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What is the endocrine system in the human body. Endocrine System: Facts, Functions and Diseases

This diagram shows the effect correct operation human endocrine system on the functions of various organs

Kidneys and adrenal glands



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The endocrine system plays a very important role in the human body. It is responsible for the growth and development of mental abilities, controls the functioning of organs. The endocrine glands produce various chemicals called hormones. Hormones have a huge impact on mental and physical development, growth, changes in the structure of the body and its functions, determine sex differences.

Above the basement membrane, which limits each vesicle, it is located l epithelium. It mainly consists of a single cubic cell layer that delimits as a normal vesicle cavity coating. In this cavity collects the secretion product or Po at least, as in the case of the thyroid gland, which is the most typical example of a closed vesicular gland, one of the products of secretion. The colloid that fills the thyroid vesicles is not actually secreted specifically active, namely thyroxine, but a supply of material that some believe is from the same thyroid cells used to process thyroxine.

The main organs of the endocrine system are:

  • thyroid and thymus glands;
  • epiphysis and pituitary gland;
  • adrenal glands; pancreas;
  • testicles in men and ovaries in women.

Age features of the endocrine system

The hormonal system in adults and children does not work the same way. The formation of glands and their functioning begins even during prenatal development. The endocrine system is responsible for the growth of the embryo and fetus. In the process of body formation, connections are formed between the glands. After the birth of a child, they become stronger.

Solid epithelial bodies are those endocrine glands in which. no cavities formed and designed to collect the secretion product They consist of accumulations of secreting cells; it is the support above the basement membrane that separates them from the interstitial connective tissue and arranged sometimes in the form of cords filled, sometimes nodules or islands. The secretion passes directly from the cells in the blood vessels or in the lymphatic vessels. Accumulative nodular accumulations are collected from human pituitary cells, bone marrow cells of the adrenal capsule, etc.

From the moment of birth until the onset of puberty, the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands are of the greatest importance. In puberty, the role of sex hormones increases. In the period from 10-12 to 15-17 years old, many glands are activated. In the future, their work will stabilize. Subject to right image life and the absence of diseases in the work of the endocrine system, there are no significant failures. The only exception is sex hormones.

Often there are also closed vesicles in the endocrine glands or cell networks, that is, in the so-called hard epithelial corpuscles. These would be the normal constituents of the organ in thyroid gland, but in other glands would instead appear only under certain circumstances, when the secretion, instead of going directly to blood vessels or lymph, first accumulates in intercellular vests, which become the center of the formation of true vesicles Sometimes the endocrine glands are mixed glands, that is, they consist of morphologically and physiologically different parts, so that the supramrenal capsules, in which the bone marrow substance and cortical substance have morphological significance and have very different functions.


The greatest importance in the process of human development is assigned to the pituitary gland. It is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other peripheral parts of the system.

The main function of the pituitary gland is to control body growth. It is performed due to the production of growth hormone (somatotropic). The gland significantly affects the functions and role of the endocrine system, therefore, if it does not work properly, the production of hormones by the thyroid gland, adrenal glands is carried out incorrectly.

Often there are cases of mutual penetration between the tissues of the endocrine and other tissues. A characteristic feature is the pheochrome or cocofin system, which has the function of internal secretion and is embedded in the sympathetic nervous system, with which it also shares a common embryonic stem. And also in the male and female gonads endocrine tissue in the form of cell clusters or scattered cells, it is confused with the germinal part and as a whole forms the interstitial gland of the testicle and ovary, respectively.

There are dual functional glands that function at one time as exocrine glands and as endocrine glands because their cells provide "one and all" of the other forms of secretion; So, for example, the external secretion of liver cells is bile and the internal secretion of glycogen. He then generally acknowledges that other exocrine glands work simultaneously as endocrine glands, such as the breast. The possibility has been entertained by some that in some cases there is an exocrine and endocrine function which especially supports Lagess for the pancreatic islets of Langerhans.


The epiphysis is a gland that functions most actively until primary school age (7 years). The gland produces hormones that inhibit sexual development. By 3-7 years, the activity of the pineal gland decreases. During puberty, the number of hormones produced is significantly reduced.


Another important gland in the human body is the thyroid gland. It begins to develop one of the first in the endocrine system. The greatest activity of this part of the endocrine system is observed at 5-7 and 13-14 years.

The endocrine island will only be morphologically and functionally during a transitional period after which exocrine function will resume and therefore aggravated alveoli and groups of the esophagus may transform into endocrine islets. This theory is of little value.

At present, we tend to expand the capacity for internal secretion of a large part of the constituents of the body. We have seen that some endocrine formulations do not have the value of glandular epithelium, but rather are derivatives of connective tissue. Interstitial gland of testis and ovary. However, if the derivation of these formations was indeed coherent, the demonstration of this fact would already represent a significant step towards the generalization of endocrine function beyond the glandular epithelial tissue.

parathyroid glands

The parathyroid glands begin to form at the 2nd month of pregnancy (5-6 weeks). The greatest activity of the parathyroid gland is observed in the first 2 years of life. Then, up to 7 years, it is maintained at a fairly high level.


The thymus gland or thymus is most active in puberty (13-15 years). Its absolute weight begins to increase from the moment of birth, and the relative one decreases, from the moment the growth of iron ceases to function. It is also important during the development of immune bodies. To this day, it has not been determined whether the thymus gland can produce any hormone. Correct dimensions of this gland can change in all children, even peers. During exhaustion and disease, the mass of the thymus rapidly decreases. With increased demands on the body and during increased secretion of the sugar hormone of the adrenal cortex, the volume of the gland decreases.

Fat adipose fat is also replenished, since this, in turn, can be reabsorbed, is considered an element of internal secretion. Kajala, would also be neurological cells and specifically a protoplasmic-type astrocyte. It is certain that something in the metabolic products of any cellular element terminates in the circulatory system, and it is not necessary to assume that each cellular element has its own role in maintaining the chemical balance of the circulating fluids in the body and that a change in the metabolism of any cellular group can, if not compensated, cause a disturbance in this balance, but, on the other hand, it is not necessary to go through an exaggeration of the desire to generalize all elements of the body the concept of real internal secretion, nor should it happen in error, too often, to be considered an argument for attributing to such an element such a function of demonstrating electrically stained granules, as if the presence of granules In the cell, it is always an indicator of a secretive function.

adrenal glands

Adrenals. The formation of glands occurs up to 25-30 years. The greatest activity and growth of the adrenal glands are observed at 1-3 years, as well as during sexual development. Thanks to the hormones that iron produces, a person can control stress. They also affect the process of cell renewal, regulate metabolism, sexual and other functions.

Previously empirically known effects on the development and nutrition from the eradication of certain organs, the changes that occur during puberty and menopause, resulting in pregnancy, etc.: then results were found that made extracts of certain organs on the whole body.

But the study of painful frames associated with anatomical changes certain organs or their eradication by disease, created a true body of doctrine, supplemented by experimental pathology and organ therapy through the beneficial action of juices or organic extracts administered to organisms that are in a functional defect or even transplanted Organs or fragments normal organs. Various functional changes correspond to certain clinical scales related to pathological condition of each individual organ: within very narrow limits it is possible that some glands can "set functional compensatory events": most often correlations between different endocrine glands They give rise to more complex syndromes for thinking that the disease of an organ affects the function of another, causing or suppressing it .


Pancreas. The development of the pancreas occurs before 12 years of age. This gland, together with the sex glands, belongs to the mixed glands, which are organs of both external and internal secretion. In the pancreas, hormones are produced in the so-called islets of Langerhans.

Female and male gonads

The female and male gonads are formed during fetal development. However, after the birth of a child, their activity is restrained until the age of 10-12, that is, until the onset of the pubertal crisis.

Most endocrinopathies take place among replacement diseases, and many pathological abnormalities of replacement are the result of damage to the endocrine tissues and the autonomic nervous system with which they are in an intimate functional relationship: even the supposed detoxifying effect "increases the number of conciliators" with the hormonal.

Rudinger, interaction of glands with innervation. Endocrine cells have morphological features and features of glandular cells. For the most part, these are true glandular epithelial cells; but also those endocrine cells for which it is reliably known that their connecting output, as in the case of the so-called interstitial gland of the testis and ovary, luteal cells, etc. have an epithelial appearance. protoplasm is abundant, the nucleus can show form and constitutional changes in relation to function, as is also known for external secretion cells.

The male sex glands are the testicles. From the age of 12-13, the gland begins to work more actively under the influence of GnRH. In boys, growth accelerates, secondary sexual characteristics appear. At the age of 15, spermatogenesis is activated. By the age of 16-17, the process of development of the male gonads is completed, and they begin to work in the same way as in an adult.

Some recognize that these different types of cells do not correspond to different stages of one function, but to the secretion of one active principle. In almost all cellular elements that are considered endocrine, it is seen that the cytological character, which is sometimes erroneous, however, is very characteristic of the secretory cell as a whole: the presence of granules, which are considered to be granules of secretion or presetto. Sometimes these endocellular granules are chemically detectable, as in the case of granulocytes or lipoid cortical cell droplets of supratranal capsules or testicular and ovarian interstitial cells; sometimes also have the character of specificity, such as cells of the chromaffin granule of the adrenal bone marrow, and so on.

The female sex glands are the ovaries. The development of the sex glands occurs in 3 stages. From birth to 6-7 years there is a neutral stage.

During this period, the hypothalamus is formed according to the female type. From 8 years to start adolescence the pre-pubertal period lasts. From the first menstruation, puberty is observed. At this stage, there is active growth, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the formation of the menstrual cycle.

But "identification" between these granules and the active substance of the secretion or the relationship between them and this is not always easy to demonstrate. In most cases, internal secretion is merocrine. The secretory element, i.e. performed by the function, is in the Reactivation state after a rest period. But there are also cases of secretion of oloks, which are characterized by the fact that the elements are destroyed by hand, as the secretory work is done. This phenomenon is widely used in the thymus, but it also appears in part in the thyroid and pituitary glands.

The endocrine system in children is more active than in adults. The main changes in the glands occur at an early age, younger and older school age.

Functions of the endocrine system

  • takes part in the humoral (chemical) regulation of body functions and coordinates the activity of all organs and systems.
  • maintains the body's homeostasis under changing conditions external environment.
  • together with the nervous and immune systems regulates the growth, development of the body, its sexual differentiation and reproductive function;
  • takes part in the processes of formation, use and conservation of energy.

Together with the nervous system, hormones are involved in providing emotional reactions. mental activity person.

The distribution of blood vessels in the endocrine organs and their relationship with cellular elements are of great importance, since blood vessels are the main, if not the only, way of receiving and distributing secretion products in the body. Endocrine organs are richly vascularized; the capillary network around the vesicles of closed glandular glands or around the cords and cellular networks of hard epithelial corpuscles is very intense; Cell cords and nests are also intercepted by blood capillaries; So often give individual cells enclosed in capillary networks; Direct contact between secretory and capillary cells.

Endocrine diseases

Endocrine diseases are a class of diseases that result from a disorder of one or more endocrine glands. Endocrine diseases are based on hyperfunction, hypofunction or dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

Why You Need a Pediatric Endocrinologist

The specificity of a pediatric endocrinologist is to monitor the correct formation of a growing organism. This direction has its subtleties, and therefore it was apart.

Often the vessels related to the endocrine cells are sinusoidal in nature. Lymphatic vessels also richly represented; But their connection with the glandular elements is less clearly demonstrated. However, some of them prefer to use the lymphatic route as a way to capture the secretions of certain glands. Innervation is also striking. Vasomotor nerves form around thick, empty vases.

But the contingent of fibers also matters, which is in direct contact with the secretory cells, wrapping them in the network of their terminal extensions. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are the brain circuit through which the biosynthesis of various hormones can be realized, which regulate a number of biological events. The hypothalamic-pituitary axis connects nervous system with the endocrine system, ensuring the implementation of regulatory processes of secretory hormones.

parathyroid glands

Parathyroid glands. Responsible for the distribution of calcium in the body. It is essential for bone formation, muscle contraction, heart function, and transmission of nerve impulses. Both deficiency and excess lead to serious consequences. You need to see a doctor if you experience:

  • muscle cramps;
  • Tingling in the limbs or spasms;
  • Fracture of a bone from a slight fall;
  • Poor condition of teeth, hair loss, stratification of nails;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Weakness and fatigue.

Prolonged lack of hormones in children leads to a delay in the development of both physical and mental. The child does not remember well what he has learned, is irritable, prone to apathy, and complains.

The hypothalamus is a brain structure in which information comes from different anatomical regions of the body. The hypothalamus is located in the central region of the brain, inside the two hemispheres and is the abdominal part of the diencephaloid. In more detail, the hypothalamus is located on the third cerebral sides of the ventricle and is limited posterior to the mammillary bodies, anterior to the optic nerves, superior to the hypothalamic sulcus, and inferior to the pituitary gland, with which it is in close contact as anatomically.

It consists of gray cells grouped into nuclei, divided into three groups: anterior, middle and posterior. The hypothalamus controls and controls the autonomic nervous system. In fact, it is able to modify visceral motility, sleepwalking cycle, hydrosaline balance, body temperature, appetite, expression emotional states and the endocrine system.


The thyroid gland produces hormones that are responsible for the metabolism in the cells of the body. Violation of its work affects all organ systems. You need to see a doctor if:

  • Eat clear signs obesity or severe thinness;
  • Weight gain even with a small amount of food consumed (and vice versa);
  • The child refuses to wear clothes with a high neck, complaining of a feeling of pressure;
  • Puffiness of the eyelids, bulging eyes;
  • Frequent coughing and swelling in the goiter;
  • Hyperactivity is replaced by severe fatigue;
  • Drowsiness, weakness.

adrenal glands

The adrenal glands produce three types of hormones. The former are responsible for water-salt balance in the body, the second - for the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, the third - for the formation and work of muscles. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the child has:

  • Cravings for salty foods;
  • poor appetite accompanied by weight loss
  • Frequent nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • The pulse is below normal;
  • Complaints of dizziness, pre-fainting;

The baby's skin has a golden brown color, especially in places that are almost always white (the folds of the elbows, knee joint, on the scrotum and penis, around the nipples).


The pancreas is an important organ responsible mainly for digestive processes. It also regulates carbohydrate metabolism with the help of insulin. Diseases of this organ are called pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus. Signs of acute inflammation of the pancreas and reasons for calling an ambulance:

  • Sharp pain in the abdomen (sometimes herpes zoster);
  • The attack lasts several hours;
  • Vomit;
  • In a sitting position and leaning forward, the pain subsides.

It is necessary to recognize the onset of diabetes and visit a doctor when a child has:

  • Constant thirst;
  • Often wants to eat, but at the same time he lost a lot of weight in a short time;
  • There was urinary incontinence during sleep;
  • The child is often irritated and began to study poorly;
  • Skin lesions appeared (boils, barley, severe diaper rash), often occurring and not passing for a long time.


The thymus gland is very important organ immune system that protects the body from infections of various etiologies. If the child is often sick, visit a pediatric endocrinologist, perhaps the reason is an increase in the thymus gland. The doctor will prescribe supportive therapy and the frequency of diseases can be reduced.

Testicles and ovaries

The testicles and ovaries are glands that produce sex hormones according to the sex of the child. They are responsible for the formation of the genital organs and the appearance of secondary signs. You need to visit a doctor if you experience:

  • Lack of testicles (even one) in the scrotum at any age;
  • The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics earlier than 8 years and their absence by 13 years;
  • After a year, the menstrual cycle has not improved;
  • Hair growth in girls on the face, chest, on the midline of the abdomen and their absence in boys;
  • The boy's mammary glands swell, his voice does not change;
  • An abundance of acne.

Hypothalamic-pituitary system

The hypothalamic-pituitary system regulates the secretion of all glands in the body, so a malfunction in its work can have any of the above symptoms. But in addition to this, the pituitary gland produces a hormone responsible for growth. You need to see a doctor if:

  • The height of the child is significantly lower or higher than that of peers;
  • Late change of milk teeth;
  • Children under 4 years old do not grow more than 5 cm, after 4 years - more than 3 cm per year;
  • In children older than 9 years, there is a sharp jump in the increase in height, a further increase is accompanied by pain in the bones and joints.

With low growth, you need to carefully monitor its dynamics, and visit an endocrinologist if all relatives are above average height. Hormone deficiency at an early age leads to dwarfism, excess - to gigantism.

The work of the endocrine glands is very closely related, and the appearance of pathologies in one leads to wrong work another or more. Therefore, it is important to recognize diseases associated with the endocrine system in time, especially in children. Improper functioning of the glands will have an impact on the formation of the body, which can have irreversible consequences if treated belatedly. In the absence of symptoms in children, there is no need to visit an endocrinologist.

Quality prevention

To maintain the health of the endocrine glands, and even better, regularly take preventive measures, first of all, you need to pay attention to your daily diet. The lack of vitamin and mineral components directly affects the well-being and functioning of all body systems.

Importance of iodine

The thyroid gland is the storage center for such an important element as iodine. Preventive measures include sufficient iodine content in the body. Since in many localities there is a clear lack of this element, it is necessary to use it as a preventive measure for endocrine gland disorders.

For quite a long time, iodine deficiency has been replenished with iodized salt. Today it is successfully added to bread, milk, which helps eliminate iodine deficiency. It can also be special medications with iodine or food supplements. Many products contain large amounts beneficial substance, among them sea ​​kale and various seafood, tomatoes, spinach, kiwi, persimmon, dried fruits. By using healthy food little by little every day, iodine reserves are gradually replenished.

Activity and physical activity

In order for the body to receive a minimum load during the day, you need only 15 minutes to spend in motion. Regular morning exercises will give a person a charge of vivacity and positive emotions. If it is not possible to do sports or fitness in the gym, you can organize hiking from work to home. Walking in the fresh air will help strengthen the immune system and prevent many diseases.

Nutrition for disease prevention

Too fatty, spicy foods and pastries have not yet made anyone healthier, so it is worth reducing their consumption to a minimum. All dishes that increase the level of cholesterol in human blood should be excluded for the prevention of diseases of the endocrine and other systems. It is better to cook dishes for a couple or bake, you need to give up smoked and salty dishes, semi-finished products. Is hazardous to health overuse chips, sauces, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks. It is better to replace them with various nuts and berries, for example, gooseberries, which contain essential manganese, cobalt and other elements. For the prevention of many diseases, it is better to add cereals, more fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, poultry to your daily diet. Also, do not forget about drinking mode and drink about two liters of clean water, not counting juices and other liquids.

The human endocrine system controls important functions. Even a slight malfunction in its work can lead to serious diseases. With improper production of hormones, absolutely all organs suffer. With untimely therapy, serious consequences are possible, which cannot always be eliminated.

Basic concepts, functions

The organs of the endocrine system synthesize hormones, which, getting into the blood, penetrate into all cells of the body, regulate their work. Some glands are organs, but there are also those that are represented by endocrine cells. They form a dispersed system.

The endocrine glands are covered with a capsule, from which trabeculae extend deep into the organ. The capillaries in the glands form extremely dense networks. This necessary condition to enrich the blood with hormones.

Levels of organization of the organs of the system:

  • Lower. It includes peripheral and effector glands.
  • Higher. The activity of these organs is regulated by tropic hormones of the pituitary gland.
  • Hypothalamic neurohormones control the release of tropic hormones. They occupy the highest place in the system.

The glands of the endocrine system secrete active substances, they do not have excretory ducts. Subdivided into:

  • endocrine: adrenal glands, parathyroid gland, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, epiphysis;
  • mixed: thymus and pancreas, placenta, ovaries, testes, paraganglia.

Ovaries, testicles, placenta regulate sexual function. Special cells located in the wall of the respiratory tract, genitourinary system, stomach, control the activity of the organ in which they are located. Chromaffin organs are an accumulation of cells that have a genetic connection with the nodes of the autonomic nervous system. Thanks to the hypothalamus, the joint functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems is possible. It also regulates the activity of the endocrine glands.

The functions of the endocrine system are carried out thanks to hormones. They carry out the weakening or stimulation of the cells. That is why the glands, together with the nervous system, carry out humoral regulation, allowing the body to function as an integral system. They also carry out the processes of energy metabolism, control reproductive, mental, emotional activity, development and growth of the body.

Hormones of the endocrine system

Biological substances of increased activity, which carry out local and general regulation of the body's activity - hormones. They work both at a great distance from the place of their synthesis, and at a close one, having a special effect on nearby cells. Most hormones are synthesized as prohormones. Once in the Golgi complex, they become active.

Chemical structure of hormones:

  • protein;
  • steroid;
  • derivatives of amino acids.

Hormones by physiological action:

  • Tropic (launchers), affect the endocrine glands. These include hormones from the pituitary and hypothalamus.
  • Artists: Insulin. They act on tissues and cell receptors.

Characteristic features of hormones:

  • selectivity of action;
  • a clear direction of action;
  • no species specificity;
  • biological activity is extremely high.

Disruption of the endocrine system can be manifested by hyperfunction or hypofunction. The glands are closely related to each other, despite the fact that they have different locations and sources of development. Therefore, the failure of one of them leads to the malfunction of others.

Pathological conditions

Hormones have a significant effect on the body. They control physiological, psycho-emotional and physical parameters.

Diseases of the endocrine system are accompanied by:

  • improper production of hormones;
  • failure of their absorption and transportation;
  • production of an abnormal hormone;
  • formation of body resistance to active substances.

Any failure in an established system leads to pathologies. Diseases of the endocrine system:

  • Hypothyroidism. Caused by low hormone levels. Humans are slowing down metabolic processes He constantly feels tired.
  • Diabetes. Formed with a lack of insulin. This causes poor absorption of nutrients. In this case, glucose is not completely broken down, which contributes to the development of hyperglycemia.
  • Goiter. accompanied by dysplasia. Its development leads to insufficient intake of iodine in the body.
  • thyrotoxicosis. Caused by overproduction of hormones.
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis. When the immune system malfunctions, pathological changes in tissues occur. The immune system begins to fight thyroid cells, mistaking them for foreign objects.
  • Hypoparathyroidism. Accompanied by convulsions and seizures.
  • Hyperparathyroidism. Some trace elements in this state are poorly absorbed. The disease is caused increased production parahormone.
  • Gigantism. Pathology is characterized by a high synthesis of growth hormone. The disease causes proportional, but excessive growth of the body. When the condition occurs in adulthood, only certain parts of the body undergo growth.

Symptoms of pathologies

Some signs of emerging deviations are attributed to external factors. If the disease is not detected in time, it will progress.

Endocrine system, symptoms of the disease:

  • constant thirst;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • constant desire to sleep;
  • increased excitability;
  • excessive sweating;
  • increase in temperature;
  • liquid stool;
  • decrease in memorization processes;
  • headaches due to high blood pressure;
  • tachycardia, pain in the heart;
  • a sharp change in body weight;
  • muscle weakness;
  • fatigue.

Therapy of pathologies

Treatment of the endocrine system today is the use of hormonal medications. These funds are necessary to eliminate the symptoms. If the pathology requires removal of the thyroid gland, then the drugs will need to be used throughout life.

IN preventive purposes specialists prescribe strengthening and anti-inflammatory drugs. Radioactive iodine is also widely used. Surgery is still the most effective method of therapy, but doctors try to use it only in extreme cases: if the tumor can cause irreparable harm to the endocrine system.

Depending on where the pathology is localized, the specialist selects a diet for the patient. Diet food can only be used if there is no likelihood of developing diabetes. The trial menu consists of products:

  • fish, meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • Rye bread;
  • vegetable oil and butter;
  • vegetables, in addition to legumes and potatoes;
  • fruits, excluding grapes and bananas.

Such a diet is necessary for overweight people. It contains no a large number of calories and low in fat. This contributes to weight loss.

The endocrine system does essential role in organism. Maintaining her normal functioning is everyone's top priority. If a pathology is suspected, it is necessary to seek the advice of specialists. Self-medication is not allowed. It will only lead to the development of the disease.

The health and well-being of the endocrine system is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, growth, and physical development. The human endocrine system The structure and functions of our body affect the work of every cell, organ, and the coordinated work of the whole body. The regulation of mood, growth and development, tissue function, metabolism, sexual function and reproductive processes depend on it.

In general, the endocrine system is responsible for body processes that occur slowly, such as cell growth. Faster processes like breathing and body movement are under the control of the nervous system. But even though the nervous system and endocrine system are separate mechanisms, they often work together to help the body function properly.

The basis of endocrine function are hormones and glands. They are like the body's chemical messengers, transmitting information and instructions from one set of cells to another. Many different hormones move through the bloodstream, but each type of hormone is designed to act only on certain cells.

How it works?

The hypothalamus is located in the lower central part of the brain. With the help of the hypothalamus, the rest of the endocrine system remains in contact with the nervous system, producing chemicals that activate or inhibit the actions of the pituitary gland. Due to this, the hypothalamus sends a message from the nervous system and informs the organ that it needs to perform a certain action.

Just below the hypothalamus is the pituitary gland - considered the most valuable part of the function of the endocrine system. This gland governs many other glands. Emotions, season changes, and many other signals can affect the amount of hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Light, emotions perceived by the brain, captures the hypothalamus and sends a signal to the pituitary gland, which consists of the anterior and posterior lobes. The anterior lobe governs the action of the adrenal, thyroid, and gonads. It produces endorphins, growth hormones, prolactin and corticotropin.

Benefits of certain hormones

Endorphins reduce the feeling of pain, control menstrual cycle and signal the use reproductive organs. Growth hormones determine how nutrients ingested will be used and stimulate bone growth. Thyrotropin cooperates with thyroid gland. Prolactin activates the production of milk in the female breast. Corticotropin stimulates the adrenal glands.

The posterior lobes secrete antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin, which helps a woman's uterus contract when a baby is born.

Antidiuretic hormone controls the level of water in the human body.

What are hormones?

The endocrine system maintains the organs and functions of our body with the help of hormones. Hormones are chemicals that help relay information throughout the body, usually from one organ group to another, so that the body has all the information it needs to keep it running smoothly. There are up to 20 major hormones that are produced by the glands needed to perform various tasks throughout the body.

Hormones control the functions of entire organs, affect how the body uses and stores energy, and controls fluid volume and salt and sugar (glucose) levels in the blood.

Although hormones circulate throughout the body, each type of hormone only affects certain organs and tissues. Some hormones affect only one or two organs, while others affect the entire body. For example, thyroid-stimulating hormone, produced in the pituitary gland, affects only the thyroid gland. In contrast, thyroid hormone, produced in the thyroid gland, affects cells throughout the body, and is involved in important functions such as regulating cell growth, controlling heart rate, and also influencing the rate at which calories are burned. Insulin, which is produced in the islet cells of the pancreas, affects the processing (metabolism) of glucose, protein, and fat throughout the body.

Most hormones are proteins. Other steroids are fatty substances derived from cholesterol.

Upon reaching the target site, the hormone binds to the receptor, much like a key fits into a lock. Hormonal receptors can be in the nucleus or on the surface of the cell.

Functions of individual organs produced by hormones

Adrenals − The adrenal glands are located at the tops of the kidneys. They consist of two parts, the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla. The adrenal glands produce corticosteroids, which help balance water and salt levels in the body. They can be changed based on sexual development, metabolic function, or signals from the immune system. The adrenal gland produces catecholamines, which are used to regulate heart rate and blood pressure as a result of stress.

Thyroid Gland - The thyroid gland is located in the front, lower part of the neck and is often compared to a butterfly due to its unique shape. This gland produces hormones that stimulate metabolism and controls how quickly the body breaks down food in order to use this fuel to create energy. The more of this chemical in your blood, the faster your metabolism will function. If the thyroid gland becomes inactive, it can lead to weight gain and indigestion. Also, this gland controls the brain and nervous system during the developmental stage of children.

What are glands? What is their role

The gland is a group of cells that produces and releases chemicals. The glands select and remove materials from the blood, process them, and dispense a finished chemical product for use.

The main function of the endocrine glands is to produce hormones directly into the blood. Hormones are chemicals that affect the activity and control of all organs.

parathyroid glands

There are four parathyroid glands that are grouped together near the thyroid gland. They create a parathyroid hormone that interacts with calcitonin to control calcium levels in the bones and blood.

The pineal body is located in the center of the brain. It creates hormones called melatonin, which are used to keep you cool at night. deep sleep and wake up in the morning as a result of illumination.

Sex glands. In women, the gonads are made up of the ovaries, which are located in the pelvis. They are used to produce estrogen and progesterone, which controls breast growth, regulates the menstrual cycle, and monitors pregnancy.

In men, the genital organs are the testes, which are located in the scrotum. They produce androgens such as testosterone, which signal puberty and body and penis growth. Also, testosterone makes the voice rough and increases the growth of facial hair. Men and women have different levels of estrogen and testosterone, which must be maintained for healthy development.

Almost every tissue in the body contains endocrine cells.

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    Endocrine system: central organs, structure, function, blood supply, innervation

    4.1 Endocrine system - structure (grade 8) - biology, preparation for the exam and the exam 2017


    I'm at Stanford Medical School with Neil Gesundheit, one of the faculty. Hello. What do we have today? Today we will talk about endocrinology, the science of hormones. The word "hormone" comes from the Greek word meaning "stimulus". Hormones are chemical signals that are produced in certain organs and act on other organs, stimulating and controlling their activity. That is, they communicate between organs. Yes exactly. These are means of communication. Here's the right word. This is one of the types of communication in the body. For example, nerves lead to muscles. To contract a muscle, the brain sends a signal along the nerve that goes to the muscle, and it contracts. And hormones are more like Wi-Fi. No wires. Hormones are produced and carried by the bloodstream like radio waves. In this way, they act on widely located organs, without having a direct physical connection with them. Are hormones proteins or something else? What are these substances anyway? According to their chemical nature, they can be divided into two types. These are small molecules, usually derivatives of amino acids. Their molecular weight ranges from 300 to 500 daltons. And there is big squirrels containing hundreds of amino acids. It's clear. That is, these are any signal molecules. Yes, they are all hormones. And they can be divided into three categories. There are endocrine hormones that are released into the bloodstream and work remotely. I'll give examples in just a minute. There are also paracrine hormones that have a local effect. They act at a short distance from the place where they were synthesized. And hormones of the third, rare category - autocrine hormones. They are produced by a cell and act on the same cell or a neighboring one, that is, at a very short distance. It's clear. I would like to ask. About endocrine hormones. I know they are released somewhere in the body and bind to receptors, then they act. Paracrine hormones have a local effect. Is the action weaker? Usually, paracrine hormones enter the bloodstream, but their receptors are located very close. This arrangement of receptors determines the local nature of the action of paracrine hormones. It's the same with autocrine hormones: their receptors are located right on this cell. I have a stupid question: there are endocrinologists, but where are the paracrinologists? Good question, but they don't. Paracrine regulation was discovered later and studied within the framework of endocrinology. It's clear. Endocrinology studies all hormones, not just endocrine ones. Exactly. Well said. This figure shows the main endocrine glands, which we will talk about a lot. The first is in the head, or rather in the region of the base of the brain. This is the pituitary gland. Here he is. This is the main endocrine gland, which controls the activity of other glands. For example, one of the pituitary hormones is thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH. It is secreted by the pituitary gland into the bloodstream and acts on the thyroid gland, where there are many receptors for it, forcing the production of thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These are the main thyroid hormones. What are they doing? Regulate metabolism, appetite, heat production, even muscle function. They have many different effects. Do they stimulate the overall metabolism? Exactly. These hormones speed up the metabolism. High heart rate, fast metabolism, weight loss are signs of excess of these hormones. And if there are few of them, then the picture will be completely opposite. This good example the fact that hormones should be exactly as much as needed. But back to the pituitary gland. He is in charge, sending orders to everyone. Exactly. He has Feedback in order to stop the production of TSH in time. Like a device, it monitors the level of hormones. When there are enough of them, it reduces the production of TSH. If there are few of them, it increases the production of TSH, stimulating the thyroid gland. Interesting. And what else? Well, signals to the rest of the glands. Except thyroid-stimulating hormone, the pituitary gland secretes adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH, affecting the adrenal cortex. The adrenal gland is located at the pole of the kidney. The outer layer of the adrenal gland is the cortex, which is stimulated by ACTH. It does not apply to the kidney, they are located separately. Yes. They are related to the kidney only by a very rich blood supply due to their proximity. Well, the kidney gave the gland its name. Well, it's obvious. Yes. But the functions of the kidney and adrenal gland are different. It's clear. What is their function? They produce hormones such as cortisol, which regulate glucose metabolism, arterial pressure and well-being. As well as mineralocorticoids, such as aldosterone, which regulates the water-salt balance. In addition, it releases important androgens. These are the three main hormones of the adrenal cortex. ACTH controls the production of cortisol and androgens. Let's talk about mineralocorticoids separately. What about the rest of the glands? Yes Yes. The pituitary gland also secretes luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, abbreviated as LH and FSH. Gotta write it down. They affect the testicles in men and the ovaries in women, respectively, stimulating the production of germ cells, as well as the production of steroid hormones: testosterone in men and estradiol in women. Is there anything else? There are two more hormones from the anterior pituitary gland. It is a growth hormone that controls the growth of long bones. The pituitary gland is very important. Yes very. Is STG abbreviated? Yes. Somatotropic hormone, aka growth hormone. And then there is prolactin, necessary for breastfeeding a newborn baby. What about insulin? A hormone, but not from the pituitary gland, but at a lower level. Like the thyroid gland, the pancreas secretes its own hormones. In the tissue of the gland there are islets of Langerhans, which produce endocrine hormones: insulin and glucagon. Without insulin, diabetes develops. Without insulin, tissues cannot take up glucose from the bloodstream. In the absence of insulin, symptoms of diabetes occur. In the figure, the pancreas and adrenal glands are located close to each other. Why? Tooting. There is a good venous outflow, which allows vital hormones to enter the blood faster. Interesting. I think that's enough for now. In the next video, we will continue this topic. OK. And we will talk about the regulation of hormone levels and pathologies. Fine. Thank you very much. And thank you.

Functions of the endocrine system

  • It takes part in the humoral (chemical) regulation of body functions and coordinates the activity of all organs and systems.
  • It ensures the preservation of the body's homeostasis under changing environmental conditions.
  • Together with the nervous and immune systems, it regulates:
    • height;
    • body development;
    • its sexual differentiation and reproductive function;
    • takes part in the processes of formation, use and conservation of energy.
  • Together with the nervous system, hormones are involved in providing:
    • emotional reactions;
    • mental activity of a person.

glandular endocrine system

In the hypothalamus, the hypothalamic proper (vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone, oxytocin, neurotensin) and biologically active substances that inhibit or enhance the secretory function of the pituitary gland (somatostatin, thyroliberin or thyrotropin-releasing hormone, luliberin or gonadoliberin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone, corticoliberin or corticotropin-releasing hormone) are secreted. hormone and somatoliberin or somatotropin-releasing hormone). One of the most important glands of the body is the pituitary gland, which controls the work of most endocrine glands. The pituitary gland is small, weighing less than one gram, but very important for the life of iron. It is located in a depression at the base of the skull, connected to the hypothalamic region of the brain by a stalk and consists of three lobes - anterior (glandular, or adenohypophysis), middle or intermediate (it is less developed than others) and posterior (neurohypophysis). In terms of the importance of the functions performed in the body, the pituitary gland can be compared with the role of the conductor of an orchestra, which shows when this or that instrument should come into play. Hypothalamic hormones (vasopressin, oxytocin, neurotensin) flow down the pituitary stalk into the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, where they are deposited and from where, if necessary, are released into the bloodstream. Hypophysiotropic hormones of the hypothalamus are released into portal system pituitary, reach the cells of the anterior pituitary, directly affecting their secretory activity, inhibiting or stimulating the secretion of tropic pituitary hormones, which, in turn, stimulate the work peripheral glands internal secretion.

  • VIPoma;
  • Carcinoid;
  • Neurotensin;

Vipom's syndrome

Main article: VIPoma

VIPoma (Werner-Morrison syndrome, pancreatic cholera, watery diarrhea-hypokalemia-achlorhydria syndrome) is characterized by the presence of watery diarrhea and hypokalemia as a result of islet cell hyperplasia or a tumor, often malignant, originating from pancreatic islet cells (usually the body and tail), which secrete a vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). In rare cases, VIPoma can occur in ganglioneuroblastomas, which are localized in the retroperitoneal space, lungs, liver, small intestine and adrenal glands, occur in childhood and are usually benign. The size of pancreatic VIPomas is 1…6 cm. In 60% of cases malignant neoplasms at the time of diagnosis there are metastases. The incidence of VIPoma is very low (1 case per year per 10 million people) or 2% of all endocrine tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. In half of the cases, the tumor is malignant. The prognosis is often unfavorable.



Glucagonoma is a tumor, often malignant, originating from the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets. It is characterized by migratory erosive dermatosis, angular apapacheilitis, stomatitis, glossitis, hyperglycemia, normochromic anemia. It grows slowly, metastasizes to the liver. It occurs in 1 case in 20 million between the ages of 48 and 70, more often in women.

Carcinoid - malignant tumor, usually originating in the gastrointestinal tract, which produces several hormone-like substances




  • somatostatin from the delta cells of the pancreas and
  • apudoma secreting somatostatin - duodenal tumor.

The diagnosis is based on the clinic and an increase in the level of somatostatin in the blood. Treatment is surgical, chemotherapy and symptomatic. The prognosis depends on the timeliness of treatment.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the hormonal regulatory system of the body - it controls the activity of all tissues and organs by activating or inhibiting the production of the corresponding hormones. Violation of the work of at least one of the endocrine glands entails consequences that are dangerous for human life and health. Timely detection of deviations will help to avoid complications that are difficult to treat and lead to a deterioration in the quality of life.

General information about the endocrine system

The humoral regulatory function in the human body is realized through the coordinated work of the endocrine and nervous systems. All tissues contain endocrine cells that produce biologically active substances that can act on target cells. The human hormonal system is represented by three types of hormones:

  • secreted by the pituitary gland;
  • produced by the endocrine system;
  • produced by other organs.

A distinctive feature of the substances produced by the endocrine glands is that they enter directly into the blood. The hormonal system of regulation, depending on where the secretion of hormones occurs, is divided into diffuse and glandular:

Diffuse endocrine system (DES)

glandular endocrine system

Produced hormones

Peptides (glandular - oxytocin, glucagon, vasopressin), biogenic amines

Glandular (steroid, thyroid hormones)

Key Features

Scattered arrangement of secreting cells (apudocytes) in all tissues of the body

The cells are brought together to form an endocrine gland

Mechanism of action

Receiving information from the external and internal environment of the body, they produce the corresponding hormones in response

The regulation of hormonal secretion is modulated by the central nervous system, the produced substances, which are chemical regulators of many processes, immediately enter the blood or lymph


The health and well-being of a person depends on how well all the organs and tissues of the body work, and how quickly the regulatory mechanism of adaptation to changes in exogenous or endogenous conditions of existence works. Creating an individual microclimate that is optimal for the specific conditions of an individual's life is the main task of the regulatory mechanism, which the endocrine system implements through:

Elements of the endocrine system

The synthesis and release of active biological substances into the systemic circulation is carried out by the organs of the endocrine system. Glandular bodies of internal secretion represent a concentration of endocrine cells and belong to HES. The regulation of the activity of production and release of hormones into the blood occurs through nerve impulses coming from the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral cell structures. The endocrine system is represented by the following main elements:

  • derivatives of epithelial tissues;
  • glands thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas;
  • adrenal glands;
  • gonads;
  • epiphysis;
  • thymus.

Thyroid and parathyroid glands

The production of iodothyronines (iodine-containing hormones) is carried out by the thyroid gland, located in the front of the neck. The functional significance of iodine in the body is reduced to the regulation of metabolism and the ability to absorb glucose. Transportation of iodine ions occurs with the help of transport proteins located in the membrane epithelium of thyroid cells.

The follicular structure of the gland is represented by a cluster of oval and round vesicles filled with a protein substance. Epithelial cells (thyrocytes) of the thyroid gland produce thyroid hormones - thyroxine, triiodothyronine. Parafollicular cells located on the basement membrane of thyrocytes produce calcitonin, which ensures the balance of phosphorus and potassium in the body, by enhancing the uptake of calcium and phosphate by young bone cells (osteoblasts).

On the back of the bilobular surface of the thyroid gland, which weighs 20-30 g, there are four parathyroid glands. Nerve structures and the musculoskeletal system are regulated by hormones secreted by the parathyroid glands. If the level of calcium in the body falls below allowable rate, the protective mechanism of calcium-sensitive receptors is triggered, which activates the secretion of parathyroid hormone. Osteoclasts (cells that dissolve the mineral component of bones) under the influence of parathyroid hormone begin to release calcium from bone tissue into the blood.


Between the spleen and the duodenum at the level of 1-2 lumbar vertebrae is a large secretory organ of dual action - the pancreas. The functions implemented by this organ are the secretion of pancreatic juice (external secretion) and the production of hormones (gastrin, cholecystokinin, secretin). Being the main source of digestive enzymes, the pancreas produces such vital substances as:

  • trypsin - an enzyme that breaks down peptides and proteins;
  • pancreatic lipase - breaks down triglycerides into glycerol and carboxylic acids, its function is to hydrolyze dietary fats;
  • amylase - glycosyl hydrolase, converts polysaccharides into oligosaccharides.

The pancreas consists of lobules, between which there is an accumulation of secreted enzymes and their subsequent excretion into duodenum. The interlobular ducts represent the excretory part of the organ, and the islets of Langerhans (an accumulation of endocrine cells without excretory ducts) represent the endocrine part. The function of the pancreatic islets is to maintain carbohydrate metabolism, in violation of which diabetes mellitus develops. Islet cells come in several types, each producing a specific hormone:

cell type

Substance produced

Biological role


Regulates carbohydrate metabolism, suppresses insulin production

Controls the hypoglycemic index, lowers blood glucose levels


Suppresses the secretion of thyroid-stimulating, somatotropic hormones, insulin, glucagon, gastrin and many others

Pancreatic polypeptide

Inhibits the secretory activity of the pancreas, accelerates the production of pancreatic juice

Activation of the mesolimbic cholinergic-dopaminergic system, which causes a feeling of hunger, increased appetite

adrenal glands

Intercellular interaction in the human body is achieved through chemical mediators - catecholamine hormones. The main source of these biologically active substances are the adrenal glands located on the top of both kidneys. Paired endocrine glandular bodies consist of two layers - cortical (external) and cerebral (internal). The regulation of the hormonal activity of the external structure is carried out by the central nervous system, the internal - by the peripheral nervous system.

The cortical layer is a supplier of steroids that regulate metabolic processes. The morphological and functional structure of the adrenal cortex is represented by three zones in which the following hormones are synthesized:

Substances produced

Biological role



Increasing the hydrophilicity of tissues, regulating the content of sodium and potassium ions, maintaining water-salt metabolism


Corticosteroid of low activity, maintenance of electrolytic balance


Increase in strength, endurance muscle fibers



Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, preservation of internal energy reserves by creating glycogen stores in the liver


Stimulation of the synthesis of carbohydrates from proteins, suppression of the activity of the organs of the immune mechanism



Increase synthesis, prevent protein breakdown, reduce glucose levels, develop secondary male sexual characteristics, increase muscle mass

The inner layer of the adrenal glands is innervated by preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system. The cells of the medulla produce adrenaline, norepinephrine and peptides. The main functions of hormones produced by the inner layer of the adrenal glands are as follows:

  • adrenaline - mobilization of the internal forces of the body in case of danger (increased contractions of the heart muscle, increased pressure), catalyzing the process of converting glycogen into glucose by increasing the activity of glycolytic enzymes;
  • norepinephrine - regulation of blood pressure when changing body position, synergizes with the action of adrenaline, supporting all the processes it has launched;
  • substance P (pain substance) - activation of the synthesis of inflammatory mediators and their release, transmission of pain impulses to the central nervous system, stimulation of the production of digestive enzymes;
  • vasoactive peptide - transmission of electrochemical impulses between neurons, stimulation of blood flow in the intestinal walls, inhibition of hydrochloric acid production;
  • somatostatin - suppression of the activity of serotonin, insulin, glucagon, gastrin.


The maturation and training of the immune response of cells that destroy pathogenic antigens (T-lymphocytes) occurs in the thymus gland (thymus). This organ is located in upper region the sternum at the level of the 4th costal cartilage and consists of two closely adjacent lobes. The function of cloning and preparation of T cells is achieved through the production of cytokines (lymphokines) and thymopoietins:



Produced hormones

Interferon gamma, interleukins, tumor necrosis factors, colony stimulating factors (granulocytic, granulocytomacrophage, macrophage), oncostatin M,

Thymosin, thymulin, thymopoietin, thymic humoral factor

biological purpose

Regulation of intercellular and intersystem interaction, control of cell growth, determination of functional activity and cell survival

Selection, control of growth and distribution of T-lymphocytes


One of the most poorly understood glands of the human body is the pineal gland or pineal gland. According to the anatomical affiliation, the pineal gland belongs to the DES, and morphological features indicate its location outside the physiological barrier separating the circulatory and central nervous systems. The epiphysis is fed by two arteries - the superior cerebellar and the posterior cerebral.

Hormone production activity pineal gland decreases with age - in children, this organ is significantly larger than in adults. Biologically active substances produced by the gland - melatonin, dimethyltryptamine, adrenoglomeruotropin, serotonin - affect the immune system. The mechanism of action of hormones produced by the pineal gland determines the functions of the pineal gland, of which the following are currently known:

  • synchronization of cyclic changes in the intensity of biological processes associated with the change of dark and daylight hours and ambient temperature;
  • maintaining natural biorhythms (the alternation of sleep with wakefulness is achieved by blocking the synthesis of melanin from serotonin under the action of bright light);
  • inhibition of the synthesis of somatotropin (growth hormone);
  • blocking cell division neoplasms;
  • control of puberty and the production of sex hormones.


The endocrine glands that produce sex hormones are called gonads, which include the testicles or testes (male gonads) and the ovaries (female gonads). The endocrine activity of the sex glands is manifested in the production of androgens and estrogens, the secretion of which is controlled by the hypothalamus. The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in humans occurs after the maturation of sex hormones. The main functions of male and female gonads are:

female gonads

male gonads


Produced hormones

Estradiol, progesterone, relaxin


Functional purpose

Control of the cycle of menstruation, ensuring the ability to become pregnant, the formation of skeletal muscles and secondary sexual characteristics according to the female type, increased blood clotting and the level of pain threshold during childbirth

Secretion of sperm components, ensuring the vital activity of spermatozoa, ensuring sexual behavior

General information about diseases of the endocrine system

The endocrine glands provide the vital activity of the whole organism, therefore, any violation of their functioning can lead to the development of pathological processes that pose a danger to human life. A disorder in the work of one or several glands at once can occur due to:

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • received injuries internal organs;
  • start tumor process;
  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • immunological disorders (destruction of glandular tissue by its own cells);
  • development of tissue resistance to hormones;
  • production of defective biologically active substances that are not perceived by organs;
  • reactions to the hormonal drugs taken.

Diseases of the endocrine system are studied and classified by the science of endocrinology. Depending on the area of ​​occurrence of deviations and the method of their manifestation (hypofunction, hyperfunction or dysfunction), diseases are divided into the following groups:

Affected element (gland)


Acromegaly, prolactinoma, hyperprolactinemia, diabetes (diabetes insipidus)


Hypo- or hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, endemic, nodular, diffuse-toxic goiter, cancer


Diabetes mellitus, VIPoma syndrome

adrenal glands

Tumors, adrenal insufficiency

Menstrual irregularities, ovarian dysfunction

Symptoms of endocrine disorders

Diseases caused by dysfunctional disorders of the endocrine glands are diagnosed on the basis of characteristic symptoms. The initial diagnosis must be confirmed laboratory research, on the basis of which the content of hormones in the blood is determined. Violation of the endocrine system manifests itself in signs that are distinguished by their diversity, which makes it difficult to establish the cause of complaints only on the basis of a patient survey. The main symptoms that should be the reason for contacting an endocrinologist are:

  • a sharp change in body weight (weight loss or weight gain) without significant changes in the diet;
  • emotional imbalance, characterized by frequent mood swings for no apparent reason;
  • increased frequency of urge to urinate (increased amount of urine output);
  • the appearance of a persistent feeling of thirst;
  • anomalies of physical or mental development in children, acceleration or delay of puberty, growth;
  • distortion of the proportions of the face and figure;
  • increased work of sweat glands;
  • chronic fatigue, weakness, drowsiness;
  • amenorrhea;
  • changes in hair growth (excessive hair growth or alopecia);
  • violation of intellectual abilities (memory impairment, decreased concentration of attention);
  • decreased libido.

Treatment of the endocrine system

To eliminate the manifestations of impaired activity of the endocrine glands, it is necessary to identify the cause of the deviations. With diagnosed neoplasms, which resulted in diseases of the endocrine system, in most cases surgery is indicated. If comorbidities are not identified, trial dietary nutrition may be prescribed to regulate hormone production.

If the cause-forming factors of the violations were a decrease or excessive production of glandular secretions, apply drug treatment which involves taking the following groups of drugs:

  • steroid hormones;
  • general strengthening agents (affect immune system);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotic agents;
  • radioactive iodine;
  • vitamin-containing complexes;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Disease prevention

To minimize the risk of abnormalities in the work of the intrasecretory glands, the recommendations of endocrinologists should be followed. The basic rules of prevention endocrine disorders are:


The conductor of the endocrine system is the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain. The hypothalamus sends special hormones called releasing factors to the pituitary gland, instructing it to control the endocrine glands. "/>

Endocrine system it is like a whole symphony orchestra, each instrument of which performs its most important function, otherwise the body will not be able to “sound” harmoniously.

The conductor of the endocrine system is the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain.

The hypothalamus sends special hormones called releasing factors to the pituitary gland, instructing it to control the endocrine glands. Four of the nine hormones produced by the anterior pituitary gland target the endocrine system.

The posterior pituitary is separate from the anterior pituitary and is responsible for the production of two hormones: antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin. ADH helps maintain blood pressure, such as when you lose blood. Oxytocin stimulates the uterus during childbirth and is responsible for the supply of milk for breastfeeding.

What is included in the endocrine system?

The thyroid and pancreas, pineal gland (pineal gland), thymus gland (thymus), ovaries, testicles, adrenal glands, parathyroid gland - they all produce and secrete hormones. These chemicals, necessary for all tissues of the body, are a kind of music for our body.

Pineal gland.

The pineal gland is part of the endocrine system, and is essentially a neuroendocrine body that converts nerve messages into the hormone melatonin. The production of this hormone reaches its peak around midnight. Babies are born with a limited amount of melatonin, which may explain their erratic sleep patterns. As we age, melatonin levels increase and then slowly decrease in old age.

The pineal gland and melatonin are thought to keep our body clock ticking. External signals such as temperature and light, as well as various emotions, affect the pineal gland. Sleep, mood, immunity, seasonal rhythms, menstruation and even the aging process depend on it.

Recently, synthetic versions of melatonin have been touted as the new panacea for age-related fatigue, insomnia, depression, jet lag, cancer, and aging.

This is wrong.

Although supplemental melatonin has not been found to be toxic, it should not be used indiscriminately. We still know too little about this hormone. Its long-term effects cannot be predicted, and side effects.

Melatonin can probably only be taken for insomnia an hour before bedtime and jet lag. During the day, its use is not desirable: it will only aggravate fatigue. Better yet, conserve your own melatonin stores, meaning sleep in a dark room, turn off the lights if you wake up in the middle of the night, and don't take ibuprofen late at night.


It is located two fingers below the throat. Using two hormones, triiodothyronine and thyroxine, the thyroid gland regulates the levels of various enzymes that dominate energy metabolism. Calcitonin lowers the amount of calcium in the blood. Thyrotropin from the anterior pituitary gland regulates the production of thyroid hormones.

When the thyroid gland ceases to function normally, hypothyroidism occurs, in which energy is reduced - you feel tired, cold, drowsy, concentrate poorly, lose your appetite, but at the same time gain weight.

The first way to deal with falling hormone levels is to exclude from the diet foods that do not allow the thyroid gland to absorb iodine - soy, peanuts, millet, turnips, cabbage and mustard.

Epithelial body.

Under the thyroid gland are four tiny parathyroid glands that secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH acts on the intestines, bones and kidneys, controls calcium phosphate and metabolism. Without it, bones and nerves suffer. Too little PTH causes cramps and twitches. Too much release leads to an increase in calcium in the blood and, ultimately, softening of the bones - osteomyelitis.

thymus or thymus.

Stress, pollution, chronic diseases, radiation and AIDS have a bad effect on the thymus. Low thymus hormone levels increase susceptibility to infections.

The ideal way to protect the thymus is to provide the body with antioxidants such as beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, vitamins E and C. Take a vitamin and mineral supplement. Another effective remedy is an extract obtained from the thymus of the calf, as well as the immunostimulating herb "Echinacea angustifolia". Japanese licorice has a direct effect on the thymus.


They are located at the top of each kidney, which is why they have such a name. The adrenal glands can be divided into two parts, shaped like a peach. The outer layer is the adrenal cortex, the inner part is the medulla.

The adrenal cortex produces and secretes three types of steroid hormones. The first type, called mineralocorticoids, includes aldosterone, which maintains normal blood pressure by maintaining a balance of sodium, potassium, and fluid levels.

Second, the adrenal cortex produces small amounts of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen.

And the third type includes cortisol and corticosterone, which regulate blood pressure, maintain normal muscle function, promote protein breakdown, distribute fat in the body, and increase blood sugar as needed. Cortisol is best known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Its artificial substitute is often used as a medicine.

You may have heard of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). This steroid hormone has long been known to scientists, but what exactly it is needed for, they had a very vague idea. The scientists thought that DHEA acted as a reservoir to produce other hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. It has recently become apparent that DHEA plays a specific role in the body. According to Alan Gaby, Dr. medical sciences DHEA appears to affect the heart, body weight, nervous system, immune system, bone and other systems.

Although physicians are still speculating about the role of DHEA, Dr. Patrick Donovan of North Dakota (USA) gives his patients additional DHEA when lab tests indicate low levels of this hormone. After six weeks, Donovan's patients become more energetic and have less gut inflammation, a key symptom of Crohn's disease.

Age, stress, and even coffee can compromise the proper functioning of the adrenal glands. A few years ago, Dr. Bolton of St. John's University discovered that people who drank coffee on a daily basis had impaired adrenal function.

Nutrients needed for the adrenal glands include vitamins C and B6, zinc and magnesium. Some symptoms of "exhaustion" of the adrenal glands, such as fatigue, headache, sleep disturbances, are treated with pantothenic acid, found in whole grain, salmon and legumes. Korean ginseng also reduces physical and mental fatigue.


It is located in the upper abdomen and is a network of ducts that eject amylase, lipase for fats and protease. The islets of Langerhans release glucagon and its antagonist insulin, which regulate blood sugar levels. Glucagon works to increase glucose levels, while insulin, on the contrary, reduces high sugar content, increasing its absorption by the muscles.

The worst disease of the pancreas is diabetes mellitus, in which insulin is ineffective or absent altogether. The result is sugar in the urine, intense thirst, hunger, frequent urination, weight loss and fatigue.

Like all parts of the body, the pancreas needs its fair share of vitamins and minerals to function properly. In 1994, the American Diabetes Association stated that all cases of diabetes were deficient in magnesium. In addition, patients increase the production of free radicals, molecules that damage healthy tissue. Antioxidants vitamin E, C and beta-carotene reduce the harmful effects of free radicals.

Central to the treatment of this severe disease is a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Many herbs also help. French researcher Oliver Biver reported that onions, garlic, blueberries and fenugreek lower blood sugar levels.

testicles in men.

They produce sperm and testosterone. Without this sex hormone, men would not have deep voices, beards and strong muscles. Testosterone also increases libido in both sexes.

One of the most common problems in older men is benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH. Testosterone production begins to decline with age, while other hormones (prolactin, estradiol, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone) increase. end result is to increase dihydrotestosterone, a powerful male hormone that causes prostate enlargement.

An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urinary tract, which causes frequent urination, sleep disturbance, and fatigue.

Fortunately, natural remedies are very effective in treating BPH. First, it is necessary to completely eliminate the use of coffee and drink more water. Then increase the doses of zinc, vitamin B6 and fatty acids (sunflower, olive oil). Extract from dwarf palm palmetto is a good remedy For treatment of BPH. It can be easily found in online stores.


A woman's two ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone. These hormones give women large breasts and hips, soft skin and are responsible for the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, the placenta produces progesterone, which is responsible for the normal state of the body and prepares the female breast for feeding the baby.

One of the most common endocrine problems, which is comparable in scale to the plague in the Middle Ages, is premenstrual syndrome(PMS). Half of the women complain of fatigue, sore breasts, depression, irritability, strong appetite and 150 other symptoms that they find in themselves about a week before their period.

Like most endocrine disorders, PMS is caused by more than just one hormone. In women with PMS, estrogen levels tend to be higher and progesterone levels are lower.

Due to the complexity and individuality of each PMS case, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. Vitamin E helps someone, which helps relieve fatigue, insomnia and headaches. Someone - a complex of vitamins B (especially B6). Magnesium can be helpful, as a deficiency affects the adrenal glands and aldosterone levels, often leading to bloating.

Thus, when one endocrine gland is not sufficiently or too active, other glands immediately feel it. The harmonious "sound" of the body is disturbed, and the person becomes ill. Currently polluted environment, constant stress and harmful products nutrition deal tremendous blows to our endocrine system.

If you constantly feel persistent fatigue, consult an endocrinologist. Then you will know for sure whether your loss of energy is due to disorders in the endocrine system or something else.

Under the guidance of a professional, you can try to use not only pharmaceuticals, but also many natural medicines.

Konstantin Mokanov