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Why does a cat have oily fur? The cat sheds a lot and has dull fur. What to do

The general condition of your cat's coat and skin is good indicator her health. A healthy coat should be shiny and smooth, not rough or brittle, but healthy skin should be elastic and clean, not greasy or flaking. However, although the shine and texture of the coat is influenced by its health and nutrition, regular external care keeping a cat's fur also helps keep it in good condition, clean and tangle-free, no matter what type of coat he or she has.

What types of hair do cats have?

Together with the selection of breeds, today the coat of cats varies from completely hairless Sphynxes to smooth-haired Orientals, from domestic shorthairs to long-haired cats with truly silky fur, while some cat breeds practically do not shed.

Some cats that live in cold climates, especially open spaces, have two powerful seasonal sheddings per year (in spring and late autumn), during which whole clumps of undercoat can fall out. However, many cats in our homes shed with little intensity, almost all year round.

How does a cat's diet affect its fur and skin?

The skin is the largest part of the body, and skin cells change very quickly. Most pets have almost all their skin covered with hair and change it several times a year. To keep the skin and fur in healthy condition, your cat needs balanced diet, which contains easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, and provides the appropriate amount of calories to meet all the animal's energy needs.

If nutrients are poorly digested, they will not only be unavailable to meet the body's needs, they will also place undue strain on the liver and kidneys, which are supposed to eliminate indigestible waste. Ideal Diet should be individual and suitable for the specific age of the cat and its health. High quality and balanced diet, as a rule, is the key to good and beautiful wool. A cat whose diet is not sufficient to meet her needs will have a dull, dry coat with increased shedding.

What role does medicine play in ensuring a cat’s healthy coat?

Many skin diseases affect shine and appearance your pet's fur. Allergic diseases skin and seborrhea cause itching and changes in normal sebum secretion, which also leads to excessive shedding or even patchy hair loss.

If your cat's skin or coat problems are caused by a medical condition, general state Both the pet's coat and skin often improve dramatically after the disease has been treated or brought under control.

How important is regular grooming to ensure a cat's healthy coat and skin?

Daily brushing also reduces the amount of hair your cat may ingest while grooming itself. Another benefit of brushing your cat daily is the dramatic reduction in the amount of hair and dander that can be scattered throughout the house. For some people with mild cat allergies, daily brushing can reduce the allergens enough that they can comfortably share their home with such a cat.

Regardless of coat type, you should check your cat every day for mats, which may form behind the ears, in the groin, or in the armpits. If you check your cat's fur and skin regularly, you will also have a better chance of catching any lumps, lumps, or tumors on her body early.

How often should you bathe or wash your cat?

Most healthy adult cats are finicky and rarely need a bath. The frequency of bathing your pet may need will depend on his age, lifestyle, and any health problems. For example, an older cat with arthritis who has difficulty grooming himself may need fairly regular baths. If your cat has skin allergies, your veterinarian may prescribe a medicated shampoo bath as additional therapy.

Cats should only be washed with shampoos that have been specifically formulated for them, as their skin is different thickness and a different ph than human skin, so even baby shampoo may be too harsh for their skin. Since all cats lick themselves vigorously after bathing, it is extremely important to completely rinse off any detergents and shampoos to prevent your pet from swallowing them, otherwise it could lead to digestive upsets and other harm.

Why might a cat have fur problems at certain times of the year?

Some cats may suffer from skin irritation associated with low winter humidity in our homes. Other cats are allergic to tree and plant pollen - this problem is especially acute in the spring. And another group of cats are allergic to fleas or other insects, where even one bite can cause a rash and hair loss.

If you bathe or groom your cat and she quickly develops fur or skin problems again, you should take her to a veterinarian for an examination. Sometimes skin problems such as rashes, itching, a large number of dandruff, increased shedding, oily coat or bad smell may indicate serious illness. In many cases, the disease can be easily diagnosed and treated, but sometimes diagnostic problems arise and you may need to see a dermatologist.

The main takeaway is that the appearance of your cat's fur and skin are the first indicators possible problems with her health. A healthy animal does not shed excessively, and there should be no dandruff or oiliness on the top layer of fur.

Fluffy and affectionate cats- a real decoration for any home. A beautiful fur coat is not only a sign of well-grooming, but also a reflection of the state of health. However, household members often begin to notice fur not only on the animal, but also on the floor and upholstered furniture. The reasons why a cat's hair will fall out are very diverse - from physiological shedding to serious ones. infectious diseases. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by non-serious reasons and is quickly corrected. rational nutrition, vitamins, hygiene procedures.

Read in this article

Main reasons

The thick and fluffy coat of a pet is not only an indicator of its physical health, but also a source of pride for a caring owner. And if the animal begins to lose its beautiful coat, then you should find out the reason why the cat’s hair is coming out. As a rule, the reasons leading to hair loss in a pet can be divided into the following groups:

Physiological factors

This category primarily includes seasonal molting. Spring and autumn coat changes are associated with the preparation of the animal for the summer and winter seasons. The duration of the phenomenon may last for several months. It should also be taken into account that in conditions of apartment living with constant temperature air, the boundaries of interseasonal molting can be erased.

TO physiological reasons This also includes loss of fur during pregnancy and nursing. During this crucial period, the mother’s body releases the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, which adversely affects the condition of the coat. After giving birth and feeding the kittens, the condition returns to normal, and the fluffy coat takes on its original appearance.

Hair loss is common in older cats. As a rule, it thins out on the face and around the ears.

Allergic reactions

Often the reason why a cat sheds hair all year round is due to allergies. This reaction occurs to medications, dust, household chemicals, detergents. Often found in animals food allergy. Often hair falls out due to development contact dermatitis, for example, when developing an allergy to chemical substances or on plants. One of the causes of hair loss is also considered to be flea infestation, which develops as a result of a pathological reaction to flea bites.

With allergic hair loss, the owner will also experience itching, redness skin, animal anxiety.

About what it looks like, what symptoms it is characterized by flea dermatitis in a cat, watch this video:

Nutritional reasons

Often, hair loss is caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet. An unbalanced content of vitamins A, D, E, and group B in food is the cause of thinning of a cat's coat. Important Taurine plays a role in maintaining a healthy coat. When choosing a diet for your pet, you need to monitor the optimal content not only complete protein, but also taurine, vitamins and minerals.

Treats for cats with taurine

In addition to the lack of elements, poor nutrition leads to dysfunction gastrointestinal tract in the form of dysbacteriosis, which often leads to an unhealthy coat and prolonged shedding.

Such contagious diseases are often the reason why a cat's hair falls out in clumps. In addition to baldness, which can be either focal or general character, with such pathologies there is also itching, dandruff, purulent processes on the skin, anxiety, weight loss. also worsen the condition of the coat and lead to its loss.

Bacterial and viral diseases

As a rule, in addition to hair loss in this case, the owner observes other more serious symptoms:

  • lethargy,
  • poor appetite
  • indigestion,
  • feverish condition,
  • other.

Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands

The development of seborrhea in a cat due to pathological work sebaceous glands often leads not only to the loss of a beautiful and healthy-looking coat, but also to its total loss.

There are many reasons why a cat loses hair. The owner needs to correctly identify when coat loss is reversible and can be corrected without drug treatment, and when it is a symptom of a serious illness that requires treatment from a specialist.

Dietary rules for those who do not require treatment

Plays an important role in maintaining the health of a cat's coat. good nutrition. The animal's diet should contain not only protein, taurine, but also other useful material: vitamins, minerals, omega-3 acids.

If the cat eats natural food What should you feed your cat to prevent hair from coming out in this case? The diet should first of all be varied; mono-diets lead to the fact that the pet does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements that make up wool. Veterinarians recommend the following:

  • The cat menu should include lean meat. Preference should be given to beef and chicken. The protein contained in foods is used by the body to build tissue, including fur.
  • The diet should contain lean fish(cod, halibut, salmon). Fish products contain natural omega-3 fatty acids, which have antioxidant properties and are responsible for a thick coat. It is useful to give your cat seafood rich in zinc.
  • Raw and boiled vegetables (carrots, turnips, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower), greens are excellent sources of not only useful vitamins and minerals, but also substances that help normalize digestion.
  • Adding to the diet has a positive effect on the condition of the coat. fermented milk productslow-fat cottage cheese and kefir. These products prevent the development of dysbiosis and improve the absorption of vitamins.

And for those who choose dry food, the question of what to feed the cat to prevent hair from coming out is no less relevant. First of all, it is necessary to exclude mass-market food from your pet’s diet. Cheap ready-made diets are not adequate physiological needs, contain many preservatives, dyes and other undesirable components.

Preference should be given to high-quality industrial feed from manufacturers producing premium and super-premium products. The line of well-known companies includes options designed specifically to maintain the health of the coat. Typically, such foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, biotin and zinc. These substances provide not only a healthy shine, but also prevent hair loss.

About what and how to feed correctly pet, to avoid various diseases, watch in this video:

General rules for avoiding problems

  • Regular brushing of fur. For this procedure, it is best to use a special comb -. Combing wool not only allows you to remove tangles and stray hair, but also significantly reduces shedding. The use of a special comb massages the pet’s skin, improves blood circulation and thereby reduces hair loss.
  • Bathing a cat using medicated shampoos and special air conditioners allows you to eliminate the consequences of excessive hair loss. Caring shampoos normalize acid-base balance skin, improve the condition of the coat and promote the growth of new healthy coat.
  • Regular walks on fresh air will help not only strengthen the immune system, but also significantly reduce the periods of off-season molting.
  • Avoidance stressful situations . When moving, changing home, getting a new pet or family member, to prevent hair loss from stress, the animal should be given sedatives after preliminary consultation with a veterinarian.
  • It will help some to solve the question of what to do if the cat has reducing the temperature in the room where the cat lives, as well as preventing it from being near radiators.
  • Vaccinate the animal from bacterial and viral diseases, including from ringworm.
  • The use of vitamins and mineral supplements to improve the condition of the coat and reduce its loss. Should I recommend this or that complex? veterinarian taking into account the pet’s health status, diet and lifestyle. As a rule, such additives should be used if the animal eats natural food. When feeding a cat industrial feed High Quality As a rule, it does not need additional vitamins and minerals.

Hair loss in a pet has many different causes, some of which the owner can deal with on his own. Rational feeding, introducing vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet, and hygiene procedures. It should be remembered that the beauty of a cat’s coat is not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also an indicator of the pet’s health.

Cat fur is pleasing to the eye and pleasant to the touch. There can be up to 130,000 hairs per square inch of wool. These hairs perform several functions: they serve as a “sensor” for the animal, protect against cold and rain, and even help the body produce important nutrients (for example, vitamin D).

Why isn't your cat's fur shiny?

There are many factors that can cause the coat to fade and the skin to become dry and flaky. Let's look at a few basic ones.

Poor nutrition . Maintaining a healthy coat and skin requires a high-quality cat food with the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. If your pet consumes difficult-to-digest, low-quality food, it will lack vital minerals and vitamins.

Weight problems. There are estimates that 57% of cats in the United States are obese. Fat cats have difficulty cleaning certain areas of their body (that they cannot reach). This can result in a dull, unkempt coat.

Age. Aging cats become less flexible and may develop arthritis. They can no longer squirm the way they used to, says Arnold Plotnick, a veterinarian in New York City. As in the previous case, age or pain may make it difficult to clean certain areas of the body.

Too much frequent bathing . In an attempt to get rid of fleas (or prevent their appearance), many owners bathe their pets. If you do this too often, the animal may develop problems with its fur.

Bringing back shine to wool

Here's what you can do...

Improve the quality of your diet. The condition of the skin and coat is a reflection of the condition of the body, says Susan Wynn, veterinary nutritionist and co-author of the Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine. If the fur becomes dull or the skin becomes dry, first of all, you need to pay attention to what the cat is eating, advises Vin.

Cat food should contain more protein compared to dog milk. To maintain body health and shiny wool need fats and complex carbohydrates. If the diet does not contain enough fat or consists of low-quality products, this will almost certainly lead to problems with the coat, says Arnold Plotnik.

Both veterinarians recommend starting with switching to a premium food. In addition, in pursuit of the shine of your cat's coat, you can try various feedings with fatty acids, such as salmon oil (remember to consult your veterinarian). According to Plotnik, the first improvements will appear no earlier than 4-6 weeks.

Fight obesity. Problematic hair on the back and at the base of the tail may be a signal that the cat cannot reach there due to its fullness. Loss of flexibility is just one of the consequences of obesity. Being overweight increases your risk of developing many chronic diseases: diabetes, osteochondrosis, cancer, etc.

If your pet is obese, contact your veterinarian for a suitable diet. Don't do this yourself. Only a specialist will be able to correctly calculate the number of calories that an animal should consume every day. Cats should lose weight slowly. Losing weight too quickly can cause serious liver problems.

Help an elderly cat with cleaning its fur. Even if your pet is shiny and the diet is ideal, over time the cat may have difficulties with self-cleaning, and subsequently - problems with fur and skin. In this case, the fate of the wool is in your hands in the literal sense of the word. Brush your older cat frequently. You can also try adding omega-3 fats to your older cat's diet (if your veterinarian approves).

Sacrifice your bath for wool. Arnold Plotnik believes that frequent baths can cause dry skin. Like most veterinarians, he recommends taking baths only if the cat is very dirty (in soot, in something greasy, sticky, etc.). Finish your bath with a conditioner designed specifically for cats.

Washing your cat to control your cat dander allergy is not advisable. The effect of taking a bath wears off after a few days. It is better to wash your hands more often, take anti-allergy medications and clean your apartment more often.

If fleas are the cause of frequent baths, consider using special medicines against fleas for cats. Do not use any products for dogs under any circumstances. If there is a serious flea infestation, your apartment may need to be treated.

The thick, beautiful fur coat of a domestic cat, no matter how long it is or what breed it belongs to, is a natural protection for the thin cat skin and the cat’s entire body from uncomfortable temperatures environment, pathogens, excessive humidity, all kinds of traumatic factors.

And a fur coat shining with health is the pride of the owners. It is important that at any time of the year the animal’s coat is healthy, shiny and clean.

Of course, most cats are very clean and are able to clean themselves. And thanks to their flexible spine, they do this great. But still, the kitty cannot do without the help of the owner.

Diet and wool

You won’t be able to achieve a good, beautiful coat if you feed the animal without taking it into account. natural needs. Domestic cats are predators, but they are very small, which means they can handle small prey. At home, a portion of food should not greatly exceed the size of a mouse or a small bird, but it must be fed several times a day. Therefore, you cannot do without selecting a diet and selecting a portion.

If your cat receives only , select from the line of food the one that improves coat health and feed the animal according to the instructions. As a rule, in this case additional additives Not needed.

At natural feeding will have to contact veterinary pharmacy for vitamins and minerals for cat fur. And the presence of vitamins A and group B, zinc, copper, biotin, and polyunsaturated fatty acids is important for it.


If a cat's eyes are the mirror of her cat's soul, then fur and skin are the mirror of the cat's health. During the year domestic cat susceptible seasonal shedding. Unlike street cats, in warm apartments and houses, the molting period is extended, but still at the end of spring and at the end of autumn the cat loses its old fur and grows new hair.

If your cat's fur is dull, tousled, rolls into icicles, and the skin is dry and flaky, then it's time to reconsider your cat's diet..

It's no secret that when you lick fur, some of it gets inside digestive tract animal. And then, in the same undigested form, it leaves the cat’s body. And this process is typical for all cats, but if there is an excess of hair that gets inside, intestinal blockages can occur, especially during the molting season. Pamper your cat with green cat grass; it’s not difficult to grow on a windowsill.

It is important to brush your cat as often as possible. Choose a brush that matches your coat type and slowly comb out your kitty. This will protect long-haired cats from tangles and will help identify skin problems in cats with any coat. You need to comb in the direction of hair growth. To avoid stress, it is advisable to teach brushing from the first months of a kitten’s life in the house. Brushing the fur is also another opportunity to communicate with the kitty and establish contact with it.

The presence of parasites on a cat negatively affects the coat

Many owners are familiar with a similar problem: the cat’s fur on the belly seems greasy, hangs in icicles, the tail and back become greasy, and dandruff appears. Does this mean that the cat is dirty, or is it a sign of illness?

What does it look like

Oily fur looks dull and disheveled and may hang in sloppy icicles. Long hairs can roll into tangles, sometimes dandruff appears, and an oily coating or comedones (black plugs that clog pores) may be noticeable on the skin. The skin and fur in some particularly oily areas may become hyperpigmented (take on a dark or brown tint).

Often the affected area is the back and neck, behind the ears and on the collar (especially in long-haired cats with a thick “mane”), which is associated with the inaccessibility of these places for licking and is most often observed in older animals and small kittens.

Oily fur in a cat: reasons

The reasons why a cat has oily fur can be very different:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • young age - small kittens still do not take good care of their fur;
  • old age, when it is already difficult for an animal to engage in full grooming (coat care);
  • any serious illness;
  • chronic diseases internal organs- liver and kidneys;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • hyperandrogenism - excessive production of male sex hormones that stimulate the secretion of sebum, especially in the area of ​​the tail gland (occurs not only in males, but also in castrated animals of both sexes due to problems with the adrenal glands).

As you can see from this list, the causes of oily fur in cats are very diverse. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: associated with the deterioration of grooming (which in turn arises due to the general feeling unwell or age) and increased sebum production with internal problems (hormonal imbalance, food intolerance, etc.).

The cat has oily fur: what to do?

Don't panic if your cat's appearance has deteriorated. Most often, the animal needs help to restore its previous appearance. Here's what you can do if your cat has oily fur:

  • help your pet with grooming: comb out excess hair more often, wash with a special shampoo;
  • review your pet’s diet, possibly change food;
  • if care does not help, be sure to take the kitty to the veterinarian, you may have to undergo tests and scrapings;
  • follow the doctor’s recommendations if any diseases have been identified;
  • at greasy tail In cats, most often only castration helps.

To find out why a cat's fur looks oily, you need to carefully analyze his lifestyle, nutrition, and recent changes in behavior and diet. For example, if a pet stops taking care of itself and becomes lethargic, this may be a sign of a serious illness. If a cat becomes sloppy at the age of 20, then this is a natural age-related phenomenon, and if a young animal suddenly begins to look bad after changing food, then perhaps the diet simply did not suit him.

The sloppy appearance of an animal should concern the owners not only from an aesthetic point of view; one must always remember that sometimes this sign signals serious problems with health. Therefore, you should not ignore the fact that the cat has a fat back or tail. If you have any doubts, you can contact your veterinarian.

What canned food tastes best for cats?

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