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List of effective new generation antibiotics. New generation broad-spectrum antibiotics - list, description, application

To date, antibiotics that can defeat the disease infectious nature, a bunch of.

Some of them have a narrow focus and fight a certain disease, but there are those that allow you to get rid of several pathogenic microorganisms. Let's figure out what modern broad-spectrum antibiotics are.

The principle of the influence of the main groups of drugs on the body

New generation antibiotics act only on the pathogenic microorganism and do not affect the healthy cell.

Broad-spectrum drugs are effective against many pathogens. Are used:

Precautions when treating with antibiotics:

Let's take a closer look at the types of broad-spectrum antibiotics.


Modern new generation antibiotics belonging to the group of macrolides can destroy protein synthesis and affect the cellular ribosome of pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, the drugs have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system.


The list of drugs is presented in the table.

Name Purpose
  1. Azithromax.
  2. Azithromycin.
  3. Zomax.
  4. Clindamycin.
  5. Lincomycin.
  6. Summed.
  7. Fuzidin.
Spicy and chronic form bronchitis
Whooping cough
Diseases of the biliary tract
Dental diseases
Infectious eye diseases
Severe acne
Infectious lesions of a gynecological nature
Urological diseases
Venereal diseases

Contraindications to the use of macrolides are:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Age up to 6 months.
  3. Allergy to one of the components.
  4. Use of antihistamines.
  5. Severe liver damage.
  6. Kidney failure.

Penicillin group

Broad-spectrum antibiotics of this group can be divided into two groups:

  1. Tablets and injections that are immune to the effects of gastric juice.
  2. Drugs that break down in hydrochloric acid, – Ticarcillin and Carbenicillin.

List of frequently used names medicines:

Drugs penicillin group broad spectrum of action can cure:

  1. Diseases of urological and gynecological nature.
  2. Infectious lesions of the respiratory system.
  3. Diseases abdominal cavity.
  4. Infectious diseases of the visual organs.
  5. Viral lesions of the ENT organs and others.


  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Breastfeeding period.
  3. Certain drugs are prohibited for children under 12 years of age.
  4. Poor blood clotting.
  5. Allergy.

Tetracycline group

Antibiotics can affect gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Distinctive feature The tetracycline group has a broad spectrum of action and is able to penetrate the bacterial cell. Therefore, broad-spectrum drugs are often used to treat ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia.

Please note that tetracyclines do not affect Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The most popular drugs:


Modern drugs belonging to this group of the second, third and last - fourth generation make it possible to treat a huge number of diseases.


  1. For gram-positive microorganisms.
  2. Gram-negative microorganisms.
  3. Intracellular pathogens.

It must be borne in mind that any product related to fluoroquinols is prohibited for persons under 18 years of age. Since drugs in this group can change cartilage tissue in children.

List of the most common broad-spectrum antibiotics:

Latest generation cephalosporins

Broad-spectrum antibiotics of the latest generation of the cephalosporin group are used only for hospital treatment. The drugs are concentrated and have a toxic effect on the liver and kidneys, so medical supervision is required when prescribing them.

Mechanism of operation - the substance penetrates the membranes of pathogenic bacteria and inhibits the synthesis of the protein-glycan layer. As a result of the release of enzymes, microorganisms die.

Drugs of this series are prescribed for severe infectious diseases, when it is necessary to destroy the pathogen, and not to suspend its influence. Name of drugs: Cefepime and Cefpirome.

The advantages of the latest generation of antibiotics are as follows:

  1. Low toxicity.
  2. Excellent penetration into tissue, even bone.
  3. Due to high concentration active substance has a prolonged effect on the body.


  1. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  2. Heart and kidney failure.
  3. Severe liver damage.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. During lactation, you should temporarily stop feeding the baby.


Aminoglycosides of different generations have some differences. Let's get acquainted with them, using the example of certain drugs:

These medications should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, in patients with cardiac or renal failure. Prescribed with caution when treating elderly patients.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics used for serious infections life-threatening person. Carbapenems are prescribed for the treatment of pathological strains, including those resistant to certain drugs.

List of medicines:

  1. The drug is administered intravenously. The dosage and course of treatment are selected by the doctor based on the severity of the disease. Analogs: Meronem, Jenem, Syronem and others.
  2. Invanz - administered intravenously and intramuscularly. The active substance is ertapenem.

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Do not use drugs in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. During lactation breastfeeding stop.
  3. For heart and kidney failure.
  4. Severe arterial hypotension.
  5. Allergies.

It should be remembered that only a specialist should prescribe antibiotics based on the specifics of the disease and the condition of the body.

Antibiotics take special place among medications, because their action is aimed at combating infectious diseases. If these drugs belong to the latest generation, they help cope with most existing pathogens.

Modern broad-spectrum antibiotics of the new generation can significantly alleviate the course of infectious diseases and speed up recovery. Their use has made it possible to significantly reduce the number of cases deaths with pneumonia, quickly cope with the symptoms and consequences of bronchitis, urological diseases and many other ailments.

How do the latest generation antibiotics work?

New generation antibacterial drugs act selectively in the body, i.e. have an effect on the cells of pathogenic microbes, without affecting human cells.

The classification of drugs depends on how the drug affects the vital activity of bacteria. Some drugs can inhibit the synthesis of bacterial cells externally (drugs penicillin series, cephalosporins), others suppress protein synthesis in bacterial cells (tetracyclines, macrolides). The antibacterial activity of a particular drug must be indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Antibiotics can have a wide spectrum of action and have a narrow focus, i.e. affect a specific group of bacteria. This happens because bacteria and viruses differ in function and structure, so what kills bacteria may not have an effect on viruses.

Important! The older the generation of antibacterial agents, the more minimal they have side effects and greatest efficiency.

When broad-spectrum antibiotics are used:

  • If the causative agents of the disease are resistant to the use of a drug with a narrow focus;
  • If an infection is detected that is caused by several types of bacteria at once;
  • If prophylaxis against infections is necessary after surgery has been performed;
  • If treatment is carried out on the basis of symptoms, when a specific pathogen is not identified (in case of rapidly developing dangerous pathologies).

Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs of the latest generation are considered universal medicines in the fight against inflammation of the lymph nodes, colds, gynecology, etc. The drugs allow you to cope with microbes, no matter what pathogen causes the disease. After all, each newly released medicine has a more advanced effect on pathogenic microorganisms, while causing minimal damage to the human body.

Methods of use and forms of antibiotics

Treatment with antibiotics can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Orally (through the mouth). For this purpose, drugs are used in capsules, tablets, suspensions, and syrups. This is the most common method of application, which has its disadvantages, because... some types of antibiotics can be destroyed in the stomach or poorly absorbed into its walls, thereby causing a negative irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Parenterally. This is the most effective method treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics intramuscularly or intravenously, as well as by injection into spinal cord.
  3. Rectally or by administering the drug directly into the rectum (enema).

Injections and injections are usually used for severe forms diseases, because act faster on the source of infection, starting their work immediately after the injection.

Modern broad-spectrum antibiotics in injections:

  • Cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Cefpirome, Cefoperazone, Ceftazidime);
  • Minopenicillins (Sulbactam);
  • Aminoglycoside antibiotics (Netilmicin, Amikacin);
  • Carbapenems (Meropenem, Ertapenem, Impinem-cilastatin).

The choice of drug depends on the characteristics of the causative agent of infection and the complexity of the case.

Strong broad-spectrum antibiotics in tablets:

  • Fluoroquinolones (Moxifloxacin, Gatifloxacin);
  • Natural macrolides (Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Midecamycin);
  • Synthetic macrolides (Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin);
  • Nitrofurans (Ersefuril, Nitrofurantoin).

Different groups of antibiotics have different localization in certain systems and human organs. According to this principle, doctors select for the treatment of a particular disease a certain drug that will have the most powerful effect on pathogenic microorganisms in a certain area of ​​the human body.

Disease Features of application List of drugs
And Almost all antibacterial agents with broad effects are used for bronchitis and pneumonia, provided that their pharmacokinetic properties act directly on the causative agent of the disease. For mild forms of bronchitis - Azithromycin, Amoclav.

For prolonged bronchitis - Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Midecamycin.

Pneumonia mild degree Treated in the same way as bronchitis.

At moderate severity and severe pneumonia - Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, Levofloxacin (natural antibiotic).

In particular severe cases Carbapanems are prescribed - Meropenem, Tienam, Impinem-cilastine.

Sinusitis Difficulty of treatment inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses is the speed of delivery medicinal substance directly to the site of inflammation. Therefore, the use of cephalosporin antibiotics is recommended. Cefexime, Cefuroxin, Cefachlor, Cefotaxime.

For severe forms, Azithromycin and Macropen are used.

In the treatment of oropharyngeal infections top scores shows the use of latest generation cephalosporins. And the most safe antibiotics In the treatment of tonsillar diseases, macrolides are considered. Cephelaxin.

Aziromycin, Spiramycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Leukomycin.

Colds and flu Medicines used for colds various groups antibiotics depending on the severity of the disease and clinical picture diseases. · Sumamed;

· Cefaclor;

· Cefamandole;

· Clarithromycin.

and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system The use of the latest generation of antibiotics makes it possible to improve the patient’s condition already on the first day of use and quickly get rid of the disease. · Unidox Solutab;

· Norbactin;

· Monural.

Fungal infections Antibiotics of the latest generation are developed taking into account several types of fungi, therefore they act on almost all pathogens of the disease. Ravuconazole;

· Posaconazole;


· Voriconazole.

Eye diseases For treatment ophthalmological diseases They use both eye drops and eye ointments with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Antibiotic eye drops and medications local application: Okacin, Vitabact, Tobrex, Colbiocin, Eubetal.

All broad-spectrum antibiotics have a high effect on infectious agents, and therefore successfully fight many diseases. The doctor selects a course and combination of drugs in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment. This takes into account individual characteristics the patient, the stage of the disease, progress or regression in its course. On average, the course lasts from 7 to 10 days, taking into account the above factors.

List of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly developing and producing new antibacterial drugs, so there is a very significant number of latest generation antibiotics with a wide range of effects. Let's look at the most popular and common drugs.

  1. Penicillins:
  • Amoxiclav is a combination of a bata-lactamase inhibitor (clavuronic acid). Prescribed for infections of the genitourinary, musculoskeletal, respiratory systems and biliary tract infections.
  • Aomoxicillin, Augmentin, Medoclav. Can be used to treat most infectious diseases. Not used for intolerance to cephalosporins and penicillins, for severe liver pathologies, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia.
  1. Cephalosporins:
  • Cefaclor (Alfacet, Ceclor), Ceftazidime. Used for respiratory infections, genitourinary tract, skin infections, otitis media.
  • Cefamandole, Cefoxitin (Mefoxin), Cefotaxime. Medicine in the form of injections and injections for the treatment of infections of the stomach, genitourinary, respiratory tract, endocarditis, sepsis, for prevention in the postoperative period.
  • Cefuroxime (Zinnat). Effectively affects pathogenic microorganisms that are insensitive to penicillins. Prescribed for genitourinary, respiratory, musculoskeletal systems, in the treatment of ENT organs, with meningitis, borreliosis, sepsis, after undergoing severe abdominal operations.
  • Cefoperazone. Only for intravenous use during therapy infectious forms genitourinary, respiratory organs, with sepsis, meningitis.
  • Latamoxef (Moxalactam). It has pronounced activity against gram-negative microorganisms, but is very expensive.
  • Cefpodoxime (Orelox, Septofek). Active against most ENT infections, with erysipelas, .
  1. Macrolides:
  • Rulid, Rovamycin. Used to treat infections in the genitourinary, bone, respiratory systems, in inflammatory processes of the ENT organs and oral cavity, brucellosis, scarlet fever.
  • Spiramycin. It even affects microorganisms that are weakly sensitive to the drug.
  • Clarithromycin. Effective in the treatment of infections of the respiratory, musculoskeletal, and dental systems.
  • Roxithromycin (Exparoxy, Rulid). It is used in dentistry, for the treatment of childhood infections (whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria), and infections of the respiratory and genitourinary system.
  • Sumamed. Has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action. Most often used in the treatment of infections of the ENT organs, respiratory system, skin.
  1. Other antibiotics:
  • Unidox Solutab (Doxycycline). Prescribed for the treatment of respiratory infections, genitourinary system, skin diseases, gastrointestinal tract, typhus.
  • Lincomycin. Mainly prescribed for bone tissue lesions and infectious processes skin, soft tissues, respiratory organs.
  • Fuzidin. It has forms for oral and external use (creams, antibiotic ointment, gels). Used when combination therapy when microorganisms are resistant to penicillin. Used for osteomyelitis, skin infections, sepsis.
  • Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin. It is used in the treatment of infections of almost all organs that are caused by gram-negative, gram-positive and opportunistic microorganisms, including cholera, peritonitis, dysentery, osteomyelitis, etc.

All antibiotics have a number of side effects Therefore, they should be used with caution, especially in children and the elderly. Under no circumstances should you prescribe antibacterial drugs on your own; their use must be agreed upon with a doctor after certain studies have been carried out.

Antibiotics for children and pregnant women

For children, the list of broad-spectrum antibiotics is significantly narrowed. Children are allowed to use the following groups of drugs:

  • Macrolides (Clarithromycin, Midecamycin, Roxithromycin);
  • Aminopenicillins (Amoxicillin, Clavulanate);
  • Cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefepime).

Important! Children should not use anbiotics of the carbapenem and fluoroquinolone series, because it can negatively affect the development and function of the liver, kidneys and bones.

Pregnant women are allowed to use only a few drugs of the latest generation, and only in cases where the intended effect of their use outweighs the side effects:

  • Cephalosporins (Cefepime, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin);
  • Protected aminopenicillins (Amoxiclav, Amoclav).

Macrolides (Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Midecamycin, Roxithromycin) are approved for use only in the third trimester of pregnancy. In the absence of allergic reactions to the components, penicillin drugs can be used, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics belonging to the latest generation are indeed a real find in the treatment of many diseases infectious nature. But this does not mean that you can choose the best broad-spectrum antibiotic on your own and use it uncontrolled without consulting a healthcare professional. Uncontrolled use antibacterial drugs can, on the contrary, harm the body and cause negative consequences that are dangerous to health.

Antibiotics are substances that inhibit the growth of living cells or lead to their death. May be of natural or semi-synthetic origin. Used to treat infectious diseases caused by the growth of bacteria and harmful microorganisms.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics - list:

  1. Penicillins.
  2. Tetracyclines.
  3. Erythromycin.
  4. Quinolones.
  5. Metronidazole.
  6. Vancomycin.
  7. Imipenem.
  8. Aminoglycoside.
  9. Levomycetin (chloramphenicol).
  10. Neomycin.
  11. Monomycin.
  12. Rifamcin.
  13. Cephalosporins.
  14. Kanamycin.
  15. Streptomycin.
  16. Ampicillin.
  17. Azithromycin.

These drugs are used in cases where it is impossible to accurately determine the causative agent of the infection. Their advantage is large list microorganisms sensitive to the active substance. But there is also a drawback: in addition to pathogenic bacteria, broad-spectrum antibiotics contribute to suppression of the immune system and disruption of normal intestinal microflora.

List strong antibiotics new generation with a wide spectrum of action:

  1. Cefaclor.
  2. Cefamandole.
  3. Unidox Solutab.
  4. Cefuroxime.
  5. Rulid.
  6. Amoxiclav.
  7. Cefroxitin.
  8. Lincomycin.
  9. Cefoperazone.
  10. Ceftazidime.
  11. Cefotaxime.
  12. Latamoxef.
  13. Cefixime.
  14. Cefpodoxime.
  15. Spiramycin.
  16. Rovamycin.
  17. Clarithromycin.
  18. Roxithromycin.
  19. Klacid.
  20. Sumamed.
  21. Fuzidin.
  22. Avelox.
  23. Moxifloxacin.
  24. Ciprofloxacin.

Antibiotics of the new generation are notable for their deeper degree of purification of the active substance. Thanks to this, the drugs have much less toxicity compared to earlier analogues and cause less harm to the body as a whole.

Narrowly targeted:


The list of antibiotics for cough and bronchitis usually does not differ from the list of broad-spectrum drugs. This is explained by the fact that the analysis of sputum takes about seven days, and until the causative agent of the infection is precisely identified, a product with the maximum number of bacteria sensitive to it is needed.

Besides, latest research show that in many cases the use of antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis is unjustified. The point is that the purpose similar drugs effective if the nature of the disease is bacterial. If the cause of bronchitis is a virus, antibiotics will not have any positive effect.

Often used antibiotic drugs with inflammatory processes in the bronchi:

  1. Ampicillin.
  2. Amoxicillin.
  3. Azithromycin.
  4. Cefuroxime.
  5. Ceflocor.
  6. Rovamycin.
  7. Cefodox.
  8. Lendatsin.
  9. Ceftriaxone.
  10. Macropen.


List of antibiotics for sore throat:

  1. Penicillin.
  2. Amoxicillin.
  3. Amoxiclav.
  4. Augmentin.
  5. Ampiox.
  6. Phenoxymethylpenicillin.
  7. Oxacillin.
  8. Cefradine.
  9. Cephalexin.
  10. Erythromycin.
  11. Spiramycin.
  12. Clarithromycin.
  13. Azithromycin.
  14. Roxithromycin.
  15. Josamycin.
  16. Tetracycline.
  17. Doxycycline.
  18. Lidaprim.
  19. Biseptol.
  20. Bioparox.
  21. Inhalipt.
  22. Grammidin.

The listed antibiotics are effective against sore throats caused by bacteria, most often bethemolytic streptococci. As for the disease caused by fungal microorganisms, the list is as follows:

  1. Nystatin.
  2. Levorin.
  3. Ketoconazole.

Colds and flu (ARI, ARVI)

Antibiotics for the common cold are not included in the list of necessary medications, given the fairly high toxicity of antibiotics and possible side effects. Treatment with antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as restoratives, is recommended. In any case, it is necessary to consult a therapist.


List of antibiotics for sinusitis - in tablets and for injections:

  1. Zitrolide.
  2. Macropen.
  3. Ampicillin.
  4. Amoxicillin.
  5. Flemoxin solutab.
  6. Augmentin.
  7. Hiconcil.
  8. Amoxil.
  9. Gramox.
  10. Cephalexin.
  11. Digital
  12. Sporidex.
  13. Rovamycin.
  14. Ampiox.
  15. Cefotaxime.
  16. Vertsef.
  17. Cefazolin.
  18. Ceftriaxone.
  19. Duracef.

- These are substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria. Their origin can be biological or semi-synthetic. Antibiotics have saved many lives, so their discovery is of great importance for all humanity.

History of the creation of antibiotics

Many infectious diseases, such as pneumonia, typhoid fever, dysentery were considered incurable. Patients also often died after surgical interventions, as the wounds festered, gangrene and further blood poisoning began. Until there were antibiotics.

Antibiotics were discovered in 1929 by Professor Alexander Fleming. He noticed that green mold, or rather the substance it produces, has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect. Mold produces a substance Fleming called penicillin.

Penicillin has a detrimental effect on some types of protozoa, but has absolutely no effect on leukocytes that fight the disease.

And only in the 40s of the twentieth century did mass production of penicillin begin. Around the same time, sulfonamides were discovered. The scientist Gause obtained gramicidin in 1942, and streptomycin was developed by Selman Voxman in 1945.

Subsequently, antibiotics such as bacitracin, polymyxin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline were discovered. By the end of the twentieth century, all natural antibiotics had synthetic analogues.

Classification of antibiotics

There are a huge variety of antibiotics now.

First of all, they differ in their mechanism of action:

  • Bactericidal effect - penicillin antibiotics, streptomycin, gentamicin, cephalexin, polymyxin
  • Bacteriostatic effect - tetracycline series, macrolides, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, lincomycin,
  • Pathogenic microorganisms either die completely (bactericidal mechanism) or their growth is suppressed (bacteriostatic mechanism), and the body itself fights the disease. Antibiotics with a bactericidal effect help faster.

Then, they differ in the spectrum of their action:

Broad-spectrum drugs are very effective against many infectious diseases. They are also prescribed when the disease is not clearly established. Destructive for almost all pathogenic microorganisms. But they also provide negative impact and healthy microflora.

Narrow-spectrum antibiotics affect certain types bacteria. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Antibacterial effect on gram-positive pathogens or cocci (streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, listeria)
  • Effect on gram-negative bacteria ( coli, salmonella, shigella, legionella, proteus)
  • Antibiotics that act on gram-positive bacteria include penicillin, lincomycin, vancomycin and others. Drugs that have an effect on gram-negative pathogens include aminoglycoside, cephalosporin, polymyxin.

In addition, there are several more highly targeted antibiotics:

  • Anti-tuberculosis drugs
  • drugs
  • Drugs that affect protozoa
  • Antitumor drugs

Antibacterial agents vary by generation. Now there are 6th generation drugs. Antibiotics of the latest generation have a wide spectrum of action, are safe for the body, easy to use, and most effective.

For example, let’s look at penicillin drugs by generation:

  • 1st generation - natural penicillins (penicillins and bicillins) - this is the first antibiotic that has not lost its effectiveness. It's inexpensive and accessible. Refers to drugs with a narrow spectrum of action (has a detrimental effect on gram-positive microbes).
  • 2nd generation - semi-synthetic penicillinase-resistant penicillins (oxacillin, cloxacillin, fluclosacillin) - are less effective, unlike natural penicillin, against all bacteria except staphylococci.
  • 3rd generation – broad-spectrum penicillins (ampicillin, amoxicillin). Starting from the 3rd generation, antibiotics have a negative effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
  • 4th generation - carboxypenicillins (carbenicillin, ticarcillin) - in addition to all types of bacteria, 4th generation antibiotics are effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Their range of action is even wider than that of the previous generation.
  • 5th generation - ureidopenicillins (azlocillin, mezlocillin) - more effective against gra-negative pathogens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • 6th generation - combined penicillins - include beta-lactamase inhibitors. These inhibitors include clavulanic acid and sulbactam. Strengthen the action, increasing its effectiveness.

Of course, the higher the generation of antibacterial drugs, the wider their spectrum of action, and, accordingly, their effectiveness is higher.

Methods of application

Treatment with antibiotics can be carried out in several ways:

  • Orally
  • Parenterally
  • Rectally

The first way to take an antibiotic is orally or by mouth. Tablets, capsules, syrups, and suspensions are suitable for this method. This method of taking the drug is the most popular, but it has some disadvantages. Some types of antibiotics may be destroyed or poorly absorbed (penicillin, aminoglycoside). They also have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The second method of using antibacterial drugs is parenteral or intravenous, intramuscular, into the spinal cord. The effect is achieved faster oral route reception.

Some types of antibiotics can be given rectally or directly into the rectum (therapeutic enema).

In particularly severe forms of the disease, the parenteral method is most often used.

Different groups of antibiotics have different localizations in certain organs and systems of the human body. Based on this principle, doctors often select one or another antibacterial drug. For example, with pneumonia, azithromycin accumulates in, and in the kidneys with pyelonephritis.

Antibiotics, depending on the type, are excreted in modified and unchanged form from the body along with urine, sometimes with bile.

Rules for taking antibacterial drugs

When taking antibiotics, you must follow certain rules. Since medications often cause allergic reactions, they must be taken with great caution. If the patient knows in advance that he has an allergy, he should immediately inform the attending physician.

In addition to allergies, there may be other side effects when taking antibiotics. If they have been observed in the past, this should also be reported to the doctor.

In cases where there is a need to take another medicinal product together with an antibiotic, the doctor should know about this. There are often cases of incompatibility of drugs with each other, or the drug reduced the effect of the antibiotic, as a result of which the treatment was ineffective.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding many antibiotics are prohibited. But there are medications that can be taken during these periods. But the doctor must be informed about the fact that the baby is being fed with breast milk.

Before taking, you must read the instructions. The dosage prescribed by the doctor should be strictly observed, otherwise, if the dose of the drug is too large, poisoning may occur, and if the dose is too small, bacterial resistance to the antibiotic may develop.

Do not interrupt the course of taking the drug ahead of schedule. Symptoms of the disease may return again, but in this case this antibiotic will no longer help. It will be necessary to change it to another. Recovery can long time don't step on This rule especially applies to antibiotics with bacteriostatic action.

It is important to observe not only the dosage, but also the time of taking the drug. If the instructions indicate that you need to drink the medicine with meals, it means that this is how the drug is better absorbed by the body.

Along with antibiotics, doctors often prescribe prebiotics and probiotics. This is done for recovery purposes. normal microflora intestines, which are adversely affected by antibacterial drugs. Probiotics and prebiotics treat intestinal dysbiosis.

It is also important to remember that at the first sign allergic reaction, such as itchy skin, urticaria, swelling of the larynx and face, shortness of breath, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the antibiotic does not help within 3-4 days, this is also a reason to consult a doctor. The drug may not be suitable for treating this disease.

List of new generation antibiotics

There are a lot of antibiotics on sale now. It's easy to get confused in such diversity. New generation drugs include the following:

  • Sumamed
  • Amoxiclav
  • Avelox
  • Cefixime
  • Rulid
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Lincomycin
  • Fuzidin
  • Klacid
  • Hemomycin
  • Roxylor
  • Cefpir
  • Moxifloxacin
  • Meropenem

These antibiotics belong to different families or groups of antibacterial drugs. These groups are:

  • Macrolides – Sumamed, Hemomycin, Rulid
  • Amoxicillin group - Amoxiclav
  • Cephalosporins - Cefpirome
  • Fluoroquinol group - Moxifloxacin
  • Carbapenems – Meropenem

All new generation antibiotics are broad-spectrum drugs. They are highly effective and have minimal side effects.

The treatment period averages 5-10 days, but in particularly severe cases it can be extended to one month.

Side effects

Side effects may occur when taking antibacterial drugs. If they are pronounced, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

To the most common side effects from antibiotics include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach ache
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Hives or rash on the body
  • Itchy skin
  • Toxic effects on the liver of certain groups of antibiotics
  • Toxic effects on the gastrointestinal tract
  • Endotoxin shock
  • Intestinal dysbiosis, which causes diarrhea or constipation
  • Decreased immunity and weakening of the body (brittle nails, hair)

Since antibiotics have a large number of possible side effects, they must be taken with great caution. It is unacceptable to self-medicate; this can lead to serious consequences.

Particular precautions should be taken when treating children and the elderly with antibiotics. If you have allergies, you should take antihistamines along with antibacterial drugs.

Treatment with any antibiotics, even the new generation, always seriously affects health. Of course, from the main infectious disease They relieve, but overall immunity is also significantly reduced. After all, not only pathogenic microorganisms die, but also normal microflora.

It will take some time to restore your defenses. If side effects are pronounced, especially those related to the gastrointestinal tract, then a gentle diet will be required.

It is mandatory to take prebiotics and probiotics (Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol, Bifiform and others). The start of administration should be simultaneous with the start of taking the antibacterial drug. But after a course of antibiotics, probiotics and prebiotics should be taken for about two more weeks to repopulate the intestines with beneficial bacteria.

If antibiotics have a toxic effect on the liver, hepatoprotectors may be recommended. These drugs will restore damaged liver cells and protect healthy ones.

As immunity decreases, the body is susceptible to colds especially strong. Therefore, you should be careful not to overcool. Take immunomodulators, but it is better if they are plant origin(, Echinacea purpurea).

If the disease viral etiology, then antibiotics are powerless here, even broad-spectrum and newest generation. They can only serve as a preventive measure in joining bacterial infection to viral. Antiviral drugs are used to treat viruses.

While watching the video you will learn about antibiotics.

It's important to lead healthy image life in order to get sick less often and resort to antibiotic treatment less often. The main thing is not to overdo it with the use of antibacterial drugs in order to prevent the emergence of bacterial resistance to them. Otherwise, any one will be impossible to cure.

Therapy of diseases caused by pathogenic bacterial microflora requires the right choice etiotropic drug. New generation broad-spectrum antibiotics take into account factors of bacterial resistance and, for the most part, do not suppress the growth of normal intestinal microflora. However, they cannot be used without a doctor's prescription. These drugs have a detrimental effect on cellular immunity, can form resistance to therapy and provoke negative side effects. The list of broad-spectrum antibiotics in injections and tablets presented here is intended for informational purposes only. All names are taken from pharmacological reference books, mainly trade marks. The same drugs may be present in pharmacy chain in the form of analogues having the same active substance and completely different names.

The material also provides background information on recommended daily and course dosages. A list of bacterial microflora is provided for which treatment with one or another agent can be used. But it’s worth clarifying right away that any treatment must begin with a visit to the doctor and bacterial analysis to clarify sensitivity pathogenic microflora to the spectrum of antibiotics.

An excursion into the microscopic world of bacteria

In order to understand how and what broad-spectrum antibiotics affect, you need to understand the representatives of the bacterial world. An excursion into the microscopic and mysterious world of bacteria can be taken in any bacterial laboratory. The vast majority of these microorganisms can only be seen under a powerful microscope eyepiece. This is precisely what allows them to dominate the world. Invisible to the eye, they dot with themselves and their colonies absolutely all surfaces, food, household items and human skin. By the way, the epidermis is the first natural barrier to potential enemies - bacteria. When they come into contact with the skin, they encounter a film of sebum that is impenetrable to them. If the skin is dry and prone to cracking, then this protection is significantly reduced. Regular water procedures with detergent increases the chances of not getting infections by almost 5 times.

In its structure, any bacterium is a prokaryote that does not have its own protein core. The first prototypes of this microflora appeared on the planet more than 4 million years ago. Currently, scientists have discovered more than 800,000 species of different bacteria. More than 80% of them are pathogenic for the human body.

The human body contains a huge amount of bacterial microflora. Most of them live in the intestines, where the basis of cellular humoral immunity is formed. In this way, bacteria can be beneficial to humans. If the bacterium is responsible for the condition immune status. Some species help break down food and prepare substances for absorption in small intestine. No lactobacilli human body unable to split milk protein. In people with reduced content lacto and bifidobacteria develops serious disorder intestines, immunity decreases, dysbacteriosis occurs.

A huge role in protecting the body from negative factors external environment played by so-called opportunistic bacteria. They are unique trainers of the immune system, teaching it to recognize hostile intrusions and respond to them in a timely manner. When the immune system is weakened and after stressful situations, opportunistic microflora can turn into an aggressive state and cause harm to health.

When choosing a new generation of broad-spectrum antibiotics, preference should be given to those names from the list that, according to the manufacturers, do not suppress the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.

All bacteria are divided into gram-positive and gram-negative species. The primary division was carried out by Hans Gram in 1885 in what is now Denmark. During his research, he painted it with a special chemical composition to improve visual perception. different kinds pathogens. Those of them that changed color were classified as gram-positive. Broad-spectrum antibiotics of the new generation act on both forms of pathogenic microflora.

The gram-positive microflora includes the entire group of cocci (staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, pneumococcus) - they are distinguished by the characteristic shape of a ball with spikes. This also includes corynobacteria, enterococci, listeria and clostridia. This whole gang can cause inflammatory processes in the pelvic cavity, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, nasopharynx and conjunctiva of the eye.

The “specialization” of gram-negative bacteria practically eliminates their influence on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, but they can infect lung tissue. Most often they cause intestinal and genitourinary infections, cystitis, urethritis, cholecystitis, etc. This group includes salmonella, E. coli, legionella, shigella and others.

Accurately determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial therapy allows bacterial culture of the collected physiological fluid(vomit, urine, throat and nasal swab, sputum, feces). The analysis is carried out within 3-5 days. In this regard, on the first day, if indicated, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed, then the treatment regimen is adjusted depending on the sensitivity result.

Names of broad-spectrum antibiotics (list)

Universal treatment regimens in modern medicine not provided. Experienced doctor, based on the history and examination of the patient, can only assume the presence of one or another form of bacterial pathogenic microflora. The names of broad-spectrum antibiotics given below often appear in doctors' prescriptions. But I would like to convey everything to patients possible types their use. This list included the most effective drugs of the new generation. They do not affect viruses and fungal flora. Therefore, they should not be taken for candidal tonsillitis and ARVI.

All drugs of similar action are divided into groups depending on the active substance: penicillins, semisynthetic penicillins, tetracyclines, macrofoams, fluoroquinolones, carbapenems, digitrans, aminoglycosides and amphenicols.

The beginning of the story - "Benzylpenicillin"

Antibiotics first entered the arsenal of doctors a little less than a century ago. Then a group of penicillins growing on moldy bread was discovered. The history of the successful fight against pathogenic microflora began during the Second World War. It was this openness that made it possible to save hundreds of thousands of lives of soldiers wounded at the front. "Benzylpenicillin" is not a broad-spectrum antibiotic; it is prescribed mainly for inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract as a first-choice drug until the sensitivity of the microflora is clarified.

Based on this remedy, more effective drugs were subsequently developed. They have been widely used in patients since early age. This is Ampicillin, which has a broad spectrum of action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It can be prescribed for intestinal infections caused by salmonella and E. coli. It is also used to treat bronchitis and tracheitis, which are formed under the influence of coccal flora (streptococcus, staphylococcus). In children, Ampicillin in injections and tablets is prescribed as effective remedy against Bordetella pertussis, which causes whooping cough. This drug has a long history of use; it was first produced in the late 60s of the last century. It differs in that it does not cause persistence and resistance in most known pathogenic bacteria. Among the shortcomings, doctors call low level availability of the active substance when consumed in tablets. Also, the drug is quickly excreted in urine and feces, which requires increasing the frequency of taking a single dose, sometimes up to 6 times a day.

The standard dosage for an adult is 500 mg 4 times a day for 7 days. For children aged 2 to 7 years single dosage 250 mg. It is possible to administer an intramuscular solution with the addition of Novocaine or Lidocaine. At least 4 injections are required per day.

Amoxicillin is more new antibiotic wide spectrum of action. Prescribed for inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses, upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, intestinal infections, diseases of the urinary system. Active against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. Used in medical practice since the late 70s of the last century. Can be used in children with infancy. For these purposes it is available in the form of a suspension.

Particularly effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. This is due to the fact that the concentration of the active substance in the cells of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, trachea and larynx reaches a maximum within 30 minutes and remains there for 5-6 hours. The bioavailability of Amoxicillin is very high - after 40 minutes from taking the tablet orally, the concentration in tissues is 85%. Quickly helps ensure elimination of bacteria in all forms of bacterial purulent tonsillitis. It is used in combined eradication schemes for Helicobacter pylori (causative agent peptic ulcer stomach and some forms of gastritis).

The standard dosage is 500 mg 2 times a day for 7-10 days. For children, a suspension is prescribed at a dosage of 250 mg 2 times a day.

Augmentin and Amoxiclav are two more modern broad-spectrum antibiotics from the penicillin series. They contain clavulanic acid. This substance destroys the shell of pathogenic bacteria and accelerates the process of their death. These drugs do not have injectable forms. They are used only in tablets and suspension form.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics in injections are prescribed for severe inflammatory processes. They quickly reach the source of inflammation and have a bactericidal effect on microorganisms. Prescribed for abscesses caused by resistant forms, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sensitivity is detected against streptococci and pneumococci, staphylococci and enterobacteria.

Ampisid is available in both tablets and injections. It contains ampicillin and sulbactam, which inhibits lactamase and eliminates the effect of resistance in all pathogenic microorganisms without exception. Prescribed 2 times a day for intramuscular injection and taking tablets.

"Carbenicillin" is available in the form of disodium salt in bottles with powder, which can be diluted with water for injection, novocaine and lidocaine before injection. Used for persistent forms of inflammatory processes in the chest and abdominal cavity, bronchitis, sore throat, peritonsillar abscess. It shows high effectiveness in meningitis, blood poisoning, peritonitis, and sepsis. Intravenous drip administration used in postoperative period. In other cases, it is prescribed intramuscularly at 500 - 750 units 2 times a day.

Another effective drug and Piperacillin is used in anti-inflammatory therapy in combination with the drug Tazobactam. It is this combination that deprives the coccal flora of resistance. It is advisable to conduct a preliminary bacterial culture to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms. If there is no production of penicillinase, then it is possible to prescribe non-combination therapy with Piperacillin only. It is administered intramuscularly for severe tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia and acute bronchitis.

Ticarcillin is not highly resistant to penicillinase produced by bacteria. Under the influence of this enzyme, the active substance of the drug will disintegrate without causing any harm to the causative agents of inflammatory processes. Can only be used in cases where the pathogenic microflora does not have resistance to the drug.

Among the protected forms of broad-spectrum antibiotics from the group of benzylpenicillins, it is worth noting “Trifamox” and “Flemoklav” - these are the latest drugs. No form of infection currently has resistance to their action.

"Trifamox" is a combination drug that contains amoxicillin and sulbactam, in combination they deal a crushing blow to pathogenic microflora. Prescribed in tablet form and intramuscular injections. Daily dosage for adults is 750 - 1000 mg, divided into 2-3 doses. Initial treatment is practiced with intramuscular injections and subsequent taking of tablets.

Fluoroquinolone effective broad-spectrum antibiotics

Fluoroquinolone drugs are highly effective against a wide range of bacterial pathogenic microflora. They reduce the risk of side effects and do not kill the natural intestinal microflora. These effective broad-spectrum antibiotics are entirely synthetic substances.

"Tavanic" is a ready-made solution for injection with active substance Levofloxacin hemihydrate. Analogues of the drug are Signicef ​​and Levotek. They can be prescribed intravenously and intramuscularly, and tablet form is also available in pharmacies. The dosage is calculated strictly individually, depending on the body weight, age of the patient and the severity of the condition.

In modern medicine, IV generation fluoroquinolones are predominantly used; drugs are prescribed less frequently III generation. The most modern means are Gatifloxacin and Levofloxacin. Outdated forms - "Ofloxacin" and "Norfloxacin" are currently used very rarely due to their low effectiveness. The drugs have toxic activity against the process of peptidoglycan synthesis, which forms connective tissue tendons. Use in patients under 18 years of age is not permitted.

Fluoroquinolones can be successfully used in the treatment of diseases caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. All forms of pathogenic microflora are sensitive to them, including those capable of producing penicillinase.

"Levofloxacin" is prescribed for otitis and bronchitis, sinusitis and pneumonia, tracheitis and pharyngitis in tablets. The daily dosage for an adult is 500 mg. Not prescribed for children. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. Intravenous and intramuscular administration may be required in severe cases of the disease. This is usually done under conditions specialized hospital under round-the-clock supervision of the attending physician.

Gatifloxacin is an effective drug with low daily dosage And minimal risk development of side effects. Daily dose is 200 mg. The course of treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract can be reduced to 5 days.
Avelox and Moxifloxacin are effective for diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Less commonly prescribed for internal infections. Prescribed 1 tablet (400 mg) 1 time per day for 10 days.

"Streptocide" and other aminoglycosides

Among broad-spectrum antibiotics separate group are aminoglycosides. "Streptocide" and other drugs are known to a wide range of patients. They are appointed when various infections. In particular, “Streptotsid” allows you to quickly and effectively treat lacunar and follicular tonsillitis without the risk of developing intestinal dysbiosis. The bactericidal action of aminoglycosides is based on the principle of disruption of the protein shell of the bacterial cell, subsequently the synthesis of life-sustaining elements stops and the pathogenic microflora dies.
Currently, 4 generations of this group of antibacterial drugs are produced. The oldest of them, “Streptomycin,” is used as injections in combination treatment regimens for tuberculosis. The “Streptotsid” analogue can be injected into the trachea and into tuberculous cavities in the lung tissue.

"Gentamicin" in modern conditions Mainly used as an external agent. It is not effective when administered intramuscularly. Not available in tablets.

Amikacin is more popular for intramuscular administration. It does not cause the development of deafness, does not have a negative effect on auditory and optic nerve, as is observed with the administration of Gentamicin.

"Tetracycline" and "Levomycetin" - is it worth taking?

Among the well-known drugs, some occupy a worthy and honorable place in any home medicine cabinet. But it is important to understand whether it is worth taking drugs such as Levomycetin and tetracycline. Although there are more modern forms data pharmacological agents, patients prefer to buy them “just in case”.

Broad-spectrum tetracycline antibiotics are produced based on a four-ring structure. They have pronounced resistance to beta-lactamase. Has a detrimental effect on staphylococcal and streptococcal group, actinomycetes, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Bordetella pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae and many other microorganisms.

After absorption in the small intestine, tetracyclines bind to blood plasma proteins and are quickly transported to the site of accumulation of pathogenic microflora. Penetrates inside the bacterial cell and paralyzes all vital processes inside it. Absolute ineffectiveness was revealed for diseases formed under the influence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is preferable to prescribe Doxycycline in capsules, 1 capsule 3 times a day. Not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. "Tetracycline" can be used as an effective external agent in the form of ophthalmic and ear drops, ointments for skin and wound surfaces.

"Levomycetin" belongs to the group of amphenicols. These are outdated broad-spectrum antibiotics. Used in therapy large quantity inflammatory bacterial diseases. The most common use at home is against loose stools caused by food poisoning, salmonellosis and dysentery. And here you should strictly follow the dosage and recommended course of treatment. Prescribed 500 mg 4 times a day. The course of treatment cannot be less than 5 days in a row. Even skipping 1 single dose can create microflora resistance. In this case, it is necessary to immediately change the tactics of antibacterial therapy to avoid negative consequences for good health.