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Goose eggs: specific, but very healthy. Goose eggs

Anyone regularly eats eggs. They are added to meat dishes, dough, salads, etc. Most often, chicken eggs are purchased for food, and quail eggs are much less common. But many people are interested in this question: is it possible to eat goose eggs and will they cause harm to the body? Therefore, before consuming them, you should understand what goose eggs are, what the benefits and harms of this product are.

How are goose eggs different from chicken eggs?

Unlike chicken goose eggs quite large (about 4 times larger than chicken ones) and differ from them in their strong shell, which has a limestone-white tint. In addition, goose product has a richer taste, but due to its specific taste and smell it is used with caution in cooking. Goose is not recommended to be consumed raw, but it is best to boil them or use them to prepare dough for bakery and confectionery. They must be washed before use.

Composition and calorie content

The nutritional value of a goose egg is determined by its weight. The larger it is, the greater the benefit it brings to the body. Its weight is approximately 200 g. But, compared to chicken eggs, goose eggs are not as nutritious. 100 g of product contains:

  • 13.9 g protein;
  • 13.3 g fat;
  • 1.4 g carbohydrates.

Besides, they include vitamins A, E, D, K, B vitamins, as well as minerals and trace elements:

It also contains lutein, which is a well-known antioxidant. It helps the body eliminate harmful substances, thanks to which the body is cleansed and rejuvenated. The calorie content of a goose egg is 200 kcal, but it depends on the processing method. For example, a fried product is much higher in calories than a boiled one.

Beneficial features

Goose eggs- this is very nutritious product, which is of great value to the body. But experts advise consuming them only after heat treatment. This is explained by the fact that geese are not very clean animals and there is a possibility of contracting salmonellosis if they drink a raw egg.

This product is very useful and is even approved for use by pregnant women. The substances it contains contribute to the development of the brain of a child in the womb. In addition, this product has a beneficial effect on vision. With its regular use, you can prevent the development of cataracts.

Goose eggs contain a large number of vitamins and microelements that activate the brain, improve memory, and also maintain sex hormones at the proper level in both men and women. If you use them regularly, the blood vessels will be cleared of cholesterol plaques. They also have a good effect on the liver, cleansing it of toxins.

In cooking, they are used to prepare main courses and snacks. This product has a slightly specific taste, so it is recommended to use it with caution. They also add it to baked goods, but in this case the taste will be very specific. Fried and boiled eggs have a rather pleasant smell, but raw eggs smell nothing at all.

Also beneficial features product found its way wide application and in cosmetology. It is often used as a basis for various masks that are applied to the neck, face and décolleté. This product is suitable for any skin type.


This product may be dangerous to some people. It is contraindicated those who have an individual intolerance or allergy to egg white, because it is the protein that can cause allergic reaction. Goose eggs are not recommended for children preschool age, and it is best to completely exclude children under 7 years from the diet.

This product can only be used in finished form, since in its raw form it is often contaminated with salmonellosis. Therefore, you should wash it before cooking with detergents, and cook it longer than usual. How long to cook a goose egg in this case? This will take at least 20 - 25 minutes. It is also undesirable to fry fried eggs from such a product. It is best to make an omelet from it or wait for the yolk to cook well.

In addition, experts recommend collecting eggs from geese almost immediately after demolition, since already 3 hours after this, all bacteria and harmful elements penetrate the shell and become inaccessible to detergent compositions. In this case, they can cause quite significant harm to human health.

Application in cosmetology and dietetics

Goose eggs are used in cosmetology to make various masks. If your skin is dry, then you need to mix:

  • yolk;
  • fresh tomato pulp.

Keep this mask on the skin for 15 minutes, then wash off warm water. For oily skin use protein in combination with orange or lemon juice. In addition, there are recipes specifically for hair care.

Although goose eggs are higher in calories than chicken eggs, they are also considered dietary product . They are low in carbohydrates, high in protein and have a moderate amount healthy fats, due to which such a product is included in diet menu. It is healthier to eat it boiled - in this case it will have even fewer calories.

How to select and store goose eggs?

This product is not sold in a regular store. You can buy it only from farmers. The price of goose eggs is much higher than chicken eggs. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the smell, cleanliness, and also the integrity of the shell. Ideally, such an egg should be correct form, be free from droppings and other dirt and completely odorless. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to purchase them.

This product should only be stored in the refrigerator at home. There are the most created for him suitable conditions– air humidity 85 – 90% and temperature within 2 – 12 degrees.

Thus, if you need to purchase goose eggs, photos of which are presented in the article, you must check their quality first. They should be prepared and consumed correctly, always by boiling or frying, as if consumed raw, you can become infected with this disease. dangerous disease, like salmonellosis. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that such a product has certain contraindications.

Unlike other bird eggs, which are partially present in the human diet, goose eggs have a number of external, dietary, taste and even therapeutic features, the value of which many people might not even be aware of.

Calories and nutritional value

A goose egg is quite large, covered with a strong snow-white shell with a pronounced limescale coating. Average, the weight of 1 piece reaches 200 g, which is almost 4 times the weight of 1 chicken egg.

Did you know? The goose builds a nest by tearing off its feathers, and every time it leaves it, it carefully camouflages it with branches and leaves. During the entire time of her absence, the malewill keep an eye on the eggs,being nearby, but not too close so as not to give away the location of the nest to predators.

Goose egg composition:
  • proteins - 55.11%;
  • fats - 40.73%;
  • carbohydrates - 3.16%;
  • water -70.83 g;
  • ash - 1.08 g;
  • cholesterol - 852 mg;
  • sugar - 0.9 g;
  • vitamins: A, D, E, K, group B, choline;
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, sulfur, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, sodium, iron;
  • calorie content - 143 (100 g of raw eggs 190 kcal).

How are they different from chicken

The external difference between chicken and goose eggs is obvious - the size of the products is absolutely impossible to confuse with each other, and their shells are noticeably different in strength. It is impossible not to notice the difference in taste - the goose product has a pronounced specific taste, which is why it is used with great caution in cooking. It is also not recommended to consume it raw, but only after a long period of time. heat treatment or in various baking variations.

Important! Geese, by their nature, are not very clean birds, therefore, when purchasing appropriate egg products at a farm or market, it is necessary not only to wash them thoroughly (preferably with soap), but also to heat-treat them immediately before use.

What are the benefits of goose eggs?

They are enriched with a considerable amount nutrients, vitamins and microelements that activate brain activity, improve attention, memory, promote restoration of function genitourinary system. Also, frequent consumption of goose eggs can:

  • bring out toxic substances and waste from the body;
  • cleanse the liver;
  • improve vision and maintain visual acuity;
  • normalize intestinal motility, reducing the likelihood of gastritis;
  • due to mineral compounds, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • enhance the production and quality of seminal fluid;
  • when used in cosmetology, cope with problem skin and hair loss.

Is it possible to eat

In terms of the quality of their nutritional content, such eggs can be called a dietary product; they contain relatively little fat, but should be consumed in moderation.

Pregnant and lactating

Goose eggs can be of great benefit to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Available in the composition folic acid and lutein, will help provide both the intrauterine fetus and the already born baby with a healthy nervous system, correct formation brain and skeletal development. However, despite certain benefits, it is advisable not to overuse this food, as it is quite allergenic.

At what age can children

How to use it in cooking

As noted above, goose eggs require increased attention in terms of heat treatment due to the threat of salmonellosis, and due to the specific taste present in them. However, for real gourmets, these factors do not pose any difficulties; using their proven recommendations, you can not only cook the product correctly, but also discover new dishes in which it is included.

What dishes is it suitable for?

Goose eggs can go well with almost all dishes for which chicken eggs are also used: croutons, salads, green borscht. But their taste is best revealed in baked goods, homemade noodles and omelettes.

How long to hard boil

A properly hard-boiled goose egg should be kept in water after boiling for at least 20 minutes. To make the product truly tasty and not lose its benefits, some simple techniques are recommended:

  • water should not be brought to a strong boil;
  • fresh eggs It is better to cook 5 minutes longer than those that have been in the refrigerator for a long time.

Homemade face masks

Besides great benefit in cooking, goose product has proven itself well in the cosmetology industry. It has a beneficial effect on facial skin, which becomes elastic, velvety and moisturized after the first procedures.

Did you know? In 1996, in Vienna, delegates to the “International Egg Conference” decided to create their own holiday for these specific culinary ingredients. Since then, on October 12 of every year, Egg Day is celebrated by fans all over the world.

Let's consider several well-known recipes for homemade masks:

Recipe 1. Mask against dry skin

To prepare, you will need only 1 raw yolk and 1 large one, previously crushed in a blender. The yolk must be thoroughly mixed with tomato pulp, then the resulting mixture should be applied to the face. The mask should remain on the skin for at least 45 minutes, and then it is washed off with warm water.

Recipe 2. Cleansing and toning mask

Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon, then whisk with egg white until thick foam forms. Before applying to the skin, the face should be thoroughly cleaned of dust and cream residues. It is recommended to keep the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, after which it should be washed off with warm water.

Recipe 3. Anti-wrinkle mask

To prepare the product, pour 5 grams of gelatin into 2 tablespoons of boiling water and leave until completely dissolved. Next, thoroughly beat the egg white, to which dissolved gelatin is added and mixed until smooth. The mask is applied to the face evenly, after 40 minutes it is washed off with warm water.

How to choose when purchasing

It is impossible to purchase fresh goose eggs in city supermarkets and shops. Firstly, they are almost never delivered there, and secondly, in the store it will be very difficult for the buyer to determine how and under what conditions the product was stored. To avoid purchasing damaged goods, you should contact proven, long-established farms and make a choice based on the following criteria.

Opinions about whether goose and duck eggs can be eaten are very controversial. Some nutritionists say that this product should be called the elixir of youth. But there are experts who strongly recommend against eating duck eggs. Who should diversify their diet with of this product, and who doesn’t, what recommendations should you follow and what should you refrain from? It’s worth learning more about this if you want to diversify your daily diet.

Duck and goose eggs are large in size, their shells are quite strong, covered with a characteristic white coating. The weight of one product will be about 200 g. Many people are interested in how the eggs laid by ducks and geese differ in taste from chicken eggs. Everything is quite simple: their taste characteristics are much more pronounced. However, goose eggs are slightly inferior in fat content and richness of flavor to duck eggs.


Why is eating duck and goose eggs recommended? The thing is that they contain a lot of nutritional components, so they certainly won’t be superfluous for your body. Interesting fact: Scientists believe that the larger the fruit, the higher its value as a storehouse of vitamins and other useful elements. However, even taking into account that the volumes of goose and chicken eggs vary, they are still somewhat inferior to the vitamin-rich product common in domestic cooking.

It is recommended to eat goose eggs, as they contain protein and contain fats large quantities, but at the same time they have very few carbohydrates. This product contains B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, D and K. It contains another healthy substance - tocopherol. Without mineral elements it didn't work out either. They include sulfur in small quantities, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper and iron.

If we consider the benefits regular use eating goose eggs can bring to your body, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the elements present in the product have a beneficial effect on the functioning of brain cells and stimulate brain activity;
  • the level of sex hormones in the body remains stable;
  • this product cleans blood vessels and removes various toxins from the body;
  • the yolk contains an antioxidant that has a positive effect on vision, preventing a variety of diseases associated with the visual system;
  • magnesium and B vitamins – useful supplement For nervous system person;
  • In general, goose and duck meats are recommended for use in cooking, because their regular use has a positive effect on appearance person. Hair, skin, nails take on a healthy appearance.

It's worth eating goose and duck eggs if you want to take care of your health. The storehouse of vitamins contained in the product is a good reason to include it in your daily diet.


Is it possible to eat goose eggs regularly? A question that worries many. It would seem that their composition is so diverse in vitamins and minerals that there is no need to even doubt it. However, the issue of consuming duck and geese eggs is controversial. It’s not for nothing that some experts say that you can’t eat this product on a regular basis. However, if you dig deeper, there are not many nuances. Among the key disadvantages of the product, one stands out: allergenicity. That is why children of preschool age (and generally up to about seven years old) are not recommended to eat goose and duck eggs.

Another scary thing is that duck eggs can often be contaminated with salmonella. However, neither you nor your household will have to fight the infection if you eat eggs exclusively from healthy birds. In addition, add them to food, but do not drink them raw, because salmonellosis is usually transmitted through foods that we eat uncooked.

Remember that the sooner you remove goose eggs from the laying hens, the less harmful bacteria and components will penetrate the product through the shell. If they remain stale, they should be eaten with caution in the future. Overall, there is no reason to be afraid of eating these eggs. If you follow the basic recommendations for preparing them, you will have no reason to worry.

Rules of use

This may seem strange to some, but to protect yourself from harmful bacteria and microorganisms, you must first wash your eggs before eating them. The thing is that their pores are much larger, which means that the risk of introducing some kind of infection into the body is higher. When using this product in cooking, remember that goose eggs have a unique smell, and not everyone likes it.

However, if at one time the geese living in your yard regularly ate grass, the aroma will not be so pronounced. Boiled eggs They are eaten very often, but they should be cooked for at least 15 minutes. Forget about eating them raw. Another important point: if you have increased level cholesterol in the blood, eating such eggs is not recommended.

Cooking methods

Duck and goose eggs are not used in cooking as often as chicken eggs. However, there are also plenty of variations here. You can add them to baked goods, salads, snacks, etc. Some fans of this product prefer to fry it in a frying pan, but this should be done evenly. What other uses are there? This depends directly on your gastronomic preferences.

The main thing is to remember one thing: when boiling eggs, you need to let them boil for at least 15-20 minutes so that all microorganisms harmful to health are killed in the hot water.

And finally, one more rule: buy exclusively fresh eggs, because your health and the well-being of your loved ones primarily depends on this, and this should never be neglected.

Video “Cooking goose eggs with vegetables”

In this video you will learn about interesting recipe on cooking goose eggs with vegetables.

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You can hardly find at least one person who does not eat eggs. It is quite obvious that the most popular are chicken eggs, which are sold in any supermarket and in any market, not to mention village residents who independently raise chickens and have plenty of eggs.

Eggs are the most popular breakfast, an integral part of many salads and complex dishes. There are those who have abandoned traditional chicken eggs in favor of quail or duck eggs; finding them is much more difficult, but quite possible. This raises the question: is it possible to eat the eggs of other birds? We don’t mean ostrich and penguin eggs, let’s not get carried away with the exotic, let’s start with goose eggs.

A goose egg is several times larger than a chicken egg and much more filling. Nutritionists also have nothing particularly against them. Scientists measure the benefits of eggs based on their weight, which sounds strange, but it’s true. The larger the egg, the better, it contains more useful substances for the body, but whatever one may say, it is less useful when compared with a chicken egg.

Goose eggs contain almost no carbohydrates, a lot of fat and a huge amount of protein, provitamins A, B vitamins and tocopherol. The aftertaste also contains phosphorus, iron, copper, calcium and potassium. If you regularly eat goose eggs, your body will be provided with useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of brain cells and the level of sex hormones. Over time, there will be an improvement in vascular patency, improved memory and the removal of toxins from the body. The yolk of a goose egg is especially useful - it natural spring lutein, which is responsible for vision.

Some doctors prescribe that pregnant women must consume one goose egg per week, for general support body.

but on the other hand

Earlier it was said about the benefits of goose eggs, but it is worth considering that a chicken egg is several times more useful. In addition, goose eggs contain cholesterol, which certainly does not provide any benefit to the body. It has been officially proven that goose eggs are an allergen, especially for young children; some pediatricians categorically prohibit giving them to children under 7 years of age.

If chicken eggs can be consumed raw, then it is better not to take risks with goose eggs and direct the thirst for experimentation in a more peaceful direction. Every 2 goose eggs contain salmonella! This is a terrible bacterium that, when it enters the human body, causes serious complications.

If you are a risky person and still plan to make a giant scrambled egg, before cooking the egg you need to wash it thoroughly with soap or detergent And then, it’s better to forget about fried eggs, it’s better to have an omelette so that both the yolk and the white are completely baked. To minimize the risk of harm, there are several simple but quite effective tips:

  • As soon as the goose has laid an egg, take it away immediately, because within an hour dangerous and harmful substances can get into it through the shell;
  • Do not eat raw eggs; heat treatment is strictly necessary;
  • Do not cook with fried eggs, only omelet or boil;
  • It is better to pay for hatching eggs; they are less likely to be infected with salmonella;
  • Carefully inspect the egg before cooking; the shell should be intact and clean, odorless;
  • Eggs can only be stored in the refrigerator.

The rules are very simple, following them, you will protect yourself and your family as much as possible. And yet, if you are drawn to the exotic, then it is better to temporarily replace the usual chicken eggs with quail eggs, it is much healthier and safer.

In general, there is nothing healthier, more affordable and tastier than chicken eggs, experiment with recipes and cooking methods.

Not the most common on a regular table, but very interesting product- eggs laid by geese. What are the benefits and harms of goose eggs and how to eat them correctly?

What do goose eggs look like and how do they differ from chicken eggs?

It is simply impossible to confuse these delicious eggs with chicken eggs: they are much larger, about 4 times larger. In addition, their color is always pure white, very light, and the shell is noticeably stronger than that of chicken eggs.

There are also differences in taste. An egg laid by a goose has almost no odor, but has a sharper, more pronounced, specific taste. Because of this useful product is ambiguously perceived in the diet: some people like it precisely for its unusual taste, while others only need to try it once to refuse it in the future.

Composition and calorie content of goose eggs

Goose eggs are considered more nutritious than chicken eggs - 100 g of the product contains 185 calories, and one egg usually weighs at least 200 g. The nutritional value distributed mainly between proteins (about 14 g) and fats (about 13 g). There is a minimum of carbohydrates in the product - no more than 1.5 g.

The valuable properties of the product and benefits are determined by the composition, which contains:

  • essential minerals important for health: iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur;
  • vitamins A, D and E, K, as well as B vitamins;
  • antioxidant lutein, useful for cleansing the body of toxins;
  • choline, a substance that helps the liver function.

Moreover, nutritional value directly depends on the method of preparation. A boiled product will be more dietary; when frying, the calorie content increases significantly.

Is it possible to eat goose eggs

Do goose eggs eat? Yes, they are actively used in cooking, although they have not gained enormous popularity. But there is one peculiarity: they can be eaten only after heat treatment. In this case, the risk of contracting salmonellosis is reduced - unfortunately, negative properties product are that dangerous E. coli may be present on the shell and inside the egg.

Useful properties of goose eggs

Despite a certain risk, the benefits of the product are also great. In particular, eggs:

  • serve as a good prevention of vision diseases, protect eye health;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • have a positive effect on the liver;
  • cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • stimulate brain activity.

The useful product is also valuable for the genitourinary system. Vascular strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties make it a good addition to both women's and men's diets.

Are goose eggs good for pregnant and lactating women?

Both the pregnant woman and the developing fetus will benefit from the product: lutein in the composition and others valuable properties have a positive effect on the body of mother and child. However, caution should be exercised: the product must be washed and boiled very carefully to avoid poisoning.

Goose eggs at breastfeeding are also allowed - but also in small quantities and after reliable heat treatment. In addition, you need to carefully monitor whether the baby shows signs of allergies.

Can children have goose eggs?

Directly small child The product should not be offered: there is a high probability of allergies. It is strictly prohibited to introduce it into children's diet only up to one and a half years, but doctors generally advise waiting until school age.

Attention! Offering such a specific product to a child or schoolchild is possible only after permission from a pediatrician: in some conditions, eggs can cause outright harm.

Goose eggs for weight loss

Make a useful product the basis dietary nutrition it makes no sense, but you can eat goose eggs in small quantities when losing weight. They contain almost no carbohydrates, the amount of fat and protein is balanced, and the calorie content is average, so they will not harm your figure.

The use of goose eggs in cosmetology

The valuable properties of the product are used not only in the kitchen - it will also be beneficial in home cosmetology. Yolks have a wonderful effect on the skin and hair, producing a rejuvenating, toning and moisturizing effect.

  • Oily skin will benefit from a mask made from one egg white with the addition of lemon juice.
  • A mask made from yolk and crushed fresh tomato will qualitatively soften dry skin and soothe irritations.

The mask should be kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes: during this time, the properties of egg whites and yolks will have the desired effect on the skin. Then the mixture is washed off with clean warm water.

In order to help the weakened and brittle hair, you can mix raw yolk with a spoonful of honey and a spoon olive oil. The mixture is applied for 20–30 minutes, then thoroughly washed off with a mild shampoo.

Important! IN cosmetological use the raw product will not cause harm - the main thing is to prevent it from getting into your mouth.

How to cook goose eggs correctly

To from unusual product If there was any benefit to the body, you should definitely boil goose eggs or fry them in a frying pan.

  • At the same time, the cooking time is much longer than for regular chicken - no less than 20–25 minutes. Such a long processing is due to the fact that the egg shells are thicker and stronger. In addition, it is necessary to be safe from salmonellosis - long cooking is guaranteed to kill all dangerous bacteria.
  • Fry the product in the usual way: until the white and yolk acquire a dense consistency.

This healthy product is well suited for preparing regular scrambled eggs or an omelet - especially if you need to prepare breakfast for several people at once. The delicacy is also used in baking, making dough or delicious meringue. It goes well with any vegetables and herbs. It is allowed to salt the product and flavor it with herbs and spices - this will make the taste even more unusual.

Is it possible to eat raw goose eggs?

The fresh product is used in baking, but as part of the dough it still undergoes heat treatment. But drinking a raw egg immediately after breaking the shell is strictly prohibited: this is fraught with danger. intestinal infection– salmonellosis.

Harm of goose eggs and contraindications for consumption

The benefits of goose eggs for humans can easily turn into harm if contraindications are neglected. Healthy eggs should not be consumed in principle under the following conditions:

You should not take risks if a raw egg looks strange and smells unpleasant: a spoiled product will harm the body in any case. It is also better to avoid consumption if there is even the slightest suspicion that the product may be undercooked.

Advice! If your condition worsens after consuming the product, or if you have an upset stomach or diarrhea, you should immediately consult a doctor. Escherichia coli Salmonella, if it enters the body, can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

How to choose and store goose eggs correctly

The product belongs to the category of delicacies, the demand for it is small, so you won’t be able to find this wonder in a regular store. For it you need to go directly to farmers or to specialized stores selling rare natural products.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to how it looks.

  • The shell of a quality product must be intact, without cracks, dents, and especially without holes, and of the correct oblong shape.
  • A fresh product should not have a pronounced odor.
  • It is better if the shell is cleanly washed and there are no traces of droppings on it - this means that the manufacturer took care of basic sanitary treatment.

The product can only be stored in the refrigerator, at low temperatures and high humidity. The maximum period is 2 weeks - after this time, it is better to throw away unused eggs.


The benefits and harms of goose eggs depend primarily on the thoroughness of heat treatment. The product has few contraindications, main harm there is a risk of catching an intestinal infection.