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Rating of dogs according to intelligence of all breeds. Intelligent dog breeds. Belgian Malinois

Every owner loves his dog for his loyalty, kindness and, of course, intelligence. Although almost all dogs are naturally intelligent and trainable, the intellectual abilities of each breed can vary significantly. Few people know what the smartest dog breeds live in our world. Meanwhile, researchers have compiled a whole rating, including dogs that are easy to train, understand their owners at a glance and almost always carry out even the most difficult tasks. complex commands. The rating was based on the opinion of professional breeders and trainers; the results of various dog shows were also taken into account when compiling the top.

Oddly enough, the Jack Russell Terrier, the smartest dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records, was not included in this list. A representative of this breed named Jessie, who became a record holder thanks to her intellectual abilities, is capable of not only performing standard commands and tricks, but also knows how to wipe the floor, fetch mail, climb trees and even ride a skateboard.

Curious owners will probably be interested to know which animals are still included in the top 10 smartest dog breeds in the world.

In tenth place in the ranking is a dog breed bred in Australia in the 19th century to help shepherds move sheep and cows. Dogs of this breed are very sensitive, devoted and faithful. They have pronounced herding instincts, are distinguished by good intelligence and are always happy to follow the commands of their owners.

Australian dogs are always active, love to run and play, easily adapt to new living conditions and sincerely love their owners. Such animals often take part in various dog competitions, taking first places in them.

Decisive and courageous takes ninth place in the top. It is no coincidence that this powerful and strong dog is on this list. Dogs of this breed can be easily taught commands. The main thing is that the owner of such a dog has the makings of a leader, is self-confident, demanding and strong.

Rottweilers are balanced and very resilient, they are able to remain calm in the most difficult situations. different situations. Moreover, the reaction of such animals is very good, and their grip is iron. To strangers these proud and independent dogs They are usually treated with great caution and may even show aggression. Such a dog must be controlled by one person.

For the first time, cheerful and cheerful Papillons appeared in the 14th century in Europe. In those ancient times, these small dogs lived in royal courts. Pets received their unusual name because of their beautiful ears, slightly similar to the wings of a butterfly (“papillon” is translated from French, like a “butterfly”).

Despite their funny appearance, Papillons have a well-developed intellect, always obey their owners, and quickly and easily learn commands. Such dogs are able to warn a person about danger, and if necessary, they will fiercely defend their home and owners.

These large and majestic dogs have English origin. Even in ancient times, they helped fishermen retrieve nets filled with fish from rivers and lakes. Nowadays, smart and patient people are becoming excellent helpers and companions for many people.

Beautiful and very good dogs They love small children, they can play with them for hours on end and even make sure that the baby is not injured or in danger. Labradors are easy to train and train, they understand well what a person wants from them and are happy to carry out all his commands. Animals are especially happy to work hard for a tasty reward.

This breed was bred in Scotland to herd sheep. The strong and hardy Scottish Sheepdog (also known as Sheltie) has luxurious wool and has a good disposition. At the same time, she does not like excessive attention from strangers and does not tolerate being petted by strangers. Sheltie always behaves well-mannered with its owner.

Such a dog is easy-going, understands commands the first time, and can perform various tricks. Owning a Scottish Shepherd is necessary for those people who can pay a lot of attention to their pet and will often go for walks and jogs with it.

Hardy Dobermans are natural guards and protectors for their owners. Usually such dogs have high level intelligence, but have a capricious character.

Raise this one noble dog need with puppy age. If you miss the moment or don’t fully engage with your pet, you can end up with an unpredictable and even uncontrollable animal. But the trained one will become a true devoted friend to man. Dogs of this breed do not like scandals and swearing; they will feel good only in a friendly family where mutual understanding and love reign.

Every retriever owner knows what a smart and capable dog it is. An intelligent and very cute dog can remember up to 200 commands. Such dogs can work as guides for blind people, participate in the search for missing people, and save those who need help. Also, a golden retriever can fully demonstrate its qualities while hunting.

A kind, loving dog will fill the house with happiness and rally the whole family around itself. This calm and balanced dog will never show aggression towards other animals, will happily play with small children and will always console its owners if they are in a bad mood.

This service breed deservedly made it into the top of the smartest dogs in the world and took an honorable third place in it. remembers any commands almost the first time. The loyal and intelligent dog loves to learn, he enjoys working with his owner and practicing his acquired skills. Such dogs are often featured in feature films, because... They are easy to train and can always perform the necessary tricks.

Meet German Shepherds Possibly at the police station. Specially trained dogs participate in search activities and help police detain dangerous criminals. At home, a German Shepherd will become an excellent guard and will never allow a stranger into the apartment without the owner’s permission.

These cute curly-haired dogs, with proper training, become wonderful rescuers and guards. A good swimmer can pull out a drowning person or help a hunter retrieve shot prey.

Such dogs quickly learn new things, have an easy-going character, and love to play various games. People who have small children can get such a dog. The poodle will become a faithful friend for them and will protect them from all troubles.

A smart dog is every person's dream. When choosing a four-legged friend, everyone asks the question: “Which dogs are the smartest and most loyal?” It should be noted that all animals are quite intelligent, but some breeds cope with certain tasks better than others. In our article we want to find out which dogs are the most trainable and reliable. What is the ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence?

Border Collie

According to the largest organization of dog breeders in the United States, which ranked dogs by intelligence, the Border Collie breed, bred in Great Britain, took first place. These animals have serious mental abilities and a desire to serve humans. According to many independent surveys, this breed is leading the list.

She was bred in England by selecting the best specimens from which new puppies were obtained. The border collie was supposed to herd animals, so the dogs were taught to be hardy and unpretentious in food, attentive, able to learn quickly, remembering everything new on the fly. The breed was officially registered in 1915, although it was known about it back in the 18th century.

The Border Collie is very wary of strangers, but does not show aggression. But with her owners she is playful, sensitive and attentive. The collie dog, whose characteristics are given in the article, is distinguished by obedience, which means it is very easy to train. Puppies begin to be trained at eight months. And after a year and a half to two years, the dog will easily carry out all your commands. This is probably why the border collie is recognized best dog for all competitions. It is quite easy to prepare it for exhibition, agility, freestyle, flyball. Obedience makes it possible to use representatives of this breed to help rescue groups.

Habits of the smartest dogs

The Border Collie has a rare work ethic. She likes it active image life. Dogs willingly perform at exhibitions and can herd sheep. Because of this thirst for activity, the Border Collie is not recommended to be kept in an apartment, since it constantly needs to engage in physical and mental labor.

Dogs of this breed are very playful and cheerful; from a very young age they need company, and therefore they need to devote enough time. They may be wary of strangers until they become friends. But sometimes they can show some aggressiveness towards their relatives, but only at first.

When it comes to mental abilities, the Border Collie tops the ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence. At a young age, animals can allow themselves to be pampered; as they mature, they behave like smart, calm creatures. This makes them excellent companions.

In general, when thinking about what breed of dog to get, be sure to think about the border collie. A friendly, active, cheerful, intelligent animal will become the most wonderful friend of the whole family. Since the dog loves communication, you won’t be bored with it. She will not sit still, looking for new entertainment and work. In addition, the Border Collie is distinguished by its devoted attitude towards its owners.

Representatives of this breed can have both long and short hair of medium hardness. It protects the animal well from bad weather and almost does not absorb bad smells. Therefore, contrary to what many people think, caring for an animal is not as difficult as it might seem. The dog just needs to be brushed several times a week. But training must be approached with all seriousness, starting as early as possible.


The rating of dogs by intelligence can surprise inexperienced dog breeders with its representatives. Who do you think takes second place in it? Very unexpected, but this is a poodle. It turns out that these are very smart dogs. They are capable of not only performing circus programs (although not all dogs can do this), but also many other actions. For example, poodles are excellent swimmers and can save a drowning person. quite a lot: there are small and large. There are even hunting poodles that help their owners during bird hunting. Therefore, it should be noted that it was not by chance that they ended up in second place in the ranking.

Since childhood, we have somehow become accustomed to the fact that a poodle is such a curly-haired, funny baby. But in fact, large representatives of the breed are excellent defenders of their owners, so you should not treat them with disdain.

There is an opinion that the poodle is a female dog, but this is not entirely true. This is a beautiful, athletic, active animal, proud and strong. This breed has become one of the most popular in the world. Meanwhile, poodles have a long history. Although they are the national breed of France, their roots go back to Northern Europe. They were once exclusively hunting dogs.

Poodles come in four sizes. The largest representatives are capable of protecting their owner, but you should not take such a dog as a guard, since poodles are very good-natured creatures and will never attack the enemy themselves. In addition, the animal needs to pay a lot of attention; it needs your praise and affection.

A large poodle should certainly undergo a dog training course; its extraordinary abilities will find worthy use. Even dwarf breeds They don’t want to just sit in their arms. They need active leisure. They love long walks. It is important for them that the owner is near them. Poodles are always ready to fool around and play. If you take care of your dog and give it due attention, it will bring a lot of joy and fun to your family.

German Shepherd

Continuing to discuss the ranking of dogs by intelligence, it should be noted that the third place in it is occupied by the German Shepherd. There are many guesses about the origin of this breed, but the truth is lost somewhere in the mists of time. However, it is known for certain that in the seventh century AD such a dog already existed in Germany.

Representatives of the breed are very intelligent and loyal to humans, so they rightfully took the worthy place on the list of the smartest dogs. Shepherd dogs are perfect for the role of guards, unlike soft and good-natured poodles. It’s not for nothing that the police use this particular breed of dog as assistants.

I would like to note that on the territory of the USSR in the service internal organs and there were no border guards simple dog- East European Shepherd. It was bred in the thirties specifically as a service breed for the army and needs National economy. The ancestor of the breed was the German Shepherd, imported from Germany.

In general, these animals are among the most trainable and intelligent, but they definitely need to be exercised. German Shepherd training should begin at a very young age. This is not an easy process, but there is no way to do without it. This will require great patience and firmness. However, under no circumstances should you be cruel, otherwise the dog may become disobedient.

There is a stereotype of aggressiveness regarding shepherd dogs. But this is a wrong judgment. Such behavior in an animal can be formed under the influence of proper education. The German Shepherd will certainly protect its owners and be distrustful of strangers, but by its nature it is non-aggressive.

Golden retriever

When ranking dog breeds by intelligence, experts gave the golden retriever an honorable fourth place.

He has a calm, sometimes even too imposing character. The character of the animal perfectly combines such traits as sensitivity, calmness, and the ability to easily learn new knowledge and skills. During the training process, dogs show exceptional hard work and efficiency. The animal is always ready to help and gets along well with children. In addition, the Golden Retriever is completely non-aggressive towards strangers and animals.

Very often, representatives of this breed are used as guides for blind people and in medicinal purposes. This dog is great for children with psychological problems. Training a retriever usually does not cause any problems at all. Dogs are excellent swimmers and also love water. They take root well both in apartments and in private houses. Life expectancy ranges from twelve to fourteen years.

Doberman pinscher

Doberman Pinschers, short-haired working dogs that originated in Germany, are ranked fifth among the smartest dogs.

Representatives of the breed are extraordinary individuals who need not only good care, but also in a healthy family climate. They can reveal all their potential abilities only in patient and smart hands. Dobermans are very smart, but need good training, otherwise they may simply become uncontrollable. Training is mandatory element education, otherwise a remarkable mind can only work towards mischief and tricks. This breed of dog can protect its owner if necessary.

Scottish Sheepdog or Sheltie

Among the huge variety of Tervurens, Malinois, Groenendaels) I would like to highlight the Sheltie. It is essentially a miniature collie. Those who have long wanted a collie and were hesitant to get one because of their size should consider a Scottish Sheepdog. It should be noted that the animal is not only very beautiful, but also capable. Sheltie is suspicious of to strangers, she does not like the obsessive desire to scratch her behind the ear. The Scottish Shepherd is highly trainable.

Labrador Retriever

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that the dog breed Labrador and Retriever are two completely different types. In fact, they are the same animal. The breed was bred for hunting. However, the creature turned out to be playful, perky, and loving. Therefore, representatives of the breed have become ideal family dogs all over the world. Labrador Retrievers love to walk, play and frolic. They are ready to engage in active entertainment all day long. Such a dog will do For any family, the only condition for maintenance is sufficient time for walks. The Labrador's character is so flexible that even a ten-year-old child can cope with his upbringing.


Eighth place in the list of the smartest dogs is the Papillon. This breed has a regal history, as ancestors modern look were favorites at the royal court. Not every breed can boast of such a past.

Papillon, a descendant, originated in the fourteenth century, and France and Belgium are considered its homeland. Distinctive feature This species has beautiful ears, similar to the wings of butterflies. The breed owes its colorful past at court primarily to its intelligence.


The Rottweiler rightfully ranks ninth among the smartest animals. Dogs of this breed are distinguished not only by their power and strength, but also by their balance of character.

Rottweilers are very hardy, they love to work, they are always energetic and full of strength. They are devoted protectors of their owners. Typically, dogs tend to form very close relationships with only one family member.

Rottweilers are courageous and confident. But a timid person is absolutely not suitable for them as an owner, because in raising an animal they will need firmness and confidence. With a good trainer, Rottweilers learn everything they need very quickly, but they definitely need training and firm discipline. They need a lot of space to play because they have enormous energy. An important quality of a Rottweiler is the ability to get along with even the smallest children.

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd rounds out the top ten smartest dogs. It was bred artificially in America in the twentieth century. It has not been established exactly what breeds were mixed, but the experiments were so successful that nowadays people all over the world enjoy the company of a devoted and reliable friend.

Continuation of the list of the smartest dogs

Further on the list of the smartest dogs there are sixteen more representatives. All of them have good performance characteristics. Education different teams occurs in five to fifteen repetitions. Dogs quickly remember everything new, but they can only improve their results practical lessons. So, the list continues with the following breeds:

  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
  • Miniature Schnauzer.
  • Springer Spaniel (English).
  • Belgian Shepherd Tervuren.
  • Groenendael.
  • Collie.
  • The shorthaired pointer is a hunting dog and companion.
  • Cocker Spaniel (English).
  • Epagnole Breton.
  • Belgian shepherd malinois.
  • Pomeranian Spitz.
  • Irish Spaniel.
  • Hungarian pointer.
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

Perhaps all the breeds we have listed are distinguished by excellent mental abilities. It’s not for nothing that many of them have gained popularity all over the world. Of course, many breeds have long lost their true purpose, such as the Belgian Malinois and many others, and are now simply wonderful pets and just friends of humans.

Each breed has its own history, and some types have been formed over centuries, acquiring the best performance characteristics. However, it should be noted that times change, and the requirements for dogs change. If, for example, strong, hardy animals were previously valued, like the shorthaired pointer - a hardy and athletic dog, now completely miniature salon dogs have come into fashion, requiring increased attention.

Perhaps many will not agree with the presented rating of the smartest dogs and will be right, since for each owner it is four-legged friend is the smartest and most talented.

And those who are just thinking about getting a pet should definitely think about what kind of dog you want to have next to you. It's no secret that everyone wants to get a smart pet that will become a real member of the family. However, you should understand that any dog ​​will require a lot of attention from you. In order for an animal to show all its abilities, it is necessary to regularly train it and surround it with care.

Most people choose a dog based on their character and capabilities. Also, dogs are chosen for certain purposes: some - as watchmen or shepherds, others - for hunting, and others as companions. One of the most common requirements when choosing a dog is its mental abilities. After all, everyone wants to brag about how well the dog knows commands and how well-mannered it is. That is why we decided to create a ranking of the 10 smartest dog breeds.

Rating of smart dog breeds

The rating of the smartest dog breeds is a rating of dogs that learn incredibly quickly and absorb commands well. Dogs in this group respond instantly to tasks and are incredibly intelligent. But it is worth remembering that the best intellectual qualities of a dog can only develop with the participation of the owner, who will devote enough time to training his pet. And so, the rating of capable and smart dogs:

  1. 1. Border Collie
  2. 2. Poodle
  3. 7. Papillon
  4. 4. Golden retriever
  5. 5. Sheltie
  6. 10. Australian herding dog.

Top smartest dog breeds

Border Collie is the smartest dog breed in the world

Are you wondering which dog breed is the smartest? The Border Collie is the smartest dog in the whole world. Representatives of this breed are unsurpassed shepherds. They get along well with small children, so they can serve as nannies. Their shepherding instinct is so strong that they herd everything and everyone, from household members to pets.

The most smart breed dogs in the world - Border Collie (photo by Ed Suominen).

Poodle is the second smartest breed

The poodle is a smart, cheerful dog that can not only perform circus tricks, but also save people. Since the poodle is a good swimmer, it is used as a rescue dog. Today, poodles have become decorative dogs, however, representatives of the dwarf category are wonderful truffle hunters.

TOP smart dog breeds - Poodle (photo by ajburcar).

The German Shepherd is one of the three smartest breeds

The German Shepherd takes second place in the ranking of the 10 smartest dogs. The dog gained popularity due to its intelligence and cunning. These are wonderful military and police dogs, their intelligence and desire to be useful make this dog an indispensable friend and partner. Today, the shepherd dog can be seen both as a family member, and as a shepherd and guard.

The German Shepherd is one of the three smartest dog breeds (photo by Dmitry Kalinin).

The Golden Retriever is a very kind and intelligent breed.

The Golden Retriever has a lot in common with the Labrador, but is even more intelligent and resourceful. This is an intelligent dog that loves to please and please. The dog is used as a guide for the blind, an assistant for hunters and a savior. The dogs have an excellent sense of smell and are good at detecting drugs, which has helped them become popular in the fighting industry.

10 Smartest Dog Breeds - Golden Retriever (photo by RichmondPest).


The Sheltie is a miniature version of the Collie. In its past, this dog herded a large flock of sheep, and today it babysits children in a city apartment. The Sheltie has excellent hearing and will always let you know about danger. They not only faithful friends, but also incredibly beautiful. This dog is easy to teach tricks and a variety of commands.

Top 10 Smart Dog Breeds - Sheltie (photo by Alpha 2008).

Labrador Retriever - a smart friend for the whole family

The Labrador Retriever is a wonderful family dog ​​that can also be used as a “narcotics inspector.” These are wonderful cheerful dogs with a gentle character and a wonderful nature.

They are also distinguished as a breed of dogs that are smart and kind. Labradors are friendly and loyal, will do anything to please their owner, behave well in society and are gentle with children, which is why they are so popular in the world. They are used as guides and guards.


Papillons are popular not only as the smartest dogs, but also as royal dwarf dogs. These dogs are sensible and resourceful, they have excellent hearing and always hear danger or someone outside the door, which they rush to inform the owner about with their barking.

Baby Papillons join the list of smart dog breeds (photo by Andrea Arden).

Doberman is a smart service dog

- at good upbringing This dog makes an excellent guard. The breed arose as a result of the need for a dog that could attack and protect. Dobermans are smart, but need constant exercise and training. The Doberman has an interesting position in life and does not always do what he doesn’t like. But this does not mean that he is not subject to control - a little more attention and perseverance and this beast will turn out wonderful and obedient dog.

Smart Doberman dogs (photo by pato garza).


The Rottweiler is a strong working dog that needs an equally strong and influential owner. Used as a police working dog, shepherd, guard, companion. These are dogs that feel and understand perfectly human psychology, so it is not surprising that the Rottweiler will press its head where something hurts you. These dogs make wonderful protectors.

Smart Dog Breeds - Rottweiler (photo by This Pilgrim's Progress).

Australian Cattle Dog – closes the top 10

This dog breed is reliable and faithful assistant for monitoring large flocks of sheep. They are born very smart dogs who are able to understand their owner at a glance, and are also easy to train. The breed of these dogs was bred in the 19th century, but people still find them wide application on the farm. The Australian Cattle Dog is very active and obedient, and also concludes the ranking of the 10 smartest dog breeds in the world.

Smart dog breeds - top 20

  • 11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
  • 17. Kurzhaar
  • 12. Miniature Schnauzer
  • 13. Springer Spaniel
  • 19. Miniature Schnauzer
  • 14. Belgian Shepherd
  • 20. American Cocker Spaniel
  • 15. Collie
  • 16. German Spitz(keeshond)
  • 22. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

The dumbest dog breeds

The dogs on the list below are not that stupid, but simply less capable than the rest. These dogs are difficult to train, and after training they behave like after a game. They are not stupid, they are just capricious handsome men who live well even without commands. So, less capable dogs:

  • 1. Shih Tzu
  • 6. Bloodhound
  • 2. Basset Hound
  • 7. Greyhound
  • 3. Mastiff
  • 8. Chow-chow
  • 9. Bulldog
  • 5. Pekingese
  • 10. Basenji

If you ask any dog ​​owner, then, in most cases, he will have the smartest dog... And indeed, four-legged companions become not just friends, but family members. They guess the desires and moods of the owner from a word, from a glance, and are able to amaze with their ingenuity. But still, dog experts identify several breeds whose representatives have higher intelligence. So, which of them made it into the “smartest dog breeds” ranking?

Dogs of this breed were recognized as the smartest dogs, and they had to bypass the more popular highly intelligent ones - poodles and German shepherds. Their ancestors lived in harsh conditions and performed various jobs - from herding livestock to guarding the house.

Thanks to active shepherding service, dogs learned not only to herd livestock, but also to independently solve a lot of problems and overcome difficulties. At home, such a pet behaves like a real shepherd - it watches over all members of the household and, if necessary, comes to the rescue.

This charming curly-haired “smart guy”, although he could not take first place, is still at the top of the ranking. They are used as circus dogs, water rescuers, truffle hunters, but most often they are excellent companions. Their sharp mind, quick wit and unobtrusiveness are captivating, and the lack of shedding and specific smell expands the circle of possible owners.

A popular universal dog breed, closing the top three. Initially, they were engaged in grazing and protecting livestock, but were able to prove themselves in other areas. capable of performing various jobs - soldiers, guides, security guards, bodyguards, and this is far from full list services provided. This confirms that these dogs are smart, quick-witted, hardy and obedient. They also make excellent family pets and companions.

Representatives of this breed are not only smart, but also extremely beautiful and intelligent. They do not have the aggression gene, are always ready to please their owner and willingly carry out almost any command. Their sensitive sense of smell allows them to be used to search for narcotic and other dangerous substances. But, in most cases, he acts as a friend and companion - loyal and friendly.

These graceful dogs are often compared to their larger cousins, collies. Indeed, there is an external similarity, but the origin is different. at home they act as a bell, signaling danger. In addition, this pet excels at performing tricks and complex commands, and in the show ring it is difficult to find a more graceful competitor.

Another retriever who has earned the title of one of the smartest dogs. Like goldens, they have a keen sense of smell and often work at customs posts and other services. But more often these cheerful, active and balanced dogs act as family dogs. They adore children, and this is mutual; often dogs of these breeds are bought specifically for the child.

Translated from French, the name of the breed means “butterfly”. The dogs received this name for their graceful ears, which truly resemble the wings of a butterfly. – decorative breed, but its representatives are vigilant in any danger and, if necessary, will protect their owner. They are cute, very smart, often cunning, but thanks to their charming appearance they can get away with almost anything.

The breed was bred to produce serious service dog, capable of attacking and defending, but at the same time having a balanced temperament. And the breeders managed to develop a breed whose representatives met these requirements. smart, brave, but capable of being stubborn, so they need a strong hand and regular active exercise. At the right approach a dog makes great friend and a bodyguard.

Such a big, tough guy with a stern appearance has a sharp mind, quick wit and good physical fitness. According to research, the first representatives of the breed were used in fighting, but today these dogs are used for service, protection or as a family dog.

It requires an owner with a strong hand, regular classes and training. And if you train your pet, he will become an excellent protector. In addition, dogs are used as shepherds, guards, they can serve and be excellent companions.

Like other herding breeds, Australians can cope well with large herds, they are used to constantly being with people and are always ready to help. They are also used for other economic needs, for example, guarding a farmstead. Possessing sensitivity, healers understand the owner even by gestures and perfectly absorb commands.

Having become the owner of a dog included in such a rating, you should not think that such a pet does not need upbringing and training. On the contrary, it is necessary to develop the intellectual and physical abilities of the animal, which nature has endowed it with, giving it the opportunity to express itself, and once again prove that it is not for nothing that it is included in the list of “The Smartest Dog Breed.”

Have you decided to get a miniature dog and can’t decide on the breed? Definitely this place for you.

Dog lovers usually do not differentiate between large and small breeds. "A dog is a dog"- they say.

Who would argue. But people with different needs dream of a dog: some want to see a pet as their only friend, others as a fierce defender of property, and still others as a reliable nanny for small children. A big dog they can’t afford it – and the dream remains a dream.

But did you know that these qualities are found, and even combined, among breeds of small dogs?

So that one day, when choosing which baby is best to get, you find all the answers - consider all breeds: from lively guard dogs to demonstrators of master's status and dog pedicure.


If the future owner has nothing to lose in terms of worn-out furniture or, for example, precious time, he chooses a puppy solely by appearance.

However, almost all of us first of all want a beautiful, or funny-looking pet.

To begin with, all small-sized dog breeds are ranked for 3 types:

  • thatheight– up to 28 cm, weight– on average up to 2 kg;
  • dwarfheight– up to 35 cm, weight– 2-5 kg;
  • small dogheight– up to 45 cm, weight– up to 10 kg.

After dimensions and face (everyone has their own preferences here), we are interested in dog vegetation: “fur coat” and “hairstyle”.

Shorthair breeds

The ideal small dog for allergy sufferers, fur haters and just lazy people is smooth-haired.

Such a pet does not shed, does not require special care, which makes it suitable for children and the elderly (remember what kind of dogs the old ladies in your yard kept).

For example:

Pug- a charming, robust dog of black, silver or fawn colors.

Differences in caring for short- and long-haired dogs We’ll look at domestic breeds of small dogs later; In the meantime, the second component of choosing a puppy is character.


All breeds of small dogs, of course, share character traits such as: perky disposition, liveliness, optimism, devotion and gullibility.

Everyone guesses that he has other qualities different breeds plenty, but no one takes it into account. Everyone remembers the feisty “mongrel” next door, fighting with its own shadow and darkly lighting up the entire street with its barking.

There are also breeds that especially value home comfort, the owner’s “hands” and attention: bolognese, Russian colored lapdog, Norwich Terrier, Coton de Tulear.

Who or what do you think about first when choosing a dog based on its character?

About children

To be sure of protection and even education small child, take a pug.

So children can play as a dog groomer and stylist, choose , and Chinese Crested.

So that a teenager finds a faithful and affectionate friend, get a Bichon Frize dog. Despite its fluffy appearance, it does not shed or smell.

To please an active child, get a smart and playful one - one of the most popular breeds for families with children.

To calm child was happy, take an American Eskimo Spitz. The breed listens to every word of its owner and loves gentle communication.

Size doesn't matter here: children in any case need to be taught respect and correct handling to the pet.

About security

good guard dog– this is not necessarily an aggressive calf.

Get a little watchman - he will cope just as well. For example:

(miniature or dwarf schnauzer). The smallest service breed in the world. An unusually brave, sensitive and active dog, easy to train.

Since 1955, Peter Newman was actively involved in the breed: he brought puppies from America and successfully participated in exhibitions.

. The Chinese consider this breed to be a protective spirit: Pekingese are always ready to guard their owner and his property. Despite their lively disposition, Pekingese are very gentle and love to be cared for.

But you can’t overdo it here: it’s wrong to indulge all the dog’s whims, thereby making him the “leader of the pack.”

Miniature Pinscher. This dog is energetic, playful, but reserved and smart. He can rush at a stranger he considers dangerous, an excellent “bell.”

This breed also cannot be overly pampered: without proper upbringing, the puppy can grow into an uncontrollable dog.

It’s as if they compensate for their size with fearlessness: they very loudly, excitedly warn of a threat and can engage in battle with any enemy.

Along with belligerence, this breed is characterized by an interesting feature: the need to burrow into the folds of blankets and bedspreads, making a “nest”.

About beauty

If you are going to show off your pet at social events or simply enjoy its charming face and devoted eyes, get , maltese dog, shih tzu or pug– these breeds are the most popular among “purse dogs”.

Remember: any dog ​​is the result of your upbringing. Exemplary behavior is not at all difficult to achieve with the right approach.

Considering the variety of breeds, it is impossible to say how difficult it is to care for a miniature dog - the peculiarities of keeping them are not that special.

  1. Due to size decorative doggies They feel great even in the smallest apartments and are content with a bed in a nook. Nevertheless, need a walk.
  2. Small dogs handle the road well both on hand and in a special bag, without causing inconvenience to the owner and others.
  3. Small pet fur needs proper care: conditioners and soft brushes (for silky hair), combing with a hard brush (for thick hair), dog shampoos and grooming.
  4. Indoor dogs need trim nails as they grow.
  5. Small dog diet must compensate for the energy spent: be easily digestible, rich in amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins.

    Important accustom your pet to eating right from puppyhood: small dogs quickly get used to a certain diet.

    The dog should be fed small portions – overeating small breeds not alien.

  6. With the health of a small dog you should be careful: such small fry catch cold easily, but get injured even more easily when they get underfoot.

    These breeds also have a predisposition to diseases: necrosis of the head femur, tartar, and loss of baby teeth.

    Dogs are also prone to allergies of “home origin” and poisoning.

  7. be ready diligently maintain a veterinary passport and regularly show the animal to the veterinarian.

Males miniature breeds sometimes they try to mark corners in the house. Only castration can save him.

You can determine some deviations yourself - see standards for small dogs:

Index Puppies Adult dogs