meat, fish and bacon. The leaves are used to decorate snacks made from vegetables, nuts, cheese and beans. The defrosted product is used in dressings, purees, snack creams, and also as a filling. Dried spinach is boiled in soups, stewed with meat and fish. To make the canned boiled vegetable tastier, season it with lemon juice and olive oil.

Spinach combines harmoniously with citrus zest, ground nutmeg, dill, cilantro, mustard leaves, peppers and basil. Its leaves are eaten boiled, stewed, stewed and raw.

Baby spinach salad

Ingredients: 500 g spinach, lemon, 3 tbsp. l. linseed oil, 1 tsp. grated horseradish or ginger, onion, spices.

Finely chop the spinach leaves, add ginger root, chopped onion, spices, add lemon juice and vegetable oil. Move carefully. The salad appetizer can be served with white meat and red fish.

Ingredients: 400 g canned spinach, 30 g. butter, 100 g rice, one and a half liters of water, half a glass of cream, fried onion, salt and pepper to taste.

IN butter Fry the rice, add it to boiling water and cook until half cooked. Add spinach, salt, pepper and cook until done. Add fried onions and cream. Serve with croutons.

Curd dessert with spinach

Ingredients: 100 g spinach leaves, 200 g crumbly cookies, vanilla sugar, 100 g cottage cheese, lemon, sour cream, mint.

Place spinach, sugar, sour cream and cottage cheese into a blender and grind. Place the mixture in a bowl, decorate with cookies, mint leaves, lemon zest and vanilla sugar.

Many people remember and know such a plant as spinach from the old cartoon about the brave sailor Popeye. The cartoon character consumed jars of this same spinach, which made him strong and brave, helped him fight villains and win the love of a beauty. Of course, a salad or casserole with spinach will not make you a superhero, but this plant will bring considerable benefits to the body. Include spinach regularly in your diet - the beneficial properties of this vegetable are especially valuable in early spring, during vitamin deficiency, and throughout the rest of the year.

Varieties of spinach

Spinach is a leafy annual plant of the goosefoot family, the closest relative of the famous weed is . This vegetable has many faces: when you try to recognize spinach by sight, you can find a wide variety of photos: leaves range in length from 2 to 30 cm, width from 1 to 15. Spinach also has several varieties, of which only 3 are the most popular:

  1. Savoy spinach, with very dark, curly and wrinkled leaves. This variety stores best, and this is the type of spinach most often sold in supermarkets.
  2. Smooth, or flat, spinach. This variety with wide and smooth leaves is usually used for processing: canned, frozen, added to soups and baby food.
  3. Semi-savoy spinach, a hybrid variety that is also used in fresh, and recycle.

Spinach: a little history

It often seems that spinach is an exclusively Western vegetable and became popular not so long ago, but this plant has a long history.

The first record of spinach is found in the first millennium AD, on… Chinese! It is believed that spinach appeared in Ancient Persia, then traders brought the plant to India, from where it came to China. After some time, spinach went on a journey to Sicily, conquered the Arab Mediterranean, and in the 12th century it came to Europe. First to Spain, a few decades later - to Germany, in the 14th century - to England and France. The European population quickly appreciated the benefits of spinach - it was this plant that grew first at the beginning of spring, becoming a valuable source of vitamins, saving from scurvy and improving intestinal function.

And then spinach was recognized at court - Catherine de Medici, having received the title of Queen of France, ordered spinach to be served on the royal table every day. Another royal person, the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna, also appreciated the beneficial properties of spinach, and it was during her reign that it was put on the table. Russian tsars green spinach appeared.

Today, spinach enjoys well-deserved love on all continents and countries, but in Russia it is still on the sidelines, inferior to the usual ones, and different types salad Meanwhile, spinach is a unique phenomenon among leafy vegetables.

Spinach: beneficial properties

The main advantage of spinach is a rare complex of vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, K. And also phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine, copper... And in terms of content vegetable protein spinach is simply a record holder, second only to legumes.

Thanks to such a diverse composition, this leafy vegetable:

  • and slows down the aging process;
  • strengthens vision and blood vessels;
  • acts as an excellent means of preventing hypertension;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removes waste and toxins.

Also, feel free to include spinach in any diet - its calorie content is only 23 kcal per 100 grams of leaves. Therefore, any salads, vegetable soups with spinach, casseroles, etc. are indispensable for those who plan to lose weight or simply take good care of themselves.

Spinach and youth vitamin E slow down the aging process in the body, are indispensable for pregnant women - they prevent miscarriages and abnormal development of the fetus.

Vitamin A makes green spinach an important part baby food: the vegetable prevents the formation of rickets, is extremely useful for children with developmental problems. For exhaustion and recovery from illness, spinach is indicated at any age.

Spinach is rich in iodine - one of the most important microelements for every person: iodine in the leaves of this vegetable nourishes the brain and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, helps the absorption of other useful substances. For stress and nervous work also don’t forget about the plate with green salad from spinach - it calms the nerves, copes well with depression, removes toxins from the body, and improves digestion.

And the most important thing is that spinach retains all these beneficial properties in any form - fresh, after freezing, during canning, and even after heat treatment (provided that you cook the leaves for no more than a couple of minutes).

Spinach in cooking

These properties of spinach were appreciated by French chefs at the royal court - spinach juice was used to color ice cream, creams, sauces and butter. In Italy, spinach is traditionally used to dye green color pasta and lasagna, in England - omelette.

If you constantly grow or buy spinach, recipes with it do not need to be limited to salads and vegetable soups. Juicy grass can be added to cutlets and mixed with soft cheese for sandwiches, and used as a complete filling for pies and various casseroles.

If you make soup with added spinach, do not overcook the vegetable to retain all the vitamins. In addition, during heat treatment, oxalic acid is released from the leaves, which in large quantities can be harmful. A little milk added to the broth will help neutralize its effect, and if possible, simply chop fresh spinach into a bowl with already cooked soup.

Spinach: myths and contraindications

For all its benefits, spinach is one of the few vegetables whose properties were once overestimated. Due to a small typo in the dictionary, this leafy vegetable was considered a leader in iron content for a long time, but this misconception has now been dispelled.

Spinach contains iron, but there is a peculiarity - it is absorbed only with additional consumption of foods with an increased amount of vitamin C. In addition, the high content of calcium and zinc in the leaves also prevents the full absorption of iron. Therefore, you should not consider spinach one of the best remedies for anemia and for. It’s better to pay attention to other valuable qualities of spinach - and the plant has a lot of them.

If spinach regularly appears on your table, the benefits and harms of this vegetable must be taken into account.

The benefits of spinach for the body have been proven and undeniable, but there is only one drawback - the high content of oxalic acid in the green leaves. If you have urolithiasis at any stage, kidney and liver diseases, periods of exacerbation of arthritis and rheumatism, it is better to exclude spinach from your diet or at least limit it.

The leafy vegetable spinach is an excellent dish during periods of spring vitamin deficiency and summer green salads and soups. Be sure to include this royal plant with a rich history in your menu, and do not forget about its features, and then spinach will bring you the greatest benefit.

Spinach– perhaps the most popular vegetable on the French table. It is grown everywhere. On balconies, small beds near houses and quite large-sized vegetable gardens. But this leafy vegetable has hardly taken root here, although it was introduced two hundred years ago. The birthplace of spinach is considered to be ancient Persia. They were well aware of how healthy “green leaves” with a simple taste are.

Traditional vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cabbage - are often found on our table. Legumes are a little less common. We value them for their nutritional value and pleasant taste. But spinach was out of luck. We hardly remember him. Maybe it's time to restore justice and give this plant due attention? Why is spinach so beneficial?

Description of spinach

It is necessary to use the plant only fresh, its leaves should be bright green, and there should be no different spots on it. You should not purchase leaves that are soft and limp.

It is useful to eat spinach fresh, you can also boil it, bake it, it is one of the best fillings for a pie. The plant can often be added to sauces, snacks, and salads. Spinach can be added to soup; it is often mixed with cottage cheese and sour cream. With the help of the plant, meat, fish and other protein foods are better absorbed.

Spinach is tasteless, so it can be added to various vegetable purees, cutlets, meat, desserts. Often used as a seasoning, canned food, and dyes.

Spinach must be stored properly. When fresh, it can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks; you cannot wash it before that. It is advised to freeze spinach, this will extend the period by several months.

Beneficial properties of spinach

  • Spinach leaves are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. They perfectly compensate for the lack of these substances in our body.
  • It has the extremely useful ability to remove toxins and dissolve slag deposits.
  • By consuming spinach, you can normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Vegetables are a rich source of iron, without which it is impossible to properly supply the body’s cells with oxygen.
  • For people whose work involves working with a computer and a lot of documents, a green vegetable is a panacea for eyes. It prevents retinal atrophy, reduces fatigue eye muscle and improves visual acuity.
  • Spinach leaves can normalize metabolic processes and speed up metabolism.
  • It is used to prevent many diseases. In particular, the substances contained in spinach help maintain healthy teeth and gums.
  • The vegetable has antioxidant and antitumor properties.
  • Spinach has beneficial properties for normalizing the functioning of the intestines and pancreas. It promotes improved metabolism and removal of toxins from the body, while protecting the mucous tissues of the entire gastrointestinal tract. In the process of losing weight, healthy spinach is a valuable component of dietary nutrition.
  • Spinach leaves should not leave men's menus. After all, this greenery has the most beneficial effect on the male genital area - it improves potency and promotes the production of hormones.
  • Green vegetable prevents the development of oncology. In the process of treating cancer, spinach with its beneficial health properties is prescribed as an essential component of the patient's diet.
  • Healthy spinach fills the body with energy and is a powerful immunostimulant.
  • A decoction of the leaves of a green vegetable can relieve constipation and flatulence. If the spinach broth is left for several days, it will become effective medicine in the treatment of intestinal diseases, for the treatment of anemia. Vegetable tincture can be a good addition to the diet for drug therapy tuberculosis and various neoplasms.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of spinach

Spinach - low calorie, dietary product. One hundred grams of leaves contains only 23 kilocalories. From the same portion you can get 6,3% proteins, 0,5% fats and 0,8% carbohydrates from the daily intake for an adult. The vegetable contains an impressive amount of vitamin C - 55 mg (61.1% of the daily value), K - 482.9 mcg (402%), A - 750 mg (83.3%), beta-carotene – 4.5 mg (90%), E – 2.5 mg (16.7%), B9 – 80 mcg (20%).

B vitamins are also represented by thiamine - 0.1, riboflavin - 0.25, pantothenic acid - 0.3, pyridoxine - 0.1 milligrams.

PP – 1.2, choline – 18 milligrams.

Dietary fiber contains 1.3 grams.

The vitamin composition of spinach is presented:

  • riboflavin;
  • beta-carotene;
  • choline;
  • retinol;
  • thiamine;
  • biotin;
  • alpha-tocopherol;
  • pyridoxine;
  • phylloquinone;
  • niacin;

as well as pantothenic, ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids.

The product is rich in:

  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • iodine

The statement that spinach and sorrel are the same thing is erroneous. These types of green vegetables differ not only in taste and biochemical composition, but also in belonging to different botanical families.

The table shows the contents nutrients(calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 23 kcal 1684 kcal 1.4% 6.1% 1643 g
Squirrels 2.9 g 76 g 3.8% 16.5% 76 g
Fats 0.3 g 60 g 0.5% 2.2% 60 g
Carbohydrates 2 g 211 g 0.9% 3.9% 222 g
Organic acids 0.1 g ~
Alimentary fiber 1.3 g 20 g 6.5% 28.3% 20 g
Water 91.6 g 2400 g 3.8% 16.5% 2411 g
Ash 1.8 g ~
Vitamin A, RE 750 mcg 900 mcg 83.3% 362.2% 900 g
beta carotene 4.5 mg 5 mg 90% 391.3% 5 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.1 mg 1.5 mg 6.7% 29.1% 1 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.25 mg 1.8 mg 13.9% 60.4% 2 g
Vitamin B4, choline 18 mg 500 mg 3.6% 15.7% 500 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.3 mg 5 mg 6% 26.1% 5 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.1 mg 2 mg 5% 21.7% 2 g
Vitamin B9, folates 80 mcg 400 mcg 20% 87% 400 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 55 mg 90 mg 61.1% 265.7% 90 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 2.5 mg 15 mg 16.7% 72.6% 15 g
Vitamin H, biotin 0.1 mcg 50 mcg 0.2% 0.9% 50 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone 482.9 mcg 120 mcg 402.4% 1749.6% 120 g
Vitamin RR, NE 1.2 mg 20 mg 6% 26.1% 20 g
Niacin 0.6 mg ~
Potassium, K 774 mg 2500 mg 31% 134.8% 2497 g
Calcium, Ca 106 mg 1000 mg 10.6% 46.1% 1000 g
Magnesium, Mg 82 mg 400 mg 20.5% 89.1% 400 g
Sodium, Na 24 mg 1300 mg 1.8% 7.8% 1333 g
Phosphorus, Ph 83 mg 800 mg 10.4% 45.2% 798 g
Iron, Fe 13.51 mg 18 mg 75.1% 326.5% 18 g
Manganese, Mn 0.897 mg 2 mg 44.9% 195.2% 2 g
Copper, Cu 13 mcg 1000 mcg 1.3% 5.7% 1000 g
Selenium, Se 1 mcg 55 mcg 1.8% 7.8% 56 g
Zinc, Zn 0.53 mg 12 mg 4.4% 19.1% 12 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 0.1 g ~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 1.9 g max 100 g
Essential amino acids 0.851 g ~
Arginine* 0.13 g ~
Valin 0.133 g ~
Histidine* 0.051 g ~
Isoleucine 0.106 g ~
Leucine 0.15 g ~
Lysine 0.156 g ~
Methionine 0.034 g ~
Methionine + Cysteine 0.06 g ~
Threonine 0.112 g ~
Tryptophan 0.039 g ~
Phenylalanine 0.121 g ~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine 0.21 g ~
Nonessential amino acids 1.263 g ~
Alanin 0.127 g ~
Aspartic acid 0.227 g ~
Glycine 0.106 g ~
Glutamic acid 0.318 g ~
Proline 0.096 g ~
Serin 0.092 g ~
Tyrosine 0.093 g ~
Cysteine 0.023 g ~
Saturated fatty acid
Saturated fatty acids 0.1 g max 18.7 g

Energy value Spinach is 23 kcal.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Over many centuries of eating spinach, people have come up with many culinary recipes with him. It is added to regular salads, omelettes, pies filling and fish and meat dishes, cottage cheese and soups, made into spices and canned.

The gastronomic benefits of the green leaves of the plant are very high. Due to its high protein content, spinach is very nutritious, with 100 grams of leaves containing only 23 kilocalories. You won’t have to starve during dieting and fasting if you add green leaf dishes to your diet.

One hundred grams of spinach contains:

  • 92% water;
  • 2.8% proteins – almost the same as in legumes;
  • 1.9% carbohydrates;
  • 0.1% starch;
  • 1,4 % dietary fiber;
  • 0.3% fat;
  • 0.1% organic acids;
  • 0.1% unsaturated acids;
  • 1.8% disaccharides and monosaccharides;
  • 1.7% ash;
  • 0.1% saturated fatty acids.

Thanks to this rich composition, spinach helps speed up metabolism and provides additional energy to the body.

Methods of use for weight loss

IN dietary nutrition The leaves are boiled, cooled and the broth is filtered and taken before meals, 50 ml.
A spinach diet promotes weight loss and helps cleanse the body. This diet improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart, preventing diseases of the digestive system.

The neutral taste of spinach allows it to be used in many dishes. Batter, omelettes, mashed potatoes and desserts take on an emerald hue when crushed leaves are added. Cottage cheese with spinach for breakfast will fill you up and give you energy for the whole day.

Use of spinach for medicinal purposes

It is recommended to include the plant in a child’s diet because it contains many useful substances. This is one of the best diuretics, laxatives, tonics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is recommended to be used for anemia, gastritis, and high blood pressure.

The plant is especially useful for the full functioning of the endocrine system; it contains a large amount of iodine. Spinach is different in that it can be quickly digested and absorbed, unlike other green vegetables.

The plant saturates the mucous membrane with various beneficial substances, so people do not often suffer from stomatitis and other diseases that affect the mucous membrane.

With the help of spinach, you can normalize metabolic processes, restore carbohydrate levels, so the body produces a large amount of hormones.

Due to the fact that the plant contains fiber and chlorophyll, it is recommended to include it in the diet of those who suffer from constipation. Some claim that spinach is rich in iron. Scientists have proven that this is not so; the plant contains a minimal amount of iron, and it is poorly accepted by the body.

Spinach is valued for its lutein, which is essential for vision and relieves inflammation in the eyes. If you take the plant regularly, your vision will quickly recover and will not fall lower.

If the juice is mixed with almond oil, it can be used to gargle for sore throat, colds, and sore gums. When stung by bees, you need to apply a fresh leaf to the sore spot.

To cure eczema and burns, it is recommended to use spinach paste with the addition of olive oil. This plant is especially useful for a child; it can be used to strengthen bones and prevent rickets from getting worse.

Healthy and therapeutic nutrition

  • IN folk medicine Spinach leaves are recommended for use by older people. The plant improves memory and brain activity.
  • For nervous disorders, the vegetable is useful as a sedative.
  • Regular consumption for anemia will increase hemoglobin and improve blood composition.
  • At diabetes mellitus Spinach is valuable for its ability to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Spinach leaves successfully eliminate constipation and improve intestinal motility.
  • The vegetable is eaten to restore and maintain visual acuity. It contains a loading dose of vitamin A and beta-carotene.
  • The vegetable naturally contains phytonutrients - special substances that suppress the growth of cancer cells.
  • Fresh spinach juice is used to relieve fatigue after physical activity and stimulation of the whole body.
  • Vitamin K, found in the leaves, improves blood clotting and is involved in calcium metabolism. Strengthens bone tissue by suppressing osteoclasts - special cells that lead to loose bones.

In cooking, spinach leaves have the most wide application . It can be boiled, stewed and, of course, served fresh. When cooking and stewing, you do not need to add water to the vegetable, because it consists of ninety percent water.

  • Spinach tastes well as a side dish for pork dishes. Pairs with eggs, any vegetables, meat and fish.
  • The vegetable has virtually no odor and has a neutral taste. To give it sour taste Sorrel leaves are added to dishes.
  • When fresh, it is added to sauces and salads. Used to make pizza and savory pastries. Put in omelettes and scrambled eggs.

Stew and cook spinach leaves for no longer than three to four minutes and be sure to rinse with cold water. Nutritionists recommend use spinach not only as a low-calorie product for weight loss, but also as an excellent cleanser for the whole body.

  • People with overweight You should eat two or three servings of spinach salad at least once a week. The vegetable is capable of as soon as possible normalize metabolism, cleanse the blood and intestines of waste deposits and toxins.
  • Spinach is included in low calorie diets as an excellent source of vitamins and microelements. It is worth noting that the content of vegetable proteins in the vegetable is quite high.

Spinach dishes and fresh milk should not be consumed. This will lead to stomach upset. But, for example, with other greens and herbs – it’s easy. In this regard, we recommend that you read additionally about the beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme or the medicinal properties of milk thistle.

How to select and store

There are two main types of spinach available in stores:

  • smooth-leaved variety "Polusavoy"– sold fresh and frozen;
  • a variety characterized by large corrugated leaves called "Savoy"– sold fresh.

In terms of beneficial properties, both varieties are in no way inferior to each other.

When choosing fresh vegetable You should pay attention to the condition of the leaves. They must be fresh, without visible damage. All beneficial substances are preserved only in freshly harvested spinach. This product cannot be stored for long periods of time! Fresh leaves stored for two to three days, placed in a plastic bag and refrigerator. Frozen leaves can be stored in the freezer for up to 8 months and thawed in water as needed.

On a note. Spinach salad must be eaten within two hours.

How to eat spinach for health benefits

Adults can consume approx. 100g spinach per day, unless there are contraindications.

The benefits of spinach for women

The plant is widely used in the field of cosmetology. Masks, lotions, and tonics created on its basis have a rejuvenating, smoothing effect.

Spinach actively fights puffiness, shallow wrinkles, and is used as a whitening agent (recommended for freckles and age spots).

Recipe for an anti-aging mask: 80 g of fresh spinach is boiled in milk until it has a mushy consistency.

The resulting product is placed in gauze and applied to the décolleté, neck, and face for 15 minutes. Then the gauze with herbs is removed, the skin is wiped with chamomile tea and a nourishing cream is applied.

Spinach is effective for weight loss because it is a low-calorie product that prevents the formation of fat deposits and intensively removes toxins accumulated in the body.

Spinach during pregnancy

When planning pregnancy and after its onset, spinach must be included in a woman’s diet to saturate the body with macro- and microelements, vitamins and amino acids that are vital for the health of the expectant mother and child.

The folic acid contained in the product creates the prerequisites for the proper formation of the neural tube in the growing fetus.

Regular consumption of spinach prevents the occurrence of iron deficiency and a decrease in hemoglobin levels, and stimulates hematopoietic processes.

Is it possible to eat spinach while breastfeeding?

For children under one year old, spinach can be used as an addition to main dishes. However, if any allergic manifestations it should be immediately excluded from the diet.

Spinach for children: good or bad

Already starting at 6 one month old, you can introduce complementary foods in the form of juice from spinach leaves into your baby’s diet. This will help relieve the child of bloating, constipation and generally normalize intestinal function. The benefits of spinach for children under one year old include saturating the small growing body with calcium, vitamins C and E and preventing the development of low-grade anemia.

When the little body gets used to the new product, the juice can be replaced with spinach puree. Oxalic acid, which is part of the vegetable, is easily neutralized by milk. To avoid harm from spinach, in case of any existing diseases in the child, you must first consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of the green vegetable in the baby’s diet.

For older children, in the absence of contraindications, spinach with its beneficial properties for health and development should be an important component of the daily diet. It will fill the body with vitamins useful microelements, will help to form a stable nervous system, preserve good vision during stress during study, it will give energy and stimulate the immune system to protect against viruses and bacteria.

The benefits of spinach for men

The product provides positive impact for men's reproductive system: he participates in correct formation genital organs in adolescents, increases potency in adult men, activates testosterone production, supports the functioning of the prostate gland.

Regular consumption of the plant helps prevent the development of strokes and heart attacks. Spinach promotes safe and speed dial muscle mass during active sports, prevents the occurrence of muscle tissue dystrophy.

Popular Health Recipes

  • The benefits of spinach for the body allow it to be used in the presence of various ailments. For flatulence and constipation, it is recommended to take a decoction of the leaves of the plant: 10 g of the raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered for 15 minutes. The drug is taken half a glass per dose on an empty stomach up to 4 times a day.
  • In case of anemia, nervous disorders, thyroid diseases, it is recommended to drink mixed vegetable juice from spinach, beets and carrots in a ratio of 3:3:10.
  • Can be used for seizures oil composition(50 g of leaves are mixed with 30 ml of olive oil), which should be drunk daily for a month, 20 g.

The benefits of spinach in cosmetology

Facial masks made from spinach will allow you to get all the beneficial properties from it for your own beauty. Chopped fresh green leaves are usually mixed with a small amount of any vegetable oil or milk, which allows you to reveal and activate all the beneficial properties of spinach. An application on the face is made from such a vitamin-rich pulp. This mask should be kept for no more than 30 minutes at rest. horizontal position. It's better to lie down and relax while receiving cosmetic procedure. Remove the mask warm water.

The green leafy vegetable restores elasticity to the skin, nourishes it, smooths out wrinkles and restores the water balance in the cells. Therefore, spinach masks are useful for aging or dry skin.

If there is inflammation on the face, then the ground leaves should be mixed with egg white. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.

Spinach masks can be done several times a week or every other day. Everyone individually chooses the frequency of procedures, taking into account the needs of their own skin.

Contraindications and possible harm of spinach

  • allergy to the product;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases.

The vegetable contains oxalic acid. The main contraindications are associated with its high content.

If a product causes heartburn, it must be consumed stewed or boiled. For example, add to soups or use as side dishes. In dishes, the vegetable can be replaced with regular salad leaves or Chinese cabbage. But, due to the absence of multiple contraindications, spinach is suitable for most adults. Women will also appreciate the vegetable as wonderful. cosmetic product. You can wipe your face with spinach juice in the evenings. This procedure refreshes and tones the skin. In a word, spinach is a universal plant that helps maintain your health and youth.

Spinach is the king of vegetables

Spinach has different varieties: Victoria, Virofle, Stoic, Godry, Gigantic, Fat-leaved, Bloomsdelsky, Corenta, Krepysh, Matador, Spokane, New Zealand. But in any of them the composition of vitamins, micro and macroelements is at the highest level. It’s not for nothing that the French nicknamed spinach “the king of vegetables.” A remarkable feature of spinach is that all its beneficial health properties, all its rich composition, are absorbed human body better than when the same substances come into it from other foods or even medications.

Daily consumption this and dishes prepared on its basis helps to increase brain activity, improve memory, increase concentration.

Second nickname "stomach broom" also fair. After all, this green leafy vegetable can cleanse digestive system from all excesses and toxins, while taking care of the healthy condition of the walls and mucous membranes of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Spinach is one of the richest green vegetables in terms of composition. Its beneficial properties have long been highly appreciated in the West, but for some reason they are not treated with due attention in our country. Even a small amount of this product in your daily diet will significantly improve your quality of life.

The ancient Persians were the first to appreciate spinach. But it was well known throughout the Arab world, and appeared in Europe only in the 13th century (in Russia much later, in the mid-18th century). Spinach is still confused with quinoa, although in fact they only have in common that they belong to the same family. And if the health and medicinal benefits of spinach are scientifically confirmed, then quinoa is almost devoid of it. The appearance of spinach in Eastern Europe coincided in time with the period of gradual retreat of witchcraft into the background due to the growth of achievements scientific medicine. In addition, initially it was expensive and was considered an elite product, which also became one of the reasons for the lack of interest in spinach among the general population. The third aspect of his low popularity was ( this factor still valid today) with a mild taste – “flat” compared to other leafy vegetables.

Name in Latin: Spinacia oleracea

Name in English: Spinach

Family: Amaranthaceae

Acquaintance with spinach of the peoples inhabiting Eurasia began with Western Europe, and in Russia they learned about him almost later than everyone else. Despite the fact that spinach easily took root in our temperate continental climatic zone, it is still a curiosity to many. The use of spinach in domestic folk medicine has also not received noticeable development. Therefore, both the beneficial properties and harm of spinach are still studied in detail only in the West. Among the most common questions asked regarding its consumption remains to this day: “Can I eat raw spinach?” Although the answer would seem obvious - it is possible and even sometimes desirable, like the closest local “analog” to it, sorrel.


By chemical composition spinach is considered one of the most valuable products in the diet modern man, although it has many and more diverse analogues in terms of nutritional value. The main thing here is to really not confuse it with quinoa, since in fact it is closest to sorrel and even looks like it in appearance, even though they belong to different kinds, species and families.

Only the leaves are the edible part of spinach. Moreover, gourmets claim that its spring, autumn and very young leaves have completely different tastes. And the most noticeable and valuable are the following elements contained in them.

  • Vitamins. In particular, A, C, E, K, five to six B vitamins, including folic acid, biotin and niacin, as well as the precursor to vitamin A - carotene. In practice, this means that regular consumption of spinach for food or for therapeutic purposes helps strengthen vision and immunity, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, stabilize blood clotting and the functioning of the central nervous system (especially its peripheral parts).
  • Micro- and macroelements. Among them is iron, a common potassium-magnesium pair in nature, which has the opposite effect on cardiovascular system, as well as zinc, copper, manganese, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and selenium. Depending on the composition of the soil in which this particular spinach crop grew, it may contain chromium, nickel, cobalt, and other compounds that are beneficial or hazardous to health. Their presence ensures that spinach actively participates in hematopoiesis (though not as significant as it seemed to science initially), regulation of the tone and contractility of muscles (including the heart) and blood vessels, synthesis of hormones and activity endocrine glands, metabolism.
  • Cellulose . However, in this aspect it is not much different from the vast majority of vegetables, including lettuce and sorrel, which are similar in their method of consumption.
  • Food acids. Most of all, spinach leaves contain oxalic acid - the same one that gives sorrel leaves a piquant and sour taste. But in addition to it and the already mentioned vitamin C and vitamin B5, spinach contains tartaric, malic, benzoic and some other acids. Compounds of this series are useful for their disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, their regular consumption with food is necessary for people with low stomach acidity - to equalize the balance of media in the digestive tract and improve digestion itself. Organic acids also serve good antioxidants, reducing the impact free radicals(non-standard metabolic products) on cells and tissues of the body.
  • Protein . True, only plant-based. In addition, in terms of the percentage of its content, spinach is significantly inferior to the most protein-rich legumes - soybeans, beans, peas, etc. In any case, thanks to him, vegetarians consider spinach one of the most “respected” vegetables.

And yet, spinach contains the most water - over 90%. It is because of this that the content in spinach useful components was originally assessed incorrectly. Scientists used dried spinach for calculations, which is why the percentage turned out to be greatly inflated. The scientific statement about such “record” concentrations sounded loud and contributed to the popularization of spinach in the West. But in fact, the beneficial properties of spinach do not exceed those of most other edible plants.

The benefits of spinach

With such a diverse, although not the most unique composition, the list of indications for use of spinach also looks impressive.

  • Anemia (anemia). Due to the significant iron content.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Including not only hypertension, but also hemorrhoids, deep vein thrombosis. Therapeutic effect Spinach with them is achieved due to the presence of magnesium and potassium in it, along with iron involved in hematopoiesis. Plus, the food acids in its composition shift the blood environment to an even more acidic side, somewhat reducing its coagulability and relieving inflammation of the walls of blood vessels in places of blockage.
  • Constipation and flatulence. As a source of fiber (a component that is not digestible by our intestines), which normalizes stool by structuring food and feces, so that it is easier for them to digest and leave the body.
  • Intestinal infections. As a light sanitizing agent for the digestive tract.
  • Nervous disorders. In the form of spasms, quickly passing localized convulsions, numbness in the limbs, loss of sensitivity in the skin.
  • Skin infections. Locally and orally for purulent rashes, including those associated with hormonal fluctuations, with juvenile acne and acne, abscesses, furunculosis. Spinach juice also helps to whiten the face, since all acids have this property, and there are plenty of them in its composition.
  • Burns and trophic ulcers. Also locally and orally in large quantities, for local tissue sanitation and accelerating skin regeneration in areas affected by the process.
  • Large-scale infections. Tuberculosis, erysipelas, fungal infections, especially in cases of significantly weakened immunity (HIV, taking immunosuppressants).
  • Pathologies of the urinary tract. Except (and strict) urolithiasis, regardless of the type of stones formed.

When a plant is useless or can cause harm

But, contrary to popular belief, spinach does not have anti-cancer properties. The benefits of spinach for weight loss, which are mentioned by many healers or even nutritionists, also raise doubts. On the one hand, fiber, which forms all the structures of spinach leaves, is not digested either in the stomach or intestines, and therefore takes up space in them that could be occupied by food. As a result, the feeling of hunger decreases and satiety increases. On the other hand, any fiber physically “scrapes out” the digestive tract, depriving its walls of the mucous layer, so necessary to protect against aggressive environments stomach and intestines.

That is why diets based only on fiber abuse are ending peptic ulcer much more often than desired weight loss. Plus, the prescription of spinach for diseases such as pancreatitis and cholelithiasis, although they can be heard often, especially since they “miss the mark” with the risk of causing serious harm body.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, spinach leaves have completely lost their bitterness over the past centuries. Therefore, they no longer stimulate the secretion of bile, although in the past they may have had such an effect. Plus, high concentration Food acids in spinach are dangerous for the intestines, since with pancreatitis the synthesis of alkaline juice by the pancreas, which can neutralize them, is reduced or stopped.

Admission restrictions

First of all, spinach should not be consumed if you are allergic. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s based on it or some other plant products. Spinach leaves contain many strong provocateurs of allergic reactions, starting with ascorbic acid and ending with all its chemical “relatives”. And retinol is not far behind them. Additionally, spinach is contraindicated for the following diseases.

  • Gastritis. Especially if it is accompanied by normal or high acidity. Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach walls. A variety of factors can lead to it, and some of them, moreover, remain a mystery to science. But the mucous layer on the inflamed area almost always becomes thinner, and the cells of the organ wall itself begin to produce either more of hydrochloric acid, or less. That is why untreated gastritis is usually accompanied by a change in acidity in one direction or another, ending in the formation of an ulcer. If the acidity is low (the patient has hypoacidosis), taking additional portions of it with spinach leaves will generally affect the condition of the stomach and digestion in better side. However, you need to understand that oxalic and other acids can come into contact with inflamed walls, causing pain. And eating spinach at increased acidity will not only strengthen them, but also lead to heartburn, as well as accelerated formation of erosions.
  • Stomach ulcers. Or intestines. Ready-made erosion of the digestive organs with any localization automatically excludes the consumption of foods containing irritants such as spices, acids (including vinegar), etc. From such food painful sensations the patient intensifies many times, acute spasms, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may occur, and bleeding may occur.
  • Gout. Basically, gout is a metabolic disorder. uric acid– one of the breakdown products of protein, concentrate sodium salts. In other words, uric acid does not enter the body from the outside and has nothing to do with the composition of spinach. It is formed in itself during the digestion of proteins from food. Nevertheless, gout as a pathology affects the metabolism of many acids, not limited to uric acid. Their exchange in the patient’s body also does not occur without problems and is even outright disrupted. In addition, all acids, including food ones, are eliminated from the body in the same way - through the kidneys. And their activity during gout is disrupted due to the accumulation of sand in them, and then stones formed by reddish urates (salts of uric acid). Therefore, no one will guarantee an improvement instead of a sharp deterioration in the course of gout when taking spinach, and official medicine I do not recommend this combination.
  • Oxalaturia. But oxalates, unlike urates, are salts of oxalic acid, which sorrel and spinach are so rich in. The presence of oxalate sand or kidney stones serves as a direct and strict contraindication to taking not only spinach, but also any vegetables/fruits with a pronounced sour taste, including parsley, lingonberries, currants and citrus fruits.

Eating spinach during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not prohibited, but you should not get carried away with it. Firstly, reviews of spinach as a multivitamin and mineral supplement show that it is still not enough to compensate for the deficiencies that arise at this time. Secondly, the possibility of developing side effects in the form of the same allergy in the baby has also not been canceled. It is undesirable to give highly allergenic foods to children under one year old, and spinach is one of them.

Preparation and methods of use

In the treatment of many diseases, including skin diseases, the healing properties of spinach juice are especially valuable. Unfortunately, it can only be obtained from its fresh leaves - even fresh frozen ones are not suitable. Nevertheless, in conditions where we still have no choice, freezing fresh spinach leaves seems to be the optimal way to prepare spinach for the winter.

The main problem with spinach is that both the vitamins and food acids in its composition are extremely unstable to heat. Meanwhile, if we remove them, spinach on our table will retain only some microelements and fiber, which will reduce its nutritional and therapeutic value by more than half.

Therefore, spinach is best eaten fresh, even if its leaves are already slightly wilted. You can boil it; most dishes with it even require it. There is simply almost no benefit from eating boiled spinach.

Regarding whether it is possible to freeze spinach at home, it should be said that it lends itself well to both freezing and storing in this form. However, there is one caveat: despite the fact that spinach is not widespread in our country due to its weak taste, freezing will make it even more bland. And yet, if this is the only way to stock up on your favorite product for the winter, you can puree washed spinach leaves in a blender, and then put the resulting pulp into ordinary ice cube trays. There is another recipe for a similar preparation: divide them whole into portions of 20-30 sheets, put them in plastic bags, tie them tightly, at the same time squeezing them with your hands in volume, and also put them in the freezer.


You will need:

  • two medium oranges;
  • 200 g fresh strawberries;
  • 200 g of fresh raisin grapes;
  • 200 g spinach leaves without branches.


  1. Peel the oranges, divide them into slices and chop coarsely.
  2. Disassemble the grapes and wash the berries under running water.
  3. Remove the stems from the strawberries, wash them too and place all the prepared fruits in the bowl of a blender/food processor.
  4. Separate the spinach leaves from the sprigs (if any), rinse under running water, squeeze and add the leaves to the fruit.
  5. Whisk all ingredients together high speed, within a minute.

This summer smoothie with spinach is extremely rich in fiber, vitamin C and fructose. It is not indicated for diabetics, but for everyone else it helps not only to quench thirst and the need for vitamins and microelements, but also to normalize digestion and stool, reduce body temperature, and eliminate signs of osteochondrosis and joint pathologies. To avoid allergies, you should drink spinach smoothies no more than twice a day, in a volume of no more than one glass at each time.

Nutritious curd cheese

You will need:

  • half a liter of natural yogurt without additives or dyes;
  • 200 g fresh spinach;
  • salt and other herbs to taste.


  1. Line a medium-weight colander with a clean, lint-free cloth. Salt the yogurt, stir and place in a colander.
  2. Place the colander in another empty container suitable size, then put it away on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day so that all the whey drains from the yogurt mass.
  3. Wash and chop the selected greens, as well as spinach leaves without branches, add to the resulting curd cheese, mix again.

We should not forget that vitamin A in spinach is fat soluble. In other words, when consumed separately from products containing animal or vegetable fats, it is practically not absorbed. Therefore, adding fresh spinach to yogurt, cream, and sour cream increases its nutritional value.

Antiseptic mask

You will need:

  • seven to ten fresh spinach leaves without cuttings;
  • a teaspoon of almond oil.


  1. Wash the spinach leaves, separating the stems if you have them. Place the leaves in a blender and grind to a paste consistency.
  2. Lightly squeeze the resulting paste through cheesecloth folded in three, add almond oil to the remaining green mass, and stir until smooth.

The squeezed part of the juice can be drunk or used at your discretion - it is not needed for the mask. And the paste obtained from spinach mass and almond oil should be applied to problem areas of the skin - areas of inflammation, rashes, itching, pigmentation. You just need to remember that medicinal properties spinach spread to areas of any necrosis (including bedsores and infection) with the exception of necrosis malignant tumor. That is, spinach does not cure cancer and does not even sanitize the foci of its decay.

Having a neutral taste, spinach goes well with a large number of foods, saturating the body with valuable microelements and vitamins. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of this leafy vegetable helps strengthen the immune system, regulates metabolism, and improves blood count.

Composition of spinach

The beneficial properties of spinach are due to the organic substances it contains. The leaves of the vegetable are rich in:

  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamins of group B (riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine), C, PP, H, K, E;
  • fiber;
  • glycine;
  • starch;
  • leucine;
  • lutein;
  • protein;
  • phenylalanine;
  • choline.

The leafy vegetable also has a rich mineral composition: calcium, iron, selenium, copper, manganese. The nutritional value fresh spinach is low - about 23 kcal. The ratio of nutrients in 100 grams of product is as follows:


Percentage, per 100 g


alimentary fiber

organic acids

unsaturated acids

saturated fatty acids

mono- and disaccharides

The benefits of spinach for the body

It is known that leafy vegetables have mass healing properties- He:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has anti-inflammatory, diuretic properties;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • reduces arterial pressure;
  • fights constipation;
  • helps avoid anemia;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • due to its antioxidant properties, it prevents premature skin aging;
  • supports the balanced functioning of the pancreas and salivary glands;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • reduces the risk of retinal detachment and the development of osteoporosis.

For men

The beneficial properties of the leafy vegetable were fully appreciated by athletes.

Due to its high amino acid content, spinach promotes muscle growth and enhances protein synthesis in the body.


The benefits of the plant do not end there:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on potency, increase libido, and blood flow to the male genital organ.
  • Zinc normalizes testosterone production and affects sperm quality.
  • Vitamin E in spinach takes part in regulating the functioning of the prostate gland and rejuvenates the male body.
  • Lutein - prevents the risk of formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

For women

The benefits of spinach for women are as great as for men:

  • Spinach will help you lose extra pounds, normalize your metabolism and improve digestion.
  • Regular consumption of leafy vegetables improves skin condition, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and strengthens nails and hair.
  • The high content of folic acid helps cope with the threat of miscarriage, promotes proper development fetus
  • During pregnancy, salads with spinach reduce symptoms of toxicosis and help replenish calcium deficiency.
  • The vegetable is also useful during breastfeeding. He restores hormonal background, helps cope with postpartum depression.

For children

It is useful to give spinach to children older than six months in the form of vegetable or meat purees. Leafy vegetable:

  • relieves infants from constipation;
  • help replenish iron and calcium deficiency;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • increases hemoglobin levels and improves cellular respiration;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • helps prevent infectious diseases.

How to eat spinach

Fresh spinach leaves are actively used in cooking. It is used to prepare: green soups, fresh salads, omelette, used for filling meat and pies. The beneficial properties of the plant have found application in such areas as:

  • Medicine. Medicinal decoctions, infusions, and compresses are prepared from spinach.
  • Dietetics. Due to its low calorie content and large amount of dietary fiber, the plant satisfies hunger, normalizes metabolism, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cosmetology. The leafy vegetable improves skin condition and is used to make masks.

For treatment

Doctors agree that the plant is strictly contraindicated for gout, stomach ulcers, urolithiasis, and allergies to ascorbic acid. Extracts dried leaves spinach is part of numerous biological additives to food and vitamin complexes.

Alternative medicine suggests using the plant for:

  • Treatment of hemorrhoids. Pass 100 grams of spinach leaves through a meat grinder and extract the juice from the pulp. Mix the liquid in equal proportions with almond oil. Take 1 tsp. 2 times/day. The course of therapy is 3 weeks.
  • For burns or abscesses. Pour a bunch of spinach with 50 ml of vegetable oil. Boil over low heat until done. Use the resulting mixture for compresses 2-3 times a day.
  • For convulsions. Simmer a bunch of spinach leaves in a water bath. Grind, mix with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Take the finished product 1 tbsp. l. 2 times/day. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month.

For weight loss

Due to its low calorie content and a wide range of beneficial properties, the leafy vegetable is indispensable for weight loss. Reviews from women claim that on a spinach diet you can lose up to 5 extra pounds. Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: vegetable salad with carrots and spinach leaves, seasoned with corn oil (200 grams), green tea.
  • Lunch: brown rice with spinach-stuffed chicken breast (200 g), tea;
  • Afternoon snack: green cream soup, two breads.
  • Dinner: light salad with seafood (200 g), 1 apple, kefir.

In cosmetology

You can prepare skin care masks based on the leafy vegetable. The following recipes are popular:

  • Pour 100 g of spinach leaves into 100 ml of milk and boil until it turns into a paste. Ready mixture Place on gauze and apply to face. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse your skin with warm water and apply nourishing cream. Repeat the procedures 2 times a week.
  • Grind 50 g of leaves, mix with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash away the residue cool water. The mask removes freckles perfectly, dark spots, whitens, but you can only use it once a week.