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Anthelmintic drugs: a review of the best drugs for worms. Effective antihelminthic drugs for humans with a wide spectrum of action

Antihelminthics (anthelmintics) are drugs used to treat helminthic infestations (nematodes,).

Antihelminthics are divided into 2 groups.
1. Drugs used for the treatment of intestinal helminthiasis, including antinematodes (heptylresorcinol, naphthamon, purified, chenopodia oil, ethylene tetrachloride, dithiazanine, gentian violet) and anticestodes (thick extract, dichlorophene, quinacrine, aminoacrichine, pomegranate bark, seeds pumpkin).

2. Drugs used for the treatment of extraintestinal helminthiases, including antinematodes - ditrazine (see) and antitrematodes - sodium antimonyl tartrate, hexachloroethane, .

Selectivity of action antihelminthics relative. Some anthelmintics have an effect on a wide variety of classes of helminths.

In small doses, antihelminthics can inhibit oviposition without causing the death of worms. This effect is usually temporary and may make it difficult to monitor the cure.

Antihelminthics may have toxic effect not only on helminths, but also on the body of their carrier. Therefore, you should strictly follow the regimen and rules for prescribing each drug. See also articles on names of tablets and drugs.

Antihelminthics (anthelmintics, Anthelmintica) are chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat helminthic diseases in humans and animals. Some medications for worms also include: herbal preparations: male fern, cypress wormwood, etc. (see. Medicinal plants). All higher value purchase synthetic deworming agents.

Carbon tetrachloride, ethylene tetrachloride, hexachloroethane (see) and thymol (see) have a pronounced narcotic effect on helminths. Carbon tetrachloride removed from medical practice due to toxicity; other drugs and tablets are being replaced by more effective and less toxic ones. Anti-worm medications that primarily affect the transmission of nerve impulses include santonin (see), ditrazine (see), piperazine (see), naphthamon (see) and organophosphorus compounds. All these drugs and tablets, even in high concentrations, do not kill helminths, but only cause disturbances in their motor reactions. Santonin is used for ascariasis, but due to the fact that it acts only on sexually mature ascaris, it is replaced by piperazine, which acts on all age groups nematodes In addition, the advantages of piperazine are its slightly lower toxicity and effectiveness also against enterobiasis. Ditrazine is quite effective against ascariasis, but is used mainly for tissue helminthiasis: (filariasis); the mechanism of its action on filariae is not yet clear. It is believed that ditrazine creates favorable conditions to influence phagocyte filariae. Naphtamon, structurally close to acetylcholine (see), apparently acts cholinomimetically; it is low-toxic, effective against hookworm disease, ascariasis, enterobiasis and, to a lesser extent, trichocephalosis. Organophosphate compounds inhibit cholinesterase; they are very toxic to humans.

To the group anthelmintics, which have a predominant effect on the neuromuscular system of flatworms, include preparations of male fern, ethereal extract of male fern, filixan, pomegranate bark, akrikhin (see) and aminoakrikhin (see). The mechanism of their action is still poorly understood. All these drugs are quite toxic to humans, but when used in reduced doses in combination with Fenasal, they increase the effectiveness of deworming to 95-100%. The combination of male fern extract with quinine is also effective.

Recently, helminthological practice has included more and more new anti-helminthic drugs, displacing older, less effective and more toxic drugs. Hexachloroparaxylene has significant effectiveness against fascioliasis, the mechanism of action of which has not yet been studied. This drug was successfully used for opisthorchiasis (N. N. Plotnikov and Z. S. Yaldygina, 1962), and subsequently for clonorchiasis. See also Devastation.

Modern medicine offers various anti-worm tablets for humans. However, in order not to get confused in this diversity, you should familiarize yourself with the main categories of drugs. Presented classification medicines compiled by type and principle of purpose.

Classification of anthelmintic drugs




  1. Pirantel.
  2. Praziquantel.
  3. Mebendazole.

Thus, what kind of tablets for worms are not on the market. However, their choice should be approached especially carefully because of the danger they pose.

Why are antihelminthics dangerous?

Any anti-helminth drugs contain toxins. Therefore, before taking a tablet or drinking a spoonful of syrup, make sure there are no contraindications. Remember that deworming is most effective under the guidance of a doctor and based on the diagnosis made as a result of the examination. Self-medication, on the contrary, can further aggravate the patient’s condition, even if you choose good pills from worms.

The danger of all types of anthelmintic drugs is as follows.

It turns out that anti-worm remedies can represent serious danger not only for the helminths themselves, but also for humans. Therefore, only a doctor knows how to treat a patient with the least negative consequences.

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of medications available in tablet form. Anthelmintic drugs for people differ not only in price, but also in indications for use, availability side effects, contraindications. So before buying deworming tablets, it is better to consult a doctor for an exact prescription.

There are anthelmintic drugs wide range actions. However, not all anti-worm tablets are so universal. Therefore, in order not to get confused by the variety of instructions, consult your doctor.

Deworming drops

Most often, anti-worm medications, which are not contraindicated for children, are also available in the form of a suspension. Sweetened syrup will not cause protests from the child. Also, unlike a tablet, the drops will be much easier to swallow.


Thus, there are quite a lot of options for enema. But, despite the apparent harmlessness of these procedures, it is still better to obtain the consent of the attending physician.

Modern anthelmintic drugs are used to treat people who are sick in different forms helminthiasis . All applicable anthelmintic drugs for humans are divided into drugs for broad-spectrum helminths and drugs for helminths that selectively affect certain types of worms.

But truly effective pharmaceutical anthelmintic drugs have appeared relatively recently, and previously they were mainly used plant origin, such as garlic, pumpkin seeds, male fern extract, etc.

But now there are truly effective and safe anthelmintics , which demonstrate antihelminthic activity.

How are nematodes or roundworms treated?

If infection with extraintestinal nematoses occurs, treatment of helminths in adults and children is carried out the following drugs:

  • (Diethylcarbamazine);
  • (Ivermectin).

The list of helminths belonging to this class is very wide: these are fascioliasis (liver fluke), opisthorchos (cat fluke) clonorchiasis (Chinese fluke), Watsoniasis (liver fluke), paraganimosis (pulmonary fluke), cercariasis (swimmer's itch). Also included in this group are methorchiasis , G etherophyosis, nanophyetosis, gastrodiscoidosis, fasciolopsidosis, schistosomiasis and etc.

The following tablets are effective against all the types listed above:

  • Bithionol , effective against extraintestinal trematodes.
  • Perchlorethylene used for intestinal trematodes.
  • Tsesol , Biltricide , Azinox , Cysticide (active component Praziquantel) - broad-spectrum drugs that act on different types worms.

If one of the family members was infected with pinworms, then preventive methods necessary for everyone. The level of pinworm infection among preschool children and primary schoolchildren is very high. Worm eggs spread very quickly - this happens through household objects, a handshake, the clothes of infected children, etc. Therefore, prophylactic use medications for adults and children, questions arise very often.

However, there are other opinions. Some experts argue that people whose families have small children and junior schoolchildren, it’s worth taking every six months for prevention. After all, in children's groups high level infection, and the symptoms of infection are sometimes very mild.

In addition, a child is only able to maintain proper hygiene around the age of 6, so children can constantly become self-infected, just like other family members.

If received negative result when scraping for enetrobiosis, but the baby still complains of itching in the anus, abdominal pain, nausea, then it is better to take the child for analysis that morning when he slept poorly at night, he was bothered severe itching. You should scrape again three times, after one day and after two weeks, then you can get a more reliable result.

If future mom I have become infected with pinworms, there is no need to worry about this. Provided that the woman strictly follows the rules of hygiene, self-healing can occur. After all, the life span of pinworms is short - a few weeks. Therefore, you need to steam your underwear and wash more often to avoid reinfestation. To prevent infection or re-infestation, you should wash your hands very thoroughly with soap and water:

  • after visiting the toilet;
  • after changing linen;
  • after contact with animals;
  • before eating.

You should also be sure to wash all fruits and vegetables.

The most effective anti-worm tablets for humans

In no case should you be guided only by the fact that user reviews on the forum indicate that this or that drug is a good tablet for worms. You should not buy medications knowing only the name of tablets for worms in adults and children.

Active ingredient – Levamisole .

Indications: for roundworms, pinworms, necator, hookworm, whipworm, intestinal cholera, toxoplasmosis, trichostrongylosis.

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, with agranulocytosis. 150 mg tablets should not be used to treat children. Decaris should be used with caution by people who suffer and liver failure , as well as patients with suppressed bone marrow hematopoiesis.

Instructions: adults are advised to take one 150 mg tablet once, after meals, at evening time. Children from 3 to 6 years old – 25-50 mg once. Children from 6 to 10 years old – 50-75 mg once. Children from 10 to 14 years old - 75-100 mg once.

The course is repeated after 2 weeks. Diet or laxatives are not necessary. Side effects: after use, possible abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, allergic manifestations, confusion, stomatitis, etc.

Price – from 80 rub.

Helmintox, Pyrantel, Kombantrin, Nemotsid

Active ingredient – pyrantel.

Contraindicated for hypersensitivity, tablets are prescribed with caution to children who have not yet turned six months old, nursing mothers, and people with liver failure.

Description of instructions: for adults in case of ascariasis, pinworm infection or mixed infestation, a single application in the morning, after breakfast, is sufficient. The dose is taken at the rate of 10 mg/kg. Children from six months to 2 years old are recommended to take 125 mg, children from 2 to 6 years old - 250 mg, from 6 to 12 years old - 500 mg.

If a patient is diagnosed with mixed invasion, then the drug must be taken for 3 days at a rate of 10 mg/kg per day, or for two days at a rate of 20 mg/kg per day. If isolated ascariasis is noted, you need to drink the drug once at a rate of 5 mg/kg. It should be noted that Pirantel are chewable tablets, so they should not be swallowed, but chewed.

Side effects: after administration, vomiting, nausea, , hyperthermia, paresthesia, etc.

You can buy Helmintox at a price of 80 rubles, Pirantel - from 50 rubles.

Vermox, Wormin, Vermakar

Active ingredient – mebendazole .

A medicine for worms for humans with this component is indicated for enterobiasis, ascariasis, multiple nematodes, strongyloidiasis, capillariasis, hookworm disease, trichinosis, echinococcosis, taeniasis, alveococcosis, gnathostomiasis, trichuriasis.

This effective medicines against worms in adults and children, each of which is especially good for infection with pinworms and roundworms.

You should not take these tablets if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have ulcerative colitis, liver failure, Crohn's disease, also do not prescribe medications to children who are under 2 years of age.

Method and regimen of use: Vermakar, Vormin, Vermox suspension or tablets are taken with a small amount of liquid. To recover from enterobiasis, children from 2 to 10 years old should drink 25-50 mg of the drug once, adults - 100 mg. You need to take the product again after 2-4 weeks.

If a patient is diagnosed with strongyloidiasis, taeniasis, trichuriasis, hookworm, ascariasis or mixed helminthiasis, deworming is carried out as follows: for 3 days, take 100 mg twice a day.

In the case of trichinosis - 200-400 mg three times a day, then, from 4 to 10 days - 400-500 mg three times a day.

When infected with echinococcosis, take 500 mg three times a day for 3 days, then the dose should be increased to 25-30 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Side effects may occur in the form of dizziness, nausea, and abdominal pain. If the product is used for a long time, vomiting is possible, headache, anemia, eosinophilia, leukopenia, cylindruria, etc.

The cost of Wormin is from 140 rubles, Vermox – from 100 rubles.

Vormil, Nemozol, Aldazole, Gelmodol-VM, Albendazole, Gelmizole

Active ingredient – albendazole .

These anthelmintics are indicated for nematodes, toxocariasis, strongyloidiasis, echinococcosis of the liver, lungs, peritoneum, if the causative agent is the larval form of Echinococcus granulosus, as well as for giardiasis and other protozoa, mixed invasions, neurocysticercosis, if the causative agent is the larval form of Taenia solium.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, hypersensitivity, retinal damage, and for children under 2 years of age. Caution should be taken during breastfeeding if hematopoiesis or liver function is impaired.

Directions for use: Nemozol, Gelmodol-VM, Vormil should be taken during meals.

Nemozol for nemazodes is taken once: treatment of helminthiasis in adults involves taking 400 mg of the drug, children over 2 years old - 20 ml in the form of a suspension.

If the patient is infected with echinococcosis or neurocysticercosis, adults weighing more than 60 kg should drink 400 mg twice a day, if weighing less than 60 kg - 15 mg/kg/weight twice a day. The course of therapy for neurocysticercosis ranges from 8 to 30 days, the course of therapy for echinococcosis is three courses of 28 days, with breaks between courses of 2 weeks.

If Nemozol is prescribed to children for giardiasis, then a dose of 10-15 mg/kg should be used once a day for a week.

If a child has toxocariasis, then patients under 14 years of age are prescribed tablets twice a day, 10 mg/kg. Adults weighing up to 60 kg receive 200 mg of the drug twice a day; if the weight is more than 60 kg, then the patient receives 400 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Nemozol costs from 175 rubles in pharmacies. Aldazole – from 100 rub.

Worms that are common in Russia

In addition to the drugs described above, there are other anthelmintic drugs and agents. Means Ivermectin - These are broad-spectrum deworming tablets for people. However, Ivermectin is most effective in treating infections that cause roundworms. Also used in veterinary medicine.

Metrifonat used in the treatment of genitourinary schistosomiasis.

A drug Medamin , containing the active component Carbendacim, is an anthelmintic agent active against intestinal nematodes. Medamin is used if a person has trichuriasis, ascariasis, hookworm disease, enterobiasis, necatoriasis. What does this remedy cause? side effects? Allergic manifestations, weakness, nausea are possible.

Ditrazine (Ditrazine citrate) is used to treat filariasis, a disease caused by filarial worms. It works for ascariasis, but is less effective than other drugs.

Sometimes it is necessary to use additional funds local action. For example, cream Dermokas used for dermatoses, if complications caused by secondary infection are suspected. Dermokas is also used for fungal skin diseases.

Homeopathic remedy Antihelmin taken sublingually for 1-2 months.

Capsules Antihelmos include eucalyptus leaves, yarrow grass, and cloves.

Body cleanser – biological additive, which, however, also cannot be used without the approval of a doctor.

Thus, despite the abundance of remedies, a doctor should explain how to get rid of worms in adults and children by prescribing correct scheme treatment, taking into account the compatibility of drugs.

For those who are trying to find the best remedy against worms in adults and children, you should know that in some cases treatment at home with folk remedies also helps. The doctor will recommend what exactly you need to take and how to treat it. But the main ones folk remedies well known: pumpkin seeds, garlic, onion, cloves.

Sometimes the answer to the question of how to get rid of helminths at home is simple: eat as many pumpkin seeds as possible. However, there are different recipes. For example, add honey and soda to ground pumpkin seeds: for 1 cup of seeds - 1 cup of honey and 1 tsp. soda The product is infused for 10 days and consumed 1 tsp. in the morning before meals.

Some sources claim that by regularly consuming pumpkin seeds, you can get rid of tapeworm at home. To get rid of tapeworm, you need to eat two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds every morning, and an hour later drink a good laxative. How long to practice this treatment depends on the body. But it is better to first consult with a specialist.

How to fight worms at home using onions? For this they prepare onion infusion by cutting a medium onion and filling it with warm boiled water for the night. In the morning you need to strain and drink the liquid on an empty stomach.

For treatment to be effective, it must be carried out according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor, and then follow all the rules of prevention.

One cannot do without such means in cases where the invasion is complex, that is, a person suffers from infection with both tapeworms and roundworms.

The mechanism of action of the vast majority of drugs is associated with a violation metabolic processes in worms. After entering the patient's bloodstream active ingredients With antihelminthics, the worms lose the opportunity to get food and then die. Then they leave the human intestines in dead form.

The group of broad-spectrum medications includes many well-known drugs.

Most often, experts prescribe:

  • Mebendazole;
  • Albendazole;
  • Nemozol;
  • Zentel;
  • Vermox;
  • Vermakar;
  • Sanoxal.

Not only sexually mature worms - tapeworms or tapeworms - pose a danger to humans. For some helminths from the class of cestodes, people serve as intermediate hosts, therefore, when infected, not adult worms develop in the body, but large spherical larvae. They are tumor-like formations that resemble cysts. Larvae form in different organs– heart, liver, lungs, brain. This is how infection with echinococcus or alveococcus manifests itself in humans.


If lab tests confirm the presence of flukes in the liver, then the patient thinks about how to treat worms, since traditional drugs even with complex action will not have the desired effect.

In this case, a number of signs can be identified, which in some cases can act as evidence that the body of a particular person is subject to helminth attack. Thus, common symptoms of helminthiasis include:

Among the most common symptoms under these conditions is itching in the area anus, intestinal disorder, appearance unpleasant odor from mouth, increased fatigue etc. It is very easy to become infected with pinworms, since their eggs are weightless and easily transported in the air, settling on clothes, hands, furniture, carpets, etc. Drugs can be used for therapy different groups and types, including: suppositories, tablets, suspension. To the most effective means medications such as: "Pyrantel", "Levamisole", "Zentel" and "Piperazine".

It is possible to become infected with these worms by neglecting the rules of personal hygiene or food hygiene, since the eggs of these worms are very often found on the surface of fruits and vegetables. The symptoms are quite typical and have no unique manifestations. For effective therapy Doctors recommend using the following drugs: "Enterobiosis", "Medamin", "Vermox".

Means to combat helminthic infestations can be divided into plant and chemicals. It is impossible to say exactly which remedy is better, since each has its own focus and this entire group is endowed with sufficient big list possible side effects. Let's look at the list of the most common and frequently prescribed drugs.

Tablets Intoxic (Intoxic)

  • sumac fruits;
  • Djungarian ferula;
  • bear bile;
  • about two dozen more ingredients for general human health.

In pharmacies this product not for sale, it is sold only on the official website.

Means Pirantel

Vermox anthelmintic drug

Vermox deworming tablets are available in packs of 6 pieces; the active substance in them is mebendazole. It is characterized as a product with a wide range of effects. When it enters the intestine, it is absorbed by 10% and is excreted both through urine and with feces unchanged. In most cases, a single dose is sufficient, but repeated use may be necessary after a few weeks. While carrying and breastfeeding a baby, it is contraindicated for the mother to resort to taking such a drug, as well as for children under two years of age, patients with ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and liver failure.

Bendax syrup

Nemozol against worms

Effective anthelmintic drug Dekaris

The tablets are offered to patients in two dosage options - 50 and 150 mg. active substance levamisole. When taken orally, the drug is quickly absorbed from digestive tract and within an hour it begins to act. It is used once; for an adult, one tablet at a dosage of 150 mg is usually enough. None additional measures The drug is not required in the form of a diet or taking laxatives, but you should not drink alcohol-containing drinks for 24 hours after taking it. You should avoid using Decaris if you have intolerance, in childhood up to 3 years, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What medications are best to take to prevent worms?

Today the spectrum medications for the prevention of worms is extremely wide. For example, you can use the following drugs after first consulting a specialist:

  • "Nemozol";
  • "Dekaris";
  • "Pyrantel";
  • "Vermakar" etc.

Video: how to cure helminthiasis at home

This video is for informational purposes and has an educational purpose. Having familiarized yourself with the material, you can master the necessary knowledge that allows you to remove worms from the body. The author gives specific recommendations and methods that can be used independently at home, implementing successful anthelmintic therapy.