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A dangerous disease is nephritis in dogs. What to do with chronic, acute and other types? Nephritis acute and chronic

jade- a group of kidney diseases, which are based on inflammatory processes. Vascular glomeruli and interstitial tissue are affected.

Etiology jade is diverse. Inflammation of the kidneys in a large cattle, as a primary lesion, is rare, more often it manifests itself as an infectious-toxic process. Usually, nephritis is found in malignant catarrhal fever and, and often (especially purulent) as a result of metastasis of the infection from the site of the lesion (for example, with endometritis, mastitis, etc.). In recent years, a certain importance is given to the allergic state of the body, as well as heredity; colds, inflammation are also pathogenetic gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the peritoneum, etc.

Pathogenesis. In the occurrence of nephritis, a significant role is attributed to the sensitization of kidney tissue by various toxic metabolic products.

Clinical signs in mild cases of the disease are inexpressive, and in protracted cases in the lumbar region, swelling is found on the side, the limbs are widely spaced, with severe pain when palpating through the rectum, subsequently edema develops in the dewlap, eyelids, and abdomen. The viscosity and color of urine changes.

pathological changes. Depending on the localization of the process, they distinguish: glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis and pyelonephritis, and by the nature of the exudate - serous, fibrinous, purulent and hemorrhagic nephritis, along the course - acute and chronic.

Glomerulonephritis- inflammation of the kidneys with a primary lesion of the glomeruli. In acute disease, the kidneys are slightly enlarged in volume, the capsule is removed easily, they are colored unevenly from the surface, the pattern is variegated, such kidneys are usually lighter than normal. On the section, the cortical layer is thickened, the glomeruli appear as grayish-red dots, the cut surface is highly moist. All these changes are called "large motley kidney". Microscopically, the vessels of the kidneys are strongly filled with blood, serous, fibrinous or hemorrhagic exudate is found in the glomerular cavity (under the Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule), protein cylinders are often found in the lumen of the tubules.

At chronic glomerulonephritis because of growth connective tissue the capsule is removed with difficulty, and after removing it, a dull rough surface remains, the kidneys become rough, bumpy, wrinkled, of a dense consistency, the cortical layer is thinned, grayish strokes and stripes of connective tissue are visible in it. If the process progresses, then changes occur, known in the literature as a "secondary wrinkled kidney." The micropicture is characterized by the growth of connective tissue in the glomeruli, followed by their hyalinosis and the appearance of coarse strands of collagen fibers.

Interstitial nephritis- inflammatory processes are localized mainly in the stroma of the organ (interstitium). The disease is accompanied by infectious-toxic processes (brucellosis, leptospirosis, etc.). By the nature of the tissue damage, these nephritis are focal and diffuse, and along the course - acute and chronic.

With focal interstitial nephritis, the kidneys are significantly enlarged, gray color. White cone-shaped spots (2 cm in diameter or more) are translucent from the surface under the capsule. This is an overgrown granulation tissue, usually located in the cortical layer, but sometimes penetrating into the medulla. Microscopically, significant focal accumulations of cells of the lymphoid type are found, as well as histiocytic infiltration with simultaneous growth granulation tissue, represented by fibroblasts and young collagen-mi (connective tissue) fibers (color table XV - B). As the granulation tissue matures, fibrous scars may form. Focal interstitial nephritis is most often recorded in calves from 2-3 weeks to 6 months of age (rarely longer) and even less often in adult animals. This process is described as "white spotted kidney".

Diffuse interstitial nephritis refers to productive (proliferative) inflammation of the kidneys. Young connective tissue cells - fibroblasts and collagen fibers - grow along the interstitial tissue. This process is most pronounced on the border between the cortical and medulla of the kidneys. The overgrown connective tissue leads to atrophy of the tubules and glomeruli. In some tubules, a sharp expansion of their lumen and filling with a protein substrate ("protein cylinders") is noted. In protracted cases of the disease, the kidneys decrease in volume (sometimes significantly), with a bumpy (or granular) surface, dense to the touch. The capsule is removed with great difficulty.

- non-specific inflammatory process with damage to the interstitium of the kidneys and pelvis (mainly). Along the course, pyelonephritis is acute and chronic, and by the nature of the exudate - serous, catarrhal, fibrinous, hemorrhagic and purulent. It is more common in adult animals as a complication of purulent vaginitis, cystitis, inflammation of the ureters. In young calves, the disease is manifested by purulent fusion of the umbilical-vesical canal (urachus), then the process passes to the bladder, ureters and, finally, to the pelvis and parenchyma of the kidneys. Urinogenic purulent and ascending purulent nephritis is more common. The kidneys are enlarged in volume (sometimes significantly), grayish, not sharply defined nodules (foci) of various sizes and shapes are found under the capsule, their size does not exceed 2 cm in diameter. They are located deep in the parenchyma and therefore the capsule is removed easily. On the cut, these foci are softened and filled with purulent contents. Pus is also found on the mucous membrane of the pelvis. One of the complicated forms of pyelonephritis is apostematous nephritis - metastatic purulent nephritis (descending, embolic, hematogenous), characterized by the formation of abscesses in the cortical layer. The kidneys are edematous, enlarged, when the capsule is removed, abscesses (with a pinhead) are found, which are located alone or in groups. In the chronic course of the disease, growth of connective tissue and lymphohistiocytic infiltration of the kidney parenchyma are noted.

Nephritis acute and chronic. With nephritis, inflammatory phenomena dominate in the glomeruli (glomerulonephritis) or in the interstitial tissue (interstitial nephritis). Acute nephritis in farm animals passes as diffuse, focal or purulent with the localization of inflammation in the interstitial tissue, at the same time in both kidneys. Chronic nephritis is usually the result of acute diffuse.

Etiology. Infection with septic development and toxicosis, as well as endogenous and exogenous toxins in non-communicable diseases, colds, burns, feeding poisonous plants, as well as coniferous branches, birch leaves, alder, reeds, the use of certain drugs (arsenic preparations, creolin, etc.) , insect bites (bees, midges, ticks).

Signs. Soreness of the kidneys on palpation in the lumbar region or rectal. Focal nephritis against the background of the clinical picture of the main disease can go unnoticed in the form of proteinuria, hematuria.

Diffuse nephritis is characterized by a clear edematous syndrome. Hematuria manifests itself as dark red-brown or red-brown urine, positive reaction on blood pigments, the presence of erythrocytes in the sediment. Diuresis is reduced to absolute anuria. Hypertension, shortness of breath.

pathological changes. The kidneys are dilated in acute nephritis and reduced in chronic nephritis, with a histopathological examination - a clearly manifested picture of parenchymal dystrophy.

Diagnostics. The diagnosis of nephritis is based on clinical examination, history and laboratory analysis urine and blood.

Treatment. Prescribe starvation diet for 1-2 days. At the stage of edema, the supply of table salt and water is excluded or reduced (by 30-50%).

Limit the content of protein, carbohydrate feed in the diet. Produce treatment of the main disease. At uremic syndrome- bloodletting (up to 2-3 liters in large agricultural animals), magnesia sulfate is injected intramuscularly in the form of a 25% solution at the rate of 0.2-0.4 ml per kilogram of animal weight or intravenously in the form of a two percent solution at the rate of 3 -4 ml per kilogram of body weight, intravenous glucose (best with ascorbic acid) for large animals 1-3 grams, small animals - 0.3 grams, heart remedies (strophanthus tincture, foxglove, caffeine) in natural proportions.

With edema, compresses, warm wraps are made, diuretics are prescribed: diuretin 3-4 times a day (large animals 5-10 grams, pigs and small animals 0.5-2 grams), decoctions and infusion of bearberry leaves.

Of the disinfectants, urotropin is used inside for large animals, 5-15 grams, small 0.5-2 grams), white streptocide, 2-8 grams for large and 0.2-1 grams for small animals).

With hypertension, reserpine is administered intravenously (0.005-0.008 grams for horses, 0.0005-0.001 grams for dogs).

Warning. They prevent and timely treat infectious and non-contagious diseases, intoxication, protect livestock from colds and drafts.

Treatment regimens for acute diffuse nephritis: as anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and anti-allergic, it is imperative to include glucocorticoids cortisone acetate intramuscularly ...

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Chapter 1. Acute diffuse nephritisin calves……………………………………5

  1. Definition of disease. Etiology. Clinical signsacute diffuse nephritisin calves……………………………………………………..5
    1. Pathogenesis acute diffuse nephritis in calves. …………………………….............. 8

Chapter 2. Diagnostics. Treatment. Preventionacute diffuse nephritisin calves……………………………………………………………………. ................................................. ..10

Chapter 3acute diffuse nephritis…………………………………………………………………………... 13

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. 29

References………………………………………………………………3 1


The relevance of the work.In farm animals, kidney pathology occurs within 5.3% in commercial farms and 8.2% in specialized complexes. Causes that cause nephritis can be poisoning with nephrotoxins or toxic substances such as turpentine, tar, herbicides, feeding coniferous branches, birch leaves, alder, reeds, application e the use of certain drugs (arsenic preparations, FOS, creolin), insect bites. According to I.M. Belyakov, the sensitizing role is usually played by hypothermia, e benign feed and unsatisfactory conditions of detention.

Acute diffuse nephritis can occur with leptospirosis, foot and mouth disease, babesiosis, theileriosis of cattle; parenchymal mastitis, endometritis, vaginitis, traumatic reticulo-peritonitis and pericarditis, phlegmon, surgical sepsis, burns, intestinal blockages, etc. And than direct dependence and constancy in the development of nephritis on the intensity of the infectious process are not typical. [ 10 ]

The pathogenesis of the disease is not well understood. Acute nephritis is characterized by metabolic disorders, endocrine functions, nerve V noah and vascular systems. As a rule, first of all, there is a violation of blood circulation in the vascular apparatus of the kidneys.Morphological changes in the kidneys in nephritis are represented by the proliferation of mesangial, endothelial and epithelioid cells. at barrel, thickening and splitting of the basement membrane of the glomerular capillaries, sclerosis of vascular loops, degeneration of the epithelium to and Naltsev. Clinical signs are very diverse, so they are taken together. And syndromes: acute glomerular inflammation syndrome, cardiovascular syndrome, edematous syndrome, cerebral syndrome.Complications of nephritis include: acute heart h novascular insufficiency (left ventricular, cardiac edema lungs); uh To lampsia (loss of consciousness, clonic and tonic convulsions); hemorrhage I injection into the brain; acute disorders vision (sometimes blindness due to spasm and swelling of the retina).

Goal of the work: to study the features of acute diffuse nephritis in calves, to make a medical history of a calf diagnosed with acute diffuse nephritis.

Subject of work: acute diffuse nephritis.

Work object: calf diagnosed with acute diffuse nephritis.

Work tasks:

  1. Give the concept of acute diffuse nephritis.
  2. To study the etiology of acute diffuse nephritis in calves.

2. Consider the pathogenesis and clinical signs of acute diffuse nephritis in calves.

3. To study the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of acute diffuse nephritis in calves.

4. Make a medical history of a supervised calf diagnosed with acute diffuse nephritis.

Research methods:analysis of literature on the topic, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, observation, medical research.

Scope and structure of work.Coursework is presented on 33 pages of printed text. The coursework consists of an introduction, three chapters, including paragraphs, conclusions and a list of references. The list of references includes 40 sources.


1.1. Definition of disease. Etiology. Clinical signsacute diffuse nephritis in calves

Acute diffuse jade (Nephritis acuta) [8]

Rice. 1. Animal kidneys in acute diffuse nephritis.

Acute diffuse nephritis

A large group of nephrotoxins is known that easily penetrate and damage the glomeruli of the kidneys - heavy metals, zoocoumarins, ratindan, zinc phosphide, turpentine, mineral fertilizers and chemically active substances of some poisonous plants.Sensitizing causes may be - the nature of feeding, conditions of detention (drafts, high humidity, cold floors), as well as operations, injuries, physical overload, swimming in water with cold water and etc.Contributes to the development of acute diffuse nephritis and improper administration of vaccines, sera, antibiotics, immunoglobulins, etc. to calves.The nephrotoxins also include metabolic products, birch leaves, alder leaves, tar, spoiled feed, alcohol, insecticides, etc.

Acute diffuse nephritis is characterized by pain in the back and lower back on both sides of the animal's abdomen; an increase in body temperature; oliguria (a small amount of urine when urinating); reddish color of urine or the color of "meat slops", sometimes with streaks of blood; proteinuria (protein in the urine), microhematuria (less often macrohematuria); the appearance in the urine of cylinders (hyaline, granular, erythrocytic) epithelial cells; decrease in glomerular filtration; leukocytosis, increased ESR; an increase in the content of alpha and gamma globulins in the blood).

In acute diffuse nephritis, the cardiovascular syndrome manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath; arterial hypertension(sometimes ephemeral), it is possible to develop acute left ventricular failure and the appearance of a picture of cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema; signs of bradycardia; change in the fundus - narrowing of the arterioles, sometimes swelling of the nipple of the optic nerve, pinpoint hemorrhages. In acute diffuse nephritis, an edematous syndrome may occur, characterized by edema, mainly in the muzzle, intermaxillary space, edema appears more often in the morning, in severe cases possible hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites.In acute diffuse nephritis, cerebral syndrome also occurs. It is accompanied by soreness of the head, vomiting, weakness, decreased vision, increased muscular and nervous excitability of animals, motor restlessness; sometimes hearing loss, loss of sleep. The extreme manifestation of the cerebral syndrome in acute diffuse nephritis is eclampsia, the main features of which are: after a noisy deep breath, first tonic, then clonic convulsions of the respiratory muscles and diaphragm appear; complete loss of consciousness, severe depression; cyanosis of visible mucous membranes; overflow jugular vein; pupil dilation; foamy saliva flowing from the mouth, sometimes stained with blood; breathing is noisy, hard; pulse rare tense, high blood pressure; increased muscle rigidity.Complications arising from acute diffuse nephritis in animals include: acute cardiovascular failure (left ventricular, cardiac pulmonary edema); eclampsia (loss of consciousness, clonic to tonic convulsions); hemorrhage in the brain; acute visual impairment (sometimes blindness due to spasm and swelling of the retina). [ 8 ]

1.2. Pathogenesis acute diffuse nephritis in calves. Pathological changes in the kidneys

Pathogenesis IM (anti-renal antibodies). [ 19 ]

Pathological and anatomical changes in the kidneys of animals with acute diffuse nephritis:on the sectional table, the initial stages of glomerular lesions are difficult to establish, since the size, pattern and color of the kidneys are normal. Only a careful examination of the organ, especially with side illumination, allows one to establish changes in the glomeruli protruding on the cut surface of the organ in the form of gray grains of sand. The kidneys are enlarged in volume, flabby to the touch, the cortical layer is wide, moist, pale gray or gray-yellow in color, with a pronounced border, with a medulla of the organ, which is colored darker (usually dark red).The outcome of acute diffuse nephritis is twofold: either the organ is restored, or the process takes chronic course and ends with sclerosis and shrinkage of the kidneys (shrunken kidney). Coagulated protein, erythrocytes, fibrin fibers and proliferation of epithelial cells are found in the capsule. [ 32 ]

Rice. 2. Changes in the kidneys in acute diffuse nephrotoxic nephritis:A - discomplexation of epithelial cells of the cortical substance of the animal's kidney; B - pycnosis of nuclei; the formation of cylinders due to cellular detritus in the kidney of a sick animal.

A macroscopically shriveled kidney has a smaller volume, a light color, a dense texture and a bumpy appearance. Its fibrous capsule is removed with difficulty along with the parenchyma of the organ. The cortical layer is strongly narrowed and is sometimes represented only by a thin border. In the kidney parenchyma itself (especially in the medulla), a large number of small cystic cavities can be observed. [ 16 ]


Acute diffuse nephritis in calves is detected on the basis of such clinical data as the appearance of edema along the entire body of the animal, especially after suffering a sore throat or acute respiratory disease, increased blood pressure. Establishing the diagnosis is helped by the identification of protein, erythrocytes and cylinders in the urine of a sick animal, an increase in titersantistrentolizina- 0 (ASL-0) , antistreptohyaluronidase(ACT). [ 7 ]

Most often, recovery occurs within a month to a year. Possible transition to chronic form and vice versa, depending on individual features animal, timeliness of diagnosis, therapy, exposure to infections, hypothermia and physical overstrain. Signs of transition to a chronic form: the preservation of any extrarenal symptom and protennuria during the year.

The causes of death of an animal from acute diffuse nephritis can be: circulatory failure, renal eclampsia, cerebral hemorrhage, acute renal failure. [ 1 5]

For treatment acute diffuse nephritis, first of all, it is necessary to normalize the maintenance and feeding of sick calves. They must be placed in a warm, dry, draft-free room, and patients are often prohibited from walking. Provide thorough skin care - cleaning with rubbing and massage. [ 4 ]

During the first two days of illness, hunger is recommended, then a limited amount of easily digestible, poor table salt feed - lactic acid, cereals from various cereals, boiled and raw vegetables and fruits. Feed should contain more carbohydrates and an increased amount of potassium and calcium ions, which have a diuretic, hypotensive effect.noe action, stimulating the contractile function of the myocardium. The diet should include ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol and B vitamins.

If acute diffuse nephritis has developed against the background of a general or due to exacerbation focal infection, it is necessary to use antibiotics - penicillins, cephalosporins, amynoglycosins, etc. Of the penicillins, it is better to prescribe benzyl penicillin sodium or potassium, ampicillin, ampix, isnpen or oxacillin. A gentle therapeutic effect in this pathology is possessed by: klaforan, fortum, kefzol, cefamezin, etc. In parallel prescribe nitrofurans, palin, 5-NOC or sulfonamides. [ 2 ]

At severe intoxication and the development of edema, bloodletting (up to 10-100 ml of blood) is indicated, which not only reduces the amount of salt and water, but also leads to a significant restructuring of the reactivity of the animal's body. After bloodletting, a 5-20% glucose solution is injected subcutaneously or intravenously.In case of cardiovascular insufficiency, in addition to glucose solutions, agents containing cardiac glycosides are used: spring adonis grass, digalen-neo, digitoxin, digoxin, corglicon, cordigit, strophanthin in appropriate doses.

For stimulation of a diuresis and easing of a hypertension widely use; temisal 0.2-2 grams 3-4 times a day; veroshpiron 0.045-0.2 grams in 2-4 doses; furosemide intramuscularly or intravenously, 20-80 mg once a day ( better in the morning) within 7-10 days, and in case of severe kidney failure the dose is increased to 200 mg 1-2 times a day for a week, as well as decoctions and infusions of bearberry, half-burnt, juniper fruits, blue cornflower flowers, lingonberry leaves, etc. [ 27 ]

Magnesium sulphate solutions should be used with caution. It is a salt-reducing, blood pressure, vasodilator and diuretic. It is administered intramuscularly in the form of 10-25% solutions with an equal amount of 0.5% novocaine solution 2-3 times a day for one or three weeks.

Treatment regimens for acute diffuse nephritis: as anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and anti-allergic, it is imperative to include glucocorticoids - cortisone acetate intramuscularly or 0.02-0.05 grams 1-2 times a day; hydrocortisone according to the instructions; prednisolone inside at 0.02-0.05 grams 1-2 times a day; hydrocortisone according to the instructions; prednisolone inside at 0.02-0.05 g / day (in 2-3 doses), then the dose is reduced to 0.001-0.025 grams; intravenously or intramuscularly, 2 ml 2-3 times a day, then the dose is gradually reduced. Prednisone, salts and depomedrol, etc. are prescribed less frequently.

To relieve seizures renal colic and the inflammatory process, cystone, indomethacin, baralgin, spazgan, no-shpu and other analgesics and antispasmodics are used according to the instructions.When blood or erythrocytes appear in the urine sediment, it is necessary to use specific hemostatic and blood-clotting drugs: aminocaproic acid at the rate of 0.1 g / kg of animal weight throughevery 4-6 hours intravenously (drip) up to 50-100 ml of a 5% solution per injection; vikasol inside at 0.01-0.3 g / day or intramuscularly (intravenously) at 0.2-1 ml of a 1% solution 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days in a row; dicynone intravenously or intramuscularly, 0.3-2 ml of a 12.5% ​​solution 1-3 times a day until recovery, as well as a 10% solution of gluconate and calcium chloride intravenously 1-2 times a day, 1-10 ml for one introduction. Symptomatic therapy sometimes includes narcotic, anabolic agents, adrenoblockers, etc.

For prevention acute diffuse nephritis in animals, it is necessary to make a timely and correct diagnosis with a mandatory laboratory examination of urine, to identify and eliminate the cause of the disease. At the time of treatment, hypothermia of animals and the ingress of toxic and irritating substances into their bodies with food, water or medicines are not allowed. [ 21 ]


Clinical Status

1. Kind: calf

2. Gender: male

3. Breed: Simmental

4. Date of birth of the animal: 06/15/12

4.1. Age: 3 months

5. Nickname: Gosha

6. Color: fawn - motley

7. Animal weight - 115 kg

8. Owner and address of the animal: -

9. Starting date of curation of the animal: 03.09.12

10. End date of curation: 09/18/12

11. Preliminary diagnosis: acute nephritis

12. Final diagnosis: acute diffuse nephritis


1. Anamnesis vitae. The calf was born in June 2012. He is kept in the yard in a barn, planed boards are used as a floor, the calf hasa permanent and spacious individual place - a stall 2.5x2 m. The stall is located in the opposite corner from the door, with a feeder towards the window.

WITH early age the calf is accustomed to eating concentrated feed. They began to be fed from the third week of a calf's life - wheat bran, ground and sifted oats (oatmeal), linseed cake or meal. On average, a calf consumes about 0.8 kg of feed per day. The calf was accustomed to hay from the age of 15, using good cereal-forb, small-stemmed, green hay for this. In summer, the calf was released to the pasture, where he was accustomed to eating green grass. Starting from 1.5 months of age, the calf was fed chopped root crops (carrots, rutabaga, beets), potatoes were introduced into the diet from 2 months of age. The calf was brushed regularly, and on warm sunny days bathed once. All necessary vaccinations anddeworming done.

2. Amamnesis morbi. According to the owner, within a week the calf poor appetite, for the last two days in general refusal to feed, the calf is lethargic, depressed. All the time

Clinical examination

1. General Status - Status Praesens. At the time of the study general state oppressed. The position of the body of the calf in space - the animal lies on its stomach in a natural position, the physique is average, strong constitution, fatness is satisfactory. The gait is unsteady, the position of the hooves when walking is correct. The temperature is balanced. The body weight of the animal is 115 kg, the height at the withers is 105 cm, the body length is 140 cm. The body temperature of the calf at the time of examination is 39.5ºС.

3. Examination of the lymph nodes.Submandibular, slightly enlarged, mobile, dense consistency, painless. Inguinal - mobile, painless, oval-round shape, not enlarged.

4. Examination of mucous membranes. The mucous membrane of the conjunctiva is pink, shiny. Without damage. The mucous membrane of the mouth is pale pink, pigmented. The body temperature of the animal in the rectum at the time of administration is high 39.5 ºС.

5. The cardiovascular system. On palpation, the cardiac region is painless. Percussion determined the following borders of the heart: anterior - along the anterior edge of the 3rd rib; upper - along the line of the scapular-shoulder joint; back - up to the 7th rib. Absolute dullness of the heart in the 5th - 6th intercostal space. On auscultation, heart sounds are loud, clear, and clear. arterial pulse on inside hip rhythmic, speeded up, frequency 140 beats / min. The arteries are well filled, the gradual rise of the pulse wave and the same decrease in it, the wall of the artery is harsh. Arterial pressure 110/70 mm. rt. Art. The cardiac impulse is moderately pronounced, limited, rhythmic, moderately strong, distributed locally. In the left half chest apical impulse of moderate strength, slight vibrations are felt chest wall. Lateral cardiac impulse is rhythmic, well palpable.

6. Respiratory system. The examination of the nasal cavity did not reveal serous outflows. Breathing is superficial, rhythmic, chest-abdominal, deep, symmetrical, rapid. There is no cough. The shape of the chest is symmetrical; when breathing, both sides of the chest rise and fall evenly. Respiration rate: 27 breaths. dv./min. Palpation of the larynx and trachea is painless. Palpation of the lung fields along the intercostal space from top to bottom is painless. On percussion, a clear lung sound is heard. Auscultation revealed increased vesicular breathing.

7. Digestive system. There is no appetite, no thirst, food and water intake is free. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is pale pink, without damage. Tongue wet, pink with white coating. The position of the teeth corresponds to the age of the animal. Palpation of the pharynx is painless. Salivary glands not enlarged, painless. The shape of the abdomen is symmetrical. The abdominal wall is painless, moderately tense. Deep palpation reveals the stomach. On palpation of the intestinal area, there is no pain; on percussion, the sound is tympanic.

Intestinal motility is moderate, peristaltic noises are heard. The intestines are painless, moderately full. Part of the liver is palpable right side under the diaphragm is not enlarged, painless, the surface is smooth, the consistency is dense, elastic, with percussion the sound is dull. The spleen is not palpable. The anus is toned, pale in color, clean. The act of defecation occurs every day once. The smell of feces is specific for this type of animal, brown.

8. Urogenital system.External genital organs of a calf without pathological changes correspond to the age and sex of the animal. Expiration from the genital organs uncharacteristic for the animal is not observed. The posture during urination is natural, the calf sits up, pushes to excrete urine, urination is frequent 10-12 times, painful, in small portions or drop by drop with an admixture of blood. Urine concentrated with a pungent odor. The walls of the bladder are enlarged, tense. Bladder full, painful. The kidneys are enlarged, smooth, painful, mobile.

9 . Research of the skull and spinal column. Scull correct form, symmetrical, corresponds to the breed. Vertebral column without curvature. Palpation of the costal and vertebral processes revealed no signs of osteomalacia or displacements. The last ribs are whole, dense, without rickets; intercostal spaces are even.

10. Nervous system . The general condition of the animal is depressed. The coordination of movements is correct. Tactile and pain sensitivity saved. The animal is phlegmatic, inactive, the head is lowered. There was a trembling of the pelvic limbs, reduced muscle tone. The position of the lips, ears, head, neck, limbs without visible disturbances. The study also revealed good tactile and thermal integrity. Surface reflections preserved, but the response to them is slow. Joints are dense, not thickened, painless.

11. Sense organs. The eye position is correct, without deviations. The cornea of ​​the eyes is transparent, shiny, moist. The sclera is gray-pink in color, moderately filled with blood vessels, moist, shiny. The pupillary reflex is preserved, the eyeballs are correctly located in the eye orbits, the reaction to light is alive; vision is preserved. The animal holds its head and neck naturally and correctly. Palpation of the base of the auricles on the left and right is painless. The patency of the ear canals is not broken. The reaction to environmental stimuli is well expressed. Smell: the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity without pathologies, pale pink. The sense of smell is preserved in full, there is a reaction to irritation. Hearing is not weakened, the external auricles are intact, of the correct form, without redness. There are no unnatural outflows from the auditory openings.

12. Study of organs of movement. Coordination is not broken. Paralysis and paresis were not observed. The bones, without growths, are painless, not twisted, there are no growths and rosaries. The joints are painless, without deformation, without violations of the integrity, the range of motion in the joints is full.

Laboratory research

  1. Complete blood count, general urinalysis.

General urine analysis from 3.09.12. The color of the urine of meat slops. The transparency is cloudy, the smell is specific. The consistency of urine is liquid. Relative density 1.034 g/l. The reaction is alkaline. Protein 1, 885 g/l Glucose negative. Billyrubin is negative. Urobillin is negative. Erythrocytes 4-5 in p / s. Leukocytes 15-20 in p / s. The reaction is acidic.

General blood analysis from 3.09.12.

Erythrocytes 5.5*10 12 /l

H b 134 g/l

CPU 0.93

Leukocytes 17.0*10 9

Neutrophils 7

Band 0

Segmented 61

Lymphocytes 29

Monocytes 3

ESR 5 mm/h

Conclusion: the number of leukocytes is increased.

2.Biochemical blood test.

Biochemical blood test dated 8.07.12.

Tot. Protein 56 g/l

Bilirubin total 4.4 µmol/l

Creatinine 0.08 µmol

Thymol test 2.0 Unit.

AST 14.8 units / l

ALT 21.6 units/l

Conclusion: within the normal range.

3. Analysis for pathogens of invasive diseases. a) A study on larvae by the method of Berman was not found. b) A study on helminth eggs by the Fülleborn method was not found. c) Examination for helminths, their fragments were not detected by helminthoscopy. d) Darling test for pathogens of protozoal diseases was not detected.

Diagnosis and its rationale

Based on the history and clinical examination of the animal, the diagnosis was made: acute diffuse nephritis. It is detected on the basis of such clinical data as the color of urine - meat slops, pain in the kidney area on both sides, oliguria. Establishing the diagnosis is helped by the identification of protein, erythrocytes and casts in the urine.

Treatment plan

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the maintenance and feeding of a sick calf. It must be placed in a warm, dry, draft-free room, walking is prohibited. Provide thorough skin care - cleaning with rubbing and massage. During the first two days of illness, hunger, then a limited amount of easily digestible, salt-poor food. For treatment used: antibiotic - Enrofloks 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml for 7 days; hemostatic drug - vikasol 1% intramuscularly 2 times a day for 6 days; restoring blood and immunity - gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day for 15 days, 6 ml; desensitizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic drug - prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 2 ml for 3 days; drug stimulating diuresis - furosemide intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml for 3 days; a drug weakening attacks of renal colic - no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml for 5 days; for prophylaxis, Phytoelita-healthy kidneys were prescribed for one month, 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Rp.: Sol. Enrofloxi 5% - 100.0 ml

D.t.d. 1 in flaconi

S. Subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml for 7 days

Rp.: Sol. Gamaviti 10ml

D.S. Subcutaneously 1 time perday 15 days, 6.0 ml.

Rp: Sol. Prednisoloni 1.0ml

D.t.d. 1 in ampul.

S . according to the scheme. Intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 2.0 ml for 3 days

Rp.: Sol. Vicasoli 1%-1.0 ml

D. S . intramuscularly 2 times a day. According to indications.

Rp.: Sol. No-shpa 2.0 ml

D.t.d. 1 in ampul.

S. Intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2.0 ml for 3-5 days

Rp.: Sol. Furosemidi 2 .0ml

D.t.d. 1 in ampul.

S. Intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2.0 ml for 3 days.

Course of the disease


t °C






39, 5

Poor appetite, for the last two days, a general refusal to feed, the calf is lethargic, depressed. All the timehides in dark places, lies for a long time. Urine is the color of meat slops, frequent urination 9-11 times a day, sometimes more up to 15 times, in small portions. Respiration and pulse are quickened, body temperature is increased 39.5ºС. The area of ​​the kidneys is painful on palpation.

calf place in a warm, dry, draft-free room, provide thorough skin care - cleaning with rubbing and massage. During the first 2 days of illness, hunger is recommended, then a limited amount of easily digestible, poor in table salt feed.



The general condition of the calf is unchanged, there is no appetite, depression, lethargy. He drinks water willingly. Pain is noted on palpation of the kidney area.

starvation diet.

Enroflox 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml; gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 2 ml; vikasol 1% intramuscularly 2 times a day; no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml; furosemide intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml.



The general condition of the calf is unchanged, there is no appetite, depression, lethargy. Pain is noted on palpation of the kidney area.

starvation diet.

Enroflox 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml; gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 2 ml; vikasol 1% intramuscularly 2 times a day; no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml; furosemide intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml.



The calf is depressed, refuses to feed. The kidneys are enlarged, painful. Urination - portions are large, the frequency has decreased to 6 times a day.



Enroflox 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml; gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 1.5 ml; vikasol 1% intramuscularly 2 times a day; no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml; furosemide intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml.



The animal is oppressed, refusal to feed. The kidneys are enlarged, painful. Urination portions are large, the frequency has decreased to 5 times a day.

Enroflox 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml; gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 1.5 ml; vikasol 1% intramuscularly 2 times a day; no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml; furosemide intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml.



1,5 ml; no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml.



The condition of the calf is satisfactory, appetite appeared, the urine is light yellow in color, without blood impurities, urination is rare up to 5 times a day, painless. The kidney area is less sensitive on palpation.

Enroflox 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml; gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning 1



The condition of the calf is satisfactory, appetite appeared, the urine is light yellow in color, without blood impurities, urination is rare up to 5 times a day, painless. The kidney area is less sensitive on palpation.

Enroflox 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml; gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning 1 ml; no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml.





The condition of the calf is satisfactory, appetite is present, urination 4 times a day, straw-yellow urine. The kidney area is painless.

Gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 0.5 ml.



The condition of the calf is satisfactory, appetite is present, urination 4 times a day, straw-yellow urine. The kidney area is painless.

Gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 0.5 ml.



The condition of the calf is satisfactory, appetite is present, urination 4 times a day, straw-yellow urine.



The condition of the calf is satisfactory, appetite is present, on palpation the area of ​​the kidneys is painless. Urination 4 times a day, urine light yellow.

Gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 0.2 ml.



The animal is actively moving, the appetite has improved. Signs of stress disappeared. Urination stabilized 3 times a day. The color of urine is straw yellow. Transparency is transparent. The kidneys are painless.

Gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 0.2 ml.



The animal is actively moving, the appetite has improved. Signs of stress disappeared. Urination stabilized 3 times a day. The color of urine is straw yellow. Transparency is transparent. The kidneys are painless.

Gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 0.2 ml.

For prophylaxis during the 1st month Phytoelita-healthy kidneys 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Rice. 3. Graph of temperature, pulse and respiratory rate of a calf with acute diffuse nephritis on the days of the disease.


Acute diffuse jade (Nephritis acuta) is a disease of the kidneys, which is based on diffuse inflammatory processes, with damage to the vascular glomeruli.The main causes of nephritis - infectious diseases, poisoning, autointoxication, allergic condition animal organisms. The disease is acute. By the nature of the exudate, serous, fibrinous, purulent, hemorrhagic nephritis are distinguished. The disease occurs in all types of domestic animals.This is an acute immune-inflammatory disease with a primary lesion of the glomerular apparatus of both kidneys.Acute diffuse nephritis often occurs during infection of animals with pathogens of infectious diseases. These pathogens are leptospira, vibrios, streptococci, diplococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, listeria, adenoviruses, plague viruses, panleukopenia, parainfluenza, rhinotracheitis, hepatitis, enteroviruses, as well as their toxins.

Pathogenesis acute diffuse nephritis is as follows. Toxins of microbes and viruses, especially streptococcus, damaging the structure of the basement membrane of glomerular capillaries, cause the appearance of specific autoantigens in the animal body, in response to which antibodies of classes 10 and I M (anti-renal antibodies).Under the influence of a nonspecific resolving factor, most often cooling, a new exacerbation of the disease, a violent allergic reaction connection of an antigen with an antibody, the formation of immune complexes with the subsequent addition of a complement to them. Immune complexes are deposited on the basement membrane of the glomeruli of the kidney and damage them. There is a release of inflammatory mediators, damage to lysosomes and the release of lysosomal enzymes, activation of the coagulation system, disturbances in the microcirculation system, increased platelet aggregation, resulting in the development of immune inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys.Of decisive importance in the etiopathogenesis of acute diffuse nephritis is an allergic reaction (sensitization) as a result of the action of an infectious agent and its toxins on the body of an animal.The causative agents of infection can enter the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys in several ways - lymphogenous (through the lymph), hematogenous (through the blood), from neighboring tissues and from the genital organs. Genital tract infections are the most common and important cause of acute diffuse nephritis in animals.

sick calf,Simmental breed, male, 06/15/2012 was on curation from 03.09. to 18.09. 2012 with a diagnosis of acute diffuse nephritis. The owner of the calf complained that the calf had had a poor appetite for a week, had refused to eat at all for the last two days, the calf was lethargic and depressed. All the timehides in dark places, lies for a long time. Twodays ago, the urine became reddish, urination is frequent, in small portions. Which was the reason why the owners sought veterinary care. No drugs were used. Also, there were no diseases of infectious, invasive or non-contagious pathology.

Examination was carried out: physical, analysis for pathogens of invasive diseases, KLA, TAM, blood HD.

Treatment was carried out: enroflox 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml for 7 days; gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day for 15 days, 6 ml; prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 2 ml for 3 days; vikasol 1% intramuscularly 2 times a day for 6 days; no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml for 5 days; furosemide intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml for 3 days. For prophylactic purposes, we prescribe the drug phytoelite healthy kidneys for a month, 1 tablet 2 times a day.

The disease in the calf proceeded with typical clinical signs. The prescribed treatment had the desired effect, because. the animal's condition improved significantly, urination and urine color returned to normal, kidney pain disappeared.


A sick calf named Gosha was diagnosed with acute diffuse kidney nephritis. When making a diagnosis, the results of a clinical examination of the animal, anamnesis data and a laboratory study of urine were taken into account.

When collecting an anamnesis, the initial symptoms noted by the owner were taken into account. clinical symptoms manifestations of the disease, determined its duration, the nature of the urination disorder, specified the conditions of detention, the structure of the diet and the frequency of feeding the animal, and found out whether urination disorders had been observed before.

The final diagnosis of acute diffuse nephritis of the kidneys was made on the basis of the results of a clinical examination of the animal, anamnesis data, clinical and morphological and biochemical research urine.

According to the diagnosis, appropriate treatment was prescribed: antibiotic - Enroflox 5% subcutaneously 1 time per day, 5.5 ml for 7 days; hemostatic drug - vikasol 1% intramuscularly 2 times a day for 6 days; restoring blood and immunity - gamavit subcutaneously 1 time per day for 15 days, 6 ml; desensitizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic drug - prednisolone intramuscularly 1 time per day in the morning, 2 ml for 3 days; drug stimulating diuresis - furosemide intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml for 3 days; a drug weakening attacks of renal colic - no-shpa intramuscularly 2 times a day, 2 ml for 5 days; for prophylactic purposes, Phytoelita-healthy kidneys were prescribed for one month, 1 tablet 2 times a day.

During the treatment, the calf's general condition improved. According to repeated urine tests, the protein decreased to a minimum, there were 1-2 erythrocytes in the field of view, the density decreased to 1.03.

For prevention, it was prescribed to drink a course of the drug phytoelite - healthy kidneys. And also once a month to take urine tests for 3 months.


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Damage to the same degree of glomeruli, tubules and kidneys. Subdivided into glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis and nephritis-nephrosis. The disease is registered in all animal species. The most common is interstitial nephritis. Nephrites and pyelonephritis are observed in all animals, but more often in dogs.
In ordinary farms, kidney diseases account for approximately 5%, in specialized complexes - 8% of cases of internal non-communicable diseases. Jades by origin are divided into primary and secondary.
Secondary nephritis often accompanies diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and lungs.
Glomerulonephritis (Glomerulonephritis) is an inflammatory process of the kidneys of an infectious-allergic etiology with a primary lesion of the nephron glomerular apparatus (Fig. 119).
Etiology. The disease occurs as a result of infections, allergic sensitization, hypothermia, poisoning. The main etiological factor of glomerulonephritis is infection, mainly
streptococcal, especially hemolytic streptococcus, to a lesser extent staphylococci and pneumococci. Diffuse glomerulonephritis occurs with anaerobic enterotoxemia.

Nephritis is also considered as an allergic post-infectious disease. Importance also has a specific renal allergy, which is based on the processes of autosensitization.
An important reason The development of the disease is hypothermia and dampness in the premises. They can play the role of a decisive factor in a sensitized organism, it is possible that it converts inactive antibodies into active ones, that is, activates them. There is a possibility of serum and vaccine nephritis.
Sensitizing reasons can be the quality of feed, conditions of detention, etc.
Inadequate feeding animals leads to a decrease in the nonspecific resistance of the organism, to the loss of fatness. Emaciated animals are predisposed to developing nephritis in them. There have been cases of animals suffering from nephritis when giving them shoots of coniferous trees, birch leaves, alder and spoiled feed. In the occurrence of nephritis in animals, mycotoxicosis and candidomycosis play a role. There are cases of development of nephritis in case of poisoning of animals of various kinds. chemicals.
The pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis is complex. It is believed that a foreign substance that enters the blood (a bacterial toxin, a chemical agent, a drug or its metabolite, pathological proteins formed as a result of fever, the administration of sera, vaccines, etc.), being eliminated by the kidneys, enters the primary urine, then reabsorbed by the tubules, damages the tubercular basement membrane and combines with its proteins, thus turning into a renal antigen and causing an immunological reaction.
In the initial period of the course of glomerulonephritis, there is a decrease in the concentration function of the kidneys, and subsequently in the filtering function, which primarily affects the excretion of nitrogenous products and other factors of interstitial metabolism.
With the development of nephritis in animals, azotemic uremia occurs. The mechanism of its development is not entirely clear, there is no doubt that uremia itself is a manifestation of pronounced renal failure. With her diuresis is reduced. All this leads to a delay in the body of animals of nitrogenous metabolic products.
The content of residual nitrogen and especially urea in the blood serum increases by 5-10 times. Along with this, hypochloremic
uremia. The loss of chlorine and sodium from the body is accompanied by tissue dehydration (exicosis). Under these conditions, the processes of protein breakdown sharply increase. This is accompanied by an increase in the blood not only in the content of amino acids and ammonia, but also in the products of incomplete hydrolysis in the form of polypeptides, which are very toxic. They possess toxic effect on vascular system cause an increase in capillary permeability, a reflex drop in blood pressure and vasotropic radicardia. A rapid decrease in the concentration of chlorine in the blood and extracellular exsicosis lead to hypovolemia, a further reduction in glomerular filtration volume to an increase in the level of residual nitrogen, and the development of acidosis.
There is a violation of the acid-base balance in the direction of a sharp acidotic shift, due to the delay in the body of predominantly volatile acids and ketone bodies.
It should also be noted that the stomach and intestines are involved in compensating for impaired renal function in nephritis. Prolonged intoxication contributes to protein-granular degeneration of liver cells and the occurrence of liver failure. This leads to changes in protein metabolism. In particular, the cause of hypoalbuminemia in glomerulonephritis is the accelerated breakdown of albumin, the violation of its synthesis by the liver and the increased permeability of the kidney capillaries due to congestion. The release of protein from the vascular bed is noted, it is excreted in the urine, and proteinuria develops.
With the emerging partial compensatory function of the gastrointestinal tract with azotonemia, uremic gastroenteritis develops, the release of nitrogenous substances by the skin and oral mucosa.
Prolonged uremic intoxication of the bone marrow leads to inhibition of hematopoiesis and the development of hypochromic anemia.
The defeat of the cardiovascular system is manifested by hypertension, accompanied by a rise in diastolic pressure. Circulatory disorders and cardiac hypertrophy are directly dependent on hypertension.
Most strong change blood circulation develops with a combination of hypervolemia (increase in blood mass) with spasm of arterioles. Due to the development of hypervolemia, hypertension and spasms cerebral vessels animals often develop eclampsia.
Numerous and prolonged exposures that cause disturbances in the activity of the kidneys cause the development of uremic polyneuropathy. At the same time, the animals show adynamia, apathy, drowsiness, immobility, impaired coordination of movements, reduced reflexes, sweating is pronounced, and subsequently a coma develops. The duration of coma with nephritis in animals can be from several minutes to 2-3 days.
Jade is one of the more severe forms renal pathology in animals, in which a number of organs and systems are involved in the process, and, first of all, the humoral, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract,
liver, blood systems, nervous system and almost all types of metabolism (Fig. 120).
a a

Rice. 120
Atrophy of the glomeruli due to stagnation of urine in chronic interstitial nephritis a- atrophied glomeruli; 6- proliferation of interstitial tissue.

Symptoms. By clinical signs There are three forms of glomerulonephritis: hematuric, nephrotic and mixed.
The hematuric form of the disease is characterized by hypertension, hematuria and edematous syndrome.
The nephrotic form is accompanied by edema, proteinuria and cylindruria.
The mixed form (protein-hematuric) is characterized by persistent hypertension, edematous syndrome, gross hematuria, and proteinuria.
Allocate mild and severe course of the disease.
The mild form of nephritis is almost asymptomatic and is recognized only by urine tests. Usually the disease begins with the oppression of the animal, weakness, decrease or lack of appetite, increased thirst.
Body temperature is in the upper range of normal or slightly increased, the pulse is quickened, blood pressure is high (17.0/6.0 hPa).
With vibration percussion in the region of the kidneys, pain is noted.
Subcutaneous tissue in the lower wall of the abdomen is loose. Rare urination, slight albuminuria in the urine, qualitative tests for sugar, blood, bile pigments and urobilin are positive.
In urinary sediments, erythrocytes, leukocytes, renal epithelium and hyaline casts are found. The number of erythrocytes, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is reduced, while the number of leukocytes is increased.
In a severe course of the disease, the animals are exhausted, they lie more. The body temperature is lowered, the pulse is slowed down, the number respiratory movements reduced. There is slight swelling in the region of the lower abdominal wall, the heart sounds are poorly heard, the emphasis of the second tone on the aorta is noted. There is oliguria, turning into anuria. Turbid urine, with the presence of protein, sugar, bile pigments, urobilin, erythrocytes, leukocytes and renal epithelium, hypochromic anemia.
In the stage of renal failure, signs of brain damage dominate. There is marked adynamia, apathy, drowsiness, inactivity. Hearing and vision are reduced. Sensitivity disorder is accompanied by attenuation of reflexes (ear, corolla and eye). At the same time, hypoproteinemia, dysproteinemia, hyperazotemia, hypochloremia and anemia are noted.
Flow. Acute glomerulonephritis after a few (8~10) days or after
1-2 weeks with timely treatment ends with recovery, more often it becomes chronic, lasting for months. Lethality is low.

pathological changes. Animal corpses are often emaciated. The subcutaneous tissue is edematous, in the serous cavities there is often a transudate.
The kidneys are usually enlarged, plethoric (Fig. 121). The cortical layer is expanded and has many scattered red dots and dark red spots.
Histologically, the expansion and filling of large and small vessels with blood, swelling and partial desquamation of the vascular endothelium, an increase in the size of most glomeruli, degeneration of the epithelium of the tubules are established. In the capsule of Shumlyansky-Bowman there are epithelial cells subjected to granular degeneration.
Superficial lymph nodes (submandibular, knee folds) are slightly enlarged, flabby, gray-yellow in color, the pattern is smoothed, the surrounding tissue is edematous. Mucous membranes are edematous. The heart is slightly enlarged due to the left half. The epicardium is flabby, edematous, there are petechial hemorrhages. Pinpoint hemorrhages on the endocardium and valves. The liver is slightly enlarged, flabby. It has dark brown color, dryish, the pattern is weakly expressed. The spleen is wrinkled, the capsule is folded, under it there are multiple petechial hemorrhages, dryish on the section. The stomach (abomasum) contains liquid chyme with an admixture of mucus, the mucous membrane is gray-red, slightly swollen, eroded in places. The intestinal mucosa is hyperemic.
The diagnosis of acute nephritis does not present difficulties. Take into account the data of anamnesis, the results of a clinical examination and laboratory tests of urine and blood. The diagnosis is established on the basis of identifying the nature of the symptoms: hematuria, hypertension and edema. In the blood, azotemia, hypochloremia and anemia are established. Acute nephritis is characterized by oliguria and the following changes in urine: the presence of protein in it up to 1%, erythrocytes, leukocytes, renal epithelium. Urine the color of meat slops.

Glomerulonephritis is differentiated from nephrosis according to the following data. Nephrosis usually occurs without hematuria, increased arterial blood pressure, hypotrophy of the heart. In the urine with nephrosis, the protein content is up to 2 percent or more, there are no erythrocytes, leukocytes, there is a renal epithelium and cylinders.
The prognosis is favorable to cautious. An unfavorable prognosis should be expected when oliguria is noted from the very beginning of the disease, turning into anuria with symptoms of renal failure.
Treatment. Complex. It should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, combating inflammatory processes and intoxication, restoring diuresis, correcting the water and electrolyte balance and acid-base balance of the body.
Special attention during treatment, they pay attention to the proper maintenance and feeding of sick animals. They are placed in a dry, warm and well-ventilated room, and the cleanliness of the skin is monitored. Feed is prescribed with a possibly lower content of sodium chloride in it, watering is limited.
It is better to give carnivores milk, bread, cereals from oatmeal and pearl barley, boiled vegetables.
In the medical treatment of sick animals, first of all, antibiotics of the penicillin series (penicillin, bicillin-3, bicillin-5, ampicillin, oxacillin, ampioks) are prescribed in therapeutic doses. In this case, the degree of impairment of the functional activity of the kidneys should be taken into account. Antibiotics of the penicillin series are prescribed to eliminate or reduce the microbial-inflammatory process in the renal tissue. Clinical observations of the results of treatment of animals with glomerulonephritis show that the use of antibiotics alone does not completely solve this problem.
One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy for nephritis is their combined use, as well as means pathogenetic therapy. Against the background of antimicrobial therapy, it is recommended to carry out novocaine blockade of the border sympathetic trunks and celiac nerves according to V.V. Mosin or pararenal blockade. Specified blockades applied on the background developing inflammation in the kidneys, stop it, correct the resulting functional disorders in the body, increase the defenses and cause the recovery of animals in more short time.
In a severe disease, along with the blockade, it is necessary to use substitution and symptomatic therapy. A certain place in the complex treatment of acute nephritis in herbivores is occupied by vitamin therapy and, first of all, the appointment of vitamins A, B, E, and better combined - trivitamin, trivit or tetravit, in carnivores - vitamins of group B.
To neutralize and remove toxins from the body of patients, they should inject gemodez intravenously at a dose of 0.3 ml / kg of animal body weight. Positive results were obtained in the treatment of nephritis in calves by intravenous administration of a drug mixture consisting of a 6% solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone - 100 ml, a 20% glucose solution - 50 ml and a 40% solution of hexamethylenetetramine - 10 ml.
Symptomatic treatment for nephritis depends on the severity of the disease and the severity of a particular syndrome. Particular attention should be paid to the cardiovascular system. To maintain cardiac activity, solutions of caffeine, camphor oil and cordiamine should be used.
A relatively new method of treating nephritis in animals is the use of corticosteroid hormones (prednisolone, prednisone and hydrocortisone) at a dose of 1 mg/kg of animal body weight twice a day, for | 8 days. The proposed hormonal preparations have anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects.
In order to improve diuresis, reduce the action and relieve tonic contraction of blood vessels in the kidneys, a 20-25% solution of magnesium sulfate is used at a dose of 100-200 ml or a 10% solution of calcium gluconate 30-50 ml.
To improve diuresis, decoctions and tinctures of bearberry leaves, calendula, juniper fruits, rose hips are used.
The use of etiotropic, pathogenetic, substitution and symptomatic therapy in the complex treatment of animals with nephritis contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the restoration of vitamin, nitrogen and water-electrolyte metabolism, as well as the acid-base balance of the body and the functions of organs involved in metabolic processes.
Prevention. Eliminate the impact of the pathogenic factor, which is the infection. *
Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of primary - gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases of infectious and non-infectious origin. *
In general prevention, attention is paid to the procurement, preparation and storage of feed, as well as checking their quality. Poor-quality feed (damaged by fungi, rotten, sour) should not be included in the diet.
In addition, the conditions that cause non-cooling are eliminated, the temperature, humidity and gas conditions in the premises are maintained. Regular walks, cleaning of animals and cleaning of premises are recommended.
An important point is the conduct of a planned medical examination. According to the results of selective laboratory tests, kidney disease is detected. Drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at increasing the defenses of the animal body (heterogeneous blood, trivitamin or tetravit, a mixture of horse citrate blood, tetravit and norsulfazol sodium, etc.). '
The effectiveness of private measures in the prevention of renal complications largely depends on the timely implementation of general non-specific measures for infectious and non-communicable animal diseases.
Interstitial nephritis (Nephritis interstitialis acuta) is an inflammation of the interstitial tissue of the kidneys.
Interstitial nephritis is an independent disease that has its own nature, most often an immune, clinical picture, patterns of development. In conditions clinical practice relatively rarely diagnosed.

Due to these circumstances, there is no exact data on the frequency and prevalence of this disease. Therefore, in most cases, this form of nephritis is diagnosed during forced slaughter or during the slaughter of animals in meat processing plants.
The process may be focal or diffuse. In the diffuse form, both kidneys are involved in the process with the development of necrosis of the tubular epithelium and acute renal failure.
Etiology. Slowly developing nephritis is more often interstitial. This is due to long-term use of drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.). The acute course of the disease occurs with an overdose of broad-spectrum antibiotics (gentamicin, kanamycin, polymyxin, neomycin, neovitin, streptomycin, etc.). ^
Perhaps its occurrence in connection with the transferred infection, as well as the reaction to the introduction of vaccines and sera.
It can also be in animals with chronic glomerulo- and
Pathogenesis. Most researchers believe that the disease has an immune origin and kidney damage is a manifestation general reaction. A foreign substance entering the blood (drug, chemical agent, bacterial toxin, etc.), being eliminated by the kidneys, enters the primary urine, combines with its protein, turns into an antigen and causes an immunological reaction with the fixation of immune complexes in the membrane.

A reflex spasm of tubular vessels, an increase in intratubular pressure, and a decrease in renal blood flow develop. Squeezing of the tubules gradually leads to their atrophy and death. There is a decrease in glomerular filtration and increasing edema, which leads to a decrease in water reabsorption and the development of polyuria.
The concentration function of the kidneys is also impaired due to cellular infiltration and inflammatory changes in the main substance of the medulla. As the foci of infiltration increase, a gradual development of connective tissue is possible. In the future, an acute process often becomes chronic (Fig. 122, 123).
Symptoms. Acute interstitial nephritis is accompanied by symptoms of the underlying disease that caused it. Occurs more often against the background of acute infectious gastroenteritis, acute nonspecific bronchopneumonia, colibacillosis, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, candidiasis, etc., with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics on the 3-5th day after their administration in loading doses.
In sick animals, there is a decrease in appetite, body temperature depends in the first days
from the underlying disease, first slightly increased, and then returns to the physiological norm. Blood tests reveal a slight leukocytosis, a decrease in the number of red blood cells and the amount of hemoglobin.

Violation of the nitrogen excretion function of the kidneys is accompanied by an increase in the content of residual nitrogen and urea in the blood serum by 1.5-
2 times. Disorder of water-electrolyte metabolism is manifested by hypochloremia, hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. Edema is absent in most cases. Polyuria is noted. characteristic feature is a decrease in the relative density of urine to 1.010, which remains at a low level for several months. Changes in the urinary sediment are uncharacteristic, sometimes leukocytes are found, rarely erythrocytes, cylinders and renal epithelium.
pathological changes. The kidneys are enlarged. The capsule is difficult to remove. The surface of the cortical layer is bumpy. On the cut, they may have gray-white dots of various sizes. Histological examination reveals significant cellular infiltration of the connective tissue, accumulation of plasma cells, lymphoblasts and fibroblasts, dystrophic and atrophic changes in the parenchyma.
In the interstitial tissue of the kidney, plethora, edema of the stroma, serous exudate with single neutrophilic leukocytes, pronounced dystrophic and necrotic changes in the epithelium of the tubules are noted. In the medulla, their infiltrates are usually more pronounced than in the cortical.
Diagnosis. Diagnosis of acute interstitial nephritis is difficult. When making a diagnosis, it is taken into account that acute renal failure develops after taking medication in the course of treating the underlying disease. There is prolonged polyuria, urine with a low relative
It should be differentiated from glomerulonephritis, in which the triad of symptoms is pronounced: hypertension, hematuria, edema. Frequent calls to urination against the background of oliguria and even anuria. Urine has the color of a meat washout, contains erythrocytes, leukocytes, renal tubular epithelium. During the period of anuria, acute renal failure develops, leading to uremic coma and even death of animals.
The course of the disease is long. Full recovery of the functional activity of the kidneys occurs 2-3 months after treatment. With incomplete treatment, the process becomes chronic.
The prognosis for timely treatment is favorable. If acute interstitial nephritis develops against the background of another disease, it is doubtful. Treatment. In the initial period of the disease, antibiotics of the penicillin series (penicillin, bicillin, ampioks, etc.) are prescribed.
During the period of antibiotic treatment, to reduce their sensitizing effect, the use of antihistamine and desensitizing drugs - diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, etc. is shown. These drugs must be prescribed in combination with ascorbic acid and calcium preparations.
This combination medicinal products, in addition to the desensitizing effect, has the ability to reduce the permeability of capillary walls and, therefore, prevents the development of tissue edema, sharply reduces their toxicity. Histamine has not only a desensitizing, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.
Symptomatic treatment includes the use of diuretics. Purine derivatives (eufillin, diuretin, caffeine, etc.) have a diuretic effect, improving renal hemodynamics and enhancing glomerular filtration.
It is advisable to use herbal remedies - decoctions of black elderberry, bearberry leaves, corn stigmas, St. John's wort, juniper berries, etc.
In order to normalize metabolic processes, vitamins A, D, E, ascorbic acid are prescribed, for carnivores - vitamins Bj, B12.
In severe nephritis with symptoms of acute renal failure, 5% glucose solution and 0.9% sodium chloride solution are administered intravenously.
Prevention. Complex. To increase the body's defenses, the creation of good sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises, as well as regular exercise.
Attention deserves the prevention of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases, especially of viral origin.
Important are the correct selection of the dose of drugs, compliance with the terms of use, frequency of administration, taking into account synergism, side effects.


Acute nephritis (acute diffuse glomerulonephritis - glomerulonephritis diffusa acuta) is an infectious-toxic inflammatory lesion of the kidneys, and primarily of the glomerular vascular network, with further spread of the lesion to the glomerulo-tubular apparatus as a whole and to the interstitial tissue of the kidney. Of the existing diseases of the excretory system in domestic animals, one of the most difficult is nephritis. It is characterized by inflammation of the kidneys and damage to the vascular glomeruli, during which the removal of nitrogenous toxins from the body is disrupted. It occurs in acute and chronic form, localization can be focal and diffuse.

With diffuse inflammation, separation occurs rich in proteins urine by glomerular capillaries, while disturbed water-salt balance, the process of reabsorption of salt and water channels increases. The vascular walls of the glomeruli are affected, the overall filtration is reduced. With focal inflammation, the functions of the kidneys are slightly impaired.

The disease leads to changes and dysfunctions of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. First to respond to stimuli nerve endings. In this case, a slight cooling, overheating or an infectious disease is enough.

As a result, there is an accumulation of a large amount of protein and salts, an increase in the acidity of urine and a violation of blood circulation in the brain, heart due to the occurrence of spasms in the vessels. Pathology captures the entire body.


Acute diffuse nephritis appears in cats at any age, both in young and old individuals, it can be acute and chronic. With this disease, the animal is often in lying position, it is depressed, body temperature rises, the cat refuses to eat, painful symptoms appear at the time of urination.

At the same time, the bases of the auricles, eyelids, abdomen, paws, the perineal region noticeably swell, the kidneys increase in size and the glomeruli change, which look like reddish dots. The same spotted surface of the kidneys.

This leads to shortness of breath and cyanosis. The animal's urine contains a lot of blood cells and protein, which cause hematuria and edema. In addition to these symptoms of acute diffuse nephritis in cats, yellowness of the skin appears. Vomiting may occur, blood pressure may rise, and fluid accumulates in the abdominal and thoracic regions.


The following reasons can contribute to the occurrence of this disease:

  • Streptococci and staphylococci have entered the body;
  • Rapid cooling of the body;
  • Misuse of medications;
  • Poisoning with mineral fertilizers;
  • Ingestion of pathogens of leptospirosis, salmonellosis, botulism;
  • The use of low quality feed;
  • Injuries received;
  • Long-term use decoctions based on birch buds and needles.

The stay of the animal in the cold and draft can start the pathological process. This also leads to exposure to rain. As a rule, the disease appears due to a combination of different causes. The risk of disease increases if the animal is malnourished.


If your cat develops symptoms that could cause a serious illness, you should contact your cat as soon as possible. veterinary clinic for help. There are all the most suitable conditions, special equipment and the necessary devices to make the correct diagnosis to the animal.

A preliminary diagnosis is made on the basis of the existing history, examination of the animal by palpation. Further, laboratory tests of blood and urine, existing signs and data obtained on the basis of clinical studies are carried out.

Confirm the preliminary diagnosis of information about a large amount of protein and salts, hyperacidity urine. Since the disease negatively affects the state of the whole organism, the veterinarian may prescribe additional laboratory tests of other organs and systems. For example, a violation of blood circulation in the brain, the occurrence of spasms in the vessels will indicate to the doctor the need to prescribe an ECG and ultrasound of the heart.


After complete examination dog by a veterinarian, finding out the possible causes that could be the trigger for the onset of the disease, the cat is prescribed a course of treatment. It will depend on the complexity of the situation and the stage of development of the disease. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the main cause that could cause the disease.

Comfortable conditions for the stay of the cat are created, which will help her recover. Are selected special feed High Quality with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, which contains a minimum amount of salts and protein. Dry food is excluded.

To prevent sepsis from recurring, antibiotics are prescribed for acute diffuse nephritis in cats. To relieve the inflammatory process and eliminate signs of inflammation, glucocorticoid drugs are prescribed. If there are disorders in the pet's nervous system, calcium-based preparations are used. Diuretics are used when an animal has frequent swelling or dropsy.

To prevent the disease, acute nephritis should be treated correctly and in a timely manner, since it most often leads to the appearance and development of chronic diffuse nephritis. Cat owners need to avoid factors that weaken the body of the animal and lead to pathologies of the excretory system.

If a pet has health problems, symptoms appear, you need to contact a veterinary clinic to see a doctor, in no case self-medicate. Complete and reliable information about the condition of the animal allows you to prescribe the correct treatment, ensure the recovery of the cat.


A disease such as acute diffuse nephritis in dogs leads to vasospasm in the kidneys and the appearance of ischemia. A hormonal substance called renin rises, from which a substance hypertensin is formed, which acts on the vessels, causing them to narrow. As a result, hypertension develops, the permeability in the capillaries and glomeruli is disturbed, and the filtration capacity decreases. The kidneys noticeably increase in size, swelling is visible.

When acute nephritis occurs, not only the renal glomeruli are affected, but also the interstitial tissues, inflammatory processes develop quite quickly. Often seen in dogs that have heart and urinary problems.

Occurs as a complication of existing infectious diseases such as leptospirosis, streptococcal infection or plague.

Other symptoms of acute diffuse nephritis in dogs are associated with the disorder:

  • metabolism;
  • work of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • metabolic processes of the body;
  • functioning of the endocrine and nervous system;
  • decreasing amount of urine output.

For a short time, a lot of protein is excreted in the urine. The illness can last from 1 to 2 weeks. In case of poor quality or untimely treatment can be fatal to the animal.


The reasons for the appearance of the disease can be:

  • Disorders of the heart and urinary system;
  • Intoxication;
  • Allergy;
  • hypothermia;
  • Cold;
  • burns;
  • poisonous plants;
  • Violations of the conditions of keeping the dog;
  • Wrong feeding.

All this can happen as a result of an inattentive attitude towards the dog on the part of the owners.


To make a correct diagnosis, you need to contact a veterinary clinic, where there is all the necessary equipment and conditions for a qualitative examination of the animal. As a rule, it is put, based on the history data, it turns out the reason that led to the pathological processes, whether it be an infection, a cold or toxicosis.

The clinical picture also helps to make a diagnosis. The veterinarian pays attention to the depressed and weakened state of the dog, lack of appetite, elevated body temperature and blood pressure. An external examination reveals swelling in the abdominal region, thighs and eyelids.

For laboratory analysis, you need to donate urine and blood in order to trace existing changes. The preliminary diagnosis is confirmed by cloudy dark urine with protein and sediment. Often the disease becomes chronic, the treatment of which can be delayed for years. In these cases, microscopy of the urine sediment monitors large numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells, and even microbial flora in severe disease.

Confirm the diagnosis with blood tests. The disease is indicated by leukocytosis and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an increase in blood pressure. Pathology leads to a delay in the accumulation and release of nitrogen in the blood, in connection with this, signs of azotemic uremia are visible.

If necessary, conduct additional clinical studies. In the case of acute diffuse nephritis, the surface of the kidneys is uneven, they are dense and decrease in size, edematous, the surface is covered with red dots - glomeruli. Under the microscope, it can be seen that the capillaries are filled with exudate, which has clotted, and it contains leukocytes and erythrocytes.


After a full examination, delivery of all necessary analyzes And complete diagnosis condition of the dog is prescribed treatment. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of nephritis. The right conditions are created, the animal is kept in a dry and warm room without drafts.

The first day the dog is not fed, and on the second day they are given food that is poor in protein and easily digested. As a rule, these are cereals with various vegetables, low-fat dairy products, tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

A course of antibiotics for acute diffuse nephritis in dogs is inevitable. Together with them, sedative, diuretic and cardiac drugs are prescribed. Novocaine solution is also administered intravenously, ascorbic acid and calcium chloride.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to promptly eliminate the causes that could cause a complication and exacerbation of the disease. It is necessary to avoid the ingress of harmful toxic substances into the body of an animal with medicines or feed, to prevent long stay outdoors in bad weather to avoid getting colds.