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The design and principle of operation of electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarette device from A to Z

The principle of operation of an electronic cigarette with liquid is similar to the operating method of a device such as an inhaler. The formation of vapor inhaled by the smoker occurs due to the heating of the liquid located in a special tank. The structure of this vapor is very similar to the smoke of a real tobacco product. This process helps simulate tobacco use and reduce the amount of nicotine consumed.

In most cases, people resort to using such devices in order to get rid of a harmful addiction.

Electronic Cigarette– a discovery of our time, this is a unique gadget that has a very simple structure

Many newcomers to this topic will be quite interested in learning the principle of operation of an electronic cigarette and the design of this product. At first it may seem that the device is quite technically complex, but if you take a closer look at the details, you will understand that all the operating mechanisms of the device are quite simple. The device itself consists of a small number of parts, due to the interaction of which steam is formed.

The device circuit itself is constructed in such a way that even a person who is very superficially familiar with the physics and design of such products can understand it. The device consists of three main components:

  • evaporator;
  • battery pack;
  • liquid reservoir.

Depending on the product version, the vaporizer may be called an atomizer or clearomizer. In most cases, the term “battery pack” refers to the part of the device where the battery is inserted. The fluid reservoir may also be called a cartridge.

There are many different models of electronic cigarettes on the market. Some of them contain special removable batteries in the battery compartment. But there are also models where battery replacement is not provided. When such devices experience problems with battery performance, it is necessary to replace the entire unit.

Most electronic cigarettes consist of three parts: battery, cartridge and atomizer.

Operating principle

In some key points The operating principle of an electronic cigarette is similar to an inhaler. It is precisely because of the way the electronic cigarette is designed that many manufacturers say that their product is much safer than their tobacco counterparts. Whether this is actually true has not yet been clarified by science.

Say that the use of such devices unconditionally does not harm work internal organs It's still quite early. Only after several decades will it be possible to conduct studies of the state of the body of people who have been using such devices for a long time. Talk about the superiority of using such means over other methods of getting rid of tobacco addiction, quite early, since the facts supporting these words simply do not exist yet.

The design of the electronic cigarette is designed in such a way that the smoker receives full feeling the one who uses his usual tobacco stick. Most of popular products has a shape as close as possible to tobacco products. Recently, so-called box mods, devices whose battery pack is made in the shape of a small box, have been gaining popularity among true fans of “vaping.”

Most manufactured models are equipped with special LEDs. They are intended to inform the owner of the device about the charge level, the performance of the device and to simulate the process of burning a cigarette.

What is important is that using an electronic product allows you to get rid of caustic tobacco smoke accompanying smoker. In addition, there are no such irritating factors, How bad smell from the mouth, hands and clothing. In most cases, the use of a vape by a smoking person does not cause any inconvenience to people nearby.

At the moment of inhaling, a reduced pressure occurs inside the atomizer, and under its action, liquid begins to flow from the top of the e-cigarette cartridge onto the bridge instead of the evaporated one.

Accessories and components

In order to finally understand how an electronic cigarette works, you need to know what the main components and accessories are used for.


Thanks to this device, liquid is supplied to the heating element. In most cases, the term atomizer should be understood as a coil made of metals such as nichrome, kanthal and stainless steel. The liquid is supplied to the spiral using a special wick, which is made from bamboo thread, cotton wool or special cotton. Vaporizers or atomizers are divided into several types:

  • serviceable evaporator;
  • maintenance-free fixer.

As the name itself suggests, a serviceable evaporator allows the possibility of replacing main elements such as the coil and wick. In contrast, maintenance-free evaporators must be completely replaced.

The atomizer is attached to the battery compartment using a special connection. Today there are about a dozen various types connections and adapters, thanks to which you can connect components from different devices and even manufacturers.

In addition, all atomizers are divided into criteria such as the possibility of refilling and the absence of this function. That is, disposable atomizers can be used only until they run out of liquid. After this, this component needs to be replaced.

In order to fill the “atom”, you must first separate the wick and the heating element, and then fill the liquid tank. Most manufacturers of refills equip their products with special dispensers, with which it is quite easy to refill the tank. However, if this dispenser is not on the bottle of your liquid, you can use a pipette or syringe.

Battery pack

This component of the electronic cigarette design is necessary to supply electric current onto a metal spiral. It is as a result of its work that steam is formed. Most battery packs are attached directly to the atomizer; however, when components from different manufacturers, you need to purchase additional connectors.

Battery packs are divided into two main types, mechanical version and variable watt. Depending on the type of battery pack, the types of current supply differ. Using variable watt, the user himself sets the required amount.

In addition, such devices are also divided by type of control. Today, manually controlled models are especially popular, where steam generation begins only after the user presses the required button.

Models with an automatic battery pack do not have special buttons. To start smoking, the user just needs to take a puff. This option is considered the most suitable for those who have just switched to using electronic devices, trying to reduce consumption tobacco products. Despite the convenience of this use case, many experts consider it necessary to ban the production of such products. In most cases, fires occur due to improper storage of the device.

In addition, battery packs vary in battery capacity. For example, a device with a battery capacity of six hundred and fifty ampere hours is equivalent to one pack of medium-strength cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are modern devices that are only visually similar to their tobacco counterparts


It is this design component that can have various special functions. Very often, manufacturers protect their products from many factors that cause the device to become unusable.

The most popular battery function is considered to be “varivolt”. Using it, you can change the voltage that is supplied to the evaporator. No less popular is the thermal control function, with which you can avoid overheating of both the device itself and its individual components.

Very important function in such devices, this is an indicator of the amount of charge and protection against overcharging of the device itself. There are many different models in which, among the necessary functions, there are also such as control of the depth of inhaled steam, control of the number of breaths taken over a certain period of time, and many others. Such devices cost much more expensive than analogues, which lack these functions.


The vaporizer device for an electronic cigarette is made in such a way that the electronic device will refuse to work without a cartridge. This term refers to a component that contains a container with special materials that prevent liquid from spilling into the evaporator itself. It is thanks to this component that all the liquid in a special reservoir is supplied to the evaporator in certain doses. After this, the operation of the steam generator turns the liquid into steam, which the smoker inhales.

It is this component that needs constant replacement. In order to replace it, you need to perform a simple combination of movements. First you need to remove bottom part device, and then remove the used cartridge. Having screwed in a new one, the cigarette needs to be reassembled and after a few moments the device can be used again.

An electronic cigarette works on the principle of an inhaler.


The main necessary attribute for an electronic cigarette is, of course, refill liquid. Today there are more than a dozen different manufacturers that make liquids for every taste and color. Depending on the country of origin, the amount of nicotine and various impurities in the liquid content may vary. There are several classes of types of liquids, among which there are premium and luxury quality products.

Many newcomers to this field are frightened by the term “self-kneading”. This term must be understood as a process self-cooking refills using various recipes. To create a liquid, components such as nicotine, glycerin and propylene glycol are needed. These substances can be purchased in specialized stores. It is important to remember that it is not permissible to use drugs from a pharmacy to replace certain ingredients.

For those new to this area, it is necessary to make a short introduction and talk about what these ingredients are used for.

  1. Nicotine- one of the most powerful toxic substances, addictive equated to drug addiction. Refills for electronic devices use purified nicotine, which goes through several stages of distillation.
  2. Glycerol– This product is used to impart a thick vapor to the liquid and helps to release many flavors.
  3. Propylene glycol– an ingredient used to produce a “throat hit” effect. In addition, its presence promotes the dissolution of the remaining ingredients of the composition.
  4. Aromka– an additive based on plant components that helps obtain a finished dressing with a certain taste.

In fact, it is quite difficult to produce high-quality liquid. Without certain skills and in the absence necessary equipment, it is best to purchase a finished product.

When a smoker takes a puff, the liquid from the e-cigarette cartridge turns into vapor - this is what is inhaled when smoking and looks like smoke

Terms of use

The electronic cigarette device is built in such a way that the vaporizer is its main heart. Therefore, it is very important to monitor his condition. It must be remembered that this is a replaceable component and its replacement is necessary on average once every few weeks.

It is necessary to approach the issue of cleaning the product correctly. With prolonged use, small holes often become clogged with various debris. Only alcohol should be used for cleaning. The use of cleaning products can cause poisoning.

It is very important to prevent liquid from leaking out of the reservoir, as this may cause a short circuit and damage the device. For convenient transportation and storage, it is best to purchase a special case. If you do not intend to use the device for a long period of time, it is best to disconnect the battery pack and remove the battery. Before you begin to disassemble the device yourself, carefully read its instructions.

Electronic cigarettes quickly gained popularity. They first appeared in China. In this country because high density population smoking people problems arose. claim that they can be smoked absolutely anywhere, and to strangers they will not cause discomfort.

And indeed it is. Electronic cigarettes are absolutely safe for others, unlike regular cigarettes, the smoke of which is inhaled by other people. This feature is due to the fact that the operating principle of an electronic cigarette with liquid is based on evaporation, not combustion.


Electronic cigarettes allow you to control two smoking addictions at once:

  • physical: there is always the possibility of using cartridges with some nicotine content, which will allow for a smooth transition from cartridges with a high level of nicotine to nicotine-free ones (the operating principle of electronic cigarettes also contributes to this);
  • psychological: a complete imitation of the smoking process occurs, but nicotine does not enter the body.

Features of the electronic cigarette device

Any such cigarette consists of:

  • a battery or battery that supplies electricity;
  • a sonic clearomizer-evaporator that heats the liquid;
  • a combustion simulator, which is located at the tip of the cigarette itself;
  • air sensor air pressure sensor;
  • microprocessor (directly the electronic device of the cigarette, which starts the evaporator);
  • cartridge with liquid (it can be either with or without nicotine).

The cartridge is a sealed container that contains purified nicotine, as well as aromatic substances that are necessary to imitate the smell of expensive cigarettes. This part of the device is replaceable and can be replaced with a new one if necessary. Cartridges differ in the amount of nicotine they contain: from high level before complete absence. According to this principle, there are several types of electronic cigarettes:

  • nicotine-free, the safest for the body;
  • very light - nicotine content does not exceed 11 mg;
  • lightweight - from 12 to 16 mg of nicotine;
  • strong - about 18 mg;
  • very strong - the nicotine level reaches 24 mg.

U different models The parts may be connected in different ways, but the principle of operation of an electronic cigarette is always the same.

Scheme of work

What is the principle of operation of the evaporator in an electronic cigarette? When a smoker takes a puff, the microprocessor starts up, which in turn activates the heating element of the cigarette. As a result, the liquid evaporates. Next, steam begins to emit from the cigarette, which is an imitation cigarette smoke. He does this by saturating them with nicotine. It is worth noting that the principle of operation of the board in electronic cigarettes of different models is absolutely the same, since this element serves to supply current to activate the evaporator.

Some models of electronic cigarettes are almost identical in appearance to real ones; for example, some of them have a special sensor at the end that completely simulates smoldering (the operating principle of an electronic cigarette allows this). In addition, the device is activated not using a button, but by inhaling, as during the smoking process regular cigarettes.

Liquid composition

The liquid of any electronic cigarette consists of substances that are safe for the body (except nicotine) and are found in many foods. So, the components of the cartridge are:

  • food grade propylene glycol (can be found in cookies, candies and carbonated drinks) and glycerin (found in buns, chocolate) are necessary for the formation of steam;
  • food flavorings add flavor to the steam (added to yoghurts and candies);
  • nicotine is needed to eliminate physical dependence, often included in special medical chewing gums and patches for

If you wish, you can purchase a cartridge for an electronic cigarette from the manufacturer whose cigarettes you preferred to smoke in the past.

How to smoke electronic cigarettes

If no problems arise with conventional cigarettes, then their electronic analogue must be used according to all the rules, since the operating principle of electronic cigarettes is unique. First of all, this concerns the way of holding a cigarette. You need to hold it horizontally with a slight tilt, and you need to make sure that the air intakes are not covered with your fingers.

If the device is activated by pressing a button, then this must be done only at the moment of tightening, which should be long and fairly smooth. Sharp puffs should be avoided, as this may cause liquid to come into contact with the atomizer and cartridge, which subsequently ends up in the mouth or simply leaks out. However, there is no need to worry about the device being damaged in this way. It is enough to disassemble it, dry it and refill it again.

It is worth noting that the transition from a regular cigarette to the use of an electronic analogue is almost painless, since no preparation is required. The main thing is to remember that a filled cartridge should always be at hand, since running out of e-cigarette liquid at the wrong time can lead to a return to the addiction.

Is there any danger from smoking electronic cigarettes?

Despite the fact that the principle of operation of electronic cigarettes is simple and clear, questions may still arise regarding the safety of using this device. It is worth remembering that if you replace regular cigarettes with electronic ones, you will still consume nicotine, although perhaps the amount will be much less. Therefore, you should not hope too much that with the help of this device you will be able to quickly and easily quit your addiction.

Aromatic additives, which are certainly included in the composition of the liquid, can also pose a danger to the body; the operating principle of electronic cigarettes allows this. In addition, when choosing electronic analogues, it is worth remembering that these products are not subject to mandatory certification, which means no one will give you a guarantee of safety.

That’s why, before you finally decide to give up regular cigarettes in favor of electronic ones, think about whether it’s worth it. In many countries, e-cigarettes are subject to anti-tobacco laws, making their use impractical.

Electronic cigarettes are modern devices that are only visually similar to their tobacco counterparts. They do not produce smoke harmful to health. Instead, e-cigarettes generate vapor. In order to use the devices, smokers do not need lighters or ashtrays. And these are just a few of the differences between regular and electronic cigarettes. Let's take a closer look at their design and operating principle.

Principle of operation

Electronic Cigarette works on the principle of an inhaler. When a smoker takes a puff, the liquid from the e-cigarette cartridge turns into vapor - this is what is inhaled when smoking and looks like smoke.

The electronic cigarette is powered by a battery, which in automatic models (which is almost all Denshi Tabaco models) turns on itself immediately after the person takes the first puff. By inhaling, the smoker starts the microprocessor. This small element is located inside the battery. The microprocessor sends a signal to the atomizer (evaporator), as well as to the LED smoldering simulator. The heating element starts to work. Its heating is accompanied by the evaporation of aroma-nicotine liquid. As a result, steam is produced in the cartridge, which enters the human lungs. At the end of smoking, the battery automatically turns off. The electronic cigarette stops working. Smoking such cigarettes is as close as possible to the process of smoking their tobacco analogues.

Some electronic cigarettes are turned on manually after pressing a special button. In this case, you can completely control the steam production process, but it takes some time to get used to the need to constantly press the button.

There are also models with an ultrasonic atomizer, but they are less popular. Currently, they are practically not on sale.

How does an electronic cigarette work?

From the start of production until today, smokers are most often offered electronic cigarettes consisting of three parts - a cartridge (cartridge), an atomizer (evaporator) and a battery. However, recently, other, more advanced e-products of new generations have appeared on the markets. These are electronic cigarettes with a clearomizer and a cartomizer. What are the features?

cartomizer assumes the presence of only two elements. This is the battery and the cartomizer itself. The latter combines an atomizer and a cartridge. This design offers many advantages. First of all, electronic cigarettes with a cartomizer produce higher-quality and thicker vapor due to the fact that with each change of the cartomizer, the heating element also changes. The device becomes more compact and cartridge replacement is greatly simplified. An example of an e-cigarette with a cartomizer - .

Video - the device and principle of operation of an electronic cigarette

Electronic cigarettes with clearomizer ideal for those who prefer to refill cartridges themselves. They consist of two parts - a battery and a clearomizer, which combines an evaporator and a cartridge. The clearomizer is a transparent tank, thanks to which a person can easily recognize when the cartridge needs to be refilled. To add liquid to the clearomizer, you just need to open the special lid and drop a few drops into the cartridge. This e-cigarette device greatly simplifies the refilling process. An example of an electronic cigarette with a clearomizer -.

Fans of smoking can also purchase electronic pipes and . Their design is similar to that of e-cigarettes and differs only in design.

Cartridges and batteries: features of use and maintenance

Each part of the electronic cigarette has its own reserve of work. And for the device to function properly, it is important to take care of its proper maintenance.

Battery An electronic cigarette can work for 5-6 hours (depending on the specific model and battery capacity). After this period, it needs to be recharged. Getting your battery back up and running is as easy as charging it cellular telephone. From the Denshi Tabaco model line, the most capacious battery is the .

One cartridge An electronic cigarette is comparable on average to 15-20 regular cigarettes in terms of the number of puffs (depending on the specific model). Depending on how much a person is used to smoking, it may last for a day or for a longer period.

Currently, there is a fairly wide variety of cartridges. They differ in taste and amount of nicotine. Cartridges can be flavored with tobacco, chocolate, coffee, as well as various berries and fruits. Based on the amount of nicotine, they are divided into 4 main types. These are cartridges with high, medium, low substance content and nicotine-free.

Replacing cartridges must be carried out as the liquid in them is consumed. The need to change the cartridge may be indicated by a change in taste or a decrease in the amount of vapor. Depending on how the electronic cigarette is designed, replacing the cartridge may require more or less time. If the device is equipped with a cartomizer, you just need to unscrew the old one and connect the new one to the battery. For electronic cigarettes, consisting of three parts, you need to assemble the cartridge and atomizer, and then connect them to the battery.

Modern vapes have little in common with regular cigarettes. They are similar only in name and shape. Vaping and smoking - different processes, and the device of a vape is much more complex than that of a regular cigarette. It is believed that main danger Nicotine represents health benefits when smoking. Indeed, in high doses it can have a negative effect on the body, but much more more harm carry tobacco combustion products - tars and carcinogens. It doesn’t matter what exactly the smoker uses - hookah, cigarettes and cigarettes are equally dangerous to health.


Electronic cigarettes do not contain tobacco as fuel, but special liquids.

These devices were invented in China. They were intended to reduce the impact of harmful substances on the smoker’s body. To do this, scientists tried to exclude everything from the process. harmful substances except for nicotine. By gradually reducing its dose, the vaper can completely quit smoking.

The principle of operation of the vape is quite simple: the user presses the power button, the device supplies voltage to the metal coil using the battery charge. The liquid is supplied to the evaporator and turns into steam due to high temperature- and this vapor is inhaled by the vaper.


Modern electronic cigarettes consist of two separate modules - a battery and an atomizer:

  1. 1. The battery acts as a power source. IN simple version the vape is equipped with a battery, connection port charger and activation button. Advanced models have a display, additional buttons, and the ability to adjust power, voltage or temperature.
  2. 2. Atomizer - top part device, equipped with a container for liquid, a connector for connecting to a battery and a heating element. The latter consists of a spiral and filler, which is saturated with liquid.

Most devices use replaceable evaporators - the user is required to promptly replace the used part with a new one. Serviceable vaporizers allow the vaper to make his own heating element. This requires certain skills, but can significantly reduce the cost of operating the atomizer.

Liquid refill tanks vary in design to:

  • classic atomizers;
  • clearomizers;
  • cartomizers.

Clearomizers have a replaceable cartridge inside. Cartomizer is a tank in which the evaporator and cartridge are connected into a single unit.

The diagram of an electronic cigarette is shown in the figure.

Vaper shops offer big choice devices various levels. From appearance The vape device is independent, although there are still some exceptions.

First electronic devices looked like regular cigarettes. The classic cylindrical shape implies a sequential arrangement of elements inside the structure: a port for connecting a charger, a control board, a battery.

This type of electronic cigarette has its advantages, but is not very suitable for productive devices: the more powerful the “filling” and the battery, the more space they require, and not every vaper will want to carry a bulky steel pipe with them.

There are disposable electronic cigarettes - for example Pons.

Box mods have replaced the classics. These are more complex devices that have greater power and battery capacity. There can be several batteries in a design.

The devices are divided according to the type of tightening into the following devices:

  • for cigarette puffs;
  • for hookah bar;
  • universal.

Vaper's ABCs

An electronic cigarette will not surprise anyone if you meet a person letting off steam on the street. Just think, just 13 years ago no one thought this was possible. You can vape nicotine, or you can vape just delicious e-liquid.

You can enjoy the taste, or you can release thick and aromatic smoke. And this is also no secret to anyone. But not everyone knows the structure of an electronic cigarette and the principle of its operation. Today we will conduct a small educational program on the topic of the design of an electronic steam generator, which has so dramatically burst into the life of modern Russians.

Any thing that the owner uses must bring him benefit and moral satisfaction from the process of using the thing. And to extend the service life of a product, you need to know how to use any thing. This statement fully applies to electronic cigarettes. Many people know what this device looks like, but not everyone knows what’s inside it and how it works.

There are a great many varieties of the appearance of these cigarettes. Since the creation of the electronic cigarette in 2004, the configuration has undergone many changes until it has changed the original form beyond recognition.

The first electronic vapor generators were very similar to regular cigarettes, only slightly different in size. Modern electronic cigarettes do not resemble this form, even less so.

But significant differences in design do not in any way affect the principle of operation of the device. The components and assemblies look different, but still perform the same function as they did 13 years ago. To understand the principle of operation of the device, you need to find out what components it consists of, how the electronic cigarette circuit is designed, and how the electronic cigarette works in principle.

This invention was born thanks to a Chinese scientist who developed an electronic cigarette as a way to get rid of the rampant drug addiction in China. tobacco products. The electronic device was supposed to allow a person to gradually reduce the dose of nicotine that entered the body, so that at the end of the path of elimination he would completely stop using nicotine.

A lot of people appreciated this chance to get out of tobacco captivity, but most of all it caused heavy smokers. With the help of steam, the nicotine that penetrated the lungs was free of tar and combustion products of tobacco, which could not but please every nicotine lover. They were specially developed for this purpose different compositions vaping liquids with different percentages of nicotine content, of which there are a great variety today.

Thanks to the design and operating principle of the electronic cigarette, the process of consuming nicotine causes less harm not only to the person himself, but also to the people around him.

The principle of operation of the device.

Purified nicotine, which is used in vaping mixtures, along with other evaporation products, instantly dissolves in the air after exhalation of steam and does not have any consequences for the people around the vaper.

The main advantages of this use of an electronic cigarette are:

  • complete absence of tobacco smell from hair and clothes;
  • You can use an electronic cigarette in all places where your moral and ethical canons and upbringing allow you to smoke;
  • such nicotine use makes passive vaping impossible;
  • at home and in the interior of the car, where you used to love to smoke, not the smell of a pub will reign, but the pleasant aromas of vanilla or exotic fruits.

This cigarette is incredibly easy to use. You just need to press a button and inhale the steam.

Electronic cigarette design

The operating principle of an electronic cigarette is based on electrical laws that every person studied in school.

The main parts of any electronic steam generator are:

  1. Power supply.
  2. Atomizer.
  3. Cartridge.

What the device looks like from the inside.

The first component will be located in the filter area of ​​disposable electronic cigarettes, or at the very bottom of the structure of reusable cigarettes. On average, the power of one battery charge is enough for 100-120 puffs. The performance of each model is individual, since the battery capacity of electronic cigarettes from different manufacturers is different.

An atomizer is a device in which the entire process of creating steam takes place. The operation of this part of the electronics is based on the fact that the liquid that falls on the heated coil is converted into vapor under the influence of temperature.

Everything happens quite simply:

  • by pressing the button, you close the electrical circuit, and the voltage from the current source is supplied to the evaporator coil;
  • the liquid flows onto the cotton wick, which is located in direct contact with the spiral, and impregnates it;
  • the metal winding heats up and evaporates the liquid that falls onto the spiral from the impregnated wick.

The design of atomizers, like the design of electronic cigarettes themselves, can also be very different, but this principle is inherent in all of them.

The electronic cigarette circuit will include the following components:

  • cartridge;
  • air sensor;
  • smoldering tobacco indicator;
  • CPU.

Processors are present in more expensive device models, and are used for the correct operation of the sensor and indicator. The cartridge is located in the place where the filter is located on regular cigarettes. There is a channel inside it that allows steam to pass through oral cavity vaper. The cartridge does not function as a filter in these devices. There is simply no need for filtering.

Next to the cartridge is an atomizer. It is a conductor, which is made in the form of a metal coil. It is she who, under the influence of electric current, will evaporate our liquid.

The tobacco smoldering indicator has 2 tasks: to signal that the device is working and to simulate smoldering tobacco when the user takes a puff. This is how electronics work, and it turns out to be quite simple to use.

Types and sizes of modern electronic cigarettes.

Simple electronic cigarettes

The more complex the electronic steam generator circuit, the higher its cost. This is an axiom. Inexpensive devices are usually the simplest in their design. They exclude electronics and additional components.

Thanks to simplicity and low cost, manufacturers can become more sophisticated in the appearance of inexpensive devices, so everyone can choose a device according to their taste and style.

E-cigarette device.

Considering simple devices It is impossible not to mention such a niche of electronic steam generators as mechanical mods. As the name suggests, this is a modification of an electronic cigarette that is devoid of electronics, that is, it is mechanical. Devices of this type operate directly from the battery. This conditions them characteristic feature– the higher the battery charge, the more steam the device generates.

The undeniable advantages of mechanical mods are their price and simplicity of design. It's no secret that the simpler the design, the less likely disable such a device.

Novice vapers, unknowingly, very often pay attention to such electronic cigarettes, driven by their low price. And very often they do not even imagine what dangers may lie in wait for them if this device is used incorrectly.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then we should start with the fact that this device does not have any button blocking from accidental pressing. By putting the device in your pocket, you risk burning the winding without even noticing it.

The second feature of this device is that it has no control over battery overcharge and overdischarge. This may indicate that incorrect maintenance modes for the battery will simply reduce its power, or even damage the battery.

And the most important thing is the lack of short circuit protection. In the very best case scenario, your device will fail. In the worst case, failure will lead to an explosion, which can leave quite terrible and irreparable consequences on the face. This fact should not be underestimated, if only because there are several dozen cases in the world where a mechanical mod, if used incorrectly, sent people to intensive care.

The operating principle of this type of steam generator involves a huge amount of theoretical knowledge, and if you want to make an evaporative coil, it is an electric current, like physical concept should be on friendly terms with you, and before you do the winding itself, you need to carry out a lot of calculations in order to prevent a fatal mistake.

Bottom line

The principle of operation of an electronic cigarette is evaporation.

Whatever the electronic device, a disposable little one, or large modern vapor generators with a screen, the principle of operation of an electronic cigarette remains the same:

  1. Pressing the button closes the electrical circuit.
  2. The evaporator coil heats up under the influence of electric current.
  3. The wick, which is saturated with liquid, will also begin to heat up.
  4. A liquid that has a direct contract with the spiral will change its state of aggregation and turn into vapor.

And when inhaling, the vaper will receive a pleasant aroma and thick smoke, for which these devices were created. Vapor with pleasure and do not forget that when using any electrical appliances, you must follow the operating instructions and safety precautions.