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Unripe walnut (kernel and pericarp): properties of green walnuts. Green walnuts with honey. Photo recipe

In unripe (green) walnuts a large spectrum has been identified positive impacts on the human body, and therefore the fruits of milky ripeness are in great demand in folk medicine. Healthy jam is also made from green nuts.


Green nuts have a relatively soft skin and kernel. They are easily pierced with a toothpick or needle. The diameter of milk-ripe fruits is about two and a half centimeters. The kernel of the nuts still resembles a gelatinous mass, and the shell does not have a strong shell. Their green peel is juicy and tender and does not separate from the shell.

Collection method

Unripe nuts are collected in May and the first half of June. To check whether it is time to pick the fruits, they are pierced with a large needle.

If the needle easily passes through the nut and juice begins to flow out of the hole, the fruit can be collected. These nuts can be easily cut with a knife.

Chemical composition

The unripe nut is rich in:

  • ascorbic acid (unripe nuts are not inferior in content to such sources of this vitamin as citrus fruits, rose hips and black currants);
  • vitamins PP and E, as well as group B;
  • carbohydrates;
  • carotene;
  • phytosterols;
  • tanning compounds;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • quercetin, hyperoside and other flavonoids;
  • iodine, cobalt salts, calcium and other minerals;
  • essential oil;
  • quinones;
  • the substance juglone, which has a bactericidal effect;
  • protein;
  • organic acids, etc.

Beneficial features

Properties of unripe walnut:

Crushed unripe nuts combined with honey have the ability to strengthen the immune system.


  • Individual intolerance to compounds contained in unripe green nuts may occur.
  • Eating walnuts of milky ripeness is undesirable if there is an excess of iodine in the body.
  • Sometimes there are allergic reactions on unripe nut fruits.
  • Tincture of unripe nuts with vodka is not recommended for psoriasis and neurodermatitis, as well as for gastritis (anacidic) and urticaria.


To obtain juice, washed young fruits should be cut into slices and placed in sterile jars, sprinkled with sugar. They take twice as much sugar as nuts. Cover the containers with lids and leave in the refrigerator, periodically draining the liquid that forms in them. This liquid is juice. You can drink it all year round, one teaspoon at a time. spoon. You can also run a mixture of chopped nuts and sugar through a juicer to extract the juice.

Features of the juice of unripe nuts:

  • The juice obtained from milky ripe nuts contains a lot of iodine and other useful substances, so it can serve as a tonic and is also recommended for hypothyroidism.
  • Since the juice contains very large dose vitamin C, it is recommended for scurvy.
  • The juice of milky ripe nuts helps with sore throat. It is diluted ten times boiled water and used for gargling several times a day.
  • Rubbing the juice of unripe nuts into the skin helps get rid of unwanted hair (for example, on the face of women). Rub the juice once a day.
  • Before using the juice on your skin, it is important to test a small area for sensitivity and also be aware that your skin may temporarily turn yellow.


The green peel is a good medicinal raw material:

  • An infusion made from such green peel, as well as juice from it, is used in folk medicine as a remedy against muscle weakness and fatigue.
  • By mixing such an infusion or juice with honey, an antitumor, antiulcer and blood purifier is obtained.
  • A decoction of green peel is effective for eczema, skin tuberculosis, purulent rash, scabies or lichen.
  • Infusions and decoctions on the peel of green nuts are a good prevention of caries.
  • If the skin of green nuts is dried and crushed, the resulting powder can be used to heal abrasions and stop nosebleeds.
  • By mixing such crushed peel with whey, an effective remedy for diffuse goiter is obtained.
  • Grind the peel and fill the tea. spoon of the resulting raw material with a glass of boiling water, prepare a tea that helps cleanse the vessels. This tea is especially valuable when honey is added to it.


Having crushed 100 grams of green nuts along with their peel, the raw material is poured into 500 ml vegetable oil. The container with nuts and oil is kept for a month in a dark, warm place, after which the oil is filtered.

This oil, obtained from green nuts, has a laxative and antihelminthic effect. It can also be used to lubricate the skin for various diseases. This oil also helps with varicose veins - they are recommended to lubricate dilated veins. This oil tincture, when used externally, will also help with frostbite, hair loss and cracks. anus. It can also be used internally - the remedy is effective for diseases nervous system and kidney pathologies.


In cooking

You can make compote, marinade and jam from green nuts.


Unripe nut fruits are often used to make jam, resulting in not just a delicacy, but great product for the prevention of colds, strengthening the immune system and supporting thyroid gland. For jam made from unripe walnuts it is noted positive influence on the course of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. This jam is recommended for consumption by women who have fibroids.

Nuances of making jam:

  • take one hundred unripe nuts and soak them for a month, regularly changing the water twice a day to remove bitterness and astringency from the fruit;
  • washed nuts, peeled from the outer skin, are poured with lime water overnight (dissolve a tablespoon of lime in a liter of water);
  • to completely remove the bitterness, the nuts can be boiled in water several times;
  • for the first cooking, take 250 grams of sugar per liter of water;
  • For the second cooking, add a kilogram of sugar and a teaspoon for each liter of water. a spoonful of citric acid;
  • Refrigerate the nuts after each cooking;
  • the fruits can be boiled whole or cut into slices;
  • cook the nuts in the first syrup for up to three hours, in the second - until tender;
  • citric acid add five minutes before the end of cooking;
  • the final product will be soft, non-falling nuts in a transparent dark brown jam;
  • pour it into cold jars.

This jam is a delicious delicacy product. His the nutritional value per 100 grams: 248 kcal, 0 g protein, 0 g fat, 62 g carbohydrates.

In medicine

The green walnut is used to make todikamp, ​​which is effective means for the treatment of many diseases.

  • To strengthen the stomach It is recommended to boil green nuts in milk. Four nuts are crushed and 500 ml of boiled milk is poured. The mixture is boiled for five minutes, and then wrapped and infused for two hours. The strained infusion is taken for two weeks, 4 times a day before meals (half an hour), half a glass. Alcohol tincture made from green nuts is also effective for stomach diseases. It should be taken for one month, half an hour before meals, three times a day, 40 drops.
  • For diarrhea. By crushing four green nuts and mixing with 200 ml of honey, you will get a remedy against diarrhea. It should be taken until recovery, one teaspoon at a time. spoon, adding to tea (for children, give half the dose). This product should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • General strengthening agent. To prepare medicinal raw materials based on green nuts, you need 4 pieces of the fruit. They are washed, passed through a meat grinder and mixed with sugar or honey (0.5 kg). Store the resulting product in the refrigerator. Adults are recommended to add it to tea three times a day as a substitute for table sugar. spoon. For children, the single amount is reduced to one or two teaspoons. spoon.


Pouring four chopped green nuts into 500 ml of boiling water and leaving it in a thermos for two hours produces a decoction that helps with diarrhea and hypertension. The strained broth is taken one or two times a day. spoons half an hour before meals one to two weeks up to 4 times a day. Regularly rinsing your mouth with this decoction can strengthen your teeth.


Tinctures based on unripe walnuts are most often alcoholic and honey. An aqueous infusion is also made from the green pericarp, which is effective for tuberculous lesions of the lymph nodes, skin and larynx.

To prepare an antihelminthic infusion on unripe nuts, take chopped green nuts (four tablespoons) and pour them with salted boiling water (a quarter spoon of salt per 200 ml of water). After infusing the product for 30 minutes, it is filtered, divided into small portions and drunk throughout the day.

Vodka tincture

An alcohol tincture of green walnut kernels helps with:

  • helminthic infestations;
  • liver diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hypertension;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • tumors;
  • stomach diseases;
  • infertility, menopause, mastopathy;
  • stress, depression, irritability, nervousness;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • colitis;
  • exhaustion, loss of strength, vitamin deficiency, iodine deficiency, anemia;
  • bone diseases;
  • diseases of the ENT organs, otitis;
  • brain diseases;
  • radioactive exposure and other pathological conditions.

Treatment with this tincture is prescribed for one month, it is recommended to take it three to four times a day before meals (twenty minutes before) from 30 to 40 drops.

  • This tincture is also recommended for thyroid diseases. For a month, take 20 minutes before meals, 30 to 40 drops up to 4 times a day.
  • It is also effective for diabetes. Recommendations for dosage and duration of use are the same as for thyroid diseases.
  • Compresses with alcohol tincture will help get rid of heel spurs. External use is also recommended for radiculitis, joint diseases and osteochondrosis.

  • For oncology

    Green nuts (50 grams) are passed with the peel through a meat grinder and mixed with honey (half a kilogram). The product must be infused for a month and then stored in the refrigerator. It is taken when lung cancer three times a day before meals, a teaspoon. spoon.

    To make from green nuts useful remedy for any type of cancer, mix one glass of chopped nuts and honey, and then add 20 grams pharmacy tincture iodine (5%), 1/2 cup aloe leaves (crushed) and 20 grams of medical tar. All ingredients are mixed and infused for a day. For a course of treatment with this remedy you need three servings, then take a break for a month and repeat the treatment. It is recommended to take the mixture one teaspoon at a time. spoon three times a day, washed down warm water. It is optimal to drink the drug 20 minutes before meals.

    At home

    The pericarp of the unripe nut is used by veterinarians to treat joints and skin diseases in animals.

    • A decoction of unripe nuts has been used for a long time - take it for stomach or intestinal disorder recommended by Hippocrates.
    • The ability of unripe nuts boiled in milk to strengthen the stomach was discovered by the ancient Greek physician Galen.
    • In Rus', healers recommended eating green nuts on an empty stomach, mixing them with honey and figs.
    • During the Middle Ages, French doctors prescribed a decoction of unripe nuts to patients with worms.
    • In treatises Tibetan medicine unripe nuts are mentioned as a remedy against malignant tumors.

    Everyone knows the benefits of walnut fruits. But stronger medicinal properties unripe, green nuts have.

    And this is explained by the fact that they contain large quantities of useful substances necessary for restoring and maintaining human health.

    So, in terms of the amount of vitamin C, an unripe walnut is practically not inferior to citrus fruits, black currant and even rose hips.

    You can compare the content of this vitamin: Milk walnut: 2500 – 3000 mg% Rose hips: 1200 – 1400 mg% Citrus fruits: 70 – 80 mg% And the more ripe the walnut, the less vitamin It contains C.

    It also contains other vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B8 (inositol), E, ​​PP, carotene. In addition, it contains aromatic compounds quinones, sitosterols (phytosterols), tannins, protein, and organic acids. There are also polyunsaturated compounds that are very important for the human body. fatty acid(linoleic, linolenic, oleic, palmitic and others).

    It must be remembered that unripe walnuts should not be eaten, due to the fact that they contain a lot of tannins, for example, the very strong antiseptic juglone.

    Uses of green walnuts. Green (unripe) walnuts are often used in cooking, and not just for cooking medicinal drugs. So they are often used to make jam, marinades or compotes. And for medicinal purposes, alcohol or honey tinctures are made from them.

    And you need to collect green walnuts in May-June and only until June 23. While they are in the stage of milky maturity and do not exceed a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm. Since the kernel and peel (pericarp) of such nuts are still so soft that they can be pierced through with a needle or toothpick.

    Green walnuts have been used in folk medicine for a long time. Hippocrates also recommended a decoction prepared from the peel of unripe walnuts, gastrointestinal disorders. And in Rus', healers advised eating green walnuts on an empty stomach, ground together with figs and honey. The ancient Greek physician Galen recommended unripe walnuts boiled in milk to strengthen the stomach.

    The green skin (skin) of an unripe walnut is valuable medicinal raw materials. The juice and infusion of the peel are used in folk medicine for fatigue and muscle weakness.

    You can also use crushed unripe walnut skin mixed with whey for hyperthyroidism.

    Powder made from dried pericarp (skin) of green walnuts helps stop nosebleeds and heal skin abrasions. (Literally a pinch of this powder is required for treatment.)

    And green walnut jam is very useful for inflammatory processes in kidneys like chronic nephritis and pyelonephritis. In addition, the jam will have positive effect for uterine fibroids. Tincture with green walnuts.

    Tincture of unripe (green) walnuts. Most often used for treatment is an alcohol tincture made from unripe (green) walnuts. It is very effective in various diseases: uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, goiter and nodes thyroid gland, gastrointestinal diseases - colitis, dysentery, gastritis, polyps in the rectum and gastric catarrh.

    A good effect can be obtained by using a tincture of green walnuts for kidney and organ diseases. urinary system, as well as for metabolic disorders and leukemia (leukemia), sclerosis of the blood vessels of the brain and heart, liver diseases.

    Alcohol tincture of green walnut is also useful for type 2 diabetes. In addition, the tincture has anti-cancer properties.

    How to prepare a tincture from unripe fruits: You need to remember that you need to wear rubber gloves when chopping green walnuts, as your hands can turn dark brown for a long time.

    Wash the green nuts thoroughly. Then you need to cut them for 4-8 hours. Then put them in liter jar, filling it ¼ of the way and fill it to the top with vodka or alcohol. Then be sure to close the lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for a month. The liquid will darken during this time. Store the resulting tincture in a cool, dark place. How to use tincture of unripe walnuts: Give children 1 tsp. tincture mixed with water, and for adults - 1 tbsp. l.

    Tincture of green walnuts on kerosene. How to prepare the tincture:

    Take green unripe nut fruits - 70 - 80 pieces with a diameter of 12 mm. Then, wearing rubber gloves to avoid staining your hands, crush them and pour them into a three-liter jar. Then pour purified kerosene into the jar so as not to fill the jar by 4 fingers. Then you need to roll up the jar, as when preserving with a metal lid. Then the jar needs to be buried 70 cm in the ground for 3 months. How to use the tincture on kerosene:

    Can be taken orally for cancer, 1 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The treatment is long-term - for one to three months. Or as an external pain reliever for diseases of the joints and spine, in the form of a compress. Treatment begins at 30 minutes and progresses to 3 hours. Monitor your health to prevent burns in people with delicate and sensitive skin; adjust the exposure time. After the procedure, be sure to wash the skin with warm water and lubricate it with any nourishing cream. This compress is made no more than once a day. But before using the medicine, you must check its tolerance. To do this, lubricate the skin behind the ear or with this infusion. inside elbow. But if redness or rash appears, it is not advisable to use the drug, since you are allergic to one of the components. Before use, kerosene must be cleaned. At home, this can be done like this:

    Take a three-liter jar. Pour in 1 liter of kerosene and 1 liter of hot, almost boiled water. Close the jar with a lid and shake it well. Then you need to let this mixture settle. There should be 3 layers in the jar: the bottom - kerosene, the cloudy layer and the top - water. Now the water and cloudiness must be carefully removed by pumping out the water with a hose and collecting the cloudy layer. After this, only purified kerosene will remain. It is used to prepare medicine. Instead of kerosene, you can use 70-degree medical alcohol. But then it is better to use the tincture as compresses as a pain reliever.

    A mixture of unripe walnuts with honey. Regular consumption of unripe walnut kernels with honey has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

    Many traditional healers They claim that green walnut kernels mixed with honey also heal skin diseases, pulmonary cysts and goiter and strengthens the immune system.

    This mixture is also used as a blood purifier, antiulcer and antitumor agent.

    2. With increased iodine content in the body.

    3. For allergic reactions to green walnuts.

    4. With exacerbation of anacid gastritis, with psoriasis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema and diathesis.


    My annual June walnut rush has begun and I'm excited to try new recipes. In fact, all these recipes are not new at all, they came from somewhere very far from our grandmothers and to this day are passed on to each other as the most golden and healthy recipes!

    True, you have to tinker a little, but the result is undoubtedly worth it.

    After all, how useful walnuts at the stage of milky ripeness, May-June, juicy and aromatic, many already know. But simply eating it is tasteless, it is very bitter, precisely thanks to these bitter substances green walnut has very powerful healing and healing powers. An elite recipe for a honey-green-nut mixture is suitable for those who, for one reason or another, prefer not to take alcohol tinctures(including green walnuts) or for children.

    To prepare the mixture, you will need green walnuts collected from approximately May 20 to June 15 (it is better to look and feel them, because depending on weather conditions, the nuts may ripen earlier or later) and natural honey.

    Take 1 kg of nuts and 1 kg of your favorite honey. I took honey from white acacia, it is now the freshest, and, in addition, hypoallergenic. This property will be useful if we treat allergy sufferers with a mixture. In addition, white acacia honey is very sweet, which is undoubtedly suitable for blending with bitter green nuts.

    So, rinse the nuts with running water and let them dry.

    Grind the nuts in a meat grinder(I use an electric one), the nuts are still quite soft, so they chop easily. If you plan to make a large volume, periodically turn off the device so that it does not burn out.

    I prefer to make the nut-honey mixture in small portions, trying to immediately preserve the chopped nut with honey to prevent the oxidation of the beneficial substances we need. I fill the saucepan exactly halfway with the nut mixture, then immediately fill it with the same amount of honey (to the top). Immediately stir with a spoon.

    Honey is wonderful natural preservative, in addition to its known healing properties. Therefore, we can hope that the nut-honey mixture will last a long time, until the next season. So, pour fragrant honey over the nuts!

    Mix well, we get this kind of beauty that you immediately want to put in your mouth) Let’s try it... a bit bitter... according to all the rules of the recipe need to insist a month or two.

    Green walnuts contain a large number of juice, which is a concentrate organic iodine, live vitamin C and a whole range of other substances necessary for health.

    The juice, when mixed with honey, turns into a syrupy, flowing liquid. Those. on the one hand, honey helps thicken the walnut juice, on the other hand, the walnut juice thins the honey. Both walnut juice and natural honey are natural preservatives.

    The mixture is ready, it remains put into jars(small ones or one large one) and put them in a cool place. Let's wait at least a month and you can use it.

    Eat 2 ways to use a mixture of green walnuts and honey.

    1. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth, squeeze out the nuts and discard. The main part of the beneficial substances is concentrated in the honey liquid. To strengthen the immune system, improve memory, in case of weakness and loss of strength, anemia and hypothyroidism, it is enough to take 1 teaspoon of “green honey” 3 times a day immediately before meals. For small children, reduce the dose by half.

    I wish you health and I hope you will like my photo recipe and bring only benefits!

    Young nuts are considered to be those that were collected from the end of May to June 23 and do not exceed 25 millimeters in diameter. Later, the fruits begin to actively ripen, losing a certain amount of nutrients.

    What diseases will walnuts help with?

    Traditional healers have long studied the healing properties of the plant and advise using them for many diseases.

    • For example, ancient Russian healers recommended eating green kernels, ground with figs, on an empty stomach to strengthen the immune system. Honey was also an important component in this drug.
    • In turn, the famous physician Hippocrates advised drinking a decoction of green peel for diarrhea. Juice and tincture from unripe skins are good at relieving mental and physical fatigue, and also help strengthen muscles.
    • It is also used for hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. To do this, the peel is ground and mixed with a small amount of whey.
    • Dried nut pericarps are also of great value. They are effective during nosebleeds and heal wounds well.
    • Jam is prepared from the kernels of green nuts, which is used as additional remedy at chronic pyelonephritis and jade. Its effectiveness has also been proven in cases of uterine fibroids.

    When is the best time to avoid walnuts?

    Individual intolerance to the product and identified allergic reactions to it are sufficient reasons to refrain from consuming green kernels. They are also contraindicated in the case of high content iodine in the body and during the period of exacerbation of anacid gastritis.
    Psoriasis, Quincke's edema, diathesis, neurodermatitis and urticaria are also on the list of diseases for which green nut components should not be used.

    Green walnuts: traditional medicine recipes

    Green walnut tincture

    Indications for use

    • Most often, tinctures are made from unripe nut fruits. The range of their applications is very wide. With the help of this drug you can get rid of uterine fibroids and cysts on the ovary.
    • It is used in the treatment of goiter and thyroid nodules, as well as for such organ diseases digestive tract, such as gastritis, colitis, dysentery, gastric catarrh and polyps in the rectum.
    • The tincture helps well in cases of disease of the liver, kidneys and all organs of the urinary system, also having a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain and the functioning of the heart.
    • It is also used as aid in anti-tuberculosis therapy, in the treatment diabetes mellitus type 2 and even cancer.


    It's easy to prepare. To do this, you need to put crushed green kernels in such a quantity in a liter jar that their mass fills a quarter of the container. Next, the dishes are filled to the top with vodka or medical alcohol, close the lid and leave for two months in a cool, dark place.
    Take the drug one tablespoon at a time, diluting it with a little water.

    Honey mixture


    Crushed kernels of unripe nuts have also been consumed since ancient times in the form of a honey mixture. To prepare it, you need to take both ingredients in equal parts and mix after the kernels have been passed through a meat grinder. It is better to take honey from white acacia because it is hypoallergenic and the sweetest. This will help remove the natural bitterness of young fruits.
    The finished mixture is placed in jars and allowed to brew for a month. You can store it in the refrigerator for a long time, because honey and nut juice are considered excellent preservatives.


    There are two ways to consume the nut-honey mixture.

    • Method 1

    In the first case, the finished drug is filtered through cheesecloth and squeezed well, leaving only rich, sweet juice. It should be taken one teaspoon three times a day before meals. The children's dose is half as much. It improves memory well, is effective against loss of strength, physical weakness, hypothyroidism and anemia.

    • Method 2

    Young walnuts infused with kerosene


    To prepare this tincture, take the crushed fruits of 80 nuts, the diameter of which is about 1.2 centimeters, and pour them into a three-liter jar. Purified kerosene must be added in such an amount that there is a space at the top the size of four middle fingers. After this, the container, rolled up with a tin lid, must be buried in the ground and left for three months.
    If it is not possible to purchase purified kerosene, it can be brought to the desired condition at home. To do this, pour a liter of very much into a three-liter jar. hot water and kerosene itself, close with a tight lid and shake well. The mixture must be left to stand until it forms three layers. A useful liquid will settle to the bottom, a cloudy layer will appear in the middle, and water should float to the top. Only the contents of the third layer are suitable for tincture.

    Indications for use

    This drug is taken when oncological diseases a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals three times a day. The course lasts from one to three months.
    Diseases of the joints and spine are treated with compresses. First, they are applied for 30 minutes, increasing the time to three hours. After the procedure sore spot you need to rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to it. The bandage is applied only once a day.
    Kerosene can be replaced with medical alcohol, but this tincture is only suitable for external use.


    Green walnuts have been known since ancient times for their powerful healing properties. In folk medicine, all kinds of drinks from this plant are considered very useful. Let's find out what green walnut tincture is, what is the use of this drug, and how to prepare this elixir.

    So, what diseases can this drink cure you of? The list is simply huge! Green walnut infusion will help in the treatment of hypertension and diabetes, gastritis, gout, colitis. By using it, you will cure jaundice, hemorrhoids, headache, varicose veins, goiter and all kinds of skin diseases. The use of green walnut tincture is recommended for people suffering from tuberculosis.

    The healing drink can lower cholesterol, increase protective properties your body is no worse.

    If you have any thyroid disease, use this tincture before meals. And for stomach upsets, this medicine will be better than any other pharmacy tablets, syrups and capsules – tested repeatedly! Treatment with green walnut tincture will speed up the healing process and give you strength. In addition, it should be consumed by those who have a lack of iodine in their bodies. How to find out?

    It is necessary to apply iodine strips to your wrist (this can be done cotton swab). Do this procedure needed before bed. In the morning, look at the color of the iodine strips. If they remain the same color, then your body has enough of it. When the color has changed and become lighter, you need to take the tincture 0.5 teaspoon three times a day. If the stripes have become significantly lighter and have practically disappeared, then the tincture should be taken at a dose of 1 teaspoon.

    To prepare green walnuts with alcohol, you need to purchase the nuts themselves (about 35 pieces) and alcohol (1 liter). In this recipe, the green nuts must not yet be ripe. They are cleaned and cut into pieces. Then fill it with alcohol and place the container in direct sunlight. The nuts must sit in the sun for 16 days. After this, you need to strain them. The drink is ready to drink.

    But do not throw away the remaining pieces during straining. They should be sprinkled with granulated sugar. It will take about 35 days to insist. Thus, in addition to the tincture, you will receive your own homemade liqueur. However, you should also drink it in very small portions, no more than 1 teaspoon per day after meals.

    The recipe for vodka is almost the same as the previous one. Here we need 25 green nuts and 0.5 liters of vodka. The fruits should be washed in water. Then the nuts are peeled, cut into small pieces, and placed in glass containers. The crushed fruits are poured with vodka on top. Insisting this remedy within 25 days, it is filtered. It is enough to take 2 tablespoons a day to feel the positive effect over time.

    Making a honey tincture - double effect

    Honey and green nuts in this recipe are taken in equal proportions. The latter must be cleaned and rinsed well. Then leave them to dry at room temperature or sun rays. As soon as the green nuts are dry, pass them through a meat grinder. After that, mix them with honey in a deep container. The resulting tasty mass must be placed in a glass container, which must be spotlessly clean.