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Kind and cheerful dogs: getting to know the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Training the Dandie Dinmont Terrier at home History of the origin of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Where and when did the terrier breed appear? It is generally accepted that these breeds originate from Britain, but their history is not entirely clear. Only in recent centuries have references to terrier breeds appeared, and they began to be entered into stud books no earlier than the 19th-20th centuries.

But evolution and breeding - factors in the emergence of breeds - acted long before this. In 43 AD Britain became a Roman province. He first mentioned terriers in 55 AD. Roman Pliny the Elder. His compatriots penetrated the British Isles as far as present-day Wales and everywhere they met small dogs, with which they hunted animals living in burrows and rock crevices - foxes, badgers. They called these dogs "terraria" (from Latin word"terra" - "earth"). Later it arose English name dogs of this subgroup. In their homeland, “earth dogs” were first described in the 11th century. In 1576, the court doctor John Caius mentioned in his book "On English dogs"burrowing dogs "terrars", which kill an animal in a hole or drive it out of there. In many parts of Britain, farmers and peasants kept these brave dogs, used them to hunt even bears, as well as to guard their homes, look after children, and sometimes used them for grazing livestock, they destroyed rodents and helped fight small predators.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier- an ancient breed of burrowing terriers. It was distributed mainly in the border area between England and Scotland, which is traditionally called the Borderland. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier was indispensable for hunting in the narrow rocky holes of that area. The breed gained fame and popularity thanks to the novels and short stories of Walter Scott, who described in detail hunting with low-legged dachshund terriers with long ears and a tuft on his head. The hero of the novel Ty Mannering, farmer and hunter Dandy Dinmont, kept six terriers of this breed. The novel was published in 1814, and since then these terriers began to be called Dandy Dinmont terriers. By the way, the breed has changed little since then.

From the images and descriptions of dogs of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed from the late 18th century, we can conclude that the Dandie Dinmont and Bedlington originated from the same ancestors. Dandies spread most of all in the 1870s. Currently, this original terrier remains a rather rare breed. This dog - great companion, preferring to be the only friend and protector of his master. This healthy and hardy dog ​​often lives up to 15 years or longer. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier remains an excellent fox hunter: he is strong and vicious, has a powerful low voice that does not match his height, and his small size allows him to penetrate any hole. It is not recommended to hunt with several Dend Dinmont Terriers at once, as the dogs can fight among themselves.

Excerpts from the standard

General form. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a low-legged terrier with an elongated, strong and flexible body and shortened limbs. The length of the body from the withers to the base of the tail is 2.5-5 cm less than twice the height. Height at withers. 20-25 cm. Weight. 8-11 kg.

Head. Large, wide between the ears, with a convex, rounded forehead, tapering towards the muzzle. Muzzle with powerful jaws. The length of the forehead relative to the length of the muzzle is 5:3. The nose is large and black.

Eyes. Large, widely spaced, rounded. At one of the exhibitions in Europe, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier received a special prize “For the most beautiful eyes.”

Ears. Hanging, rather large, wide at the base, rounded at the ends.

Neck. Strong.

Frame. Elongated. The chest is deep, with rounded ribs. The topline is smoothly curved.

Limbs. The forelimbs are short and powerful. The hind limbs are longer than the front and wider apart. The claws are strong, the front paws are larger than the hind paws.

Tail. 20-25 cm long, carried straight, moving above the line of the back.

Hairline. About 5 cm long, coarser and darker on the body and on top of the tail, not attached; on the head it forms a fluffy, necessarily light-colored cap, on the muzzle - a mustache and beard, at the ends of the ears - soft tassels, and at the bottom of the tail - a dewlap. The soft fluffy coat is an elongated undercoat. The soft tuft on the head and the “tassels” at the ends of the ears, as well as the “edge” on the bottom of the body and on the limbs must be carefully combed, and the dead, hard hair on the upper part of the body and tail should be periodically carefully plucked off without damaging the undercoat.

Color. Pepper or mustard colors. "Pepper" - from blue-black to silver-gray; “mustard” - from reddish-red with a bronze tint to pale fawn. At the same time, the tuft on the head white with a cream tint, darker on the limbs. Happens often White spot on the chest.

Olga Mishchikha, Friend magazine (dogs)

Dandie Dinmont Terrier – small hunting dog With strong character. This is one of the oldest terrier breeds.

A characteristic detail of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a fluffy “cap” of thin and delicate hairs on the head.

Height at withers: 20-28 cm
Weight: 8-11 kg. Less weight is preferable.

  • Color: mustard and pepper.
  • Mustard varies from brown to light fawn. The coat of a dog of this color is cream. The limbs are darker than the head.
  • The pepper color starts out black and ends in a light gray tint. The cap is silver, the limbs are red or fawn.
  • The eyes are dark hazel, intelligent and calm. The white is not visible, the iris completely fills the orbits.
  • Nose is black.
  • The body is long, with short strong paws, resembles a fox.

Disqualifying signs:

  • Plain wool.
  • No thick wool cap.
  • Underdeveloped muscles of the upper jaw.
  • Erect ears.
  • The hind limbs are shorter than the forelimbs.
  • Short body with weak muscles.

History of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed

Dandie Dinmont Terriers were bred in England and later adapted for hunting burrow animals. These terriers preyed on small predators with expensive fur: weasels, minks, otters, foxes, even badgers and skunks. In addition, they crushed rats, clearing fields and houses of pests.
Representatives of the breed are ideal for climbing burrows.

The breed got its name thanks to Walter Scott. In the novel Guy Mannering there is a hunter character nicknamed Dandy Dinmont or Diamont. He owns a group of dogs consisting of 3 females and 3 males of the same breed, which he calls the immortal six. The man assures that these terriers are capable of catching anyone who has hair growing.

Dandy Diamont had a prototype named John Davidson. This man was known as a great hunter and thanked his dogs for his success.

It is unknown what breeds gave rise to the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Perhaps the ancestors were Scottish (extinct) and skye terriers.

Temperament and character

Character advantages:

  • Independence. Dogs can do without human company. If a person is busy, they will chew on a toy and communicate with other animals. They don't like to be imposed on.
  • Stable psyche. These dogs easily tolerate changes in environment and accept new people.
  • Silence. Dandie Dinmonts bark little and do this only in critical situations.
  • Affectionateness.
  • Loyalty.
  • Stubbornness. They choose the owner once and for all. It can only be one person. Dogs obey other family members if the owner is at home. If he leaves, the terriers will not respond to commands.
  • Recklessness. If during a walk the terriers encounter an impudent or aggressive dog of their gender, they will rush into battle. Even if the enemy is a shepherd. These dogs were trained to protect the home, and they will protect themselves and their owner until their last breath.

Man and dog

By temperament, the dogs are suitable for those who are not very active or busy people. They won't get bored alone, but will be happy to go for a walk.

excellent watchman. He is not able to drive away a thief or attacker, but will warn of an incident with a loud bark.

The dog feels great in the city. Thanks to his calm nature, he will get used to cars and a large number of people.

With kids and other terrier animals gets along easily. It will tolerate the child's careless behavior and will ignore birds, cats or other pets. Just don’t have other dogs of the same sex, otherwise fights are inevitable.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers are not sensitive to temperature changes. In winter, thick wool protects them from the cold; in summer, it prevents the sun's rays from penetrating their skin.

If you live in a place where the temperature drops below -10 degrees, then you will have to get clothes. In cold weather, dress your terrier in a sweater or overalls. In hot weather, a dog fan or a special cooling mat will help.

To keep your dog's muscles toned, walk him every day. But avoid routes with steps. Going up and down stairs is bad for your back.

Dogs of this breed unpretentious to food. They do well if they eat lean meat and vegetables. Their diet also includes milk, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs and heavily boiled rolled oats. Don't forget about vitamins and mineral supplements, which will be selected by the veterinarian.
Sometimes you can pamper your Dandie Dinmont Terrier with a raw beef bone.

An important point in grooming: trimming. Pinch off dead hairs with your hands and not with special scissors, otherwise the wool will deteriorate. Brush your dog regularly and take him to the groomer regularly.

Brush your terrier's teeth regularly. To do this, buy a special toothpaste and a dog toothbrush. Clean ears dogs cotton swabs soaked in ear cleaning fluid or boiled water. Do this at least once a week.

Clean your eyes with special products. Nails should be trimmed as soon as they grow back. After cutting, treat the claws with a nail file.

Education and training

Dandie Dinmont Terrier is different stubbornness. Training will require a lot of patience, time and endurance.

As soon as the dog is 4-5 months old, start teaching basic commands. First of all, your pet must remember “No”.

If you are a beginner, do not try to handle the training yourself; it is better to take your pet to a dog trainer and train with other dogs in a group. This will help your pet become less aggressive towards members of its own species and gender.

Health and life expectancy

Representatives of the breed live on average 11-14 years old. First of all, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is prone to the following diseases:

  • Back diseases, for example, prolapse of spinal discs. Long-format dogs are prone to back problems. If he moves awkwardly, doesn't like to run, or flinches when you touch his back, rush to the vet. To avoid problems, do not allow your dog to climb stairs or steep slopes.
  • Glaucoma, causing blindness. This hereditary disease. Glaucoma can be treated with medications or surgical intervention. If your dog's eyes are watery, he has trouble seeing at night, and he scratches his face, visit your veterinarian.

How much does it cost and where to buy

There is no National Breed Club in the country; a puppy can only be purchased from breeders. Dandie Dinmont Terrier – very rare dog. In 2012, there were only 60-70 individuals in Russia.

Puppy price: $1300-$1500

Breed photo

A selection of photos of Dandie Dinmont Terriers.

It is not known exactly how this breed developed. Experts suggest that already from the 17th century. dogs with this phenotype lived in the border Scottish and British territories. Dog experts suggest that in order to get this breed, they crossed Otterhounds with Old Scottish Terriers and Bedlington Terriers.

The breed was called Dandie Dinmont Terriers thanks to Walter Scott. One of his characters in the novel Guy Mannering was named Dandy Diamond. Admiring hunting, he kept dogs to help him in this. Together they hunted foxes, badgers and other small predators.

Interestingly, the prototype of Dandy Diamont was the hunter John Davidson. When he died and was buried, on the tombstone, in addition to his real name, Dandy Diamond was engraved. The breed was first mentioned from the beginning of the 17th century, and it was officially recognized only in 1918.


According to the standard, dogs of this breed should be no higher than 29 cm at the withers and weigh up to 10 kg. Their head is large with convex forehead. The skull visually tapers towards the eyes. The nose is black.

Pets have a scissor bite. The jaws are well developed and strong, closing tightly. The canines are large for such a small dog.

The eyes are wide apart. They are large and convex. Most often nutty.

The ears are low set and hang down freely, lying close to the cheeks. Their color is no different from the pigmentation of the body.

The dogs' chest is developed and wide. The ribs have a rounded shape. If you follow the line of the back, it will go down.

Pets have a short tail. It bends in an arc, but this does not mean that the vertebrae are curved.

The legs are short and strong. The shoulder blades are set obliquely. The hips have well-developed muscles and the hind legs are higher than the front legs. Dogs of this breed move gracefully and smoothly.

The outer coat of pets is hard, and the undercoat is soft. Pepper or mustard colors.


The dogs have an average temperament. They can be started by working people. Your pet will find something to do alone or in the company of a cat, and when you want to take a walk with him, he will be happy.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers are excellent watchdogs. Unfortunately, due to its small size it will not be able to protect you from an intruder, but it will warn you that someone has entered your apartment or house by barking loudly.

If you are city dwellers, feel free to get this breed. The dog is calm and adapts well to frequent car trips and crowds of people. The pet will be happy to follow you around the apartment, taking part in many household chores.

The favorite of this breed is sociable, devoted, and sincerely becomes attached to all family members. He thinks independently and tries to do as he wants, showing his independence. If he is raised in a family with an older cat, he will sincerely become attached to her, most likely the animals will get along. He will also be disposed towards the parrot, guinea pig or a rabbit, another pet with whom he lives in the same house from puppyhood or grew up.

This dog will easily tolerate a child’s careless behavior with him when he pulls his ears or tail. The pet will be lenient towards a smaller and weaker pet, but if a dog of the same sex lives in the house, then fights are possible between adults. It is better to keep dogs of different sexes and neuter both.

Other types of terriers can show irritation and aggression, but this is not typical for a dandy. They're too friendly. Dandie Dinmont Terriers are curious and intellectually gifted. These dogs will happily obey all household members. The main thing is with puppy age start raising your pet, teach basic commands. And if you haven’t been taking care of your dog since childhood, then an adult will simply turn a deaf ear to your commands and ignore them.

The dog is small, but you need to behave with him, as with big dog. He will respect more not the always lisping mistress, but a more strict, strong-willed owner who demands the execution of commands. Dandies are prone to dominance and want to be in the know, but what's going on in the house?


The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a thick coat. In winter it protects from the cold, and in summer from the scorching heat. TO When it is more than -10C outside, dress your pet in winter overalls with fur. Caring owners They start dressing their pets much earlier, when the temperature is below 0.

In hot weather, it is good to install air conditioning in the room, but if this is not possible, get a fan. There is also a special mat that cools in hot weather. Buy one at a pet store.

Walk your pet daily and at least 2 times a day. This will help keep all his muscles in excellent tone. Avoid going up and down stairs - this is harmful to your pet's back.

Brush your pet several times a week, but it can be done daily. These dogs are wire-haired and require quarterly trimming. Pluck dead hairs carefully with your hands. If you start doing this with scissors, you will ruin the wool. If you don’t undertake high-quality trimming yourself, then drive it every 3 months. pet to a hairdresser or to a hairdresser at home.

Your pet's teeth need to be brushed at least 3 times a week. Buy a special one at the pet store toothbrush and pasta with meaty taste. Clean your ears with cotton swabs weekly. Don't go deep into the sink. The sticks can be moistened with boiled water or special means to clean the ears.

Wipe your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile infusion. Claws should be trimmed when they grow too long. Now go over them with a nail file.

If you want your dandy to be nimble and cheerful, feed him correctly. Experienced breeders who run nurseries recommend giving your pet dry food. But it should not be cheap with dyes and strong flavors - economy class. Needed good level premium, or better yet super-premium.

If it is not possible to buy expensive balanced food, then give preference to natural feeding. Only in this case will you have to purchase and give your pet vitamins. Introduce raw meat, scalded with boiling water, without fat into the diet; you can cook and give your pet meat with porridge and vegetables.

Introduce eggs with cottage cheese and hard cheese into your diet. Dogs can easily digest rolled oats boiled in water. What vitamins should I give my pet? Consult your veterinarian. You can buy fresh beef bones once a week. The kind that has more meat and feeds it to your pet. It is better to select the gnawed bone and throw it away or cook broth on it.

Remember that dogs should not be given food with spices, whether fried, fatty, or smoked. Don't feed them yeast-based baked goods or sweets. Legumes are not dog food. Barley and barley are not suitable for dogs barley grits. Let your pet have water constantly and change it every few days.


Experts have not found any genetically transmitted diseases in this breed of dog. It happens that pets get sick viral diseases. Doctors recommend vaccinating your pet (read about vaccinations) and if you suspect a disease, bring it in for an examination. The disease is cured faster early stage than when it becomes chronic.


On average, puppies of this rare breed cost the owners 48,000-56,000 rubles. This is from 1300 to 1500 USD. e.

Lakeland Terrier
Skye Terrier
Parson Russell Terrier / Parson Russell Terrier
Norfolk Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier
Black Russian Terrier

If you dream of an animal with an original appearance and small size, be sure to pay attention to the Dandie Dinmont Terrier! With the right approach to education, he will definitely get along with all your household, including cats and small children. Among the undoubted advantages are the absence of shedding and fearlessness: you don’t have to worry about your carpets and furniture, and in case of danger, the dandy is always ready to protect his owner.

The first evidence of terriers is found in materials dating back to 55 AD, when Britain became part of the Roman Empire. In those places, the Romans constantly encountered agile small dogs that hunted small game and rodents. They were called “earthen”, i.e. hunting on the ground. The terriers sneaked silently, getting prey even from hard-to-reach holes. Soon, brave dogs began to be taken for hunting larger animals - badgers, bears. Surprisingly, the terriers were not afraid of the size of the enemy: they were ready to grab the throat of any wild animal.

But this aggression did not extend to household members - “ earth dogs"Getted along well with children. Farmers especially loved them: terriers cleared areas of rodents, fought with martens, weasels, and skunks.

There is still debate about the origin of the breed. Most likely, the Dandie Dinmont was obtained by mixing the blood of Skye Terriers and Bedlington Terriers. It was from the latter that the dandy inherited his cute “hat”.

Interesting. Once upon a time, the Duke of Northumberland offered his manager a huge sum for “ earth dog" For one dog, the rich man was ready to give the employee a whole farm. But the manager refused, saying that without his faithful dog he can't handle such a gift.

Excerpt from the official breed standard and photographs

The breed was officially recognized in 1955. The representatives owe their name to the hero of one of W. Scott’s novels. Publication date of the English standard DANDIE DINMONT TERRIER: 10/3/2017.

Breed status:

  • recognized on a specific basis;
  • country of origin UK;
  • is not subject to mandatory performance testing according to the FCI breed nomenclature.

Breed description, standard:

  • height within 20-28 cm;
  • weight within 8-11 kg;
  • two color options: pepper, mustard;
  • head: large, strong, appropriate overall dimensions, with developed jaw muscles;
  • the skull is wide, tapering towards the eyes;
  • forehead is convex;
  • the head is abundantly covered with silky, rather soft hair;
  • nose black;
  • scissor bite;
  • the eyes are dark hazel, set wide and at the same time low, large and not protruding, the whites are not visible;
  • the ears are hanging, wide, shifted to the back of the head, falling down the cheekbones;
  • the neck is well developed, muscular, strong;
  • the body is flexible, long;
  • tail up to 25 cm, thick, without kinks, not collapsed, scimitar-shaped, tapering towards the tip;
  • the forelimbs are muscular, short, always straight, widely spaced, paws slightly turned outward;
  • the hind limbs are well developed, slightly longer than the forelimbs, widely spaced;
  • Preferred claw color is black;
  • double coat, with a very soft undercoat and a hard base (top coat);
  • adult males must have 2 descended testes.

Character traits, advantages, disadvantages

Dandies can be both hunters and just pets. They are suitable for both single people and families with children. Dogs successfully perform guard duty and, despite their diminutive size, are always ready to protect their owner.

Despite their small size, Dandie Dinmont Terriers are very confident dogs.

Great for small apartments, but require long walks with active games.

Dinmonts are very active and love to hunt, so you need to constantly look after them on walks. They are loyal to animals that share housing with them, but do not favor those who meet them on the street.

The dandy especially loves children and is always ready for active, noisy games. Almost all breeders of the breed note: these representatives of terriers are cheerful, curious, devoted, very active, sociable and brave.

Despite their undeniable advantages, they also have some disadvantages. Dandies are stubborn and capable of accepting independent decisions. It is this feature that can become a stumbling block in establishing contact with the dog. Although this remark applies more to adolescents and adults.

It is very undesirable to have same-sex representatives of this breed: both will try to occupy a higher hierarchical level. In this case, constant conflicts cannot be avoided.

Important. Dinmonts are very jealous: they agree to accept only those animals with which they grew up. An adult terrier is unlikely to agree to “be friends” with an animal that appeared in the house after him. Although there is always room for exceptions.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers communicate well only with those animals with which they grew up.

In general, these are dogs that are easy to train, provided that the training is regular. The approach to the breed should be firm, but without pressure and rudeness. Perfect option - game uniform activities, with treats, toys, verbal and contact rewards.

The use of brute force is excluded: the dog will simply stop obeying. If the owner establishes contact with his pet, the terrier will give his life for him.

Maintenance, grooming, cutting

The terrier is a wire-haired breed. He sheds differently than most dogs. For regular combing, use soft brushes.

It does not require dandy and full trimming: the coat is only periodically corrected in the necessary, “stray” areas. It is better to pluck individual hairs that stand out from the general “hairstyle” (guard coat) by hand.

Special trimming knives are used to remove the hair located between the toes and the underside of the paw. The hair to be removed is on the stomach, at the anus, on the tail (given a conical shape), in the inner corners of the eyes, the ears and the back of the nose are treated.

The coat of Dandie Dinmont Terriers requires periodic trimming.

Attention! It is better to entrust the grooming of a dog that is being prepared for an exhibition to a professional.

Feeding the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

A dinmont should eat a healthy, balanced diet. Usually breeders recommend dry specialized feed. It's really convenient, but choosing a quality product is not so easy. Here you need to take into account age, height, activity, and the presence or absence of diseases. The best option- or . They are of higher quality and contain a high percentage of natural meat. But also the prices good products many times higher. If this factor does not bother you, we advise you to consider reputable brands.

Super premium:

  • American Nutra Gold and Artemis;
  • Italian Almo.

Holistic class:

  • , Canidae and ;
  • American Wellness, Chicken Soup, Innova.

If it is not possible to purchase any of the listed foods, you can stick to natural food. A dog's diet must include meat, cottage cheese, and vitamin and mineral supplements.

Important! At natural nutrition smoked foods, baked goods, sweets, fatty meats, legumes, marinades and spices, and tubular bones should be excluded. Using ready-made feed The dog should always have access to water!

Super-premium or holistic food is suitable for feeding the Dandie Dinmont Terrier.

Dogs are modest in size and eat little. With natural nutrition, the portion is selected based on the needs of the dog itself. After eating, the dog's bowl should be clean. If the terrier does not finish, throw away the leftovers, and at the next feeding, reduce the portion slightly. If the dog does not leave the already empty bowl for a long time, it means that he has not finished eating. Don't add food to him, don't teach him to beg. Just increase the portion a little next time.

Monitor the condition of the terrier. Among this breed there are often food lovers. Overfeeding can cause unpleasant consequences: obesity, heart problems, gastric volvulus.

Health of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, typical breed diseases

The health of these dogs is different from nature. The breed has excellent immunity. They rarely get sick. Of the infrequently encountered diseases, back problems, glaucoma and epilepsy rank first.

Excellent immunity does not give the owner the right to refuse vaccinations and regular preventive examinations by a veterinarian. As they age, some long-bodied dogs develop a sagging spine. This happens due to the gradual displacement of the interdisc vertebrae.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers have enough good health and rarely get sick.

If your pet starts acting strange, limping or whining, give it up. active games and very long walks. In this case, consultation with a veterinarian and breeders is simply necessary. Experts will tell you how to reduce your dog's discomfort.

How to choose a Dandie Dinmont Terrier puppy: nuances you need to know

Try not to take dogs without documents. The lack of documented proof of purebred is a reason to doubt that they are offering you exactly the breed you want to purchase.

The dandy is not popular in Russia, but kennels officially registered in international canine systems do exist. To find out the coordinates of their owners, it is better to contact the management of the canine department in your city. The cost of a puppy varies from 600 to 2000 dollars and depends on the merits of the baby’s parents.

On a note. When choosing a dog, give preference to the smallest individuals in the litter. In relation to this breed, follow the rule: the smaller the better.

If in the future you are counting on an exhibition career, take into account one more nuance: those representatives who have a complex color are more valued, i.e. several shades, but one color.

Be sure to consider the dog's behavior. A puppy who immediately makes contact will be easier to work with in the future. It is better to avoid timid or noisy babies. You should not take a puppy with dull, loose fur.

Be sure to check if any of the parents (up to 4th generation) have characteristic diseases and the problems listed above.

One of the important distinctive features breeds - color change as they grow. Newly born puppies have more dark color. They lighten gradually. Coat color is established by 8 months. Complete consolidation of the palette occurs only by the age of three.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small dog bred for hunting purposes. He has a pleasant appearance and a cheerful, cheerful disposition. Therefore, now it is used as a regular pet. Today's article will discuss the main features characteristic of representatives of this breed.

A little history

The origins of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier are still not fully understood. According to one version, its ancestors are ancient Scottish dogs used for hunting rodents and small predators.

The first mentions of representatives of this breed date back to the 16th century. Soon gypsies and farmers became interested in these dogs. They were originally bred to catch rats. Later it turned out that small dogs with a long body, they are able to penetrate into any burrows and since then they have been used for hunting. In 1886 they were brought to America. A few months later, these animals were officially recognized by the local kennel club.

Description of the breed

Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small dog with a very elongated body and short legs. On a large massive head with a wide convex forehead and well-developed jaws there are wide-set hazel eyes and hanging ears that fit tightly to the cheeks.

These dogs have a powerful chest with rounded ribs. Under the elongated body of the animal there are two pairs of short and strong limbs. Moreover, the hind legs are noticeably longer than the front ones.

The entire body of representatives of this breed is covered with short, coarse hair. These dogs have well-defined mustaches and beards on their faces. The breed standard provides two options for acceptable colors. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier can have a pepper or mustard colored coat. In the first case, the color palette varies from bluish-black to silver-gray. In the second - from red-red to pale fawn. As for the parameters, the height adult is 20-28 centimeters with a weight of 8-11 kilograms.

Character traits

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a sociable, cheerful disposition. This is a very emotional and devoted dog, kindly treating all members of the owner’s family. She gets along well with children and gets along well with small pets such as hamsters, cats or rabbits. But if there is another dog of the same sex in the apartment, then fights will periodically arise between them.

These animals are distrustful of strangers. But like others small breeds dogs will not be able to protect you from an attack by an intruder. They tolerate loneliness well and do not impose their company. If the owner is busy, the dog will calmly wait until he is called to play.

Representatives of this breed have a strong, stable psyche, which allows them to quickly adapt to changing conditions. They are not prone to idle talk and voice only in exceptional cases. If a forced change of owner occurs, the dog may become stubborn and begin to ignore well-known commands.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a fairly unpretentious animal. Due to the presence of thick, coarse hair, this dog is insensitive to sharp fluctuations temperatures However, in severe frosts this dog It is better to wear special overalls.

Representatives of this breed require regular trimming. It is strictly forbidden to use ordinary scissors for such purposes. Otherwise you're drawing to ruin luxurious wool your pet. In addition, the dog needs to be brushed every day with a special brush, and several times a year - make an appointment with the hairdresser. Among other things, it is important to keep your dog’s teeth and ears clean.

Like many other small dog breeds, these animals are different increased activity. Therefore, they need regular walks. Take your pet to the park more often, where he can run around to his heart's content without a leash. During walks, keep your pet away from larger relatives, as they may accidentally injure the miniature terrier.

The diet of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier can consist of both industrial and natural food. By choosing the first option, you will make your life much easier, because together with high-quality super-premium dry food, your pet will receive everything vital essential vitamins and microelements.

Having settled on the second option, you should remember that the basis of the dog menu should be meat and offal. You need to include beef, lamb, turkey or chicken in your dog’s diet. It is recommended to replace meat with lean meat a couple of times a week. sea ​​fish. It is also necessary to include some cereals, vegetables and fruits in your dog’s diet. Several times a week the animal can be given boiled chicken eggs, cottage cheese and kefir. Plus, a dog eating natural products, should periodically receive vitamin and mineral complexes. Thanks to this, you can correct minor shortcomings made when preparing the diet.

Life expectancy and health

In general, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a relatively strong dog. With proper care, she can live up to the age of fourteen. This dog is in good health, but like any Living being, prone to certain diseases.

The most common health problems associated with this breed include cancer, epilepsy and glaucoma. They are often diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome. In addition, the special structure of the body is the reason common problems with the spine.


Representatives of this breed are distinguished by high intelligence. They are very smart and almost instantly understand what their owner requires of them. However, under certain circumstances, these miniature terriers become willful and independent. Therefore, in the process of training them, you will have to be patient and persistent. It is important to set boundaries for your dog from the very beginning. No need to allow little puppy something that will subsequently be prohibited for an adult dog. During training, you should not scream. Because the cruel treatment will turn a cute dog into a nervous and aggressive creature.

Representatives of this breed differ increased excitability and in the absence of proper education and sufficient physical activity may bark a lot. Dandie Dinmont Terriers need a demanding owner with well-developed leadership qualities. Despite its small size, a properly trained dog can be a worthy competitor in competitions in general obedience courses and in steeplechase.