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The smartest dogs. Intelligence in descending order Smart dogs breed top

A smart dog is every person's dream. When choosing a four-legged friend, everyone asks the question: “Which dogs are the smartest and most loyal?” It should be noted that all animals are quite intelligent, but some breeds cope with certain tasks better than others. In our article we want to find out which dogs are the most trainable and reliable. What is the ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence?

Border Collie

According to the largest organization of dog breeders in the United States, which ranked dogs by intelligence, the Border Collie breed, bred in Great Britain, took first place. These animals have serious mental abilities and a desire to serve humans. According to many independent surveys, this breed is leading the list.

She was bred in England by selecting the best specimens from which new puppies were obtained. The border collie was supposed to herd animals, so the dogs were taught to be hardy and unpretentious in food, attentive, able to learn quickly, remembering everything new on the fly. The breed was officially registered in 1915, although it was known about it back in the 18th century.

The Border Collie is very wary of strangers, but does not show aggression. But with her owners she is playful, sensitive and attentive. The collie dog, whose characteristics are given in the article, is distinguished by obedience, which means it is very easy to train. Puppies begin to be trained at eight months. And after a year and a half to two years, the dog will easily carry out all your commands. This is probably why the border collie is recognized best dog for all competitions. It is quite easy to prepare it for exhibition, agility, freestyle, flyball. Obedience makes it possible to use representatives of this breed to help rescue groups.

Habits of the smartest dogs

The Border Collie has a rare work ethic. She likes an active lifestyle. Dogs willingly perform at exhibitions and can herd sheep. Because of this thirst for activity, the Border Collie is not recommended to be kept in an apartment, since it constantly needs to engage in physical and mental labor.

Dogs of this breed are very playful and cheerful; from a very young age they need company, and therefore they need to devote enough time. They may be wary of strangers until they become friends. But sometimes they can show some aggressiveness towards their relatives, but only at first.

When it comes to mental abilities, the Border Collie tops the ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence. At a young age, animals can allow themselves to be pampered; as they mature, they behave like smart, calm creatures. This makes them excellent companions.

In general, when thinking about what breed of dog to get, be sure to think about the border collie. A friendly, active, cheerful, intelligent animal will become the most wonderful friend of the whole family. Since the dog loves communication, you won’t be bored with it. She will not sit still, looking for new entertainment and work. In addition, the Border Collie is distinguished by its devoted attitude towards its owners.

Representatives of this breed can have both long and short hair of medium hardness. It protects the animal well from bad weather and almost does not absorb bad smells. Therefore, contrary to what many people think, caring for an animal is not as difficult as it might seem. The dog just needs to be brushed several times a week. But training must be approached with all seriousness, starting as early as possible.


The rating of dogs by intelligence can surprise inexperienced dog breeders with its representatives. Who do you think takes second place in it? Very unexpected, but this is a poodle. It turns out that these are very smart dogs. They are capable of not only performing circus programs (although not all dogs can do this), but also many other actions. For example, poodles are excellent swimmers and can save a drowning person. quite a lot: there are small and large. There are even hunting poodles that help their owners during bird hunting. Therefore, it should be noted that it was not by chance that they ended up in second place in the ranking.

Since childhood, we have somehow become accustomed to the fact that a poodle is such a curly-haired, funny baby. But in fact, large representatives of the breed are excellent defenders of their owners, so you should not treat them with disdain.

There is an opinion that the poodle is a female dog, but this is not entirely true. This is a beautiful, athletic, active animal, proud and strong. This breed has become one of the most popular in the world. Meanwhile, poodles have a long history. Although they are the national breed of France, their roots go back to Northern Europe. They were once exclusively hunting dogs.

Poodles come in four sizes. The largest representatives are capable of protecting their owner, but you should not take such a dog as a guard, since poodles are very good-natured creatures and will never attack the enemy themselves. In addition, the animal needs to pay a lot of attention; it needs your praise and affection.

A large poodle should certainly undergo a dog training course; its extraordinary abilities will find worthy use. Even dwarf breeds They don’t want to just sit in their arms. They need active leisure. They love long walks. It is important for them that the owner is near them. Poodles are always ready to fool around and play. If you take care of your dog and give it due attention, it will bring a lot of joy and fun to your family.

German Shepherd

Continuing to discuss the ranking of dogs by intelligence, it should be noted that third place in it is occupied by German Shepherd. There are many guesses about the origin of this breed, but the truth is lost somewhere in the mists of time. However, it is known for certain that in the seventh century AD such a dog already existed in Germany.

Representatives of the breed are very smart and devoted to people, so they rightfully took worthy place on the list of the most smart dogs. Shepherd dogs are perfect for the role of guards, unlike soft and good-natured poodles. It’s not for nothing that the police use this particular breed of dog as assistants.

I would like to note that on the territory of the USSR in the service internal organs and there were no border guards simple dog- East European Shepherd. It was bred in the thirties specifically as a service breed for the army and the needs of the national economy. The ancestor of the breed was the German Shepherd, imported from Germany.

In general, these animals are among the most trainable and intelligent, but they definitely need to be exercised. German Shepherd training should begin at a very young age. This is not an easy process, but there is no way to do without it. This will require great patience and firmness. However, under no circumstances should you be cruel, otherwise the dog may become disobedient.

There is a stereotype of aggressiveness regarding shepherd dogs. But this is a wrong judgment. Such behavior in an animal can be formed under the influence of improper upbringing. The German Shepherd will certainly protect its owners and be distrustful of strangers, but by its nature it is non-aggressive.

Golden retriever

When ranking dog breeds by intelligence, experts gave the golden retriever an honorable fourth place.

He has a calm, sometimes even too imposing character. The character of the animal perfectly combines such traits as sensitivity, calmness, and the ability to easily learn new knowledge and skills. During the training process, dogs show exceptional hard work and efficiency. The animal is always ready to help and gets along well with children. In addition, the Golden Retriever is completely non-aggressive towards strangers and animals.

Very often, representatives of this breed are used as guides for blind people and in medicinal purposes. This dog is great for children with psychological problems. Training a retriever usually does not cause any problems at all. Dogs are excellent swimmers and also love water. They take root well both in apartments and in private houses. Life expectancy ranges from twelve to fourteen years.

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinschers, short-haired working dogs that originated in Germany, are ranked fifth among the smartest dogs.

Representatives of the breed are extraordinary individuals who need not only good care, but also in a healthy family climate. They can reveal all their potential abilities only in patient and smart hands. Dobermans are very smart, but need good training, otherwise they may simply become uncontrollable. Training is a mandatory element of education, otherwise a remarkable mind can only work towards mischief and mischief. This breed of dog can protect its owner if necessary.

Scottish Sheepdog or Sheltie

Among the huge variety of Tervurens, Malinois, Groenendaels) I would like to highlight the Sheltie. It is essentially a miniature collie. Those who have long wanted a collie and were hesitant to get one because of their size should consider a Scottish Sheepdog. It should be noted that the animal is not only very beautiful, but also capable. Sheltie is distrustful of strangers, she does not like the obsessive desire to scratch her behind the ear. The Scottish Sheepdog is highly trainable.

Labrador Retriever

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that the Labrador and Retriever dog breeds are two completely different species. In fact, they are the same animal. The breed was bred for hunting. However, the creature turned out to be playful, perky, and loving. Therefore, representatives of the breed have become ideal family dogs all over the world. Labrador Retrievers love to walk, play and frolic. They are ready to engage in active entertainment all day long. Such a dog is suitable for any family; the only condition for keeping it is sufficient time for walks. The Labrador's character is so flexible that even a ten-year-old child can cope with his upbringing.


Eighth place in the list of the smartest dogs is the Papillon. This breed has a regal history, as the ancestors of the modern species were favorites at the royal court. Not every breed can boast of such a past.

Papillon, a descendant, originated in the fourteenth century, and France and Belgium are considered its homeland. Distinctive feature This species has beautiful ears, similar to the wings of butterflies. The breed owes its colorful past at court primarily to its intelligence.


The Rottweiler rightfully ranks ninth among the smartest animals. Dogs of this breed are distinguished not only by their power and strength, but also by their balance of character.

Rottweilers are very hardy, they love to work, they are always energetic and full of strength. They are devoted protectors of their owners. Typically, dogs tend to form very close relationships with only one family member.

Rottweilers are courageous and confident. But a timid person is absolutely not suitable for them as an owner, because in raising an animal they will need firmness and confidence. With a good trainer, Rottweilers learn everything they need very quickly, but they definitely need training and firm discipline. They need a lot of space to play because they have enormous energy. An important quality of a Rottweiler is the ability to get along with even the smallest children.

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd rounds out the top ten smartest dogs. It was bred artificially in America in the twentieth century. It has not been established exactly what breeds were mixed, but the experiments were so successful that nowadays people all over the world enjoy the company of a devoted and reliable friend.

Continuation of the list of the smartest dogs

Further on the list of the smartest dogs there are sixteen more representatives. All of them have good performance characteristics. Learning different commands occurs in five to fifteen repetitions. Dogs quickly remember everything new, but only practical training can improve results. So, the list continues with the following breeds:

  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
  • Miniature Schnauzer.
  • Springer Spaniel (English).
  • Belgian Shepherd Tervuren.
  • Groenendael.
  • Collie.
  • The shorthaired pointer is a hunting dog and companion.
  • Cocker Spaniel (English).
  • Epagnole Breton.
  • Belgian Shepherd Malinois.
  • Pomeranian Spitz.
  • Irish Spaniel.
  • Hungarian pointer.
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

Perhaps all the breeds we have listed are distinguished by excellent mental abilities. It’s not for nothing that many of them have gained popularity all over the world. Of course, many breeds have long lost their true purpose, such as the Belgian Malinois and many others, and are now simply wonderful pets and just friends of humans.

Each breed has its own history, and some types have been formed over centuries, acquiring the best performance characteristics. However, it should be noted that times change, and the requirements for dogs change. If, for example, strong, hardy animals were previously valued, like the shorthaired pointer - a hardy and athletic dog, now completely miniature salon dogs have come into fashion, requiring increased attention.

Perhaps many will not agree with the presented ranking of the smartest dogs and they will be right, since for every owner his four-legged friend is the smartest and most talented.

And those who are just thinking about getting a pet should definitely think about what kind of dog you want to have next to you. It's no secret that everyone wants to get a smart pet that will become a real member of the family. However, you should understand that any dog ​​will require a lot of attention from you. In order for an animal to show all its abilities, it is necessary to regularly train it and surround it with care.

Dog breeders are often concerned with the question of which breeds are included in the list of the most trainable ones. When purchasing this or that purebred dog, it is important to know that the mental abilities of our smaller brothers are absolutely different. Various degrees training, stress resistance, level of obedience. Therefore, it was decided to identify the top 10 - the most smart breeds dogs.

One of the psychology professors at the University of British Columbia set out to find out which breed would be the smartest. To do this, we had to go a long way, developing special questionnaires for professional trainers. As a result, more than two hundred questionnaires were sent out, which contained questions on which it was necessary to rate 110 types of purebred pets. In order for the assessment to be more truthful and objective, each coach’s ward had to show their work and obey the person unquestioningly.

The undoubted leader in this list was the Border Collie breed. Perseverance in work, excellent obedience - these are her main qualities. Possessing good herding skills, the breed has proven itself to be an excellent partner.

Gets along well with children and is unpretentious in attention. In fact, the Border Collie breed is the smartest in the world.

Most active

The second place in the top 10 is firmly assigned to poodles. Several centuries ago, the poodle was widely used as a swimmer for shot ducks. Since that time, poodles have not forgotten their skills and feel great in the aquatic environment. However now The breed is bred only for decorative purposes, and is not used in hunting, but this does not prevent it from being in second position after the leader. Main qualities:

  • intelligence;
  • activity;
  • high level of learning ability.

The top three most intelligent purebred representatives are closed by the German Shepherd. An absolutely cute breed, endowed with a share of cunning and ingenuity. Having its own character, the dog is easy to train, however, it will not allow itself to be bullied. More games, more affection - German Shepherds love to have fun. It is not surprising that this particular breed is the most in demand in law enforcement agencies - an excellent sense of smell along with its rather large size gives the dog a significant advantage. If we add to all this the nature of a workaholic, then this becomes an excellent set for a service breed.

The most family-friendly

After the brave defender comes the breed, the family's favorite. Devotion, intelligence - all this is about the Golden Retriever. Good big dog with long hair, will be an excellent family companion. Also herding instinct will help the dog to be faithful defender even the most small child . Golden retrievers are very often chosen as guides for blind people - they will not allow you to stumble. Even in difficult situations, such as the disappearance of a person, the dog will be an excellent bloodhound, having an excellent sense of smell. This breed is very pleasant to keep at home, since one appearance will cause positive emotions.

The rightful fifth place is taken by the handsome Doberman. Such sensitive dogs cannot be found anywhere. Loyalty for them is main priority, will protect the owner to the last. She has a lot of internal strength to endure a long, grueling run, and will come to the finish line first.

However, a Doberman dog very capricious and will not always follow your commands. But you shouldn’t punish her for disobedience; she doesn’t tolerate insults. It is important to know that Dobermans are willing and able to learn, and if everything works out, in the end you will get the main prize - a discreet and smartest dog in the world. The most important thing is more perseverance and attention from the owner. Do not forget that Dobermans tolerate moving very well, but do not take punishment well.

Most beautiful

Right behind the Doberman comes the Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie. Being a mini version beautiful breed Collie, Sheltie were originally bred for herding purposes - to guard a flock of sheep, or lead a herd of cows to watering. At first, this was the only job of the Sheltie breed. Then, the time came when people realized that such a gorgeous dog should be decorative. Small size, shiny long wool and cheerful disposition– the Sheltie has it all. He gets along well in new conditions and finds a common language with his family. As a result: a family companion, a devoted animal, good at active activities and training - will be an excellent solution for a large and friendly family.

The seventh top place is headed by the Labrador Retriever breed. He trains well, does not have a menacing appearance, however, he is a devoted defender. These qualities good for families with children. Love to active life and active games makes the breed irreplaceable. Labradors are very smart and love attention to themselves. Ideal for those families who are committed to healthy image life, and love playing outdoors.

Tiny Papillons have firmly taken eighth position in the ranking of the most intelligent breeds. Miniature dogs of decorative breeding have a very loud bark, and can warn their owner not only about the arrival of mail, but also about a suspicious person in your home. Constant travel will not tire a devoted dog, but, on the contrary, will give it incentive and good location spirit. The trainability of this breed depends on the dog’s mood, however, may surprise you with its performance. Tiny creatures love training and tricks of varying complexity. Despite their size (their height rarely exceeds 30 centimeters), Papillons are very courageous and courageous pets.

The penultimate place in the top ten smartest breeds is occupied by the Rottweiler breed. Huge teeth, and gigantic size along with dark color make the breed menacingly scary. However, it all depends on what kind of work the owner does with the dog. If there is more aggression, then naturally the pet will be unfriendly. But everything needs to be done in moderation. And if the balance is maintained, you will get an excellent obedience dog. Here it should be noted that the owner must have character, since the breed is very willful and is not easy to train instantly. Character traits:

  • force;
  • perseverance;
  • performance.

Top ten smartest purebred dogs ranked by the Australian Cattle Dog. Diligence, interesting coat color, kind character - all this can be found in this breed. The dog is an excellent guide and shepherd, and will happily take on training with new teams. Good mood and active games - favorite activities of the Australian shepherd. She loves children and is ready to run around the yard with them all day long; she will be happy if she is treated to her favorite treat. The main advantage of this breed is reliability. The only thing she may not like is being in a confined space; she prefers to spend more time in the fresh air.

The rest of the breeds are not the dumbest breeds, it just takes a little more time to teach them different commands. Of course, it all depends on the coach, how much time was spent so that the dog could repeat this or that task. The main point in training is the repetition of commands with some frequency. Otherwise, the dog will again need some time to remember what it was taught two months ago.

The book “Dog Intelligence” was published back in 1994. Its author, Stanley Coren, is a professor of psychology and teaches at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver). This scientist is, in fact, the first to study the mental abilities of dogs.

In his work, Koren also cited his own ranking of dogs by intelligence. This is what many dog ​​handlers still use.

However, experts note that the author took only one aspect as the basis for determining the level of intelligence - obedience. However, this one-sided approach has caused a storm of criticism, since it does not take into account the abilities of both sledding and hunting breeds, which in some cases need to be able to make decisions independently. This feature made them less prone to flawless execution of commands.

Mr. Koren notes that there are 3 aspects of canine intelligence:

  • adaptive;
  • instinctive;
  • obedience.

The first allows the animal to complete assigned tasks, relying on its own strengths and decisions.

The second is generally determined by genetically determined properties (guard, shepherd).

Obedience is at the core of dogs' ability to learn.

As Koren himself admits, his analysis is imperfect. Critics point out that it is this that is the weakest part of the entire previously mentioned book. The professor’s attempt to divide dogs according to their level of obedience was not based at all on what was accepted in the scientific community laboratory research. He actually just conducted a survey of dog judges in both the US and Canada. Moreover, out of approximately 500, only 208 people talked to him. Among them, only 24 answers were taken into account.

Thus, you should treat the rating below with a certain amount of skepticism, since a number of other studies show that the intelligence of different dogs is largely equal, it’s just that each breed has its own specifics and area of ​​application of skills. Ultimately, no one will doubt the intelligence of a theoretical physicist on the grounds that he does not understand modern poetry or the intellectual abilities of a surgeon who cannot repair a broken tap.

This includes those who master a new command only after 80-100 repetitions. Of these, only every fourth dog completes the task the first time. This category includes:

  • Afghan Hound (80th place);
  • Basenji (79);
  • English bulldog (78);
  • chow-chow (77);
  • Russian greyhound (76);
  • Bloodhound (75);
  • Pekingese (74);
  • beagle (73);
  • mastiff (72);
  • Basset Hound (71);
  • Shih Tzu (70).

In addition, according to Koren, for example:

  • Chihuahua ranks only 67th;
  • Yorkshire Terrier – 25;
  • pug – 52.

Moreover, such smart dogs as the Alabai, Canne Corso or Jack Russell Terrier are not mentioned at all.

The best dogs in terms of intelligence

According to the Canadian professor, the most capable people are those who can master a command in 5, maximum 15 repetitions. Thus:

  • in 26th place in intelligence was the Cardigan Welsh Corgi;
  • The 25th went to the Hungarian Vizsla;
  • 24 – Irish water spaniel;
  • 23 – Pomeranian Spitz;
  • 22 – Belgian Shepherd and Bernese Mountain Dog;
  • 21 – Weimaraner;
  • 20 – American Cocker Spaniel;
  • 19 – Breton epañol;
  • 18 – English cocker spaniel, straight-haired retriever, miniature schnauzer;
  • 17 – kurtshaaru;
  • 16 – German Spitz, collie (both long-haired and short-haired);
  • 15 – Schipperke;
  • 14 – Belgian Shepherd;
  • 13 – English springer spaniel;
  • 12 – miniature schnauzer;
  • 11 – Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

Top 10

The following breeds were ahead of all other dogs in development, capable of learning a new command in only 5 repetitions:

  • border collie - in first place;
  • 2 – got a poodle;
  • 3 – taken by the German Shepherd;
  • 4 – went to a golden retriever;
  • 5 – Doberman;
  • 6 – Sheltie;
  • 7 – Labrador;
  • 8 – papillon;
  • 9 – Rottweiler;
  • 10 – Australian Cattle Dog.

How to Determine Your Dog's Mental Abilities

There are several simple exercises that are suitable for both office and small children. decorative dogs. If your pet is not familiar with the commands indicated in the tests, use others that are known to him.

First way:

  • Clap your hands twice and give the command “Sit!”;
  • after completion, praise the animal;
  • do 10 repetitions;
  • for the 11th time, simply clap your hands twice.

If a pet perceives this sound and carries out the command without a verbal order, its intelligence is very high. Otherwise, repeat the test again. On average, an ordinary dog ​​needs 50 repetitions to master the algorithm, and, therefore, this value should be considered as the norm.

Second way:

  • soak a piece of cotton wool in vanilla essence;
  • let your pet smell it and order it to lie down;
  • repeat the steps as described in the previous method.

When the dog begins to follow the command only by smell without words, put a clean swab without vanilla under his nose - if the animal lies down, turn away and continue to ignore him for half a minute, and then repeat the test. The goal is to get your pet to respond to the scent as a command.

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What is a count? or a duke? or a baron?

I know these are royal terms but how are they royal and how do you become them? What is their duty in the court? What's the difference between them? What are they?

King, Duke, Marquess, Earl/Count, Viscount, Baron, Baronet, Knight/Sir, Squire...

These are not "royal" titles, there are the titles of "nobility" that arose in Europe in Middle Centures.

The title Duke, for instance, comes from the Latin term dux or leader/commander. The historical figure of King Arthur may be an early example of the change of the title dux or duke from military commander to territorial lord. " Indeed, he (Arthur) is called dux bellorum in the Historia Brittonum, which suggests a memory of late Roman military titles, and may indicate some sort of unified command arranged between several petty kingdoms." Sheppard Frere in "Britannia"

The title Count came from an administrative office of the early Frankish kings (Merovingian and Carolingian rulers of France,) The title outlasted the Frankish empire (Charlemagne) and the inheritors of the office became the "counts" of the middle ages. (The title of count merged with the Anglo-Saxon conception of Earl in England.)

Baron, the lowest title of nobility, derives from the old Frankish word " baro " which means freeman or man. Like these other titles of nobility as Europe settled into monarchies (in England after 1066,) baron changed from a title of a free warrior to a title of the tenants-in-chief (land owners) who held their lands directly from the king. Gradually, a distinction between the greater and lesser nobles emerged, so that a hierarchy of titles arose, first in France and Germany in the years 900-1000 and later in England. "high" middle ages (c.1000) the ranks of nobility were established.

The title Chevalier is French lowest title for nobleman. It came from the Frankish word "horseman", which basically means a freeman on a horse - a knight.

  • ONLY NUMBERS - How humanity multiplies Over the entire history of civilization, 100 billion people have lived on Earth. 1000 BC - 100 million people (this is the population of present-day Nigeria). The beginning of our era - 200 million (now about the same number of people live in Indonesia alone). The reproduction rate is ten people per hour. First millennium AD - 300 million. Mid-17th century - 500 million people (this is about half of present-day India). 1804 - 1 billion. The rate of reproduction has increased dramatically. 1927 - 2 billion. 1960 - 3 billion (population explosion). 1974 - 4 billion people. 1987 - 5 billion. 1999 - 6 billion. July 2010 - 6.8 billion. Reproduction rate: three earthlings are born every second. 2050 - 9 or 12 billion. And every third of them will be a pensioner.
    Posted Aug 8, 2010, 10:23 PM by Ed B
  • Big changes are coming in June 2010. Expect big changes in June 2010. 05/24/2010The atmosphere froze. Just like sounds fade and the wind calms down before a big thunderstorm. There's a storm, there's a storm coming soon. A crisis situation arises in June 2010. Of course, we will survive it, just as thousands of others experienced it in their time. But...Stock some with patience, some with food, matches and salt, and some with toilet paper - to each his own (suum cuique)! There is not a breath of fresh air in the atmosphere. Reminds you the moment just before a thunderstorm when everything is quiet and tranquil. Nature just waiting for big event to happen.And it is coming - big changes. Will we survive? For sure as we did millions time before, and as we"ll do millions time after. However,...
    Posted May 25, 2010, 9:39 PM by Ed B

The bred dog breeds are unique in their own way, each breed has its own peculiarity, for example, the chow chow has a blue tongue, Newfoundlands are excellent swimmers and lifeguards, some breeds have developed working qualities, while other dogs have intelligence.

Many people strive to have a smart dog that can obey its owner perfectly, follow commands and learn new tricks in a short period of time. When deciding to purchase an animal capable of learning, the question arises: “which breed of dog is the smartest?” However, we should not forget that to develop a dog’s intelligence, you need to make efforts, and not expect that it will grow smart on its own.

Scientific Research on Identifying Smart Dogs

American professor of animal psychology at the University of British Columbia, Stanley Coren, conducted extensive research and in 1994 published the book “Dog Intelligence,” which examines instinctive, adaptive and obedience intelligence. The study included a survey of 200 professional dog obedience experts, including trainers and dog show judges.

Despite the compiled rating of smart dogs, the author of the book does not recommend relying on research results as 100% reliable. The rating was compiled taking into account the animals' ability to understand and carry out commands the first time, without taking into account their creative side and ability to understand other things.

Border collies, German shepherds and poodles are considered the smartest breeds. The intelligence of the representatives of the listed breeds corresponds to the intelligence two year old child. A striking example of highly developed intelligence is a border collie named Chaser, Chaser’s “vocabulary” numbers more than 1000 words.

List of smart dog breeds

Excellent training abilities (understanding a new command in less than for 5 reps and following commands the first time) the following breeds have:

Breed Distinctive features
Representatives of the breed have developed intelligence, ingenuity, they are distinguished by dexterity and high level energy.
Poodle An active breed with high mental potential. Loyal companions, they establish excellent contact with people of different ages and with animals.
German Shepherd A service dog with endurance and courage.
Golden retriever A friendly dog ​​that performs its duties well in search and rescue operations. Loyal companions tend to strive to please their owner.
Doberman A hardy and fast service breed that shows fearlessness in dangerous situations. True friend.
Sheltie A working breed characterized by a high level of intelligence and increased activity.
Labrador Retriever Family and sporting dog. Representatives of the breed are affectionate, intelligent, active, friendly animals.
Papillon Representatives of the breed are characterized by cheerfulness and endurance. The Papillon is a big dog in a small body.
Rottweiler A set of certain qualities allows dogs of this breed to be used as service dogs, herding dogs, and companions. Loyal and loving animals, affectionate with family members.
Australian Cattle Dog Representatives of the breed are distinguished by natural agility, energy, curiosity and ability to obey.

Excellent training abilities, namely to understand a new team for 5-15 repetitions and its implementation the first time have:

11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
12. Miniature Schnauzer
13. English Springer Spaniel
14. Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren)
15. Schipperke
16. Collie and Keeshond
17. Kurzhaar
18. Flat-haired retriever, english cocker spaniel and miniature schnauzer
19. Breton epagnol
20. American Cocker Spaniel
21. Weimaraner
22. Belgian Malinois and Bernese Mountain Dog
23. Pomeranian

25. Vizsla
26. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

It should be noted that several breeds share one place. For example, 16th place was shared by a long-haired collie, a short-haired collie and a keeshond.

For dog breeds with average training abilities, namely command understanding for 15-25 repetitions, relate:

27. Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Puli and Yorkshire Terrier
28. Giant Schnauzer
29. Airedale Terrier and Bouvier des Flanders
30. Border Terrier and Briard
31. Welsh Springer Spaniel

33. Samoyed dog
34. Field Spaniel, Newfoundland, Australian Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Gordon Setter, Bearded Collie
35. Cairn Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Setter
36. Norwegian Elkhound
37. Affenpinscher, Australian Silky Terrier, miniature pinscher, english setter, Pharaoh Hound, Clumber Spaniel
38. Norwich Terrier
39. Dalmatian

Ability to master a new team for 25-40 repetitions and executing the command the first time have:

40. Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Bedlington Terrier, Fox Terrier
41. Curly-coated retriever, Irish wolfhound
42. Kuvasz, Australian Shepherd
43. Saluki, Finnish Spitz, Pointer
44. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Drahthaar, Black and Tan Coonhound, American Water Spaniel
45. Siberian Husky, Bichon Frize, King Charles Spaniel
46. ​​Tibetan Spaniel, English Foxhound, Otterhound, American Foxhound, Greyhound, Korthals Griffon
47. West Highland White Terrier, Havanese, Deerhound
48. Boxer, Great Dane
49. Basset Hound, Shiba Inu, Staffordshire Bull Terrier
50. Alaskan Malamute
51. Whippet, Shar Pei, Wire Fox Terrier

53. Ibizan dog, Welsh terrier, Irish terrier, Boston terrier, Akita inu

Below average abilities when understanding commands is required 40-80 reps, have breeds:

55. Skye Terrier
56. Norfolk Terrier, Sealyham Terrier
57. Pug
58. French Bulldog
59. Brussels Griffon, Maltese
60. Italian Greyhound
61. Chinese Crested
62. Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Vendean Basset Griffon, Tibetan Terrier, Japanese Chin, Lakeland Terrier
63. Old English Sheepdog
64. Pyrenean mountain dog
65. Scottish terrier, St. Bernard
66. Bull Terrier
67. Chihuahua
68. Lhasa Apso
69. Bullmastiff

For dogs with the lowest learning abilities who need 80-100 reps to remember commands include:

70. Shih Tzu
71. Basset Hound
72. Mastiff
73. Beagle
74. Pekingese
75. Bloodhound
76. Russian greyhound
77. Chow-chow
78. English Bulldog
79. Basenji

Some of the breeds at the bottom of the list could compete in intelligence with those dogs that, according to research, turned out to be the smartest. The fact is that any dog ​​is capable of learning, but certain breeds require more training time and more patience on the part of the owner. Certain breeds, due to their natural independence and stubbornness, do not want to obey the owner at his first request.

Every person obsessed with the idea of ​​​​buying a smart dog should ask himself the question “What is it for?” Owners of a border collie, an active and intelligent dog, may regret their choice if they do not give the dog the opportunity to realize its intellectual abilities. If the owner himself leads an inactive lifestyle, he is not ready to work with the animal in terms of its mental development, then it is better to pay attention to calmer breeds that do not require much attention. Even the smartest dogs without proper training can turn out to be the most disobedient, and the owner risks being stupider than the pet. When choosing a breed, you should first evaluate the animal's energy level, not its intelligence.