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Norms of arterial pressure and pulse. Normal blood pressure in humans

Blood pressure in children - an indicator general condition organism. If there is an increase or decrease in this indicator, the child feels unwell, headache, fatigue. Blood pressure is the force with which blood presses against the wall of a vessel.

There are two types of pressure: systolic (upper), which is measured by the device during the ejection of blood from the heart, and diastolic (lower), which occurs during relaxation of the heart muscle. Both indicators are taken into account when measuring pressure and help to make a diagnosis. The indicator is important because it reflects the work:

Normal children's pressure is measured in the same way as in adults, using a tonometer. It is better to use a mechanical device, because electronic devices give a large error in the indicators. Parents or medical staff need to measure indicators on both hands of the child. If necessary, this procedure is carried out on the legs. If the difference between the pressure at the top and lower limb 15 mmHg Art. and above - this is a sign of such a pathology as coarctation of the aorta.

Determination of blood pressure indicators

According to the rules, measurements are taken in a sitting position, the arm should be bent and relaxed. The cuff is put on 1.5-2 cm above the elbow bend, and it must be fixed on the child’s shoulder so that one finger fits in the space between the cuff and the arm.

Next, air is pumped into the cuff while the phonendoscope is applied to the ulnar artery. Make sure that during the procedure do not hurt the child, do not inflate more than 200 mm Hg of air. Art. And if the child painfully endures the procedure, the pressure can be measured through the shirt. Measurements should be repeated three times and from all the results choose the smallest.

The resulting figures depend on the following indicators:

  • cuff sizes (no longer than a third of the shoulder);
  • position of the child during the procedure;
  • emotional state or stress before measurement.

With age, vascular tone increases, so blood pressure rises until it reaches 110-120 / 70-80 mm Hg. Art. The difference between systolic and diastolic readings is called pulse pressure.

Normal Measurement Guidelines

The pressure in a child depends on age, height, gender. Therefore, formulas and centile tables have been developed for children to establish normal indicators. Under the age of one year systolic pressure should equal this figure: 76 + 2n, where n is the number of complete months. Diastolic pressure should be between 2/3 and 1/2 systolic.

For children older than a year calculate the systolic norm according to the formula: 90 + 2n; diastolic pressure: 60 + n, where n is the number of years. The average pressure in a newborn (BP) is 80/50 mm Hg. Art. TO adolescence it grows to 110/70–120/80 mm Hg. Art.

There are no exact normal indicators, because all the parameters of the child are individual. Therefore, doctors use upper and lower acceptable limits. If the result of the examination does not fall within these limits, then it is necessary to monitor this and inform the pediatricians about such a deviation. The values ​​are placed in a table by age.

Age Blood pressure (BP) mm Hg Art.
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
First 2 weeks 60 96 40 50
Up to 1 month 80 112 40 74
2 months-year 90 112 50 74
2-3 years 100 112 60 74
3-5 years 100 116 60 76
6-9 years old 100 122 60 78
10-12 years old 110 126 70 82
13-15 years old 110 136 70 86

If you notice deviations during the first measurement of pressure, do not panic, this is not yet a sign of illness. Emotional arousal and other external factors can give such a result. But if the child is under observation for more than two weeks, and the pressure does not return to normal, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Interpretation of results and signs of diseases

High blood pressure in children is less common than low blood pressure. Nevertheless, hypertension can develop into a full-fledged disease - arterial hypertension. This is manifested by headaches, constant redness of the face, and occasionally nausea. In this state, the narrowed vessels are not able to nourish the tissues and organs with blood, and the heart works in an enhanced mode. High pressure children have:

  • with a tendency to obesity;
  • V stressful situations(control at school, experiences);
  • due to hormonal changes in the body;

A dangerous symptom of hypertension can be in case of poisoning, brain damage, and impaired kidney function.

At home, dealing with high blood pressure is dangerous, if the deviations from the norm are critical, you should call a doctor. It is risky to take antihypertensive medications uncontrollably.

Hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure - is often observed in adolescents. This may be accompanied by dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, sweating. Fatigue and pain in the region of the heart after exercise are also signs of hypotension. The reasons for this may be:

  • hormonal disruptions associated with the thyroid gland;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • lack of physical education in a child's life.

This normal phenomenon characteristic of children usually disappears in adulthood. Hypotension is not as terrible as deviations in reverse side. special treatment such pressure in a child does not require medicines. Parents can enroll a student or teenager in sports section or occasionally, with unpleasant symptoms, prepare coffee. In babies, hypotension should be monitored by a pediatrician.

Heredity, climate change and non-compliance with the daily regimen can also be the causes of changes in blood pressure. Therefore, the control of this indicator becomes the direct responsibility of the parents. And in cases of suspected hypotension or hypertension, it is necessary to contact cardiologists in a timely manner.

The norm of TSH in women by age and deviations from the norm

Hormones - important substances in the human body. They have a key influence on all life processes. The level of TSH and its norm in women by age (table) can differ significantly, and there are objective reasons for this.

An increase or decrease in the level of this hormone may indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body. What are the reasons for high or low levels, the symptoms in such conditions, and when is it indicated to do tests for the level of TSH in the blood?

What is TSH, its functions and features

TSH is a thyroid-stimulating hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland and has a key effect on the production of thyroid gland thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), ensuring their balance.

It is the balance of all these substances that controls the most important processes in the human body. Their rate may vary depending on gender, age and even time of day. If healthy men TSH levels are approximately the same and rarely go beyond the normal range, then in women things are a little different.

The level of TSH can change not only with age, but even depending on the day of the cycle. Pregnancy completely changes the whole hormonal background which affects all vital signs.

TSH is not directly a hormone thyroid gland, and is produced by the anterior part (lobes) of the pituitary gland.

But its regulatory function associated with the production of T3 and T4 has two directions:

  1. Directly proportional - if the synthesis of T3 and T4 is insufficient, the body experiences a lack of iodine, then an increase in the level of TSH is noted. When thyroid hormones are restored and provide normal vital activity, the activity of the anterior pituitary gland temporarily slows down.
  2. Inversely proportional - with an excess of thyroid hormones, TSH is produced in increased quantities to normalize the work of the gland and reduce the level of T3 and T4.

The normal balance of all these substances:

  • provides metabolic processes(protein, carbohydrate, fat) at the level necessary to maintain the functioning of the body;
  • responsible for sexual life, as well as reproductive functions;
  • normalize and maintain within normal limits psychosomatic reactions;
  • stimulate and control the work of the heart muscle and the whole of cardio-vascular system.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Analysis

TSH analysis is quite expensive, but there are certain health problems when it is necessary for staging correct diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment.

It is necessary in the presence of such deviations:

  1. Disorders of the nervous system: long-term depressive states, general apathy or irritability, frequent causeless mood swings, long-term regular insomnia, aggressive manifestations.
  2. Alopecia (baldness) or rapid hair loss in the absence of other causes.
  3. Infertility in case of ascertaining the somatic health of both partners.
  4. Painful or uncomfortable sensations in the throat, accompanied by the appearance of neoplasms in the thyroid gland, which are palpable.
  5. In children in case of developmental delay (physical and mental) against the background of peers and age indicators of the norm.

Analysis for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone in international classification) is also prescribed not only in the presence of pathological conditions, but also in other cases:

  • pregnancy planning to exclude fetal pathologies and genetic diseases(in complex screening);
  • in children after birth to exclude congenital diseases and, if necessary, for the appointment of early therapy;
  • during the treatment of certain diseases, to determine the effectiveness of the therapy;
  • in case of the presence of previously identified pathologies of the thyroid gland (control once every six months).

This analysis plays a special role during pregnancy planning, as well as in the diagnosis of infertility. norma hormone TSH in women at early detection pathologies can be corrected with medication.

Direction for analysis can give both general practitioner, and specialists of a narrow profile - endocrinologist, gynecologist, cardiologist. But to obtain reliable results, you need to know how to properly prepare for analysis and some features of the "behavior" that the TSH hormone has.

Preparation for the analysis and its implementation

The specialist who sends you to conduct a clinical trial will give clear recommendations that must be followed in order for the result to be reliable.


  • Exclude alcoholic drinks(including low alcohol) 48 hours before the procedure.
  • Do not smoke 24 hours before the procedure.
  • If possible, do not take medicines a week before the analysis (hormonal, including contraceptives - preferably a month), if this does not lead to health problems in case of chronic diseases.

  • Exclude flour, rich and sweet dishes, strong coffee and tea from the diet at least 2-3 days before the analysis.
  • Limit physical activity (fitness or other sports) for 2-3 days.

Diagnostic testing is carried out in the morning, ideally on an empty stomach. The TSH rate in a woman will depend on the menstrual cycle, although the study has no restrictions or prohibitions on any day.

Also, the TSH index is influenced by physical and emotional condition, Times of Day, accompanying illnesses. All these factors should be reported to the doctor or laboratory assistant.

As a rule, blood for analysis is taken in morning time from 8:00 to 12:00, as during this period the indicators will be the most truthful. After 14:00, the level of TSH in the blood drops, which is explained by standard physiological processes.

But in the time interval between 2:00 and 4:00, the concentration will be maximum, since during the period deep sleep the pituitary gland is the most active in producing the hormone. If this phase of sleep is disturbed, a malfunction of the nervous system occurs, which affects the production of TSH.

As a rule, in the laboratory, along with the results, a transcript is given, which includes:

  • the level of concentration of TSH in the blood;
  • indicators of the norm, which may differ significantly depending on the method of conducting, inherent in a particular laboratory;
  • possible reasons for the deviation, if any.

The symbol for the level of TSH is μIU / ml, which stands for microunits (IU - international unit) per milliliter. This is a generally accepted international unit for measuring the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood.

Norm indicators

In men, the norm of thyroid-stimulating hormone practically does not change throughout life, only in case of pathologies. various bodies and systems. It is 0.4-4.9 μIU / ml.

What is the norm of the TSH hormone in women depends on many factors. This is age, menstrual cycle, pregnancy. It is necessary to take into account the lower and upper limits in order to know about the presence of pathology.

The norm of the hormone TSH for women.

The decrease in the level of TSH in pregnant women is explained by the fact that during this period the thyroid gland produces a large number of T3 and T4 to ensure the development of the placenta and the needs of the fetus. Works inversely proportional hormonal connection to maintain the right balance.

Also for woman normal TSH will depend on the age of hormonal imbalances - puberty, lactation, menopause. During these periods, deviations in any direction are possible. But if there is no pathology, they will be insignificant.

TSH level is low - what does it mean

Drop in TSH levels below allowable rate, which is observed long time, or the significance of this indicator may indicate the presence of certain pathologies.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be:

  • insufficient amount of iodine and potassium from food;
  • exhausting strict diets, prolonged fasting;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • goiter of any etiology;

  • diseases or pathological conditions of the pituitary gland;
  • unjustified or incorrect reception of certain medicines predominantly hormonal.

But how to determine that the rate of the TSH hormone is lowered, and in time to seek help?

A reduced concentration of thyrotropin indicates that the level of T3 and T4 is increased in the body, causing specific symptoms:

  1. Decreased body temperature. Against this background, there are jumps temperatures within 35.5-36.2 °, which causes uncomfortable state in terms of general well-being.
  2. tachycardia, anxiety and causeless fear, especially intensifying at night.
  3. Insomnia, which can be both constant and situational, but regular. Sleep disturbances may also occur when deep phase absent.
  4. Frequent spasmodic headaches, migraine-like.
  5. Increased appetite, especially at night.

In addition to pregnancy, a decrease in the level of thyrotropin is a rather rare phenomenon. However, for women, it can be situational, since it directly depends on stress and impaired psycho-emotional state.

Increasing the level of TSH

Excessive production of thyrotropin indicates that the function of the thyroid gland is inhibited. Therefore, the production of T3 and T4 is insufficient.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be:

  • increased body mass index, obesity of varying degrees;
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • removal of the gallbladder;
  • dystrophic pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • poisoning with iodine preparations or its increased concentration in the body;
  • low blood pressure;
  • pathology of the pituitary and hypothalamus.

In the case when the norm of thyroid-stimulating hormone is violated in a big way, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • lack of appetite, accompanied by occasional bouts of nausea;
  • dryness and pallor of the skin;
  • anemia due to poor absorption of iron;
  • disruption of the nervous system: apathy, indifference, lethargy;
  • swelling of the extremities, especially in the evening;
  • prolonged constipation with a minimum amount of food and a normal diet.

In such cases, select individual treatment aimed at stabilizing the production of thyrotropin and all related hormones.

There is another condition - the syndrome of euthyroid pathology, when TSH is significantly elevated, and T3 and T4 remain normal. This pathology is considered the most dangerous, since there are hormonal dysfunction, but it needs to be restored without the help of steroid drugs.

The reason for such pathological condition can be:

  1. Strong stress.
  2. Physical inactivity.
  3. Lack of mental stress.
  4. Unbalanced diet, prolonged diets.

In order to diagnose such hormonal imbalance, use additional methods research.

The syndrome of euthyroid pathology once again demonstrates that hormonal disruptions in the body, especially in women, can occur not only against the background of endocrine pathologies, but under the influence of external factors which are often overlooked.

Remember that the disease is easier to treat initially than in running form. A timely appeal to a specialist will help you return to a full, healthy life sooner.

pressure in the elderly

Most often, there is increased and decreased blood pressure and pulse in the elderly, because the vessels become less elastic. Therefore, there are also indicators of the norm of blood pressure in the elderly. Human pressure depends on many factors. For this reason, be careful and measure it every day to avoid the appearance of dangerous diseases.

Normal allowable pressure

The norm of blood pressure is different for women and men and is determined by age.

In women after the 60th year of life, the indicator that reaches 144/85 mm Hg is considered normal. In men at the same age - 142/85 mm Hg. At the age of 70, if a woman's performance reaches 159/85 mm Hg. Art., and for a man - 145/82 mm Hg. Art., blood pressure fine. Normal at 80 pulse pressure considered 147/82 mm Hg. for the male, and for the female - 157/83 mm Hg. Art. At the age of 90, these figures are 145/78 mm Hg. Art. in the stronger sex and 150/79 mm Hg. Art. for female.

If the pressure indicators deviate in one direction or another, a person’s work worsens internal organs, there is discomfort, which negatively affects performance. To avoid hypotension and hypertension, it is necessary to know the norms of human pressure depending on gender, age, general physical condition.

Human pressure depends on gender, age and individual characteristics

Pressure norms by age

Arterial pressure means the force with which blood presses on the vascular walls. Indicators are affected by gender, human constitution, level physical activity, BP figures vary greatly from year to year.

Minor fluctuations in data in a healthy person occur due to stress, overwork, lack of sleep, physical exertion, caffeinated drinks, spicy and salty foods can affect the value.

Basic blood pressure parameters:

  1. Systolic, upper, cardiac - occurs at the time of ejection of blood from the heart. Optimal values ​​are 110–130 mm Hg. Art.
  2. Diastolic, lower, renal - displays the force of pressure in the vessels during a pause in heart contractions. Values ​​should be between 80-89 mmHg.
  3. If you subtract the lower readings from the upper readings, you get the pulse pressure. The average value is 35–40 units.

In addition to blood pressure, an indicator of health is the pulse, which shows the number of heartbeats. In an adult healthy person, the ideal pressure “like that of an astronaut” is 120/80, the pulse is 75 beats per minute. Professional athletes have normal values ​​- 90-100 / 50-60 mm Hg. Art.

The norm of pressure and pulse in men and women

Age (years) Systolic indicators (mm Hg) Diastolic indicators (mm Hg. Art.) Pulse (beats per minute)
0-12 months boys 96 66 130–140
0-12 months girls 95 65 130–140
2-10 boys 103 69 95–100
2–10 girls 103 70 95–100
11-20, boys 123 76 70–80
11–20, girls 116 72 70–80
21-30, men 129 81 60–80
21-30, women 127 80 65–90
31–40 men 129 81 70–80
31–40 women 127 80 75–85
41–50 men 135 83 70–80
41–50 women 137 84 75–90
51–60 men 142 85 65–75
51–60 women 144 84 65–80

In obese people, blood pressure is usually slightly higher than normal, with an asthenic physique, the data are below the average. For the elderly, over 60 years old, indicators of 145–150 / 79–83 mm Hg are considered optimal. Art. An increase in values ​​is associated with damage to blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques, the heart muscle wears out, pumping blood worse.

Arterial indicators - the value is purely individual, many people feel good with low and high rates. Therefore, each person needs to know his working pressure, fix the values ​​at which the state of health worsens.

How to calculate pressure?

To find out the optimal pressure indicators, you can use the table, or the special formula of E.M. Volynsky. There are 2 types of standard calculations - with or without body weight.

Calculation formulas:

  1. GARDEN 1=109+(0.5×n)+(0.1×m).
  2. GARDEN 2=109+(0.4×n).
  3. DBP 1=63+(0.1×n)+(0.15×m).
  4. DBP 2=67=(0.3×n).

Where SBP is systolic values, DBP is blood pressure, n is the number of full years, m is body weight in kg.

The Volynsky formula is suitable for determining pressure in people aged 17–80 years.

In the absence of pathologies in pregnant women up to 6 months, the pressure should be within the average values, in accordance with age. Under the influence of hormones, deviations of up to 10 units are allowed.

How to measure blood pressure?

I use blood pressure monitors to measure blood pressure. The most accurate is a mechanical tonometer, which is used by doctors. It is difficult to use at home, since special skills are required to correctly listen to Korotkov tones. Automatic models are fixed on the elbow or wrist, they are easy to use, but there is a high probability of measurement errors.

The best option for self-measurement of blood pressure is a semi-automatic tonometer, which differs from the mechanical model only in the absence of a pump, the measurement results are displayed on an electronic screen, the error is minimal.

How to independently measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer:

  1. Sit down, the back should be straight, lean on the back of the chair, put the feet on the floor.
  2. Fix the cuff of the tonometer 3-4 cm above the elbow bend.
  3. Put your hand on the table, it should be on the same level with the line of the heart.
  4. Fix the head of the stethoscope on the cubital fossa, insert the tips into the ears - the heartbeat should be clearly audible.
  5. Rhythmically start pumping air with a pump to a level of 200–220 mm, the cuff should not squeeze the arm too much.
  6. Slowly deflate the cuff, the value at which the first beat of the pulse will be heard indicates systolic blood pressure.
  7. With the disappearance of the pulse beat, the diastolic value of blood pressure is recorded.

After the end of the measurement, it is necessary to calculate the pulse pressure, enter the data in a special diary. To minimize the possibility of error, the procedure should be carried out at the same time, since blood pressure values ​​\u200b\u200bmay differ depending on the time of day.

Basic errors in pressure measurement

To obtain correct values, it is necessary not only to use the tonometer correctly, but also to follow some rules.

How to avoid mistakes when measuring blood pressure:

  1. 30-40 minutes before the start of the measurement, you need to calm down, sit down or lie down.
  2. Do not smoke or drink caffeinated drinks one hour before the procedure.
  3. You should not measure the pressure immediately after eating - the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay increase by 10-15 units.
  4. Before measuring blood pressure, you should visit the toilet - full bladder can distort the indicators by 6–10 points upwards.
  5. While the tonometer is on the arm, you can not speak, move, gesticulate.

Do not drink or smoke before taking blood pressure.

For a more accurate result, measurements should be taken on both hands, measurements should be taken again after a quarter of an hour on that limb, the more tonometer data were higher.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

For any serious pathological changes in the body there is a change in arterial parameters, the pulse sometimes rises to 150 beats per minute. Doctors treat hypertension and hypotension equally dangerous diseases since each of them can cause complications.

How to recognize hypertension:

  • frequent bouts of headache that occurs in the occipital region;
  • dizziness, dark spots before the eyes - unpleasant symptoms occur when changing the position of the body;
  • increased sweating, lethargy, poor sleep quality;
  • deterioration of attention, memory, unreasonable attacks of anxiety;
  • shortness of breath, frequent nosebleeds;
  • the face is constantly pale or red.

The combination of two or more signs is a good reason to see a doctor. If such symptoms are accompanied by high blood pressure, hypertension is diagnosed. Initial degree arterial hypertension- increase in blood pressure to 140-159 / 90-99 mm Hg. Art. within a few days against the background of a general deterioration in well-being.

Frequent headaches and high blood pressure may indicate hypertension

With hypotension, a person experiences constant fatigue and apathy, the limbs freeze, sweat, go numb, hypotensive patients almost always react to changes in weather conditions, do not tolerate loud sounds and bright flickering light. Hypotension is accompanied by headache, which is localized in the frontal and temporal region, dizziness, fainting, sharp drops moods. Women experience disruptions in menstrual cycle, men begin to have problems with potency.

With a persistent decrease in performance to the level of 105/65 mm Hg. Art. in adults, and 80/60 units in children, doctors diagnose hypotension.

Blood pressure readings provide valuable information about a person's health status. Any deviations in values ​​in conjunction with dangerous symptoms means that it is impossible to delay a visit to the doctor. Chronic hypertension, hypotension often ends with heart attacks, strokes, deterioration of the brain, disability, death.

As you know, the well-being of any of us largely depends on the value of blood pressure, which is one of the most important indicators of the functioning of the body that determines the general condition of a person.

That is why cardiologists recommend that everyone know their working and optimal pressure, at which the patient feels as comfortable as possible, does not lose working capacity and does not seek help from medicines allowing normalization of blood pressure values.

You can find out what pressure a person has using the physical method of measuring it with a tonometer. In this case, two indicators are determined - upper and lower blood pressure.

The upper value is a display of the force with which the heart pushes blood out of its chambers.

The lower limit or (also called renal) depends on the function of the main urinary organs and represents the pressure exerted by the blood flow on the vascular wall between heartbeats.

Blood pressure is an individual indicator, since, among which, a person’s age, bad habits, the presence of concomitant ailments, individual characteristics organism, even gender, climatic conditions, time of day.

Changes in blood pressure can be affected by:

  • the rheological qualities of the blood, since the fluid prone to increased clotting is more difficult to move through the vessels;
  • a change in the contractility of the heart, which affects the force of ejection of blood into the aorta;
  • the presence of atherosclerosis, due to which the lumen of the vessels narrows;
  • disruption of the glands of the endocrine system and the production of biologically active substances affecting vascular tone.

In addition, it is customary to measure blood pressure on both hands, since it can often differ on the right and left sides. Experts say that different indicators are found in people prone to excitement, having anatomical features structure of the vascular bed or in patients with varying degrees muscle development.

Normally, the tonometer readings should not differ on the hands by more than 5 mm. rt. Art. Any other discrepancy is regarded as a pathology.

What blood pressure is considered optimal for the human body?

Ideas about what optimal pressure a person should have changed depending on the era and the knowledge of contemporary doctors about the structure of the cardiovascular system.

A few decades ago, it was believed that blood pressure values ​​should be directly proportional to the age of patients, that is, they should increase as they age.

Today, the situation has changed, so experts have revised their view of the optimal pressure in humans, even slight deviations from the norm of which are considered dangerous for representatives of all age groups. Naturally, no one denies the existence of a connection between the increase in performance and the aging of the body. It is well known that finding an elderly person with normal blood pressure is not an easy task.

Therefore, most people mistakenly believe that B should be about 150/90 mm. rt. Art. Indeed, representatives of the older generation, who are prone to, are advised to monitor the indicators of the tonometer and prevent them from increasing above the indicated figures. But this does not mean that this option is optimal for them.

Increased blood pressure is considered to be its value above 135/85 mm. rt. Art.

If a person is diagnosed with such an indicator against the background of relative physical emotional calm, it is regarded as a pathology. BP index 145/95 mm. rt. Art. - a sign of the development of hypertension or the presence of hypertension as a symptom of disorders of the internal organs and systems.

The optimal pressure for a person is 110-120 / 65-80 mm. rt. st. It is with these indicators human body functions as well as possible, and its tissues are saturated with oxygen.

With any changes, when the optimal blood pressure rises or falls, it is better not to take risks and contact specialists who will help determine the causes of the violations and offer the most effective methods their corrections.

It should be noted that such indicators of the general state of the human body, as, do not have a direct relationship.

Irhythmic and (tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia) does not always indicate hypertension, and rare bradycardia is about hypotension.

Moreover, often in cardiological practice, it is tachycardia that accompanies a decrease in blood pressure values, and bradycardiac disorders, on the contrary, its increase. Similar phenomenon is a variant of the inclusion of compensatory mechanisms to eliminate the shortcomings of hemodynamics.

Human working pressure

As you know, blood pressure is an individual indicator. That is, it depends not only on the influence of external factors, but also on the structural features of the human body, its age, and the nature of the nervous system.

In adolescents, a blood pressure value of 100/60 mmHg is considered normal. rt. Art., and for the elderly - 140/90 mm. rt. Art.

In both cases, patients feel normal, so in clinical practice there is a concept of working blood pressure, at which a person is comfortable and can exercise without problems usual things. But what is the working pressure in humans? This indicator often differs from the optimal norms.

IN medical literature cases are described when middle-aged patients felt great with BP 90/60 mm Hg. st, but when it rises to values ​​of 120/80 mm. rt. Art. began to complain of headaches, nausea, decreased performance and other symptoms of hypertension.

That is why, when answering the question of what pressure is normal for a person, one should take an interest in his working blood pressure, at which he maintains excellent health, and there are no signs of any pathological disorders.

Automatic electronic tonometer - the most simple and convenient way measure your blood pressure yourself

Every adult needs to know what working pressure is characteristic of him, so that if medical correction is necessary, it will become a guide for the doctor. Such measurements can be made independently.

It takes several times to do this. certain period time, with excellent health, diagnose blood pressure indicators on both hands and calculate their average value. The resulting number will be what is called the working pressure of a person. As a rule, working blood pressure does not often differ from the blood pressure characteristic of different age groups of the population.

To calculate the working blood pressure, a special formula is used:
  • for patients from 7 to 20 years;
  • normal systolic blood pressure = 1.7 x age (years) + 83;
  • normal diastolic blood pressure = 1.6 x age (years) + 42.
  • for patients from 20 to 80 years old.
  • normal systolic blood pressure = 0.4 x age (years) + 109;
  • normal diastolic blood pressure = 0.3 x age (years) + 67.

Eg, normal pressure A person aged 30 must have:

  • systolic = 0.4 x 30 + 109 = 121;
  • diastolic \u003d 0.3 x 30 + 67 \u003d 76.

At the age of 30, the optimal blood pressure indicators for a healthy person are 121/76 mm. rt. Art.

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The norm of blood pressure depending on the age of the patient:

On the other hand, according to numerous clinical research, the working pressure of a 30-year-old person is about 130/80 mm. rt. st, which is somewhat different from that recommended by cardiologists. That is why each person is obliged to know their individual characteristics in order, if necessary, to suggest them to doctors for competent correction of violations.

Blood pressure is the most important indicator of the functioning of not only the heart muscle, but the whole organism. This term most often refers to blood pressure (BP) - the force with which blood presses against the walls blood vessels and arteries - but the name includes several more types of pressure: intracardiac, venous and capillary.

If a person's pressure deviates from normal values ​​up or down, it is necessary to carry out primary diagnostic measures, as this may be the result of deviations in the work of internal organs. In order to understand in time that the body needs help, you need to familiarize yourself with the table showing what pressure is normal for a person, depending on his age.

What is blood pressure

Blood pressure is called a human biomarker, showing with what force the liquid components of the hematopoietic system (blood and lymph) press on the walls of the vessels through which their current is carried out. The pressure in the arteries is a variable value, and can fluctuate and change up to 5-6 times per minute. Such oscillations are called Mayer waves.

Normal pressure in an adult depends not only on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, but also on external factors. These include stress, exercise levels, diet, alcohol or caffeinated beverages.

Taking certain medications can also cause fluctuations in indicators, but they should not deviate from the normal pressure of a person by age by more than 10%.

    When measuring blood pressure in a person, two indicators are recorded:
  1. systolic, upper index: resistance force vascular walls blood flow at the time of contraction of the heart muscle;
  2. diastolic, lower indicator: the pressure of the blood on the walls of the arteries when the heart relaxes.

For example, 120/80: 120 is an indicator of the upper blood pressure, and 80 is the lower one.

What pressure is considered low

Consistently low arterial indicators called hypotension. This diagnosis is made to the patient, if for three consecutive measurements with an interval of one week, the tonometer readings did not exceed 110/70 mm Hg. Art.

Hypotension can occur for several reasons, some of which can be very serious, such as blood infections (sepsis) or endocrine pathologies(hypothyroidism, diabetes). A decrease in the resistance force of the vascular walls can occur with extensive blood loss, heart failure, long stay in a stuffy room. In athletes, acute hypotension often develops against the background of injuries and fractures as a reaction to pain shock.

Treatment for hypotension includes balanced diet, good rest, moderate exercise, massage. Useful procedures that positively affect the elasticity of blood vessels (swimming, aerobics).

arterial hypertension- this is a persistent increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

Contribute to the development of hypertension can not only internal factors associated with the work of the heart and other internal organs, but also external, for example, short and restless sleep, increased salt intake, poor climatic and environmental living conditions.

In older people, these indicators can increase with chronic stress, consumption of low-quality foods, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, primarily magnesium and potassium.

Treatment includes medical correction, therapeutic and preventive nutrition (restriction of spices and salt), refusal bad habits. It is important for working people to create a regime of work and rest that is favorable for the body, as well as to properly organize labor activity so that it is not associated with negative impact heart muscle or nervous system.

Monitoring blood counts is especially important for older people. age group, since the risk of pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems in them exceeds 50%. In order to notice the existing deviations in time, it is necessary to know what is the normal pressure of a person, and how it can change depending on his age.

By age (table)

Below are tables that show the norms of blood pressure by age for women and men. Focusing on these data, you can monitor the health of blood vessels and timely apply for medical care if the need arises.

Some experts deny the theory that an increase in upper and lower blood pressure in a person with age is physiological norm, believing that even at 50-60 years old this figure should not rise above 130/90 mm Hg. Art.

Despite this, the percentage of elderly and old age capable of maintaining performance at this level does not exceed 4-7%.

Among women

In men

In children

Regular blood pressure measurement childhood necessary for children at risk for heart disease, diabetes and pathologies genitourinary system. Children born with malformations of the heart muscle should be registered with pediatric cardiologist, and with any significant deviation of blood pressure from normal values, such children should be hospitalized for complex diagnostics.

Control of this biomarker is also necessary for healthy children, since many serious illness(including oncological diseases kidneys) begin precisely with an increase in pressure. In order not to miss the time and start treatment on time, parents should know what kind of blood pressure the child should have in the norm, and from what it can change up or down.

The table below shows the norm for blood pressure in children under 12 years of age:

The norm of blood pressure in children 10 years old is already approaching ideal pressure in an adult and is 120/80 mm Hg. Art. If this figure is slightly less, you should not worry, because great importance have individual features of the functioning of the hematopoietic system and the heart muscle. If the pressure in a child is higher than these values, consultation of a cardiologist and a pediatrician is necessary.


The norm of blood pressure in a teenager is no different from the normal blood pressure of an adult.

Pressure is a very important indicator that reflects the state of blood vessels and the degree of blood supply to organs. To prevent pathologies associated with the hematopoietic system, it is necessary to know what blood pressure a person should have and take all measures to maintain sufficient tone and elasticity of blood vessels.

Chronic hypertension or hypotension is equally dangerous at any age, therefore, with regular deviations of the arterial biomarker from the age norm, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Author of the article: Sergey Vladimirovich, an adherent of reasonable biohacking and an opponent of modern diets and fast weight loss. I will tell you how a man aged 50+ to remain fashionable, handsome and healthy, how to feel 30 at his fifty. about the author.

As long as we feel good, such a thing as blood pressure is of little interest to us. We begin to evaluate the blood pressure indicator and monitor its changes only after the onset of unpleasant symptoms that speak of malfunctions in the body. What is blood pressure, what does it depend on and what should it be normal for a healthy person?

What is blood pressure

Blood pressure, often abbreviated as BP, is the force with which blood flow pushes against the walls of blood vessels as it moves. It would be more reasonable to call it blood, because blood flows not only through the arteries, but also through the veins and capillaries. However, blood pressure is most often measured in large arterial vessels, close to the surface of the body, so the indicator is called - blood pressure.

Blood pressure directly depends on the strength and frequency of contractions of the heart, on how much blood it passes through the atria and ventricles for one minute, on the state of the walls of blood vessels, and also on the composition of the blood.

Blood pressure is the most important medical indicator, which can tell the doctor about the state of the cardiovascular, endocrine and autonomic nervous system of a person. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury and is written as a fraction.

There are two main values ​​- upper and lower pressure, which is correctly called systolic and diastolic, as well as pulse pressure. Systolic measures the blood pressure on the vessels at the time of systole, that is, heart contraction. This value is directly related to the work of the heart, the strength and frequency of its contractions, as well as the resistance of the walls of blood vessels.

Diastolic pressure is measured when the ventricles of the heart relax (diastole). This indicator gives an idea of ​​the minimum blood pressure in the arteries, it depends only on the state of the walls of the vessels, on their resistance to blood flow.

Pulse pressure reflects the fluctuations of blood vessels during the moments between contractions and relaxations of the heart (systoles and diastole). If blood pressure is measured using a tonometer, then pulse pressure is calculated mathematically. From the figure of systolic pressure, the figure of diastolic pressure is subtracted and the value of the third indicator is obtained.

What pressure is considered normal in an adult?

What affects blood pressure? In an absolutely healthy person, blood pressure indicators may change. This happens under the influence of many factors.

  • A decrease in blood pressure may be seen in summer period, in the heat, when the mechanism of reflex vasodilation is activated so that the body does not overheat. Some people often experience the so-called orthostatic effect, that is, a decrease in blood pressure when getting out of bed abruptly. The vessels and the heart cannot rebuild so quickly and the person experiences tinnitus, darkening in the eyes, goosebumps, short-term weakness, that is, symptoms of low blood pressure.
  • With a significant physical activity and sports increases the work of the heart, respectively, there is an increase in blood pressure.
  • The blood pressure of a healthy person depends on the regulation by internal mechanisms - the central nervous system and hormones (adrenaline, cortisol). Therefore, throughout the day, the indicators change. During rest, sleep, blood pressure decreases, during wakefulness and especially during stress, it can increase.

Optimal pulse pressure

According to the pulse pressure figure, the cardiologist can easily determine the state of the patient's vessels: their lumen, the elasticity of the walls, whether there is stenosis (narrowing), spasms or inflammatory processes. Normal pulse pressure is 35 mm Hg. Art. Up to 40 years, numbers 25–40 are allowed, at an older age - 50 mm Hg. Art. Significant deviations from these figures indicate pathological processes in the organs of the cardiovascular system, even if the systolic pressure is normal and is 120–130 mm Hg. Art.

PD below 30 is a clear signal of a serious problem. We can talk about serious diseases:

  • big blood loss;
  • heart failure;
  • stroke of the left ventricle;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • myocarditis;
  • cardiosclerosis.

The deviation of the indicator in the direction of increase - more than 60 - indicates at least serious problems Oh.

Cardiologists say: increased pulse pressure is worse than low, as it indicates a large load on the heart, which most often happens with high degree hypertension. In addition, the causes may be other diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • thyroid disease;
  • anemia;
  • endocarditis;
  • chronic insufficiency of internal organs.

It happens that PD changes upwards in absolutely healthy people. The reason may be hard physical labor, very fast running. In this case, the indicator should return to normal in a quarter of an hour after the load is stopped. If that doesn't happen, then you should be concerned. Interestingly, a decrease in pulse pressure, even a short-term one, is never observed in healthy people.


Modern doctors use norms that can be applied to any age. However, the average optimal values ​​for certain age groups are most often taken into account.

The modern medical classification of normal blood pressure in adults is as follows:

  • optimal pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg. Art.
  • normal pressure - 120/80–129/84 mm Hg. Art.
  • high normal blood pressure - 130/85–139/89 mm Hg. Art.

All indicators within these figures are considered normal. The border of the norm low pressure the value of 90/60 is considered to be. If the tonometer gives numbers below these, then there is a question of hypotension, that is, a pathological decrease in blood pressure.

In different healthy people, normal indicators can vary significantly.

With age, certain changes occur in the body and the indicators slowly shift from optimal to normal, and then to normal high. Since changes in the heart and blood vessels occur very slowly, the body has time to adapt and the person does not feel this age-related increase in blood pressure.

In addition to age, the rate of pressure for each individual person is influenced by his gender and constitutional features - height, weight.

Therefore, special formulas were created to calculate the norm of pressure for a particular person, taking into account his age and body weight.

The Volynsky formula is designed to calculate the norm of blood pressure in people from 17 to 79 years old. Indicators of upper (SBP) and lower (DBP) pressure are calculated separately:

SBP = 109 + (0.5 × number of years) + (0.1 × weight in kg)

DBP = 63 + (0.1 × life years) + (0.15 × weight in kg)

A person's blood pressure is directly related to his body weight. With an increase in weight, the pressure increases: an extra 10 kg on average gives an increase in blood pressure by 5 mm Hg. Art.

Table: Blood pressure norms depending on gender and age

AgeSBP / DBP in men,
mmHg Art.
SAD / DBP in women,
mmHg Art.
Up to 1 year96/66 95/65 Deviations from these norms within
10 mmHg Art. are considered acceptable.
1–10 103/69 103/70
10–20 123/76 116/72
20–30 126/79 120/75
30–40 129/81 127/80
40–50 135/83 137/84
50–60 142/85 144/85
60–70 145/82 159/85
70–80 147/82 157/87
80–90 145/78 150/79

Interestingly, the norms for men and women under 40 are different - for men, the rates are higher. After this age limit, the figures for women change upwards. It's connected with hormonal changes V female body. There are differences in blood pressure levels in pregnant women. Up to 6 months in pregnant women, blood pressure in the range age norms. In the third trimester, under the influence of progesterone, most pregnant women experience pressure drops, possibly increasing to 130/80. If the pressure in a pregnant woman rises to 140/90, then this is an indication for additional surveys future mother.

Most often, blood pressure indicators on the right and left arms are different. This may be due to such factors:

  • anatomical features;
  • differences in the development of muscles on different hands;
  • stress;
  • violation of the circulatory process;
  • atherosclerosis.

If the indicators differ slightly, up to 5 mm Hg. st., there is no cause for concern. If the discrepancies are more significant, about 10 mm, then we can assume the presence of atherosclerosis.
A difference of 15–20 mm Hg. Art. and talks more about more serious health problems:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • vascular pathologies.

Symptoms of high and low blood pressure

Ideal blood pressure indicators are considered to be those with which a person feels good. Such individual "working" pressure may not fit into the framework of generally accepted medical standards.
Deviation of indicators from its norm can cause unpleasant symptoms.

Low blood pressure (hypotension) manifests itself as follows:

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • dull headache;
  • possible fainting.

When the weather changes, these symptoms intensify, since hypotension is very weather dependent. At low pressure, the orthostatic effect, which was described above, is pronounced.

A slight increase in pressure may not subjectively manifest itself. If hypertension develops gradually, then the body has time to adapt, turn on compensatory mechanisms. With a sharp significant increase in blood pressure, the situation changes. The person experiences the following symptoms:

  • severe pressing pain in the back of the head;
  • noise or even buzzing in the ears;
  • stuffiness in the ears;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • may arise pressing pain behind the chest.

These symptoms are a signal that you need to urgently see a doctor.

Video: What is AD

In order to maintain health and longevity, each person must monitor the state of his body and respond in time to alarm signals if they appear. Blood pressure gives a clear picture of the condition essential system organism - cardiovascular. By controlling these indicators, serious health problems can be avoided.