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No periods after stopping contraceptives. Menstruation while taking birth control pills

Any interference with the body's endocrine functions causes health changes. The female reproductive system is no exception. Situations in which there is no period after discontinuation contraception, V medical practice quite typical. Crash menstrual cycle can occur under the influence of both natural and pathogenetic factors and last from several days to several months. To determine reliably why there is no menstruation after withdrawal contraceptives, you will need to contact an antenatal clinic and undergo laboratory tests.

The effect of contraceptive drugs on menstruation

Oral contraceptives are designed to block the production of gonadotropins and prevent ovulation. For warning unwanted pregnancy OK are one of the most effective methods, giving almost 98% guarantee. The effect of the drug on the body is due to the presence in it of synthetic analogues of female sex hormones.

Composed of many birth control pills are Levonorgestrel, Ethinyl estradiol, Desogestrel, gestagens that replace natural hormones produced by the ovaries. Active substances prevent follicle maturation and egg release, increase viscosity cervical mucus, increase the acidity of the vaginal secretion, creating a destructive environment for sperm, reduce the thickness of the functional layer of the endometrium of the uterus, preventing the egg from attaching in case of accidental fertilization.

Under the influence of many combined OCs, the second, progesterone phase of the cycle is shortened or suppressed. To avoid hormonal disorders, you must strictly adhere to the instructions: take the tablets at the same time every day, do not forget about the need for a break before the next cyclic dose.

A prolonged absence of ovulation leads to the fact that the ovaries are in sleep mode - they stop. For this reason, during the course of menstruation, either there is no menstruation at all, or small amounts are observed. bloody issues. Situations where there are no periods for some time after stopping birth control are explained by changes endocrine functions. Normally, this is acceptable, since the body characteristics of all women are different and it takes time to restore normal functioning of the reproductive system. A cause for concern is the absence of menstruation for several months after birth control.

No periods after taking oral contraceptives

Among contraceptive pills there are drugs with low concentrations of hormones, only estrogen or progestogen monopreparations, combined agents second and third generations. This diversity is explained by the need to select the most suitable OC for each woman in order to optimally affect the body, regulate metabolic processes and elimination specific problems with health. Many contraceptives not only suppress reproductive activity, but also solve health problems caused by the disorder. hormonal balance. Therapeutic effect contraceptives:

  • treatment of algomenorrhea: elimination menstrual pain and physical discomfort;
  • correction of polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • elimination of psycho-emotional hormone-dependent manifestations;
  • prevention of the development of cancer of the uterus and mammary glands;
  • weight correction.

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Lack of regular periods while taking contraceptives - common occurrence throughout the course, as the ovaries rest. Bloody discharge present at the end of the cycle is of medicinal origin, has nothing to do with ovulation, and flows and looks differently. They do not contain rejected functional endometrium and mucous clots. But “fake” periods can also be delayed due to various reasons. The main one is the body’s adaptation to new conditions. Reproductive system within 1–2 months. gets used to the influence synthetic hormones, endocrine organs stop producing their own.

If you take the pills according to the schedule, their contraceptive effect develops over several weeks and reaches a maximum after 3-4 months. If you stop taking it, a withdrawal effect is often observed - a surge in ovarian activity. Without receiving the usual dose of synthetic hormones, the body immediately begins to synthesize its own - fertility increases sharply. Doctors take this feature into account when preparing a woman for a planned pregnancy.

However, the delay after taking contraceptives is longer than 3–4 months. should be alarming, as it may be the result of a serious hormonal imbalance, infectious lesion, tumor process, pregnancy.

Why there are no periods for a long time is very difficult to determine on your own. Pathological changes in the body do not always make themselves felt by any symptoms. Only a medical specialist can identify the exact reasons for the delay.

No periods after stopping birth control pills

If you do not have your period after stopping birth control for a long time, it is recommended to check for pregnancy. Despite the stated almost 100% guarantee of a contraceptive effect, the effect of hormonal drugs often fails. The following lead to a decrease in efficiency:

  • violations of the regime and accidental skipping of the next pill intake;
  • incorrectly selected product;
  • combination of OK with antibiotics;
  • incidence of influenza and ARVI.

In order to immediately find out possible changes occurring in the body, as soon as you stop taking contraceptives, as well as in any doubtful situations against the background of their use, you need to take a pregnancy test and get tested for hCG levels.

A delay in menstruation after stopping birth control is also possible:

  • for violations of the endocrine functions of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • during development tumor processes in organism;
  • with hyperprolactinemia - increased synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which prevents ovulation;
  • with severe physical exhaustion as a result of strict starvation diets, grueling sports;
  • for severe nerve lesions, stress;
  • in women over 40 years old - early menopause, leading to hormonal changes;
  • if there is long-term continuous use of contraceptives or their abrupt cancellation without medical supervision.

Read also 🗓 How does a cold affect your period - reasons for delay

In these cases, amenorrhea is possible - the complete absence of menstruation. A situation in which they are absent for six months or longer after a woman has stopped taking contraceptives requires examination by a gynecologist-endocrinologist to determine the exact cause of the pathology.

Possible reasons for a long absence of menstruation after stopping birth control are severe infectious diseases:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • advanced gonorrhea;
  • tertiary syphilis;
  • AIDS.

Even if there are no painful symptoms, at the slightest suspicion it is necessary to check for the presence of a pathogen.

Rules for drug withdrawal

One of the factors for delaying menstruation after stopping taking contraceptives is considered to be an incorrect drug withdrawal mechanism. In situations where there is no need for hormonal contraception, the course of treatment for ovarian dysfunction is ending, pregnancy is planned, taking OCs should be stopped after finishing the next package of the drug. This general rule, they cannot be neglected. A sudden refusal of contraceptives may result in undesirable consequences: deterioration of skin condition, hair loss, nausea, dizziness, horse racing blood pressure, increase in body weight, severe irritability, depressive state and other “delights” of hormonal imbalance. Returning to the natural cycle in such cases may take for a long time.

Cancel contraceptive drugs in the middle of the course may be necessary if it was suddenly revealed serious disease: diabetes, vascular thrombosis, liver failure, hypertension and some others. Hormones in these cases increase the risk of complications, so they are stopped immediately, even if the woman has not completed the course completely or has just started taking it. To ease withdrawal symptoms, maintain normal well-being, and return your menstrual cycle, your doctor may suggest using vitamin complexes, dietary supplements, medicinal plants containing phytoestrogens - natural analogues of female hormones.

How long can the delay last?

A delay in menstruation when taking birth control pills can be up to several months. Its duration depends on the woman’s initial health condition and the type of contraceptive prescribed. If the drug is prescribed for contraception, with high-dose or single-component drugs, addiction to hormones takes up to 2-3 months, low-dose drugs almost do not violate the natural regime.

In the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, amenorrhea caused by hormonal imbalance, and other disorders, the regulation of cyclic changes and corresponding discharge occurs within 1–2 months.

If the use of contraceptives is completed as planned, after the last pill taken, the next so-called withdrawal bleeding begins 2-3 days later. This is not a sign of recovery natural cycle, and its replacement.

Depending on the type of drug used and the condition of the ovaries, real menstruation can occur in a period from 2 weeks to 3 months. During this time, the ovaries and the corresponding functions of the pituitary gland awaken, the maturation of the egg begins and the natural cycle is restored. Changes in the volume of discharge, shortening or lengthening of a previous cycle are not considered pathological: a duration of 21 to 38 days is considered normal, despite the previous duration. As a rule, menstruation becomes more abundant.

Contraceptive drugs help a woman protect herself from unwanted pregnancy. Natural method contraception or interrupted sexual intercourse have a low percentage of guarantees. Therefore, many women use medications, which protect them from pregnancy. They have a hormonal composition and sometimes have a negative effect on the body. Why do I not have periods after stopping birth control?

Contraceptive drugs - individual for each woman

When do you start your period after stopping birth control pills? Oral contraception leads to the suppression of ovulation, which automatically leads to the inability of the uterus to fertilize. Therefore, if after taking the drugs there is no menstruation, then women should not panic. This occurs due to temporary inhibition of ovarian function as a result of the use of artificial hormones. When the process does not resume within several months, you need to contact a gynecologist.

The selection of oral contraceptives is carried out in accordance with the woman’s phenotype. If estrogens predominate in her body, then the girl belongs to the estrogenic type. They have: soft shapes, mild fullness and long periods. She can be prescribed the following drugs: "Rigevidon", "Minulet", "Anteovin".

It is better for women of the gestagenic type to take: "Ovidon", "Janine", "Chloe", "Yarina".

Girls whose bodies have hormones in a harmonious ratio are prescribed: “Marvelon”, “Regulon”.

The effect of the drug on the body

Why is there a delay in menstruation after stopping contraceptives? Medicines help women prevent unwanted pregnancy, so they must be taken strictly on schedule. If you miss even one dose, you may experience various problems in organism. This could be an unexpected pregnancy or menstrual irregularity.

The drugs include levonorgestrel, which is considered a synthetic analogue of the estrogen hormone. He may break hormonal background body and cause unwanted changes in it. One of these violations is considered bad influence for a stable menstrual cycle.

When choosing drugs, you need to pay attention to their composition. In the absence or presence of synthetic hormones in them, the following consequences can occur:

  • change in the schedule of menstruation: they begin later and are accompanied by heavy discharge;
  • sudden change in weight;
  • lack of sexual desire.

When the drug is chosen correctly, adaptation to it occurs in the first months female body. After this, the bleeding returns to normal and the 28-day cycle begins.

Reasons for taking birth control pills

No periods after stopping birth control. Why are these drugs taken by women? Contraception may be prescribed for the following reasons:

  • prevention of unwanted pregnancy;
  • elimination painful sensations during menstruation;
  • cleansing facial skin acne(acne);
  • stabilization of the menstrual cycle;
  • restoration of the female body after an abortion.

The main reason for taking contraceptives is to prevent unwanted conception. To take medications correctly, you should consult a doctor before taking them.

Many women feel a decrease in abdominal pain during menstruation while taking it. Usually painful sensations arise due to contraction of the uterus during the cleansing period. Levonorgestrel helps reduce smooth muscle activity, so uterine contractions are less active.

IN adolescence Girls develop acne on their facial skin. Usually these problems go away on their own when hormonal levels normalize. But in some cases this does not happen, but increased sebum secretion from the glands and their clogging persist. When taking contraceptives, hormonal levels normalize, and within 3 months the facial skin is completely cleared.

Normally, menstruation should have the same duration. It is no more than 7 days. The cycle is 23-28 days. When its duration is a different number of days, then there is hormonal disbalance. To normalize this physiological process Experts recommend taking birth control pills for 6 months.

For women with a stable cycle, medications are prescribed after an abortion to normalize hormonal levels.

Taking medications for illnesses

Many women are concerned: when will their periods come after stopping birth control pills? Oral contraceptives are taken not only to prevent unwanted conception, but also for treatment purposes. At hormonal disorders The following diseases may occur in the body:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • lack of ovulation process;
  • polyps;
  • uterine diseases;
  • endometriosis.

In such cases, a woman needs to take birth control pills. Thanks to them, menstruation becomes regular and the amount of discharge is reduced. The duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor.

Side effects from birth control drugs

Didn't get your period after stopping birth control? Such drugs do not always provide only positive influence on the body. At the beginning of treatment there are some adverse reactions which may occur during therapy. Some phenomena can be highlighted:

  • cessation of menstruation;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • headache;
  • increase in body weight.

This Negative influence on the body usually disappears within 3 months. If this persists longer, you should consult a doctor.

Menstruation while taking oral contraceptives

When do periods start after stopping birth control? In the first three months, a woman’s body adapts to hormonal drugs. 21 days after taking the pills, menstruation begins. If this happens earlier, then this is affected by an insufficient amount, which does not prevent its release by the ovaries.

Menstruation may fail for up to 6 months. For some women, they stop altogether for a while. This occurs due to the suppression of ovarian function by hormonal drugs.

Delayed monthly bleeding can lead to a woman's sudden weight gain. It is well known that oral contraceptives increase appetite, and this causes obesity. In turn, excess weight affects hormonal levels and secretions.

The main reasons for stopping menstruation while taking birth control pills:

  • incorrect administration and incorrect prescription of the drug;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • menopause period;
  • stressful situation;
  • increased physical or mental stress.

In some cases, during menstruation there are increased bleeding, which may indicate a decrease in hormone levels. This situation is considered normal during the first two months from the start of taking contraceptives.

Reasons for stopping contraceptives?

Factors that force women to stop taking hormonal medications:

  • decision to have a child;
  • fear of complications after taking medications;
  • serious health problems;
  • use of other methods of contraception;
  • pregnancy while taking contraceptives.

If these reasons arise, the woman has to stop taking the medications on her own.

Factors for emergency withdrawal of contraceptives

The reasons for urgent refusal to take pills are:

  • liver diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology, varicose veins;
  • surgical intervention.

In this case, it is diseases that become the reason for refusing birth control pills.

Menstruation when stopping birth control pills

What to do: no periods after stopping birth control? Sometimes, after stopping taking the pills, the discharge becomes scanty or is not observed at all. This situation may occur over several months. The main cause is considered to be suppression of ovarian function, which was observed due to the use of contraceptives. Now it will take them some time to resume their work.

The time it takes to restore the cyclicity of menstruation will depend on the following factors:

  • type of drug - high-hormonal or low-hormonal;
  • woman's age;
  • duration of drug use;
  • general condition of the body.

Some women who stop taking hormonal medications do not return to menstruation even after 6 months. Therefore, they need to contact their doctor; perhaps there is a malfunction in the body.

Only one girl in 10 cannot get pregnant within a year after taking contraceptives. Others can conceive a child within six months after this.

When there is no period after stopping birth control pills, girls should not despair. In many cases, menstruation returns to normal levels in the near future.

What happens to the body after stopping taking contraceptives?

What causes a delay in menstruation after stopping birth control pills? During this period, a woman may experience not only a lack of discharge, but also pain in the lower abdomen, chest, head and eyes. Use similar drugs may cause:

  • nausea;
  • mood swings;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • blurred vision;
  • vaginal discharge.

If a woman experiences one or more of these symptoms, she should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if you don’t have your period after stopping birth control? To avoid complications after refusing to take contraceptives, it is better to be under the supervision of a doctor during this period. If menstruation does not occur, then only a timely examination will determine the cause of the pathology.

Polina asks:

For 3 years I took Microgynon, every 4-5 months I took a break, and each time my period did not start until I drank a package of Utrozhestan (as the gynecologist advised at the appointment, she did not find anything scary in the absence of menstruation), in September I finally decided to stop taking it Microgynon, as usual, my period did not come until I drank Utrozhestan, once and that’s it, now I have not had my period for the fifth month, I don’t feel any other symptoms. How to restore the cycle, how serious can the consequences be and how much time should pass after the restoration of the cycle to conceive?

You need to consult a gynecologist and undergo a comprehensive examination: blood tests for sex hormones, as well as hormones thyroid gland, because dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which can also lead to menstrual irregularities, conduct an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs. Only after receiving all the examination results will the specialist doctor make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe adequate corrective treatment. Read more about the causes of menstrual irregularities in the article of the same name by clicking on the link: Menstrual cycle.

Irina asks:

Why does it take 5 days after taking Tri-Regol and no menstruation?

Please specify how long you have been taking this drug, and whether you have taken any drugs that could reduce the activity of the OC (sorbents, antibiotics, alcohol). Were there any omissions in using the contraceptive drug?

Irina comments:

I drank it for the first month. I had an abortion on March 7, 2012 and already on March 9, 2012 I took the first pill, I took it for 21 days, the last pill was on March 29, 2012. I didn’t take antibiotics or sorbents; I drank beer. There were no passes accepted according to strict time limits. Today is day 7, tomorrow I have to start taking pills again, but I don’t have my period. I took a pregnancy test and the result was negative. Tell me what should I do or not take next month of pills or wait for my period? And why, besides pregnancy, could they not exist?

In this situation, it will be possible to resume the use of Tri-Regol only after examination by a gynecologist and a precise exclusion of pregnancy.

Olya asks:

I am 22 years old. After a miscarriage (my first pregnancy), the gynecologist told me to drink Microgynon for 3 months. After 1 plate (21 tablets), I had my period for 3 days, but it was very scanty (it was a little blurry). Although usually before pregnancy I had 5 days and abundant ones. But after the second plate there are no signs of menstruation! This is fine? Or is it time to sound the alarm?

Against the background of the reception this drug The intensity of bleeding that you were used to before may change. After completing the full package, menstruation should begin after a 7-day break. Regardless of what day it starts, you need to start taking tablets from the next package exactly on the 8th day. Microgynon is an effective contraceptive, however, in the absence of menstruation, pregnancy should be excluded. To do this, you need to personally visit a gynecologist for an examination. Your doctor may prescribe a blood test for hCG to rule out the possibility of pregnancy. You can learn more about this from the section: HCG

Dasha asks:

Hello. please tell me why there are no periods? I take Lindinet 20, I took it for the second month, I never missed it. 3 days after the break I haven’t had my period, I’m very worried.

If you have taken Lindinet 20 regularly, then there is no need to worry. Menstruation may start within 7 days of the break, so there is still time, don't worry in advance. You can learn more about the action of the drug and its effectiveness from the information section of our website: Lindinet

Julia asks:

Hello. Tell me please. I’ve been taking Lindinet 20 for half a year now, I’ve been taking the course for the fifth day and there are no critical problems. I took a test and it was negative. Should I continue taking the pills or wait?

Elena asks:

I took Janine's pills for 1.5 years. The doctor didn’t say anything about taking a break from taking it, so I didn’t take it. The last time I took them was in August. On September 1, my menstrual cycle began as usual. After that I didn’t take any more pills, because... decided to quit. And I still don't have my period. I thought I was pregnant, but the test showed negative. What could this be?

Satisha asks:

I had this situation: after sex without contraceptives, the guy was into me... it was 4 in the morning! at one o'clock in the afternoon he and I went to the pharmacy and took the contraceptive rigevidon, because 12 hours had not yet passed, I took a pill, drank the entire course (21 pieces) and my period still did not start! is it worth worrying or is it normal phenomenon?

Rigevidon- a drug for long-term contraception, it not used as a means emergency contraception , i.e. immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse. You need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs to rule out pregnancy. You can read more about the drug Rigevidon, indications for its use and principle of action in our section: Rigevidon.

Julia asks:

Hello. I’ve been taking the contraceptive Regevido for 1 year and 9 months, I didn’t take any breaks, the doctor didn’t warn me, I didn’t get my period during the seven days of the break, today I’ll take the tenth pill from the new package, I still don’t have my period, the pregnancy test is negative, what? what could be the reason?

In this case, to determine the cause of menstrual irregularities, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist and undergo an examination: donate blood for sex hormones, undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, only after receiving the examination results will the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment. It is necessary to exclude pregnancy, hormonal disorders and inflammatory diseases pelvic organs. Read more about the effect of this contraceptive drug on the reproductive system of the female body by clicking on the link: Rigevidon.

Allochka asks:

Hello...I'm interested in this question. I take a tablet. JANINE has been around since February of this year... but during all this time I had my period a couple of times (and it’s hard to call it menstruation). I have never missed a course and I feel great..

It is likely that there is a hormonal imbalance in the body, since menstruation should occur while taking hormonal contraceptives. I recommend that you personally visit your gynecologist, since in such cases, as a rule, a change in contraceptive is required. You can learn more about the rules of administration, indications, contraindications and side effects of the drug Zhanine from the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Zhanine

Christina asks:

Hello, please tell me, I’m taking Novinet tablets prescribed by the doctor, 4 days have passed since taking the last tablet, I don’t have my period, I’m worried... this moment I’m sick with a cold, I think maybe it’s related to the cold...??I’m waiting for an answer, thanks in advance...

If you took the drug correctly according to the instructions and used additional barrier methods contraception in the first 10-14 days of taking a contraceptive drug, then there should be no cause for concern, menstrually - such discharge can begin on any day of the seven-day break.

Delayed menstrual bleeding can also be associated with a cold. If menstrual-like bleeding does not begin, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Read more about this contraceptive drug in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Novinet.

Irina asks:

I drink Diane 35 but my period is late, I did 2 tests on one strip. But I took antibiotics, and missed the pill for 2 weeks, but took it before 12 hours had passed. I missed the pill for 3 weeks. What could it be???

Most likely, a delay in the menstrual cycle is associated with a violation of the contraceptive drug and the combined use of a contraceptive drug and an antibiotic. If menstrual bleeding does not begin during the seven-day break, you will need to consult a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy and hormonal imbalance. Read more about contraceptive drugs and rules of use in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Contraceptives.

Irene asks:

I started my period, my gynecologist advised me to take Novinet tablets to stop my period, the first day 6 tablets every hour, 2nd day 5 tablets and so on until the end of the package, now I don’t have my period, and some mucous discharge is bloody, please advise how to restore my period short time Do you need to go for heart surgery?

In this case, there is a possibility of hormonal disorders due to this use of the drug Novinet. This method of taking the drug is not practiced according to the instructions for use, so I recommend that you visit another doctor. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Novinet

Ira asks:

Hello! I took Zhanine for 1.5 years, took a break and became pregnant, the fetus froze. They discharged Zhanine again for 6 months. She took it on drink. No periods. The doctor says wait, they’ll go soon (during the doctor’s examination there was blood on the gloves) I’ve been waiting for almost a month. How long should I wait?

In this situation, restoration of the menstrual cycle can occur within 1-2 months after stopping taking birth control pills. I recommend that you use barrier methods of contraception for 3-6 months, and then plan your pregnancy. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Irina asks:

Hello, please tell me, after a miscarriage they prescribed Logest to take for 3 months, I’ve already taken 2 tablets, the delay is 6 days, and the pain is like during menstruation.. What should I do?, wait or run to the doctor???

In your case, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist to conduct a personal examination, determine the cause of the delay in the menstrual cycle, rule out pregnancy and decide whether to continue taking the contraceptive drug. Read more about this contraceptive drug in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Logest.

Vika asks:

hello, tell me, I take Landiket 20 tablets and at the same time I got sick, I drank an antibiotic, my husband gave me a shot, now I don’t have my period, but the lower abdomen is pulling, the test is negative, what should I say?

In this case, when joint use contraceptive drug and antibiotic, the effectiveness of Lindinet may have decreased. It is recommended to donate blood for hCG, to exclude pregnancy, after receiving the examination results, consult with a gynecologist. Read more about early diagnosis of pregnancy in a series of articles by clicking on the link: HCG analysis.

Allah asks:

Hello, I haven’t had my period for 16 days. I took a test and it was negative. I stopped taking hormonal DIMIA 2 months ago. For the first 2 months after stopping, my periods were normal, the delay was only 2-5 days. Please tell me what is the reason?

In this case, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy, so I recommend that you do a blood test for hCG, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy at the earliest early stages. You can get more information on this issue in the section of our website: HCG analysis

Svetlana asks:

I have been taking Lenginet 20 tablets for half a year now. Previously, menstruation began 2-3 days after the end of treatment. and now it’s day 5 and no period. I worry. and what to do if they still don’t arrive on day 7? pregnancy test negative

If you have been taking pills for a month without breaking your schedule, then there is no cause for concern - in some cases, the bleeding time may shift. Next, take the pills according to the schedule, regardless of when bleeding starts. For more information on this issue, read the information in the section: Lindinet

Sandra asks:

Hello. I had my period from 07/06 to 07/12, then I flew abroad on 07/20 and arrived and the days started again and they went on until 07/26, but they didn’t end until the end, they smeared for another two weeks until I took a course of DAZOLIK. On August 16, my period started again (according to the idea, as it should have been) and continued until August 22, a week later, on August 28, it started again and the gynecologist prescribed me Diana 35 (and therefore it ended on the third day) and I took tests for TSH, free T4, prolactin (I took them after drinking Diana 35, the next day is September 19). It’s now the sixth day since I stopped drinking Diana is 35 and I still haven’t gotten my period...((((what should I do? Why is this happening? The doctors don’t really explain anything to me! Today the gynecologist prescribed me to take a bunch of hormone tests and told Diana to stop drinking 35. Why could such a failure happen? and what are the consequences? I can’t find the place myself (((((

Sandra comments:

Fine. And here's another question. Can I get pregnant with these problems? and if so, will it be possible to give birth?

Oksana asks:

I had my period, and 16 days passed and it started again (I take birth control pills and delays Not just any, but on the contrary even more often) what does this mean?

If you have just recently started taking hormonal contraceptives, then do not worry - in the first months of use, this phenomenon is possible, as hormonal changes in the body occur. You can get more information about the features of using hormonal contraceptives from the section: Hormonal contraceptives

Olga asks:

Hello, I took Jess for one month, the doctor prescribed it to me, after taking it I had strange periods, it anointed me for several days brown and it stopped. I didn't take any more pills. Right now my second period after taking the pills started with severe pain spasmodic. And very heavy periods! This may be because after taking the pills in the first menstruation, all the blood did not come out. And now it comes out in two months? And how often should you take a break from Jess tablets?

As a rule, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed for a long period, at least six months. In the first months of taking them, the nature of menstrual flow may change, which is associated with changes in the body due to hormones. This reaction is normal and subsequently the hormonal levels return to normal, menstrual bleeding returns to normal. The complaints you have are related to taking the contraceptive Jess, but they should normalize on their own in the near future; you don’t need to do anything. Jess tablets can be taken without interruption for up to 4-5 years. Read more about this drug in the section: Jess

Elenp asks:

Hello. I’ve been taking pills, Dione and Androkur, for the first month. The doctor prescribed it. Now I’m on the fifth day of my period. I haven’t missed anything.

Please clarify why you are undergoing this course of treatment. Most likely, the absence of menstruation is a consequence of hormonal disorders. Get more detailed information You can find out about possible hormonal disorders in the thematic section of our website: Hormonal disorders in men and women

Alexandra asks:

Hello! My husband and I really want to have a baby, but it doesn’t work out. In March I went to the gynecologist because... There were interruptions in my periods, an ultrasound showed that I had multifollicularity. The doctor prescribed hormone tests, after which she prescribed Diana 35 to drink for 3 months. After taking the last pack, my period came on time, and now I haven’t had my period for a very long time, my last period was from July 8th to 13th. I don’t know what to do, the doctor says when my period starts, come to her. Please advise what to do?

If you have hormonal disorders of the menstrual cycle, you need to undergo full examination, take a blood test for sex hormones, and then personally consult with a gynecologist-endocrinologist regarding further treatment tactics. Probably, the course of taking Diane 35 turned out to be insufficient in your case, so I recommend that you take a hormone test so that the attending physician can evaluate changes in dynamics and prescribe further adequate treatment for you depending on this. Read about the causes and treatment of menstrual irregularities in the thematic section of our website: Dysmenorrhea

Maria asks:

Hello! I’m 23 years old. I had problems with the regularity of my cycle and the gynecologist advised me to drink ok Artizia (gestoden0.75/etinilestradiol 0/20) for 3-4 months to normalize my cycle. About 1.5 weeks after starting taking the pills, my libido completely decreased. To be honest, this I’m very worried, especially the fact that I’ll have to endure this for another 3 months. It’s time to start the 2nd pack and I would like to ask if it’s possible to continue taking half a tablet. Maybe half the dose will be enough to regulate the cycle? I know that there will be no contraceptive effect in this case, but condoms will wonderfully replace it.

Irina asks:

Hello! I’m 22 years old, the doctor prescribed the birth control pill Mediana, I took it for 14 days and quit, all 14 days while I was taking it, my period didn’t end... and after I stopped drinking it, the faint bleeding continued for another 10 days... now I have My cycle is already 2 weeks late, I took a test and it was negative... I have signs of PMS, my chest hurts, my stomach hurts, I'm covered in pimples, but my period still won't start... how can I restore my cycle now???

Unfortunately, in some cases, in the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, this situation is possible. I recommend you wait next menstruation, do nothing, but use barrier methods of contraception, and then contact your gynecologist to select another contraceptive. You can obtain more information on questions that interest you and learn more about the specifics of the prescription and use of contraceptives from the thematic sections of our website by following the links: Hormonal contraceptives, Contraception and contraceptives

Julia asks:

Hello, I’m 20 years old, I’ve been taking birth control pills regividone for two months, now I’m on my second day of break, but I don’t have my period, what should I do?

Anna asks:

Good afternoon. I am 24 years old. At one time, a doctor discovered that I had sclerocystic ovaries and prescribed Diana to drink. After drinking for a year, I came to him for examination. He said, good girl, everything is fine, we are cured!! When asked whether I should continue drinking Diane, he asked if there were any side effects. I didn’t have any side effects, so I told him to continue drinking. Today I have been drinking them for three and a half years. I decided to take a break (I didn’t consult a doctor). I waited a month for my period without drinking.. It’s been two weeks since I’ve had it!! During the break, I was sexually active and did not use protection. What should I worry about?

If you stop taking hormonal contraceptives and do not use barrier methods of contraception, there is a possibility of pregnancy. For timely diagnosis I recommend that you do a blood test for hCG, which allows you to determine pregnancy 7-10 days after conception. You can get more detailed information on questions that interest you in the relevant sections of our website by clicking on the following links: , Probability of getting pregnant

Evgenia asks:

Hello! Was not protected sexual intercourse, in I took one postinor tablet within 36 hours, and 12 hours later I took a second one. After 5 days, my period started and went as usual. In November, it turns out that I already had my period, but after taking the pills I started getting my period again. There are none in December yet. Is there anything I can worry about??? Could I be pregnant or should I wait until my period???

In this situation, if you have not had any more unprotected sexual intercourse, there is no cause for concern - after taking Postinor, the menstrual cycle may shift by 7-10 days. You can get more detailed information on questions that interest you in the thematic sections of our website by clicking on the following links: , Postinor

Yana asks:

Hello. Please tell me if pregnancy could have occurred after 7 years of taking the pills without a break, I decided to take a month off. I’m 33 years old. I’ve been late for a week

Yana comments:

Tell me, if the ultrasound shows pregnancy after 3 weeks? The test does not show it. Is it possible to take the pills after this period without worrying about the baby’s health?

With absence positive tests for pregnancy it is unlikely that you are pregnant. Hormonal contraceptives do not affect chromosome set fetus, so this pregnancy can proceed normally. However, after long-term use It is recommended to take a break from hormonal contraceptives for at least 6 months, which is necessary for recovery normal function ovaries. You can find out more detailed information on questions that interest you in the thematic sections of our website by clicking on the following links: Hormonal contraceptives, Pregnancy planning

Christina asks:

Hello! I've been taking Marvelon for almost a year. My period hasn't started, it's already day 8. What should I do?

In this case, there was probably a violation of the rules for taking hormonal contraceptives. Even if you took the drug strictly according to the regimen, there was no vomiting or diarrhea in the first 4 hours after taking the pills, I recommend that you do a blood test for hCG to rule out pregnancy. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: HCG analysis - early diagnosis of pregnancy. You can learn more about the rules for taking the hormonal contraceptive Marvelon from the section: Marvelon

Ekaterina asks:

3 months ago I started taking Belara tablets. My period started as expected. But this month, during a seven-day break, things did not start. I took a test and it was negative. Tomorrow I need to start a new cycle of taking pills, I can’t understand: should I take them or wait for my period?

Regardless of which day of the 7-day break the bleeding begins, and also regardless of its end, you should take Belar tablets from the next package strictly according to the schedule - the very next day after the end of the break. However, if you do not have menstrual-like bleeding during the 7-day break, it is recommended to rule out pregnancy. I recommend that you do a hCG test, which will completely rule out pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: HCG analysis - early diagnosis of pregnancy

Alena asks:

Hello. I took a month (21 days) Regulon. Today is the third day since I stopped drinking, and Women's Day not yet. Pregnancy is excluded, there was no intimacy. With what it can be connected?!?
Thanks in advance for your answer.

Menstrual-like bleeding can begin on any day of the 7-day break, and may not end before you start taking pills from the next package, so there is no cause for concern. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Regulon

Victoria asks:

After taking Lindinet 20, my menstruation came on the third day, but there were very few of them, it lasted 4 days, as usual, but it’s very confusing that there were few of them) please tell me what this could be connected with?

While taking hormonal contraceptives, including Lindinet, a different menstrual cycle is formed that differs from the natural one, so the nature of menstrual flow also changes. Don't worry, this is a normal occurrence. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet. You can learn more about the features of the use and action of hormonal contraceptives in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Anna asks:

Good afternoon
I have been taking Lindinet 20 for six months. There were no cycle failures. But now my period started a week earlier (there are 4 more tablets in the package, my period comes on the 3rd day after the end of the pack). I didn’t miss pills, didn’t take antibiotics, sorbents, etc., there was no vomiting or diarrhea, I drank alcohol in moderation during the holidays, my husband and I additionally protected ourselves with a condom, but between about 8 and 13 days of the cycle we had unprotected sex. Could this be pregnancy? And also 1 more question, the instructions say that it is better to take it for the first 14 days additional measures protection, does this apply when a girl just starts taking these pills, or should she use protection for the first 2 weeks of each cycle?

If you regularly take the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet according to the regimen for six months, there is absolutely no need for additional barrier contraception, both on the days of taking the pills and on the days off. In this situation, pregnancy is excluded for you, so there is no reason to worry. A change in the timing of bleeding may occur while taking contraceptive medications, but regardless of this, Lindinet should continue to be taken strictly according to the schedule. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet

Veronica asks:

Hello, I am 24 years old and have a child. I drank “Yarina” for 1.5 years (after giving birth), then I changed it to “Zhanine” and have been drinking them for 6 months now. Everything was wonderful, my period always came every day. But this month there are none. I didn't miss my pills. What could be causing this? Maybe the pill won't protect you 100% from pregnancy? And if there is still a pregnancy, will the pills affect the baby’s health, since I took them for at least 2 weeks?

Regular and correct application oral contraceptives help protect you from pregnancy by 99%, the risk of pregnancy always remains. It is recommended to donate blood for hCG for early diagnosis of pregnancy and after receiving the results, consult with a gynecologist. If pregnancy is confirmed, it will be necessary to consult a geneticist, because you took contraceptives in the first trimester of pregnancy. Disruption of the menstrual cycle can also be associated with stress. Read more about early diagnosis of pregnancy in a series of articles by clicking on the link: HCG analysis - early diagnosis of pregnancy. Read more about contraceptives and their protection from unwanted pregnancy by clicking on the link: Contraceptives.

Anastasia asks:

Hello! After giving birth, my period began 2 months later. After consulting with a gynecologist, I waited for the next one and on the first day of my period I started drinking Lactinet (28 pcs in a pack). I’ve already taken 3 packs, but my period doesn’t start... I did tests and they were negative. Is this normal, no?

As a rule, when taking hormonal contraceptives, there should be bleeding on the days off. Its absence may mean either pregnancy or hormonal imbalance. I recommend that you do a hCG test to rule out pregnancy. You can obtain additional information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: HCG analysis - early diagnosis of pregnancy. More detailed information about the operating principle and contraceptive effect You can get hormonal contraceptives in the section: Hormonal contraceptives

Yana asks:

I took Zhanine’s pills for 1 month, I didn’t miss them, there was no additional contraception, after a 7-day break, my period didn’t come, I didn’t start taking the pills, I took a pregnancy test - negative! My last period was January 3rd! Still nothing! What could this be? be? Tell me please?

In the first months of use, a shift in menstrual-like bleeding is possible, however, then the drug should be taken strictly according to the schedule. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal contraceptives

Yana comments:

In this situation, you need to take a blood test for sex hormones to determine the cause of hormonal imbalance and personally visit a gynecologist for a detailed examination. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Marina asks:

I've been drinking Janine for a year now. As soon as I started drinking, my periods became very scanty, but they came every time, but this time it was a little blurry, my stomach was tight, but my periods never started. Not pregnant. Does this mean that I should take a break from the pills or is this normal?

While taking hormonal contraceptives, the nature and intensity of menstrual flow may change. However, if they are absent, I recommend that you do a hCG test to rule out pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: HCG analysis - early diagnosis of pregnancy. For additional information about the features of taking hormonal contraceptives, indications and contraindications for their use, and effectiveness, you can obtain additional information in the section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Ulyana asks:

I stopped taking Lendynet 20 hormonal pills in April 2012, during which time I had my periods 3 times. I took tests for hormones of all types - everything was normal, a pelvic ultrasound also showed everything was normal, with the exception of “scanty endometrium,” as I think the doctor put it that way. I want a second baby, but...... no periods.(((

In this situation, if a scanty endometrium is diagnosed, most often the cause is a hormonal imbalance, so I recommend that you retake a blood test for hormones. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal tests - types, principles of implementation, diagnosed diseases. You can get additional information about the basic principles of pregnancy planning in a series of articles on our website: Pregnancy planning

Lyusya asks:

Hello, Diana 35 drank for a year in January, drank the last pack of days and didn’t start drinking a new pack, a month passed, things didn’t come, February 21 was unprotected and the test was negative, what could it be?

Alexandra asks:

Hello, I’m 19 years old, I’ve been taking Lindanet pills for 20 years and a half, now I decided to take a break, I don’t have my period, my last sexual intercourse was on February 4, the delay was 6 days, the test shows negative, what could this be connected with? and is there any point in panicking?

If, after stopping the hormonal contraceptive, you did not use additional barrier methods of contraception, there is a possibility of pregnancy, so I recommend that you repeat the pregnancy test after 4-5 days. You can obtain additional information on the issue you are interested in in the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet, as well as in the section: Hormonal contraceptives. In the absence of pregnancy, a delay in menstruation may be associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Alexandra comments:

The test was done on the 4th day of the delay and showed negative

To eliminate the possibility of receiving false result, I recommend that you take a pregnancy test again in 2-3 days. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Pregnancy test

NADEZhDA asks:

Good afternoon! On December 27, 2013, I had a cleanse (frozen pregnancy), the doctor told me to start drinking Landinet 20. On December 29, I took a course of 21 days, my period came. Then I missed a month and decided to wait until next time. menstruation to resume taking it. My period came, I started taking pills as expected, and now I took the course for 21 days, but I haven’t had my period for 3 days. What should I do?? I haven’t taken the test yet

When taking the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet in accordance with the instructions, menstrual-like bleeding begins on any day of the 7-day break and may not end before taking the pills from the next package. Regardless of this, further tablets should be taken strictly according to the schedule - that is, after a 7-day break, start taking tablets from the next package. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet.

Hormonal contraceptives. In your situation, you should not worry - if you took the drug according to the regimen, did not miss pills, and did not have vomiting or diarrhea in the first 3-4 hours after taking the pill, then pregnancy is excluded.

Nora asks:

Hello! I’ve been taking Janine for the 2nd month, there are still 5 days left until the end of the course. Bleeding began. Should I stop taking the pills? Or finish the course? Should I start the next one after 7 days?

In the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, such bleeding is possible; however, Zhanine’s birth control pills should be taken strictly according to the schedule, regardless of the beginning and end of menstrual-like bleeding. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Janine Hormonal contraceptives

Irina asks:

Hello, I'm 24 and have the same problem. I took Chloe’s pills for 3.5 years, without a break... and now I have no periods, it’s already the fifth month... the doctors don’t want to do anything, they tell me to continue taking the pills. They say that the ovaries do not want to work without pills, menopause. please advise me something. I tested all the hormones, everything is fine except the hormone that the ovary produces... what should I do, help??!!!..

As a rule, the restoration of the natural menstrual cycle after stopping taking hormonal contraceptives does not occur immediately; on average, at least 3 months of a break are required for each year of taking contraceptives. However, given the absence of menstruation, I recommend that you personally consult with a gynecologist-endocrinologist regarding further treatment. Typically, in such situations, synthetic gestagens are prescribed, which help normalize the menstrual cycle (drugs from the progesterone group).

You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Menstrual cycle and menstruation, as well as in the section: Hormonal contraceptives. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Gynecologist

Alina asks:

Hello! I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks, the doctor prescribed Lindinite 20, I drank 2 packs with 7 day breaks, my periods were normal, I started drinking 3 packs of 10 tablets, and I started bleeding, what could be causing this, should I see a doctor?

In the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, intermenstrual bleeding is possible, but you should not worry about this, since the menstrual cycle gradually normalizes on its own. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Natalya asks:

I have been taking Lindinet 20 for many years, I am 36 years old. The first failure occurred a year ago (my period passed twice per cycle), we flew to the sea and I drank two packs without interruption for 7 days. The last four months have again followed the same pattern: I start taking the pills after 10, bleeding starts for 3-4 days but weakly, then I finish taking the pills until the end and the normal 3-4 days continue. For all four months everything goes like clockwork. What to do?

It is recommended to take hormonal contraceptives for no more than five years without a break, after which you should take a break for at least 6-12 months. In the event that there is menstrual bleeding, it is possible hormonal imbalance in the body, so a break must be taken and at the 2-3rd month of the break it is necessary to take a blood test for sex hormones. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet Hormonal tests - types, principles of conduct, diagnosed diseases.

You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Menstrual cycle and menstruation and in the sections: Yarina birth control pills - instructions, analogues, price, reviews, Hormonal contraceptives

Ekaterina asks:

Hello! Please tell me, my gynecologist diagnosed me with polycystic ovary syndrome, prescribed Jess Plus from the first day of the menstrual cycle, but I’ve been delayed for 10 days and because of this I can’t start taking birth control. A month earlier there was also a delay and I took duphaston. What to do? Should I take Duphaston again?

In this situation, if the delay in menstruation is not associated with pregnancy, I recommend that you wait for the onset of menstruation and start taking the hormonal contraceptive Jess. If menstruation is absent for more than 2 cycles, I recommend that you personally visit your gynecologist to receive other recommendations. You can obtain additional information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Contraception and contraceptives

Sasha asks:

Good evening. I am 33 years old.
On May 22nd I started taking Tri-Regol, on May 23rd I took off the IUD because I had very heavy periods that lasted two weeks (((On May 23rd and 24th I had intercourse without protecting my sex, I took the entire course of pills, the second day was a break, no periods, Is there a possibility of pregnancy, I haven’t taken a test... Thanks in advance.

If you are taking hormonal contraceptives for the first time, you must use additional barrier methods of contraception during the first 14 days to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Considering the phase of the menstrual cycle when you had unprotected intercourse, pregnancy is unlikely, however, in the absence of menstrual-like bleeding on the days of the break, I recommend that you take a pregnancy test.

You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal contraceptives. You can also get information in the following section of our website: Contraception and contraceptives

Lyudmila asks:

I took Lindinet 20 tablets for one month, 3 days passed since I stopped taking them, but there were no monthly periods, while I was taking the tablets I missed days twice, that is, I didn’t drink at all, but the next day I took a number of tablets, and I’m starting to have black fuel for like the second day , what could this even be? Today I checked the pregnancy test and it was negative.

Menstrual-like bleeding while taking the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet can begin on any day of the break and not end until you start taking the pills from the next package, so don’t worry. Availability negative test pregnancy test confirms that you are not pregnant. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Lindinet. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Maria asks:

Hello, I have been taking the drug Midiana for over a year. I drink according to the plan, there were no breaks. In the middle of the cycle, bloody spotting appeared for 4 days. after taking 21 tablets, my period came on the 4th day, but was very scanty, and ended the next day. pregnancy test negative.

Occasionally, while taking hormonal contraceptives, including Midiana, intermenstrual bleeding is possible. If they recur frequently, it is necessary to personally consult with your gynecologist and, possibly, replace the contraceptive. Pregnancy in the presence of a negative pregnancy test is excluded. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Aika asks:

Hello, I'm 22, I'm very thin, 54 kg and height 174 cm. I can’t get better, my problem is that there are no breasts at all, as I remember, from the age of 12-13 they didn’t grow at all, they were completely flat, I went to endocrinologists, no problems, over time, she said that they were growing over time, and went to the gynecologist, also without any Diana 35 prescribed tests for me, she said try it, it might help, and so I drank for 4 days, from the 3rd day of menstruation, menstruation came this month on June 06. and ended on 11.06. and yesterday 18.06. my period came again. And I stopped drinking them. Scared of what it could be? how can I enlarge my breasts? I have breasts like those of men ((I’m very worried(

If your doctor has prescribed you to take the hormonal contraceptive Diane 35, you should continue taking it regardless of the occurrence of intermenstrual bleeding, since it is possible in the first months of use. There are many options for breast enlargement, however, you must first of all take the prescribed course of treatment hormonal drug, after which it is advisable to take a blood test for sex hormones and, depending on the results obtained, the attending physician will be able to prescribe you further treatment. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal contraceptives

Natalya asks:

Good afternoon Was abdominal surgery, an endometriosis cyst was removed, after which I took Logest for six months. After the cancellation, my period came yesterday, June 25, but it was very scanty, I’m worried, why? Ovulation occurred on day 13 of the cycle. What happened with me??? Thank you.

There is no need to worry in this situation, since while taking hormonal contraceptives, as a rule, there is a change in the nature and intensity of menstrual-like discharge, which is associated with the characteristics of this group of medications. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Logest. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Natalya asks:

I have another question, tell me why the doctor advises taking a pregnancy test, what? scanty discharge can happen during pregnancy???

During pregnancy, there may be spotting on the days of expected menstruation. However, given that you regularly take the hormonal contraceptive Logest, the possibility of pregnancy is excluded and there is no point in taking a pregnancy test. A change in the nature of menstrual discharge while taking birth control pills is a common occurrence, so there is no need to panic. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Natalya asks:

As prescribed by the doctor, I started drinking Siluet on the first day of my period, my periods began to go weaker.. (I’ve been drinking for 1 day so far, and for the first time) tell me, after I take these 21 tablets, how should I continue to take them? and on what day will your period start now? I was going to leave for the seaside in 20 days and now I’m worried that my period will start right around that time. ((((I’m even thinking about stopping taking the pills right away... thanks in advance.

If you are taking this contraceptive for the first time, then you need to take one tablet daily for 21 days, followed by a 7-day break (at this time menstrual bleeding begins). Then, after 7 days, you start taking pills from the next package. During the first month of taking Silhouette, additional barrier methods of contraception are required for the first 7 days. If you want to delay menstrual-like bleeding, then after finishing the pills from the previous package, you should not take a 7-day break and immediately start taking pills from the next package.

You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Contraception and contraceptives. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Often, after stopping birth control, there are no periods. This is due to changes in hormonal levels in women who have been taking contraceptives for a long time. This can be either a shift in the menstrual cycle or its complete disruption.

The benefits and harms of oral contraceptives

The creation of oral contraceptives was a breakthrough in gynecology. The essence of the action of such tablets is to block ovulation. The absence of a mature egg means that it cannot be fertilized by sperm. In addition, hormonal pills reduce contractions fallopian tubes, do cervical mucus thicker and make changes to the endometrium. The chances of getting pregnant are reduced to zero. Competent and regular use hormonal pills 100% protects against unwanted conception.

pros oral contraception:

  • reducing the risk of swelling before menstruation;
  • decreased duration of menstruation;
  • decline pain syndrome during bleeding;
  • therapeutic effect for;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands (individual phenomenon);
  • stopping the growth of unwanted hair;
  • cessation of skin problems (pimples, acne);
  • after a miscarriage or abortion helps to quickly restore ovarian function.

Disadvantages of oral contraception:

  • relevant for women with one regular sexual partner;
  • suitable only for those whose hormone levels are already constant (25 years and older);
  • the correct selection of the drug is required, otherwise weight gain is possible;
  • reduced protection when simultaneous administration OK with antibiotics, sleeping pills, for intestinal poisoning;
  • are incompatible with smoking, as they provoke thrombosis.

From the above it follows that only a well-chosen OC provides 100% reliable protection against conception and does not have negative consequences.

How to choose birth control

Consequences of wrong choice OK:

  • unreliable protection against pregnancy;
  • weight gain;
  • increased irritability;
  • swelling;
  • breast swelling;
  • bloody issues.

As a rule, such deviations can be considered normal after 2 to 3 months. If there are no changes, then you should consult your doctor to select another drug.

OK are selected after the following events:

  • appointments with a gynecologist and mammologist;
  • smear tests for oncology;
  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • studies on hormones, sugar and blood clotting levels;
  • a visit to the surgeon to be examined for the presence of varicose veins;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle (to exclude pathologies).

The selection of OK is based on the woman’s age, weight and height. The cycle and the presence of pain are taken into account. It is also important to have a history of abortion, pregnancy and childbirth. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor selects the optimal contraceptive method. If adaptation to the drug is favorable, a woman can take it regularly for 5 years. A break is necessary after a year of use for 1-2 months.

After stopping taking OCs, the ovaries receive increased stress, so it is worth providing reliable protection against conception through barrier contraception.

Rules for canceling oral contraceptives

As a rule, the instructions for taking OK do not contain a clause on temporary withdrawal. Doctors admit that you can stop taking birth control pills any day.

There are some rules for canceling OK:

  • you should start stopping taking pills after finishing the last package;
  • withdrawal should be gradual (reducing the monthly dose of OK by 1/4).

In this way, the body will gradually get used to working independently. If you plan to conceive, then 2 to 3 months should pass after using the tablets. If pregnancy occurs while taking the OC or immediately after stopping the drug, then the risks of fetal development pathology do not increase.

Delayed menstruation after taking the pills

After taking the last pill, it often happens that your period does not start on time. This is quite normal. After finishing taking the pills, the body no longer receives hormones artificially. At first, the ovaries work slower. Therefore, it is observed after discontinuation of OK. A woman’s body responds to the lack of hormones and is forced to produce them itself.

Often the reason after discontinuation of contraceptives is the onset of pregnancy in a woman. There is only one way out - to do a test for the presence or absence of conception. To do this, you can use a pharmacy test or get tested at a antenatal clinic.

In addition to pregnancy, the reason that there are no periods after taking birth control pills is the development of amenorrhea. In other words, the very use of OCs for a long time became the reason for the absence of bleeding. Such cases are minimal (up to 35%), but they do occur. Most often, amenorrhea occurs in women in early or late reproductive age.

This pathology indicates the presence of changes in the sexual sphere in women. The doctor is obliged to conduct a comprehensive examination to identify the occurrence factor. After this he appoints complex treatment with drugs that stimulate the normalization of ovarian function. A favorable result of treatment is the regular production of hormones and the maturation of eggs, that is, the menstrual cycle is restored in full.

Pregnancy and amenorrhea are the main reasons for the absence of monthly bleeding.

If there is no menstruation after birth control, then the reasons may be:

  • sexually transmitted infections (from gonorrhea and syphilis to HIV and viral hepatitis);
  • dysfunction of the ovaries and thyroid gland.

After taking birth control pills, the body recovers on average from 1 to 3 months. After this time, you can plan to conceive.

Possible risks

For every woman, the cancellation of OK cannot pass without a trace. It is a fact. Some time after stopping taking hormonal pills, changes in the body begin: the structure of hair, nails and skin changes. Often, recovery of the body can take up to 6 months. The menstrual cycle may be unusual: shorter or longer, the bleeding itself may become heavier or, conversely, become scarcer. Possible appearance of acne, irritation on the skin, its dullness and increased secretion sebaceous glands. These ailments and discomfort become women’s companions until the body’s functions are restored.

If oral contraceptives were taken for up to six months and then discontinued, the risk of pregnancy increases. If you have been taking the pills for about 3 years without a break, then the risk of infertility increases. Ladies who are over 30 years old are susceptible to this.

Oral contraception is the most reliable means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The action of the drugs is based on intervention active ingredients into the natural hormonal background of a woman. But how does such an invasion affect the functioning of the organs of the girl’s reproductive system? How quickly do periods return to their usual cyclical “course” after stopping birth control? Let's figure this out together.

The principle of influence on the woman’s body

The basis of the action of any oral contraceptive, be it an emergency drug like Postinor or a systematic means of action called Zhanine, is the effect of the active components on the main female reproductive hormones. In this case, we are talking about inhibition of the main functions of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone. In fact, an “artificial sterility” effect is created, stopping the work of the ovaries with the help of medicines.

Effect on the endometrium

Depending on the type of birth control pill, the impact can be not only on a woman’s ability to ovulate, but also on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the endometrium of the uterus. This focus is due to additional “safety net”. Even in case of maturation and fertilization, the egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus and continue its further development.

Effect on discharge

The principle of additional protection is based on the effect of active components on the ability cervical canals to the production of mucous fluid. The drugs do not inhibit this function, but change the nature of the “product” produced. The mucous substance becomes more dense, viscous and viscous. Once in such an environment, sperm lose the ability to quickly move through the canals of the uterus.

Adaptation period

Gynecologists say that despite the temporary suppression of one of the main functions of the organs of the reproductive system, the cyclicity of menstruation does not stop with the start of taking birth control pills. Being important part system that is affected, menstruation undergoes changes, but does not disappear altogether.

Many women who used it as a contraceptive hormonal capsules, noted that the time interval of menstruation changed in accordance with the intake of pills. Within 3 months after the start of treatment, critical days were established based on the drug dosage regimen. This cycle is based on taking 21 capsules with the active substance and a break of 7-10 days. It was during this period that menstruation “arrived.”

The nature of the rejected substance also changed. Bloody brown discharge became more meager in volume, dark epithelial clots characteristic of the first days of menstruation disappeared from the consistency. Many noted that premenstrual symptoms, aggravated by acute painful spasms, became less pronounced or disappeared.

But how do periods “behave” after complete withdrawal of hormonal contraception? How quickly does the cycle recover? Can a phenomenon characterized by a delay in menstruation after discontinuation of OCs indicate the presence of pathology?

Stopping taking capsules and normalizing the menstrual cycle

Based on the principle of action of OK, it becomes clear that the action of the active components is based on deep integration into the hormonal background of a woman. Accordingly, you should not expect immediate normalization of the menstrual cycle after stopping birth control pills.

Gynecologists say that what longer woman If you take capsules, the longer the body’s recovery process will be. In fact, the menstrual cycle will be established again.

When to expect your period

Doctors say that, on average, the process of finally establishing the cyclicity of menstruation can take up to 3 months. This time interval includes the resumption of the production of follicle-stimulating hormone, the “starting” of the ovaries, and the normalization of the general hormonal background of the body that has survived the “invasion” of levonorgestrel.

What is levonorgestrel

Based on the pharmaceutical characteristics, levonorgestrel is an artificial synthesized analogue of " female hormone» estrogen. The substance is part of any oral contraceptive drug and provides the mid and progesterone phases of menstruation. It is these “segments” of the full menstrual cycle that are “responsible” for the ability to ovulate and successfully attach a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus.

Age characteristics

Very young girls and women on the verge of menopause should start and stop taking OK with extreme caution. In both the first and second cases, the hormonal background is extremely unstable and third-party intervention can lead to serious pathologies both in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system and in the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

Possible consequences and absence of menstruation

But what to do if you don’t have your period after stopping birth control pills? The answer is clear - go to the doctor. A woman who notices the absence of menstruation for a period exceeding the time frame established for normalizing hormonal levels must contact a specialist and undergo a series of tests necessary to determine the cause. Let's consider the most common dysfunctions that provoke a delay in menstruation after taking birth control pills:


The phenomenon can hardly be called dysfunction, but, most often, it is pregnancy that causes the absence of menstruation after discontinuation of hormonal contraception. Paradoxically, many gynecologists prescribe oral agents contraception as a treatment for infertility, if the examination does not reveal functional disorders in the functioning of the reproductive system.

This effect is based on the principle of “rebooting” the ovaries. Such therapy as a treatment for infertility is short-term and is prescribed for a period of 1 to 4 months, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body. If pregnancy occurs during the period of deliberate contraception with the help of oral contraceptive medications, then, in most cases, we are talking about improper use of the drug.

It is strictly forbidden to quit or alternate birth control pills at your own discretion. Despite their similar action, each of them has an individual cumulative effect.

Gynecologists advise taking capsules at the same time. If a woman forgets to take the treasured pill, it is necessary to immediately fill the gap, but in no case is it recommended to exceed the prescribed dosage. In terms of contraception, the number of pills will not play a decisive role, but to undermine general state the body can overdose.

Based on the discussions posted on thematic forums, it becomes clear that many women are concerned about the question: “What to do if during the period of unintentional absence there was unprotected sexual intercourse?” In this case, experts advise resorting to instant-acting oral contraceptives, such as Postinor or Escapelle.

If there is a long delay, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test or donate blood for the hCG hormone. Most likely the result will be positive.


A long delay in menstruation exceeding six months after discontinuation of hormonal oral contraceptives against the background of a negative pregnancy test may indicate the presence of pathological phenomena associated with the cyclicity of menstruation. The dysfunction described is called amenorrhea.

The term characterizes the absence of menstruation for several cycles. Amenorrhea can occur for a number of reasons, including hereditary ones. Based on statistics, no more than 3% of birth control pills can cause amenorrhea as a side effect from course admission. In most cases, the manifestation of dysfunction is typical for the “risk group”: girls at the stage of formation of the reproductive system and women in the premenopausal period.

Amenorrhea is not a serious cause for concern, because it is not evidence of irreversible pathological processes affecting the organs of the reproductive system. But if there is a problem, it’s still worth contacting a specialist. The gynecologist will prescribe a course of maintenance therapy to prevent recurrence of this phenomenon.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Another fairly common problem, expressed in the absence of critical days after stopping birth control pills, is the presence of infections transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse. Oral contraceptives can protect a girl from unwanted pregnancy, but fungal and immune diseases, transmitted from partner to partner during sex, the capsules are unable to resist.

In most cases, a delay in menstruation after stopping birth control pills that is not associated with pregnancy or amenorrhea is a symptom of syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, and hepatitis of various etymologies. Such diseases, if not properly treated, can cause serious complications in the functioning of both the organs of the reproductive system and the entire body.

One of the most common consequences of STDs in advanced stage is acquired female infertility.

Sexually transmitted infections are accompanied not only by the absence of menstruation. Among the most common symptoms, experts identify sharp pains lower abdomen, putrid odor in the discharge, itching in the perineum, the appearance of blister-like growths on the labia, the appearance of bright yellow and green clots in the mucous discharge.

For timely treatment or ruling out the presence of an STD, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a series of tests if you diagnose yourself with a long absence of menstruation after stopping the contraceptive.

Hormonal disbalance

Long-term use of birth control pills can cause general hormonal disruption in the body. Artificial changes in hormone levels can negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland or provoke adrenal dysfunction. In this case .

Oncological diseases

Taking contraceptives is not capable of triggering the development of malignant tumors in the body. Intervention in a woman’s hormonal background can only accelerate the growth of tumors.

Gynecologists say that long absence menstruation may be evidence of cancer.

Ovarian pathologies

The presence of polycystic disease after discontinuation of oral contraception.

Endometrial disorders

This pathology is not characterized complete absence menstruation after discontinuation of contraceptive drugs, but is expressed in the uncharacteristic consistency of “daub”. Due to the impact combined contraceptives both on hormones and on the thickness of the endometrial layer, after the end of treatment, problems may arise in the formation of the natural epithelial layer.

Pay attention to the first menstruation after you stop taking contraceptive medications. Uncharacteristic inclusions may be serious reason for concern. Pathological processes in endometrial tissues can cause acquired infertility, therefore, if there are uncharacteristic clots in the discharge, consult a specialist immediately!

To avoid negative consequences for the body or the onset of an unplanned pregnancy, doctors recommend a responsible approach to the process of stopping taking oral contraceptives. It is not recommended to abruptly stop drinking the drug in the middle of a 21-capsule cycle. Drink the package completely. This will become a smooth exit from the course of contraceptive therapy.

When can you plan to conceive?

Many women who decide to stop taking OCs are interested not only in when cyclic periods will resume after stopping birth control, but also how long after the end of the course they can think about replenishing.

Gynecologists claim that the body will fully “recover” from such a hormonal intervention no earlier than 3 months after taking the last capsule. Based on the opinion of experts, we can conclude that pregnancy should be planned 90–100 days after the end of the course. A sure sign about the body’s readiness to fully fulfill its reproductive functions The cyclicity of menstruation will become normal.