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These mushrooms are grown artificially. Healing properties of mushrooms

The healing properties of mushrooms were known back in the 17th century. Mushrooms are widely used in medicine for treatment various diseases. Suffice it to remember that the first antibiotic was isolated from the penicillium fungus and named penicillin. Italian scientists have proven that eating mushrooms can lower blood sugar
In the 1960s, certain agents found in mushrooms were discovered to inhibit the growth of malignant tumors.

Photo. Birch chaga mushroom.
So, birch mushroom Although chaga does not have a detrimental effect on a cancerous tumor, taking it improves the well-being of patients and reduces pain. Their intestinal function is normalized, appetite appears, sleep improves, and at the initial stage of the disease, development may be suspended. Currently, chaga preparations are used in the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastritis, to normalize intestinal activity, calm nervous system, improving performance. Chaga is non-toxic and there are no contraindications to its use. The medical industry has been producing the drug Befungin from chaga since 1976. Extracts from a number of mushrooms have a wide healing range.

For example, in porcini mushroom The alkaloid hercedine, used in the treatment of angina pectoris, was discovered. Water extracts from porcini mushrooms are used to treat ulcers and frostbite.

Photo. Gall mushroom

It has a choleretic effect; French doctors use preparations from it to treat liver diseases.

For headaches and gout, use a tincture of oil can, containing resinous substances that have medicinal properties.

Gout can be treated with mushroom ointment obtained from Veselica vulgare, and aqueous and alcohol tinctures from this mushroom is used to treat gastritis and other diseases of the digestive tract.

Photo. Mushroom talker

From rows and talkers Antibiotics have been isolated that suppress the development of tuberculosis bacillus.

An extract from meadow champignon is used against tuberculosis, typhus, paratyphoid fever and for the treatment purulent wounds. The fruiting body of this mushroom contains the antibiotics agaridoxin and agrocybin, and the antibiotic campestrin contained in it can delay the development of staphylococcus.

Infusion fly agaric red used for rubbing for neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatism. Residents of the North use fly agarics to treat tuberculosis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, gland tumors, diseases of the nervous system, etc. In homeopathy, fly agaric is used in the treatment of x-ray dermatitis, radiation injuries skin and mucous membranes. The antibiotic muscarufin was found in these mushrooms.

Photo. Delicious saffron milk cap
The antibiotic lac-lariovialin, which acts on the causative agent of tuberculosis, was obtained from the camelina. Medicinal properties raincoats are used for kidney diseases and to stop bleeding.

Pepper milk mushroom It is used for kidney stone disease; it also contains a substance that inhibits the tuberculosis bacillus.

When treating some mental illness, and also use psilocin and psilocybin to restore memory. These psychotropic substances were obtained from mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe. A substance was found in the gray dung beetle that causes very discomfort when consuming these mushrooms with alcohol. This substance is used in the treatment of alcoholism.

Found in 24 species of fungi antibacterial properties against staphylococci. An extract from summer honey fungus inhibits the growth of many pathogenic bacteria.

Antitumor, antiviral, and immunomodulatory drugs are obtained from a number of mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of which are not eaten because of their consistency.

Photo. Pig mushroom.
From the extract of pigs it was possible to obtain a substance disintegrating some types of malignant tumors. Antibiotics (in particular, clitocybin) that suppress the tuberculosis bacillus were obtained from talkers and rows.

The champion antibiotics among mushrooms turned out to be goat and moth, which most collectors do not even consider to be a mushroom. The healing properties of milk mushrooms and puffballs are known. Traditional healers In Russia, kidney diseases, purulent wounds and other ailments were treated with these mushrooms. If you accidentally cut your hand in the forest, you can achieve fast healing wounds, applying to it a cut young puffball mushroom, called grandfather's tobacco.

Photo. Grandfather's tobacco mushroom. Psychotropic substances - psilocybin and psilocin - are obtained from mushrooms. They are used to treat certain mental illnesses, to restore memory and other disorders of the central nervous system. By the way, a number of legends about Mexican magic mushrooms are associated with psilocybin, the use of which during religious celebrations caused intoxication and hallucinations.

Photo. Leaf sponge mushroom.
A special place in medical practice occupied by tinder fungi. Of these, the most famous larch sponge(tank). The latter was greatly valued by the ancient Greeks; they transported it in whole ships from their Black Sea colonies. Even in the last century, several thousand poods were exported annually from the Arkhangelsk port to other countries. larch sponge. It was prepared in Siberia. At the beginning of this century, only in one Nyuso-Uryupinsky forestry in the south Western Siberia Up to 100 pounds of larch sponge were harvested annually. Local residents collected it for their own purposes. They knew that a sponge could be used instead of soap, as a dye and good medicine, for artistic crafts, You can make soup from a young mushroom. From decoctions of sponges and bedstraw roots it was possible to obtain paints of almost any shade - from yellow, red to dark brown and black.

In North America, larch sponge was used instead of hops in brewing. The main value of the sponge was its medicinal properties. Hemostatic and laxative drugs were prepared from the mushroom. Many diseases were treated with decoctions: bruises and asthma, tuberculosis and jaundice, etc. The taiga hunters knew this well, since there are no pharmacies or hospitals in the taiga. The natural color of larch sponge is light gray. Its shape is in the form of a rounded lump, a high hoof or a cylinder with rounded ends. Height is up to 60 cm, and weight is 10-16 kg. The taste is bitter. Grows up to 80 years. This mushroom contains up to 70% resinous physiologically active substances, for example, agaricic acid, which has a beneficial effect in case of debilitating sweating in tuberculosis. IN last years The sponge reserves have been depleted and therefore you should not pick it from the tree unnecessarily. It's better to cut off a small part and let the rest continue to grow.

Another tinder fungus is chaga, or birch mushroom, - studied in more detail and is considered a drug in modern medicine. During growth, chaga accumulates many substances in the form of a chromogenic complex, which was first isolated in 1864 by Dragendorff, a professor at the University of Dorpat. It turned out that these substances have a stimulating and tonic effect. In recent years, livestock farmers have begun to use chaga powder to improve the growth of piglets and increase the weight of adult animals. In 1962, an article by Dr. A. Furcht about the successful cure of cancer appeared in one of the magazines lower lip chaga decoction (by the way, according to the chronicle, they also used it to treat a tumor on the lip of Vladimir Monomakh). The article aroused great interest, but all further attempts to use chaga to treat cancer were unsuccessful. Chaga did not cure people of cancer. However, it was noted that taking it improves the well-being of patients, reduces pain until it disappears completely. Patients gain appetite, sleep improves, and intestinal function normalizes. Subsequently, doctors began to prescribe chaga preparations for stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastritis, to regulate intestinal activity, calm the nervous system, for insomnia and to improve performance. Taiga hunters drink chaga tea. A remedy for the treatment of polyarthritis in folk medicine is the sarcosome mushroom.

Photo. Tea mushroom.
Wide Kombucha is also known, about which there have been legends for a long time. there was not enough convincing scientific data about it. Various information was transmitted orally. Some called it tea, others sea ​​mushroom, tea kvass, Manchurian or Japanese mushroom, Japanese uterus, kambuha, fango, Chinese mushroom. Research conducted at the Omsk Medical Institute showed that the body kombucha consists of 2 microorganisms - yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria. their actions are interconnected. If yeast fungus ferments sugar to form alcohol and carbon dioxide, then acetic acid bacteria oxidize alcohol and convert it into organic acids. The result is a refreshing flavored drink with a pleasant sour taste, reminiscent of kvass.

(Grifola frondosa)


Photo. Maitake mushroom.
It has a bizarre shape. Meitake grows mainly near the roots of huge trees in large colonies up to 60 cm in diameter, producing up to 10 kg of mushrooms. It has an exquisite taste and smell. It is extremely rare in nature. In ancient times, whoever found the “location” of the meitake ensured a comfortable life for himself.

Maitake- one of the most valuable and expensive mushrooms in Japan. Although this mushroom has been used in Eastern medicine for several millennia, its study in Europe began only 30 years ago. Today Meitake is recognized at the proper level and is widely used in medicine.

Geography of collection

Collected in ecologically clean mountainous places of the North Caucasus

Effect of Meitake mushroom

Has high antitumor activity. Effective in the treatment of leukemia and melanoma, as well as malignant neoplasms important organs. Possessing organ specificity, Meitake mushroom is most effective in the treatment of breast, uterine, ovarian, prostate and bladder cancer.

Maitake prevents angiogenesis and causes opoptosis (programmed death) of tumor cells. Meitake is effective in therapy benign neoplasms(adenomas, polyps, fibroadenomas, papillomas, fibroids, cysts, etc.)

Has pronounced antiviral activity. Effective for respiratory infections: chickenpox, influenza, shingles, herpes, polio, rabies and HIV.

In the treatment of hepatitis B and C Meitake not only affects the virus, causing its death, but also normalizes the production of liver enzymes, the synthesis of bile acids, stops inflammation and slows down the process of sclerosis of liver tissue. Meitake has a beneficial effect on the body in case of diabetes. Phospholipids found in Maytake restore the sensitivity of cell receptors to insulin and stimulate insulin production, managing blood glucose levels. Betta 1,6-1 and 3-D found in Meitak cause decreased levels blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.

The ability to lose weight gave it another name - Japanese geisha mushroom. Each of the geishas always had powder from this mushroom ready. They either sprinkled it into their food, or drank a decoction or tincture of Meitake, and were fragile and half-airy, even when they were clearly overweight on calories. Quite a serious study in one of the Tokyo clinics involving 30 overweight people who received mushrooms in their diet showed that patients lost from 2.5 to 14 kg of weight in 8 weeks. Apart from the Meitake mushroom supplements, the patients did not change anything in their usual diet. In addition, Meitake is recommended to improve health during menopause - it reduces the frequency of hot flashes, relieves irritability, fatigue, etc.

When combined with other higher mushrooms, its effect is enhanced!


  • Malignant formations: tumors of the lungs, brain, liver, stomach, intestines, melanoma and leukemia, cancer of the breast, uterus, ovaries, prostate, bladder. Hormone-dependent tumors.
  • Benign tumors in female body: fibroids, fibromyomas, cysts of any localization, perfectly amenable;
  • Hormonal disorders in women (premenstrual syndrome, menopause); during radiation and chemotherapy, this fungus reduces side effects, improves the quality of life and leads to more pronounced results than with chemotherapy alone.


Reduces blood pressure;

Reduces blood cholesterol levels;

Improves hormonal background the body in diabetes mellitus and diffuse liver diseases (normalizes blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity in type II diabetes)

Enhances the effect of antibiotics, and even forms of bacteria or fungi that were previously resistant to therapy can be destroyed

Helps correct excess weight.


Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 years of age.

Consult your healthcare professional before using any advice or prescription.

Mode of application

Mushroom tincture is taken from 1 tsp. up to 1 tablespoon (depending on the severity of the disease) 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

If alcohol is contraindicated or taken when losing weight, take Meitake 1/4 teaspoon of dry powder 2 times a day, washed down with water or sprinkled into food.

Meitake is one of the most valuable and expensive mushrooms in Japan. Although this mushroom has been used in Eastern medicine for several millennia, its study in Europe began only 30 years ago. Today Meitake is recognized at the proper level and is widely used in medicine.

Common Veselka (Phallus impudikus)


From the phallus family (Phallaceae). The fruiting body is 5-6 cm high, 3-5 cm wide, has the shape of an egg, white or grayish in color, gelatinous inside. IN certain period the shell ruptures, a receptacle appears and begins to grow rapidly - a cylindrical column of off-white color with a black-greenish cone-shaped cellular cap with a small disk at the top. The growth rate reaches 5 mm per minute! This is a record figure for plants. The taste and smell are unpleasant and attract a lot of insects that carry fungal spores.

Geography of collection

Action of Veselka vulgaris

Today there are many different immunomodulators and immunostimulants that can affect various parts of the immune system, but only polysaccharides of medicinal mushrooms, especially Veselka vulgaris, can affect antitumor immunity, which is responsible for the destruction of atypical cells. Polysaccharides from Veselka Ordinary significantly activate T-lymphocytes of the human immune system. As a result, the production of monomeric proteins - perforins, which destroy atypical cells, significantly increases, because the natural formation of perforins decreases in humans after 30-40 years.

In addition, a number of compounds were discovered in Veselka - phytosteroids, which, when transformed in the body, perform the function of male sex hormones. Unlike drugs for impotence, phytosteroids also nourish the immune system and promote the production of vitamin D. Veselka mushroom phytoncides also turned out to be more active. They kill herpes, flu, hepatitis and even AIDS viruses.

Veselka Ordinary grows only in wildlife, therefore it has a particularly strong therapeutic antitumor effect, compared to other higher mushrooms grown artificially.

In order to prevent cancer, it is enough to drink Veselka tincture once a year to save yourself from the danger of contracting this insidious disease.

The medicinal effect of the mushroom is enhanced in combination with other medicinal mushroom- Meitake.


  • gastritis;
  • ulcers of the stomach and small intestine;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fibroids;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • BPH;
  • any malignant formations;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • fistulas and cracks in the rectal mucosa;
  • sexual weakness;
  • gout;
  • high cholesterol;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney diseases;
  • lymphatic (postoperative) edema, courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, prevention of metastasis and relapse of cancer.

Method of administration

Take Veselka tincture from 1 tsp. up to 3 tbsp. depending on the severity of the disease. For example, to reduce blood pressure in hypertension, it is enough to take 1 tsp. Veselka mushroom tincture 2 times a day.

Please consult your healthcare professional before using any advice or prescription.

Chanterelles (Cantharellus cibarius)


Chanterelle- this is the only mushroom that is never wormy, and all because the spores and pulp of this mushroom contain unique substance- quinomannosis, which is not tolerated by helminths of all types. Ergosterol contained in chanterelles effectively affects liver enzymes, and trametonolinic acid affects the hepatitis virus. All these three polysaccharides make chanterelle an invaluable natural healer.

Geography of collection

In the ecologically clean mountainous places of the North Caucasus!

The first active ingredient in chanterelles is quinomannose. This is an absolutely natural substance that does not and cannot cause adverse reactions. The action of this substance is fundamentally different from synthetic anthelmintic drugs. Unlike anthelmintic drugs, which act only on adult worms, quinomannose perforates, that is, partially dissolves the shells of worm eggs, thereby destroying helminth eggs. Chanterelles are not anthelmintic medicine, do not poison helminths, but drive them out, as they cause persistent hostility.

Quinomannose is a heat-sensitive substance, heat treatment does not tolerate - it is destroyed after heating to 60 degrees. At cold pickling sodium salt destroys it. Does not tolerate quinomannosis and exposure various acids, vodka liqueurs People are not recommended to consume chanterelles in their raw form. Therefore, dry chanterelles (dry chanterelle powder) are used for treatment.

Second active substance Chanterelles - ergosterol, which effectively affects liver enzymes. Now in the West, pure ergosterol is used to cleanse the liver.

And finally latest research showed that the third active substance, trametonolinic acid, successfully affects the hepatitis virus. Thanks to the content of vitamin A, the quantitative content of which is several times higher than in carrots, and eight amino acids, chanterelle is valued for its ability to prevent and combat eye inflammation, improve vision, reduce dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, increases the body’s resistance to infectious and viral diseases.


  • Helminthic diseases, liver cleansing, hepatitis, diseases of the pancreas, liver (liver cirrhosis, fatty degeneration liver, liver hemangioma).

Methods of application.

1 tsp pour 100-150 ml of chanterelle powder warm water, leave for 20-30 minutes. and drink 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Stir before use. At helminthic infestations take for 20 days, for liver cleansing - 15 days, for diseases of the liver and pancreas - 3-4 months.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)

Japanese name: Mannentake; English: Reishi; Russian: Tinder fungus varnished; sacred mushroom.


The mushroom has a dark, reddish-orange lacquered cap. This is the most famous mushroom in Chinese folk medicine, used in medical practice for 4 thousand years. Reishi is given the “highest” category in terms of breadth of action and lack of side effects.

Chemical composition of the drug: steroid compounds, flavonoids, saponins, amino acids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, water-soluble proteins, coumarins, microelements: Ag, Ca, Fe, K, Na, P, Mn, Zn, Ba. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins B3, B5, C and D.

Reishi is a tree mushroom, called the longevity mushroom, “imperial mushroom”. Its history of use dates back to the second millennium BC.

Geography of collection

Finding reishi in the wild is a great success, and all because the spores of this mushroom are very rough, hard, and cling to any tree bark. They can germinate only at a certain temperature and on wild plums, and not on every one. The secret of reishi cultivation was discovered only in 1972, when a Japanese farmer managed to isolate the mushroom culture and grow the first reishi on a “mushroom farm.” Since then, reishi has been cultivated for the production of medicines.

These mushrooms are grown artificially.

Effect of Reishi mushroom

Centuries ago, Aesculapian scientists considered the Reishi mushroom to be a remedy that could provide eternal youth and longevity. At the same time it was claimed that this was a most valuable remedy for tumors of all types. Always inconsolable relatives of cancer patients, whom doctors had pronounced a “death sentence”, looked for reishi, since this was the only way of salvation. In Japan and China, reishi extract is used for almost all diseases. Reishi was a remedy that could provide youth and longevity. Reishi mushroom has several medicinal properties.

First- treat allergic and autoimmune diseases. The substance “lanostan” was discovered in the fungus; this substance inhibits the formation of antibodies. Interestingly, allergic diseases are a contraindication to the use of immunostimulating drugs. But the uniqueness of Reishi lies in the fact that its substances do not have a stimulating, but a regulating effect, increasing suppressed functions and restraining overly activated indicators. The use of Reishi is ideal for complex treatment and health programs for patients with various allergic and autoimmune diseases.

Second- Reishi successfully treats cardiovascular diseases. The results of research at the All-Union Cardiology Center were very significant: 5 hours after taking preparations from reishi mushrooms, cholesterol levels decreased! In addition, a persistent decrease in pressure occurred after 14 days. This effect has been confirmed in clinical studies. Therefore, the use of this drug is directly indicated in recovery period after heart attack and stroke. The high level of organic germanium performs the function of hemoglobin - each germanium molecule carries six oxygen molecules.

Third- treatment of any pulmonary diseases. Of course, treatment with Reishi is a long process, but it is effective and does not cause any side effects.

Fourth- Reishi also treats epilepsy. This rare property of it was noted in the 17th century, when it was these mushrooms that were used to cure epilepsy in the heir of the Mikado.

Fifth- a general tonic and immunomodulatory effect, increases the body's resistance to various diseases, restores hormonal levels, has a calming effect on the central nervous system, but does not cause drowsiness.

The sixth and most important property- strong antitumor effect. When taking the drug from Reishi, there is a regression of any tumors, both benign and malignant. In this case, Reishi is prescribed as one of the components of the treatment course, the so-called. "mushroom triad". Further study of Reishi in clinical settings showed an improvement in the clinical well-being of patients. They tolerate chemotherapy and radiation courses better. They do not have a pronounced drop in leukocytes and immunological parameters, therefore, among the many therapeutic techniques currently known, antitumor polysaccharides can be considered not just one of the many components included in the complex therapeutic measures, but as one of the most powerful physiologically active substances that can enhance the mechanism of antitumor resistance of the body. It is noted that after monthly intake Reishi mushrooms usually normalize the immune system. These indicators are maintained throughout the year at a fairly high level compared to the initial ones.

Seventh- An almost mystical property of the reishi mushroom is its ability to increase fortitude and increase a positive emotional mood.

Eighth- Reishi mushroom is used as an aid for diabetes. At long-term use Reishi lowers blood sugar levels


  • strengthening the immune system;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • viral;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • any pulmonary diseases;
  • rehabilitation after chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • regulates blood viscosity, reducing platelet density;
  • increases a positive emotional mood, etc.


Pregnancy, lactation period, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, use in children under 5 years is undesirable.

Methods of administration

2 tsp chopped mushroom per 700 ml. water, simmer over low heat for 60 minutes. Strain. Take 200 ml. decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Take 10 g of chopped mushroom, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, close tightly and put in a dark place. After 6-8 weeks the drug is ready. It is taken 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, diluted with a small amount of water.

The dry hearth body of the mushroom is crushed into powder and taken 1/4 teaspoon 1-2 times a day. It can be added to dishes (for example, soups) literally a pinch at a time.

Many mushrooms not only have exceptional taste, but also help fight various diseases. Based medicinal mushrooms They produce all kinds of drugs aimed at combating a particular disease.

We bring to your attention an article, from the bark you will learn about the medicinal properties of mushrooms and what exactly mushrooms treat. You can also look at photos of medicinal mushrooms and get information about mushrooms against cancer, viruses, infections, antibiotic mushrooms and antioxidant mushrooms.

Mushrooms against cancer: vole, cattail, talker and cobweb

Swamp vole. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 90 and 100%, respectively.

Vermicelli-shaped hornet.

Horntail purple. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The extract of the fruiting bodies of these fungi against cancer inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 80 and 70%, respectively.

The talker is fragrant. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The mycelial culture extract contained in these anti-oncology mushrooms inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 80%.

Anise talker.

Cobweb staining. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 80 and 90%, respectively.

The spider web is bent-pedunculated.

What mushrooms treat cancer: mycena, tinder fungus, russula

Mycena dewy. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 100 and 90%, respectively.

Winter polypore. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The mycelial culture extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 by 80%.

Golden russula. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 70 and 60%, respectively.

Swamp russula.Antibacterial activity(1951 research). These mushrooms treat cancer by inhibiting the development of Staphylococcus aureus.

Russula is blood red. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 80 and 70%, respectively.

Russula sardonyx. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 80 and 70%, respectively.

Mushrooms against cancer: trembling, and catatelasma row

The trembling is litish.

The row is sulfur-yellow. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 90 and 80%, respectively.

The row is scorched. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The mycelial culture extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 90%.

Catatelasma regal. Bioactive components (research 2003). Eight ergostane-type sterols were isolated from ethyl acetate extract. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The mycelial culture extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 90%.

Medicinal mushrooms for oncology: volvariela, gyropor, bulgaria

Volvariella mucocephala. Anticancer effect (1973 study). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 90 and 80%, respectively.

Gyropor chestnut. An extract of fresh fruiting bodies showed the presence of lectins that cause specific hemagglutination of B- and O-groups of human blood. Anticancer effect (1973 study). These medicinal mushrooms used in oncology, since the extract of their fruiting bodies inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 80 and 70%, respectively.

Bulgaria is dirty. Anti-cancer effect (1993 research). Fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 by 60%. Effect on blood rheological parameters (studies of 1966). Alcohol extract reduces the aggregation of red blood cells, and water reduces their deformability.

Medicinal mushrooms for viruses and their photos

In this section you can see photos of medicinal mushrooms that have excellent antiviral properties.

Lentinellus ear-shaped. Bioactive components (research 1996). Three sesquiterpenoids of the lactarane and secolactarane type, deoxylactarorufin A, blennin A and blennin C, as well as the protoilludan derivative lentinellone, were isolated from a mycelial culture. Lactarans are characterized by inhibition of leukotriene biosynthesis with suppression of leukemia of the RBL-1 line.

Antibacterial and fungicidal activity (research 2002). Dichloromethane extract of fresh fruiting bodies of the fungus showed activity against the bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli and antifungal activity against Candida albicans and Cladosporium cucumerinum. Methanol extract is active against Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli.

Lepiota rough. In research, these fungi against viruses showed high antibacterial activity (research in 2002). Dichloromethane extract of fresh fruiting bodies is effective against Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.

Anticancer effect (1973 study). The mycelial culture extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 70%.

White pig gentian. Bioactive components (research 2006): Bioactive triterpenes - cucurbitans, including cucurbitacins B and D and leucopaxillones A and B - were isolated from fruiting bodies and cultural mycelium.

Antibacterial activity (studies 1995-1996). The mycelium and culture liquid of the fungus showed activity against Bacillus cereus.

Anti-cancer effect (2004 research). Laboratory research Cucurbitan triterpenes from cultured fungal mycelium showed an inhibitory effect of their mixture on the growth of human cancer cell lines A549, CAKI-1, HepG2 and MCF-7. Only one of the triterpenes, cucurbitacin B, has an effect on all studied lines.

Panus ear-shaped. Antibacterial effect (1999 research). Anti-inflammatory effect (research 1968).

Reducing cholesterol levels (2004 research) It has been established that extracts and preparations from the mycelial biomass of P. conchatus can be used as part of a dietary course (2% of the diet) to reduce the level of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, increasing lipid levels high density in the blood, reducing total cholesterol levels and activating cholesterol metabolism in the liver during hyperlipidemia.

Horntail truncated. Antibacterial activity (2006 study). Aqueous and organic extracts of fresh fruiting bodies showed a wide range of antibacterial effects. The growth of Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis is suppressed.

Anti-cancer effect (1998 research). Farnesyl protein transferase (FPT) is an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of the isoprenoid farnesyl to various cellular proteins; inhibition of this process significantly reduces the growth and development of cancer cells. Studies have shown that the bioactive substance of terpenoid nature, clavariic acid, present in the truncated cattail, is capable of inhibiting this enzyme.

Collibium shod. Bioactive components (research 1997). Two 3-indolinone dimers, peronatins A and B, were isolated from the fruiting body extract. The sesquiterpene deoxycollibolidol was obtained from the methanol extract.

Antibacterial activity (1951 study). Shown to be active against Staphylococcus aureus.

Anticancer effect (1973 study). The mycelial culture extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 60%.

What medicinal mushrooms against infections?

Psatirella Candolla. Antimicrobial effect (1999 studies): Psatirella Candolla has shown activity against the gram-positive bacteria Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium and against the fungus Candida albicans.

Psatirella – shining example what mushrooms are medicinal in the prevention of several diseases at once. In addition to antimicrobial activity, they showed a high anticancer effect (research in 1973). The fruiting body extract inhibits the growth of sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma by 70 and 80%, respectively.

Antioxidant mushrooms: hydnellum and irpex

Hydnellum is odorous. Antioxidant activity (2006 study). Two terpenyl derivatives were isolated from the methanol extract, called hydellins A and B, as well as sarcodonin B. The substances contained in these antioxidant mushrooms have activity equivalent to α-tocopherol.

Irpex is milky white. Anti-inflammatory effect (2005 research). Injections of an aqueous extract of fruiting bodies given to mice showed anti-inflammatory activity.

Treatment of kidney diseases (2005 studies). Positive results were obtained when using the polysaccharide fraction in patients with glomerulonephritis.

This portal describes the medicinal properties of herbs and plants used in home medicine. All recipes are taken from literature on traditional medicine published in the Soviet era and provided in Free access in the 70s and 80s of the last century.

Before using any prescription, consult your doctor.

Mushrooms - description, preparation, dosage forms, medicinal properties

What are the benefits of mushrooms?

Mushrooms have a special chemical composition; they contain a large amount of vitamins, macro and microelements.

Mushrooms contain a significant amount of sugars, which makes them especially nutritious product.

Eating mushrooms can speed up the process of rehabilitation of the body after infectious diseases.

The medicinal properties of mushrooms were known back in the 17th century. Mushrooms are widely used in medicine to treat various diseases. Suffice it to remember that the first antibiotic was isolated from the penicillium fungus and named penicillin. Italian scientists have proven that eating mushrooms can lower blood sugar.

In the 1960s, certain agents found in mushrooms were discovered to inhibit the growth of malignant tumors. Thus, although the birch chaga mushroom does not have a detrimental effect on a cancerous tumor, taking it improves the well-being of patients and reduces pain. Their intestinal function is normalized, appetite appears, sleep improves, and at the initial stage of the disease, tumor development may be stopped. Currently, chaga preparations are used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, to normalize intestinal activity, calm the nervous system, and increase performance. Chaga is non-toxic and there are no contraindications to its use. The medical industry has been producing the drug Befungin from chaga since 1976.

Extracts from a number of mushrooms have a wide medicinal range.

The porcini mushroom contains the alkaloid hercedine, which is used in the treatment of angina pectoris. Water extracts from porcini mushrooms are used to treat ulcers and frostbite.

The gall fungus has a choleretic effect; French doctors use preparations from it to treat liver diseases.

For headaches and gout, use a tincture of oil can, containing resinous substances that have medicinal properties.

Gout can be treated with mushroom ointment obtained from the common vesel, and water and alcohol tinctures from this mushroom are used to treat gastritis and other diseases of the digestive tract.

Antibiotics that suppress the development of tuberculosis bacillus have been isolated from rows and talkers.

An extract from meadow champignon is used against tuberculosis, typhoid, paratyphoid and for the treatment of purulent wounds. The fruiting body of this mushroom contains the antibiotics agaridoxin and agrocybin, and the antibiotic campestrin contained in it can delay the development of staphylococcus.

An infusion of red fly agaric is used for rubbing against neuralgia, arthritis, and rheumatism. Residents of the North use fly agarics to treat tuberculosis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, gland tumors, diseases of the nervous system, etc. In homeopathy, fly agaric is used in the treatment of x-ray dermatitis, radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes. The antibiotic muscarufin was found in these mushrooms.

The antibiotic lac-lariovialin, which acts on the causative agent of tuberculosis, was obtained from the camelina. The healing properties of raincoats are used for kidney diseases and to stop bleeding.

Pepper milk is used for kidney stones; it also contains a substance that inhibits the tuberculosis bacillus.

Psilocin and psilocybin are used in the treatment of some mental illnesses, as well as for memory restoration. These psychotropic substances were obtained from mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe. A substance was found in the gray dung beetle that causes very unpleasant sensations when these mushrooms are consumed with alcohol. This substance is used in the treatment of alcoholism.

Antibacterial properties against staphylococci were found in 24 species of fungi. An extract from summer honey fungus inhibits the growth of many pathogenic bacteria.

Antitumor, antiviral, and immunomodulatory drugs are obtained from a number of mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of which are not eaten because of their consistency.

From pig extracts it was possible to obtain a substance that causes the disintegration of certain types of malignant tumors. Antibiotics (in particular, clitocybin) that suppress the tuberculosis bacillus were obtained from talkers and rows.

The champion antibiotics among mushrooms turned out to be goat and moth, which most collectors do not even consider to be a mushroom. The medicinal properties of milk mushrooms and puffballs are known. Russian folk healers treated kidney diseases, purulent wounds and other ailments with these mushrooms. If you accidentally cut your hand in the forest, you can achieve rapid healing of the wound by applying a cut young puffball mushroom, called grandfather's tobacco, to it.

Psychotropic substances - psilocybin and psilocin - are obtained from mushrooms. They are used to treat certain mental illnesses, to restore memory and other disorders of the central nervous system. By the way, a number of legends about Mexican magic mushrooms are associated with psilocybin, the use of which during religious celebrations caused intoxication and hallucinations.

Tinder fungi occupy a special place in medical practice. Of these, the most famous is the larch sponge (baka). The latter was greatly valued by the ancient Greeks; they transported it in whole ships from their Black Sea colonies. Even in the last century, several thousand pounds of larch sponge were exported annually from the Arkhangelsk port to other countries. It was prepared in Siberia. At the beginning of this century, in the Nyuso-Uryupinsky forestry alone in the south of Western Siberia, up to 100 pounds of larch sponge were harvested annually. Local residents collected it for their own purposes. They knew that a sponge could be used instead of soap, as a dye and a good medicine, for artistic crafts, and soup could be made from a young mushroom. From decoctions of sponges and bedstraw roots it was possible to obtain paints of almost any shade - from yellow, red to dark brown and black.
In North America, larch sponge was used instead of hops in brewing. The main value of the sponge was its medicinal properties. Hemostatic and laxative drugs were prepared from the mushroom. Many diseases were treated with decoctions: bruises and asthma, tuberculosis and jaundice, etc. The taiga hunters knew this well, since there are no pharmacies or hospitals in the taiga. The natural color of larch sponge is light gray. Its shape is in the form of a rounded lump, a high hoof or a cylinder with rounded ends. Height is up to 60 cm, and weight is 10-16 kg. The taste is bitter. Grows up to 80 years. This mushroom contains up to 70% resinous physiologically active substances, for example, agaricic acid, which has a beneficial effect in case of debilitating sweating in tuberculosis. In recent years, the supply of sponge has been depleted and therefore it should not be plucked from the tree unnecessarily. It's better to cut off a small part and let the rest continue to grow.

Another tinder fungus, chaga, or birch mushroom, has been studied in more detail and is considered a medicinal product in modern medicine. During growth, chaga accumulates many substances in the form of a chromogenic complex, which was first isolated in 1864 by Dragendorff, a professor at the University of Dorpat. It turned out that these substances have a stimulating and tonic effect. In recent years, livestock farmers have begun to use chaga powder to improve the growth of piglets and increase the weight of adult animals. In 1962, an article by Dr. A. Furkht appeared in one of the magazines about the successful treatment of cancer of the lower lip with a decoction of chaga (by the way, according to the chronicle, they also treated a tumor on the lip of Vladimir Monomakh). The article aroused great interest, but all further attempts to use chaga to treat cancer were unsuccessful. Chaga did not cure people of cancer. However, it was noted that taking it improves the well-being of patients, reduces pain until it disappears completely. Patients gain appetite, sleep improves, and intestinal function normalizes. Subsequently, doctors began to prescribe chaga preparations for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, to regulate intestinal activity, calm the nervous system, for insomnia and to improve performance. Taiga hunters drink chaga tea. A remedy for the treatment of polyarthritis in home medicine is the sarcosome mushroom.

Kombucha is also widely known and has been the subject of legends for a long time. there was not enough convincing scientific data about it. Various information was transmitted orally. Some called it tea mushroom, others sea mushroom, tea kvass, Manchurian or Japanese mushroom, Japanese uterus, galley mushroom, fango, Chinese mushroom. Research conducted at the Omsk Medical Institute showed that the body of kombucha consists of 2 microorganisms - yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria. their actions are interconnected. If yeast fungus ferments sugar to form alcohol and carbon dioxide, then acetic acid bacteria oxidize alcohol and convert it into organic acids. The result is a refreshing flavored drink with a pleasant sour taste, reminiscent of kvass.

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of porcini mushrooms.

INDICATIONS FOR USE OF CEPT MUSHROOMS. MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF POCRIT MUSHROOMS. Boletus (ceps) used in folk medicine as a tonic and restorative, for frostbite, for angina pectoris, cancer, for the treatment of lumbago, for numbness of the extremities, and leucorrhoea.

APPLICATION OF CEPT MUSHROOMS. Apply porcini mushrooms fruiting bodies and decoction as an anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent for skin diseases and in cosmetics.
Fruiting body extract porcini mushroom has antitumor effect. White mushroom normalizes immunity.

There are never too many porcini mushrooms, there are a lot of them! Video

White mushrooms. Available in medicine people's Russia mentions in the 17th century that aqueous extracts from the bodies of fruiting porcini mushrooms can be treated persistent ulcers and also frostbite. Later in porcini mushrooms the alkaloid herzenin was discovered during treatment angina pectoris applied. Porcini mushroom improves metabolism. Use White mushroom How medicinal product for pulmonary tuberculosis, loss of strength, for improving metabolism. There are also references to the fact that aqueous extracts obtained from the fruit bodies of porcini mushrooms used widely in treatment persistent ulcers and frostbite. From traditional medicine the ancients know that Regular consumption of porcini mushrooms prevents the development of some gastrointestinal diseases. IN porcini mushroom substances have discovered antibiotic action, which suppress intestinal bacteria pathogenic for humans. In folk medicine there is an opinion that Regular consumption of porcini mushrooms is a preventive measure against cancer.

Porcini. Benefit and harm. Contraindications. Video.

Aqueous extract of porcini mushrooms: three teaspoons fresh or dried mushrooms per hundred ml. water, evaporate half the liquid over low heat. Use for compresses.

Be healthy!

White mushroom, treatment. Video

Treatment with mushrooms - fungotherapy.

Many mushrooms have valuable nutritional and medicinal properties. IN last decades They began to become interested in mushrooms as a source of antibiotics and medicines. The science of treating diseases with mushrooms is called fungotherapy.
Therefore, many edible and poisonous mushrooms became the object of research by scientists in search of new antibacterial drugs. Higher basidiomycetes, for example, are a very valuable source of antibiotics. It is known that many of them (meadow champignon, agrocybe rigidus, pink varnish, common butterwort, violet row, birch tinder fungus, etc.) have antibiotic activity, releasing antibiotics: agrocybin, drosophyllin, nemotin, biformin, polyporin and many others. etc. Aqueous extracts of the fruiting bodies of many talkers, rows, and lakovits have an effect on the wound microflora of patients similar to the identified antibiotics: chloramphenicol, biomycin, streptomycin.
As a source of medicinal substances, wild edible and poisonous mushrooms are used mainly in folk medicine.

Since ancient times, red fly agaric infusion has been used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, and atherosclerosis. The mushroom in small doses improves the activity of the glands internal secretion and this increases the overall tone of the body. It has been established: red fly agaric contains the antibiotic muscaruphine - an orange-red pigment of the skin. This mushroom is still widely used in homeopathic practice today. The method for preparing the infusion is as follows. A three-liter jar is tightly filled with fly agaric caps, closed with a lid and buried a meter deep in the ground for 40 days. After that we take it out and open it. During this time, a dark liquid with specific smell. Pour the liquid into a jar and add the same amount of vodka. Store the resulting medicine in the refrigerator. There are methods for using fly agaric, choose any one after consulting your doctor!

There are also references to the fact that persistent ulcers and frostbite can be treated with aqueous extracts from the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms. Later, the alkaloid herzenin, used in the treatment of angina, was identified in porcini mushrooms. In general, porcini mushroom improves metabolism. Porcini mushroom is used as a medicine for tuberculosis, loss of strength, and to improve metabolism. There are references to the fact that in Russian folk medicine in the 17th century, aqueous extracts obtained from the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms were widely used to treat persistent ulcers and frostbite. It is known from ancient folk medicine that systematic consumption of porcini mushrooms prevents the development of certain gastrointestinal diseases. And this statement is not without foundation. Not so long ago, antibiotic substances were discovered in porcini mushrooms that suppress some intestinal bacteria pathogenic to humans. Also in folk medicine, there is an opinion that the systematic consumption of porcini mushrooms is a preventive measure against cancer.
TINCTURE of porcini mushrooms (boletus).
Take 1 liter. jar, fill it with chopped fresh porcini mushrooms (it is better to take the caps), fill with vodka, leave for 14 days in a dark place, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Take 1 tsp. tinctures, diluted in 50 ml. water, 2 times a day half an hour before meals. This tincture will help with hypertension, angina pectoris, and benign tumors (the tincture of porcini mushroom is especially good at treating cysts and fibroids). The most valuable thing about porcini mushrooms is their ability to reduce blood viscosity!

OILCAN graceful contains a resinous substance with medicinal properties. A tincture of this mushroom is used for headaches, gout and some other diseases; in a certain concentration it is used for embalming.
TINCTURE of boletus.
It is prepared in the same way as boletus tincture (see above).
This infusion can also be used for joint pain by rubbing it at night.
CHAMPIGNON. Extracts from meadow champignon are used in the treatment of purulent wounds, as well as such dangerous diseases as typhoid, paratyphoid, and tuberculosis. Currently, the antibiotic agaridoxine, which has a strong pronounced action against many pathogenic microorganisms.
Pepper pepper. Used for kidney stones and blenorrhea. The antibiotic lactariovialin, which acts on many microorganisms, including the causative agent of tuberculosis, was obtained from the delicious milk mushroom.
VESELKA common

The most mysterious and most famous mushroom of our forests. In a minute he throws out a leg that grows 5 mm per minute. The life of this amazing mushroom lasts only 1-2 days. The first day is an inconspicuous grayish gelatinous egg, and on the second this egg throws out a leg with an umbrella. By evening, the mushroom oozes foul-smelling mucus and by morning it leaves a wet spot. The mushroom is incredibly popular among healers - it is used to treat any stage of cancer, trophic ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation of the kidneys, liver and pancreas, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, post-stroke conditions, joint diseases, benign tumors, brain tumors and autoimmune diseases. For treatment, vodka tincture of the mushroom, tincture of linseed oil and Veselka in capsules are used.
TINCTURE: Method 1: Usually take 4 g of dry veselka per 200 g of vodka. and leave for two weeks in the refrigerator.
There is no need to filter - the longer it sits, the more healing it is.
Take from 1 teaspoon to 3 tbsp. spoons depending on the disease. For example, to lower blood pressure in hypertension, just 1 teaspoon of this tincture 2 times a day is enough.
Method 2: 4 “eggs” of the Veselka mushroom are wiped with a dry cloth (it is not advisable to wash them), cut and poured with 1 liter of vodka (alcohol is not allowed). Let it brew for 30 days in a dark, damp place (the jar needs to be covered with a lid, ideally the jar should be buried in the ground),
After the veselka has infused, take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. 20 minutes before meals and continue this way for a month. Then they take a break for 1-2 weeks and then carry out the course of treatment again.
The mucus of the mushroom does not need to be thrown away; it is good to use for healing wounds on the body, cracks, gangrene, bedsores, etc. It removes cholesterol from the body well and lowers blood pressure. Veselka mushroom phytoncides kill herpes, influenza, and hepatitis viruses.
However, the fungus is inferior in the degree of stimulation of the immune system to the mushroom

But the antitumor properties are the same. Veselka polysaccharides cause the body to produce perforin, which kills cancer cells. By drinking Veselka tincture once a year, you will save yourself from the danger of getting cancer.
Another use of the Veselka mushroom. Here are some ways:
· Porridge made from fresh Veselka mushrooms with sugar successfully treats bronchial asthma and tuberculosis.
· Powder from dried and crushed vesel can be poured onto a sheet of paper and placed in the room. The mushroom dust will fly in the air, be inhaled by people and protect them from many colds.
· The powder can be sprinkled on non-healing wounds.
· You can make a face mask from fresh mushrooms.

About the benefits medicines from shiitake, reishi, maitake (meitake), trameta and agaric mushrooms is also evidenced by the fact that they are used by many oncology clinics around the world. Shiitake is an exotic mushroom for Russia, the name of which comes from the name of the shia tree, close to oak and other broad-leaved species, on the dead wood of which it grows. It is also known under the names “Japanese mushroom” and “black forest mushroom”. It is consumed fresh in salads or after heat treatment in first and second courses. Shiitake attracts attention not only for its nutritional properties, but also for its pharmaceutical properties. And there are many of them. In accordance with patents from Japan, France, Germany, and Great Britain, the mushroom has an antitumor and antiviral effect, that is, it contains biologically active substances that in one way or another have an effect on such diseases. The antiviral effect of shiitake is explained by the fact that the mushroom forms a biologically active substance that promotes the production of interferon (an antiviral substance) in the body. The healing power of shiitake mushroom has been known for a long time. Back in the 14th century, the Chinese doctor Wu Rui stated that shiitake is good for treating heart diseases. In 1988, the healing effect of mushrooms on heart disease was studied. Of twenty different mushrooms, the greatest level of activity against the formation of cholesterol-containing atheromas ( initial stage atherosclerotic plaques) were demonstrated by only two mushrooms, one of them was shiitake. As you know, high blood pressure (hypertension) high level fat in the blood (hyperlipidemia), diabetes are often accompanied by impotence. In Chinese and Japanese folk medicine, shiitake has been used to treat impotence since ancient times. It was rated as an "stimulant." In Japan, dried shiitake fruiting bodies are in great demand. Up to 80% of mushrooms produced are used in dried form. Shiitake, unlike other cultivated mushrooms, stores well. Fresh mushrooms can be stored at a temperature of 0 - 2 °C and air humidity of 85-95% for 2 - 3 weeks. This mushroom became a sensation, as two discoveries were made at once: the polysaccharide lentinan, isolated for the first time and possessing a unique antitumor ability that has no analogues in the plant world, and volatile-like compounds called mushroom phytoncides, which are able to fight any viruses (from the most harmless rhinoviruses (runny nose) to AIDS viruses). In addition, shiitake has the ability to remove cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, suppress pathogenic flora in the body, and treat any inflammatory processes, fights lower fungi, heals erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, restores the blood formula. Shiitake is an excellent immunostimulant and is used as a prophylactic to prevent viral and colds. In diabetics, shiitake lowers blood sugar and is also indicated for insulin-dependent patients. The mushroom is absolutely non-poisonous; it is grown using a special technology from a Japanese pharmaceutical culture on chestnut logs. Shiitake infusion with vodka, cognac, Cahors wine, flaxseed and olive oil, as well as in capsules and water-soluble (mushroom tea).
TINCTURE: Usually take 5 g of dry shiitake, add 150 ml of vodka or oil and leave for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp depending on the disease. or 1 tbsp. 2 - 3 times a day.
REISHI - mushroom of immortality.

In China, it is considered a medicinal plant that restores youth and prolongs life. Reishi has an antitumor effect (in this case it is used together with shiitake, since shiitake enhances its effect), treats cardiovascular and mental diseases, and allergies. The mushroom is not poisonous. It is used in capsules and is included in some multi-mushroom formulations.

It is more modest in its healing properties, but is no less popular among the Japanese. He has an amazing ability to lose weight, reduce menopause, eliminate unpleasant symptoms premenstrual syndrome, resolve benign tumors in the female body (fibroids, fibroids, cysts of any location, mastopathy). Meitake also normalizes the hormonal levels of women. It is used in capsules and formulations of several mushrooms.
CORDICEPS chinensis

This is a mushroom that lives in the highlands of China and Tibet. The body of the cordyceps fungus is rich in nutrients and specific components inherent in high-altitude plants. Many centuries ago, the Chinese recognized cordyceps as a miracle of God, as a talisman. And now it is a modern health remedy that has crossed the threshold of millennia. It is based on the theory and experience of 5000 years of oriental medicine, the doctrine of nurturing life and preserving health. Increases immunity, has a high adaptogenic ability, is a natural antibiotic wide range actions that do not have side effects. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and has an antioxidant effect.
Actively removes toxic substances from the body, has an antitumor effect, stimulating the activity of leukocytes, regulates the activity of the liver, kidneys and lungs. Improves metabolism, reduces lipid levels in the blood, incl. cholesterol, regulates hematopoietic processes, regulates sexual function in men. Improves blood supply to the heart and lungs, improves microcirculation in other organs and tissues, and has a rejuvenating effect.

MOREL. Morel mushrooms are used to treat vision. They treat myopia, age-related farsightedness, cataracts and glaucoma. Used in capsules and tinctures.
Larch polypore

It has long been used as the main component of antidotes for all known poisons. Therefore, the first property of tinder fungus is to remove toxins and carcinogens from the body. Its second purpose is the ability to restore the liver, that is, to force it to produce an enzyme that breaks down proteins. This property of tinder is also used for weight loss. Tinder fungus treats pleurisy, pneumonia, Chronical bronchitis, sarcoidosis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatic diseases, constipation, dysbacteriosis and tuberculosis. The mushroom is used in capsules, and is also included in all compositions of several mushrooms.
A sterile, sterile form of the tinder fungus Inonotus oblique, grows mainly on living birch, less often on rowan, willow, alder, oak, hornbeam in the form of irregular nodule-shaped, hard growths of dark brown or black color, with a cracking, slightly shiny surface. Suitable for collection throughout the year.
Chaga probably ranks first among mushrooms that have already found application in medicine. Back in the 19th century in Russia and Poland, chaga infusions were considered good folk remedy against cancer. Observations have shown that in those places where the population regularly consumes chaga infusion, gastrointestinal diseases and malignant tumors are quite rare. In Western Siberia, the Khanty use this mushroom for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, heart disease, liver disease, and stomach disease.
The mushroom attracted the attention of scientists; they found that water-soluble coloring substances have medicinal properties. Preparations obtained from chaga. They have shown positive results in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, such as peptic ulcers and gastritis, which are often precancerous diseases. It has been established that chaga infusion has a general tonic effect on the body, which probably explains the relief of the condition of patients when trying to treat advanced forms of cancer with chaga. In experiments conducted on animals, it was found that the chaga preparation promotes the resorption of malignant tumors at the most early stages development of the disease.
Currently, in medicine, chaga preparations are used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, to normalize intestinal activity, calm the nervous system, and increase efficiency. Chaga is non-toxic and there are no contraindications to its use.
WARNING: The use of penicillin and intravenous administration glucose while taking chaga.

LINES contain an antirheumatic substance similar in action to cortisone. They treat joint diseases, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis and osteochondrosis. Tincture of lines is used for rubbing for bronchitis, pneumonia, any neuralgia and myalgia.
ATTENTION! The lines contain hydrometrin, a toxic substance whose action resembles the poison of the toadstool. Use only for rubbing!
Preparation of tincture. 4 g of dry crushed lines, pour 150 g of vodka and leave in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Rub the tincture into sore spots and wrap with a warm scarf.

The healing properties of RAINCOATS have been known for a long time. These mushrooms are used in folk medicine to stop bleeding from wounds and some kidney diseases. Even antitumor antibiotics have already been obtained based on raincoats, for example, calvacin, which suppresses the development of some malignant tumors.
Calvacic acid, produced by some common puffballs, inhibits the development of many bacteria and fungi and also has an antitumor effect. Numerous derivatives of calvacic acid, which also have an antibiotic effect, have been obtained through chemical synthesis.

OUDEMANCIELLA. The antibiotic mucidin was obtained from its mucosa, which in the form of the drug mucidermin is used for various fungal diseases of humans. Medicinal substances from species of the genus Psilocybe have psychotropic effect. For example, pharmacologically active psilocybin is used in medical practice to treat certain mental illnesses, to restore memory in patients, and in other cases. In the very tender and tasty some representatives of the species of the genus Dung, edible at a young age, a toxic substance was found that is not soluble in water, but only in alcohol. Therefore, when consuming the mushroom with alcohol, poisoning occurs. Their use for the treatment of alcoholism is based on this property of dung beetles.

Material from here: Traditional medicine recipes on samsebelekar.ru