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Jack Russell Terrier how to care and feed. All about the Jack Russell Terrier breed - a small lump with great energy

If it seems to you that in the person of the Jack Russell Terrier you have acquired a harmless domestic dog, do not flatter yourself with the illusion: from this day on, the terminator has settled in you - a ruthless destroyer and a player on the master's nerves, which must be tamed from the first days of appearance in the apartment.


Yes, yes, this is exactly what the owner of a cute puppy, endowed by nature with unbridled energy and an adamant desire to dominate, will have to do.

Trainers of Jack Russell Terriers assure that the latter need a very special approach.- without shouting and slapping, but also without indulging their pranks, which develop into absolute dog tyranny.

An ill-mannered Jack Russell will:

  • Growling, biting and jumping on guests.
  • Hunt small animals and… babies.
  • Ignore basic commands, including "sit" or "to me".
  • Turn an apartment into a toilet.
  • Gnawing on objects within reach and digging in the ground.
  • Whine and howl when alone or begging for food.
  • Steal, rage, get off the leash, in a word, show unbridled disobedience.

Your task is not to encourage the tricks of the growing puppy and not to be touched by his pranks, but to immediately stop attempts to become the head of the house. These dogs are very quick-witted and twist the rope from the owner, one has only to gape a little. Simply put, you establish a clear chain of command, where the dog is given the role of a subordinate, and not vice versa.

When raising a pet, one must remember about his inexhaustible desire to move. To prevent the house from becoming a pile of torn rubbish, get dog toys and walk the dog a lot, giving an outlet for his energy.

Forbid him to chase animals and small children, and in dense groves and near the track, always put on a leash.

It is not so difficult to teach a Jack Russell: they are smart and unconditionally devoted to their owner. The hyperactivity of the animal is removed by intense physical activity, for example, participation in mini-agility, where Jack Russell Terriers have no equal.


These restless creatures have to thank the English pastor Jack Russell from Devonshire for their appearance. The priest loved horse hunting and was engaged in breeding fox terriers. From under his pen came the first description of the breed, and his expert opinion at Fox Terrier shows was the most indisputable.

It is interesting! The modern Jack Russell is a short-legged version of the Parson Jack Russell Terrier, which in the century before last was considered ... a fox terrier.

Engaged in the selection of a special burrowing dog (which would help the hounds to hunt foxes), the vicar mixed blood with his foxes:

  • small bull terriers;
  • lakeland terriers;
  • border terriers.

After the priest passed away, breeding work did not stop, and the bred dogs were called Parson Jack Russell Terrier (“Pastor Jack Russell's Terrier”).

Long-legged (from 30 cm at the withers) and short-legged (up to 28 cm at the withers) animals continued to appear in litters. The first ones were extremely in demand and were called Parson Russell Terriers, the second ones (Jack Russell Terriers actually) were much inferior to them in popularity, were few and little known.


It is she who is considered the country of development of the breed, without encroaching on the sacred (literally and figuratively) right of Great Britain to be listed as the country of origin of Jack Russells.

The first Jack Russell Terrier club appeared on the Australian mainland (1972), where they formulated the standard for these squat English terriers.

The persistence of the Australian Kennel Club has helped establish the breed standard at the world level: this made the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in 2001.

Breeders on several continents had to work hard before Jack Russells acquired a more or less unified appearance.

As a result, Australia overtook Europe and the USA, offering a short-legged variety that most dog breeders liked.

It is believed that Jack Russells from Australia intermarried with Australian terriers, who "gave" them their hard coat.

Since the end of the last century, Australian "settlers" began to actively intervene in European selection. The palm belongs to Australian champion Rojen Maximus, who was born in 1990. He became the parent of many European champions of the breed, passing on to them excellently strong bones, parallel limbs and a wire-like coat.


The first Jack Russell Terriers to settle in Moscow were american dogs originally from Virginia. They were brought in 1999, and two years later the couple gave birth to their first-born: this is how they started breeding Jack Russells in Russia.

The domestic club of breeds of Russell Terriers, which included lovers of both varieties, was founded in 2003., organizing the first national exhibition at the end of the same year. It featured 10 Parson Russells and 18 Jack Russells.

Now the crossing of two related breeds is prohibited, which makes it much easier to buy Jack Russells: in the past, the risk of acquiring a Parson Russell was much higher.

Exhibitions with the participation of Jack Russells easily collect over a hundred dogs, which is not surprising - the breed is in the TOP-5 of the most popular terriers bred in our country.

Exterior, description

The modern Jack Russell Terrier is a hyperactive and strong dog (with an average weight of 5-7 kg), whose body length exceeds its height. The build is proportional, the height at the withers is from 25 to 31 cm.

Moderately wide skull is narrowed towards the eyes, and the transition to the muzzle, sometimes decorated with a mustache and beard, is almost not noticeable.

The eyes are almond shaped, dark and deep set. Scissor bite.

It is interesting! The ears, whose tips are turned forward, resemble the letter V: the fold is not higher than the line of the skull. At the jack (versus the parson) auricles closer to the head.

A fairly long muscular neck widens closer to the shoulders. Deep chest (in girth 40-43 cm) lowered below the elbows. The loin is slightly convex, the top is even.

The straight tail is docked up to 13 centimeters; when moving, the animal raises it above the back. The forelimbs are straight, set parallel. Hindquarters - muscular, with a noticeable knee joint. The toes are tightly compressed.

Let us assume three types of coat:

  • hard;
  • smooth;
  • intermediate (broken).

Whatever the outer hair, the presence of a soft short undercoat is necessary.

Color white with dark brown, light brown and black spots. A Jack is allowed to have more colored spots than a Parson, but cannot be uniformly colored. White color.

"Flying Dog"

Jack was awarded this nickname not by chance: hovering in the air while catching flying saucers, sticks and balls is a dog's favorite pastime.

If you are not ready to play, run and train your pet from morning till night, buy a puppy of a calmer breed.

It is interesting! It takes a lot of effort to piss off the naturally peaceful Jack Russell. On a walk, he will not become the instigator of a dog fight and will support any outdoor games with children.

It easily settles in both urban and suburban housing, not forgetting to periodically "let off steam" in nature.

Jack Russell Terriers adapt to any climate: in summer they frolic under the sun, in winter they run on fluffy snow and are not afraid of frost.

Jacks should be cared for traditionally, like other short-haired breeds, Special attention showing to the coat, eyes, ears and teeth.


Due to the coarse outer hair, it is capable of self-cleaning.: two centuries ago, no one washed burrowing dogs, and breeders deliberately selected terriers with coarse hair.

If dog fur care is not in your plans, take a puppy with smooth coat. Wirehaired are more suitable for those who suffer from allergies.

You won't notice your Jack Russell shedding if you regularly pluck out dying hairs. Afraid not to cope - contact the master who knows how to do trimming.

After walking in forests and squares, the wool is examined in search of insects. As a preventive measure, use a special anti-flea collar, and also treat the coat with flea and tick preparations.

Wash the dog once a month or before going to the exhibition.


So that they do not become inflamed, wipe them with a cotton pad (not cotton wool), after moistening it in weakly brewed tea.


They are brushed 2-3 times a week with dog toothpaste using a brush or finger attachment.

A slice of tomato, which you include in your diet, will prevent the formation of tartar.

Important! Make sure that the items that your pet tries by mouth do not hurt his gums.


Examine the auricles, gently wiping them once every 7 days with a damp cloth and trying not to touch the eardrum.


Important! After walking the dog, they are thoroughly washed or cleaned with a damp cloth.

Trim nails with a nail cutter no more than 1-2 times a month. At the end of the pedicure, the cut edges are processed with a nail file.


What it will be - natural, industrial or mixed - depends solely on the owner. Banned - lamb and pork. Other recommended products include:

  • Lean meats (beef, turkey, veal and chicken).
  • Sea fish, devoid of bones.
  • Cereals: rice and buckwheat.
  • Vegetables (except legumes) with the addition of a teaspoon of sunflower oil.
  • Dairy products, including kefir and low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Quail and chicken eggs(once a week).

Do not indulge your dog with sweets: they can provoke allergies, cause diseases of the teeth and liver.

At natural menu mix in vitamin and mineral supplements that are good for teeth and dog hair.


The list of breed ailments includes:

  • Legg-Perthes disease.
  • Dysplasia hip joint.
  • congenital deafness.
  • collie eye anomaly.

If you don't pay enough attention to your Jack Russell's diet, he can quickly gain excess weight or discover a tendency to allergies.

Buy Jack Russell Terrier

This can be done in a deep province and even by hand, if you are not obsessed with the purebredness of your future pet and do not intend to fight for champion regalia.

A puppy without a pedigree will cost 10-13 thousand rubles. For a Jack Russell with serious family papers, you will pay at least 35 thousand rubles.

A copy of the show class, capable of participating in exhibitions, you will not buy for less than 50 thousand rubles. Such terriers are offered by specialized kennels located in most major Russian cities, including Moscow.

Dogs of this breed do not need special care, they are clean and, importantly, do not have a typical smell for many dogs.

But don't think that this dog is for passive people. Do not forget that the Jack Russell Terrier is a hunter and hard worker.

They love to run, dig in the ground, play, and when they are bored, they can begin to deal with the master's things.

Timely hair care ensures cleanliness in the apartment and the health of the pet. Wet cleaning frees the quadruped from dust and pathogens.

But, too frequent washing will dry out the skin and break down the protective lubrication of the coat. This will inevitably lead to dandruff.

Before washing, cotton swabs are placed in the dog's ears to prevent moisture from getting into them. After the dog's coat is thoroughly washed, it is better to dry it with a towel.

Do not use a hair dryer for this purpose, it can be great to scare and also dry out the dog's skin.

After taking a bath, try not to go outside with the terrier for a few hours to avoid hypothermia.

It is worth noting that the condition of the coat is affected not only by quality care, but also proper diet. has a special structure of the hair, which makes it easier to clean it from clothes.

Representatives of this breed are not very comfortable in wet and windy weather. This is due to the fact that they do not have an undercoat.

Experienced dog breeders advise for such cases to purchase special clothing and shoes for your pet. They fully protect it from dirt, slush and cold.


Ear hygiene is considered paramount preventive measure in the fight against ear diseases.

You should not have a place for your pet to rest in drafts, and care must be taken to ensure that water does not penetrate into the ears.

Terrier ears should be cleaned with cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Worth wiping outer part ear without touching the ear canal.

It is necessary to make, observing the ideal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Don't forget about vitamins and minerals.

Keep in mind that a dog's need for these elements changes during pregnancy and, when taking medication, due to stressful situations, with increasing loads.

In this regard, it is necessary to make a correction of the diet, taking into account life situations.


Every terrier has plaque or tartar on their teeth. For each animal, this happens at a different rate.

But one thing is certain, it threatens your pet with loss of teeth. If you notice the appearance of these troubles on the teeth of your pet, you should seek help from a veterinary clinic.


All pets, without exception, must be vaccinated. Dogs are given a comprehensive vaccine against a number of common diseases.

Before vaccinations, deworming is carried out and after it the animal can be vaccinated.

Ear posture correction

To make a correction at home, you will need a medical plaster, it must be good quality to be firmly fixed on the ear for several days.

It is important to correctly determine the width of the adhesive plaster. The most convenient width, two centimeters, you can use a wider one, cutting off the extra edges.

First, find the fold line to create the perfect crease. We take the puppy's ear by its tip and bring it to the outer corner of the eye.

It is necessary to ensure that the end of the ear is in line with the eye and directed straight ahead. Thus, we get the bend that we want to achieve.

This is the future fold line, and we will focus on it further. A line separates the terrier's ear in two, the base and the tip of the ear.

The adhesive plaster is glued to the second part, to the outside, slightly moving away from the conditional border of the fold.

The most important thing is to carefully stick the adhesive tape, without wrinkling. The edge of the glued adhesive plaster should have an allowance of about one centimeter from the sides of the ears.

After that, we repeat everything with inside ear. Adhesive plaster around the edges, neatly trimmed.

For the purpose of additional weighting, a few more are glued on top of the initial layer. As a load, a coin is placed in the layers of the patch.

Before that, it must be pasted over with adhesive tape, then it will be securely held in place.

Photo gallery

He is extremely active, so it is vital for him to move and walk in the yard all the time. Keep this in mind when choosing this dog. Let's take a look at these active and funny babies in our photo selection.

Jack Russell Terrier - energetic, cheerful, active! Thanks to his cute funny appearance, Jack Russell is a frequent guest on television, which only the famous films “The Mask” and “The Artist” are worth!

However, before you get yourself this little cute dog, you should seriously consider whether you can give her something without which her life will lose its meaning. After all, it is difficult to name a more active breed than the Jack Russell Terrier.

The history of the breed

In those days, fox hunting became very popular in Great Britain, and for this fun it was required special dogs- fast and agile to keep up with the fox, strong enough, but small enough to make their way into holes, fearless in a fight with the beast, if it comes to that, well, as dexterous and cunning as the fox herself!

By deriving just such ideal breed the parson (translated from English - priest, pastor) John Russell, whom his friends called just simply - Jack, took care.
Actually it becomes clear where the name of the breed came from - Parson Jack Russell Terrier, because the original name was just that.

While studying at Oxford in the early nineteenth century, pastor John Russell buys a white female named Trump, who becomes the generally recognized ancestor of the breed.

A bitch named Trump had a completely white coat with a slight round spot at the beginning of the tail and a symmetrical red marking on the head - the eyes and ears are colored red (the so-called Jack Russell head mask). It is this color that is still considered ideal for Jack Russell Terriers, but not the only acceptable one.

John (Jack) Russell did not have a goal to breed an ideal beauty dog, his main task was the above working qualities. The main parts of the body that the priest paid attention to were the ears and the girth of the chest. That is why, in his understanding of the exterior, the ears had to cover the auditory opening and be tightly pressed to the head, because the earth should not get into them while the dog was working in the hole. Well, a narrow chest (should be covered by two palms) is necessary so that the dog can fit freely in the hole.

Russell was constantly experimenting, mixing the blood of other terriers that existed at that time in the UK. In particular, with a fairly high degree of probability, it can be argued that the blood of the current representatives of the breed undoubtedly contains fox terrier genes.

Following John (Jack) Russell, the next generation of breeders took up breeding. Thus, the development of the breed smoothly went in two different directions - shorter dogs, slightly elongated in length and dogs on high paws with a square build.

Thus, completely different breed types appeared, often completely different from each other. Only in the 2000s of the 20th century were the breeds officially divided into two:

  • Jack Russell Terrier - a dog up to 30 cm tall at the withers of a slightly elongated physique
  • Parson Russell Terrier - a dog up to 40 cm at the withers of a square build.

Breed Standard Jack Russell Terrier

The breed standard was approved in the eighties of the 20th century. In those years, both Jack Russell Terriers and Parson Russell Terriers were still listed under a single standard, which, as we wrote above, were later separated into a separate breed.

So, the Jack Russell Terrier is a strong, active, fearless working terrier with a very lively temperament, compact, slightly elongated build. Ideal height - from 25cm to 30cm.

The weight of the dog must match the height. It is generally accepted that the average weight of a Jack Russell is calculated as 1 kg for every 5 cm of height, so it can be assumed that a 25 cm dog weighs an average of 5 kg, and a 30 cm dog weighs 6 kg. However, this is a very relative definition, since all individuals are very individual.

The head is not big. The forehead is flat, the stop is moderately pronounced. The muzzle is not long. The length of the forehead from the top of the skull to the stop must be greater than the length of the muzzle from the stop to the nose.

The eyes are small, almond-shaped, very dark, with a lively luster. The eyelid should be dyed black.

The ears are small and very mobile. Two types are allowed - the so-called "button ears" - the ears are slightly raised on the cartilage and fit snugly to the head at the level of the line of the skull. The ear is of small length, the tip of the ear should end at the level of the corner of the eyes. Hound ears, i.e. elongated ears hanging on the sides are considered a fault, erect ears are not allowed.

The jaws are strong, tightly adjoining, the teeth are large. Scissor bite. Working dogs may have missing or damaged teeth.

The neck is strong, not too short.

The body is slightly elongated, but not dachshundy. The back is straight, strong. The chest is deep enough. The distance from the withers to the elbow is approximately equal to the distance from the elbow to the ground. The chest is not too wide - should be covered by two palms (about 40-43 centimeters in girth)

The shoulders are muscular, with well-defined angles, the elbows are close to the chest, not turned out. The feet are straight, perpendicular to the ground, neither curved at the elbows nor at the pasterns.

The hindquarters are strong, muscular, the angulations and hocks are well defined. When standing, when viewed from behind, the pasterns should be parallel.

The tail is set high, straight or slightly curved towards the skull. Not curled, no kinks. Sufficiently thick at the base.

Wool cover. Three types of wool are allowed - smooth, hard and broken (transitional type). Even in smooth-haired dogs, the coat is quite dense. Wool is not sheared. Rigid and transition type are trimmed.

Color. On this moment Two colors are recognized: white-red (bicolor) and white-red-black (tricolor). In all colors, white should predominate.

The movements are free, strong, with good drive.

As for, it all depends on what type of coat your representative of the breed has. Of course, the easiest to care for is the coat of smooth-haired Jack Russell Terriers.

It is enough to comb your four-legged friend weekly with a rubber brush and wipe with a damp cloth. However, it must be taken into account that it is Jack Russell Terriers with a smooth coat type that are most prone to shedding. And when Jack Russell sheds, then the whole house and all clothes are covered with small white hairs.

As for wire-haired terriers and Brokens (transitional type), they shed much less. Wirehaired ones practically do not shed on their own. This is due to the fact that all rough-haired dogs lack a mechanism for coat renewal (i.e. molting). But it is precisely for this reason that such dogs need regular trimming (stripping) - that is, plucking out dead hair.

How often you need to trim a dog is a very individual question. It all depends on the dog itself, on the time of year and on the goals pursued by the owner.

If we are talking about pets, and not about show dogs, then it is enough to trim the dog once every 6 months. However, in this case, the dog is unlikely to have a well-groomed appearance. Half of that time she will be either bald or overgrown. Since for such a long period the wool overripes and it is removed completely.

Show dogs are trimmed regularly - about once a month. This condition is called rolling and it allows you to always have a well-groomed coat.

Well, the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. If you are not lazy, but trim your rough-haired pet about once every three months, then he will delight you with his appearance all the time.

If you plan to get a dog of this breed, you should be able to walk daily for a long time and actively walk with your pet. Walking for 10 minutes around the house is not a Jack Russell Terrier option.

The pet will simply find where to put energy in the apartment! Count on at least two hour walks a day with an adult dog, while the dog should spend time on the walk actively moving and playing.

Jack Russell Terrier Health

In general, Jack Russell Terriers are quite different good health. They are very hardy and active, but Jacks have pathologies and diseases that are typical for representatives of this breed.

- a violation of the development of the joint, when the bone does not enter the joint correctly, and the joint itself is deformed and this causes the dog severe pain. Dysplasia happens various forms and treatment depends on the form of the disease.

Dislocation of Patella ( knee joint) - Another hereditary disease associated with joint disease. Dislocation patella is hereditary disease m Jack Russell Terriers and decent breeders do genetic tests for their dogs, confirming the fact that they are not a carrier of this disease.

In addition, joint diseases that affect Jack Russell Terriers include arthritis and , which often affect older dogs.

Another hereditary disease, characteristic of all terriers, is damage to the lens of the dog's eye. The disease is often incurable, leading to blindness of the dog. As with patella luxation, genetic tests are done on dogs for predisposition to cataracts. Thus, when buying a puppy, you can protect yourself from similar vision problems in your beloved pet.

- a disease associated with a violation of the production of the hormone insulin and, as a result, an increase in the level of glucose in the dog's body.

- another typical Jack Russell disease. Recall that allergic reactions characteristic of any breed of dog in which predominates white color wool. Symptoms of allergies or atopic dermatitis may long time not to make themselves felt, but to appear only in adulthood, or they may begin to “spoil life” from the first period of flowering of allergically active plants.

Jack Russell Terrier character

At first glance, it may seem that the Jack Russell Terrier is perfect dog apartment companion. Cute, funny, small - what could be better? However, it is precisely in this delusion that lies the biggest mistake of inexperienced owners!

Living with a Jack Russell Terrier is not difficult, but only if you understand exactly what the character of this dog is.

The Jack Russell Terrier is perhaps the most active dog breed. This is a motor, an engine, an awl in one place - call it what you want. And if you do not give the dog sufficient physical and mental stress, then you will have big problems both in terms of a house that has been blown to smithereens, and in terms of absolute disobedience on the street.

Another serious mistake is that inexperienced owners perceive the Jack Russell Terrier as decorative dog. No and no again! Jack Russell is a working terrier with all the consequences that implies. He is a hunter for mice, cats, birds, squirrels, toads, etc.

If you do not teach a dog from childhood correct behavior, then she will run away after everything that moves - instinct will take its toll.

Jack Russell is a very smart and cunning dog. Remember the story of origin, because in terms of cunning and dexterity, he should not have been inferior to the fox. If you do not initially show him who is the boss in the house, then you will be provided with an impudent and sitting on your head dog.

As for the attitude towards children, then we can say that for small children (on average, up to 7-8 years old). Firstly, the Jack Russell is small enough that a child can easily injure a dog, and secondly, like any terrier, he is unlikely to allow a child to play pranks that hurt him.

But for older children, Jack Russell is an ideal friend and companion. The child and the dog will be able to spend a huge amount of time in active and fun games Outdoors. Here Jacks have no equal!

Regarding the communication of Jacks with other dogs, it should be said that these relationships are not always successful. On the one hand, the Jack Russell Terrier is a very sociable dog that needs dog games like air, but on the other hand, especially for males, dogs of this breed can be aggressive towards other dogs.

With a Jack Russell Terrier, you should always remember that these little dogs are sure that they are no less and no weaker than a shepherd or a pit bull, and if Jack doesn’t like something, he will certainly enter into an unequal fight! Therefore, owners of male dogs should always be on the alert when communicating with other dogs.

Training and education

Jack Russell Terrier is smartest dog, which has excellent abilities to perfectly various types training: from performing in the circus to searching for drugs at the border.

These little dogs are very easy to train, because it is not for nothing that they are such frequent guests on the set. The owners of the Jacks will not let you lie that each of the representatives of the breed, not even specially trained, can definitely show a couple of tricks. And all because learning Jacks very, very like.

Jackies are very active dogs, so they can often be found in agility competitions or dog dances.

These little nimble creatures adore their owners, and if the owner has good contact with the pet, then their tandem will undoubtedly succeed in obedience classes too! In this path, you can also develop and go further into dog sports by participating in obedience competitions (dog obedience competitions).

The main thing to remember in matters of training a Jack Russell Terrier is that you need to start raising a dog from the very beginning. early age, from the first day of the puppy's presence in your home. If you let everything take its course, then the smart and stubborn Jack will certainly “sit on your neck”.

If you show interest in your pet in classes, train the puppy in the game and with love, then any Jack will reciprocate and you will get real pleasure from the relationship with your four-legged friend.

Pros and cons of the breed

Indispensable advantages of Jack Russell Terriers:

  • Small dog, does not take up much space in the apartment
  • Mind and ingenuity
  • Cheerful playful disposition
  • Excellent learning ability
  • Great companion dog for active people

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • Requires long active walks (minimum 2 hours per day)
  • Stubbornness and cunning
  • Smooth-haired dogs shed heavily
a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficulty in care
Endurance in the cold
Heat endurance

The big soul of a hunter in a miniature format - this is how you can call a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. Small pets require a lot of attention, not at all to match their size. It is hard to imagine that 6 kg (this is how much an adult dog of the breed weighs) can hide unbridled curiosity, activity and a love of adventure.

In the Guinness Book of Records, dogs of the breed also managed to be noted. In 2000, the Jack Russell Terrier Part-Ex became the most extreme dog, sharing his master's passions for coastering, koyaking, surfing and rock jumping.

Jack Russell Terrier puppies, and then adult dogs, are real springs and have amazing jumping ability. The terrier, not being afraid of heights, can jump off the owner's shoulder, and can also jump over the fence in the garden.

The breed belongs to the 3rd group "Terriers" in the classification of the IFF, to section 2 "Small Terriers".

The Jack Russell Terrier dog owes its origin to the pastor from England, John Russell, nicknamed Jack. The formation of the breed begins in 1818, when a priest acquired a bitch named Trump in Oxford. He was an avid hunter, and dogs were acquired by him for hunting small game. Trump's "ancestor" was a little like modern representatives Jack Russell Terrier breed. But what has remained unchanged is the color. Trump had a white coat with bronze-red markings on his head and a red spot at the base of his tail.

Purposeful crossing of Trap and her offspring with white and colored terriers led to the creation of a breed in modern form. Some breeders even practiced crossing with Bull and Terriers to give Jack Russell Terriers fighting qualities. However, it was more common during the heyday of dog fighting. But after their ban in 1835, this practice waned, but you can still meet the descendants of dogs crossed with bulldogs. They can be recognized by their stocky body, broader head, and lack of a sonorous voice.

Some researchers believe that the Jack Russell Terrier is the same fox terrier only of the old type. Given that John Russell was among the founders of the Kennel Club, created to breed the Fox Terrier, this version has the right to exist. The pastor himself never referred the dogs he bred to fox terriers, arguing that his dogs were created exclusively for hunting, while fox terriers were for exhibitions.

After the death of John Russell in 1883, his dogs were called "working terriers", only in the 30s of the XIX century the breed was given the name of the creator.

What was the purpose of breeding the Jack Russell Terrier?

short-legged miniature breed The Jack Russell Terrier was bred to hunt burrowing animals. What were the requirements for the future breed:

  • Short hair, long hair dogs after being in a hole dirt stuck. The terrier covered with wool significantly lost speed - the main weapon of a hunting dog.
  • Light color, preferably white, to distinguish the dog from the fox he drove out of the hole. In practice, there have been cases more than once that hunters shot their dogs that ran out of a hole, taking them for a fox. Terriers were very much appreciated by their owners, so the breeders set as their goal the consolidation of a white color with red marks.
  • Hanging ears. The standing ones were undesirable.

The dog bred by John Russell met all these requirements. Her character was resolute, brave. The terrier was courageous and vicious towards the beast, had a strong hunting passion. Jack Russell Terriers have been recognized as the best burrow hunters. They were used not only for hunting foxes, but also for catching badgers, rats, and hares.

Interesting! When it comes to catching rodents, the Jack Russell Terrier is second to none. So dogs of the breed named Vampire for 1977 in the UK destroyed about 1 ton of rats.

Jack Russell Terrier breed in modern times

Now the breed is very popular in Europe and Australia. At home, it is used as a hunting and farm dog. With pleasure, she is kept in the house and apartment as a companion dog. As hunting dog, it is used to hunt foxes and badgers. But after the ban on catching badgers, hunters release them after the dog catches them. On farms, the Jack Russell Terrier does an excellent job guarding poultry and small livestock from foxes and rats.

French hunters take Jack Russell Terriers to hunt feathered and fur game. Dogs bring them a shot animal. Dogs are able to bring out even ducks from the water. They are also used for hunting wild boar, deer, rabbits, roe deer.

Characteristics, description, character

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small dog that easily enters the hole and moves freely along it. He has a free and springy gait. Strong, muscular legs allow him to pursue game like hounds, and with the help of strong and powerful jaws, he grabs the victim, overtaking it in a hole. The color of the dog should be white with black or brown spots.

If you decide to get a Jack Russell Terrier at home, its character contributes to the fact that you will have a friendly and attentive pet in your house. Terriers love spending time with all family members. They will become indispensable companions during active rest, fun walks and outdoor games. They are perhaps the No. 1 breed according to the criterion "the most active dog».

What other character traits will surprise your pet Jack Russell Terrier?

  • He is funny, cheerful and playful. Moreover, his playfulness lasts a lifetime. Like all small breeds, for example, dachshund, Yorkshire Terrier, jack russell terrier at good care can live for more than 15 years, and even at an “advanced” age, he will delight the owner with a cheerful disposition.
  • Terriers are determined and independent, so they can be a bit difficult to train.
  • They are friendly towards children and strangers, provided that the dog is socialized.
  • Being a hunter, the Jack Russell Terrier is not entirely indifferent to cats and other small pets and small animals that he meets on the street. He takes them for a "potential" victim and can start hunting for them.
  • The Jack Russell Terrier is very curious, so the monotonous environment is not for him, he needs a constant change of scenery so that he can satisfy the owl's curiosity.
  • He is very hardy and hyperactive, so his owner should not be a person who likes to lie on the couch after work, but an active person who can fill the dog's need for constant movement and change of emotions.


In the Jack Russell Terrier breed, diseases are more often hereditary. Their timely diagnosis and treatment will significantly prolong the life of the pet, and the owner will enjoy his company for more than 15 years.

Jack Russell Terriers are most often diagnosed with:

  • Eye diseases: displacement of the lens and cataracts.
  • Problems with musculoskeletal system: displacement of the patella, hip dysplasia, Perthes disease.
  • Often the white color is accompanied by congenital deafness.

Some health problems are related to the functions of the Jack Russell Terrier. They prey on small animals, including skunks. The liquid that these animals shoot can cause a syndrome in a dog. toxic shock, if the liquid enters the body of a negligent hunter, it can cause hemolysis of the blood and, as a result, anemia and kidney failure.

Care and maintenance

With regard to the Jack Russell Terrier breed, grooming can only become more difficult due to the increased need for dogs for long and active walks. The rest is a fairy tale, not a dog. He has a short coat, which is enough to comb once a week. If the dog gets dirty during walks, then you should bathe it to protect the dog itself and the house from dirt and germs. Frequent bathing can negatively affect the skin of the animal: dry them out, cause dandruff, promote hypothermia, if the Jack Russell Terrier is taken out for a walk until it is completely dry.

Dogs of the breed are susceptible to cold temperatures, as their coat has no undercoat. For walks in winter, it is better to purchase a suit and boots for your pet. Ear care includes regular inspection, protection against water ingress and procedures for removing contaminants using cotton swabs moistened with hydrogen peroxide or a special antiseptic.

Long and active walks are something without which the Jack Russell Terrier will get bored and start misbehaving. In order to satisfy his need, you need to walk with him for a long time 2 times a day. Outdoor games, the ability to run freely in free space, hunt - all this will make the pet a happy and contented dog.

Education and training

If you want to get an obedient and non-aggressive dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, you need to start raising it from the moment you first appear in the house. The puppy must know its place, not only physically, but also in the hierarchy of family members. To accustom the dog to the place where she will sleep in the future, you need to wait until she gets tired of playing and falls asleep, and then carefully transfer her to the bed. After several such manipulations, the Jack Russell Terrier will get used to his place.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a dominant dog. Despite his diminutive size, in his desire to dominate family members, he is not inferior to such large breeds, like or . They will want to subjugate the elderly or children to their will, but you can’t follow the pet’s lead, and you need to show by your actions that it takes the most low place in the hierarchy.

For the owner of a puppy of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, upbringing and training is a way to raise an adequate dog, for which the owner’s commands will not be a priority, but the hunting instincts. So that the dog is not a violator of order in the house, it is necessary from the first days to prohibit the puppy from what will not be allowed adult dog: walk on the table where the owner works (and this place will become a favorite place for a curious terrier), hide cabinets, sleep on the beds of family members, bite. Everybody unwanted actions should be suppressed with a strict tone, but in no case by punishment or rudeness. In raising a Jack Russell Terrier of any age, the main thing is attention and a sincere attitude. Dogs of the breed require increased attention to themselves, you need to walk a lot with them, play outdoor games, set new interesting tasks for them.

The Jack Russell Terrier does not like to be alone. When bored, he will bark and ruin things. To make it easier for the dog to endure separation from the owner, it is necessary to walk it before leaving, so that during a long walk it throws out all the energy. A treat or toy left for her will distract her from loneliness.

How to train a Jack Russell Terrier? Dog training should depend on the goals. The training of the future hunter will be different from the training of a dog for exhibitions and competitions.

Given that the terrier is a born hunter, the owners are trying to develop precisely hunting qualities: self-confidence, assertiveness, endurance, as well as obedience in relation to the owner. Puppies are ready for training as early as 10 weeks of age, but at this time the training process should be carried out in game form. As they grow older, there is a transition to serious training.

One of the main rules of training is from simple to complex. If the previous command is not completed, you can not proceed to the next one. Any command must be executed 100%. If the dog understands that some commands can be ignored, then this can lead to unpleasant situations in the future.


So, we decided on the breed, this is a Jack Russell Terrier, the puppy was selected. How to be further? And then begins a pure friendship with the most wonderful pet, a faithful and devoted friend. But health and good mood dogs depend on quite ordinary things.

  1. You need to choose a bowl from which it will be convenient to eat. It should be at the level of the dog's chest, so you will need to use a stand. Access to clean water should always be.
  2. Nickname training is one of the first tasks in raising a puppy. To make the dog begin to respond to the nickname, you can use food. Picking up a bowl of food, you need to affectionately call the dog by name. After several such attempts, you can modify them, for example, first call the puppy, and when he looks at you, put the bowl. Or call him, and after the response, offer the puppy interesting game. Whatever the owner comes up with, the nickname should evoke pleasant associations in the dog.
  3. Jack Russell Terrier, whose puppies are distinguished by great curiosity, require collar training. A little mischievous will be frightened by an unfamiliar object. Before you start walking on the street, you can put a collar on him a couple of times, treating him with a treat. The puppy will quickly get used to the new accessory and will not be afraid of it. When walking, a leash is required, as it guarantees the safety of the dog.
  4. The first walks are not only the beginning of the acquaintance of the world outside the home, but also the training of the puppy to relieve himself on the street. If the puppy did this, then it is imperative to express stormy delight and treat him with a treat so that he understands that he goes to the toilet on the street - this is good. If the dog has difficulties with this, then you can take a diaper with you, where the dog goes at home.

If you arrange walks depending on the natural rhythm of the body, then accustoming will be much faster. After feeding, sleeping or active games puppies most often celebrate their natural needs. In a quiet place, the puppy will quickly learn to do what is asked of him.


Seeing a mischievous Jack Russell Terrier, many involuntarily think about whether to get him this wonderful dog and how much the Jack Russell Terrier costs. The price of puppies depends on the price policy of the nursery, the origin of the puppy and the title of his parents. Compliance with the character and exterior standard also affects the cost.

The number of stunts grew, but they did not meet the standard, and Russell's followers almost did not use them in breeding. Only the long-legged type, called the Parson Jack Russell Terrier, was shown at shows. The short-legged variety was considered undesirable and almost never developed.

Road to recognition

Although the popularity of short-legged terriers was great, they could not compete at exhibitions with slender, tall and strong Parson Russell Terriers. They simply did not want to notice the breed. But in 1965, a few short-legged individuals with no pedigree were brought to Australia.

Local breeders became interested in the marvelous breed. There was no parforous fox hunting here, so no one was interested in the working qualities of the dogs. And although funny short pets joyfully naughty, dug rabbit holes and chased mice, they were looked at only as devoted family pets and participants in dog shows.

Breeders carefully improved Russell's undersized terriers. In 1972, a breed club was created, which was registered as a Jack Russell Terrier. Shortshanks got legal name and recognition on a distant continent. By 1988, 1977 individuals were registered in the stud book.

These successes could not but be noticed in the International Cynological Federation. In 1990, at the request of the Australians and the British, shortstalks were included in a single standard for both varieties. And only after 11 years the breed was divided into two. Dogs with short legs and a stretched body received the name from the Austrian standard - Jack Russell Terrier.

Breed standard: main characteristics

All Jack Russell Terriers modern type white color prevails, which is diluted with red or black markings. Red spots can have different shades. The coat of these small dogs is smooth, with a break or hard. It still protects them well from the weather if the breed is used for hunting.

The chest of the Jack Russell Terrier is deep, but not wide. This is important when working in a hole. The body is flexible and strong. The tail is upright when moving. Usually it is stopped to the level of the ears. The ideal height of an adult pet is from 25 to 30 cm. The skull of these nimble hunters is flat. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. The muzzle tapers towards the mouth.

Although the appearance of the Jack Russell Terrier is a bit unprepossessing, the breed has become a frequent hit on film sets. It turned out that she is very photo- and cinematic. Our viewers know her from the movie "The Mask" with Jim Carrey.

True, Hollywood fame has become a headache for breeders. On screen, Jack Russell Terriers are cute, funny, restless, smart and obedient. But the nature of real pets is different from the image created by the filmmakers. In fact, they are not angels. And perfect obedience can be achieved only with the help of early socialization and competent education.

natural born catcher

The passion for catching animals has been transformed in this breed into a love of ball games, frisbees and other objects. Not surprisingly, in 2011, an Australian Jack Russell Terrier named Anastasia entered the Guinness Book of Records. Nimble baby managed to burst 100 balloons in just 44.49 seconds.

Jack Russell Terrier personality

Dogs of this breed generally differ from other terriers in more balanced behavior. They are more affectionate and compliant, bark less. They willingly learn and follow the owner everywhere. Unpretentious and very hardy. In the UK in mini agility, Jack Russell Terriers are the real leaders. They love this sport, they are happy to follow commands.

If the dog has sufficient physical activity, there are no problems with it. Jack Russell Terriers have an independent and determined personality and at the same time they are playful and cheerful.

In training, you need to show patience and perseverance, then there will be positive results.

In relation to children, this dog is friendly, especially if they grow up together. However, the Russell can be aggressive with other dogs. Therefore, early is very important for him.

It should not be overlooked that this is a dog with a strong hunting instinct and therefore, as a rule, does not get along well with small domestic animals, including cats. Rabbits and decorative rats can especially suffer from it.

Jack Russell Terrier should always be in business. If he gets bored, he may begin to damage things, dig the floor, bark, behave uncontrollably. It is tedious to regularly train a dog and let it participate in any competitions.

Despite its small size, this is not a tame dog, but an independent hunter. He loves a change of scenery, curious. This active dog is not suitable for everyone, for example, it will be difficult for older people to cope with it.

Jack Russell Terriers love to bark loudly. In the absence of proper education, they often show their independent disposition. These dogs are quite wary of strangers, and aggressively towards their relatives. And, of course, they love to run after cats. Therefore, when walking, you should keep your pet on a leash and let go only in calm and familiar places. If two representatives of the breed live in an apartment, then it is better not to leave them alone. They quarrel and fight. This hot-tempered dog jealously guards personal territory and has possessive feelings for the owner.

These pets are very energetic. They need to run and jump a lot. And when the walks are short and uninteresting, the dog will have fun chewing on the things of the owners. In addition, Jack Russell Terriers are very jumpy: if desired, they can jump over a fairly high fence. If the jump fails, then the pet will remember the experience of its ancestors and make a dig.

In a word, it will not be possible to let the upbringing of a pet take its course. As a consolation, it can be noted that all representatives of the breed are very smart. They need an intellectual load. They are easy to train, but dogs can be stubborn during training. You need to maintain momentum by alternating between different teams, as well as using positive reinforcement.

This breed of dog can be safely kept both in a country house and in a city apartment. Under the condition of living in the city, she should have enough physical activity. In dangerous places (near freeways) Russell must be taken on a leash, because, having obeyed the hunting instinct, he may not obey the order of the owner.

Jacks have three types of coat: hard, smooth and intermediate. It depends on how you care for her. As a rule, the dog is cleaned with a hard mitten, combed, carried out.

When the pet lives on the street, the molt takes place twice a year. But a domestic dog will shed almost constantly. Noticeable white wool quite difficult to remove from furniture. Therefore, you have to comb the dog. And do it carefully and regularly.

Wirehaired dogs should be trimmed: pluck out dead hair with a special knife. This procedure is quite delicate. An untrained owner can accidentally damage the animal's skin, so it is recommended to entrust the work to a professional groomer.

Often you can not bathe him. Its coat repels dirt and this natural lubricant should not be washed off. After walking in polluted places, it is enough to simply wipe the paws and places of pollution with special cleansing wipes or a damp towel.