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Choosing the best throat lozenges. Medicines for sore throat: a review of pharmaceutical, homeopathic and folk remedies

Throat diseases affect a large percentage of the world's population. The trend towards an increase in ENT problems remains high and appears during a period of epidemic instability, when viral infections are spreading by leaps and bounds.

In order to alleviate the suffering of the sick, pharmaceutical companies We are constantly working to create new drugs for throat diseases. Many patients will not let you lie that there are no remedies that would 100% eliminate a sore throat. Lozenges, rinsing and irrigation only dull the pain. Until the cause of the disease is eliminated, unpleasant symptoms will continue to be felt.

How do lozenge tablets work?

During a sore throat, patients complain of a number of unpleasant symptoms: soreness, pain, hoarseness, swelling, and all these manifestations are most felt when swallowing. The culprit is toxins - the waste product of viruses and bacteria. They are not only capable of causing a local inflammatory process, but can also affect an increase in body temperature, decreased immunity, and the appearance of general malaise.

Lozenges for sore throat eliminate the proliferation of bacterial, viral and fungal microflora. Unpleasant symptoms gradually subside, and the desired effect is observed more by the third day.

The instructions for absorbable agents describe in detail how it works. Only a doctor will select the best drug for children and adults, taking into account the cause of the inflammatory process (bacteria, viruses, allergens, etc.).

Indications for taking tablets for sore throat

Lozenges or lozenges are used for the following diseases:

  • angina;
  • tracheitis;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • atrophic throat diseases;
  • injuries to the pharynx and vocal cords;
  • candidiasis of the oral cavity and pharynx.

Note! Throat tablets should be prescribed only after established diagnosis. As a rule, they are recommended only in complex therapy with drugs that eliminate the underlying disease.

How to choose the right tablets or lozenges for a sore throat?

It all depends on the cause of the disease and the severity of symptoms.

  1. If the patient has a predominant sore throat, the tablets should contain an anesthetic.
  2. With a “blooming” bacterial process, an antibiotic or antiseptic is needed.
  3. For swelling of the throat, an anti-inflammatory or antihistamine is suitable.

That is why lozenges are selected purely individually.

Lozenges to relieve sore throat

The main advantage of these agents is their anesthetic effect, i.e. reduction of pain syndrome. When a patient complains of severe pain in the throat, difficulty swallowing, the following medications are prescribed:

  • laripront;
  • Falimint;
  • other.

The frequency of taking these drugs varies. For example, Laripront is used three times a day, Falimint up to five times a day, Hexoral every two hours.

The most expensive of these drugs is Falimint, the cheapest is Hexoral.

Antibacterial throat tablets

These drugs are prescribed for bacterial infections of the throat (sore throat, tonsillitis). The ideal thing is to carry out a bacterial culture of the throat, where the pathogen will be determined, and then it will be easier to select the right drug for treatment.

Antibacterial tablets are used for sore throat various forms, paratonsillar abscess, tonsillitis (acute and chronic form). Antibiotics included in the absorbable products destroy bacteria, sore throat and inflammation go away. In addition to the antibacterial effect, some of these products also have an analgesic effect.

So, antibacterial throat tablets:

  • stopangin;
  • trachisan;
  • doritricin;
  • streptoid;
  • other.

Among these remedies, first of all I would like to mention grammidin. The drug can be used in pregnant women and children starting from the age of six. The drug is contraindicated for lactating women. Grammidin relieves pain, inflammation and all this without any side effects.

All of these drugs, except streptocide, have analgesic components in their composition. The most expensive drug is grammidin, the cheapest is streptocide.

Antiseptic tablets for resorption

Compared to antibacterial drugs, antiseptics have a number of advantages. They are not as harmful as antibiotics, are easier to tolerate, and often have more low price. Excellent destruction bacterial flora, stop its growth and serve to sanitize the nasopharynx when high titers of dangerous bacteria are detected.

For example, many health workers often have the so-called Staphylococcus aureus, while the person is not in a state of illness. For prevention, so that the titer of bacterial growth does not increase, the pharynx is sanitized.

Of course, in serious cases, antiseptics will not replace antibacterial drugs, therefore, their field of activity is maximum mild and uncomplicated inflammatory processes.

The composition of antiseptics is aimed at oxidizing pathological cells and stopping enzymatic attacks. Thanks to this action, the number of bacteria drops sharply, and “unfinished” pathological agents are destroyed immune protection, which is not always able to cope big amount harmful microorganisms.

So, the most popular antiseptics in tablets include:

  • decathylene;
  • pharyngosept;
  • strepsils;
  • septefril;
  • septolete;
  • trisils;
  • other.

All of these medications are absorbed under the tongue (sublingually). According to the instructions for use, each throat medication has maximum dosage. On average, these tablets dissolve every three hours.

Decathylene, strepsils and septolete contain substances that relieve pain and soften the throat. For example, septolet contains menthol and peppermint oil, and decathylene contains an anesthetic – dibucaine hydrochloride.

According to many patients, strepsils acts faster and stronger, than its other “colleagues”, and at the same time perfectly relieves a sore throat. Cold symptoms disappear in 3–4 days. The disadvantage of this tool is that acceptable age The use of this drug begins only at 12 years of age.

Lizobact has a number of advantages over other throat antiseptics. It can be used in children (from three years of age), pregnant and lactating women. The drug contains lysozyme, which has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects. Thanks to lysobact, local immunity is restored.

The drug faringosept is popular among otolaryngologists. He showed excellent results during clinical trials, and fully corresponds pharmacological action according to the instructions for use. The drug is used only after 6 years. Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications.

As for the price, the situation is this: lysobact and septolete are the most expensive, the cheapest are septefril and trisils.

Non-steroidal throat remedies

These remedies solve three main problems: eliminate inflammation, pain and normalize body temperature when it rises. Target non-steroidal drugs, help the patient get rid of painful symptoms as quickly as possible. The disadvantage of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is that they do not destroy pathogenic microflora.

Among NSAIDs for the throat, three drugs can be distinguished:

  • t-sept,
  • tantum verde (spray) and strepfen.

In this group I would like to highlight tantum verde - a unique anti-inflammatory drug that has no age restrictions, and is also acceptable for use in lactating and pregnant women.

The drug calms and relieves pain sore throat. Tantum Verde is available only in a spray; there is no tablet form of the drug, although it is often searched for in search engines.

The cheapest among them is t-sept.

Herbal tablets

Herbal tablets are the safest healers for a sore throat, although they also have allergic reactions. Such drugs act gently, are pleasant to the taste, soften an inflamed throat with dryness and soreness, and relieve pain. These include the following:

  • isla;
  • pectusin;
  • ajisept;
  • Dr. Mom;
  • linkas lore;
  • Travisil;
  • other.

Homeopathy for pain in the larynx

Homeopathic medicines work in different ways. Some patients believe that homeopathic tablets or peas are drugs that take effect after a certain period of time, but this is not the case. Classical homeopaths claim that homeopathic medicines, if chosen correctly, can act literally from the first day of treatment.

Not everyone is able to visit a homeopathic office, because... In small towns it is difficult to find a homeopath, but in pharmacies there are complex homeopathic throat tablets, for example, such as tonsilgon or tonsilotren. The drugs eliminate pain, swelling, increase local and general immunity. And all this thanks to chamomile, dandelion, walnut and other components included in these drugs.

Homeopathic throat remedies often contain plants such as eucalyptus, mint, licorice, anise, turmeric, fennel, Icelandic moss, ginger, violet.

  1. The cheapest drug from the above list is pectusin,
  2. the most expensive is Isla and Travisil.

Despite the safety herbal preparations remember that the use of any medications must be agreed with your doctor.

Lozenges for the throat during pregnancy and lactation

The likelihood of contracting a viral or bacterial infection during pregnancy or breastfeeding is quite high. The mother's body works in an intense mode, giving everything it needs to its child. Hence the weakening of the immune system and the risk of developing all kinds of diseases. Sometimes hormonal changes During these periods of a woman’s life, it becomes the cause of weakened immune function.

Let’s say that a woman gets sick with ARVI during pregnancy and has a sore throat. Soreness, dryness, and swelling appeared. What is the best thing to do in this case? How not to harm the fetus, so that, God forbid, the infection does not cross the placental barrier? Particularly dangerous in this regard are tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis.

  1. Firstly, when selecting medications for resorption, carefully study the instructions, which necessarily contain information for pregnant and lactating women,
  2. and secondly, get a consultation from two doctors - an ENT specialist and an obstetrician-gynecologist.

If a woman has a common cold, you can safely gargle with an infusion of chamomile, calendula or sage. Lozenges or even sweets with eucalyptus help well. At the slightest deterioration of the condition, you must urgently contact the on-duty ENT specialist. It is possible that the doctor will select an antibacterial agent approved for pregnant and lactating women.

Features of the use of lozenges in children

IN childhood Throat diseases are common. This is all due to the still unformed immunity, as well as the difficulty of detecting a sore throat in a baby in a timely manner. Therefore, parents should know some signs that their child may have a sore throat, they are as follows:

  • coughing;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • hoarseness;
  • other.

You can use absorbable tablets when the baby is able to dissolve them, as well as when the permitted age is observed according to the instructions for use.

For the youngest patients, it is recommended to crush the tablet, and then medicinal powder let the child dissolve. This will take some time, about 5–10 minutes. The powder should be given in parts to prevent the baby from choking. The powder should not be mixed with water or other drinks. The medicine must remain on the walls of the mucous membrane of the throat for at least an hour for the effect to be maximum.

Various throat pathologies are very common. They are accompanied by pain and other symptoms. To avoid discomfort, you need to consult an otolaryngologist. The specialist will conduct a detailed diagnosis and select effective ones.

Throat diseases - causes, symptoms

TO key reasons illnesses include the following:

  • infection with bacterial microorganisms;
  • viruses;
  • low humidity;
  • defeat chemicals- For example, ;
  • consuming substances that are too cold.

The maximum number of cases occurs in the off-season. It is during this period that leads to damage to the throat by bacteria and viruses.

Effective drugs for sore throat

Today there are many effective drugs that are used to combat pain.


All funds are divided into several categories. Depending on the action, there are the following substances:

  1. Antimicrobial agents. They contain antiseptics that help cope with pathogens. Also, such preparations may contain menthol, which has an analgesic and calming effect. These substances are more often used in irrigation.
  2. Phytotherapeutic medicines. These substances are usually used for inhalation. They help reduce cough and.
  3. Combined substances. Such products have several effects at once - they cope with germs and soothe the throat. Such preparations are produced in the form of lozenges, rinses and aerosols.
  4. Immunostimulants. These substances have a deep effect. They help strengthen the immune system. Thanks to this, recovery occurs much faster.

In addition, there are means to alleviate the patient's condition. These include medications plant origin– in particular, romazulan. Doctors can also prescribe synthetic drugs - dioxidine.

Active substances include miramistin, chlorhexidine, strepsils. In cases of severe pain, substances such as tantum verde and strepfen can be used.

Popular medications for sore throat


Homeopathic remedies are becoming increasingly popular and positive reviews about treatment with such drugs. Such drugs are actively used for therapy because they have complex action, cope , and .

The substances have a beneficial effect on the immune system and activate recovery processes. They contain no synthetic ingredients. Natural ingredients are used to make products, including minerals and plants.

Thanks to homeopathy, it is possible to disinfect mucous membranes, strengthen immune system and cope with pain. One of the most the best drugs considered isla-mint.

Watch a video with reviews of various drugs for sore throat:

Folk recipes

There are many effective home remedies that help solve the problem:

  1. Honey and lemon. Thus, it stops the proliferation of bacteria and helps soften the mucous membrane. At the same time, lemon helps cope with phlegm. To prepare a healthy drink, you need to add it to a glass. warm water 1 tablespoon each of honey and lemon.
  2. Salty water. This product should be used for rinsing. Salt helps clear mucus and infections, while warm liquid has a soothing effect. To make a solution, 1 small spoon of salt must be dissolved in 250 ml of water. Rinse every 3 hours.
  3. Ginger. A couple of spoons fresh root ginger should be poured with boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour. Take as needed.
  4. Garlic. This product It perfectly clears the throat of mucus and copes with viruses. To solve these problems, it is enough to periodically chew garlic. If this causes discomfort, you need to pour boiling water over the crushed product and leave for 5 minutes. Then add mint or parsley. Use the prepared infusion for gargling the throat and nasopharynx.

Enough effective method therapies are considered nebulizer with aromatic oils. Fir, eucalyptus, and grapefruit are perfect for this purpose.

Photo recipe effective drug for sore throat

Available means

The following will help improve your condition: inexpensive means, which are suitable for both children and adults, and they can also be used during pregnancy:

  • drink a lot - drinking plenty of fluids helps to avoid dehydration, make secretions less thick and soothe an irritated throat;
  • use a humidifier or a container of water - this will help humidify the air in the room;
  • take a tablespoon of honey and apple cider vinegar, mix with a glass of warm water and take the product three times a day;
  • eat hot chicken bouillon– it will help saturate the body with vitamins.

Complex therapy

To improve the condition, you need to use systemic medications. They are prescribed by a doctor depending on the causative agent of the disease. The main categories of medications include the following:

  1. – indicated for bacterial pathologies and. Most often, drugs from the penicillin category are prescribed. Agents from the group of macrolides can also be used.
  2. Antiviral agents - indicated for pharyngitis or laryngitis of a viral nature.
  3. Antifungal substances – used for fungal pathologies.
  4. Antihistamines are prescribed if the cause of pain is an allergy.
  5. and anti-inflammatory substances - help cope with inflammation, pain and fever.

How to treat a sore throat, watch our video:

Before using medications, you should carefully study the instructions. When taking throat medications, you must follow these rules:

  1. Use the product only after meals. After using them, it is forbidden to drink or eat for several hours. Otherwise, the effect will be incomplete.
  2. If used, they should not be swallowed or chewed. Such products should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.
  3. The drugs are most often required to be used 3-4 times a day. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the permissible volume, as this will cause side effects.
  4. If after several days of therapy the effect does not occur, you should consult your doctor. Most likely, the cause of the pain is a serious illness.

Pain in the throat area is very common. To cope with a symptom, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis and determine the causes of its occurrence. To do this, you should consult a doctor who will select the best medications.

A sore throat is one of the most annoying and unpleasant diseases. A large number of drugs are often used to treat it. Everything is used: sprays, solutions, lozenges, tablets for sore throat. Undoubtedly, the listed methods of combating the disease can help the patient and often cope with both the symptoms of the disease and the inflammatory process itself.

In what cases should you use tablets?

Specified pharmaceutical agents should be used when advanced stages diseases - acute tonsillitis or pharyngitis. In addition, tablets for sore throat are used if there is oral cavity stomatitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis. It would be useful to take the above medications even if you have chronic tonsillitis.

Sometimes a sore throat is caused by bacterial inflammation. In such cases, experts recommend resorting to drugs that have an antibacterial effect. The best and most convenient throat medicines are tablets. The fight against the disease should be local in nature. The use of antibiotics here is unnecessary.

Of course, without the help of a doctor, it is impossible to accurately determine the type of microorganism that caused irritation in the throat. The type of bacteria can only be classified over time. However, treatment of the throat must begin from the moment the first symptoms make themselves felt. In this case, pain relief pills come to the rescue. Such a remedy will significantly reduce the risk of transition from an inflammatory process to a more serious illness.

Types of drugs

To remove discomfort It is customary to use several types of tablet medications in the throat area:

  1. Local anesthetics are lozenges for the throat. They are able to have an analgesic effect on the mucous membrane.
  2. Agents characterized by anti-inflammatory effects. They are usually taken orally and fight the source of inflammation.
  3. Antiseptic medications. Facilities antimicrobial action. Available in the form of lozenges.
  4. Antihistamines. Able to slow down the synthesis of histamine in the body. Available in the form of preparations for internal use.
  5. Antibiotic throat tablets are medications that have an antibacterial effect and have a local effect on the body. Taken orally.

All of the above types of medications should be taken after eating food. This is explained by a possible decrease in the effect of the tablets during the reaction of the drug to saliva. However, not always tablets for sore throat can help in the fight against the disease. Eg, severe forms purulent pharyngitis and sore throat cannot be cured with absorbable medications alone. In this case, the development of the disease can be prevented by additional drainage of the affected organs and sanitation of the tonsils. The only way out of this situation will be to find antibiotic throat tablets. And of course, mandatory removal of purulent formations will be required.

Why choose pills?

In case of irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, tablets can provide the most optimal effect. medical supplies. Rinse solutions are, of course, a working option, but using them may not be entirely convenient (during a trip or in the office). Treatment with sprays can also cause some discomfort. Drinks that are no less healthy have their downsides. Such medicines must be taken in large quantities, which creates some discomfort when treating a patient outside the home. In this case, it is quite difficult, for example, to crush gargle tablets and prepare the appropriate solution. Think for yourself, constantly carrying a spoon, glass, towel and water with you is not very convenient. It is easier, of course, to enlist the help of drugs specially designed for these purposes.

Mints can also be used to relieve pain syndromes, but they will not be able to provide such a narrowly targeted effect. therapeutic effect like medicines. The specified sweets do not have significant analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. They are simply unable to effectively fight the disease.

But lozenges for the throat are the most effective option fight the disease. Such products are quite convenient to use and store. They are really capable of influencing the patient’s condition and quickly eliminating the source of inflammation.

How to use the tablets

The above-mentioned means, in their essence, are considered complete medicines. Even the sweet taste and pleasant smell of such lozenges does not give the right to treat them without due attention. Treatment with these pharmaceuticals is permitted only after the patient has read the instructions. The whole point is that here you need to take into account the time during which these throat medications can act on a weakened body.

However, the specified drugs can also be classified as non-medicinal products. Because if we're talking about about lozenges for the throat, they do not have the same properties as antibiotics. Considering this fact, it can be noted that for treatment similar medications no mandatory doctor's prescription is required. Tablets for sore throat can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

When using these medications, you should follow simple rules:

  • The above-mentioned drugs must be dissolved in the mouth until they are completely dissolved.
  • Tablets for sore throat are usually taken after drinking and eating. After dissolving the medication, you should refrain from snacking for 1-2 hours. Such a technique will allow medicinal substance be completely absorbed in the body.
  • If the desired effect does not occur for several days, it is recommended to immediately consult your doctor. Increased sore throat, burning and soreness in the larynx, fever, weakness, etc. - all these are prerequisites for the onset of a serious illness.

Medicinal lozenges, lozenges, dragees and tablets

All of the above remedies are topical medications. Such throat lozenges must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Chewing them is contraindicated. Lozenges and medicinal lozenges, in addition to active substance, may also contain sweeteners (sorbitol or sugar), flavoring and aromatic additives (honey, cherry, lemon, etc.). Such ingredients help make medicines pleasant in taste and color. The special manufacturing process of tablets and lozenges ensures a uniform release of active enzymes in the oral cavity.

When using the prescribed medications, diabetics are required to consult with their doctor (especially when using tablets containing sugar). After all, such drugs can easily increase the level of the specified enzyme in the patient’s blood. It is recommended that children be given lozenges and tablets at a conscious age in order to prevent the baby from involuntarily swallowing the drug. It is strongly recommended to store such medications away from children to avoid poisoning in case of their indiscriminate use.

So, let's try to list the most popular drugs for sore throat found on the domestic market today.


The specified medication was received wide use thanks to its unique combined composition. This includes substances such as: lidocaine hydrochloride (1 mg), chlorhexidine digluconate (1 mg), and tyrothricine (0.5 mg).

Chlorhexidine is a substance that has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action against gram-negative and gram-positive harmful organisms. It should be noted that this component of the drug is practically harmless. The substance is not absorbed into the walls of the stomach and duodenum, and therefore harmful components cannot enter the general bloodstream.

A few words regarding tyrothricin should also be added. The above substance is capable of stimulating the release of bodies containing phosphorus and nitrogen from bacteria. Through this, the membranes of harmful cells are destroyed. In addition to the above, the enzyme separates the phenomena of oxidative phosphorylation and tissue respiration.

"Trachisan" is recommended for use not only as an effective drug included in the category of "throat medicine", but also for various infections in the oral cavity. The attending physician may prescribe the specified remedy as a restorative drug after surgical interventions in the nasopharynx area.


The drug is presented on the market in the form of pleasant-tasting tablets that can effectively combat sore throats and have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic effects. The use of the described product is allowed for children over 6 years of age. For women during lactation, the use of Grammidin is strictly contraindicated. It has been proven that such tablets, if used correctly, are unable to cause adverse reactions.


These are absorbable lozenges that provide an antiseptic and analgesic effect. The drug is able to fight inflammation in the throat, softens the affected organ and relieves cold symptoms. The manufacturer included only natural additives in Strepsils, which is why the drug is suitable for use by both adults and children over 12 years of age. For women breastfeeding, the medication is prescribed only with the permission of a doctor.


Can be used by both adults and children from 3 years of age. The main active enzyme here is lysozyme, which has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effects. In addition, the specified substance can enhance the effect of antibiotics and ensure the restoration of immunity at the local level.


These dissolving tablets have an effect similar to antibiotics. Moreover, the use of this medicine significantly reduces pain syndrome in the throat. "Faryngosept" is quite a strong drug, and therefore its use is contraindicated for nursing women and children under 6 years of age. Take these pills after a snack. The time to abstain from food after taking the product is 3 hours.


Gargling tablets. Having an antiseptic nature, they have an excellent effect on the mucous membrane of the diseased organ. This is not the only use of the drug. It should be noted that it is also used if the patient has burns, purulent wounds and bedsores. Used as an external agent. Localizes the source of the disease within 5-6 days. It is worth noting that Furacilin may not provide positive influence in case of herpes.

How to choose the right drug

Today, the pharmaceutical market is ready to provide the consumer with many options for homeopathic medicines against inflammatory processes in the throat. Tonsilotren is considered quite effective. Treatment of the throat with this drug can provide excellent pain relief, reduce swelling, and relieve inflammation. lymph nodes. In addition, Tonsilotren is an antipyretic.

The market is also crowded vitamin complexes and immunostimulants that, in the case of complex therapy, can cope with the disease. The specified type of drugs is recommended to be used after a course of antibiotics.

Finally, it is worth highlighting some characteristics according to which a drug is determined:

  1. The patient's age and physical condition.
  2. The cause of the pain syndrome (dry cough, ARVI, the presence of foreign irritants, etc.).
  3. Physical characteristics of the patient and concomitant with the disease pathology.


The drugs described above are really good throat tablets. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions when choosing and remember that not every medicine may be suitable for you. To protect yourself from severe consequences, you should carefully monitor your condition. Pain that does not go away within several days is an alarm bell. You should notify your doctor immediately.

The most common reason Seeing a therapist is a sore throat. The most common cause of pain is a viral cold, less often bacterial infection. There is a feeling of discomfort when swallowing; upon examination, the pharynx of the larynx is red and swollen.

Later, the throat begins to hurt at rest, it becomes difficult to speak, and other symptoms appear - fever, cough.

A whole group may be hiding under a sore throat colds:

  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis.

According to statistics, in most cases with a cold, viral pharyngitis develops, less often sore throat of bacterial or viral origin. Laryngitis and tracheitis can be considered a complication when inflammation in the throat progresses and affects the underlying sections.

Helper for colds

Since colds are widespread and seasonal, local dissolving tablets were invented to treat the initial stages of a cold with a sore throat. These tablets contain an antibiotic, an anesthetic component, auxiliary additives that improve taste, and flavorings.

Often the tablets include natural plant extracts, honey, and mumiyo. These components are useful for a weakened body and allow you to give up artificial stimulants of taste and smell.

Typically, topical antibacterial tablets are slowly dissolved in the mouth every 2-3 hours. When using all such drugs, it is advisable to refrain from eating and drinking for about 2 hours after resorption. Gargling should also be done before the tablet is dissolved, and not after.

Although there are drugs that are safe in composition, lozenges are usually not prescribed to children under 3-4 years of age because they do not yet understand how to use them and often swallow or chew the tablet.

Features of the action of drugs The main component of medications for sore throat is a local antibiotic. Despite the fact that the symptoms of a cold are most often caused by viruses, a secondary infection of bacterial origin often occurs later.

In the past, general practitioners immediately prescribed an antibiotic for a cold, most often from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins. Later medical standards were revised, and the practice of mandatory treatment of colds with antibiotics was abandoned. It was found that the antibiotic, acting on the entire body, negatively affects beneficial bacteria, living in the intestines and participating in the digestion process.

And this in turn leads to a decrease in immunity and an increase in the number of colds. Therefore, it is so important that the antibacterial effect of a tablet for treating a throat is local and not systemic. The drug should suppress the infection locally in the throat, but should not cause dysbiosis or inhibit the intestinal flora.

This is why regular antibiotics are never used in throat treatment tablets. wide range actions.

The following are the active ingredients in some sore throat remedies:

Strictly speaking, from the point of view of a pharmacologist, most of the active ingredients in throat tablets are more likely to belong to the group of antiseptics.

However, in a practical sense, the difference between the concepts of antiseptic and local antibiotic not that significant. The difference lies in the methods of synthesis: chemical or microbiological. An antiseptic always acts locally, but antibiotics for the most part, have an antibacterial effect on the entire body. But, as already mentioned, substances with broad activity are not used in throat tablets.

Dosage forms

The choice of an active component for the treatment of sore throat is determined not only by its exclusively local effect, but also by its safety during absorption in the oral cavity, as well as accidental ingestion. Therefore, from a large group of antiseptics, only a few with special properties are suitable.

To keep it simple, all the antibacterial components in tablets for sore throat can be safely called a local antibiotic.

Inexpensive drug made in India. Antibacterial composition:

Available in the form of lozenges with various types flavoring additives: eucalyptus-menthol, honey-lemon, pineapple. Take 1 pc. In 2 hours. Maximum daily dose 8 tablets. Children over 6 years old: 1 piece. in 4 hours. There are 24 pieces in a package, the average price is about 100-120 rubles.


The tablets are available in cherry, honey, and lemon flavors. For sore throat, 1 tablet is prescribed. every 2-3 hours. Recommended for use by children from 5 years of age. There are 24 pieces in a package, the average price is 150-200 rubles.

Grammidin Neo and Gramicidin S

The active component is gramicidin C, a local antibiotic, which provides a bactericidal effect. The medication is effective for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and stomatitis. Not recommended in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Additionally, the following forms of Grammidin are produced:

  • children's;
  • with an anesthetic.

Children's Grammidin can be used from 4 years of age. The anesthetic form provides additional comfort in case of severe pain. The package contains 18 lozenges. Prices in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg vary between 220-310 rubles.

The active ingredient of the drug Gramicidin C is an antibiotic with the same name. Use 2 tablets 4 times a day. There are 20 tablets in a package. The price in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 120-160 rubles.

Used for pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis and other infectious, inflammatory diseases mouth and throat.

Contains the following components:

  • antibiotic tyrothricin;
  • chlorhexidine as antibacterial components;
  • lidocaine as an anesthetic.

Does not contain sugar. Prescribed 1 tablet every 2 hours, over 12 years of age no more than 8 tablets. per day. There are 20 tablets in a package. Price 400-450 rub.

Theraflu Lar

Contains benzoxonium chloride, which has antimicrobial effect and lidocaine, which relieves sore throat. Adults are prescribed 1 tablet every 2.5 hours, but not more than 10 pieces. in a day. Children over 4 years of age take no more than 6 tablets per day. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

There are 16 pieces in a package, the price for Moscow and St. Petersburg varies between 200-250 rubles.

An original drug for use in ENT practice and dentistry. As an active ingredient it contains the natural enzyme lysozyme, which has an antibacterial effect.

Additionally contains pyridoxine, which protects the mucous membranes from ulceration. Thanks to this composition, it can be used without restrictions during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children from 3 years of age. Among the contraindications is only an individual reaction to the components.

There are 30 tablets in a package. Prescribed 3 times a day. Adults: 2 tablets, children: 1 tablet. appointment. The cost in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 250-290 rubles.

Tantum Verde

Contains benzydamine hydrochloride, which has local antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Apply for resorption 3-4 times during the day. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, children under 12 years of age.

Available in 20 tablets. packaged. The cost in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 280-310 rubles.

Septolete and Septogal

The composition includes the following components:

Indications: local remedy for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and gums. Adults take 1 tablet every 3 hours. Children over 4 years of age take no more than 4 tablets per day. The package contains 30 tablets, the average price is 145 rubles.

The antibacterial composition includes dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol. Additionally, the composition contains: peppermint, sugar syrup. Available in numerous variants, may contain: natural honey, eucalyptus leaves, ascorbic acid. The most common forms of release:

The drug is prescribed for local treatment ENT diseases 1 tablet. every 2-3 hours. There are 24 pieces in a package, the price can range from 250-270 rubles.


Contains chlorhexidine, which has a mainly bacteriostatic effect, and ascorbic acid. Indications: sore throat, colds initial stage. Recommended dosage 4-5 tablets. per day. The package contains 20 tablets, the price of the package is 140-160 rubles.

Contains ambazon - a highly effective local bacteriostatic agent. It is used in the initial stages of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, as well as for the prevention of infectious complications during tooth extraction.

Can be used in children from 3 years of age. The medication is also approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. Contains sucrose, lactose. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, diabetes mellitus. It is acceptable for use by children over 7 years of age; adults are prescribed 3-5 tablets. per day. There are 20 tablets in a package, the price ranges from 150-160 rubles.

All of the above methods are used when initial signs colds. But they do not replace a doctor's prescription. Remember this and do not self-medicate.

Update: January 2019

The first remedy that is used when a sore throat is lozenges, tablets and lozenges that need to be dissolved. They are able to relieve pain, reduce inflammation in the mucous membrane of the throat, and eliminate paroxysms of dry cough caused by irritation of receptors on the mucous membrane of the throat. But the pharmaceutical industry produces so many of them. How do you know which lozenges will really help with a sore throat?

Below we will look at what kind of lollipops, lozenges or lozenges exist, which of them are the most effective, which of them can be attributed to the most affordable price segment. We will also describe which products can be used in pregnant women and which in children.

Who can benefit from lozenges and lozenges?

Throat lozenges or other forms of medication that require resorption are prescribed for:

  • sore throat;
  • feeling of “stinging”, “soreness” in the throat;
  • dry hacking cough when smoking or ARVI;
  • painful swallowing;
  • combination of sore throat with cough;
  • halitosis;
  • hoarse voice;
  • gum pain;
  • as preparation for invasive interventions on the oral cavity (for example, before installing dental implants).

But pay attention, the condition when the throat hurts and it hurts to swallow can be a manifestation of not only viral infection. This is how lacunar tonsillitis, caused by streptococcus (less commonly, staphylococcus), and phlegmon of fatty tissue around the tonsils manifest themselves. These diseases are treated with the mandatory prescription of systemic antibiotics, otherwise life-threatening complications may develop. In this case, lozenges alone (even with an antibiotic) are not enough. Therefore, if, looking into a sore throat, you see white dots on the tonsils (purulent plaque), or, looking in the mirror, you see that your neck is swollen, you should not go to the pharmacy, but urgently go to the hospital, where ENT doctors are available around the clock.

Types of lozenges for sore throat

To relieve sore throat, depending on the main active ingredients, can be used:

  1. Lollipops on natural basis . They may contain extracts of chamomile, sage, licorice,; they may include lemon and honey. They have an anti-inflammatory effect due to their components. In addition, they increase salivation. Saliva, together with the components of the product, lubricates, moisturizes the throat, and reduces dryness. These are the drugs that can be used during pregnancy, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.
  2. Preparations for resorption with antiseptics. This is the most common group of drugs aimed at destroying large quantity microorganisms (including viruses) that cause inflammation and sore throat.
  3. Antibiotic lozenges. They can only destroy bacteria that are sensitive to them and localized in the oral cavity. Do not act on viruses or fungal flora. They cause an imbalance between beneficial and harmful microflora in the oral cavity, so their prescription must be justified, which can only be done by a doctor.
  4. Resorption preparations with an immunomodulatory effect. Manufacturers indicate that such drugs normalize both local and systemic immunity.
  5. Homeopathic tablets for sore throat. They have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and do not affect microbes.
  6. Combined products. Such lozenges or lozenges contain several different components: usually an anti-inflammatory agent of natural or synthetic origin, a decongestant component, and an antiseptic.
  7. Homemade lollipops-cm.

The vast majority of such resorption drugs provide mainly only local action, practically not being absorbed into the blood. They declare that active substance Only the manufacturers Falimint and Septolete Total are absorbed into the blood.

Lollipops with natural ingredients

Dr. Theiss' Sage lollipops (orange, lemon, lemon balm flavor)

Analogs: Lollipops "Sage" (produced by Verbena), Tablets "Sage" 600 mg/tab. for resorption, lozenges “Sage”
Compound: sage extract
Contraindications: sage intolerance
How to drink: 1-2 t. every 2-3 hours.
Price: Lollipops produced by Verbena - 60 g/60 r, Lollipops from Taissa 50 g/130 r, Sage 12 pastes. – 120 RUR, 24 pastes. – 200 rub, “Sage 600 mg” 120 rub

Bobs (orange-lemon, fir+menthol, wild berries, sage+lime, raspberry tea, propolis+mint, honey plus lemon)

Formula: various phytocomponents
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to any of the components (AKP)
How to use: max – 10 ice/day
Price: 32 g – 90 rub.

Broncho Veda

At the core: combination of herbal extracts
Contraindications: automatic transmission
How to use: 1 ice each. 3-4 r/day
Price: 12 ice/110-150 rub.

Liquorice lollipops

Formula: Licorice root extract
Contraindicated: intolerance to licorice, sweeteners or lactitol
Dosing: 5-6 ice* 4-5 dissolve/day
Price: 45-65 RUR

"Doctor Mom" ​​- lozenges

Compound: licorice, emblica, ginger, menthol, flavorings
It is forbidden: with automatic transmission
Accept: 1 paste. after 2 hours, no more than 10 ice/24h.
Price: 120 RUR

Dr. Theiss lozenges

Compound: cranberry juice with ascorbic acid, eucalyptus and mint oils + menthol; sage + honey; other combinations
Contraindications: with automatic transmission. All except “Echinacea with fir” are not used for diabetes
Reception mode: 3-5 ice/day.
Well: up to 14 days
Price: 50 g/120 r

Linkus Lore


Compound: eucalyptus oil, glucose syrup, menthol. This is a dietary supplement, not a medication.
Contraindications: automatic transmission
How to drink: 1 ice. after 2 hours, max – 10 ice/day.
Price: 1 pack/50 RUR

Carmolis (with and without sugar, honey, children: cherry/honey)

Compound: combination of essential oils
Contraindications: AKP. For lozenges with sugar - diabetes mellitus
Dosage regimen: 1 ice. after 2 hours, max – 10 ice/day
Price: 75 g/230-320 r

Isla Moos and Isla Mint

Compound: Cetraria (Icelandic moss) extract
Contraindications: AKP. For diabetes mellitus - with caution: 1 paste. = 0.035 bread units
How to dose: max 12 ice/day
Price: Isla Moos 30 tab./ 370 RUR, Isla Mint 30 tab./ 350 RUR


Compound: combination of herbs (licorice, acacia bark, ginger, turmeric, emblica, basil roots and seeds; others)
Contraindications: automatic transmission
How to drink: 1-2*3 r/day
Price: 170 RUR/16 ice.


Similar: Pectusin, Eucalyptus-M
Compound: eucalyptus extract
Not possible if: ACP, atrophy of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract
Dosage regimen: After the first dose, wait 6-8 hours. If the lips are not swollen, it does not become more difficult to breathe through the nose or mouth, a runny nose does not appear, treatment can be continued according to the scheme: 1 tablet max 5 times a day
Price: 20 tablets – 100-120 RUR, Pectusin 10 tablets – 30 RUR, Eucalyptus-M 20 tablets – 170 RUR

Power of 4 herbs

Compound: extracts of licorice, oregano, linden, thyme
Contraindications: automatic transmission
How to drink: adults daily – up to 30 g of lollipops
Price: 50 g paste/60 r

Tonsilgon H

Compound: dandelion grass, oak bark, chamomile flowers, yarrow grass, horsetail grass, marshmallow roots
Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug, lactose or fructose, lactase deficiency, sucrase-isomaltase, glucose/galactose malabsorption
How to drink: V acute period– 2 tablets each. 5-6 r/day, then – 2 tablets. 3 times a day
Price: 50 t./340 rub.

Lollipops with antiseptic

The pharmaceutical industry produces the following antiseptic lollipops:

Septolete Neo (cherry, lemon or apple)

Compound: cetylpyridinium
Contraindications: automatic transmission
How to use: 1 tab. at 2-3 hours, maximum 8 t./day
Price: 220 RUR/18 tab.


At the core: antiseptic acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene, which also has an anesthetic effect
Contraindications: automatic transmission
Carefully– for diabetes: 1 tablet = 0.03 bread unit
How to drink: up to 10 p./day
Price: 25 dragees/220-250 RUR


Main component: ambazon
How to use: 3-5 t./24h.
Price: regular: 120 rubles for 10 pieces of ice, 170 rubles for 20 pieces. With cinnamon, mint, lemon – 180 r/20 ice.

Anesthetic lozenges


At the core: tetracaine, chlorhexidine, ascorbate
Contraindications: automatic transmission
Reception mode: 1 tab.*6 tab/day
Price: 160 RUR for 20 t., 120 RUR/12 t., 24 t. – 190 RUR

Grammidin Neo with anesthetic

At the core: antibiotic gramicidin C, lidocaine, antiseptic cetylpyridinium chloride, eucalyptus, menthol
Contraindicated: allergy to ingredients
Dosage regimen: 1 tab. max 4 times/day
Price: 250 RUR for 18 tablets.

Antibiotic lozenges

Homeopathic lozenges

The regimen for taking them is the same: the first 48 hours: 1 piece every 30-60 minutes, but not more than 12 t/day. After improvement – ​​1 tablet*3 r/day


Compound: capsicum, phytolacca americana, guaiacum
Contraindications: lactose intolerance, drug components, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption
Price: 50 tablets – 180 RUR


Compound: calcium chromium, Silicea, Hepar sulfuris D3, atropine sulfate, Mercurius bijodatus D8
Contraindications: allergy to chromium or other components of the drug, hyperthyroidism
Price: 550 RUR/60 tab.


Compound: Hg bicianatum, Phytolacca americana, Apis mellifica, Arnica montana, Hepar sulfuris, Atropa belladonna
Contraindications: allergy to components or plants of the Asteraceae family
Price: 330-370 r/60 tab

Drugs with an immunomodulatory effect

They are aimed at "training" local immunity: so that when microorganisms enter the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, protection immediately begins to be developed, without waiting for the microbes to launch their toxic reactions.

Lollipops with a combined composition

Septolete, Septolete D

Compound: antiseptics benzalkonium and thymol, menthol, peppermint and eucalyptus oils
Contraindications: automatic transmission; carefully - with diabetes mellitus, lactase deficiency, fructose intolerance or congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
How to use: 1 piece maximum 8 r/day
Price: 30 lozenges – 180 RUR

Septolete plus

Compound: anesthetic benzocaine, antiseptic cetylpyridinium
Contraindications: AKP, fructose intolerance
Dosage regimen: see Septolete
Price: 18 lozenges – 170-180 RUR

Septolete total

Compound: anti-inflammatory component benzydamine, antiseptic cetylpyridinium, eucalyptus oil, menthol
Contraindications: ACP or fructose
Dosage regimen: 1 ice. after 3-6 hours, no more than 3-4 ice/day
Price: 16 lozenges – 250 RUR

Hexoral tabs classic (lemon, orange, black currant, honey-lemon)

Compound: antiseptic chlorhexidine and anesthetic benzocaine
Contraindications: ACP, wounds and ulcers in the mouth or pharynx, phenylketonuria, decreased cholinesterase enzyme in the blood
Dosage regimen: 1 t. max 8 r/24h
Price: 16 lozenges – 180 RUR

Hexoral tabs extra

Compound: amylmetacresol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol antiseptic action, anesthetic lidocaine
Contraindications: ACP, wounds and ulcers in the mouth or pharynx, phenylketonuria, decreased cholinesterase enzyme in the blood
Dosage regimen: corresponds to the previous drug
Price: 16 tab/200 RUR

Angi sept Dr. Theiss (with cherry, sea buckthorn, sage, honey, lemon)

Compound: antiseptic dichlorobenzyl alcohol, menthol, anethole, peppermint oil
Contraindications: automatic transmission
Dosage regimen: 1 ice. at 2-3 h, no more than 6 t/24h
Well: max 2-3 days
Price: 160-200 RUR (depending on taste) – 24 ice.

Strepsils intensive

Compound: anti-inflammatory agent flurbiprofen, antiseptic levomenthol, decongestant macrogol 300
Contraindications: exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach, ACP, bronchial asthma or runny nose when taking anti-inflammatory drugs, deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
Carefully: elderly age, hypocoagulative states, arterial hypertension, edema, hemophilia, hyperbilirubinemia, hepatic and renal failure, hematopoiesis disorder spinal cord, diseases vestibular apparatus, hearing loss
Dosage regimen: like Anga sept. Maximum – 5 tablets/day. When dissolving, move the tablet throughout the oral cavity to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane in one place.
Price: 24 ice/350-370 RUR

Strepsils: with honey and lemon, with vitamin C, with strawberries

Analogs: Neo-Angin (sugar-free, sugar-free cherry, with sugar), Ajisept (pineapple, lemon, honey-lemon), Suprima-Lor, Gorpils, Astrasept
Compound: antiseptics dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol
Contraindications: automatic transmission
How to use: 1 piece every 2-3 hours, max – 8 pastes/day
Price: Strepsils 16 t/160 r, Strepsils 24 t/370-400 r, Neo-Angin 130-140 r, Agisept – 70 r, Suprima-Lor – 90-110 r

Strepsils with menthol and eucalyptus

Analogues: Agisept eucalyptus-menthol
Compound: dichlorobenzene alcohol, amylmetacresol, levomenthol
Contraindications: automatic transmission
How to use: 1 ice each. at 2-3 h. Maximum – 8 ice/24h.
Price: 24 t/210 r, Agisept – 130 r

Tablets for sore throat

People call all of the above products both lollipops and lozenges, and lozenges. It turns out that they can be classified in the same way as lollipops, excluding from the list only products based on natural ingredients- after all, “lollipops” are directly written on them.

Thus, lozenges for sore throat can be divided into:

  1. antiseptic tablets;
  2. with anesthetic;
  3. with an antibiotic;
  4. combined composition.

Anesthetic tablets

Tablets for sore throat with anesthetic are those described above:

  • Septolete plus;
  • Septolete;
  • Septolete D;
  • Anti-angina;
  • Hexoral tabs classic and extra;
  • Anti-angina;
  • Grammidin-Neo with anesthetic

Antiseptic tablets

In addition to those listed above

  • Strepsils and analogues (Adjisepta, Astrasepta, Suprima-Lor, Gorpils, Neo-angina);
  • Angi sept Dr. Theiss;
  • Anti-angina;
  • Hexorala tabs extra and classic;
  • Septolete (classic, D, total, plus, Neo);
  • Grammidin Neo with anesthetic;
  • Faringosepta;
  • Faliminta,

These are other drugs that more accurately fit the definition of “pills” and are taken when the throat hurts. This:


Compound: antiseptic lysozyme; vitamin B6
Contraindications: automatic transmission
How to use: 1 piece max 4 r/day
Price: 30 tab./290 RUR

Tantum Verde tablets

Compound: anti-inflammatory drug benzydamine
Contraindications: AKP, phenylketonuria
How to use: children from 3 years old and adults 1 tablet*3-4 r/day
Price: 20 t/240 r


Compound: antiseptics dequalinium chloride (also affects fungi and gram-negative bacteria) and lysozyme
Contraindications: automatic transmission
Dosage regimen: 1 piece every 2-3 hours. Do not eat or drink for half an hour after resorption
Price: 20 t/210 r


Compound: antiseptic chlorhexidine
Contraindications: AKP. The drug colors fillings and dentures; cause toothache for caries, as they contain sucrose
How to use: 1 piece 4-5 times per day
Price: 20 t/ 170 r


Analogue: Hexadreps lozenges
Compound: antiseptics biclotymol and lysozyme, antiviral component enoxolone
Contraindications: AKP. sick diabetes mellitus: 1 tablet = 1.054 g sugar
Dosage regimen: every 2 hours, max 8 dpi.
Price: 30 t/260 r

Antibiotic tablets

When a person has a sore throat, and the doctor is not sure that pharyngitis or tonsillitis is only viral, without the addition of bacterial microflora, the doctor may include drugs containing antibiotics in the list of tablets for a sore throat.

This may be the local antibiotic gramicidin as part of the drug Grammidin Neo and Grammidin Neo with an antibiotic. But sometimes, for a sore throat, the expression “antibiotic tablets” means systemic antibacterial drugs:

  • Flemoxin Solutab (Amoxicillin, Ospamox);
  • Augmentin (Amoxiclav, Flemoklav);
  • Zinnat (Axocef);
  • Suprax (Ixim lupine, Pancef);
  • Sumamed (Azithromycin, Azitro Sandoz, Azimed);
  • and others.

Medication antibacterial agents are prescribed only by a doctor according to strict indications. Self-prescription of antibiotics, especially if the dosage or duration of use is not observed, leads to the fact that microorganisms become increasingly resistant to the drugs, which means that it will be increasingly difficult to destroy them.

Previously, these drugs also included streptocide tablets, which were taken orally.


Compound: sulfonamide antibiotic
Contraindications: circulatory disorders, Graves' disease, acute hepatitis, nephritis, severe renal failure, AKP, acute porphyria.
Side effects: nausea, fainting, headache, vomiting, depression of consciousness, blue discoloration, allergic skin reactions. At long-term use the number of leukocytes decreases, anemia (due to hemolysis), agranulocytosis, acute porphyria, pregnancy 1-2 trimester, feeding are determined in the blood.
Price: at the time of writing, Streptocide was banned for release due to severe side effects; it is not sold in pharmacies in tablet form. There is only ointment and powder for external use.

Lollipops and tablets that can be taken by pregnant women

During pregnancy, you should not ignore a sore throat. If you take a drug that is not approved during this period, even local, you may develop toxic effect on the fetus, as a result it will develop a malformation of varying severity. If pharyngitis or tonsillitis is left untreated or treated inadequately, it can also harm the developing fetus. That's why local drugs for the throat should be chosen after consulting a doctor, even if they consist of natural ingredients.

Having carefully studied the instructions for the above drugs, we can come to the conclusion that the following are allowed for pregnant women:

  • Faringosept;
  • Grammidin, Grammidin Neo - from the 2nd trimester;
  • Lysobacter;
  • Tantum Verde - tablets.

With caution, after consulting your doctor, you can use:

  • Septolete;
  • Septolete D;
  • Bobs lollipops;
  • Tonsipret;
  • Tonsilotren;
  • Hexoral tabs and Hexoral tabs extra;
  • various Strepsils species, except Strepsils intensive;
  • Hexalize.

Lollipops and tablets that can be used in childhood

Throat lozenges for children, like medications during pregnancy, must be chosen together with a pediatrician, who can not only select the right drug, but also tell you what price category it is in. A specialist can tell you which lozenges are most effective based on his experience.

Based on the instructions, you can use the following lollipops:

For children, you can use the following tablets for sore throat:

A drug At what age can you How to use
Anti-angina From 3 years
  • 3-6 years: 1tab*2r/day;
  • 6-14 years: 1 tablet*3 r/day;
  • from 14 years old – 1 tablet. every 2-3 hours, but not more than 6 l/day
Septolete (Septolete D, Septolete Neo) From 4 years old
  • 4-10 years – 4 past./day;
  • 10-12 years – up to 6 pasta/day;
  • from 12 years old – max 8 t/day
Grammidin for children, Grammidin Neo with anesthetic From 4 years old
  • from 4 to 12 years: 1 tablet*4 r/day;
  • from 12 years old: 2 tablets*4 times a day
Tonsilotren From 1 year
  • from 1 to 12 years – up to 8 r/day in the acute period, then – 1 tablet * 3 r/day
  • from 12 years old – 1 tablet up to 12 r/day
Tonsipret From 1 year
  • 1-6 years – up to 6 tablets/day;
  • 6-12 years – no more than 8 tablets/day;
  • more than 12 years – max 12 t/day
Hexoral Tabs From 4 years old
  • from 4 to 12 years – up to 4 t/day
  • from 12 years – max 8 t/24h
Strepsils From 5 years 1 piece every 2-3 hours, no more than 6 pieces/day
Theraflu Lar From 4 years old From 4 to 18 years –1 t* 3-6 times per day
Lysobacter From 3 years
  • 3-7 years 1 t.*3 r/day;
  • from 7 to 12 years: 1 t.*4 r/day;
  • from 12 years: 2 tablets*3-4 r/24h
Tantum Verde (tablets) From 3 years 1 t.*3-4 r/day
Hexalize From 6 years old 1 tablet*four times
Sebidin In childhood, used only as prescribed by a doctor.

The most effective drugs for sore throat

Based on numerous reviews, we can make the following rating of the best lozenges for sore throat:

  • Doctor Mom;
  • Hols;
  • Angi sept Dr. Theiss;
  • licorice candies.

The best tablets for sore throat:

  • Septolete with anesthetic;
  • Strepsils of any kind;
  • Falimint;
  • Grammidin with anesthetic
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Hexalize.

Cheap drugs for sore throat

Inexpensive lozenges for sore throat are the following:

  • Bobs lollipops 10 pieces – 20-35 rubles;
  • Canvas 10 pieces – 50 rubles;
  • Adjisept – 70 rubles/pack;
  • Suprima-Lor – 90-110 rubles.

Cheap lollipops are:

  • Sage (Verbena) candies 60 grams – 60 rubles;
  • licorice candies 60 g – 40-75 rubles;
  • “The power of four herbs” 50 g – 60 rub.

An ENT doctor or therapist (for children - a pediatrician) should still tell you which tablets you need when you have a sore throat based on an examination. Self-medication can lead to the spread of infection from the throat into the blood, and untreated bacterial sore throat may, moreover, be complicated by heart disease (due to rheumatism) or severe kidney disease. If the sore throat is caused by bacterial (usually staphylococcal) flora, then taking only local funds will not prevent the development of phlegmon (impregnation with pus) of the fatty tissue surrounding the tonsils.