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Cheap analogue of "rennie". Heartburn pills - list, price, inexpensive analogues

Heartburn is called unpleasant feeling burning in the pit of the stomach (that is, behind the sternum), in parallel with which the following symptoms may appear: pain in the stomach and throat, belching, cough, wheezing, nausea, flatulence, sour or bitter taste in the mouth, heaviness in the stomach. Bad habits can lead to heartburn - smoking, overeating, alcohol and coffee abuse, spicy food. Reasons include obesity, overuse sweets and tomatoes. Sometimes heartburn is caused by stress.

It is also important to wear uncomfortable clothes and accessories - for example, tight belts and tight trousers can also lead to this disease. Heartburn can occur during pregnancy or as a result of a hernia hiatus diaphragm.

What to do when heartburn hits you here and now?
In this case you can use effective means Rennie which will relieve you of heartburn without harm to your health.

Rennie - composition

The main components of the drug - calcium carbonate(680 mg) and magnesium carbonate(80 mg). The medicine also contains excipients.

Release form

This popular medicine comes in tablet form.

Each tablet form contains the same composition of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Excipients vary depending on the aroma of the drug (mint, orange and menthol). All tablets are sold in cardboard packages.

Rennie's mint-scented package includes 2 blisters (6 tablets per blister), or the second option - 2 or 4 blisters (12 pieces in each blister). A total of 12 or 24/36 tablets per package.

Rennie with menthol – 1 or 2 blisters per package (12 pieces in 1 blister). A total of 12 or 24 tablets per package.

Orange Rennie – 2 blisters per package (6 tablets per blister) or the second option – 2 blisters (12 pieces in one blister). Total - 12 or 24 tablets per package.

pharmachologic effect

This medicine is antacid, and has a gastroprotective effect (protects the gastric mucosa). The main components involved are the compounds magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate, which interact with hydrochloric acid, as a result of which the said acid is neutralized, and the formation of magnesium and calcium salts, as well as water, occurs. Salts are eliminated from the body using the kidneys.

Indications for use

Rennie's remedy is indicated for use in diseases gastrointestinal tract resulting from increased acidity in the stomach.

Such diseases include:

  • heartburn of various nature;
  • stomach pain resulting from smoking, alcohol abuse, overeating;
  • gastritis (including chronic gastritis);
  • ulcers duodenum;
  • belching sour, gastralgia (stomach pain);
  • duodenitis in acute form.

Rennie for children

The product can be taken by children under 12 years of age only under the supervision of a doctor. The duration of taking the drug and dosage are individual in each case.

Rennie tablets - instructions for use

The medicine is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age. Rennie's dosage is 1 or 2 tablets, which should be dissolved or chewed in the mouth. If the drug does not give a visible effect within 2 hours, then the dose should be repeated. You can take a maximum of 16 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is strictly individual.


Many medications contain contraindications for use, and Rennie is no exception. However, their list is relatively small:
  • increased calcium in the blood;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

It is noted that the drug is well tolerated by patients, but sometimes side effects still occur:
  • allergies, skin itching, urticaria.
People suffering from impaired renal function should not take Rennie for a long time, as this may lead to hypermagnesemia or hypercalcemia (increased levels of magnesium and calcium in the blood, respectively).

Rennie should be taken with caution by those patients who suffer from diabetes (it should be borne in mind that 1 tablet contains 475 mg of sucrose).

Is it possible for pregnant women to take Rennie?

Very often, pregnancy provokes heartburn, and this problem worries many women. There are no contraindications for pregnant women when taking Rennie. Compliance with dosage requirements is mandatory.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking Rennie in combination with other drugs may change the concentration of other substances in the plasma, as well as increase or decrease the rate of absorption of other drugs.

If you need to take several medications, it is advisable to set a time interval of 1-2 hours between the use of Rennie and other medications.

Rennie and alcohol

Data on the interaction of alcohol and the drug are not provided. However, it should be noted that Rennie is used to treat the above symptoms following alcohol abuse.

Rennie or Gaviscon?

Gaviscon, unlike Rennie, belongs to the group of alginates, the components of which interact with gastric juice, forming a gel protection on the surface of the gastric contents. There is a different principle of action of the drug.

Gaviscon is also used for heartburn, including for pregnant women.

Unlike Rennie, Gaviscon only works for 4 hours. There are also restrictions on the duration of use - it can only be used for 7 days. The dose of medication per day is also limited to 2-4 tablets per day. Contraindications are the same as for Rennie.

Gaviscon is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age, and only a doctor can determine the dosage for children under 12 years of age.

Thus, Rennie is superior to Gaviscon in the above parameters.

Rennie or Maalox?

Maalox is somewhat similar to Rennie, as it belongs to the group of antacids and has a similar principle of action. Indications for use are similar. But still, the drugs have significant differences. The drug Maalox should not be taken during pregnancy for a long time and in large doses Oh. Unlike Rennie, Maalox is not prescribed to children under 15 years of age.

Maalox may cause additional unpleasant side effects, including nausea, constipation, vomiting, and changes in taste. Also, taking the drug can lead to nephrocalcinosis and osteoporosis. Maalox should be taken with great caution by people with renal failure - undesirable consequences such as encephalopathy (brain damage), microcytic anemia (blood disease), hypophosphatemia (decreased phosphate concentration in the blood) are possible. Also, the medicine is contraindicated in patients who cannot tolerate fructose. Maalox is allowed to be taken in a dosage of no more than 12 tablets per day, in accordance with the instructions and prescription of the doctor. Compared to Rennie, Maalox is not suitable for long-term use, including pregnant women. In childhood, the use of Maalox is generally excluded.

Rennie or Phosphalugel?

Phosphalugel is an antacid drug in the form of a gel or suspension for oral administration. The main component of Phosphalugel, unlike Rennie, is aluminum phosphate.

The principle of action is similar to that of Rennie - Phosphalugel has an acid-neutralizing and adsorbing effect. The drug is prescribed to children up to 6 months. The only side effect is constipation, which can be relieved with laxatives. Phosphalugel is also prescribed to pregnant women. In addition to the symptoms of heartburn and dyspepsia, phosphalugel is prescribed for diseases of the colon and gastritis.

Synonyms of the drug

Heartburn and the accompanying symptoms listed above often appear suddenly and can take a person by surprise. Sometimes heartburn attacks can occur outside the home, for example abroad. What if you don't have Rennie with you?

In this case, you should remember international name drug - calcium carbonate + magnesium carbonate (Calcium carbonate + Magnesium carbonate), and tell it to the pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Synonyms of the drug:

  • Inalan;
  • Remmax.


According to the active substance:
  • Andrews antacid;
  • Tams.
By pharmacological group:
  • Ajiflux;
  • Additive calcium;
  • Aktal;
  • Almol;
  • Alugastrin;
  • Alfogel;
  • Anacid forte;
  • Alumag;
  • Becarbon;
  • Gasterin;
  • Gastrik;
  • Gastracid;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Gelusil;
  • Gestid;
  • Calcium carbonate;
  • Maalox;
  • Magnatol;
  • Sodium bicarbonate;
  • Rivolox;
  • Relzer;
  • Rokzhel;
  • RioFast;
  • Scoralite;
  • Talcid;
  • Tisacid;
  • Phosphalugel.

Heartburn is an unpleasant condition accompanied by a burning sensation behind the sternum or in the epigastric zone. It spreads upward, reaching the neck and larynx. There is nothing dangerous about heartburn, but this condition causes considerable discomfort to a person. Often, a burning sensation appears during pregnancy in women, especially at longer periods. To combat heartburn there is different drugs, but not all of them are allowed for expectant mothers. One of the popular ones is “Rennie” (tablets). Patients often try to find analogues of the drug in order to save money or for other reasons.

Description of "Renny"

Before looking for an analogue of Rennie, you need to find out more about the drug itself. This medication Available in two dosage forms: powder and tablets. Both agents have an antacid effect. The medicine contains calcium and magnesium carbonate. As a result of the interaction of tablets with the contents of the stomach, soluble salts are formed. Their absorption is quite low. What is absorbed by the walls of the stomach is excreted primarily through the kidneys.

It is impossible to say what cheap or expensive analogues “Rennie” has without knowing anything about its cost. The price of the drug varies depending on the volume of packaging and the taste of the tablets:

  • 12 mint tablets cost 200 rubles;
  • 24 tablets will cost 300 rubles;
  • 48 tablets will cost about 500 rubles;

Orange and menthol Rennie cost a few rubles less. Granules cost about 250 rubles for 10 sachets.

Features of use

Instructions for use recommend using Rennie tablets for diseases accompanied by high acidity gastric juice. This condition can be triggered by some kind of disease or dietary deficiency. Unpleasant symptoms manifested by heartburn, sour belching, abdominal pain or a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The drug "Rennie" can be used during pregnancy at any stage. Its use is prohibited only for renal and liver failure, excess calcium and phosphates, as well as for children under 12 years of age. Maximum daily dose antacid is 11 tablets.

When is it necessary to look for a substitute?

The instructions for use indicate that the drug "Rennie" may affect the rate of absorption of other drugs. Despite being well tolerated, the medication can cause allergies in some patients. In case of intolerance to the drug and the occurrence of adverse reactions you should stop treatment and consult a doctor. The doctor will choose for you suitable analogue"Renny."

Patients sometimes look for a substitute in order to save money. Some consumers cannot purchase the drug because it is not available in the pharmacy. In this case, they are also forced to select an alternative. Let's consider the most suitable generic antacids.

Gastal tablets

This analogue of “Rennie” has a similar effect on the patient’s body. It reduces the acidity of gastric juice, normalizing digestion. The composition contains magnesium and aluminum hydroxide. What distinguishes this remedy from “Rennie” is that it can be prescribed to children as young as 6 years old, but it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy. Gastal is also contraindicated for people with Alzheimer's disease, lactose intolerance and renal failure.

The course of treatment with tablets is limited to two weeks. The maximum daily dose is 8 pills. Unlike chewable Rennies, Gastal must be slowly dissolved in the mouth. The cost of 12 tablets is about 150 rubles, which is slightly cheaper than the advertised product. At his discretion, the consumer can choose mint, orange or cherry flavor for the lozenges.

Gaviscon tablets and suspension

As it turned out, the drug “Rennie” has cheap analogues for pregnant women. Expectant mothers are allowed to take the medication Gaviscon. It is available in the form of tablets and suspension. 12 chewable lozenges will cost 160 rubles, but the suspension is more expensive - 350 rubles per 150 ml.

Part antacid drug includes sodium alginate, sodium hydrogen carbonate and calcium carbonate. When these components interact with acidic environment The stomach forms a gel that protects and soothes the mucous walls. Tablets are taken 2-4 pieces after meals.

Various "Almagel"

This analogue of “Rennie” is presented in three types, differing in color and effect.

  1. Green "Almagel" based on aluminum and magnesium hydroxide eliminates Negative influence hydrochloric acid, has an enveloping and soothing effect. The cost of a 170 ml bottle is approximately 180 rubles. This type suspension is the most popular.
  2. Yellow “Almagel A” with algeldrate, anesthesin and magnesium hydroxide has not only an antacid, but also an analgesic effect. The cost of one bottle is 300 rubles.
  3. Orange packaging of “Almagel Neo” costs the consumer 250-300 rubles. This drug based on algeldrate, magnesium hydroxide and simethicone also has a carminative effect.

The drug "Maalox"

An analogue of "Rennie" for heartburn is the medicine "Maalox". It comes in the form chewable tablets, suspensions and dosed sachets. The cost of 6 sachets is 150 rubles, and 20 tablets will cost 250 rubles. The composition of this medication is reminiscent of its predecessor - Almagel. Active ingredients are magnesium hydroxide and algeldrate.

Contraindications to the use of this substitute are: pregnancy, childhood, renal failure, intolerance to fructose and other components. The duration of use is limited to three months, the daily dose should not exceed 12 tablets.

Means "Riopan"

What else can replace Rennie (tablets)? Analogues are represented by the drug "Riopan". It is sold mainly in Ukraine, so the cost depends entirely on the hryvnia exchange rate. On this moment the suspension costs buyers about 200 Russian rubles. The active ingredient in Riopan tablets is magaldrate. The suspension also contains simethicone, which prevents increased gas formation.

The medicine is used to treat diseases accompanied by high acidity. The recommended course is from 10 to 14 days. If there is no improvement during this time, then you should re-diagnosis and choose another alternative to Rennie.

Phosphalugel sachets

The list of available substitutes for the drug "Rennie" (cheap analogues) continues with the drug "Phosphalugel". The cost of 6 dosed sachets is 170 rubles. The antacid contains aluminum phosphate and additional components. The undoubted advantage of this medicine is its ease of use. One sachet is enough for use. It is recommended to use the medication when various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Unlike previous antacids, Phosphalugel can be used in children up to one year old. This medicine is considered safe and effective. It is often prescribed during pregnancy instead of famous tablets"Renny." The manufacturer cites severe kidney dysfunction and hypersensitivity to the active substance as a contraindication for use.

Relzer tablets and syrup

This substitute contains magnesium hydroxide with aluminum, simethicone and licorice root powder. The medicine has an enveloping, antacid, sedative effect. It also reduces gas formation, promotes comfortable digestion and accelerates the healing of ulcers. It is believed that Relzer tablets cope with the task more effectively than their predecessor.

The medicine should be taken as needed, but no more than 4 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 2 weeks. It is prohibited to use any form of the drug "Relzer" during pregnancy and childhood.

Available means

If you ask the opinion of people on the street, many will say that Russian analogue Rennie is calcium carbonate. This food additive has a sorption effect, reduces the acidity of gastric juice and helps eliminate heartburn. The cost of 200 g of calcium carbonate is approximately 300 rubles.

Patients who constantly suffer from heartburn and sour belching talk about the effectiveness of the remedies at hand. To combat these unpleasant conditions they use baking soda. White powder has an alkaline effect, it neutralizes high acidity and eliminates unpleasant symptoms. However, you should not take this ingredient thoughtlessly. It is necessary to select the minimum dose that is effective in emergency cases.

According to many patients, milk is an effective remedy for heartburn. Just half a glass of warm drink can eliminate unpleasant burning sensation behind the sternum and burning belching. This method Doctors recognize the treatment as less harmful than drinking soda. However, doctors still do not recommend resorting to traditional methods treatment. If you periodically suffer from heartburn, it is better to consult a doctor.

Let's summarize

You already know how the drug “Rennie” is positioned in the instructions for use. Analogs based on other active ingredients, but with the same therapeutic effect you already know too. You should not choose an alternative yourself. If for some reason you cannot purchase the chewable tablets prescribed by your doctor, then you should look for a generic drug together with a specialist.

The composition of "Rennie", instructions for use, reviews, analogues and substitutes presented in the article should not encourage you to self-medicate. Contact medical institution and find out the reasons for your anxiety. By eliminating them, you can completely get rid of the disturbing feeling of burning behind the sternum.

pharmachologic effect

Antacid drug. Contains calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, which provide rapid and long-lasting neutralization of excess hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, thereby providing a protective effect on the gastric mucosa.

Achieving a therapeutic effect within 3-5 minutes is due to the good solubility of the tablets and high calcium content.



As a result of the interaction of Rennie ® with gastric juice, soluble calcium and magnesium salts are formed in the stomach. The extent of absorption of calcium and magnesium from these compounds depends on the dose of the drug. Maximum absorption is 10% calcium and 15-20% magnesium.


A small amount of absorbed calcium and magnesium is excreted by the kidneys. In the intestines, insoluble compounds are formed from soluble salts, which are excreted in the feces.


- symptoms associated with increased acidity of gastric juice and reflux esophagitis: heartburn, sour belching, periodic pain in the stomach, a feeling of fullness or heaviness in the epigastric region, dyspepsia (including those caused by errors in diet, taking medications, abuse of alcohol, coffee, nicotine);

- dyspepsia in pregnant women.

Dosage regimen

Adults and children over 12 years of age when symptoms appear, 1-2 tablets. should be chewed (or kept in the mouth until completely dissolved). If necessary, you can repeat taking the drug after 2 hours. The maximum daily dose is 11 tablets.

Side effect

Allergic reactions: Possible rash, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic reactions.

Contraindications for use

- severe renal failure;

- hypercalcemia;

- hypophosphatemia;

- nephrocalcinosis;

- children under 12 years of age;

— sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (for chewable tablets);

- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use in children

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.


Long-term use of the drug in high doses in patients with impaired renal function, it can cause hypermagnesemia, hypercalcemia, alkalosis, which may manifest as nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness. In this case, the drug should be discontinued and the patient should consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

Changes in gastric acidity caused by antacids may reduce the rate and extent of absorption of other drugs taken at the same time, therefore medications should be taken 1-2 hours before or after taking antacids.

When used simultaneously, antacids reduce the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, cardiac glycosides, levothyroxine, iron preparations, phosphates, and fluorides.

When used simultaneously with thiazide diuretics, serum calcium concentrations should be regularly monitored.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: for chewable tablets - 5 years, for chewable tablets (orange) and chewable tablets without sugar (mint) - 3 years.

Use for renal impairment

The drug is contraindicated in severe renal failure.

special instructions

When prescribing the drug to patients with impaired renal function, the concentration of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium in the blood serum should be regularly monitored.

Taking Rennie ® in high doses may increase the risk of kidney stones.

Each chewable tablet/tablet (orange) contains 475 mg of sucrose.

1 tablet of Rennie ® without sugar (mint) contains 400 mg of sorbitol and can be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus.

If treatment is ineffective, the patient should consult a doctor.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Rennie is famous drug to eliminate heartburn and sour belching in patients suffering from intestinal and stomach dysfunction. The cost of the drug is about 150 rubles, so there is a need to look for cheap Rennie analogues in order to save money.

Let's consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Rennie is available in the form of chewable tablets and belongs to the group antacids. The active components are calcium and magnesium in the form of carbonates. Auxiliary compounds: starch, sucrose, talc, flavorings.

Available in six or twelve tablets in a blister, one, two or four blisters in one package with instructions from the manufacturer.

Indications for use

It is used to treat high stomach acidity, as well as the symptoms accompanying this pathology, such as belching, heartburn, temporary stomach pain. Also prescribed for reflux esophagitis.


Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to any substance in the composition of the drug, as well as in case of hypercalcemia and severe renal impairment.

Side effects

Reactions were observed extremely rarely hypersensitivity to Rennie. Among the symptoms side effects are noted skin rashes, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic reactions with intolerance.

Analogues of the drug

Rennie has analogues that are cheaper:

The attending physician must choose the most suitable analogue, since their composition may be different, despite the similar effect.


The closest analogue of Rennie is produced by a Ukrainian medicinal company.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in tablet form white, convex on both sides. On smooth surface tablets may have some marbling.

Active substances: calcium carbonates And magnesium. Auxiliary ingredients: sugar, peppermint oil, cellulose, stearic acid. Ten tablets in a blister, one or two blisters in a pack.

Who is the drug indicated for?

Indicated for acute or chronic gastritis with increased gastric secretion. Used for non-ulcer dyspepsia, acute duodenitis, as well as for peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach.

Used to treat symptomatic ulcers of various origins, as well as with ulceration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Used in the treatment of reflux esophagitis, heartburn after alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and medications.


Prohibited for use when allergic reaction on the components of Anre, as well as in case of insufficiency renal function, hypercalcemia, phenylketonuria, multiple myeloma, sarcoidosis, bone metastases. Not used for hyperparathyroidism.

Features of the drug

Long-term treatment should be avoided in cases where renal function is impaired. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding short-term and periodic use of the drug for heartburn is possible.

Patients with nephrolithiasis and diabetes mellitus require caution in treatment. Headaches and digestive disorders may occur with a dairy diet.

The drug contains sugar, so caution should be exercised if you have diabetes.


The drug is in oral form gel, suspensions. Produced by a Bulgarian pharmaceutical company.

Composition and release form

One dosing container contains 5 ml oral gel. The active ingredients are aluminum hydroxides And magnesium. Auxiliary components are sorbitol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharin, lemon oil, and other compounds. The suspension is white; when stored for a long time, a colorless surface layer may form; when stirred, the contents of the jar become homogeneous again.

Available without a prescription in small bags or jars. The jar contains 170 ml, in one bag – 10 ml. One package contains one jar, or ten or twenty sachets.

When to use

Indicated for the symptomatic elimination of pathologies digestive tract, in which excessive secretion of gastric juice develops. It is used for esophageal hernias, esophagitis, acute and chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer, heartburn.

As a preventive measure, it helps to reduce the erosive effect of certain drugs on the internal gastric and intestinal linings, for example, non-hormonal painkillers and corticosteroid painkillers.

Who is the drug prohibited from?

Almagel is not recommended to be taken if you have a hyper-reaction to any of its components, as well as with constipation and illness. Alzheimer's. In addition, the drug is prohibited for acute pain syndrome in the stomach with unspecified reason, as well as if you suspect inflammation of the appendix, colitis. Do not take for chronic diarrhea, hemorrhoids, functional renal failure.

Prohibited during breastfeeding.

Adverse reactions

From the outside digestive system such unwanted effects such as constipation, diarrhea, dark stool, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps.

Possible local and systemic reactions oversensitivity, taste changes. At long-term treatment Patients with kidney disease may experience thirst and decreased blood pressure.


Therapy is not prescribed for diverticulosis, changes in acid-base reaction, with cirrhosis, toxicosis in pregnant women.

It is necessary to consult a specialist in case of weight loss, difficulty swallowing or prolonged discomfort in the stomach or intestines.

Sekrepat Forte

An Italian analogue of the drug Rennie, a representative of the group of antacids and complex compounds.

Composition and dosage form

The active ingredients are dihydroxyaluminum aminoacetate, aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium trisilicate. Auxiliary components are represented by glycine, magnesium stearate, mint or anise essence, saccharin, sucrose.

Available in the form chewable tablets white with a stripe, anise or peppermint flavor.

When is the drug prescribed?

Intended for symptomatic treatment pain and heartburn due to pathologies of the intestines or stomach. Prescribed when peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal disease, gastritis, damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach caused by the abuse of sweets, coffee, alcohol or smoking. Also active when long-term treatment non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Contraindicated for whom

Contraindicated in case of allergic effects to the components of the drug, functional disorders kidney Also not used for Alzheimer's disease, hypophosphatemia, constipation, hypercalcemia, sharp pain in the stomach of unknown nature.

Adverse reactions

Among the side effects, only hypersensitivity reactions, rashes, itching, urticaria, and swelling were noted. Nausea and vomiting, discomfort, and discoloration of stool are possible.


The German analogue of the drug Rennie in its action, but has a different composition.

Composition and dosage form

The active substance is magaldrate anhydrous. Auxiliary components: sorbitol, polyethylene glycol, maltol, aromatic cream, calcium compounds.

Available in the form of chewable tablets round shape. Flat white or beige tablets, inclusions are possible, there is a line on both sides of the tablet.

When is it appointed?

It is used for heartburn, sour belching, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach and intestines, and indigestion.


Prohibited for use in case of excessive sensitivity to any components of the drug, as well as in patients with hypophosphatemia, common constipation, chronic diarrhea, and also when acute pain in the stomach of unknown origin. Prohibited for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Do not take if you are intolerant to sorbitol and fruit sugar.

Side effects

When consuming large doses, mild bowel movements are possible, and constipation or diarrhea is very rarely observed. There may be a whitewash taste and intoxication, especially in patients with kidney pathologies.

The drug may harm patients with porphyria on hemodialysis.

When choosing an analogue, be sure to consult with your doctor, since self-prescription of medications can seriously harm your health. The choice of an analogue is made exclusively after a thorough analysis of contraindications and drug interactions, as well as the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Rennie is marketed as a safe treatment for heartburn. Initially, the products were produced in Germany by the Bayer company; over time, the drug became known throughout the world. Currently production capacity are available on the territory of Russia. The drug belongs to the group of local antacids. Used as an independent remedy for heartburn or as part of complex therapy for various painful symptoms caused by gastrointestinal diseases.

Rennie comes in tablet form. square shape with the inscription RENNIE. Color white, brownish, dark spots allowed. The product is available in three variations - menthol, mint without sugar, and orange. From 2 to 12 pieces are packed in a blister. Tablets are intended to be chewed. In addition, the product is available in the form of granules called Rennie Express. The shelf life of any drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture; it should be stored away from sunlight.


The active components are 2 substances - calcium carbonate 680 mg in one tablet, magnesium carbonate 80 mg. Auxiliary components:

  1. sucrose;
  2. starch;
  3. magnesium stearate;
  4. talc;
  5. light liquid paraffin;
  6. flavorings.

In all forms of tablets, the basic composition is identical. When choosing, they are guided mainly by taste - menthol, mint, orange.


The drug belongs to the group of antacids. Therapeutic effect occurs within 5 minutes, which is due to rapid solubility and high calcium content. Rennie acts locally and does not penetrate the bloodstream, which reduces the likelihood of side effects. Mixing with gastric juice, it neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid and reduces the acidity level. Additionally, it coats the mucous membrane and prevents further irritation. The effect lasts about 4 hours. It is excreted from the body in urine and partly in feces.

Rennie at correct use does not cause side effects, it is allowed to be used by children pregnant in the last trimester. In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, Rennie is often included in complex therapy. Without consulting a specialist, it is allowed to take the drug for a week; if there is no desired therapeutic effect, you should undergo examination.

Indications for use

In everyday life, the drug Rennie is known as one of the most effective, safe means from heartburn. Symptoms for which you should chew the tablet:

  • belching of sour, bitter air;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth, plaque;
  • heartburn;
  • hiccups;
  • periodic stomach pain;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • rumbling, bloating;
  • feeling of fullness, heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea.

Rennie is taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity - gastroduodenitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers. It is advisable to take tablets for heartburn after taking medications, alcohol, smoking, as well as during pregnancy in recent months.


The main contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. The allergy manifests itself as skin rashes, worsening general well-being– increased heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and seek advice from a specialist.

Relative contraindications:

  • severe renal failure;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • nephrocalcinosis;
  • hypophosphatemia;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy in the first and second trimester.

In other words, it is contraindicated to take Rennie when serious illnesses kidneys, excessive calcium levels in the body. Since the active components enter the blood in minimal quantities, the drug is not prohibited from being used during breastfeeding.

How to take for heartburn

Adults are allowed to take up to 11 tablets per day. They are chewed or dissolved until completely dissolved. If relief does not occur within 2 hours, repeat the dose. You can use 2 tablets at a time. The course of therapy is individual in each case. However, if heartburn continues to bother you within 7 days, you should consult a specialist. additional medications. Children should take the tablets under the supervision of a doctor.

For symptomatic heartburn associated with nervous stress, fatty foods, alcohol, temporary digestive disorders, the therapeutic effect occurs within 5 minutes, relapse does not occur. If an attack of heartburn is associated with gastrointestinal diseases, Rennie should be taken at least 4 times a day for 10 days.

Allowed simultaneous administration other medicines to normalize the gastrointestinal tract. The interval between doses should be at least 2 hours. In addition, it is recommended to initially consult with a specialist about the advisability of complex treatment.

Use during pregnancy

Rennie is one of the few drugs recommended by doctors to eliminate heartburn in the last months of pregnancy. Prescribed if diet, lifestyle changes do not help, folk remedies. The tablets should be taken in case of urgent need, preferably no more than 3 tablets per day.

Side effects

At correct use Rennie is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. Adverse effects occur in the presence of individual intolerance or violation of instructions. If the course is too long - more than 14 days - calcium accumulates in the blood, which leads to negative consequences. The patient experiences stool disturbances, nausea, increased acidity of gastric juice, exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, and a general deterioration in health.

Price, where to buy

Rennie is actively sold through pharmacies and on websites on the Internet. You can buy the drug without leaving your home. The cost of packaging depends on the number of tablets.

  • 12 pcs. – 160 rub.;
  • 24 pcs. – 245 rub.;
  • 48 pcs. – 375 rub.;
  • Rennie Express 10 pcs. – 225 rub.

The cost may vary depending on the financial policy of the institution and the regional location of the pharmacy. The drug is available without a prescription.

Cheap analogues

You can replace Rennie with a drug from the group of antacids with similar action. In the price category less than 200 rubles. For packaging, you can pay attention to the following drugs.


The product is produced in the form of a suspension in several versions, tablets. You can distinguish them by the color of the packaging - yellow, orange, green. Almagel A additionally has an analgesic effect. Should be taken no more than 4 times a day for 7 days. After this, they switch to regular Almagel or Neo. An antacid is used for many gastrointestinal diseases associated with high acidity and heartburn.

The active components are magnesium hydroxide, algeldrate. The product neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid, regulates the production of gastric juice, and protects the mucous membrane from irritation. Eliminates nausea, hiccups, heaviness in the stomach, pain, discomfort. Take 1 scoop or 2 tablets at a time. The course of therapy depends on the severity of symptoms. If heartburn occurs symptomatically, it stops the attack in 5 minutes.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the components; use is prohibited in the first months of pregnancy. Side effects include constipation long-term use. The price of the bottle is about 150 rubles. One bottle is enough for a month of full-fledged therapy. After opening the cap, the product can be used for 30 days. The shelf life of a closed bottle is 3 years from the date of manufacture.


It is produced in the form of tablets with different flavors - cherry, mint, neutral taste. It is applied for symptomatic therapy diseases of the digestive tract associated with high acidity, accompanied by heartburn and without it. Indications are gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, hernia, reflux disease, gastritis, gastroduodenitis.

Take 1-2 tablets an hour after meals. Definitely before bed. The active components of Gastal are magnesium and aluminum salts. The product neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid, reduces acidity, envelops the mucous membrane, and protects against irritation. The drug is used symptomatically to relieve heartburn, discomfort in the stomach or as part of complex therapy for gastrointestinal diseases.

The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the symptoms. Before using the tablets, you should consult a specialist. The therapeutic effect occurs within 5 minutes and lasts about 2 hours. Gastal is sold without a prescription, the price of a package is about 150 rubles. Shelf life – 3 years from the date of manufacture. Prohibited for children under 12 years of age with individual intolerance to components during pregnancy in the first or second trimester.


The product is produced in the form of a gel. There are several active ingredients - pectin, aluminum phosphate, agar-agar, sorbitol. Neutralizes hydrochloric acid, normalizes acidity, has an enveloping effect, and helps remove toxins from the body. It is used as a single drug for diseases of the digestive tract or in complex therapy. Used for peptic ulcers, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, hiatal hernia, gastrointestinal disorders, intoxication due to alcohol abuse, smoking, coffee. Eliminates flatulence, nausea, discomfort in the abdomen, stomach, heartburn, belching. The packaging focuses on the following symptoms: belching, diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain.

The drug is taken in the form of a gel or diluted in a small amount of water. Adults should take 1-2 sachets up to 3 times a day. The course of therapy is up to 10 days in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases. The drug can be given to children from 6 months. Dose – 1 teaspoon half an hour after feeding. The effect occurs within 5 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours.

A direct contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance. Long-term use may cause constipation. Pregnant women are allowed to take it under the supervision of a specialist in the last trimester. Available at the pharmacy without a prescription. Price – 16 rub. for 1 sachet. It is possible to buy individually. There are 20 pieces in a package.


It is produced in the form of a suspension in a bottle, dosed sachets, and tablets. By active composition is an analogue of Almagel. The active ingredients are alhydrate and magnesium hydroxide. Indications for use are heartburn, belching, increased acidity, abdominal discomfort, feeling of fullness, heaviness in the stomach. Prescribed as part of complex therapy for gastritis, gastroduodenitis, and ulcers.

Contraindications to the use of Maalox are individual intolerance, severe renal failure. With prolonged use for more than 1 month, a problem with stool – constipation – may occur. It is prohibited for pregnant women early stages, children under 12 years old.

You should take 1 tablet or one sachet three times a day. To eliminate symptomatic heartburn, one dose is enough. The effect occurs within 10 minutes. The drug should be taken 20 minutes before meals or half an hour after meals.

Maalox is available in pharmacies without a prescription. A package of tablets costs about 200 rubles, a bottle with a suspension costs around 300 rubles, but if you buy it in a bag – 20 rubles. for 1 piece

The antacid is produced in several forms - suspension, sachet, chewable tablets. The active component is anhydrous magaldrate. The substance neutralizes hydrochloric acid, normalizes acidity, eliminates heartburn, discomfort in the stomach and abdomen.

The suspension is taken 1 measuring spoon or sachet 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals or after meals. The drug is suitable for the symptomatic treatment of heartburn or complex therapy. The tablets dissolve. Relief occurs within 10 minutes. The maximum course of therapy is 14 days. If there is no relief within a week, you should seek help from a specialist and undergo an examination.

Riopan is compatible with other medications to reduce acidity and normalize the digestive tract. Contraindications are allergies to components, pregnancy in the first months, feeding, children under 12 years of age. The drug is sold in pharmacies. A bottle of suspension costs about 120 rubles, a package of tablets costs 60 rubles.

When choosing an analogue, you should pay attention not only to the price, but also to the composition active ingredients, peculiarity of action, the possibility of side effects.

Benefits of Rennie

Experts say the main advantage is the absence of aluminum salts. There is constant debate about this active component in antacids. Experts warn about the possibility of accumulation of aluminum salts during frequent use antacid drug. The accumulation of aluminum in the body adversely affects brain function and provokes diseases. nervous system, and premature aging. Rennie is one of the few drugs in a huge range of antacids without aluminum. Its active components are calcium and magnesium salts. It is thanks to this feature that Rennie is called safe medicine from heartburn.

The second advantage is the convenient form of release - lozenges. They can be easily carried with you in your purse, pocket, or purse. Buyers note affordable price along with high quality. You can buy the product at any pharmacy, which is also important. One more important point There is a choice of flavors - mint, menthol with a refreshing effect, orange.

An absolute advantage is the ability to use Rennie during pregnancy, since the problem occurs in 99% of women latest dates. The drug acts locally, a minimal amount of active components enters the bloodstream, and there is no threat to the child.

To increase the effectiveness of the drug, you should follow a diet, normalize your food intake, change your lifestyle, give up bad habits. The drug helps eliminate heartburn, but does not prevent it reappearance. Required preventive measures, neutralization of the effects of negative factors.