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How to get rid of white coating on the tongue. How to clean white plaque from your tongue at home

It is imperative to combat this problem. The formation of white plaque or another color on the teeth will create pathogenic flora for the development of all possible violations normal functioning teeth. To remove plaque, you should reconsider your lifestyle and think about what you can remove from it, or what measures you can take regularly.

How to remove white plaque and white spots on teeth?

What remedies exist to get rid of plaque?

Pharmacies offer a whole range of whitening pastes with different directions of action to remove plaque and stains on teeth. In order to be on the safe side, you need to exclude pastes with fluoride in the composition and use the rest in accordance with the instructions.

Teeth cleaning strips excellent remedy. They are easy to attach, easy to wear for the prescribed period of time, and easy to remove. Note that the strips remove only superficial stains and have virtually no effect deep in the enamel, so they should be used as preventive measure, and not a therapeutic measure.

Nobody canceled dental floss. This tool makes life much easier. It helps remove all food debris from the teeth, which reduces the number of possible enamel damage, enhances the volumetric whitening effect and simply preserves the teeth.

Sometimes the method of our grandparents is quite effective in combating stains and white plaque. This is brushing your teeth with baking soda. To do this, take a level teaspoon of soda and add five drops of water so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Then brush your teeth with this mixture. Such an abrasive is quite soft and will not harm the teeth without visible damage to the enamel.

How to deal with white plaque around the gums using rinses?

Sometimes teeth rinsing or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, prepared independently in the kitchen, helps to cope with stains. Just keep in mind that rinses purchased at the pharmacy should have a whitening effect.

In general, the appearance of stains on teeth is a reason to go for a consultation with a doctor and listen to his suggestions. If we are talking about fluorosis, then teeth can be whitened only in a professional office, and that’s the question. Therefore, be careful and always pay attention to your teeth.

Causes of white plaque on teeth and prevention of the phenomenon

A therapist can guess what white plaque on teeth might mean. You shouldn’t be suspicious and rush to treat all your illnesses at once. First, make sure that all methods of removing plaque have no effect due to its rapid renewal. If so, then there is a different problem.

For many, stains have become a problem that do not cause obvious damage to the enamel, but extremely spoil a person’s perception. To prevent white formations from becoming a problem, you need to determine their cause.

The problem is that very often there are symmetrical white spots on the incisors, which darken intensely over time Brown, most often causes fluorosis. This is a problem of oversaturation of the body with fluoride, in these cases whitening is difficult. In the early stages, white spots on teeth from fluorosis can be brightened up a little by dental clinic, provided that fluorine is eliminated from human consumption as much as possible.

If the problem is caused by something else - food, drinks, poor oral hygiene, etc. – then you can fight with all available means.

Prevention white plaque on the teeth and tongue

The food and drinks a person consumes can significantly affect the darkening of enamel, causing white plaque and white spots on the teeth. Therefore, you need to either exclude possible reasons changes in enamel color, or introduce a habit that would block the effect of them. To reduce or eliminate white plaque on your teeth, you can use the following methods.

Brushing your teeth should be done twice a day! Choosing a toothpaste for brushing your teeth is a responsible undertaking; if you are not confident in your knowledge, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will help you choose a toothpaste and a brush that will help you clean your teeth as much as possible.

To avoid brushing your teeth after every meal, you should use a rinse. It's much simpler and no less effective. You should choose rinses very carefully.

A great option for cleaning your teeth is using dental floss. It allows you to get rid of food debris and eliminates possible foci of infection, which reduces the possibility of developing plaque on the teeth.

How to prevent white plaque on teeth at home?

Dental strips are very helpful in removing plaque. Their action is precisely aimed at deciding this problem, and they cope with it. They are easy to attach, easy to wear and equally easy to remove.

If the reasons go further, and plaque forms around tartar that has “grown” on the teeth, then it is imperative to get rid of it. Tartar should be removed in a clinic. At home similar procedure will be ineffective and potentially harmful. Therefore, trust your doctor.

It is worth consulting a doctor if you cannot cope with the plaque. Perhaps the reason lies in something else, and the dentist will be able to guess what it is. Note that problems with white plaque often cause disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

I am starting to write a series of articles about cleansing the body. And I’ll start with simple but very effective methods that many underestimate. There is no need to torture yourself with complex procedures, do enemas, dubages or anything else.

Such methods are needed for deeper cleaning, in case of any diseases or severe slagging. To begin, apply two simple ways cleansing the body, but despite seeming ease, they give amazing results. This is cleaning the tongue and... The topic of this particular article is cleaning the tongue from plaque at home.

Since childhood, we have been taught to brush our teeth twice a day - morning and evening, and, if possible, after each meal. But not everyone knows that oral hygiene is not limited to dental care. It is equally important to clean the tongue, palate and inner surface of the cheeks, which prevents reproduction pathogenic bacteria in the mouth and is an effective preventative against infectious diseases or digestive disorders. We will look at methods of tongue hygiene, the reasons for the appearance of plaque on its surface, pharmacy and home remedies for keeping the oral cavity clean.

Why does plaque appear?

The tongue is a muscular organ in the oral cavity, which is responsible for the articulation of speech, the formation of a bolus of food, and the determination of the taste and temperature properties of consumed foods. On the outside it is covered with a mucous membrane big amount papillae and villi, which allow you to enjoy a variety of taste sensations.

The roughness of the mucous layer contributes to the retention of microparticles of food on its surface. This causes the proliferation of bacteria and fungi that normally live in the oral cavity. Excessive proliferation of microorganisms is prevented by leukocytes, which absorb and destroy bacteria. Thanks to work immune system supported normal biocenosis oral cavity.

Remains of undigested food, destroyed microorganisms and leukocytes form a thin layer of light plaque on the surface of the tongue, through which the papillae of the mucous layer are visible. What to do if there is a white coating on your tongue? The process of formation of a white thin coating is considered a normal variant. Often such plaque forms in a place that is difficult to clean - at the root of the tongue; it must be removed during oral hygiene. On the body of the organ, a thin coating usually clears itself during eating, during speech and salivation.

Sometimes it is formed on the tongue thick coating yellow or brown. In such cases, pathology from the digestive and other body systems can be suspected. In many diseases, the tongue, like a biological indicator, notifies about malfunctions and dysfunction.

Diseases in which the color of the tongue changes and a thick layer of plaque appears:

  • inflammatory lesions of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and gall bladder;
  • constipation, diarrhea, flatulence;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • endocrine pathology and hormonal imbalance;
  • pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis;
  • tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis;
  • dehydration, malnutrition, intoxication;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • long-term use of medications.

The color change is affected by eating food with natural or artificial colors: blueberries, tea, coffee, chocolate, candies. Plaque formation is promoted by smoking and alcohol abuse. What to do if it's on your tongue yellow plaque or a dark coating? In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor to diagnose the disease and treat it. After recovery from the disease, the plaque in the mouth will also disappear.

Watch this video and everything will become clear to you.

Cleaning the tongue according to the ancient yogi technique

In ancient times, yogis used tongue cleaning to prevent various diseases, primarily digestive disorders. For this they used a technique called Jihwa Mula Dhouti. Translated from Sanskrit, the word mula means “root” and jihva means “tongue”. The procedure involved daily cleaning of the oral cavity from plaque and mucus accumulation. Cleaning the tongue improved the functioning of the digestive tract and prevented infectious diseases respiratory tract, kept your teeth healthy and your breath smelling fresh.

The technique involves a simple method of cleaning the surface of an organ using your fingers. To do this, use the index, middle and ring fingers, which straighten and tightly connect to each other. Thumb the hands and little finger are bent and crossed together. This creates an improvised scraper for cleaning the tongue.

Before the procedure, hands must be washed thoroughly with soap, paying attention Special attention clean skin under nails. At the beginning of hygiene, the root of the tongue is cleaned. To do this, insert your fingers into the throat until the urge to gag appears and gently rub the mucous membrane of the root of the tongue, trying not to cause a gag reflex. In people with sensitive back wall pharynx procedure is best applied before meals.

Then the upper and lower surfaces of the organ are cleaned. Each section of the tongue is given 2 minutes. Oral hygiene should be carried out 1-3 times daily before or after meals, depending on the severity of the gag reflex. After the procedure, you should rinse your mouth with a glass of warm water.

Modern methods of cleaning the tongue from plaque

Modern industry produces toothbrushes with a device for cleaning the tongue. They are compact attachments on the head of a toothbrush, which are equipped with rubber grooves and bristles. Each brushing of teeth must be completed with hygiene of the root and body of the tongue. To cleanse the organ, special scrapers of various configurations are used. To improve quality hygiene procedure use mouth rinses, pharmaceutical products based medicinal herbs, vegetable oil, soda solution and propolis.


A toothbrush for cleaning your tongue is a universal way to remove plaque. For a hygienic procedure, it is better to use a brush with soft bristles to avoid irritation of the sensitive mucous membrane. Modern toothbrushes have special rubber heads that are designed to remove plaque from the palate, inner surface cheeks and tongue. For effective cleaning, place no pressure on the bristles or attachment. a large number of toothpaste or non-abrasive tooth powder. After the procedure, the mouth must be treated with an antibacterial solution. This method is not suitable for people with a highly developed gag reflex.

Tongue scrapers

You can remove plaque using scrapers - a plastic spoon with a comfortable handle. The device effectively removes mucus and plaque from the surface of the tongue and does not stimulate vomiting reflex. To facilitate the hygienic procedure, scrapers with brushes are produced that remove even the smallest particles from the surface of the organ. After use, the scraper must be rinsed under running water. warm water, A oral cavity rinse with an antibacterial solution.

Let's watch a video on how to clean your tongue.

Available means

Cleaning the tongue with improvised means involves using a teaspoon or gauze. A teaspoon is used using the scraper method, after rinsing under running water with antibacterial soap. The gauze is folded into 2-3 layers and wrapped around the index, middle and ring fingers. This method corresponds to the ancient yogi technique, but gauze or a bandage is additionally used to increase friction. It is better to use sterile material; after the procedure, the tissue is thrown away.

Vegetable oil

To cleanse your tongue of plaque, you can use vegetable oil - olive or flaxseed. These types of oils not only remove plaque, but also nourish the oral mucosa, promote the healing of microtraumas, and have an antibacterial and antifungal effect. The procedure must be carried out in the morning before meals. Take a tablespoon of oil into your mouth and, using chewing movements, mix it around the oral cavity for 5-20 minutes.

It is important that the vegetable oil coats the entire oral mucosa. After the procedure, the oil takes on a watery appearance and must be spat out. Do not swallow used oil, which contains large amounts of bacteria and rotting food debris. After cleaning, rinse the mouth several times with warm water.

Baking soda solution

To prepare the solution in a warm glass boiled water dissolve 2-3 teaspoons baking soda. Use the resulting product to rinse your mouth active movements cheeks and tongue for 10-15 minutes. A pinch of baking soda soaked in water can be used to clean your tongue with a toothbrush. After the procedure, the oral cavity is cleaned of soda residues with an antibacterial solution or warm water.

Medicinal herbs

Tinctures of calendula, chamomile, sage, oak bark, and St. John's wort have an antibacterial effect. A solution of medicinal herbs is prepared before use - add 15-20 drops of tincture to a glass of water. Healing herbs usually used after cleaning the tongue using any of the above methods. More often, this method of plaque removal is used for inflammation of the gums and after dental treatment.


Propolis has an antibacterial effect. It is used to clean teeth and tongue if it is not possible to use other methods. For oral hygiene, it is enough to chew a piece of propolis after eating to cleanse the mucous membrane of plaque.

Oral hygiene is of great importance for the prevention of pathology of teeth, digestive and other body systems. If a coating appears on the tongue, what should you do? First of all, regularly brush not only your teeth, but also the mucous membranes of your cheeks, palate and tongue. If the procedures are ineffective, you should consult a doctor to diagnose and treat diseases that may cause plaque formation. Don't forget that some products with dyes can change the color of the oral mucosa, which disappears after rinsing and cleaning the mouth.

See you soon.

Happiness and health to you.

White coating on the tongue is a consequence of the accumulation of bacteria, dead leukocytes and protein elements of saliva.

It can appear in adults and children and is not cleared by mouth rinsing, swallowing and other natural processes.

Therefore, many people are interested in how to get rid of white coating on the tongue at home.


Before treating white plaque on the tongue, it is worth determining the reasons for its appearance. The most common factors include the following:

In infants, the appearance of plaque may be associated with teething. In addition, it is worth considering that the baby eats mother's milk. Therefore, the presence of such a coating on the tongue of a newborn is considered a variant of the norm, provided that the child retains normal sleep and appetite.

If a white coating appears not only on the tongue, but also on the gums, as well as the inner surface of the cheeks, appetite is disrupted and the general state, one can suspect the activity of fungal microorganisms of the genus Candida. This pathology called thrush.

The disease is a consequence of a weakened immune system or infection through dirty toys, pacifiers or pacifiers. The baby can also become infected from an infected mother. The pathology must be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Before removing the white coating from the tongue, it is worth assessing its appearance..

The thickness of the formation is of particular importance:

  1. A thin coating appears on initial stage pathology.
  2. A thick coating indicates development chronic form diseases.
  3. A white coating that thickens and darkens indicates the rapid progression of the disease. If you feel better, the plaque takes on a lighter shade and becomes thinner.

Many people are interested in what to do if there is a white coating on the tongue.. If the reasons for its appearance are not associated with serious pathologies, coping with the problem is quite easy.

The simplest and most effective method of cleansing is using a toothbrush. For this purpose you can use with a regular brush. Many modern models have a special ribbed back.

To cleanse, you need to perform gentle circular movements without putting pressure on the tongue. In this case, it is worth moving from root to tip.

If desired, you should apply a little paste to the brush, and then try to clean your tongue using the usual method. However, many people complain of a gag reflex during this procedure. To consolidate the result, you can use a mouth rinse.

Answering the question of how to remove white plaque from the tongue, we can recommend more original methods:

Despite high efficiency mechanical cleaning, the problem must be solved comprehensively. To do this, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Normalize digestive processes. Therefore, first you should visit a gastroenterologist.
  2. Take medications to stimulate the stomach. These include Pancreatin and Mezim.
  3. Perform a colon cleanse. For this purpose, laxatives and enemas are used.
  4. Follow a diet. To do this, you need to give up smoked meats and fatty foods. It is best to eat cooked and raw foods.

Folk remedies

How to clean white plaque from your tongue at home? For this purpose, you can use proven folk recipes.

Everyone knows that in order to maintain oral hygiene, you need to brush your teeth twice a day - morning and evening. But, of course, many people forget that they also need to clean their tongue of any plaque that forms on it.

If a person felt bad smell from the mouth, food has become tasteless, bitterness has appeared in the mouth, then such a problem indicates “contamination” of the tongue - a coating has simply appeared.

The cause of plaque on the tongue may be that on the mucous surface of the tongue bacteria are formed, which causes bad breath. Before removing it from the tongue, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence.

What is plaque on the tongue like?

  1. White. If there is a thick layer of white coating on the tongue, this may indicate that the person is constipated. At elevated temperature- this is the penetration of any infection into the body. Also, a white coating on the tongue may indicate a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, gastritis or stomach ulcer, enterocolitis. If the front of the tongue or its sides are covered with a white coating, then the person has kidney problems.
  2. Yellow. If it is a thin layer, then this does not cause any problems. Usually, a yellow coating on the tongue always occurs during the hot season. But if the color becomes more intense, then this indicates that it may be the first sign of a stomach ulcer, there may be excess or stagnation of bile or early stage jaundice.
  3. Black. It is a rare occurrence. It only happens when serious illnesses, For example, increased acidity blood - this occurs with severe dehydration, Crohn's disease, cholera and serious illnesses gallbladder and pancreas.
  4. Plaque of a different color. Any plaque other than white and yellow is considered a deviation from the norm. It happens very rarely - green, it occurs only with three diseases - with yeast, mycotic and candidal glossitis. Brown - happens in heavy smokers and in people who abuse alcohol, the reason lies in lung problems. Gray - a problem with the stomach or intestines.

How to get rid of plaque on the tongue if it comes with spots, and there is an explanation for this. It usually looks like " geographic map"because the tongue is covered with red spots. It’s just that at this time the tongue looks ugly, but over time it goes away.

If the coating on the tongue is normal and does not cause any discomfort, then this is considered normal.

How to remove plaque from the tongue?

Before you start cleansing your tongue, you first need to determine the cause of plaque, because the cause of the plaque may be that a person drinks too much coffee or strong tea, smokes or drinks a lot, and the cause may also arise from the consumption of certain foods that aggravate the diseases that occur in the body of this person.

How to remove plaque- first of all, you need to clean your tongue every morning, as well as your cheeks and gums while brushing your teeth, so that it is Pink colour. For this you can use toothbrush. You need to clean it from the base to its tip. You can also use a teaspoon to cleanse your tongue.

You can clean your tongue by using vegetable oil (any: sunflower, olive). You need to take a teaspoon of oil into your mouth and gently rinse your mouth with it, the main thing is that the bulk of the oil gets on it. This procedure should take about 10 minutes, in which case there is no need to rush. When you spit the oil out of your mouth, you will notice that it has lightened and the plaque has decreased. This procedure must be repeated for at least two weeks.

After brushing your teeth, you can rinse your mouth with a special product. This will have a great effect.

Traditional cleaning methods

In order not to bother your head with how to get rid of plaque on your tongue, it’s best to prevent it from appearing:

  1. You need to regulate your intestines and better balance your diet.
  2. Regulate the moisture in the mouth, drying out leads to the formation of plaque.
  3. Needed good rest, taking vitamins, doing gymnastics. In a word, we need to boost our immunity.
  4. Take carefully and cautiously medical supplies that were not prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Do not drink under any circumstances and quit smoking.

A good way to remove plaque is eat vegetables and fruits more often. But if all of the above methods do not help, then you should definitely consult a doctor, and he will not only help you get rid of it, but also tell you what to do to prevent it from occurring.

When you go to the doctor, any examination begins with the words “Open your mouth!” Indeed, the oral cavity, and especially the tongue, can tell a lot about its owner. A coating on the tongue can be normal, a minor deviation, or even serious illness. It all depends on the thickness, color and rate of plaque growth. Plaque itself is a sign of the presence of bacteria and microbes in the oral cavity. Many people neglect to care for their tongue, but it needs to be taken care of just as intensively and regularly as your teeth. Every day in the morning and evening you brush your teeth, and at the same time brush your tongue. It is not very convenient to clean it with a brush; this can be done with a special scraper or a simple spoon. This cleaning will remove plaque from the surface of the tongue and between the villi. But where does it come from?

Causes of plaque on the tongue

  1. The most common cause of white plaque on the tongue is insufficient oral care. In addition to morning and evening cleansing, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with water every time after eating. This procedure will remove food debris from the gums and tongue. If you regularly rinse your mouth with water after eating, you will get rid of many problems with your teeth and tongue.
  2. Another most common reason is the presence of a disease. By the thickness and color of the plaque, you can determine which organs have failed.
  3. Often, a coating on the tongue appears in smokers who abuse their bad habit. Alcohol gives the same reaction.
  4. Long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics, can also cause plaque on the tongue.

Types of plaque on the tongue

How to determine the thickness of plaque, because this is one of its important indicators? To do this, you need to thoroughly clean your tongue with a spoon or scraper. Then go about your usual business for three hours, you cannot eat or drink. If after the specified time the plaque appears again, it means that it is growing quickly enough and is thick; if not, it is thin. The disease can be diagnosed by the color of the plaque.

  1. If your plaque is light and thick, it is most likely that you have problems with gastrointestinal tract. It could be constipation or intestinal colic. Also, such a plaque appears when poor nutrition and diets.
  2. White, thick and opaque plaque indicates progressive infectious disease in organism.
  3. If plaque forms only on the far side of the tongue (at the root), then you are faced with digestive problems. Most likely, you have gastritis or an ulcer.
  4. Conversely, if the plaque is mostly on the front of the tongue, then most likely you have problems with the lungs and kidneys.
  5. A yellow tongue indicates that the body is not doing well with the liver. Light yellowness indicates problems with bile excretion; a thick yellow coating indicates that there is stagnation of bile in the body. If only the tip of the tongue turns yellow, this is a sign of hepatitis.
  6. A gray coating indicates that there is too much mucus in the body. And also grey colour plaque appears when a person is dehydrated.
  7. Sometimes the coating can even be blue. This is a sign of typhus and dysentery.
  8. The green color of plaque indicates that there is fungal infections. Usually such plaque is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  9. Blue tongue – problems with proper blood circulation in the body. The tongue may even be black. This is one of the signs of cholera.

A coating on the tongue is not an entirely aesthetic phenomenon that you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. If the coating on the tongue is not removed, bacteria can enter the body, and such coating can also cause bad breath. Therefore, it undoubtedly needs to be fought by any means. Let's look at homemade recipes and secrets for removing plaque from the tongue.

  1. The most important thing in the fight against plaque is daily hygiene. In the morning and evening you need to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue. This can be done using reverse side toothbrush.
  2. It is very useful to clean your tongue not with a simple spoon, but with a silver spoon. This metal will protect the oral cavity from germs and viral bacteria. You need to clean your tongue from root to tip. However, don't go too deep into your throat or you may experience a gag reflex.
  3. Sometimes, simply rinsing your mouth with water after eating is enough to get rid of plaque. Better yet, rinse your mouth with salt water. Twice a day after brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with soda water (a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water) to forget about the problem of plaque on your tongue forever.
  4. There is one more effective method. To remove plaque, you need to use antibacterial agents. The best folk disinfectant is decoctions of medicinal herbs. Take equal amounts of sage, oak bark and calendula - one tablespoon of each component. Fill in herbal tea a glass of boiling water and cook the mixture over low heat for half an hour. Remove the broth from the heat, cover tightly with a lid and let it brew for a few more hours. Strain the prepared mixture. This product is absolutely safe and can be used quite often.
  5. Don't forget about special means hygiene in the form of rinses. They not only disinfect the oral cavity, but also eliminate. Rinse aids can be purchased at a pharmacy or any cosmetic store. Regular use of such liquids will save you from many dental problems, including from stomatitis.
  6. Beekeeping products perfectly remove plaque. You can chew propolis - it cleanses your tongue, teeth and gums well. For disinfection, you can suck on a piece of thick natural honey. It is also very useful to rinse your mouth with propolis tincture and decoction. To make the decoction, simmer a piece of propolis over low heat for about an hour, then cool the decoction and strain. The tincture is sold in finished form in the pharmacy, however, it can also be prepared at home. To do this, you need to pour propolis with vodka or alcohol and leave for at least three days. Dilute before rinsing alcohol composition with water so as not to burn the oral mucosa.
  7. It is very popular to clean the mouth with vegetable oil. By the way, this method was used by ancient yogis. The method is as follows. You need to take a small amount of vegetable oil into your mouth and roll it in your mouth for at least 10 minutes, thoroughly rinsing your tongue, teeth, gums and the space between the teeth and lips, behind the cheeks. The oil, as it were, attracts all the harmful waste in the mouth and removes it out. That is why such oil must be spat out after rinsing and should not be swallowed.
  8. Cleansing can also be mechanical. Wrap a piece of bandage or gauze around your finger, dip your finger in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in a solution of chlorophyllipt. Then clean your tongue with your finger, like a brush.
  9. You can clean your tongue with food. Fruits and raw vegetables are great for cleaning the surface of the tongue. The best choice- apples and carrots.

Preventive measures

Getting rid of plaque on the tongue is quite simple, but it is better not to let your mouth get dirty and keep it clean and tidy. To do this, you need to follow some preventive measures.

  1. Sweets, lollipops, and sweet soda can leave a coating on the tongue. They contain coloring pigments that get stuck between the villi of the tongue and color them. After eating such food, be sure to rinse your mouth.
  2. To prevent the appearance of plaque on the tongue, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the intestines. It is very important to avoid constipation and dysbiosis.
  3. As preventive measures you need to give up smoking, alcohol and other bad habits.
  4. If you don’t want plaque to form on your tongue, you need to boost your immunity. Drink vitamins, toughen up, lead healthy image life.
  5. You need to start the day with a glass clean water and drink at least a liter of plain water a day without gas.
  6. Sometimes plaque can form while staying in dry rooms. Increase humidity and ventilate rooms more often.

Plaque on the tongue is only a symptom that you can get rid of. However, it is important to understand that this symptom can tell us about more important diseases. These diseases can occur quite hidden. Therefore, if a persistent coating on your tongue occurs, be sure to consult a doctor.

Video: how to clean your tongue