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Treatment of inguinal athlete's foot in men and women. Inguinal athlete's foot in men

Inguinal fungus or inguinal epidermophytosis is a skin disease that brings a lot to women discomfort and problems. It refers to fungal forms of dermatomycosis, common among people who prefer active image life. It is called an “inconvenient” disease because of the large red spots that have to be hidden under clothing.

Causes of the disease

The main causative agent of this disease belongs to the genus Trichophyton or Epidermophyton, which causes most external mycoses in humans. All of them are considered opportunistic and form part of the natural microflora.

  • excess weight women;
  • excessive sweating;
  • wearing clothes with a large percentage of synthetics;
  • minor injuries to the skin surface (friction or depilation);
  • hormonal imbalance or stress, thyroid disease;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules in the groin area.

Most patients encounter fungus at home when using the personal belongings of their sick partner: towels, bed sheets or washcloths. Infection can also occur when visiting public saunas, swimming pools, as well as when non-sterile instruments are used by a specialist performing depilation in intimate area.

Vika, 31 years old, Uman

10 months after treatment, the same spots in color and size appeared in the same places in the groin. I started applying creams again - everything went away, but a month later the spots appeared again. In winter, there are practically no foci of fungus, but in the heat it’s just a nightmare. The groin area is an ideal breeding ground for fungal diseases. This is the problem I live with - now I apply myself like crazy and wait for the winter for the sore to go away... I always have creams at the ready....I've already spent a fortune on them. Thank you for your attention.

Athlete's inguinal(Hebra's eczema) is a skin disease caused by the fungus Epidermophyton floccosum. Most often, large folds of skin (axillary, inguinal) and the areas adjacent to them are affected. Sometimes athlete's foot affects smooth skin limbs in the interdigital spaces and nails.

In order to prescribe treatment, the doctor analyzes the complex of symptoms of the disease. It is also important to know the basic preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease.

General information about the disease

The disease is widespread and occurs only in humans. The development of inguinal epidermophytosis contributes to overweight body, skin rash and increased sweating. According to statistics, the disease is more common in men.

Infection occurs through physical contact with a sick person, through household items used by patients (washcloths, towels, shoes, underwear, thermometers), as well as through violation of hygiene rules in public baths, swimming pools and showers.

Symptoms of inguinal athlete's foot

Mycosis affects the groin areas, upper and inner thighs, sometimes the process spreads to the fold between the buttocks and the scrotum. Possible skin damage armpits and under the mammary glands in women. Much less often the skin in the spaces between the fingers is affected, and very rarely the nails.

With inguinal athlete's foot, pink scaly spots appear on the skin, the size of which usually does not exceed 1 cm in diameter. The spots gradually grow along the periphery, while in the center the inflammatory phenomena resolve. Thus, large ring-shaped inflammatory red spots up to 10 cm in diameter are formed on the skin, merging, they form scalloped lesions.

The boundaries of these lesions are clear and have a bright red edematous ridge with small bubbles. The central zone of the outbreak is cleared as the process spreads. Patients are worried.

Diagnosis of inguinal athlete's foot usually does not cause difficulties for a dermatologist, since the disease is characterized by a very specific clinical picture. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor examines skin flakes removed from the affected area under a microscope. Only a culture test can definitively confirm the diagnosis, allowing one to determine the causative agent of the disease. Usually, examination and examination with a microscope is sufficient to make a diagnosis.

Treatment of inguinal athlete's foot

With proper therapy, the disease is completely cured within a few weeks.

Usually used to treat the disease medicines local effect, but sometimes patients are prescribed for oral administration antihistamines(suprastin, tavegil, zodak).

IN acute period diseases when blisters appear on the affected skin, patients are prescribed lotions with a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate or a 1% solution of resorcinol. It is also recommended to apply Triderm or Mycozolon ointments. After cleansing the skin of vesicles, 3-5% sulfur-tar ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin or lubricated with a 2% alcohol solution. The use of external antifungal agents (Lamisil, Nizoral, Mycoseptin) is effective.

After the rash resolves, it is recommended to continue lubricating the skin in the affected areas with an alcohol-based iodine solution for 3 weeks.

Study self-diagnosis and self-medication should not be done when similar symptoms appear, since some signs of athlete's foot are similar to others dermatological diseases. An erroneous diagnosis leads to the prescription of incorrect therapy. Most common mistake in treatment - the use of ointments containing, which only leads to the spread of the process.

Prevention of inguinal athlete's foot

The main prevention of this disease is to maintain personal hygiene, especially in public places. You must have your own towel, washcloth, slippers, and, if necessary, bed linen and underwear. You need to fight sweating.

Those who have been diagnosed and treated with athlete's foot need to prevent relapses of the disease. Household items and linen used by patients should be thoroughly disinfected.

Which doctor should I contact?

Athlete's inguinal athlete is treated by a dermatologist. For more detailed consultation or severe cases illness, you can seek help from a mycologist - a specialist in fungal diseases.

Athlete's foot is a fungal superficial disease of the skin, and today a distinction is made between athlete's foot and groin area. The disease affects the skin mainly in places where natural skin folds, on the feet, as well as nail plates.

Athlete's foot is caused by the fungus Epidermophyton, discovered in 1907. Main source infection is a sick person. The onset of the disease can also be triggered by a serious metabolic disorder, skin maceration and increased sweating. Nosocomial endemics are also possible.

Children and young and middle-aged men are predisposed to developing the disease. Most often athlete's foot is recorded in summer time of the year. More often, infection with a fungus occurs through the use of household items used by the patient.

Athlete's foot in men

In men, epidermophytosis develops more often than in women, which is due to physiological characteristics: sweating, alkaline reaction sweat, etc.

Athlete's foot in women

In women, athlete's foot occurs less frequently than in men, but the course and treatment of the disease are the same.

Athlete's inguinal

Inguinal epidermophytosis is a skin disease caused by the fungus Epidermophyton floccosum, localized in the inguinal-femoral folds, less often in the axillary folds and under the mammary glands in women. Occasionally affects the interdigital folds.

Inguinal athlete's foot starts out acutely, but then becomes chronic. Symptoms disappear and appear again. This process lasts for months or even years.

According to statistics, the disease is more common in men than in women. Infection occurs through bodily contact with a sick person, through household items: washcloths, towels, shoes, underwear, thermometers). The development of inguinal athlete's foot is predisposed to:

  • violation of hygiene rules in public baths, swimming pools and showers;
  • excess body weight;
  • skin rash;
  • increased sweating.

Athlete's foot

When infected with athlete's foot, the nails and skin surface are affected, and the disease most often manifests itself in adults.

Athlete's foot is localized in the area of ​​the arch of the foot, its outer and inner edges, in III and IV, less often in other interdigital folds. It often affects the nails of the 1st and 5th toes.

First of all, the disease is associated with increased trauma to the nails from tight shoes. The disease is characterized by a severe chronic course, most often the period of exacerbation occurs in the hot season, as a rule, if a person constantly wears closed shoes, wears synthetic socks and stockings.

Athlete's foot is contagious. The disease is transmitted healthy people sick in baths, showers, swimming pools, on the beach through all kinds of objects: benches, rugs, basins. In addition, through other people's socks, tights and shoes.

The following factors help the pathogen transition to a pathogenic state:

  • flat feet;
  • tight shoes;
  • sweaty feet;
  • diaper rash;
  • abrasions;
  • shift the pH of sweat to the alkaline side.

Other factors:

  • state of the body;
  • nervous and endocrine diseases;
  • reactivity of protective forces;
  • vascular diseases;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • unfavorable weather conditions;
  • degree of pathogenicity of the fungus.

Symptoms of epidermophilia

Each type of epidermophilia has characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of inguinal athlete's foot

The disease manifests itself in the form of red, swollen, inflammatory spots, round, and when merging - with clear boundaries, a sharply hyperemic, peripheral ridge on which pustules and crusts appear.

Then the affected area of ​​the skin enlarges, and swelling and blisters appear. After some time, inflamed areas located close to each other unite into one abscess. Patients are bothered by severe itching.

Symptoms of athlete's foot

Which doctors should I contact if I have epidermophytosis?

Treatment of epidermophilia

The goal of treatment for athlete's foot is to eliminate the pathogen. The fungus succumbs local treatment and, as a rule, does not require the use of antimycotics in tablets for oral administration.

At severe lesions inguinal-femoral folds and feet are prescribed: itraconazole, terbinafine. For extensive lesions, outpatient hyposensitizing treatment is required.

Treatment of epidermophilia inguinalis

With proper therapy, the disease is cured within a few weeks. Diagnosis of the disease requires examination of the affected scales under a microscope. If the diagnosis is confirmed, medications are prescribed for complex treatment: antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine action.

If you have a disease acute course, the use of a 10% calcium chloride solution is prescribed, as well as internal administration of antihistamines:

  • suprastin;
  • pipolfen;
  • diphenhydramine;
  • Diazolin.

In addition, special lotions are used using a 0.25% silver nitrate solution and 1% resorcinol solution.

  • Mycoseptin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Oxiconazole;
  • Ciclopirox.

Antifungal agents are discontinued after visible signs of infection disappear. Treatment takes 1-1.5 months.

Treatment of athlete's foot

Treatment of athlete's foot depends on the type, course and clinical picture diseases. For therapy mild course diseases, antifungal drugs for external use, lotions and dressings are prescribed. In severe cases, with accompanying inflammatory processes a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

  • copper (0.1%);
  • zinc (0.4%);
  • resocin (2%).

Then the painful areas are treated alcohol solutions and apply antifungal ointments. If the disease is complicated by pyococcal infections, along with antifungal drugs antibiotics are used:

  • Cephalosporin;
  • Metacycline;
  • Erythromycin.

After completing the course of treatment, it is necessary to carry out prevention against the recurrence of epidermophytosis:

  • regular rubbing of the skin with alcohol solutions;
  • wiping inner surface shoes

Treatment of athlete's foot nails

A feature of the treatment of athlete's foot nails is the mandatory removal of the affected nail plates, followed by treatment of the nail bed. For treatment the following are used:

  • antifungal ointments;
  • keratolytic patches;
  • fungicidal liquids.

Self-diagnosis of the disease and self-medication leads to the spread of the process and complications.

Folk remedies for the treatment of epidermophytosis

Hundreds of plants with bactericidal and antifungal properties are known. Facilities traditional medicine used as an additional therapeutic measure. Before use folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

A paste of radish seeds with water or onion juice is applied to the skin.
Compression treatment of the affected area with a mixture of mustard and vinegar.
For baths, it is recommended to use dill or calamus root, lavender or thyme herb, rose petals, after which drying ointments based on zinc, tar and calendula are used.
The affected areas on the toes are moistened with celandine juice, and bandages made from plant pulp are applied to the lesions (holding time is 20-30 minutes).
Applying ointment from a decoction of beets with honey.
Use birch leaves, poplar buds, resin coniferous trees, eucalyptus leaves, aspen bark. For treatment, infusions and lotions are made from them. Infusions are made on the basis of alcohol with buds and leaves of trees in a ratio of 10:1. A special 5% or 10% ointment is made from tar. They add to it salicylic acid or sulfur, which will dry out areas of inflammation.
Lubricate the problem area with lingonberry juice.
For lotions, use 20 grams of rue, cinquefoil root and fenugreek seeds, which are crushed and infused with 2 tbsp. l. in 300 ml boiling water for 1 hour.
Celandine is used in the form of a decoction, infusion or juice. A decoction of flowers and stems is used for compresses, which is prepared from 3 tbsp. plants and 0.5 liters of water. Boil the broth for 3 minutes and leave for 1 hour. The infusion is made from 1 handful of herb and 1 liter of water, in which, after 30 minutes of infusion, your feet soar. Course 10 days.
Spread a white cabbage leaf with sour cream. Apply to the affected area and change as it dries.
Euphorbia juice is applied to the inflamed areas of infected toes 2-3 times a day.
A mixture is made from 100 grams of mint basil and 100 grams of larch, 3 tbsp. spoons of which are mixed with 0.5 liters of water and boiled. The product is used as a bath up to 12 times for 20 minutes.
To remove scabs, use ointment from boiled vegetable oil with violet, borax and verbena. Pre-infuse the oil with herbs for 15 days. After boiling, the collection is filtered and squeezed.

Diet for athlete's foot

It is useful to consume the following products:

  • fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, starter cultures;
  • bakery products from second grade flour and whole grain;
  • garlic and onion;
  • horseradish and spinach;
  • citrus fruits and berries;
  • nuts and sprouted wheat;
  • sour juices and compotes.
  • fatty food;
  • bakery products made from premium flour;
  • yeast;
  • mushrooms;
  • sweets;
  • sugar.

Causes of athlete's foot

  • use of household items on which flakes of the affected epidermis remain;
  • personal hygiene products and sports equipment in gyms;
  • contact with surfaces in public places.

Risk factors for athlete's foot infection:

  • visiting swimming pools and baths;
  • work in hot shops;
  • high air humidity and temperature;
  • visiting beauty salons and manicure salons;
  • reduced immunity;
  • obesity;
  • skin injuries.

Diseases that increase the risk of athlete's foot:

  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • chronic cardiovascular pathologies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes.

Complications of athlete's foot

Athlete's foot develops rapidly and becomes chronic in both men and women. Duration chronic course sometimes reaches several years. In summer and with excessive sweating, the disease worsens.

Diagnosis of athlete's foot

After collecting anamnesis, begin an external examination of the lesion and laboratory methods research. Sometimes a consultation with an infectious disease specialist, venereologist, or immunologist is required.

The diagnosis is made based on:

  • typical clinical picture;
  • process localization;
  • currents;
  • finding threads of septate mycelium during microscopy of scrapings from the surface of the lesions.

Forecast of athlete's foot

The prognosis is favorable, epidermophytosis can be treated in both acute and chronic stage. Modern antifungal agents prevent relapses and reinfection epidermophyton fungus.

Prevention of athlete's foot

Disease prevention is based on following simple rules:

  • use only personal bath accessories;
  • compliance with the rules of body hygiene;
  • stress prevention;
  • combating excessive sweating;
  • wearing underwear made from natural fabrics in hot weather;
  • regular preventive examinations of people at risk;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • the patient is required to be given an individual set of clothes and linen;
  • thorough disinfection of household items used by a sick person.

Questions and answers on the topic "Athlete's foot"

Question:Hello. About 2 weeks ago, red inflammation appeared in the groin. Then it grew and began to itch. Is it a fungus?

Answer: Hello. The description looks like athlete's foot inguinal - it is fungal disease. Treatment: hygiene (washing 72% laundry soap, ironing the linen on both sides with a hot iron, changing the linen daily). Diet excluding sweets. Multivitamins taken internally, antimycotics (example Dermazol), hepatoprotectors internally and locally for at least 2 weeks. If there are wet surfaces, then first dry them with iodine solution, fucarcin, etc. But for the purpose adequate therapy You need to visit a doctor and have a scraping tested for pathogenic fungi.

Question:Hello. Male, 22 gold. For the second time in a month, spots appeared in the groin, red and rough. What could it be? Or what tests should I take?

Answer: Hello. I recommend seeing a dermatologist. The rash is similar to athlete's foot. To confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, it is necessary to undergo tests: blood for HIV and syphilis, clinical analysis blood, glucose, scraping for fungi.

Question:Hello. About three weeks ago a strange irritation appeared between my groin and leg. It first appeared on one side. I assumed it was just chafing and would go away after a while, but no. Later it began to appear on the other leg. Doesn't itch or just a little. Help! What could it be?

If a woman is faced with inguinal epidermophytosis, then she needs to patiently and carefully study the causes of the phenomenon.

Reviews from patients indicate that well-chosen therapeutic measures, in which medications and traditional medicine recipes are used can permanently get rid of the disease. According to ICD 10, the pathology has a number of 35.6.


There are several pathogens that provoke the appearance of athlete's foot.

All of them belong to pathogenic fungi from the genera:

  • trichophyton;
  • epidermophyton.

Microorganisms have increased resistance to humidity and high level temperature, therefore they can develop in places of diaper rash on skin, microtraumas, in the area of ​​excessive sweating.

Causes the disease:

  • excess excess weight;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • reduced immune defense.

Fungal diseases require long-term and thorough treatment. They can develop in the body for many years, causing serious harm.

Athlete's groin is a fungal skin disease. The disease got its name because of the fungi Epidermophyton floccosum (they are the ones that most often cause pathology) and their localization ( groin area). The pathology of the inguinal folds can be designated by more familiar terms - “fungus”, “mycosis”. In men, the disease is registered much more often than in women, which is explained by the peculiarity of the occurrence of the disease.

Who is at risk: causes of the disease

The optimal conditions for spore development are warmth and humidity. Male professions (driver, military man) oblige a person to wear warm, unventilated clothes for long hours, day after day creating an optimal habitat for the causative agent of the disease.

A weakened body, the presence of mycosis on other areas of the skin, contact with people who are carriers of mycoses, metabolic disorders are factors that increase the risk of epidermophytosis.

Knowing the causes of the disease, we can identify the main categories of men who are at risk:

  • elderly people;
  • sick diabetes mellitus and (or) obesity (treated and advised by an endocrinologist);
  • men with hyperhidrosis (this means profuse, uncontrollable sweating);
  • people with immunodeficiency;
  • drivers, military, police, rescuers, etc.

Symptoms: cord, burning and itching

Inguinal epidermophytosis in men has pronounced clinical symptoms. In the groin folds or on inside hips appear. In the center they are almost no different from healthy skin, but at the edges they are red or red-pink. This is how it manifests itself First stage diseases.

Gradually the number of spots increases, they merge with each other. The meeting point of the spots is called the focus. It is in the foci that scales (which, falling off, are visualized as peeling), blisters and pustules are localized. All this causes burning and itching.

The contour of epidermophytosis is characterized by wavy edges (in dermatology they are called a beautiful word"scalloped") and elevation above healthy skin. In appearance, the roller-shaped outline resembles a red worm curled into a ring at the site of the pathology. In medicine, this symptom is called a more euphonious phrase - “cord symptom.”

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers its own vision of solving the problem - lotions from available ingredients.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • crushed garlic mixed with water;
  • gruel of black radish seeds, poured with boiling water;
  • a brewed mixture of equal parts of oak bark, flax seeds and yarrow.

But is it worth bothering with garlic, radish and various herbs if the price drug treatment does not reach 500 rubles?

Athlete's inguinal athlete is not a cause for distress. It is easy to diagnose and just as easy to treat, why treatment happens at home.

To get back on track faster healthy men, do not self-medicate. Thus, taking anti-inflammatory drugs (instead of antifungals) for inguinal athlete's foot relieves itching and some other obvious symptoms. At the same time, the causative agents of fungal infection are not destroyed, but lead a secretive lifestyle in order to expose themselves at the most inopportune moment.

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