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We treat flea dermatitis in cats correctly at home: how and what to treat. Dermatitis in cats: causes and treatment Dermatitis in cats treatment at home

Dermatitis in cats - quite common occurrence, which can sometimes be provoked by the most harmless factors. The disease mainly affects domestic animals, not street animals. Pathological process complicates the pet's life, therefore timely diagnosis extremely important. Self-medication in this case can be harmful.

Types of dermatitis in cats and causes

Dermatitis in cats can occur due to a number of factors.

Causes of pathology:

The disease is not contagious and cannot be transmitted to humans. However, it is important to distinguish dermatitis from. In the latter case, the infection is easily transmitted not only to humans, but also to other animals.

IN in rare cases Dermatitis appears in a pet after suffering stress. This can happen if the pet has undergone surgery or has had to change its environment due to a move. As a rule, the disease goes away on its own after the cat adapts.

Symptoms of the disease

Pathology manifests itself in the appearance of a red spot on the skin. At first it may be single, then multiple rashes appear, but this does not always happen. The cat constantly scratches the affected area, tries to lick it and bites. At the same time, the animal becomes restless and irritable, and sleeps poorly. As you scratch, the spots become crusty and may become weeping.

Dermatitis in a cat manifests itself at the initial stage as a red spot on the skin

Gradually, the hair in the area of ​​the affected skin begins to fall out. The animal does not eat well and is not as active as before. If a cat constantly scratches its skin, dense red nodules can be seen in areas affected by dermatitis.

Inflammation can be complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection, since under the pet’s claws there is a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, including E. coli.

Treatment methods

Therapy for the disease is complex. First of all, it is important to identify the provoking factor and eliminate it as soon as possible. Used for treatment special feed, as well as medications to relieve symptoms. Therapeutic tactics largely depend on the type of dermatitis.

In severe cases, treatment can be carried out in a veterinary clinic using IVs.

Diet food

If the pathology is caused by an allergy to food, then it is necessary to change it to a higher quality one. It is best to give preference to the hypoallergenic option. In addition, it is important to monitor your cat’s immunity. To increase the body's defenses, it is recommended to give your pet vitamins and herbs, which are sold in any veterinary pharmacy.

Hypoallergenic cat food - the best option for pets with allergic form dermatitis

It is important to exclude whole milk from your cat’s diet, but kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and others dairy products will be beneficial to the body. Additionally, the animal's menu should include plant fiber, thermally processed meat and grains. Eggs, pork, cartilage and smoked products should not be given to your pet.

You can include sour cream in your cat's diet

The cat's diet should be balanced. It is unacceptable to feed your pet only dry food, as this way the animal will not receive all the vitamins, as well as the plant fiber necessary for proper digestion. New Product A cat prone to dermatitis should be given in small quantities.

At severe form diseases, it is necessary to combine dietary nutrition with drug therapy. This is the only way to achieve a positive result.

Pharmacy drugs

Antihistamines such as Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak, etc. are used to treat the animal. The dosage of medications is determined by the veterinarian. This line of products eliminates itching, which speeds up skin healing. However, you need to understand that antihistamines only relieve symptoms, and not the cause itself.

Tavegil is an antiallergic drug that is often prescribed to treat not only people, but also animals.

In severe cases of the disease, glucocorticosteroid drugs such as Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone and others are used for treatment. This group of medications is prescribed in the form of ointments, which must be applied directly to the affected area once a day. This eliminates swelling, inflammation and itching. When using ointments, you must wear gloves and use a blanket that will prevent your pet from licking the medicine.

Prednisolone reduces intensity inflammatory process

Also used for therapy special drugs, intended for cats. One of them is. He gets rid of unpleasant symptoms, accelerates the healing of damaged skin. Can be used for adults and small animals.

Stop itching for cats is designed to eliminate allergic reactions

Simple and traumatic types of dermatitis are eliminated with the help of healing ointments, creams and solutions that are used to treat the affected skin. For these purposes, you can use Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, and iodine. The first 2 drugs have a complex effect: eliminate inflammation, destroy pathogenic microflora and promote tissue healing. These solutions should be applied 3 times a day, treating the damaged area with a cotton pad. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the inflammatory process.

Chlorhexidine has an antiseptic effect

Iodine should not be applied to the affected area; it can cause aggravation. pain and even more skin damage. The solution can only be applied to the area around the wound to prevent infection. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a cotton swab.

Iodine should be applied carefully and only with a cotton swab

The contact form of the disease is eliminated with the help of regenerating agents. Zinc ointment is often used for treatment, which dries the skin, eliminating weeping and accelerating the restoration of damaged tissue. This product should be used 2 times a day. Veterinarians first recommend cutting the hair in the affected area. This will make the procedure easier. After applying the composition in a thin layer, you need to put a blanket on your pet.

Zinc ointment accelerates wound healing

Often prescribed as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent salicylic ointment. It can be used only after the cause of dermatitis has been established. Apply the product 2 times a day in a thin layer to the area of ​​inflammation. The course of treatment is often 10 to 14 days, depending on the extent of the skin lesion.

Salicylic ointment eliminates inflammation and promotes regeneration

Bars drops against fleas - easy to use and effective remedy

After eliminating the fleas, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agents are used, such as Yam ointment and others. For a bacterial form of the disease, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Most often, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Terramycin, etc. are used for treatment. Such drugs are given to the animal regularly for 7–10 days. The dose is determined by the veterinarian. The tablets can be given by syringe or mixed with food. Erythromycin, tetracycline and others are used locally antibacterial ointments. Apply them in a thin layer to the inflammatory element. For successful elimination bacterial flora veterinarians recommend combining oral medications with local remedies.

Amoxicillin can be used to treat cats

Attention! Under no circumstances should you give antibiotics to your pet without first undergoing tests. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse. Many antimicrobials can reduce the cat's immunity, and also have a mass side effects. That is why only a veterinarian should set the dose.

My mother's cat had allergic dermatitis. The symptoms were mild at first. The cat started to itch. Then the itching became more and more intense. The cat was scratching its belly vigorously. As a result, all the fur in this area came out. There were only red spots and scratches left on the stomach. The vet took necessary tests and recommended using Prednisolone in the form of an ointment for treatment, as well as including hypoallergenic food in the diet. It soon became noticeable that the scratching wounds had disappeared, and the stomach began to grow overgrown with fur. I recommend everyone to consult a doctor with their pet in a timely manner to avoid serious consequences.

Treatment of disease in kittens

Pathology in kittens can be eliminated only with the help of local remedies. Treatment should consist of several stages:

  1. Elimination of itching. At this stage, antihistamines are used for treatment, the same as for adult cats, only in the form of ointments. The composition is applied to damaged areas 2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the cause.
  2. Reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process. At this stage, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin and Stop Itching are used. These medications are applied with a cotton pad 2 times a day. The course of therapy is from 7–10 days.
  3. Healing damaged skin. To accelerate tissue regeneration in kittens, Bepanten cream is used. It is applied in a thin layer, gently rubbing into the skin once a day.

Bepanten is used to heal the skin of kittens with dermatitis

Animal care and prevention

During illness, you need to ensure that your pet always has fresh boiled water in his bowl. It is advisable to arrange a cozy and quiet place for the cat where she can rest. For these purposes, it is recommended to purchase a special bedding. If an animal wants privacy and avoids contact, then you should not interrupt its rest, pet it or pick it up.

If possible, you should open the window so that the pet can breathe fresh air. However, hypothermia should not be allowed. Enough ventilation. It is not recommended to bathe your cat during treatment for dermatitis. Special attention should be given to the area of ​​localization of inflammation. It is important to ensure that your pet does not scratch its skin. For this purpose, it is not recommended to remove the blanket until complete recovery.

During the recovery period, the cat needs peace and quiet.

How to prevent the occurrence of the disease:

  1. Feed your pet only specialized food, avoiding low-quality options.
  2. Balance your pet’s diet so that the menu includes not only dry food, but also other healthy foods.
  3. Bathe the animal once every 4–6 months, provided that the cat does not go outside. Otherwise, this should be done more often.
  4. Worm the cat once a quarter.
  5. Do not give your pet medications unless prescribed by a veterinarian.
  6. Buy an anti-flea collar and put it on your cat. This is especially important if the animal is often outside.
  7. Giving four-legged friend vitamins, as well as a special herb rich in healthy fiber.

Grass for cats is a source of fiber that strengthens the immune system

To prevent the occurrence of dermatitis, many veterinarians recommend regularly examining the animal's skin to identify the first symptoms of the disease. Vaccination should also not be neglected.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of dermatitis - video

Dermatitis in cats is quite severe and can progress. Such a nuisance can arise quite suddenly. It is sometimes very difficult to identify the cause without consulting a doctor. An integrated approach to therapy helps to get rid of not only the symptoms, but also eliminate the provoking factor.

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    Causes of the disease

    Symptoms of dermatitis are associated with subcutaneous inflammation.There are several causes of pathology:

    If the pet diabetes or other pathology of the endocrine system, he is more prone to dermatitis.

    To avoid illness, you need to take care of your pet and give it due attention. If the breeder notices that pathological reactions have occurred after the introduction of a new product, it is worth adjusting the diet or returning to the previous diet. It is prohibited to independently select medications to treat your pet.

    Flea and tick dermatitis

    In this case, the inflammation is associated with exposure to insects that live on the skin. The cat is itching, she bites her paws, back, tail. Fleas are often located near the tail and behind the ears. If the breeder notices strange behavior, you need to carefully examine the pet. If the lesion is weak, black dots are visible on the surface of the dermis. In advanced situations, the skin turns red and weeping erosions form.

    Allergic dermatitis

    If this disease develops, the body shows hypersensitivity to a certain irritant. The pet's skin turns red, becomes covered with papules, and pain occurs when pressed.

    Pathological reactions are most often localized in the abdomen and groin area. If the body perceives any substance acutely, it begins to produce substances like histamine, which is why itching occurs. The cat is constantly itching, intensively licking the fur on its stomach and neck. Some animals have red eyelids and lacrimation. One of the forms allergic dermatitis- food. If the irritant has a very strong effect, Quincke's edema occurs - dangerous condition requiring emergency assistance.

    Contact dermatitis

    The disease is transmitted hereditarily. Symptoms appear in cats older than 9 months. With this disease, the body actively produces antibodies to allergens. Common irritants:

    • plant pollen;
    • insects;
    • fur of other animals;
    • perfumery.

    Signs of the disease appear if the animal tries to sniff the irritant. The skin begins to itch, watery eyes occur, and the skin turns red in the lower abdomen and near the paw pads.

    Bacterial dermatitis

    Chronic illness manifests itself in different ways. There are dry and wet bacterial dermatitis.

    When it's dry, small scabs form on the skin, and when it's wet, wet erosions form.

    Diagnostic measures

    To identify the disease, you need to conduct a comprehensive examination at a veterinary clinic:

    1. 1. The specialist collects anamnesis and examines the animal.
    2. 2. To confirm the diagnosis, skin scraping and microscopic examination are required.
    3. 3. Other tests help identify subcutaneous mites.
    4. 4. In case of a fungal infection, the doctor prescribes additional research.
    5. 5. The specialist determines sensitivity to drugs and conducts allergy tests.

    How is the treatment carried out?

    If therapy is not carried out in a timely manner, the disease will become chronic. Treatment depends on the form and stage of the disease. Before using medications, you need to cut your pet’s hair; the procedure is carried out in a clinic. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor:

    1. 1. To eliminate itching, the doctor prescribes medications with hydrocortisone. They are available in the form of tablets and ointments.
    2. 2. Antihistamines Suprastin and Clarotadine are effective; they are prescribed for atopic form.
    3. 3. If the disease is caused by fungi, the doctor recommends Amikacin.
    4. 4. When bacterial dermatitis The veterinarian prescribes antibiotics.
    5. 5. If dermatitis is caused by injury, then use alcohol solutions iodine or methylene blue. Compresses with Vishnevsky ointment or lotions with astringents give good results.
    6. 6. Regardless of the form and causes of the disease, anti-inflammatory drugs (Prednisolone) are prescribed. If a food allergy is detected, you need to adjust your diet. The diet is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Dermatitis in cats develops in the same way as in humans. The disease is a reaction of a cat skin to any stimulus. Very often this is an external manifestation of some disease, in which dermatitis is only a symptom. If you suspect that your cat has begun to develop dermatitis, go to the vet immediately. veterinary clinic. Dealing with this disease on your own, without a veterinary education, is very difficult. What is the difficulty of getting rid of dermatitis, its symptoms, diagnosis, we will tell you in the article presented to your attention.

Dermatitis in cats: causes and treatment

Many owners do not know about this, but dermatitis, in essence, is not one disease, but represents a whole group of different skin ailments. Their common feature is the point of localization of manifestations, that is, the skin.

The irritated areas can be widespread or localized, but in all cases the dermatitis will spread throughout the body over time.

According to the current classification, three main types of dermatitis can be distinguished based on the nature of clinical manifestations. We will consider which ones in the table below.

Table 1. Types of dermatitis according to the nature of symptoms

Superficial dermatitisPurulent dermatitisWet dermatitis
Most light form, since it is its symptoms that bother the animal the least. With superficial dermatitis, the following clinical manifestations are observed:
  • redness is spotty or in the form of a rash;
  • slight itching that bothers the animal, but not severely.
    The disease in the initial stages is quite easy to miss, since the cat simply begins to itch more intensely, which is not noticeable to the owner
  • During its development, the animal's body becomes covered with very itchy ulcers. small size which the animal constantly combs, bites, and licks. Inflammatory processes in this case are extremely active, very often against the background of bacteria of the pathogenic category being introduced onto the affected skin, secondary infectious processes are addedWeeping dermatitis is perhaps the most unpleasant form of the disease we are considering. The skin affected by wet dermatitis softens and becomes as if torn off in some places. At the same time, the following oozes from the affected areas:
  • purulent discharge;
  • ichor.
    Bald spots gradually form around the wounds due to hair loss
  • Note: Many unscrupulous owners do not come to the aid of their pets until the very end, and even drive them out into the street when they discover dermatitis, all because they think that a cat’s disease can be transmitted to humans. We can only condemn these ignoramuses and sympathize with their poor pets. All speculation that a person and a cat can infect each other with dermatitis is just a myth.

    It must be said that the clinical manifestations of the disease in any form and advanced stage They look scary in appearance. Sooner or later the body of a cat becomes covered with:

    • a large number of blisters;
    • ulcers;
    • eczema.

    However, dermatitis is in most cases simply a symptom of problems in the body, that is secondary disease, while the root cause may be long time not clear.

    Dermatitis is a secondary disease

    Symptoms of dermatitis

    So, the symptoms of the desired disease, regardless of the reasons that caused it, will be as follows:

    • the presence of a rash on the skin of the animal;
    • constant scratching of the same affected areas with the teeth and paws of the animal;
    • local redness;
    • inflammatory lesions on the skin;
    • swelling of the affected areas;
    • blisters and blisters on the skin;
    • ulcers;
    • cracks;
    • skin is very dry;
    • due to dryness, skin scales form;
    • hair loss;
    • when you touch the affected areas, the skin feels very hot;
    • The cat constantly feels that his skin is not only itching, but also as if it is burning.

    Exactly how the same type of dermatitis will look on two different animals will depend on each pet's individual tolerance. So, at the same stage of development of the disease, one animal will scratch itself, thereby indicating redness to the owner, while the other will lose all its fur and bite itself until it bleeds.

    Forms of dermatitis in cats and stages of its development

    We can distinguish three forms of the disease we are interested in:

    • subacute;
    • spicy;
    • chronic.

    There are three forms of dermatitis in cats: acute, subacute and chronic.

    Provided that the pet will receive incorrect treatment, dermatitis from acute form can develop into chronic, which means the following:

    • the course of the disease will weaken;
    • symptoms will subside as much as possible or even go away;
    • periodic exacerbations of the disease will occur.

    It is almost impossible to completely cope with this form of the disease. That is why, at the first symptoms of a disease, for example on your pet’s ears, you should immediately seek treatment from a veterinarian.

    Types of dermatitis: reasons for their development

    There are two types of dermatitis. Let's look at them in the table below.

    Table 2. Types of dermatitis

    Simple dermatitis refers to the reaction of the skin of an animal that has come into direct contact with some irritant, for example:
  • a collar that constantly rubs the animal’s neck;
  • freshly cut grass;
  • any other irritant.
    Most cats, both purebred and mongrel, have fur, which acts as a protective barrier, so such dermatitis is extremely rare in them, which cannot be said about hairless or partially hairless cats
  • The second category of dermatitis includes those skin lesions that arise as a result of an allergy reaction immune system cats to any substance that has entered the body, recognized by it as hostile and dangerous. Unfortunately, an allergic reaction can develop to absolutely any irritant, which in the literal sense is not even such, for example, to:
  • human cosmetics;
  • food product - new food for cats;
  • any bacteria, etc.
    A very typical reaction for cats is autoimmune dermatitis, the occurrence of which is caused by excessive activity of the pet’s immune system.
  • So, based on the information indicated in the table, we can draw conclusions about the causes of dermatitis in cats today.

    • epithelial cells;
    • blood;
    • plasma, etc.

    We are talking about well-known “enemies”:

    • fleas;
    • ixodid ticks;
    • demodex mites;
    • lice eaters;
    • lice, etc.

    These same small insects constantly:

    • particles of flesh fall off;
    • hairs fall off;
    • saliva is released when biting the skin of pets;
    • feces and other waste products are released;
    • Oviposition occurs directly into the pet's skin.

    All of the above secretions, if they can be called that, represent flora foreign to the skin of our pets, which also contains foreign protein.

    Fleas not only transfer bacterial microorganisms to the animal’s skin, but also damage the epithelium, making it easier for bacteria to penetrate inside.

    Since the immune system in cats is really developed, when these “enemy objects” are detected, it begins to actively fight them, turning into irritations on the skin, such as:

    • rash;
    • irritation;
    • ulcers;
    • blisters, etc.

    So, with the so-called manifestations will be as follows:

    • constant and very severe itching, localized at the point where the animal’s tail attaches to the body;
    • behind ears cats, just where it is most convenient for fleas to bite through the animal’s skin;
    • a huge number of reddened spots on the skin;
    • formation of “wet” areas and crusts on them;
    • constant scratching with paws and teeth.

    The warmer the temperature outside, the more this dermatitis will bother cats, but it can also manifest itself in cold weather, provided that fleas live in your entrance or, for example, basement.

    Ixodid ticks
    • severe swelling;
    • inflammation;
    • itchy area;
    • bald;
    • rash (not necessary, but may appear).

    The ixodid tick can not only cause dermatitis in the animal, but also infect it dangerous disease— piroplasmosis

    Subcutaneous mites

    As for subcutaneous mites, then allergic reactions their presence will spread to the entire body of the animal, and manifest itself in the form of:

    • extensive rashes;
    • constant, frantic biting and scratching of affected areas;
    • Blisters may appear throughout the body, which can then become inflamed further.

    Otodectosis (infestation of a cat's ears by subcutaneous mites) can also cause the development of dermatitis, which will manifest itself as:

    • rash;
    • redness.

    • how to activate, colonize and develop in the skin;
    • and at the stage of disease progression.

    Subcutaneous mites cause not only otodecosis, but also demodicosis. Read about its symptoms and treatment on our website.

    • releasing toxic waste products;
    • eating everything useful material, intended for the cat’s body;
    • dying, and producing toxic compounds during decomposition.

    This is what helminth worms look like

    Means for helminths are sold in every veterinary pharmacy and are freely sold to everyone.

    The form of release of the drugs we describe for worms can be:

    • suspension;
    • paste;
    • tablet.
    • drops;
    • collars;
    • pills;
    • sprays, etc.

    Fungi and bacteria

    As we mentioned above, cats are creatures with a hypersensitive immune system that can react to an irritant due to its own excessive sensitivity.

    In this case, there is a 100% probability that a reaction will occur specifically to a fungus or any bacterium, even if it is not classified as a pathogenic microorganism.

    Signs in this case will manifest themselves individually. So, a cat may suffer from:

    • slight skin irritation and redness;
    • or from scratched, irritated areas.

    Very often, dermatitis caused by the irritants we are considering in this section occurs indirectly, in the form chronic illness. In this case, the symptoms are often:

    • lubricated;
    • seemingly without foundation;
    • constantly escalating for no reason at all.

    Often veterinarians put on representatives of the cat family next diagnosis: “Malassezia dermatitis.” This disease is caused by a fungus from the category of opportunistic pathogens, which has a yeast nature. This type of fungus can live on the skin of cats. for a long time, while independently not causing them any harm, but being the causative agent of an immune reaction.

    Provided that a favorable environment for fungal growth is created (humidity and heat air), the reaction may become much more pronounced. This type of fungus prefers to settle in skin folds, so their favorite location is in the nose area of ​​cats, especially those that have a flat face, for example, standard Persian cats, Persian extreme sports, etc.

    Extreme sports enthusiasts are susceptible to fungal dermatitis

    In addition, fungi are very often colonized:

    • on the chin;
    • in the groin area;
    • in the area between the toes of cats;
    • in the place where the tail joins the body;
    • in the armpits, etc.

    The symptoms for dermatitis will be typical:

    • presence of redness;
    • rashes;
    • combing.

    Only your veterinarian can decide on the plan further therapy, since the cat owner will not be able to determine on his own what fungus or bacteria he needs to be treated for. By choosing medications yourself, you can ensure that they not only do not give any effect, but also aggravate the course of the disease.

    So, for example, the wrong ointments can have a healing effect and work against itching, however, they will not destroy the bacteria, and after a while everything will happen again. The same applies to the prescription of antibiotics, which will be an effective remedy against bacteria, but will not kill fungi, because for this form of irritant you need to purchase a special antifungal drug.

    Provided that dermatitis in cats is caused by rare varieties of fungi, humans can also become infected with them after some time. However, in 90% of cases, the fungus that has infected your pet cannot be transmitted to you, and therefore is not dangerous. You will need to ask the veterinarian who prescribes the examination and treatment about your case. Provided that the tests show a fungus that is truly dangerous to humans, when treating your pet you must follow some safety rules, for example:

    • wear gloves when handling your pet;
    • wash your hands after completing the procedure;
    • Keep small children or other people with low immunity away from a sick cat.

    Food allergens

    Unfortunately, cats, just like humans, can develop individual reactions to any food product, which in itself, it would seem, cannot pose a danger.

    Very often, a reaction is caused by a product introduced into a cat’s diet that falls into the following two categories:

    • natural food;
    • industrial feed.

    However, it also happens that it is cumulative in nature, that is, it manifests itself directly with the constant use of the same product.

    Food allergies - common reason development of dermatitis

    Dermatitis allergic type may manifest itself:

    • immediately after the allergen gets inside digestive tract animal;
    • a few hours after eating a particular food;
    • a few days after consuming the “inappropriate” product.

    Food allergies in these animals can be expressed in completely different ways:

    • Thus, a chronic allergy, which lasts until food is excluded from the cat’s diet, is expressed in dry flaky skin, brittle fur, dullness of hairs, but no itching is observed;
    • An acute allergy can result in sharp redness of certain areas of the cat’s skin, their “wetting”, inflammation, suppuration and constantly flowing masses of ichor.

    Note: even food allergies that cause dermatitis tend to progress. So, from skin redness it can turn into throat spasms and choking, which could very well end your pet’s life.

    Provided that a product or several products are excluded from the cat’s daily diet, causing a reaction in the form of dermatitis, after some time the animal will recover. To do this, you need to go to the veterinarian and take the cat’s blood for analysis, and then work with the veterinarian to develop a diet for the animal and implement it.

    Chemical substances

    Various chemicals used by humans in everyday life are also serious allergens that can lead to the most violent reaction in a cat’s body, even if decreased sensitivity pet's immune system. When the skin of an animal comes into contact with the substance, or it somehow penetrates into its body (very dangerous, possible poisoning and death), dermatitis appears.

    So, the allergens in this case are often:

    • repellents;
    • paint and varnish products;
    • household chemicals;
    • adhesive masses;
    • cosmetics and the like.

    Most likely, if the cat came into contact with the irritant only on the skin, a red spot, rash, or other manifestations of dermatitis will develop only directly at the desired point of contact. So, for example, if you washed the floor with a special liquid, and it is an irritant to your cat’s immune system, its particles remaining on the paws will certainly cause swelling of the limbs, or their redness and irritation.

    In this case, the following symptoms may also develop:

    • rash;
    • itching;
    • bubbles the size of millet grains;
    • ulcers, which are often accompanied by infectious processes;
    • wet areas where hair falls out, etc.

    How effective the treatment chosen by the doctor will be in this case determines the condition under which you must prevent the animal from contacting the irritant by first identifying it.

    By the way, contact type dermatitis may not be classified as allergic, but simple, that is, the skin will simply be irritated by any toxic substances (even your own feces, if you rarely wash your pet).

    In some cases, dermatitis can occur in cats even inside the oral cavity, for example, in cases where the animal chewed flowers standing in the rooms that are poisonous, or sprayed with any fertilizers that irritate the inner mucous surface of the mouth.

    When licking the irritant, dermatitis can even progress to:

    • cat lips;
    • language;
    • gums;
    • throat;
    • sky, etc.

    Most often, this picture can be observed in animals that:

    • were poorly rinsed after bathing with clean running water;
    • licked the woken one washing powder;
    • licked off the owner's body wash or shampoo, etc.


    So, provided that your animal has very sensitive skin, even a minor injury can lead to the development of so-called traumatic dermatitis. Here are the typical causes of the development of this disease:

    • injections from recently mown grass on which a cat walks;
    • a collar that is too tight and rough, rubbing the pet’s skin;
    • a hard carpet on which the animal moves indoors;
    • postoperative blanket with thick seams that also rub the skin, etc.

    Damage to the skin of an animal often causes the development of dermatitis and related infections in cats.

    The symptoms in this case will be similar for all dermatitis, however, most often they are not too severe, that is, it does not often lead to the formation of ulcerative deformities and blisters. The lesion does not extend far from the site of injury.

    Inflammatory processes, and subsequently dermatitis, can also develop due to more serious damage, such as:

    • receiving an electric shock;
    • surgery.

    Provided that the animal has received little and no serious injury, you can help him at home yourself by treating the wound with the same means that you would use in this case for yourself.


    Seborrhea is a disease that manifests itself in cats in the form of crumbling dandruff. The desired manifestation is characteristic feature that the pet's work is impaired sebaceous glands, producing a secretion responsible for wetting the skin. The drying out of dry skin leads to the formation of scales that clump into lumps, which further continue to irritate the epithelium, creating favorable conditions in order for pathogenic microflora to continue to develop.

    Seborrhea often affects cats living on the street or with unscrupulous owners.

    Provided that your pet is particularly sensitive, or has recently suffered any stressful situation, and his immunity has dropped sharply, dandruff can turn into seborrheic dermatitis, which is expressed as:

    • constant desire to scratch;
    • the appearance of red areas of the skin;
    • irritation localized in places where skin folds form.

    After some time, a foul aroma appears at the sites where the bacterial flora develops, and the fur:

    • becomes dull;
    • tangles in strands;
    • starts to break.

    Provided that treatment does not start on time, after some time complete baldness will occur in places where bacteria accumulate. The first to suffer from this process are:

    • tail;
    • hips, etc.

    To overcome seborrheic dermatitis, you will have to restore your work skin glands, producing sebaceous secretions. This can only help special shampoos for washing and solutions for treatments. Please note: independent selection of remedies against dermatitis is prohibited, since the wrong remedy will only aggravate the development of the disease.

    Other causes of dermatitis

    So, in addition to the reasons we listed above, the following may influence the development of allergic or simple dermatitis:

    • taking medications;
    • diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive tract and other ailments;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • constant stress from the rude attitude of the owners;
    • poor living conditions for the animal;
    • refusal of hygiene by the owners;
    • poor nutrition and the like.

    There can be countless reasons, which is why only a veterinarian has the competence to identify them and prescribe appropriate treatment. The owner’s task is to implement first aid by stopping the animal's contact with a substance that irritates its skin.

    Treatment of dermatitis in cats

    This disease in a cat can be cured only if you decide to A complex approach. So, it is necessary:

    • eliminate clinical manifestations by anointing the inflamed areas with ointments against swelling and itching and letting the cat take antihistamines;
    • prevent the development or stop the further spread of the accessory infectious disease through the use of antibiotics orally or by applying ointments containing antibiotics;
    • establish the root cause that may lie in the development of any disease and cure it;
    • eliminate the allergen by stopping the animal's contact with it.

    The veterinarian will decide what treatment your cat will receive: you can only make the situation worse on your own.

    It is very important to remember that contacting a veterinarian if your cat develops dermatitis is urgent. The fact is that this disease progresses very quickly, and stopping it at the last stage of development, for example, will be much more difficult than at the early stage.

    Video - How to cure dermatitis in cats?

    Let's sum it up

    Dermatitis in cats is an unpleasant disease for which there is a specific treatment. It is very important to remember that medication alone will not get your pet back on its feet. In order for him to recover and strengthen his immunity, it is very important to correctly:

    • feed the animal;
    • carry out hygiene procedures for him;
    • keep your pet warm and dry;
    • treat him kindly and kindly.

    Provided that the general background is favorable and the treatment is chosen correctly, the cat will soon recover and will delight you with its good mood.

    Dermatological problems in pets are one of the most common reasons for contacting a veterinarian. In most cases, skin inflammation is a symptom of a disease. The variety of forms and types of dermatitis precludes independent identification and treatment of the disease. Knowledge of the causes and provoking factors will help not only in choosing a treatment course, but also in preventing such pathology in the future.

    Read in this article

    Causes of dermatitis in cats

    Veterinary specialists include the following reasons for the development of inflammatory processes in the epidermis in domestic animals:

    Perfumes, disinfectants, household chemicals, pollen, ordinary dust, feed ingredients, medications- the most common triggers for the development of allergies that furry fidgets encounter.

    Stress and psycho-emotional states can provoke the development of dermatitis in cats. Often the cause of the disease is the owners themselves, who do not provide proper care for the pet (using detergents not intended for animals, keeping them in unsatisfactory sanitary conditions).

    Disease symptoms and types

    A seemingly insignificant damage to the skin can subsequently lead to a serious dermatological problem in your pet. In this regard, the owner should know the symptoms of this or that type of dermatitis.


    Of particular concern to the animal is the tail area and behind the ears.


    The body's reaction to the action of an allergen often leads to the development of dermatitis. In this case, redness, swelling and soreness of the skin are noted. The animal has papules, pustules, and blisters. Redness is often found in the groin and abdomen. Histamine-like substances produced by the body in response to the action of an allergen provoke itching and soreness of the skin. The cat is constantly itching and licking itself.

    A characteristic sign of allergic dermatitis is that it affects not only the skin. The animal often experiences lacrimation and redness of the eyelids. There is sneezing and coughing.

    Most often veterinarians encounter food allergies. This type of dermatitis is characterized by redness and swelling of the skin. IN severe cases at domestic cat Life-threatening angioedema may develop.


    TO allergic type dermatitis is atopic. This form of the disease is hereditary in nature and manifests itself in animals aged from 10 months to 2.5 - 3 years. The disease is characterized by an increase in the production of antibodies to allergens when they appear from the outside. In this case, the allergen can be both microorganisms and dust, pollen, and perfume components.


    A feature of this type of dermatitis in domestic animals is its localization inflammatory reaction at the site of skin contact with an aggressive substance. Most often, such agents are acids and alkalis, detergents, ointments, pastes, and creams. The animal experiences non-periodic itching. The cat scratches the area of ​​the chin, neck, and lower abdomen. Itching is often observed in the anus and on the pads of the paws.


    Infectious dermatitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms occurs in domestic cats most often in chronic form. Veterinarians for clinical manifestations The inflammatory process also distinguishes between dry and weeping bacterial dermatitis.

    Weeping bacterial dermatitis

    Unlike other types of the disease, the bacterial form is characterized by the preservation of fur in areas of inflammation. With dry dermatitis, the owner discovers crusts and scabs under the fur. In the weeping form of the disease, erosions are observed on damaged skin.

    Methods for diagnosing the disease

    Carrying out allergy tests at the cat's

    Due to the variety of causes that cause the development of dermatitis in domestic animals, complex diagnostics is used in veterinary practice skin diseases.

    In addition to collecting anamnesis and visual examination, the veterinary specialist has in his arsenal such diagnostic methods as skin scraping with further microscopic examination, trichoscopy (to exclude ringworm), allergy tests.

    Examination of skin scrapings helps to identify subcutaneous mites and the presence of a fungal infection. Bacteriological examination is aimed at identifying pathogenic microorganisms and determining sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

    Allergen detection is carried out through allergy tests, as well as by determining the amount of antibodies in a complete blood test.

    For methods for diagnosing skin diseases in cats, watch this video:

    Treatment of dermatitis

    Treatment of the disease should be started as early as possible, since the inflamed skin thickens, becomes rough, and the disease develops into a more complex chronic form.

    At the veterinary clinic

    In heavy advanced cases in the conditions of a veterinary institution, the animal can undergo a therapeutic haircut in order to more effective application local medications.

    At home

    The main therapeutic measures are carried out at home, strictly following the prescriptions of a veterinary specialist. IN complex treatment The following medications are used for dermatitis:

    Therapeutic measures should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, who in each specific case selects a specific treatment regimen and, if necessary, adjusts it.

    Prevention of dermatitis in cats

    Experienced veterinarians advise owners to adhere to the following tips and rules to prevent dermatological diseases in pets:

    Dermatitis in domestic cats has a number of varieties. Most often, the owner is faced with flea and allergic forms of the disease. Diagnostics is aimed at identifying the causes of the disease. Treatment is complex and should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

    Dermatitis is a skin reaction that in most cases is a symptom rather than a disease itself. If they suspect dermatitis in cats, responsible owners should immediately contact the clinic, since it is unlikely that they will be able to help their pet on their own. What is dermatitis and why are pets so often affected by this disease?

    The term “dermatitis” hides many diseases of various etiologies. But these diseases have something in common - skin manifestations. According to the nature of the symptoms, dermatitis can be:

    • superficial. mild itching, slight redness or rash;
    • purulent. Ulcers, severe scratching, clearly noticeable inflammation (secondary infection due to the development of pathogenic bacteria on the affected skin);
    • wet. With weeping dermatitis, the skin seems to be torn off, oozing ichor or pus, and the hair around the wound falls out.

    The photo below shows typical wet areas:

    Veterinarians refute the myth that dermatitis in cats is transmitted to humans. External manifestations Dermatitis sometimes looks very scary, especially when there are a lot of blisters, ulcers or eczema on the pet’s body. But dermatitis is more of a symptom, and you can only become infected with the disease itself, and not its manifestation.

    The general signs of dermatitis, regardless of the cause of the disease, are typical and easily recognizable:

    • rash, scratching;
    • redness, inflammation;
    • swelling, blisters, blisters, ulcers;
    • extreme dry skin, scales, cracks. Or vice versa, damp hairless areas;
    • the skin is hot to the touch, the pet constantly feels itching and burning.

    What dermatitis looks like in a particular case depends on the cat's individual reactions. Two pets with the same diagnosis may feel differently: one cat is only slightly itchy, while the second is going bald and bleeding. According to the nature of the disease, this disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. If your pet is not treated correctly, acute dermatitis can develop into a chronic form - the symptoms will disappear for a while or become less noticeable, but will appear in all their glory during relapses. Chronic, indolent dermatitis is more difficult to deal with, so even barely noticeable dermatitis in cats on the ears is a reason to take your pet to the veterinarian.

    Types and causes of dermatitis

    All types can be divided into two groups. The first group is simple dermatitis. This is a reaction of the skin to contact with something irritating (sharp mown grass, rough blanket fabric, chafing collar, etc.). In representatives of most breeds, the delicate cat skin is protected by dense hair, so simple dermatitis is quite rare. The second group is allergic dermatitis, which is based on the immune reaction to a substance mistakenly mistaken for an “enemy.” An allergy can develop to anything, from new food to household cosmetics, harmless bacteria, dyes, etc. Unfortunately, cats are more often diagnosed with autoimmune dermatitis, in which skin reactions occur due to excessive activity of their own immunity.

    The following are the main causes of dermatitis in pets. The information is provided for informational purposes only. Please do not try to treat the disease without the help of a veterinarian.

    Read also: Lameness in a cat: the main causes of the disease

    Typical flea dermatitis is severe, obsessive itching at the base of the tail and/or behind the ears (where fleas bite most often), red, irritated skin, and a small, profuse rash in areas where they were scratched or all over the body. Manifestations intensify in the warm season, but relapses are possible in winter (entry and basement fleas).

    Crusts, weeping erosions - a violent, bright reaction to flea saliva

    Any fungus and any bacteria, regardless of pathogenicity, can cause dermatitis due to hypersensitivity. Signs are individual, from general skin lesions to small reddened and itchy areas. And fungal dermatitis often occur in a latent or chronic form, with vague, unclear symptoms and relapses “for no reason.”

    It is often diagnosed in cats as caused by an opportunistic yeast fungus. This type of fungus does not normally cause disease and lives on the skin of pets without causing them any harm. Skin sensitivity increases if the fungus begins to actively multiply, sensing suitable conditions- moisture and warmth. The malassezia fungus “loves” folded skin, so this dermatitis appears in cats on the nose (Persians, extreme cats with flat faces), chin, in the groin and interdigital area, armpits, and under the tail. Typical symptoms are redness, rash, scratching.

    Only a veterinarian can decide how to treat the infection. It is important to quickly take control of the disease, otherwise local therapy will not be effective (ointments will help remove itching and heal scratches, but they will appear again and again). Antibiotics are prescribed to kill bacteria, and special antifungal drugs are prescribed to treat fungal infections. Immunostimulants will help the cat’s body suppress the growth of fungi or bacteria.

    Many owners believe that this dermatitis in cats is contagious to humans, because human skin is also susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections. But not all types of fungi/bacteria that infect cats are dangerous to humans. Therefore, the degree of danger depends on whether the fungus (or bacteria) is common to cats and humans (it is impossible to find out at home, you need to get tested). If so, then when caring for a recovering pet, it is necessary to strictly observe hygiene standards and protect the cat from contact with small children and people with low immunity.

    We remind you that dermatitis is a manifestation of a disease, so even if a cat is infected with a bacterial or fungal infection, the symptoms of the disease in a person may be completely different.

    Read also: Melanoma - a tumor in cats

    Allergens in food

    An allergy can be triggered by any product, new or familiar to a cat (the so-called cumulative reaction), natural or included in ready-made feed. Food dermatitis manifests itself as skin rashes, itching varying intensity, swelling. The reaction can occur immediately after the allergen enters the gastrointestinal tract or be delayed for several hours, less often days. The photo shows a severe case of advanced food dermatitis:

    For chronic hidden current the skin is constantly dry and flaky, the coat is brittle and dull, there is no itching. Although the wet type is also possible - weeping, highly inflamed and reddened areas of the skin, on the surface of which ichor constantly appears.

    Allergies are very insidious! The disease progresses: today it’s a simple “scratchiness” after chicken for lunch, and tomorrow it’s an attack of suffocation due to swelling of the larynx. If you suspect an allergy of any kind, you should consult a doctor immediately.

    It is almost impossible to cure a reaction caused by a reaction to an allergen in food. However, a cat can live a full and happy life if the allergen is identified and its entry into the body is stopped. To do this, you need to take blood tests (it’s better to immediately do an extended analysis for 24 positions) and, together with a veterinarian, choose a diet. Symptoms of allergic dermatitis are suppressed antihistamines, hormones, sedatives, anti-inflammatory, etc. - an individual comprehensive scheme.


    When the skin comes into contact with an irritating substance, contact dermatitis is possible if the pet’s body is susceptible to the irritant. The most common allergens are different substances– shampoos, flea treatments, household chemicals and dyes (upholstery, new carpet, collar), glue, etc. The peculiarity of this type of dermatitis is that inflammation, as a rule, appears only in the area of ​​skin contact with the allergen. For example, dermatitis in cats on their paws after walking on a new carpet or floor on which particles remain detergent. Inflammation can be superficial - a subtle rash and mild itching, or deep - a blistering rash, ulcerative dermatitis with the addition of a secondary infection, the formation of pseudo-eczema (a weeping hairless area).

    The effectiveness of treatment depends on how easy it is to prevent your pet from coming into repeated contact with the allergen substance. Skin manifestations eliminated with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ointments.

    Contact dermatitis can be simple, i.e. not related to allergies. Almost any substance can also act as an irritant - cosmetics, litter, household chemicals, glass wool, alkalis and acids, own feces (in long-haired cats, if you do not pay due attention to grooming). Oral dermatitis is possible in cats that love to chew plants - some indoor flowers are poisonous, the juice of others is harmless, but caustic and irritates the delicate mucous membranes. It is easier to cure simple dermatitis: stop contact with the irritant, treat the skin with an anti-inflammatory composition (ointment, solution).

    With contact dermatitis in cats, facial (i.e. in the muzzle area) manifestations are not uncommon. In addition, inflammation can involve oral cavity– lips, tongue, palate, gums. This happens if the cat licked itself after an irritant came into contact with the fur (most often - washing powder, shampoo spilled on the floor, stinging wound-healing ointment, etc.).

    Traumas and microtraumas

    If a cat has sensitive skin, the slightest violation of the integrity of the skin can provoke traumatic dermatitis - the collar rubs, the cat’s paws are pricked by mown grass, the pads of the paws rub against the coarse pile of the carpet, the rough seams of the blanket rub the skin in places of bends, etc. Typical symptoms are inflammation, redness, rash. Ulcers and blisters appear rarely, only in the most severe cases and with prolonged exposure to mechanical factors on the skin. The affected area is limited to the site of injury.