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Hydrogen water generator, magic wand, health bag, treating cancer with hydrogen water, hydrogen water and oncology, obtaining hydrogen water, ORP of hydrogen water, benefits of hydrogen water, hydrogen water for free. Veselka vulgaris - medicinal properties

This mushroom prefers coniferous forests, although it can be found anywhere.

What is surprising is the capriciousness and unpredictability of this mushroom. Veselka mushroom never grows where it grew last year.

Mushroom pickers note that usually the veselka is not very large; it rarely grows to the size goose egg. At first, the mushroom is very similar to an ordinary puffball, but not as strong, and has a peculiar gelatinous pulp. In its structure, it resembles an overripe plum or a lump of unmelted jelly. Growing to a certain size in enough time long term For common mushroom– in about a week, then the mushroom begins to show miracles. A small bud hatches from it, which quickly transforms into a fruit stalk, and this stalk begins to indomitably strive upward, like Living being. The leg with the cap grows out of the egg very quickly, sometimes in 15 minutes. This mushroom is the record holder among mushrooms for the fastest growth. The results are amazing: 5 mm per minute!

This mushroom is also known in Russia, or rather, it was known before, but now it is very difficult to find - the ecology is getting worse. They called it “ordinary merry” or “disgraceful”. At first, the Veselka mushroom looks like an egg (this is due to one of its folk names- "witch's egg") Then, as it ripens, the shell bursts, and a fruiting body of an unusual appearance, reminiscent in shape of a male, is pulled out of it. reproductive organ. "Witch's Egg" is initial stage growth of the common fungus. He was considered the best remedy to evoke a feeling of love - increased desire and improved potency.

Other names are phallus mushroom, stinking morel and gouty morel. Grows from mid-July to late October. As a habitat, it prefers deciduous or mixed forests with a predominance of oaks, as well as sparse thickets of bushes and dense grass. Grows in parks or gardens under aspen or hazel trees. The fungus is not mycorrhizal, but is found near trees.

The common frogweed (Phallus impudicus) is a relative. The mushroom is not poisonous and is edible in the egg stage.

The fruiting body of the common mushroom is a vertical, tapering upward hollow stalk up to 20 cm long, 5-7 cm thick. The young mushroom looks very similar to an egg, lying on the ground with its wide part.

Its off-white or yellowish “shell” hides the fruiting body ripening in a jelly-like mass - a porous dark green cap and a lighter stalk. At the appointed hour, the “shell” bursts and breaks into 2-3 blades. Once free, the fruiting body begins to grow almost before our eyes. Rapid growth continues until the mushroom reaches 20 cm in height, its cap reaches 5–6 cm in diameter, and its stem increases to 4 cm.

As you can see in the photo, in a mature common vesel, the cap takes on a bell-shaped shape with a flat top and a hole in the middle, its surface is covered with a thin mucous skin:

The leg is round, hollow. The surface of the leg is white or yellow finely meshed. The upper part of the stalk is conical or hemispherical or greenish-black in color, abundantly covered with thick, spore-bearing mucus with an unpleasant odor. To the touch, the flesh of the cap is elastic, and the legs are loose. The fruiting body grows from an egg measuring 5x7cm. Bottom part the eggs are attached to a white root-like cord of mycelium.

The young Veselka is completely odourless, but as it matures it acquires bad smell fell.

Veselka occurs from July to September.

According to the description, the Veselka mushroom is similar to Ravinel's mutinus (Mutinus ravinelii). The smell of Veselka is much more unpleasant than the smell of Mutinus Ravinel, which smells like carrion.

Somewhere in Western Europe the egg is even considered tasty.

Look at the photo of the Veselka mushroom, the description of which is given above:

Application and healing properties of Veselka vulgare (with video)

In Russia, it is not customary to eat veselka, but in some Western European countries they fry it, collecting only young mushrooms that are in the “egg” stage. Before starting to prepare a particular dish, the mushrooms are peeled and cleared of the jelly-like mass. Veselka has excellent healing properties and has long been used to treat gout and rheumatism. Currently, it is widely used as the main raw material for the creation of various medicines.

Veselka is also growing in Western Europe, and since interest in medicinal mushrooms is now incredibly high abroad (fungotherapy is the science of medicinal mushrooms– is considered the era of new discoveries), then the fun came to the laboratory table. And it became a sensation!

In the last century, the use of the Veselka mushroom was practiced only by healers. They treated any stage of cancer, non-healing ulcers, diseases gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the kidneys and liver, used for joint diseases. At the end of the 9th - beginning of the 20th century, the veselka was sent to England to the doctors of the royal court, where it was used to prepare a gout medicine for royalty. The famous writer Balzac is one of those who checked medicinal properties vulgaris on himself - he cured a stomach ulcer with the tincture of Phallus impudicus, which was prepared for him in St. Petersburg.

In the 20th century, Veselka became a sensation, ending up on the laboratory table of biochemists and ranking on a par with the famous Japanese shiitake mushroom in its healing qualities. It turned out that its ability to secrete volatile antibiotics - dust-like substances (so-called mushroom phytoncides) - is even higher than that of the Japanese medicinal shiitake mushroom. Veselka phytoncides kill herpes, influenza, and hepatitis viruses.

Currently, this is the only mushroom in the world that has shown truly colossal antitumor activity - already on the 10th day, the substances of the fungus stop growth and reproduction cancer cells!

It turned out that the healing properties of the Veselka mushroom are extremely high. Its ability to remove cholesterol and lower blood pressure is 2 times higher than that of shiitake! But that's not all. Veselka mushroom phytoncides also turned out to be more active - they kill herpes, influenza, hepatitis and even AIDS viruses.

Veselka treats malignant tumors (any kind), resolves benign ones, lowers blood pressure, treats gastrointestinal ulcers, and heals the kidneys. Outdoor vodka tincture Veselki heals trophic ulcers, bedsores, bites, wounds, skin cancer.

The video “Veselka Mushroom” shows how it grows in its natural habitat:

Magic wand of health!!!


Now on the Internet there are many managers who are poisoning Russians by selling all kinds of electrifiers for obtaining drinking water. hydrogen water.

Electrolysis is the “killing” of water. That is, during the electrolysis process, electrons neutralize negative ions.
Fields in the water are massively disturbed. The water structure is breaking down.
This is why electrolysis of water produces dead water.

Living water is called living water only when it contains minerals; its molecular weight is H20.
With such a composition, water will not disrupt human health, but promote it.
Such a process will not disrupt the macrostructure of the protein, and the internal environment will remain intact. For healthy person normal indicator acid-base balance is 7.2.

Water destroyed by electrolysis has a value of 10, or even 11.
Therefore, destructured water is not living at all, but quite the opposite. It contributes to the stagnation of potassium in the body's cells and blocks natural energy supplies.

The process of electrolysis of water is dangerous precisely because it promotes dissociation. Molecular weight changes in water
The balance is broken and the polarity changes.
Electromagnetic waves take a different path. This is how diseases arise.

How the Health Magic Wand works:

The magic wand is made of magnesium (magnesium in the earth is as much as 2%), there is a magnet inside the wand,
which restores the wand according to the earth's magnetic field.
Magnesium, when interacting with water, begins to release molecular hydrogen.
After 10 minutes you will see large hydrogen bubbles on the magic wand and you can influence them to make them come off faster magnetic field phone speaker or shaking.

What is hydrogen water, what is its feature?

Hydrogen water is ordinary drinking water, tasteless and odorless, saturated with hydrogen, the molecules of which are not associated with others. That is, it contains hydrogen in its pure form.

What is hydrogen water used for?

According to modern scientific ideas, one of the main causes of aging and the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases is the effect on the body active forms oxygen, or oxidants.

Complex unfavorable factors- problematic ecological situation, toxic pollution of air, food and drinking water, exposure to various radiations, insufficient physical activity, bad habits- all this leads to excessive formation of oxidants in the body.
The most dangerous of them can damage fats, proteins, and DNA.
The condition of the body in which the destructive effects of oxidants on the body exceeds its own protective antioxidant capabilities is called “oxidative stress.”
Popular vitamins and antioxidants are not only ineffective, but in excess doses they are simply dangerous for the body.
Scientists have found that oxidative stress can be effectively and safely eliminated using molecular hydrogen.

Research has shown that hydrogen has unique properties, thanks to which it is considered today the most optimal antioxidant.
A bunch of scientific works confirm the benefits of its use as the most effective and safe antioxidant.


To date, many studies have been conducted indicating a connection between the formation of free oxygen species (ROS) and oncology.
It has been proven that free radicals lead to genetic mutations and contribute to impaired cell differentiation.
The body has its own fighting mechanisms, you just need to be able to use them.
Previously, scientists believed that oxygen was needed to destroy cancer cells, but then they changed their minds and proved that hydrogen is needed to a greater extent to cure cancer.

Hydrogen is not only building element of all living things, but also the main supplier of energy, cellular fuel and cellular activator, including for plastic metabolism.
Oxygen, on the contrary, takes energy from the cell. If you strengthen the hydrogen component inside the cell, its energy will change and the body will take the path of healing.
Normally, these processes are eliminated by the antioxidant system, which is molecular hydrogen; when it is imbalanced, oxidative stress occurs. The result is alterative damage at the cellular level with the destruction of macromolecules ( nucleic acids, lipids, proteins). This promotes neoplastic transformation in tissues and carcinogenesis (tumor formation).

Why is hydrogen so effective?

Due to their small size, hydrogen molecules can penetrate biological membranes and suppress dangerous free radicals even in the brain;

He helps deliver useful material into all cells of our body, normalizing its functions and metabolic processes;

Hydrogen selectively eliminates only the most dangerous oxidants without affecting beneficial free radicals involved in important metabolic processes for the body;

Hydrogen activates the body's antioxidant systems;

Hydrogen causes a negative redox potential of the environment (ORP should be in the negative);

By interacting with hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen converts them into water molecules without forming any by-products or causing chain reactions. This property of hydrogen explains the absence side effects and contraindications for the use of hydrogen therapy. Thus, hydrogen is the best and ultimate antioxidant with no side effects.

What is the effect of regularly drinking hydrogen water?

Objective observations and reviews of people drinking hydrogen water show that it regular use allows:

Ensure effective hydration of the body;

Reduce doses and reduce side effects of medications taken;

Improve metabolism;

Get rid of excess weight and obesity;

Normalize blood pressure;

Reduce the likelihood of a heart attack;

Improve memory;

Strengthen immunity;

Get rid of chronic fatigue and stress;

Improve the condition of skin, hair and nails;

Reduce allergic reactions;

Slow down the aging process;

Improve quality of life.

Benefits of hydrogen water?

Hydrogen water is recommended for all people without exception - children, old people, athletes, pregnant and lactating women. It is of particular value for those who work in hazardous industries or live in areas with poor ecology. People suffering from different chronic diseases, hydrogen water is simply necessary to maintain health.

The main beneficial qualities of hydrogen water:

Protects cells from exposure to radiation;

Removes toxic substances from the body;

Has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects;

Activates the body's own defense systems;

Increases the effectiveness of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants.

When you take hydrogen water, the healing mechanisms of the whole body are instantly launched.

Benefits when playing sports.

For intense physical activity Oxygen consumption increases and the body produces excess oxidants.
That is why you need to take hydrogen water, which is the best antioxidant.
In addition, water is important for athletes the following reasons, she:
- activates fat and energy metabolism;

Prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles;

Eliminates inflammatory processes;

Reduce damage to organs and tissues.

To increase the effectiveness of your workouts, you need to drink water - before, during and after exercise.
Thanks to its high recovery potential (ORP up to -500 mV), it serves as a natural energy supplement, which is recommended by leading specialists in the field of sports medicine.
An important advantage of hydrogen water over others sports drinks is its safety and the absence of side effects, contraindications and any age restrictions.

Benefits for weight loss.

With hydrogen water you can not only lose weight quickly and easily, but also maintain excellent shape, beauty and youth for a long time: Molecular hydrogen absorbs oxidants that disrupt fat metabolism. Hydrogen water has been scientifically proven to significantly reduce liver fat and lower blood sugar levels.
Hydrogen water stimulates energy metabolism.
Possessing a negative redox potential (ORP up to -500 mV), it is a source of additional energy. Therefore, the body does not need to store energy in the form of fat.
By normalizing the internal environment of the body, hydrogen water restores the functioning of all organs and systems.
Hydrogen water serves as an additional source of intracellular water. When hydrogen interacts with oxidants, ordinary water is formed, which helps to increase the hydration of the body.

Hydrogen water - perfect choice for people with arterial hypertension, obesity, ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders.

Magic wand of health - produces water saturated with molecular hydrogen exactly as it happens in nature, within 24 hours liter jar ORP drops to - 500 mV.
The process of saturating water with hydrogen can be increased by bringing your phone with your favorite music to the container with water or installing it on your smartphone software(frequency generator) - at a frequency of 339 Hz.

"Bag of HEALTH"

The “health bag” is a generator for producing molecular hydrogen, the process occurs the same way as in nature!

Making a “Bag of Health” will not take much time,
we adhere to the old wise truth: WHAT IS COMPLEX IS FALSE!

Even a child can make a “health bag”.

"Health Bag" is an original and useful gift for your friends and family.

How to obtain manufacturing technology
"MAGIC WAND" at home.

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In the amount of 1,000 rubles

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Within 24 hours you will receive technical documentation in photographs on production
hydrogen water generator "MAGIC WAND OF HEALTH" at home
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Vladimir Nikolaevich Pocheevsky Tel: 8-965-289-96-76

Update: October 2018

The common Veselka mushroom is a rather unusual capped mushroom-gasteromycete, belonging to the order Phallus and Veselkova and the class Basidiomycetes, reaching a height of up to 30 cm. Popularly it unusual mushroom given several names, such as “witches egg”, “upstart”, “shamer”, “devil’s egg”.

There are real legends about the fun. It is believed that it can cure all diseases, including cancer, and people who eat it do not get sick at all. However, despite the fact that the mushroom is edible, it is considered similar treatment should be used with caution, especially for patients with serious illnesses: refusing traditional treatment, you can lose valuable time and significantly worsen the disease.

Despite those praised in folk treatises and by fans of fungotherapy miraculous properties of this organism, give preference to similar therapeutic technique should be thought a hundred times.

Morphological description

Even in the photo of the mushroom you can see its unusual shape, which it takes in its mature form.

The young fruiting body has the shape of an egg with a diameter of up to 6 cm, at the base of which there is a mycelial strand white. Outwardly similar to a raincoat, but differs from the latter in a softer texture. Some people compare a Veselka egg to an overripe plum. The shell, called the peridium, is smooth and leathery and white (sometimes cream). The pulp has a gelatinous shape and is characterized by a rare smell.

During maturation, the peridium breaks into 2-3 parts (about a week after the egg grows). A fruiting body sprouts from the egg, which is represented by a stalk-like cylindrical receptacle, hollow inside and with spongy walls of yellow or white color. The body size is 12-25 cm in height (sometimes up to 30 cm) and 2-4 cm in width.

At the top of the leg there is a bell-shaped cap, 4-5 cm high. The cap has a cellular surface and is covered with a dark olive-colored mucous glebe. On top of the cap there is a dense disk with a hole. Spores have a size of 3.5-5 by 1.5-2 microns, smooth surface, ellipsoidal-cylindrical shape and yellowish color. Distinctive feature a mature mushroom has an unpleasant smell of rot and carrion, which is very strong.

Most sources indicate another feature of the Veselka - its growth rate, which is the fastest in nature and reaches 5 mm per minute! According to this indicator, the unusual organism is ahead of the famous record holder for growth - bamboo. It turns out that a full-fledged mushroom can grow, as they say, before our eyes, in just 15-30 minutes, but it doesn’t “live” for long, only 2-3 days.

Where does Veselka grow?

Before you go in search of a miracle cure for all diseases, you should clearly know what the mushroom looks like, since it can be confused with the inedible variety Hadriana.

It is found everywhere, but it is quite difficult to find. It prefers broad-leaved and mixed forests rich in humus and grows in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, and the Far East.

Veselka can be a saprophyte or forms mycorrhiza with beech, oak, hazel, and shrubs. The spores are spread by insects that are attracted to the smell of the mushroom. It grows both singly and in groups, from May to October. The likelihood of finding a mushroom increases towards the end of June, when mycelial activity reaches its maximum.

Lately, finding fun is becoming more and more difficult. People who can cook dosage forms for sale, they rush to collect a valuable mushroom and do not allow it to reproduce, and they collect not only eggs and mature mushrooms, but also unripe spores, which have strong medicinal properties. And the mushroom protects itself from being collected and does not grow in the same place.

Collection and preparation

For both food and medicinal purposes, the veselka is harvested when it is in the egg stage. After harvesting, the mushroom cannot be washed; you can only carefully remove dirt with a damp cloth.

In order to obtain dry raw materials, the egg is cut in half, a thread is threaded through the halves, leaving a small distance between the pieces, and hung to dry in a ventilated and dark room. Dry mushrooms are placed in glass jar and close very tightly and store in a dark place for up to 2 years.

Medicinal value

The medicinal properties of the Veselka mushroom determine its value and are possible due to its rich composition:

  • a large number of active phytoncides that effectively fight all known types of viruses and bacteria, including those active against the influenza virus, hepatitis and herpes;
  • polysaccharides – stimulators of the production of lymphocytes and perforin proteins, which are the main elements immune defense and are able to fight even cancer cells;
  • phytosteroids have a positive effect on male sex hormones;
  • minerals and amino acids have a positive effect on skin covering, contribute fast healing and rejuvenate the skin;
  • Antioxidants remove free radicals and rejuvenate the body.

The mushroom also has a natural antihistamine effect, perfectly relieves irritation and swelling, and stops the development of allergic reactions. In addition to increasing the activity of the immune system, Veselka reduces sensitivity to causative agents of a number of diseases and pathogenic external stimuli. That is why preparations from the fungus are considered the most effective in treatment so far incurable disease- AIDS.

Mushroom contraindications, drug interactions and special instructions

According to sources of traditional healers, there are practically no contraindications to treatment with Veselka, except for individual intolerance. Preparations based on it can be combined with all medications, as well as with other mushrooms and medicinal plants.

In treatises traditional medicine it is indicated that it is not advisable to use Veselka for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 5 years of age - according to some sources, up to 12 years of age (in fact, like any other mushrooms).

It should also be taken into account that veselka and preparations made from it are considered to be the strongest aphrodisiacs, so you should observe moderation in its use. In case of an overdose in men, the hair follicles die and baldness occurs, so it is very important to follow the recommendations for use.


The use of the Veselka mushroom has practically no restrictions. As they say knowledgeable people, the Veselka mushroom can treat any disease, the main thing is to strictly follow the dosage and treatment regimen.

The most common indications for treatment with Veselka mushroom are:

  • benign neoplasms: adenomas, cysts and others;
  • malignant tumors: melanoma, leukemia, sarcoma and others;
  • liver diseases;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • gastritis and gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the small and large intestines;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • gout;
  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • female inflammatory diseases;
  • purulent, non-healing wounds;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • general loss of strength;
  • sexual dysfunction in men;
  • infertility.

The use of medicinal mushroom Veselka against cancer

The most valuable and relevant property of Veselka is its activity against cancer cells and benign tumors that pose a threat of degeneration.

An old recipe for cancer:

Assemble the funnel together with the egg, carefully wipe off any dirt, but do not wash it. For a 3 liter jar you will need 6 mushrooms - put them in a jar and fill them with vodka good quality, insist in a dark place for 10 days.

Mode of application:

Take 1 tablespoon three times a day. Immediately after taking the drug, you need to drink 1 raw egg.

Dosage forms of Veselka

Let's consider how in medicinal purposes take the fun.

  • Water tincture helps remove excess cholesterol and reduce blood pressure, indicated in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Fresh mushrooms, taken as a salad with sour cream, are an excellent preventative against cancer;
  • Dried mushroom (half a piece) helps not to get sick during a flu epidemic (just eat it once a day);
  • Alcohol (vodka) tincture helps get rid of almost any disease.

Recipe against psoriasis, ulcers and skin cancer:

Take 100 grams of fresh mushrooms, finely chop, and 10 grams of dried mushrooms. Infuse them in 200 ml of alcohol for 2 weeks, or more (it is believed that the more it costs, the more effective). Lotions are made from the unfiltered infusion and applied to the affected areas 2 times a day.

Universal tincture

This tincture is universal and can be taken for any disease in which the mushroom can provide healing effect, and most often in diseases internal organs and vessels. The medicinal properties of the tincture are really strong - during infusion, the mushroom releases everything useful to the liquid, and vodka is the best preservative that preserves the activity of these substances.

The use of Veselka mushroom tincture leads to:

  • activation of antitumor immunity;
  • removing cholesterol and normalizing blood pressure;
  • healing of internal and external ulcers and wounds;
  • destruction of viruses;
  • permission hidden infections and chronic diseases;
  • restoration of sexual and reproductive function.

Take 50 grams of fresh mushrooms, chop and pour 1 glass of vodka, put in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, do not strain.

How to take Veselka mushroom

The tincture should be taken 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals. Other sources indicate a different scheme:

  • 1-10 days, 15-24 days - 1 tsp. three times a day. before meals, eating 1 spoon of honey or drinking 1 raw egg;
  • 11-13 days – break;
  • 14, 29 days - the same as on days 1-10, only 1 tbsp;
  • Day 25-28 – break.

After a two-week break, repeat the regimen according to the 1-10 day regimen and take it for 14 days.

Recipes for use on skin and mucous membranes:

  • To treat external diseases, lubricate the affected areas several times a day.
  • For acute sinusitis and runny nose, the tincture is also applied externally to the skin in the area of ​​​​the projection of the maxillary sinuses.
  • To treat cervical erosion, the mushroom tincture is mixed with an aqueous infusion of chamomile 1:2, a tampon is soaked in it and inserted into the vagina overnight for 5-7 days in a row.


  • Fresh mushroom jelly in the egg stage, which should be applied to the skin 2-3 times a day, is very helpful in the treatment of all skin diseases, including wounds, allergic rash, psoriasis.
  • A jelly mask improves skin condition and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. The jelly is applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes; if the skin is dry, a mask is made from jelly and sour cream in a 1:1 ratio.

Fresh mushroom (in egg stage)

  • The mucus of a fresh mushroom, spread on a piece of bread, will help quickly remove toxic components in case of any poisoning.
  • Half a fresh mushroom, eaten on an empty stomach once a day, helps normalize blood sugar.

Water infusion

Take 1 tsp. dried chopped mushrooms and pour 1 cup hot water, leave for 8 hours in the dark and strain. Drink three times a day before meals, a third of a glass for gastrointestinal diseases.


There are various dietary supplements, external forms from the mushroom - creams, suppositories, powder, capsules, but their effectiveness can only be tested during “tests” on yourself - it is believed that the dietary supplement cannot harm or lead to poisoning, but the effect is unproven.

Side effects

Provided the dose and frequency of administration of Veselka mushrooms are observed, treatment is generally well tolerated. Occasionally, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, such as bloating, nausea, diarrhea, are possible, in the event of which the use of the mushroom is stopped.

Leave your reviews about the Veselka mushroom, as well as proven recipes that have helped you or your loved ones.

Veselka is a real treasure for millions of adherents of traditional medicine. Tinctures and decoctions from this mycelium are used in the treatment of patients with good and malignant tumors. At the same time, proper use of the prepared drugs helps the body develop immunity not only against cancer cells, but also viruses and bacteria. However, finding this representative of basidiomycetes is very problematic.

General information

Among its relatives, it is the “record holder” for growth rate. In this regard, the mushroom was even included in the book of records, since in 48 hours it grows and immediately dies. So, in five minutes the rudiment reaches 25 mm. It can often be found in coniferous or deciduous forests, shrubs, and other fertile soils.
For those who plan to collect a unique mushroom, you need to know that:

It is better to harvest them in dry weather, as they do not tolerate water procedures. Fruits can be cleaned of dirt with a terry towel. At the same time, you do not need to rub or press on them too intensely.

Carefully cleaned mycelia should be properly dried. To preserve the full therapeutic effect of the Veselka mushroom, it is necessary to cut it lengthwise into two parts. The resulting halves should be strung on a thread with an interval of up to 1 cm between the pieces.
Hang this “garland” in a dry room with good ventilation/ventilation. It is advisable not to penetrate there Sun rays. When the pieces are completely dry, they must be beautifully folded into a glass container and sealed tightly. The maximum storage period for raw materials is 24 months.

Medicinal properties

From historical records it is known that medicines Based on this extract, intestinal diseases and stomach ulcers were cured. Those who had problems with the kidneys and liver were also recommended a course of this therapy. At the royal court, medical gurus practiced the treatment of psoriasis, gout and arthritis. Today, science has proven the medicinal properties of the Veselka mushroom in the fight against widespread diseases. Its fruiting body contains the lion's share of phytoncides. In turn, they destroy various bacteria and viruses, including:

  • herpes;
  • hepatitis;
  • AIDS;
  • flu.

Moreover, the polysaccharides it contains strengthen the body's defense systems. Thanks to these compounds, lymphocytes, as well as perforins, are produced in more. Thus, in one study, the effect of the extract on the activity of lymphocytes was noticed. By interacting with the extract, their number and productivity increased by 80%. These cells began to quickly attack foreign bodies. Based on this experiment, the Veselka mushroom is recommended for use in the treatment of benign and malignant pathological formations. As a result, he will help you win:

Beach modern society– . It is not treatable and remains " faithful companion» patient all his life. However, it was found that preparations based on this fungus eliminate swelling and rashes that are the result of allergic reactions. In addition to antihistamine properties, the Veselka mushroom has positive influence on reproductive organs. The phytosteroids contained in the plant stimulate sufficient production of male sex hormones. The extract of this fruit is a component of many painkillers. It also improves skin condition, namely:

  • relieves itching;
  • heals wounds and ulcers;
  • slows down the aging process of cells.

Since in last years the level of radio emission exceeds the norm, then human body desperately needs antioxidants. They, in turn, remove free radicals, preventing them from entering the cells.

According to experts, to achieve best results in any type of therapy is possible only with integrated use several different drugs.
In addition, you should take a responsible approach to your diet and also include physical activity in your treatment.

Tincture recipes and subtleties of application

As already noted, such mixtures are used as an internal or external healing agent. You can prepare dried fruits yourself if the mushroom picker is absolutely sure what the mycelium looks like. To do healing tincture Veselka mushroom, you can take both dried and freshly harvested crops. Preparation and use of the infusion is as follows:

Cancer (carcinoma) is treated with 1-3 tbsp. l. medicine, taking it three times a day. Some people advise drinking the mixture with water and then a raw egg. However, you need to be careful not to trigger your allergies. In addition, another recipe for preparing an infusion was popular among the ancient Slavs:

You need to know this rare specimen by sight. A sharp and disgusting stench of carrion emanates from it. Outwardly, it is unpresentable: a cone-shaped snow-white leg with a marsh-colored fitted hat, set obliquely. When ripe, the surface becomes wrinkled.

How regularly the patient takes the Veselka mushroom depends final result therapy. Many people use the mixture to normalize blood pressure (hypertension) and remove cholesterol. At the same time, the tincture can be used to lubricate wounds, ulcers and cuts, and also to treat skin diseases. To prepare it, the housewife will need:

It is not recommended to filter the resulting concentrate. Apply lotions in the morning and evening. Moisten a small cotton swab with liquid and apply to the wound, holding for 10-20 seconds. Compresses in this case are contraindicated.

In one bottle a person receives an antiseptic, antihistamine and antiviral agent, as well as a drug that fights cancer cells. It is for all these healing properties that the Veselka mushroom has received popular recognition.

All about the wonderful Veselka mushroom - video

Common fungus (Phallus impudicus) belongs to the class of basidiomycetes or basidiomycetes. And if the name is difficult to remember, then it appearance will not let you confuse it with others. This unsightly mushroom grows mainly in deciduous and mixed forests, mainly under hazel trees.

The period of greatest activity of the Veselka mycelium occurs at the end of June - this is when it is easiest to find the mushroom in the forest. However, you can find it until the frosts, only recently less and less often...

And it's not even about him rapid growth among mushrooms (0.5 cm per minute), and not in the short life span (about 2-3 days), the point is in its miraculous properties. These are people who know about the healing abilities of the fungus mushroom, do not allow it to multiply, and rush to collect it.

The mushroom reproduces in a very unusual way. Its spores are an ellipsoidal sac resembling an egg. It is smooth to the touch and has a yellowish-greenish tint in appearance.

The fungus itself develops in the soil and “hatches” like a chick when the spore egg reaches a size of six to seven centimeters. Unripe eggs-spores of the fungus are also plucked (dug up), as they are considered the most useful. The effect of treatment with the fungus mushroom is so noticeable that all the effort spent searching for it is worth it.

For many centuries, fortune tellers and healers especially revered this particular mushroom. In addition to numerous medicinal properties, it had another important property. They say that he “instilled” love in men or “killed” it in women.

The fungus mushroom was taken by a couple and if a man had problems with sexual function, they disappeared, and feelings of attraction to women flared up with great force. And the woman taking the fun strengthened her nerves and watched whether she was the only one for him or not. Because of this witchcraft use, the mushroom is also called the “witch’s egg”, and the tincture is called the “witch’s love potion”.

Why does the fungus mushroom cure?

Official medicine recognized the common mushroom as a medicinal mushroom for many diseases only in the twentieth century. This speaks of the reliability of the research conducted and the large amount of supporting facts that have accumulated over the years of people’s trust in this mushroom.

Research conducted to study the medicinal properties and biochemical components of the fungus gave the following results:

Surprising for immunologists was another property of the fungus, which made it possible not only to significantly increase immunity, but also to reduce sensitivity to the causative agents of certain diseases and various external irritants. This allows us to call the fun mushroom one of the main folk remedies for production defensive reaction the body's immune system, that is, for effective fight with AIDS.

There are practically no contraindications for using the vesel. And, importantly, this mushroom goes well with all medications and other medicinal mushrooms and herbs. The possibility of such a combination allows you to add the fungus mushroom to recipes with many ingredients, which significantly expands the range of diseases it can cure.

There are practically no contraindications for use of the veselka. The most important - correct dosage and for better effect arrangement with components aimed at the same purpose. For example, for the treatment of hypertension, a course of tincture of two mushrooms is indicated - Veselka and Shiitake. The second one is more popular in Asia and is little used in Russia, but the anti-hypertension veselka is not so effective without it.

Veselka mushroom different forms used to treat the following diseases:

  • benign tumors (cysts, adenomas);
  • malignant tumors (sarcoma, melanoma, leukemia);
  • cancer;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcers and intestinal tract diseases;
  • asthma attacks;
  • tuberculosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • lymph diseases;
  • joint pain;
  • varicose veins;
  • gout;
  • rotting of wounds;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • sexual dysfunction in men.

And this list is far from complete. And if we consider the diseases that are treated folk recipes, where the fungus is not the main, but important component, then it will increase significantly.

The most popular fungus is as a remedy against the spread of cancer cells. Exactly strange benign tumors and unexpected malignancies instill a great sense of fear and uncertainty in harsh approaches modern medicine. Modern treatment This disease does a lot of harm to the entire body and never goes away without consequences.

An ancient cure for cancer

  1. The fun mushroom must be collected together with the egg. Do not wash, but dry thoroughly.
  2. Place in a jar (6 pieces per 3 liters) and fill with vodka. It is advisable to pour home-made strong vodka.
  3. Leave for 10 days in a dark place.

You should take one tablespoon three times daily. And then immediately wash it down with one raw egg.

The use of ordinary veselka

Fungus mushroom can help cope with many diseases and is effective in various forms, which will not harm the body even as an independent medicine:

  • water tincture helps remove cholesterol from cells and lower blood pressure;
  • mushroom decoction;
  • mushrooms in fresh, chopped with sour cream, are effective as a prophylactic against cancer;
  • dried mushrooms;
  • alcohol tincture is effective against stomach pain and kidney diseases. Used for rinsing purulent wounds and for gout.

You need to take 100 g of fresh finely chopped mushrooms or 10 g of dry ones and infuse them in a glass (200 ml) with alcohol. It should infuse for at least two weeks, but preferably longer (the longer, the more effective).

Use the unfiltered infusion as a lotion applied to affected skin or ulcers twice a day.

There are no contraindications, but caution is necessary with the fungus mushroom.

The fungus, a natural mushroom collected in the forest, is harmless and is recommended for use not only as a remedy, but also as a prophylactic. Drinking just a couple of spoons of its aqueous tincture per day can strengthen immune system and additionally support the body in the fight against any disease. Eating half a dried fungus mushroom during seasonal influenza viral epidemics is also a good general strengthening remedy.

But the danger of this mushroom lies precisely in its rarity and inaccessibility. Substitutes in the form of tablets - it may be natural, but still pharmaceutical drug, which is no longer so harmless and has a number of restrictions on its use, like most vitamins. It is therefore not advisable for pregnant women and children under five years of age to take them.

One more important point is that the fungus mushroom is considered the strongest aphrodisiac, and therefore requires appropriate measures in use. An overdose of Vesel vulgaris tincture in men can cause the hair follicles to die, which manifests itself in the form of baldness.

The medicinal properties of the mushroom are undeniable, and the effect will not take long to appear, so it is worth trying to fight diseases with the help of the fungus mushroom. If the king of all medicinal mushrooms If the fly agaric is recognized, then Veselka is rightfully worthy of the role of queen.