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Veselka vulgaris. The fungus mushroom is not our enemy - it cures cancer

A botanist from the Netherlands, Adrian Junius, described the properties of the fungus back in the mid-16th century, giving the mushroom the scientific name Phallus impudicus. And this is no accident: the mushroom really does look like a man’s reproductive organ. On an elongated white leg there is a tight-fitting cap with a small hole at the top. The veselka appears from an ovoid fruiting body, which is popularly nicknamed the “witch’s” egg. He is also called a scoundrel, an upstart, a damn egg.

By the way, Veselka is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest growing mushroom. Veselka eggs are hidden under the foliage within a small radius of the adult mushroom. On a thin thread-like root, which is attached to the underground part of the mycelium, an egg grows, similar to a young puffball mushroom. Eggs can be as big as a thimble or as big as goose egg. Sometimes the fruiting body can lie for a month, or it can ripen in a few days. And then the amazing thing begins: the egg “explodes”, and literally within a few hours from the moment of “shooting” the cap and part of the stem hatch from it, and a full-fledged mushroom grows! average speed Veselka's growth is about 5 mm per minute!

Veselka mushroom: where does it grow in Russia?

You can find the fungus by the smell that an adult mushroom exudes. The aroma is indeed not pleasant, like rotten meat, but it attracts insects like a magnet. It is not the mushroom itself that smells, but the mucus (earthen oil) on top of the cap, which contains the spores. If you put Veselka eggs in a box and put them in the refrigerator, in a few days or hours adult mushrooms will hatch from them, and there will be no smell: earthen oil decomposes only in natural natural conditions, and when low temperature will remain unharmed, and then the veselka will reveal its true aroma - very concentrated, with floral notes.

Veselka prefers moist forest soils in the European part of our country, but is also found in Siberia and the Far East. Grows from May to October. Young mushrooms are edible; the French use veselka as a flavor analogue of radishes. But the main thing is not the culinary features, but the fact that the common veselka is an unusually medicinal mushroom.

Veselka mushroom: medicinal properties and contraindications

A young Veselka mushroom is used as a medicine. Application in medicinal purposes found eggs, juice and mushroom jelly.

Veselka is credited with truly unprecedented healing effects! An effect similar to the medicinal properties of the Japanese shiitake tree mushroom is also exerted on the body by our fungus, which is why it is considered effective against herpes viruses, influenza, hepatitis, oncology and even AIDS.

What else does Veselka cure? It has long been used to eliminate high blood pressure, migraines, gout, and treat joints. An infusion of Veselka was used externally for burns, trophic ulcers, bedsores, fistulas and animal bites. It is no coincidence that the fun looks like sex male organ: according to the stories of village old-timers, male inferiority was eliminated with the help of the mushroom. Studies have confirmed that the mushroom contains phytosteroids, properties similar in their effects on the body to androgens (male sex hormones).

Indications for use are also:

  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Despite the wonders that the mushroom does to human health Veselka, medicinal properties, how to take, and how suitable this treatment is, is worth researching well before starting therapy with this natural remedy. Under no circumstances should children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers take an infusion of Veselka with alcohol. Carefully similar treatment carried out for hypotension and diabetes mellitus.

Veselka mushroom for oncology: reviews as a miracle remedy

Fungotherapy – area alternative medicine, which specializes in mushroom treatment. Japanese scientists have found that some mushrooms (especially shiitake) contain polysaccharides that stimulate the production of perforin (a special protein) in the human body. Perforin is part of a group of leukocytes - natural killers that penetrate the cytoplasm of cancer cells and destroy them. High dose Veselka mushroom also contains polysaccharides. It is recommended to use special mushroom mixtures, for example “Veselka and Shiitake”. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chance of getting rid of it natural means. Fungotherapy can also be used in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation. In addition to its destructive effect on cancer cells, fungotherapy helps reduce pain and strengthen the immune system, which is very important in the fight against cancer.

In addition to studying the anti-cancer effect, research is being conducted on the ability of veselka phytoncides to destroy HIV. In addition to destroying virus cells, Veselka also helps maintain the immune system. As you know, with HIV, even a common cold is dangerous. As a result of the use of fungotherapy, the virus is suppressed and the risk of developing AIDS is reduced.

Unlike chemotherapy, fungotherapy not only prevents toxins from accumulating in the body, but also removes them.

Veselka mushroom: method of application

The alcohol tincture of Veselka is most often used. Only the mushroom in the egg stage is filled with alcohol. In this case, the alcohol should be diluted to 40-45% with water, or you should use vodka. More high concentration alcohol leads to the destruction of the beneficial properties that the Veselka mushroom has. Vodka tincture can be stored for quite a long time (several years). For alcohol intolerance and for external use, treatment with water infusions of Veselka is practiced.

Powder from dried mushrooms is used to make ointments and rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids. To make the powder, the veselka is dried and ground. Then preparations are prepared based on the powder: even an alcohol tincture, ointments, or suppositories.

Candle making recipe:

100g beeswax;

100g linseed oil;

25 g mushroom powder.

  • The wax needs to be melted and mixed with oil, add the powder to the cooled mass, mix and fill the candle molds: foil tubes or 1-milliliter syringes with the base cut off on the needle side. Fix the molds strictly vertically, fill them with the warm mixture and place them in the refrigerator to harden.

How to prepare correctly medicinal ointments, which are based on the Veselka mushroom? Cooking recipes are varied, here are the simplest ones:

1. Varnavsky ointment:

100 g stearic acid;

25 ml triethanolamine;

Veselka juice (volume depends on the volume of the ointment base).

  1. To prepare the juice, cut mushrooms are placed in a jar, sealed and kept in a dark place for 2-3 months. Then the released juice is drained.
  2. Stearin and triethanolamine are mixed and heated over low heat, adding a spoonful of water and stirring. You need enough water to get a homogeneous jelly-like mass. Once slightly cooled, juice is introduced into it in a 1:1 ratio.

Can be used when skin diseases, for joint pain. Keep refrigerated.

2. Ointment based on natural fat:

Veselki mushrooms;

Chicken fat or pork fat.

  • Pass fresh Veselki through a meat grinder, pottery simmer in the oven for 3 hours. Then cool and squeeze through a gauze cloth. Mix fat, previously melted and cooled, and juice in equal proportions.

Veselka jelly is recognized as a valuable remedy for gout and rheumatism: it is a thick liquid under the cap of an adult mushroom. Jelly is also called earth butter. It is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Veselka mushroom: how to prepare the tincture and how to take it?

How to properly infuse mushroom Veselka with vodka?

  • The preparation of the tincture is designed for an alcohol volume of 3000 ml. Due to the unequal size of mushrooms, it is worth calculating not their individual quantity, but their total weight. It should be about 700-800g. There is no need to wash the veselki, but it is worth cleaning them mechanically from dirt. Each mushroom egg is cut lengthwise into 2 parts. The pieces are placed in a jar and filled with alcohol. Then the jar is tightly sealed with a lid. In the old fashioned way, the jar containing the future tincture of the Veselka mushroom, the use of which was not in a hurry, was buried in the ground for 2-3 months. However, even in a cellar or simply in a dark place, the properties of the tincture will be no worse. The dark cognac color will indicate its readiness. There is no need to filter the tincture, but it is better to store it in a dark glass container.

Reception regimen:

  1. 1. for gastritis: a teaspoon twice a day before meals for 1 month;
  2. 2. for colds, bronchitis, sore throat, fever, cystitis: a teaspoon twice a day for 2 weeks;
  3. 3. for oncology:

The first 10 days: a teaspoon three times a day, washed down with honey or a chicken egg;

3 days break;

10 days of taking a teaspoon;

Break for 2 weeks.

Raw Veselka mushrooms: treatment

The use of raw young vesels in food helps to increase sexual desire, acting as a natural mild aphrodisiac. In addition, raw vesels help normalize metabolism and work thyroid gland. The younger the mushroom, the more beneficial its properties. It is unsafe to consume any mushrooms without heat treatment, and these are no exception, so do not forget to be careful!

When purchasing dietary supplements that contain Veselka via the Internet or from dubious sellers, it is easy to run into a fake! And you won’t improve your health, and you’ll lose a lot of money. Therefore, it is better to try to find and prepare the mushroom yourself.

Surely you have heard that mushrooms are created by nature not only for food. They are all medicinal, but the properties of each type have not yet been studied. However, information about one of them recently appeared.

Now you will learn how to take the Veselka mushroom, the medicinal properties of which are very powerful.

It is very effective for treatment women's diseases such as inflammation of the appendages, uterine fibroids, fibroids, cysts, polycystic disease.

How it grows and collection method

This is an incredible product that can bring great benefit. But finding such a mushroom is very difficult. The thing is that it takes a long time to mature, but quickly grows and deteriorates. At first it looks like an egg, similar to a raincoat, but not dense in its structure. In this form, it ripens for about a week, and then a stalk with a green cap on which the spores are located grows.

From the appearance of the egg to the maximum growth of the leg, 25 cm in length, it takes from 15 to 30 minutes. This is the fastest growing mushroom, which is why it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It is easy to notice in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests near rotten stumps by the characteristic smell of rotten meat, which can be heard another 15-20 meters from mature fruit. It is emitted by the cap, thus attracting insects.

In order to properly harvest, you need to know that the medicinal properties of the Veselka mushroom are available only at the stage of its development. Therefore, when you find a clearing of “plum” in the forest, collect only those that have not yet developed to the stalk. By the way, they are even edible in this form. According to reviews, the Veselka mushroom is suitable for treatment when the size of the “eggs” is at least walnut, and until it burst. You can feel the hump, which would then be the cap. This is the ideal stage for harvesting.

What cures

The properties of this product have been studied very little, and old knowledge has been lost. It was studied in most detail by oncologist from St. Petersburg Filippova, who deals with fungotherapy. Full list its medicinal characteristics, unfortunately, are absent, we only present known facts uses of Veselka mushroom:

  • oncological diseases of different stages and organs, including benign and malignant;
  • papillomas;
  • melanoma (blood cancer);
  • cysts of various organs;
  • uterine fibroids, fibroids;
  • polyps;
  • tuberculosis;
  • adenoma of the prostate, pituitary gland;
  • external ulcers and suppurated wounds;
  • herpes, hepatitis, flu;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • reduced immunity;
  • allergy.


Myomas and fibromyomas are reduced by 25-40% within 2 months of use. Minimum course 4 months. If you have oncology, you need to drink large quantities: tablespoon 3 rubles. per day. After the first liter the break is 1 week, after the second - 2, and after the third and subsequent liters - 3 weeks. For other diseases, depending on their degree and complexity - a teaspoon or dessert spoon, also 3 rubles. in a day.

The tincture is made with olive oil, linseed oil, wine, alcohol, vodka or moonshine. Optimal quantity degrees should be between 25-35. In moonshine, alcohol: 3 liters of raw materials are filled with 750 grams of fresh chopped Veselka mushroom (piece size no more than 1x1 cm).

If you found where to buy dry Veselka mushroom or dried it yourself, the amount is calculated as 25 grams of mushroom per 1 liter of moonshine or vodka. Infuse in a glass or enamel container in a cool and dark place for 3 weeks to 2 months, then store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 years. If you use oil for tincture, you need to take dry mushroom at the rate of 25 grams per 1 liter.

For external use, fresh Phallus Impudicus is filled with kerosene, so it is well preserved, and then applied to the affected areas to treat hemorrhoids, skin diseases, cancer oral cavity, throat.

To improve immunity, you can eat it raw in salads, for example, or with garlic and onions.
On sale you can find candles, creams, powders, elixirs, balms, capsules and even water-soluble mushroom extracts. For example, suppositories are suitable for the treatment of female diseases or rectal cancer, creams are suitable for external diseases. But it is most effective to make a tincture from Veselka powder or fresh according to the above recipe, in this form the medicine is better absorbed.

Veselka mushroom for oncology reviews

Paul: My grandmother, 40 years ago, collected such mushrooms, made ointments from them and treated friends and relatives for skin diseases, papillomas fell off, eczema and psoriasis went away, which now cannot be treated with anything.
Nikolay: One homeopath advised us to use the Veselka, and we bought it from him. The recipe was 750 grams per 1 liter of moonshine. The tumor in the lung, 3.5 x 3.2 cm, is gone, the metastases in the lungs are gone. We were treated for 4 months. And this is the result. The doctors said that I would live no more than 3 months. Now they think that they made a mistake with the diagnosis, because everything has passed. But I know that the Veselka mushroom did it.
Elena: after chemotherapy, in order to increase immunity and exclude the possibility of cancer growth and metastasis in the future (there was colon cancer), I took 3 tbsp tincture. per day, as well as candles from Veselka. I was treated like this for six months, went to the hospital, and found NOTHING at all!

Veselka vulgaris is a rare and unusual representative of the family of mushrooms, which belongs to the gasteromycetes (puffballs). It is found mainly in coniferous and broad-leaved forests on moist and fertile soils. The Veselka mushroom has a unique fruiting body structure that is significantly different from other mushrooms. Its shape resembles an egg with a leathery shell of white or light beige color.

The diameter of the mushroom sphere can reach 8 centimeters or more. In its unripe form (in the egg stage), the veselka is eaten. This mushroom has high taste and nutritional qualities. In some countries, veselka is served raw instead of vegetables (France, Poland, Czech Republic).

After germination of the stem with an umbrella, the mushroom becomes inedible, since the process of rotting quickly begins in its body. This mysterious “raincoat” goes through three stages of magical transformation in just 2 days: “egg”, from the “egg” a “leg with a cap” grows up to 30 centimeters in height. After this, the mushroom “before our eyes” turns into a “puddle of mucus” with a very unpleasant odor.

Veselka vulgaris has a wide range of medicinal properties, which have been used in medicine for many hundreds of years. folk medicine. Today, this unique mushroom has joined the list of endangered species in the Red Book. Veselka has many different folk names: “witch’s egg”, “disgraceful”, “upstart”, “stinker”, “morel”.

Let's take a closer look at this amazing mushroom.

Read in this article:

Composition and medicinal properties

Veselka vulgaris stands out among other mushrooms not only appearance, but also a rich chemical composition. The constituents of this gasteromycete are biologically unique active substances, endowed it with extraordinary healing qualities. The mushroom contains: B vitamins, macro- and microelements, carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acid, polysaccharides, phytoncides. In addition, it contains: peptides, melanins, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde and other components.

Thanks to its phytosterols, the Veselka mushroom has long been used in the treatment of impotence and to increase male libido. Also, during scientific research it was proven that this type of mushroom has anti-cancer properties. It stops the development of malignant cells in the body and actively destroys them. This occurs due to the polysaccharides contained in the fungus, which are known to activate the production of perforins and lymphocytes - the main elements immune defense. Achieved positive results in the treatment of such dangerous diseases as melanoma, sarcoma, carcinoma, lymphoma and leukemia.

Biologically active substances in the Veselka mushroom have positive impact on the skin, activate the healing of ulcers and wounds, regulate biochemical processes in the body. Antioxidants reduce the formation of free radicals and prevent their harmful effects on healthy cells body.

Veselka mushroom also exhibits antihistamine properties, namely: it prevents and treats various allergic reactions, relieves swelling, lacrimation, suffocation, itching, redness and flaking of the skin.

Recent scientific studies of the chemical and physical properties of this miracle of nature have yielded encouraging results in the treatment of AIDS. Preparations from the Veselka mushroom significantly reduce sensitivity to various pathogenic stimuli. The powerful antiviral property of gasteromycetes makes it possible to reduce the body’s susceptibility to infections and helps to increase the lifespan of patients.

The mushroom can reduce bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Preparations made from it resolve lumps, cysts, polyps, treat erosions in digestive tract, improve kidney function, relieve abdominal pain. Veselka mushroom oil is used in the treatment of gout and arthritis.

Methods of using mushrooms in folk medicine

In healing, the veselka is used both dry and fresh. For treatment, only the young (“egg” stage) fruiting body of the fungus is taken. Alcohol tinctures, decoctions, and aqueous solutions are prepared from it.

Tinctures for internal and external use

Alcohol tinctures of Veselka treat literally all diseases.

  1. This remedy is prepared for the treatment of hypertension. For 25 g of fresh (or 2.5 g of dry) chopped mushrooms take 100-120 ml homemade moonshine or alcohol diluted to 70°. Infuse the composition for at least 10 days. To reduce blood pressure, take only 1 teaspoon of tincture three times a day. Course of treatment: six months.
  2. For the treatment of skin cancer (melanoma), psoriasis, bedsores and long-term non-healing ulcers, a more concentrated tincture is prepared. For 100 g of fresh or 8 - 10 g of dried and powdered mushrooms, take a glass of alcohol or good homemade moonshine. Leave for 15-20 days. Used for lotions and processing skin.
  3. This tincture treats malignant and benign tumors. Doctors note excellent results in the treatment of fibroids, adenomyosis, fibroids, and ovarian cystomas with this remedy. Six “eggs” of the Veselka mushroom are placed in a three-liter jar. Pour vodka and let it brew in the dark for at least a week. Take the drug 15 milliliters three times during the day. After each dose, healers advise drinking 1 chicken (homemade) egg.
  4. This tincture can cure a lot of diseases. It is especially effective for atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins blood vessels, diseases internal organs. In addition, the tincture significantly activates the body’s defenses, stops the growth of tumors, removes bad cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, promotes the healing of ulcers and the destruction of viruses. The product is used for impotence, infertility, hormonal imbalance and other diseases. Take 100 grams of fresh “young” vesels. They are crushed and filled with 500 milliliters of alcohol diluted to 40-50°. The product is kept in the cold, in a dark place for 1 month.

Scheme for taking the medicine orally (unfiltered):

The first 10 days - 1 teaspoon before meals. Eat the tincture with honey or drink 1 raw chicken (homemade) egg.
Break – 2 days.
The second 10 days are the same as above.
Break – 2 days.
Third 10 days - 1 tablespoon. They also eat honey or egg every time.
Break – 1 week and repeat the course.

External use of the product:

For skin cancer, trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, bedsores, boils, herpes - apply the above tincture to the sore spots every hour.

At severe runny nose or sinusitis, it is useful to apply lotions to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

Cervical erosion is treated as follows: the mushroom tincture is diluted with warm boiled water or chamomile decoction 1:2. Soak a tampon in the mixture and insert it into the vagina for 7-8 hours. The course of treatment is 8-10 days. After a week, the treatment is repeated.

Water infusion of Veselka

This remedy helps regulate cholesterol levels in the body, reduce blood pressure in hypertension, improve work digestive system, normalize liver and kidney functions, heal peptic ulcer stomach and goiter.

In the evening, take one teaspoon of powdered mushrooms (or 50 g of fresh ones), pour 180 milliliters of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, filter the product and divide into three equal portions. Drink during the day 30 minutes before meals. Course of treatment: 6 months with two-week breaks every month.

Healers recommend drinking an aqueous infusion of the mushroom for bronchitis and pneumonia. Take 5 grams of crushed dried “egg” per glass of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink three times a day throughout the illness. It is useful to rub alcohol tincture on your chest and back before going to bed. This will speed up your recovery.


Such healing procedures carried out for hemorrhoids and prostate adenoma. To do this, the mushroom tincture is diluted with warm boiled water 1:20. Course of treatment: from 10 days. After a 20-day break, treatment is repeated if necessary. Water can be replaced with a decoction of mountaineer.

Earth oil (jelly, mucilage)

  • This miraculous substance is found in the middle of the Veselka mushroom (in the egg). Earth oil has wound healing properties. Tampons are soaked in fungal mucus and inserted into the vagina to treat cervical erosion. Oil is useful for lubricating sore joints when rheumatoid polyarthritis, for a long time non-healing wounds, skin rashes, psoriasis, boils, allergic rash.
  • It has been observed that mushroom jelly applied to the face effectively smooths out wrinkles. These masks are made every other day. For dry skin, mucus is mixed with not big amount peach or almond oil.
  • Veselka mucus helps remove toxins from the body in case of poisoning. To do this, it is eaten with black (stale) bread.

Fresh raw veselka mushrooms are used in preparing vegetable salads. Such diet food serves as a prevention of intestinal diseases, colon and rectal tumors, gastritis, diseases lymphatic system, joint inflammation, high cholesterol.

During a flu epidemic, you need to eat a teaspoon of crushed dried mushroom once a day. This will help protect against viruses.


For various diseases of the female and male reproductive system, such vaginal and rectal suppositories are made.

Melt 25 grams of cocoa butter. This must be done in a water bath. Add 5 ml of Veselka tincture and 5 g of melted beeswax to the slightly cooled mass. Mix everything and pour this composition into special ready-made molds (or make them yourself from foil). Next, place the candles in the cold.

Women ready-made product used for infertility, adnexitis, colpitis, inflammation of the uterus, cysts, fibroids, cervical erosion. In addition, they slow down the growth of cancer cells when malignant tumors reproductive system. Suppositories are used vaginally 1-2 times a day. After inserting them into the vagina, you must lie down for 1.5-2 hours.

Men with prostate disease and erection problems use suppositories rectally. In addition, suppositories based on the Veselka mushroom help get rid of hemorrhoids, fistulas, polyps and erosions in the intestines, urolithiasis, dysbacteriosis. Treatment is carried out for 7-14 days.

Treatments for various diseases

Treatment with Veselka mushroom for varicose veins and cardiovascular diseases. This wonderful representative of raincoats helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, reduces high blood pressure, eliminates atherosclerosis, treats varicose veins, and prevents heart attack and stroke. To do this, it is recommended to take Veselka tincture: 2 times a day, one teaspoon. You can eat the mushroom (if desired) in other forms. Lotions of water infusions or tinctures are applied to diseased veins with varicose nodes, and they are also lubricated with mushroom jelly.

Liver treatment. Taking a tincture of Veselka mushroom helps restore liver cells, helps in the treatment of hepatitis, fatty liver disease and cirrhosis, relieves pain and inflammation. Therapeutic effect occurs after 3 months. Take the product one dessert (or tablespoon) at a time.

Treatment of cancer tumors

As mentioned above, dosage forms from the Veselka mushroom are powerful antitumor agents proven in practice. This “miracle” cures many types of cancer. At malignant neoplasms Most often they take the alcohol tincture of Veselka. Treatment with the fungus is carried out after mandatory consultation with an oncologist.

In any case, the tincture is used with caution for cancer patients, and the dose is increased gradually. Start taking the drug with 1 teaspoon and increase to 1 tablespoon - three times a day (for malignant tumors) and twice a day (for benign tumors). The course of treatment is at least 1 month. Then they take a two-week break and start the 30-day course again.

After each course, the break is increased by a week. To achieve a therapeutic effect, healers recommend taking from 3 to 5 courses of treatment. The tincture should be washed down with chicken or quail eggs. If they are unavailable, honey will do.

When losing weight

Besides wide range medicinal properties, Veselka is also used to reduce excess weight. This low-calorie product can be consumed raw, either with food or separately. Mushrooms effectively remove cholesterol from blood vessels, cleanse the liver.

For weight loss, you can also use dried young veselki in the form of crushed powder. Usual dose mushrooms to achieve desired result is 20 grams per day. It is divided into 3-4 doses. The duration of mushroom consumption is up to 7-8 months.

Polysaccharides activate liver function to break down glucose, proteins and fats. The mushroom restores metabolism and intestinal microflora. Active components Vessels speed up the process of losing extra pounds.

As a home cosmetology product

Veselka mushrooms are used not only as a medicine for the treatment various diseases. Even the ancient Romans used mushroom extracts to improve the condition of their skin and hair. Nowadays, powder from the young fruiting body of Veselka is added to anti-aging masks. Practice has proven that extracts, juice and earthen oil (jelly) of the mushroom are effective means in restoring the regeneration of skin cells, eliminating rashes, peeling and wrinkles.

Today, based on biologically active polysaccharides, veselki produce various cosmetical tools, which give positive results in improving the skin and hair structure. Mushroom extract is included in the basis of creams, lotions, tonics, masks, and anti-aging products from well-known cosmetics manufacturers.

You can stop skin aging with the help of a paddle at home. For this, the following beauty recipes are offered:

  1. Fresh young mushroom is crushed into pulp. Mixed with sour cream (cream) 1:1. Apply to clean face. After 20-30 minutes, the mask is washed off or removed with a damp cloth. Procedures are carried out 3 times a week. Course: 6 – 10 masks. The skin will noticeably improve and tighten, disappearing " crow's feet"under the eyes.
  2. A mask made from “earth oil” of a young mushroom nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. The mucus from the middle of the funnel is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is removed. The product significantly improves skin turgor, relieves flaking, and eliminates allergic rashes.
  3. You can make masks from alcohol tincture mushroom. To do this, the face is first generously lubricated with almond, olive or rose oil. Gauze with slits for the eyes is soaked in the tincture and applied to the skin. After 15 minutes, wash your face.

Contraindications and possible harm

According to fungotherapists, side effects when using a mushroom, fungi can only be observed if there is an individual intolerance to any element included in chemical composition. Scientific research indicate that Gasteromycete polysaccharides sometimes cause exacerbation of some autoimmune diseases.

IN in rare cases Taking dosage forms of Veselka is accompanied by drowsiness, weakness and diarrhea. When these and other similar symptoms it is recommended to reduce the dosage. When side effects will pass, the amount of the drug can be gradually increased and brought to the required level.

You should also know that Veselka mushroom is absolutely contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Any drugs containing it are not recommended for children under twelve years of age.

Precautions, collection, storage

Veselka mushrooms need to be collected in summer time. They usually appear in mid-June and grow until autumn. Young fruiting bodies are carefully cut with a knife. Dosage forms prepared from fresh or dried “eggs”. Drying mushrooms requires a warm, ventilated room at a temperature environment no more than +32° Celsius.

Well-dried funnels are stored in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid, in a dry place, protected from light. You can cook them medicinal powder, grinding raw materials in a coffee grinder. At proper storage mushrooms retain their beneficial properties for 2 years.

Today it is possible to grow Veselka at home. To do this, purchase mycelium. Mushrooms are grown indoors year-round. The mycelium lives for several years, then it needs to be replaced with a new one. Veselka takes root well and on personal plots. She is not afraid of the most severe frosts. Fallen leaves and fruits of trees, manure or humus are used as fertilizers for mycelium.

The cap mushroom Veselka or Panna, due to its unique medicinal properties, has been found wide application V modern medicine. The polysaccharides included in the product influence the formation of antitumor immunity, and phytosteroids, when entering the body, begin to function as male sex hormones. Due to the presence of active phytoncides, Veselka vulgare is effective in the fight against herpes, influenza viruses, and hepatitis. In folk medicine, tincture and pieces of mushroom are used.

What is a Veselka mushroom?

Stinky morel, samnik, witch's egg, panna or veselka mushroom grow in mixed and deciduous forests of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Latin name- Phallus impudicus. This unusual capped gasteromycete mushroom belongs to the order Phallus and the class Basidiomycetes. Veselushka appears first in the form of an egg, from which a stalk and then a cap quickly grow. The mushroom is edible, but treatment with its use should be treated with caution.

Fungal phytoncides have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes. Veselka earthen oil is used for stomach diseases, in the treatment of arthritis and gout. Preparations from panna can cure stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases. The mushroom is also taken for external diseases: varicose veins, psoriasis, skin cancer, burns, frostbite. In addition, you can cure hypertension with tincture of Veselka. Infusions from panna are also used for cancerous tumors. They also bring out the fun free radicals, toxins, rejuvenate the body.

Morphological description

Unusual mushroom Veselka looks like egg, cutting which you can find gelatinous useful mass with a pungent odor. The young fruiting body reaches a diameter of 6 cm; there is a light mycelial cord at the base. Externally, the panna looks like a raincoat, but at the same time it has a soft texture. The smooth shell of the fungus, the peridium, is cream-colored. During ripening, it breaks into several parts, and a cylindrical fruiting body begins to sprout from the egg. The stem with the cap grows very quickly, sometimes in 10 minutes.

The size of the fruiting body is 2 - 4 cm wide and 12 - 20 cm high. At the top there is a bell-shaped hat that is covered in slime dark green. On top there is a dense disk with several holes. The spores are usually yellowish in color, smooth surface, size 5x1.5 microns, ellipsoidal-cylindrical shape. Distinctive feature the mature form is unpleasant putrid smell fell.

Where does it grow?

Amazing mushroom Veselka is found everywhere, but it is difficult to find. Grows in Siberia, Europe, the Far East, and the Caucasus. Prefers deciduous forests rich in humus. Panna can be a saprophyte or form mycorrhiza with hazel, oak, beech, and shrubs. Spores are well spread by insects. The plant grows singly or in groups from May to October. The likelihood of finding it increases at the end of June.

Medicinal properties of Veselka mushroom

Traditional healers note that panna has an antitumor effect and heals ulcers well. Often treatment with Veselka mushroom occurs with varicose veins and cardiovascular diseases. The shamnik is also used for various female ailments - mastopathy, fibroids, erosions. Naturopaths claim that the product has a strong healing effect in the treatment of potency and helps fight infertility in women. In addition, Veselka is a powerful aphrodisiac. There are others healing properties mushroom:

Veselka mushroom for oncology

Cancer remains a major problem worldwide, but many experienced herbalists claim that the disease can be cured with the help of a mushroom. Treatment with Vesel helps suppress cancer cells and stops their further spread. With the help of a tincture made from panna, cancer prevention is also carried out. Before you start using infusions to treat cancer, you should consult your doctor about the possible harmful effects.

The use of a mushroom preparation made from aloe juice, honey, and crushed mushrooms is considered effective. All ingredients, except panna, must be thoroughly mixed, pour in 1 glass of vodka and let it brew for a while. Next, the scramnik should be placed in a jar, filled with the prepared solution and left for 2 weeks. You should take one tablespoon of Veselka mushrooms for cancer for two weeks. The course of treatment is a month. Then you need to take a break, and then undergo repeated therapy.

Using the Veselka mushroom from oncological diseases good only in for preventive purposes on initial stages cancer. In addition, tincture of samnik improves the tolerability of radiation and chemotherapy during the treatment of tumors. It is necessary to understand that Veselka cannot completely cure cancer, but at the same time the mushroom significantly improves the patient’s well-being and increases the effectiveness of medicines And traditional methods treatment of the disease.

Veselka tincture

Veselka vulgare has long been used to prepare masks, decoctions, tinctures, and ointments. The main treatment for panna, as a rule, occurs with the help of vodka infusion. To prepare the tincture you will need dried mushrooms or freshly cut, which are in the egg stage. When buying a product on the market, you should press the cap with your finger. If a dent remains, then the funnel was torn off a long time ago, so your healing qualities already lost. You can prepare the tincture at home, but you don’t need to strain it, because... healing effect remains in the precipitate.


Vodka tincture considered from the veselka universal remedy, which can be used for any disease, it is often taken for ailments of internal organs and blood vessels. To prepare you will need: a glass of vodka or alcohol, dried or mature mushrooms. All ingredients should be placed in a jar, mixed well and left for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. You need to take a tablespoon of the infusion every day (you can use mushroom powder).

Mode of application

Many people are often interested in the question of how to take Veselka mushroom tincture in order to achieve recovery faster. As a rule, you should take the medicine before meals, one teaspoon 2 times a day. The course of therapy is a month. Next, you need to take a two-week break and then repeat the treatment again. In addition, instructions for using Veselka extract will depend on what disease the person is treating:

  • for diabetes and thyroid disease, take a teaspoon of tincture once a day for three months;
  • to increase immunity, you need to drink one dessert spoon 3 times a day;
  • lotions with Veselka effectively help against allergies, prickly heat, ulcers;
  • If you have heart disease, you should drink the tincture twice a day before meals for a month.


Panna-based preparations can be combined with various medications and herbs. It is necessary to take into account that fresh Veselka mushrooms are strong aphrodisiacs, so it is necessary to observe moderation in their use. In case of overdose, men may experience death hair follicles, baldness occurs, so it is important to follow all recommendations for use. Veselka preparations have unique healing properties, but you should also be aware of the contraindications they have. Among them:

The mushroom itself, collected in the forest, is harmless. Panna is recommended for use as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Only in rare cases can a shamer cause the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • at long-term use indigestion;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bloating.


Today there are many different immunomodulators and immunostimulants that can affect various parts of the immune system, but only polysaccharides medicinal mushrooms , especially Veselka vulgare, can affect antitumor immunity, which is responsible for the destruction of atypical cells. Polysaccharides Veselka Ordinary significantly activates T-lymphocytes of the human immune system. As a result, the production of monomeric proteins increases significantly - perforins

, which destroy atypical cells, because the natural formation of perforins decreases in a person after 30-40 years. In addition, a number of compounds were discovered in Veselka - phytosteroids , which, when transformed in the body, perform the function of male sex hormones. Unlike medicines from impotence, phytosteroids also nourish immune system , promote the production of vitamin D. Veselka mushroom phytoncides also turned out to be more active. They kill viruses, herpesflu, A hepatitis A and even.


Main effects:

Activation of the body's antitumor immune function; causes the human body to produce perforin, which prevents cancer cells from dividing and forming into a tumor;

Resorption of malignant and benign tumors;

Removes cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, prevents the development of atherosclerosis;

Heals gastrointestinal ulcers;

Destroys herpes viruses, influenza, hepatitis, cytomegalovirus; Destroying hidden infections

, increases potency, fights infertility;

Relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, inflammation and joint pain

When used externally, it relieves trophic ulcers, bedsores, joint pain, skin tumors, heals bites and wounds. Veselka Ordinary grows only in wildlife

, therefore it has a particularly strong therapeutic antitumor effect, compared to other higher mushrooms grown artificially. This mushroom is incredibly popular. Depending on the disease they take.

from 1 hour to 3 tbsp. spoons 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals

By drinking Veselka tincture once a year, you will save yourself from the danger of getting cancer. In the first year you need to take 3 courses, in the second - 2, and then - 1 course. The use of mushroom tincture for preventive purposes is recommended for men over 25 years of age and older, as well as people who have had operations , and those who have already been diagnosed.


THE MUSHROOM CONTAINS VERY STRONG SUBSTANCES You can’t start taking 2-3 tbsp right away. spoons, in some cases 1 tbsp. spoon, due to the fact that the substances of the mushroom begin to act sharply, for example, on, and can cause very severe pain, since the effect is very sharp.

You need to start the course with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose.

Very effective in treatment cancer And benign tumors(also with fibroma, uterine fibroids, prostate adenoma, goiter) use Veselka mushroom tincture. Take 1 tbsp with sediment. spoon 3 times a day with cancer and 2 times a day with benign tumors 30 days, drinking raw fresh egg or 1 teaspoon of honey. Then they take a break for 2 weeks, then again take 30 days and take a break for 3 weeks. You need to undergo treatment for a long time, but after each course the break must be increased by a week (at least 3 courses must be completed).

Helps reduce blood pressure (hypertension), just 1 teaspoon of this tincture 2 times a day is enough. Veselka also displays cholesterol.

When treating external diseases with Veselka mushroom: skin cancer, psoriasis,burns,frostbite, varicose veins veins, and hemorrhoids, radiculitis,rheumatism, gout etc. The tincture is drunk at the same time, a dessert spoon in the morning and evening, and used for lotions, compresses, baths, and rubbing.

At bronchitis,fever, otitis, sore throat, cough, runny nose, and also when cystitis,conjunctivitis The tincture is taken for 1-2 weeks, 1 teaspoon of this tincture 2 times a day.

Also for treatment flu, runny nose Veselki tincture is used to lubricate the nostrils (outside), the area around them, the frontal and maxillary sinuses above the eyebrows.

For dysentery, diarrhea, food poisoning A medicinal “sandwich” quickly helps: a piece of bread is moistened with Veselka tincture (or mushroom mucus is spread) and eaten.

At gastritis of various shapes, with stomach ulcer when they hurt kidneys, at abdominal pain, at gout And polyarthritis- for a month, 1 teaspoon of this tincture 2 times a day.

People have always believed that sick diabetes mellitus These mushrooms should also be eaten.

At cervical erosion use cotton swabs soaked in tincture of Veselka, diluted in a ratio of 1:2 with warm chamomile infusion. This solution is suitable for douching, as well as for enemas when hemorrhoids.

At mastopathy Veselka mushroom tincture is half diluted with water, clay is added, a cake is made and applied to the chest overnight. In the morning the cake is removed, the breast is washed, and in the evening a new cake is applied. At the same time drink 1 tbsp. spoon of Veselka tincture 3 times a day for a month.

Regular rubbing at night with tincture of Veselka mushroom sore joints helps eliminate joint pain . Clear the body of allergic rashes Lubricating problem areas with fresh mushroom jelly will help. In just three days, the skin clears up. Treat ulcers 2 times a day, but only with lotions - not compresses.

Good to use for healing wounds on the body, cracks, at gangrene, bedsores and so on.

It is advisable to store the tincture in dark glass bottles in a cool, dark place.

There is no need to filter; the longer it sits, the more healing it is.