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English Cocker Spaniel dog: how to raise an affectionate companion from an “agile hunter.” American Cocker Spaniel for active people English Cocker Spaniel white

English cocker The spaniel is a worthy representative of the cocker family. Despite its hunting roots, this pet came to court as a favorite pet. English cockers have a pleasant appearance, excellent manners, a dog for the soul, for family, for friendship.

Like most modern hunting breeds, the English Cocker Spaniels had “ashy” ancestors. hunting dogs, information about which has come to us since the Bronze Age. During excavations, scientists often found the remains of animals in the ash, this became the reason for this name, and, in addition, prompted the idea that in ancient centuries people burned dogs for ritual purposes. But, naturally, this fate did not await all pets, because even then dogs were excellent helpers for humans.

Over time, people were able to breed one type of dog with excellent hunting qualities - spaniels. But then there was no division by nationality. Some scientists believe that the first spaniels appeared on Spanish lands, while others associate their origin with British dogs Agass breed. The British themselves base this issue on the very name of the breed - “Span Spain” is translated as “one who can jump high.” Spaniel dogs actually have this quality. As for the second word, there is no particular debate here - “cocker” (woodcock) - translated as woodcock, which these dogs hunted.

English spaniels were bred at the beginning of the 19th century, and at the end of the century the first club of this breed was formed. This was the first step towards the recognition of these dogs as a separate breed and led to their popularization throughout the world.

The progenitor of all representatives of the cocker breed is the male Obo, born in England at the end of the 19th century. He left behind a large offspring. And his son Obo the Second laid the foundation for the American cocker breed.

In 1893, the British registered a new breed; the standard English spaniel appeared almost 10 years later. Initially, at exhibitions these beauties could be found under the name “field spaniel”; later they were unofficially called cheerful cockers. The world standard for English spaniels was officially developed only in the 80s of the last century, and breeding is still carried out according to its criteria.

In Russia, English cockers were not immediately accepted. Although they appeared here at the beginning of the 20th century, they were not bred; there were very few dogs.

In the 70s, attention was finally paid to these cockers, and in the 80s their popularity increased enormously. Not only hunters, but also ordinary lovers of these four-legged friends wanted to have pets of this breed.

Description of dogs of this breed

American Cocker Spaniels have a compact body. According to the standard, its representatives must meet the following parameters:

  • the weight of an adult dog varies between 13.5-14.5 kg;
  • height of males – 39-41 cm at the withers;
  • The height of females is around 37-39 cm.

The shades of the coat are very different: plain golden, red, pure black, white, with brown fur and tan, liver, roan color, as well as mixed shades.

Cockers have a long, soft coat that feels like silk to the touch. Not curly, slightly curly, but can be straight, with a good dense undercoat. Along the lower part of the body, the wool forms a skirt of long hair, there is fringe on all paws. Individuals with curly, fluffy or wiry hair, as well as dogs without undercoat, do not meet the standard.

The appearance of dogs of this breed attracts attention and for good reason:

  • Dogs have a squat, muscular body, proportionally folded, with flexible bends.
  • Head flat, and the muzzle has a very expressive appearance; the large, moist eyes alone are worth it. Looking into them, you immediately understand that this is a very developed and intelligent creature. In addition, they can be used to assess the condition and mood of the pet: if he is cheerful and cheerful, then the eyes are shining, cheerful, with wet welts, but in a sick and sad spaniel they go out and lose their shine.
  • Dogs have powerful bite and strong neck.
  • Paws Cockers are muscular, strong, and covered with a rich coat.
  • Ears Dogs of this breed are truly their pride - long and wide ears, which hang on thin cartilage, have a tight fit to the head, and are evenly covered with wavy, delicate hair. According to the standard, the base of the auricle should be located at the same level as the eyes.

Cockers are very graceful dogs, moving smoothly and gracefully, and from the outside it seems that their paws do not touch the surface. The typical movement for English spaniels is a light gallop.

It is worth noting that the standard requirements for this breed are very strict.

Basic character traits

By nature, English Cockers are playful, responsive and lively. These pets are very sociable, loyal and for them best condition is to be closer to the owner.

Their good nature and friendliness make them ideal for families with small children, and their tirelessness is an excellent quality for older children. But a cocker can also be an excellent companion for a lonely elderly person. No matter how many members there are in a family, only one person will be truly close to a cocker.

On the picture english cocker spaniel

Some representatives of the breed can become so attached to their owners that they lose their independence. Proper education during puppyhood will help avoid this problem. One more negative trait The nature of English spaniels can be stubbornness and a sense of ownership, the latter mainly concerns the pet's toys and equipment.

The most important purpose of spaniels is related to hunting; in this matter, the English cocker is tireless and hardworking. It has long been used to search for and deliver (report) shot game. Active and sharp on the hunt, at home it is the kindest creature, a favorite of all family members, requiring a lot of attention and affection.

The pet behaves very freely with its family, but strangers make it wary. This testifies to his excellent guard qualities; the spaniel will greet thieves with a loud and piercing bark.

In addition, spaniels can show jealousy, but they cannot take offense. Having been punished, the cocker will forget about the incident within half an hour.

It just so happens that all spaniel breeds are distinguished by excellent appetite and indiscriminate eating. Therefore, owners must exercise extremely strict control over their pet’s diet, which is extremely difficult due to cockers’ penchant for begging. They use all their charm to get a tasty morsel, and everything that is more or less edible is yummy for spaniels.

Among the pets of this breed, there are rare individuals with a quiet, timid character, but in most cases they are sociable, curious dogs.

Dog breed English Cocker Spaniel in the photo

Unlike other breeds, English Cockers tend to be more dominant in females than males. Thanks to their constant willingness to please their owner, cockers are easy to train. Some English spaniels have one drawback - a tendency to bark long and loudly.

In addition to hunting, the spaniel can rightfully be considered sports dog. Individuals are very energetic and are constantly on the move. They can boast of an excellent sense of smell and vision, which is inherent along with hunting instincts. It will never be possible to wean a dog off its penchant for hunting small animals and birds; if possible, the dog will pursue the prey to the end. If your pet is raised correctly, he will be able to get along well with cats, and sometimes even finds a common language with them.

Maintenance and care of English cockers

As already mentioned, English spaniels love to eat, which means that the owners have two tasks - not to overfeed the pet and provide it with the necessary exercise. Otherwise, you can end up with an obese, lazy, lethargic animal.

The spaniel's coat requires a special approach, regular combing, trimming, etc. From the very moment a spaniel puppy appears in the house, it is necessary to teach him to be patient with these procedures. He should react normally to the grooming table and patiently allow the necessary manipulations to be done to him.

In addition, the pet owner himself must be prepared for quite labor-intensive care - regular brushing becomes even more frequent during seasonal shedding.

Almost all spaniels have the peculiarity of putting their ears in the bowl while eating, such is their anatomical feature. There are no problems when feeding dry food, but when feeding natural food, it is better to tie up your pet’s ears or buy a special cup with a narrowed top. Otherwise, brushing will be accompanied by another problem - washing the ears twice a day.

The Spaniel's ears also require regular checks as they completely hide the shell. They need to be cleaned once every 1-2 weeks, and the hair around the ear canal should also be removed.

Particular attention should be paid to the pet's eyes, as English spaniels are prone to. At the slightest deviation from the norm, you should contact a veterinarian. With proper care, cockers live on average 13-15 years; 16-year-old dogs are already classified as long-livers.

If we compare keeping a cocker spaniel with dogs of other breeds, it can be assessed as quite complex.

Very important articles:

Correct haircut for English cockers

Many owners of such dogs try to achieve a show look from their pet by cutting the hair in the back area. But experts note that doing this is strictly not recommended. To achieve the required result, you need to comb the coat to remove excess undercoat hairs, then the rest of the coat will lie evenly and tightly.

If you cut the guard hair even once, then it will never be able to lie down properly, and the exhibition expert may well reduce marks for the incorrect appearance of the pet.

Spaniels begin to be cut very early; most breeders hand over the puppies to new owners with a new haircut. This makes further care and trimming much easier.

Photos of English Cocker Spaniels

Video about cockers

How and for how much to buy a puppy

Buying a pet of this breed can be difficult if you give preference to official breeders. There are very few of them on Russian territory. In addition, you can contact the National Breed Club and buy a puppy from a reputable nursery. If you want to have such a four-legged friend, then you can do it anyway.

If you plan to use an English spaniel exclusively for hunting, then it is better to take a bitch. They are more team focused.

The price of an English cocker spaniel with documents starts from 20,000 rubles, but a puppy from titled parents costs much more, around 150,000. What kind of puppy, for what purpose, and for what amount to buy, the owner decides on his own.

Kennels of English Cocker Spaniels:

The best kennel of English cocker spaniels: http://alfagold.com.ru

Also, many nurseries can be found here: http://dog.pet2me.com/ru/club/breeds/Angliyskiy_koker_spaniel/ and here http://hochusobaku.ru/sortkennel/30/

Height at withers: 38 - 41 cm

Weight: 12 - 15 kg

Variable. In solid colors, no white markings are allowed except on the chest.

Fitted, silky structure, long and soft. Numerous suspensions.

Hind legs

Wide, rounded, very muscular. Knees with well-defined articulation angles. The hocks are short, allowing a powerful push.

Front legs

Legs are strong, straight and short. The shoulders are slanting and graceful. The paws are strong, with thick pads.

Set slightly below the back line. Usually docked, but not too short.

Strong and straight back. The body is balanced and muscular. The loin is strong, short and wide. The ribs are well sprung. The chest is well developed.

Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

The jaws are strong, with a perfect, regular and completely scissor bite. Cheekbones do not protrude. The teeth are strong.

The nose is large and developed. The nostrils are open. The flair is phenomenal.

Quite large and neat. Dark brown or brown. The edging is dark. The look is meaningful.

Hanging, set low, at eye level. The thin ear flap reaches the nose. Well covered with long silky hair.

Skull box well developed, clearly defined. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced, located halfway from the tip of the nose to the back of the head.

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The Cocker Spaniel is a cheerful, good-natured and very energetic breed. This cute dog will never let his owners get bored, sometimes literally provoking them to adventure. A ringing voice, long mobile ears and an interested upturned nose will follow you everywhere, regardless of the circumstances.

Cockers are perfect not only for hunters, but also for simple lovers of an active lifestyle. These dogs are very athletic, which contrasts somewhat with their intricate curls all over their bodies and refined beauty. A harmonious physique, a deep and intelligent look, devotion, hard work and determination - these are just a few of the advantages of this naturally popular breed.


The history of cocker spaniels dates back to ancient times. It is known that the ancestor of this breed was the legendary fold-eared bird dog, brought to Britain by the troops of Julius Caesar before our era.

Despite the dubious reliability of the facts, we can safely say that it was the British who were responsible for the main achievements in the development and establishment of cockers as a breed. According to stud books, local breeders managed to develop a number of spaniel varieties by crossing a wide variety of European breeds, including Great Danes and Molossians.

Small, compact and strong spaniels, used mainly for swift and effective hunting of woodcocks and other birds, are called "cockers". The first official mention of these dogs can be found in the book “British Cynology”, which was written back in 1801 by the scientist Sydenham Edwards. In 1885, the first Spaniel Club in Britain was founded, which had a significant impact on the regulated and proper development the most popular breed in the future.

All modern cockers have one legendary ancestor - a black meadow spaniel named Obo, who was born in 1879. The dog became famous as a perfect breeder, becoming the father of a line of squat cockers of a somewhat elongated format - hardy and brave. The main vocation of the Obo descendants was to search for game in low, dense thickets.

For many decades, the black color of cockers enjoyed increased popularity, but by the beginning of the last century, cocker spaniels with spotted and golden colors appeared in the photo.

Beginning in the forties of the twentieth century, within the framework of the new standard, cockers began to be bred, clearly separating the color of the coat. This was due to the fact that when crossing dogs of a solid (monochrome) color with spotted ones, puppies were often born with too large white markings on the chest, a groove on the muzzle and white tips of the paws. For some reason, breeders and specialized breeders fundamentally avoided this color, despite its obvious beauty. IN this moment Such dogs are not allowed to participate in exhibitions and competitions.

More than a century has passed since the Cocker Spaniel breed went beyond its hunting specialization. Its representatives have become the favorite pets of the most different people- from fans of coziness and comfort to desperate travelers.

All cockers without exception are characterized by: quick reaction, excellent sense of smell, extreme concentration and excellent memory.


The English Cocker Spaniel is one of the breeds with the highest intelligence, easy to train and train.

Since this breed was bred primarily as a hunting breed, the cocker's intelligence is most strongly manifested in activities related to reaching and pursuing prey.

All cocker spaniels, without exception, are characterized by: quick reaction, excellent sense of smell, extreme concentration and excellent memory, as well as the ability to find an already shot bird (or any other object) even in the deepest thickets. Whenever possible, it is necessary to give the dog a chance to realize his destiny. In everyday life, the intelligence of cockers does not fade, but the owner is obliged to support its development with regular games that, to some extent, imitate hunting.


The English Cocker Spaniel is an active, kind and gentle dog. This breed is perfect for living in a large family, but among the household members the dog will most likely choose one person to whom he will become most attached. To prevent the dog from showing its friendship too intrusively, the cocker must be taught independence and reasonable discipline from early childhood.

The spaniel dog breed is characterized by initiative and sociability. They will gladly support any proposal to play and can submit an idea themselves. Their natural intelligence and great sense of humor will turn any game into an exciting adventure.

Female individuals often tend to dominate their owner. Many adult dogs have a tendency to bark loudly with or without cause. But most of the problematic traits of spaniels are easily neutralized by proper education, since these dogs are very smart and easy to train.


Cocker spaniels are wonderful companion dogs, ready to accompany their owner everywhere. They will demand constant attention to themselves and wag their tail cheerfully.

The cocker's relationship with children deserves special attention. Dogs will be very patient with babies and will not allow themselves to show aggression. Here the parents must explain to the child that a sweet and good-natured dog is not a toy at all, so that the child does not accidentally harm the animal. An adult cocker spaniel will become an excellent partner for your child in outdoor games, thereby helping the child grow healthy and resilient, because it takes a lot of strength to keep up with this energetic dog.

Sometimes cockers are very jealous of their toys and do not allow anyone to take them. Parents must explain this to their child in time to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

TO strangers Representatives of the Spaniel breed are quite tolerant of other pets in the house, although they may routinely bark at a new person.


Cockers are obedient and disciplined dogs. Their bright temperament and hunter's passion force the owner to take a creative approach to education and training.

For a puppy, training represents a serious psychological burden, so it is not recommended to start training a dog before three months of age.

In the first two months, the puppy's psychology and character are formed. At this time, on your part, first of all, a sensitive and careful attitude towards the baby is required. Starting from three to four months, you can begin to use the first commands: “Place!” and “Come to me!” On initial stage It is extremely important to establish the correct chain of command. At this time, your cocker, under the guise of a nice game, will try to dominate, but you must make it clear to your pet that you are the leader in your team. If this condition is not met, the further education of the dog becomes much more difficult. You will be lucky if your puppy has the opportunity to walk and play with other dogs. This will help him grow up more balanced.

If you successfully complete the first stage, working with an adult, properly raised dog will give you real pleasure. High intelligence, respect and a desire to please the owner make cockers excellent and attentive students.

Walking and exercise

The irrepressible energy of cockers requires constant implementation and a full outlet. In the absence of regular physical activity The dog's character will inevitably begin to deteriorate. Be prepared to take long walks every day or go for a half-hour run together. If it is not possible to go outside with your dog and play, simulating a hunt, come up with another task for it. The key is to be creative; cockers really value variety in their fitness routine.

The spaniel breed has no equal in obedience disciplines, agility and tracking. It is necessary to let them run without a leash only if the owner has full control of the situation, since the natural instinct of a hunter can work at the most inopportune moment, and you simply cannot stop a dog chasing a bird, cat or any other small creature. It is known that cockers love to hunt snakes and lizards.

Cockers are excellent swimmers and will take a walk to any body of water with great enthusiasm. Don't be alarmed if your dog jumps into the water in the cool fall. The cocker's immunity is quite strong, and the natural instinct of self-preservation will not allow them to stay in the water longer than necessary.

Cocker Spaniels are one of the most popular service dogs in Russia. An incredible sense of smell and innate intuition allow them to be faithful assistants to police officers, customs officers and the military.


When getting a Cocker Spaniel puppy, owners often believe that the baby’s coat does not require special care. Very in vain. By the time the dog grows up, there is so much hair that it is almost impossible to handle. Moreover, a puppy who has not been accustomed since childhood to similar procedures, is likely to be hostile towards them as an adult. Puppies, like adult cockers, need to be brushed 3-5 times a week, using a variety of brushes and combs. A massage glove would be a good idea.

You need to bathe your dog regularly, at least once a month, using special shampoos for long-haired dogs and conditioners that nourish the coat and have antistatic properties. After washing, cover the dog with a terry towel and let the coat dry. Next you can start drying. To do this, you will need a cold air dryer, a comb and a hair brush.

It is best to entrust the haircut of a Cocker to a professional groomer. Each dog's proportions are individual, and a bad haircut can change your pet beyond recognition. An experienced master will immediately determine which features can be emphasized and which, on the contrary, are better not to emphasize. Ideally, after a haircut, the cocker spaniel in the photo will look neat and natural, as if the dog had not been subjected to any mind-bogglingly complex thinning procedures.

Regular hygiene procedures also include trimming nails and brushing teeth. The claws are cut with a special nail clipper, not reaching the line of the joints. To clean your teeth, purchase tartar removers.

Cocker spaniel and your apartment

Let's imagine that a cocker puppy ends up in your apartment. At first, a defenseless pet should not be left alone. It is also important to remember that the cocker spaniel is a purely domestic dog, despite its hunting instincts and specialization. IN home environment It is not recommended to keep your dog on a leash. The baby (and adult cocker) must be able to move fully to correct formation skeletal and muscular form.

Designate a sleeping area for the puppy in advance. Cockers are very gentle, sociable and value tactile contact, so they often try to get into bed with their owner. It is better not to indulge in this and use it in rare cases when a naturally emotional cocker needs to be calmed down. The sleeping place should not be in the aisle or in a draft. Light, dry and relatively warm areas of the apartment are optimal. It is also very important that the cocker can observe his owners from his personal territory. As a material for a sleeping place, it is best to use children's mattresses (orthopedic base is desirable), covered with soft sheets or other natural coverings.

What to feed a Cocker Spaniel dog

Dogs of this breed have an excellent appetite, they run a lot and need a fairly high-calorie diet. In this case, an adult dog is usually fed once. Suitable meats include stringy beef, horse meat, and chicken. Offal is useful - lungs, heart, liver, stomach, but they should be served exclusively boiled. The cocker spaniel prefers catfish and cod from fish, cabbage, turnips from vegetables. vegetable oil, pumpkin, carrots. The fish is served without large bones and fins, the vegetables are grated. Every day you should add porridge (rice, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat) to your diet. As a supplement, your spaniel can be given homemade noodles and milk soups.

The English spaniel is an incredibly playful animal. A small tail, hanging ears and huge eyes create a special atmosphere of absolute happiness and joy around this small dog. And the soft, flowing under the fingers, full of shine, just begs to be stroked.

In the Middle Ages, when this breed first appeared, cocker spaniels were used in hunting as water hounds. The English Spaniel breed (see photo below) originated, as you may have guessed, in England. Today, these pets are not just hunting dogs, they have become for people true friends thanks to his light and cheerful disposition.

English cocker spaniel. Description of the breed

They are not tall, on average 39-41 cm, the knots are slightly smaller. For exhibition animals, there are quite serious requirements for appearance. The pet must be small in height and weight. According to the rules of the standard, its weight must vary around 12-15 kilograms. True, the main attention when checking is on the correct physique, and not on weight. The dog must be moderately well-fed, with a beautiful and shiny coat. No signs of rickets or other health problems. Eyes bright and shiny, wet nose, well-groomed ears. Here is the first thing you should pay attention to when buying an animal for yourself. For breeding or participation in exhibitions, the requirements are much broader.

So: there are certain standard rules for the English Cocker Spaniel dog. The description of the breed presented below will allow you to understand what a purebred dog should look like.

Standard rules

  • The head has a clearly defined, correct form skull, with a pronounced transition from the nose to the frontal lobe.
  • The ears are located at the same level as the eyes, thin, teardrop-shaped. Since they are quite long and at the same time set low, they easily reach the dog’s nose.
  • The eyes are quite large, but not protruding and always dark in color. Bright and shiny pupils. But for chocolate-colored animals, a light brown eye shade is allowed.
  • The nose is straight, with a large tip and developed nostrils. Color - black, with the exception of breeds of chocolate shades, they are allowed Brown color nose pads.
  • Bite: cheekbones are level, not protruding. The incisors should be positioned strictly vertically, and the bite should be shaped like scissors.
  • The body is well developed with a regular topline and a slight slope from the loin to the beginning of the tail.
  • The chest is deep, beautifully built, of medium size.
  • The back is quite short, straight, with strong muscles.
  • The forelegs are straight, of short length and with full pads.
  • The hind limbs differ from the front limbs in more developed muscles. They have impressive thighs, giving them power and speed of running. The shins are straight, located parallel to each other.
  • The tail is located below the line of the back. Cut by half or two thirds of the length.

To summarize, we can say that the requirements for these dogs are quite stringent. And when selling an English Cocker Spaniel puppy, the price is set taking into account not only the personal qualities of the animal, but also the status of its parents.

A haircut

Since this dog breed was bred in Great Britain, the haircut must be done according to the rules of this particular country. It is performed in a very natural style, and when looking at your four-legged friend, you get the impression that his hairstyle was a creation of nature, and not the result of the painstaking work of a master.

Grooming an English Cocker Spaniel has its own secrets, the main one of which is the use of thinning scissors. The haircut can be divided into two parts - first they process the head and body, not forgetting to thin out the undercoat of the animal, and then they begin to trim the hair on the ears and paws. The English spaniel (photo below) is groomed according to all the rules of the standards for this breed.


He is distinguished by an extremely good-natured disposition and extreme energy. The dog will become an excellent friend to children and a wonderful hunting assistant. With proper training, this cheerful animal can be taken part in exhibition agility competitions.

Spaniels are very affectionate, becoming loyal comrades and companions for their owners throughout their lives. Thanks to their very easy-going nature, they get along well with other animals in the house. But you should not indulge their whims while they are still puppies, otherwise in the future they will grow up to be a very wayward and harmful dog. These dogs strive with all their might to play a leading role in the family.

Training rules

They are excellent at training. These are magnificent athletes, in whose blood there is a real passion for hunting. Knowing characteristics behavior of the dog, you should make classes as intense as possible and establish equal relationships. Under no circumstances should you hit your pet; he will never forgive you for this. But you shouldn’t let go either, otherwise your four-legged partner will grow up to be an extremely selfish beast.

This is a very beautiful dog, with shiny, flowing fur and bright, bottomless eyes. But as beautiful as she is, she also demands attention. The greatest advantage of this breed is its coat. True, it is also the biggest drawback, bringing a lot of trouble and problems for those who keep a dog such as an English cocker spaniel at home. The description of the breed presented below touches on very important nuances in caring for this dog.

  • The dog's shedding is not periodic, but permanent. It needs to be brushed every day to remove dead “hair”. For the same purpose, trimming should be done periodically. Daily brushing will get rid of tangles that easily form on a curly, thin coat.
  • You should not wash your animal often, as this may cause dandruff, and the fur itself will become dull and completely unsightly. But you need to clean it every day, especially since the dog simply loves to be scratched. To do this, use a special brush with teeth of different lengths. Brushing is a very useful procedure, since during it a massage is performed, which improves blood circulation and, accordingly, the metabolism of the animal.
  • The claws are trimmed as they grow, using a nail clipper. Don’t forget about the hair that grows in the spaces between the pads on the paws; it must be trimmed.
  • In winter, when coming from the street, always wash off the salt from your pet’s paws; it can cause severe inflammation.
  • The ears also need close attention. About once or twice a week they are cleaned with a special solution, and various secretions are periodically removed using a cotton swab. During feeding, the ears need to be tied up, or buy a bowl for cocker spaniels. Excess hair in the ears is trimmed.
  • About three times a week you should wipe your eyes with tea leaves or a certain solution that is sold in
  • Teeth also need regular brushing with pet toothpaste and a toothbrush. You should not rely on food that cleans your teeth on its own.

Remember, you need to accustom your four-legged friend to hygiene from childhood. And then the procedures, the implementation of which has already been brought to automaticity, will not take much time. And your dog will be healthy and beautiful.

Don't buy an English Cocker Spaniel if...

The animal has a very beautiful wool which requires constant attention. If you are not ready to devote a considerable part of the time from your personal life to a dog, then you should not get one, in this way you will only ruin the life of both yourself and your pet.

Who should definitely buy an English Cocker Spaniel?

If you have never had a dog, but you are ready to take care of your dog, giving him all the affection and care; or you have children, and you and your whole family have decided to buy a four-legged friend for your home - then this is exactly the dog you need. Incredible mobility and friendly character will not leave anyone indifferent. For hunters and those who simply love to travel in nature, this dog will be a wonderful partner.


The Spaniel lives for about 15 years and is generally in good health. True, some representatives of the breed are overcome by eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts with age. Keep in mind that dogs with solid colors tend to be aggressive and require stricter training. A prerequisite for maintaining the health of the animal is a large number of walks on fresh air and active physical activity.

Knitting features

If you decide to breed puppies for sale, you should note that this is a fairly complex process. Think carefully, clearly assess your capabilities, and only then start looking for a partner for your dog. After all, in order for English Cocker Spaniel puppies to be born in the near future, you should invest a lot of effort and finances in caring for your pregnant pet.

Before mating, you must do everything necessary tests so that the bitch is completely healthy. It is also necessary to do a genetic test. Estrus should be repeated 2 times a year - this is an indicator of the norm. It is after going through all the procedures before estrus that the mating of an English Cocker Spaniel will become the most fruitful.

The mating process itself must be strictly controlled. First, the animals are given time to get acquainted and adapt to new conditions. Further, so that the bitch does not break out, she is held by the head and under the belly until the so-called lock. The duration of the castle is usually about ten minutes. After a couple of days, it is recommended to repeat the mating.

Pregnancy and childbirth

An ordinary pregnancy, without any problems, lasts 56-63 days. To accurately determine the day of onset of labor, measurements are taken rectal temperature. When it drops and remains around 37°C, you can begin to prepare for the process of giving birth to puppies.

Primary births are best carried out in the presence of a veterinarian, as it may be necessary caesarean section. Puppies appear in the membranes, do not interfere, the bitch will chew them herself and free the babies. Childbirth is a rather long process, usually the second puppy appears only three hours after the first. Then things go a little faster.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies require very careful attention. If the bitch does not have milk, or there is too little milk, then you will have to supplement the babies yourself. Every two hours, including at night, they will need to be given warm milk from a bottle.

Around 2.5 months, puppies are vaccinated. And only then, plus a week of incubation period, can you go for a walk outside with the kids. When selling English Cocker Spaniel puppies, the price for promising young animals is much higher and can differ greatly from the usual market value.


The black English Cocker Spaniel is actually not always completely solid. This color has many variations, for example: black and tan, black and gray, black and piebald. A pure, unadulterated black tint is quite rare.

In the English Cocker Spaniel breed, the colors are very diverse, and different countries have their own preferences for colors. For example, in Eastern Europe they love the golden-red version of the color, and the rare, pure White color is considered undesirable as it can go hand in hand with congenital deafness.

To summarize, let's say: if you have children and want to get a dog, then take a closer look at a puppy like an English Cocker Spaniel. The description of the breed provided in this article makes it clear that he will grow up to be an amazing four-legged friend who will delight you with his cheerful disposition every day.

The English Cocker Spaniel always receives very favorable reviews. Many owners note that this is a wonderful dog, a little timid, but very kind. Everyone loves her sweet face and beautiful fur. And the owners always celebrate her playful character.

(English Cocker Spaniel)



Height at withers



A dog-friend, a dog-companion, a full-fledged member of the family... All these epithets are perfectly suited to a small breed of dog - the English Cocker Spaniel.

The breed, originally bred in England exclusively for hunting purposes, very quickly spread throughout the world and gained popularity among people of all professions and ages. Nowadays, cockers often and with great success perform at dog shows.

Cocker appearance and standards

The English Cocker Spaniel is a small and compact dog. According to generally accepted standards, representatives of the breed must have the following parameters:

  • weight: from 13.5 to 14.5 kg, weight one month old puppy– 1.5 kg;
  • height at the withers: for males – 39-41 cm, for females – 37-39 cm;
  • color: varied. Golden, brown with white tan, black, white and other coat colors are common;
  • the coat is long, silky, not curly, but slightly curly, the undercoat is well defined.

Breed varieties

All cockers are divided according to two main criteria:

  1. purpose of the pet (show and hunting);
  2. time and place of origin of the breed (Springer Spaniel, American Cocker Spaniel, Clumber Spaniel, Field Spaniel, English Toy Spaniel, etc.)

Initially, the ancestors of spaniels, references to which are found in Spain and Rome (10th century), were bred as guard dogs. But, once in England, the breed quickly “retrained” as a hunting breed. Modern dogs have not lost their protective properties.

Show and hunting cockers

English Cocker Spaniels were originally bred for hunting. But over time, the breed moved into the exhibition category, acquiring certain characteristics.

For hunting, breeders tried to breed white dogs that would be very visible in the tall grass; modern cockers with completely white hair on dog shows not allowed. Show dogs have much longer hair and ears than their hunting counterparts. The tail is docked, but for hunters it is up to 13 cm long, and the exhibition standard is no more than 10 cm.

The English Cocker Spaniel is far from the only representative of the whole spaniel family. The main difference between all related varieties of dogs is size.

General description of the breed and character of the dogs

The English Cocker Spaniel can rightfully be called one of the most popular and beloved dog breeds in the world. Attractive appearance coupled with their mischievous nature, turned English hunters into man's best friends.

The cocker has a memorable appearance: a squat, muscular body with smooth transitions and curves; slightly flat head with a well-defined muzzle; intelligent, moist eyes, strong bite; strong neck. The dog moves on strong paws covered with thick hair. A spaniel's ears are a special pride. The ears are long, wide, close to the skull, overgrown with silky fur.

Dogs live quite a long time - up to 14-15 years. Spaniels that have crossed the 16-year mark are considered to be long-lived.

Dachshund – hunting breed dogs, which is equally popular among both hunters and ordinary dog ​​breeders. and its features of caring for it are in our article.

Loyal, fearless, intelligent, with excellent protective qualities- this dog will win your heart forever. Get to know the Cane Corso breed by going to.

It exists for several thousand years. This dog with a lively and cheerful disposition is perfect for active people.

The Cocker Spaniel is incredibly intelligent and smart dog. With proper upbringing and constant training, kids are able to remember a lot of commands.. They react quickly to changes in the owner’s mood.

You can judge the dog’s mood by the pet’s eyes: a cheerful and cheerful Englishman has a lively, moist and shiny look. If your four-legged friend is sick or tired, then the eyes will be dull and sad.

Cockers have a very strong and lively character. We can say with confidence that these are real sanguine people among the dog world. Home hunters simply cannot sit still! At the same time, dogs have a friendly and inquisitive disposition: they will sniff an unfamiliar stone with equal interest on a walk or meet a new family member.

By the way, spaniels are very friendly creatures. They can easily get along in a home with children, cats, other dogs, guinea pigs . But it’s better not to let cockers get close to chickens and very small animals (the hunting instinct may manifest itself).

Throughout their lives, spaniels remain cheerful and active playful creatures. They are very similar to children: just as active and spoiled. The owner must start training the dog as early as possible. Otherwise, the cocker will remain willful and disobedient for the rest of his life.

The English Cocker Spaniel, despite its small stature, is a good watchdog. He is quite suspicious of strangers. Thanks to its loud and ringing bark, the cocker can easily warn the owner about a thief who has entered the house.

Choosing a puppy

You have definitely decided that you want to get an English Cocker Spaniel. But where to buy a dog? How to choose a puppy? How much will the baby cost?

Where can I buy

It is best to contact a professional breeder when purchasing a dog. This way you will be sure that the cocker is healthy; you will be able to meet his parents; consult with the breeder about the specifics of keeping your pet.

How to choose

A female English Cocker Spaniel usually brings only a few puppies: 4-5 puppies. When choosing “your” baby, you must remember:

  • You can’t separate the puppy from its mother for up to a month; at this time the immunity of the future hunter is formed, they enter useful material with mother's milk;
  • take a closer look: if the puppy is too active and attacks his brothers, then it is better not to adopt him. In adulthood, such aggression may intensify. It is also better not to touch puppies that are too lethargic and constantly lying down. Perhaps they are sick with something;
  • decide what you need a dog for? If exclusively for hunting, then give preference to a girl. Cocker bitches are more obedient and learn commands more easily;
  • If the spaniel is quite old, then refuse to buy. Cockers become very attached to the people around them. When you take an adult dog from your family, you inflict a serious psychological wound on it;
  • Where you buy your puppy directly affects the price. If this is a professional breeder or kennel, then the price of a one-month-old puppy with documents from elite parents will be 20-25 thousand rubles. If you buy a dog secondhand, you will have to spend 5-8 thousand rubles.

What we do at home

Be sure to prepare your home before purchasing a baby. Give your future pet a separate corner with a sleeping basket, bowls for drinking and food, and a toilet. It is better to keep a spaniel in the house, especially at first. There is demodicosis in the ears. Must be checked regularly ear canals dogs and treat them prophylactically.

Features of feeding

Cockers are particularly picky eaters. You can feed them with both ready-made store-bought food and homemade food. But there is one caveat: if you do not prepare a diet for the dog in advance and constantly pamper your pet with carbohydrates, then the cocker will develop obesity.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Active and intelligent.
  • Loyal and attached to family members.
  • Suitable for families with children.


  • Can be difficult to train.
  • Some cockers bark a lot.
  • Susceptible to ear infections.

The English Cocker Spaniel is perfect dog for home. Unpretentious, friendly, playful, active - this is far from full list all the positive aspects of a dog. The only negative: careful ear care and a healthy diet are required. But the dog will definitely thank you for proper care with its devotion and boundless love.

Many people, when they hear the word “spaniel,” imagine an agile dog looking for a duck that has fallen into a swamp. Associations with hunting do not arise by chance. The external description of the English Cocker Spaniel breed contradicts the character of the animal. An elegant, long-haired dog would look perfect in large, cozy bedrooms. But the silken spaniel prefers fresh air and an adventurous spirit.

A beautiful dog with intelligent eyes is distinguished by his devotion to his owner, intelligence, and mobility. The Cocker will make an excellent company when traveling, hiking, or playing outdoors. Spaniels are companion dogs that follow their owners everywhere.

Description of the English Cocker Spaniel breed

This is a small, muscular and hardy dog ​​with long curly hair and floppy ears. Breed-class dogs participating in exhibitions are subject to strict breed compliance requirements. A brief description of the breed standard and characteristics is given below.

  • Weight . Bitches and males are approximately in the same weight category. Weight can vary from 13 to 15 kg.
  • Height at withers. Females - 38-39 cm, males - 39-41 cm.
  • Color. Allowed different colors English Cocker Spaniel. The dog can have a single, two- or three-color color. The most common colors are roan blue, red and black and white (spotted).
  • Lifespan. Cockers are among the longest-living dogs. The average age of a pet is 13 years. Some individuals live up to 15-16 years.
  • Character . Spaniels are distinguished by their sociability, friendliness, obedience, and energy. Some representatives of the breed are stubborn.
  • Intelligence. Smart dogs, easy to train and quickly understand the owner’s requirements.
  • Security and guard potential. The pet is more suitable as a companion. A dog will be able to protect property and its owner only after training.

Previously, tail docking was required to participate in shows. Now short tails are considered a defect.

Character and habits

Spaniels are distinguished by their intelligence, kindness and obedience. Well behaved dog, without losing dignity and nobility, perceives the owner as a fair mentor. A walk with a cocker will be a real adventure - the dog's scent can lead to unexpected discoveries.

In a family where there is Small child, communication between the dog and the baby should be monitored. Cockers never show unmotivated aggression and love to play and have fun. But an excited spaniel may push, bite or scratch the child. It is also necessary to explain to the baby that the dog’s toys belong only to her. Spaniels are jealous of personal belongings and can defend their property with aggression.

There are positive and negative aspects to the Spaniel's character, behavior and habits. Before buying a puppy, you should consider all the characteristics of the breed. The advantages and disadvantages of the cocker are described in the table.

Table - Character traits

Many breeders enjoy the playful nature of the English Cocker Spaniel. However, for people of a calm disposition who love comfort and silence, this feature of the breed is a disadvantage. Potential owners who are not ready to actively spend time with a dog are better off choosing a different breed.

Origin history and interesting facts

The word “English” in the name of the breed clearly hints at the origin of spaniels. It was the English breeders, who gave the world a single breed of dog, who bred cockers for hunting. The ancestor of all modern spaniels was the male Obo. In the second half of the 19th century, the dog gave birth to hardy offspring with good hunting instincts and a brave heart. It was Obo's descendants who migrated to America around 1880, where they gave rise to the American line of spaniels.

The history of the English Cocker Spaniel breed in Russia began only in the twentieth century. Although the first representatives of the breed appeared here in the late 1850s. In the 30s, Russian breeders began breeding a national subspecies of spaniels. The parents were English cockers and springer spaniels. Second World War stopped the development of the breed. The bred dogs were destroyed.

The Russian breed was revived by the 50s and became widespread in the 60s. The popularity was promoted by the writer Mikhail Prishvin, who kept four spaniels and often included them in his stories. In addition, Evgeny Charushin’s children’s book “Tomka” is dedicated to a spaniel puppy. By the 1980s, the breed became widely known. Exhibitions and clubs began to be organized in Russia.

The exact origin of the spaniel's ancestor has not been established. There are different versions: Spanish, Greek, German, Irish. However, the credit for breeding belongs to the British. It is believed that the cocker's ancestor was a hunting dog that lived in the Bronze Age.


There are two subspecies of the English cocker spaniel - American and Russian hunting. The dogs have external differences, but in character both Russian and American spaniels remain curious and active hunters. The table shows the species differences.

Table - Distinctive features of subspecies

SignAmerican Cocker SpanielRussian hunting spaniel
Color- Black;
- fawn;
- chocolate
- Brown;
- white with spots;
- tan of different shades;
- piebald of different shades
Height- Males - 36-39 cm;
- females - 34-36 cm
- Males - 38-44 cm;
- females - 36-42 cm
Wool- Soft, except for the back;
- long, hanging to the ground from the paws and sides;
- wavy, especially on the ears;
- shiny
- Soft;
- wavy;
- short on the head and front side of the paws;
- long on the sides, ears, inside paws
Head- Short muzzle;
- high forehead;
- sharp transition from forehead to muzzle
- Elongated muzzle;
- convex forehead;
- well developed brow ridges
EyesLarge round brown eyesRound brown eyes

The “American” is easily recognized by his lush fur, like a ball gown. On the contrary, the Russian Hunting Spaniel looks “naked”. Despite their appearance, all spaniels are in the same weight category, have developed muscles and an excellent sense of smell.

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

The dimensions of an adult English Cocker Spaniel fit perfectly into the average city ​​apartment. However, the dog’s curiosity and mobility require at least a small green area near the house. The vast park will be a great place to express your pent-up energy.

Spaniels do not like to be alone. Dogs left alone for a long time will begin to bark, gnaw things that get caught in their teeth, and even “take revenge” by relieving themselves right in the apartment.

A noticeable disadvantage of keeping a cocker in an apartment is shedding. Long hair remains on hands, furniture, and carpet. The problem can be solved if you comb and trim your pet in a timely manner.

Physical exercise

The English Cocker Spaniel dog breed is active, curious and cheerful. Cocker doesn't like to sit and be bored at home. He needs to walk, run, play, track. Constantly being at home and short-term walks can have a bad effect on the character of the pet. Take your dog out for two to three hours a day. Examples of fun times with your pet are given below.

  • Jogging. Athletes and amateur runners can train outdoors with their pet. Spaniels will be happy to accompany you on a morning half-hour run.
  • Games . Cockers are intellectuals, so they love to study and play. These activities awaken their interest and increase their activity. The owners will often have to use their imagination, otherwise the pet will get tired of playing the same thing.
  • Swimming. It’s great if there is a body of water near your house. A spacious swimming pool is also suitable. Spaniels are excellent swimmers and will enjoy playing fetch the toy from the water.
  • Hunting. You don't have to be a hunter to go after the "prey" with your faithful companion. You can play hunting. A cocker with an excellent sense of smell will find his favorite toy in the thickets and will happily walk through the forest, looking under every bush.

When walking, you need to keep an eye on your pet if it is walking without a leash. Spaniels quickly get carried away and lose control. The owner will not stop a pet chasing a cat or chipmunk. Additionally, dogs love to hunt lizards and snakes, which can be dangerous.


Cockers, like true trackers and hunters, love to find and eat any food. Often, a curious spaniel will climb into the trash can and feast on the leftovers from dinner. These four-legged gluttons are unlikely to refuse an extra portion of food, since they do not know when to stop. Therefore, it is important to find out in advance what and how to feed your English Cocker Spaniel so that the pet remains active, cheerful and does not become obese.

First you need to decide what type of food to choose. Traditionally, dog breeders accustom their pets to either “drying” or “natural”. Mixing species is not recommended. Dry food should be highest quality and include, in addition to balanced proteins, fats, carbohydrates, all essential vitamins and elements. “Drying” is convenient on the road and hiking. This is an excellent option if you plan to raise a traveling pet. The owner selects natural food on his own.

Healthy and proper feeding Dog ownership includes five aspects that must be observed by a loving owner.

  1. Mobility. A pet that expends a large amount of energy per day, for example during agility training, needs high-calorie food. Four-legged friend must follow a diet and eat in moderation so as not to gain excess weight.
  2. Age . Each age has its own needs. Puppies are fed only natural food in small portions about five times a day. Food should be rich in proteins. From the age of six months, you can gradually introduce “drying”. From one year on, meals are reduced to twice a day. Many dog ​​experts advise feeding an adult spaniel once a day. For adults, carbohydrates are important. Older dogs get by with a minimum amount of calories, because... don't lead active image life.
  3. Mode . It is important to teach your dog to eat at the same time every day. This will relieve stomach problems and teach you discipline.
  4. Allergies. All decorative dogs are susceptible food allergies. Therefore, when introducing a new product into the diet, testing in small portions is necessary.
  5. Menu. The dog's diet should be varied. Despite predation, the pet needs vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and grains.

The plaintive and sad eyes of a cocker are a cunning trick to get an irregular tidbit. Do not give in to provocations and teach your dog to follow a strict diet on a schedule.

External care

Spaniels require careful grooming. Trimming nails and washing paws is not enough. The long, silky coat and ears require special attention. The table provides the basics of caring for representatives of the breed.

Table - Grooming a Cocker Spaniel

Part of the bodyCare
Wool- Comb daily to prevent tangles from forming;
- trim long wool once every 2 months;
- bathe with shampoo once a month and dry with a hairdryer;
- wash paws and dirty fur after walks;
- shave off puppy fluff
Ears- Check weekly for contamination;
- clean with a cotton swab;
- notice inflammation in time, bad smell, redness;
- buy a narrow bowl on a stand to prevent your ears from getting into the food
ClawsPrune every month
EyesWipe with a cotton swab and warm water as needed
Teeth- Brush daily with a brush and dog paste or a bandage wrapped around your finger;
- give special toys, rye crackers, tomatoes for prevention (if there is no allergy)

A dog trained to cosmetic procedures Since early childhood, she is calm about regular care.

Training issues

Thanks to its innate intelligence, it will be a pleasure for the owner to work with the pet. It takes up to two to three months for the dog’s temperament and psyche to form, so during this period, upbringing should be done carefully and gently. You should not overwork your baby with commands.

From three months it is recommended to start taking a general training course (GTC). Cockers easily remember simple commands and quickly understand what is required of them. It is important to maintain a balance of “carrot and stick”. The spaniel must early age understand that a fair leader in a family is the owner, and not himself.

A relaxed tone and affectionate treatment will make the dog stubborn and arrogant, and it will try to take a dominant position. Rudeness and aggression will offend and hurt your pet. Strict intonation is enough to show your dissatisfaction. For every task completed correctly, the dog should be praised.

Early socialization in an urban environment will help the puppy to adequately perceive strangers, other dogs, cats and birds. The pet gets along well with other pets if it grows up with them.

After OKD, if the owner wishes, you can train the spaniel to hunt game. It is better to start training at seven to nine months. For help in training, it is recommended to contact professional dog handlers. After the course, the dog will be able to pick up a scent, search for killed game, and flush out a bird.

Spaniels excel in dog sports. The pet will be able to show natural abilities in Frisbee, agility or flyball.

Diseases and treatment

Reviews from owners about the English Cocker Spaniel indicate that the pet has good immunity, but only at a young age. By old age, many dogs acquire a whole bunch of diseases. Ears and eyes are vulnerable. Potential diseases include:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • inversion and inversion of the eyelid;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • hepatitis;
  • obesity;
  • melanoma;
  • lipoma - fatty tumor;
  • dysplasia;
  • discopathy;
  • deafness;
  • otitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • hysteria;
  • papillomas.

The development of diseases largely depends on general care for the dog. If you regularly clean your ears and teeth, replenish your diet with vitamins, and follow the instructions, you can significantly extend your pet’s life. It is recommended to visit a veterinarian if there is any suspicion of deterioration in health.

Mating and birth

The first heat in spaniel bitches occurs at one or one and a half years of age. Experienced breeders do not recommend breeding an older “girl” right away. At two years old, the dog is already considered an adult, so at the next heat (occurs in about six months), on the eighth to tenth day the bitch can be bred.

Breeding an English Cocker Spaniel is a responsible decision. The dog must be prepared approximately six months in advance. The bitch undergoes a medical examination and receives a referral for mating from the club. Dog owners are interested in health and pedigree expectant mother. That's why the bitch has no documents and no championship titles less chance become a mother. This rule also applies to male dogs.

Before mating, the owners first get to know each other. If the male is already untied, you can look at his offspring. Having chosen a “groom”, the owners introduce the dogs. The mating lasts about an hour, and the presence of the owners will guarantee that everything will go well. Spaniels are quite active and temperamental, so the bitch can break out.

Pregnancy lasts 60-70 days. The first signs are noticeable approximately ten days after mating. The bitch's nipples swell and turn pink. Pregnant spaniels need special nutrition and careful treatment. If the breeder does not have breeding experience, then it is better to seek help from a nursery and a veterinarian.

Childbirth takes a lot of strength and resources from a dog’s body. The bitch does not have to be bred if the owners do not want to breed puppies for sale. Sterilization is necessary only in cases of false pregnancy (pregnancy), health and hormonal problems.

The pedigree not only confirms the purity of the breed, but also gives an idea of ​​the origin of the dog. This is necessary so as not to accidentally breed relatives who may produce offspring with deformities and pathologies.

Top nicknames

The name reflects the character of the dog, so capacious, sonorous nicknames are suitable for an energetic spaniel. Examples of names for cocker are given in the table.

Table - Nickname options

To ensure that your pet responds to its name, call your pet by name. puppy age only in a positive way, for example, with praise.

Photo review

These little “agile hunters” with long shiny fur and intelligent eyes are incredibly photogenic, especially against the backdrop of nature. Photos of puppies and dogs give owners of the English Cocker Spaniel breed a reason to be proud.

Cost and where to buy

A purebred English Cocker Spaniel puppy from a kennel is always more expensive than from one's own hands. Depending on the class (pet, breed or show), the price can vary from 2 to 35 thousand rubles (data as of January 2018). Before purchasing, you should definitely talk to the breeder and check all the documents. A purebred puppy of any class is supplied with a puppy card indicating vaccinations and a brand.

When buying a pet from someone else, a dog owner runs the risk of getting a sick and unbalanced animal that does not meet the standards. Therefore, it is better to buy a dog from a trusted kennel.


Below are kennels of the English Cocker Spaniel breed in Russia.

  • English cocker spaniel kennel in Reutov- https://en-cocker.ru/;
  • "English Cocker Spaniel Club" in Moscow- http://cocker.ucoz.ru/;
  • nursery "Rus Eugene's" in the Moscow region- http://www.englishcocker.ru/about.htm;
  • nursery "Mas Braves" in Novouralsk- http://www.mes-braves.ru/index.php;
  • nursery Hannest in St. Petersburg- http://www.halennest.com/index-2.htm.

An English Cocker Spaniel dog will become a reliable companion and cheerful friend for its owner. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to mobility and aggression. The dog should be friendly and curious. Good build, smooth clean coat, clear eyes indicate the health and energy of the future pet.