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The cat's fur is faded and not smooth. What role does medicine play in ensuring a cat’s healthy coat? Reasons why cat owners and breeders choose Prazitel

The shiny fur of a cat attracts the eye, you want to touch it - and in general, when the fur looks good, it immediately becomes clear that the cat is healthy and well-groomed. Your cat's fur may become dull over time, from... various diseases or other factors.

Check your diet

Diet is extremely important for a cat's health. They have their own characteristics in this matter. As you know, cats are predators, in other words, carnivores. Some call them "hyper-carnivores" because, unlike many other carnivores, they truly cannot survive without meat.

We know that cats have a high need for animal protein, but that's not all. They need several special amino acids that are found only and exclusively in meat.

It is also very important to have Omega-3 in your diet. fatty acids, which are found in some types of fish. Good producers They add fish to the main type of protein for this very purpose.

But economy-class food should be excluded, as well as an incomprehensible product that is sold by weight under the name “cat food”. What is included in this food and where it comes from is generally unknown to science.

Make sure there are no tangles or matted fur.

The presence of tangled hair and tangles causes constant discomfort to the cat, and therefore affects its well-being and health. general state health. Tangles are a medium for development various kinds pathogenic bacteria, because they are warm and moisture regularly gets there.

In addition, tangles constantly pull the skin with their weight. Therefore, very often, under the removed mat, you can find inflamed skin.

Some breeds of cats have difficulty keeping their coats clean and mat-free because their fur is too long and soft. The cat is physically unable to put it in order. In this case, you should help her.

Teach her to put up with daily procedures: alternate brushing with giving treats, and, of course, be very careful, because cats have very sensitive and thin skin.

Injuries to the tongue and mouth

Cats create beauty with their tongue - and they have no other tool for combing their hair. Therefore, it is clear that if it hurts them to lick themselves, they are unlikely to do it effectively. But not every cat will allow a person to examine its mouth, especially if it hurts there. If for some reason your pet decides not to trust you in this matter, call for help.

It is best if this is a veterinarian or at least a person competent in handling cats - who knows how to hold them correctly. Perhaps the cat will be offended by you or even bite you, but still check oral cavity- The cat's health is more important.

Health to you and your cats!

Igor Stus

What canned food tastes best for cats?

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Category: Pets

Beautiful shiny wool Gives the cat an exquisite charm. What should an owner do to keep a pet’s fur coat in the best possible condition?
The appearance of your pet will please the eye and will be proof of its health if you follow all the rules of care. Seasonal shedding does not affect the cat's health, it is natural process hair renewal and adaptation to changed conditions (heat and cold).

Reasons Why wool loses its chic and shine may be:
Many diseases (infections and disorders of internal organs)
Allergies (to food, flea bites, etc.)
Unbalanced diet
Poor body condition after serious illness
Postpartum period
Very old age

Skin diseases cannot but affect the condition of the coat. If an animal pays a lot of attention to any part of the body, you should not expect it to go away on its own. You need to show your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible, and carefully follow the prescribed recommendations. Fungal infections skin and hair problems cannot be cured without special tests and individually selected medications.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract system, thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance after sterilization or the use of corticosteroids provoke baldness. A consultation with a veterinarian is required to adjust the treatment of the underlying disease.

A cat needs high-protein food: hair consists of proteins, an unbalanced diet will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the condition of the coat.

Licking for self-soothing - normal action for a cat. However, stress can manifest itself in continuous licking of certain areas of the skin, even to the point of bleeding wounds. There are many reasons for stress: from boredom to... feeling unwell for a long time. It is difficult for the owner of the animal to determine what is causing poor condition The wool has become stressed. Put correct diagnosis and only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment.

After a serious illness or childbirth, the cat’s body is severely depleted. The pet needs enhanced high-protein nutrition, with minerals and vitamin supplements. The new fur will take several months to grow.

In addition to illness, immobility and tooth loss, old age can cause a cat to become bald. You can introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into the diet, improve nutrition, but in this case time works against the animal.

Shiny, thick fur is the first sign of a cat's health. Most animals do not require serious grooming: just brush once a week. It is not recommended to wash your cat frequently (except special occasions: the pet got dirty or got fleas). Only Sphynx pets need regular washing. And representatives long-haired breeds They need daily combing and careful inspection for tangles and fleas.

The cat is a common animal that lives in many houses and apartments. When a pet is healthy, it is well-groomed appearance pleases the eyes of the owner and household members. But sometimes the animal’s health fails and its appearance changes for the worse. For example, a cat may develop greasy hair, which many owners initially mistake for normal dirt. It is especially visible in furry animals. white with long hair.

To get rid of the problem, the owners are trying to buy out the mustachioed inhabitant of the home. This method really helps if the pet is simply dirty. But if after some time the hair becomes oily again, this most often indicates a syndrome oily wool(tail).

Why does a cat's fur become oily?

The appearance of oily fur in domestic cat often due to the following reasons:

  1. The animal may get dirty with something greasy, and in this case the owner simply has to bathe it;
  2. Cat fur can be contaminated by children while playing with the animal (after all, kids love to cuddle, stroke and carry furry pets in their arms);
  3. Disease causing increased activity perianal glands (in this case, the problem is due to the fact that the cat has oily hair on its tail, and the pet itself constantly rubs its butt against rough surfaces (for example, a carpet), trying to free the glands from accumulated secretions);
  4. Violation of keratinization processes or oily seborrhea may become a provoking factor leading to increased greasiness wool

In any case, if the owner notices that the cat’s fur seems to be greasy, he must find out the causes of the problem and take measures to eliminate them.

Features and symptoms of the disease

High greasiness of the coat is a disease that most often affects unneutered cats. True, it can also appear in pets that have been castrated, but much less frequently. The main cause of oily fur on a cat's back, tail, or other parts of a fluffy's body is a pathology called perianal gland hyperplasia. Sebaceous secretions accumulate on the skin in excess. From there it gets onto the animal's fur, severely polluting it.

The symptoms of greasy coat syndrome are as follows::

  • Oily hair appears at the base of the cat's tail, back or sides;
  • "coat" pet becomes dull, sticks together into tangles;
  • on the pet’s skin a wax-like composition that has a brownish color and exudes a rancid odor;
  • the skin in those areas where there is greasy hair becomes inflamed and red;
  • often weakened and matted hair falls out;
  • on a surface skin scabs appear;
  • become inflamed hair follicles, and then many small pimples appear in their place.

If the disease progresses to chronic form, the area of ​​the body with damaged hair may become completely bald. The appearance of scabs on the skin leads to the unfortunate cat developing eczema.

Diagnostic measures

Only a veterinarian can accurately answer the question of why the cat’s fur has become fat and what to do to restore it to its former beauty and healthy shine. Diagnosis of a suspected disease involves a preventive examination by a veterinarian. During this procedure, a specialist examines the pet and, if necessary, recommends appropriate tests. If, in addition to greasy fur, the cat's skin is flaky and itchy, or dandruff appears, he should also be shown to a dermatologist.

How to treat pathology?

Treatment high fat content The coat of cats is developed by a veterinarian and depends on what caused the pathology.

  • Dirt. If a cat’s oily hair appears once, after contamination, then there is no need to treat the animal. The pet should only be washed well.
  • Oily coat syndrome. In the case when the furry suffers from the syndrome of greasy fur and dry, irritated skin, the owner should take him to an appointment with a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe a series of tests to determine the causes of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The first priority When a cat's fur is dull and greasy, his body becomes saturated with vitamins. The animal is prescribed a course of vitamin therapy, which helps normalize the functioning of the perianal and sebaceous glands pet Good effect gives the drug Hokamix-30.
  • Cleaning the glands. Treatment of fatty fur in cats also involves freeing the perianal glands from excess secretion. The procedure is carried out an experienced veterinarian, which squeezes out the accumulated contents. If the glands are often inflamed, the specialist suggests surgical intervention for removing. As an option, you can consider periodically washing the glands under anesthesia (but this method is ultimately harmful internal organs cat).
  • Improper keratinization or oily seborrhea. To fix the problem, it is advisable to use special shampoos such as Dermilena or Meladerm. Lactaderm shampoo also gives a good effect. It helps to temporarily cope with the problem of greasy fur in a cat, cleanse it of secretions and remove bad odors.

Cat hair represents the health of your pet. If it is smooth and shiny, then everything is fine with your pet. Conversely, dull fur with signs of increased oiliness signals that the mustachioed inhabitant of the house is sick. Probably, some kind of malfunction occurred in his body, and the animal needs the help of a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe drug treatment, and your pet will quickly recover and will again delight its owners with a healthy appearance.

It's no secret that pets bring many pleasant moments to their owners. They, in turn, are obliged to carefully monitor their health and good mood your favorites. Proper nutrition And daily care will allow the cat to look just perfect.

Responsible pet owners visit regularly veterinarian and monitor the health of their pets. Special attention requires grooming. It happens that a cat's hair comes out a lot. What to do? How to help your pet and prevent it from happening similar phenomenon in future?


First, you should determine why your cat is losing hair and think about whether it can be eliminated. negative impact. However, there is no need to panic. If that doesn't mean she's dying. The reasons may be different:

Seasonal shedding. Have you noticed that your cat has a lot of hair coming out? What to do? First, take a close look at the calendar. Is your cat not looking sick and hairless, but is actively shedding excess hair? It is likely that she is simply molting. This usually happens twice a year: in autumn and spring. For “apartment” cats that do not go outside, the process may take 2-3 months. There's no need to panic. Instead of the old fur, a new beautiful fur coat will quickly grow.

Dermatitis. It can be allergic and contact. When a cat's fur comes out in clumps and obvious bald patches appear, owners have cause for concern. In the future, bald spots may become covered with scales, turn red and itch. You should immediately see a doctor and determine the cause of the disease. It is likely that this is how the animal reacts to certain foods or new food.

Flea dermatitis. If the resulting bald patches are itchy and covered with crusts and scales, there is reason to suspect a severe reaction to fleas. During this period, the cat’s temperature may rise, and it is very easy to see uninvited “guests” between the hairs.

Skin mite. The disease can be identified by bald paws and muzzle. The hair on the ears also noticeably thins, and throughout the body it becomes dull and unkempt. Self-medication is not enough; you will have to visit a veterinarian.

Lichen. In this case, the hair does not just climb, but falls out in whole pieces. Unsightly bald spots form that quickly increase in size. At the slightest suspicion, you need to show the animal to a doctor as soon as possible.

Stress. A cat can shed heavily in response to new impressions or an unusual environment. The catalyst can be the appearance of other animals in the family, a move, the birth of a baby, the death of the owner, and more.

Avitaminosis. Lack of nutrients, change of feed, seasonal manifestations, lack of certain organic compounds.

Age-related changes. The cat seems to be healthy, but the hair on the ears and face has noticeably thinned out? Your cat is already many years old. In this case, hair loss is associated with poor nutrition hair follicles.

Hormonal disbalance. The appearance and thickness of the coat can be affected by pregnancy, estrus, birth and feeding of kittens, and birth control drops and pills that the cat takes.

How to diagnose hair loss?

How can you tell if your cat has a lot of hair? What to do and how to help the animal?

It is simply impossible not to notice the problem. Cats with long hair They lose fur so actively that literally everything becomes covered with hair. Short-haired breeds shed their hair less noticeably, but it is still noticeable. If the pussy is outwardly alert and cheerful, actively eating and playing, but the number of lost hairs has increased, there is no need to worry. We are most likely talking about a trivial molt.

You should take your pet to the vet immediately if:

  1. The pet's behavior has changed. He is too active or apathetic, shows aggression, sleeps more than usual, scratches himself or chews out pieces of fur.
  2. The hair falls out unevenly, and bald patches and bald spots appear.
  3. Hair loss is accompanied by the appearance of wounds, pustules or scales.
  4. The cat has dandruff, fungal manifestations or other troubles.

The doctor will diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. You may need to get tested.

How to help your pet?

Once your doctor determines why your cat is losing hair, treatment should begin immediately. In some cases, you can do without medications. Sometimes it is enough:

  • adjust the animal’s diet, add previously missing products to it, remove excess;
  • Regularly brush your pet with a special brush and bathe it;
  • do not ignore preventive vaccinations;
  • walk your pet more often;
  • calm the cat down, show care and attention if we're talking about about stress manifestations;
  • pick up a special one vitamin complex to improve the condition of the coat.

How to treat hair loss?

If hair loss is associated with allergies, the following measures will help:

  • identify the allergen, exclude salty and fatty foods from the diet;
  • stick to special balanced diet as recommended by the doctor;
  • If you gave dry cat food, it is better to use it for wool medicinal product, recommended for animals prone to dermatitis;
  • add to food special vitamins for wool;
  • Give antiallergic drugs prescribed by your doctor.

If the dermatitis is of a flea nature, then first you need to get rid of the “neighbors”. They will help special drugs: shampoos, drops, collars or spray.

Self-treating shingles can be problematic. It is important to contact a competent specialist as quickly as possible. You will also have to:

  • clean all carpets, bedspreads and furniture in the house with a disinfectant;
  • wash and iron all clothes;
  • disinfect the premises;
  • Throw away, or better yet, burn all bedding, rugs and the animal’s house.

How to choose the right vitamins?

So, you noticed that your cat's hair is shedding a lot. What to do? If you are sure that the pussy is healthy and there is no reason to visit the veterinarian, you can simply buy a special vitamin complex. The choice will depend on several factors:

  • age and old cats have different vitamins);
  • presence of pregnancy;
  • preservation of the ability to reproduce (castrated and sterilized animals need a special complex);
  • release form of the drug (gel, tablets, drops, paste);
  • availability of a product certificate.

Popular cat vitamins for a healthy coat

There are a lot of preparations to improve the condition of the coat. It is best if they are selected and prescribed by a doctor. The most popular vitamins for cats against hair loss are:

  • "Farmavit Neo";
  • Cat Felltop Gel;
  • "Vittri";
  • Laveta Super For Cats;
  • "Phytomins";
  • Derm Liquid;
  • "Sherstevit";
  • Derm Caps;
  • "Beafar";
  • Gimpet Katzentabs;
  • "Kitzim";
  • Kitty's + Taurin + Biotin;
  • Canina Cat-Fell O.K.;
  • "8 in 1 Brewer's yeast Excel";
  • "Felvit."

Furminator for hair care

To help your cat renew its coat faster and get rid of tangles, it is best to use a special device. The Furminator is perfect for long-haired cats. Initially, the word was a name trademark one American company that developed the device. Now this is the name given to all manual “combers” that combine the functions of a slicker, comb and trimmer.

A cat's fur is not like human hair. Several hairs grow from one follicle at once: central; 2-3 additional, undercoat and down. In order for the animal to look beautiful and neat, the old fur must be removed. Otherwise, your cat will shed all year round.

Regular combs are not able to process the undercoat; special combs damage the top layer of skin. The Furminator for long-haired cats does not have all these disadvantages. Outwardly, it is similar to a razor, but instead of a traditional blade, it has a special metal comb with sharpened teeth. With its help it is very easy to process the undercoat and remove dead hairs. Living hairs remain intact.

How to choose the right device?

To choose the right furminator, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Scallop width. The larger the animal, the wider the comb should be.
  2. Length of teeth. It should match the length of the animal's fur. Teeth that are too short will not reach the undercoat of “fluffy cats,” and teeth that are too long will not be suitable for short-haired cats.
  3. Quality of tooth sharpening. They should be even, smooth, without nicks or irregularities. Defects in sharpening interfere with quality combing. Irregularities will tug the fur and injure the skin. To check the quality of sharpening, run the furminator over your own head. If you haven't experienced discomfort, the quality of sharpening is normal. Pulling hair? The sharpening was unsuccessful.
  4. Ejector button. Its presence allows you to get rid of hairs on the work surface in one motion. It must be remembered that such devices fail faster.
  5. Comfortable handle. It is best if the handle is rubberized, has a convex relief and a rounded end. Hold the Furminator in your hand, feel its weight, and measure the length of the handle against your palm.

Not long ago, universal furminators went on sale. They have removable combs of varying lengths and widths. With their help you can care for several pets different sizes. But the moving connection becomes loose over time and the device becomes unusable.

Hair care rules

A good cat hair brush is not the only thing a responsible owner will need. It is very important to bathe cats of any breed. Moreover, this must be done at least 3 times a year. Of course, the cat itself regularly cleans its fur using its tongue. But it will not be able to cope with microscopic particles of sebum and dust. Over time, they clog pores and the skin receives less oxygen. The animal's fur becomes dull, brittle and falls out more.

Should be used for bathing special means for cats: shampoos and conditioners. It is unacceptable to use “human” ones. Owners of long-haired animals have even more worries. Several times a year they need to give their pets a “dry” bath. To do this, you need to sprinkle a special powder on the animal’s fur, and after some time comb it out thoroughly.

It is very important to brush your cat properly and regularly. Long-haired dogs should undergo this procedure daily, and short-haired dogs should undergo this procedure at least 2 times a week. Combing does more than just get rid of dead hairs. It is also a kind of massage that stimulates blood circulation.

When a large lump of matted fur is discovered during combing, it is worth trying to disassemble it. If it doesn’t work out, you must definitely get rid of the tangle, for example, cut it out. If this is not done, it will increase in size and can become a source of infection or a nest for fleas.

Preventing Excessive Shedding

To ensure that your pet stays healthy and his fur does not adorn your trousers, carefully monitor his diet:

  • don't give it to the animal harmful products: spicy, smoked, salted or fried foods;
  • if you use ready-made feed, purchase only a high-quality product from a well-known brand;
  • include a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in your diet;
  • do not overfeed your pet, especially if it is not young;
  • Take your cat to the veterinarian regularly and do not neglect the required vaccinations.

Even if your cat has never been outside, this does not mean that she cannot get sick. We bring a variety of infections home ourselves, on clothes and shoes.

Cats are clean and handsome. In nature, whiskers take care of their fur on their own, but at home you can help them look even more luxurious. We will give 5 tips on how to improve your cat's coat.

The appearance of a pet is a mirror of its health. If a cat has bad hair, the first thing to do is take the animal to the veterinarian. Dull hairs, too much and sudden shedding, and the appearance of bald spots can be symptoms of serious illnesses. And here you can’t get by with special food, vitamins or bathing.

1. Adjust your cat's diet

A balanced diet will 99% help improve your cat's coat. If you feed your animal natural food, be sure to discuss the menu with your veterinarian. He will tell you which products to add and which to exclude.

If you feed a tailed industrial feed, pick up good food for cats to improve coat. This could be GO complete cat food. It fits both adult animals with different levels activity, and for kittens.

2. Sow grass for the cat

Set aside a place on the windowsill for a small tray of wheat germ, oats, or a special collection of “Grass for Cats” (sold in pet stores and seed stores). Such an addition to the diet will not immediately improve the cat’s fur, but the “apartment” resident will definitely like it and will affect her appearance over time.

Greens will help remove hairballs from the stomach easily. This will help avoid serious problems with health (sometimes so much hair and undercoat accumulates in the stomach that surgical intervention is required). Sprouted grass is especially relevant in the cat's menu during periods of molting.

What to do so that the cat has beautiful wool? Brush it regularly. Buy a good comb/brush that matches the length of the hair and the size of the animal. Train yourself and your pet to brush at least every other day. A furminator is also a special “comb” that effectively removes dead hairs from the undercoat. It is enough to use it once a week, during the molting period - 2 times.

The cat has bad fur. What to do? Perhaps it seasonal molt and you just need to survive it.

Brushing does more than just improve your cat's coat. This is a simple and enjoyable procedure for most furry pets:

  • prevents the formation of tangles. Mats often appear in long-haired breeds with abundant undercoat; removing them is not always a pleasant procedure for the animal. Therefore, it is better to prevent tangles than to cut them later;
  • reduces the amount of scattered hair on furniture, floors, clothes, as dead hairs are removed with a comb;
  • prevents the stomach from becoming clogged with hairballs. Yes, it is impossible to remove all the dead hair from a cat, but it is possible to reduce what it eats with each wash.

4. Keep your skin healthy

5. Stop bathing your cat often

If a cat has bad fur, it is not enough to know what to do. You need to determine what not to do. For example, do not bathe your cat more than once a year. Why?

  • firstly, it is stress, both for the animal and for you. And stress is bad for everyone;
  • secondly, you wash away the natural protective layer from the fur and skin.

Fluffy takes care of his hygiene on his own. Without bath procedures not necessary in several cases:

If your pet has dirty its paws or other parts of its body, you should not bathe it all. It is enough to wash only the dirty part of the body.

Exist medicated shampoos and special care products that can improve a cat’s coat. Use them only after consulting a veterinarian or groomer.

What do you do to make your cat have beautiful fur? What cat food do you choose to improve their fur? Share your tips in the comments!