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Open lumbago (sleep-herb): medicinal properties and application. Dream herb: description, use in everyday life and medicine

Open lumbago, which is popularly called sleep-grass, is a perennial herbaceous plant genus Lumbago from At the end of April or beginning of May, immediately after the snow cover melts, you can see a fabulously beautiful primrose plant. With white, yellow, brown-red and purple petals of delicate flowers, lumbago announces the coming of spring.

Visual appeal

A plant that has flowers with six pointed petals of purple or lilac color is an open lumbago. Its root system is vertical, multi-headed. In the lower part of the stem, basal, pinnately dissected leaves are formed, and thin and long simple stem leaves are fused at their bases. Both are covered with light fluff. Each individual plant produces one large flower at the top of the stem, shaped like an erect or drooping bell.


Wild grass has interesting features - an open lumbago. The description of the species indicates that when favorable conditions it grows up to 25 centimeters high, growing each year from a powerful dark brown root. Root leaves on long petioles grow after flowering and die off in the fall. The erect stem is also covered with soft fluffy hairs.

Dream grass flowers have numerous yellow stamens and pistils with long fluffy styles up to 5 centimeters in length. The outside of the petals is densely covered with down. Tender heads bloom either before the leaves appear, or simultaneously with them. The spring plant blooms in April and May, forming oblong and heavily hairy fruits at the end of the season, which give the appearance a special decorative appearance.

Spread of the lumbago

Open lumbago - sleep-grass - prefers sod-podzolic soils, characteristic of thinned pine forests, as well as mixed pine-birch and pine-oak forests. Flowers grow on slopes and in thickets of berry bushes, on mosses and grass litter. Glades of lumbago can be found in the meadows and steppes of the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East. In addition, the distribution area of ​​this species is Europe, Asia, and North America.

Types of lumbago

The genus numbers approximately 40 different types, growing in cold, temperate, subtropical regions Northern Hemisphere. Most (26 species of the genus Prostrel) are observed on the territory of the republics of the former Soviet Union, including open lumbago, which grows in the Middle and in the south Western Siberia.

In light pine forests and on the edges there are Turchaninov's lumbago, spring, and meadow. On the high, vast plateaus and peaks of the Crimean mountains, as well as in the cracks of the rocks of the mountain ranges of Central Europe, the Crimean species can be found. Most varieties of sleep grass are listed in the Red Book of subjects Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Estonia. These include an open lumbago. The Red Book prohibits the destruction of the population of a rare plant that is in danger of extinction.

Known the following types lumbago: alpine, ayansky, spring, mountain, yellowing, golden, bell-shaped, Crimean, meadow, ordinary and many others. Primary colors: white, yellow, red, blue-violet, lilac.

Favorable for open lumbago

The open lumbago, the photo of which is presented below, has a fairly wide range of distribution. The spring plant feels equally good both in moderately humid climates and in drier places. Delicate purple flowers sprout not only in rich soils, but can also be content with poor, unmoistened ones. Particularly sensitive to light and especially need sunlight in spring, during the flowering period.

Botanical description of sleep grass

An open lumbago is suitable for rubbing the squeezed juice of the green on inflamed rheumatic joints. More Fresh Juice cures glaucoma. Another species - drooping lumbago, growing in the east of the country - has found its use in Chinese medicine. Decoctions of mature rhizomes are used as a hemostatic and astringent.

Naturally, before using miraculous properties lumbago, it is necessary to obtain professional advice from a doctor. There are also certain contraindications due to the fact that the plant is poisonous. In particular, in the presence of diseases such as gastritis and other gastrointestinal pathologies, nephritis. Medicinal collection carried out during the flowering period of sleep grass, which lasts from April to May.

Since all types of lumbago have an incredibly attractive appearance, they look natural in group landscape plantings and will be an excellent decoration for lawns, alpine slides and park areas. And for those who want to dig up a rare and forbidden wild specimen of the flower for their garden, an open lumbago will be useful information that adult lumbagos cannot tolerate transplantation.

Meadow lumbago (Pulsatilla pratensis), sleep-grass


Perennial plant with vertical rhizome Brown. Lumbago refers to herbaceous forms. Its stem is erect and reaches a height of forty centimeters, covered with dense hairs. The leaves are petiolate, pinnately dissected and pubescent with white hairs. The peduncles are curved, after flowering, during fruiting they lengthen and straighten. The flowers are usually solitary and drooping. Meadow lumbago blooms in April and May, and its fruits ripen in June and July.
Now the plant is distributed throughout Western, Northern and Central Europe, the European part of Russia and Western Siberia. It grows in Belarus, Ukraine and the Caucasus.
Sleep grass loves calcareous soils, dry and sunny areas.

Chemical composition
The composition of the lumbago contains ascorbic acid and other organic acids, protoanemonin and anemonin, ranunculin, tannin, essential oils and flavonoids. It contains tannins, traces of alkaloids, and the seeds contain fatty oil.

Medicinal properties of sleep herb
Meadow lumbago has a complex of medicinal properties. Due to its composition. It has a hypotensive and antispasmodic effect, causes a hypnotic and sedative effect. This plant has antifungal and antimicrobial properties, as well as anesthetic. In addition, sleep herb can have a stimulating effect on breathing and slow down the heart rate.

Preparations from meadow lumbago are actively used as a sedative for nervous excitement. They relieve associated dizziness and insomnia, hysteria and other disorders.
As antispasmodic The plant helps with bronchitis. Whooping cough, colds. Relieving spasms helps get rid of migraines.
Official medicine uses sleep-herbal preparations for treatment hypertension on initial stages. They help with palpitations and glaucoma.
When used externally, lumbago has an antiseptic effect and prevents microbial and fungal infections. It is anesthetic and local irritant at joint pain.

Collection and preparation
Meadow lumbago grass is used as a medicinal raw material. It is harvested during flowering. When cutting grass, you should wear gloves, because... fresh juice may cause burns. Dry the plants in the shade, spreading them out in a thin layer. After drying, it is kept for three months, during which the toxic properties disappear. After this, the dried herb can be used for its intended purpose.

The plant is poisonous, so it should be used very carefully. Dosages and courses of use cannot be increased.
Preparations from this plant should not be used during pregnancy or in case of illness. digestive system, kidneys and liver.


  • Infusion: to prepare, take forty grams of dry crushed herb and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for forty minutes. Then they filter. Take a tablespoon three to five times a day. They try to maintain equal periods of time between doses. Drink this infusion between meals.
  • Alcohol tincture. To prepare the tincture, take ten grams of dry lumbago herb and pour it with vodka, which requires one hundred and fifty milliliters. Insist for five days. Ready product applied externally in the form of rubbing. It is used for joint pain of a rheumatic nature and some others.

Dream grass ( Latin name Anemone patens), or lumbago, is a perennial flowering plant of the Ranunculaceae family. It grows in the countries of Northern and Southern Europe, in North America, China, Mongolia, in the CIS countries, including Russia - in the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East. The plant is considered endangered and is listed in the Red Books of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, and Estonia.

general information

Description: sleep grass is a low plant up to 20 cm high, with a powerful vertical rhizome of brown color. The leaves are rooted, on long, hairy stalks, at first also hairy, but later become bare. They grow after flowering and dry out in the fall.

The peduncles of the plant are straight, the flowers after blooming are bell-shaped, and later become like stars. Petals 3-4 cm long, pointed, straight, blue or purple. Hairy on the outside and smooth on the inside. The stamens are yellow. In place of the flowers, after flowering, round, hairy fruits with seeds are formed. Silvery fluff makes them look like lungs, air balloons, making the lumbago beautiful both during flowering and during fruit ripening.

Sleep grass grows well on podzolic soil in mixed and coniferous forests, heathland, shrubs and pine forest slopes.


In Russian, sleep grass is called lumbago - this name is associated with an ancient legend, according to which the flower fell in love devilry and with its help she began to put people in a state of confusion (dope and confusion of mind). The bright heavenly forces decided to prevent this; one of the archangels threw his fiery spear into the sleeping grass. Now evil spirits are afraid of the flower like fire, and people call it “arrow” or lumbago.

It was not for nothing that the evil spirit turned its attention to the beautiful flower and tried to do its dirty deeds with its help. The Slavs have long noticed that sleep grass has unusual properties, they believed that if you put it under your pillow at night, it would bring prophetic dream. The same dream can visit someone who comes to the clearing in the evening with blooming dream grass.

It is not for nothing that the flower is called a dream-dream, a dream, a dream and a samson. Its hypnotic properties have long been known folk medicine, they are used to treat nervous diseases and insomnia. Modern homeopaths do not forget about the flower, but we should not forget that the plant is completely poisonous, its use is possible under the supervision of a doctor and in small doses.

Variety of species

The genus dream grass or lumbago consists of almost 30 plant species. They are similar to each other in many ways, but may differ in the shape and color of the flowers, as well as in the density of the fluff. Almost all of them grow on light forest edges, on dry open slopes in the temperate and subtropical climate of the Northern Hemisphere.

About 20 species are cultivated in horticulture. The plant responds very well to care and care, blooms profusely and luxuriantly in the garden. Let's name the most popular types of sleep grass - lumbago.

Common lumbago in nature and gardens, this flower is found more often than other species. Due to the fact that the common lumbago blooms in the spring, in France and England it is called the Easter flower.

Description: The common lumbago can be from 15 to 20 cm in height, after flowering and during the ripening of the fruit it grows up to 25 cm. If in other types of lumbago the leaves appear after flowering, then the common lumbago produces them at the same time.

Common lumbago served as the basis for the development of new garden plant varieties: Alba with white flowers, Barton Pink with pink flowers and light leaves, Gotlandica with large purple bell-shaped flowers. Ena Constance is a low-growing plant with dark red flowers. Genus Klokk with dark red flowers. Mr Van der Elsf with pink flowers. Rubra - with lilac-red flowers.

Spring lumbago in wildlife grows in central Russia and in the southern regions, as well as in European countries and Asia Minor. Most often it can be seen in pine forests or on grassy slopes.

Description: Spring lumbago grows up to 30 cm, has straight or slightly bent stems. Spring lumbago blooms at the end of May with single bell-shaped flowers. The petals have a double color - white inside and light lilac outside. Leaves form after flowering.

Open lumbago blooms from April to May.

Description: The peduncle is very short, so it seems that the buds are blooming directly from the ground. Later, the stems grow up to 15 cm, and the flowers, which at first look like bells, turn into open stars. After flowering, during fruiting, the stems grow up to 50 cm.

The flowers are silky and fluffy, like the heads of chicks. The petals are violet-blue, dark violet, violet-pink, pink, and the stamens are bright yellow.

In the wild, up to 50 flowers can appear on one bush; in the garden there can be many more, especially if the flower is provided with proper care.

The leaves on the open lumbago appear towards the end of flowering; on the open lumbago they are trifoliate, palmately divided. Other shoots have pinnately dissected leaves.

Blackening or meadow lumbago - grows in pine forests, as well as on dry, light slopes. Description: The flowers are small, about 4 cm in diameter, similar to drooping bells. Petals are light lilac, reddish or purple.

The leaves are pinnately dissected and grow during or after flowering. This species is called blackening because some of its varieties have black-violet flowers, with the tips of the petals bent outward and light yellow perianths. The diameter of the flower is small - up to 3 cm.

Golden lumbago blooms with large dark yellow flowers, up to 7 cm in diameter. The leaves of golden lumbago are pinnately dissected, which appear and grow during flowering. The good thing about golden lumbago is that its flowering lasts for several months - from April to September. Of course it is long flowering produces not one flower, but different ones - their flowers are formed in different time. This is a low plant - when flowering its height does not exceed 20 cm, and during the ripening of the fruit the stems can stretch up to half a meter. In nature, golden lumbago grows in the Caucasus.

White lumbago has cup-shaped white flowers with a purple tint.

Description: The diameter of the flowers is up to 5 cm, the height of the plant is not large - 10 cm during flowering, and no more than 40 cm during fruiting. The leaves, like most members of the family, are pinnately dissected, with deep teeth along the edges. IN natural conditions growing in Central European countries.

Haller's lumbago grows in the mountains of Crimea and in the mountainous regions of Central Europe.

Description: Height is about 20 cm, the flowers are bell-shaped, dark purple in color, up to 7 cm in diameter. The petals are smooth on the inside and fluffy on the outside. Blooms in April-May for 1 month. The leaves are pinnately dissected, with light golden fluff, and grow after flowering.

Garden culture

Sleep grass is a plant that is not very difficult to grow, and good care will help you achieve excellent results. But it must be remembered that if you transfer a flower from natural conditions to the garden, it will most likely die, and no amount of care can prevent this. Dream grass does not tolerate transplantation; moreover, plucking or digging up sleep grass can cause damage to nature, because the flower is already listed in the Red Book.

It is best to grow a flower in the garden yourself, collecting seeds in natural conditions, or buying them in a special store. Some flower shops They sell seedlings in cups or containers; all that remains is to plant them and provide the flower with proper care.

Another option for growing sleep grass at home is to plant seeds in pots in early spring - in March. The crops should not be too dense so that when planted in open ground it was possible to move the seedlings along with a lump of earth without unnecessary stress. Caring for seedlings in a pot will consist of watering and loosening the soil.

If necessary, adult plants are replanted together with a lump of earth; before the procedure, the bush is well watered, dug in on all sides, removed from the ground and carefully transferred to a new place. The hole must be prepared in advance by pouring humus, peat, sand into it and filling it with water.

Planting sleep grass seeds in open ground takes place in the spring - in April-May, when the daytime air temperature is not lower than +20-25 degrees. At first, the planting can be covered with film at night, and during the day, especially after the emergence of seedlings, it can be removed so that the seedlings do not die from the high temperature.

For planting seeds, make holes or grooves 1-1.5 cm deep. The seeds of the lumbago are very small; if you bury them deeper, you may not see shoots. The planting site is filled with water in advance, the seeds are sown and sprinkled with dry soil, so they will germinate faster and the moisture will not evaporate too quickly.

In regions with a warm climate, you can sow freshly harvested seeds in the summer so that the plant blooms in the fall - in October or even November.

Sleep grass loves light, breathable soil. Before planting, you should add mineral fertilizers, peat and sand.

To grow dream grass, you need to choose an open, sunny place, but at first the young shoots need to be shaded.

The first shoots will appear 3-4 weeks after planting and will begin to grow quickly. During this period, caring for them consists of watering, weeding and loosening the soil.

Watering, especially in dry, hot weather, should be plentiful, but excess moisture will harm the roots.

Sleep grass, which naturally grows in high mountain areas, is best sown in the fall so that the seeds undergo stratification in winter. With this planting, seedlings will appear in May, and when proper care, will develop into a healthy, strong plant, but will bloom only after 4-6 years.

When growing herbs from seeds, the color of the flowers and other species characteristics may not correspond to those stated on the packaging, especially for hybrid varieties. However, if there are several types of plants growing in the garden, thanks to cross-pollination you can get a good result, with flowers of different colors and shapes.

It is better to propagate varietal plants by dividing the roots or by root cuttings. Root division is performed after flowering, or closer to autumn. And cuttings take place after flowering, when the plant has leaves.

Dream grass is a long-lived plant; in the garden or in the wild, some specimens can live up to a hundred years. Moreover, old bushes also produce abundant flowering, especially when good care and regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

The flower, popularly called “sleep-grass”, and scientifically “lumbago”, is perhaps the most beautiful and fabulous primrose and one of the most beautiful flowers on this planet. As soon as the snow melts, its blue petals on fluffy stems, like bright gems, rise among last year’s grass, swaying under the light spring breeze and bright sun.

What an amazing invention of nature! The small cups of Dream-grass resemble a fluffy snowy tulip. And the name “dream” came to it from antiquity. It blooms even if the air temperature is zero. Why? Inside the flower the temperature is +8 °C. It turns out that the calyx of a flower is a concave mirror that collects solar heat. There are many legends, tales and beliefs associated with this plant.

Sleep-grass is frost-resistant, blooms from the beginning of April, and withers with the onset of the first hot days of May. From here came another popular name- "one month old". Appearance dream-herbs are absolutely irresistible: a beautiful cup correct form with delicate petals of blue, cyan, violet flowers and a bright yellow center - a real sun in the middle of the sky.

What gives the flower a special charm is its delicate silvery pubescence that covers the stems, leaves and even petals. Early in the morning, covered with dew, shriveled from the cold, bowing its head to the ground, this flower no longer looks like a flower, but like a six-winged seraph, asleep a fairytale dream, but even in its silence carrying the message of the heavenly world.

Any type of lumbago is poisonous. It is no coincidence that in ancient times it was used only by the most experienced healers. It was believed that sleep grass has a bactericidal, antifungal, and calming effect. Infusions and decoctions of dried lumbago were used to treat asthma, bronchitis, migraines, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, gout, rheumatism, tuberculosis, scabies, eczema, and gynecological diseases. It is important to avoid getting its juice on your skin, which can cause severe irritation. By the way, when the plant dries, the toxic substances disappear.

There is a lot associated with this truly charming plant. folk signs and believe. Dream-grass, sleep-potion, lumbago, dream book, little sunflower, beaver, windflower, nap, raspberry, one-month-old, cowbell, Easter flower, snow tulip - this is how this plant is called in a fabulously cute way.

Here, for example, is how an ancient legend explains one of the names:

Once upon a time, a demon was hidden behind the wide leaves of this plant. Archangel Michael, who was pursuing him, shot an arrow of lightning at him, which “shot” the plant, causing the leaves to turn into narrow stripes. From that very moment, all evil spirits do not dare to approach the dream grass. And the lumbago began to be considered not only a talisman against all witchcraft and evil eye, but also a symbol of victorious weapons. Spears were even treated with its juice to ward off the dark force. In addition, they believed that a flower that survived the heavenly fire helped heal wounds received in battles.

Another name for this plant – “sleep-grass” – is also shrouded in mystery. According to the most widespread belief, it was named so by a hunter who once saw a bear in the forest, who dug the root of this plant out of the ground, licked it and fell asleep. What is probably meant here is hypnotic effect plants. And of course, such a “sleepy” name is justified by the appearance of the flower: wrapped in fluffy hairs, with a tilted head, it evokes serenity, helps to forget about problems and find a sense of peace

A very beautiful and rare plant grows in the mountains - large lumbago (sleep) and blackened and broad-leaved lumbago. The name comes from Latin word“pul zore”, which means “to set in motion” or to ring.” Indeed, the flowers of the lumbago, like light purple bells, sway under the gusts of wind. It seems that if you listen closely, they ring quietly and resemble the melody about the ancient legend about this mysterious flower:

A young girl went into the spring forest to pick flowers. She went further and further, best flowers collected into a fragrant bouquet. And she went deeper and deeper, not knowing that it was the forester (goblin) who had his eye on her and was luring her into the depths of the forest.

The forest sorcerer led the girl into a remote clearing, surrounded by huge pine trees, deep cliffs and a high rock, and on the side from which the girl came, thick thorny thickets suddenly grew, through which there was no point in even thinking.

The girl stood in the middle of the clearing, looked around and was very scared. Meanwhile, the forester, having turned into a handsome young man, came out from behind the trunk of an old pine tree and stood in front of the girl, smiling and said: “Don’t be afraid of me, red maiden.” I won't harm you. There is only one thing you must do: become mine, for in this forest I am the king and ruler, to whom everything is subject.

“Never in my life,” the girl shouted, looking for a way to escape. But there was no road. She entered into a fight with the forester, who had turned into a bony grandfather. This monster jumped up to the girl and grabbed her with his hands. Out of fear and disgust, she hit the forester with all her might. There was a crack, as if a dry branch had broken, and the ugly forest spirit released the girl, clutching her face with her hands. He fell to the ground and began to writhe.

Meanwhile, the girl tried to run, but could not take a single step: some unknown force kept her in place, as if catching her in a net of fatigue. It was the forest man, who had already risen to his feet again, who brought fatigue to the girl. Her arms dropped, her legs gave way and she fell in a wonderful sleep. She, like a white cloud, was covered with the blue of the spring sky, melted before our eyes, and soon disappeared completely. In the place where she lay, a beautiful purple flower emerged from the ground, exposing its velvet cup to the warm rays of the sun.

So says the legend. That is why this flower is called dream grass. And that its fresh leaves are poisonous is due to bitterness and disgust for the evil forester. A medicinal properties, how rich the dried leaves of the dream grass are, is from the generous and kind heart of a girl.

These furry bells turn after the sun, just like sunflowers. Sometimes you look at grass and grass, walk a little forward, turn around, and a whole field of amazing flowers is looking at you.

Anyone who sees these flowers once will forever be fascinated by their beauty - it’s difficult to find a sweeter and more touching phenomenon early spring. Undoubtedly, when the creator created the dream-grass, he was especially inspired. Many legends of different nations are associated with this flower; sometimes it is used for medicinal and decorative purposes, and in ancient times it was used for fortune telling. But the main purpose of its creation is contemplation. In a world of black chimneys and dirty cities, small blue skies with small suns that fell on the spring earth continue to silently shine with reflections of eternal beauty.

Unfortunately, listed in Red Book, lumbago is becoming less and less common...

Sleep-grass received this name among the people because of its pronounced hypnotic properties. Since ancient times, not only the Slavic peoples, but also the Mongols, Chinese, and indigenous people of Siberia and North America have known about its benefits. Not only the sedative, but also the antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant effects of the herb are known. It is important to remember that sleep-grass is poisonous plant. Uncontrolled use and self-medication can lead to overdose and poisoning. Even inhaling the vapors from fresh weed can be hazardous to your health. Dream grass is found in myths and legends of different peoples. In ancient times it was used to prepare a magic potion.

Features of an open lumbago

In what regions can you find lumbago? Is harvesting grass allowed? What are the main indications and contraindications for use?


Open lumbago, or sleep-grass, is found in Europe, especially in the middle zone and southern regions. But it can also be seen in Northern Europe - Sweden and Finland. It also grows in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, the Far East, and North America. Loves dry pine and mixed forests, open meadows and forest edges, sunny slopes, meadows and steppes.

Botanical characteristics

The shot is open. Botanical illustration by Jacob Sturm from the book "Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen", 1796.

What does dream grass look like? Average height plants - 15 cm, but at good conditions can reach 40 cm. In early spring, it shoots a stem (rarely two or three) from the rhizome. What's it like botanical description medicinal plant dream grass?

  • Perennial herbaceous plant.
  • The stem is erect, covered with thick soft hairs.
  • At the end of the stem there is a large bell-shaped flower of light purple color.
  • The flower has numerous yellow anthers ( top part stamens).
  • The leaves are silvery, heavily pubescent, dissected.
  • Blooms in March-May depending on the area.
  • Reproduces only by seeds.

Is it possible to collect grass

The grass is listed in the Red Book of Russia. In particular, collecting the plant is prohibited in the Moscow, Ryazan, Lipetsk, Oryol, Tula, and Kaluga regions. In some regions, lumbago is becoming a rare plant. Belongs to a declining, vulnerable species. For example, at the end of the 19th century there were sixteen populations of the flower, today there are only nine. What is the reason for grass dying out? Collection for bouquets, mass procurement as medicinal raw materials, overgrowing of plant habitats with dense grass.

You can grow sleep grass on personal plot both as a beautiful decorative flower and as a medicinal raw material. IN medicinal purposes use the entire above-ground part. Experienced herbalists do not recommend preparing any home remedies from fresh herbs. Fresh stems, leaves and flowers contain protoanemonin - poisonous substance. During drying, after about 3–4 months, it evaporates. But the raw materials do not lose their medicinal properties and become less toxic.

Healing effect

Medicinal properties of sleep herb:

  • pain reliever;
  • astringent;
  • sedative;
  • relaxing;
  • hypnotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • enveloping;
  • wound healing.

Chemical composition:

  • saponins;
  • coumarins;
  • volatile substances (anemonin);
  • camphor;
  • tannins.

List of indications

What does sleep herb help with? For what diagnoses is it recommended to take the herb?

  • Functional disorders nervous system . Main indications: migraine, agitation, insomnia, irritability, hysteria, headache. The herb also improves emotional well-being, improves mood, and relieves attacks of melancholy and depression.
  • Respiratory system . An open lumbago gives antispasmodic and expectorant effect. It is prescribed for cough (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough).
  • Benefit for women's health . The grass has a pronounced sedative effect, helps to calmly survive the premenopausal period. Relieves symptoms of PMS. Especially helps with cramping pain in the lower abdomen, headaches, unstable emotional state, tearfulness, irritability. Ancient herbalists describe that lumbago was previously given to women to stimulate labor and also relieve pain.
  • The cardiovascular system. It is less often mentioned that the plant lumbago is beneficial for cardiac disorders, stimulates cardiac activity, relieves vascular spasms, and lowers blood pressure.
  • External use. You can use rubs for joint diseases (rheumatism, gout, arthritis), treat wounds, eczema with strong infusions, fungal infections skin, burns. The herb acts as an anesthetic and antiseptic.

Some sources indicate that lumbago herb helps with cataracts and glaucoma caused by increased intraocular pressure. There is also information that the plant has antitumor properties and helps with cancer. It is also taken for benign prostate tumors in men.

What are the contraindications for lumbago? It is forbidden to take it for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, for pregnant women (may cause miscarriage), and for children. Fresh grass can cause severe allergies and burns upon contact with skin and mucous membranes. In case of overdose and long-term use Poisoning with anemonine is possible, as well as disorders of the nervous and digestive systems. You should not take the medicine without consulting a doctor.

Features of use and recipes for preparing sleep-grass

What are the uses of sleep herb at home? In what dosage forms can it be taken internally or used externally?


How to properly prepare a decoction from dry medicinal raw materials?


  1. Take 1-2 teaspoons of raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of cold water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Average dosage - 1–2 tbsp. l. decoction 3 times a day (better after meals). It is recommended to take it to normalize sleep and psycho-emotional state.

It is important to follow the dosage and course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. In case of overdose, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys is possible. The hardest and dangerous consequence overdose or individual intolerance to the herb - paralysis.


Typically, the infusion is prepared for external use - washing wounds and skin, lotions and compresses. For extensive skin lesions, eczema, scabies, and joint pain, it is recommended to add it to medicinal baths.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 12 hours.
  4. Strain.

Under the supervision of a physician, concentrated infusions (in small doses) can be taken orally.


From lumbago (sleep grass) you can make alcohol tinctures. They are used internally and externally.


  1. Take 1 part of dry raw materials.
  2. Pour 5 parts of 40% alcohol.
  3. Leave for a week in a warm and dark place.
  4. Strain.

Most often used for rubbing for rheumatic pain. Take 10 drops orally 2 times a day after meals, diluted with water.

Application in homeopathy

The sleep herb plant in homeopathy is used only in fresh. Prepared from fresh stems and flowers homeopathic drops(Pulsatilla). What are the indications for prescribing this drug?

  • Headaches, migraines.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Neuroses.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (despite contraindications in folk and traditional medicine).
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Colds, inflammation of the throat, ears, respiratory diseases.
  • Gout and rheumatism.
  • Externally, the product is used to treat frostbite, eczema, and fungal infections.

Use in strict dosage and appropriate dilution under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Refers to toxic drugs due to the high content of protoanemonin.

Open lumbago (sleep-grass) - sedative, depressant. It is most often prescribed for neuroses and insomnia. In addition, the plant acts as a mild analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and expectorant. It is used externally to treat wounds, burns and skin rashes, and is used for rubbing and compresses for joint diseases.