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How long can a woman take Duphaston? Duration of treatment with duphaston

Planning a pregnancy

In cases in which 30 years ago doctors would have made the sad diagnosis of “infertility”, modern doctors Duphaston is prescribed, which helps to conceive and successfully bear a healthy child.

Unfortunately, many married couples experience difficulties conceiving children. According to statistics, infertility affects about 10% of couples in our country, and the basis for establishing such a diagnosis is the fact that conception does not occur after two years of sexual activity without the use of contraception. All existing reasons ailments are divided into female and male depending on whose reproductive system There has been a breakdown. In turn, one of the most common reasons female infertility, along with endometriosis and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, is progesterone deficiency. It is precisely this very serious, but potentially solvable problem that will be discussed.

Often, women, for one reason or another, experience insufficient production of progesterone, which leads to the impossibility or early termination of pregnancy. Fortunately, today there are medications, which allow you to successfully replenish the hormone deficiency without causing significant side effects. So, many women, on the advice of gynecologists, take Duphaston to get pregnant. This drug is an analogue of progesterone, created artificially, in laboratory conditions. The molecule of the main active ingredient of Duphaston - dihydrogesterone - is close in its structure to the natural hormone, therefore, when it enters the body, it performs the same functions. It is noteworthy that such hormonal agents existed before, but were obtained from the male sex hormone, and their use was associated with such unpleasant side effects as increased hair growth, changes in voice timbre, and metabolic disorders. Modern drugs are devoid of pronounced adverse properties, which makes possible the successful use of Duphaston when planning pregnancy and in its early stages. To get a better idea of ​​how this works medicinal substance in the body, you must first become familiar with the effects of progesterone and its characteristics.

Progesterone is a hormone produced by a woman's ovaries. Together with another important female hormone, estrogen, it affects the lining of the uterus, causing its changes associated with the menstrual cycle. So, at the beginning of the cycle, the concentration of progesterone in the blood is relatively low, but the influence of estrogen is great, which causes the growth and reproduction of cells lining the uterus from the inside. After ovulation, when the egg leaves the ovary, a corpus luteum forms in place of the former follicle, which produces progesterone. The concentration of this hormone grows rapidly and it is its turn to act on the mucous membrane. Now cell growth stops, the inner layer of the uterus becomes very loose, and many blood vessels- these changes are necessary so that the fertilized egg can easily attach to the uterus and receive from it nutrients. It is easy to guess that if a woman’s body produces little progesterone, pregnancy either cannot begin at all or is interrupted early stages. The latter situation is called in medicine “habitual miscarriage” and in some cases is very successfully corrected by taking hormonal medications. When planning pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed precisely to increase progesterone levels and make implantation possible.

Usually, if a woman turns to a gynecologist with complaints about the absence of pregnancy, she is prescribed a hormonal profile examination. It is very important to know that blood is tested for progesterone in the middle of the second phase of the menstrual cycle - exactly halfway between ovulation and the beginning of the next period. You must know exactly when ovulation occurred and how long your cycle is for the analysis to be reliable. In the case where the cycle is irregular or you were unable to trace the moment of increase in basal temperature, it is advisable to take the test twice within the approximate time frame, with an interval of several days. If all tests show a significant decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood, then you need to take Duphaston to become pregnant and carry a child to term.

When planning a pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed only by a doctor who selects an individual treatment regimen. Keep in mind that it is difficult to give universal advice on taking this drug, and relying on a regimen prescribed for another woman or taking the medicine yourself is not only not recommended, but may even be dangerous to your health. Usually, when taking Duphaston to get pregnant, they start taking it the day after ovulation and continue until the start of menstruation. It is very important to know that Duphaston should be discontinued in each cycle only if pregnancy has not occurred. You need to either wait until your period and then stop taking the drug, or take a test. The fact is that a sudden drop in progesterone levels can cause poor nutrition ovum and his rejection.

If you are taking Duphaston to become pregnant, you need to take it for at least 6 months to achieve the full effect. In the case when you have been taking Duphaston for more than a year and pregnancy has not yet occurred, as a rule, the doctor changes treatment tactics, prescribes an alternative drug and additional examinations.

Duphaston and pregnancy.

After they are created in the uterus favorable conditions for the attachment and growth of the fertilized egg, pregnancy is likely to occur, however, the drug support does not stop at all, but on the contrary, it intensifies. Please note that if you have been prescribed Duphaston and pregnancy has occurred, you should under no circumstances stop taking the drug on your own. You need to immediately inform your doctor about your pregnancy and he may adjust the dose of the drug.

It will be useful for pregnant women to know that Duphaston is used during pregnancy for a slightly different purpose than before. Among the many effects of this hormone, there is also an effect on the muscles of the uterus - progesterone and its analogues relax it, reducing tone and creating comfortable conditions for the fetus. In addition, the same hormone causes relaxation of the intestines, the formation of a dominant pregnancy at the level of the brain and the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. Conclusion about the need to maintain progesterone levels high level suggests itself. Duphaston during pregnancy is prescribed not only for initial progesterone deficiency, but also in case of threatened miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy in healthy women.

In the case when pregnancy occurs while taking Duphaston, how much to drink further and in what doses is decided only by the doctor who is caring for the pregnancy, taking into account accompanying pathologies, ultrasound data and laboratory research, conditions of pregnancy. It is worth noting that in the body of a pregnant woman, progesterone is produced not only in the corpus luteum of the ovary, but also in the placenta. By about 18-20 obstetric weeks, the placenta has developed so much that it is able to produce enough hormones to maintain pregnancy. At this point, it is advisable to stop drug support. However, the withdrawal of Duphaston at any time should be very smooth, since the body reacts to a sharp decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood by increasing the tone of the uterus and deteriorating nutrition of the placenta.

They help to get an idea of ​​how effective Duphaston is during pregnancy, reviews from users of the site and numerous women's forums with experience in using the drug.

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The summary indicates that Duphaston contains: active substance , and Excipients: Corn starch, lactose monohydrate, methylhydroxypropylcellulose, color, magnesium stearate, anhydrous colloidal silica.

Release form

The product is available in the form of tablets 10 mg No. 10 biconvex, round shape. Pills white have beveled edges and are covered with a shell. On one side of the tablet there is an engraving “ S"above the sign" 6 ", on the other hand - a risk and a sign " 155 "on both sides of it. In total, the blister contains 20 tablets, one blister is placed in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

The active component of the drug dydrogesterone is an analogue of natural . Duphaston is a hormonal drug.

Under the influence of this medicine, thermogenesis does not occur in a woman’s body, so it can be measured basal temperature to determine ovulation. The product has no effect on metabolic processes in the body, on liver function. Dydrogesterone is very similar in properties and structure to natural progesterone. However, the drug does not provoke the side effects that occur when taking a number of synthetic progesterones. Wikipedia indicates that this drug does not have androgenic, estrogenic, anabolic, thermogenic, or corticoid effects. As a component of replacement hormone therapy at Medicine provides a positive effect on lipid profile women. But if estrogens have negative impact on the blood coagulation process, then dydrogesterone has no effect on coagulation.

When taken orally, there is a selective effect of dydrogesterone on , which helps prevent the high risk of developing endometrium or carcinogenesis, provoked by increased production of estrogen. The medicine does not have a contraceptive effect. During treatment, the drug does not affect ovulation. Menstruation when taking the drug also continues for regular cycle. A woman can become pregnant with dydrogesterone and keep during treatment with the drug, since during the treatment there is no negative effect on the fetus. There is a selective effect on progestin receptors of the uterine mucosa. It does not affect the ovulation of the follicle. There is no masculinizing or virilizing effect.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

After oral administration dydrogesterone is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, after 2 hours the highest concentration is observed active component in blood. The degree of binding to blood proteins is 97%. 56-79% is excreted from the body by the kidneys; a day after administration, about 85% is excreted from the body; the entire excretion process is completely completed after 72 hours. Present in urine mainly in the form glucuronic acid conjugates .

There is no data on changes in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the active component in people who suffer from kidney disease. Does not accumulate.

Indications for use

Why Duphaston tablets are prescribed depends on the diagnosis and treatment regimen determined by the doctor.

Currently being determined the following readings for use of the drug:

  • Lack of progesterone in the body (for infertility associated with luteal phase deficiency, with threat or habitual loss of the fetus, with , disorders of the monthly cycle, amenorrhea of ​​secondary origin).
  • As part of hormone replacement therapy (during menopause, it is used to neutralize the proliferative effect of estrogens on the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity when using estrogens; during surgical castration).

Thus, tablets are prescribed for dysfunctional uterine bleeding, at , with a cyst corpus luteum, with endometritis, with .

What else the medicine is prescribed for, when it is prescribed, and what the dosage should be, you should ask your doctor.


There are contraindications for taking Duphaston.

First of all, you should not take tablets if you are highly sensitive to dydrogesterone or to other components of the medicine, as this may harm the woman’s body.

The tablets should be prescribed with caution to women who have suffered from symptoms during pregnancy before.

No data available negative impact dydrogesterone on people who suffer in a chronic form.

Side effects of Duphaston

During the reception process, some side effects of Duphaston may be observed:

  • the immune system: hypersensitivity (very rare);
  • hematopoietic system: hemolytic anemia(isolated cases);
  • nervous system: , ;
  • hepatobiliary system: minor liver dysfunction, which may cause weakness, jaundice, abdominal pain;
  • reproductive system : breakthrough bleeding when taken (rare), prevented by increasing the dosage of the drug; the sensitivity of the mammary glands may increase;
  • subcutaneous tissue, skin: itching, (rare), (very rarely);
  • general disorders: peripheral (very rare).

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should tell your doctor that this side effect is occurring.

Instructions for use of Duphaston (Method and dosage)

The drug is prescribed according to an individual regimen, both when planning pregnancy and when gynecological diseases. It doesn’t matter how you take it, before or after meals.

Duphaston tablets, instructions for use

The indicated dosage regimens are indicative only. To prescribe a treatment regimen and determine how long the pills can be taken, the doctor must take into account the symptoms of the disease and the phases of the monthly cycle. Daily dose medications should be divided into 2-3 doses, tablets should be taken at regular intervals.

Duphaston for endometriosis prescribed in a dose of 10 mg of dydrogesterone 2 or 3 times a day. How to take Duphaston for endometriosis depends on the doctor's prescription. You need to take the drug from days 5 to 25 of the cycle or do it without a break. It should be borne in mind that only the attending physician can prescribe Duphaston for endometriosis. Reviews from doctors on the Internet or any medical forum with information about treatment should be taken only as information for reference.

Duphaston for conception during infertilityprogesterone genesis prescribed from 11 to 25 days of the monthly cycle. You should definitely find out from a specialist how to take Duphaston for conception. As a rule, treatment lasts for 3-6 months. How to take Duphaston to get pregnant, how much you need to drink to get pregnant, depends on the woman’s diagnosis, individual characteristics her body.

If there is a delay after taking the pills and others appear while taking the drug, treatment should continue, and the dose should be equal to that prescribed for habitual pregnancy loss.

If a woman has risk of miscarriage or habitual pregnancy loss , it is advisable to use the medicine only if there is clear evidence of endogenous progesterone deficiency. Women with threatened abortion are advised to take a single dose of 40 mg of dydrogesterone, followed by 10 mg every 8 hours for a week. Then the dose is gradually reduced. But if the threat of miscarriage arises again, the dose is increased. Application can be practiced until the 20th week of pregnancy. But more precisely, your doctor will advise you individually about which week to take the pills during pregnancy.

How to take when risk of early miscarriage , the doctor determines individually. As a rule, in case of recurrent miscarriage at the stage of pregnancy planning, Duphaston is taken from the 11th to 25th day of the cycle, provided that conception has occurred, the woman continues to receive the same dose. Further, after the 20th week of pregnancy, the dose should be gradually reduced.

Women suffering from PMS are prescribed 10 mg tablets from days 11 to 25, treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Duphaston at delay in menstruation , at irregular cycle and other menstrual disorders are prescribed from cycles 11 to 25, 2 times a day, 20 mg. How to induce menstruation with Duphaston depends on the woman’s diagnosis. The doctor prescribes the drug for irregular cycles, determines how to take Duphaston to induce menstruation, how much to drink to induce menstruation. Whether it is possible to induce menstruation with amenorrhea depends on the correct treatment. As a rule, taking Duphaston in this case is combined with taking estrogen . This treatment should be practiced for at least three monthly cycles.

When dysfunctional bleeding prescribe the drug 10 mg twice a day, for 5-7 days, combining the dose with 0.05 mg . In order to prevent the development of bleeding, tablets are prescribed at a dose of 10 mg in the period from 11 to 25 days of menstruation. The dose is combined with 0.05 mg of ethinyl estradiol (1 time per day).

If necessary hormone replacement therapy It is used in combination with estrogens. Continuous treatment involves taking 10 mg of the drug for 14 days during each monthly cycle. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 20 mg per day.

How to take Duphaston for endometrial hyperplasia , depends on what other drugs the doctor prescribes for treatment. As a rule, treatment of endometrial hyperplasia involves taking the drug at a dose of 10 mg from days 16 to 25 of the cycle.

How to take Duphaston for ovarian cyst , also depends on the appointment of the specialist. For ovarian cysts, treatment should continue for at least 3 months.

Treatment follicular cyst ovary involves prescribing 10 mg of the drug 2 times a day. A similar dose per day is prescribed if treatment is carried out ovarian dysfunction , and also if diagnosed multifollicular ovaries .

If a woman misses a Duphaston tablet, then an additional dose should not be taken. You need to continue taking it with the next tablet. For convenience, you can count how many tablets are left in the Duphaston package and monitor the regularity of taking it.

For any diagnosis, you should not start drinking Duphaston without a doctor’s prescription.


There is no information about an overdose of the drug. If high dose was taken accidentally, and the patient experiences discomfort or nausea from the tablets, the stomach should be rinsed and symptomatic therapy should be carried out.


At simultaneous administration liver microsomal inducers ( , Phenobarbital) it is possible to accelerate dydrogesterone and reduce the effect.

There is no evidence of incompatibility with other drugs.

Duphaston and can be prescribed in parallel, most often when planning pregnancy. Proginova is an estrogen drug.

Duphaston and prescribed in combination for the treatment of infertility. Clostilbegit is a non-steroidal anti-estrogen that stimulates ovulation.

Borovaya uterus and Duphaston - the compatibility of these drugs is controversial. There is information that the herbal medicine hog queen in combination with Duphaston can provoke bleeding.

Terms of sale

They are sold in pharmacies by prescription; patients are given a prescription in Latin.

Storage conditions

The manufacturer stipulates that tablets should be stored at a temperature of no more than 30 °C, in a dry place.

Best before date

5 years. After this period it should not be used.

special instructions

If Duphaston is used in combination with estrogens, caution must be exercised in patients suffering from diseases of the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, , , migraine. Also carefully prescribed for liver diseases.

If a woman is prescribed a drug for the purpose of hormone replacement therapy, a series of studies must be carried out before starting, and later regular mammography examinations must be carried out. It is important to take into account all contraindications. The doctor must clearly examine the patient's medical history. During HRT, the tolerability of such treatment should be monitored at certain intervals. There is a possibility of breakthrough bleeding in the first months of therapy. If such bleeding also occurs after a course of treatment, the woman needs to undergo an endometrial biopsy to exclude malignant processes.

Duphaston should not be taken by those who suffer from lactase deficiency, galactose deficiency or malabsorption syndrome.

Does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate precision machinery.

If you regularly experience discharge while taking pills, you should tell your doctor about it.

Since Duphaston is synthetic progesterone , it can replace natural hormone progesterone, for which Duphaston is prescribed to pregnant women, as well as women during pregnancy planning. How to drink Duphaston to get pregnant is determined by your attending physician. When asked whether this drug suppresses ovulation, experts answer unequivocally in the negative. How this medicine affects ovulation depends on the frequency and duration of its use.

Women often wonder if the drug can cause delayed menstruation , or how to drink to induce menstruation. It should be understood that the regulation of menstruation is ensured by the production of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Often a woman notes that her period has not started if there is a lack of progesterone in the body. If the ovaries do not produce enough progesterone for any reason, a course of Duphaston is prescribed. If your period does not come after taking Duphaston, you should do it. Provided that there are no periods after discontinuation of the drug, and the woman is not pregnant, she should definitely consult a doctor. The reason for scanty periods after the drug may be a lack of estrogen, late ovulation, changes in the uterus.

It should be borne in mind that when practicing taking Duphaston to induce menstruation “for convenience”, without a prior doctor’s prescription, a woman, although she induces menstruation, runs the risk of disrupting her functions. hormonal system. As a result, after uncontrolled treatment, a woman sometimes complains that she has heavy periods after taking pills or that her periods take a long time.

Therefore, the answer to the question whether Duphaston can be taken without a doctor’s prescription is clear: this should not be done.

Another question that interests women: do they get better from Duphaston? Namely, does it make you gain weight if you take it for a long time? Because active substance The drug is synthetic progesterone, then when asked whether it makes you fat, experts answer negatively.

Duphaston's analogues

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Any substitute for Duphaston must be approved by your doctor. What can replace this drug depends on the patient’s diagnosis and the individual course of the disease. An analogue in composition is the drug , other drugs with similar effects are drugs , progesterone in ampoules , etc. The price of Duphaston analogues may be slightly lower.

Utrozhestan or Duphaston - which is better?

A comparison of these drugs indicates that both drugs have similar indications for use. But it’s not difficult to determine what the difference is: Utrozhestan, unlike Duphaston, contains natural progesterone from plant materials. Which is better - Duphaston or Utrozhestan - during pregnancy can only be determined individually. But Utrozhestan also has a sedative effect on the body. Sometimes both drugs are prescribed simultaneously during pregnancy.

Which is better: Duphaston or Norkolut?

Norkolut is also used in gynecology. However, it has a different active ingredient – ​​norethisterone. It's more cheap drug, but you can choose one drug over another only after consulting a doctor.

Prajisan or Duphaston - which is better?

Prajisan is a hormonal drug, an analogue of Duphaston. It has similar indications, but its cost is lower. But still, doctors do not recommend making a decision on replacing funds on your own.

For children

Not prescribed for children. The drug may be prescribed to teenage girls for irregularities in the menstrual cycle. How to take these pills correctly in case of cycle disorders in girls is determined individually by the doctor. After consultation, he determines whether it is possible to drink the drug during menstruation, and whether it is advisable to do so.

Duphaston and alcohol

Since the drug often has to be taken over a long period, many women are interested in whether it is possible to drink alcohol while taking Duphaston. There is no information about this in the instructions for the drug. At the same time, many reviews indicate that alcohol was consumed in small quantities. However, doctors warn that combining alcohol and hormonal drugs can negatively affect hormonal background, on liver functions and provoke other negative phenomena. In addition, the effectiveness of the product when combined with alcohol is significantly reduced. For those who become pregnant on Duphaston, alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

Duphaston during pregnancy and lactation

The instructions indicate that the drug can be taken during pregnancy. Taking pills during pregnancy is possible in the early stages to prevent miscarriage. Therefore, Duphaston during early pregnancy is prescribed to women who previously suffered from a habitual abortion, or who had a frozen pregnancy. But, as a rule, the doctor recommends that such patients take Duphaston when planning a pregnancy. Whether the drug can be taken, how much to take and how to take Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, the doctor determines after the woman takes tests for progesterone. In the process of discussing the drug Duphaston during pregnancy, reviews from doctors indicate that this drug should be prescribed only after a comprehensive and thorough examination of the patient.

As a rule, during pregnancy planning, the drug is taken for 3-6 months. You need to drink the product from 11 to 25 days. But this scheme is relevant only for women who have monthly cycle is 28 days. The doctor will tell you how much to drink for a different cycle length.

It is also important to know how to stop taking this medicine during pregnancy. Provided that pregnancy occurs while taking the pills, Duphaston should continue to be taken. During gestation, the dosage is 20 mg of the drug per day (in two doses). You should also consider how to properly stop Duphaston during pregnancy. You should definitely consult your doctor about how to reduce the dose and until what week you take the pills. The withdrawal plan during pregnancy involves taking the drug until the 20th week of pregnancy, but sometimes the period before which to take the medicine depends on the individual health status expectant mother. Some women are advised to stop as early as 16 weeks. But in any case, only a gynecologist should recommend in detail how to cancel Duphaston during pregnancy. You cannot be guided by the advice that other women write on forums or in reviews about the product. After taking and after stopping the drug, it is important to regularly monitor the woman’s condition. During pregnancy, in some cases, Duphaston and Proginova are prescribed simultaneously.

Often pregnant women are interested in how Duphaston affects the body as a whole, in particular, whether they get better from it. It should be noted that weight gain during pregnancy is a physiological process and is not associated with taking pills.

All women want to get pregnant sooner or later. Sometimes a couple succeeds literally the first time, while for others it takes a long time to conceive a child. Usually, after a couple of months of unsuccessful attempts, the couple turns to the doctor asking why pregnancy does not occur. To be completely honest, there are quite a few reasons for this and sometimes it’s not just about the woman.

Initially, the doctor prescribes the most simple tests to find out if everything is okay in your body. Very often, women who cannot get pregnant are prescribed a drug called duphaston. Today we will talk about how to take duphaston to get pregnant and what kind of drug it is.

Why do many doctors prescribe duphaston?

Duphaston contains an analogue of progesterone, the “pregnancy” hormone.

Several decades ago, many women were diagnosed with infertility because medicine was not sufficiently developed. Many could not even be accurately diagnosed, and those who even knew the cause could not simply recover from their disease.


Duphaston when planning pregnancy


Duphaston for infertility how to take

Many people ask how duphaston helps to get pregnant. In fact, everything is very simple. Very often, a woman cannot become pregnant and successfully carry a child to term because she does not have enough progesterone in her body. The main substance contained in duphaston is dihydrogesterone. It is dihydrogesterone that is considered an excellent substitute for progesterone.

If you take duphaston, your body will work as well as if you produced progesterone on your own.

In what cases is duphaston prescribed?

If you carefully study the instructions for this drug, you will see that duphaston is practically harmless. I prescribe it to many women, because at this stage This is a fairly popular drug with which many women have successfully become pregnant. In what cases is duphaston prescribed:

It is worth noting that under no circumstances should you take the drug duphaston on your own without a doctor’s prescription. You should definitely visit a gynecologist and do a set of tests.

How to take duphaston correctly?

Many women are interested in how to take duphaston to get a positive result. In fact, this is very important, because if you skip a dose or take the drug at the wrong time, the result will be minimal.

Remember that you need to take duphaston only in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation. If you take the medicine in the first half of the cycle, then you are more likely to achieve reverse effect, and pregnancy will definitely not occur.

How to take duphaston to get pregnant according to doctors?

If the doctor has proven that pregnancy does not occur due to a small amount of progesterone, then most likely you will be prescribed to drink duphaston from the eleventh to the twenty-fifth day of your critical days.

Duphaston should be drunk in the amount of ten grams per day. It is worth noting that once you successfully become pregnant, you should not stop drinking duphaston. The drug should be taken in the same amount until twenty weeks of pregnancy. After an examination by a doctor and test results, the doctor should slowly reduce the dose of the drug and reduce it to a minimum.

If you have problems with the menstrual cycle, then the doctor will most likely prescribe you to drink duphaston during the same period of time as if you have a lack of progesterone, only in this case you will need to drink twenty grams of the medicine per day. You will need to drink duphaston twice a day, dividing the dose evenly into two doses. After pregnancy, the dose will also be reduced gradually.

A lot of women after taking duphaston were able to successfully become pregnant and give birth healthy babies. This is a new generation drug that will definitely help you!

One of the most current problems is the problem of miscarriage. The causes of miscarriage are many and varied, but the most common cause is insufficient production of progesterone by the corpus luteum.

Duphaston: application

Currently in Russian Federation to treat the threat of termination and continuation of pregnancy, such medical supplies, such as micronized progesterone Utrozhestan and dydrogesterone - Duphaston, an analogue of natural progesterone of plant origin.

The prescribed drug Duphaston during pregnancy is safe for both the fetus and the mother. The safety of Duphaston has been proven not only in clinical studies, but also in real medical practice, where it has been widely used for many years.


The role of progesterone during pregnancy

Progesterone - (lat. pro- For, gestation– pregnancy) key steroid hormone, necessary to prepare for pregnancy, both to maintain the menstrual cycle and to maintain the pregnancy itself. Relative or absolute deficiency of progesterone leads to a violation reproductive function or menstrual cycle. Progesterone deficiency can be corrected with the help of exogenous progestogens. They are currently used to treat various gynecological pathologies, for example, infertility, threatened miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage.

During pregnancy, progesterone protects the fetus, which is foreign to the mother's body, from immunological rejection, suppresses the contractile activity of the myometrium by reducing the sensitivity of the myometrium to stimulation by oxytocin, and also prepares the endometrium for implantation.

Duphaston: indications for use

Progesterone deficiency (progesterone deficiency) can lead to serious consequences:

  • before pregnancy– infertility due to the fact that the endometrium of the uterus is not ready for the attachment of a fertilized egg, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation), irregular menstruation;
  • during pregnancy– spontaneous termination of pregnancy – threatened abortion, habitual miscarriage (pregnancy loss 2-3 or more times), associated with established progesterone deficiency.

Luteal phase deficiency- one of the main causes of miscarriage and menstrual irregularities. Insufficiency of the luteal phase is caused not so much by hormone deficiency as by a decrease in the sensitivity of the endometrial receptor apparatus to the effects of progesterone. Decreased sensitivity may be due to damage to the endometrium and mechanical removal endometrial cells (and, therefore, together with progesterone receptor cells) during any intrauterine interventions ( diagnostic curettage, abortions, frozen pregnancy), infections, etc.

How to take Duphaston during pregnancy

Duphaston is available in tablet form. The tablets are used orally. The dosage regimen is selected individually depending on the nature and severity of the disease.

Infertility due to luteal phase deficiency: 10 mg per day from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle. Treatment should be carried out continuously for at least six consecutive cycles. In the first months of pregnancy, it is recommended to continue treatment according to the regimen described for recurrent miscarriage (10 mg 2 times a day).

Threatened abortion: 40 mg once, then 10 mg every 8 hours until symptoms disappear.

Habitual miscarriage: 10 mg 2 times a day until the 20th week of pregnancy, with a gradual reduction in dose.

During pregnancy, Duphaston is taken only as prescribed by the attending physician. The dosage and duration of the drug is determined strictly individually in each specific case.

Until what time should Duphaston be taken during pregnancy?

In order to prevent miscarriage due to a lack of endogenous progesterone, doctors recommend taking Duphaston until the 16-20th week of pregnancy with gradual withdrawal of the drug. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the doctor and depends on the severity of the woman’s pathology and on the level of the hormone progesterone, which must be regularly monitored. After the sixteenth to twentieth pregnancy, the placenta synthesizes enough level progesterone to maintain pregnancy.

Reducing the dose of Duphaston. It is necessary to start discontinuing Duphaston during pregnancy gradually, slightly reducing the dosage of the drug. The number of tablets is reduced by ½-1 every five to seven days.

An approximate scheme for withdrawing Duphaston: if you took 1 tablet. 2 times a day, then with gradual withdrawal:

  • 1/2 t. 3 times a day - 5 days;
  • 1/2 t. 2 times a day - 5 days;
  • 1/2 t. 1 time per day for 5 days.

The duration of drug withdrawal and dose should be adjusted by the doctor taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.


  • Individual intolerance to dydrogesterone and other components that make up Duphaston (lactose, hypromellose, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate).
  • Bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin.
  • Liver dysfunction caused by acute or chronic diseases.
  • Galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency.
  • Age up to 18 years, due to the lack of data on effectiveness and safety in adolescent girls under 18 years of age.

Carefully Duphaston should be used for conditions that previously appeared or worsened during a previous pregnancy or previous use of hormones: herpes during pregnancy, severe skin itching.

Side effect

Most common: headache, nausea, soreness/sensitivity of the mammary glands.

May cause mild drowsiness and/or dizziness, especially in the first hours of use, so care should be taken when administering vehicle, but is generally well tolerated by women.

Safety of the drug Duphaston during pregnancy

Duphaston does NOT have androgenic or estrogenic properties. Unlike a number of other gestagens, it does not cause masculinization of the genital organs of a female fetus and feminization of the genital organs of a male fetus. That is, the fear that when using Duphaston, a female fetus will develop primary and secondary sexual characteristics of a male and vice versa, is groundless.

Duphaston extremely rarely leads to weight gain, does not lead to seborrhea, deepening of the voice, the appearance of pimples (acne) and hirsutism (excessive hair growth on the body and face) in women, and does not significantly affect blood clotting.

In modern gynecological practice widely used hormonal drugs, containing analogues of the main female hormones– estrogens and progesterone.

The use of these drugs is necessary for the treatment of certain diseases leading to infertility. In particular, the drug Duphaston is widely used, which eliminates the causes that lead to a woman’s inability to become pregnant.

Who needs and uses the product? How to take Duphaston to get pregnant? After what day of pregnancy is it necessary to discontinue the drug? It is necessary to understand these issues.

Information about the drug

The drug Duphaston contains a synthetic derivative of progesterone - dydrogesterone. This product is designed to reduce systemic exposure natural hormone on the woman's body.

Thus, the drug can be used without the risk of developing systemic side effects of progesterone, because dydrogesterone acts only on reproductive organs. The drug achieves the following effects:

  1. Increases blood flow in the uterus.
  2. Prepares the endometrium for egg implantation.
  3. Increases the secretion of glandular cells.
  4. Relaxes the muscles of the fallopian tubes.

This is why Duphaston is better for conception than natural progesterone. Getting pregnant with Duphastone is easier and safer than using analogues.

Contraindications and complications

Despite the minimal amount system effects, those who took the drug when planning pregnancy noted the appearance side effect medicines. The following possible adverse effects can be identified:

  • Allergy.
  • Skin itching.
  • Swelling of the limbs.
  • Engorgement and pain in the mammary glands.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Headache.
  • Flatulence.

The listed conditions are in most cases associated with individual intolerance to the drug.

During conception, Duphaston should be prescribed by the attending physician to avoid side effects. This is achieved by taking the drug only to those patients who have no contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the heart.
  • Neurological problems.

If your friend got pregnant on Duphaston, this does not mean that the product will suit you too. Be sure to consult your doctor before using the medicine.

Hormonal causes of infertility

Duphaston is prescribed during conception if certain abnormalities are found in a woman’s body that lead to infertility. The indications for prescribing the drug for pregnancy can be formulated as follows:

  1. Progesterone deficiency in the body according to the results of a blood test.
  2. Irregular cycle, lack of menstruation.
  3. Endometriosis.

There are others, more rare diseases, in which medication can be used to achieve pregnancy. However, the reasons listed are the most common. You should understand them in more detail.

Duphaston at progesterone insufficiency

After receiving the results of a blood test for the level of sex hormones, the doctor may note a decrease normal level progesterone in the female body.

Since this hormone is responsible for the onset of pregnancy and its maintenance, it is necessary to replenish the level of the substance. The reasons for the deficiency may be:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Anomalies of organ development.
  • Absence of one of the ovaries.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Exposure to radiation.
  • Tumor diseases.

Whatever the cause of the problem, you can increase the level of progesterone in the body by using Duphaston. After a course of use of the drug, the condition of the target organs of the hormone is normalized.

If used correctly remedy, follow the instructions, do not miss a single day of taking the product, the long-awaited pregnancy will finally come.

Those who took the drug when planning pregnancy noted a normalization of the body’s condition within 1–2 months after starting use.

Duphaston for irregular cycles

Absence of menstruation, irregular onset, small quantity - all these signs may indicate hormonal imbalance. If a woman has problems with menstruation, the ovulation process may also be disrupted.

Even if the egg successfully meets the sperm in fallopian tube, pregnancy may not occur if the endometrium is incompetent. The inner layer of the uterus cannot create conditions for implantation fertilized cells, because weak is supplied with blood, has insufficient thickness - these signs are observed with a small number or absence of menstruation.

Those who took the drug for the indicated problems noticed a normalization of the cycle after several months of use. After this, pregnancy occurs safely.

Duphaston for endometriosis

A serious problem in modern gynecology is the disease endometriosis. This pathology often leads to the impossibility of pregnancy. The process of disease occurrence is associated with the entry of endometrial cells into other organs and tissues.

The disease is manifested by the following problems:

  1. Abdominal pain, worse during menstruation.
  2. Heavy, painful periods.
  3. Pain during sexual intercourse.
  4. Infertility.

This condition requires proper complex treatment which may include taking the medication Duphaston.

It is worth saying that not everyone who drank the drug for endometriosis noted positive effect. This is due to the fact that the disease is not always combined with hormonal deficiency; the mechanisms of the disease are not fully understood.

It can be assumed that dydrogesterone contained in the drug will be most effective for endometriosis of various layers of the uterus, since it is this organ that the drug affects. At endometrioid damage to other body systems, the effect of dydrogesterone is weakened.

How to drink Duphaston?

Your doctor should correctly indicate how many tablets you should take when planning a pregnancy and how long you should take the drug. The gynecologist will help you choose the dosage and calculate until what day you need to drink Duphaston after discovering the problem.

Most often, the medicine is used according to the following rules:

  • The tablet must be taken without chewing.
  • You need to drink the product with half a glass of water.
  • The usual dose is 2 tablets per day.

For endometriosis, the drug is used until the intensity of symptoms decreases, negative result Ultrasound or biopsy. Control effectiveness is carried out exclusively by the treating doctor.

Irregular menstrual cycle eliminated by using Duphaston from 11 to 25 days. Sometimes you need to take the medicine for several months.

If a woman is found hormonal infertility, the drug is prescribed from days 14 to 25 of the cycle in a standard dosage. The level of hormones in the blood will allow you to adjust the dose and decide whether you need to continue taking the medicine.

Withdrawal of the drug

Select cancellation time medicine The attending physician is also required. Only a specialist can decide how much medicine to use.

After the symptoms of endometriosis have decreased, the gynecologist will repeat the necessary laboratory and instrumental tests. If a biopsy of the affected tissue, as well as an ultrasound, reveals that the manifestations of endometriosis have regressed, then Duphaston helped. In this case, the doctor will most likely recommend discontinuation of the drug.

In case of infertility, the indicator that determines treatment tactics will be the onset of pregnancy. After positive results hCG test, you need to determine until what day of pregnancy you should take the medicine. Withdrawal is most often carried out at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Adjustment of the regimen of use will be necessary if a woman has a regular miscarriage; in this case, the time of withdrawal may be delayed.