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Treatment of pharyngomycosis in children. Candidal pharyngitis in children treatment. Causes of pharyngomycosis

Pharyngocomosis is inflammatory disease, during which the mucous membrane of the pharynx is affected by fungi (most often several at the same time).

As the disease develops, compactions in the form of white thorns form on the lateral surfaces of the pharynx and tonsils, as a result of which the foci of the disease increase, after which the compactions can be seen with the naked eye.

Prevalence and significance

The disease is considered quite common, today among all infectious lesions oral cavity pharyngomycosis is diagnosed in 30-40% of cases, and over time the number of patients only increases.

The disease affects people of different ages with equal frequency; oral fungi are often diagnosed in children.

Exacerbations can reach 10 times annually, it is known that fungal microorganisms in some form are found in the body of 80% of the population, and the probability of injury is very high.

It is also necessary to take into account that the development of fungus is facilitated by injuries caused by improper installation of dentures.

The main risk factor is the use of antibiotics, since under their influence the balance of microorganisms in tissues is disrupted.

Destroyed microorganisms are quickly replaced by fungi that are resistant to the effects of drugs.

Other risk factors:


Pharyngomycosis most often occurs as a result of exposure to yeast-like fungi Candida; in 5% of cases, the pathology can be caused by mold fungi.

The main role in the development of the disease is played by reduced immunity, which is considered a sign of diseases such as tuberculosis, immunodeficiency virus, acute respiratory and endocrine diseases.


Patients most often complain of the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the pharynx and oral cavity;
  • painful sensations that increase when eating;
  • irradiation of pain in the ear, neck, lower jaw;
  • an increase in size and the appearance of pain in the lymph nodes located in the neck;
  • changes in psycho-emotional background, general malaise, fatigue, weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • fungal plaque in the mouth;
  • headache.

Symptoms in children, especially younger children, may go unnoticed, since they cannot always correctly assess the symptoms (very young children do not even know how to speak), so parents must be especially attentive.

The main sign of the disease in this case is a fungal coating on the mucous membrane, which, when removed, reveals a reddened surface; in some places ulcers with bleeding may appear.

An easily removable coating with a cheesy consistency is caused by Candida fungi, while a yellow coating indicates infection by mold fungi.


Diagnostics involves an examination and interview of the patient, during which complaints are identified, data on medications taken and the presence of concomitant pathologies, as well as living and working conditions are clarified.

After the interview, the doctor examines the pharynx and mouth, during which changes specific to the disease are detected:

Other diagnostic methods:

  • mycological methods;
  • extensive blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for sugar, hepatitis B, C, HIV;
  • immunogram;
  • testing for syphilis.


Acute form diseases and chronic exacerbations are cured on an outpatient basis within one to two weeks. In case of severe pharyngomycosis, signs of intoxication and complications, the patient must be hospitalized in a hospital.


For a speedy cure, antifungal drugs are taken systemically (in the form of injections and tablets). Drug therapy involves taking drugs of three groups: azoles, polyenes, allylamines.

A cultural examination of the mucous membrane allows a more accurate identification of the pathogen and prescription of medication. But in most cases, treatment must be started before test results are received; the selection of the drug in this case is carried out using an empirical method; the drug must effectively act on the maximum possible number of pathogens.

Fluconazole is most often prescribed; if there is no improvement within 3-5 days, the drug is replaced with an analogue from another group.

In some situations, in the absence of a reaction to oral medications The doctor prescribes Amphotericin intravenously.

If established cause development of pathology are moldy fungi, Terbinafine and Intraconazole are prescribed.

Local therapy involves the use of the following drugs: clotrimazole, hydroxyquinoline, Miramistin, Natamycin suspension. Medicines are applied to the mucous membrane by rinsing, rinsing the throat, etc.

In addition to antifungal medicines medications are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at correcting the disorders that have become the background to the disease. This category includes vitamins, hormonal agents, and immunomodulators.

Folk remedies

Since the causative agents are fungal microorganisms, there are no folk remedies for treating pharyngomycosis. Drug therapy involves muting symptoms, the disease is not completely cured, exacerbations and relapses often occur.


Surgery is indicated in cases where pharyngomycosis is accompanied by a chronic form of tonsillitis. In this situation, the tonsils are removed.

There are several methods for removing tonsils:


With early diagnosis and timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. With the onset of a chronic form, the probability of a 100% cure is minimized; it may enter a remission phase.


The process of treating the disease is associated with great difficulties; in some patients, pharyngomycosis goes away without any treatment, in others, the pathology has a stable course and can last for months and years.

Preventive measures:

  • maintaining immunity;
  • taking glucocorticoids and antibiotics in strict accordance with the doctor’s indications;
  • blood sugar control;
  • treatment of diseases of the endocrine system.

It must be remembered that it is always better to take measures to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it.

Pediatric ENT doctor

Conducts reception, examination and consultation of children with hearing impairment and inflammation respiratory tract. Constantly improves his qualifications in the field of otolaryngology. Also attends scientific conferences on practical treatment of patients.

Pharyngomycosis is an acute or chronic disease of the pharyngeal mucosa, caused by opportunistic fungi. Pharyngomycosis is very common - it accounts for about 30–40% of all infectious diseases of the pharynx, and the number of cases of its incidence is steadily increasing. The disease is common among all segments of the population - it affects both men and women, both adults and children. Pharyngomycosis rarely occurs in isolation; more often it is accompanied by fungal infections of other organs of the oral cavity (mucosa - stomatitis, gums - gingivitis, tongue - glossitis). We will talk about what pharyngomycosis is, why and how it develops, what are the principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention in this article. So…

Reasons for the development of pharyngomycosis

The main etiological factor of this disease are fungi, and more than 90% of cases are caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (usually C. albicans and C. stellatoidea), and in 5–7% of cases the cause of the disease is mold fungi - Aspergillus, Penicillium, Geotrichum.

In healthy people, pharyngomycosis develops extremely rarely. A primary role in its occurrence is played by congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies or pathology of the human endocrine system. More often the disease develops against the background of:

  • tuberculosis;
  • frequent ARVI;
  • obesity;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • due to frequent long-term unnecessary use of antibiotics;
  • after chemotherapy or taking glucocorticoids.

In addition, wearing removable dentures is a risk factor.

Mechanisms of development of pharyngomycosis

When local or general immunity decreases, fungi living in the oral cavity become active and cause disease.

Like most infectious diseases, pharyngomycosis develops against the background of decreased function of local and general immunity. Fungi, which are the causative factor, usually live in the oral cavity of a healthy person, without causing harm or manifesting themselves in any way.

and reduction local immunity fungi invade the mucosal cells and begin to actively multiply in them. Their waste products and released toxins damage cells, causing inflammation - the mucous membrane becomes swollen, loose, and acquires a bright pink color. When fungi damage the wall of a vessel, they enter the bloodstream, releasing toxins and waste products into the blood - symptoms of general intoxication of the body arise. Fungi spread throughout the body through the bloodstream and, if untreated, can settle on organs and tissues, causing inflammatory changes in them.

Classification of pharyngomycosis

According to the nature of the course, acute and chronic pharyngomycosis are distinguished. Unfortunately, due to late diagnosis and inadequate treatment acute forms often become chronic.

Depending on the nature of local changes in the pharynx, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • pseudomembranous pharyngomycosis - plaques are visualized on the surface of the pharynx, often white, less often with a yellow tint, having a cheesy appearance, which can be easily removed from the mucous membrane with a spatula; sometimes bleeding areas of hyperemia are found underneath them;
  • catarrhal, or erythematous, pharyngomycosis - in the area back wall the pharynx has areas of hyperemia with a smooth, as if varnished, surface;
  • hyperplastic pharyngomycosis - characterized by the formation of white spots and plaques on the pharyngeal mucosa, which are difficult to remove from it;
  • erosive-ulcerative pharyngomycosis - in places where the fungus has invaded there are superficial ulcerations and erosions, which often bleed.

Signs of pharyngomycosis

The acute form of pharyngomycosis is characterized by a fairly bright clinical symptoms, the chronic one proceeds more smoothly, but periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations up to 10 times during the year.

Patients suffering from this disease may complain of a variety of intense discomfort in the throat:

  • dryness;
  • burning;
  • rawness;
  • scratch;
  • pain that intensifies when swallowing and during eating, radiating to the ear, lower jaw, and the front surface of the neck.

In addition to these symptoms, patients are also concerned about:

  • enlargement and tenderness of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels.

Diagnosis of pharyngomycosis

The specialist will suspect a disease of the pharynx based on the patient’s characteristic complaints. When clarifying the history of the disease and the patient’s lifestyle in favor of pharyngomycosis, data will be provided on concomitant pathology and medications taken by the patient shortly before the illness (antibiotics, cytostatics, glucocorticoid hormones), as well as on his living and working conditions. After interviewing the patient, the doctor will examine the oral cavity and pharynx, where he will detect changes specific to pharyngomycosis:

  • swelling, infiltration, hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • injection of its dilated vessels;
  • desquamation (detachment) of the epithelium;
  • enlargement of the lateral ridges against the background of mucosal subatrophy;
  • white or yellowish cheesy deposits on the mucosa, easily removed with a spatula, leaving behind hyperemic, bleeding mucosa;
  • the spread of plaque on the palatine arches, hard and soft palate, bleeding erosions, ulcers at their site indicate the development of an ulcerative-necrotic form of pharyngomycosis.

It is noteworthy that typical sign pharyngomycosis is an uneven hyperemia of the pharyngeal mucosa and a one-sided inflammatory process.

The most accurate methods for making a reliable diagnosis are mycological research methods. The material for research is plaque from the surface of the tonsils and the back wall of the pharynx. The laboratory assistant, using a special instrument, removes them onto a glass slide and, without smearing, covers them with another glass. After this, the resulting material is stained using a special technique and studied under a microscope. A smear for pharyngomycosis will necessarily reveal fungal cells, their spores or filaments of pseudomycelium. It is important to know that the detection of single fungi under a microscope is not always a sign of disease - they are present in smears and are normal. In addition, if during the first study negative result, this does not mean the absence of pharyngomycosis - in such a situation it is necessary to conduct the study again.

A cultural study of the material can also be carried out - inoculating it on a nutrient medium. This study takes quite a lot of time, but allows you to find out what type of fungus caused the disease and what medications to take this pathogen sensitive.

In order to search for conditions that have reduced immunity, the patient may be prescribed the following diagnostic methods:

  • detailed blood test (signs of inflammation will be detected);
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood sugar test;
  • blood test for hepatitis B, C;
  • blood test for HIV;
  • immunogram;
  • syphilis test;
  • consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • consultation with an immunologist.

Differential diagnosis of pharyngomycosis should be carried out with the following diseases:

  • acute tonsillitis;
  • acute pharyngitis;
  • diphtheria;
  • syphilis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Simanovsky-Vincent angina;
  • infectious mononucleosis (anginal form);
  • oncological neoplasms.

Treatment of pharyngomycosis

The main thing in the treatment of pharyngomycosis is taking antifungal drugs.

Acute pharyngomycosis and exacerbations of its chronic form are usually subject to outpatient treatment within 7–10–14 days. If the disease is severe, there are signs severe intoxication or complications develop, the patient must be hospitalized in a hospital.

To quickly achieve the effect of the treatment, you must take antifungal drugs both systemically (in the form of tablets or injections) and locally. In pharmacology, there are 3 groups of antifungal drugs used for this disease:

  • azoles – Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Intraconazole;
  • polyenes - Nystatin, Levorin, Amphotericin;
  • allylamines – Terbinafine.

The optimal prescription of drugs is based on the results of a cultural examination of a scraping of the affected mucosa: in this case, the causative agent of the disease and the drugs to which it is sensitive are precisely known. However, in the vast majority of cases, treatment must be started before the results of the analysis become known - in this case, the drug is selected empirically (it must act on the maximum pathogens of the disease for which the patient is being treated).

Fluconazole is often the drug of choice for candidal pharyngomycosis. Its dose directly depends on the severity of the disease and averages 50–200 mg per day. If after 3–5 days there is no improvement from treatment with Fluconazole, it is necessary to replace it with a drug from another group of antifungal agents.

In some cases, when the patient does not respond to any of the drugs prescribed orally, intravenous injections of Amphotericin are prescribed.

For pharyngomycosis caused by molds, the use of Terbinafine (250 mg once a day for 8–16 days) and Intraconazole (100 mg once a day for 14 days) is indicated.

As for local therapy, the main drugs used for this purpose are borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate), Natamycin suspension, Miramistin, Oxyquinoline, Clotrimazole. Medicines are applied directly to the affected mucous membrane by lubrication, rinsing the lacunae of the tonsils, endopharyngeal instillations, irrigation of the posterior pharyngeal wall, gargling.

In addition to antifungal drugs, the patient should be prescribed medications to correct disorders that have become the background for the development of pharyngomycosis (vitamins, immunomodulators, drugs for the treatment of hormonal disorders).

Prevention and prognosis of pharyngomycosis

Given that timely diagnosis and adequately prescribed treatment, the prognosis is favorable - the patient is completely cured of pharyngomycosis.

If the inflammatory process is chronic, a complete cure for this disease is unlikely; only its introduction into a remission phase is possible.

To prevent the development of pharyngomycosis, it is necessary:

  • monitor the state of the immune system;
  • take antibiotics and glucocorticoids strictly according to indications and in sufficient dosages;
  • control blood sugar levels;
  • do not let diseases of the endocrine system take their course.

Remember that it is better to pay attention to prevention and prevent the development of the disease than to treat it later. Do not be ill!

Main causes of the disease

By pharyngomycosis, doctors mean the manifestation of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the throat, which is provoked by certain types of fungi. Most often, diagnostics reveals:

  • yeast-like mycoses of the Candida type (more than 90%);
  • moldy types Penicillium, Geotrichum.

All these types of fungi belong to the opportunistic part of the microflora. They are ubiquitous, and spores settle on household items, clothing or furniture. Therefore, the disease is quite contagious and often coincides with a wave of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. People of different ages and genders are susceptible to the disease; children often suffer from pharyngomycosis.

The main reason is a decrease in the overall defenses of the body under the influence of various factors. In Group increased risk There are people with the following chronic diseases or health conditions:

  • injuries to the pharyngeal mucosa (scratches, burns from hot tea);
  • allergies;
  • frequent colds or viral diseases;
  • HIV or tuberculosis;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic thrush;
  • obesity.

The use of removable dentures, or more precisely, their storage without observing hygiene standards, is also dangerous. In preschool children, candidal pharyngitis can occur after ingestion foreign body, which scratches the delicate mucous membrane, carries fungal spores. Often this form of mycosis occurs in people who constantly take hormonal drugs who have undergone antibiotic treatment.

Otolaryngologists associate fungal pharyngitis with certain diseases of the stomach (ulcers, chronic gastritis), intestines, in which its contents and bile can injure the mucous membrane of the upper part of the esophagus. The risk of mycosis increases due to an unhealthy lifestyle, frequent smoking, constant hypothermia.

Main symptoms of pharyngomycosis

The observed clinical picture at the initial stage may resemble the symptoms of inflammation in angina:

  • soreness and burning sensation in the throat;
  • feeling of dry mucous membranes;
  • pain when eating or drinking;
  • pain that radiates to the lower jaw;
  • noticeable enlargement of some lymph nodes.

With further development, patients note a significant increase in body temperature, severe malaise and weakness, and headaches. A dense whitish coating appears on the surface of the mucous membrane and tonsils, reminiscent of thrush. It is a consequence of the active proliferation of fungi and the formation of colonies.

Many patients experience aching pain in the ears and on the front surface of the neck, which increases with any sudden movements. Due to the accumulation of pathogenic mucus, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body appears and swallowing becomes difficult.

There are two main forms of fungal pharyngitis:

  • Acute: characterized by a strong inflammatory process that affects overall well-being. Added to the main mycosis severe runny nose, inflammation of the entire nasopharynx, dry debilitating cough.
  • Chronic: less pronounced, but dangerous in its consequences. When neglected, the fungus affects blood vessels or joints, causing rheumatism or heart disease.

It is most difficult to distinguish fungal pharyngitis from viral diseases in children. Symptoms at this age are blurred and not expressed. In most cases, the course of the disease resembles ordinary rhinitis after acute respiratory viral infection. The child becomes restless and more capricious, and refuses his favorite foods. Only a thorough diagnosis helps to correctly determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Forms of the disease

Experts identify several typical forms of fungal pharyngitis, which differ in course and symptoms:

  1. Pseudomembranous: characterized by a white, sometimes yellowish coating.
  2. Catarrhal: A smooth red crust forms on the inside of the pharynx.
  3. Hyperplastic: large white plaques appear that attach to the mucosa.
  4. Erosive-ulcerative: open inflamed areas (erosions) form on the surface of the throat or nasopharynx.

Method for diagnosing mycosis

When contacting an otolaryngologist, there is a need to correctly identify the disease. Many symptoms coincide with bacterial pharyngitis, some types of sore throat, throat cancer, and scarlet fever. Therefore, the patient is prescribed a whole range of different procedures:

  • determination of sugar and hormone levels;
  • tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • cultures of nasal and throat swabs;
  • microscopic examination of scrapings from the tonsils.

Additionally, the specialist conducts a survey of the patient to find out what antibiotics and hormonal drugs have been taken recently, whether there has been a cold or ARVI. In some difficult situations, examination by a mycologist, endocrinologist and infectious disease specialist may be required.

Fungal pharyngitis treatment

The basis of therapy for pharyngomycosis is a systematic approach aimed at increasing immunity and destroying the causative agent of the disease. With a high degree of intoxication and swelling of the throat, the patient is placed in a hospital under constant observation.

Prescribed as antimycotics the following drugs systemic impact:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Nystatin (for yeast fungi).

The course of treatment depends on the form of fungal pharyngitis and can last up to 14 days. Additionally, the inflamed mucous membrane is treated with Miramistin, a suspension of Natamycin, which have an antifungal effect. It is recommended to rinse the larynx with sodium glycerin solution or Lugol's solution several times a day.

You can soften the throat and mucous membranes by inhalation with disinfectant compounds, herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula or sage. The main treatment of fungal pharyngitis is supplemented by the use of drink plenty of fluids, healthy food and a complex of vitamins. This helps boost immunity and stimulates the patient's body to fight mycosis.

Classification of pharyngomycosis

According to the course of pharyngomycosis, it is divided into: acute and chronic. The acute form of pharyngomycosis, with delayed or incorrect treatment, often quickly turns into chronic form. The classification of pharyngomycosis is represented by four groups - pseudomembranous pharyngomycosis, erythematous pharyngomycosis, hyperplastic or erosive-ulcerative factor.

Pseudomembranous pharyngomycosis is defined by the presence of a white coating on the surface of the pharynx. Erythematous pharyngomycosis is characterized by red areas on the pharynx that have a smooth, shiny surface. The hyperplastic form has the appearance of white dots, almost inseparable from the epithelium of the pharynx. The erosive-ulcerative group includes many erosions and ulcers on the mucous surface of the pharynx.

Causes of pharyngomycosis

The causes of the development of pharyngomycosis can be various factors. In most cases, the disease is provoked by a long course of taking antibiotics, during which a decrease in immunity occurs. Since in the oral cavity of a healthy person there are many different bacteria and fungi, which healthy body do not cause any harm, then when the protective function of the body decreases, the fungi penetrate the cells of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx and multiply. As a result, the particles of their vital activity and the toxins that are released cause damage to the cells. In the process, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs, which manifests itself in swelling, loose structure and rich pink color. Fungi, damaging the walls of the vessel, enter the bloodstream and release toxins into the blood. If not treated in a timely manner, fungi affect internal organs and cause inflammatory processes. Metabolic disorders that occur during diseases such as diabetes and obesity may also be a factor in the development of the disease.

Symptoms of pharyngomycosis

Symptoms of pharyngomycosis are discomfort in the mouth and larynx, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, a feeling of soreness and dryness in the oral cavity. Pain increases when eating food that irritates the mucous membrane, for example, salty and spicy foods. When the disease is diagnosed, a headache and a decrease in general well-being are diagnosed, the body temperature also rises to thirty-eight to thirty-nine degrees Celsius, pain in the lymph nodes increases, irritability and fatigue of the body appear. When examining the pharynx in sick patients, swelling of the mucous membrane and white coating on it, which extends to the tongue and inner surface cheeks, esophageal mucosa. When infected with yeast fungi, the plaque on the throat has a whitish appearance and is easily removed; if the infection is caused by mold fungi, then the plaque has a yellowish appearance and is difficult to remove. Worse, if this plaque resembles diphtheria plaque, then it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological study and, based on its results, either confirm or refute the presence of a disease such as diphtheria - an infectious bacterial disease that is characterized by the development of fibrous inflammation, which damages the upper respiratory tract and the mucous surface of the oropharynx . This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, resulting in damage to the trachea, larynx, bronchi, eyes, nose and genitals.

How is pharyngomycosis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of pharyngomycosis begins with a survey of the patient, based on the results of which the otolaryngologist can find out what diseases were previously in the pharynx and what treatment was carried out. In the presence of periodic exacerbations of diseases, any inflammatory processes, which cannot be treated, the doctor questions the presence of such a disease as pharyngomycosis. Next, the pharynx and oral cavity are examined, and the results of pharyngoscopy reveal the presence of swelling of the mucous surface of the pharynx and the presence of plaque. Characteristic of pharyngomycosis is uneven coverage of the cavity of the posterior pharyngeal wall with redness, and the presence of hypertrophy of the lateral ridges. But since an otolaryngologist cannot give a 100% definition of the disease with the help of visual examinations and studies, a laboratory test is performed to identify fungi in smears. Using a special tool, remove the coating on the glass slide and cover it with another glass without smearing the contents. Next, the resulting material is stained using a special technique and examined under a microscope. Using microscopic magnification, it is possible to identify fungal spores, cells and threads of pseudomycelium. However, the identification of single fungi is not always a sign of disease. Another important action is to repeat the study if the first one is negative. Studies using the culotural method of smears make it possible to determine the type of mushrooms.

To analyze the background state of the body, they are examined by an immunologist and an endocrinologist, who in turn conduct tests for the presence of syphilis, diabetes mellitus or hepatitis B and C.

IN this moment treatment and diagnosis fungal disease remains actual problem. In the last few years, the incidence of pharyngomycosis has increased several times. The high percentage of patients is due to an increase in risk factors for its development; immunodeficiency states that arise as a result of long-term treatment with antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs for cancer, AIDS diseases and blood diseases remain in the leading positions. The problem is the identification and prescription of correct treatment, since due to the massive and widespread spread of fungal chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis is tolerated and develops more severely than other inflammatory processes, they can be the beginning of the development of disseminated visceral mycosis or fungal sepsis.

Treatment of pharyngomycosis

Prescribing treatment remains a big problem, since the complexity is due to the resistance of some types of fungi to antifungal drugs. Nina has developed a new effective drug from the azole group, mycoflucan, which is a representative of the triazole class. Mycoflucan has a disinfectant effect on all types of fungi that were causative agents of pharyngomycosis, which leads to their death. The drug is well tolerated by patients, side effects or allergic reactions was not identified. Treatment of pharyngomycosis is combined with general and local use of antimycotic drugs. Groups of antimycotic drugs include polyenes, azoles, and allylamines. In the local treatment of pharyngomycosis, a suspension of natamycin or miramistin is used; they treat the walls of the pharynx and palatine tonsils. Also, all manipulations include chewing nystatin tablets, which coat the surface of the pharynx. The affected areas are lubricated with a solution of Lugol or gentian violet, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the surface damaged areas solution of sodium tetratorate in glycerol. Intraconazole is used, which kills yeast and mold fungi. For exacerbations, treatment lasts about two weeks. If the disease reoccurs, anti-relapse therapy is prescribed.

Based on the results of the immunogram, the infected patient is given immunomodulatory treatment. Good results and a favorable prognosis is provided by timely and correct treatment, after which complete recovery from pharyngomycosis occurs.

Preventive measures

Prevention of pharyngomycosis can be considered a timely visit to a doctor and correct, proper treatment. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. The most basic actions to prevent pharyngomycosis are professional and correct therapy, the use of antibiotics, and maintaining a high percentage of immune function. If you have a disease such as diabetes, it is necessary to maintain your sugar level at acceptable indicators, do not let endocrine diseases take their course. It is important not to forget about healthy eating and about vitamins in adequate doses. Should be maintained healthy image life and sports.

Pharyngomycosis is a lesion of the mucous surface of the pharynx, which is provoked by the leptothrix fungus. Pharyngomycosis can develop into such a dangerous disease as tonsillitis - inflammation of the lymphoid formations of the palatine tonsils. Most often, the disease is caused by a yeast-like group of fungi. The disease develops due to prolonged use of antibiotics, which adversely affect the state of the immune system and its protective functions, the presence of diabetes, tuberculosis, hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency. Every year the number of sick people only increases.

The disease affects both men and women in equal proportions, but pharyngomycosis is even more dangerous in children, since their immune system is not yet fully formed. It is very difficult to assess the condition of the disease in a child, so parents need to be very careful and if any signs of pharyngomycosis appear, they should immediately seek help. qualified assistance doctors - otolaryngologists. Treatment of the disease is the same as for an adult patient. Depending on the age of the infected child, the doctor selects the right dosage and special drugs. Since progress and the development of various methods of treating pharyngomysis does not stand still, some clinics practice the method of cauterizing fungal infection using laser surgical equipment. This method has a beneficial effect on the affected areas and the condition of the infected patient. The main thing is never to practice self-treatment, especially if the disease occurs in a child. Such a decision can cause irreparable harm to the patient’s health.

Classification of pharyngomycosis

According to the course of pharyngomycosis, it is divided into: acute and chronic. The acute form of pharyngomycosis, with delayed or incorrect treatment, often quickly turns into a chronic form. The classification of pharyngomycosis is represented by four groups - pseudomembranous pharyngomycosis, erythematous pharyngomycosis, hyperplastic or erosive-ulcerative factor.

Pseudomembranous pharyngomycosis is defined by the presence of a white coating on the surface of the pharynx. Erythematous pharyngomycosis is characterized by red areas on the pharynx that have a smooth, shiny surface. The hyperplastic form has the appearance of white dots, almost inseparable from the epithelium of the pharynx. The erosive-ulcerative group includes many erosions and ulcers on the mucous surface of the pharynx.

Causes of pharyngomycosis

The causes of the development of pharyngomycosis can be various factors. In most cases, the disease is provoked by a long course of taking antibiotics, during which a decrease in immunity occurs. Since in the oral cavity of a healthy person there are many different bacteria and fungi, which in a healthy body do not cause any harm, when the protective function of the body decreases, the fungi penetrate the cells of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx and multiply. As a result, the particles of their vital activity and the toxins that are released cause damage to the cells. In the process, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs, which manifests itself in swelling, loose structure and deep pink color. Fungi, damaging the walls of the vessel, enter the bloodstream and release toxins into the blood. If not treated in a timely manner, fungi affect internal organs and cause inflammatory processes. Metabolic disorders that occur during diseases such as diabetes and obesity may also be a factor in the development of the disease.

Symptoms of pharyngomycosis

Symptoms of pharyngomycosis are discomfort in the mouth and larynx, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, a feeling of soreness and dryness in the oral cavity. Pain increases when eating food that irritates the mucous membrane, for example, salty and spicy foods. When the disease is diagnosed, a headache and a decrease in general well-being are diagnosed, the body temperature also rises to thirty-eight to thirty-nine degrees Celsius, pain in the lymph nodes increases, irritability and fatigue of the body appear. When examining the pharynx in sick patients, there is swelling of the mucous membrane and a white coating on it, which spreads to the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks, the esophageal mucosa. When infected with yeast fungi, the plaque on the throat has a whitish appearance and is easily removed; if the infection is caused by mold fungi, then the plaque has a yellowish appearance and is difficult to remove. Worse, if this plaque resembles diphtheria plaque, then it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological study and, based on its results, either confirm or refute the presence of a disease such as diphtheria - an infectious bacterial disease that is characterized by the development of fibrous inflammation, which damages the upper respiratory tract and the mucous surface of the oropharynx . This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, causing damage to the trachea, larynx, bronchi, eyes, nose and genitals.

How is pharyngomycosis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of pharyngomycosis begins with a survey of the patient, based on the results of which the otolaryngologist can find out what diseases were previously in the pharynx and what treatment was carried out. In the presence of periodic exacerbations of diseases, any inflammatory processes that cannot be treated, the doctor questions the presence of such a disease as pharyngomycosis. Next, the pharynx and oral cavity are examined, and the results of pharyngoscopy reveal the presence of swelling of the mucous surface of the pharynx and the presence of plaque. Characteristic of pharyngomycosis is uneven redness of the cavity of the posterior pharyngeal wall and the presence of hypertrophy of the lateral ridges. But since an otolaryngologist cannot give a 100% definition of the disease with the help of visual examinations and studies, a laboratory test is performed to identify fungi in smears. Using a special tool, remove the coating on the glass slide and cover it with another glass without smearing the contents. Next, the resulting material is stained using a special technique and examined under a microscope. Using microscopic magnification, it is possible to identify fungal spores, cells and threads of pseudomycelium. However, the identification of single fungi is not always a sign of disease. Another important action is to repeat the study if the first one is negative. Studies using the culotural method of smears make it possible to determine the type of mushrooms.

To analyze the background state of the body, they are examined by an immunologist and an endocrinologist, who in turn conduct tests for the presence of syphilis, diabetes mellitus or hepatitis B and C.

At the moment, the treatment and diagnosis of fungal disease remains an urgent problem. In the last few years, the incidence of pharyngomycosis has increased several times. The high percentage of patients is due to an increase in risk factors for its development; immunodeficiency states that arise as a result of long-term treatment with antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs for cancer, AIDS diseases and blood diseases remain in the leading positions. The problem is also the identification and prescription of correct treatment, since due to the massive and widespread spread, fungal chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis are tolerated and develop more severely than other inflammatory processes, they can be the beginning of the development of disseminated visceral mycosis or fungal sepsis.

Treatment of pharyngomycosis

Prescribing treatment remains a big problem, since the complexity is due to the resistance of some types of fungi to antifungal drugs. Nina has developed a new effective drug from the azole group, mycoflucan, which is a representative of the triazole class. Mycoflucan has a disinfectant effect on all types of fungi that were causative agents of pharyngomycosis, which leads to their death. The drug was well tolerated by patients; no side effects or allergic reactions were identified. Treatment of pharyngomycosis is combined with general and local use of antimycotic drugs. Groups of antimycotic drugs include polyenes, azoles, and allylamines. In the local treatment of pharyngomycosis, a suspension of natamycin or miramistin is used; they treat the walls of the pharynx and palatine tonsils. Also, all manipulations include chewing nystatin tablets, which coat the surface of the pharynx. The affected areas are lubricated with a solution of Lugol or gentian violet; a solution of sodium tetratorate in glycerin also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the surface of the damaged areas. Intraconazole is used, which kills yeast and mold fungi. For exacerbations, treatment lasts about two weeks. If the disease reoccurs, anti-relapse therapy is prescribed.

Based on the results of the immunogram, the infected patient is given immunomodulatory treatment. Good results and a favorable prognosis are achieved by timely and correct treatment, after which a complete cure for pharyngomycosis occurs.

Preventive measures

Prevention of pharyngomycosis can be considered a timely visit to a doctor and correct, correct treatment. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. The most basic actions to prevent pharyngomycosis are professional and correct therapy, the use of antibiotics, and maintaining a high percentage of immune function. If you have a disease such as diabetes, it is necessary to maintain your sugar level at acceptable levels and not let endocrine diseases take their course. It is important not to forget about a healthy diet and vitamins in adequate doses. You should lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

Pharyngomycosis is considered a fairly serious disorder that is difficult to treat. To cope with the pathology, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The specialist will conduct a detailed diagnosis and select adequate treatment methods. Thanks to this, complications will be avoided.

Pharyngomycosis ICD 10

Pharyngomycosis is an inflammatory lesion of the pharynx, which is a consequence of increased activity of fungal microorganisms.

According to ICD-10, pathology is coded using the following codes:

B37.0. Candidal stomatitis; J02.8. Acute pharyngitis caused by other specified pathogens.

The disease usually develops when the immune system is weakened, for example, when

chronic tonsillitis

It is in this situation that fungal microorganisms begin to manifest themselves. In the process of their life activity, they release many toxic substances that lead to cell poisoning and the appearance of


As a result, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity acquire a bright pink tint and a loose structure. If toxins enter the blood, manifestations of intoxication are observed.


The development of fungal pharyngitis may be due to increased activity various fungal microorganisms.

Candida fungi

In 90-93% of cases, the provoking factor in the development of the anomaly is fungal microorganisms of the genus Candida. They can have different varieties:

C. albicans; S. glabrata; C. stellatoidea; C. tropicalis; S. brumpti.

This is far from full list types of such fungi. However, C. albicans is the most common. The second most common species is C. stellatoidea.


In 5-7% of cases, the provoking factor is the activity of mold fungi. They belong to species such as Penicillium, Aspergillus and Geotrichum.


There are several types of pharyngomycosis, each of which has certain characteristics.


When this form of the disease appears, a white or yellowish coating appears on the surface of the pharynx. It has a cheesy appearance and can be easily removed with a spatula. Red bleeding areas appear under these areas.


This form of pharyngomycosis is also called catarrhal. As it develops, zones of hyperemia with a smooth surface appear on the back wall of the pharynx.


This anomaly is characterized by the appearance of white spots and plaques in the throat area. These formations are removed with great difficulty.


In the area where fungal microorganisms are localized, erosive defects and superficial ulcerations appear. Bleeding from these areas is often observed.

Causes of fungal throat infection:

Causes, provoking factors

The main cause of the development of pharyngomycosis is considered to be infection with fungal microorganisms. However, the disease appears very rarely in healthy people. A key role in the development of pathology is played by immunodeficiency conditions of a congenital or acquired nature. Endocrine disorders can also be a provoking factor.

Typically, pathology develops against the background of such diseases:

HIV infection; hypothyroidism; tuberculosis; persistent acute respiratory viral infections; excess weight; prolonged use of antibiotics; chemotherapy; use of glucocorticoid hormones; diabetes.

In addition, the use of removable dentures may be a provoking factor.


Pharyngomycosis has characteristic manifestations. If they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In adults

TO typical symptoms anomalies include the following:

Pain when swallowing - increases while eating. Spicy and salty foods are especially common triggers. Discomfort may radiate to the ears, cervical area, lower jaw. Temperature rises to 37-38 degrees. Swelling of the mucous membranes, formation of a white or yellowish coating. Prolonged cough. Burning and dryness in the throat. General weakness.

These symptoms are not always present at the same time. However, the presence of certain signs allows doctors to suspect the development of pharyngomycosis.

The characteristic symptom is plaque. If the disease is associated with infection with yeast-like fungi, it has a white tint. If there is a yellowish coating, the presence of mold microorganisms can be suspected.

In children

Pharyngomycosis in children has approximately the same symptoms. However, children cannot always adequately assess their condition, and some of them cannot speak at all.

In such a situation, the presence of fungal plaque in the mouth will help to suspect the presence of pathology. Most often it is localized on the inside of the cheeks, in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils and on the mucous membranes of the larynx. Under the plaque you can see the red epithelium. In some areas there is bleeding with ulcerative defects.

Reviews from Dr. Komarovsky about fungal infections in children:

Diagnostics: research methods, necessary tests

To make a diagnosis, it is worth focusing on the patient’s feelings. The doctor must interview the patient. He is interested in the use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs, and cytostatics in the recent past. The lifestyle and working conditions of a person are of no small importance.

After the survey, the affected areas are examined. Pharyngitis of fungal origin is accompanied by uneven redness of the mucous membranes. In this case, inflammation is present only on a certain side.

To put accurate diagnosis, perform laboratory tests. To do this, you need to analyze the structure of plaque from the pharynx and tonsils. The biomaterial is stained using a special method and examined under a microscope. To accurately determine the causative agent of the pathology, a cultural study is performed.

Often there is a need to determine the reasons for the weakening of the body's defenses. To do this, the following studies are carried out:

general urine analysis; blood tests; test for syphilis; immunogram.

In the photo there is a fungus in the throat


To cope with pathology, you need to choose complex therapy. This will help you cope with the disease and avoid complications.

During the therapy period, it is imperative to follow a gentle diet. Pickles, spicy foods, hot foods, and sour dishes should be removed from the diet. All this leads to irritation of the throat. Dishes should have a soft consistency. It is best to give preference to pureed soups, purees, and liquid porridges.

To prevent exacerbations of the disease, it is very important to monitor your health, treat nasopharyngeal diseases and strengthen your immune system.


To eliminate pharyngomycosis, systemic and local antifungal agents are prescribed. Such drugs can be divided into several categories:

allylamines – terbinafine; polyenes – levorin, nystatin; azoles – itraconazole, fluconazole.

The course of therapy is selected depending on the severity of the disease. Treatment usually lasts 7-14 days. After the condition has normalized, restorative therapy is prescribed. It helps avoid relapses.

The use of local agents is considered an obligatory component of therapy. To eliminate the symptoms of pathology, antifungal medications and antiseptics are used. For such purposes, it is indicated to use miramistin, streptocide, natamycin in the form of a suspension. First, the oral cavity is washed with disinfectants, after which it is treated with a spray or ointment.

Procedures need to be carried out several times a day. In parallel, therapy is carried out for the underlying pathology that led to pharyngomycosis. If the cause is weakened immunity, the use of homeopathy and


Folk remedies

To soften the throat, you can do inhalations with decoctions medicinal plants. For this purpose, sage, chamomile, and calendula are used. You can also use the following rinses:

Mix 5 g of calendula flowers and mint leaves. Add 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Use for rinsing up to 4 times a day. Take 10 g of birch branches and leaves, add 5 g of bird cherry flowers. Pour 1 spoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for a couple of hours. Apply the composition for rinsing several times a day. Poplar bud tincture with a concentration of 10% has powerful fungicidal properties. To rinse, take 30 drops of the product and mix with a glass of water.

Simple and effective recipes fungus treatment:


Physiotherapy means include laser exposure and Ural Federal District. This treatment works when the rays hit the affected areas. In addition, it is worth using vitamins and hyposensitization.

Possible complications

When the abnormal process spreads, fungi enter the oral cavity, leading to local complications. The most common complications include the following:

Candidomycotic angulitis is a lesion of the oral cavity and skin in the corners of the lips. Cervical lymphadenitis– inflammation of the lymph nodes of a purulent nature. Candidal cheilitis is a lesion of the dermis in the corners of the mouth, which is characterized by the appearance of cracks.


To prevent the development of pathology, it is necessary:

strengthen immunity; control glucose levels; use antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor; engage in the treatment of endocrine pathologies.


If delivered on time correct diagnosis and start treatment, the prognosis will be favorable. In case of chronic tonsillitis, therapy will not lead to complete recovery, but will achieve stable remission.

Pharyngomycosis is a serious pathology that can lead to dangerous consequences. To avoid this, you need to strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations.

An inflammatory process of fungal origin on the mucous layer of the pharynx is called pharyngomycosis. Pharyngomycosis is most common in children. It may appear along with other inflammations in the oral cavity. The cause of its appearance is mold or yeast-like fungi. Fungal infection of the pharynx is manifested by discomfort in the throat, pain when swallowing food, and fever. This disease leads to unpleasant complications and to avoid them, you need to start treatment in a timely manner. To do this, when the first symptoms occur, you must go to the hospital.

Main causes and risk factors

The following are the root causes of pharyngomycosis in children:

mold or yeast-like fungi; intake antibacterial drugs;chemical drugs; long-term use of hormonal drugs.

Children with the following pathological conditions are at risk:

trauma to the pharynx; inflammatory processes in the oropharynx; tuberculosis; after chemotherapy; diseases of the endocrine system; development of diabetes mellitus; appearance of HIV infection; large body weight; lack of vitamins in the body. Return to contents

Mechanism of occurrence

The fungus is activated as a result of decreased immunity.

The fungi that cause pharyngomycosis live in the mouth of a healthy person without causing any symptoms or harming the body. But if your immune system is weakened or exposed unfavorable factors these fungi penetrate the mucous layer of the pharynx and begin to multiply. The toxic substances they secrete cause damage to the mucous layer, resulting in the development of inflammatory processes. In this case, swelling of the mucous membrane appears, it becomes loose and bright red. Candida also damages vascular wall and enter the bloodstream, causing intoxication syndrome in the patient. If treatment is not carried out at this stage, the fungi spread throughout the body, causing damage to many organs and tissues.

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Distribution of pharyngomycosis in children

Over the past 10 years, the frequency of registration of the disease has increased, and accounts for 45% of all infectious diseases of the pharynx. This increase is explained by an increase in the number and development of disease factors. The development of pharyngomycosis becomes social significance, since it is more severe than other diseases of the pharynx and often becomes the cause of the development of fungal septic shock.

Irritation of the mucous membrane causes painful sensations while eating.

The incidence of pharyngomycosis in children is very common. The most common fungal infection of the oral mucosa is in infants. Its appearance is associated with the incomplete development of the immune system in infants and its protection from the influence of fungal infection. Older children also suffer from this disease of the pharynx. This can be associated with a fungal infection in early age and partial removal of the pathogen from the infectious focus.

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Symptoms of fungal infection of the pharynx in children

Pharyngomycosis in patients is manifested by the following symptoms:

discomfort in the throat; development of soreness, burning, dryness in the throat; soreness in the throat, which radiates to the ears and jaw; headaches; high body temperature; lethargy; increased fatigue; decreased appetite; restlessness; swelling of the oral mucosa; drowsiness ;nausea; dizziness; enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Return to contents

Diagnostic features

To determine the causative agent of the disease, laboratory tests must be performed.

If symptoms of pharyngomycosis appear in a child, you should definitely go to the hospital for advice. The doctor will find out the root causes of the disease, epidemiological history and examine the child. A visual examination of the oropharynx reveals swelling of the mucous membrane and plaque white on the tonsils, palate, and also on inside cheeks and hyperemia of the pharynx. If upon examination you can see a yellow coating and ulcers that bleed, this indicates an infection with mold fungi. After this, the doctor will conduct a diagnosis of other infectious diseases and make a preliminary diagnosis. To make a final diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe additional studies:

general blood test; general urine test; biochemical blood test; mycological study of plaque; cultural study of material; immunological study of blood; sugar test; HIV test; test for syphilis; markers for hepatitis B, C. Return to contents

Treatment of pharyngomycosis

Nutrition correction is an integral part of treatment.

If a child shows the first signs of the disease, you should not try to cure the pathology yourself at home, since pharyngomycosis, if treated incorrectly or untimely, leads to dangerous complications. Therefore, you must definitely go to the hospital. The doctor will examine the child, prescribe special research techniques and, if indicated, hospitalize him. After diagnosis, he will prescribe drug therapy. Also, each child is prescribed a specially designed diet during treatment.

Before starting therapy, it is imperative to eliminate the factors causing the disease (stop taking antibacterial drugs, hormonal drugs and others).

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Drug therapy

For pharyngomycosis, the following drugs are prescribed:

antifungal system tools(“Itrazol”, “Griseofulvin”, “Daktarin”, “Itraconazole”); antipyretics (“Ibuprofen”, “Paracetamol”); local antifungal drugs (“Miramistin”, “Natamycin”); multivitamins (“Multitabs”, “Alvitil” "); immunostimulants ("Betaferon", "Bifidumbacterin", "Amiksin", "Glutoxim"). Return to contents

Diet for fungal infection of the pharynx

With pharyngomycosis, each child is required to be prescribed a special dietary diet. The dietary menu for children must be enriched with vitamins and minerals. It should include dairy products, vegetables, fruits and herbs. Children also need to prepare various soups, low-fat broths, cereals, baked or boiled meat and fish. It is recommended to add dried fruits, weak black or green tea, compote Sweet, spicy and salty foods must be excluded from the diet.

Throat candidiasis (pharyngomycosis) is part of a group of diseases leading to inflammatory fungal infection of the mucous membranes. The causative agent is yeast fungi of the genus Candida (usually Candida albicans), widespread throughout the environment. Candida is always present on the body of a healthy person and inside the body (in the mouth, in the intestines), without causing harm to him. But under an unfavorable combination of circumstances, a “trigger” moment comes, and the disease makes itself felt.

Features of the disease

Candidiasis is often called “thrush in the throat.” The second name appeared because a characteristic cheesy-white coating appears in the patient’s mouth during the development of the pathology, by which the doctor can almost accurately identify candidiasis. Most often, thrush includes not only damage to the throat, but also inflammation of the initial parts of the respiratory tract (larynx) and oral cavity, but it can also occur in isolation. Candidiasis can be complemented by the following pathologies:

candidal stomatitis (oral lesions); candidal glossitis (inflammation of the tongue); candidal cheilitis (thrush on the red border of the lips); candidal laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx).

Depending on the degree of damage to the throat, thrush can be superficial and deep. By activity type pathological process candidiasis can be acute or chronic.

Throat fungus as a disease can appear in a person at any age. Important role the state of immunity plays a role in the development of pathology: when normal operation The immune system of fungal diseases usually does not occur. A decrease in immunity is observed after severe infectious diseases, in HIV-infected people, in patients with diabetes mellitus, etc.

Other reasons that a fungal infection in the throat in adults and children begins to actively multiply and causes symptoms of an inflammatory disease:

unmotivated or prolonged use of antibiotics; abuse of local antiseptics, throat antibiotics; taking glucocorticosteroids, chemotherapy; exhaustion of the body due to stress, insomnia, intense work; vitamin deficiencies, especially lack of B vitamins; unfavorable production conditions leading to a decrease in local immunity in the throat and larynx; prematurity of the child at birth, suffered in the maternity hospital infectious diseases; congenital anomalies structure of the gastrointestinal tract; decreased protection and rate of regeneration of the oral mucosa in old age; oncological diseases; burns of the oral cavity. Find out how to treat a throat burn

In a newborn child, infection of the throat and larynx by Candida fungi can occur if he comes into contact with sick people or carriers of the pathogen, with contaminated drinks, toys, or when the baby passes through the birth canal. If a large number of yeast-like fungi are ingested, candidiasis may develop in the throat.

After a fungal infection occurs in the throat, it affects the mucous membrane, where it quickly multiplies and inhibits the normal processes of cell activity. Over time, Candida's metabolic products cause cell death in this area of ​​the body and the development of a chronic infection.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of pathology on early stage its development is most often very meager. In adults, the pathology may not manifest itself at all in the first weeks. On the contrary, in weakened children the manifestation of the disease can be bright literally with initial stages. So, the main symptoms of a fungal infection of the throat after the fungi begin to secrete special enzymes that affect the oropharynx:

dry throat; redness of the throat; swelling of the mucous membrane; increased sensitivity of the entire oral cavity; sore throat, sore mouth; burning, irritation; itching, tickling, tickling; sometimes - increased body temperature; increase in size of tonsils; weakness, malaise; decreased appetite; the symptoms of the disease intensify if you take sour foods, spicy, hot dishes.

If the pathology is not treated, candida in the throat causes inflammation to progress, and the symptoms become more pronounced. In places of greatest accumulation of fungi, white discharge of a cheesy nature is formed, slightly rising above the surface of the back wall of the pharynx, tonsils, palatine arches, soft palate. Discharge may also appear in the form of small dots or grains, clearly visible on the inflamed, bright red mucous membrane. Another variant of the clinical picture of candidiasis in the throat is the appearance of white films or plaques on the mucous membrane, prone to merging with each other.

In childhood, fungus in the throat can manifest itself more pronouncedly, leading to an increase in temperature and the development of the main symptoms of pharyngitis. The plaque in the throat sometimes turns yellow due to the attachment purulent processes. When trying to remove plaque from a baby, red eroded areas may remain on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, from which droplets of blood are released. Throat candidiasis should be treated immediately after its first signs are identified in order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic and causing other unpleasant consequences.

Complications of thrush

If the signs of fungi in the throat were ignored and the pathology was not treated, the patient will experience progressive destruction of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. As a result, ulcers may appear on its surface, and the entry of a bacterial infection into them will provoke secondary inflammation, the formation of ulcers and even abscesses.

Thrush from the throat can spread to other parts of the respiratory tract, digestive tract. In people with significantly weakened immunity, candidiasis can develop into a generalized infection that occurs similar to sepsis. This condition requires urgent treatment in a hospital to avoid death.

Diagnosis of candidiasis

An otolaryngologist or pediatrician can suspect thrush in the mouth and throat based on its characteristic signs described above, as well as based on the patient’s history and complaints. The main method of diagnosing that a fungus in the throat has led to the development of candidiasis is a bacterial analysis of a smear from the oropharynx of a sick person. After examining the obtained material, the presence of fungi of the species Candida Albicans is usually revealed.

With absence obvious reasons for candidiasis (for example, past influenza, measles, taking antibiotics, etc.), general clinical tests and other examinations are required to look for factors of decreased immunity. Thrush of the throat should be differentiated from diphtheria, fusospirochetosis, and bacterial pharyngitis.

Conservative treatment methods

Throat fungus should be treated through comprehensive therapeutic approach. Systemic antifungal drugs (antimycotics) must be prescribed:

Nystatin; Mycostatin; Fluconazole; Futsis; Mikosist; Flucosist.

If the patient takes antibiotics during tolerated candidiasis, treatment should be completed, but only if it is appropriate. It often takes up to 3-5 courses of systemic antimycotics for the number of fungi in the throat to decrease to normal.

In the treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases, antibiotics are usually used for sore throat. Here you will find out what their role is and how to restore the body's microflora after them.

The dosage of drugs that can be used to treat the pathology is selected only by the doctor based on the severity of the disease. If there is no effect from therapy, fungi in the throat are treated with drugs from other pharmacological groups (Micafungin, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole). In parallel, the patient must be prescribed:

antihistamines (Zodac, Zyrtec, Loratadine); immunostimulants (Licopid, Immunorix, Echinacea); vitamin-mineral complexes with an increased dose ascorbic acid, B vitamins; general tonics and adaptogens (tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, aloe juice); preparations of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli (Normobakt, Linex), since throat candidiasis is almost always combined with intestinal dysbiosis.

In addition, local treatment of candida in the throat is carried out:

treatment of the oropharynx with a solution of Lugol, Stomatofit, Fukortsin; throat irrigation with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt; rinsing with a solution of soda, boric acid; Effective recipes for gargling with soda; gargling with oak bark infusion and propolis tincture diluted in water; application antifungal ointments(Nystatinova, Levorinova); throat treatment with rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil; electrophoresis of potassium iodide solution; laser therapy for the throat; UV irradiation of the oropharynx.

Regular antiseptic treatments dentures and other structures on which pathogenic fungi can persist.

Diet for throat candidiasis

When treating throat fungus, you must strictly follow special diet, the basis of which will be lean meat, fish, buckwheat, eggs, vegetables. You can eat fruits if you have thrush, but in small quantities. Among vegetables, it is preferable to eat bell peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and herbs.

It is prohibited during therapy and until complete recovery to eat sweet foods, any dishes with vinegar, yeast, dairy products, sauerkraut, pickles, wheat, rice, barley, rye, or drink alcohol.

Following such a nutritional system will help avoid relapse of the disease and permanently cure fungi in the throat.

Folk remedies as additional treatment

Throat fungus should be treated only with antifungal drugs, but home remedies will effectively complement local therapy and strengthen the patient’s immunity:

Squeeze the juice from the golden mustache plant, take it in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Pour the juice into a glass of water, add a teaspoon there lemon juice. Gargle three times a day. Brew 2 tablespoons of flax seed with boiling water (a glass), let it brew for an hour. Soak a cotton or gauze swab in the infusion, then thoroughly lubricate the entire mouth and throat with the product. Grind 50 g of St. John's wort herb and flowers, pour 200 ml olive oil. After 2 days of keeping the product at room temperature, take it to treat the throat three times a day. Squeeze the juice from the cranberries, dilute it twice with water. Use as a rinse after each meal for 3-4 days. You can also gargle with undiluted Kalanchoe juice. You can treat mushrooms in the throat by gargling with this remedy: boil a liter of water, dissolve a spoonful of salt in it. Drive one into the water chicken protein. Rinsing should be done when severe pain and irritation in the mouth.

Treatment of candida in children

If mushrooms in the throat occur in a child, which happens quite often, the course of therapy is selected only by a doctor after necessary examination. The child's diet should exclude sugar, yeast bread and all of the above products. Dairy products Children can eat it, but in small quantities.

When the baby is breastfed, this type of feeding should be continued. Before each feeding, it is necessary to sanitize the nipple and areola, as well as sterilize the baby’s jars and nipples. Read more about how to treat infant throat and treatment of pharyngitis during breastfeeding

For local treatment the patient's mouth and throat should be treated soda solution, infusion of oak bark, calendula flowers or medications prescribed by a doctor - a solution of borax on glycerin, a solution of brilliant green, fucorcin, Miramistin, oil tea tree. The affected areas of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx are lubricated special drugs based on clotrimazole, drops of Pimafucin, Nizoral, etc. are dripped into the mouth. Read more about the treatment of throat in children folk remedies

If necessary, systemic antimycotics are introduced into the course of therapy in a dosage according to age. Also, probiotics, vitamins, and immunomodulators are necessarily used in the treatment of children. If thrush of the mouth and throat is difficult to treat, the child should be thoroughly examined by an immunologist.

What not to do with candidiasis

If you have a throat thrush, you should not:

eat prohibited foods, especially those with yeast; smoke, drink alcohol; continue uncontrolled use of antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormonal agents; ignore taking probiotics and vitamins; be treated with folk remedies with honey, yogurt, kefir.

Prevention of throat candidiasis

In children and adults, prevention of candidiasis consists of:

monitoring the condition of the oral cavity, dental hygiene, tongue; treatment of all chronic inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx; taking immunomodulators, vitamins after all infectious diseases; disinfection of toys, pacifiers, household items, children's dishes; sanatorium-resort treatment with low immunity and the presence systemic diseases; sports, hardening, proper nutrition and lifestyle.

And in conclusion, we suggest you look at what Dr. Komarovsky says about the treatment of oral thrush.

Pharyngomycosis (fungal pharyngitis, oral thrush) is a fungal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and nearby anatomical structures.

These formations include:

  • palatine tonsils ();
  • tongue (candidal glossitis);
  • oral mucosa (mycotic stomatitis);
  • uvula (uveitis).

About the disease

The most common causative agent of oropharyngeal candidiasis is a fungus of the genus Candida (Candida albicans). In the remaining, approximately 5% of cases, the causative agents are other fungi:

  • aspergillus;
  • geotrichums;
  • penicillium.

This disease is widespread in all age and ethnic groups, but tends to occur in people with immunocompromised health conditions.


  • HIV and AIDS. Candidiasis of the oropharynx and larynx most often occurs in this category of people.
    Pharyngomycosis is one of the opportunistic infections - diseases that occur in people with late decompensated stages of AIDS and low counts of CD-4 lymphocytes;
  • taking immunosuppressants, most often these are adrenal hormonal drugs (Prednisolone, Dexomethasone, Fludrocortisone, Betamethasone, etc.);
  • antimetabolic drugs (Mercaptopurine, Cytarabine, Bupropion, Sulfasalazine);
  • could also be the reason long-term use antibiotics (Penicillins, Macrolides, drugs of the Ceftriaxone group);
  • heavy chronic pathology– oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, secondary syphilis;
  • harmful factors – smoking, alcoholism, occupational hazards;
  • hereditary or acquired immunodeficiency diseases (DiGeorge syndrome, Bruton syndrome, Wiskot-Aldrich disease);
  • In a child, the cause of immunodeficiency may be congenital pathology immune system.


IN international classification
ICD-10 pharyngomycosis occurs under the name “Candida stomatitis”.
Depending on the manifestations, there are four clinical forms pharyngomycosis:

  1. Erythematous form. The most common clinical variant, in some cases it can develop into other clinical forms.
    It is often confused with ARVI or pharyngitis of viral etiology, as it manifests itself as redness of the mucous membrane. Against a hyperemic background, slight swelling of the soft tissues at the site of the lesion may occur.
  2. Pseudomembranous form. It is characterized by the appearance of white or grayish films, which are easily removed with tweezers, and the place of their attachment does not bleed.
    Careful differential diagnosis of this form with diphtheria of the oropharynx (the plaque has a gray tint, is difficult to separate from the mucous membrane, droplets of blood form at the site of separation).
  3. Hyperplastic form. The epithelium of the oropharynx grows, and multiple white plaques ranging in size from 1 mm to 1 cm appear. These formations are difficult to separate from the mucous membrane and tend to merge.
  4. Erosive-ulcerative form. The most severe clinical variant, because it occurs only in cases of severe immunodeficiency.
    It is characterized by the formation of erosions and ulcers of varying sizes and depths, some of which may bleed. These mucosal defects are painful and heal very poorly.

Clinical picture and diagnosis

The clinical picture directly depends on the form of pharyngomycosis. Most often, patients turn to specialists with complaints of pain in the oral cavity, which intensifies when swallowing and talking.
Strengthening pain syndrome promotes intake:

  • hard;
  • salty;
  • spicy food.

There is a constant soreness and tingling sensation in the throat. In some cases, constant coughing occurs.

The patient may also be bothered by general clinical symptoms:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • constant fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • depressive disorders.

The general condition of the patient may vary depending on the underlying disease that led to the development of candidiasis.

In children, fungal inflammation of pharyngomycosis is much more complicated and can be observed even with febrile temperature and is easily complicated by dissemination of the process.

In almost all cases, pharyngomycosis is chronic nature, and acute disease is only its stage. There is a clear trend between the worsening of the underlying disease and, as a consequence, candidiasis.

On average, exacerbations occur 8-12 times a year, more during cold periods.

The specialized specialist for this pathology is an otolaryngologist. But do not forget that pharyngomycosis is only a manifestation of a more severe disease, so you need to find the original source of the problem.

Both anamnestic data and special research methods play a role in making a diagnosis.

When examining the oropharynx, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall or pseudomembranes are noted, involving the palatine arches and tonsils in the process.

In more severe cases the process takes on an erosive-ulcerative form, and throughout the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx, small bleeding defects of the mucous membrane are located on different stages healing.

Research methods

It is impossible to distinguish clinically and upon examination from other diseases with complete certainty, which is why doctors often resort to the use of microscopic or cultural research methods.

Thanks to microscopy, you can quickly and confidently make a diagnosis and proceed to treatment.

In ambiguous cases, smear culture tests are performed.
This method takes much longer (10-14 days until preliminary results are obtained), but it is highly selective and allows you to select the most effective treatment method.

Fungal pharyngitis should be carefully differentiated from other pathologies of the oropharynx:

  • bacterial stomatitis;
  • diphtheria;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • pemphigus;
  • cancer of the tongue or cheek;
  • leukoplakia.

Modern methods of treatment

Self-medication can be dangerous to your health, so it is better to consult a doctor who knows how to treat pharyngomycosis and the diseases that lead to it.
Treatment of fungal pharyngomycosis is quite simple - taking antifungal drugs.

Most often used:

  • Itraconazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Fukortsin;
  • Polygynax;
  • Nystatin;
  • Naftifin;
  • Amphotericin B (used in the most severe cases that are resistant to other drugs).

The latter should be treated with great caution, given the wide range of side effects.

First of all, you need to correctly combine it with other drugs, because due to its effect on metabolism in the liver, Amphotericin B changes the pharmacodynamics of other drugs in the human body.

The choice of drug depends directly on the severity of the patient’s condition.

The most commonly used local antifungal drugs are:

  • suspensions;
  • applications;
  • irrigation of the oropharynx.

Local medications can be combined with tablet forms.
In case of erosive-ulcerative form and severe concomitant disease, the use of intravenous injections antimycotic drugs.

Treatment also includes supportive therapy in the form of:

  • non-steroidal;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antiseptic drugs.

Compliance with bed rest and diet also has a positive effect on the outcome of treatment.

Not bad therapeutic Physiotherapy shows the effect:

  • UHF applications;
  • inhalation of aromatic substances.

Treatment, both medicinal and non-medicinal, allows you to get rid of fungal pharyngitis in just 10-20 days.

In addition to all of the above, a fungal infection can move to neighboring parts of the respiratory and digestive tracts, causing:

  • rhinitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • esophagitis.

In more severe cases, the process may be aggravated by the spread of infection to the parapharyngeal tissue, that is, to the peripharyngeal space.

This scenario is very dangerous, because it quickly leads to sepsis and death.


Even with positive effect from drug treatment of pharyngomycosis, one should not forget that this is only a consequence of another, more severe pathology.
If a fungal inflammation occurs in the oral cavity or pharynx, it is better to immediately start looking for the original cause, because every lost second can become critical for your health. Be healthy!