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pH test strips for determining acidity. How to interpret test results? Alkaline Diet Idea

The study of biological materials allows for monitoring health status. Disposable urine pH test strips are designed for semi-quantitative measurement of acidity. Level acid-base balance informs about the functionality of the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as changes in bone mass structures and work genitourinary organs. When analyzing the pH level in urine, indicator test strips, which are litmus papers, are used.

Test strips for determining the pH level of urine allow you to quickly monitor the health of the digestive and respiratory systems, bone tissue genitourinary system.

Test strips for monitoring urine pH

Litmus paper medical purposes used for quantitative clarification of acidity. Study biological material using such testers is carried out in diagnostic centers and at home. Test strips are used to determine the pH level of urine in adults, children and pregnant women. Depending on the chemical composition Litmus indicators change color of any biological material. The result is determined by the color intensity of the pH test strip, ranging from light yellow to dark brown. The scale is printed on the packaging.

Application of the rapid test

The main tool for determining the balance of alkali and acid, which are necessary for the breakdown of minerals such as Ca, Mg, K, Na, are strips for determining the pH level in urine. For health analysis acid-base balance important in the body. Urine examination is usually prescribed for the elderly, chronically ill, pregnant women and newborns.

Indications for the use of indicators are the following symptoms:

  • uncharacteristic color of biofluid;
  • presence of impurities;
  • pungent amber.

Features of use and decryption

The test strip readings will be objective when examining morning urine. It is important that the liquid is freshly collected until red blood cells and leukocytes begin to break down and the urine becomes alkaline. Time: 60 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal, and the products must be neutral. A clean container is filled with urine, the test indicator is lowered into the liquid so as not to damage the sensor part to determine the acidity of the biofluid.

The urine test will be accurate after 2 minutes (the time is indicated in the instructions). To measure, the resulting color of the segment is compared with the scale on the insert. Higher acidity means lighter color, more alkali means darker color. The interpretation of the research result depends on the intensity of the indicator color to the corresponding gradation, which is suggested on the packaging. In the laboratory it is possible to use the photometric method.

Research results

Test strips for the pH level of urine can determine kidney problems, diabetes, tuberculosis, neoplasms, pathologies thyroid gland and etc.

The pH level is the ratio of alkali and acid in the human body. It is measured in units and cannot be less than 0.86, but short-term fluctuations in levels are possible over a wide pH range - 4.5-8. The analysis is prescribed for a wide range of diseases. Acidity level is an important indicator of health. Elevated or reduced rate alkali warns of the presence of serious abnormalities in a person. For diagnosis, a device or test strip is used to determine the acidity pH of urine - instantaneous and available method research.

Each strip (test for determining the acidity of urine) is used within 24 hours from the moment it is removed from the package and is disposable.

In principle, pH values ​​range from 0 to 14. In an aquarium with live fish, there are never extreme values, or there are no live fish there. Possible range is from 4 to 9.5. But here, too, the boundaries of the range are extreme values. In aquariums with live plants (where they somehow grow), the range of permissible pH values ​​is noticeably narrower: from 5.0 to 8.5. Aquarists interested in growing aquarium plants, strive to maintain in their aquariums active reaction water within a relatively narrow range of values ​​from 6.0 to 7.5, and, as a rule, values ​​from 6.4 to 6.8 are desirable for herbal aquariums. According to this,pH testsAvailable in two types. Some work over the entire range of aquarium pH values, but they are not very accurate, while others are highly accurate at determining pH in a narrow range of values ​​from 6.0 to 7.6. These latter can be used for, their accuracy for this purpose is quite sufficient.

Photo 1. JBL pH Test that works over a wide pH range.
Photos 2 and 3. Tetra pH Test that works over a wide range of pH values. But, in this case (determining the pH of melt water), this range turned out to be not wide enough. In the example given here (photo 3), rather acidic water is being tested and it is difficult to say pH = 5.0 or is the pH value even lower? It would be possible to give a confident answer if the scale were extended in the acidic direction to a pH value of 4.0. This is implemented in a test from JBL (photo 1). The scales of all these tests are quite “extended” to the side alkaline values, they are quite suitable for testing water in ponds in the summer, where the pH can be above 9.0.

Drip tests for determining the pH of water, operating over a wide range of values, make sense to purchase if there is no need to carry out accurate measurements of the pH value, and you will have to test a wide variety of water with very different possible pH values. For example, to measure pH in an aquarium and water supply, in a pond and well, when determining the suitability of spawning water, which is either distilled or brought from.

Photo 4. JBL pH test operating in a narrow pH range: 6.0 - 7.6. Perhaps this is the most accurate test. The accuracy of the measurement is ensured by a special procedure for comparing a water sample with a color scale. This procedure compensates for changes in sample color due to water color. Peat water has a dark color, which prevents accurate comparison. JBL's test solves this problem.

Photo 5 .

In bubble "B" there is simply aquarium water, it acts as a color-correcting filter, which allows you to determine the pH of colored water.

Let's see how this works with a specific example. In its practice as a water conditioner and soft remedy I use an infusion of oak leaves. Pouring such an infusion into an aquarium with neon fish (blue, red, blue) significantly facilitates their adaptation to new conditions after long-term transportation or can be useful after significant water changes in the aquarium. The JBL pH test allows you to accurately determine the pH of both the infusion itself and the water after adding the infusion to the aquarium.

Photo 6. Oak leaf infusion is brownish in color, how can you measure its pH using a drop test? You can’t measure it with any test; you need a “cunning” color scale.
Photo 7. The bottle on the right contains an infusion of oak leaves with 3 drops of indicator, but the resulting color is not similar to any sample on the color scale. The left bottle contains just infusion. It has a fairly rich color.

Photo 8. It is impossible to compare the color of the infusion with an indicator with a color scale: a similar color cannot be found.

Photo 9. Let's use the technique schematically presented above. The top bubble without an indicator: it plays the role of a light filter. We will move the carriage to the left.

Photo 10. We see a similar color, but not quite yet, move on...

Photo 11. Here the colors are almost the same. We found out the pH of the oak leaf infusion. The indicator of the active reaction of water turned out to be close to 6.0.
I added 600 ml of infusion to a 60 liter aquarium. The pH of the water before adding the solution was 7.1. What happened after adding it? Since the water in the aquarium, although not very much, is colored, we will again use a tripod carriage and a comparison bubble (upper bubble), which is used as a corrective filter.
Photo 12. It can be seen that the addition of oak leaf infusion lowered the pH value in the aquarium: now the pH is clearly less than 7.0...
Photo 13. ...but clearly more than 6.6...
Photo 14. ... and a little less than 6.8. We can assume that the pH of the water in the aquarium is close to 6.7.

This is how you can use the JBL pH test to determine the active reaction of water if it is colored. This one is very important feature"Jibiel" pH test, because for the purpose of acidification, the water in the aquarium is often filtered through peat or various plant extracts, all this does not allow the use of conventional drop tests, which do not provide for color scale correction.

A useful thing for those who monitor their health, nutrition, are familiar with the theory of alkalization and try to control the acid-base balance of the body. These are the strips we have in our bathroom:

They were not in stock for a long time, but now they have appeared.
There are 100 of these three-color strips in a jar to determine the pH level of urine and saliva in the range from 4 to 8.5. Results in 15 seconds.

Why do you need to monitor pH levels?

There is a theory that many diseases are associated with acidity in the body. Acidic environment ideal for the propagation of viruses, bacteria and fungi. Therefore, you should strive to maintain the pH of urine and saliva in the region of 7-7.5. This is done using proper nutrition, mainly use alkaline foods(70% of the total diet), alkaline water(for example, water with lemon or Essentuki), exclude if possible acid products. Some people alkalize their body by drinking soda in the morning...

In cases of some kidney diseases, on the contrary, it is necessary to oxidize the urine, and in this case the strips will also be useful.

High-quality strips are difficult to find in Russia and are much more expensive. There are cheap ones, for 150 rubles, these were my first strips)) but they are not at all indicative, and in comparison with these they are day and night. These strips are really convenient, with easily detectable results, but, unfortunately, they are not always available in stock.

The pH strip test for determining the acidity of the vagina is a relatively new invention that our women do not use very widely in everyday life. This is due to the lack useful information about the normal acidity of the secretions of the female genital organs and the importance of monitoring it. The acidic environment of the vagina is its natural defense against pathogens, so any changes in pH can negatively affect a woman’s health. Test strips will help you identify violations in time and take measures to eliminate them before the situation escalates.

Why is the environment in the vagina acidic?

The substance called vaginal secretions is not actually produced in the vagina. This organ lacks glands capable of producing it. The liquid, which is the basis of the so-called secretion, penetrates the vagina from blood vessels in its mucous membrane. This process is called transudation. The acidity of this liquid is close to neutral, like the pH of blood. Also, a significant part of the secretion is the mucus secreted by the cervix.

Why does vaginal secretion have an acidic reaction? This is due to the activity of lactobacilli living in this organ. They produce lactic acid, which, provided the concentration is at least 0.5%, helps destroy infectious agents that enter the vaginal mucous membranes.

Per day in the vagina of an adult healthy woman approximately 0.76 to 4.5 ml of secretion is produced. Lactobacillus bacteria are definitely found in it large quantities, the volumes of other microflora are normally much smaller.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor must pay attention to the composition of the vaginal secretion. Depending on the ratio of its components, there are three degrees of vaginal cleanliness:

  • First. The secretion contains many lactobacilli and no pathological microflora. Epithelial cells and leukocytes are found in moderate quantities.
  • Second. Present in secret a large number of lactobacilli and epithelial cells, there are also a small number of leukocytes and representatives of pathological microflora.
  • Third. There are few lactobacilli (Dederlein's rods) in the secretion, but leukocytes and representatives of pathological microflora are found in excess.
  • Fourth. Lactobacilli are completely absent in the secretion, but there are a lot of pathological microorganisms. Epithelial cells are secreted in moderate quantities.

Naturally, the absence of lactobacilli that produce lactic acid will change the secretion reaction. Therefore, changes in vaginal cleanliness can be preliminarily diagnosed using an acidity test. Of course, only an examination with a gynecologist gives a complete picture, but you won’t be able to visit him very often, and a pH strip test is always at hand.

Why do you need a vaginal acidity test?

A change in the number of lactobacilli in the vagina usually occurs during pathological processes. It necessarily leads to a change in the acidity of the secretion. That is why regular measurement of vaginal pH allows you to notice in time pathological changes. This makes it possible to resolve the situation before the pathogenic microflora can cause significant harm to the woman’s body.

A pH test can be purchased at a pharmacy and carried out whenever any unpleasant symptoms, for example, itching or redness of the external genitalia, unpleasant odor or unusual discharge. You can also perform a test some time after unprotected sexual intercourse to make sure that you have not been infected with pathogenic microflora.

Increased vaginal acidity is a serious obstacle to fertilization. The secretion of the male genital organs is alkaline reaction and when sperm enter an environment that is too acidic, they die before they can reach the egg for fertilization.

What do changes in vaginal acidity indicate?

Determining the acidity of the vagina using a test shelf is very simple. A small amount of secretion is applied to the strip in the indicated location and its color changes. The darker the shade, the higher the acidity. Define exact value possible using a special scale. It is in the instructions for the strip.

Normal vaginal acidity levels are as follows:

  • in teenage girls - pH = 4.92-5.0;
  • in adult women reproductive age- pH= 4.6-5.23;
  • in pregnant women - pH = 4.58-5.26;
  • V postpartum period- pH= 4.77-5.57;
  • in a premenopausal state - pH = 4.61-5.37.

Changes in acidity indicate the presence of a specific infection:

  • A pH less than 4.0 occurs with cytolytic vaginosis;
  • A pH level of 4.0 - 4.5 occurs with candidal vaginitis;
  • pH in the range of 5.3 - 6.0 can be with Trichomonas colpitis;
  • pH above 4.5 rises with bacterial vaginosis;
  • A pH greater than 6.0 occurs with atrophic vaginitis;
  • A pH of more than 6.5 may occur with aerobic vaginitis.

Of course, put accurate diagnosis based on the results of measuring vaginal acidity, it is impossible. But a pH strip test will allow you to suspect something is wrong and promptly contact a specialist for laboratory diagnostics.

pH changes during pregnancy

As we have already said, normal vaginal acidity is a prerequisite for fertilization of the egg. But after the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus and pregnancy becomes a fait accompli, serious changes and restructuring will begin in the woman’s body. Naturally, the new situation cannot but affect the state of the vaginal microflora and the acidity of the secretion.

During pregnancy, information about vaginal acidity is very important. It is during this period that women often suffer from exacerbation of vaginal candidiasis and vaginal dysbiosis. During pregnancy, any vaginosis is doubly dangerous, so you need to monitor your health very closely.

Some gynecologists recommend that their pregnant patients do vaginal acid tests twice a week to ensure they don't miss the onset. pathological process. This is especially true for women with frequent vaginal infections and difficult pregnancy.

How to use a pH test strip

All test strips are sold hermetically sealed. Before use, carefully open the sachet and remove the applicator. Do not touch the test area.

There are two ways to apply the secretion to the strip. Some tests need to be inserted into the vagina 2-3 cm and pressed against its wall. On others you can apply the secretion with your finger, cotton swab or any convenient item.

After the color of the test zone changes, it must be compared with the scale located in the instructions for the test. It will allow you to make inputs regarding the acidity level and assume the presence infectious process in a woman's vagina.

Cost and manufacturers

In our country, the most popular test strips are from several manufacturers:

  • Colpo test pH. The cost of the set is about 190 rubles. It involves applying vaginal secretions to the strip using a foreign object, such as a tampon or spatula.
  • CITOLAB pH. It costs about 60 rubles, the principle of use is similar.
  • ELANEE pH test. Its price is approximately 950 rubles. The kit includes an applicator that is inserted into the vagina to measure the acidity level of the secretion.

Frequently asked questions

In what cases is it necessary to do a vaginal pH test?

If any unpleasant or unusual symptoms appear, such as itching, burning, unusual odor, heavy discharge It is worth purchasing an acidity test immediately.

Why are vaginal pH tests needed?

They help you control your women Health“and consult a doctor in time if negative changes begin, and also avoid mistakes when self-medicating. For example, when many women experience itching in the genitals, they assume thrush and buy antifungal agents. A pH test will help clarify the diagnosis and protect against incorrect treatment.

Can an acidity test replace a trip to the doctor?

No. This test cannot diagnose gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV, and many other diseases that do not cause changes in vaginal pH.

How to interpret test results?

The higher the numbers obtained when comparing the color of the strip with the scale, the lower the acidity. Large numbers indicate alkalization of the vagina and high probability bacterial vaginosis, and low for acidification and possible vaginal candidiasis.

Is it possible to reduce vaginal acidity at home?

This can be done by washing with soda, but it is better to consult a doctor who can determine the reasons for the changes and help normalize the microflora.

Recently, quite often they talk about the acid-base balance of the body and its connection with health. There were also diets designed, according to active propagandists, to shift this balance towards less acidity and more alkalinity. Many people believe that this approach to nutrition helps them rejuvenate and prevent disease, and in some cases, cure disease. If you drink lemon juice in order to “alkalize” the body and for the same reason gave up coffee - this article is for you.

The acid-base balance is not a fiction, but a very real state of homeostasis, which is extremely important for normal life Living creatures. The ratio of acid and alkali varies in different organs, tissues and liquids, but is quite tightly regulated. Our body maintains a certain constancy of its internal environment, and its disruption may be a risk factor for the development of new diseases.

Alkaline Diet Idea

Concept alkaline diet builds on these facts, but makes a loose assumption: food and the way it is prepared can have a direct impact on the acidity or alkalinity (pH level) of our body.

Within the framework of this concept, it is believed that the consumption of foods from the “alkalinizing” and “neutral” groups has a beneficial effect on the acid-base balance, since the food familiar to most supposedly excessively acidifies the body, turning it into a convenient target for development chronic diseases and growth cancerous tumors.

  • “Acidifying” products include all animal proteins (meat, poultry, fish, dairy products), alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, refined industrially produced food, etc.
  • Neutral products include natural fats, whole grain And starchy vegetables, as well as sugar.
  • Alkaline foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Let me emphasize once again that the ability of food to directly “alkalize” or “acidify” our body is an assumption, a hypothesis. If you take a closer look at natural process maintaining homeostasis by the body, one may find that this idea has some rather weak links.

What is pH and how to measure it?

pH is a measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution, and the degree of this activity tells us about its acidity. pH varies from 0 to 14. In this case, a value from 0 to 7 indicates the predominance of acid, 7 means that the solution is neutral, and a value from 7 to 14 indicates the predominance of alkali.

Proponents of an alkaline diet suggest you check this indicator by testing the acidity of your urine. Surely everyone remembers school chemistry lessons and litmus tests dipped into solutions. The stripes change color depending on the composition of the substance and tell us what is poured into the test tube. In a similar way, test strips are used to determine the composition of your discharge. According to the "alkaline" approach to nutrition, you can be happy if your urine test shows neutral or alkaline urine. High acidity is an alarm signal.

But the whole point is that different environments in our body have different pH values. For example, the esophagus contains a huge amount of acid, which processes food. The pH of the stomach ranges from 2 to 3.5 - and this is normal. On the other hand, blood pH is very tightly regulated at 7.35–7.45, meaning our blood is slightly alkaline. A change in the acid-base balance of the blood can be fatal, occurs under the influence of severe diseases and is completely unrelated to nutrition.

To maintain homeostasis, the body eliminates everything unnecessary with urine, for which it uses a special fairly complex mechanism. This liquid can have a fairly large variation in pH values, which do not mean anything except that the body does not need this or that substance right now. And excess excreted alkali only means its excess, but does not in any way characterize the pH balance of the body as a whole.


Followers of the alkaline diet also believe that acidity in foods is the cause of osteoporosis, a progressive musculoskeletal disease in which bone tissue washed out mineral composition. For example, they think that a lack of calcium in the bones is due to its role in removing excess acid from the body. However, in reality, the kidneys and respiratory system, but bone tissue is not involved in it in any way.

In addition, one of the proven reasons for the development of osteoporosis is the loss of collagen, which is associated with a lack of orthosilicon and ascorbic acids in the diet. Research shows no connection between the acidity of the diet or urine and bone strength. But diets rich in protein, on the contrary, have a beneficial effect on the health of the musculoskeletal system.


Quite a lot of controversy revolves around the acid-base balance in the context of the prevention and treatment of cancer. Proponents of the alkaline diet argue that eliminating foods that “acidify” the body creates a more neutral environment in the body, which prevents reproduction cancer cells.

This thesis also has a number of shortcomings. First of all, as we already understood earlier, the idea of ​​​​controlling the acidity of the “whole body” is very questionable. In addition, the ability of cancer cells to produce acid on their own has been proven in a volume that no food can neutralize. At the same time, cancer can develop in a neutral environment, which is confirmed by a number of laboratory studies.

What about teeth?

A healthy acid-base balance in saliva is maintained at a pH level of 5.6–7.9. Higher acidity can lead to tooth decay. Sudden changes acidity or alkalinity in the oral cavity can also disrupt its microflora, which will negatively affect health.

Since sugars and refined starchy foods are broken down immediately when they enter our mouths, it is their consumption that can cause an imbalance. However, in most cases, short episodes of acidity do not affect general state teeth. If the diet is balanced, and after eating you cleanse or rinse oral cavity, then there is nothing to worry about.

Let's sum it up

The acid-base balance of our body is regulated by many complex interacting systems and organs. It is quite problematic to intervene in this process from the outside. There is no evidence or scientific facts, confirming the need to reject “acidifying” products and prefer “alkalizing” ones.

Moreover, amino acids, which are found in animal products, are the main building material our cells, tissues and organs, and their lack in the diet is extremely dangerous.

At the same time, avoiding refined foods and loving vegetables and fruits will not harm anyone, regardless of how they affect the acidity of the body's internal environment.

Maria Danina

Photo thinkstockphotos.com