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A one-month-old puppy eats poorly and is lethargic. What to do if your puppy doesn't eat well? What to do if the puppy is half out and stuck

the mother of the newborn was not harmed during the birth process, then your

the main task of their active actions help the puppy

adapt to the new reality, and further care for the baby

provide to mother.

In the event of the death of a bitch, all responsibility for caring for the puppies falls on the breeder.

Low weight puppies are at risk. U small dogs ornamental breeds(Yorkshire terrier, toy terrier, toy poodle, chihuahua) the average weight of a newborn puppy is 100-120 g. A puppy born weighing less than 70 grams does not always have a chance of survival. The breeder's task is to help him adapt and become viable.
Puppies born by caesarean section also deserve close attention; very often they are poisoned by anesthesia at birth, and if the caesarean is not planned, they manage to suffer during a long, unproductive birth.
There is a lot of hassle with puppies that do not latch on. First of all, make sure that they do not have a cleft palate (cleft in the palate), such puppies are not viable, since all their food pours out through their nose.

Let's get back to weak puppies.
The most important thing is to prevent them from hypothermia (in the first days of life, babies have no thermoregulation), we maintain the temperature in the nest at 24°C. (the first 3 days -30") The nest should be small in size so that there is enough space for the bitch and the babies to lie down. When the puppies are 3 weeks old, they begin to crawl, you will move them to a more spacious home.
The main task is to establish breast-feeding. First 1-2

problem babies are often unable to hold the nipple, they

repelled by stronger brothers. Try to feed these little ones

manually, placing and pushing them to the last nipples, there is always more

milk, but be careful that the puppy does not choke.
If the newborn is unable to suck on his own, cold to the touch, all

time squeaks, you will have to feed it from a syringe or a special

bottles (it is included with some types of bitch milk), but you must first warm the baby.
It will be good if you manage to express your mother's milk. By the second day of life, the baby should be able to suck independently.

Weigh the puppies regularly; if there is no weight gain, the baby does not suckle from the mother, feeding with bitch milk is necessary. While feeding, hold the puppy in your palm with its muzzle down, as if natural feeding. Be sure to make sure that the mother licks the puppy (if you have a picky mother, massage the baby’s tummy in a circular motion using cotton wool or a piece of bandage soaked in warm water), he does not know how to empty himself bladder and intestines.

Number of feedings
-The first 2 days you need 0.5 ml - 10 times a day (about every 2

hours). In case of poor weight gain, add 4-5 microspheres of the drug Creon 10,000 to milk for 2-3 days with a gradual reduction in dosage
- Day 3 1ml 10 times a day by the end of the week up to 4 ml
-7-14 days - 4-10 ml (we gradually increase the amount) 8 times a day
-14-21 days - 7 times a day (6 hour break at night)
-21-30 days - 6 times a day
from 2 months - 4 times
The branch substitute must be heated to 37-38 degrees.
By the 21st day of life, you can replace part of the milk with supplementary feeding.

Medication assistance for weak puppies

-If the puppy does not maintain body temperature, (you can only feed him

after warming up, otherwise the food will not be digested) it is necessary to drink it

5-10% glucose solution diluted in half with boiled water 1 ml per 30 g of puppy weight every hour.
- If the puppy swallowed amniotic fluid during labor - amoxiclav + catosal (0.5 ml s.c.
-Drip placentol 1-2 drops into the mouth every other day for 5-7 days
-Travmatin (veterinary pharmacy) 1 drop every hour - 3 days
-nucleopeptide by mouth 0.2 ml from 3 to 6 days
-Traumeel drip (homeopathic Heel)
-Children's suspension Augmentin
-liarsin - for problems with stool subcutaneously, 0.2 ml
-in case of dehydration (when you pull the skin away, it sticks and does not return to its place), alternate subcutaneous administration of glucose (1-2 ml) + 0.1 ascorbic acid and Ringerra-Locke solution (1-2 ml) + 0.1 Gamavit every 2 hours 4 times a day

Feeding puppies- this is very hard work, but you will receive incomparable satisfaction when you see the grown puppies.

Video showing one of the feeding options in practice puppies

Natalia Glotova

And future formidable guards, and small puppies hunting breeds, and young representatives of miniature pocket dogs love to play. Hereditary memory becomes the reason that it is in the game that they develop dexterity, strength, cunning and the ability to use their teeth in certain situations. However, when such a training game takes place in the nest, littermates and the mother know very well how to stop the puppy from biting.

They clearly demonstrate their discontent: sisters and brothers squeal loudly and do not want to play with the offender, and the mother simply gets up and leaves, ignoring him for some time. But what should a person do?

Why does he bite?

A puppy taken from the “family” too early or born alone, as a rule, is distinguished by its inability to stop in time in aggressive games and can hurt, first of all, its owner and the people around him. Of course, the pain is not too severe, since the teeth have not yet changed into fangs.

But biting and naughty pet needs behavior correction, otherwise, turning into adult dog, he can cause a lot of trouble both to strangers and to people close to him. It is especially important to find an answer to the question of what to do if a puppy bites when there are small children in the house.

The reasons for excessive aggressiveness in a young dog can also be:

  • teething. During this period, puppies feel severe itching V oral cavity and are forced to gnaw and bite everything they can reach;
  • improper upbringing or lack thereof. If a young dog constantly shows aggression towards its owner and the people with whom it lives, this means that it either considers itself the leader of the “pack”, or is trying to determine its position in it.

What to do with a naughty and biting puppy?

Almost all dog breeders agree that it is okay to allow your puppy to bite his arms or legs while playing. But you need to carefully monitor the strength of the bites and the mood of your pet during such a game.

If a dog bites heavily, causes pain, does not obey, and this happens regularly, it means that it needs the following educational measures:

  • Game ban. Immediately after the bite, you must stop the game, say “no” or “fu” in a stern voice, turn around and leave, leaving the little aggressor alone;
  • Insulation. Effective method The remedy for biting puppies is to temporarily move them (after a bite) to a fence or enclosure;
  • Immobility. If your pet likes to grab clothes with its teeth, then the owner, as a rule, just needs to freeze and not move. Stopping the game (for a young dog, any movement looks like a game) leads to the fact that interest in biting wardrobe items disappears;
  • Switching attention. Offer the puppy a replacement - replace the sleeve or hand with an interesting toy. It is advisable that toys be in all rooms, so the replacement will look more natural;
  • Differentiation of objects. It is necessary to teach your child the basic rules of behavior in the house and on the street. He must understand that there are objects that should not be bitten under any circumstances. But the owner must introduce the dog to things that can and even need to be chewed. To do this, scratch the puppy’s belly and back several times a day, while simultaneously offering a toy, a special bone or ball, which he is allowed to chew. Dogs, especially at the age of 2 months, respond excellently to encouragement and after a while can even meet the owner with a toy in their teeth, showing their exemplary behavior;
  • Education and training. If you can’t train your pet yourself, you can entrust the upbringing and training of the baby to experienced specialist. But in this case, you will have to wait until your pet is at least six months old.

Teaching your puppy to use his teeth carefully

If you can determine exactly why your puppy started biting, it is very important to teach him to use his teeth carefully. You can avoid punishment (of any kind) if you use a specific technique called a “clicker” to train your child. It is not only simple, but also very effective.

Therefore, you can try it on your pet both simultaneously with humane methods of behavior correction, and instead of them. The essence of the clicker is that good behavior rewarded with something tasty at the same time as a sound click.

According to the instructions, training is carried out in several stages:

  • We clench our hand into a fist and present it to the dog. If she doesn’t bite for at least a second or two, we immediately move our fist to the side, click and feed her a treat. We repeat several times. If the baby just pokes his fist with his soft nose - great! We click, encourage and move on to the next stage;
  • We very slowly move our hand, clenched into a fist, in front of the pet. If he doesn’t try to bite his fist, we click and give him a well-deserved reward. Repeat several times;
  • We complicate the task: we increase the length of time during which the baby should not bite the hand, increase the speed of the fist and move a little further from the puppy. We click and encourage. Repeat several times;
  • Now we replace the fist with a chewing bone or toy. We reward and click only for calmly waiting for permission, confirmed by the “can” command. When the puppy bites and does not obey, tries to take away an object, or gets angry, we immediately hide the toy or bone behind the back and start the exercise again, moving a little further from the baby. If you managed to reward your pet several times in a row for correct behavior, let him play with an “educational” object. As a result, the puppy will understand that playing with the item he likes will only be possible if he waits patiently. We repeat the exercise several times at different distances from the puppy’s nose;
  • We duplicate the previous exercise using an open hand, forefinger, clothing and shoes.

You need to train your baby every day. Only in this case will the puppy learn not to bite or take anything that is in its immediate vicinity without the appropriate command.

Any breeder can face the problem of dog nutrition. It is especially important to monitor the nutrition of growing puppies. It happens that the pet ate well at first, and then began to refuse food. Even the most unpretentious and active breeds have periods when the puppy does not eat well.

Often dog breeders, at the first sign of loss of appetite in their pet, panic and contact veterinary clinic. However, a dog's lack of appetite does not always indicate that there are health problems. A puppy can be active and still be reluctant to eat.

Causes of lack of appetite in small breed dogs

Small breeds are picky eaters. They will not eat everything they are given. The owner of the pet must prepare its diet, taking into account the characteristics of the breed. For example, Yorkies and Chihuahuas can be picky eaters and difficult to please.

Puppies miniature breeds dogs are sensitive and may refuse to eat because the food doesn’t like the smell or taste. The reason may be that the grown puppy has reached sexual maturity and is in heat. At this time, activity and appetite decreases. If the puppy is small, he may be teething.

Causes of lack of appetite in large breed dogs

Large breeds of dogs are less picky and picky about food than small ones. But even the strongest and most resilient, such as, for example, German Shepherd and huskies may lose their appetite. May reduce interest in food ear infections or allergies. If you suspect an illness, you should consult a doctor.

An animal may stop eating because the food it was offered is spoiled. If the reason for the lack of appetite is that the pet is in pain, it makes sense to give the dog several tests: a blood test, ultrasound, x-ray, endoscopy.

What to do

When faced with a puppy's feeding problem, you can try to determine the cause and solve the problem yourself in several ways:

  1. First, you need to offer the puppy food and observe whether the dog shows interest in food, whether it tries to take food, or whether it is difficult to chew. In case of problems, the food is changed to another type.
  2. We look at the condition of the animal. The first indicator is the dog’s nose. The nose should be cold and wet. If the nose is warm and the dog feels unwell, the appetite disappears.
  3. It is worth examining the eyes, mouth and ears for discharge, redness and unhealthy color. If there is any of the above, you need to contact a specialist.

Only a veterinarian can determine exactly what is causing the loss of appetite. You may need to take several tests to detect the type of disease. If your pet is found serious illness, it is recommended to purchase food for puppies with certain health difficulties from veterinary food lines. IN special cases required artificial nutrition, When nutrients inserted into the stomach with a probe.

If the puppy is active

It happens that the puppy runs, plays, defecates regularly, but refuses to eat. This often happens after vaccination. During the vaccination period, you may observe signs of weakness, lethargy and loss of appetite in your puppy. This happens because immunity is formed, and the veterinarian is obliged to warn about side effects.

To train a dog to suitable food and type of nutrition, you can resort to tricks. Here are some tips to improve your pet's appetite:

  • Mode. The animal must be fed at the same time every day. The puppy gets used to it, and right time his appetite awakens.
  • If the puppy does not eat the food completely, the bowl needs to be cleaned to understand that you need to eat everything at once.
  • Can improve taste feed, for example, by adding meat sauce.
  • If the puppy does not eat, you should pick him up food from another manufacturer. Often in this matter they resort to the advice of veterinarians or nursery owners.

Loss of appetite can also be caused by frivolous reason, but the dog breeder needs to be careful. Lack of appetite should not be ignored, because some diseases can lead to irreparable consequences.


If the puppy does not want to eat at first after being brought into the house, it is worth calling the breeder and asking what kind of food the puppies were fed with - maybe you just got the wrong diet. In the case when everything was fine before, and the puppy always ate with appetite, it is worth taking a closer look at his behavior. If he is lethargic, his nose is hot and dry, he lies down more and his behavior has changed radically, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible - these may be the first signs of a serious illness. Lack of appetite can be caused by helminthic infestation. The sooner you react to this, the better.

In some cases, the reason for refusing food is banal overeating. If you like loving owner If you constantly increase the weight of the portions of food you give your dog, and don’t remove the bowl from feeding to feeding, the puppy may simply stop feeling hungry. You need to feed him correctly. Before eating, it is better to take the puppy for a walk and play outdoor games with him during the walk. When you come home, put the recommended amount of food in his bowl; you don’t need to give your dog more than the recommended amount of food. The bowl of food should remain in the feeding area for no longer than 15 minutes - if the puppy is hungry, this time will be enough for him to eat everything you put in it. If he refuses to eat and even tries to play with the food, it means he is not hungry and the bowl should be removed until the next feeding.

During the next feeding, you should give him the same food without changing its composition. When the puppy eats everything in the bowl, or at least part of the portion, this will be a signal for you to reduce the amount of food put in the bowl. Strictly follow the norm, guided by parameters such as the puppy’s weight and age. Also adjust the number of feedings according to the age of the dog, gradually reducing them to 1-2 by one and a half years.

Even small puppies can already experience boundless affection for family members. Therefore, the absence of one of them can also cause the puppy to refuse to eat. Prolonged depression, accompanied by poor appetite, can in some cases last from several days to a week. But most often, for a dog to start eating well again, a long walk with physical activity and skipping one or two feedings. Changing your diet or adding new foods to it can also be effective. Try cooking his usual porridge with a different grain, adding different vegetables to it, replacing meat with fish and vice versa.

A person gets a dog to guard property and protect his family, or simply to have a loyal creature nearby. Over the centuries, dog breeds have evolved independently of humans, but last decades man learned to create new breeds artificially.

Now we can get a dog adapted for living in small apartments, which does not require constant walks in the fresh air.

Is your puppy eating less than usual?

Any caring owner will worry when he notices that his little pet is not eating enough. How to behave in this unpleasant situation and what measures should be taken? In fact, there is nothing wrong with this and there is no need to panic prematurely.

First you need to figure out what the reason for refusing food is. In this article we will tell you how to whet your puppy's appetite and return him to proper nutrition.

Causes of poor appetite in animals

If your puppy is not eating well, has missed a couple of meals during the day, is not in the mood, is lethargic and inactive, then the most likely cause may be an underlying illness. You can check this in the following way - go outside and take a walk with your pet.

If your ward remains lethargic and is not happy about the fresh air and being outside, then something is still bothering him. In this case, you need to pay attention to the humidity and temperature of the nose.

U healthy puppy With the exception of some dog breeds, the nose should be moist and cool. If these symptoms are also accompanied by:

  • presence of redness, inflammation or discharge in the eye area;
  • bad odor from the mouth and unhealthy color of the tongue;
  • discharge from the ears, firm to the touch and clear;

The presence of at least one of the above points may indicate the presence of diseases and, as a result, contact a veterinarian.

When buying a puppy, new owners begin to feed the animal food that is unfamiliar to it. In such a situation, you will immediately notice that the puppy has begun to eat poorly. It is better to ask the previous owners in advance what kind of food they had before and continue to do as they did.

A puppy may not eat food well because he simply doesn't like it. In this case, it is better to focus your attention only on natural products.

If you observe that your pet is cheerful, runs around and reacts quite well to its name, perhaps the reasons lie in something completely different. To find out, we recommend using several methods that will certainly help increase your pet’s appetite.

Try skipping breakfast, and next time offer him the same food you gave him in the morning. Perhaps you simply spoiled him with food. Even if your pet misses lunch, then for dinner give him the same food that was offered for breakfast and lunch, then the puppy should start eating.

Also be sure to ensure the freshness of the food you use to feed your puppy. It is very important to know information about proper feeding your pet. It is necessary to maintain a routine and balanced diet.

Have you noticed that the puppy only managed half the portion? Most likely, the portion was larger than normal. Therefore, when feeding again, you just need to reduce the portion. Some owners very often offer the animal a portion disproportionate to the dog’s parameters.

You can use another trick. To increase appetite, give your pet a good walk. Being in constant motion, the desire to eat will arise many times faster than being sedentary in an apartment or in the country. Therefore, go out more often Fresh air with your pet. When you return home, be sure to feed your dog. There is a high probability that the puppy will start eating after exercise.

There are dog breeds that love fish as much as meat. Use this method only if the previous ones did not produce any results. Just don't overdo it with canned food, as the salt in large quantities harmful to dogs.

If you feed your puppy cereal and constantly give it one type, then change it to another. If your pet still doesn’t touch the food, then add his favorite treat.

Dry food: balanced nutrition

Often new owners decide to switch the puppy to dry food. It is important to remember that there should always be water in the bowl. Carefully monitor how often your animal drinks water.