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If your baby scratches his head until it bleeds. Why does a baby scratch its body (ear, eyes, head, nose). Dermatitis is a fungal disease

Itching on your child's head is not life-threatening, but may cause irritation until the problem is resolved. There are several reasons why a child may scratch their head. Two of the most common include eczema and head lice.


Eczema refers to a number of skin diseases that cause irritation, redness and itching. About 1 in 10 children develop the condition, according to ChildHealth.

Other causes of a child scratching their head include head lice ( pediculosis) or ringworm.

Pediculosis can lead to inflammation and itching of the scalp. It may take several weeks for a child with lice to begin to itch, depending on how sensitive their skin is. Lice are highly contagious and spread easily from person to person, especially in schools where children are very close to each other.

Ringworm– a fungal infection most often found on the scalp. Its appearance is similar to a red ring or group of rings with a clear center. This infection causes the child to experience itching.

Pediculosis (lice)


Signs that your baby may have eczema usually appear before he is 3 months old and almost always before he is five years old. Symptoms include dryness, itching, redness and small bumps on the cheeks, forehead or scalp. The rash may spread to other parts of the body.

Lice can be seen by examining a child's head. Nits (lice eggs) appear as tiny yellow or brown dots before they hatch. Adult lice are grayish-white or brown and no larger than a sesame seed.

Ringworm may start out as round, reddish, pimple-like sores and then become flaky, scaly, or crusty, causing an itchy scalp. It can also cause swelling, redness and hair breakage.


This problem is not life-threatening and the underlying cause is easily treated. Complications can occur when a child scratches the skin until it bleeds, which can lead to bacterial infection. Therefore, it is important to avoid scratching the skin and cover any open wounds, which could have formed.


Corticosteroid ointments are commonly used to treat eczema. According to KidsHealth, more than half of children with eczema will continue to have it for a long time. adolescence. And only a small number of people will have it in adulthood.

Treatment of head lice includes the use of special shampoo or lotion to kill lice. You should not use medicated shampoo on children under two years of age. You will need to remove nits and lice by hand. You should also wash everything bed sheets and clothing, vacuum carpets and furniture, and soak hair care products and tools in alcohol.

Treatment for ringworm capitis includes taking oral medicines on prescription.


According to Kids Health, scientists believe that eczema is hereditary disease; therefore you cannot help your child avoid it.

As a preventive measure for most infections, causing itching scalp in children, avoid face-to-face contact at school or while playing with other children, sharing hair accessories and brushes and do not maintain close contact with anyone who has lice or ringworm.

What to do?

In addition to the fact that it is important to contact your pediatrician if you experience a rash or skin changes, you should listen to the following tips.

Change your bathing routine

Sometimes a child may start scratching his head out of irritation while bathing. Washing hair every day or using hot water may cause irritation. Dr. Jim Sears says you should wash children's hair about once a week, and that doing it more frequently can dry out the scalp, making it itchy. If your child's hair becomes dirty, you should rinse it with warm water first.

Changing shampoo

Many shampoos have harsh chemical ingredients that can dry out the scalp, even those made for children. If a child suffers from an itchy scalp, parents can try switching to a shampoo specifically formulated for sensitive skin. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends choosing shampoos that do not contain fragrances or other additives. Parents should look for a product that is formulated specifically for children, as they have more sensitive skin than adults and some shampoos and soaps can irritate it.

Gentle care

Parents can help minimize scalp irritation by using gentle care for hair. Instead of drying your hair with a towel or using a hair dryer, you should lightly dry it with a towel or let it air dry. You can plan some inactive play or storytelling after your bath to let your hair dry before bed. Using a soft brush can also be gentler than plastic or hard ones.


If your scalp is irritated, a good moisturizer can help soothe it and relieve itching. Olive oil and baby oil are good remedy for children, as they are natural and will not irritate the skin. If there are scabs or scabs on the scalp, parents can rub a little oil into the areas to soften them. The oil must be completely washed out with shampoo after a few minutes, or it may lead to a rash.

Itching of the skin or various parts of the body is a special physiological condition that causes an irresistible desire to rub or scratch the irritated area.

It occurs mainly in children because it is clinical manifestation many diseases. In some cases, it is accompanied by changes in the skin or rashes.

Itching in a child: clinical definition of the problem

Body itching in a child is defined as specific reaction skin to internal disturbances in the body or external irritants. The mechanism of development of this reaction is based on signals that come from nerve endings located in the epidermis.

Influenced external factors nerve receptors are stimulated and send a signal to the brain. Here a feedback signal is formed, which causes (at the reflex level) an unconscious desire to scratch the irritated area. When exposed to internal stimuli, activation occurs and release into the blood special substancehistamine, which is considered a mediator of itching.

Skin itching on the body in a child refers to physiological conditions, which do not pose a danger to life, however, cause discomfort, cause suffering, and disrupt sleep. Depending on the reasons, it can be constant or paroxysmal, intensifying in the evening and at night.

A child may experience itching:

Local in nature, that is, to cover small localized areas of the skin;

Generalized nature, and cover skin of the whole body.

The child has itching: possible reasons

Itching is the most common complaint among children. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite numerous; they can be divided into several categories:

Caused by exposure to external factors;

Conditional internal diseases and pathological disorders;

Resulting from failure to comply with basic hygiene rules.

Possible causes of itching in a child

The most common reasons for turning to specialists are the following.

Allergic reactions

The leading place is occupied by disorders of an allergic nature. These include atopic and allergic dermatitis, urticaria. Besides skin itching In children, they are accompanied by swelling, hyperemia of the skin, peeling and rashes on the skin. The causes of these manifestations may be an allergy to food products, detergents (washing powder, soap), household dust, animal hair, plant pollen, synthetic clothing, diapers, and also cosmetical tools for baby skin care. This condition can also be caused by insect bites.

Mental or neurological causes

During the process of growth and development, a child may experience psychoses, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, which provoke the occurrence of certain diseases. Among them, neurodermatitis is often diagnosed. Given pathological disorders the skin remains clean, pathological changes, including characteristic swelling and hyperemia is not observed, however, the itching is obsessive in nature, and in under stress it's only getting stronger. This encourages the child to constantly scratch the skin until abrasions and even blood appear.

Diseases infectious nature

Children's infectious diseases: measles, chicken pox accompanied characteristic rashes And unbearable itching the child's body. This is due to the spread of a virus in the body, which irritates the nerve receptors located on the surface of the epidermis. The itching is constantly painful, provokes the desire to scratch and increases the baby’s suffering. However, experts do not recommend scratching the rash, since this can cause small scars - pockmarks, and in addition can increase the likelihood of infection new infection.

Dyspeptic disorders

Disorders of the digestive processes contribute to the release of digestive enzymes along with feces. When they get on the skin in the anal area, they begin their action, thereby irritating its surface, causing hyperemia, swelling and itching in the child. Periodically, especially after defecation, it becomes unbearable, causes anxiety and suffering, and disrupts sleep.


Itching of a child's body can be caused by fungal infections of the skin (dermatophytosis, scab, ringworm). Different kinds fungi, getting on the skin, can affect the entire surface of the body, as well as its individual parts: scalp head, limbs, especially the skin of the feet. In addition to itching, symptoms of the disease are: hyperemia of the skin, peeling or suppuration of the skin, hair loss.

Body itching in a child: diagnosis and treatment

Correct assessment of itching is a difficult task because it requires a thorough examination of the child.

Its purpose is to identify the cause of this state and differentiation with diseases of the kidneys, liver, blood, endocrine system, helminthiasis.

Diagnosis of itching in a child is carried out comprehensively and includes the following activities:

Visual inspection;

Detailed history taking;

Laboratory research;

Instrumental studies.

Medical therapy assumes strict compliance recommendations of the attending physician:

Maintaining the child’s personal hygiene;

Changing the diet towards dietary;

Exclusion of products causing allergies;

Local treatment;

Drug treatment.

Eliminate unpleasant symptom Experts will help: allergist, psychologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist. If itching is not a manifestation of an infectious disease, then, as a rule, children are prescribed treatment with antihistamines, hormonal, sedatives, massage, in some cases healing sleep, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, UHF.

Itching in the anus in a child: diagnosis and treatment

The child has itching anus is a painful phenomenon that is accompanied by unpleasant burning sensation and tingling, and causes an irresistible desire to scratch the irritated area.

Experts highlight:

Primary anal itching, which is an independent phenomenon that occurs when there is insufficient hygiene care;

Secondary anal itching, which is a symptom of a disease.

As practice shows, the causes of primary itching in the anus in a child include fungal infections, dermatitis, insufficient or excessive hygiene standards, uncomfortable clothing (warm or tight), use of rough toilet paper or hard washcloth.

Conduct comprehensive diagnostics help with itching in the anus in a child laboratory and instrumental studies.

Laboratory examination of urine and blood for general analysis, glucose content.

Microscopy and culture of skin scrapings.

External inspection. Allows you to identify cracks, condylomas, hemorrhoids, and other pathologies.

Rectal finger examination. Allows you to determine the functionality of the anal sphincter, violations of which often lead to incontinence feces– causes of itching.

Anoscopy, less often - rectomanoscopy. Allows you to identify internal hemorrhoids, polyps, etc.

The main event in complex therapy assigned t careful hygiene of the anal area.

The treatment regimen for itching in the anus in a child depends on the cause and form of the disease, and for primary anal itching recommended to use:

Hormonal drugs;

Drying ointments;

Lotions with painkillers;

Wound healing agents;

Antifungal ointments and creams;

Suppositories against hemorrhoids;

Anti-helminth drugs.

TO effective methods Treatments for itching in the anus in a child include: traditional medicine, which consist of natural ingredients. This herbal infusions, infusions that are used as lotions, compresses, and also drinks.

Fever and itching in a child: diagnosis and treatment

Many diseases in children are characterized by other symptoms in addition to itching, such as fever and rash. Moreover, they may be signs serious illnesses, representing real threat health child's body. Fever and itching in a child, as well as fever, loss of appetite, and sore throat are signs of many infectious diseases.

Erythema infectiosum. The cause is parvovirus B19, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. Symptoms include a rash spread throughout the body, headache, cough, no heat and itching in the child.

Sudden exanthema(roseola). The causative agent is herpes virus type 6. Affects children from 10 months to 2 years, transmitted by airborne droplets. Signs of the disease may be swollen eyelids, runny nose, redness of the throat, swollen lymph nodes, high fever and itching in the child, which accompanies the appearance of rashes in the form pink spots.

Chicken pox. Common infection, the causative agent of which is considered to be varicella zoster. Symptoms resemble those of acute respiratory viral infection, later supplemented by headache, painful sensations in the abdomen, characteristic rashes that accompany fever and itching in the child.

Infectious mononucleosis. The causative agent is the Epstein-Barr virus, which belongs to the group of herpes viruses. Characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Later symptoms are supplemented by fever, plaque on the tonsils, and a characteristic rash, which is often accompanied by itching.

Measles. A common disease caused by the measles virus, which occurs in three stages. Characteristic features runny nose, dry cough, red eyes are considered. At the next stage, a rash appears and elevated temperature and itching in the child. After the illness, slight peeling remains at the site of the rash, which disappears after a week.

Rubella. Acute illness, which occurs easily in children, but causes severe consequences in the fetus in the womb of an infected woman. Just like measles, it occurs in three stages, but the symptoms are somewhat different from those of measles. The temperature remains low, but the lymph nodes enlarge. A slight pink rash is accompanied by itching in the child.

Diagnosis involves complex research, and treatment depends on the nature of the disease, the cause of its occurrence, the severity and age of the child.

Rash without itching in a child: diagnosis and treatment

But childhood pathologies are not always accompanied by an increase in temperature. There are several categories of diseases, the symptom of which is a rash without itching in a child.

These include:

Infectious diseases;

Allergic reactions;

Diseases of the hematopoietic and vascular organs;

Poor hygiene in relation to the child.

To determine the nature of the origin of the rash, the doctor prescribes laboratory research:

Blood test for allergy tests

CBC and blood biochemistry

Histological examination samples of affected tissues.

As therapeutic measures make an appointment antihistamines, antibiotics, use of hormonal and corticosteroid drugs.

For achievement quick effect from treatment is recommended local treatment folk remedies.

Many mothers often notice how their baby scratches certain parts of the body and begin to come up with a number of problems for themselves. She immediately thinks about some serious illnesses, stresses herself out and starts going with the child to all possible doctors.

There is another category of mothers who do not pay any attention to such trifles and simply miss the moment when a serious illness can begin to develop precisely from irritation of any part of the body that the baby actively begins to scratch. An error is made in both the first and second cases. This article will tell you in what situations it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a child is scratching his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Many children under 1 year of age have poor control of their body movements. Everything happens reflexively, and therefore in cases where the baby wants to sleep and starts rubbing his eyes, there is no need to worry. This is a normal body movement, which at some points is inherent even in an adult.

The maximum that can follow such an action by the baby is slight redness of the eyes, which will soon pass. It is in this case that children's doctors strongly recommend monitoring the length of the child's nails and the cleanliness of his hands, since with long, sloppy nails, the baby can simply scratch himself.

Many mothers note the fact that the child rubs his eyes when... Associated symptoms that the child will soon become the owner of another tooth are:

  • Possible.
  • Child's capriciousness.
  • and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Swelling of the gums.

If a child’s tooth is growing, he will try to gnaw on everything he can get his hands on, thereby reducing the discomfort in his mouth.

Another important reason why a child rubs his eyes is allergic reaction. The baby’s weakened and extremely susceptible immune system reacts quite sharply to external and internal irritants of the mucous membranes.

Allergens for a child can be:

  1. Dust and pollen.
  2. Pet hair.
  3. Items household chemicals and any decorative cosmetics.
  4. Food.
  5. Insect bites.

Symptoms accompanying an allergy may include:

  • Redness of the eyes and watery eyes.
  • Sneezing and.
  • and nasal congestion.
  • Choking and shortness of breath.

To make sure that your baby is rubbing his eyes because of an allergy, you need to be examined by an allergist and be tested for an allergic reaction. Based on the results of the examination, the specialist will easily determine the cause of the baby’s allergies, and by removing the source from the place where the child is most likely to be, you will ease his torment and relieve him of allergies.

A dangerous reason why a baby rubs his eyes may be. This is an irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, which occurs due to the ingress of bacteria, viruses or allergens. Depending on the pathogen of this disease and classify conjunctivitis. To distinguish and identify a specific type of conjunctivitis can only be experienced doctor during inspection and testing. He is also capable of appointing competent treatment baby.

Therefore, if you notice any changes in the baby’s behavior, and also notice redness in the baby’s eyes, you must immediately contact your doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious consequences conjunctivitis.

If your child scratches his nose for no reason, then in most cases this indicates two reasons. The first is the baby’s early nervousness, which is the background for development neuroses.

Children with increased excitability V early age prone to hyperactivity, anxiety and various manifestations nervousness such as biting one's own body parts, biting nails, banging one's head on the crib, and so on. In this case, the child may involuntarily rub his eyes or nose.

The second reason why a child may scratch his nose is allergies and helminthic infestation. If a child scratches his nose, it is necessary to contact a specialist for a professional diagnosis.

Child scratching his ears

A child may scratch their ears due to various diseases hearing aid or other lesions that are diagnosed and treated by an ENT specialist. In most cases, a child scratches his ear when:

  • Fungal infections of the ear and hearing aid.
  • At .
  • Due to insect bites.
  • When the ear canal is contaminated.

There are also cases when a child may scratch his ears for a reason or simply when the baby wants to sleep.

If you notice discharge from the ear in the form of clear liquid or pus, then you should immediately contact a specialist. Timely diagnosis and a competent course of treatment can prevent the development of serious diseases in the baby and prevent hearing loss.

Child scratching his head

If you notice cases when your baby scratches his head or areas around the ears, then the reasons for this action may be:

  • Allergy to shampoo or cosmetic care products.
  • Pediculosis and other scalp lesions caused by insects.
  • Various skin lesions by microorganisms.
  • Allergy to bedding or detergents.

In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine the child’s head and, if any skin defects such as ulcers or acne are detected, contact a pediatric dermatologist, who will refer you for an examination and prescribe a course of treatment.

If you find small insects in your baby’s head, you must urgently purchase an anti-lice product at the pharmacy and use it as directed, following the instructions from the package.

The child rubs his mouth and gums

The main reason why a baby may rub his gums is. In this case, it is necessary to wait out this period and lubricate the baby’s mouth with anti-inflammatory agents in order to relieve him of pain. Before using any medical supplies it is necessary to consult a specialist.

A child may start scratching his head as early as 4-5 months. In some children it occurs only during the day, while in others it occurs at any time of the day. If you notice that your baby is itching long time, the very first thing you need to do is change the pillow. Very often, all the reasons for the baby’s anxiety come down to poor quality material and filling of this product. Actually, the pillow small child It is best to replace it with a flannelette diaper folded several times. If your baby does not like to sleep on a flat surface, you can place a special orthopedic pillow under his head.

Orthopedic pillows will not allow the child to roll over on his stomach and bury his nose in the blanket. They also prevent the development of curvature of the baby’s cervical vertebrae.

The causes of head scratching in a child include a disease such as rickets. Because if a child does not have enough vitamin D in his body, he sweats more. The sweat produced is very salty, which causes the skin to become irritated and itchy.

Another reason that can be called one of the more common is allergies. Moreover allergic rashes on the baby’s head you may not immediately notice it because the scalp is denser. But regardless of this, the child begins to be bothered by itching and scratches his head.

Older children may scratch their heads for no reason or to attract attention.

So they can develop bad habit which will be difficult to deal with.

How to get rid of itchy scalp in babies

In order for the baby to stop itching, you need to find and eliminate the irritant. Specialists such as a pediatrician, allergist, and neurologist can help find the cause of itching. But under no circumstances should this be left to chance, because even seemingly harmless scratching can lead to unpleasant consequences. After all, at the site of scratching, wounds may appear, into which any infection can easily get. If you cannot cope with your child’s itchy scalp on your own, you should consult a specialist about this problem.

Any deviations in the health of children are immediately reflected in their behavior. For example, if a child constantly scratches his head, attentive parents should definitely think about the reasons.

It is likely that the baby is simply lost in thought, puzzled, or captivated by the cartoon. In this case, his movements may be unconscious and involuntary. However, there can be a lot of options, and not all of them are so harmless. How to understand why a child scratches his head and what needs to be done in this or that case?

Why might your head itch?

There can be many reasons why a child regularly combs the skin under his hair. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Poor hair care, non-compliance with hygiene rules.
  2. Using shampoo that is not suitable for your hair type.
  3. Allergic reactions to shampoo components or food.
  4. Fungal infections scalp.
  5. Pediculosis.
  6. Vitamin deficiency, lack of minerals and nutrients.
  7. Stress.
  8. Malfunctions internal organs.
  9. Disorders of lipid metabolism of the skin.
  10. Ticks.
  11. Behavioral problems.

There are other reasons, some of which we'll look at in more detail below.

Personal hygiene

One of the most harmless situations in which a child scratches his head is a violation of personal hygiene rules. This does not mean at all that your baby is dirty. Even with regular water procedures the child may simply not be rinsing off the shampoo well enough or not washing out the dirt very thoroughly.

This situation can cause inflammation hair follicles, which manifests itself as noticeable itching. It also happens that shampoo is simply not suitable for a child. It turns out vicious circle: The more the mother washes the baby’s hair, the more it itches.

Treatment in this case will be very simple. It is enough just to change the shampoo, wash your hair regularly and make sure that your child washes his hair thoroughly.


Another common reason that a child scratches his head can be the notorious lice. Unfortunately, lice is a highly contagious disease. It is enough just to play next to the patient in the same sandbox or sit at the same desk.

Long gone are the days when you got rid of uninvited “guests” using kerosene or smelly dust soap. Modern drugs readily available, easy to use and smells good. Among the popular ones are “Para Plus”, “Pedikulen” or “Nittifor”. Just 1-2 treatments, and the lice will leave your child’s head.

But at the same time, you should definitely treat the heads of all family members, boil and iron all bedding and clothing on both sides.


If Small child scratching your head in your sleep, this may be a manifestation of rickets. In case of vitamin D deficiency in children, increased sweating. Salty sweat irritates the delicate skin, and the baby begins to unconsciously rub his head against the pillow.

To exclude the development of the disease, you should urgently show the child to a pediatrician. He will give all the necessary recommendations.

Allergic reaction

When a child scratches the head behind the ears, there may be some product present. In this case, redness or rashes will not necessarily be observed. The scalp is much denser than other parts of the body, so rashes here may appear later.

To fix the problem, try to find its source. Think, perhaps you purchased a new shampoo or washing powder? Have you given your child new foods? Have you treated any disease with unusual medications?

As soon as the cause is established, eliminate the effect of the allergen and after a while the situation will improve.

Bad habit or neurosis

Sometimes a child scratches his head, just trying to attract attention. And in some cases it turns into a bad habit. The baby unconsciously scratches the top of his head without even noticing it.

The situation is much worse when “pruritus” is a consequence of neurosis. Watch your baby carefully. You may notice other symptoms:

  • changing habits;
  • refusal to eat;
  • depressed mood;
  • problems with pronunciation;
  • changes in behavior;
  • frequent headaches without apparent reason;
  • sleep disorders.

If you find anything like this, it is best to seek advice from a psychologist. Good specialist will help get the child talking and find out the cause of mental anguish.


If your child scratches his head frequently, he may have psoriasis. The first manifestations of this disease often appear on the back of the head. Outwardly, it may look like slight peeling of areas of the skin. Over time, the peeling becomes more noticeable, irritation and quite severe itching appear. Reddish spots may also appear on the knees and elbows.

Unfortunately, scientists have not fully figured out what triggers the onset of this disease and how to treat it. Psoriasis - no infectious pathology. But it is not yet possible to cure it completely. The doctor will prescribe medications that improve the condition of the skin and detoxify the body. In severe situations, treatment is carried out with corticosteroids.

Metabolic disease

This is a fairly serious malfunction in the child’s body. Most often, a slowdown in metabolism is the result sedentary lifestyle life and eating disorders. Excess weight makes you sweat and sebaceous glands work hard. Increased sweating provokes the proliferation of opportunistic microflora and causes irritation on the skin.

Often the head begins to actively itch during puberty. This is due to the accelerated production of hormones and sharp increase oily scalp. The best way out- Show the child to an endocrinologist and rationalize nutrition.


Reason severe itching scalp may be seborrheic dermatitis or the well-known dandruff. Teenagers especially often suffer from this disease. This is one of the manifestations of puberty.

Parents need to understand that dandruff will not go away on its own. Most likely, advertised shampoos will not help either. They remove only the tip of the iceberg, while the hidden cause of the disease remains unclear.

Treatment for dandruff is not only about using medicated shampoos. The doctor will adjust your diet, prescribe immunomodulators and probably recommend sunbathing. If the disease is the result of stress, it is possible to prescribe antidepressants or sedatives.


This is another disease in which the child scratches his head a lot. This may be due to the demodex mite or the disease is contagious and it is better to limit close contacts with the patient. Most often, the tick affects those whose immunity leaves much to be desired.

Pick up correct treatment in this case, only a doctor can. Symptoms may include:

  • At first, itching appears in certain places;
  • acne appears, the skin turns red;
  • hairs fall out;
  • severe peeling appears in places of greatest damage;
  • It may cause pain in the eyes.

Interestingly, the itchy area does not grow. New ones just appear with the same signs, the scalp literally becomes covered with spots. It is very important not to let your child scratch the lesions and carefully follow the doctor's instructions.

Lipid imbalance

If a 2-year-old child scratches his head and no apparent reason is found, he may be sleeping on a pillow made of synthetic material. If this is the case, simply replace the bedding.

If a small child is constantly in contact with synthetics, he may have problems with lipid metabolism scalp. The back of the baby's head constantly sweats, and on the contrary, the hairs dry out, become electrified and split.

In this case, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex, advise replacing the pillow and pillowcase with natural ones, and select moisturizing products for the hair.


If a small child, it is likely that he has had close contact with a yard cat. The disease in this case provokes quite dangerous fungus. It quickly takes root in the body of young children and people suffering from immune disorders. So if your child is scratching his head, examine him carefully. The symptoms are very eloquent:

  • the affected areas are very itchy and have rounded outlines;
  • hair thins, breaks or falls out altogether;
  • redness and significant peeling appear.

If you find bald spots on your child's head, you should immediately run to a dermatologist. The disease itself will definitely not go away. Moreover, other family members can also get sick.

Fungal diseases occur much more often in children than in adults. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands of babies are not yet able to produce acids that prevent the fungus from penetrating the skin. And kids communicate more with sick animals.

Preventive measures

In order for a child to stop constantly scratching his head, the cause should be eliminated as quickly as possible and existing diseases should be cured. But even after the situation has returned to normal, regular preventive maintenance should be carried out skin lesions. Moreover, doing this is not so difficult:

  • The child's head should be washed regularly and very thoroughly.
  • It is necessary to select gentle detergents that suit his age and hair type.
  • When washing, it is important to use only special children's products.
  • It is necessary to comb the hair only with his own comb, and it is very important to convey your requirement to the teachers.
  • It is important to wash and iron children's bedding, towels and hats regularly.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the child’s head comes into contact only with natural materials.
  • During walks, it is necessary to constantly monitor the baby and stop attempts to play with sick animals.

TO preventive measures can also be attributed balanced diet, taking multivitamins, regular sunbathing. And if problems are discovered, you should not let the situation take its course. Timely consultation with a specialist will help improve the situation and avoid additional problems.