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Antifungal face cream. Antifungal drugs during pregnancy. Clotrimazole solution for nail fungus, reviews

All fungal diseases, regardless of species, are called mycoses. They are classified by type as follows:

Athlete's foot - is a disease that develops exclusively.

Dermatophytosis is an inflammatory lesion in the form of a circle or circle of uneven shape, in the center of which there is skin, and along the edge with a reddish tint. The danger of the fungus is that it can infect internal organs.

Rubrophytosis is a disease that affects the skin of the feet and hair.

Antifungal agents are aggressive medications that, if used incorrectly, can cause irreparable harm human health. Potent ones are used for advanced diseases. When skin lesions are minor, it is recommended to use local creams, varnishes or ointments.

Antifungal ointments

All ointments have low toxicity, high efficiency and good tolerance by the body. There are about two hundred species pharmaceuticals. In order to choose the right one, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct an analysis of the immune and endocrine system and prescribe the optimal treatment.

Antifungal ointments are considered safe pharmaceuticals, since they act directly on the lesion without getting into it. For skin diseases, it is recommended to use them for up to four weeks, and for fungal infections - up to three months. These drugs include: “Nuxenar”, “Lamisil”, “Exifin”, “Mikoseptin”, “Ifenek”, “Nizoral”, “Ciclopirox”, “Imafucin” and “Tocyclate”.

"Nuxenar" - has, in addition to the antifungal effect, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antiherpetic properties.

"Lamisil" is a broad-spectrum drug intended for the treatment of diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails.

"Exifin" - for the treatment of dermotophytosis and other mycotic diseases of the body and head.

"Mikosiptin" is a drug for local treatment of infected areas, which rarely causes adverse reactions.

"Ifinek" - antifungal and antibacterial agent, applied directly to the lesions.

Whichever one medicines However chosen, it must be applied according to the instructions on previously cleansed skin. A the best remedy against fungal diseases - preventive measures.

Currently, antifungal ointments are the main way to combat fungal manifestations. Ointment is a special means of local action. The action of the drug is aimed at curing infection caused by fungal formations. Nowadays, pharmacies sell many effective and inexpensive ointments. All of them, as a rule, are prescribed by specialists in the initial stages of mycotic disease.

Ointments against mycosis have obvious advantages, which include:

  1. Large selection of funds. You can buy multi-purpose or special medications, for example, to eliminate infection only on the nail plates or only between the fingers;
  2. General availability and low price;
  3. Convenient to use and easy to apply.

Along with the advantages, ointments also have the following disadvantages:

List of general ointments

Some of the most popular and effective are the following ointments.

In addition to generally accepted pharmaceutical drugs against mycosis, there are cheaper and no less effective remedies.

Among them it is worth noting:

  • Salicylic ointment. The infected area is treated 1-3 times a day and the course lasts 10-20 days. Average cost ≈ 23 rubles.
  • Zinc ointment. Recommended for young children and pregnant women. Use 4-5 times a day. Price ≈ 35 rubles.
  • Sulfuric ointment. The medicine is used 2 times a day. Course 7 days. Price ≈ 17 rubles.

For body skin

Mycosis on the skin is often localized on the foot or between the toes. However, the disease can spread to the entire body. What means can you use to get rid of mycosis on the skin?

For face

  • Mikoket- on the face. The result is manifested by the component ketoconazole. Application: apply to sore spots and the skin around them. Treatment process is to stop the spread of mycosis pathogens. Duration of treatment - from 2 weeks.
  • Orungaloral drug(consumed by swallowing) in capsule form. Shows systemic effects. The improvement process is based on the fact that the substance destroys cell wall synthesis. Must be taken 2 times a day.

For legs

Below is a list effective means for the treatment of foot fungus.

This disease causes physical and psychological discomfort, regardless of the location of the lesion. Antifungal ointment wide spectrum of action – effective antibiotic, helping to cope with infections that affect the skin and nails. How antifungal agents work, what active ingredients they have, are there any contraindications for use - this is discussed in the review of drugs to combat fungus.

Antimycotics - what are they?

In dermatology, antifungal creams and ointments are widely used to treat diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Antimycotic drugs have a fungicidal and fungistatic effect - they stop the growth of fungi and completely destroy spores. Extended-spectrum medications help treat diseases caused by numerous infectious agents:

  • candidiasis;
  • onychomycosis;
  • microsporia;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • trichophytosis;
  • keratomycosis;
  • mycosis skin, stop.

There are antimycotic drugs that are aimed at combating a certain type pathogenic microorganisms. When the pathogen has not been identified, but it is necessary to urgently start treatment, prescribe antifungal agents broad spectrum of action that fight most types of known fungi. Medicines in this form are effective:

Broad-spectrum antifungal drugs for external use

The pathology refers to skin diseases, so medications are prescribed for treatment local action. Antifungal creams, ointments are applied in a thin layer to the surface of the nail plates, genitals, feet, where the lesion is observed. Extended-spectrum drugs differ in:

  • purpose depending on location;
  • mechanism of influence on fungal cells;
  • active substance;
  • efficiency.

Medicines against pathogenic fungi, which have an unlimited effect, help to completely cure the infection when early diagnosis. When the disease is in the developing stage or is very advanced, in addition to antifungal creams, systemic drugs in tablets are used. It is important to consult a doctor for a prescription medicine:

  • observed side effects;
  • drugs have contraindications;
  • it is necessary to establish the duration of therapy.

Classification by mechanism of action

Fungal infection varies according to location, clinical manifestations, degree of damage. All this is taken into account when prescribing means of a wide range of influence. Antifungal ointment acts on:

  • outer part the stratum corneum of the epidermis in the absence of inflammation - keratomycosis;
  • surfaces affected by Candida fungus;
  • nail plates of the feet and hands with onychomycosis.

Antimycotic ointments for the skin of the body help cope with the manifestations of:

  • inflammation covering the epidermis, scalp heads – dermatomycosis, trichomycosis;
  • mycosis in the oral cavity;
  • lesions of the hands, interdigital spaces, diaper rash caused by mold fungi;
  • infection of the epidermis, subcutaneous tissue– systemic mycoses;
  • pityriasis versicolor, caused by dimorphic fungi;
  • athlete's foot, groin area, skin folds.

According to active substance

Broad-spectrum antifungal ointments have an effect on pathogenic microorganisms depending on chemical structure. Each group of drugs differs in its effect on fungi. There are polyene antibiotics that:

  • destroy the membrane membrane of microorganism cells, which causes their death;
  • used for severe infection;
  • Amphotericin B – fights mold species, dermatomycosis;
  • Natamycin is effective in the treatment of intestinal and mucosal candidiasis.

Known antifungal agents include:

  • Azoles inhibit the synthesis of ergosterol in the cell membrane, stopping the proliferation of microorganisms. A high concentration of the substance is required. Itraconazole – treats skin mycoses, onychomycosis, lichen. Ketoconazole - used for large affected areas, does not act against mold species.
  • Non-polyenes inhibit cell division processes, thereby destroying the structure of fungi. Griseofulvin – counteracts all microorganisms of the genus Candida.

To combat fungal infections, drugs with an extended spectrum of effects on microorganisms are prescribed:

  • Allylamines cause cell death by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol and promoting the accumulation of squalene. Terbinafine – counteracts all types of fungi, treats mycoses, pityriasis versicolor. Naftifine - fights infection of smooth skin, candidiasis.
  • Pyrimidines - penetrate the cell membrane, disrupt the synthesis of DNA and proteins. Ciclopirox is effective in the fight against candidiasis and onychomycosis. Batrafen - indications for use - damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

By purpose

Antifungal drugs, counteracting a wide range of microorganisms, are classified according to their intended purpose. You can choose ointments that are effective in combating fungus on certain surfaces of the body. It is recommended to buy medications prescribed by a doctor at the pharmacy closest to your home:

  • For intimate area– ointment for the treatment of thrush – Natamycin, vaginal cream Clotrimazole;
  • against foot fungus – terbinafine, Naftifine;
  • for the treatment of the scalp - Griseofulvin, Ketoconazole;
  • means for counteracting mycoses of smooth skin - Imizil, Lamisil.

What antimycotic ointments are the most effective?

Dermatologists advise not to self-medicate, but to order and purchase from online pharmacies only the products they have prescribed. You can save on delivery if the supplier has a representative office in the city, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

To choose an ointment that is effective, you need to consider:

  • active substance of the drug;
  • presence of contraindications;
  • side effects;
  • peculiarity of action on mushrooms;
  • price.

Zalain cream

The active ingredient of the drug, an imidazole derivative, counteracts most fungi. The cream disrupts the synthesis of ergosterol in the cell membrane. Features of the medicine Zalain:


Active substance


Azole group. Treats infections of the skin, vaginal mucosa, inguinal dermatophytosis. Can be applied to damaged surfaces.

What fungi does it destroy?

Microsporum spp., Candida, Trichophyton spp.

Side effects

Redness, burning


Increased sensitivity, allergic reaction to components


Broad-spectrum antifungal ointment destroys most microorganisms. The drug accumulates on the surface - it can be applied once a day. Properties of Exoderil:


Broad-spectrum ointment treats fungal infection, prevents relapses of the disease. The product is applied morning and evening. Features of Nizoral:


Active substance


Eliminates itching, burning, pain, regenerates affected tissue. Treats pityriasis versicolor, onychomycosis, dermatomycosis of the skin, seborrhea.

What fungi does it destroy?

Dermatophytes, yeast forms

Side effects

Skin rashes


Individual intolerance, pregnancy,


Price, rubles

Mycozoral cream

An effective antifungal agent that counteracts most types of pathogenic microorganisms differs in the duration of treatment depending on the diagnosis. The product is applied twice a day. Specifics of Mycozoral:


Active substance


It counteracts streptococci, staphylococci, treats inguinal dermatophytosis, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes.

What mushrooms does it destroy?

Dermatophytes, yeast, dimorphic

Side effects

Hives, burning


Skin disorders, hypersensitivity to the product

Mifungar cream

Remedy for local application provides therapeutic effect against most pathogenic fungi. The cream is applied at night. Mifungar Features:


Active substance

Oxiconazole nitrate

Synthetic derivative of imidazole, antifungal agent for skin and hair.

What fungi does it destroy?

Active against yeast forms, dermatophytes

Side effects

Rash, itching, tingling


Age less than 8 years, sensitivity to imidazole


Inexpensive ointment from skin diseases broad spectrum of action, helps with pustular rashes accompanying mycoses. Combination drug With natural ingredients in the composition. Specifics of Fundizol:


Active substance

Salicylic acid

Suitable for the prevention and treatment of onychomycosis, mycoses of the feet, hands, eliminates inflammation, restores damaged tissue, has an antiseptic effect.

What mushrooms does it destroy?

No limits

Side effects

Allergy to components




The most popular antifungal ointment for feet and body surfaces. The spectrum of action is the widest. Distinctive aspects of Terbinafine:


Active substance

Terbinafine hydrochloride

Treats lichen versicolor, inguinal dermatophytosis, mycoses of smooth skin, feet, and nails. Eliminates itching, inflammation, pain.

What fungi does it destroy?

Side effects

Redness, itching, burning


Renal, liver failure, childhood, tumors, endocrine system pathologies

Cost, rub.

Batrafen cream

This antifungal agent fights most types of microorganisms. Behind short term stops the growth of fungi. Features of Batrafen:


Active substance

Ciplopirox olamine

Highly effective in the fight against onychomycosis, candidiasis, and lichen. Provides antibacterial, astringent action, relieves itching, inflammation.

What mushrooms does it destroy?

Molds, yeasts, dermatophytes, dermatomycetes

Side effects

Signs of allergies - difficulty breathing, rashes, dizziness


Children, pregnant women


Broad-spectrum antifungal ointment. When the active substance accumulates in the body, it warns reinfection. Specifics of Cyclopiroxolamine:


Active ingredient


Eliminates peeling, burning, itching, redness. Treats tinea versicolor, candidiasis, onychomycosis.

What fungi does it destroy?

Side effects

Penetration of the product into the bloodstream, dry skin, rashes


Allergy to iodine, breastfeeding, pregnancy


An antifungal agent helps fight fungal infections in a short time. The medicine treats advanced forms of the disease. Properties of Mycospor:


Active substance


Treats superficial candidiasis, dermatophytosis of the intimate zone, mycosis of nails, hands, feet. Eliminates itching, inflammation, pain.

What fungi does it destroy?

Candida, dermatophytes, corynebacteria, molds

Side effects

Swelling, redness, burning


Intolerance to components, lactation period, pregnancy, age up to 12 years


A broad-spectrum antifungal ointment that is effective in the treatment of candidiasis. The product is applied once a day. Features of Pimafucin:


Active ingredient


Group of polyenes. Treats infections of the feet, genitals, and body.

What fungi does it destroy?

Microspores, yeast forms, less sensitivity in dermatophytes

Side effects

Skin irritation, burning


Individual intolerance


Inexpensive and very popular ointment with a wide antifungal effect. The range of applications covers all types of mushrooms. Specifics of Clotrimazole:


Active substance


An imidazole derivative is used for infections of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, oral cavity, skin, and nail plates. Relieves pain, itching.

What fungi does it destroy?

Most pathogenic microorganisms

Side effects

Burning, redness


1st trimester of pregnancy, individual sensitivity

Cost, rub.


Antifungal ointment, the spectrum of action of which covers most types of microorganisms. The remedy finds wide application for skin lesions. Properties of Mikoseptin:


Active ingredient

Undecylenic acid, zinc undecylenate

Used for the prevention and treatment of mycoses.

Zinc has an astringent effect, undecylenic acid has an antifungal effect.

Destroys fungi

Microsporon, Epidermophyton

Side effects

Irritation, swelling, burning


Under two years of age, hypersensitivity

Fungoterbin neo

The product is widely used for skin infections. Antifungal ointment creates high concentrations in tissues. Features of Fungoterbin neo:


Active ingredients

Terbinafine chloride, urea

Softens, penetrates deeply skin surfaces, fabrics. It has a therapeutic effect on lichen versicolor, lesions of the feet and nails.

What fungi does it destroy?

Premorphic, yeast, mold species, dermatophytes

Side effects

Rarely redness, itching


Children under two years of age, hypersensitivity to components

Cost, rub.

Antifungal drugs for children

It is necessary to pay great attention to the prescription and use of antimycotic drugs in childhood. This is due to the high toxicity of the active ingredients. Do not use without a doctor's prescription. Popular means:

  • Terbizil - used from the age of two only externally, treats the skin and scalp. Possible itching, burning, cost - 245 rubles.
  • Nystatin ointment - allowed for treatment of newborns, applied only externally, cannot be used on the oral mucosa. Allergies are possible, price – 90 rubles.

Dermatologists allow the treatment of children with antifungal ointments:

  • Fungoterbin neo - used from the age of two, treats lesions of the skin and nail plates. Side effects are rare, price - 380 rubles;
  • Mikoseptin is an antifungal agent for children from the age of two. Treats a wide range of mycoses, side effect– redness, irritation, price – 350 rubles;
  • Pimafucin - copes with thrush, starting from infancy. Rarely causes burning, itching, cost - 290 rubles.

What fungal remedies are allowed during pregnancy and lactation?

It is possible that a fungal infection may occur while expecting a baby. The toxic properties of ointment ingredients have negative action for the fruit self-treatment antifungal agents are unacceptable. The following drugs are approved for use:

  • Clotrimazole - except for the 1st trimester, is used for fungus of the nails, feet, mucous membranes, redness and burning are possible, cost - 70 rubles;
  • Miconazole is allowed throughout pregnancy for skin treatment. Vaginal use for thrush - starting from the second trimester, allergy at the application site is possible, price - 130 rubles.

Under the supervision of a doctor, subject to instructions, use antifungal ointments for pregnant women and lactation:

  • Fundizol - effective for lesions of the feet and nails, contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, price - 85 rubles;
  • Mikoseptin - treats all types of mycoses, swelling and redness at the site of application are possible, price - 350 rubles;
  • Terbinafine - only on the surface of the skin in case of urgent need, irritation, itching, require discontinuation of the medication, cost - 80 rubles.


Mycosis, or fungal disease, can be diagnosed in almost anyone. A variety of microorganisms live on the surface of the skin of the body, and many are often carriers of infection. Fungal activity occurs when creating favorable conditions and a sharp decrease in immunity.

Treatment of body skin fungus

When the question arises of how to cure fungus on the skin of the body, you need to remember the importance complex therapy. The infection affects not only the epidermis, but also nails, internal organs, and hair. Any part of the body may be affected as a violation occurs cellular immunity. Pick up effective method Treatment is possible provided that the type of infection is accurately determined. Infection options:

  1. The pest affects only the upper layers of the skin and hair follicles.
  2. The fungus injures nails and hair. This form is one of the most common types.
  3. The infection affects the epidermis and nail plates.
  4. Pathogenic microorganisms occur both on the mucous membranes and on the nails, body, etc.

How to smear skin fungus on the body

Mycosis – fungal species diseases are difficult to treat, because cellular immunity is impaired. The therapy uses modern medications (ointments, creams, lotions, tablets for systemic therapy), folk methods. Doctors are often against non-traditional recipes. Answering how to treat a fungus on the skin of the body if the back, arm, leg are affected (the nail on the lower limbs), the doctor recommends completely eliminating the disease. Complex therapy will help, in which an ointment against the fungus is applied to the skin of the body, stopping the infection.

Antibacterial ointments

Helps cure fungal diseases local remedies, which contain an antibiotic. Such drugs are used with extreme caution if a child suffers from mycosis. The price of antifungal ointments is relatively low, but only a doctor should select them. Application is prescribed the following drugs:

  1. Dioxidine ointment helps to get rid of it in a few weeks. The drug is prescribed for violations of the integrity of the epidermis, preventing penetration into the body harmful bacteria, stops the growth of pathogenic organisms. Cost – 130 rub.
  2. Levomekol is one of the external agents that has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Helps quickly cure diseases such as mycosis. If the product is regularly applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, the normal tissue structure is restored. This ointment simultaneously effectively cleanses the wound and then speeds up the healing process. Price – 200 rubles.
  3. Iodopirone ointment 1% is best medicine for the treatment of wounds with fungal infection. The drug has pronounced biological activity and can be prescribed for extensive burn wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores. The medicine is relatively inexpensive - about 300 rubles.

Antifungal ointments

If the body and scalp are damaged by a fungal infection, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment using such means as:

  1. Amyclone is a powerful antifungal drug. Can be used to treat fungus on any part of the body. It is even prescribed to a child for the treatment of mycosis. The product helps destroy yeast fungus on the skin. In consultation with your doctor, the medicine can be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. If the epidermis is very sensitive, side effects appear - burning, tingling, itching - but they soon go away on their own. The price ranges from 200-400 rubles.
  2. Nystatin is an effective antifungal drug successfully used to treat different types infectious diseases skin, provoked by fungi of the genus Candida, as well as aspergillus. Can be used to treat infections in the intestines, vagina and oral cavity. The cream helps get rid of the fungus in a few weeks. The medicine is prescribed to treat areas of the body due to the fact that it is not absorbed into the blood, only a local effect occurs. Price – 200 rubles.
  3. Terbinafine is one of the antifungal drugs used in the treatment of skin, hair, nails, including mucous membranes from various types of fungal infectious diseases. The medicine is based on hydrochloride. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, helps get rid of yeast, mold and other types of fungal infections. Price – 300 rubles.

Broad-spectrum ointment for skin diseases

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist. If it is difficult to identify a skin fungus, Akriderm ointment, which has a wide spectrum of action, is often prescribed. Thanks to its regular use, you can quickly get rid of different types of dermatitis (contact, seborrheic, atopic, chronic, etc.), psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis. The price of the ointment is 150 rubles. The main disadvantage is that therapy lasts up to 6 weeks, but the low cost of the medicine allows you to undergo full treatment.

Despite the constantly growing standard of living, the fungus is found in almost every second inhabitant of the earth. Treatment of any fungal infection is impossible without the use of medications, but for successful healing it is necessary to use only high-quality and effective antifungal drugs.

Combining quality and effectiveness does not always mean purchasing super-expensive medicines. There is enough inexpensive drugs against fungus, which are highly effective and quick action. In addition, when treating fungus, you can use analogues of expensive drugs that give the same result as the original drug.

Differences and features of antifungal drugs

Anti-fungal drugs are selected depending on the duration of mycosis, the volume of the affected surface, the presence concomitant diseases, the nature of the manifestations of the fungus.

The forms of release of antifungal agents are varied - they are available in the form of tablets, ointments, gels, solutions, suppositories. The variety of release forms allows you to treat not only external forms of mycosis (feet, genitals, toenails and fingernails), but also internal manifestations of the fungus. Antifungal drugs in tablets have a systemic effect; gels, ointments, sprays, and creams are used for local treatment.

Modern pharmacology makes it possible to successfully treat fungal diseases of any nature

Note! Therapy with one drug usually does not bring the desired effect, because Often several types of pathogens settle on the body at once. Therefore, the doctor must prescribe complex treatment fungus.

Fungal infection easily adapts to any conditions, quickly developing resistance to various active substances. Therefore, you should not select a drug for the fungus on your own, because this can lead to mutation of the fungus and the development of more resistant forms.

When to use antifungal drugs:

  • Mycosis of the foot;
  • Yeast skin infection;
  • Cryptococcosis;
  • Fungal infections respiratory tract, eye;
  • Vaginal;
  • Paracoccidioidomycosis;
  • Histoplasmosis;
  • Athlete's foot in the groin area;
  • Yeast skin infection;
  • Candidemia;
  • esophagus and oral cavity;
  • Sporotrichosis;
  • Fungus of the scalp;
  • Diaper rash;
  • Body skin fungus.

Therapeutic agents against fungus are aimed at killing and destroying the causative agents of the disease, and stopping the spread of infection. Some of the drugs successfully defeat dermatophytes (molds), others are aimed at destroying yeast fungi directly. Therefore, drugs are selected depending on the type of pathogen, which is determined by the doctor after conducting appropriate tests.

Review of antifungal drugs

Anti-fungal drugs are classified depending on their chemical structure, clinical purpose and spectrum of action. The most common and effective medicinal antifungal agents belong to the groups of azoles, polyenes and allylamines.

Polyene group

Polyenes are broad-spectrum antifungal drugs in tablets and ointments that are most popular in the treatment of mycoses. Most often they are used in the treatment of candidiasis of the mucous membranes, skin, and gastrointestinal tract.

List of drugs:

  • Nystatin is available in the form of ointments and tablets for the treatment of fungus of the mucous membranes and skin of the body. Used for candidiasis of the skin, intestines, vagina, and oral cavity. There are practically no contraindications, possible side effects as allergic manifestations. The course of treatment lasts from 10 to 14 days (according to the instructions). Price – from 40 rub.
  • Levorin - used for candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract and skin, has high activity against trichomonas, Candida fungi, and leishmania. Not allowed for use during pregnancy, under the age of 2 years, during lactation, with hepatic and, intestinal and stomach ulcers. Price – 100-130 rubles.
  • Pimafucin - has an effect on a huge number of pathogenic fungi that infect the body. Prescribed for candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract, vagina, to remove the effects of taking antibiotics and corticosteroids. Price – from 250 rub.

Azole group

Azoles – synthetic drugs, used in the treatment of mycoses of the scalp, skin, toenails and hands, . Some drugs in this series are used to treat candidiasis of the mucous membranes and thrush.

List of antifungal drugs:

  • Ketoconazole is a drug against dimorphic and yeast-like fungi, folliculitis, dermatophytes, seborrheic dermatitis, chronic candidiasis. Often used for skin and treatment of scalp fungus if observed high degree lesions and resistance to infection. The drug can cause extensive side effects and should be used with caution in children and elderly patients. Price – from 100 rub.
  • Mycozoral - ointment for the treatment of epidermophytosis, pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis, dermatomycosis, candidiasis various types. Antifungal drugs for nails, hands, feet, based on the active ingredient ketoconazole, are also available in the form of shampoos and oral tablets. Price – from 200 rub.
  • Sebozol is a drug in the form of a shampoo ointment used against yeast-like fungi, dimorphites, etc. Used to treat fungal infections of the feet, nails, scalp, and hands. Price – from 130 rub.
  • Fluconazole – has wide range exposure to infections with Cryptococcus fungi, candidiasis of the oral cavity and pharynx, respiratory system, organs reproductive system, nail fungi, lichen. Capsules should be used with caution during pregnancy, when pathological diseases liver and heart. Price – from 20 rub.

Note! Fungal ointments can be used as an independent remedy for mycosis if the affected area is small and the disease is in its initial stage. In other cases, ointments are used as part of complex fungal therapy.

Allylamine group

The drugs in this series actively fight against dermatomycosis - fungal infections of the hair, skin, and nails.

The most common drug in this group is Terbinafine. This is a topical preparation (cream, ointment) used in the treatment of nail and skin fungi, dimorphic and mold pathogenic microorganisms. Prescribed for severe fungal infections of the nails, feet, head, and torso. Price – from 48 rub.

The active substance terbinafine destroys fungal membrane cells and provokes the death of the fungal colony. In addition, the substance does not accumulate in the body and is removed entirely through the liver, which makes it possible to use products based on it for the treatment of mycoses in pregnant women and children.

Inexpensive analogues

There are a lot of drugs against fungus, but basically these drugs are analogues of each other. This happens because over time the patented drug formula becomes available to others. pharmaceutical companies, which use it to produce generics - medications that are identical in composition and effect, but at the same time are not so expensive in price.

Generics have their own name for the drug, but you can determine which analogue they are by looking at the active ingredient of the drug, which is prescribed on the package.

Terbinafine, one of the most effective means against fungus, has the following analogues:

  • Terbizol;
  • Binofin;
  • Fungoterbin;
  • Exifin;
  • Lamican.

The active substance fluconazole is contained in the following preparations:

  • Futsis;
  • Diflucan;
  • Nofung;
  • Mikosist;
  • Mycoflucan.

Ketocanazole has active analogues– Fungavis, Nizoral, Mycozoral.

The cost of antifungal drugs is not always related to quality. Cheap analogues of expensive antimycotic drugs, as a rule, are in no way inferior in effectiveness

The price of drugs against fungi ranges from very expensive to very cheap drugs with absolutely identical effectiveness of drugs. Most inexpensive analogues found in a series of drugs based on ketoconazole and fluconazole. Analogues of terbinafine occupy a middle position, and the most expensive are drugs based on itraconazole (Itramikol, Irunin, Itrazol, Canditral).

Medicines for children

Antifungal drugs for children are mainly used topically - ointments, creams, sprays, powders for external use, varnishes, drops, shampoos. Local application products are based on action active substances triazole, allylamine, imidazole.

Local medications are most effective in the treatment of candidiasis, athlete's foot and lichen versicolor.

At candida child medications are prescribed in the form of tablets or lozenges. Treatment of fungal infection in the organs of vision is based on the use of a suspension with nystatin. in children it is treated with a special varnish, which not only neutralizes fungal colonies, but also creates nail plate protective film.

The most common topical preparations are:

  • Mikozan;
  • Nystatin;
  • Amorolfine.

Systemic therapy is carried out only if large lesions occur and spread rapidly. TO systemic drugs include:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Terbinafine.

Self-treatment with antifungal drugs in pediatrics is not allowed, because medicines have a range side effects and contraindications. Only a qualified doctor can draw up the correct treatment plan.