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How to understand that a child has a bacterial infection. Blood test - viral or bacterial infection

comment 51 to the note “Differences between viral and bacterial infections”

    Thank you very much for such a detailed answer. 😉

    Usually the virus attacks first, and then a bacterial infection joins. The virus is killing me right now... 😥 It’s called ARVI...

    There is an opinion that a bacterial infection can be recognized by the speed of the disease - if the temperature stays above 37 for several days and then rises, it is a virus. If there is an immediate sudden rise in temperature, often accompanied by convulsions, this means there was initially a bacterial infection. It will be interesting to know how reliable this is.

    Temperature is too nonspecific a symptom. For example, a high temperature of up to 39-40° can occur with kidney cancer. Therefore, in general, viral and bacterial infections cannot be distinguished by temperature.

    However, I do not rule out that for specific nosological forms, based on temperature and its dynamics, one can draw a conclusion about the suspected pathogen.

    my daughter (she is 2.6 years old) had a temperature of 38.4 and a red throat for 3 days. The doctor diagnosed pharyngitis. Yesterday I gave her inhalations, today is the fourth day, a runny nose and a wet cough began. I don’t understand what we had first: a bacterial infection or a virus?

    This is some kind of infection, but it is impossible to clearly say about the pathogen. Presumably viral.

    Good afternoon
    I get a cold once or twice a year. or how to call it correctly: there is no temperature, for several years now, after the tonsils were removed, on the contrary, it is low and does not rise above 36.4. The throat begins to ache a little, then turns into a dry cough. I take antibiotics and bromhexine, and it goes away in a few days. If antibiotics help, then it must be a bacterial infection. This is true?

    The lack of temperature is confusing; they say this means that the body is not fighting the infection.

    Temperature during infection, when anti-inflammatory drugs are not taken, is absent in 2 cases:
    1) the infection is not severe, and the body is able to cope with it without fever.
    2) the immune system severely suppressed (for example, by treatment of a tumor).

    The effectiveness of antibiotics does not mean anything, because... colds go away without them. Antibiotics should be taken according to indications, not at will.

    Thank you, very informative and interesting. What do you recommend if the temperature stays above 37 for several weeks and there are no symptoms, only weakness. Where to start searching for a diagnosis? General blood test is normal. 😥

    Temperature from 37.0 to 37.9 is called low-grade fever. If it were above 38 degrees, this condition would be called " fever of unknown origin". This is a big separate topic to determine the cause of such fever. Look for information on the Internet.


    Please tell me, but now I definitely have a bacterial infection, since the snot and cough are green, and the doctor said the same thing... He prescribed antibiotics, is it worth taking them at all? Or can we limit ourselves to those drops in the nose and ears that the doctor prescribed as antibiotics?

    And I also wanted to ask, is the bacterial infection somehow transmitted to other family members? Thank you.

    Accept. A cough is not something to joke about, and a runny nose can easily be complicated by sinusitis (and it has its own complications). Moreover, you would hardly go to the doctor over trifles.

    It is transmitted, but, as a rule, not everyone gets sick.

    Thank you very much! It’s not that I didn’t trust my doctor, I just wanted to hear the opinion of an independent specialist.
    Yes, you are 100% right, I go to the doctor when it’s really bad...
    And thank you for your quick response and for the article, very useful and informative.

    Hello! please tell me how can I be cured?

    for a year after removal of the cyst in maxillary sinus nose, I continue to get colds. Diagnosis according to tests chronic tonsillitis, staphylococcus, streptococcus and cytomegalovirus were also detected, the tamograph showed inflammation in the mucous membranes... After slight hypothermia, it immediately begins inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses of the nose. Help, because doctors are already powerless!!! Now I drip my nose with miramistin, and then staphylococcal bacteriophage, but still no change...

    Try drugs that stimulate local immunity for chronic tonsillitis (imudon) and sinusitis (IRS-19).

    Hello! My daughter is 9 months old, her temperature was 39 for two days, I thought her teeth were coming, the doctor looked at her throat, it was red, but there was no pus, but she prescribed an antibiotic. Is this a bacterial infection? There are no other symptoms, only leukocytes in the urine are still elevated. Surely this can't be related to the throat? Thank you!

    The throat may be red and sore due to either a viral or bacterial infection. Taking into account the risk of streptococcal sore throat, age and high fever, you cannot do without an antibiotic. Streptococcus, in principle, can cause complications on the kidneys, but not immediately. So now there is probably no connection between leukocytes in the urine and the throat.

    You recommend IRS, an excellent drug, I have used it, but in Belarus (in Minsk) it is not available in pharmacies, they say it is not available. It's a pity. I get colds 4-5 times a year, and on sick leave for 2 weeks at a time - laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or ARVI. Thanks to information from the Internet, I dealt with endless nasal congestion (chronic vasomotor rhinitis) almost completely WITHOUT MEDICATION, at least for a moment. The ENT doctor recommended surgery. But almost always - colorless mucus, a dry and deep cough at night, a lump “hanging” in the larynx. Is this a viral infection? I am treated with all sorts of rinses, nasal rinses, lye-oil inhalations, I take propolis, herbal infusions, Vitrum, lozenges. Everything is with varying degrees of success, but I would like to be healthy! 😉 Maybe try interferon or something. another, as an immunomodulator, what do you think?

    IRS has not been sold in Belarus since last year. It seems like they didn’t renew the registration; it’s a complicated procedure. But you can buy it in neighboring countries.

    As for dry and deep cough, you need to be examined and determine the cause. Maybe irritating environmental factors, infection, allergies, autoimmune inflammation, tumor, finally.

    Interferon is effective against viruses, but it is also produced by the body itself during infection.

    Hello. I have had chronic tonsillitis throughout my life. Yesterday I had a sharp sore throat, I looked, and one tonsil was covered with pus and hurt, there was no temperature, there was weakness, a headache in the morning. I apply chlorophyllipt and rinse. Question: it’s written everywhere on the Internet that it is necessary to treat with antibiotics, but maybe I can do it without them? It’s just that after antibiotics it takes a very long time to restore the microflora. And if antibiotics are necessary, then what kind?

    Treatment of chronic tonsillitis:

    1) Immunostimulating therapy: imudon (preferred), IRS-19.

    2) Physiotherapy with laser and ultrasound using the “Tonsillor” device (in the clinic).

    3) Regarding antibiotics and problems with flora, it is better to consult an ENT doctor. For hemolytic streptococcus, drugs of the penicillin group are usually used.

    4) Also read here: sunhome.ru/journal/13718/p1

    I take radical measures: I squeeze lemon juice onto cotton wool rolled onto a stick, and with a strong-willed movement, gagging (but not vomiting), I wipe my tonsils. As a rule, the plug “pops” in the morning. Well, then - rinsing, rinsing with Lugol. I also take propolis tincture (1 tsp per gram of 20 water) internally (almost like 100g of alcohol -:), I try to drink a lot and always take vitamins. But antibiotics are also different, they must be selected individually and always with the consultation of a doctor. Get well!

    So how do doctors determine whether an infection is viral or bacterial? After all, the result of treatment depends on this? In my medical form it says ARVI or ARVI with chronic disease. tonsillitis and antibiotics are prescribed everywhere.

    Is it correct to prescribe only antibiotics (without antiviral or immunostimulants) for a viral infection with an associated bacterial infection?

    Julia, usually “by eye”. For a viral infection, it is advisable to prescribe antiviral drugs. Although if not prescribed, the infection will go away naturally. Maybe only a little later.

    I'll say more. Antibiotics are not needed for every bacterial infection. Often they even cause harm. Read: website/science/

    In the West, in case of ARVI, the patient is driven to the laboratory, where he pays in cash or with insurance for tests, which do not and will not happen in our country. Tests are expensive. We have some of them in private laboratories. Estimated cost: 200-300 US dollars.

    And so by eye. There are criteria under which a bacterial infection can be suspected. They proceed from the principle of less - an antibiotic is a lesser evil than untreated streptococcal sore throat. Bacterial infection is a very rare occurrence. Often, antibiotics are prescribed where needed and not needed.

    A one-year-old child had a temperature of 38.8-39 for 2 days - a viral infection. on the 3rd day it fell to 37.5, and on the 4th it jumped to 39.5. They called a doctor who immediately prescribed antibiotics, saying that with these symptoms it was no longer a virus, but a bacterial infection. Does such a jump in temperature indicate a bacterial infection? In addition to the temperature, there was snot and cough, but from the very beginning of the disease.

    Yes, such a sudden and sharp rise in temperature may indicate a bacterial infection.

    do I need to take it? general analysis blood to reliably confirm a bacterial infection?

    A general blood test does NOT provide reliable confirmation, only indirect. In immunology, an accurate confirmation of infection is considered to be an increase in the titer (concentration) of antibodies to the suspected pathogen by 4 or more times. 2 blood samples are taken - at the height of the disease and after recovery (not earlier than 2 weeks after the first sample). Unfortunately, this method can reliably determine the pathogen too late.

    Please tell me, does it make sense to use interferon-containing or immunomodulatory drugs in any case? They probably won't do any harm. After all, while the diagnosis has not been established, and judging by the comments it may be established incorrectly, immunomodulators can play a big role. And also, sorry for the dumb question, interferon fights viruses, of course, but the immunomodulatory action does not imply an increase in the activity of the immune system as a whole? Logically, than stronger immunity, the more toothy the bacteria should be, right?

    Does it make sense to use interferon-containing or immunomodulatory drugs in any case?

    I think no. The body can cope on its own.

    Doesn't immunomodulatory action imply an increase in the activity of the immune system as a whole?

    Usually it assumes, because everything is interconnected.

    Logically, the stronger the immune system, the more toothy the bacteria should be

    No. Bacteria have their own life. But if the immune system is weak, they have more opportunities for reproduction and development.

    Honestly, I don't know. There are research results on the Internet about the effectiveness of amiksin for influenza and herpes, but they cannot be considered ideal in terms of evidence. Therefore, if amiksin helps you personally and there are no contraindications, then you can take it.

    For flu and colds antiviral treatment should be used in the first 48 hours from the onset of the disease; later it ceases to be effective.

    For influenza, proven effectiveness (and often side effects) have oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), as well as rimantadine. For other forms of colds, ribavirin and interferon inducers: arbidol, amiksin, amizon, groprinosin can be effective (since there is insufficient evidence from clinical studies). More information about viruses and treatment: website/info/729

    For other viral infections (HIV, viral hepatitis, etc.), different antiviral drugs in long courses (several weeks and months).

    Hello, what can you say about bioparox? I haven’t seen a word about it, because this is a drug for the treatment of acute respiratory infections of any etiology!!!

    Bioparox- aerosol for local application(inhalation), which contains the antibiotic fusafungin (fusafungin). Antibiotics do not act on viruses, so bioparox is useless for ARVI.

    Fusafyungin is not absorbed and acts on the mucous membranes only superficially, therefore it is ineffective in deep bacterial processes of the respiratory tract (such as pneumonia). It cannot be used for a long time (more than 10 days) due to the risk of developing dysbacteriosis on the mucous membranes.

    Let me disagree with you a little. There is no pneumonia in the bioparox readings, but if we consider, for example, with acute respiratory infections viral etiology... Bioparox has a dual mechanism of action, in addition to antibacterial it also has an anti-inflammatory effect! Based on your article " Viruses are compounds of protein and nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) that can reproduce only in the affected cell". Accordingly, if we remove inflammation, the virus will have nowhere to multiply. Those. Bioparox does not have a direct effect on the virus, but an indirect one. Nevertheless, it is through the double mechanism of action that we act on the main links.

    Yes, Bioparox has an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the amount of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a; this is one of the substances that stimulates inflammation) and suppressing the synthesis of free radicals by macrophages. However, you do not understand enough about the essence of the inflammatory response. ANY inflammation occurs as a result of tissue damage by any factors (viruses, bacteria, trauma, high or low temperature, oxygen starvation etc.). Tissue damage is primary, and inflammation is secondary. If we suppress inflammation with anti-inflammatory hormones (glucocorticoids), we create ideal conditions for viruses and bacteria to spread throughout the body, because the inflammatory response prevents the infection from moving forward. The patient's condition will worsen.

    Bioparox still cannot be used for any acute respiratory infections, as it antibacterial activity can lead to dysbacteriosis and the formation of resistant forms of bacteria. It is much safer to use, for example, a herbal preparation such as Sinupret, which thins mucus, reduces inflammation, restores protective properties and reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, promotes the outflow of exudate from paranasal sinuses nose, has immunomodulatory and antiviral activity and is not a direct antibacterial agent.

    P.S. It is possible and necessary to suppress pathological (autoimmune, allergic) and excessive inflammation. In other cases, suppressing the inflammatory response can be dangerous.

    I have a question: why do viral diseases go away on their own, while bacterial diseases need to be “treated”?

    Viruses can only develop inside the affected cell, while bacteria multiply on their own and therefore cause more harm. But this is a theory.

    Bacterial infections are also not treated by everyone (meaning antibiotics), but only if:
    1) the patient’s immune system is weakened or underdeveloped;
    2) the infection is life-threatening (meningitis, pneumonia, etc.) or has occurred purulent complication(peritonsillar abscess, etc.);
    3) there is a risk of serious long-term complications (for example, rheumatism or post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis).

    Hello! A week ago I felt very unwell, decided that the flu was developing, took Amixin according to the regimen, a day later the doctor prescribed a lot of blood tests for me, I donated blood during a period of severe exacerbation of the disease (flu symptoms), all the results are normal, only the CRP is very high 53. Tell me about What does this mean, and could contraception and taking Amiksin affect this indicator?

    C-reactive protein is an indicator of inflammation that occurs with any tissue damage or death, so an increase in CRP levels during a cold (i.e., viral or bacterial infection) is absolutely normal.

    Taking oral contraceptives and a number of other conditions ( diabetes, uremia, hypertension, increased or low physical activity, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, alcoholism, depression, hormone replacement therapy, third trimester of pregnancy, aging) can also lead to an increase in levels C-reactive protein. More details: medlab.kz/print/articles/1/6/

    Amiksin is a stimulator of the formation of interferon (a natural regulator of the antiviral defense of the immune system), so I assume that it may have some effect on the level of C-reactive protein.

    Taking amixin does not affect C-reactive protein in any way; it only worsens the functioning of the liver and kidneys and harms the retina. Naturally, it also does not help against a viral infection.

    And of course you saved money on the flu shot?

    Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms without cell nucleus, capable of living in almost any environment. They live in water, air, soil, penetrate host cells and are causative agents of bacterial infections in humans. The main places of localization of microorganisms are the respiratory tract, intestines and outer integument of a person. To effectively treat an infection, it is necessary to correctly diagnose what type of pathogenic bacteria caused the disease and choose effective ways to suppress the vital activity of microorganisms.

    Main pathogens

    Bacteria are among the most ancient microorganisms on earth. They are single-celled microbes without a nucleus. Genetic information is stored in the cytoplasm. Microorganisms are covered with a dense shell that protects them from negative factors environment. Bacteria were first accidentally discovered in the 17th century by the Dutchman Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who examined them in a puddle of water through the world's first microscope. Louis Pasteur paid a lot of attention to the role of microorganisms in the infectious process back in the 19th century, outlining the relationship between bacteria and disease. But effective mechanisms to combat pathogenic microbes were developed much later.

    Many types of bacteria live in the human body, ensuring its normal functioning. However, most cells are pathogenic (or pathogenic) with varying degrees of virulence and toxicity.

    Representatives of the microworld cause infectious diseases varying degrees gravity. It became possible to fight them after the invention of penicillin, which suppresses the growth and reproduction of bacterial cells.

    Until the twentieth century, bacterial infections were fought in the same way as viral ones, which was completely ineffective. Microbes have significant differences, and only diagnostics can reliably identify the pathogens and choose a treatment method.

    Symptoms of an attack by pathogenic bacteria

    All bacteria are classified into:

    • non-pathogenic - do not harm humans;
    • opportunistic - coexist peacefully with humans until a certain point;
    • pathogenic – dangerous bacteria, cause serious illness.

    In addition, all types pathogens have different virulence. This means that under equal living conditions, one type of bacteria will be more toxic to humans than another.

    The release of toxins (poisons) into the body is the most important point in the development of infectious diseases. Bacteria can produce endotoxins. This occurs in the event of cell death and destruction ( intestinal infection). The second option for intoxication of the body is the release of exotoxins during the life of a bacterial cell (diphtheria).

    Depending on the location of the microorganisms, there are several types of bacterial infections, each of which manifests itself with different symptoms:

    1. Sexual infections in women. Some of the most common diseases are vaginosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, and yeast infection. Pathologies of the female genitourinary system as a result of changes in the vaginal microflora are manifested by the following symptoms: the formation of vaginal discharge of various characteristic colors and consistency, a feeling of burning and itching, pain during urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse, specific bad smell. Female bacterial diseases can be provoked by douching, taking medications, changes in hormonal levels, decreased immunity, frequent change sexual partners.
    2. Intestinal infection. Occurs as a result of the direct toxic effect of bacteria on the epithelium of the digestive tube and tissue gastrointestinal tract. Salmonellosis is characterized by increased body temperature, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Staphylococcal intestinal infection occurs with a runny nose, sore throat, slight fever, loose stools, skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, painful sensations in the abdominal area. The general condition of the patient is similar to food poisoning. Typhoid intestinal infection - joints and throat hurt, loss of appetite, stomach pain. In severe cases - delirium, coma.
    3. Childhood diseases. The most common diseases are mumps, rubella, scarlet fever, measles, and tonsillitis. Toxins released by bacteria are damaging internal organs child. Symptoms of a childhood bacterial infection include: fever above 39°C, cough, general weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, plaque on the tongue and tonsils, skin rashes, severe intoxication of the body. To avoid complications, you must consult a doctor immediately. Children are almost always given antibiotics for a bacterial infection as treatment.
    4. Throat diseases. The following symptoms are characteristic of respiratory tract infection: deterioration in general health, pronounced focus of the disease, purulent discharge, white plaque in the throat, low fever initial stage development of the disease. Often a bacterial throat infection is preceded by a cold. Bacteria can live in the body without showing themselves in any way, but after an acute respiratory viral infection, immunity decreases, and the rapid growth and reproduction of the pathogenic microbe begins. Effective treatment is impossible without taking antibiotics.

    A decrease in immune defense is the main cause of many diseases caused by the fact that opportunistic microbes become pathogenic and very dangerous for the human body. Failure to promptly seek qualified medical help is fraught with serious consequences.

    Routes of transmission of infection and types of diseases

    Millions of bacteria constantly live in the environment. They are found in food, water, soil, air and in the human body.

    There are main ways how the infection is transmitted:

    • contact and household – items of common use (dishes, textiles);
    • nutritional – with food or contaminated water;
    • sexual – through sperm or saliva (venereal diseases);
    • airborne - when sneezing, coughing, talking, breathing;
    • transplacental – bacteria transmitted from mother to child.

    The group of diseases caused by bacteria is the most extensive, and microbes can affect different human organs. Many of them are life-threatening and untimely treatment can lead to death:

    • meningitis, plague, cholera, typhus, anthrax;
    • diphtheria, dysentery, salmonellosis, brucellosis;
    • pneumonia, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, mumps, measles;
    • syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, vaginosis.

    Serious skin diseases and eye infection is also a consequence of the work of bacteria. Maintaining personal hygiene, keeping the body in good shape, careful processing of food and maintaining immunity are the main ones preventive methods aimed at preventing bacterial infection.

    Diagnosis of diseases

    Laboratory testing is the main method for detecting bacterial disease in adult patients and children. For analysis, material containing bacteria is taken - sputum, scrapings, mucus, blood, urine. The following methods exist microbiological diagnostics infections caused by bacteria:

    1. Direct microscopy. The material taken for analysis is placed under glass and examined under a microscope. In this way, it is possible to quickly identify the origin of the disease.
    2. The cultural method is the inoculation of the pathogen on a nutrient medium and the cultivation of microorganisms for a certain time. The analysis requires a minimum of 48 hours, and weeks to detect tubercle bacilli.
    3. Linked immunosorbent assay. Aimed at determining the total amount of antigens and antibodies in the test material. A bacterial infection is detected very accurately in a blood test (shift in the leukocyte formula).
    4. Immunofluorescence reaction. To detect the presence of infection, pathogen antigens are associated with a specific antibody labeled with a fluorescent agent, with the microbe further identified by its glow.
    5. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In biological fluids taken for laboratory analysis, determine the amount of nucleic acids and, based on the data obtained, make a conclusion about infection.

    Diagnosis of bacterial infections allows you to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease in order to prescribe effective treatment. Women who suspect a vaginal infection can conduct a preliminary test at home on their own (later a trip to the doctor is required). To do this, it is necessary to determine the deviation of the pH level from the norm.

    Using test paper, the test is carried out at home. Paper (pad for detecting vaginal infections) is used to inside vaginal area. Compare the test with a colored paper sample. How to identify a genitourinary tract infection:

    • normal pH level is between 3.8-4.5;
    • the test paper has a level between 1 and 14;
    • if the color of the sample is outside the normal range, there is a vaginal infection.

    The test only allows you to preliminarily determine the presence harmful microbes in microflora. More accurate and detailed testing is carried out in laboratory conditions. Self-medication is excluded, no matter what the home test is. If symptoms of infection are present, medications should be prescribed by a specialist. Features of bacterial infection are:

    1. The incubation period is long – it takes from two days to two weeks.
    2. There is often no prodromal period of the disease - it begins immediately, locally and pronouncedly.
    3. A general deterioration in health does not always accompany a bacterial disease, but is more often a sign of a respiratory viral disease.
    4. Another sign is how long the temperature lasts. Its value usually does not exceed 38 degrees, but the readings are constant.
    5. Blood picture for this infection: increased level leukocytes increase in the number of neutrophils, high ESR, reduced lymphocyte content.

    Exploring biological material, it is possible to accurately diagnose the cause of diseases, identify the causative microbe and identify methods of effective treatment, which is based on the use of antibiotics.

    Medicines for infection

    Antibiotics, which are recommended to eliminate infections caused by bacteria, are divided into two large groups: bactericidal (complete destruction of microorganisms), bacteriostatic (reducing the growth and number of bacteria).

    Along with taking antibiotics, antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs, prebiotics for the intestines, vitamins and medications that strengthen the immune system are prescribed. Treatment of a bacterial infection is based on the following antibiotics:

    • bacteriostatic drugs – Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol;
    • bactericidal - Penicillin, Rifamycin, Aminoglycoside;
    • antibacterial penicillins - Amoxicillin, Amoxicar, Amoxiclav.

    All antibiotics have a strong targeted effect. You can take medications only as prescribed by a doctor, who will select an effective remedy depending on the location of the pathogenic bacteria, the form and severity of the disease and the biological type of the causative agent. If the patient is contagious, it is necessary to limit his contact with healthy people.

    What is more dangerous: a viral or bacterial infection? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. But bacteria are definitely more widespread in the environment and can live and reproduce outside of a living cell, unlike viruses. For years, these microorganisms can coexist peacefully next to or inside a person, but when immunity decreases, they become pathogenic, dangerous and toxic.

    There is no need to say that most infectious diseases are extremely severe. Moreover, viral infections are the most difficult to treat. And this despite the fact that the arsenal of antimicrobial agents is being replenished with more and more new agents. But, despite the achievements of modern pharmacology, true antiviral drugs have not yet been obtained. The difficulties lie in the structural features of viral particles.

    These representatives of the vast and diverse kingdom of microorganisms are often mistakenly confused with each other. Meanwhile, bacteria and viruses are fundamentally different from each other. And in the same way, bacterial and viral infections differ from each other, as well as the principles of treating these infections. Although in fairness it is worth noting that at the dawn of the development of microbiology, when the “guilt” of microorganisms in the occurrence of many diseases was proven, all these microorganisms were called viruses. Literally translated from Latin, virus means I. Then, as scientific research progressed, bacteria and viruses were isolated as separate independent forms of microorganisms.

    The main feature that distinguishes bacteria from viruses is their cellular structure. Bacteria are essentially single-celled organisms, while viruses have a non-cellular structure. Let us recall that a cell has a cell membrane with cytoplasm (the main substance), a nucleus and organelles located inside - specific intracellular structures that perform various functions in the synthesis, storage and release of certain substances. The nucleus contains DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in the form of paired spirally twisted strands (chromosomes), in which genetic information is encoded. Based on DNA, RNA (ribonucleic acid) is synthesized, which, in turn, serves as a kind of matrix for the formation of protein. Thus, with the help of nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, hereditary information is transmitted and protein compounds are synthesized. And these compounds are strictly specific to each type of plant or animal.

    True, some single-celled organisms, the most ancient in evolutionary terms, may not have a nucleus, the function of which is performed by a nucleus-like structure - the nucleoid. Such non-nucleated unicellular organisms are called prokaryota. It has been established that many types of bacteria are prokaryotes. And some bacteria can exist without a membrane - the so-called. L-shape. In general, bacteria are represented by many types, between which there are transitional forms. Based on their appearance, bacteria are classified as rods (or bacilli), curved (vibrios), and spherical (cocci). Clusters of cocci may appear as a chain (streptococcus) or bunch of grapes(staphylococcus). Bacteria grow well on carbohydrate and protein nutrient media in vitro (in vitro). And with the correct method of seeding and fixation with certain dyes, they are clearly visible under a microscope.


    They are not cells, and unlike bacteria, their structure is quite primitive. Although, perhaps, this primitiveness determines virulence - the ability of viruses to penetrate tissue cells and cause pathological changes in them. And the size of the virus is negligible - hundreds of times smaller than bacteria. Therefore, it can only be seen using an electron microscope. Structurally, the virus is 1 or 2 molecules of DNA or RNA. On this basis, viruses are divided into DNA-containing and RNA-containing. As can be seen from this, a viral particle (virion) can easily do without DNA. A DNA or RNA molecule is surrounded by a capsid, a protein shell. This is the entire structure of the virion.

    When approaching a cell, viruses attach to its shell, destroying it. Then, through the resulting envelope defect, the virion injects a strand of DNA or RNA into the cell cytoplasm. That's all. After this, viral DNA begins to reproduce many times inside the cell. And each new viral DNA is, in fact, a new virus. After all, the protein inside the cell is synthesized not by the cell, but by the virus. When a cell dies, many virions emerge from it. Each of them, in turn, searches for a host cell. And so on, in geometric progression.

    Viruses are present everywhere and everywhere, in places with any climate. There is not a single species of plant or animal that is not susceptible to their invasion. It is believed that viruses were the very first life forms. And if life on Earth ends, then the very last elements of life will also be viruses. It should be noted that each type of virus infects only a certain type of cell. This property is called tropism. For example, encephalitis viruses are tropic to brain tissue, HIV is tropic to the cells of the human immune system, and the hepatitis virus is tropic to liver cells.

    Basic principles of treatment of bacterial and viral infections

    All microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses are prone to mutation - changing their structure and genetic properties under the influence of external factors, which can be heat, cold, humidity, chemicals, ionizing radiation. Mutations are also caused by antimicrobial drugs. In this case, the mutated microbe becomes immune to the action of antimicrobial drugs. It is this factor that underlies resistance - the resistance of bacteria to the action of antibiotics.

    The euphoria that took place several decades ago after penicillin was obtained from mold has long since subsided. And penicillin itself has long since retired, having passed the baton in the fight against infection to others, younger and strong antibiotics. The effect of antibiotics on bacterial cells can be different. Some drugs destroy the bacterial membrane, others inhibit the synthesis of microbial DNA and RNA, and others uncouple the course of complex enzymatic reactions in the bacterial cell. In this regard, antibiotics can have a bactericidal (destroy bacteria) or bacteriostatic (inhibit their growth and suppress reproduction) effect. Of course, the bactericidal effect is more effective than the bacteriostatic one.

    What about viruses? On them, as on non-cellular structures, Antibiotics don't work at all!

    Then why are antibiotics prescribed for ARVI?

    Maybe these are illiterate doctors?

    No, the point here is not at all about the professionalism of doctors. The bottom line is that almost any viral infection depletes and suppresses the immune system. As a result, the body becomes susceptible not only to bacteria, but also to viruses. Antibiotics are prescribed as preventive measure against bacterial infection, which often occurs as a complication of ARVI.

    It is noteworthy that viruses mutate much faster than bacteria. This may be due to the fact that true antiviral drugs There are no products that can destroy viruses.

    But what about Interferon, Acyclovir, Remantadine, and other antiviral drugs? Many of these drugs activate the immune system, and thereby prevent the intracellular penetration of the virion and contribute to its destruction. But a virus that has penetrated a cell is invincible. This largely determines persistence (hidden asymptomatic) many viral infections.

    An example is herpes, or more precisely, one of its types, herpes labialis - labial herpes. The fact is that external manifestations in the form of bubbles on the lips are just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the herpes virus (a distant relative of the smallpox virus) is located in the brain tissue, and penetrates the mucous membrane of the lips through nerve endings in the presence of provoking factors - mainly hypothermia. The above-mentioned Acyclovir is able to eliminate only the external manifestations of herpes. But the virus itself, once “buried” in the brain tissue, remains there until the end of a person’s life. A similar mechanism is observed in some viral hepatitis and HIV. This explains the difficulties in obtaining medications for the full treatment of these diseases.

    But there must be a cure; viral diseases cannot be invincible. After all, humanity was able to overcome the threat of the Middle Ages - smallpox.

    Without a doubt, such a cure will be obtained. More precisely, it already exists. His name is human immunity.

    Only our immune system can curb the virus. According to clinical observations, the severity of HIV infection has noticeably decreased over 30 years. And if this continues, then in a few decades the frequency of transition of HIV infection to AIDS and subsequent mortality will be high, but not 100%. And then this infection will probably be something like an ordinary, quickly passing disease. But then, most likely, a new dangerous virus will appear, like today’s Ebola virus. After all, the struggle between Man and the Virus, as between the macrocosm and the microcosm, will continue as long as Life exists.

    We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! We are not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website

    The human body is susceptible to a variety of diseases, and most of them are infectious. And such diseases can be bacterial or viral in nature. It is important to immediately determine what pathogen caused the disease in order to select correct treatment. But to do this, you need to know how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one. In fact, there are differences, knowing which, you can quite easily determine the type of pathogen.

    Signs of a viral infection

    Viruses are non-cellular organisms that need to invade in order to reproduce. living cell. There are a huge number of viruses that cause various pathologies, but the most common are those that provoke the development of so-called colds. Scientists count more than 30,000 such microbial agents, among which the influenza virus is the best known. As for the rest, they all cause ARVI.

    Even before going to the doctor, it is useful to know how to determine that a child or adult has an acute respiratory viral infection. There are many signs indicating a viral origin of inflammation:

    • short incubation period, up to 5 days;
    • body aches even with low-grade fever;
    • temperature rise above 38 degrees;
    • high fever;
    • severe symptoms of intoxication (headache, weakness, drowsiness);
    • cough;
    • nasal congestion;
    • severe redness of the mucous membranes (in some cases);
    • possible loose stools, vomiting;
    • sometimes a skin rash;
    • The duration of viral infection is up to 10 days.

    Of course, all the symptoms listed above do not necessarily appear in every case, since different groups viruses cause diseases with different symptoms. Some provoke a rise in temperature up to 40 degrees, intoxication, but without a runny nose or cough, although upon examination redness of the throat is visible. Others cause a severe runny nose but low-grade fever without significant weakness or headache. In addition, a viral infection can have either an acute or mild onset. Much also depends on the “specialization” of the virus: some types cause a runny nose, others cause inflammation of the walls of the pharynx, and so on. But characteristic feature Each similar disease is that it lasts no more than 10 days, and from about 4-5 days the symptoms begin to decrease.

    Signs of a bacterial infection

    To have an idea of ​​how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one, it is important to know the features of the pathogenesis of both types of diseases. The following symptoms are characteristic of a bacterial infection:

    • incubation period from 2 to 12 days;
    • the pain is localized only at the site of the lesion;
    • low-grade fever (while inflammation is not very developed);
    • severe redness of the mucous membranes (only with severe inflammation);
    • formation of purulent abscesses;
    • purulent discharge;
    • white-yellow plaque in the throat;
    • intoxication (lethargy, fatigue, headache);
    • apathy;
    • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
    • exacerbation of migraine;
    • the illness lasts more than 10-12 days.

    In addition to this symptom complex, a characteristic feature of bacterial infections is that they do not go away on their own, and without treatment the symptoms only get worse.

    That is, if ARVI can go away without specific treatment, it is enough to adhere to correct mode, take restoratives, vitamins, then bacterial inflammation will progress until antibiotics are started.

    This is the main difference when it comes to colds.


    On the other hand, doctors are often faced with the question of how to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one, based not only on symptoms. For this purpose they carry out laboratory research, first of all, they do a general blood test. Based on its results, you can understand whether the disease was caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

    A general blood test reflects indicators such as the number of red blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, and leukocytes. During the study, the leukocyte formula and erythrocyte sedimentation rate are determined. Depending on these indicators, the type of infection is determined.

    For diagnosis, the most important values ​​are the total number of leukocytes, leukocyte formula (the ratio of several types of leukocytes) and ESR.

    As for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, it varies depending on the state of the body. Normally, ESR in women is from 2 to 20 mm/h, in men - from 2 to 15 mm/h, in children under 12 years old - from 4 to 17 mm/h.

    Blood test for ARVI

    If the disease is caused by a virus, the test results will be as follows:

    • the white blood cell count is normal or slightly below normal;
    • increased number of lymphocytes and monocytes;
    • decreased neutrophil levels;
    • ESR is slightly reduced or normal.

    Blood test for bacterial infection

    In cases where the cause of the disease is various pathogenic bacilli and cocci, the study reveals the following clinical picture:

    • increase in leukocytes;
    • an increase in the level of neutrophils, but this may be normal;
    • decrease in the number of lymphocytes;
    • presence of metamyelocytes, myelocytes;
    • increase in ESR.

    Not everyone may understand what metamyelocytes and myelocytes are. These are also blood elements that are not normally detected during analysis, since they are contained in the bone marrow. But if problems with hematopoiesis occur, such cells can be detected. Their appearance indicates a severe inflammatory process.

    The importance of differential diagnosis

    It is important to know the difference between bacterial and viral infections, since the whole point is in a different approach to their treatment.

    Everyone knows that antibacterial therapy does not act on viruses, so there is no point in prescribing antibiotics for ARVI.

    Rather, they will only cause harm - after all, such drugs destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microorganisms that partially form the immune system. But in case of a bacterial infection, the prescription of antibiotics is mandatory, otherwise the body will not cope with the disease, and it will at least turn into chronic form.

    This is what makes diseases different. However, despite the differences, sometimes the same therapy is prescribed for bacterial and viral infections. As a rule, this approach is practiced in pediatrics: even with an obvious viral infection, antibiotics are prescribed. The reason is simple: children's immunity is still weak, and in almost all cases the virus is accompanied by a bacterial infection, so prescribing antibiotics is completely justified.


    ARVI in children: How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one?

    child's health 1 month - 1 year Colds, unfortunately, are a very common phenomenon. Children get colds much more often than adults. And now there’s a runny nose, fever, cough. I want to cure the disease as quickly as possible.

    Colds, unfortunately, are a very common phenomenon. Children get colds much more often than adults. And now there’s a runny nose, fever, cough. I want to cure the disease as quickly as possible. How can you find out what is wrong with your little one? After all, this is important in order to carry out treatment correctly.

    Any physician, as a student, spends several years studying how viral infections differ from bacterial ones. Parents need to know that the exact nature of the disease can only be determined by clinical analysis of urine and blood! However there is distinctive features between viral and bacterial infections, which are noticeable even to a person without medical education.

    How does ARVI manifest in children?

    One of the most frequently diagnosed diagnoses is ARVI. Stands for acute respiratory viral infections. This is the most common disease in childhood in terms of incidence. It is dangerous for infants because it can cause a large amount of serious complications. There are now about 200 viruses; it is extremely important to quickly find out which virus your baby is suffering from.

    To distinguish ARVI caused by viruses from ARVI caused by bacteria, parents of the baby need to know how these diseases proceed.

    With acute respiratory viral infections in children, the time from the onset of the disease to the manifestation of symptoms is from one to five days, with bacterial infections this period is longer, up to two weeks. Another special feature: with ARVI in children, the onset of the disease is always very noticeable, the temperature rises sharply, especially at night, and with infections caused by bacteria, the temperature does not exceed 38.

    ARVI in children manifests itself with the following symptoms:

    • a sharp increase in temperature, especially at night, up to 39-40 degrees
    • the baby becomes capricious or, conversely, lethargic
    • chills appear profuse sweating, headache
    • sometimes there may be a sore throat,
    • runny nose with transparent discharge
    • sneezing
    • feeling of muscle soreness
    For any type of cold, the main thing your baby needs is drinking plenty of fluids

    With ARVI in children, especially at the very beginning of the disease, the virus that affects the child’s upper respiratory tract always causes allergic reactions and swelling. In this case, the child may well not be allergic. However, when treating ARVI, it is advisable to give the baby antiallergic medications.

    Characteristic signs of a viral infection are a runny nose with watery, clear discharge, as well as redness of the baby’s eyes. With bacterial infections, these symptoms are extremely rare.

    Treating ARVI at home

    It is very important that the baby is diagnosed by a doctor. At the first sign that your baby is getting sick, call a doctor at home. Only a doctor can accurately assess the complexity of the disease, its nature and prescribe treatment. Parents' independent desire to treat infant may result in serious complications. Don't take unnecessary risks!

    For any type of cold, the main thing is that the baby needs plenty of fluids. Even a child under one year of age can drink up to one and a half liters of liquid. The drink should not be hot; it is better if it is fortified drinks, fruit drinks, or decoctions.

    The room where your baby is staying during illness must be wet cleaned every day and be sure to ventilate it. Viruses remain viable for more than 24 hours in dry, warm and dusty air, and die instantly in clean and cool air.

    Newborn babies do not have the opportunity to blow their nose. If you do not clean your nose with it during a runny nose, bacterial complications may occur. You need to very carefully clean the nasal passages of a newborn with a turunda or a small bulb.

    Antibiotics are useless for ARVI; needed here antivirals. But for bacterial infections, antibiotics are effective and necessary. Parents need to remember that antibiotics cause the death of all bacteria, including beneficial ones. After treatment with antibiotics, the baby almost always develops intestinal dysbiosis.

    Parents need to remember that uncontrolled use of any drugs is deadly for newborns. The first thing you should do if your child gets sick is to consult a pediatrician.

    Forewarned is forearmed - prevention of ARVI

    Viral infections are transmitted through the air, through things that have been exposed to the virus, and through personal contact.

    Viral infections usually occur in autumn, winter and spring. The most common cause of the disease is hypothermia. That is why it is important for parents to monitor how the baby is dressed. During a walk, you need to check with your own hands whether your baby’s hands are warm. Make sure your child does not overheat. A sweaty baby becomes hypothermic very quickly and may get sick.

    During epidemics, you need to reduce your child’s stay in places where there may be sick people: shops, clinics, public transport.

    If one of the adults or other children in the family is sick, if possible, you should isolate him from the newborn in another room. If this is not possible, then the sick person must put a mask on his face and change it regularly.

    The main prevention of ARVI is to increase your little one’s immunity. It has long been known that more than two-thirds of a child’s immunity status is determined by lifestyle. Regular walks on fresh air all year round, observing basic hygiene rules, sleeping in a ventilated area, healthy natural nutrition This is what will help your immune system.

    It is important to teach your child to harden from the very beginning. early childhood. These can be, for starters, wiping with a damp towel, simple gymnastic exercises that you will do together. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to overcome it.

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    How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one?

    Viruses and bacteria are the main causes of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. But they have a completely different structure and mechanism of development in the human body, therefore the approach to the treatment of inflammatory pathologies must correspond to the pathogen. To develop the right therapy, you need to know exactly how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one and pay attention to their specific symptoms.

    How is a viral infection different from a bacterial one?

    A combination of protein and nucleic acids that enters a living cell and modifies it is a virus. To spread and develop, it definitely needs a carrier.

    A bacterium is a full-fledged living cell that can reproduce independently. To function, it needs only favorable conditions.

    The differences between viral and bacterial infections lie in the causative agent of the disease. But it can be quite difficult to notice the difference between them, especially if the pathology has affected the respiratory tract - the symptoms of both types of disease are very similar.

    How to determine whether an infection is bacterial or viral?

    Difference between characteristic features The described forms of lesions are so insignificant that even doctors do not make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of the clinical manifestations of the disease. The best way to distinguish a viral pathology from a bacterial infection is a clinical blood test. Counting the number of specific cells in biological fluid helps to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease.

    You can independently try to determine the nature of the pathology using the following symptoms:

    1. Incubation period:

    • viral infection (VI) – up to 5 days;
    • bacterial infection (BI) – up to 12 days.

    2. Localization of inflammation:

    • VI – all organs and systems of the body are affected, including the musculoskeletal system (aching bones, joints), skin (rashes);
    • BI - pain syndrome and discomfort concentrated only at the site of the inflammatory process.

    3. Body temperature:

    • VI – high fever, more than 38 degrees;
    • BI – low-grade fever, intense hyperthermia is observed only with severe inflammation.

    4. Duration of the disease:

    • VI – from 3 to 10 days;
    • BI – more than 12 days.

    5. General condition:

    • VI – weakness, headache, drowsiness, feeling “broken”;
    • BI - clearly localized pain syndrome, purulent abscesses or discharge.
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    How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one

    The question of how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one is acute during diagnosis, because Accurate identification of the causative agent may be of paramount importance in initiating appropriate and successful treatment of bacterial or viral infection in children and adults. It is necessary to take into account the fact that a viral infection/bacterial infection in children, as well as symptoms of a viral infection/signs of a bacterial infection in the pediatric generation may differ from how a viral disease or bacterial disease in the adult population. A good example there may be a determination of how, for example, ARVI (a respiratory illness) differs from bacterial tonsillitis, despite the fact that a certain symptom (or group of symptoms), especially at the beginning of ARVI, may have a manifestation similar to how tonsillitis manifests itself, but with Antibiotics are not used for viruses, because They are ineffective against these pathogens.

    The same applies to the main manifestations. Thus, a headache due to a viral infection, as well as a high temperature, are no different from a bacterial infection.

    At first glance, it seems that viral and bacterial infections in a child and an adult are no different. However, there are differences, and they are significant. For example, the treatment of a bacterial infection requires something different (antibiotics) than a viral infection, in particular, ARVI, for which it is recommended, mainly, bed rest and plenty of fluids.

    Thus, the question of how to identify, recognize and subsequently treat diseases such as viral and bacterial infections is an urgent one.

    First of all, you should find out how a viral illness can manifest itself (besides how contagious it is) and what are the signs of a viral infection, in particular ARVI.

    Warning! This article is a guide only. It is up to the attending physician to determine whether there is a virus or bacteria. He also decides how to treat the disease (introduce antibiotics or not). Regardless of the causative agent of the disease, an infected person should not try to overcome the disease! Remember, with ARVI, antibiotics, in most cases, do not work, and if the treatment is insufficient, the problem may appear again.

    The fundamental fact in how to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one is the differences between bacteria and viruses in size, nucleic acids, anatomy, morphology and metabolic activity. Generally, bacteria are larger than viruses. The size of bacterial cells ranges from a few microns to a micrometer. Viral particles, by comparison, are smaller, on the order of only a few nanometers or microns. A bacterial cell has both NCs (nucleic acids), DNA and RNA, while viral particles have only one (either DNA or RNA). A virus is not a cell. Unlike bacterial cells, the virus does not have metabolic activity and requires a living host cell to proliferate. Viruses are grown in living cell cultures (virus replication occurs inside the cell), while bacteria can grow in nutrient soils.

    Characteristics of viral infection

    Incubation period

    It ranges from 1 to 5 days, depending on the pathogen. At this time, the first signs of the disease begin to appear, such as cough, runny nose, and fever.

    Prodromal phase

    This period is characterized by such phenomena as mood changes and fatigue.

    Initial phase of the disease

    Viral infections develop quickly and are characterized by vivid symptoms. Comes to sharp increase temperature up to fever, severe runny nose, headache, cough... These manifestations, however, are not obligatory - sometimes local signs may be present. Allergic manifestations affecting the eyes or nose are often present.

    The viral infection usually lasts for about a week.


    Rest, take antiviral medications, get plenty of fluids. Antibiotic drugs are not recommended because Not only are they not effective against viruses, but they can also cause complications.

    Characteristics of bacterial infection

    Incubation period

    This period, in the case of the presence of bacteria as the causative agent of the disease, has a much greater range than with a virus - from 2 days to 2 weeks.

    Prodromal phase

    In most cases it is absent.

    Initial phase of the disease

    With a bacterial infection, there is usually no fever (if the temperature rises, it is not higher than 38ºC). In addition, unlike a viral disease, a bacterial disease is characterized by localized manifestations (sinusitis, otitis media...). There are no allergic manifestations.


    Usually, antibiotics are prescribed.

    General properties of bacteria

    Bacteria belong to the region Prokaryotae. Their cells do not have a nucleus or nuclear membrane. What is important is the classification of bacteria. Its purpose is to organize bacteria into groups (taxa). The basic taxonomic unit is the species. Species are a collection of bacterial strains that share constant characteristics and differ significantly from other strains (groups). A bacterial strain is a population resulting from a single microbial cell.

    Size and shape of bacteria

    The size of bacteria ranges from micron to micrometer - observed at the maximum magnification of an optical microscope. Most pathological bacteria have a size of 1-3 nm, however, their size is also affected by the quality of the nutrient soil.

    Spherical shape (so-called cocci) - if they form colonies, they are further divided into diplococci (colonies consisting of two cells), tetracocci (four cells per colony), streptococci (chain colony), staphylococci (racemose colonies) and sarcina (cubic colonies).

    Rod form (rods or bacilli) - these bacteria can gather in colonies of two (diplobacillus) or in chains (streptobacilli), and also form palisades.

    Curved shape – Bacteria formed this way do not form colonies, and include vibrios (short, slightly curved rods), spirilla (slightly wavy stripes) or spirochetes (helical rods).

    Fibrous form – filamentous colonies.

    Branched form - creating either signs of branches or full branches. The second group can create bacterial mycelia.

    Bacterial spores

    Some types of G+ soil bacteria respond to certain changes in the environment (eg, dryness, loss of nutrients) by sporulating. The medicinally important genera are Bacillus and Clostridium. The shape, size and storage of spores have important to identify spore-forming bacteria. For cell sporulation, the presence of calcium and magnesium ions is important. Once the spores are created, the parent cell disintegrates and the spores are released into the environment. If they find favorable conditions, they germinate and create a full-fledged plant cell. The spores are very resistant to temperature, UV radiation, drying, and disinfectants (for example, formaldehyde and some iodine preparations are sporicidal).

    Main characteristics of viruses

    Viruses are found somewhere on the border between living and non-living organisms. They contain only one type of nucleic acid, DNA or RNA. Their multiplication is accomplished in such a way that the host cell treats the viral genetic information as if it were its own. Viruses do not reproduce on their own; they are replicated by host cells. Therefore, basically, viruses spread (copy) only in living cells. To cultivate them in the laboratory, it is necessary to have a living cell culture. Viruses contain no enzymes, or only a few enzymes, necessary to enter and initiate activity in infected cells.

    A virion is a viral particle. The nucleocapsid is the nucleus. We are talking, in fact, about nucleic acid and capsid, which makes up the viral “storage”. The viral envelope is usually formed by proteins and lipoproteins.

    Size and shape of viruses

    The smallest viruses include picornaviruses with sizes of 20-30 nm. On the other hand, the largest ones include poxviruses and the herpes virus. Viruses can only be observed in an electron microscope, where they look like crystals. They are divided by capsid type and NK type. For example, adenoviruses and parvoviruses have cubic capsids. The cubic capsid in the shell has a cytomegalovirus. There are also uncoated viruses, such as poxviruses.

    Separation of viruses by NK type

    Enveloped RNA viruses – retroviruses, coronaviruses, paramyxoviruses.

    Non-enveloped RNA viruses are picornaviruses.

    Enveloped DNA viruses are herpesviruses.

    Non-enveloped DNA viruses - adenoviruses, parvoviruses, poxviruses, parvoviruses.

    The most important viral diseases in humans

    Viruses cause a large number of serious infectious diseases. There is an effective vaccine against some of these diseases, and for some, drugs have been developed that specifically block the viral enzyme.

    Viral diseases are not affected by antibiotic treatment in the slightest. Excessive use antibiotics, on the contrary, have a positive effect on the creation of resistant viral strains.

    The most common illness is the common cold caused by rhinoviruses, coronaviruses or influenza viruses.

    The most common diseases include:

    1. Influenza (flu virus).
    2. Colds, fever, catarrh or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (rhinoviruses, coronaviruses).
    3. Herpes (herpes virus).
    4. Rubella (rubella virus).
    5. Measles.
    6. Poliomyelitis (poliomyelitis).
    7. Parotitis.
    8. Viral hepatitis– “jaundice” (hepatitis virus A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H – we are talking about various viruses that affect the liver, the most common are types A, B and C, of ​​which types B and C can cause liver cancer).
    9. Human papillomavirus infection (warts, some genotypes are also the cause of cervical cancer).
    10. Rabies (rabies virus, if antiserum is not submitted on time, is 100% fatal).
    11. AIDS (HIV, human immunodeficiency virus).
    12. Smallpox (smallpox virus).
    13. Chickenpox (herpes viruses, type 3 causes shingles).
    14. Fever, infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus).
    15. Hemorrhagic fever(Ebola, Marburg and others).
    16. Encephalitis.
    17. Atypical pneumonia.
    18. Gastroenteritis.
    19. Chlamydia.


    As can be seen from the information offered above, there are significant differences between a bacterium and a virus, respectively, between a bacterial and a viral infection. They lie not only in the nature of the disease, its course and accompanying individual symptoms or groups of symptoms, but also in therapeutic methods.

    Anatomical and physiological differences between microorganisms require a different approach to the treatment of diseases caused by them. Correct identification of the source of infection is essential for appropriate treatment.

    More rare, but at the same time, dangerous are diseases caused by bacteria. They more often cause severe, often lifelong health complications. Therefore, determining the type of disease should be entrusted to a specialist who will not only identify the cause of the disease, but also prescribe the optimal treatment method.

    Remember that self-medication is unacceptable for an ignorant person!

    If a bacterial infection has entered the body, the symptoms of the pathological process are similar to signs of intoxication and require treatment with or without antibiotics. The patient's general condition worsens, and the disturbed temperature regime leaves him bedridden. Bacterial diseases successfully respond to conservative treatment, the main thing is not to start the spread of pathogenic flora.

    Contagious or not

    To get an answer to this question, you need to know all existing types of bacterial infections and undergo timely diagnostics to identify the pathogen. For the most part, such pathogenic microorganisms are dangerous to humans and are transmitted through household contact, airborne droplets, and nutrition. After infection enters the body, inflammation, acute intoxication, and tissue damage occur, while the body’s immune response decreases.

    Symptoms of a bacterial infection

    Symptoms are similar to signs of general intoxication of an organic resource, accompanied by high temperature bodies and severe chills. Pathogenic flora, as it were, poisons an organic resource, releasing waste products into once healthy tissues and blood. General symptoms bacterial damage are presented below:

    In children

    Children in childhood are much more likely to be susceptible to bacterial infections because general state immunity leaves much to be desired. With the release of toxins, the symptoms only increase, confining the child to bed, forcing parents to go on sick leave. Here are the changes in children’s well-being that you need to pay special attention to:

    • constant moodiness;
    • tearfulness, lethargy;
    • instability temperature regime;
    • fever, chills;
    • pronounced signs of dyspepsia;
    • skin rashes unknown etiology;
    • the appearance of white plaque on the tonsils with severe soreness in the throat.

    Bacterial infections in women

    In respiratory diseases of the airways it is very common we're talking about about bacterial damage. Alternatively, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis progress, which are accompanied by recurrent sore throat, and less commonly, purulent discharge from the throat. Microbes cause the following changes in female body:

    • temperature jump up to 40 degrees;
    • suffocating cough with progressive runny nose;
    • pronounced signs of intoxication;
    • violation of intestinal and vaginal microflora;
    • acute otitis depending on the location of the infection;
    • prolonged bouts of diarrhea;
    • signs of decreased immunity.

    Signs of a bacterial infection

    In order for the diagnosis of bacterial infections to be timely, it is necessary to pay attention to the first changes in the patient’s general well-being, and not to refer to the classic cold, which “will go away on its own.” You should be wary of:

    • frequent trips to the toilet, diarrhea;
    • feeling of nausea, complete lack of appetite;
    • a sharp decrease in body weight;
    • temperature rise above 39 degrees;
    • painful sensations of varying localization depending on the nature of the infection and its location.

    How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one

    It is impossible to do without bacteriological analysis, since this is the basis of diagnosis and the ability to correctly differentiate the final diagnosis. However, an adult patient is able to independently distinguish the nature and localization of the pathology focus. This is important for future treatment, since bacterial lesions can be successfully treated with antibiotics, while pathogenic viruses cannot be destroyed with antibiotics.

    The main difference between a bacterial infection and a viral one is the following: in the first case, the focus of pathology is local, in the second it is more systemic. Thus, pathogenic viruses infect the entire body, sharply reducing general health. As for bacteria, they have a narrow specialization, for example, they rapidly develop laryngitis or tonsillitis. To determine the virus in such clinical picture A general blood test is required; to identify bacterial flora, a sputum test is required (for infection of the lower respiratory tract).


    After inflammation of the mucous membranes and the appearance of other symptoms of bacterial damage, it is necessary to determine the nature of the pathogenic flora in a laboratory way. Diagnosis is carried out in a hospital; collecting anamnesis data is not enough to make a final diagnosis. In modern medicine, the following types of infections are declared, which have predominantly bacterial flora and cause such dangerous diseases of the body:

    1. Acute intestinal bacterial infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, foodborne diseases, campylobacteriosis.
    2. Bacterial lesions skin: erysipelas, impetigo, phlegmon, furunculosis, hidradenitis.
    3. Bacterial respiratory tract infections: sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis.
    4. Blood-borne bacterial infections: tularemia, typhus, plague, trench fever.


    As pathogenic bacteria multiply in the absence of timely treatment, the infectious process becomes chronic. To avoid becoming carriers dangerous infections, it is required to undergo a comprehensive examination in a timely manner. This is a mandatory general blood test, which shows an increased number of leukocytes and a jump in ESR. Other changes in the body fluid of an infected person are presented below:

    • increase in neutrophil granulocytes;
    • shift of the leukocyte formula to the left;
    • increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

    To avoid the development and spread of chronic disease, the following types are recommended: clinical examinations:

    1. Bacteriological (research of the habitat of microbes, creation favorable conditions for the formation of viable colonies in laboratory conditions).
    2. Serological (detection of specific antibodies in the blood to certain types of pathogenic microbes - under a microscope they differ in color).
    3. Microscopic (after collection, the biological material is examined in detail under a microscope, at the cellular level).

    How to treat a bacterial infection

    The pathological process begins with an incubation period, the duration of which depends on the nature of the pathogenic flora, its location and activity. Main goal of implementation conservative methods– prevent blood poisoning, restore the general well-being of the clinical patient. Treatment is symptomatic, here valuable recommendations competent specialists:

    1. The prescription of antibiotics and representatives of other pharmacological groups should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician, since certain microorganisms are immune to certain medications.
    2. In addition to conservative treatment, you need to reconsider your daily diet, familiar image life. For example, it is useful to completely avoid salty and fatty foods, bad habits and excessive passivity. Be sure to strengthen weak immunity.
    3. Symptomatic treatment is carried out depending on the location of the source of pathology and the affected body system. For example, for diseases respiratory system mucolytics and expectorants are needed, and with tonsillitis you cannot do without taking antibiotics.


    If bronchitis or pneumonia occurs, such dangerous diseases must be treated with antibiotics in order to avoid extremely unpleasant complications with the health of the adult patient and child. Among side effects we are talking about allergic reactions, digestive disorders and more. Therefore, the prescription of antibiotics should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician after diagnosis. So:

    1. To slow down the growth of pathogenic flora, bacteriostatic agents such as Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol tablets are prescribed.
    2. To eradicate bacterial infections, bactericidal drugs such as Penicillin, Rifamycin, and Aminoglycosides are recommended.
    3. Among the representatives of antibiotics penicillin series Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Amoxicillin are especially in demand.

    How to cure a bacterial infection without antibiotics

    Symptomatic therapy an adult and a child are given medical indications. For example, in the fight against headaches you will have to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Nurofen, Ibuprofen. If pain appears in another location, you can remove it with Diclofenac. To cure a bacterial infection without antibiotics, the following are recommended: medical supplies:

    1. Diclofenac. Painkillers that additionally relieve inflammation have bactericidal properties.
    2. Regidron. A saline solution that should be taken in case of acute intoxication of the body to remove the infection.

    How to treat a bacterial infection in children

    In childhood when acute infections Drinking plenty of fluids and symptomatic treatment is recommended. Antibiotics should be abandoned if the disease is at an early stage and there are no secondary microbes. If you have an upper respiratory tract infection, you will need cough suppressants and mucolytics. For throat diseases, it is better to use local antiseptics - Lugol, Chlorophyllipt. Patients with meningitis should be urgently hospitalized.


    The penetration of pathogenic flora into the body can be prevented. To do this, at any age, it is recommended to adhere to the following preventive recommendations from a knowledgeable specialist:

    • preventive vaccination;
    • avoiding prolonged hypothermia of the body;
    • strengthening the immune system;
    • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
    • proper nutrition for adults and children, vitamins.
