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Belgian Shepherd dog. Belgian Shepherd. Malinois. Groenendael. Tervuren. Laekenois Appearance and Standards

In the period of the 17th-19th centuries, Europe was overcrowded with peculiar herding dogs, the ancestors of modern shepherd dogs. The first mention of dogs managing sheep dates back to 1650. At this point it was impossible to single out a single breed; the dogs differed in color, coat, physique and disposition. The only thing that brought them together was the amazing ability to herd flocks of sheep. Dog Belgian Shepherd was born in September 1891, on the day of the organization of the Belgian Shepherd Lovers Club.

However, the development of the Belgian Shepherd breed took some more time until the dog appeared to the world in April 1892. Specimens that differed from each other were bred, which prompted dog breeders to continue working on developing a pure breed.

The Belgian Shepherd dog breed was fully developed and standardized by 1910. Moreover, today the breed is represented by four varieties:

  1. Groenendael;
  2. Tervuren;
  3. Laekenois;
  4. Malinois.

Tervuren is another name for a beautiful and powerful breed of shepherd dog that has a dark mask on the face, traditionally a red color. Tervurens were bred in Belgium and used by shepherds as helpers. Today you rarely see dogs in urban environments; the shepherd dog requires a lot of space and is characterized by great activity. Tervurens are kept in country houses; purebred puppies are not cheap. The breed has long roots; at the end of the 19th century, a Belgian Shepherd Club was created, the idea of ​​which belonged to professor of animal science Adolf Reul. Previously, branches of the Belgian Shepherd line were distinguished, but not yet isolated. They got around to dividing it only in the 19th and 20th centuries:

  • Long-haired large Groenendael dogs with a black color, possibly with smoke.
  • Red Tervurens with a black mask.
  • Shepherd dogs of a similar color, with short hair - Malinois.
  • Shepherd dogs of ash or red color with hard hair are Laekenois.

It is worth giving credit for the creation of the breed to a brewer named Korbel, who crossed purebred representatives of Belgian Shepherds with each other using a cross selection method and developed a good Tervuren genotype. Now the standard is complex and described, the dog is recognized by FCI, AKC, UKS, KCGB, SKS, ANKS.

Description of the breed

The Belgian Shepherd is considered the real pride of the Belgians, who have worked on its breeding for many years. It should not be surprising that the inhabitants of the state extol their own creation, sometimes even above other breeds. Belgian Shepherd dogs represent incomparable beauty combined with unsurpassed strength and high intelligence. The distinctive features of dogs are their protective instincts, high efficiency. The breed is extremely popular in Belgium.

External characteristics of the breed:

  • Height reaches 56-66 cm;
  • Weight ranges from 20-30 kg;
  • Abundant woolly cover;
  • Muscular physique;
  • The backbone is strong;
  • Muscular long legs;
  • The head is elongated;
  • High-set triangular ears;
  • Dark brown intelligent eyes;
  • Medium tail;

The description of the Belgian Shepherd breed begins with a mention of extremely high energy. The breed is characterized by increased activity; you rarely see a dog quietly dozing on the sofa, but rather running and jumping. She is responsive with children and doesn’t mind frolicking and playing. They are extremely distrustful of strangers, exhibiting protective characteristics. They are tender in their feelings with their owners and loyal without reserve.

Strong memory and high intellectual abilities allow training to be carried out without difficulty, giving the dog great skills. Dogs easily master new knowledge and strive to demonstrate it at a convenient moment.

Due to increased activity require frequent walks, accompanied by active pastime. We are ready to accompany the owner everywhere - from bike rides to long hikes. Coupled with frantic activity, the Belgian Shepherd is distinguished by extreme restraint and composure. Has a lightning-fast reaction, which manifests itself in catching plates on the fly. Becomes a good companion and helper to blind people. The Belgian Shepherd breed has been in the service of the police, customs, rescue organizations and other specific authorities for a long time.

FCI standard

FCI standard number 15 of 2002 describes Belgian Shepherds as herding and military service dogs, used as bloodhounds, athletes, and guards. In many ways, the qualities and build of pets are similar to German Shepherds, a common type. Their appearance characterizes the Tervuren as a living embodiment of grace, strength, and agility. Males and females have a clearly defined sexual type, males are 5 cm taller and reach 60-66 cm at the withers.

A dog of the Belgian Shepherd, Tervuren, Laekenois, Malinois or Groenendael breed should not be overly heavy in build, and the pet should not be overfed. It is distinguished by a large and powerful head set on a strong neck. The size of the dog is medium, the muscles are defined, and the appearance is characteristically aristocratic. The listed qualities allow Belgian Shepherds to be used universally; the dogs are successfully socialized and amenable to training, becoming companions and assistants to humans in any activity.

Weight adult dog reaches 20-25 kg in females and 25-30 kg in males. If you look at the dog from the side, it is visually easy to fit the body into a square: it is not supposed to be stretched, the limbs are moderately long. The chest drops to the level of the elbows. The head has defined lines that are not hidden even by the fur. The forceps, or muzzle, is slightly longer than the skull. The skull is proportional to the body. The forehead is flattened, the eyes are set straight and gracefully. The muzzle is wedge-shaped, not pointed, ending in a black nose, regardless of color. The Tervuren's lips are tightly closed, hiding the teeth. The bite is correct, it can be pincer-shaped or scissor-shaped. The ears are triangular and curved forward.

The body reveals a clearly defined withers, a flat, not sunken belly and a slightly sloping rear. The line of the exterior from the withers to the tail is even and constant, without bumps or depressions. The tail is moderately long, reaching the hock joint. When excited, he should not twist himself into a pretzel or lie on his back in any other way. A plume is visible on the tail.

The color depends on the type of Belgian Shepherd. For Tervurens, only fawn or light red color with a smoky black mask is acceptable. She covers her face with lower lips, covers the eyelids, specifically the ears.

Caring for a Belgian Shepherd

Proper care of the Belgian Shepherd means, first of all, taking care of the coat, which is thick and long. You will need to regularly brush and brush the coat, removing dead hair and massaging the skin. The work is done by first using a wide-toothed comb, then switching to a specialized brush. Combing is done twice a week; if there are lumps, it is permissible to do it more often. Skin massage will stimulate hair renewal.

In warm months, when ticks appear on the street, treatment of the coat is provided, protecting the pet from the threat of contracting diseases. After each walk, it is recommended to examine your pet for wounds and foreign objects.

There are many recommendations on how to care for a Belgian Shepherd. In addition to the coat, pay close attention to the condition of the claws. Nails should be trimmed regularly to protect them from splitting and breaking. It is recommended to cut the hair with a special nail clipper. This cannot be done with stationery scissors. Moreover, the haircut should not cause pain to the dog; it is not recommended to manipulate it too deeply, not to the point of bleeding.

Care about physical condition expressed in frequent active walks, useful for the dog and to man. It is possible to combine pleasant bike rides with a running dog nearby. It is acceptable to play outdoor games, the main thing is that the Belgian Shepherd exercises its muscles and runs.

If a puppy appears at home, the owners are called upon to be patient while the dog grows up and learns about the world around it. It is possible that the puppy will begin to play pranks, which is not perceived as sabotage. Try to hide valuables, leaving the dog alone, and keep your pet occupied in his free time. Belgian Shepherds love games and toys, but should not be overindulged. Get your puppy a walking ball or frisbee, and the pleasure of walking together is guaranteed.

The Tervuren, like a shepherd dog, desperately needs a firm hand and constant training. Intellectual stress is necessary like air, otherwise aggression and uncontrollability will begin. However, if you are too strict, the dog runs the risk of growing downtrodden and cowardly. Ideally socialize a puppy up to 3 years of age one month old, having received vaccinations and “introducing” them to people and fellow dogs.

The Belgian Shepherd is calm when interacting with children and pets. However, the child does not obey the commands. Needs to daily care for a long time and luxurious wool, for external beauty, do not forget to add vitamins and microelements to your diet. It is worth choosing food either ready-made, balanced and expensive, or, if the latter is expensive, accustoming the dog to a complete natural diet. Feed twice a day: in the morning 30% of the norm, in the evening 70% of the norm. The coat should be combed with a long-toothed comb daily, once every 2-3 weeks; it may be necessary to trim overgrown areas or undercoat, and cut out tangles. They bathe once a month or a month and a half. Shedding occurs, especially in females, when it comes to heat, which happens a couple of times a year. During shedding, it is ideal to keep dogs in a crate or place the area away from laundry.

About the character of Belgian Shepherds

Dogs cannot be called meek, but they are quite capable of obeying. Belgian Shepherds are always confident in their own actions, calm and balanced, and behave with elegance and dignity. When communicating with people, they are affectionate, showing a willingness to make contact, but, anticipating a dangerous moment, from an early age it is worth weaning the dog from jumping on a person with paws.

If a dog sees that its owner is in danger, it is able to make a decision on its own and rush to defense. This point needs to be taken into account when training, explaining to the dog when it is permissible and when it is not allowed to rush. The Belgian Shepherd matures late, around the age of two, retaining childish character traits for life: playfulness, curiosity. It is recommended that Belgians walk on leashes, especially near the roadway.

A few words about health

Evolution has made sure that throughout its life (usually 10-12 years) the dog remains active, healthy and does not suffer from illnesses. But ecology, regime, poor nutrition make pets into weak creatures. Stomach ulcers, hypothyroidism, physical inactivity, and allergies are partly due to the fault of the owner. The dog can damage the elbow or hock joint. As they get older, Tervurens are prone to cataracts or retinal atrophy. Get preventive care from a veterinarian; regular examinations are recommended once every six months; try to get vaccinated against diseases on time.

What to feed

The Belgian Shepherd needs to be fed well to maintain good health and silky wool. There are two feeding options - dry food and natural. Dry food should be selected in a balanced form of a high category, which states that it is suitable for large dogs. Premium and super premium food from leading manufacturers are recommended. You should not skimp on food; low-quality food will lead to the development of diseases in your pet and long-term subsequent treatment. Choose food intended for active dogs, The Belgian Shepherd is like that.

It is recommended to make a choice between natural food and dry food. Natural nutrition involves creating a diet based on meat and cereals. Choose lean meat, dietary grains. Buckwheat and rice are irreplaceable. It is useful to supplement your diet with vegetables. It is recommended to start the morning with low-fat cottage cheese and fermented milk products. It is important to add vitamins and necessary substances in food.

Belgian Shepherd puppies grow well on dry food. It is recommended to choose high-quality feed for a specialized purpose, which is indicated on the packaging.


The Shepherd has high IQ scores, which indicates developed intelligence. Training a Belgian Shepherd is not difficult. Commands are grasped on the fly, as a result, mastering the OKD course will not be a difficulty. He can easily take part in agility tournaments, which also includes flyball.

The execution of commands will not take long to happen if you approach the process correctly. An experienced professional will provide training in a short time with excellent results. It is important to remember that the dog is smart breed, requiring self-respect and expressions of love. Negative attitude and punishments can play a cruel joke on the dog, as a result the dog will turn from a beautiful, obedient pet into an aggressive neurasthenic.

One of the few breeds that excels in the role of guard, shepherd and watchman. The Belgian Shepherd is divided into 4 types: Malinois, Groenendael, Tervuren, Laekenois. The subspecies differ only in color and coat type, but have identical parameters.

The history of the breed begins with the medieval Hovawart yard dogs. At that time, their main purpose was to protect the territory, and with the formation of livestock farming, grazing.

Gradually, aboriginal dogs mixed with different types of breeds, which were exported in abundance from neighboring states. This could not but affect the appearance of the dogs. Their exterior depended on the natural features of the area and the preferences of the owner.

Gradually, some dogs became so unique that their fame spread throughout the entire area. Such individuals were an expensive commodity; they were given as gifts to high-ranking persons, bought and exported to neighboring continents.

Later, when Western European dog handlers announced worldwide breed standardization, the situation began to change. All European states and small towns tried to announce the breeding of a unique breed on their territory. This also happened to the Belgian Shepherd.

After the uprising of Catholic partisans in Brussels in 1830, the country gained independence. Cattle breeding was being revived, and the breeding of fine-wool sheep required a revision of the exterior of the Belgian Shepherd, which had quite a varied appearance across regions.

Since the 19th century Belgium has begun planned breeding of the breed. The breeders were headed by A. Rel, a professor at the Kyurgam Veterinary Academy.

At that time, there were already several types of breed. The best representatives were brought to the capital of Belgium to describe the standards of each type. All existing varieties were divided into 3 types, and over time into 4.

The types of Belgian Shepherds have more than once been divided into separate breeds or, on the contrary, combined together by the FCI standard.

In the fall of 1891, a breed club was opened in Belgium; it was patronized by the St. Hubert. On next year, the collective meeting of the club ratified a single standard for the Belgian Shepherd breed.

Appearance of the Belgian Shepherd

The Belgian Shepherd has a strong build, but is graceful and elegant. The native climate hardened the dog and made it less susceptible to weather disasters and temperature changes.

The height of an adult male is 60-65 cm, with a weight of 26-30 kg. Females 57-62 cm, weight 21-25 kg.

Breed standard

  • The graceful head with a moderately wide and sloping forehead gently turns into occipital part and face. The bridge of the nose is straight, tapering towards the nose. The cheekbones and brow arches are weakly expressed. The size of the muzzle is slightly larger than the size of the skull. Lips and cheeks are dry.
  • The jaws are strong, with a scissor bite and a full set of strong teeth.
  • The nose is clearly defined and has black pigmentation.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped with dark brown pupils.
  • The dog's gaze should be intelligent and interested.
  • The ears are large, erect, with strong and elastic cartilage.
  • The body length is slightly longer than the height, rectangular in format. Strong, prominent neck of moderate length. The back is without deflection, with a wide lower back. The chest is of medium width and goes down to elbow joint. The abdomen is somewhat tucked up, the skin should not have dewlap or folds.
  • Limbs are smooth and straight. The hind legs are powerful, the thighs with prominent muscles. The hands are oblong, with tightly clenched fingers.
  • The tail is saber-shaped, set high.

Coat type and color

The type of coat depends on the type of Belgian Shepherd. But all breed lines must have a thick undercoat and coarse guard hair, which protect the dog from bad weather.

  • The Belgian Groenendael Shepherd has a semi-long coat of rich black color. Small white markings are acceptable on the fingertips and chest.
  • The Malinois is a short-haired shepherd dog with a bright red-chestnut color.
  • The Tervuren has a long, beautiful coat of rich red color.
  • The Belgian Shepherd Laekenois is a wire-haired variety of the breed. Most often they are brown-red, somewhat pale in color, but a gray coat tone is also acceptable as a standard.

The Tervuren and Malinois varieties may have a dark coating.

This is interesting! In the United States of America, only the Groenendael is considered a Belgian Shepherd. The Tervuren is separated into an independent breed, and the Laekenois are not considered purebred dogs at all. The most famous of all varieties is the Malinois.

Personality of the Belgian Shepherd

The Belgian Shepherd is an energetic and sensible pet. This is an observant security guard, capable of independently solving a problem in a critical situation.

Typically, representatives of this breed choose one owner, but obey all family members. Thanks to a well-developed protective instinct, they are distrustful of strangers. Guests who come to the house will always be under the constant control of the dog. Even friends who are constantly in the house rarely deserve the trust of a Belgian Shepherd.

The Malinois is considered a narrow-minded dog. She is not suitable for families with children, as she has a rather tough character and independent disposition.

Groenendael, Laekenois and Tervuren are more friendly and flexible. “Multifunctional” dogs will keep you company on bike rides and long hikes. They often become winners in sports competitions.

The dog gets along well with other pets, but will consider them members of his pack only if he grew up with them. The dog will be loyal to the appearance of a kitten at home, but will perceive an adult cat with caution and hostility.

Belgian Shepherd training

Raising a puppy should begin from the first days of its arrival in its new home. You cannot reinforce skills in your baby that are unacceptable in the behavior of an adult dog.

The Belgian Shepherd is disciplined and intelligent, but it cannot be forced to achieve anything. An independent and self-sufficient pet will obey only the leader.

The breed has undoubted talents and its reaction speed is much higher than that of other breeds. Problems with training often arise when the owner cannot keep up with the dog's actions and begins to get nervous. The owner's condition is transferred to the pet, and the training process becomes mechanical. Belgian Shepherds do not accept this approach. Learning should take place through play, without violence or routine.

Walking in crowded places and communicating with relatives will strengthen nervous system pet, and will facilitate the process of raising. If you don't take the time to socialize your baby at an early age, he can grow up to be aggressive and willful, or timid and shy, which is equally bad and does not correspond to the description of the breed.

This is interesting! The Belgian Malinois is considered the best service dog, this breed is successfully used by intelligence agencies around the world.

How to choose a puppy

It is advisable to purchase a Belgian Shepherd puppy from a trusted kennel with a good reputation. The baby must meet the requirements that will be presented to an adult dog, have the breed's temperament and grip.

In order not to be disappointed in the future with the working qualities and temperament of the baby, it is worth paying attention to the parents. In most cases, puppies are completely consistent with their character.

Many breed clubs conduct special behavioral testing of puppies to determine the future temperament of the baby.

This is interesting! Malinois and Groenendael are more common in Russia. The Laekenois and Tervuren are less popular, and these varieties of Belgian Shepherd will be difficult to purchase.

Belgian Shepherd puppies are ready to go to new house at the age of 45 days.

When choosing a baby from a litter, you should give preference to the most curious and sociable one. Timid and “shy” puppies are unlikely to overcome their “shyness” with age.

It is also worth visually determining the health of the litter. Puppies should be well-fed, but without a bloated tummy. Mobile, but not aggressive. Have an excellent appetite and not suffer from indigestion.

  • When the baby is awake, he should be moist, cold nose. There should be no discharge or crusts on the lobe.
  • The eyes are clean, shiny and mischievous.
  • The coat should not be scraggly or tousled. U healthy baby the coat is smooth, shiny, without dandruff and bald patches.

Along with the puppy, the new owner receives veterinary passport, with notes on vaccinations, the baby’s metrics and the owner’s recommendations on feeding and education.

Belgian Shepherd puppies from a professional breeder can cost from 35,000 rubles. But the price depends not only on the awards of the parents and the appearance of the baby, but also on his breed. The more common Malinois and Groenendael will cost less than their less popular cousins.

Belgian Shepherd Groenendael puppy

Belgian Malinois puppies

The Belgian Shepherd can live both in an apartment and in an enclosure if there is a warm booth. However, keeping these dogs on a chain is highly discouraged. Without intensive training and the opportunity to run around in open spaces, the dog will not develop to the required proportions and will be fragile and weak. And the lack of constant contact with a person will make him withdrawn and aggressive.

Caring for all varieties of Belgian Shepherd is identical and differs only in the method of cleaning the coat.

The Belgian Shepherd Tervuren, like the long-haired Groenendael, requires weekly brushing. Shorthaired Malinois being cleaned with a silicone glove. And Laekenois with hard, springy hair will have to be combed with a single-row comb with long steel teeth.

  • It is necessary to periodically trim the claws with a special nail clipper. If they don't grind down naturally on asphalt, then the manipulation is carried out once a month.
  • Eyes and ears should be checked weekly and cleaned of visible debris as necessary.
  • After a walk, it is recommended to carefully examine your pet for wounds. And in the spring-autumn period, for the presence of ticks.
  • It is necessary to vaccinate against rabies and infectious diseases annually.
  • Treat your dog against ticks, fleas and helminths.

Features of feeding

To maintain good physical shape and a beautiful coat, the Belgian Shepherd requires high-quality and balanced diet. You shouldn't skimp on your dog's diet. Quality food is the key to health. There are two feeding options: dry food and natural food.

Industrial food should be selected taking into account all the characteristics of the dog. Best choice There will be a super-premium class for active breeds. They are balanced in composition and contain all the necessary vitamins and mineral supplements. The only thing the owner needs to remember is that free access should always be pure water. After eating dry food, dogs drink often and a lot.

Natural feeding implies the presence meat diet with dietary cereals and vegetables. There must be meat low-fat varieties: beef, poultry, horse meat.

Important! Pork is strictly prohibited for Belgian Shepherds not only because high fat content, but also due to the risk of becoming infected with helminths.

It is better to prepare porridge from a mixture of buckwheat and rice; for a “bundle” it is good to add a little rolled oats. It is recommended to cook cereals in water and then add meat and vegetables. Don't forget about vitamins, minerals and other beneficial supplements.

Health and illness

Nature made sure that during the 12-14 years of its life the Belgian Shepherd was active and passionate. However, ecology and genetic diseases do not always contribute to this.

  • Like most large dogs, they are characterized by dysplasia hip joint. The destructive effect of the disease can be observed from 1-2 years. Cartilage tissue the joint stops developing and gradually wears down. The pet begins to limp, then refuses to stand on its sore paw. Without adequate treatment, the dog loses the ability to move.
  • Physical inactivity. Movement deficiency. When a dog's movement is limited, the muscles begin to weaken and over time the animal's condition worsens. Metabolism is disrupted, and muscle mass turns into fat. If a sick dog increases the load, the muscles and joints begin to ache. It turns out to be a vicious circle.
  • The Belgian Shepherd Laekenois suffers from hypothyroidism more often than its counterparts. The disease is characterized by dysfunction thyroid gland. The first signs of the disease are obesity, alopecia and skin problems of different etiologies. A general blood test will help identify the disease early stage. If diagnosed early, pets live full life if you regularly take a synthetic hormone.
  • Allergic reactions most often occur due to the fault of the owner. Poor quality nutrition and feeding your pet “from the table”, washing with “human” shampoo or soap, often contribute to the manifestations of allergies. Treatment consists of taking antihistamines and to exclude the effects of allergies on the animal’s body.

The Belgian Shepherd Tervuren is more prone to eye disease in old age than the Groenendael. Cataracts and glaucoma threaten your pet with vision loss.

This is interesting! The oldest Belgian Shepherd Groenendael lived 18 years and 3 months.

Pros and cons of the breed

Like any breed, Belgian Shepherds have pros and cons.

Positive traits

  • An observant and sensitive dog has excellent security and watchdog qualities.
  • Innate intelligence and intelligence.
  • Devotion and boundless love for your family.
  • With the right approach to training, Belgian Shepherds train well and can even learn circus tricks.

But, in addition to advantages, they also have some disadvantages.

Negative qualities

  • Belgian Shepherds are not recommended for novice, inexperienced dog owners.
  • Long-haired varieties (Groenendael) shed year-round when living in an apartment. In spring and autumn, the amount of wool shed doubles.
  • Doesn't tolerate loneliness well. The absence of a person for a long time can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of the pet.
  • Requires constant attention, long walks and intense physical activity.

Belgian Shepherd photo

Belgian Shepherd, photos of all its breed types can be seen below. Presented in all their glory are: the charcoal handsome Groenendael, the big-chested Laekenois, the most graceful Belgian Malinois shepherd and the red Tervuren.

Belgian Shepherds are a magnificent quartet. If your pet requires energy, a cheerful disposition and the ability to stand up for its family, then one of the varieties of the breed can be an excellent choice for a strong and active owner.

Big service breed, which combines the qualities of a search and herding dog. The breed has distinctive feature- These are four types of coat, which allows Belgian Shepherds to look completely different.

There are four types of Belgian Shepherd

  1. Malinois
  2. Laekenois
  3. Tervuren

However, they share similar characteristics and are described as a single breed, the Belgian Shepherd.

Photo of a Belgian Shepherd standing on a rock

The breed is large but elegant with a light build and large bone structure.

  1. The head is moderately long, not wide and dry.
  2. The muzzle gradually tapers towards the nose, and the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not clearly defined.
  3. The ears are erect, set high, triangular.
  4. Muscular neck middle length and high-ranking.
  5. The nose is black, the eyes are not sunken or protruding, and are often almond-shaped.

Belgian Shepherd character

Photo of a Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren) standing in the snow

The Belgian Shepherd is active and intelligent by nature, with excellent protective qualities. Without an owner or shepherd, she is able to make decisions independently.

An attentive and independent animal, at the same time quite obedient, capable of following any commands. This is one of the most sensitive dogs reacting to any disapproval from the owner. In the absence of proper socialization and certain circumstances, the Belgian will grow up aggressive, or, conversely, shy and timid. With early socialization and proper training He will grow into a balanced dog - it will be a companion, a guard, and just a wonderful friend.

The Belgian Shepherd can be owned by families with children. However, they are not particularly playful with children, but are completely submissive to them. They often become attached to one person, but they will not refuse attention from other family members.

It is worth remembering that the Belgian Shepherd has a well-developed protective instinct; be careful when introducing the dog to new people.

To get used to getting along with other pets, you will have to put in a lot of time and effort. They love to chase cats. Due to their high intelligence and desire to learn, they are easy to train.

care and maintenance

If you have a Belgian Shepherd, then be prepared to comply certain rules hygiene. The coat is thick, coarse, and water-repellent. The undercoat is short and soft. Shedding is especially noticeable seasonally, 2 times a year, winter - summer.

During the molting period, brush your pet more often, this way you will remove dead hairs and the surface will become well-groomed.

It is important to remember that frequent bathing, even with the use of special shampoos for dogs, spoils the coat, subsequently leading to loss of dullness and stiffness. The peculiarity of wool is the lack of shine, softness and silkiness.

If the desire to bathe her and get rid of the dog smell is irresistible, then use only special products and in minimal quantities.

Belgian Shepherd breed photo on the grass

Dry brushing of the coat is necessary regularly. To do this, you will need a special comb with sparse teeth so that when combing you do not tear out pieces of fur. Comb only with slow movements. The brush chosen is not thick, but quite hard. It is recommended to brush an adult dog once a week, but for a puppy - twice a week.

It is absolutely forbidden to cut a Belgian's hair, this will ruin the standard and the coat will not grow to the required length. The hair can only be trimmed on the paws between the toe pads.

It is worth remembering that proper coat care is also the prevention of infections. This is due to the fact that fleas, ticks or itches appear on the skin and between the hairs.

It is necessary to treat eyes and ears with a cotton swab moistened warm water. The Belgian Shepherd is a herding, working dog that needs regular exercise.

Belgians must constantly feel important and busy and it doesn’t matter what they are doing specifically, the main thing is work. They happily play with other dogs in the yard or patrol the territory, go around the yard and provide security.

If you want to buy a Belgian Shepherd, you should remember that it needs a large enough space to explore and run. If you keep her in an apartment, be prepared for long walks with great physical exertion.

Belgian Shepherd food

The Belgian Shepherd cannot be fed simply; it needs a daily variety of foods. Even meat is recommended to be given in combination with other ingredients.

And this is due to the fact that:

  1. Firstly, for correct height and development, shepherd dogs need protein - plant and animal origin. Meat, eggs, dairy products and fish are the main sources of protein;
  2. Secondly, carbohydrates are a source of energy. Carbohydrates are contained in porridges (wheat, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice), as well as in bakery products;
  3. Thirdly, vegetable and animal fats are responsible for energy storage. Creamy and vegetable oil very rich in fats.

Belgian Shepherd puppy photos

If you feed a Belgian natural products, it is necessary to add minerals and vitamins to food; without them, the proper function of the body is disrupted. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins.

Do not overfeed him under any circumstances - this leads to obesity and causes heart, liver and kidney disease.

Abuse fatty foods and bones, leads to the occurrence allergic reactions. Be sure to follow the feeding schedule - try to teach him to eat at certain hours. It is also possible to feed her with ready-made food. However, it is worth remembering that such foods often cause bloating and abdominal cramps due to poor digestibility.

Before you buy ready-made food, it is recommended to consult with the breeder to choose the right food. After all, food is selected depending on the needs of the pet (weight, age) and must contain a complete set essential vitamins. When feeding dry food, having a bowl of water nearby is a must.

  • Allergy
  • Bloating
  • Volvulus
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Obesity
  • Cataract
  • Epilepsy

Height Weight

  • Males: 60 - 66 cm.
  • Females: 56 - 62 cm
  • The optimal weight of a shepherd dog is 25 - 32 kg.

The average lifespan of a Belgian Shepherd is 10-12 years.

Belgian Shepherd video

The Belgian Shepherd is strong, not large dog with universal working qualities. It was once a herding dog only, but today is used primarily as a service and family dog, companion and bodyguard.

Belgian Shepherds include four varieties that differ in the quality and length of their coat: Malinois, Tervuren, Groenendael and Laekenois. According to the FCI classification, they are all considered representatives of the same breed - the Belgian Shepherd. In the photo below you can see what it looks like malinois dog, the most popular variety, and the rest. In other organizations, types are distinguished separately or not recognized at all. For example, in the USA Groenendael; Tervuren and Malinois are registered separately and are considered different breeds, and Laekenois is not recognized at all.

In the 19th century, in Belgium there was an emphasis on breeding herding dogs. There were many breed groups, all of them very different in appearance and coat type.

In 1891, a group of enthusiasts led by A. Rele, a professor at the Kugerhem Veterinary Institute, decided to breed a breed that would unite best qualities. They can be called the discoverers of Belgian Shepherds and the first breeders of the breed. It was they who organized the Belgian Shepherd Lovers Club and the first exhibition, which took place in the fall of the same year. More than 100 dogs were presented at the dog show and the best representatives were selected for further breeding. Dog handlers drew up a breeding program and worked diligently on it for the next 6 years.

In 1901, the first Belgian Shepherds were included in the national “Breeders' Book”. Further work was aimed at unifying the type and eliminating unwanted defects. In 1910, a type and temperament was approved, which is common to the four varieties. However, in different countries their popularity varies. In Russia and the CIS countries, the Malinois is the most popular, which is why many consider it a separate breed of dog. Groenendael and Tervuren compete for second place, and Laekenois remains the smallest in number even in its homeland.

Over the years of the existence of Belgian Shepherds, heated debates and discussions have not subsided over obvious differences in appearance, but working qualities and temperament have not caused disagreement.

Video review about the Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) dog breed:

Appearance and standards

Outwardly, the Belgian Shepherd gives the impression of a strong working breed. She is harmoniously built, of correct proportions with a proud posture. Average normal height– 58-62 cm, and weight – up to 30 kg. Movements are free and direct. Shepherd dogs can move at a good gallop, but a calm walk or trot is more typical, in which the limbs are rearranged in parallel, the top line remains level.

Head and muzzle

Scull equal to length muzzles. The head is well defined and dry. The bridge of the nose is straight. The muzzle tapers evenly to a fully pigmented lobe with wide nostrils. Lips are dry and pigmented. Strong, white teeth, complete with correct bite. The stop is well expressed. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, and set deep. The color is preferably brown. Eyelids dark. The ears are triangular, set high, erect.

Body type

The body is powerful, but without heaviness. The format is a bit stretched. The topline is straight and wide. The neck is slightly elongated, noticeably widening towards the shoulders. The limbs are strong, dry with well-developed muscles. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The croup is slightly sloping. Paws are oval. The claws are dark and large. The skin is elastic and fits tightly to the body.

Coat and color

All Belgians have a fairly thick, dense coat with good structure and a soft undercoat, which provides protection from adverse conditions.

Long-haired dogs are represented by the Groenendael and Tervuren types. They are distinguished by beautiful straight flowing outer hair. It is short on the head and lower part. On the neck and tail it is longer and forms feathering.
Smooth-haired (Malinois) – the coat is short throughout the body. The length of the hair increases only slightly on the neck, forming a collar, and also on the back of the hips.
Wirehaired (Laekenois) are characterized by hard, dry, coarse hair, the average length is 6 cm. On the muzzle, the hair covers the shape of the head. The tail is slightly pubescent.

Belgian Shepherd colors:
Malinois – fawn with mask; There may be a black pattern;
Groenendael – black solid color;
Tervuren – fawn and also gray mask. There may be a black pattern. The color should be saturated, not blurry;
Laekenois is fawn with light traces of black pattern and mask.

All varieties may have small white markings on the toes and chest. The Malinois and Tervuren's mask should be visible. "Black pattern" means that the ends of the hair may be black. This sets off the main color.

Crossing of representatives of different types is prohibited.

Photos of Belgian Shepherd dogs (Malinois, Tervuren, Groenendael and Laekenois):

Belgian Shepherd Groenendael
Belgian Shepherd Tervuren
Belgian Malinois
Belgian Shepherd Laekenois

Character and psychological portrait

Belgian Shepherds are balanced, calm, confident dogs in themselves and in their actions; they behave elegantly, with dignity, or even in an emphatically serious manner. When communicating with family members they are always affectionate and ready to make contact. They are very loyal, obedient, energetic and have excellent guard qualities. They get along well with children. They will walk tirelessly with an older child, treat kids with care, and understand their pranks.

Belgians are not aggressive, but will carefully observe strangers and are wary of everyone. Even without proper training, the Belgian Shepherd will defend family and property if necessary.

The Belgian Shepherd is the intelligence and independence of a shepherd, the vigilance and fearlessness of a watchman, the reliability and loyalty of a guard.

Accommodation with dogs depends on the character of your neighbors. Belgians, as a rule, are not against society and peaceful cohabitation. Domestic cats proper education They don’t touch them, they understand that they are also family members, but they will be happy to chase the neighbors around.


Belgian Shepherds are distinguished by high level intelligence. The title is a universal service breed, which means that they are excellent, grasp all commands “on tape”, remember them for a long time and carry them out without delay. Of course, all this is subject to regular training. Defense and security training is best done with an experienced trainer.

Belgians easily master OKD or ZKS. They also easily learn agility and other sports. They can be found in the service of the authorities, at customs and in the rescue and search service.

Belgian Shepherd puppies are resourceful and inquisitive by nature, but they learn basic rules and commands very quickly, especially if there is a good relationship between the owner and the animal. Important has early socialization, the baby needs to be introduced to other animals, people, sounds and surroundings. This will allow you to raise a balanced, confident dog.

Shepherd dogs are perfectly adapted to life in a private yard. Naturally, the dog should have its own home, an insulated booth for the cold season and the opportunity to hide in the shade in hot weather. Enclosures can be considered as temporary shelter. Living in an apartment is not the best option, even with regular walking. But if you want to have a Belgian on the 9th floor, then the most suitable option would be a Malinois. One of the conditions of detention is good physical and regular mental stress.

Caring for Belgians primarily involves taking care of the coat, regular brushing and removing dead undercoat, especially during the shedding period. Frequent bathing not recommended. Each type of coat requires a special approach, will require different frequency of treatments and suitable for type tool. The most undemanding in terms of grooming is the Malinois, in the photo below the Groenendael, together with the Tervuren, he will force the owner to wave the comb, especially during the molting period. Other mandatory points: regular examination of the eyes, ears and teeth for contamination. Cleaning is carried out as necessary.


To feed your Belgian Shepherd, you can choose any of two types of food: dry industrial feed or natural. Drying is selected according to age and physiological state(active, adults, pregnant, lactating). As a rule, ready-made diets are completely balanced and do not require the introduction of vitamins or mineral supplements. In case of natural nutrition, the basis of the menu should be cereals, meat and offal with some vegetables and fruits. Periodically, the dog is given eggs and dairy products. Natural feeding involves additional introduction vitamin-mineral complexes into the diet.

Health, illness and life expectancy

Belgian Shepherds are strong, hardy dogs with strong immunity and excellent adaptability to different weather conditions. Of course, this does not mean that representatives of the breed do not need preventive measures, proper care and healthy diet nutrition.
In addition to diseases caused by improper maintenance, the breed is characterized by several hereditary diseases and a predisposition to certain ailments:
Bloating of the stomach and intestines (with the possibility of subsequent volvulus)
Dysplasia of the hip, elbow joints;

The average life expectancy of Belgians is 10-12 years.

Choosing a puppy and the price of a Belgian Shepherd

It is better to buy a Belgian Shepherd puppy from a breeder who specializes in a particular breed and has managed to prove himself with positive side. Of course, the dog must also meet the requirements that will be presented to it in adulthood, and have the necessary working qualities and temperament. In order not to be disappointed in the character and talents of the baby, you should appreciate the merits of the parents. Most clubs can help conduct specific behavioral and temperament testing on puppies for preliminary assessment.

In Russia and the CIS countries, the most common varieties are Malinois and Groenendael, others are less popular and it is very difficult to find them, let alone buy them. Belgian Shepherds of different types cost about the same. The price of a Belgian Malinois, Groenendael or Tervuren with a good pedigree ranges from 500-1000 dollars. The price is mainly influenced by the geography of the nursery, the quality and merits of the parents, and the demand for the breed. If babies are born as a result of random or amateur matings, their price usually does not exceed 10-15 thousand rubles.


Photos of Belgian Shepherd puppies and dogs. The photographs clearly show what they look like and how they differ different varieties Belgians: Groenendael, Tervuren, Malinois and Laekenois.

Belgian Shepherd Photo | Dreamstime.com

basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs Dog's tendency to find mutual language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

There are four types of Belgian Shepherd dogs: Laekenois, Groenendael, Tervuren and Malinois. Groenendael is probably beautiful dog from all four Belgian herding breeds. She has a proud posture, medium-length bright black fur, and an elongated muzzle and ears.

Its charming black coat gives it its elegance. But this shepherd is notable for its elegance alone! She is very energetic and tries to be constantly on the move, so the owner of such a pet will have to actively engage with the dog.

Such high activity requires enormous physical exertion, and therefore a simple walk around the block will not help you! You can choose a dog of this breed only if you are confident in your physical fitness, and if you are ready for active physical exercise: running, cycling, long walking. Just like other dogs, the Belgian Shepherd can be trained in search and rescue skills without much difficulty.

The Belgian Shepherd loves to be close to its owner and follow him always and everywhere. The animal is very attentive and vigilant, and at the same time quite cheerful and playful. With proper training, your dog will never be fearful, timid or unsure of himself. This is an excellent watchman. The size of the dog allows the animal to be involved in the protection of not only its family, but also various objects.

The Belgian Shepherd must be trained and socialized from the very beginning. early age. Correct and timely education and training will ensure that the dog will be able to make the right, rational decision in various stressful situations. And this is very important if the issue concerns the protection of people, the protection of objects or rescue operations.

Dogs of this breed are quite tolerant of small children, although it is recommended to have a Belgian Shepherd in families with older children, not toddlers. The fact is that these dogs are demanding of others and want respect for themselves, so small children, due to their age, can offend the animal. We should not forget that the dog is a dog, so there is a possibility that during games the animal will chase small children and bark at them, which can greatly frighten the baby. This kind of dog behavior should be stopped, even if we're talking about about older children!

Regarding the question cohabitation Belgian Shepherd and cat, it is quite difficult to give a definite answer. Due to its genetic tendency, the dog loves to chase small animals, but when living with a family, very often the Belgian Shepherd and the cat become best friends.

As already noted, training and socialization should begin as early as possible. This will allow you to maximize the animal's skills. During training, you need to show firmness and perseverance, but not any aggression! Rewards in the form of praise and treats are an integral part of training, don’t forget about it!

If you live in your home with a yard, then it must be fenced. This will prevent your dog from leaving the yard unintentionally, as well as preventing other animals from entering your territory. An electric underground fence will not work. If a Belgian Shepherd decides to leave the yard, an electric shock will not stop it. Moreover, such a fence will also not be an obstacle for strange animals who decide to come into your yard!

If you buy a Belgian Shepherd, make sure that your yard is large enough for the dog to run around in circles, as it does in its natural environment when grazing livestock! Remember that your dog not only needs active exercise, but also your attention. Take advantage of every minute to be with your dog!

Photo of the Belgian Shepherd:

Photos of Belgian Shepherd dogs | Dreamstime.com

Origin story

The Belgian Shepherd is one of four varieties of herding dogs developed in Belgium in the early 19th century. These four herding dog breeds include:

  • Malinois (fawn-red dog with a black mask);
  • Tervuren (a dog with a fawn-red color, long hair and a black mask);
  • Laekenois (fawn wire-haired dog);
  • Belgian Shepherd or Groenendael (a dog with long black hair).
The Belgian Shepherd Club was formed in September 1891. Among other things, his goal was to study shepherd dogs bred directly in Belgium. The first official meeting of club members took place on the outskirts of Brussels in November 1891. At the meeting, after long discussions, Professor of Veterinary Medicine Adolf Reul and the members of the commission decided that the Belgian Shepherd should be classified as a medium-sized dog with well-set triangular ears and dark brown eyes. At the same time, the color of the coat and its length varied.

The pure black color of the Belgian Shepherd was obtained thanks to the selection work of breeder Nicholas Rose, which he carried out in his kennel. The black Belgian Shepherd was bred in 1893. The shepherd began to be called "Groenendael". The name was given due to the estate of the same name, where the first black Belgian Shepherd lived. It is believed that all modern Belgian Shepherds came from this dog.

Belgian Shepherds quickly gained popularity, especially among police officers in New York and Paris, where many dogs of this breed were on duty at the beginning of the twentieth century. But in Belgium itself, shepherd dogs helped as customs officers and patrolled the border area.

Personality of the Belgian Shepherd

The Belgian Shepherd is an intelligent, alert and courageous shepherd, great dog– a companion who will feel great in active family. Dogs of this breed love to be in motion: run, jump, play, etc. The vigilance of these animals makes them excellent guard dogs. They can even be trusted to guard a child playing on the street. These dogs can be trained to perform almost any task.

Belgian Shepherds require careful grooming as they shed all year round. The coat should be brushed for 15-30 minutes weekly, but short daily brushing is also required. More intensive care It will be required twice a year during the period of active molting.

Warm baths will help shorten the period seasonal molting and reduce the amount of hair falling out. Dogs of this breed are bathed as needed and only if the dog is very dirty or when there is an unpleasant odor from it.

Brushing your teeth weekly will help improve your dental health and eliminate bacteria. Among other things, do not forget about regular nail trimming.

Training and education

Although the Belgian Shepherd can sometimes be stubborn and willful, in general these pets are highly trainable. They achieve particular success in obedience and dexterity. They perfectly understand a person by gestures and even facial expressions. Such qualities allow these dogs to understand the trainer almost instantly. Often dogs of this breed are used as herding dogs.

Although Belgian Shepherds are highly trainable, novice dog breeders should not purchase a representative of this breed. These dogs are very cunning and often begin to manipulate people who do not know how to behave correctly with a Belgian Shepherd. It is recommended to use rewards in the form of treats during training.

Health and illness

Potential hereditary diseases can be observed, but are quite rare. Major health problems include:

  • Elbow dysplasia: a developmental disorder that results in degeneration of the elbow joint with associated forelimb lameness.
  • Epilepsy: belongs to the group clinical diseases which occur as a result of overstimulation of the brain.
  • Hip dysplasia: includes abnormalities or degeneration of the hip joint.
  • Hypothyroidism: Insufficient production and release of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy: a group of degenerative eye diseases that can lead to permanent blindness in both eyes.
In general, Belgian Shepherds are classified as healthy breeds dogs. Their average life expectancy is about 12-14 years. This duration is quite consistent with the average for most purebred dogs similar size.

Some interesting facts

  • When choosing a puppy of this breed, you should not choose those who huddle in the corner or show aggression towards their brothers.
  • Belgian Shepherds need at least an hour every day to realize their full potential. If you fail to provide your pet with active physical and mental exercise, you will most likely pay for it with home repairs.
  • Belgian Shepherds shed twice a year. You will need to brush your pet weekly for 15-30 minutes.
  • Dogs of this breed can get along well with cats and other dogs, but only if they were raised with them. These animals have an innate instinct to chase animals.
  • Representatives of this breed should be kept in a fenced yard, as they are prone to chasing moving animals and vehicles.
  • Belgian Shepherds are very intelligent and alert. They are often used as herding dogs.
  • Early socialization is important for pets of this breed.
  • The Belgian Shepherd needs to be systematically handled and trained. Exercises should bring pleasure and positive emotions to the animal.
  • Due to their high intelligence and special activity, Belgian Shepherds are not recommended for novice dog breeders. In addition, amateur dog owners may have difficulty caring for a dog's coat, which requires special attention and time.