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Adhesions after c-section symptoms. How to avoid the appearance of adhesions: preventive recommendations for women. Diagnosis of adhesions after caesarean section

Surgical delivery is used quite often these days. After all, this is often the only way to avoid serious injuries and other problems during childbirth. But a caesarean section, as this surgical procedure is called, is fraught with serious consequences for women. Adhesions are often diagnosed after cesarean section, the treatment of which is complex and lengthy. Its success depends on how quickly this complication is detected. Symptoms of adhesions after cesarean section are the topic of our article.

The reason why adhesions form after a cesarean section is quite natural. This is how our body reacts to tissue excision. By forming adhesions, it tries to protect the internal organs abdominal cavity from possible infection. And fibrin, which forms when the tissues are invariably inflamed during tissue incision, helps him in this. It actively tightens the wound surface, causing it to stick together, which prevents the spread of infection to neighboring organs, but also leads to the formation of scars. Contribute to this:

  • Violation of asepsis and antisepsis during surgery;
  • Tissue cut too rough;
  • Presence of chronic infection;
  • Long-term operation.

It should be noted that adhesions are formed and after other abdominal operations. They prevent free movement internal organs and can cause obstruction of the fallopian tubes and, as a result, secondary infertility. In order to prevent the formation of adhesions after surgical delivery, immediate anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy is necessary, prescribed to the woman in postpartum period, careful monitoring of all changes occurring in the body, as well as regular preventive examinations, including an ultrasound procedure.

Symptoms and signs of adhesive disease

The symptoms of adhesions will depend on their location. Spicy adhesive process after surgical delivery the following may develop:

  • In the abdominal cavity;
  • In the pelvic area;
  • On the uterine suture.

The clinical picture of their appearance can be either quite bright or blurry. woman for a long time may not bother anything, so acute adhesive process often turns into a chronic form. And adhesions are detected only when problems with the reproductive organs appear. Nevertheless, there are the first “bells” that not everything is fine in the body. Under no circumstances should they be ignored.

When adhesions form in the abdominal cavity, a woman begins to worry about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since this condition is characterized by intertwining of intestinal loops. This causes disruption of peristalsis and stagnation of food in the stomach. An acute adhesive process in the abdominal cavity may indicate the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Frequent bowel movements;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

Both spicy and chronic course adhesive process in the abdominal cavity is fraught with the development intestinal obstruction. This serious pathology requires immediate surgical intervention. Without rendering emergency assistance Possible death. Intestinal obstruction can be suspected by long absence stool and gas, as well as painful, incessant vomiting with the smell of feces.

Quite often after a cesarean section, adhesions form in the pelvic area. This can be indicated by clearly noticeable nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies during sexual intercourse or during physical activity. It should be noted that these pains are not relieved by analgesic drugs, but go away on their own when at rest. The reason for their appearance is easily explained - the pelvic organs welded together become overstretched during sudden movements. This is typical for an extensive adhesive process.

But if only the fallopian tubes are affected, a woman can only know about this pathology during an examination prescribed to her by her attending physician, to whom she turned in vain attempts to become pregnant. The adhesions completely close the lumens of the fallopian tubes, preventing the fertilized egg from descending into the uterus for implantation. This pathology is clearly visible on ultrasound.

Feelings of heaviness in the lower abdomen And pain syndrome are also characteristic of the formation of adhesions on the uterine suture. This happens when the uterus and the peritoneum are glued together at the sites of its surgical incision. If this does not in any way affect a woman’s ability to conceive a child, then specific treatment scars formed on the uterine suture do not require.

Even if you are no longer going to give birth, experts do not recommend leaving the acute or chronic adhesive process developing in your body unattended. Adhesions formed after a cesarean section in the pelvis or abdominal cavity may call serious complications . Namely:

All of the above pathologies are very serious and demand immediate medical care, which begins with the section of adhesions after cesarean. It is easier to prevent them than to treat them.

Treatment and diagnosis of adhesions

An ultrasound procedure can confirm the presence of adhesions. And to check the patency of the fallopian tubes - fluoroscopy with contrast and more in-depth minimally invasive examinations. But usually, if a woman’s body is predisposed to the formation of adhesions and scars, immediately after a cesarean section before the first signs appear, she is prescribed a course of physiotherapy - ozokerite on the uterus and pelvis, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, electrophoresis, injections of aloe, etc. .

In cases of severe pain, more serious treatment of adhesions after cesarean section is carried out. To a woman a course of enzymes is prescribed aimed at dissolving fibers connective tissue and reducing the severity of the adhesive process. The drugs Lidaza and Longidaza have proven themselves to be excellent, allowing you to cope with adhesions without surgical intervention. But these drugs will be effective when the adhesive process is small and not started and has a sluggish course.

In particular advanced cases, when all organs of the peritoneum and pelvis are involved in the adhesive process, and the pain syndrome becomes more and more pronounced, surgical treatment is required. Adhesions and scars are excised various methods modern surgery. Comes to the rescue:

  • Laparoscopy;
  • Electrosurgery;
  • Aquadissection.

But unfortunately, even surgery, not to mention physical therapy, does not provide a complete guarantee of recovery. Even after excision with a laparoscope or electric knife, adhesions can appear again and again. The reason for this is the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore resort to surgical treatment when confirming the presence of adhesions in the pelvic organs, it is recommended to directly before planning a pregnancy. Many women are able to conceive a child immediately after excision of adhesions. But there is no guarantee that they will not form again.

A qualified doctor will tell you how to treat adhesions after a caesarean section, and you should contact them at the first suspicion of their formation. You should be alert to problems with the gastrointestinal tract that have not been observed before, nagging pain in the lower abdomen that occurs when intimacy and other discomfort.

Today, referring to certain statistical data, we note that almost every fourth of pregnant women becomes a mother thanks to a caesarean section. And indeed, it is with the help of surgeons that many little ones are born. At the same time, we note that mothers in such cases may not even see the birth of their babies, being under direct influence at the moment of birth. general anesthesia. In general, as the doctors themselves put it, this is quite good, and at the same time, a caesarean section is quite bad. It is almost impossible to truly separate this dispute, just as it is impossible to say unambiguously which of these statements is wrong. Because in fact, there are not so few real advantages, and no less real disadvantages, to the cesarean section operation.

Let's look into it in detail. So, the concept of caesarean section is surgery, thanks to which it is possible to be born new life- newborn baby. And it was not by chance that we chose this description of a cesarean section, because further we will talk about the occurrence of adhesions after a cesarean section. Let us recall that adhesions are one of the most complex, dangerous and very unpleasant complications after medical surgery, which occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of soft tissues in the human body. And since a caesarean section is practically the same surgical intervention as any other, this means adhesions are a very real possible threat for expectant mothers who become such through Caesarean section.

What are adhesions after a cesarean section?

According to doctors, the adhesions that have actually formed are some kind of protective reaction of any human body. So after a standard surgical intervention, almost any of human organs begins to recover little by little, and completely independently, as if on its own. As you know, any wounds that arise heal through (after all, human skin is forced to tighten). It should, however, be noted that sometimes such scars or adhesions occur not only in a strictly defined wounded organ, but also between various nearby organs located at the site of the operation (in fact, during a caesarean section, this is the entire abdominal cavity). As a consequence, after such an operative delivery, intestinal loops or some other organs in the pelvis may well “stick together” in a unique way. It is these scars that formed between various internal organs that indirectly or directly participated in the operation that are usually called adhesions.

How can the formation of adhesions after a cesarean section be dangerous?

As already mentioned, after a cesarean section, scars or adhesions arise precisely with a “protective mission for the body.” And it is precisely these very dense scars (formed from easily growing connective tissue) that can prevent the spread of the most serious inflammatory (or even purulent) processes that, without their occurrence, could begin in the area of ​​the pelvic organs, and throughout the entire abdominal cavity. However, at the same time, such dense and non-stretchable adhesions can significantly interfere with the normal functioning of all internal organs. After all, the mobility of such “welded” intestinal loops is sharply impaired - and as a result, the same intestinal obstruction, for example, can occur.

It is important to understand that after a cesarean section, such adhesions or scars can affect not only intestinal loops, but also the uterus itself, its tubes, and in some cases the ovaries. Of course, if this happens, and even to a severe degree, then a woman with such problems cannot avoid so-called secondary infertility. After all, such tight adhesions may well prevent the physiologically correct entry of the male egg directly into the fallopian tubes, or the sperm simply will not have the opportunity to reach the fertilized female egg; sometimes, due to adhesions, the already formed embryo cannot advance to the necessary place for attachment of the placenta in the uterine cavity.

How to suspect the formation of adhesions after a cesarean section?

Rest assured, it is usually not difficult to find out about the formation of adhesions. After all, fused tissues or even organs in such a situation cannot receive the sufficient amount of oxygen they need. It is quite natural that such organs will not be received, and therefore, believe me, such processes will definitely make themselves known to the woman. Quite often, some extremely unpleasant and even painful sensations, arising in the pelvic organs.

In addition, problems with the functioning of the intestines and digestion (and this includes constipation, diarrhea, and even just bloating) may indicate such things. Also, due to such stagnation, the general immunity of the woman herself may well decrease, and therefore many various infections, perhaps, will “cling” to the woman literally at every step. Moreover, as a rule, doctors can try in every possible way to treat all these obsessive sores, without even realizing in reality the true cause of their occurrence - the adhesions that have formed. And that is why, some time after a cesarean section, doctors must carefully examine each woman in labor and try to exclude the presence of fresh adhesions.

How are adhesions formed after a caesarean section treated?

Clearly, the treatment of adhesions or scars after a cesarean section will directly depend on their “degree of severity.” So, let’s say if the adhesive processes were very advanced or, let’s say, they were too pronounced, then similar phenomena may require treatment with new surgery. However, this can create a rather peculiar and unpleasant vicious circle(forming a chain of operations - then adhesions - then another operation (this time removing adhesions) - and the formation of new adhesions). As a rule, they try to cut adhesions that are too rough either using laser therapy (a special laser) or by aquadissection (when a strong pressure of water completely dissects the scars). Similar problems are also dealt with using a special electric knife (and in scientific terms it sounds like electrosurgery).

We hasten to reassure you a little, because most often, in order to completely cure adhesions, a woman just needs to prevent their initial occurrence, or at least prevent the severe stages of this disease. Do you think it's too difficult? Not at all, especially after a well-performed caesarean section. Remember physical activity and once again physical activity - that’s what it is main prevention the occurrence of adhesive processes in a woman’s body. And the sooner after the delivery operation you can get back on your feet, the more less chance, in adhesive formations. And so less likely the fact that your organs decide to grow together” with each other. Let us remind you that we must not forget about physiotherapy - this is another great way to completely get rid of the occurrence of adhesions “painlessly”. Although, of course, any physiotherapeutic procedures for the prevention or treatment of adhesions after a cesarean section must be prescribed by your attending physician, and only by him.

We wish you good health and the complete absence of any “after cesarean” complications!

Pregnancy and childbirth are an important period in a woman’s life. Happiness and joy are often overshadowed by various negative consequences and pathologies. If a woman cannot give birth on her own, then doctors are forced to resort to surgery. A caesarean section is stressful for the body, but the problems may not end there. Adhesions often appear after surgery. They can cause serious discomfort.

Adhesions after caesarean section

Adhesions after cesarean section are scar tissue that appears in those places where the surgeon’s scalpel came into contact with the skin. This is typical not only for operative delivery. Adhesive disease can appear as a result of absolutely any abdominal surgery ( abdominal surgery). This complication is the most popular.

According to doctors, the appearance of adhesions is directly related to the protective functions of the human body. It protects itself from the penetration of various infections into the abdominal cavity through organs and tissues, the integrity of which is damaged during the operation. A purulent or inflammatory process is not inherent in the scars themselves. They protect the abdominal cavity from this unenviable fate. However, adhesions can seriously complicate the life of the mother, due to fusion with adjacent organs. They form obstructions and make it difficult normal work organs.

There are 3 stages of localization of the adhesive process:

  • Stage 1 - adhesions are localized around the oviduct, ovary or in another area, but do not interfere with the capture of the egg;
  • Stage 2 - adhesions are localized between the oviduct and the ovary or between these anatomical structures and other organs and cause difficulty in capturing the egg;
  • Stage 3 - the fallopian tube is twisted, blocked with adhesions, which indicates the absolute impossibility of capturing the egg.

Adhesions in the pelvis - video

Causes of the disease

The main factor in the formation of adhesions is the body’s reaction to unauthorized outside interference in its work. Fibrin (high molecular weight protein) helps it glue tissues together. Scars prevent the infection from spreading to adjacent tissues and organs.

Promotes the formation of adhesions:

  • violation of asepsis (a method of preventing suppuration) and antiseptics (therapeutic and preventive measures to destroy microbes in the wound) during surgery;
  • excessively rough tissue dissection;
  • chronic infections in a woman’s body;
  • Exceeding the timing of surgical intervention.

Adhesions do not allow internal organs to move freely and function normally, and therefore often cause the formation of mechanical obstructions in fallopian tubes and pathologies in the abdomen. The adhesive phenomenon is ambiguous, since it has its positive and negative sides.

Important: operative delivery is not always characterized by the formation of adhesions. If you carry out prevention, start the fight against the source of inflammation in a timely manner and choose the right treatment, you can reduce the risk of developing pathology or get rid of it without consequences.

Photo gallery: adhesions after surgery

Adhesions can form in postoperative period and are defensive reaction of the body Adhesions are scar tissue that appears in those places where the surgeon’s scalpel came into contact with the skin. Fibrin (high molecular weight protein) helps the body glue tissues together.

Symptoms of adhesions and main signs

Symptoms of adhesions following a cesarean section are not always clearly visible. If you suppress the development of the disease at the initial stage, you can avoid further complications.

Signs of an adhesive process are associated with the organ that it affected

Manifestations of the adhesive process are associated with the organ that it affected. If adhesions appear in the pelvic area, they can be expressed in different forms:

  • acute (symptoms are constantly present and they are pronounced);
  • intermittent (symptoms occur periodically);
  • chronic (symptoms occur rarely, it is difficult to determine their source, a comprehensive examination is necessary).

Each of them differs in its symptoms.

The acute form is characterized by:

  • pain and discomfort;
  • elevated temperature;
  • nausea;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • sharp pain during palpation (palpation with fingers);
  • low intestinal permeability;
  • low blood pressure;
  • weakness throughout the body and drowsiness.

The intermittent form is characterized by:

  • periodically occurring pain in the pelvic area;
  • malfunctions digestive system which are expressed by diarrhea or constipation;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by periodic but infrequent pain.

Adhesions in the peritoneal area are most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • regular pain and discomfort;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • spasms in the stomach and intestines;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • belching;
  • flatulence ( excessive education gases).

The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that the primary symptoms of adhesions are often perceived by women as natural complications after childbirth. They fight them at home and endure the discomfort, hoping for it to end soon. At the same time, the gluing of organs takes place even more intensely. Medical diagnosis is also not always effective and allows one to determine pathology.

Important: the adhesive process, which affects the pelvic area, often occurs in a hidden form. Due to the difficulty of diagnosis, in most cases it leads to infertility.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

In the early stages of the disease, the adhesive process can only be diagnosed if special examination. Usually, before discharge, all women undergo it. You should definitely consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

Seeing a doctor in a timely manner is the only way to avoid negative consequences in future.

Video: caesarean section - Dr. Komarovsky’s school

Diagnosis of the disease

A gynecologist can diagnose the disease during a routine examination. That is why you need to visit it regularly. The doctor is able to suspect the development of pathology and initiate a more thorough examination. Does not exist specific tests which would help identify the presence of adhesions, but a traditional study of a vaginal smear and blood will help a specialist identify inflammatory and infectious processes or even determine their source.
Laparoscopy allows you to determine the location of adhesions, evaluate their parameters and determine the stage of progression of the disease

Instrumental diagnostics ( ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs) makes it possible to find out the exact location of the formations, but cannot guarantee a clear understanding of whether they are adhesions. Electrogastroenterography can provide a complete picture of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but does not guarantee recording the reason why the failure occurred. X-ray can reveal the presence of exudate (liquid that is released during the development of the inflammation process) in the peritoneum, as well as detect the presence of bloating and increased gas formation.

The method of hysterosalpingography is also used to identify adhesions. This x-ray examination. A special device is inserted into the woman’s uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. contrast agent(chemical compounds that enhance visibility), allowing you to determine their patency and detect the presence of diseases. Hysterosalpingography does not require anesthesia or pain relief. With its help, it is possible to see pathologies in the structure of organs and record the stage of progress of the adhesive process.

Laparoscopy can provide the most accurate result. This method allows you to visually determine the location of adhesions, evaluate their parameters, determine the stage of progression of the disease, and also remove formations.

Treatment after caesarean section

Treatment is selected based on the advanced stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient and her condition at the time of treatment. Effective methods combating adhesions: physiotherapy, drug and ultrasound therapy, surgery, traditional methods, as well as homeopathy.


Physiotherapy is usually used while a woman is in the ward, after surgery, if the mother’s predisposition to the formation of colloidal scars and adhesions is noted in the anamnesis (results of examination before surgery), or for the treatment of stage 1 of the disease.

The methods used in gynecology can be divided into the following categories:

  • natural (mud and hydrotherapy). For mud therapy, sulfide (bottom sediments of salt water bodies) and peat (swamp sediments with a degree of decomposition of more than 40%) mud are used for rectal or vaginal application, local applications (application). They soothe pain and improve blood circulation. The adhesions become less pronounced and begin to dissolve. Hydrotherapy involves baths, showers, washing or wiping, vaginal douching, compresses on the stomach (warming effect), the use of a bubble with hot water or with ice on the stomach;
  • artificial (hardware): electrical, radiation or magnetic therapy. Physical energy is transformed into biological reactions. The result of the course depends on the number of procedures and their duration;
  • manual massage. The specialist inserts one hand into the patient’s vagina, and the other actively kneads, presses, squeezes, strokes and stretches the abdominal area. During the procedure, a woman may feel pain and discomfort in the affected areas. The duration of a massage session is from 3 to 20 minutes, the course of treatment is 30–60 procedures. It all depends on the testimony and condition of the woman.

After procedures muscle softens, adhesions stretch, become more elastic and thinner.

Complex therapy involves injections of aloe and ozokerite applications to the lower abdomen. It allows you to get rid of only “fresh” adhesions that have just formed.

Drug treatment

For adhesions, 4 groups of drugs are used:

  • fibrinolytic (Fibrinolysin, Streptokinase, Trypsin, Himopsin, Longidase, Alteplase, Actilyse). They dissolve fibrin, dissolving adhesions
  • drugs antimicrobial action(antibiotics: Tetracycline, Cefazolin, Vilprafen; sulfonamides: Phthalazole);
  • agents that reduce blood clotting (Heparin ointment, Klivarin, Warfarin);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs acting on the pelvic area (corticosteroids, antihistamines).

Group 1 medications are given priority. Other drugs are prescribed in combination when the inflammation process develops. Vitamins are often involved in therapy. They provide restorative effect on the body. The appointment is carried out exclusively by a doctor, taking into account contraindications and side effects.

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound effects produce a kind of massage of cells (at the micro level) and tissues. As a result, blood flow increases and heat appears. The therapy provides an analgesic effect, improves blood supply to tissues, softens adhesions and increases the hormonal activity of the ovaries.

Recently, ultrasound has been used to destroy adhesions together with the use of enzyme preparations in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Their list is as follows:

  1. Longidaza. Available in the form of candles or powder, which is used to prepare a solution. The dosage to combat adhesions in the pelvic area is 3000 IU. Injections are carried out intramuscularly, once every few days. The interval between injections is 3–5 days. The course lasts 10–15 days. In parallel with injections, doctors often recommend using suppositories. They are administered once every 3 days. Side effects: allergies, redness and pain at the injection sites (with intramuscular injection). Contraindications: malignant tumors, intolerance to the components of the drug (for local application), bleeding, acute infections, renal failure (with intramuscular administration).
  2. Trypsin. The drug is used intramuscularly or topically. Swabs are moistened with the prepared solution and inserted into the vagina for 2 hours. It is recommended to do this in evening time. The dosage for injection is 5–10 mg. The powder is diluted in a solution of procaine or sodium chloride. Injections are given 1 or 2 times a day. Typically the course consists of 6–15 injections. Side effects: increased heart rate, allergies, body heat, redness and pain at the injection sites. Contraindications: pathologies of the liver, lungs and kidneys, pancreatitis, heart failure.
  3. Chymopsin. This is an enzymatic medicine that is applied to body tissues. It promotes the elimination of purulent masses from the wound and the resorption of various fibrinous formations, including adhesions. The drug is available in powder form. It is mixed with sodium chloride and procaine solution. Soak napkins in the composition and apply them to the affected area for at least 2 hours. Side effects: elevated temperature bodies, local allergic reactions. Contraindications: cancer, heart failure, ulcers and bleeding wounds on the skin.
  4. Fibronolysin. The drug breaks down fibrin protein strands. The adhesions become loose and soon dissolve. The medicine is administered using a dropper. It is diluted in combination with heparin and sodium chloride. The dosage is 100–200 units per 1 ml of water. Heparin should be two times less than Fibronolysin. Therapy proceeds under strict control of blood clotting parameters. The drug can be used no earlier than 10 days after surgery. Side effects: decreased arterial pressure, allergies, painful sensations at the injection site and in the abdominal area, bleeding. Contraindications: breastfeeding, hepatitis, liver disease and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

This method of treatment is most often used when analgesics are unable to relieve pain.

Important: each drug has its own contraindications, so their use without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited.

Drugs used for adhesions - photo gallery

Himopsin is an enzyme preparation for external use, which, when applied to body tissue, helps remove purulent masses. Trypsin is used intramuscularly or locally. Fibronolysin has the ability to break down fibrin protein strands, due to which adhesions become looser. Longidaza is an effective remedy for adhesions.

Surgical method

At acute form As the disease progresses, doctors recommend removing adhesions surgically. In gynecology, laparoscopy is considered the main form of treatment for adhesions. Punctures are made on the abdominal wall and special instruments are inserted there. They are equipped with lighting and sensors. The following methods of scar excision exist:

  • laser therapy (dissection of adhesions with laser);
  • aquadissection (dissection of formations using water supplied under high pressure);
  • electrosurgery (adhesions are cut using an electric knife).

Important: surgical intervention cannot guarantee a complete cure for the disease. Only half of women get rid of adhesions forever in this way. Others encounter the problem again.

Traditional methods

On initial stage For the development of adhesions, you can use traditional methods:

  1. Pour 15 grams of plantain seeds into 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 7 minutes. After cooling and straining, drink 15 ml half an hour before a large meal three times a day for 2 months.
  2. Pour 15 grams of dried and crushed St. John's wort into 200 ml of boiling water and boil. After straining, drink 50 ml (about a quarter of a glass) for adhesions after cesarean section three times a day for 3 months.
  3. Pour 75 grams of crushed dry boron uterus with 500 ml (two glasses) of vodka. Leave for half a month in the dark, shaking daily. Drink 40 drops immediately before a large meal for 1–2 months.
  4. Mix 15 grams of finely chopped aloe leaves with 90 ml of honey and 90 ml of baked milk. Drink to resolve adhesions twice a day for 2 months.
  5. Pour 15 grams of milk thistle seeds into 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes (approximately). After careful straining, drink hot every day for 1 month.
  6. Pour 15 grams of chopped cinquefoil with 200 ml (about a glass) of vodka. Leave for 20 days. Drink 30 ml for adhesions once a day for 45 days.

Important: some herbs can negatively affect lactation. Consult your physician before use.

Contraindication to treatment traditional methods Individual intolerance to the components of the formulations may be the cause.

Will help neutralize the problem early stage also a decoction of flax seeds. This remedy is effective for adhesions in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Boil the seeds in boiling water for 3-5 minutes and strain. A tampon (tightly rolled gauze) is placed in the warm broth, lightly wrung out and inserted into the vagina overnight. It is advisable to repeat the procedure for 7 days. The squeezed seed can be applied to the abdomen in the form of a compress in place possible location adhesions. The course of treatment is one month. Repeat the procedure once every 3-4 days.
A decoction of flax seed will help at an early stage adhesive disease

An infusion of bergenia root is also used for douching and tampons. Pour 30 g of crushed root into 175 g of water (its temperature should be 60 ° C) and leave to brew for 8 hours. The course of treatment is 1 month. Insert tampons at night.


Some homeopathic medicines can also have a beneficial effect on the adhesive process. These include:

  • Silicea (Silicea);
  • Fluoricum acidum (Fluoricum acidum);
  • Graphites (Graphite);
  • Sanguinarinum nitricum (Sangvinarium nitricum).

Silicea (Silicea) and Fluoricum acidum (Fluoricum acidum) effectively resolve adhesions. Positive dynamics are sometimes observed even at stages 2 and 3 of the disease. These drugs are inorganic (carbon-free) compounds of natural origin. They are available in the form of granules. They are taken 7 pieces at a time. The granules are placed under the tongue and wait until they completely dissolve. Silicea is consumed three times a day, and Acidum fluoricum - twice a day. The drugs are taken together.

Graphite is effective at the early stage of the disease, when exudate (liquid that is released during inflammation) accumulates in the peritoneum. The drug is used in the form of a solution, 10 drops three times a day.

The homeopathic remedy Sanguinaricum nitricum helps get rid of characteristic nagging pain in the abdominal area. It is taken twice a day (morning and evening). Dosage - 5 granules per dose.

Homeopathic medicines are safe and have virtually no contraindications. Negative effects limited to allergies due to individual intolerance to the components.

The main methods of preventing adhesive disease include the following:

  • timely surgical intervention for acute course diseases of the abdominal cavity without the use of tampons and rough drainages;
  • It is recommended that a woman get out of bed no later than 8 hours after completion of the operation.

    Spikes are pathological process, which is easier to prevent than to cure. Sometimes it is enough for a young mother to behave correctly after childbirth to prevent the development of pathology:

    • It is recommended to get out of bed no later than 8 hours after completion of the operation. When using spinal anesthesia, the period is extended to a day;
    • for 3–6 days after surgery, the mother must use a special support bandage;
    • Light physical activity or exercise is recommended (external stress on organs reduces the adhesive properties of fibrin);
    • A course of physiotherapy will be useful.

    Statistics show that only 10% of women after cesarean section are prone to the formation of adhesions. The remaining 90% of cases are associated with low qualifications or rude actions of the surgeon and the reluctance of the young mother to follow the recommendations of doctors.

    After successfully combating adhesions, prevention is also necessary:

    • visiting a gynecologist at least twice a year;
    • physiotherapy ( massotherapy or electrophoresis);
    • physical and emotional peace in the first six months after surgery (this means increased stress on the body);
    • a diet that excludes foods that contribute to increased gas formation(in the first 2–3 months after birth).

    Consequences of adhesions

    The consequences of adhesive disease can be serious for a young woman. Particularly dangerous and capable of influencing later life include:

    • discomfort in intimate life. Possible pain;
    • infertility;
    • intestinal obstruction. Will require a long course of treatment.

    Adhesions can cause infertility

    You can avoid the consequences only if you use it from the very first days. preventive measures, carefully monitor symptoms and promptly contact a specialist.

Often, women after a cesarean section are faced with adhesive disease. What are adhesions that form after a caesarean section? What reasons provoke the development of postoperative adhesive disease? What do adhesions look like in the photo? By what symptoms can you tell that adhesions have appeared? How do they hurt and make themselves felt? How to treat them? These questions interest many women.

What are adhesions?

Adhesions after cesarean section are a pathological process that develops in the pelvic or abdominal area. Surgical intervention is always associated with an invasion of normal functioning organs, fraught with tissue damage. In areas damaged during cesarean section, an intensive healing process begins - the uterine tissue is scarred, the skin tightens.

By appearance adhesive strands can resemble thin threads, scars or films that connect tissues together neighboring organs or intestinal loops. These “extra” body tissues are made of fibrin, which is strong and sticky. Its intensive production is a protective mechanism, but sometimes it leads to dangerous consequences for health.

The formation of adhesions becomes a pathology in cases where tissues of organs that should not be connected stick together and become scarred. Adhesions after cesarean section can lead to intestinal loops sticking together. It is possible to detect and eliminate adhesions in a timely manner only with medical assistance.

Symptoms of adhesions after cesarean section

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Many women do not pay attention to the signs of adhesions after a cesarean section, especially in the first 5–6 months after the birth of the baby. Malaise is usually attributed to constant fatigue, lack of sleep, recovery of the body after childbirth. If the process occurs in an acute form, it is difficult not to notice the symptoms:

If the process occurs in an intermittent form, symptoms occur only during periods of exacerbation. The pathology is characterized periodic pain, constipation, diarrhea, as well as disorders menstrual cycle. Adhesions can become chronic, and then it is even more difficult to identify them - they manifest themselves only through episodic pain.

Why do adhesions form?

The two main reasons for the formation of adhesions are inflammation and surgery. Adhesive cords can form not only after a cesarean section, but also as a result of any operation (including diagnostic), abortion, long-term use intrauterine contraception or after illnesses.

However, not everyone develops adhesive cords. Not every cesarean section results in the formation of adhesive bands in the mother. For this reason, factors that can provoke a pathological process after surgery should be noted. Factors leading to the development of postoperative adhesive disease include:

  • getting into tissue foreign body or a chemical substance (a microscopic string of gauze or a crumb of talcum powder can provoke pathology);
  • drying fabrics;
  • their ischemia;
  • hypoxia;
  • damage to body tissues;
  • heredity (about 7% of women are naturally prone to intense adhesive processes).

In the abdominal cavity

The reasons for the formation of adhesive cords in the abdominal cavity lie in its functional purpose. It creates space for sufficient mobility of organs, and also protects them from mutual friction, germs and infections. Damage to the peritoneum leads to the activation of fibroblasts that try to protect healthy tissue from the diseased area.

In the pelvic organs

The process of formation of adhesions on the pelvic organs occurs for the same reasons as in the abdominal cavity. Fibrin “glues” individual organs together. Collagen production occurs under the influence of several factors - for example, a cesarean section in a woman who had an abortion, or a genetic predisposition and low physical activity in the postoperative period.

On the uterine suture

The formation of adhesive cords on the uterine suture is in most cases due to traumatic injury uterine tissue. By making an incision, the surgeon damages the basal layer, in which new endometrial cells form during the normal course of the menstrual cycle. After damage within 5 – 7 days go by the process of re-epithelialization, which at high intensity turns into adhesive disease.

Treatment of adhesions

There is no standard technique that would allow any woman who has undergone a cesarean section to quickly and effectively get rid of postoperative adhesions. The doctor can determine and select a treatment strategy for adhesions depending on their location, the severity of the development of the process and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Conservative therapy

Conservative therapy is the first treatment option that the doctor will resort to after diagnosing postoperative adhesive disease in a young mother. Despite the fact that most procedures seem simple and safe, it is still better to be treated under the guidance and supervision of a doctor. Then it will be possible to prevent the formation of new adhesions and reduce the number of existing ones. Basic conservative techniques:

  • introduction of tampons soaked in Vishnevsky ointment;
  • hirudotherapy (use of leeches);
  • mud therapy;
  • the drug Longidaz (as a result of taking this medication, the skin becomes more elastic, swelling decreases, hematomas resolve faster, the protein is broken down - the number of adhesive strands becomes smaller);
  • applications with ozokerite – stimulation of metabolism, relieving muscle spasms, improving microcirculation in tissues (consists of natural ingredients and does not leave burns on the skin);
  • physiotherapy is the most gentle method; for adhesions, massage, laser therapy, heat therapy, and compresses are recommended;
  • ultrasound treatment (enzyme preparations are used).

Doctors note high efficiency physiotherapeutic procedures, a minimal number of relapses, moreover, such therapy has virtually no contraindications. However, there is a nuance - physical treatment only helps in cases where the adhesive process has not reached an advanced stage.

Conservative treatment includes the use medications. You cannot prescribe medications yourself - only qualified specialist will be able to select a set of medications that will be well compatible with each other, will give the desired effect and will not harm the baby’s health (if the young mother practices breastfeeding):

  • for elimination inflammatory processes in the pelvis - corticosteroids, NSAIDs, calcium channel blockers;
  • anti-clotting agents - Heparin ointment, Klivarin, Wafarin;
  • destruction pathogenic microorganisms– Cefazolin, Vilprafen, Phthalazole;
  • dissolution of fibrin (resorption of adhesive strands) – Fibrinolysin, Trypsin, Longidase.

Surgical intervention

High-intensity adhesions or a chronic form of pathology are indications for surgical treatment. Surgery is usually recommended for patients who plan to become pregnant again and give birth to a child. In most cases, laparoscopic surgery is performed to remove adhesions.

The operation can be performed using a laser, a pressurized water jet (aquadissection) or using an electric knife. The last option is used most often. Its main disadvantage is repeated tissue aeration, which can provoke a new adhesive process. To avoid this side effect, the doctor will prescribe a course of medications after the operation.

Folk recipes

Hoping that chronic adhesions will disappear if the woman regularly drinks herbal decoctions, infusions and others folk remedies, ignoring the doctor’s recommendations is pointless. In addition, many herbs are contraindicated for nursing mothers, because the substances they contain can negatively affect the health of the baby. Folk recipes It is permissible to use as an addition to therapy prescribed by a doctor, and only with his consent:

  • Tincture of cinquefoil. 1.5 tbsp. l. crushed herbs are poured into 0.25 liters of vodka and infused for 18 - 20 days. Drink 3 tablespoons once a day for 6 weeks.
  • Chop aloe leaf. Stir 3 tsp. plants with 0.1 l of baked milk and 0.1 l natural honey. Use 2 times a day for 8 weeks in a row.
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. St. John's wort herb pour 0.25 liters of boiling water, boil for 6 - 8 minutes. Strain and drink 0.1 liter before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Therapeutic course – 12 weeks.

What is the danger of adhesions and what are the consequences?

Intense adhesions are not a harmless pathology. Depending on the location and degree of development of adhesive disease, it disrupts sex life women (she will feel pain upon contact), provokes the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvis and abdominal cavity. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases. Adhesions can cause problems with conception, including infertility.

Preventive actions

The risk of post-operative adhesions exists and should not be forgotten by any mother who has had a caesarean section. The doctor will give all the necessary recommendations to prevent the intensive formation of adhesions and they must be strictly followed. Main method prevention of adhesions – physical activity:

  • Postoperative period. It is advisable that the young mother begins to get up 7 hours later (if the operation was performed using spinal anesthesia - 18 hours) after surgery. A special bandage will help reduce pain. It can be worn for up to 4 days after surgery.
  • A diet excluding fatty, salty and spicy foods is indicated. Mothers can make small hiking(even if there is pain of low intensity). If pain and discomfort appear a week after the operation, you should urgently go to the gynecologist.

The birth of a baby is a joyful and long-awaited event for most families. Normally, the previous “scenario” is standard and known to everyone: after unprotected sexual intercourse, a male sperm fertilizes a female egg, the resulting embryo is sent to the uterus, where it is fixed and begins to develop, after which, after an average of 36-38 to 40-42 weeks , a new citizen of the world is born.

At the last mentioned stage, due to certain circumstances, obstacles may arise that prevent the woman from giving birth in a natural way. The most popular and effective option The way out of such a situation is a caesarean section, which is often the only possible way saving the child's life.

Despite the fact that caesarean section has long been used quite successfully almost all over the world, it is still a surgical intervention that is stressful for the body and can lead to various kinds side effects, one of which is the so-called. adhesions.

Basic information about spikes

During this surgical intervention, a specialist makes an incision in the uterus to remove the baby from it. After completing the necessary manipulations, the patient’s body begins to try on our own restore the integrity of the damaged organ, as a result of which active scarring processes are launched, accompanied by the release of fibrin - this is a special protein substance with the help of which soft tissues are glued together.

In some cases, the mentioned protein “works” not only at the required destination, but also affects the intestinal loops or even the pelvic organs, as a result of which adhesions are formed.

The considered “adhesion” provides protective function, significantly reducing the likelihood of developing severe inflammatory processes in the period after surgery. In some cases, patients do not even suspect that they have adhesions and the latter are discovered only during a comprehensive examination. Along with this, often “gluing places” make themselves felt with various not-so-pleasant symptoms.

How adhesions manifest themselves: main symptoms

So, the operation was completed successfully, the child is healthy, he and his mother were discharged from the maternity hospital and sent home. It is no secret that the first months of a baby’s life are especially restless and troublesome for parents - sometimes there is not enough time for banal food and rest, not to mention paying attention to any suspicious changes in their condition. Yes, I feel some pain in my abdomen, but I recently had surgery.

Against the background of the above, young mothers often regard the first symptoms of adhesions as a variant of the norm and do not pay due attention to them, which is completely wrong, because “adhesions” can significantly complicate the recovery period after surgery. As noted, adhesions can affect not only the uterus, but also intestinal loops, which is why signs of the presence of such a disorder can also be varied, namely:

  • painful sensations in the pelvic area. As a rule, they appear in combination with disorders of stool and intestinal function in general;
  • frustration, constipation, increased gas formation;
  • intestinal obstruction - very often appears if adhesions affect intestinal loops;
  • periodic painful sensations of pulling or aching character in the lower abdomen. May radiate to the lumbar region;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen, the intensity of which increases during movement, during or after sexual intercourse;
  • unsuccessful attempts to conceive the next child over a long period of time - in the absence of a timely response, adhesions can lead to the development various complications, among which one of the most difficult is infertility.

Even if the symptoms of adhesions no longer bother the patient, she should definitely consult a doctor and undergo necessary examinations. A situation left to its own devices can lead to a number of problems, for example, secondary infertility, ectopic pregnancy, etc.

As noted, adhesions after the operation in question appear to protect the body - dense scars, consisting of actively growing connective tissue, prevent the spread of various inflammations. Along with this, inelastic and dense adhesions can interfere with the full functioning of internal organs - in the presence of “adhesions”, significant and sharp violation mobility of intestinal loops, which leads to the development of intestinal obstruction - albeit not as serious as ectopic pregnancy or infertility, but also extremely unpleasant and fraught with various consequences.

In this case, adhesions can harm not only the “vital activity” of the intestines, but also the uterus and fallopian tubes. In some cases, even the ovaries are affected. If there are adhesions, for example, in the fallopian tubes, male sperm will either not be able to “get” to the egg, or the already fertilized egg will not be able to move to its destination, i.e. into the uterus.

How to get rid of adhesions: available treatment methods

As noted earlier, a woman who has undergone a cesarean section needs to monitor the condition of her body as closely as possible, come to the consultations prescribed by the doctor and undergo recommended examinations. The sooner it is possible to detect adhesions after cesarean section, the simpler and faster the treatment will be. In advanced cases, you have to resort to surgical intervention, which is extremely undesirable, because New adhesions may appear after surgery.

In general, a specific treatment option will be selected by a qualified specialist, taking into account individual characteristics condition of a particular patient. You can find information regarding existing options for getting rid of adhesions in the following table.

Table. Treatment methods for adhesions

Available Treatment OptionsDescription
Physiotherapeutic treatmentComplex therapy, during which the patient is given injections of aloe, ozokerite applications on the area of ​​the lower abdomen and other necessary manipulations.
This option allows you to get rid of “fresh” adhesions in an undeveloped state.
Use of enzyme preparationsAfter administering such drugs to the patient, the adhesive connective fibers undergo a process of partial dissolution. The adhesions soften somewhat, which allows you to get rid of them partially or completely and significantly reduce the intensity of the pain.
LaparoscopyA surgical method for removing adhesions formed after the operation in question. It is used mainly in cases where adhesions affect the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes and prevent fertilization.
Important! After laparoscopy, adhesions very often reappear, so if a woman decides to undergo such an operation in order to become pregnant, there is no need to delay this matter.

How to avoid adhesions: preventive recommendations for women

Unfortunately, not a single woman is immune from the appearance of adhesions after the operation in question. Along with this, the risk of this kind of “gluing” can be significantly reduced by adhering to some preventive recommendations.

In general, all prevention comes down to moderate motor activity And physical activity within reasonable limits. Already during the first days after cesarean (the doctor will tell you about all this in addition, follow his recommendations), you can begin to move slowly - turn over in bed, walk, etc.

Thus, the occurrence of adhesions after cesarean section is natural reaction female body for damage received during surgical intervention. Now you know how they manifest themselves and what to do if these symptoms occur. Along with this, even if there are no signs of adhesions after cesarean section, still go to see a doctor and make sure of this through the appropriate diagnostic measures, because in some cases, adhesions do not make themselves felt to the “mistress”.

Be healthy!

Video - Adhesions after cesarean section symptoms