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Athlete's inguinal disease in men. Inguinal athlete's foot in men - treatment at home with ointments and antifungal agents

Athlete's inguinal is a skin disease caused by a fungus. It most often affects skin folds and adjacent areas. If inguinal athlete's foot is detected in men, treatment requires integrated approach for a speedy recovery.


The disease affects both men and women. However large quantity cases of the disease occur specifically in men.

The causes of the disease can be divided into two types:

  • direct contamination;
  • secondary transfer of the fungus.

Infection with the fungus occurs through direct contact of the body with a sick person, as well as with objects that are in use by the commission (towels, underwear, washcloths or shoes). At risk of infection are people who are prone to allergic rashes and the development of skin diseases.

Poor hygiene is the second most common cause of illness.

Symptoms of the disease begin with the appearance pink spots on the skin.

They may peel and grow. Over time, the spots grow so large that they merge, forming spots measuring 10 cm or larger. Such formations can be either without obvious signs inflammation, and with it. The color of the spots can vary from red to brown. How to treat can only be determined by a doctor, since many diseases have similar symptoms.

The next symptom that is added to the main manifestation of the disease is severe itching. It needs to be dealt with, since an innocent symptom can lead to other problems.

Pustules may appear on the surfaces of the spots. They have thin walls and are filled with liquid. Sometimes they burst and purulent discharge go outside. In their place, wet spots form, which can pose a danger to others if they come into close contact. To prevent this from happening, after the pustule ruptures, the area needs to be treated.

Dermatologists with experience can determine the specifics of the disease by appearance. However, to complete the data necessary to make a diagnosis, you need to take a scraping from the skin. This procedure involves taking a small flake of skin, which is then placed in a solution and sent into a special solution, which is an ideal environment for the growth of fungus. A week after taking the scraping in laboratory conditions specialists determine the type of microorganism and select the optimal therapy to treat the identified type of pathogen.

To ensure that the results are as accurate as possible, you need to prepare for the analysis:

  • do not use antibacterial shower gel, which can blur the result;
  • Avoid alcohol the day before the procedure, as it can complicate the identification of the fungus;
  • a week before the expected date, stop taking any medications, as many of them can change symptoms.

An elementary treatment for the disease is the use of sulfur-tar ointments, for example Wilkinson's.

To forget about inguinal athlete's foot in men, you need to act comprehensively. For this you need the following drugs:

The following ointments are suitable for eliminating fungus:

  • the cream also effectively affects the fungus that provokes the appearance of epidermophytosis;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Lamisil;
  • Oxiconazole;
  • Ciclopirox.

Ointments are applied until complete elimination inflammatory process.

The places where the papules have burst should be treated with Fukortsin or iodine (tincture).

To remove allergic manifestations antihistamines are used: Tavegil, Loratadine or Suprastin.

For those who do not like medications or are intolerant to them, they are suitable traditional methods treatment. Eczema in the groin in men is associated with the development of fungus.

Antifungal therapy can be carried out using natural remedies:

  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • fir needles;
  • poplar buds.

If these fresh ingredients are not available, essential oils can be substituted. To use, they are diluted with water and applied to the lesions from the edges to the center. However, when using essential oils You should first try them on a small area of ​​skin to prevent allergic reactions.

Suitable for medicinal lotions:

  • tincture of calendula;
  • tincture of birch buds and poplar.

Strong antifungal effect has almond essence, which slightly dries and disinfects the site of inflammation.

Birch tar can be used to lubricate the affected areas.

In many cases strong effect have herbal teas. From them you can prepare decoctions that affect the body from the inside. The following plants are recommended for this:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • juniper;
  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • Birch buds;
  • eucalyptus;
  • calendula.

Lotions with a decoction of oak bark or string will help relieve itching.

Celandine juice, which should be mixed with vegetable oil and apply to the affected area of ​​skin.

Alternative treatment can be combined with taking antihistamines.

Prevention measures

To avoid illness, you need to adhere to certain rules, that are effective prevention infections:

  1. When in contact with sick people, you need to disinfect care items, boil linen and iron them with a hot iron to eliminate germs.
  2. When visiting swimming pools, saunas and other public places Use only your own bath accessories.

Such simple recipes You can seriously alleviate the course of the disease, improve the patient’s condition and cope with the disease.

Inguinal athlete's foot is usually fungal infection, known medically as “fringed eczema.” Sometimes this disease is caused by a bacterial (staphylococcal) infection. Typically, athlete's foot affects the groin, inner thighs and buttocks due to constant humidity and tight-fitting clothing. This disease is more often observed in adults, particularly middle-aged men. Moist skin provides an excellent habitat for fungi and bacteria. Fortunately, in most cases, athlete's foot can be treated on your own with over-the-counter medications. medicines. For serious forms of the disease that last more than two weeks, it is better to consult a doctor who can prescribe you stronger medications.


Treatment of inguinal athlete's foot at home

    Identify the symptoms of athlete's foot. Most often, the infection affects the skin in the groin, buttocks and inner surface thighs due to humidity, which promotes the growth of fungi and bacteria. Although most cases of athlete's foot can be treated at home, you should visit a doctor to determine accurate diagnosis, and will also determine what caused the infection (fungus or bacteria), since the treatment method will depend on this. The following symptoms indicate athlete's foot:

    • Itching, redness and rash on the skin in the form of crusty patches shaped like a circle or crescent
    • Burning
    • Pain (usually due to a bacterial infection)
    • Blisters around the edges of the rash
  1. Wash your groin area two to three times a day with an antifungal shampoo. Keeping the infected area clean will help prevent further spread of fungus or bacteria. Throughout treatment, wash your skin two to three times a day with an antifungal shampoo.

    Keep infected skin areas dry. Excess moisture promotes the growth of fungus and bacteria that cause athlete's foot. Dry your groin area completely after showering and be careful not to allow sweat to accumulate there. Change clothes immediately after exercising and wash them.

    Apply to the infected area antifungal cream. There are various over-the-counter antifungal creams that help with athlete's foot. Apply the cream every time after bathing and drying the skin, being careful not to miss the edges of the rash.

    Be careful not to expose the contaminated area to aggressive substances. Potent detergents, bleach, and even fabric softener residue on clothing can cause additional irritation to the skin, making the condition worse. Avoid contact of these and other harsh substances with the skin in the groin area throughout the course of treatment.

    Use an aluminum salt solution. A ten percent solution of aluminum chloride or aluminum acetate blocks sweat glands and are thus effective antiperspirants. To prepare the solution, do the following: :

    • Dissolve one part aluminum salt in 20 parts water. Apply the prepared solution to the infected area and leave it for 6-8 hours. It is better to apply the solution before bed, since the sweat glands are less active at night. When you notice that the lubricated skin begins to sweat again, wash off the solution. Repeat the procedure until the rash dries and begins to shrink.
  2. Apply to possible blisters compresses with medicines. In most cases, the fungal infection that causes athlete's foot causes blisters to form over fairly large areas of the skin. These blisters can also be treated at home by applying medicinal compresses to them, moistened, for example, with Burov's liquid. This will dry out the blisters and reduce discomfort, allowing you to continue treatment with antifungal creams.

    Cure athlete's foot. If inguinal athlete's foot is accompanied by fungal disease(mycosis) stop, you can re-infect the groin area when you put on underwear. Treat both fungal diseases to avoid becoming infected with athlete's foot again.

    Try general remedies. If you prefer to treat yourself with home remedies, you can try the following options:

    Health care

    1. If your condition does not improve after two weeks, contact your doctor. If treatment with home remedies for two weeks does not bring results, this means that you need stronger antifungal drugs, or the disease is not fungal, but bacterial in nature. In this case, your doctor may prescribe you antibiotics.

    2. Consult about prescription drugs antifungal ointments. If your doctor determines that the illness is caused by a fungus and over-the-counter medications have not worked well after two or more weeks, he or she will likely prescribe you a stronger antifungal cream. These may be the following drugs:

      • Oxiconazole 1% cream (Oxistat)
      • Cream with 1% econazole (Spectazol)
      • Cream with 1% sulconazole (Exelderm)
      • Cream with 0.77% ciclopirox (Loprax)
      • Cream with 2% naftifine
      • Please note that econazole, sulconazole, ciclopirox and naftifine cannot be used to treat children. TO side effects These medications include itching, burning, irritation and redness of the skin.

Inguinal epidermophytosis is a chronic disease caused by a fungus that affects the epidermal layer of the skin mainly in groin area. Main morphological element pathology is flaky spot Pink colour with pustular rashes located along the periphery. The lesions itch and cause discomfort to patients. Inguinal athlete's foot - delicate illness, leading to sexual dysfunction, decreased libido and sexual arousal.

The disease affects men more often than women. In children and adolescents, the pathology develops extremely rarely. The spread of fungal infection occurs through household contact through direct contact, through household items, personal hygiene products, and cosmetics. With a decrease in the general resistance of the body, a primary focus is formed at the site of introduction of the pathogen, which gradually grows along the periphery and spreads to healthy skin. The main location of the fungus is the inguinal folds. In more in rare cases the disease can affect the skin of the buttocks, scrotum, perineum, penis, inner thigh, and pubic area. In women, the skin under the mammary glands, in the armpit and popliteal fossa often becomes inflamed.

Fungi of the genus Epidermophyton floccosum settle in the epidermis of the skin, destroy and utilize collagen, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin. Microorganisms have a low degree of pathogenicity, therefore the disease rarely develops in healthy people with complete immune protection.

The diagnosis of pathology is made after microscopic detection of fungal mycelium in scrapings from the surface of spots and obtaining the results of bacteriological examination of biomaterial from patients.

Groin fungus requires a patient and careful approach. Causal treatment involves the use of antimycotic drugs that can completely cure the disease.


Athlete's foot is a dermatomycosis caused by the fungus Epidermophyton floccosum. This is an anthropophile that grows and develops only on the human body. It is located in the scales of the epidermis and nail plates. Under a microscope, fungal spores and well-branched mycelium are determined in skin scrapings. After isolating a pure culture, the mycelium acquires yellow, the spores look larger.

Fungi are resistant to factors external environment. They grow and develop quickly at high humidity and temperature.

The infection spreads through contact and household contact through contaminated household items, as well as through touching and shaking hands. For rapid growth and the development of fungi requires moisture. Profuse sweating the patient significantly increases the risk of infection.

In medical, preventive and public institutions, neglect sanitary standards and the rules can provoke an entire epidemic of mycosis.

Factors contributing to infection:

  • Hyperhidrosis,
  • Stress,
  • Skin microtraumas
  • Tight clothes,
  • Obesity,
  • Non-compliance sanitary rules and norms
  • Decreased immunity
  • Hormonal disbalance,
  • Metabolic disorders.


single spot of athlete's foot

With inguinal athlete's foot, pink or red-brown spots appear on the skin, having a round shape and a diameter of no more than one centimeter. The spots are located symmetrically, itch, peel and gradually grow. Along the periphery of the spot on hyperemic and edematous skin, multiple blisters, pustules, suppurations, crusts and small flaky inclusions appear. Foci of inflammation are limited to an edematous ridge. Plaques can merge with each other, forming a single erythematous area that spreads to surrounding tissues. Itching and burning are especially felt when walking, squatting and while bathing.

As the inflammatory process subsides, the central part of the spot becomes clear, pale and slightly sunken. This gives foci of epidermophytosis a special appearance rings and is a pathognomonic sign of pathology. A fungus in the groin in men itches and burns and occurs when walking severe discomfort. The areas are painful to the touch. Vesicles and pustules can burst, forming erosions and ulcers. When a secondary bacterial infection occurs, severe complications develop.

Photo: inguinal athlete's foot in men and women

TO additional symptoms inguinal athlete's disease includes swelling of the groin area, hyperemia of nearby skin, the appearance of specific bubbles with cloudy serous fluid. With epidermophytosis, not inflammatory, but allergic rashes- epidermophytids. They are located symmetrically, do not contain fungi and disappear on their own after undergoing antimycotic treatment.

In the absence of timely and adequate therapy the disease can last for years. Athlete's foot is characterized by acute or subacute course with bright pronounced signs inflammation. The disease quickly progresses to chronic form and acquires a wave-like course, in which periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations, forming from time to time new foci of skin lesions. Even after complete cure the disease may recur.

Constant stress, friction in the affected area and hyperhidrosis complicate the course of the pathology.

Stages of the disease

  1. The initial stage is characterized by increased proliferation of the fungus in the epidermis and the appearance of pink spots with papules and vesicles on the skin.
  2. Clinical signs acute stage are weeping spots that grow, itch and are replaced by rings with scalloped edges.
  3. Chronic stage - lesions on the skin periodically lighten, and then become inflamed again under the influence of unfavorable factors.
  4. The advanced stage develops with a complicated course of the pathology. If left untreated, large blisters appear on the skin, which become infected when damaged. Blisters are opened and removed necrotic tissue and treat the wound.


Diagnosis and treatment of fungus in the groin area is carried out by dermatologists and mycologists. After collecting a history of the disease and listening to the patient’s complaints, they begin an external examination of the lesion and laboratory methods research. In some cases, consultation with an infectious disease specialist, venereologist, or immunologist may be required.

To confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a microscopic and bacteriological examination of scrapings from the lesions for pathogenic fungi. To do this, prepare a smear for microscopy and inoculate the test material on Sabouraud’s selective medium. The crops are incubated in a cooling thermostat at 22 degrees for 5 days. Saburo produces cream or yellow colonies with a round shape and fluffy consistency. Microscopy reveals septate branching short mycelium and chains of rectangular spores.

Examination under a Wood's lamp will help exclude other diseases with a similar clinical picture.


Treatment of inguinal athlete's foot is predominantly etiotropic. Since the disease is fungal, it is necessary to start taking antifungal agents. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of effective ointments and creams. Modern antifungal drugs - Lamisil, Mycoseptin, Clotrimazole. You can use Nystatin, Ciclopirox, Ketoconazole, Oxiconazole, Econazole. Complex ointments with an antifungal component and glucocorticosteroids are used especially advanced cases. They have a pronounced antipruritic, fungicidal, drying and antiseptic effect.

Treatment of inguinal fungus is carried out in acute period when the patient suffers from itching and burning. They come to the rescue antihistamines which eliminate irritation and discomfort in the groin - “Cetrin”, “Zyrtec”, “Zodak”, “Diazolin”.

After eliminating the symptoms of inflammation, the foci of epidermophytosis are treated with Fukortsin solution, which has a fungicidal and antimicrobial effect. Patients are prescribed lotions with Resorcinol, sulfur-tar, Wilkinson and zinc ointments, Triderm. A silver solution will help cope with inflammation and serous blisters. Local preparations Apply to inflamed areas 2 times a day. If the bubbles reach large sizes, they are opened with sterile instruments. Fungus in the groin should be treated for a long time, until the symptoms disappear completely.

During illness, the patient's immunity is greatly reduced. To strengthen it, it is recommended to use mild immunostimulants- “Immunal”, “Imunorix”, “Licopid”. Complications bacterial origin require treatment with antibiotics.

In the presence of extensive lesions, desensitizing therapy, antibiotic therapy, vitamin therapy, and autohemotherapy are carried out in a hospital setting.

If personal hygiene is not observed drug treatment does not give positive result. Patients need:


Currently, there are a large number of traditional medicine recipes intended for the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis at home.


Preventive measures to avoid the appearance of fungus in the groin:

  • Disinfection of patient care items and common areas,
  • Boiling and ironing linen, socks, shoe treatment,
  • Use of removable shoes in baths and saunas - slates or rubber slippers,
  • Fighting sweating
  • Regular hygiene procedures,
  • Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics in hot weather,
  • Daily treatment of skin folds with cologne, salicylic alcohol, resorcinol and their powdering,
  • Examination of contact persons,
  • Prevention of stress,
  • Strengthening the immune system.

Without adequate treatment the spots will not disappear, and the disease will only progress. At the first symptoms of inguinal athlete's foot, you should consult a specialist. Pathogenic fungi and foci of epidermophytosis on the skin grow rapidly.

The prognosis of the disease is favorable. Spicy and chronic stage Inguinal athlete's foot responds well to therapy. Modern antimycotic drugs can prevent relapse and re-infection.

  • Athlete's foot in children and pregnant women: symptoms and treatment of the fungus (drugs, ointments) - video
  • Treatment
  • Treatment of inguinal athlete's foot: antifungal agents, antimycotics, antihistamines, ointments, etc. Traditional medicine - video
  • Athlete's foot: treatment and care for the feet (recommendations from a dermatologist) - video

  • Diagnosis of athlete's foot

    Diagnosis and inguinal athlete's foot, and athlete's foot is determined by a doctor based on examination and study of the nature and location of the rash. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may ask how the disease progressed before seeking help. medical care, to install characteristic stages and signs mycosis.

    In addition, to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor takes scrapings from the lesions, after which laboratory specialists examine them under a microscope. With epidermophytosis, threads are found in scrapings fungi, which allows us to clarify the diagnosis. However, scraping can be uninformative if taken from damp, weeping skin. Any other diagnostic procedures, with the exception of scrapings and external examination, are not performed to confirm epidermophytosis.

    Athlete's foot - treatment

    Since with epidermophytosis the source infections are various objects and things that the sick person used, then at the same time as the start of therapy, a thorough disinfection and cleaning of the house should be carried out. To do this, wet clean all objects and surfaces with water and vinegar (a tablespoon of vinegar essence per liter of water). Hard-to-reach places are washed especially thoroughly. Sponges, pumice stones and other items that cannot be disinfected are thrown away. All soft junk (towels, linen, clothes, etc.) are washed in hot water at a temperature of 90 o C or boil. Shoes are disinfected as follows - crumpled newspaper is moistened with 40% formaldehyde or vinegar essence, and put it inside the shoe. Each shoe is then wrapped in newspaper and placed in unventilated boxes. After two days, the shoes are taken out and ventilated well for 24 hours.

    Principles of treatment for athlete's foot

    Treatment of inguinal athlete's foot is carried out in stages. At the first stage of therapy, inflammation is stopped, the skin is dried and itching is soothed. Next, after the blisters are removed, weeping is eliminated, and the skin becomes dry, etiotropic antifungal therapy is carried out, which is the main one in complex treatment. If there are no inflammatory elements, weeping or blistering on the skin, then you can, bypassing the first stage of anti-inflammatory therapy, proceed immediately to the second - antifungal treatment. The main treatment for inguinal epidermophytosis is local, that is, it is applied wide range drugs with anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, which are applied externally to the lesions. In very rare cases, when the process is severe, antifungal drugs are prescribed orally. In general, only drugs that relieve itching or antibiotics are taken orally (if there is a pustular skin lesion due to the addition of a secondary bacterial infection).

    So, at the first stage therapy to relieve inflammation and eliminate weeping, lotions with 1 - 2% solution of resorcinol, 0.1% solution of ethacridine lactate, 0.1% solution of chlorhexidine, 0.25% solution of silver or Mycozolon are used. If the inflammation is very severe (so much so that a person cannot perform normal household duties or go to work), then ointments and creams with glucocorticoid hormones, for example, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, etc., are used to quickly relieve it. These hormonal drugs are used short courses lasting 2 – 7 days. After completing hormonal therapy, lotions with the above-mentioned anti-inflammatory drugs begin. If there are bubbles, they are first pierced with a sterile needle and the liquid is released. The lotions are changed twice a day. To apply lotions, pieces of cotton wool are moistened in any specified solution and applied to the lesions, securing with a bandage. When, under the influence of lotions, inflammatory phenomena (redness, swelling, pain, itching) pass, proceed to the main stage of therapy - the use of antifungal agents.

    At the second stage You can use various antifungal agents applied externally. Thus, Fukortsin solution, sulfur-tar ointment, sulfur-salicylic ointment, zinc ointment, Wilkinson ointment, tincture of iodine 2% effectively destroy epidermophyton fungi. Also effective for antifungal therapy are modern ready-made drugs containing antimycotic active substances (ointments, gels, lotions and aerosols containing terbinafine, naftifine, oxiconazole, ketoconazole or bifonazole). The choice of a specific antifungal agent for external use is made by the doctor or the patient himself based on ease of use and personal ideas about the effectiveness of the drugs. Any antifungal drugs are applied to the affected areas twice a day, and therapy is continued until the symptoms of infection completely disappear - that is, until the skin becomes completely healthy and healthy. normal look(average 3 to 6 weeks).

    At the first anti-inflammatory stage of therapy, you can additionally take any antihistamines (for example, Erius, Telfast, Cetrin, Zodak, Parlazin, Suprastin, etc.) to relieve itching, reduce swelling and eliminate allergic manifestations of fungal infection. If athlete's foot is complicated bacterial infection With purulent lesions skin, then on initial stage therapy together with anti-inflammatory lotions, a short course of antibiotic therapy is required. For this purpose, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, such as Cephalexin, Imipenem, etc.

    Principles of treatment of athlete's foot

    Treatment of squamous-hyperkeratotic, intertriginous and dyshidrotic forms carried out in two stages.

    At the first stage in the squamous-hyperkeratotic form, scales and horny layers are removed from the surface of the lesions to free the skin from dead tissue. For this purpose they use various methods detachments, among which the Arisvich detachment is quite effective. For such detachment, a composition is prepared containing 12 g of dry salicylic acid powder, 6 g of lactic acid powder and 82 g of medical white petroleum jelly. The composition is applied to the affected areas, covered with a compress and left for two days, after which all exfoliated skin is removed with scraping movements. In addition, to detach scales and horny elements, you can use lactic-salicylic collodion, which is prepared at the rate of 10 g of lactic acid powder, 10 g of powder salicylic acid and 80 g collodion. The prepared collodion is applied to the affected areas twice a day (morning and evening) for a week, after which 5% salicylic petroleum jelly is applied under a compress at night. In the morning, the compress is removed, the legs are steamed in a soap-soda solution, removing the exfoliating epidermis with pumice. If necessary, the detachment of scales and horny elements is repeated.

    After removing the horny scales, the second (main) stage of treatment of the squamous-hyperkeratotic form of epidermophytosis begins. At the second stage treatment consists of external use of antifungal ointments, creams, lotions and sprays containing active substances terbinafine, naftifine, oxiconazole, ketoconazole or bifonazole. These antifungal agents are used until they disappear completely. clinical manifestations infections, that is, until the condition of the skin is completely normalized.

    For intertriginous and dyshidrotic forms of athlete's foot, at the first stage, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out in order to eliminate inflammatory elements, relieve swelling and stop weeping. Anti-inflammatory therapy of the first stage is carried out by applying lotions with 1 - 2% solution of resorcinol, 0.1% solution of ethacridine lactate, 0.1% solution of chlorhexidine, 0.25% solution of silver or Mycozolon twice a day to the affected areas of the skin. If the inflammatory elements are strongly expressed, then you can use it for a short course hormonal ointments with glucocorticoids (Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, etc.). Hormonal agents They are used in short courses lasting 2–7 days, and after the period of their use is completed, they begin to make lotions with the above-mentioned anti-inflammatory drugs. If there are bubbles, they are first pierced with a sterile needle and the liquid is released. When redness, swelling, pain, itching and weeping go away, proceed to the main stage of therapy - the use of antifungal agents. At the second stage, for intertriginous and dyshidrotic forms of athlete's foot, antifungal drugs are used for external use, containing terbinafine, naftifine, oxyconazole, ketoconazole, bifonazole, etc. as active substances. Antifungal therapy is carried out until the condition of the skin on the feet is completely normalized.

    For advanced infections and very in serious condition skin with squamous-hyperkeratotic, dyshidrotic and intertriginous forms of athlete's foot, antifungal agents are prescribed for oral administration. However, this happens very rarely, and taking antifungal drugs orally should be resorted to only if external agents are ineffective.

    With an erased form of epidermophytosis Stop treatment is carried out in one stage, which consists of using external antifungal drugs until the pathological symptoms disappear.

    For nail athlete's foot treatment is also carried out in one stage, which consists of taking antifungal drugs internally and applying them externally to the nail. Only local treatment(applying medication to the nail) will not cure athlete's foot, so if your nails are affected, you should always take antifungal medications by mouth. When the fungus is localized on the fingernails, antifungal drugs are taken for 6–12 weeks, and for toenail fungus – for 12–30 weeks. For treatment, drugs containing griseofulvin, nystatin, itraconazole, ketoconazole, fluconazole, and terbinafine as active substances are used. In addition, in case of athlete's foot, the affected nails should be removed by a surgeon before starting therapy. If this is not possible for some reason, then during the entire period of taking antifungal drugs orally, the damaged nail should be filed off daily and soaked in fungicidal liquids, such as a solution of salicylic acid, iodine, Loceryl or Batrafen varnishes.

    Preparations for the treatment of athlete's foot

    Currently, the following antifungal drugs are used for the treatment of epidermophytosis (the main stage of therapy): medications:

    1. Iodine solutions (for external use).

    2. Antifungal antibiotics for oral administration:

    • Griseofulvin;
    • Amphoglucamine;
    • Levorin (Levoridon);
    • Nystatin;

    3. Antifungal drugs for oral administration:
    • Fluconazole (Diflazol, Diflucan, Medoflyukan, Mikomax, Mikosist, Fluconazole, Flucostat, Ciskan, etc.);
    • Itraconazole (Irunin, Itrazol, Itraconazole, Canditral, Orungal, Orunit, Rumikoz, Teknazol);
    • Ketoconazole (Ketoconazole, Mycozoral, Nizoral, Oronazole, Funginok, Fungistab, Fungavis);
    • Terbinafine (Atifin, Binafin, Bramisil, Lamisil, Terbizil, Terbinafine, Terbinox, Terbifin, Tigal-Sanovel, Fungoterbin, Exiter, Exifin).
    4. Antifungal drugs for external use:
    • Isoconazole (Travogen);
    • Clotrimazole (Amiclon, Imidil, Candibene, Candide, Candizol, Kanesten, Kanizon, Clotrimazole, Funginal, Fungicip);
    • Miconazole (Daktarin, Mycozon);
    • Oxiconazole (Mifungar);
    • Econazole (Ifenek);
    • Naftifine (Mikoderil, Exoderil);
    • Sertaconazole (Zalain, Sertaconazole, Sertaconazole);
    • Loceryl;
    • Batrafen;
    • Octicyl;
    • Anmarin;
    • Decamine;
    • Nitrofungin;
    • Fukortsin.
    5. Combined antifungal drugs for external use with anti-inflammatory effects:
    • Mycozolon;
    • Mycosporus;
    • Pimafukort.

    Ointments for the treatment of athlete's foot

    Currently, the following antifungal drugs used to treat athlete's foot are produced in forms for external use (ointments, solutions, lotions, gels):
    • Isoconazole (Travogen);
    • Clotrimazole (Amiclon, Imidil, Candibene, Candide, Candizol, Kanesten, Kanizon, Clotrimazole, Funginal, Fungicip);
    • Miconazole (Daktarin, Mycozon);
    • Oxiconazole (Mifungar);
    • Econazole (Ifenek);
    • Naftifine (Mikoderil, Exoderil);
    • Sertaconazole (Zalain, Sertaconazole, Sertaconazole);
    • Ketoconazole (Ketoconazole, Mycozoral, Nizoral, Oronazole, Funginok, Fungistab, Fungavis);
    • Terbinafine (Atifin, Binafin, Bramisil, Lamisil, Terbizil, Terbinafine, Terbinox, Terbifin, Tigal-Sanovel, Fungoterbin, Exiter, Exifin);
    • Loceryl;
    • Batrafen;
    • Undecylenic acid (Undecin, Zincundan);
    • Octicyl;
    • Anmarin;
    • Decamine;
    • Nitrofungin;
    • Fukortsin;
    • Mycozolon;
    • Mycosporus;
    • Travocort;
    • Triderm;
    • Pimafukort.

    Treatment of inguinal athlete's foot: antifungal agents, antimycotics, antihistamines, ointments, etc. Traditional medicine - video

    Athlete's foot: treatment and care for the feet (recommendations from a dermatologist) - video

    Treatment of athlete's foot in men and women

    The principles of treatment for epidermophytosis and the medications used are exactly the same for both men and women.

    Treatment of athlete's foot at home

    All stages of treatment for athlete's foot can be carried out at home, with the exception of nail removal if the process affects the nail plates. In all other cases, athlete's foot can be treated at home, following the stages of therapy.

    Disease prevention

    Prevention of epidermophytosis consists, first of all, in following the rules of personal

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    The use of antimycotics is becoming traditional based on imidazole, among them the most widely used preparations are clotrimazole (1-2% cream, ointment, solution, lotion), which are known under the names “Antifungol”, “Apokanda”, “Dermatin”, “Dignotrimazol”, “Yenamazol”, “ Candibene”, “Candide”, “Canesten”, “Clotrimazole”, “Lotrimin”, “Ovis new”, “Factodin”, “Fungizide ratiform”, “Funginal” (apply 2 times a day, rubbing in, for 3-4 week). Miconazole preparations are recommended - “Daktarin” (2% cream, 2% solution in a package with a solvent), creams: “Daktanol”, “Miconazole”, “Fungur”, “Fungibel”, “Mikogel-KMP”, which can also be used for associations of fungi with Gr(+) bacteria. The drugs are applied 2 times a day, rubbing until completely absorbed (2-6 weeks; after the symptoms disappear, treatment is continued for another 1-2 weeks). Use 5% cream or tincture based on chlorimidazole “Myko-politsid” (also contains 1% salicylic acid); the lesions are lubricated 2 times a day for several weeks (until the clinical manifestations disappear). Dosage forms of “Pevaril” can be effective - 1% cream, lotion, aerosol (apply 2-3 times a day, lightly rubbing; lotion is preferable to hairy areas, aerosol - for prevention purposes). Ecodax and Ekalin creams are used in a similar way. Travogen creams are also recommended (applied once a day, 4 weeks); "Mifungar" (1 r/day before bedtime, 3 weeks; after recovery - used prophylactically for another 1-2 weeks; also indicated for concomitant infection with streptococci and staphylococci); “Nizoral” (1-2 times a day, 4 weeks); “Zalain” (1-2 times/day, 2-6 weeks); 1% cream, 1% solution “Mikospor”, “Bifonal-gel”, “Bifunal-cream” (1 r/day, 2-4 weeks). Local forms of the drugs “Lamisil”, “Lamicon” are especially used - 1% cream, gel, solution, spray - 1 r/day (1 week); areas in the folds smeared with cream can be covered with gauze, especially at night. The effectiveness of Pimafucin cream has been noted (applied 1 to several times a day - until symptoms disappear + another 1 week). They recommend Loceryl cream (1-2 times a day until clinical recovery: course 2-3 weeks); 1% cream, solution "Batrafen" (2 r/day, for the purpose of prevention - powder), 1% cream, gel and solution "Exoderil", 1% cream "Fetimin" (applied 1-2 r/day for 2- 4 weeks; after symptoms disappear, continue for another 1-2 weeks). It is advisable to powder the top of the skin with indifferent or antifungal powder. The affected areas can be treated with "Hinofungin" and other drugs based on tolnaftate (1% cream, gel, oil solution, powder). The powder is used after applying other dosage forms, as well as on final stages treatment and for the purpose of prevention. It is acceptable to use drugs based on undecylenic acid and its salts - ointments "Mikoseptin", "Undecin", "Zinkundan", alcohol solution "Benucid" (also contains 2% benzoic acid) - 2 times a day, rubbing in, course 2-6 weeks . At the final stages of treatment, as well as prophylactically, you can use a powder with a composition similar to zincundan “Dustundan”. Sometimes drugs based on phenol derivatives are prescribed (especially with accompanying itching and bacterial infection). Compositions containing pure phenol remain important - aqueous (1-3%), glycerin (3-5%) solutions, ointments, pastes (1-2%). Resorcinol preparations are used (1-5% aqueous, alcohol solutions for rubbing, 1-2% ointment); thymol (0.1 - 1% alcohol, oil solutions); chlornitrophenol (liquid “Nitrofungin” for wiping the affected areas, 2-3 times a day until symptoms disappear, then prophylactically 1-2 times a week, course 4-6 weeks). Less commonly prescribed (mainly for antiseptic treatment skin) formulations with triclosan (0.2-0.5% alcohol solutions), 1% cream "Galaprogin" (apply 1-2 times a day, gently rubbing, course 2-4 weeks), products with hexylresorcinol, chloroxylene ( 0.4%), phenylphenol (0.02-0.1%), chlorophenol, chlorocresol (0.4%; included in the official drug “Citeal-solution”). The affected areas can be treated with 1% cream, lotion, Tolmitsen paste (2-3 r/day until disappearance clinical symptoms+ a few more weeks; at the final stages, 0.5% Tolmitsen powder is used).

    Antiseptic surfactants are increasingly used (given their wide spectrum of action), especially with concomitant bacterial and viral infections. Use antiseptic solutions: “Antifungin”, “Gorosten” (2-3 r/day for 2-3 weeks, then prophylactically for another 3-5 weeks; lubrication -1-2 weeks), 0.1% octenidine, 0.004- 0.015% dequalin, 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride, 1-2% cetrimide, 0.5% alcohol or 1% aqueous solutions chlorhexidine. Ointments are used: “Palisept” with decamethoxin (applied 1-2 times a day), 0.5% miramistin, with 0.5-1% cetrimide, “Pantestin-Darnitsa” gel (with miramistin, D-panthenol).

    They have enhanced antifungal activity combination drugs with surfactant - 2.5% solution with benzalkonium chloride and organic acids "Sterigal" (indicated for the treatment of erosive and ulcerative defects), ointment "Viosept" (with enteroseptol, domiphen bromide), "Sulfosalicin" (with miramistin, sulfur, salicylic acid ). Use antiseptic powder “Aspersept”, incl. for swelling, hyperemia, increased sebum and sweating (powder 3-4 times a day). Classic antifungal compositions based on sulfur, tar, salicylic acid remain important - Wilkinson ointment, 2-5% salicylic, 10-15% tar, Clotrisal-KMP. You can use 0.05-1% ointment with nitrofurylene. Sometimes (if ineffective local funds) it is possible to use systemic drugs internally - nizoral (1 tablet/day, 4 weeks), orungal (0.1 g/day, 15 days), diflucan (50 mg 1 time/day, 2-4 weeks .).

    In case of severe inflammatory phenomena, eczematization (swelling, oozing, maceration in the folds), antihistamines are prescribed; 40% solution of hexamethylenetetramine or 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate into a vein (10 ml each, N. 10); 10% calcium chloride solution orally (1 tbsp. 3 times a day); according to indications - sedatives. Locally used drugs with antimycotics and corticosteroids - “Belosalik”, “Betasalik-KMP”, “Diprosalik”, “Lokasalen S”, “Lorinden A”, “Dermozolon”, “Locacortenvioform”, “Lorinden S”, “Sinalar K”, “Finalar S”, “FlucortS”, “Aurobin”, “Sikorten plus”, “Dactakort”, “Mikozolon”, “Travocort”, “Sulfodecortem”, “Sibicort”, “Lotriderm”, “Lorinden T”, “Tigboderm” , “Kanderm-BG”, “Pimafukort”, “Trimistin-Darnitsa”. Before use, they can be mixed in a ratio of 1:3-1:4 with other ointments and pastes, giving the effect of these products the desired shade.